#dex is trying really hard to flirt
reeceenjoyer · 10 months
💌 • Reece x Reader Dating Headcanons !!
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A/n: he isn't even out yet but he has such a chokehold on me
Warnings: none! just dumb fluffy rambles with this man
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First off!! He is very touchy. He loves touching and being touched by you. Physical touch and gift giving are his ways of showing affection. He loves simple gestures like holding hands or hugs.
Definitely has cuteness aggression towards you. Whenever you do something he finds cute he just can't help himself. He squeezes you really hard and starts peppering your face with kisses.
Honestly he thinks everything you do is adorable so this happens quite often.
I don't think he really minds PDA. If you like it then he'll definitely go along with it! He's always open to try new things with you.
He is such a romantic. He loves to randomly flirt with you whenever and wherever. His pick-up lines are a little cheesy but the way he says them makes your face a bit red.
Uses his newt-on to take you to a bunch of places! Dates are never boring with him. He's always making sure that you have a good time. If you have anywhere (or anywhen) you'd like to go on a date just let him know, he'd be more than happy to take you.
Always brings you something from his travels like little trinkets and such that reminded him of you.
Has probably commissioned popular renaissance artists to paint portraits of you!
When he isn't traveling, he likes to have a lazy afternoon with you. Like laying on the couch and watching TV while cuddling. Even though he's been through all of time and space, his favorite moments are always with you.
If you don't mind, he really likes to nerd out about all the creatures in his Dex-Dex to you. Will absolutely talk your ear off with all his discoveries. There's just so much to talk about! And he really enjoys talking about it to you.
He is extremely silly. Chats with him are always filled with playful banter and inside jokes.
Honestly, with all his traveling, I don't think he's ever settled down and had a relationship until you. He was too busy collecting creatures and seeing all he could that he never thought about getting into one. Until he met you of course, everything changed.
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Kotlc characters at the pool
Sophie is horrible at swimming. Her parents tried to teach her for years but it didn't help. She was just reading at a corner table and staring at the fish in a pond until Keefe bothered her so much she forgot what she was reading. Then she just put the book down and talked to Keefe. It felt really nice when some girls staring at Keefe sent glares her way. He decided to teach her how to swim, and because he had her laughing so much, she forgot she was trying to swim. Sophie can now float.
Fitz was just chilling in the hot tub until Keefe said his abs were better. They made a challenge called "The Best Guy" where they asked every girl they found who had better abs. They got an exact 50/50 tie. They didn't know it was because Biana paid each girl to say certain answers. She also had Sophie as a backup in case another girl came in. The boys had no idea.
Biana looks like the girl who just tans the whole time, but she's not. She has her hair up in an elaborate hairstyle so it doesn't mess up, but she doesn't even wear makeup. She will cannonball and shove people in the pool all the time. She also made up her entire plan about the abs with Dex, who was still mad that Keefe dyed his hair blond.
Keefe was wadding around in the pool, too scared to get his hair wet. Then he went to bother Sophie until she finally talked to him. When he was trying to teach her to swim, she splashed his hair, and it was ON. They splashed each other and jumped around and had a really good time. Every person in the friend group had a conversation about how single they feel around Sophie and Keefe at some point.
Dex is prepping blackmail for the next day. When Biana came to him, he was ecstatic. In his opinion, 'no one wants to look like Keefe'. Blond hair only looked decent on people who weren't Keefe. He jumped in the pool a bunch with Biana. They both refused to go in the hot tub because they couldn't jump in it. Also, he's an excellent swimmer. He had a swimming challenge with Biana and he creamed her.
Tam doesn't mind the water; he grew up with it. He just floats the whole time. Other than when Biana and Dex would cannonball near him and he would have to swim away. One time Biana landed on him and they crashed to the bottom of the pool. Dex had to get out of the pool because he was laughing so hard.
Linh loves it. She's moving the water around for little kids and jumping into the water and was the last to leave the pool. Marella - who doesn't like to get wet - hated how many times she got splashed.
Marella doesn't like getting wet. She just lays on the tanning chair and snacks on chips while talking to Linh. Linh splashed her a lot and she threatened to commit arson on the building. She chatted with Stina a lot, too, but Maruca spent most of the time pissing off Wylie before they came over.
Wylie was so done. He was trying to chill with a friend his age that he brought but it was impossible with Linh splashing him and Maruca being annoying. Eventually he just jumped in the pool and hung out with Linh and they just kinda chilled other than the occasional splashing. At the very end, he joined his friend in the hot tub and mad efun of him/ pos
Maruca had a plan - annoy Wylie at all costs. It worked out pretty well. Once he jumped in the pool she started flirting with his friend to piss off Wylie more. The friend just kinda stared at her and slowly walked away. She told Marella and Stina right in front of Wylie and he was snorting laughing. She hung out with them at the end.
Stina was having a nice conversation with Marella and stealing her snacks - mainly chocolate. It was pretty chill for her. She sat with her legs in the pool.
Jensi decided to come with them. He was a bit uncomfortable until Biana and Dex invited him to jump with them. He didn't know how to swim, so they helped show him. He was a LOT easier to teach than Sophie, so soon he was able to jump around and hang with them.
Rayni hung out with Tam for a while, which was why Linh wasn't with him. She eventually left the pool for the hot tub when Fitz left. She ended up talking to Wylie’s friend, who was traumatized by Maruca's purposefully bad flirting. They ended up having a decent conversation because he didn't know who she was. When Wylie joined, they had a nice convo. They weren't friends, but he didn't hate her, and that was nice.
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synonymroll648 · 2 years
Continuing because telling you first was honestly just a courtesy. (/lh)
Anyway so it's a Camp AU and Sophie, Fitz, and Keefe are all Counselors of different cabins. Keefe and Fitz have both been there for three summers, and Sophie's a newbie this summer and is actually replacing her sister.
The camp is called Camp Alluveterre, and there are a total of five cabins. Each cabin is run by at least one councilor, but some of them are run by two. Each year the cabins aren't just places to sleep, but also quite competitive to try and win at all of the different activities. The counselors only encourage this behavior, because they're all insanely competitive (more so then the majority of the campers).
The cabins are:
Moonlark Cabin: Co-run by Counselors Marella Redek and Sophie Foster
Dragon Cabin: Run by Counselor Fitz Vacker.
Murcat Cabin: Co-run by Linh Song and Tam Song
Kraken Cabin: Co-run by Keefe Sencen and Dex Dizznee
Alicorn Cabin: Run by Biana Vacker
Sophie's the New Guy In Town, and has no idea what's happening, but pretty much the rundown is:
-Everyone except Sophie has been going to this camp for the past 7 years, and all of the campers who aren't new here know that there is a LOT of relationship drama going on.
-Both cabins joke that Keefe and Fitz are in love, and they decide to play along. However, they're now actually starting to catch feelings and this is a Very Bad thing because they're best friends and what if they ruin it?
-Biana and Tam are actually terrifyingly competitive. It's actually scary. They hate each other's guts and they both have a title won from best cabin, this is the tie breaker. But something's...different this year. They're falling in love, but don't worry! Both of them are too prideful to admit it.
-Linh and Marella are both literally the most oblivious pining lesbians and both of their cabins are DYING. Because they're literally crushing so hard on each other but Linh's not catching on to Marella flirting and Marella isn't realizing she's flirting...it would be too bad if someone were to...forge a love letter...
-Sophie's first day comes around and it's already a disaster because of the shit mentioned above. She's a little overwhelmed and has some big shoes to fill (and maybe a love letter to help the campers forge). But then, she finds out that Cabin Kraken is known for pranking...the hard way.
-She ends up getting a bloody nose in the chaos of trying to calm her campers down and is livid at Keefe because "what on earth would make him think this was a good idea?" But Keefe is really really apologetic and walks her to Elwin's cabin and introduces himself.
-Then a week later she has to Co-Captain a team with Fitz for capture the flag but oh no he's so pretty wtf she's in love with two camp counselors and it turns out that they've been DATING for three years but oh they're so smart and funny and...
Anyway, everything is actually a disaster and no one knows what's going on. Y'know, keeper style.
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[^first ask that was referred to in the beginning.]
dude???? i would so read this???? this sounds so interesting???? "...everything is actually a disaster and no one knows what's going on..." is also the best summary of the romantic sides of kotlc i've ever seen. this ramble really does stay true to kotlc's love triangle antics smh. except better
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
More Cheese than a Dairy Farm
for @adambirkholtz and also how dare you :D
1. after the last practice of preseason
“Great job guys, good work today. Take tomorrow off and get ready for classes to start, and then regular practices start tomorrow night,” Dex says.
“And the first team breakfast is Wednesday after morning practice!” pipes up Chowder.
There’s a general rush to shower and leave, guys chirping each other left and right. Nursey finally feels at home. He closes his eyes while he waits for C and Dex to wrap up so they can head to Annie’s. He’s a senior. He even knows what he wants to do after college. Life is good.
“Hey. Hey Nursey.”
“What Dex.”
“Feel my shirt.”
He opens his eyes to see Dex holding out the edge of his t-shirt with a smile and doesn’t try to fight the rush of affection that comes with it. He reaches out and rubs Dex’s shirt.
“It’s nice. Soft.”
“Know what it’s made of?“ Dex asks.
“No? Cotton? Should I know?”
Dex smirks and leans closer.
“Boyfriend material.”
Nursey bursts out laughing. He can’t help it. Coming out to him and C over the summer had been a huge step for Dex. He was so much more relaxed and, though he would never say it out loud, chill now. Chill enough to use horrible pick up lines on Nursey of all people.
“Dex that’s so bad oh my god,” Nursey manages to wheeze out between laughs. He looks up to chirp him more and sees that Dex looks proud of himself despite the fire truck level blush he’s rocking.
“You guys ready?”
Dex reaches his hand out to help Nursey off the bench. “Yeah we’re good Chowder, let’s go.”
Still laughing, Nursey just says “boyfriend material” to himself, takes Dex’s hand and they leave the locker room.
2. During Spookykegster
It’s an excellent party. They won their game last night, and there’s no practice or classes in the morning to wake up for. Ideal conditions for sure. And his best friends are on NurseyPatrol, which, to be fair, hasn’t been needed since sophomore year, and has now evolved into the best excuse to hang out with Dex and C for some quality Frog Time.
“You mind if I leave to go over to Cait’s?“ Chowder asks, shouting a little to be heard over the music.
“Ooooooh we see how it is, don’t we Dexy? Not even our epic friendship can hold a candle to the lovely Farmer. What ever shall be done?” Nursey says as he sways into Dex.
“You’re good C, take off. Come help with clean up in the morning and it’s all good,” Dex says, his hands automatically coming up to catch Nursey before he overbalances and falls.
“Bye guys! Have fun the rest of the night!”
And now Nursey has a slight problem. Tiny really. It’s just that now he’s alone with Dex. Dex who is actually wearing a costume for once. He’s dressed up as Woody from Toy Story and Nursey might be having a hard time not staring at Dex’s ass in those jeans.
It’s fine.
“You want to get another drink? Or are you going to dance?“ Dex asks.
“I think drink,” he says, moving toward the kitchen, “I need another beer I think before dancing. Want one?”
“Ayuh, sure, thanks Nursey.”
He goes and comes back, handing Dex a can as he leans back against the wall next to him. He’s drinking and scoping out a potential dance partner when out of nowhere he hears,
“Are you wearing space pants?”
“What? No? I’m wearing jea-”
“Because your ass is out of this world,” Dex finishes a little too loudly, blushing furiously.
“What’s this Dexy? You flirting with little ole me?” Nursey flutters his eyelashes and delights in watching Dex’s blush deepen and spread down his neck.
“I - well - you know - I - no?”
“Chill Dex. I know you’re just practicing, en bee dee,” he says just to watch Dex’s eye twitch at the spoken letters. “Gotta go see a boy about a dance. Catch up with you later.”
Nursey laughs to cover his disappointment and goes to dance. Now that he knows Dex isn’t serious and his beer is finished, it’s time to dance.
3. At Founders a Week before Finals
Nursey is stressed okay? Just because he’s got an internship lined up for credit for next semester doesn’t mean that he doesn’t need to study. And his Harlem Renaissance paper is kicking his ass. But once he finishes this draft he can take a break. He just needs to focus. Or another coffee? Maybe he just needs -
“It’s a good thing I have my library card because I am totally checking you out,” Dex whispers, from the chair next to him.
Nursey starts to snigger, trying to keep from making too much noise in Founders.
“You been saving that one just for me Dex?”
