withacapitalp · 11 months
What Happens Next?
Link to ao3 I'm....sorry (canon compliant!!)
“What do you think happens when we die?” Eddie asked. 
Steve furrowed his brow, keeping his eyes shut. He and Eddie were just sitting in the backyard enjoying a rare afternoon alone when the question floated through the air; it was tiny, but heavy, like a stone falling in a pond, ruining the serenity of the surface. 
“What do you mean?” Steve replied, a strange uneasy feeling beginning to creep up his spine, taking the soft summer moment and slowly poisoning it with fear, “Like do I think some big guy in robes with a white beard is waiting to bring me to heaven?
“Just in general,” Eddie shot back from somewhere above, that strange detached tone still marring his normally bright and emotionally charged voice. 
Steve wanted to open his eyes, wanted to gauge the look on his love’s face before he answered, but he found that he simply couldn’t no matter how hard he tried. It was like they were welded shut, some outside force keeping him blind to what was happening around him. 
“Steve,” Eddie pressed when Steve had finally taken just a shade too long mulling it all over. 
“Geez, Eds, I don’t know!” Steve snapped, trying to lift his arms to rub at his eyes, but finding that the same unknown force was holding his entire body stiff and rigid. It even felt like his jaw was stuck still, but he knew he could hear himself speaking, so that couldn’t be right, “Maybe it is some guy in robes with a beard, maybe it’s a lake of fire with a devil and pitchforks, fuck maybe it just nothing. Nothing at all. Would you please just drop this?!” 
He was trying to come across as bitchy, make Eddie tease him about acting like an ass over a dumb question so they could both just move past the weird and deeply unsettling conversation. 
Instead, it felt like the entire world shifted on its axis. Instead of sitting up with his back against a tree, Steve was lying flat in a sea of black, knowing that Eddie was close, but also knowing that he was as far as far could be. 
“Nothing, huh?” Eddie’s voice whispered from directly above Steve’s head. He didn’t just sound detached anymore. No, it was something worse than that, something Steve couldn’t put a word to, even though he instinctively knew it was sitting at the tip of his tongue.
He didn’t want to hear anymore. He wanted to be able to move. He wanted to be able to see Eddie, and to know he was okay, and to know he was alive-
Steve knew now what he actually wanted. 
He wanted to wake up. 
And as he opened his eyes, tears already marking the pillow under his head, it was like that detached (dead) voice was still whispering right in his ear. 
“You’re absolutely right,” 
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xxtinymiseryxx · 10 months
I’m sorry but I had to 😭
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disneymbti · 3 months
Eddie x Daisy from Daisy Jones and The Six Headcanons please?
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Deddie (Daisy x Eddie)'s Headcanons
Daisy is a white dog coded girl and Eddie is a black cat coded boy.
Daisy's love languages are gift giving and physical touch and Eddie's love languages are words of affirmation and gift giving.
Daisy is the eclipse and Eddie is the moon in the relationship.
The two of them will play music together and just enjoying each other's company by drinking tea and chat to each other.
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lexyvey · 1 year
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little in progress work of Deddie Munson inspired by this macabre masterpiece by Emil Melmoth. I saw someone post their work on here, but I can’t find it whoops. Anyway, y’all should definitely check out their work.
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alexpression · 2 years
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As much as I tag Deddie in things, I don't think I've ever posted him. Lol His design has changed a bit since I drew this, but hope this'll encourage me to draw the updated version.
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pipartuuli · 3 months
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Another one… Guitarists and their plushies!
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tiredpacdad · 7 months
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melmordian · 14 days
gota kill them lgbt fr
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@cinnajunkie i think u asked this idk iif frogrot
zero day will be soon… along with pickle… Nathan… yea
why the fuck is this getting more attention than the art i spent FIVE HOURS ONNNNNN KILL MYSELF
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ohayopoko · 7 months
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Any child around Eren is SAFE. It just comes to him to automatically keep his eyes on the kid whose mother stepped away for a second and he’s so gentle with them, talking with them about the foolish little nothings floating from their tiny lips, playing embarrassing little games in hopes that he can do his part to make their childhood magical, sneaking little pieces of candy to them because why not? Eren’s big on physical affection but he makes it a point to explicitly ask for permission to give them a big warm hug and if they say no, it’s no biggie because Eren respects the autonomy of children.
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collectwthme · 25 days
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👻 🐻
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toki-is-the-king · 7 months
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I ams draws myself!! And they ams not dones yet but I ams tries to makes how I look 😆😆😆 the ones on the bottoms is what I says to Murderface 😆
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It's a Supernatural Thing
Dean Winchester x Eddie Munson
Every so often when I rewatch Supernatural now, I think about Sam and Dean going to a bar after a hunt.
