itshelfiredean · 3 days
I’m Not Your Little Girl Anymore
DeanxDaughter!Reader, SamxNiece!Reader
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Y/N Winchester is a brilliant huntress.
One of the best out there…
But that’s always what has been expected of her.
A Winchester always follows through with a hunt.
A Winchester is always the hero.
A Winchester is always a leader.
But that’s not what Y/N only wanted anymore.
“She doesn’t listen to me anymore, Sam! No matter how hard I try to get her to listen.” The famous hunter, Dean Winchester sits at the Bunker’s map table, his face in his hands.
“Y/N’s 16, Dean. She wants to be a teenager. You’re too stubborn to realize it because Dad never let you.” The younger Winchester, Sam, pointed out as he leaned back into his own chair with a beer in hand.
Suddenly, the Bunker’s main door creaks open, and Y/N Winchester, a teenager with flowing golden hair and a freckled face came tip toeing down the steps.
Carefully focusing on her feet in hopes of hot making her presence known.
Unbeknownst to her, she just walked unknowingly into a good old Winchester intervention.
“Where the hell were you?” Dean scowled at his daughter, who stood in front of the brothers.
”None of your business, Dad. I have my license. I carry my angel blade everywhere I go. I’m fine.” She shrugged and began to walk past her father, before she felt a hand wrap around her wrist and turn her around.
“The hell it’s not my business. You’re my responsibility. You’re my kid. You don’t even think of who or what is out there that would do anything to use you as leverage against me and Sam. You’ve been gone for 3 hours, Y/N. It’s been 3 hours of Sam and I trying to find out where you were, and you try to sneak back into your room and pretend that you never left? So I’m going to ask again, and so help me, Sweetheart, if you lie to be again…You are going to be pretty miserable for the next three months in here.” Dean towered over the girl, looking at her with his intimidating gaze.
“You’re going to ground me for three months. Have you lost your goddamn mind!” She yelled in return, trying to pry her wrist out of his grasp.
“Honey, we just want to know where you have been. You’re not a prisoner, Y/N. Right, Dean?” Sam nudged his older brother, giving him a look as if silently saying ‘stop being so hard on her’.
“If you want to know so badly. I just went into town for a meetup with some of my friends.” The girl shrugged her fathers gaze off.
“Don’t bullshit me!” Dean immediately yelled in response, causing the teen to jump slightly at the sudden reaction.
“I’m not lying, Da..”
“I was a teenager once, Y/N. I know what they do. So help me Chuck, I better not ever find you in a sleazy motel with a boy ever. Do you hear me, young lady! I know what you’re sneaking out for, so don’t give me some bullshit reason!”
“I’m not lying! God, Dad! You always want me to be your little girl again. Never leaving your side and listening to everything you say. IM NOT YOUR LITTLE GIRL ANYMORE! I’m 16 years old, and you don’t even trust me!” The youngest Winchester escaped the grasp of her father and hauled herself back into the safety of her room.
“Dean, What did you do?” Sam shakes his head as his brother, who is staring at the direction of where his once sweet little girl just ran.
“I-I just want to keep her safe, Sam.” His eyes glazed over as he began to ponder
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“Let me talk to her.” Sam assured as he made his way through the labyrinth like hallways of the bunker until he found himself standing in front of Y/N’s door. Hearing her soft sobs reach him from under her door.
“Y/N, honey. I need to talk to you. Please let me in.” He gently knocked.
After a few moments, the door cracked open, and the teen faced her Uncle. With her tear stained cheeks seeming to glow in the hallways light.
“If you’re gonna yell at me, Sammy, then I don’t want to hear it…”
“I promise that I’m not going to yell at you. I would never do that you you, honey.” Sam spoke in a hushed voice, scared that he might push her away.
“I-I don’t understand, Sammy.” She began to cry, immediately pulling her hands over her face in hopes of hiding herself away from her uncle.
Sam quickly stepped into the room, and once he shut her door, pulled the girl into a tight and comforting embrace.
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“It’s not your fault, Y/N.”
“I didn’t lie, Sam! I never lied!” Y/N began to yell but found herself attacked with a new wrack of sobs, and she buried her face into her uncles flannel, hoping to disappear into his embrace.
“I know, honey. I know.” He caressed her head, and pulled her closer.
~Until then… bye bitches~
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The Littlest Winchester
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Part 1 - A Winchester is Born
Pairing: Dad!Dean x OC!Daughter!Reader (Sapphire)
Mobile Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2
Summary: In a series of quick flashforwards we see Dean going through fatherhood. The mother, who is unknown drops the baby off at Bobby Singer’s house of all places, leaves a note for Dean.
Takes place during Seasons 4 - 8.
[A/N: In this part, these are flash forwards from birth to about age 4, mentioned in the story would be hunts, diapers, a one night stand similar to Season 7 with the Amazonians [I don’t remember exactly what they’re called], only she’s human in this fic, and so’s Dean’s daughter.]
[a/n #2: This is my first (kind of) dad!dean x daughter!oc!reader fic, I first touched base in it in my Down the Rabbit Hole Series (in one of my many, many, many versions), read a doze of them, and now I’m hooked, so please, feedback would greatly be appreciated.]
It was the sound of a baby’s crying that caught his attention.
No one did even think to knock, she probably wouldn’t be fast enough to evade Bobby and his array of questions he’d have for her.
Bobby opens his front door to see a baby’s blanketed basket with a note pinned to it. Bobby looks around his yard, see’s no one, not even hearing a car racing off.
He picks up the basket and brings her inside. Takes a peak at the note.
Dean, is written in all caps on the top of the letter.
“Dean!” Bobby calls out from his study.
They had just gotten back from a case, after learning who actually yanked Dean out of Hell, where Sam had been for the past 4 months, Dean spent most of his days out in the yard. Either cleaning his Impala or fixing up a random car just to let off steam.
When he didn’t respond, Bobby searched for Dean. Finding him in the garage.
“Dean.” Bobby says, getting closer to Dean. He was laying on a creeper under a car changing oil. But Bobby wasn’t patient enough. So with a foot on the creeper he pulls Dean out from under the car.
“What the hell Bobby?” Dean scoffed.
“I’ve been calling for you, now, come with me.” Bobby says. Walking off before Dean could object.
Dean can hear the baby’s cries from Bobby’s study.
Bobby hands Dean the letter.
Not sure if you remember. You probably don’t, but if the name Kristi doesn’t ring any bells to you then you deserve to know this. You needed to let off steam at the roadhouse I was working at just outside of Dallas, you gave me a night to remember. But I guess I was another one night stand to you. I was a virgin you ass. And you knocked me up, I’m not ready for kids, hell I don’t want kids. Why do you think I work in a roadhouse to  begin with? 
I found out I was pregnant some time in May of last year. She was born September 18th, 2008. I did not name her, I did not want her. I told the hospital people that I was giving her to her father. You, Dean, are her father, you have full custody of her. I want no part of being a mother.
Have a nice life Dean Singer
              - Kristi
The name didn’t ring any bells, but Dallas did. The night Dean couldn’t remember was a night after a rough hunt, Sam was still hell bent on getting Dean off of his contract. She was born the day he came back from Hell.
Not sure how she found him, but the baby was no Dean’s responsibility.
“So, what are you gonna do?” Sam asked, having walked in at some point while Dean was reading his letter.
“I don’t know Sam.” Dean grumbles.
He didn’t want to raise her in this life. But knowing he’s a dad to his own child, a daughter no less. He didn’t want to give her up. Someone’s gonna know who she is just by looking at her.
“Dean, shut her up please!” Sam shouted.
“I’m trying, she’s been fed, I don’t know what else she could possibly want!” Dean shouted back.
The poor baby had been crying for what seemed like hours, but really it’s been about 15 minutes or so.
“Come on baby girl, don’t be like that.” Dean tried to soothe her.
“Maybe she needs a diaper change.” Bobby suggested.
“Oh god.” Sam goes.
Dean just looked up at Bobby and Sam in horror and with pleading eyes.
“Don’t worry son, it’s easy.” Bobby says.
“What’ll you name her?” Sam asked later that night.
“I don’t know, I like Mary but that was mom’s name.” Dean says.
Dean held her as he paced Bobby’s study, thinking of a good name.
Until she stirred, opening her eyes to him revealing such unique iris’s. He see’s his green color but also see’s blue. His green is outlining the rim of the iris while the deep ocean blue fills the center.
“Sapphire.” He says.
“What?” Sam goes.
“Her eyes, they’re blue…plus I see green…but the blue is like a sapphire blue.” He says.
“That’d be a pretty name, plus Sapphire is September’s birthstone.” Sam says.
“Sapphire then, her name is Sapphire.” Dean says.
“Next hard part, middle name.” Sam says. Dean rolls his eyes with a groan.
“Still with blue, how about sky.” Dean says.
“But spelled fancy. How about S-K-Y-E?” Sam says.
“Sapphire Skye Winchester.” Dean says out loud.
“Eh, not bad, her name has meaning though.” Sam says.
“Yeah it does.” Dean goes, looking down, admiring his daughter in his arms.
She smiles at him, reaches for his face. Choking Dean up.
She knows her daddy. He thought.
“Hey Blue, yea I’m your daddy.” He tells her.
First words. Took Dean by surprise.
He stayed home while Sam and Bobby worked a case out of Louisiana.
“Da!” she shouts. Dean whipped his head towards her with a deer in headlights look. Shocked.
“What was that?” he asks. Walking over to her high chair.
“Da! Dada!” she says. Pointing at him.
He let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in, tears formed in his eyes.
This is what it feels like? He thought.
“Yeah that’s right, I’m your dad.” He says. With an ear to ear grin.