“Just thought you needed a little break from your paper,” Dex says, trying to be nonchalant about it, but his hand comes up to rub the back of his neck, and his ears are bright red, giving him away.
Nursey can’t hold it in anymore, and starts hysterically laughing.
He’s still laughing as the librarian swoops down on them and demands they leave. What a horribly cheesy pickup line. And from Dex of all people.
4. Nursey’s Birthday
All the card says is “We’re not socks but I think we’d make a great pair.”
But, he recognizes the handwriting and it was left on his pillow so he digs his phone out of his pocket, laughing.
Me: woowwww dex
Me: this one is so cheesy if i didn’t know better i’d swear you’d have a fondue machine down there
As he changes out of his jeans and gets ready for practice in an hour his phone pings. He opens Dex’s response and promptly has to sit down. William J. Poindexter has responded with a selfie. It’s a little blurry, clearly taken while he walks home from his programming class. It’s unseasonably warm for February today, so the pink across Dex’s freckles are 100% blush.
Dex: Happy Birthday, Nursey! Hope it made you laugh.
Something about the picture makes Nursey’s breath catch. He doesn’t feel like laughing all of sudden. He doesn’t want to examine the swooping sensation in his stomach too closely. That way lies madness.
5. March
It’s been a brutal practice. But no one is complaining. They’re in playoffs. Everyone wants to do well. And Dex is a great captain. He’s really come into his own this year.
But today was like Bitty was still here; Dex put them through a whole practice of the Russian calisthenics that Bitty had adapted from his figure skating coach.
Everyone was wiped.
“Dex, you’re my best friend but I hate you so much right now. If you were a punching bag all that would be left would be a pile of sand on the ground.”
“If you were words on a page, you’d be fine print.”
He couldn’t help it. He giggled.
“Oh stop making me laugh, I can’t feel my abs as it is,” Nursey says, looking over at Dex.
“S’just the truth,” Dex mumbles, flushing abruptly and turning away to dig in his bag for his shoes.
“Fine print,” he snorts and hauls himself up to go refill his water bottle.
+1 After Winning the Frozen Four
Nursey doesn’t think he’s ever been happier. They’ve won the Frozen Four for the second year in a row. Chowder had a shut out, and both he and Dex had scored. It was truly a perfect game.
He knows he still has to get through the rest of his internship and finals but right now, he’s on top of the world.
He and Dex are crammed into a too-small booth for their combined shoulders with Chowder and Farmer (who flew out to watch the game) opposite them. Nursey feels good, floaty and glowing. They won, his friends are here, and long-established convention means he gets to be pressed up next to Dex. Not an inch between them.
It wasn’t like he was unaware his crush was getting astronomical. And it didn’t help that Dex kept feeding him pick up lines all this year. Lately, they’ve been a small torture, wanting Dex to flirt with him for real.
He’s here. Dex’s here. Nursey’s happy.
Dex has never looked better. Confident and loose like he usually only gets at the Haus. The lights overhead highlight his freckles and Dex’s hair, a touch too long and starting to curl after not cutting it through playoffs. Nursey’s staring. He knows he is. With a herculean effort, he tears his gaze away and tries to focus on what Chowder is saying.
“-And wasn’t it s’wasome when Bully checked that guy right before he could get to Whiskey and -”
“Breathe, babe,” Farmer says fondly, “They were there too.”
Nursey leans further into the leather, relaxing when they leave. As happy as he is, he is tired, and the booth is comfortable. Especially with Dex so close.
They’re all chatting too loudly about The Martian and he’s laughing at Farmer’s Donald Glover impersonation when Dex suddenly winks at him. Nursey almost falls off his seat. Dex leans closer, and whispers in his ear.
“Hey Nursey?”
“Yeah?” Nursey can barely breathe.
“Even in zero gravity I would still fall for you.”
Nursey doesn’t blush. Which means the heat he feels in his face must be a symptom of a fever. His throat is dry enough it might be true.
“Ha ha Poindex-” he abruptly stops talking when he feels Dex’s hand cover his own on the seat in between them and his fingers curl around Nursey’s own.
“Oh holy shit,” he whispers, “Really Dex? Now? With a cheesy pick up line no less?”
“S’thematically appropriate,” Dex shrugs and then tilts his world upside down with, “I got tired of you thinking I was joking around the other times I tried flirting.”
“Wh - I - I -” Nursey has no words. For once in his life.
“Its a good thing you’re pretty,” Dex chirps before leaning in an kissing his cheek, holy shit.
They both jump and look around at Chowder’s shout. C’s beaming at the two of them.
“Do you know how much in back fines the two of you owe?!?!”
Dex just laughs and hides his (bright red) face in Nursey’s neck and Nursey tries not to melt.
“I think we’re good for them, C. It’s chill,” Nursey says, not looking away from where his fingers are curled up with Dex’s.
The fines are worth it.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Dexter Morgan x fem!reader x Joe Goldberg
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: murder, blood, dismemberment, stalking, i pulled out all the stops for these insane assholes
Author’s Note: fuck it have this as a treat
Summary: Joe moves to Miami where he meets you. He’s instantly obsessed. The only problem is you’re friends with Dexter Morgan.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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Joe Goldberg never thought he would end up in Florida. Of all places to go, he figured he should go somewhere nobody would find him. After Beck he figured he should go somewhere like LA but he wasn’t sure he could stand it there. Florida wasn’t much better but Miami had nice beaches and the people were a tad less annoying.
So here he was in Miami, hoping beyond hope to find a bookstore nearby.
He was on his hunt for a bookstore when he saw you. Smiling. There was something particularly special about a smile that could catch his eye. Maybe it was the fact that you were holding a tote bag. He could see the indent of a book inside. He wondered what kind of book it was.
You seemed like maybe a poetry girl. Something slightly basic. Slyvia Plath? Maybe you were more of a Ted Hughes. The idea enthralled him and he knew he had found his perfect reason to stay in Miami Florida.
You were a perfect change from the Miami scene. Not one of the beach babes or try-hards. You were just a girl.
“Thank you so much for being so kind,” you said gently, standing up straight. “I’m so sorry.” You had spilt coffee on his button up shirt but he didn’t mind. It had been lukewarm. Smelled like cinnamon.
“Don’t worry about it, I hated this shirt anyway.” You laughed gently and looked into his eyes. You had a gorgeous color to yours.
“I have to get to work, can I give you my number? I’ll pay for the shirt.”
“And I’ll pay for the coffee.” You smiled at him again and it was like the sea had parted. He handed you his phone to put the number in. He tried to contain himself. He thought this town might be a lost cause. Thank God he had come here. Thank God for Guienevere Beck’s untimely death.
“Y/N you coming?” Both you and Joe turned to see Dexter in the doorway.
“Sorry Dex, I spilled my coffee.”
“This is why we get coffee at the precinct. Come on, we’re gonna be late.” You handed Joe back his phone.
“Sorry again..”
“Joe.” You rushed off, following Dexter. Joe watched you leave the coffee shop with a wary gaze. Who was that you were going to the ‘precinct’ with? A coworker? A friend? A boyfriend? What did you call him? Pex? Dex. Alright Dex. Game on.
“Who was that?” Dexter asked as the two of you got into his car. You got in the passenger seat, sad to be coffeeless.
“Joe. I spilled my coffee on him, clearly.” Dexter didn’t think much of it. He seemed like a nice guy, probably trying to flirt a bit. Typical Miami coffee goer.
“You gave him your number?” You gave him a look.
“Yes I did. I wanted to pay him back for the damage I did.”
“Normal people don’t give some random guy named Joe their number.”
“When have I ever said I was normal?” you questioned, laughing. You reached into the back seat and pulled out the box of donuts he had gotten. The same kind every day, everyone’s favorite flavor. “Plus, you’re still my number one Dex. Some guy named Joe isn’t gonna change that.”
Dexter Morgan was a blood splatter specialist who worked for Miami Metro. He had no social media, along with no noticeable recent activity other than his job.
You were his helpful assistant. You were learning from him. You had a private Instagram but that was it. No initials in the bio, which didn’t mean that much. You weren’t a teenager so he couldn’t rely on it. But you had accepted his coffee offer. That was a good sign.
“Thank you so much for the coffee Joe,” you said, holding a cup in your hands. It was cinnamon, he was right.
“Thank you, for the shirt. I really didn’t expect you to get me one,” he said laughing. You shrugged.
“It’s alright. I felt bad and I was in such a rush that day. Dexter had some special blood splatter thing he wanted me there for and I felt bad making him even a second late,” you explained.
“I saw you had a book in your bag,” he said. “I’m a bit of a bibliophile.”
“Oh?” You pulled up your tote and took out the book. There was a worn bookmark half way through.
“Dorian Gray? I didn’t peg you as a Dorian Gray girl.”
“Well I’m not. Not yet anyway, I haven’t finished reading the book yet.”
“Do you like it?”
“Yes. I think it’s wordy sometimes but to be expected. I admire the prose.” Joe leaned back in his chair. You were a book girl. Could you be any more perfect for him?
“I read it back in middle school and made it my whole personality for a month,” he said, laughing. “I think you’ll like the ending.” You opened your mouth to speak when your phone rang. You looked down at it on the table.
“I’m sorry, I have to take this, it’s Dexter.” You got up and walked a few feet away. You spoke a few words and then hung up. When you came back to the table you had a small smile on your face. “Sorry. Work stuff.”
“What is that all about? Dexter and everything.”
“He’s a genius. I thought he might be weird, considering his area of expertise but no, he’s just a genius,” you said laughing. “He understands blood like no one I’ve ever met. He’s my best friend.” You had gone into your own little world for a moment but then you were back. “He wants me back soon. He’s gotta go do something with his sister.” Joe nodded. This Dexter was getting in the way an awful lot and this was only your first date.
“No worries. We can always finish this later.”
“If I ever get the time,” you joked. “Thank you for this. It was nice. I hope the shirt fits! I had to use my memory and Dexter to measure what I thought your size was.” You laughed gently and he held back his disgust.
“I’m sure it does. Tell him I said thank you!” Yeah. Fuck Dexter Morgan.
“Where were you?” Dexter asked.
“I told you, I was getting coffee with that Joe guy. Apparently he just moved here from New York. I promised to show him around.” Dexter raised an eyebrow and leaned back in his chair. “I thought you were going with Deb somewhere.” “I’m not, I just wanted to get you here fast.” You rolled your eyes.
“Why am I not surprised. What do you need?”
Right then Dexter was a little curious about this Joe guy. He couldn’t ask you about it. You didn’t need to know he was even the slightest bit annoyed.
“Help me fill this out before LaGuerta sees I haven’t done it.”
“You’re so capable. So smart. Yet so stupid,” you muttered, sitting down beside him to help him out. While you were doing that he turned his computer towards him and started looking. Joe was too vague a name.
“Can I use your phone?”
“Yeah sure.” He took your phone, annoyed you were so trusting. You were password protected of course but still, anyone else could get into your phone if they cared enough. He knew your password though, you had given it to him. Joe Goldberg.
Your contacts with the last name never failed him. He was still listed as Dexter Morgan.
Joe Goldberg had no social media accounts and he had just moved here from New York.
Within about ten minutes Dexter found Genievere Beck and Dr. Nicky. That was suspicious. Peach Salinger had died not long before Genievere.
Death seemed to follow Joe Goldberg wherever he went. Dexter looked up at you. He cared about you, as much as he was able. You weren’t going to be a victim. Not to Joe Goldberg anyway.
Dexter was making a kill room around the same time Joe was following you to Dexters. You got there before him and started to make dinner. The place was small but you liked it. You stirred a pot as the door opened up.
“What are you doing here?” Dexter asked.
“You give me a key and expect me not to use it? I’m making dinner.” Dexter walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter. You turned around. “Are you going to kill Joe?”
Dexter let out a small huff.
“I was planning on it.” “He didn’t do anything you know. He’s been nothing but a gentleman to me.”
“But not to Peach Salinger or Genievere Beck.”
“Sucks to be them,” you muttered. “Maybe you’re just jealous.” He rolled his eyes. Yeah okay.
“Maybe I’m right. I’m usually right.” You scoffed.
“You have to be right. You kill people.”
Joe could see you through the window. You were laughing, a wooden spoon in your hand. He wished he knew what you were talking about. He wished you knew how bad Dexter was for you. He was just using you. He had to be.
It’s alright. Joe was going to get rid of him for you.
Dexter was calling your cell. You picked it up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“I was right about Joe.”
“He’s laying on my table right now. I think he’s killed more than just two people.” The sound muffled a bit. “Do you wanna talk to her?”
