#devious thangs
jeebusmeebus · 6 months
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cinemacrypt · 1 year
Started listening to a new podcast
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I'm not gonna be normal abt it btw
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My monstas
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kewlb0t · 2 years
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coloring soo rusty but i do like how it came out over all. literally just for my tumblr icon i shit u not
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chrollohearttags · 7 months
idk if u have anymore locked and loaded away but can we get some more musician!eren hcs/traits…just a crumb even. im on the side of the road shaking my cup🙏🏾
oh babes, I got more than I know what to do with. Gather round and I’ll share with you all my never ending lore for the loml. 🤍
EJ is a clown. His favorite pastime outside of music is being an S tier menace. He loves picking at everybody 😭 (y/n), Jean, Mika, his own MAMA..nobody is off limits when he gets started. He is an asshole and proud of it. (he once told Mika she was jealous of him because she was bald headed and he wasn’t. Sis tried to break his nose but then remembered she needed him for a performance that night 😩)
he can play over 10 different instruments and proficiently at that! His main is guitar and drums but he’s naturally gifted so any instrument he puts his hands on, he can learn fairly quickly.
he won’t attend awards shows unless his whole crew is invited too. Don’t matter if it’s the Grammys, BET, VMA’s..if his whole team isn’t there, he’s not going. And they definitely forget it if (y/n) isn’t on the list.
he HAS to have at least an hour before shows to be completely alone and decompress, otherwise, he’ll be messing up all night. He has severe anxiety so it makes it hard for him to concentrate if too much is going on before hand. He’ll spend the time meditating or listening to music and smoking.
his ultimate goal is to one day start his own label. He wants to work with more female artists because he feels there are “a lot of dudes using women for clout but never wanting to put them on.”
also adding to that, Eren swears he is not a dancer but decided to let (y/n) do choreography for his latest song and he ended up liking it so much, that he incorporated it into his latest performance.
(haven’t quite delved into this yet so not giving away too much!) but there is one person who eren credits his musical career to and for pushing him to go for it. His exact quote: “there’s so many people who’ve helped me throughout my journey. That I have to thank for getting me this far but as for who really made this possible? Well..she’s no longer here and I wish she was. I wish she could see how far I’ve come and I only hope that she’s smiling down on me. I hope I made her proud.”
he lovessss sitting in on (y/n)’s practice sessions! Not even on some sexual shit, it truly fascinated him seeing his girl do all of these intricate pole tricks without falling or missing a beat. He realizes how much work goes into learning it and respects your talent. He even posts vids to his Instagram story, showing you off.
during the time of the [p word that shall not be named] he and Armin put their DJ’ing skills to good use and entertained their fans. They started a little thing on Instagram live called “Club Passion” where they would dress up in these cheesy ass fits, pretend they were hosting events and have people join in the live. They’d play music, be drinking and even host twerk contests where they’d CashApp the winner a prize. (A very unserious duo 😭)
for the more devious of the traits, he’s a demon and a half when he drinks. He has zero limits or shame. Including in the bedroom. RIP to (y/n)’s cervix cause he has no control.
he is a habitual bed/headboard breaker 😩🥴 do with that what you will.
he doesn’t believe in cheating or open relationships, but he’ll gladly let you share him with your girls and vice versa. (Niesha’s definitely his favorite but he won’t tell his best friend that 🤭) And if he’s feeling extra deviant, he’ll let you pick a fan of his to do some thangs with. “As long as she doesn’t go running her mouth, I’m with whatever y’all wanna do.” He definitely has a few videos of you guys’ escapades saved in his phone. (the NDA’s stay ready!)
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bleach-your-panties · 7 months
victory ride - jean kirchstein x black!fem!reader
⚽️:soccer player!jean x black!fem reader
💎:inspired minimally by a real life encounter I had and because y'all know jean will have y'all in the hospital with that thang between his legs
⚽warnings: university au, smut, consensual recording, oral (m! receiving), switch!jean
💎: banner: made by me on pic collage, image from pinterest, animated on canva
⚽:tagging @chrollohearttags because they not finna play with long dick jean silver's
💎: divider: @/firefly-graphics
⚽: 2.1k words
▶️: rodeo(remix)- lah pat ft. flo milli
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He love how I ride it
Hop on the dick, I made him get excited 
This pussy off limits for lame niggas
Yeah, fuck me like you got some pain in you
You sat idly scrolling through your cell phone while Jean was getting dressed in his uniform for the game that was to start in a couple of hours. 
The first away game of the season and the Island Devils would be going up against some preppy university one state over. 
While you had been studying this team extensively, Jean had opted not to do so as much, mainly because his nerves wouldn't let him.
"I'm ready, babe. It's time for me to board the bus." He said, looking at the silver, black-bezel Seiko watch that you'd bought him for his birthday.
Your family believed in that old ass superstition that you should never buy a man a watch as a gift, because it would mean the time in your relationship would run out.
Which is why it was just that - a superstition. You and Jean had been together since your freshman year of college and now graduation is right around the corner.
"Okay baby. Sasha, Connie, and I will be right behind y'all." You grabbed your bag and he leaned down to give you a soft kiss on the lips.
"Lead the way, baby." He smiled that handsome and devious smile of his, making you roll your eyes.
"Don't think I'm not on to you, Kirchstein!" You pointed at him and began walking out of his apartment door and into the hallway to get to the elevator.