And she went back to making raspberry noises with her lips, spraying spit everywhere. Only making him smile more.
I thought I would miss this, thank god I didn’t. Dean thought.
“Dean!” Sam shouted. “Get down here!”
Dean hurried from bed, Sam had gotten his little niece up early to eat when he noticed something. He sat her in Bobby’s study, and she had walked, on her own, to him in the kitchen, which is not very far.
Dean entered the study to find Sam holding on to her little hands.
“Go on, walk to daddy.” Sam says to her.
She turns to face him with a smile, excited to see her dad. And she slowly walks over to him.
He kneels down to her level, hold out his hands. “Come here baby, you can do it.” he encourages her.
She’d fall to her hands and knees, stumble again after a few more steps. Then in arm’s length she lets herself fall into Dean’s hands. Picking her up, holding her up in the air in celebration.
“You did it baby girl!” Dean shouted.
“What is going on down here.” Bobby grumbled.
Entering the study with the boys.
“Walk to Uncle Bobby sweetheart, you can do it.” Dean says, gently placing her on her feet.
And she slowly walked to her uncle, who smiled at her growth and progress.
And just like what she did with Dean, she did with Bobby. She let herself fall into Bobby’s hands, and he picks her up.
“You did it princess!” Bobby goes, smiling.
It’s little moments, the firsts, that make everyone whole again.
Human again.
“Happy birthday to you!” the small family sang In the bunker’s kitchen.
“Happy birthday dear Sapphire! Happy birthday to you!” they sang.
She closes her eyes to make a wish.
And she blows out four lit candles.
“What’d you wish for?” Sam asked.
“Can’t tell or it won’t come true Uncle Sammy.” She giggles.
Sam playfully shrugs, the kind that reads ‘okay fine, if you say so’.
“Alright, lets have some cake!” Jody announces.
“Uncle Sammy.” She shakes Sam’s arm.
“What is it princess?” Sam asked, kneeling to her level.
“When’s Daddy coming home?” She asked.
“Well, he told me he was getting a very special present for a very special birthday girl.” Sam says.
She lights up. “Presents.” She goes.
“Yes, so, lets be patient and wait. I’m sure he’ll call to let me know when it’s done.” Sam says.
After cake and ice cream, Dean sent out the text to Sam. Her present is ready.
“Okay, time for presents.” Sam announces.
Jody gave her some new clothes, and a new doll from build a bear.
Garth got her some dolls from build a bear as well. One even being the exact same one Jody got her.
Kevin got her a children’s book, Stellaluna.
Sam got her another children’s book, The Teacher from the Black Lagoon and Where the Wild Things Are.
All books Dean can read to her.
He enters the library where they opened presents.
“Daddy!” she shouted, hopping out of the chair and into Dean’s arms.
“Hey there birthday girl, ready for my present?” he asked.
She gasped with a  smile. “Yeah!” she shouts.
“Okay, follow me.” He tells her.
She does, she follows him down the hallway. They stood outside a room, that was once used for storage.
“Whenever your ready sweetheart.” Dean says.
She opens to door eagerly, walking into to a princess’s dream bedroom.
She had beanbag chairs, too oversized for her, in a corner of the room where a small TV sat, along with a DVD player. Her small bookshelf her uncle Sammy installed when they first moved to the bunker and gave her some of their favorite children’s books when they were kids. A ‘big girl’ bed, no longer in the toddler bed in Dean’s room, she now has her own room, her own space. Pink and purple accents littered the room.
She squeals happily.
“I love it Daddy, I love it.” she screams, clapping and jumping up and down.
Then running to her dad, giving him a hug.
“Happy Birthday Blue.” He says.
“Thank you daddy.” She says.
Feedback please! Need to know if I should keep posting some of these up. ASK/REBLOG OR COMMENT.
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I Know You
Pairing- Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings- Angst
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I had no choice but to walk past him and I prayed he didn’t recognize me. Please, please, please, please, please. 
“Y/N?” Dean asked.
Crap, I thought. “Dean,” I said. “Hey, I didn’t see you there. How are you?”
“Y/N, it’s been a while. I’m good and you?”
“I’m fine. What are you doing here?”
“I’m here for a job,” he said. “I’m staying at a motel not that far away, we should catch up.”
“I can’t,” I said. “I’m sorry. I have-”
“Mommy!” my daughter ran up to me. She wrapped an arm around my leg and started shoving her cookie in her mouth.
Dean’s eyes widened. I definitely was different then the last time I saw him, I had matured obviously.
“Um, Dean, this is my daughter, Y/D/N.”
He crouched down, eye level with Y/D/N and smiled at her.
“Hey hun, how are you?”
“I’m fwine,” she mumbled.
“How old are you?” Dean asked.
“Dean,” I said, sighing.
“I’m twee,” she said, holding up three fingers.
Dean looked up at me. “Y/N, is she mine?”
“I had no way to contact you,” I said.
“I have a daughter,” he said.
“Dean, I can’t. I can’t, she’s my daughter and I’ve raised her for the past three years, I’ve built a life for the two of us and I have a house and I’ve cleaned up my act and you’re still hunting. I can’t do that to her. I can’t do that to me. I need you to just forget about this, okay? Just forget about it.”
I picked up Y/D/N and propped her on my hip. “I’m sorry, Dean, it was good to see you.” And then I turned around and walked away.
@tori-medusa-belongs-to-bucky, @iamwarrenspeace, @alohabucky
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winchestersgirl-67 · 7 years
Mistakes 3/4
*this part was more intense than i expected so i split it into two. so 4 parts now.* 
2000 words 
Warnings in the tags so i don’t spoil, there is one F-bomb and some mentions of vomit. Its really angsty though, so if you need PLEASE cheek the tags. 
Things are thrown for a loop when something is wrong with the baby. 
(Side bar, high key based the doctor on Arizona Robbins...not sorry) 
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“God, if this baby doesn't find it's way out of my body soon I’m gonna pull it out.” You were 30 weeks pregnant,  just shy of eight months, and even though you still had a little over a month left you were sick of being pregnant.
Your dad and uncle had stopped hunting temporarily stopped hunting about 4  months ago when you started  Your second trimester. Your dad decided to stop the day he found out you were having a boy, he was so ecstatic to get to have another boy in the house. Now you were really gonna be outnumbered, and you wouldn’t let your dad know this, but secretly you were hoping for a boy. Girls can be bratty and rude, and hormonal teenagers.
“Dad, I’m hungry let's go eat.”  you had been pestering your dad to take you out, ever since the doctor said you need all these nutrients and vitamins your dad hasn’t let you eat anything that was practically an organic rabbit food.
“Y/n, these plenty to eat here. Besides you need more electrolytes.”
“Dad you don’t even know what electrolytes are, you just know somebody at the clinic said they were important.”  
“Well, even if that were the case it doesn't change the fact that you still need them, and-”
“Don’t say another word. I don’t need more electrolytes, or calcium, or vitamin C or whatever, because I take all my prenatal vitamins every freaking day. I haven’t had a sip of coffee in seven months...SEVEN. I ate, homeground oatmeal for breakfast with orange juice and a freaking banana, and tonight at the diner i will eat that chicken broccoli crap that Sam is making, but right now, you are going to take me out for pizza. Now. or i’m gonna walk.”
“Okay, let's go get some pizza.”
“Oh my god dad thank you, I’ve never had anything this good in my LIFE.” you were practically having a foodgasm over this pizza.
“Alright y/n, calin down, it's just pizza.” your dad chuckled, you were so glad to have him for support, with out him this whole ordeal would have been hell for you.
The two of you sat and enjoyed the rest of the pizza and milkshakes you had before you decided to head back to the bunker. You were about half way out of your seat when you felt a twinge of pain in your stomach and quickly sat back down clutching onto your round belly and letting out a slight gasp. Something was wrong. 
“Dad-” you tried to call out, but cut yourself off as you felt another jolt of pain, this time it was much stronger and you let out a little cry, which quickly got your dad’s attention. Within moments he was at your side, along with a server who had noticed the situation.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” your dad was terrified, one for your baby, and two because he could see the pain and fear on your face. You open your mouth to explain yourself when a third throb of pain hit causing you to lean over, the pain was so bad you felt nauseous and quickly reached for the nearest cup you could find and emptying the contents of your stomach into it.
“Daddy, help.” you managed to call out before leaning into the cup and repeating the previous action once again. At this point you were crying and gripping your stomach, willing your baby to be okay. Someone had called 911 and an ambulance was on it’s way. A small crowd had from asking how they could help when one woman pushed her way to the front.
She knelt down in front of you slightly pushing your dad to the side as she spoke. “Ma’ma, I’m a doctor, can you tell me what's going on. I can try and help.” your dad let out a sigh of relief. He felt so helpless he was glad someone could help.
“I’m pregnant, but I’m only 29 weeks. Please don’t let my baby die.” you cried out reaching for your dad’s hand. “Hey sweetie, I’m Dr. Roberts. You can call me Amy if you want though. Okay, you are in very good hands, because I work at the hospital, and it's my job to save people's babies. I am very good at my job. Now I have to go talk to your dad for a moment, but I will be right over here, and these nice people are gonna help you lie down on this table. Okay?” she was so calm it almost calmed you down, so you slightly nodded and leaned into the people moving you to the table.
*Meanwhile Dean*
“Okay sir-”
“Um, it’s Dean...call me Dean.”
“Okay Dean, can you tell me what happen?”
“Everything was going fine, and when we finished eating I went to pay and next thing I know my little girls is bent over in pain, and throwing up into plastic cups. She’s in a lot of pain, i can see it in her face y/n, is a tough kid….but.” He had to stop, seeing you like this was getting hard. Talking about it was worse.