You sat up. There was some commotion on the other end and then the line went dead.
“What?” you waited. Nothing. “Joe? Dex?” You got out of bed, rushing to find your pants. “Dexter?!”
You stood on Dexter’s boat that night, waiting, pacing. It wasn’t long before he showed up, carrying garbage bags along with him. His eyes went wide at the sight of you.
“Is that…”
“Yeah,” he said. “Put up quite a fight.” Dexter had a cut on his arm and blood on his face. You breathed out in surprise.
“Dexter…” “He was trying to kill me. Almost did but then I got him in the room.” You nodded, looking down at the garbage bags with a frown.
“I’ll help you throw it over. This was my fault after all.”
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Taron Fic - Working Title (Chapter Seven)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
So I somehow found the juice to finish this filler chapter that has been sitting for 8 months. I have more to come. I do not plan on abandoning ship but the creativity tank has been on empty so please bear with me.
Richard sat nursing his second pint while Taron waved the server over to order his 4th. It had been a few hours since they left the lot and it was clear that whatever Taron needed to talk about was anything but light. Neither had said much since they had arrived at the pub. Richard sat patiently, waiting for Taron to open up but it had been at least a half-hour since either of them said anything. You could almost hear his brain in-process mode, he was clearly trying to find the best way to broach the subject.
“I have a daughter” he finally blurted.
Richard’s head jerked around to face Taron quicker than he thought possible.
“Come again Mate?”
Taron laughed humorlessly as he took a large drink from his glass.
“Yeah” He paused to wipe the beer off his upper lip and collect his thoughts before he continued
“I have a daughter” He said just as plainly “A 4-year-old daughter to be exact” Richard was shocked, he had no idea what to say or where to begin. He knew something had been bothering his new friend ever since the night of the mixer but this was the last thing he expected it to be.
“T, I am confused. What do you mean you have a daughter?”
“Adelaide” he said simply before raising his now empty glass to the waitress as she walked by, signaling he wanted another. “Just over 5 years ago, she and I were together. We had been together for 6 years. Tilly had introduced us when we were like 10-”
Richard’s eyes widened with realization as a long-forgotten memory came rushing to him, but Taron was too lost in telling the story to notice. He was unsure if he should share the memory with his friend or keep to himself that he had met his daughter once a couple of years ago in LA, it was just after he had met Adelaide, they had run into each other at the grocery store one weekend. Adelaide had introduced Richard to a then-toddler aged Eleanor.
He shook away the thought, he would tell Taron but not today.
“Even from the start we always flirted with each other, we were each other's first real crushes, but we didn’t start dating right away. I think deep down we both knew that once whatever we had going on between us started, that would be it, we would never have another, or love another but we couldn’t fight it for long and the inevitable happened, we started dating and that was it. We were always together, never one without the other but not in that annoying way. We were still our own people, but we were so much better together.”
“So what happened?” Richard was engrossed in the story.
“She disappeared” He shrugged nonchalantly even though Richard knew the memory had to kill him every time he thought about it “I came home from the last day of filming the first Kingsman to a quiet flat. She took everything of hers that she could, a lot had been left behind but everything she could take, she did and that was it.”
He pulled out his wallet, pulling out the note Adelaide had left behind. “This is all she left as an explanation” he handed it to Richard.
“I am still confused Mate” Richard said as he handed the note back “She just left? She didn’t stay so you guys could raise your child together?”
Richard was truly confused by the situation. He and Adelaide were not the closest but they had kept in contact over the years since they had met. They’d meet up for drinks when Richard was in LA, text on birthdays and holidays but they never formed the tightest bonds. He would never guess she would knowingly cause someone this much pain.
Taron began explaining what Adelaide had told him, how she was scared he would leave everything he worked hard for behind for her and their child, how she didn’t want to be the reason for him doing something he would regret further down the road. How she was just plain scared at the moment.
Now maybe Richard could understand the situation a little more.
“Wow, I still have no idea what to say” he needed another drink after this.
“Love” he grabbed the waitress’s attention “can I get another pint and we’re gonna need two whisky shots each please”. They both needed something a little stronger.
“So what are you going to do? I assume you want to be in your daughter’s life” Taron nodded “do you still want Adelaide in yours? Do you still have feelings for her?”
Taron did not have to think at all about the first part of the question.
“Of course I want to be a part of her life. I have already missed out on 4 years of it, I can’t miss out on anymore.”
“And Adelaide?”
“I’ll always love her” He paused.
Taron was quiet for a few moments. His mind still running in overdrive.
“I went over to her place the other night” he confessed; Richard raised an eyebrow in question. “After the mixer, it was late, and I just called her. She was awake, and I asked if I could come over. There was nothing sexual about it” he gave Richard a look before he even said anything.
“I was going to ask; I didn’t want to assume” he thanked the waitress as she set the drinks down.
“I don’t know mate” the boys took their first shot, both slightly wincing at the taste “I just needed to hold her. She literally disappeared from my life. Gone. I did everything I could possibly do to find her. I went to her Grans, to Tilly’s. I went to places we hung out, our favorite places. I called her more times than I can even count, I sent her bloody emails. I left voicemails every few days for well over a year but eventually, I had to stop. I had to accept she was not coming back. I had to accept I wouldn’t get closure.” Taron had to wipe at the few tears that fell.
“Before that, I never understood actual heartbreak. I had seen my parents’ separate and I had seen the pain that brought but now I was feeling my own. I threw myself into work, I took on everything I could get my hands on. Thinking back, I feel like a lot of it was because of her. I wanted to make sure she couldn’t forget me, that she wouldn’t be able to get away from the fact that she just left.” Taron paused, a vengeful look in his eyes at the thought but it was lost as he ran his hand over his face with a sigh.
“Then there she was. Really her, not some glitch in the matrix that my mind manifested to torture me.” He paused again. Trying to wrap his mind around it. “I don’t know mate. It’s like my body knew she was close, and I needed to feel her, even if it was just sleeping in each other’s arms.”
“And that’s all that happened?”
“Yeah, until I woke up a little while later.” He shook his head at the still-fresh memory, he knew he was not wrong for getting angry about the situation but that did not mean he felt great about what happened or what he said.
“She is staying at her Grans place, a home we spent a lot of time at in our adolescence until we moved in together. The house is very familiar to me. I went down for a drink and it didn’t take long to notice the kids toys in the corner, a stuffed animal on the couch, and then I found Eleanor’s room and realized that they have been coming to England to visit her Gran and Tilly, and I kind of lost it.” The boys took their second shot when Taron made another pause in his story.
“She woke up and found me in Eleanor’s room” He paused again and smiled to himself at the mention of his daughter “that’s her name, Eleanor. She found me in her room, lost in thoughts of what could have been while I held one of her dolls, just trying to feel close to this little girl I didn’t know yet but already loved so much. She said something and I honestly cannot even remember what it was now. I was so overcome with anger and then we fought, well it was more of me yelling than anything.”
“I just don’t...” He sounded so broken. “Fuck...I just want to put this behind me. I want to move past this anger and have a relationship with my daughter”
“You can mate but you need to remember that you just found this news out. You need to give yourself time to process it and you’re allowed to be angry or feel hurt.” Richard patted his friend’s arm.
“I have no doubt that you are going to be an amazing father. That little girl has no idea what is in store for her.” Taron could not keep the smile off his face. He’d always wanted to be a father; since the day Rosie was born.
When he saw Adelaide hold his baby sister for the first time, he knew it then. Adelaide knew when she watched Rosie’s tiny hand wrap around Taron’s finger. That night as they laid in Adelaide’s bed at her Grans, they had their first real discussion about having children. Both laughing at the thought, both thinking it would be a lifetime before parenthood would make its way into their lives.
The boys were quiet again. Taron’s body beginning to buzz with warmth from the alcohol, he knew if he ordered anymore he would be in trouble with Dex tomorrow, showing up for blocking hungover.
“I think it might be time to call it mate. We both have early days tomorrow and neither of us is going to be any good if we get pissed tonight” Richard raised his almost empty glass, clearly reading Taron’s mind. They cheered before they both finished off their drinks.
The boys paid their tab and made their way outside.
“Sleep on it mate.” Richard dropped his hand on his friend’s shoulder “Think about what is best for you and your daughter and your relationship with her mother. You have a lot of people around you that will be there to support you, but you need to do what you think is best.���
Taron hugged his friend tightly.
“Thanks mate. See you tomorrow”
The boys parted.
As Taron leaned against the wall waiting on his train his phone pinged with a text.
I’m sorry about this afternoon.
I’m just trying to figure this all out.
Will she really be here in 3 weeks?
Adelaide sighed; she assumed he must have heard some of the conversation with her mom, she had a feeling it was the reason for him leaving set early. She took a deep breath before she replied.
Yes. I wanted some time to settle and to talk to you before they came.
Was all Taron replied with. He had 3 weeks to get everything figured out.
To be continued
@xceaf @sarahegerton96 @primaba11erina​ @shereighties​ @aberystwythboy
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halfbloodelfwizard · 3 years
Kotlc Characters & Their Sexualities Because It’s Pride Month
Sophie: Bi
There is no way you can tell me she a) talks about Biana and Della in a hetro way and b) is surrounded by men and women who she considers extremely beautiful compared to normal human beauty standards
Keefe: pan/bi (I’m not really sure but it could be either) asexual and polyamorous
He doesn’t care about gender he will flirt with you. Obviously he’s in love with Sophie but you can’t tell me he doesn’t have a crush on Fitz and passes it off as bromance, I also think he likes Tam too so there’s that. This boy would make the absolute dirtiest jokes but not want to have sex (as most asexuals do)
Fitz: Gay and Homophobic
He acts straight. Too straight. He has a lot of internalized homophobia from Alden (cuz he’s definitely homophobic) and only dated Sophie because he was trying to prove to himself and Alden that he was straight
Biana: Hard core Lesbian
It was implied that she kinda had a crush on Keefe but that didn’t really go anywhere and I think that the dare was her more trying to see if she would actually like him but she didn’t
Dex: Pansexual
I don’t need to explain this one
Linh: Lesbian
She is your cottage core lesbian
Marella: Lesbian
She is your goth lesbian dating your cottage core lesbian
Tam: Gay
There is absolutely no way he is straight. He wouldn’t care about romantic love for a long time so he probably wouldn’t even think about it too much until he meets someone he likes for example Keefe. He takes his feelings and turns it into anger and just fights with Keefe because he doesn’t understand his emotions (it doesn’t matter if you ship kam or not either way it would just be someone he likes it doesn’t have to be Keefe)
Wylie: straight
He’s definitely straight but a really good supporter of the community like an actually good one not a homobe who isn’t homophobic
Everyone in the Neverseen is gay. They are the be gay do crime people.
Mostly everyone is gay in the Black Swan but there are a few heteros which is exactly why they never win. The gays wanna burn shit but the heteros try and plan stuff and they all contradict each other.
The council is straight.
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ticklishnonsense · 3 years
Hmm, I don't have any fic prompts, but what are your Mighty Nein headcanons?
