#deku is a good friend
2toplibrary · 2 years
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my best friend's wedding by todobaku brainrot hours (snowandfire)
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Izuku really was somewhat anxious, at the beginning, that their being together would make them distant from him. That he'd feel like an isolated third wheel. No longer important. No longer needed.
But it’s actually been the opposite the opposite? He sees both of them more now that they’re together. Even more often now that he’s involved on two different sides of this wedding.
They need him. He needs them. Something's working.
or: Izuku supports his best friends before they get married |
Prompt: Linger
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beybuniki · 1 month
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tododekus as in shoto has a crush and deku is oblivious, but either way they’re so affectionate towards each other it’s so cute
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k3r0deku · 4 months
i love the trope of katsuki breaking down kirishima’s door in the middle of the night cus he’s having a meltdown over being in love with deku
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chandralia · 1 year
Horikoshi updating us on the fantasy au:
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 8 months
… in the Grandpa Torino AU, Izuku 100% calls All Might ‘Weak Man’ as a kid cause he keeps beating the guy up. And like yeah it’s mostly the man letting him but holy shit is this kid Feral as fuck. Gran loves it and records everything.
He’s moved in with his daughter after her husband fucked off (and Gran tracked him down to kick his ass) and he loves it. It’s how he gets All Might to babysit so much being on site. Inko finds it funny, and goes about her day as normal.
All Might who once had a bite that took three weeks to heal from Izuku knows that kid is going to be a hero one day. He’s kind of proud and feels a bit of vindication. A Quirkless hero. Finally.
Inko did worry about it for like five seconds then found her dad teaching Izuku where to but to cause maximum pain. She decided her son would make it.
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skipporeity · 1 month
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file labeled "finish this" (i did not finish this)
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
Physical therapist AU that popped up into my mind yesterday and I can’t stop thinking about them!!!!
Bakugou as the physical therapist that most people are kind of scared of. He doesn’t get that many clients, only because his methods are a little harsh and his words are a little mean, but it’s only because he wants the best for you and your body. He focuses solely on your upper body and arms, for when you have pains or surgeries. He’s such an ass, likes to pick up 20 pound weights and show you how to do your exercise, tuts at you when you complain that your two pound weights are too heavy. But on the days when he really sees you struggling, his voice is a lot kinder, and he’ll give you the one pound weights when he sees your arms shaking a little. But the next appointment, you won’t be able to slack off!
Kiri as the lower body and legs physical therapist in the studio. He’s all cheery and bright when he sees you, is a little imposing with the eye contact whenever he explains each and every muscle in your calf and how it aids you and why it hurts when you run without warming up first. He’s just so big, doesn’t realize his size when he climbs up on the tables with you so that he can bend and twist your leg every which way to show you how it should feel. You hate to disappoint him, watch that bottom lip puff out when you admit that you haven’t done your exercises the way you were supposed to. He must hang out with Bakugou too much, because he goes just a little harder on you those days.
Deku who focuses on the whole body. He’s much like Kiri, with his big green eyes staring holes into your soul as he over explains where the soreness in your flank comes from. His hands are big and soft when they guide you into the right position he wants to put you in, his voice soft. Always whispers a drawn out ‘goooood job’ whenever you can do something he’s instructed you without any hiccups. He turns beet red whenever he realizes how his hands have found themselves in a compromising position on your body, just gets so caught up in guiding you, and it’s the most adorable thing ever.
Denki as the therapist who focuses solely on hands. He’s amazing with his fingers, all long and slender and pretty. He talks your head off when you come in after surgery on your pinky and middle finger, and you can’t help but find it endearing. He shows you how to do your exercises and routines, all pretty smiles and golden eyes that you can’t help but admire with a sweet sigh when you stare at him. He also buys his own lotion to massage into your hands, and coos about how soft they are and how good they smell after, embarrassing you whenever he holds your wrists up for other passersby’s to smell.
Shinsou works primarily with feet and ankles, and he’s damn good at it. He always has a bored little look on his face, and you’re scared he might be too rough, but he’s the complete opposite. Asks you intermittently, does this hurt? is the pain right here? should I add more pressure? And he doesn’t huff when you complain about his hands being too rough. He does give you a stern talking to though when he doesn’t see any progression because you haven’t been keeping up with at home maintenance. But on those days, he also offers up heat with the electro therapy treatment, because he knows you prefer it over the ice.
Todoroki as the additional chiropractor there???? His monotonous voice gives no indication when he’s going to basically separate your spine from your flesh, but you can always see his little hint of a smile when you scream a little. And delinquent turned front desk worker Dabi???? who only works there because his annoying brother got him job, but he doesn’t mind it because he gets to flirt with the patients before they’re whisked off to the back.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
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Next week...