“Okay, I’m gonna check her out. See if I can figure out what’s going on and we will go from there, I need you to keep calm, and keep y/n calm okay. Can you do that for me?” He could, but he just nodded and the two headed back to the table.
Dr. Roberts sat down at the end of your table and asked for a pair of gloves and some hand sanitizer, then asked everyone to clear the area and give you some space. Quickly a server was there with what Amy had requested, and the manager moved everyone to the side room of the pizzeria.
“Okay y/n, i'm gonna unbutton your pants and take a look at your belly, and then I’m gonna have to pull them down so I can check your cervix.” Everything was going in slow motion, you were terrified, and falling apart. This was your baby, your something good and he might die. Your son might die, and you can’t do anything to help him. You started to cry again.
As dr. Roberts was examining you your dad was rubbing your hair with one hand and holding yours with his other. “Shhhhh, Shhhhhh. Stay calm baby. It’ll be okay.” He whispered to you, it helped a little.
Soon after the ambulance pulled up, you and Dr. Roberts got in and your dad speed behind in baby. As soon as you were in the rig you were beeping connected to tubes and machines, there was lots of beeping and whirling. It was scary, but the worst part was since the hooked the monitors to your stomach Dr. Roberts looked nervous.
“Dr. Roberts whats wrong, whats wrong with my baby?” She didn’t say anything, just smiled….”Amy! Tell me what's going on, this is my son.” Your heart started racing out of pure fear and the beeping speed up. “Y/N, you need to calm down. We’re almost to the hospital, I need to deliver your son.” with those words your world was shattered.
“W-what, no. It too early. He needs at least 6 more weeks, he’ll die, his lungs.” You kept going until she cut you off. “I know you’re scared, and 29 weeks is early, but I’ve had babies survive as early as 22 weeks. My baby was born at 24 weeks and it was the scariest thing that ever happened to me, but Now I have a beautiful four year old girl. Sometimes, they do just fine. And I am going to do EVERYTHING I can to keep this baby alive. Understand.” You couldn’t speak you just nodded.
After that it got even crazier, you pulled into the hospital and were quickly rushed into an elevator. You remember seeing your dad for a few moments than being pushed away. You remembered hearing lots of medical words you didn’t understand, and the last thing you remember is seeing Dr. Roberts panicked face one last time before going under.
You woke up with some massive pain in your stomach for a millisecond you were confused, for a moment you forgot the horror you had been through. When you remember your mind raced with the thought of your boy, is he still alive, he isn’t here. That’s when you saw your dad. He was sleeping with his head on the foot of your bed. 
“Dad.” You spoke softly, but he woke easy. “Y/n, baby you’re okay. Thank god.” You saw a stray tear fall, but he quickly wiped it away. “Dad-” you spoke timidly…. You took a deep breath before asking the question you weren't sure you wanted the answer to. “Is he dead...did my baby die?” you fought the tears, you needed to be strong for him, whether or not he was here.
“Y/N, we should wait for the doctors.” He seemed sad, why wouldn’t he tell you. “Dad tell me, he’s my son for god sake, tell me dammit! If you won’t get Amy in here, just someone tell me where the hell my baby is.” Now you weren’t hurt you were pissed, you deserved answers.
“I will, I will go get her right now.” but just as he was about to leave Dr. Roberts walked in.
“Y/N, are you feeling okay?” She was calm again, that must be a good sign. “I’d be better if I knew where my baby is.” You angrily looked at your dad who seemed almost guilty.
“Okay.”She spoke softly and pulled the spinning doctor stool right next to your bed and grabbed your hand before looking back at you.
“y/n, while you were at the restaurant your uterus ruptured. This caused your baby to be without oxygen for a while before we were able to deliver. He’s alive, for now. But he has no brain function. He’s hooked up to some machines that are breathing for him, and pumping his heart. He has a feeding tube down his nose and-” you couldn’t listen to this anymore. “Stop.” you whimpered, this was too much.
“What are you saying, how do we help him?” you knew what she was going to say, but you needed to hear it.
“Y/N, i'm saying there's nothing we can do. Your son is brain dead.” You sobbed loudly and pulled your hands away from everyone…”y/n..” it was your dad. “NO! This isn’t fair, you told me we deserved something GOOD, this isn’t good. This is the worst fucking thing that has ever happened to me.” You screamed at your father.
It was silent for a few seconds before you spoke again, calmer this time.
“He doesn't even have a name.”  saying that caused you to sob uncontrollably. “I need to see him, now.” you whimpered.
“Ill go get you a chair, we can take you to the NICU.” and with that Dr. Roberts was out the door, like nothing had happened, like she hadn't just delivered the worst news of your life.  
“Daddy, he needs a name. Before I see him, He needs to have a name.”
“Yes he does.”
@winchesters-favorite-girl  @percussiongirl2017  @jensen-jarpad  @bluecookiesandbooks  @staticweekes
@bradygabrielle-blog  @fonduegames @ellaprime68  @maybe-a-winchester @sizzlingbearpolice  @veridianvalkyrie  @exploratiionist  @captonite  @staticweekes  @isakslilsmile  @simsguruforever2580    @katflintstone12   @rhapsody-in-flannel
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edenwinchester · 7 years
My Kingdom for a Horse -Eden Marie Series Part 7
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6
Characters: Eden Winchester, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester (mentioned), Castiel (Mentioned)
Warnings: Language, Mention of Death
Word Count: 3241
Summary: Eden is working on a case during her spring break together with Sam and Dean
Author’s Note: I’m bad at titles. Sorry.
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The case was easy: Two dead horses, their hearts ripped out, found in their boxes in the stables of Benaiah Van den Berg’s ranch around 2 a.m. Their death was similar to those of Mr. Burton’s sheep, who had his farm only a mile away from Eden’s godfather’s ranch. 
Eden’s spring break had been rather boring until last night. All she did was going horseback riding in the Davy Crockett National Forest during daytime and binge watching series on Netflix at night. Only once her godfather’s new wife Polina took her to Houston for a shopping trip. Of course, that didn’t sound so bad, but now Eden that knew there was a werewolf to hunt everything appeared less exciting. Since the alarm system went off in the middle of the night, she couldn’t think of anything else but finding the monster that slaughtered two of Benaiah’s best stallions. Eden collected all the fact in a file including a map of the ranch and surrounding where she marked every house, farm or cabin in a radius of two miles, which she presented Sam and Dean after they arrived at the ranch to help Ben with his issue.
“I gotta admit I’m impressed, Eden,” Dean told his daughter.
“Yeah, you did a quite good job, Baby.” Sam agreed with him.
Eden smiled proudly. Maybe the research paid off and her dad would tag her along when they went out to hunt the werewolf. She just didn’t know when and especially how to break the news to them. 
“So what are we-” she started her question, but then she saw how her dad and her uncle raised their eyebrows, “I mean you, what are you gonna do next?”
Dean looked at his brother before he answered her, “Sam and I might check out the boxes where the horses were killed.”
“I already did, there’s nothing. No footprints, no leaf of a special tree that only grows in a certain place in the woods,” Eden said dramatically “no weird smells apart from the smell of straw, horse droppings and… blood” Her voice started to shake at the end of the sentence.
“Well, maybe you should let us take a look at it because, we-” her dad pointed with his finger at Sam, then at himself and then back to Sam, “are professionals.”
Eden groaned and shot a helpless glance at Sam, who only smirked back. “Fine, I’ll show you the boxes!”
The stables were empty, the other horses were in the paddock, only Jordan the stable boy was mucking out the boxes. Eden led the boys to the place where the two stallions got slaughtered. It took them a while to inspect every corner of the two boxes.
“You were right. Nothing.” Sam said after a few minutes.
Dean groaned. “Awesome, now we have to check out every cabin on the map to find that thing. It’s gonna take us hours!”
“Not if you two split up.” Eden suggested, “Or maybe…”
“Sam and I won’t split up, Eden. So maybe what?” her dad asked her.
“Or maybe I could go with you.” The teenager said, but it sounded more like a question than an offer. The two men snorted amusedly. “What? Didn’t I just prove that really can help you?”
“No Eden. You wanted to help and that’s great and we’ll give you all the credit you want for that, but you’re not gonna go out there and risk your life for a bunch of horses.” Dean meant, lowering his voice in case Jordan could hear them.
She gave him a pleading look. “Please Daddy, please.”
“Quit begging, Eden. I said No!” he tried to explain. “And don’t Daddy me!”
“Sammy?” Eden tried the same thing with her uncle.
“No Baby, I’m with Dean on this.”
She crossed her arms and stared away. Dean rolled his eyes before he and Sam left her alone in the stables. Of course, they’d say no. To be honest she’d never expected them to say anything other than that. Now Eden was extremely mad at herself because she spent the night researching instead of sleeping.
After storming out of the stables angrily, Eden joined her father who was checking his guns in the trunk of his car. “You’re so unfair!” she yelled, “You and Sam were already hunting before you turned thirteen! I’m almost sixteen, Dad. You can’t keep me from hunting forever, it’s in my blood. I’d be a damn good hunter if you’d just let me, you know that!”
Dean closed the trunk so quickly that he almost bruised Sam’s fingers. At the sound of the slam, Eden flinched. 
“Fine!” was all he said with his usually deep voice.
“Dude…What?” Sam protested and watched his brother getting in the Impala. Eden looked confused at her uncle. “Does that mean I can come?”
“No!” he answered her, “Dean, you can’t be serious.”
“I am being serious. If Missy thinks she can hunt I say we take her on a hunt. I don’t have the nerves for another fight with her.”