THIS GOT... LONG. under the cut.
you all know 18,000 words of my thoughts on this matter. world’s biggest switch. #alltieflingsareknismos. et cetera
as a ler - demon status but never cruel. he’ll tease and laugh at his lee without end, and he WILL remember their worst spots to the grave, but he’s also in it for the physical closeness and shared laughter as much as the tickling. even outside of full-on tickle fights, he’s always tweaking his friends’ ribs or tickling under their knees. it’s a form of intimacy for him. and he’s not brutal about it - he wants his lee to be coherent enough for banter
as a lee - CEO of dishing it out but not being able to take it. yes he loves getting tickled. yes he turns into a puddle when that fact is pointed out. squirmy as hell, not a loud laugher but lots of giggles and snorting and trying to protest. hard relentless tickles get him bad, but tickle talk and teasing ruins him.
worst spot: lower back and sides get him shrieking.
he loves tickling & getting tickled by anyone interested, though caleb is probably his favorite for both, with yasha a close second. he also thinks about fjord’s teasing OFTEN but can’t quite get up the courage to ask for it. (yet)
kryptonite to the world’s biggest switch. he is a merciless ler. doesn’t tend to laugh along or even crack a smile. does tend to remember his lee’s worst spots exactly. if he and his 16 cha decide to tease it’s all over.
as a lee, he does all these complicated mental gymnastics to justify enjoying it to himself; a lot of what it boils down to is that he has a hard time accepting touch unless he feels like he’s struggled against it. likes being helpless more than he’ll admit but he doesn't think he deserves the peace of mind or the affection. enough tickling does strip away his defenses and get him shockingly cuddly and affectionate for a bit
i also adore the headcanon that’s been going around here that he needs to get in his head about it to be ticklish. it takes a few minutes of gentle teasing for him to really start processing the fact that he’s getting tickled, but from there it’s all downhill.
he is so bad at fighting back. he doesn’t know how. he tries to cast slow on the ler. slow has verbal and somatic components. now he’s just getting wrecked with molasses on his lips. dude’s str score is 10 and even if he could get off a useful spell he can't maintain concentration. all he can do is flop around
worst spot: under the book holsters. he thinks he’s protected there. he is not. obvious fic rec
not to show my widomauk agenda but i think molly is his favorite both lee and ler. he likes lees where it’s really obvious they like it, and he likes lers who will gently push him into it, and purple problem causer is both. and he also likes jester as a ler a lot; she’s so unembarrassed about tickling that he starts feeling a little less embarrassed in turn
absolutely brutal ler. she’s very shy about really letting loose, but if she gets coaxed into it her lee is done for. no need for restraints when you���re a barbarian. my favorite headcanon is that she gets so focused at a certain point she doesn’t even really notice her lee’s reactions, so they’re often completely worn out by the time she thinks to stop. and she’s a HUGE fan of cuddly tickles, kissing the laughter out of her lee’s mouth, stuff like that.
just the sweetest lee. she’s strong enough that if someone’s tickling her it’s because she’s letting them, so it’s usually just her curling up with quiet squeaky laughter and letting it happen. she also starts crying with laughter pretty easily, which can be honestly worrisome if you don’t know
worst spot: ribs & the tops of her thighs.
she’s tickled most people she’s fond of at one point or another, but her favorites are beau (who’s just so spluttery about it), molly (best friend & clearly loves it), and fjord (so easy to fluster)
mean ler. goes into tickle fights like a game of chess. plays to win. her favorite tactic is pinning her lee down, getting her fingers into whatever she's deduced is their worst spot, and tickling there until they cry. also, makes liberal use of stunning strike.
she’s pretty ticklish herself and it’s the bane of her life. on the plus side it’s very easy to provoke her into a tickle fight if that’s what you’re looking for. on the minus side you are now in a tickle fight with a 20 dex flailing ball of limbs
worst spot: she's immune most places but under her arms is killer.
to her, tickle fights are just another way to affectionately give shit to the people she loves. she tends to get into it a lot with molly and jester. tickles caleb just to give him a hard time & because she knows he can’t really fight back, but she doesn’t always have the patience to wear him down. gets tickled by yasha a fair amount because yasha thinks she’s cute and beau unfortunately will do just about anything for that
keeps herself removed most of the time - she had a lot of body hatred for a while. once she's veth again, she's a little more comfortable with it, but still stays kind of separate from things.
she doesn't start tickle fights but if she gest dragged in she WILL end them. when she's a ler she's a wicked ler. tiny hands, massive sleight-of-hand.
worst spots: her tummy, and if you squeeze around her delt.
she has that little crush on fjord for a while and tickles him to deal with it. it's her version of a teenage girl not knowing how to flirt so she steals her crush's baseball cap and just kind of wears it around
after molly provokes her enough she'll also tickle him just to shut him up. he deserves it
i... feel like he didn’t get tickled much as a kid and so he only really discovers that he's ticklish with the nein. he can't help but envy the physical closeness he sees, but he's also very nervous about the whole affair, so he avoids the tickle fights for a while.
he trusts jester most so he probably goes to her in private once and asks her about it. and she laughs at him but she does tickle him very gently for five minutes or so and he's like. okay yes I can handle this. and then she flops down over his lap and says "now me!" and he's nervous all over again
he's insecure about being a bad ler so he tends to rely on his silver tongue a lot. brutal, brutal tease.
worst spots: ears and neck. his sides are pretty bad too
once he gets more comfortable with tickling he's just a bit of a demon ler. tickles the mischief out of molly, tickles veth to bond with her, tickles jester because she often demands it.
he's got such an air of authority about him that it actually takes a while for anyone to start getting him back but when they figure it out. oh boy. yasha gets him the worst. the wings. yeah
reasonably ticklish, but doesn't mind it at all. he likes laughing and generally doesn't fight it. but then it's just not as SATISFYING, ugh.
he's a very gentle ler. always asking what the lee wants, rubbing their shoulders comfortingly between tickles. and he'll be like "now that's better, isn't it" at the end with that peaceful smile.
worst spots: his ears are badddd. he snort-laughs and flicks them around involuntarily
easily figures out that almost all his friends enjoy getting tickled. will call them out for it if he's feeling particularly mischievous. but he's also the one that people will often go to for cheer-up tickles, or if they're just feeling the itch.
loves tickling. loves everything about it. likes it as much as molly does but without the embarrassment. she's always in ler mode; there is never a moment of safety around her. big fan of tazing people and blowing raspberries and all that prankster stuff.
she's also always in lee mode and if she isn't getting tickled she WILL straight up demand it from whomever's around.
worst spots: her back, her toes, and just under the spade of her tail.
she's the one who starts the tickle fights. she and molly are also always getting into it - they'll tickle each other pretty much any time they're in proximity, even if just for a moment
so so so ticklish. hasn't really gotten tickled since he was a kid but he has not forgotten. when he befriends the nein and sees them getting into it with each other he gets That™ squirmy feeling in the pit of his stomach and floats off to the side and tries to seem like it's all beneath him. unfortunately they're his friends and they know him so it's only a matter of time til someone notices that he's sweatin and goes for the kill
couldn't he at least have the very small mercy of his laugh being calm and quiet? no. high-pitched and noisy
after failing enough concentration checks when he tries to use defensive spells, he figures out he can start jabbing people's sides mid-tickle fight and gain a moment of relief. he hasn't gotten to a point where he'll fully tickle someone back yet but it's only a matter of time.
touch-starved enough that he DOES end up trying to provoke tickling sometimes. will not admit this under pain of death
worst spots: definitely his feet. secondarily, all around his ankles and up to his knees. and the palms of his hands & the undersides of his forearms are shockingly ticklish. light tickles ruin him
jester tickles him the most but really it's all of them.
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some new(ish) kids
“new” as in they didn’t exist yet when we last posted. so some of them are at least 9 months old. anyway!
list under the cut:
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- they’re a half-elf monk! but now that i think about it it would be kinda funny if they had a level or two in rogue
- honestly? they’re a frat boy, but one who drinks respect women (and everyone, really) juice
- complete thembo. they have a -1 int, but +5 dex and +3 cha so who’s really winning here
- seriously when i say they’re a thembo i mean it. cas can dodge bullets all day but they don’t know that a tomato is a fruit
- they’re a people person and respectful and are very much work hard play hard. i love them
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- now this is a bastard right here
- he/they tiefling rogue. yes they stole that crown what about it
- very much like mollymauk tealeaf i’m not gonna lie. they’ll charm the pants off of you and run away with your whole coin pouch
- smth i love about pumpkin is 1) their last name is pye 2) they have aliases bc in nearly every town they’ve been in there’s a warrant out for his arrest
- pumpkin pye (persona), a flirty rapscallion. if they had to pick one alias to stay as, this would be that one
- apple pye, a quiet sweetheart. kinda country bumpkin-esque
- pecan pye, taciturn but honest (as he can be while using an alias and on the run from the law and generally up to no good) and a hard worker
 - underneath all the layers? he’s kinda sad and lonely, still a flirt and a rapscallion but considerably less, and sometimes he just wants to stay in bed instead of going out and getting into all kinds of trouble
- oh also! he’s self conscious about his freckles, and usually uses some kind of makeup to cover them up if hell brain is acting up/he’s causing trouble
- i’ll be honest i do not remember if i still have their picrew
- i do nvm
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- this is tenjin! iirc they’re a drow enchanter (homebrew class my cousin made) but ig in a legal game they’d be a divination wizard
- he’s such a sweetie, oml
- fun fact he has autism! mostly nonverbal and gets overwhelmed super easily, and has a whole pouch full of trinkets that they fidget and stim with
- baby. baby boy
- really fun to play actually
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- she’s here to kick names and take ass, and she’s all out of names
- a whole lesbian. most of why she does what she does is to protect pretty girls
- human (shocker, i know) cleric of a storm god that i forgot to write down
- anyway!
- do no harm but take no shit is her motto. her methods may be borderline illegal, but hey, as long as the thing gets done it’s fine
- usually.
- basically her only method is swing a bat around until people talk and if the bat hits anything/anyone, well. that’s not her business
- oh yeah her bat. it’s infused with electricity and deals lightning damage as well as bludgeoning. it’s sick as hell
- she’s pretty rad
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- everyone needs a weed druid
- okay but seriously. they eat every plant they come across to 1) figure out what they do (they have insanely high con dw) and 2) for magical power
- are they high most of the time? yes. are they really sad actually? also yes
- they aren’t religious, but they do worship the deity their childhood best friend (turned lover, yes) worshipped
- i might talk about that more later :)
- anyway they’re super chill and also one of the few drows i have, iirc
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- okay now we’re starting to catch up
- his name isn’t actually walker, but it’s what everyone calls him so that’s what he goes by
- he/they (wow theres a lot of he/theys huh) fallen aasimar gloom stalker ranger
- basically think of the edgiest anime boy you can imagine and go “what if he went to therapy”
- he’s such a good boy! yes they still do the adventuring thing, but make a point of going to therapy every week
- they’re making some great progress :)
- while he’s basically a witcher and gets treated like one (i.e. poorly), he just wants to settle down somewhere quiet when there’s no more evil in the world to grow vegetables where the only one around to judge him for being mute is his crow
- the picrew didn’t have a crow so please pretend that’s what the pigeon is
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- valor is a tiefling fighter who came into existence bc i rewatched netflix castlevania and was super gay for striga so i made a character inspired by her
- also has autism, but in addition, she has ptsd from her days in the royal army. she’s seen some shit yall
- isn’t very good with social interactions, a lot of stuff goes right over her head and she’s just awkward as hell, but get her talking about her special interest (military tactics) and she will talk for hours. please let her
- fun fact she met her wife bc she was fishing in a bog trying to catch dinner and fished out a wholeass lady instead
- she’s buff as hell. she could use literally anything as a weapon and make it hurt
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- i don’t have a name for them yet BUT i do know that they’re a bitch
- yet another he/they, this time we have a neutral evil wizard who doesn’t care who gets hurt as long as they get results for their experiments
- think albedo genshinimpact but with almost no morals
- yes he’d cast ninth level spells on his party if he was researching something. no he would not feel remorse. probably
- idk i haven’t fleshed him out yet i just know that he’s a bitch
- finally! my favorite character on this list
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- this is maisy, but she’s so tiny that everyone calls her mouse
- when i say tiny i mean she’s a halfling and also seven years old. she’s fucking little
- little human druid girl who basically raised herself in the forest and can & will make friends with literally any animal she comes across
- her arcane focus is her flower crown, which also has berries growing on it. they grow back every time she picks one to give to her friends :)
- she’s so fucking pure oh my god. actual cinnamon roll and everything that’s good in this world
- her rat’s name is rat. he’s her friend :)
- and also dog sized compared to her it’s hilarious. she has a little leash for him made of vines and particularly spry twigs
- have some bonus art bc oh my god cutie
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skylilac · 3 years
so lesbian marella headcanons since i have many and lesbian marella is literally amazing
...oof, this got long so uh. everythings under the cut
we’ll say the matchmaking system is queerphobic for this since it does seem like it
so obviously, marella has grown up hearing that when she’s older she’ll date a boy or two and one day she’ll have a nice husband
(unless she wants to become a councillor or emissary or something, which she never really wanted--even as a kid she thought the government was trash and she’s right)
so yeah she grows up with the heteronormativity we all hate. and she’s used to it, she just goes about her day being a kid and everything. until one day she’s talking to another girl who’s blabbering on about her crush (who is naturally a boy)
and marella off-handedly mentions she’s never liked a boy that way
and she doesn’t think much of it. until the girl she’s talking to says that can’t be and all that heteronormative stuff about how one day you’ll fine “the one”
aaand now marella’s dealing with internalized homophobia as she struggles with the realization that she’d never liked a boy in that way, always a girl
she would tell someone but she can’t. she doesn’t want to burden her mother and father, and more importantly she doesn’t wanna tell them she’s broken. she cant tell them
and she’s really just a kid, she’s confused and scared. because she feels like there’s something wrong with her
so she does the classic “oh hm this boy seems nice bAM i have a crush on him haha”
there’s a reason Marella was said to like/flirt with almost every boy in foxfire. because of ~comphet feelings~
she chose the rich boys, the pretty boys. fitz vacker for instance. it wasn’t hard, she learned how to flirt with them and whatnot pretty easily
There’s also a reason marella acted as if every girl in foxfire wasn’t worth her time. because she couldn’t afford getting a crush on them and she didnt want it to seem like she was “broken”
until sophie foster came
marella quickly got a crush on sophie. that type of crush where you go “oh shoot she’s pretty do you think she’d want to talk to me or--”. like its not that serious, its fleeting and short
but anygays, marella decided to maybe,,, talk to the pretty girl,,, maybe?
she played it off as indifferent ofc, she’s still scared of people thinking she liked girls romantically
but yeah... her friendship with sophie grew as her crush on her passed. and dex came along, keefe, fitz, eventually biana too. So surprise, marella has friends. friends who are also girls
honestly its really sad how her internalized homophobia grew to make her wary of even forming friendships with girls because she was scared, but she’s growing past it!
she’s also trying to cover up the childhood crush she had on biana but she moves past that too, her crushes are normally fleeting and quick
And then one day. she doesnt know when, but one day. she and sophie are talking. alone
and sophie’s mentioning her life with the humans, and makes an offhand comment about her two aunts who got married a year ago
and marella literally freezes, her face is pale and she’s stuttering and when she finally manages to speak she says, “two aunts? married?”
and sophie nods and smiles brightly, talking about how lovely their marriage was and how she was proud of her aunts for accepting their sexuality and not caring what others thought and marella’s still stuck on the whole “two aunts. married.” thing
and sophie’s still talking and marella finally interrupts, “so its okay for two girls to get married? and love each other?”
and sophie nods, carefully studying marella. “Yeah. of course it is. There are still some people who think it isn’t okay but they’re wrong.”