"What did I do?" He asked innocently all the while his hazel eyes were trailing all over your body: from your pastel pink manicured toes, up your toned legs and calf muscles, stopping at your plump, juicy ass that wiggled in the beige romper that you had on. "Damn."
"Uh huh, I knew it." You laughed and pushed your hand into his lower back, making him stumble into a corner of the elevator.
"You're mean." He fake-pouted.
"Uh huh," You said while typing something on your phone. "Better get used to it, buttercup, if you wanna win against the Freedomfighters tonight."
"Freedomfighters, what a stupid ass name." He scoffed. "We'll kick their asses for sure, don't you worry, baby."
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When the team bus pulled into the hotel where you all would be staying, Connie parked the car in a space not too far from it and you all got out.
Apparently, the opposing team was staying at this exact same hotel because another bus, similar to your team's but decorated in green and red with a large design of two red roses on either side of a stone wall with a cannon blasting right through it, was parked right next to the guys'. 
A petulant-looking ginger was the first off of the bus, and Connie nudged you to get you to look. The tall, lean man was conversing with an equally-as-tall brunette with deep, emerald green eyes and his hair pulled back in a man-bun.
"He looks like an asshole." 
You chuckled, "He does and probably is. Come on, let's get inside."
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The trio (you, Sasha, and Connie) walked into the hotel lobby and met up with Jean again.
His teammates were used to him running off to hang with the three of you and didn't really mind since he was the captain anyway.
"Ready to head up to the room, dollface?" He asked while heaving his backpack and duffle bag over his shoulders. His face came down to press a kiss against your hair, which made you giggle.
"Yeah, I'm ready."
"No getting your dick wet before the game, Jean-y boy. Can't have you making us lose."
"Who the fuck is us? How many goals have you scored for this team? Oh right, zero." 
The two of them started bickering back and forth while you walked ahead with Sasha, who'd started chatting in your ear about a popular restaurant in the area.
Shiny metal doors parted for you all and Sasha hit the button for the doors to close until a tan, veiny hand stopped them. A group of very tall athletes sauntered in, laughing and chattering amongst themselves. 
The space inside the elevator soon became very crowded, almost squishing the four of you against the elevator's back wall.
'Damn, excuse you then, big ass niggas'  You thought while rolling your eyes.
"Verzeihen Sie uns. Platz für ein paar mehr?" (Pardon us. Room for a couple more?)
The ginger and brunette from before, obviously all of them are players on the team Jean is about to go up against us.
Said ginger rolled his eyes as they both stepped into the elevator and stood right next to you, finally letting the doors close.
"Eren, not everyone speaks German, cut it out." 
The brunette chuckled deeply. 
"My apologies."
His eyes then met yours, jaded hues traveling slowly over your frame, drinking you in.
"Meine Güte, was für eine schöne Frau." (My, what a beautiful woman.)"
You just raised an eyebrow, not understanding a lick of German, but Jean did.
He was between you and Eren in an instant, only having to take one long step forward with those strong, muscular legs.
While he was sizing Eren up, you were doing the same to Jean: your brown eyes roamed over all 6'4" inches of him.
How those black socks covered his legs up to just under his knees and how the silky white and blue shorts formed around the thick, muscled curvature of his ass just right.
Here you were drooling over him while he was about to murder Eren with his honeyed glare.
"Ja, das ist sie, und sie ist bereits vergeben." (Yes she is, and she's already spoken for)
Eren gave Jean a cocky smirk and held his hands up in a mock surrender.
"My apologies, again."
The elevator stopped on their floor and they got out, Eren still with his grin and Floch behind him with the look of a pure dumbass who would support his friend hitting on another man's girlfriend. 
"Who were those pricks, anyway?" Jean grumbled looking down at the three of you as you all walked out into the hallway of the fifth floor.
"The brunette was Eren Yeager from Germany, #5. The ginger, Floch Forster from Ireland, #7."  You informed the group.
"So you knew who he was this entire time?" Jean asked with an eyebrow raised and a teeny bit of jealousy threaded in throughout his usually calm and deep baritone.
"It's not that big of a deal, it's not like I'm his best friend. I just studied him a bit."
"Studied him?" 
Jean's eyebrows shot up into his hairline and his forehead wrinkled significantly. His face portrayed a pretense of self-restraint, like he was attempting to prevent himself from making a scene in the middle of the hallway.
"Anddddd that's our cue to go. Come on, Sasha." Connie quickly grabbed the dark-auburn-haired woman's hand and pulled her down the hallway in the direction of their room.
Awkwardly, you stood with Jean in the middle of the hallway for a few seconds until he turned and stalked off towards your shared room.
His long, spindly fingers held the hotel keycard in a death grip; the veins in his forearms protruded and you could feel your panties getting wet. 
"Um, are you mad?" 
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They lost.
The Freedomfighters actually beat the Island Devils, 3-0.
If you thought Jean was mad before, oh baby, now he was enraged.
Not at you, but more so himself.
That damned Eren Yeager turned out to be a pretty decent soccer player and it only irritated Jean even more when he saw you standing on the sidelines with your video camera.
It wasn't unusual for you to record his games so he and the team could watch the playback later to see what needed to be improved upon, but tonight it only irritated him everytime he looked up to see you with the damned contraption pointed right at him.
Capturing all of his failures of the night live and in 4K resolution.
What made it even worse was that he saw you pointing the camera towards Eren quite a bit as he ran up and down the field.