The teenager took her usual seat in the back of the car with a smugly smile on her face.
“Oh and you better watch your tone when you’re talking to me!” Dean reminded her, which shut down her smile quickly.
After hours of breaking into cabins and abandoned houses, the Winchesters decided to go deeper into the forest. It was already getting dark and Eden was already getting tired, but she didn’t complain, she wouldn’t give her father and uncle that kind of satisfaction. After a while, she was so tired that she doze off for a second and stumbled which caused her to fall down.
“I’m okay!” She said, feeling a little dizzy when Sam and Dean helped her up. “I’m fine." 
Dean seemed to have lost his strict father attitude because he gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. "I’m sure we’re close. We j-”
He got interrupted by a gunshot echoing through the trees. 
“Was that a gun?” Sam asked looking around.
“Of course, these are hunting grounds. The wildlife service has its cabin like ten minutes back that way.” Eden said pointing at the road the just walked up.
“And you couldn’t think about telling us ten minutes ago?” Dean stared at his daughter, who seemed a little over-challenged with the whole situation.
She took a deep breath. “Well… Didn’t we already checked it out?”
Sam gave her a worried look before he turned around to his brother, “We should go.”
The boys started running and Eden had to follow them. She arrived at the cabin about two minutes later than the others. There was a conversation coming from inside between her father and some other man that Eden didn’t know. Completely out of breath she loaded her gun and walked inside. Sam and Dean, both with their backs turned to her, were pointing their guns at two other men, who also had their guns pointing at them. On the floor behind them lied a dead body. Eden stepped closer to her uncle so she could have a better look at the strangers. The smaller one turned out to be Jordan, the stable boy, so Eden figured the older and taller one, who kind of looked like him, was his father. In the very few talks, Eden and he had before he mentioned to her that he was living with his father since his parents’ divorce.
“What is going on here?” Eden asked while she lowered her gun, staring at Jordan.
“Stay back Eden,” Sam said trying to guard her.
She gave Jordan’s father a quizzing look, pointing at the corpse behind him. “Is that the werewolf?”
“Hush Eden!” Dean ordered his daughter.
“Are you guys hunters too?” Jordan’s father asked them whilst lowering his gun too.
Sam glanced at his older brother, then at Eden before he put his gun away. “Yeah, we are. I’m Sam, this is my brother Dean and my niece, Eden.” He extended his hand to the other hunter.
“My name is Ray and that’s my son Jordan,” Ray said and shook Sam’s hand.
“We’ve been looking for that werewolf for some time now. We hunted his pack down in Arkansas but he managed to escape.” Jordan explained to the Winchesters.
 After they buried the dead werewolf in the woods, Ray drove them to the place where Dean had parked his Baby. The men had decided to have a drink together and trade some stories before they’d go separate ways.
“Does your dad always takes you hunting with him?” Dean asked his arms crossed. His question got Eden to pay attention to their conversation.
The teenage boy looked at him confused. “Like most of the time he does. Why are you asking?”
“What about school? You still go there, right? I mean you can’t be older than sixteen.” Sam said, not responding to his last question.
“I’m seventeen and yeah, I still go to school.”
Before Sam and Dean could continue their cross-examination Ray came back from his van with a bottle of whiskey in his hands. “I don’t have any glasses but…”
“We’ll be fine.” Dean smiled.
Eden sighed. That was going to be a long night. After a couple of bad jokes and half a bottle whiskey later Dean was telling them the story of the Winchester Family Business with Sam commenting after every second sentence he said. Bored to death Eden sat on the hood of her dad’s car, going through her classmates snapchat story for the third time, trying to find out if Matt had a new girlfriend. Not that she cared, but when she came back from spring break she needed something to gossip about with Florence Atackley. 
“So you’re a Winchester.” Jordan interrupted her lurking. “I always thought Benaiah was your father.”
She put her phone in the pocket of her sweatshirt and looked at him. Boy, was he hot! The muscles under his shirt, his almost black eyes, his dark skin. Eden wished boys at her school would look like that. She bit her lower lip. “Huh? No No No. See, Ben’s my godfather… and my mother’s cousin, that explains why we have the same last name.”
“And you’ve been hunting with your dad and uncle since she died?”  he asked and sat down next to her. Eden noticed how her dad turned around to them for a second before he got back to his conversation.
“Well, actually I was on my first hunt today and that wasn’t really a hunt thanks to you,” Eden told him while she raised her eyebrows a little annoyed because of that.
“I’m sorry for that,” he gave a charming smile, “Maybe I can make it up to you some time.” 
She smiled back, “I’m sure you can.”
Dean, who had heard every word, turned around again and knocked on his Impalas hood twice. “And I’m sure you cannot. Get in the car, Edie. We’re going home.”
Eden rolled her eyes and said goodbye to Jordan and his father before she got on the back seat. Sam, who sat down in the shotgun, looked at her and shook his head to show her his disapproval. 
Even more annoyed Eden leaned out of the open car window and glanced over to her father who was talking to Ray alone. He spoke with lowered voice but Eden could hear what they were talking about.
“…Maybe you are too far down that road, but you have to keep your son away from it. My father, he raised Sam and me to become hunters, but we never actually had the chance to live a normal life. That’s why I’ve been trying to keep Eden from hunting. You can’t imagine the things I went through and I don’t want this to happen to her too. So, as a hunter and as a father I’m telling you to make sure Jordan doesn’t go down that path, ever.”
What Dean just said was nothing new to his daughter. She knew he had always felt that way. Eden leaned back in her seat. It may have been a stupid idea of begging him to tag her along, but she just wanted to be close to him and Sam since she only got to see them so infrequently. And now that her grandmother was back from death Eden didn’t even need to try to become their center of attention again.
“So? Do you think there is still food left from dinner?” Dean asked when he got in the car.
By asking that he made it pretty clear that he didn’t want to talk about what Eden just heard, so she just played along. “Maybe but you wouldn’t want to eat that. Since Polina moved in we always have some weird stuff for lunch and dinner. Something with celery and leek. She even made me eat a beet casserole.”
“What a cruel woman,” Sam said amused.
Suddenly Eden rubbed her eyes sleepily then looked at the rearview mirror just to realize the both men were watching her. 
“Aw, Baby is tired!” her uncle teased her and Dean laughed.
She punched his shoulder. “Yes, I am. Can’t we just go?”
Her father nodded and started the engine. For a while, they drove in silence back to Benaiah’s ranch. Eden leaned over the back of the front seat, her head between Sam’s and Dean’s shoulders. She knew how much it annoyed them but she did it anyways. 
“Are you guys already heading home tomorrow?” Eden asked them. Her dad and uncle never really liked her godfather, that’s why they never really stayed longer that they had to.
“No” Dean answered. “We’re leaving on Saturday and our coming with us, you have school on Monday, forgot?”
She shook her head, “No, I did not. But Saturday is in two days. Are you sure you want to leave Mary alone at home so long? Not that I want you to leave but… does she even know how to use the coffee maker or the microwave?” The corner of Deans mouth twitched. “It’s very kind of you that you worry about your grandmother but it’s the other way around, actually.” He said in a sad tone. “See Eden, Mom left us.”
“Uh?” Eden arched her eyebrow but then she noticed their sad looks. “Well, I’m sorry for that.”
“No need to, Champ.”
She wrapped an arm around each of them to cheer them up a little. “You have to look at the bright side of it: You still got me and I sure as hell won’t leave you!”
It didn’t really cheer them up, she knew it didn’t, but they smiled anyway. “I know you won’t,” Dean said and he sounded only half as sad as before.
Later that night, Eden was already in bed, Dean walked into her bedroom and sat down next to her.
“I think we should talk about today, Champ,” He told her and Eden moaned. 
Sam already did that for about twenty minutes, without coming to a conclusion. “Like I already said before, you did a good job investigating the case-”
“But at the end, it wasn’t really worth anything” she interrupted him, pulling her blanket up to her chin.
“No, listen to me. You did great, Champ. Sam and I could really need your help sometimes.”
Eden glanced away from the TV to her father, half surprised half worried. “I thought I was the only one who bumped her head today.”
Dean smirked and shook his head. “The thing is, if we let you investigate for us, you’ll start to hunt soon and you know I don’t like the idea of you being a hunter. But like you said, you’re a Winchester, I mean you’re also a fancy ass Van den Berg, but you’re still a Winchester and, as hard as it might be for me to admit that, it means you’re also a hunter. Believe me, I wish it was different. You don’t have the slightest idea of what’s going on in our world, you think you do but you don’t. Which is why I’m gonna show you…”
The whole speech Eden stared at her father, wondering if he was possessed or something. The Dean she knew had sent her to a fancy ass boarding school, with her godfather’s money, because he didn’t want her to be involved in the hunting life.
“… until you wish I would’ve beaten you ass after you yelled at me this afternoon instead of tagging you along!”
She sighed in relief, which confused her dad. “Look, Daddy, I’m not that into hunting and, to be honest with you, I’m not that into spankings either.” Eden joked. Her dad never laid hand on her even if he said he would a hundred times already, so that wouldn’t scare her unless it was coming out of Sam’s mouth. “I just don’t want to be alone at home the whole time. Even with Cass home, it doesn’t change, all he does is nothing except driving me to school and picking me up afterward. You guys could just take me with you more often.” She saw how Dean opened his mouth to interrupt her, but she knew what he wanted to say. “I know I have to go to school, but I’m in sophomore year and I’m fifteen. I can go to school for the next four years tops!”
Dean gasped shockingly. “That means two years extra you are going to spent with Sam and me.”
“Would you bother?”
“Of course I wouldn’t,” he said stroking her hair, “You…You are my Baby Girl.”