And she starts talking about other identities too, and marella’s just sitting there hearing about people who love more than one person, people who identify as neither boy or girl, people who love no one romantically
people like her, queer people
and sophie’s as oblivious as a rock, so she doesn’t notice the tears welling up in marella’s eyes and how happy marella seems
and marella’s okay with that, she doesnt wanna come out to anyone, not yet. the internalized homophobia is still going strong
but! she’s working on it! she’s learning to accept herself!
which is really amazing and i love her <3
but anyway. marella had that whole falling out with sophie, became stina’s friend, etc and through all that she’s still growing to accept her identity
she also has a minor crush on stina and for once she isn’t bashing herself for those feelings. she isn’t too open about them of course, she doesnt wanna come out until she’s ready but she accepts herself for who she is
one day she just. decides to come out to her mother
caprise is having a good day, both of them are and theyre having that family bonding time and laughing and they’re just really happy
and marella just goes, “hey mom? i have something to tell you.”
its the first time she said the word “lesbian” out loud, and when she does she just feels really really happy
caprise is really supportive! like shes confused, the elvin world is really ignorant of lgbtq+ and most people have never heard of it which... is something the elves need to work on
but marella explains it and caprise might not fully understand but she’s supportive as heck
marella cries a lot that day. happy tears, relieved tears. and caprise cries with her
its about a week until marella finds the perfect time to tell her father
well, not perfect. more like one dinner she just couldn’t take it anymore and goes, “hey dad i’m lesbian”
she starts panicking immediately, she wasn’t ready she didnt mean it that way oh shoot
but her mom helps her explain and her dad is. awesome about it
he gets her a pride pin. a lesbian pride pin. like a few days later he goes to her room and slips it inside her hand casually
marella doesnt ask where he got it. she just hugs him really tightly
so yeah. some days she feels confident enough to wear her pride pin to foxfire. most people dont know what the colors stand for but she still feels really proud and also a bit amused by the way everyones just staring at the pin and wondering what it stands for
fast forward to her making up with sophie and co.
sophie notices the pride pin. she doesnt ask marella about it, but she notices and when she first saw, she offered marella a supporting smile, like you know, that kind
idk, fast forward a bit more, maybe she’s meeting with linh and linh asks her about the pin. marella explains. linh goes silent and all of a sudden marella becomes terrified because what if linh doesn’t accept her oh no--
but linh quickly enfolds marella with a hug and says no, she’s supportive, its just... that’s her
marella is silent too. then she hugs linh even tighter 
(later marella gets linh her own pride pin, they wear them together)
it’s easier to come out to people after that. linh supports her of course, standing by her side. both of them come out to the rest of their friends together
everyone’s incredibly supportive. and they slowly start figuring out their identities too. tam realizes he’s gay, biana turns out to be bi, fitz is demiro ace
one day sophie comes up to marella, wearing a pride pin of her own. she says its the omni flag, and marella realizes this is sophie coming out to her
she suddenly starts crying, telling sophie how that one day sophie had told her about queer identities had changed everything for marella. Sophie suddenly has tears welling up in her eyes too and she goes over to hug marella
...I do not have an amazing ending to this but basically all the keeper kids are gay and marella has finally accepted her identity and i’m just very proud of her for no reason <3
also @everyonehasthoughts and @dreaminq-out-loud you said you wanted to see them? so um, I’ll tag you in case--
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dafukdidiwatch · 3 years
FoodFight (2012)
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The origin story of Sausage Party and The Emoji Movie
I honestly don’t really know where to start with this film. Like I’ve heard of it, I’ve seen reviews of it, I was so sure I wouldn’t ever see this trainwreck because it looked and sounded so bad.
But honestly? This was an amazing film to watch. I don’t even know where to begin because I genuinely enjoyed this movie. This was a fun shitty trainwreck of a movie.
Let’s start with the obvious: The animation sucks. Like the designs are bad, the world building is bad, the animation is bad. Body movement? What body movement? The only body movement we need is arm waving and twirling and nothing else. And those are for characters they were trying for. The Humans, if there are any, are the literal worse with either being amusement park mascots at best or mountain troll monsters at worse. Yeesh they were bad to look at. In fact, a lot of characters in this movie are just, very ugly all the way around.
Celebrities: I feel so sorry for these people. Apparently it took 12 years to make this (like, wtf first off), so a lot of the “big names” they got in the day sort of faded away out of the public light. Not that I actually give a shit about it they got paid either way. I just think out of all of them, Wayne Brady was done dirty. He didn’t deserve to be in this movie, he deserves better than having his name listed in FoodFight. Tim Curry is a riot no matter where he goes, still bringing in his Dr. Frank-n-furter Vibes all the way around. And Christopher Lloyd wasn’t in for long, but by god does he leave an impression. A terrifying impression.
Why are actual food brands in this movie? Ms. Butterworth, what are you doing in here? Charlie Tuna, The Pickle Stork, Mr. Clean? I can’t tell if they did them dirty or not because they are barely in the movie anyway. The most screen-time of them went to Mr. Clean just for the bald clean jokes. It’s like playing Where’s Waldo in finding out where the notable brand icons are.
It’s also fun to play “Who the Fuck is that guy?” because there are a lot of brands being parodied here. Captain Crunch turned into Shitty Admiral Chip Peg. Chocola is a disco gay vampire bat. Some weird disturbing french cheese men....no idea who he is for but hey! That’s what the game is for! Trying to see what their ugly abominations were supposed to be in the light of day.
The only “decent” animated characters are the main one: Dex Dog-tective who speaks nothing but puns, every sentence. All the time. You want to start a counter on all the food puns he makes, but you also don’t because I’m sure it’s in the Hundreds. It also doesn’t help that he is like...furry bait? That’s the best way to describe him since he is like the Better animated characters they tried to make him handsome so...furry bait. Then we have Sunshine Goodness who is a terrifying uncanny valley creature which is just an anime catgirl that the animators decide to give up half way and hope her dead eyes give out the allure she has. But uh oh, watch out Sunshine, Lady X of Brand Ex is coming in with her twig-ass Dominatrix Barbie outfit trying to seduce your man...a talking golden retriever. Her dead glass eyes have its sights on seduction and world domination one fetish at a time.
I’m not kidding about the fetishes either, this movie is just throbbing with sexual tension. In the worst way. Like you think the food puns are a lot? Well the sex innuendos are giving them a run for their money. There is so many sex jokes. So many tension of the “oh the bad guy good guy flirt? Hwot” This is supposed to be a kids film and yet you are having jokes of raisins = nipples, chocolate = dicks, "I'll have you roll over and begging for mercy" is too sexually charged for this movie like.....AHHHHH. I fear for the children who learn their kinks through this movie. And that’s just the verbal! The visual is sexy dominatrix. Sexy plaid school girl. Sexy villain nazi-stand-in dominatrix. Sexy Tango. Sexy...sniffing?? God they were trying So so so hard and it pissed me off to no end: 50% in-credulousness because who the hell thought this was a good idea to have kids watching this, 50% anger because I’m somewhat pissed that some unfortunate lines had the gall to be actually good for romantic tension....if it WASN’T TIED TO A BAD FETISH FILM! Like, you can have sexual chemistry, but when sky planes fly out of someone’s vagina you know it’s a fetish film.
But hey, enough stalling, let’s actually talk about the plot of this movie.
It’s Casablanca.
Like dead ass Casablanca.
After losing the love of his life a grizzled detective man ends up running a club where he has to face off against nazis. This is deadass Casablanca where Rick had a dark romantic fling with a nazi at a grocery market. The decisions they went with like the bad rendition of the French National Anthem to be food themed that I could barely hear. Brand X having a nazi-like salute if someone misspelled YMCA with one letter. The...actual weird torture murder scenes? This movie was wild enough, you didn’t need to add in death to the mix. They even had the side characters from Casablanca being in here like the Moose guy being the piano player, and the weasel looking dude being the....weird ass dick weasel in this movie.
And now, some random lines that I liked:
"I just want to be loved"
"Whats the point if having luxurious hair if you can't look yourself in the mirror"
"Oh Yeah, sure, no prob, except I don't have a death wish"
"But you were recalled?! And butt ugly!?"
Overall: I honestly swear to god believe this could and should be the next Rocky Horror Picture Show. This is that level of just...badshit craziness where everything is wrong and beautiful that we can laugh at it all. This needs to have like, it’s own riff track, audience participation, SOMETHING because there is too many golden moments to let it fly by.
If you can get your friends and tell them NOTHING about this movie and see their reactions. Because that is what I’M going to do with mine.
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 4 years
EAH Prompt: I ship Daring/Raven, so Daring charming prince extraordinaire turns out a flustered mess talking to Raven when he falls hard (maybe link to that ask where he flirts with girls to cheer them up, being he's secretly more than just narcissistic and Raven finds out somehow and they bond). Some shrug it off but turns out the book takes romance into consideration. Apple Salt if you want her trying to win back Daring's "affection".
This is so cute also on book Mira au
Dexter was talking with Daring in the halls after school when Daring suddenly got quiet and his cheeks turned a light pink.
Dexter trailed off and raised an eyebrow before sighing as he noticed Raven Queen passing by.
"Hey Dex. Hey Daring," the violet eyed girl said smiling at them.
"H...hey Raven," his blonde haired brother stutters softly as he smiled softly at the princess.
Raven raised an eyebrow before giggling and rushes off as she sees Maddie.
As soon as Raven left Daring groans into his hands and leans against a locker.
"You really should tell her how you feel," Dexter said softly.
"I can't! What if she laughs at me? What if her parents don't accept me? Even if we do date we can't because of the roles in our story!" Daring groans out.
Dexter sighs, "you never know. The book is a mystery."
"True. God she looked so beautiful. Did you see her hair? It was in cute buns!" Daring said as he smiled dreamily as he remembered seeing Raven's hair in two buns on the sides of her head.
Dexter sighs before smiling at his brother.
"You fell for her hard dear brother."
Daring's eyes widened as he sees his page in the Storybook of Legend.
He was the next Good King in the Snow White tale.
He was destined to be with Raven. Sure every Evil Queen married the father of that generation's Snow White. But it seemed the book wanted a slight change.
"I am Daring Charming. Son of King Charming, and I pledge to be the next Good King!" he says proudly as he signs his page.
He smiles and waves before going to sit down, and waits for Raven's turn.
Raven's eyes were wide with surprise. Daring... as her Good King? What...what did this mean?
She blinks in shock before she finally noticed it was her turn.
"I am Raven Queen.... and I pledge...." she trails off before opening the book to her page.
She watches in shock as it shows her and Daring's wedding. She had on a beautiful black wedding dress and the wedding seemed to take place in her parents castle.
It showed how her and Daring were happy together. Just like her parents.