Jean was only irritated further when you both had returned to the room after the game and he came out of the shower to see you curled up on the bed, already watching the newly acquired video footage. 
"Will you put that goddamned thing down already?" 
You leaned up from your reclining position on the pillow to acknowledge him.
"Come again?"
"You heard me, or better yet-" 
I wanna fuck you right now
Reverse that cowgirl, I'm bucking right now
Climb on this standardbred, hope you can handle it
Beat that cat up when this dog put it down 
Let's make a movie, girl, I'll do the shootin'
Camera in my left with your hair in my right 
"Yeah, just like that, baby….fuckkkk, hold that angle right there, don't you move."
Jean shivered, but kept his hazel eyes focused on the  image of you in the viewfinder swallowing his dick.
His right hand held a tight grip on your hair while he thrust his hips rhythmically back and forth, making you gag on his fat length.
Long and thick, his dick touched the very back of your throat, the outline of it making the skin of your neck bulge in the most grotesque fashion.
"You look so good like this, baby, practically inhaling my dick. Wonder what Yeager would think if he saw you like this, yeah?"
As soon as he mentioned the German man, his eyes crinkled with anger again and his thrusts grew in both force and speed.
Knowing Jean, he'd probably started recording over the footage you'd taken of the game, that which he could honestly give a damn about right now.
"Fuck, I think I like this view much better." He smirked and then let out a deep groan as he emptied his balls in your searing, placable mouth.
"Shit…" He made sure to capture the image of you swallowing his nut and then wiping the excess from around your mouth with those pretty acrylic-tipped fingers.
"Come here; come ride me, baby."
No time to make love, yeah 
Keep screamin' you want it
Girl you lookin' lovely 
When you ride this pony 
We can do this to the morning 
So please come and ride me
Love it when I'm deep inside you
You goin' crazy, yeah
Jean's muffled moans seeped through your hand as you now held the camera pointed at him while bouncing up and down on his thick length.
Years of being together and still you felt the stretch of your pussy every time he was inside of you. 
Your hand moved from his mouth and tangled in his ash-brown hair and pulled his head back and forth in time with your movements. He could be very loud in bed, which you loved because you revered a man that would let you know that you're making him feel good as well.
"Shit, Jean, baby, you look so fucking good on camera, just as good as you do when you're on the field." You mewled in heightened pleasure, wanting to throw your own head back but also not wanting to miss a single second of his gorgeous face gazing up at you.
His chest and forehead glistening with sweat, those honey-gray eyes shining with unshed tears as his body soon began to tremble with his impending orgasm. Yeah, you had that much of an effect on him. 
Just looking at you could make him hard in an instant, but looking up at you while you took his dick like you owned it (and you do) had him more swollen and readier than ever to shoot off inside you like the cannon depicted on the side of the Freedomfighters' bus.
Yeah, after the ride you were giving him tonight he was bound to forget all about Eren, the team, the game - hell, he might even forget his own name for a couple of hours.
That is, if he didn't have you screaming it through the thin walls of this hotel room in those next hours.
Eren might have won the game, but he was the one taking a victory ride tonight.
(If you're horny)
I wanna feel your body on top of mine 
(Let's do it)
Right now, we ain't gone waste no time, baby (ride it)
Like a Harley in the wind 
Got you bragging to your friends the way you ride (my pony)
Like a rodeo, ride like a rodeo, babe
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*ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵉᶜⁱᵃᵗᵉᵈ!
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merakiui · 1 month
MERAAA it’s phantom anon here (・ω・)ノ
lemme just tell you- i’ve been rereading your old works and they never. stop. hitting.
*pulls up a chair and sits down unceremoniously*
he hasn’t left my mind ever since i’ve read it. he’s quite literally- a leech.
i’ve been thinking of how poor ol’ reader is gonna get out of the predicament they’re currently facing.
(which i will send another ask about cause oh my god the rot in my brain- it’s festering i tell ya)
i def think that jade had some kind of sick pleasure knowing that he was boiling fingers and the like while reader was right. there.
seconds away from checking the pot. inches away from the last remains of the restaurants last dine-&-dash victim
he could have you find out anytime he likes, ‘darling mind stirring the pot for me?’ ‘darling could you help drain the broth from the pot?’ ‘honey how would you like to help me prep for the day- there’s a bag in the freezer i need you to get’
i can see him biting his lip in some, perverse pleasure, as he watches reader scurry around the kitchen doing her thang. checking the pot right next to his. his breathe hitched when you’re about to unmask his… secret.
but with a little ‘whoops’ and a giggle of ‘wrong pot,’ jade’s heart beats a little faster, his teeth clamps a little harder, a bead of blood on his lip as he has to excuse himself.
i think he lays awake in bed some nights, holding reader tightly as he lets his mind wander. how would reader react? would you get nauseous? would you faint? would you yell at him: if so in despair or anger? would you try calling the cops? would you try calling floyd?- his arms get a little tighter at the thought of you in his twin’s arms.
would you try to convince him you didn’t see anything? would you flinch if he tried touching you.
all these scenarios racing through his head- would you help him?
ahhh maybe he gets so shy thinking about the two of you cooking… with love. yes you do it already but this is a different kind of intimacy 🙈
but i also don’t think he was ready for the day to actually come- much rather fantasize about your reactions. because they’re just that- fantasizes
after all, every couple has their secrets. and a bit of mystery always spices up things a bit 🙈
so jade seeing reader as stiff as a brick while in front of his pot had a different kind of thumping in his chest.