“I know that Daddy” Eden smiled at him. He hadn’t called her Baby Girl in years, not since John gave him his car. “You wanna join Sammy and me for a movie night?”
“A movie night? It’s after midnight, I can’t believe Sam said agreed to that.” Dean didn’t sound angry or anything, he sounded rather calm.
Right in that moment, Sam walked in holding the complete Hobbit trilogy in his hand. He made a surprised face after he saw the two of them staring at him. “What?”
“C’mon Dad. Join us!” Eden offered again, while Sam put The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in the DVD player.
“Fine!” Dean gave in, “But as soon as you two start geeking around and comparing the book to the movies I’m out.”
“We won’t!” she promised him, shooting cheeky smirk at Sam who winked back at her. Both of them knew that Dean would be asleep in fifteen minutes. 
So Eden laid in bed between her dad and her uncle, humming the soundtrack to the movie, feeling extremely happy at the moment.
I don’t own these GIFs.
@straightasdeanwinchester @daughters-and-winsisters
17 notes · View notes
i recently read your I'm Sorry(deanxdaughter!reader) and i really loved it. i was wondering if you considered to do part 2? thank you so much😁
I’m glad that you loved it but I probably won’t do a part two of it, mainly cause I have no idea what happened this season.
I’m Sorry 
4 notes · View notes
thewnchstrs · 6 years
I Loved Her First
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Pairing: DeanXdaughter!reader
Summary: Dean reminisces as he navigated his life through fatherhood, beginning with the moment he first held his daughter to now, on her wedding day. *based on I Loved Her First by Heartland
Disclaimers: so much fluff you WILL die
Word Count: 3.4K
Listen to the song here
Feedback keeps the oneshots coming!
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The day Dean had dreaded his entire fatherhood career was finally here. He knew it was coming, it was no surprise. Since that day back in November when Matt asked if he could marry his daughter, Dean knew the day would fast approach. After the near hour of interrogation, that is.
They’d set the date months ago, planning their big day since Christmas. Dean had always taken a backseat to it however, letting Y/N do her thing because this was her day, the one shred of normalcy she finally had in her life and the last thing he wanted was to get in the way.
And now that the ceremony was over, and as he sat at one of the cloth covered tables in the open field behind the bunker in the too-itchy suit Sam had helped pick out, Dean didn’t think about the twinkling lights strung from the trees or the pie Y/N had insisted on getting instead of a cake(at least, he didn’t think about it too much). 
It was his daughter he couldn’t seem to stop thinking about.
He watched his little girl dance with her new husband, neither of them taking their eyes off of each other for even a second. They laughed as they danced, her face lighting up at every little thing he said. Matt’s eyes seemed to melt at the sight of her.
Dean smiled slightly, memories of the past twenty-four years with Y/N flooding into his head, everything from the moment he first held her to now, on her wedding night.
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“And...you have no idea where she came from? Sam asked his brother as they watched the sleeping form of the baby as she still laid in the car seat that both of them were too scared to move her from. She couldn’t have been more than a few weeks old.
“How would I know, Sam?” he asked, pacing the floor as he bit the nail of his thumb.
“Well, you’re not exactly a saint, Dean. Is it really that hard to believe that, maybe...”
Dean’s eyes widened at the accusation that the child was his. He shook his head profusely, “No. No, no, no, no. It’s not possible! Okay? It’s not. I mean, sure, I’ve had a few one-nighters here and there, but none of them ever ended in-”
His sudden pause made Sam look up from the baby, eyeing his brother suspiciously as he thought about it. That one night, many many moons ago. Sam swallowed roughly, “Dean?”
Dean looked to his brother, his eyes wide. “How long ago were we in Pasadena?”
Sam sighed, running a hand down his face, “Just about nine months ago.”
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Dean had never run on so little sleep. The days and nights seemed to run together, the endless hours trying to soothe her high pitched cries, feeding her, changing her, burping her. 
It was a ruthless cycle that, frankly, Dean didn’t feel he was cut out for. Even though it had only been barely three days with her, he wasn’t sure how he would be able to do it.
“What’s it gonna take, kid?” Dean asked desperately, bouncing her up and down as he paced across the nursery. He’d fed her, changed her, done pretty much everything short of putting on a live lullaby show for her. Besides his efforts, she showed no signs of calming down.
Dean’s mind reeled, searching the air for an answer as to what to do until he settled on the last thing he still hadn’t tried. Dean nearly rolled his eyes at the thought of it, but it was really the best he had.
“I don’t know where I’m goin’, but I sure know where I’ve been.” he began, swaying to the tune that played in his head. Y/N’s face continued to twist in sadness, her fists clenched as she screamed at the top of her lungs, but Dean was sort of out of options. “Hangin’ on the promises in songs of yesterday, and I’ve made up my mind, I ain’t wastin’ no more time. Here I go again.”
As Dean sang off-key to the song, Y/N’s cries became softer and softer, Dean’s eyes widening. “Whitesnake, huh?” he questioned, but his abrupt end of the song made Y/N turn her lips downward yet again. “Hey, hey, hey, look! It’s alright.” he held her close to him as he continued the song, “Though I keep searching for an answer, never seem to find what I’m looking for. Oh, Lord I pray you give me strength to carry on, ‘cause I know what it means to walk along the lonely street of dreams.”
He watched at Y/N yawned, her eyes beginning to fall closed. Dean smiled triumphantly as he sat in the rocking chair Jody had given to them when she’d heard about Y/N’s unexpected arrival. 
Dean marveled at her, how peaceful she was when she slept. He ran a thumb over her cheek, wiping away a stray tear. He smiled beside himself as he repeated the last line of the song he’d just sang like a mantra, “Oh, Lord I pray you give me strength to carry on.”
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“Happy birthday to you!” The group sang before Dean helped Y/N blow out the candles on her first birthday cake. 
She clapped enthusiastically, Cas, Sam, and Dean clapping along with her. Dean marveled at Y/N who, in the last year had changed so drastically he could hardly believe it was the same baby left at his door step. 
Dean stood next to Y/N’s high chair, letting Sam take pictures with the cake in front of her. Out of somewhat habit, Dean stuck his finger out to the edge of the cake, swiping up some of the frosting and popping it into his mouth. 
Y/N’s eyes traveled up to Dean before looking back down at the cake. In an instant, the three of them watched her bring her hands down, flying through the air as they smashed into the middle of the cake before bringing her cake coated hands up to her mouth.
“That’s my girl,” Dean laughed as she continued to fling cake as her hands smashed in and out of the cake. “Alright, kid, save some for the rest of us!”
Dean carefully picked up what was left of the cake and set it in the middle of the kitchen table for him, Sam, and Cas to cut into. However, the minute it was taken away, Dean caught sight of his daughter, her lips cast downward and big tears filled her eyes.
“Someone’s not happy,” Sam warned before the tears began to fall in large rivulets down her cheeks. Dean’s heart broke at the sight of it, his head bouncing between Y/N and the cake before shrugging.
“Hell, it’s the kid’s birthday.” He cut off a large chunk of the cake before setting it down on her high chair, her tears immediately cutting off. He smiled as she happily ate the cake. He used a clean finger to wipe away one of her tears. 
The rest of them grabbed forks, eating from the cake Y/N hadn’t destroyed with her fists, laughing and smiling as they watched Y/N. She’d come into their lives so unexpectedly, but they couldn’t believe how well she fit right in.
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Sam and Dean raced into the emergency room, Y/N clinging close to Dean’s chest as they frantically ran to the reception desk. 
“Please it’s my daughter- she’s, she’s been throwing up and has a fever-” Dean rambled, his words becoming jumbled from his mind running a million miles a minute.
The receptionist held his hand out in front of Dean, stopping him, “You’re going to have to fill this out and wait for your name to be called.”
Dean’s eyes bounced from the clipboard up to the man before leaning in, his finger pointed at him as his temper came dangerously close to boiling over. “You’re going to get us to a doctor, and he’s going to make my little girl better before I shove that clipboard where the sun don’t shine-”
“We’ll fill this out,” Sam interrupted, nodding to the receptionist whose eyes were wide. Sam grabbed the clipboard from the counter and lead Dean to the waiting room by the jacket.
“What was that for? I almost got us in-”
“No, you almost got us kicked out.” Sam corrected as he began to fill out Y/N’s information. 
Dean adjusted Y/N on his lap who’d resorted to quiet whimpering as she sucked on her thumb, something they’d only ever seen her do when she was in pain. It broke Dean’s heart as he held her, wishing it were him, not her.
After hours of waiting and numerous patients coming and going, they were finally taken back for Y/N to be seen. Dean sat up on the bed with Y/N in his lap whose cries only seemed to become more and more intense.
“Yep, it’s a double ear infection,” Dr. Wong had announced after examining Y/N.
“So, what...what does that mean?” Dean asked worriedly.
Dr. Wong smiled slightly, “Ear infections are incredibly common among young children and are easily treated,” he tore off a prescription off of a pad of paper, “she should be getting to feeling better within a few days.”
Sam and Dean visibly relaxed at the good news: Y/N would be okay.
“Here that, kiddo?” Dean smiled as he looked down at Y/N, wiping a tear from her cheek. “You’re gonna be just fine.”
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Y/N held tightly onto her lunch box, standing close to her dad as they waited for the bus. Today was her second day of kindergarten.
The last two mornings for Dean was rough, to say the least. He’d always worried about enrolling Y/N in school for a multitude of reasons that seemed to be running through his head on repeat.
He was taking this much harder than she was.
“You excited for another day?” Dean asked, trying to hide the sadness from the fact his little girl was no longer very little anymore.