Dean was checking out a girl with tight jeans and dark curly hair. Everything about her screams metalhead. . .until the girl turned around. Dean spat out his beer. It was a dude. He had a little bit of scruff on his face, his hair slightly graying, and he had the biggest brown eyes that Dean's ever scene. He was a few years older than him, and Dean still thought he was hot, despite the fact that he was a man, which made Dean panic for a moment until the guy got up on stage. He introduced his band, Corroded Coffin, and then himself. . .Eddie Munson. As soon as Eddie played, Dean was captivated. His eyes never left Eddie, following him all the way back to the bar after his epic performance. Sam was, of course, distracted by whatever was on his laptop until Dean stood up suddenly.
"Dean, what are you doing?" Sam asked.
"Doing what I always do in a bar, Sammy," Dean said, nodding in Eddie's direction.
"That's a guy, Dean," Sam said.
"I noticed. . .hot is hot, Sam, and that man is hot," Dean said.
"He's a little bit older," Sam said in amusement.
"Not by much, besides I'm 29, Sam. I've been a consenting adult for a long time. . .I'd definitely let him teach me a thing or two," Dean grinned.
"How do you even know he likes guys?" He asked.
"Until about five minutes ago, I didn't even know that I liked guys," Dean scoffed. "Our entire life is a risk, Sam. Gotta live while you can."
Dean approached Eddie, who was now leaning against the bar. His rear was jutting out, and Dean eyes followed it as it moved slightly. Eddie's legs tapped in time to the music as he chatted up the bartender. Dean's eyes followed as his shirt rose up, revealing a hint of a dragon tattoo on his hip. The rest of it was probably on his thigh. Dean could see the head and the tips of the wings. . .he wanted to see more of it.
"My eyes are up here, man," Eddie's voice called out.
"Hmm?" Dean asked, and then he looked at Eddie's grinning face. "Oh! Yeah, I was admiring. . .your pants!"
"Here, I was hoping you were admiring what's under them," Eddie said, flashing his dimples.
"Oh, I was," Dean said, swallowing as he found his confidence again and leaned against the bar. "I saw the tattoo, and I was wondering how far it went down."
"Oh. Just far enough," Eddie grinned, grabbing Dean's hand before leading it to his hip. "It starts off here, then it goes all the way down here, and then the tail goes off. . .here."
He moved Dean's hand to the middle of his thigh before moving it between his legs, letting his hand rest on his inner thigh. It was where the tail ended.
"Wow. . .can I buy you a drink?" Dean asked.
"It's hard to say no to a pretty guy with his hand between my legs," he said, winking at him.
Dean chuckled and squeezed his thigh before moving it to buy them a couple of beers.
"I'm Dean Winchester," he said, handing him his beer.
"Eddie Munson," he said, his fingers brushing against Dean's as he took the beer.
"I know, I saw you play up there. You were great, and when you played Master of Puppets, I nearly. . ." Dean trailed off.
"Nearly what? Threw yourself at me?" He smirked.
"Yeah. . .you were amazing with that guitar and your hands. . .made me wonder what else you can do with them," Dean said.
Eddie moved closer to him. So close that Dean could feel his breath on his face.
"Oh, so many things," Eddie whispered.
He placed his hand on Dean's chest, caressing him and fingering the button on his flannel. Eddie's fingers found themselves under the flannel, pleased to find that there wasn't another shirt under there.
"Laundry day," Dean said sheepishly.
Eddie smirked as he 'accidentally' pulled the shirt back a little.
"Oh, looks like someone also has a tattoo," Eddie said with a wicked grin and pulled back the flannel. "Oh. . .you tattooed the anti possession symbol onto your chest. . .smart. Why didn't I think of that? I'm still wearing the necklace."
"You. . ." Dean said in shock.
"I was wondering if you were a hunter. . .I'm glad I was right. Yeah, I do know about the things that go bump in the night and then some. . .," Eddie said and unbuttoned his shirt all the way down, revealing his scars. "Lost my nipple to a nasty bat like creature. . .still don't know what the fuck it was."
"Damn," Dean whistled as Eddie let him touch his scars.
Eddie let his shirt hang open as he took a drink of his beer, enjoying the way Dean's fingers trailed over his chest. The bar was too noisy and crowded for anyone to pay attention to what they were doing. Although the bartender was starting to give them looks. Dean's hand hit his belt, and he whistled again.