(imagine reader trying to distract him with the pregnancy test they tried slipping in the pot HHAHAXHAHA- don’t reader put it in a 2 sealed plastic baggys cause they have a 3 star standard to uphold!!)
Phantom anon, hi hiii!! ⸜(。 ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Oh, RABU Jade...... he really does have all sorts of twisted fantasies. >_< you have no other choice but to continue loving him, for he's your darling husband. But the fingers in the pot and Jade's secret are second to the biggest news: your pregnancy!!! <3 aaaa Jade's just so happy. Maybe he promises not to harvest anymore special ingredients so it won't stress you and the baby out. But if you find yourself craving that yummy bone broth with its dubious ingredients, who is he to deny you?
You're definitely going to have to reevaluate your husband after discovering this hidden side. ^^;;; confiding in someone else is dangerous because you have no idea what he might do to them, especially if that person is Detective Ashengrotto. ;;;;; maybe Floyd might have some advice.... :)
AAAAAA OTL I just love RABU Jade!! He's so devious.
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1n-bl0om · 1 year
obscure tbp hcs
just some thoughts tbh (hints of brance and finbin)
goes between modern day and the 70s
- griffin would definitely send death threats to people online at the most minor inconveniences. nobody expects the innocent ones
- billy knows how to play the hermonica
- vance would be one of those toxic gamers. the ones that just yell and scream and blow air into the mic
- bruce the type of mf to actually slip on a banana peel
- robin goes around school and does those interviews with a tiny mic
- billy and vance would do the “devious lick” trend that happened early last year. mfs would steal the whole bathroom sink
- the guys try to recreate the breakfast club table scene and the table ends up collapsing
- one time griffin jumped in a pool and immediately started drowning
- finney is extremely good at solitaire
- bruce has held a boombox outside of vance’s window after a fight. vance closed his blinds after seeing him
- griffin would run a stan acc on twt. no further comment.
- robin has doodled “F + R” in his notebook
- when gwen and finney go shopping, finney is the designated bag holder
- bruce owns one of those crusty white dogs with a human name
- gwen has definitely been chased by geese at a park
- the guys have made one of those “cooking in the cafeteria” videos but caught something on fire
- billy spams the gc with tik toks that no one ever watches
- vance and robin are the number one instigators. they will hear people arguing and go, “you gonna let them talk to you like that?”
- finny watches interstellar every week
- robin has accidentally grated his hand while grating cheese
- griffin doing something feral and vance going “what if i told you griffin got that dawg in him?”
- finney follows those niche fire alarm accs that post rare fire alarms
- bruce has five pairs of the same shirt and gets clowned for it. the guys call him a cartoon character
- billy sleeps with like 10+ stuffed animals
- vance's mom has a doll collection and it freaks everyone out
- gwen goes around and takes those .5 photos of everyone
- vance and robin working at a local fast food place together and just hiding in the back whenever a customer comes through the drive thru
- billy yelling “stroke that thang cuzzo” when bruce goes to hit at a game
- robin scares finney at any chance he has
- one time griffin ate five corn dogs before going on a rollercoaster, it did not end well
- vance definitely go to house shows. those diy shows in peoples basements, backyards, garages, etc. whatever, you name it. sometimes robin joins and he takes bruce one time
- griffin has a pet goldfish that somehow doubled in size
- gwen has a collection of half burned, unscented candles. they are all carious colors and her dresser has wax embedded into it
- bruce watches golden girls. period
- gwen and finney sometimes have a “sleep over.” which just consists of finney sleeping in gwens floor and her forcing him to play dolls and do prank calls
!! bonus !!
left image: left - everyone else, right - griffin
right image: finbin with e/o & brance with e/o
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me posting about the black phone?!? woah!! unheard of
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urbianasloverr · 2 years
Sex and Sunflowers
Warnings: smut 18+, oral sex (f receiving), sexual penetration (p in v), unprotected sex (wrap that thang cuz FTK, nah but be safe frl)
Synopsis: Urban and you have been together for a year now and he plans a date for you both that’s special to you. By the end of the night both of you are very satisfied.
⭐️ None of this content is accurate or portrays these people in real life. I may make references to real places and people, but this is simply a work of FICTION. I would love to hear your opinions and critiques. Enjoy 🫶🏽.
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The sun was shining brightly, partially blinding you as the light hit your face. You extended your arm out to reach for your man, but to your surprise his side of the bed was empty. Sitting up, you rubbed your eyes and looked around at the room covered in remnants of last nights activities.
Hugging the comforter around your bare body, flashbacks of the night before flooded your mind, and your body began heating up.
The smell of pancakes and bacon in the air bringing you back to present time. You slowly you removed yourself from the bed and figured you could squeeze in a shower while Urban, you assumed, finished cooking.
After your shower you dried off and slipped on your robe, before cleaning the bedroom a little. You made your way downtowns seeing as Urban was fixing you and him a plate. You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his bare torso. You kissed his back just before he sat the plate down and turned around into your embrace.
“Goodmorning handsome,” you smiled up at him as he leaned down to place a soft kiss onto your lips.
“Goodmorning baby, I made us breakfast,” Urban replied as he nodded towards the plates sitting on the counter.
Urban turned you around and placed his arm around the small of your back as he led you over to the dining table. He sat you down and went over to grab the plates before setting them down in front of you both.
It was quiet for a moment as you both enjoyed the food.