Then it showed how she poisoned Apple... but she tilts her head curiously. It seemed that Apple would just be food poisoned because of a dish that she made for Apple. It even showed that she would be sleeping it off for a day or two before waking up. The only part Hunter had was hunting a deer for the food which is what she winced at.
Other than that not so terrible then.
It showed even Apple waking up all good with a prince who kissed her cheek.
What reassured her is the aftermath with Daring still with Raven and her with a small pregnant belly and them ruling her parents kingdom together.
She would have a wonderful life after the story ends.
She smiles as she takes the pen, "I am Raven Queen, and I pledge to be the next Evil Queen!' she says as she signs the book.
Apple bounced excitedly before it was her turn and frowns as she watched how the story would go.
She was already sad because of not having Daring as her Prince Charming, but it even showed she wouldn't be poisoned by an apple, but by bad food?
How will she be adored like this? Will she?
She watches as a random prince kissed her cheek and her waking up.
She glances up to look at the mirror in front of her and her eyes widened as she saw herself as a queen.
She asked for Raven to sign the book, and she did.
Might as well sign it.
And she did.
'Why couldn't Daring be my prince?' was her last thought as she finalized her signature.
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ravs6709 · 3 years
These Feelings Inside (How Deep Do They Go)
Chapter 2- A Broken Heart
Read on ao3.
Masterlist. Previous. Next.
Woo, chapter 2 of the fic for the @kotlc2021collab! Fun fact, like all of this chapter was supposed to happen in the first one, but I got carried away with the prologue (which I do like)
Anyways, this is a mermaid (siren) au, so its about time we meet a siren. I've mentioned last time that this was inspired by Siren's Lament. I didn't use those lyrics as the siren song, and instead made my own (with very loose inspiration from SL's version)
And uh... I did record myself singing it, and made a post for it. If you want to listen to it, you can go here! (I'll put a link at the end too)
Warnings I guess? Uh, Sophie goes through a whole panic section at the end. And then the siren lures her and it's indirectly said that she falls off a cliff/whatever and into the water and starts drifting off. Idk how to label that but yeah
Anyways, enjoy!
"Sometimes, I'm still surprised you keep them," Biana said, gesturing to the various flowers that were in the corner of Sophie's room. "I mean, if you ever want him to look at you differently, you're going to have to make a move. You know that, right?"
Even without saying a name, Sophie knew that she was referring to Fitz. It took a long time until she'd admitted the crush to Biana, who had already known. She always liked keeping the flowers that Fitz gave her, and would keep them for as long as possible. They might not be what she wanted, but she still appreciated the fact that he even gifted the flowers to her in the first place.
"It's not like I've kept them all," Sophie pointed out.
She ignored the fact that the ones that she had thrown away were too old to be kept.
Unfortunately, Biana knew that. "If they didn't wilt so easily, you'd be keeping them all. But you ignored my question. You know that you'll have to make a move, right?"
"Biana, he gave me a yellow rose first. He's the one who made his feelings clear first. What am I supposed to say? Oh yeah, I've had a crush on you for like eight years now, and I never mentioned it before because you've been giving me signs that you clearly see me as a friend? Is that what you want me to tell him?"
Biana shrugged. "When you say it like that…"
"Even if saying that did work, it's not like I'd be able to actually say it. My brain just runs non-stop but then the moment I make eye contact everything just stops."
"Sophie, when has he not been understanding of you?"
That was true. A lot of people didn't take the effort to try and understand Sophie, but Fitz did. The way he was so respectful- despite the fact that it should have been basic decency- was one of the numerous reasons why Sophie loved him.
"I know he'll be understanding, but that's just going to make things even more awkward."
"I guess. Should we go down now?"
"Oh, Fitz, you're here! What are you doing?" Sophie asked.
While he did come over often, he was usually busy on Thursdays, which was why Sophie was surprised to see him.
"I'm free this time, so I figured that I'd drop by," he explained.
She liked that he was around for the visit. Working at the shop wasn't boring, but it was more entertaining when she had someone to pass the time with. 
He walked closer to her, and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Also," he whispered. "I'm making sure that plans for tonight go well."
She glanced at Biana for a moment, who was on her phone. Sophie whispered back. "Your house or mine? I think yours would probably be better."
"What's the movie for tonight? That movie Biana said that she wanted to watch?"
"That's the plan."
"I don't get why you two always get secretive about the birthday movie night," Biana said.
Both Sophie and Fitz spun towards her, and it turned out that she still wasn't looking up from her phone.
"We've been doing this for years ."
"It's the birthday spirit we're trying to achieve, and you know that!" Fitz defended.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
The couches at Everglen were really comfortable. It was even more comfortable to be sitting with her friends. The birthday person was often the one who sat in the center, and Sophie smiled as Biana wrapped an arm around her. Occasionally Dex would join them, but he wasn't available this time.
The movie was playing, but they were only somewhat paying attention to what was going on. Sophie paid more attention to the clock, which showed 11:58 p.m. Just two minutes away from midnight, or Biana's birthday. She counted down the seconds, until it was finally time.
"Happy birthday!" she cheered.
"Happy birthday!" Fitz repeated.
"Thanks, both of you."
"You'll be fine, right?" Sophie asked.
"Sophie, it's just one day," Edaline said, exasperated. "You don't have to feel bad about taking a day off."
"Tell us how the game goes!" Grady added.
Biana's university team had managed to make it to the finals for volleyball, so Sophie and Fitz planned to go support her. But it also meant that neither of them would be at the shop.
"You'll text me if you need help though, right?"
"Yes, we'll text you. You can leave, it looks like Fitz is waiting for you." Edaline pointed to the entrance, where Fitz was indeed standing.
"Bye mom, bye dad!" she said, before kissing them both on the cheek.
Fitz took her hand as they walked to the car. She concentrated so hard on trying to stop herself from blushing that she didn't realize when they stopped walking.
She'd been pining after Fitz for around eight years, and her feelings had gotten easier to work with. Most of the time, at least. But during the times like this, those feelings that she suppressed would fight to be released. He was casually affectionate, which was great (sometimes she found it hard to initiate the contact, no matter how much she wanted it), but it constantly did things to her heart.
Each time it happened, she had to remind herself that no , he wasn't flirting with her or acting out of romantic interest. That was just how he was.
She shook her head to clear her thoughts, let go of his hand, then went in the car. It was silent on the way there, but she needed that silence in order to prepare herself. She took out her headphones once they were almost there.
"Sophie?" Fitz called out.
She responded with a hum.
"You know how it is. If it gets too loud, squeeze my arm."
She hummed again.
Then they arrived, and made their way to the seats. Biana was brilliant on the court, and she seemed to be doing even better than usual. By the end of the game, the cheering got loud, but not bad enough that it hurt. Biana's team had won by a decent amount.
"Congrats, Biana!" Fitz cheered once it was over and they met up.
"It feels unbelievable, because that was the finals? I can't believe we just won!"
"I knew you could do it," Sophie stated.
"I mean yeah, but the other uni was also really good! Guess it wasn't their day, huh?"
"It was definitely your day though," Fitz replied.
"I hate the fact that horns exist," Fitz groaned.
"What, so you like being hit by blue shells?" Sophie asked.
"Obviously not! But I like hitting you with them!"
"If you're able to get blue shells, it's clear that you aren't good at the game!"
It was game night again, and they were playing the newest version of Mario Kart, a game that was nostalgic to them. They were sitting in Sophie's room this time. Biana wasn't there, as she was busy studying with Dex.
"Look, if you aren't second place all the CPUs are there and you aren't safe," he retorted.
"Then just don't be third place? It's not that hard?"
Somehow, he managed to actually do that, and was quickly approaching her kart. It was the end of the final lap, and he passed her. But she got a red shell, shot him right before the finish line, then won first place.
"Excuse me?" he shouted. "Why do you get the red shells?"
She turned towards him with a smirk, only to be startled by the proximity. All she could see were those teal eyes, and the snarky reply she had planned to make was now forgotten. His eyes were wide, and he seemed to barely be breathing. It felt like time had frozen.
Could she take the risk and close the gap between them?
Should I?
Before she could make up her mind, he turned away, and he even moved slightly further away.
He's keeping his distance…
The realization was a hard blow to her, because that wasn't something he had ever done before. Was he that bothered by it?
"I thought you were good at the game," Fitz teased.
But unless Sophie was imagining it, his tone wasn't as lighthearted as it usually was. She tried to channel the frustration and use it to focus on the game, but she was doing worse. Ninth place. She hadn't scored so low in a while.
"Looks like that was the last game," he pointed out. "I'll head home now."
"Bye, Fitz."
She winced at her voice, because she was doing a terrible job at pretending that she was okay. Once she was sure that he left, she buried her face in her hands and just sat there. What was going on? Was Fitz mad at her? That would be the only reason why he would distance himself like that.
But why? Did she do something wrong? If she knew, she'd try and set things right. But what was she supposed to do?
Even though her room was large, she felt restricted. Too small, too hot, too suffocating. She couldn't breathe.
Her actions after that were a blur. She'd grabbed a sweater and went outside. She walked aimlessly along a path. The area seemed vaguely familiar, but she couldn't tell where she was.
The wind was cool against her face, the only thing that kept her remotely aware of her surroundings. There may have even been rain too.
Breathe. You need to breathe .
The voice sounded strangely like Fitz's, and it reminded her of when she had a panic attack and Fitz was there to help her. But he wasn't here this time. Was he going to start avoiding her? What about Biana? Did she have a problem with her too? W-
There was a hum, loud and melodic. She looked around for the source.
'Oh you, with that broken heart.'
"Who's there?"
'You, whose life's falling apart.'
Almost as if against her will, her mind replayed the moment of Fitz turning away from her. The rain fell harder, making it harder to see anything except her own imagination.
'Have you come here to the sea,
To drown in your memories?'
If Fitz and Biana were going to distance themselves, what was she going to do? Ten years worth of memories, were they just going to be tossed aside?
'The weight of them is too strong,
Crushing you, it's all so wrong.'
Different memories kept emerging. Her first meeting with Biana. Her first meeting with Fitz. Exchanging flowers with Fitz. Weren't the worst memories the ones that started off good? They were the ones that had you soaring, until you're being dragged towards the ground.
'May the waves wash all the tears,
That you've gathered through the years.'
Sophie knew that she could show her emotions around her friends, but she hated doing it. She had a tendency to suppress her sadness and tears and right now felt like a good time to just let it out.
Very distantly, she could feel herself walking towards the source of the singing.
'But what if there was a way,
To make the pain go away?'
Was that a thing? She hated doubting her friends, it hurt so much. But if she could just not worry, wouldn't that be better? Wouldn't that ease so much of her pain?
'To leave behind your sorrows,
Enter a new tomorrow.'
If tomorrow could come and ease away all of her pain, shouldn't she take that chance? Her foot caught against the ground, and now she was tumbling forward, and fell into the water.
'I have an offer for you,
You can start your life anew.'
The fall was by no means something that snapped her out of her daze, but Sophie found herself slightly more aware. Starting your life anew? Did she want that? Did she want to leave behind the people she loved?
Wasn't that what she worried Fitz was doing? Throwing their love away?
Sophie thought of the memories that they'd shared. It hurt, but they were the best memories that Sophie had. Would it ever be worth it to throw away all those good times just to abandon a potentially bad one?
I want my life , she told herself. I'm happiest with them. But… it's hard.
'You can escape the abyss.'
The voice was so much louder now, and she tried to move away, but her body wouldn't move.
'All I ask is for one kiss.'
She couldn't see, and she could vaguely feel a pair of lips press against her own. She was just drifting, in both her thoughts and the sea. She kept drifting until she could no longer feel anything.
You can find the song here!
Kotlc taglist- @keefeinnit @impostertamsong @my-swan-song @subrosasteath
Want to be added/removed from the taglist? Just let me know!
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cricketnationrise · 2 years
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I posted 7,359 times in 2021
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For every post I created, I reblogged 20.0 posts.
I added 4,159 tags in 2021
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Longest Tag: 105 characters
#holster's already on his way to the rink to get you but just stay on the line with me until he gets there
My Top Posts in 2021
More Cheese than a Dairy Farm
for @adambirkholtz and also how dare you :D
1. after the last practice of preseason
“Great job guys, good work today. Take tomorrow off and get ready for classes to start, and then regular practices start tomorrow night,” Dex says.
“And the first team breakfast is Wednesday after morning practice!” pipes up Chowder.