Y/N sat silently for a minute, thinking before turning to her dad. “I’m excited for play time.”
Dean nodded, smiling. Ever since her orientation at the school a few days ago, she couldn’t stop talking about that damned playground.
He ruffled Y/N’s hair, hugging her close to him. However, when she didn’t return the hug, he knew something was bugging her. “Alright, munchkin. What’s on your mind?”
Y/N looked down at her shoes, twisting them on the concrete, “What would you do if people are being mean to you?”
Dean was taken back, “Why do you ask?” he squatted down next to her, holding her arms so she would look at him.
She shrugged, adjusting the strap on her backpack, her lip quivering. “There are these girls at school, and they won’t let me play with them because they say I dress funny.”
Dean’s immediate reaction was to get the names and phone numbers of the kids to knock some sense into. However, as the words sunk in, he felt guilty about her blue jeans, t-shirts and sneakers she wore everyday. 
“Hey, c’mon,” he said, wiping away one of her tears, “don’t let those girls get into your head, okay? It doesn’t matter what you wear or what you look like...if you’re a good person in here,” he said, pointing at her chest, “then that’s what matters. Those girls don’t know what their missing.”
Y/N smiled slightly, wrapping an arm around her dad just as the bus turned the corner and came down their street. 
“Okay, daddy, I have to go now.”
Dean squeezed her one last time before pulling away, kissing her on the head. He patted her on the back as the bus came to a stop, the doors huffing open. He watched as she climbed onto the bus, picking a seat next to the window, waving at him as the bus drove away.
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The voice immediately pulled Dean out of the deep hole he’d been in, hunched over lore books and his laptop. His head snapped up toward the entrance of the library where Y/N stood in her pajamas.
“Hey kid,” Dean said as Y/N took a seat next to him, “everything okay?”
Y/N tucked her hair behind her ear, looking down at her hands in her lap before speaking the words that had been bugging her for nearly her whole life, “Where’s my mom?”
Dean sighed, setting his pencil down in the open book as he sat back in his chair, looking over at his daughter. He felt for her, he really did. A thirteen year old girl who had no relationship with her mom couldn’t exactly be characterized as a cake walk.
“I don’t know,” he said truthfully, watching as Y/N’s shoulders slumped forward slightly.
“What was she like?” Y/N asked, desperate for some kind of knowledge of her.
Dean shook his head, smiling softly, “She was badass.” Y/N raised her eyebrows at this, “One of the best hunters Sam and I ever knew. And she was beautiful...Y/H/C like yours, and that smile- I see it every time I look at you. She could light up any room, just by being in it.”
Y/N smiled, conjuring up an image of her mother in her head. “Did you love her?”
Dean paused, slightly taken back by the question, but knew the answer without having to think about it nonetheless. “Yeah. Yeah, I did.” Y/N slowly nodded, picking at the edges of her nails as Dean watched her. 
“Why didn’t she want me?” Y/N asked quietly, not being able to meet Dean’s eyes. 
Dean shook his head, holding the back of Y/N’s head so she would look at him, he ran a thumb over his cheek to wipe away a tear that escaped her eye, “Your mom wanted you to be safe and she...she knew she couldn’t provide that for you. She knew you’d be safer with Sam and I-”
“But why didn’t she come back and see me?” Y/N pleaded, her voice cracking in attempts to keep her sobbing at bay. She just wanted to understand. “Why hasn’t she called, or, or visited? Was I not good enough for her?”
“Hey, you stop that,” Dean said firmly, shaking his head at his daughter’s accusations at herself, “listen to me, Y/N...I don’t know why your mom hasn’t done those things, okay? And I’m sorry, I am...but don’t you ever think, in a million years that it was because you weren’t good enough, you understand me?”
Y/N bit her lip as Dean pulled her close to his chest, cradling her head, silently cursing Y/N’s mom for abandoning her.
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“Hey, hey! It’s not even that bad, see!” Sam lied as he examined the gunshot wound that’d gone clean through Y/N’s side, taking out a large chunk of flesh. She gritted her teeth as she writhed on the warehouse floor, blood pooling out of the wound.
Dean stood back, watching in horror as the scene unraveled in front of him, his knees buckling as Sam quickly shed one of his layers of clothing, wadding it up and pressing it over the wound in order to stop the bleeding.
Y/N’s blood-curdling scream pulled Dean out of his trance, rushing toward the two of them as he fell on his knees next to Y/N’s head, his hands hovering over her body, unsure of where to start.
“Stay with her, I’ll bring the car around,” Sam said quickly, as Dean took over holding the shirt on her side. She let out a low breath, groaning in pain.
“Didd I- I kill it?” she stuttered out. Dean laughed lightly, she sure as hell was a Winchester.
He nodded quickly, looking over to where the demon lay, “You got him, Y/N.”
“Jesus, this hurts,” she groaned, clenching her jaw and banging her fists against the floor. 
“I know, I know, you’re gonna be just fine, we’re gonna get you to a real doctor, okay?” he said quickly, just trying to keep her talking to him. He pushed down harder on her side, eliciting a mangled cry from her lips. He looked over to her, grabbing her face in his hands. “You’ve gotta stay with me, Y/N. You ain’t got a choice, alright? I can’t lose you over a lousy gunshot.”
Y/N swallowed roughly, as she nodded, “Okay. I’m- I’m with you.”
Dean smiled, wiping away the tears on her cheek, “There’s my girl.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Y/N hooked her arm through her father’s, gripping the sleeve of his suit jacket as they stood outside of the chapel doors as the bridesmaids and groomsmen filed in in front of them.
Dean glanced at Y/N out of the corner of his eye, patting the top of her hand. “You’ll be okay.”
Y/N let out a breath, nodding as she caught a glimpse of the inside of the church, a swell of emotions swirling inside of her. She was excited, scared, overjoyed, sad. There was so much waiting for her at the end of that aisle, a life she couldn’t wait to start.
“Well,” She sighed as the music in the church began, signaling Y/N’s cue to begin her descent down the aisle. “Lets do this.”
She held tightly onto Dean as they slowly walked down the aisle, her eyes trained on Matt, who, at the sight of her, broke down into tears. He smiled nonetheless, wiping the tears away with a sleeve.
Dean felt his throat constrict as he assisted Y/N down the aisle. He was getting ready to hand her off to someone else, to love her unconditionally just as he had, and to care for her even though she was more than capable of doing that just fine on her own.
The end of the aisle seemed to last only merely seconds, because before he knew it, Y/N turned to him, tears brimming her eyes. Dean smoothed back her hair as he wiped away a tear. “I love you, sweetheart.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dean met his daughter in the grass, not sure how to feel about the large group of people watching their father-daughter dance. The music filtered in through the speakers, the two of them swaying slowly.
“You look beautiful,” he smiled sadly, “did I tell you that already?”
Y/N laughed, “Yeah...that was the fiftieth time, I think.”
Dean watched his daughter as they danced, and she smiled up at him, that same smile he remembered from all those years ago. Dean shook his head, how had the last twenty-three years gone by so fast? 
"Hey, dad?” Y/N said, “I just- I just wanted to say thank you...for everything.” Dean’s eyebrows cinched together in confusion but stayed quiet at she continued. “You’ve always been there for me, especially when nobody else was. You took me in when my own mom didn’t want me and I- I can’t thank you enough for being the father every girl dreams of having.”
Tears pricked at Dean’s eyes as he kissed her forehead, hugging her close to his body, his cheek resting on top of her head. Y/N pulled away as she looked up at her dad, wiping away a tear that rolled down his cheek. 
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Y/N.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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spnfanficpond · 6 years
Characters: DeanxDaughter!Reader Warnings: Teenage pregnancy. Mentions of abortion. Mentions of death. Teenage Angst. Summary: She is a sixteen year old girl, who was raised in the life of a hunter by her father, Bobby Singer. Her life has never been what you could call normal, but it has been fairly simple and uncomplicated. Following her father’s death, she gets the shock of her life when she finds out that a big secret has been kept from her her whole life.
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Hi! I’d love to be apart of this challenge! I’m sorta new to this tumblr thing, but I’ve been writing for a while! If possible, can I have 19 with Deanxdaughter? Thanks! (:
New writers and/or new tumblrers are always welcome to my challenges. I hope you’ll have fun with the prompt! 
SPN Beautiful Words Challenge
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castielsent · 7 years
Hi, everyone! I’m back and writing a few requests, but I’m about to be out of state for the next four days and will not have access to my laptop :( Sorry this took so long and I hope you all enjoy!
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Daughter!Reader 
Prompt: "Heeey! I have a request:) Could you do an DeanxDaughter!reader one where it's the beginning of season 12, Dean and Mary have returned to the bunker, the reader is there but is unconscious, then when she comes around it's just a really fluffy reunion? (Also TWD fic made me sob, like literal tears)"
Warnings: Season 12 spoilers!
It was very, very dark. 
You looked around the space you were in, seeing only black around you. You spoke out, only a simple ‘hello’, only for the word to echo around you. You closed your eyes and thought back to how you may have gotten here, and felt tears brim your eyes. 
Dean had absorbed all the souls to become a bomb to defeat Amara. You thought of your tearful goodbye with your father, and how Sam had to practically hold you back before Chuck zapped Dean away. You remembered coming back to the bunker with Sam and Castiel, a big flash of light, a British woman, a gunshot, and then falling on the floor. 
Wait, you fell on the floor? 
You opened your eyes and looked around once more, coming to the realization that maybe you were stuck in your own head. You called out again, this time yelling for Sam and Castiel, but nothing was heard besides your own echo. 