“Ma, you think you could wear one of those sundresses you know I love so much? I have something planned for us today that I know you’ll love,” Urban requested.
“Of course my love. The yellow one or the green one?” You asked him.
“You look sexy in either one, and they both have flowers which is perfect for where I’m taking you,” He stated as he winked over at you, a sort of devious smile painted on his lips.
Curiosity got the best of you, and now you no longer cared about what to wear and more so what Urbans plans were. But you also knew Urban was one for surprises.
“Where are you taking me baby?” You asked reluctantly, knowing Urban probably wasn’t going to provide you with the answer you were hoping for.
“You’ll see when we get there,” Urban answered through a laugh knowing beforehand that you were gonna ask.
“Okayy…” You replied as you rolled your eyes.
After breakfast you made your way upstairs to get ready for the day. Urban used this as an opportunity to slip outside out to the car to put the picnic basket, blankets, the two bouquet of your favorite flowers, and his camera in the trunk, as for you not to see.
He slipped back into the house and made his way back over to the kitchen to wash up the plates, and then upstairs to where you were so he could get ready himself.
The drive to Urban’s secret destination was about a 30-45 minute drive. Throughout the whole car ride Urban would sneak glances at you and smile to himself. He knew he got lucky with you, and already had his mind made up about marrying you.
The minute you guys arrived your eyes grew wide and your mouth fell open, unable to form any words. It took you a moment to really take in where you were and how beautiful it was.
Y’all were driving on a dirt road smack dead in the middle of two fields. On the right was a gorgeous sunflower field and on the other side of you was an open field of grass, both being consumed by the warm sun.
What made the place so special was the fact that since you and Urban’s second date where you shared your love of flowers and sunsets Urban has always made sure to send you a picture of the sun setting even if he was with Jack across the world in a different country.
He knew how to make your day better by taking you on long drives in the car just as the sun was setting if you weren’t having the best day. And most importantly he never, EVER missed a flower delivery.
Every other day he would show up with flowers for you, or if he was away he would make sure to send the largest bouquet of flowers to your house. Along with the flowers, he would accompany it with a card or note saying how much he loves and cares for you and how much you he appreciates you.
You were honestly in awe, you looked over at Urban who had the biggest smile on his face seeing how happy you were just being here. You squealed in excitement and practically lunged over the center console of the car to wrap your arms around Urban and kiss him repeatedly while thanking him.
Urban laughed and once you settled down he explained to you that he needed you to sit in the car while he set something up for you.
“I have another surprise, but I need you to stay in the car for a a moment while I set it up. And close your eyes, don’t peak,” Urban instructed you.
Before you could protest, Urban was hopping out of the car and turning back towards you waiting for you to close your eyes. As soon as your eyes were shut Urban closed his door and went around the the back of the car and lifted the trunk to pull out all the items he had placed in it this morning.
He placed the huge picnic blanket on the field of grass and the picnic basket with all of your favorite snacks, sandwiches, and wine on top of it along with some pillows and some extra smaller blankets.
When everything was set up he went over to your side of the car and helped you out while your eyes were still shut. He led you over to where the set up was and then told you to open your eyes.
Your jaw hung low as tears brimmed your eyes. You were never one for big extravagant gifts or dates. “Being taken care of” by a significant other was so unnatural and unfamiliar to you. You’ve expressed this to Urban before, but that man always reassured you that he would do anything for you, and knowing how much you didn’t really enjoy the fanciest things and having much money spent on you, he always made sure to spoil you with the little things.
This was one of them.
You spun around to face Urban and hugged him tightly as he wiped the few tears that made their way down your cheeks.
“I love you so much Urby, you don’t know how much this means to me.”
“I love you more baby, always,” he smiled down at you and brought you in for a long sensual kiss before turning you back around to start walking over to the display.
You both sat and talked about any and everything. Urban took some photos of you in the field of flowers and you guys took some together. After all the picture taking you both made you way back over to sit on the blanket and eat.
Y’all laughed and joked for hours until it grew quiet as you two soaked in each other’s presence.
“You know a year ago I never thought I would be in love, especially not with someone as special as you,” Urban spoke, breaking the silence.
Before going on Urban sat up motioned for you to come and kneel in front of him in between his legs as he sat with them spread.
He cupped your face with his big hands and place a small kiss on the tip of your nose. The two of you sat there like that for a second before Urban’s hand drop to gently hold your waist.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” Urban began again.
“You changed me, really. You took me from being the man who was constantly having pointless hook-up’s, to this lover boy who would give up any and everything for the woman in front of me right now. You’re truly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. The sound of your laugh could change my day from horrible to a great one. Just being in your presence alone, or in your arms brings me the peace I never knew I needed in my life. It didn’t late me long, after our first date, to realize I was falling for you, and it took me even less time to realize I was in love with you.”
You were so caught up in Urban’s speech to you that you hadn’t felt his hands come up, once again, to wipe the tears that were now staining the smooth skin of your cheeks. The admiration and love you had for the man before you was unmeasurable.
“My god Urban I am so in love with you. After all of my past relationships and bad experiences with men, I never imagined I’d be with someone so loving and caring. It’s only been a year and I already know you’re it for me, you’re the person I wanna settle down with and be with for the rest of my life. I’d do anything for you and I know you’d do the same for me. I love you Urby.”