"You like the handcuffs?" Eddie asked, and Dean nodded. "I bet the belt would look better when you take it off later."
"A little forward there," Dean grinned.
"Aren't you?" Eddie asked in amusement.
"Not being forward enough, right now," Dean said.
He gripped Eddie's hips and pulled him close, crashing their mouths together. Eddie grinned against his lips as he cradled the back of his head as he pressed himself up against the younger man. Yeah, Dean definitely liked this. Just as Dean was about to slip his tongue into the man's mouth, Eddie broke the kiss.
"I have an apartment upstairs," Eddie whispered.
"Convenient," Dean gasped.
"I think we should probably move it upstairs before Steve the bartender sprays us with water," Eddie cackled.
Suddenly, they were stumbling up the stairs, mouths pressed together as they pulled at their clothes. Eddie quickly broke away again to unlock his apartment, and as soon as it was opened, he was pushing Dean up against the nearest wall. Both of them quickly kicked their boots off. Dean pushed his shirt off his shoulders before tugging his own shirt off. Eddie grinned before attaching his lips to Dean's neck, making his way down slowly. . .to his chest. . .licking the man's nipple on the way down. Dean tilted his head back and groaned. Eddie quickly undid his pants and yanked them down with his boxers. Dean was standing naked before him, and he felt very exposed. Eddie looked at him for a moment.
"This is your first time with a man," Eddie realized.
"Yeah," Dean admitted.
"Having a good time so far. . . Well, I guess I don't need to ask. . .you clearly are. Hello, there. . .sweetheart, do you want me to be gentle or rough with you?" Eddie asked.
"Yes." Dean gasped.
"Both it is," Eddie said. "I need a word in case I go too far."
"Fucking perfect."
Eddie grabbed his chin and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. It was gentle at first, but as Eddie pulled away, he bit his lip. Dean groaned as he broke the kiss. Eddie grabbed his hand and led him towards his bedroom. He pushed him carefully onto the bed before stripping down completely, giving Dean a full view of the dragon tattoo wrapped around his hip and thigh. Eddie climbed on top of him and proceeded to show him a thing or two about being with a guy, riding him much like girls had done in the past. Dean gave into to every feeling, and every sensation, the headboard slamming against the wall as the music blasted from downstairs, Dean's hands gripping Eddie's thighs. Yeah, there was definitely nothing straight about Dean Winchester. Afterward, Eddie collapsed next to him, his sweaty hair surrounding his head like a halo. His skin was shiny as well, and it almost gave him an angelic look. As Dean gazed at him, he never felt more free.
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xxtinymiseryxx · 10 months
It’s  official my sister hates us
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mariocki · 4 months
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A.J. Wentworth, B.A. (Thames, 1982)
"Oh, now by the way, you ought to have a look at this article about the Hitler Youth; it's got some very good tips on orderly behaviour and respect for authority. You know, it might even help you with 3A, putting them in those little brown shirts."
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cubicle-eyes · 2 years
hey, it’s a bit late where im at and ngl- i kinda just had a thought and u can decide whether u wanna write it out or not-
so like, mike’s brother right? he’s on his way to find Nancy, and therefore has to go through the high school (he doesn’t go there) now that morning he woke up in a hurry and just grabbed whatever clothes he could find, and somehow ended up with mike’s hellfire shirt- and then Eddie sees him in the hallway. so he like questions him and stuff and then Mike notices and explains to eddie and stuff- lol idk, have a nice day man ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Eddie Munson x M!Reader
I made the reader live with an aunt and uncle somewhere else, and he's chrrently visting Hawkins for the day. Who knows why , he just does. Hope you like it! If not just request again!
Reader is  JUST graduated from another Highschool in a different county
Y/N threw open the front door, scanning the area he could see quickly.
He called, and she appeared around the corner. She grinned.
"Hi Y/N-"
"Mom, I am really sorry, but I just spilled my entire coke down my shirt, do you think Mike's clothes will fit?"
"Oh, yes. Just drop your shirt up there too."
"Alright, thanks."
"Kids, not even saying hello to their parents anymore."
Y/N heard his dad grumble, but he ignored it, trotting upstairs. Nancy had left a school camera in Y/N's car when he drove her and Mike to school, and when Y/N had noticed by glancing in his rearview mirror, the amazing coincidences of nature had him it a bump, spilling the rest of his can of coke down his shirt. Not only was the shirt soaked, but now his seat was probably sticky.
He dug through Mike's drawers for a minute, pulling out the first thing that looked like it would fit. He pulled his shirt off and slid this one on, dropping his own shirt in the hamper behind Mike's door. He basically ran down the stairs, saying goodbye to his parents and racing outside.