“(Y/N)?” A familiar voice asked faintly, and you turned around, not seeing anyone. The voice spoke your name once again, and you continued looking around, a few tears slipping down your face. The voice that was speaking to you was Dean’s, and you sat down in a ball and started sobbing, because you didn’t understand why your brain was playing games like this with you. You tucked your face in your knees, tears rolling freely down your face. 
Then, it was bright. 
Everything was so bright you had to squint when your eyes were opening. There was a silhouette above you that was blocking out some light, and your vision was blurry when your eyes opened all the way, but it was an unmistakable face that you thought you would never see again.
“Dad?” You asked softly, eyes opening completely and staring up at your father. He nodded, mumbling something about how he’s here and not leaving. His face was filled with concern, his brow scrunched together slightly while his eyes were filled with worry. 
You sat up from the floor quickly, ignoring the screaming pain that your body was giving you as your wrapped your arms tightly around Dean’s neck, him ignoring the awkward crouching position he was in and wrapping his arms securely around your waist. Your buried your face in his shoulder and Dean felt you start shaking, placing one of his large hands behind your head and scratching your scalp slightly. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m here.” Dean said softly, gripping you tighter. 
“T-thought you were dead.” You stuttered, tears falling from your eyes and onto the fabric of Dean’s t-shirt. He didn’t have his flannel on, which you thought was strange, but ignored it as your hugged him tighter. You were incredibly relieved he was here, but something was missing. 
“Where’s Sam?” You asked quietly, sniffling and pulling away from your father. Dean placed his hands on your shoulders and looked at you softly. 
“I thought maybe you could tell me the answer, kid.” Dean spoke, giving your shoulders a squeeze. Your eyes went behind Dean to a woman you’d never seen. She was blonde, her face full of light wrinkles, and she was wearing a nightgown. 
“Who’s that?” You asked, and Dean let go of your shoulders, turning around to see Mary. 
“(Y/N),” Dean started, glancing at you, “this is Mary, my mom. Mary, this is (Y/N), my daughter.” 
“I thought your mom was dead.” You stated quietly, looking at Dean. 
“It’s a long story, sweetheart.” Dean said softly, glancing back at Mary, who was hugging herself slightly. “What happened here?” 
“I-I don’t know.” You mumbled, your gaze turning down to the floor from where yo were sitting. Dean stood up and offered you a hand, helping you stand as you spoke. “Sam, Cas, and I came back here and there was this lady. Then there was this big flash and a gun went off...” You trailed off, getting nervous. Dean wrapped his arms around your shoulders and placed a kiss on your head, looking down at you. 
“Don’t worry, kid.” Dean said kindly. “We’ll find him. Together.” 
“Together.” You repeated, giving Dean one more hug. Mary slightly smiled, looking at her oldest son and new grandkid. 
“I like her.” Mary spoke suddenly, causing you and Dean to pull apart. “I feel like she’s got spunk.” 
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bellero · 7 years
Do you ever listen to music and get an idea for a fic?
I’m listening to Safe & Sound and thought of this super sad and angsty Deanxdaughter!reader one..
I’ve started planning it.
There’s no turning back now!
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itshelfiredean · 3 days
Dr. Dad & Nurse Sammy
DeanxDaughter!Reader, SamxNiece!Reader
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Dean Winchester’s six-year-old daughter, Y/N, is playing with her toys, but she looks tired and bored. She sighs and looks up at her father, her sweet smile faded.
“Hey, sweetheart. What’s wrong?” Dean looked down at the girls tired eyes.
“I’m bored, Daddy.” Y/N reached her arms up in hopes of being held.
“Bored? That’s no good. This calls for Doctor Dad and Nurse Sammy.” Dean scoops her up and placed her down on the table that the brothers were sat at.
Sam looks up from his book, grinning as he catches on.
Castiel enters the room, looking confused.
“Dean, Abby doesn’t need a medical procedure. If she did, wouldn’t she need anesthesia?” Cas approaches the Winchesters, his eyes never leaving the 6 year old.
“Trust me, Cas. This is a different kind of surgery.” Dean gently grasps her shoulders and lays her down on the table, with her head resting on a pillow Sam has placed.
“Alright, Doctor Dad. Shall we prep the patient?” Sam took his place next to his brother.
“Absolutely, Nurse Sammy.” Dean brushed his daughters loose hairs out of her face.
Dean gently cups his hand over Y/N’s mouth.
“Now, sweetheart I need you to count backwards from 10, okay?”
“Okay, Daddy.” Y/N giggled as she kicked her dangling feet playfully.
“Here we go. Ten... nine... eight...”
Y/N counts down with him, her eyes closing as she gets into the game.
“And... she’s sedated. Ready to start.”
Sam and Dean begin their playful “surgery,” using mock medical terminology.
“Prepping the area... Scalpel.” Sam placed two fingers gently on the crease of her smile.
They both gently poke and prod at her, causing her to giggle more.
“I think we need 20 cc’s of tickles, stat.” Sam turned to Dean.
“Agreed. Administering the tickle dose.” Dean tickles Y/N’s stomach, and her laughter fills the room.
“Daddy, stop! I’m better now!” The 6 year old pushed their hands away, giggling uncontrollably.
“Not so fast, young lady. You just went through a very delicate surgery. You need to rest.” He gently pushes her back down as she tries to sit up.
“No moving. Doctor’s orders.” He pointed a finger at his daughter.
Castiel watches from the side with a mixture of confusion and amusement.
“Is she cured now?” The angel questioned.
“By the look of that smile, I’m happy in saying that the surgery was a success.” Dean answered, as he cradled his daughter against his chest and made his way to her bedroom. Hoping to finish a perfect day with a movie night.
~Ten Years Later~
Y/N, now 16, is sitting at the kitchen table, looking gloomy and depressed. Dean, Sam, and Castiel notice her mood.
“You thinking what I’m thinking?” Dean whispered, gaining the attention of his younger brother and angel companion.
“Doctor Dad and Nurse Sammy make a comeback?” Sam questioned, a Cheshire grin across his face.
“Dean, Y/N’s not a little kid anymore. I don’t think she’ll be very open.” Cas spoke up.
“Trust me, Cas. This is exactly what she needs.” The green eyed man patted the angel’s shoulder and snuck up behind the seat that his daughter was sitting in.
“Gotcha!” Dean yelled as she wrapped his arms around Y/N’s waist and hauled her against his chest.
“Dad! What are you doing?!”
“It’s important, kiddo. It seems that your smile is in need of reconstruction.” Dean grinned as he carried her down the long hallway of the bunker, leading to the infirmary.
Sam joins them, grinning. Y/N struggles furiously, but Dean’s grip is firm.
“Come on, Abby. It’s for your own good.” Sam gently placed his hand on his niece’s shoulder in attempt to calm her down.
They drag her to the infirmary, where the room is set up like an operating theater. Y/N’s eyes widen in disbelief.
“Are you serious?” She yelled in shock.
“Deadly serious. Nurse Sammy, prep the patient.” Dean handed his daughter off to Sam as if she was a rag doll .
Sam lifts her up and places her on the infirmary bed, in constant dodging of her flailing legs and arms.
“Hold still, my little stubborn patient.” Dean takes her wrists in his hands as he tries to hold her down.
“This is ridiculous!” The teenager’s attempts to escape never ceasing.
“It seems we have no choice. Alright, Sammy. 20 cc’s of tickles.”
Dean tickles her like he used to when she was 6. Despite her stubborn and defiant charade, Y/N starts laughing.
“Stop it, Dad!” She begs as her laughter overpowers her words.
They finally let her sit up, and Y/N’s mood has visibly improved.
“Remember, you need a lot of rest after such a delicate surgery.” Dean grabbed her hands and helped her off of the bed.
“You guys are ridiculous.” She giggled as she rolled her eyes, happy to have such caring people in her life.
~By Bitches~
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Hiatus update - I’m in trouble
I have too much on my plate. My hiatus is taking so long because my stupid little brain don’t know when to stop, so I got 5 fictions in the making as of right now that are for sure going to be a series, here they are along with their summaries, warnings, pairings, possible parts if any.
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Literally did a copy and paste and I get freaking screen shots of my word documents, Oh well, whatever works. hope ya’ll can read it just fine.
Then there’s my, Down the Rabbit Hole series.
And my Welcome to the End series, which I’m revising, I think i might have made it super confusing in the first part. I initially wrote it as a 27 year old Kaite/Reader, but turned into a total Daddy!Dean fiction with a teenager Katie/Reader.
And my brain just keeps on going. And then the premiere of Season 15 is coming up in a couple of weeks, and I might be posting shorts during that, I don’t know, I can’t plan that far ahead. I can’t even plan what I’m going to do tomorrow.
Just, thank you for your patience, I’m very new to posting fics that actually get attention, I get none on Deviant art, and I have some fics that aren’t on here on there, can check out here if you want. I haven’t posted on there in ages.
So enjoy whatever hot, sexy, funny, whatever gif i found that I want to have on here...I’m sleepy, the filter is just gone. XD
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Searched Cockles and got this...what...but...I can be Jensen but when i’m like this, sleepy and out of it...I’m so 100 percent Jared.
*Update as of 9/28/19* - I started rewriting Welcome to the End entirely, and this one makes a hell of a lot more sense than whatever the fuck I just wrote originally. So, expect to see the original Welcome to the End gone once I’m back, it’s going to be replaced entirely. P.S sorry for the language...filter’s just gone.
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Hi! I'm really happy that i found someone who accepts requests! can you do Supernatural imagine(deanxdaughter! reader) where reader is a teenager and leaves Dean and Sam to hunt alone, finds some friends who are also hunters and hunt with them and everything. Later on Dean and Sam find her and want her back with them but she doesn't?(you can change it to sister! reader if you want to)
It's out. I jut did it. Let me know what you think. Love you guys. Send more!!