Its been hours since you guys arrived and the sun was beginning to set. You both sat there in each other’s embrace for bit before you both laid down and cuddled. You had your leg draped over his lower half and your hand laid on his chest while his arm wrapped around your back holding you close..
You laid there in Urban’s arms in full content as both of you watched the sky change from shades of orange, pink, and purple. It was getting darker and darker the longer you two stayed there and soon stars began to littler the sky. You were the first to notice the stars because you had been looking up the entire time, but the entire Urban had been admiring you.
You turned to Urban once you felt the burn of his gaze, and he spent no time cupping your right cheek with his left hand and connecting his lips to yours. The soft sensual kiss turned into a hungry one and somehow during the kiss Urban ended up on top of you. He was grinding his hips into you making you left out soft moans and whines in between kisses.
Urban pulled away so you could both catch your breathes. You looked up at him as he hovered over you, and the love you saw in his eyes just moments prior had changed to pure lust and desire. Your chest was heaving up and down, still out of breathe from the kissing, and your boobs were threatening to spill out from your dress.
“You look so good under me like this ma,” Urban said as he moved to bring his right hand to knead your left nipple.
Urban bent down to connect his lips to your neck. He kissed all over your neck, sucking here and there which left small dark bruises. His hand traveled down to your cunt and slipped his hands under your soaked panties to run his fingers through your folds.
At this point you were a moaning mess. Hot and bothered and wanted Urban to take you right then and there.
“Urb stop teasing,” you whined.
“If you don’t like my teasing then why are you moaning?” Urban asked mockingly as he let out a low chuckle.
Urban removed his hand from your cunt and grabbed onto both of your arms, making you sit up so he could pull off your dress. Leaving you in just your panties since you had no bra on. He stood up himself so he could fully undress and then kneeled back down and made you lay on your back so he could slip off your panties.
He threw them to the side somewhere and placed his lips back on yours. His lips traveled south, kissing and sucking over your neck and chest until he reached just above your cunt. You shivered as his warm breathe hit your bare pussy.
“Urb Plea-” just as you were about to beg for some type of contact Urban began his assault on your enlarged, swollen clit. He didn’t even give you time to adjust to the feeling, he straight out just started violently sucking and licking.
In a pure state of euphoria, your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your head lolled. The blur from your eyes made everything around you form into one singular mosaic.
Urban moved his tongue in a circular motion around your folds before moving to tongue fuck your entrance. One of his hands found it’s way onto your clit, rubbing slightly fast circles. You felt like you were in heaven, and the pleasure intensified when his mouth and hand switched places.
He was sucking harshly on your clit once again. He moved his fingers up and down your folds to collect your juices that would act as lubricant before he slid one of his fingers into your cunt. Then another.
Moving them at god lightening speed, he curved his fingers and moved them in a “come here” motion, hitting your g-spot over and over again.
“Fuck. Fuckk. Oh my god Urban. FUCK!”
Your incoherent moans and whines urged Urban to keep up his actions, but he knew by the way your eyes were squeezed shut, your hand was gripping his soft curls, and the way your legs began to shake uncontrollably, that you were about to cum.
He pulled his lips away and removed his fingers from your cunt, making you clench around nothing. You huffed at the loss of contact and pleasure that was fading away. The knot in the pit of your stomach denied from unraveling.
Urban could see the sexual frustration growing by your body language and the way your eyebrows furrowed at him. He laughed to himself mostly.
“Relax, pretty girl. I was just getting started. I want you to cum on this dick. Can you do that for me baby?”
You nodded and Urban smiled softly at you. He crawled his way up your body so that you were both face to face. Him now being directly in front of you, you could see juices from your pussy coating his chin, nose, and lips. He ducked down and pressed his wet, pink kiss bitten lips to yours, allowing you to taste yourself. You both moaned into the kiss as you felt his member tease your entrance. You clenched around nothing waiting for him to push into you.
Urban kept one hand next to your head to hold himself up, and took his dick into his other to pump himself before slowly sliding into you. Still having not pulled away from the kiss, you moaned loudly into his mouth. He let out a ground-rattling grunt and then moved to try and stifle his moans by hiding in the crook of your neck.
He stood there still for a few moments allowing you to adjust to the way his dick stretched you out, and him to the tight squeeze of your sopping cunt.
You tapped the side of his hip signaling for him to move. He was still for a couple more seconds. You could hear the pants and low groans coming from him.
“Please Urban,” you begged in a voice laced with annoyance and desire.
He brought his face in front of yours and began slowly, steady thrusts deep into your core.
He joined his lips with yours in a long, passionate kiss, that was only interrupt by small whines, deep moans, and few curse words here and there.
“Shit- baby, please don’t stop,” you breathed.
He sped up his movements now full on pounding his pelvis into yours, trying to hit that perfect spot in your cunt, whilst chasing his own release. The sound of skip slapping and moans engulfed the air around you both.
“Fuck you’re so good…”
“You’re such a good girl, takin’ me so well. Fuck-”
His praise had you falling apart, every thrust of his hips bringing you closer to your release. You gripped onto his back leaving deep, red marks. You felt the knot in your stomach tightening and you knew you weren’t going to last much longer. Urban was right behind you and he could tell you were there too. Sometimes you wondered how he knew your body so well.
“You there baby? Cum for me pretty girl, and let me hear you. I wanna hear how good I make you feel.”
That there was enough to have you going feral. You clenched around his dick as that feeling in the pit of your core built up and crashed. You let out a high-pitched moan that sounded more like a scream. Urban was close behind you, his thrusts sloppy and weaker, he littered more hickeys all over your neck trying to hold back his own moans of pleasure.