Y/N was totally, definetly speeding, but if anybody noticed nothing happened, so he just parked and trot up to the school doors. He awkwardly opened them, trying to way more careful than needed with the camera. The hallways were swimming with students, which Y/N had expected, but it was still weird to see so many. He glanced around, trying to spot the office so he could call Nancy down to pick up the camera.
He started towards it, but accidentally bumped into one of the students. Y/N scrambled for the camera, maming sure he had it securely before turning to apologize to the student. He was looking at Y/N weirdly.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to bump you."
"Where'd you get that shirt?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow, noticing the boy had the same shirt on too.
"Borrowed it. Why?"
"Who'd you borrow it from? They're club shirts."
Mike called, trotting over. Y/N turned his attention to him.
"What are you doing here?"
"Trying to find Nancy. She left a camera in the car."
The boy questioned, and absent-mindedly both boys turned to him.
"Woah. Unison. That was creepy. You two, uh, brothers?"
"Yeah. Y/N, why are you wearing my spare shirt?"
"Spilled something on mine. It was the only thing I could find that fit."
Mike frowned, and the boy looked at Y/N differently now. He pat Y/N's shoulder.
"Well, double Wheeler, I'm Eddie. The shirts are exclusive, so you can imagine where my mind was."
"Y/N. Double Wheeler sounds like a game. No worries, I understand."
"Well, let me take you to the office, hm?"
"Ed, you have to get to class."
Mike pointed out, gesturing to the students disapating into hallways. Eddie waved him off.
"Oh go on. Don't want to ruin your grades."
"God. Bye, Y/N."
"Bye, Mikeybabe."
Eddie laughed, and Y/N grinned triumphantly when Mike's ears turned beet red. He flipped Y/N off.
"No more nicknames!"
"Yeah, go to class, Mikeybabe."
Eddie was till laughing and wheezing as Mike trot down the hallway and into a classroom. Y/N nudged Eddie as he walked past the curly haired boy.
"Well, accompying me to the office or not?"
"Coming, coming. Gotta keep the general safe."
Eddie made a gun with his fingers, crouching dramatically and pointing it around. He stood back up when Y/N grinned, catching up to the boy. Eddie pushed the door open for him, bowing, and Y/N rolled his eyes. He sat the camera down on the office assistant's desk as she gave him a cold look.
"Hi. My sister left this camera in my car."
"What's her name?"
"Nancy. Nancy Wheeler."
She called her to the office over the intercom, and thanked Y/N. Y/N nodded, seeing Nancy quickly approaching through the door.
"Thank god. You are the best."
She gave Y/N a quick side hug, grabbing the camera.
"I was just about to get in trouble for forgetting it to. Bye, Y/N!"
"Bye Nance, have a good day! Alright, Mrs. Trulley, I'll be out of your hair."
Y/N bid farewell to the office assistant as he left, Eddie trailing behind him. Y/N didn't mention Eddie as he followed him to the front door until he was half-certain Eddie would have completely followed him out of the school.
"Don't you have class, Eddie?"
"I never go to the first class. They can't fail me again."
"Again? You repeat a year?"
"Huh. We're the same age."
"Yep. Hey, you ever play DnD?"
"I've usually been a Master, I never got into the actual playing part. I used to DM for the boys."
"Great. Meet me outside right here at four."
"Wait, why?"
"You're~ Going to watch us play tonight. You already have a shirt on, so why not?"
Y/N grinned, giving Eddie a sly look.
"If this is your idea of asking me out, you're quite bad at it."
"Woah, woah. I am not bad at it."
Eddie smirked, his hands finding way under his vest and on the small of his back as he leaned forward slightly. Y/N rolled his eyes.
"I'll be here at four. What's your last name?"
"Munson. Though maybe it'll be Wheeler someday."
"You are very forward."
Y/N laughed, pushing the door open finally and stepping out, waving and laughing when Eddie pressed his face against the door, squishing it against the glass.
He drove to his parents house to hang out with them, catch up while his other siblings were at school, but  his mind never truly let that Eddie Munson out of his head.
I might make a part 2 to this, because I actually really like it. Thanks for the request, anon!  -💙
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muscleradio · 1 month
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̷D̷̷E̷̷D̷̷D̷̷Y̷ ̷B̷̷E̷̷A̷̷R̷ 💚🖤
"Bones - June 1997"
"You'll hear him coming before you see him. Rattling and wheezing, Bones is just trying to keep it together. He looks terrifying but can be pretty friendly!"
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