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yugiohz · 6 months
Camie and deku have never spoken 😭
they’re best friends
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tomurakii · 2 months
Just caught up to bnha. What the FUCK
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beybuniki · 4 months
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re-read the 200s and I love their awkward phase in-between animosity and rekindled friendship :) bakugo has an awkward way of expressing his interest and worries regarding deku’s quirk and deku in general it’s so funny to follow
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holysugu · 3 months
deku would make a great cult leader
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
So while I was raking leaves today I was thinking that as much as Bakugou bullying Izuku and later redeeming himself is an integral part of canon, it could be improved upon. I’ve always been a fan of AUs where Bakugou is exactly the same personality wise but he stayed friends with Izuku and is his biggest supporter.
Basically baby Katsuki looked between his best friend in the whole wide world who just got diagnosed as quirkless and the prejudices of society and took Izuku’s side. And because this boy doesn’t do anything by halves he is so ride or die. Izuku trains his mind and body, he and Katsuki hang out constantly and make plans for their future agency, they spar together until they’re both formidable fighters. You can obviously insert canon in here which would be the same only Izuku a) starts out buff b) has a bit more confidence/self worth and c) All Might has to deal with an angry Pomeranian barking at him not to hurt Izuku 24/7. Aizawa clocks them as the class’s disaster duo within 5 seconds of meeting them and he’s not wrong but he underestimates the trouble they can get into.
Me, being me, I was playing with it today in my quirkless verse. They both get into Yuuei, Bakugou in Heroics and Izuku in Gen Ed. Katsuki would be hissing and sneering at his classmates for “stealing Deku’s spot” and it’s annoying but also kind of cute. They hear a lot about this Deku person, he’s tactically brilliant and a dirty fighter and doesn’t need a quirk to pound Katsuki into the ground. They’re shaking, imaging like a 7′ demonic beast. Only one day, the door to 1-A opens and its this sweet boy with curls and freckles and the friendliest smile like “Kacchan, you left your school books at my house again :)” And they collectively lose their shit that THIS is Deku. Then they watch him and Bakugou spar and its like, oh okay then, I am Afraid again.
Anyway, point being, I still think we could have had a compelling, interesting story if Bakugou was still his kind of douchey self but at the same time was Izuku’s best friend and biggest hype man.
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 2 years
i just had a dream that they made an OVA where canon katsuki, izuku, and shoto get sent to a bunch of different AUs.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
of the popular bakugo ships, which one do you think is best for him in the long run? like which dynamic does he thrive the most in?
oh cee,,,u cant do this to me /lh.. im so biased AJHDSKS
i think krbk and bkdk are two very different dynamics and i do genuinely understand both of them (and like!!! both!!!) but to me the answer will always and forever be bkdk.
BUT. i dont think that can be said without the inevitable speech that bkdk as a romantic relationship is going to take a lot more work than krbk would.
while i like krbk and i think it's enjoyable to read if i am holding it up to bkdk it is a relationship i do genuinely view more platonically than i do bkdk. to me bkdk is like... the end game of bkgs life in a lot of ways. it takes way more to unpack and way more growth from both parties to make it work.
like. it takes time. it takes a lot of back and forth and it takes a lot of bakugou learning how to really be forgiven (and for both of them to learn how to be honest with their feelings.) like it takes years
eventually though, i think bakugou realizes that deku has been there for every single moment of his life with undoubted faith and there was never a moment he was deluded about any of who he is. the persistence and magnitude in which deku loves him as well as the inspiration he gets from competing with deku is something that i think is so good for bakugous life. they feel made for each other to me
it takes more time for them because it's a lot more intricate. but once they're there it just clicks. like everything in bakugous whole life just clicks everything makes sense. and i think it makes him wonder why things couldnt be that way from the start
i say this a lot but there is just no ship that could ever compare to me but i do think my specific interpretation of bkdk is not the popular one so i understand why people lean towards krbk.
bkg deserves that kind and shameless adoration and both ships can provide that but less people usually see it in the bkdk way but i feel like once i started rlly looking at bkdk it was simply impossible for me to see anything else.
i am a multshipper at heart so i will read anything where bkg is being adored but. bkdk simply hits different for me forever.
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elibean · 11 months
I love how earnest atsushi is as a character. Dazai asks him, sarcastically, if he really thinks he’s that good of a person, and he immediately says yes, no hesitation. He finds out kunikida is okay and immediately runs in for a hug. He is so pure and good
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