He let go and spilled his load all over the inside of your walls. He rode you both through your orgasms before pulling out of you with a low groan. He laid there on top of you while he kissed all over your face.
“I love you baby,” Urban announced still out of breathe and with a dopey smile plastered on his face.
“I know and I won’t forget it. I love you too, Urby.”
This was my first smut and first fic in general, I hope y’all like. Please if you have any critiques or suggestions let me know 🙏🏽.
A/N: I am working on a angst it’s taking a while bc I haven’t been motivated, school is really killing me and it’s only been two weeks and I’ve already had 3 mental breakdowns 😖, but I’m working on it. Okay bye now 🫶🏽.
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spring-bud · 7 months
Trick-or-treat :^]
You get.....
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A Devious Little Thang!
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cyberhai · 1 year
Susdowner Headcanon #1
When I was but a small country boy there was this kid on my bus who was like four feet tall and we called him Nickel. And every time he would get on the bus kids would start going “NICKEL DO THE THANG! DO THE THANG!” And Nickel would get this big devious grin and we would all cheer as he pushed back his bangs to reveal the most severely receding hairline I have ever seen on a thirteen year old boy. 
Anyways I feel like that was Sundowner in his youth.
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phantomknights · 7 months
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devious thang
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ittybittybumblebee · 6 months
WAIT HOLD ONNNN. one THANG. remind me in the morning to draw goopy devious penous face
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vasyashumkov · 3 months
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love this Katerina bc she’s all big sad eyes o poor thang while. Concocting the most devious plans in her silly head
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thehotboxsocial · 3 years
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G-Man Stan: Guitar, Bass & Productions
Strap On The Side [Spice 1] (1994)
It's On Like That [Chunk] (1993)
Sucka Born [Roots] (1994)
Ghetto Star [Lil Gangsta P] (1995)
Killaz In The Park (Mac & A.K. Remix) [Above The Law feat. MC Ren] (1996)
Gangsta [Pooh Man] (1994)
Nuts To The Floor [Y-D] (1996)
Trapped In The Game [II Foe Tha $] (1996)
Pimp Lyrics & Dollar Signs [Sean T feat. Scoot Dogg] (1996)
Why Must I Be Like That [Celly Cel feat. E-40] (1998)
Lay Ya Gunz Down [Rappin' 4-Tay] (1997)
Mobb Shit [Messy Marv & San Quinn feat. Marvaless] (1998)
West Coast Thang [Lex A.D.] (1997)
Countin Money [Big Mack] (1995)
You Can't Manage [Mac & A.K.] (1996)
Music 4 Da Late Nite [Mack Lew] (1996)
Killas By Mentality [Bookie & Ron C] (1995)
Dick Dangler [Blue House Boyz] (1996)
Reality [Psycho feat. Rappin' 4-Tay & Suga T] (1997)
Tru Hustler [No Screws] (1997)
Ghetto Thang [Hook Boog] (1996)
The Game [Rondō & Crazy Rak feat. Brotha Moe] (1994)
The Day I Wanted II Die [Ruthless Til Death feat. G Man Stan] (1994)
yt              dl
Consider this a companion piece to last August’s Stan “The Guitar” Man compilation, as this other west coast guitar-playing Stan was also helping many rappers get their points across in the 90′s. For years I thought the 2 Stans were the same person! But this is rap where there can be 2 Havoc & prodeje’s so we have no choice but to double stan.
Rap credits are murky but below is a bonus 8-pack of songs where the G-Man gets a mix/engineer credit although he probably played on some of these records as well. 
Bonus Beats: G-Man Stan Mixes
Gotta Get That Scrill [The Mossie feat. Suga T] (1997)
Playa Ride [Game Related feat. Mac Mall] (1996)
Natural Born Killahoe [Taydatay of 11-5] (1998)
Puttin' In Work [Criminalz] (2001)
Livin In Reality [Devious] (1996)
Livin Wit My Consciousness [Down-N-Dirty Hustlas] (1998)
Like A Spliff [Rappin' 4-Tay] (1998)
Callin My Name [The Jacka feat. Mistah F.A.B.] (2009)
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The time has come for a ridiculous Self-Ship Scenarios Set featuring three (3) of my fictional hoes: Telltale Riddler, Batman: The Animated Series Riddler, and Arkhamverse Riddler. I already foreshadowed this off-the-rails post, but you have no idea how fucking stupid these scenarios are 😂
Basically, it’s like this: Each scenario -- one per Riddler Diddler Boy -- features me annoying the absolute fuck out of the Riddle Man of choice by being my weird, childish but curious self and attempting to convince him to make the Cursed Demon Soap Hand from 5 Minute Crafts. Jenna Marbles created this cursed thing on her channel, and I watched the video and immediately thought, “This looks like a stupid as fuck experiment my dumbass self would pester my Riddler boys with, and while there is love present between us, like always, they are so fucking done with my shit and are just like  😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐”
And yes, in reality, I would totally do this to my puzzle-loving boys 🤣
Also, I selected pics featuring my three (3) Riddler boo-thangs looking annoyed/frustrated because that’s how they would feel about my stupid sense of humor and childish antics sometimes 🤣🤣🤣🤣
For part one (1), we will focus on Arkham Knight Riddler! I will make separate posts for Telltale Riddler and BTAS Riddler in the near future.