There’s a general rush to shower and leave, guys chirping each other left and right. Nursey finally feels at home. He closes his eyes while he waits for C and Dex to wrap up so they can head to Annie’s. He’s a senior. He even knows what he wants to do after college. Life is good.
“Hey. Hey Nursey.”
“What Dex.”
“Feel my shirt.”
He opens his eyes to see Dex holding out the edge of his t-shirt with a smile and doesn’t try to fight the rush of affection that comes with it. He reaches out and rubs Dex’s shirt.
“It’s nice. Soft.”
“Know what it’s made of?“ Dex asks.
“No? Cotton? Should I know?”
Dex smirks and leans closer.
“Boyfriend material.”
Nursey bursts out laughing. He can’t help it. Coming out to him and C over the summer had been a huge step for Dex. He was so much more relaxed and, though he would never say it out loud, chill now. Chill enough to use horrible pick up lines on Nursey of all people.
“Dex that’s so bad oh my god,” Nursey manages to wheeze out between laughs. He looks up to chirp him more and sees that Dex looks proud of himself despite the fire truck level blush he’s rocking.
“You guys ready?”
Dex reaches his hand out to help Nursey off the bench. “Yeah we’re good Chowder, let’s go.”
Still laughing, Nursey just says “boyfriend material” to himself, takes Dex’s hand and they leave the locker room.
2. During Spookykegster
It’s an excellent party. They won their game last night, and there’s no practice or classes in the morning to wake up for. Ideal conditions for sure. And his best friends are on NurseyPatrol, which, to be fair, hasn’t been needed since sophomore year, and has now evolved into the best excuse to hang out with Dex and C for some quality Frog Time.
“You mind if I leave to go over to Cait’s?“ Chowder asks, shouting a little to be heard over the music.
“Ooooooh we see how it is, don’t we Dexy? Not even our epic friendship can hold a candle to the lovely Farmer. What ever shall be done?” Nursey says as he sways into Dex.
“You’re good C, take off. Come help with clean up in the morning and it’s all good,” Dex says, his hands automatically coming up to catch Nursey before he overbalances and falls.
“Bye guys! Have fun the rest of the night!”
And now Nursey has a slight problem. Tiny really. It’s just that now he’s alone with Dex. Dex who is actually wearing a costume for once. He’s dressed up as Woody from Toy Story and Nursey might be having a hard time not staring at Dex’s ass in those jeans.
It’s fine.
“You want to get another drink? Or are you going to dance?“ Dex asks.
“I think drink,” he says, moving toward the kitchen, “I need another beer I think before dancing. Want one?”
“Ayuh, sure, thanks Nursey.”
He goes and comes back, handing Dex a can as he leans back against the wall next to him. He’s drinking and scoping out a potential dance partner when out of nowhere he hears,
“Are you wearing space pants?”
“What? No? I’m wearing jea-”
“Because your ass is out of this world,” Dex finishes a little too loudly, blushing furiously.
“What’s this Dexy? You flirting with little ole me?” Nursey flutters his eyelashes and delights in watching Dex’s blush deepen and spread down his neck.
“I - well - you know - I - no?”
“Chill Dex. I know you’re just practicing, en bee dee,” he says just to watch Dex’s eye twitch at the spoken letters. “Gotta go see a boy about a dance. Catch up with you later.”
Nursey laughs to cover his disappointment and goes to dance. Now that he knows Dex isn’t serious and his beer is finished, it’s time to dance.
3. At Founders a Week before Finals
Nursey is stressed okay? Just because he’s got an internship lined up for credit for next semester doesn’t mean that he doesn’t need to study. And his Harlem Renaissance paper is kicking his ass. But once he finishes this draft he can take a break. He just needs to focus. Or another coffee? Maybe he just needs -
“It’s a good thing I have my library card because I am totally checking you out,” Dex whispers, from the chair next to him.
Nursey starts to snigger, trying to keep from making too much noise in Founders.
“You been saving that one just for me Dex?”
“Just thought you needed a little break from your paper,” Dex says, trying to be nonchalant about it, but his hand comes up to rub the back of his neck, and his ears are bright red, giving him away.
Nursey can’t hold it in anymore, and starts hysterically laughing.
He’s still laughing as the librarian swoops down on them and demands they leave. What a horribly cheesy pickup line. And from Dex of all people.
4. Nursey’s Birthday
All the card says is “We’re not socks but I think we’d make a great pair.”
But, he recognizes the handwriting and it was left on his pillow so he digs his phone out of his pocket, laughing.
Me: woowwww dex
Me: this one is so cheesy if i didn’t know better i’d swear you’d have a fondue machine down there
As he changes out of his jeans and gets ready for practice in an hour his phone pings. He opens Dex’s response and promptly has to sit down. William J. Poindexter has responded with a selfie. It’s a little blurry, clearly taken while he walks home from his programming class. It’s unseasonably warm for February today, so the pink across Dex’s freckles are 100% blush.
Dex: Happy Birthday, Nursey! Hope it made you laugh.
Something about the picture makes Nursey’s breath catch. He doesn’t feel like laughing all of sudden. He doesn’t want to examine the swooping sensation in his stomach too closely. That way lies madness.
5. March
It’s been a brutal practice. But no one is complaining. They’re in playoffs. Everyone wants to do well. And Dex is a great captain. He’s really come into his own this year.
But today was like Bitty was still here; Dex put them through a whole practice of the Russian calisthenics that Bitty had adapted from his figure skating coach.
Everyone was wiped.
“Dex, you’re my best friend but I hate you so much right now. If you were a punching bag all that would be left would be a pile of sand on the ground.”
“If you were words on a page, you’d be fine print.”
He couldn’t help it. He giggled.
“Oh stop making me laugh, I can’t feel my abs as it is,” Nursey says, looking over at Dex.
“S’just the truth,” Dex mumbles, flushing abruptly and turning away to dig in his bag for his shoes.
“Fine print,” he snorts and hauls himself up to go refill his water bottle.
+1 After Winning the Frozen Four
Nursey doesn’t think he’s ever been happier. They’ve won the Frozen Four for the second year in a row. Chowder had a shut out, and both he and Dex had scored. It was truly a perfect game.
He knows he still has to get through the rest of his internship and finals but right now, he’s on top of the world.
He and Dex are crammed into a too-small booth for their combined shoulders with Chowder and Farmer (who flew out to watch the game) opposite them. Nursey feels good, floaty and glowing. They won, his friends are here, and long-established convention means he gets to be pressed up next to Dex. Not an inch between them.
It wasn’t like he was unaware his crush was getting astronomical. And it didn’t help that Dex kept feeding him pick up lines all this year. Lately, they’ve been a small torture, wanting Dex to flirt with him for real.
He’s here. Dex’s here. Nursey’s happy.
Dex has never looked better. Confident and loose like he usually only gets at the Haus. The lights overhead highlight his freckles and Dex’s hair, a touch too long and starting to curl after not cutting it through playoffs. Nursey’s staring. He knows he is. With a herculean effort, he tears his gaze away and tries to focus on what Chowder is saying.
“-And wasn’t it s’wasome when Bully checked that guy right before he could get to Whiskey and -”
“Breathe, babe,” Farmer says fondly, “They were there too.”
Nursey leans further into the leather, relaxing when they leave. As happy as he is, he is tired, and the booth is comfortable. Especially with Dex so close.
They’re all chatting too loudly about The Martian and he’s laughing at Farmer’s Donald Glover impersonation when Dex suddenly winks at him. Nursey almost falls off his seat. Dex leans closer, and whispers in his ear.
“Hey Nursey?”
“Yeah?” Nursey can barely breathe.
“Even in zero gravity I would still fall for you.”
Nursey doesn’t blush. Which means the heat he feels in his face must be a symptom of a fever. His throat is dry enough it might be true.
“Ha ha Poindex-” he abruptly stops talking when he feels Dex’s hand cover his own on the seat in between them and his fingers curl around Nursey’s own.
“Oh holy shit,” he whispers, “Really Dex? Now? With a cheesy pick up line no less?”
“S’thematically appropriate,” Dex shrugs and then tilts his world upside down with, “I got tired of you thinking I was joking around the other times I tried flirting.”
“Wh - I - I -” Nursey has no words. For once in his life.
“Its a good thing you’re pretty,” Dex chirps before leaning in an kissing his cheek, holy shit.
They both jump and look around at Chowder’s shout. C’s beaming at the two of them.
“Do you know how much in back fines the two of you owe?!?!”
Dex just laughs and hides his (bright red) face in Nursey’s neck and Nursey tries not to melt.
“I think we’re good for them, C. It’s chill,” Nursey says, not looking away from where his fingers are curled up with Dex’s.
The fines are worth it.
158 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 22:32:56 GMT
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195 notes • Posted 2021-05-09 03:53:07 GMT
pspspss for @pecanplease based on this post
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Larissa Lardo still isn’t sure about the whole “hockey manager” thing. It’s decent money, and the guys are nice enough, but they’re an art student for fuck’s sake. (They’re keeping the name whatever happens, its cool as shit, and fits way better than they’re given name). What are they even doing here, hanging out at the Haus when there’s not even a kegster happening. It’s 3pm on a Sunday in November and they’re standing on the porch, still debating whether or not this is a good idea.
Fuck it whatever they think, and push open the door, braced for the inevitable wave of sound that normally occurs.
Nothing. There’s no one in the living room, no sound from the tv, no blender being subjected to Jack’s protein shakes. Where is everyone?
Shitty told them to come hang, and there’s no way that he would have been deliberately cruel. He’s here, even if the rest of the haus-dwellers are out. As they move up the stairs, it’s still freakishly quiet until they get to Shitty’s door, and Lardo can finally hear talking. They knock and after Shitty yells, “Lards get your ass in here!” Lardo pushes the door open. They take one look around, curious, and -
That’s their art on the wall. The pieces Lardo threw in the dumpster two weeks ago, angry at the world and coming off a horrible critique from her professor. The small triptych of ducklings. The abstract inspired by Lake Quad. The small portrait of their neighbor back home. The still life of a pong table they painted after the first kegster of the year.
The white noise in Lardo’s ears clears long enough for them to hear, “ - just left in the dumpster by Faber can you believe it? Who would want to throw this stuff away, it’s fuckin’ sick! I made Jack help me carry it back here there was no way I was going to risk someone else taking it or the trash guys coming before I could get back for a second trip, ya know?”
He put their art on his wall. He put their art on his wall. He went out of his way and made his best friend help gather their art and put it. On. His. Wall.
“...Paging Dr. Lardo. What’s up with you Lards? You look like someone hit you over the head.”
“That’s my stuff up there,” they breathe, not able to catch their breath properly yet from the sudden desire to cry.
Lardo clears their throat, do not cry do not cry do Not Fucking Cry -
“That’s my art on your wall. I tossed it two weeks ago right before practice.”
“HOLY SHIT BRAH! Lards, that’s s’awesome! You have to sign it for me, all of it, right now - where’s my sharpie?” He’s rummaging in his desk, still chattering excitedly, when he straightens up suddenly and spins around, eyes narrowed. “Wait. I found it in the dumpster. You threw it out. Why would you throw this stuff out? It’s seriously so good Lardo.”
“Just a bad day I guess,” they say, trying not to make it a huge deal. Lardo doesn’t want to poke that raw place inside themselves just yet. Not even in front of Shitty.
Shitty just looks at them for a second, considering. For a second, Lardo thinks he’s going to pry and that is not going to go well. At all. Then his face clears back to it’s normal amusement. “Well, I’m even more vindicated in forcing Jack to help me. And you’re still signing this stuff. Get over here.”
Lardo goes, and can feel the corner of their mouth quirking upward, almost against their will.
Cool, so we’re doing this. Managing the hockey team.
308 notes • Posted 2021-07-24 02:21:28 GMT
He gets the notification almost as soon as he gets to the rink for practice. CALENDAR REQUEST FROM GEORGE: 2 P.M. AGM OFFICE, FOURTH FLOOR, ETHICS & SEXUAL IDENTITY DEBRIEF.
An hour later, there are several protein shakes and a PowerPoint cued up. The first slide says: SEXUAL EXPERIMENTATION WITH TEAMMATES, A GRAY AREA
“Before we start, I want to be clear, I fully support you in this, and I’m so glad you felt comfortable telling me. But this is frankly a logistical and ethical clusterfuck so we need to make sure we have our ducks in a row.”
“George, I --”
She apologizes for not having time to come up with better titles. Jack is actively wishing for the sweet release of death at this point, but before he can correct her, George is moving on.
“From college!” he bursts out, “I’m dating one of my teammates from college.”
George blinks rapidly, disconnects the laptop for a second, types rapidly, and when she reconnects it the screen reads:
(and you should tell Marty so he can have you both over for dinner)
@ivecarvedawoodenheart this came to me in a dream which is 100% your fault(affectionate)
383 notes • Posted 2021-06-03 14:08:28 GMT
okay so i can’t stop thinking about how the old guard and good omens is a perfect crossover
andy keeps running into crowley and aziraphale and being all, why did i not dream about you?????
crowley and aziraphale at the crusades watching joe and nicky meet and being all “oh how cute they think that’s coming from opposite sides” (in later centuries they go on double dates)
crowley and aziraphale being too busy for an assignment and the other can’t cover it so they leak the situation to the guards
the guards teaming up with aziraphale to actually find the baklava that stumps andy
480 notes • Posted 2021-04-27 14:11:00 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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enbies-and-felonies · 3 years
hey felony! this is like. at a really random time i feel like but the internalized queerphobia is hitting hard right now and idk i'm just,,, not feeling great?? could you maybe send hugs or memes or rant about your sophiana fic or any other queer ships for comfort? it's ok if you can't rn though! ily felony i hope you have a good night <3
*hugs* ilysm dear okay? SO much and you are so freaking valid <3 
and a rant about my sophiana wedding au:
OKAY!!! basically it switches between the time period when sophie and biana are still teens and *aren’t* in a relationship yet (they are both yearny af but CANNOT admit their feelings for the life of them) to the point where they start dating, and the day of the wedding. Throughout the Past there will also be some stuff focusing on fitz and how he’s crushing HARDCORE on dex and keefe :3
the Past Portions will feature such things as: Biana gay panicking, Fitz queer panicking and thinking coming out to someone is a way to show that you like them, Sophie trying desperately to flirt with Biana by giving her nicknames and compliments but FITZ interrupting with his Boy™ problems 😌 it will also include the Keeper Crew having a game of Tag or something where one or more of the ships end up in *situations* such as tackling each other to the ground, sharing an enclosed space, etc. I do it for the girls and the gays and the gay girls, thats it 😌
in the Wedding Day portions, it will mostly just be Biana simping for Sophie and waxing poetic about how her fiancee is adorable and beautiful and otherworldly and- so on <3
the wedding theme is red (for sophie) and a very light yellow (for biana) and flowers!! Biana has a flower crown and red flowers embroidered onto her pale yellow strapless dress, and sophie is wearing a red suit (with a train, if you’ve seen my art of her) with yellow accents and a flower in her hair. Bronte officiates and Fitz begged and pleaded so he got to be the maid of honor 
Some extras about it: elwin has a nonbinary husband, dex is aro-spec, fitz id’s as queer, not gay, Undercut!Linh rights, Tam is aroace, Grady and Edaline have a talk with Sophie about the lgbtq+ community (grady is an ace bi, edaline is a demiromantic pan), DELIVVY RIGHTS FUCKERS, and bronte is trans (even if its not addressed <3)
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cowboypossume · 4 years
so i reread keeper of the lost cities and here’s my fresh input:
a note before we begin: you know how people fake throw up at things on tik tok? this book is the reason i now unironically do that.
dex and fitz really have the enemies to lovers troupe going for them and i’m ok with it. i really am.
so do sophie and biana at the beginning but it fizzes out so a better description is enimies to friends to lovers
marhella and stina give me such power top energy i cannot express how much i think that contributes to people not liking them
speaking of stina i wish sophie didn’t just immediately hop onto the bandwagon of “oh she’s evil” without investing further, especially with how much she is written as a ‘good’ person (which i can and will defend to the day i die that good people don’t exist but that’s for a different day).
there’s way too much heteronormativity and Patriarchical Ideas mushed into the book. like three hole pages of a 488 page book of teenagers being like “oooooo girls like guys and guys like girls” only for della to join in. not to mention the amount of times keefe is the reason for those ideas because he’s teasing like “oh fitz has a girlfriend”
keefe and fitz didn’t have as many bonding moments™️ in this book as i remember, but they stil know each other really well, have comfortability around each other, and would make a 10/10 best friends to lovers troupe.
oh my god s o many crushes i swear. like two teenagers of the opposite gender really can’t not like each other apperantly
i miss read a line and really thought there was cannon sexism for me to do a whole ass rant about in the notes part of my analyzation but n o p e
but we do have classism, sexist stereotypes, and the fact that there’s been SO many characters who’ve spoken and ✨🌺far too many of them are white🌺✨
oh also: no ones disabled. which annoys me because their society is described as ‘euptopic’ almost implying that it’s something that makes people problematic, which,,,, no
ok a side note on the society, i understand that the story’s message (kinda) is that things that seem perfect are probably deeply flawed, but something tergan said stuck with me. on a page i can’t remember at the moment he says something like “[the black swan exists] in a society that doesn’t have rebels”, which it suck with me bc that’s boarderline dystopic if it’s not there already. it’s one thing for laws not to be broken, but when you think your society is so perfect despite it having obvious flaws and you think that no one rebels, then i really hate to break it to you, you have a massive rebellion about to occur; it’s just scented as foul under your resplendent nose.
please stop flirting. i get its part of teenagers being teens but i swear if i read “s/he realeased a breath” or “their heart fluttered” or literally ANYTHING like that god no.
yall. i missed dex. he actually has more role in this book than ‘you can gadget and we need one’ and oh boy i really missed him. he’s a BEAN and deserves better.
hole’s said everyone deserves better and i absolutely agree so we’re adding that note here.
if you do what i did and read this book out loud to one of your best friends who has no clue anything about this weird fandom and give fitz a really deep voice for no reason it’s comdy GOLD.
i really think i’m reading too much into this point but iggy seems,,,, symbolic to me?
like ok with humans, sophie didn’t ‘fit in’, right? like she grew up hearing things like “why can’t you be normal like your sister” (which i can do a whole other rant about how that will affect her for the rest of her life just a s k)
not to mention looking really different from her family and graduating high school at age twelve 
but you know who never judged her?
m a r t y
so anyway sophie meets this teal-eyed, movie star smiled wonder boy who takes away her entire knowledge of everything she’s known while taking away her family too
and it turns out even in a place of weirdos she still manages to be the exception to everything
and she doesn’t have the comfort to hear what people are really thinking about her anymore (which as i said before say the word and i’ll deadass write a whole speech about how everything she heard will completely fuck up every relationship she has) which unfortunately means that she grew used to confirming people didn’t like her but now she doesn’t have that
she has to adapt to this new space and feel like she’s always felt, like an outcast in a place that was accepting, but yet again, she the exception to everything
but about halfway through the book she starts to become more comfortable around grady and edaline and that’s when iggy comes in
she finds him while cleaning garbage, and grady compliments her. they have a bonding moment and it’s because of this t h i n g. and then sophie actually feels proud not only does she take up a room, but she did something
and her new parents are proud of her
so she finally feels like she BELONGS because she helped out at the place where she lives/they work
to me it seems iggy is kinda a manifesto of the world building and character development that happens in this book
i think the plot/character arc is fixated a little too much on how different sophie is. like, i get it, she’s exception to everything, but the plot really didn’t need her to be that quirky. yes, she’s different, but there’s a lot more to the plot and her character than how different she is.
also, i had to reread pages a lot bc i needed an exact paragraph number and,,,, it’s really paced like a fanfic
some questions i have about the society is:
it’s established that they use books, physical papers, etc., and the only thing i remember about trees is the speech alden gave her about how she doesn’t know the name of their most popular tree, and the fact that people become trees when they die. even then i don’t think the second one is in this book. never o n c e do i remember something about planting trees that aren’t dead elf’s, so do they feel the affects of deforestation and that jazz?? like if they use trees, will they run out of them? can they??? and do they use the coffins of elf’s for paper??
this is more of a rant than a question, but here it goes anyway. in foxfire, students have a testing system very similar to the one in america: a huge test at the end of the year determines the future of a student. that in of itself doesn’t sound too drastic, right? well,,,,, not necessarily. several studies have shown that tests in general, but especially these types, don’t work. despite how good or bad of a teacher i think my past and current teachers have been, every single one of them hates this system that we have in place. they know it’s an unfair assessment that does it’s damnist to make you fail, and they’re trying so hard to denounce it. however, that doesn’t happen at all in the lost cities. in fact, most of the teachers pride themselves on failing students. so if elf’s are in such an advanced society, why do tests still exist? especially in an environment where the consequences are far greater than just staying back a grade. 
so sophie’s figuring out that major problems exist in the world the elf’s created, right? i wonder if more society structured problems exist more than ‘oh bad people do things and the law justifies which is what’. like, as i’ve previously stated, there’s sexist stereotypes presented (like girls like dresses and guys don’t), but does sexism still exist? does racism exist? it’s established that poverty isn’t a thing because of the fund elf’s have at birth and their limited usage of money (which if you understand please explain bc i don’t really get how they buy stuff but still don’t use money) but if someone gets shipped off to exile, do they lose their money? is it possible for elf’s to starve to death because they can’t afford food? do they pay for food?? if they did starve who would they call? because someone on this website, who’s post i tried to find but i couldn’t so if y’all know what i’m talking about please link it, brought up a good point that elwin is a school physician, he shouldn’t be dealing with the near-death experiences sophie has, so who would they turn to? especially if they don’t have access to foxfire because they got exciled??
is therapy a thing in this world? sophie and dex could really benefit from it, yet mental health has only been brought up when someone went insane, which REALLY shows how little they think about it.
that perfectly transitions into my next point: sophie and dex’s trauma. i really don’t get the vibe that there was much thought going into their kidnapping, other than sophie needed something to trigger her inflecting ability and establish the black swan are on the good side, which really sucks because wow trauma doesn’t happen lightly. and the fact that it happened seems rushed to me, but i’ll come back to that. but anyway, their trauma doesn’t get developed that deeply in this book because it wasn’t given the space to. they were beaten, tortured, starved, gagged, and who even knows what else for t e n d a y s, only for them to find them again, repeat the process, but someone saves them and dumps them into an illegal city and they both nearly die from dehydration, coldness, and lack of concentration, and you’re telling me after three days of conscious of bed rest sophie wants to get her failing out of school over with? ma’am, it takes more time than that to adjust to THAT alone, not to mention the realization that “hey your entire life is fake because people genetically altered you to be their weapon in a war so much bigger than yourself” that was recently dumped on her. like,,,, you really expect me to think that three days is what made her feel prepared and CONFIDENT? no sir. i don’t buy it.
coming back to it being rushed: the book starts out slow and then really hits the ground running and doesn’t stop. so much more stuff happens in the second half of the book than the first and it never gets fully developed it feels like. in the first half sophie moves away but gets a new family and struggles a bit but adapts, fires maybe but hey don’t worry about it, dex hates fitz, fitz is ✨d r e a m y ✨ but our main girl doesn’t like him like that, right?, stina’s a bitch, and sophie is a quirky girl and telepath but can’t tell anyone. pretty basic stuff, not too plot intensive. the second half though: sophie almost fails her midterms but doesn’t, grady and elaine want to unadopt her (which that’s never really explained as to why they do that but ok) fires exist in san degio but they’re fine but they’re actually a rebel elf so..., sophie accidentally breaks a law but it was an accident so it’s fine, update on the fires: sophie burns herself trying to get the evidence that it’s a rebel elf and it works, she’s the moon lark and basically a weapon bc no one knows her well enough to evaluate her safety, sophie and dex get kidnapped but fitz can now transmit to her and she has two new abilities so it’s all good, trauma doesn’t exist except for nightmare you can fix with sedatives, sophie doesn’t fail out of school, and yayyy her family doesn’t want her remove their adoption. there’s probably a lot more that i missed, it’s just that’s a LOT of stuff crammed into a little bit further than the second half of the book that really could have been devolped or explore further instead of forcing into less than 244 pages, ya know?
fitz’s eyes are mentioned seven times, the first time being on page TWO of the novel
his smile is mentioned three times
alden says “no reason to worry” five times, he writes it once, and sophie points out he says it a lot so he chances it slightly to something like ‘don’t stress about it’ so i didn’t count those though i should have
speaking of alden, in this book he’s absolutely creepy, but something that stands out to me is how much he calls sophie girl. i didn’t count it, but he said “that’s a good girl” to sophie too many times for it to be normal especially when you consider how he doesn’t do it to anyone else.
i kinda forgot i was annotating for sophie’s anxious habit of pulling out her eyelashes so i got she did it twice, but i highly doubt that number
but i will keep adding to this when i actually do the words with my annotations.
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