Arkhamverse Riddler -- We’re going to focus on Arkham Knight Riddler because Riddlerbots
Me: “Eddie, Baby, Darling, Sugar, Pumpkin Pie, you’re a man who loves to experiment in the name of science, a man who isn’t afraid to go above and beyond to solve life’s mysteries.” AK!Eddie: *already exasperated* “What sort of illogical piece of Internet fodder have you discovered this time?” Me: “Let me show you a video first--so you can fully understand the intricacies of this experiment.” AK!Eddie: *waits for me go to YouTube on my laptop, then to my “Dumbass Shit” list* Me: “I am going to warn you: This video is probably cursed. Watching it may cause you to become possessed by a demon, but don’t worry. I’ll save you.” AK!Eddie: “Demons aren’t real, so demonic possession is impossible.” Me: *turns my laptop so Eddie can watch the video* “Have fun! It’s the very first segment in the video...” AK!Eddie: *watches the video with the Cursed Demon Soap Hand * AK!Eddie: *turns to me and gives me the most disapproving and annoyed experession of all time* AK!Eddie: “We’re not making this preposterous ‘creation.’ It won’t take five minutes, it serves no purpose in that shape, and you can buy soap for cheap at any store. The experiment is pointless.” Me: “But don’t you, like, wonder how it might turn out if we tried to make it?” AK!Eddie: “No.” Me: “I saw someone on YouTube create this thing, and while it was an exhausting journey, the results were worth it. Mostly.” AK!Eddie: “Then you have a demonstration of how this soap monstrosity would actually be created, and what it would truly look like.” Me: “But I want to see for myself how it is. I need to experience the Cursed Demon Soap Hand myself, first hand!” *laughs* “My mind cannot rest until I have created this work of obscure art.” AK!Eddie: “Your mind is a very bizarre and troubling place.” Me: “Oh, come on! We can make it green!” AK!Eddie: “No.” Me: “You could, like, high five it if you come up with some ingenious idea and no one is nearby to immediately celebrate with you!” AK!Eddie: “No.” Me: “It would be a fun activity for us to do with the kids!” AK!Eddie: “We don’t have ki-- Wait.” Me: *motions to some Riddlerbots* Me: *points to them* “Our kids.” AK!Eddie: *rubs a hand over his face and sighs loudly* “I told you before that they’re not...” *sighs again, shaking his head* “They’re not children, they’re...” *another sigh* “They’re not even alive...” *groans* “I am their god, not their...” Me & the small group of Riddlerbots: *staring expectantly at Eddie* Me: “I think they’d love to do it. Wouldn’t you guys like to do something fun with Mom and Dad?” Riddlerbots: *all nod enthusiastically* Me: “Look at them. How could you say no to those sweet faces?” AK!Eddie: *staring at me in intense disapproval* Me: “How could you say no to my sweet face?” *gives the cutest smile* AK!Eddie: *staring at me in even more intense disapproval* Me: “Don’t you love me?” *pouts* AK!Eddie: “Of course I do but I don’t see how this...” Me: *pouts heavily* Riddlerbots: *staring at Eddie* Me: *pouts so damn much it almost hurts* Riddlerbots: *continuing to stare intensely at Eddie* AK!Eddie: “Ugh, ok, ok, fine! We’ll make this absurd thing! We’re destroying it immediately after, though.” Me: “Maybe should exorcise it first then burn it because it’s going to be cursed.” *giggling* AK!Eddie: “It’s not cursed but I am!” Me: “Cursed with....love?” *smiles sweetly* AK!Eddie: “Cursed with love for the most adorable, beautiful, gentle-natured but childish distraction of all time.” Me: *gives Eddie a hug and a kiss on the cheek* Me: “My lovely Riddle Man...indulging me without fail.” *giggles* AK!Eddie: “We’re making this soap hand monstrosity green, by the way. If I must partake in such inanities, then it needs to be green.” Me: “Of course!” *kisses Eddie again before turning to the Riddlerbots* Me: “Ok, Kids, let’s make a Cursed Demon Soap Hand! For science!” AK!Eddie: *rolls his eyes* AK!Eddie: *is going to do this out of love* AK!Eddie: *still doesn’t think the Riddlerbots are children* AK!Eddie: *is actually going to make the most impractical practical object he’s ever seen because he just can’t say no to my sweet face :3*
Me: *watching glue gun hacks video* Me: *with a devious smirk* “Eeeeddddiiieeee, would you come here, please?” AK!Eddie: *comes over* AK!Eddie: *watches video over my shoulder* AK!Eddie: *immense disapproval* Me: “So, do you wanna...?” AK!Eddie: “No. No, no, no.” Me: “But the kids, Eddie.” Riddlerbots gather around and stare at Eddie. AK!Eddie: “No! No way! Stop looking at me like that, all of you! We’re not doing another ridiculous ‘experiment!’ My genius cannot handle such pointless activities!“ Me: “You’re just worried because it’s a cursed video with cursed objects...” AK!Eddie: “CURSES AREN’T REAL!” Me: “Oh, but you are cursed...” *Gets up and hugs a very grumpy Eddie* “Cursed with loving meeeee.” AK!Eddie: “I wouldn’t call it cursed....just...driven absolutely insane by your antics sometimes.” *hugs me back* Riddlerbots stare at Eddie expectantly.  AK!Eddie: *to the Riddlerbots* “No, you’re not getting hugs!”
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