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winchestersgirl-67 · 7 years
Mistakes part 2/3
1200 words
Warnings- some morning sickness 
Reader confronts her dad about their argument. 
Part 2 of mistakes, please read part 1 first. 
Part 1 
You woke up around 7am the next morning and quickly had to make your way to the bathroom. You’d been having morning sickness for the last few days, but until yesterday assumed it was just a stomach bug.
After you were feeling better you showered and got yourself cleaned up before thinking about how you were going to talk to your dad.
You decided it would be best to tell him exactly how you felt, straight forward just like you had with Sam.
Slowly you left your room and headed towards the main portion of the bunker, you knew your dad would be up seeing as it was nearly 8. When you walked through the library and he wasn’t there you headed to the kitchen to see if he was there, but you only found Sam.
“Where’s my dad?”
“”He’s outside, in the garage. Said he had some work to do on baby, you should go see him.” Sam was calm, and it calmed you down. It was like any other day, Sam was drinking coffee and trolling for cases, and your dad was working on the car. You just nodded and left to find your dad.
You slowly and quietly made your way outside, as you got closer to him a knot in your stomach continued to grow. When you were about three feet from the car you spoke up.
“Daddy” you knew he heard you, but wouldn't be surprised if he didn’t respond.
He didn't say anything but he put down the towel in his hands and turned to you. You took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in your throat before speaking up.
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry dad. I never meant for this to happen, I was dumb and irresponsible and it’s all my fault. I’m so sorry….” You took a second to pause, to keep yourself from crying and he stayed silent.
“I need you, I can’t lose my dad. I know how much I messed up, but I’m really scared, I don't know what to do and I need you, I need my dad. I know you hate me, but I need you and I’ll do anything-”
“I don't hate you y/n, You’re my kid, you’re my baby. I could never hate you, it’s my job to look out for you and make sure  you’re always okay. This scares me too.” That wasn’t what you expected, he was supposed to yell and scream and call you a slut. He was so calm, he was so much like your dad.
“W-what, yesterday you-” you couldn’t finish, you were crying again, and before you knew it you were wrapped tightly in your dad's arms.
“Y/n i was terrible to you yesterday, I was mean and horrible and I said disgusting things. I would take every word of it back if I could. I never wanted to hurt you baby girl, I’m so sorry.” You just nodded, you didn't have any words left, you were just happy to have your dad back.  
“Dad can you pass the orange juice?”
It had been three days since you and your dad had made up and things were going good. After you had made up your dad called and set up an appointment with a doctor to have you and the baby checked out, which is where you were heading later today.
“Here you go, don’t forget we have to leave here in 20. So be ready. I’ve got to shower because I’m pretty sure there's still Djinn in my hair.” Since you found out about the baby Sam and your dad hadden’t let you go on hunts, but they were still taking cases that were close to the bunker until you got a little further along.
“That’s disgusting, I think I’m gonna hurl.”
“Really y/n, benched for a week and you’re already getting soft on me. Come on.”
“No dad I’m actually gonna hurl.” Which was true, your morning sickness had been getting worse since you found out. You quickly jumped from the kitchen stool and ran to the nearest bathroom.
20 minutes later you and your dad were both cleaned up and ready to leave when you started to get nervous about the appointment. You had decided that you wanted to carry the baby to term, but you weren’t sure whether or not you would be able to keep it and raise it. You knew you would love this baby, with everything you had, but growing up a hunter wasn’t good for anyone.
When you were in the car your dad started to notice something was wrong.
“Y/n what’s going on, are you feeling okay?”
“Dad, what if something's wrong with the baby?” It was something you had been thinking about since your dad made this appointment
“If, anything is wrong we will deal with it. Because we’re Winchester’s, and we deal with things professionally. That said, I think this baby will be just fine, because we winchesters are due for some good.” Your dad reached over with one hand and grabbed yours, he always knew how to calm you down.
You pulled up to the office about 15 minutes early, it was your first visit so you had loads of paperwork to fill out. You and your dad both grabbed your fake ID’s and made your way inside.
“Alright Miss. Dawson, it looks like you are about 12 weeks along, so I’m gonna want to start your prenatal care right away. I normally like to see mom’s between 6 and 8 weeks, is there a reason you waited so long?” You were not prepared for all this information, and questions, hell you weren’t even really sure what prenatal care included.
You grabbed your dad’s hand and took a deep breath before looking back to your doctor, “Well I actually only found out about a week ago. This uh- wasn’t planned.” It felt weird, like you were guilty for not coming sooner, but you didn’t even know there was a reason to come sooner.
“That’s fine it’s not too unusual to miss the signs in the first few weeks, especially if you don’t have a regular period, or something along those lines. Now since you are 12 weeks your baby is plenty big enough to see on the scan, do you want to take a look?” You quickly nodded your head anxious to see this little baby.
The gel was cold on your stomach, but you hardly noticed, you were too excited. Sure you had been nervous as hell about the idea of this baby, you still were but that didn’t mean you weren’t in love with it already.
“Okay, so here is the feet, and theses are the arms, ands hands, and here is the head.” Your OB easily found all the parts of your baby, she told you it was a good size, and everything looked good.
That was when you knew you were going to keep this baby, growing up would be hard but your dad was right. You were a Winchester, and so is your baby, and Winchesters make things work.
@percussiongirl2017 @jensen-jarpad   @staticweekes @winchesters-favorite-girl
@fonduegames @ellaprime68 @maybe-a-winchester @sizzlingbearpolice @veridianvalkyrie @exploratiionist @captonite @staticweekes @isakslilsmile @simsguruforever2580   @katflintstone12
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edenwinchester · 7 years
Joys of Fatherhood- Eden Marie  Series Part 6
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5
Characters: Eden Winchester, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester, OC!Matt, Castiel (Mentioned)
Warnings: Language, Violence
Word Count: 1897
Summary: the Winchesters domestic life, Troublemaker!Eden (again), some heartbreak
A/N: So, I thought about doing a couple of one shot about 1- 10-year-old Eden, to clear up some things about her past and her relationships with Dean, Sam, Bobby, John etc., what do you guys think about that?
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“And you’re sure she’s already up?” Dean asked his younger brother, checking his watch again. He had to take her to school in twenty minutes or else she would be late for her first class.
The brothers had agreed to let Eden stay home for another day so she could rest before getting back to school. Of course, Eden completely disagreed with that. She told them that now there were only three days to go until her spring break and begged them to call her off school for those three days so she could visit her godfather early this years since she couldn’t spend Christmas with him. But all that begging was worth nothing.
“Yes, Dean. I’m sure. I made her get out of my bed this morning.” Sam assured him, rolling his eyes. When his niece was five years old he would let her sleep in his bed to make her feel safe. Two years ago, after Eden moved back home from boarding school, he realized that it had been a bad decision since Eden barely slept in her own room when Sam was home.
Shortly after Sam finished his sentence, Eden walked into the kitchen a sleepy look on her face, clucking her backpack behind her. Her outfit looked like she had dressed up in three seconds and her hair was a mess, but her make-up was on point.
“Well, good morning, Sweetheart!” Mary greeted her.
“Mornin’,” she mumbled back and sat down next to her father. “Do we still have waffles?”
“We did, five minutes ago,” Dean told her before he took a drink of coffee from his World’s Second Greatest Dad mug, which Eden got him for his last birthday. “Here, have a toast.” He dropped a slice of bread on her plate.
Eden fixed herself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and slowly started eating. She clearly wasn’t in a good mood.
“Is that a scrunchie?” Sam suddenly asked her pointing at the black velvet hair tie around her wrist, trying to cheer her up a bit. She answered with a nod. “I thought those things went out of style twenty years ago!”
Everyone stared surprised at Sam, wondering why he knew about these things. Eden was the first one to reply. “You went out of style twenty years ago.”
“Since when do you let her talk to me like that?” Sam asked Dean surprised when he heard him laughing. Usually, Dean wouldn’t let his daughter be so cheeky with them.
His brother rolled his eyes and so did Eden.
After breakfast, Dean drove his daughter to school. When he parked the Pickup Cass had stolen in front of the building Eden still made an upset face. She had even started pouting.
“Okay Champ, something is clearly bothering you,” Dean said, “What is it? Mom? Or those Brits?”
Eden didn’t really think about them, she simply got used to her dad and uncle bringing home people, who she had never seen before and she didn’t care about the British Men of Letters because after all, they were civilized human beings. “None of it. I just don’t wanna get in there,” she answered him nodding at the big redbrick building.
“Well, that’s just too bad,” her father went through her dark hair with his hand, “and now move your ass!”
“Fine!” Eden muttered, “Will you pick me up?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Yeah, please!” she begged a little. Her dad could be quite good at comforting her when he knew that he wasn’t the one who made things unpleasant for her in the first place.
“Then I’ll try.” he smiled.
Eden smiled back, then picked up her backpack and got out of the car.
The entire eight hours of school Eden wouldn’t say a word unless her teachers told her to. She even managed to ignore Matt for a little longer. She knew he wanted to know what happened a couple days ago, but Eden just didn’t want to talk about it. After school, the talk Eden was trying to avoid happened. Matt had caught up with her while she was waiting for her dad to show up.
“Eden.” he greeted her, “What the hell is wrong with you?” The blonde guy seemed to be pretty mad at her.
She looked at him, unsure if she should answer him since some of their classmates were still around. “Nothing” she simply said and stared away, hoping the Pickup or the Impala would drive around the corner. 
“Nothing? So you’re literally saying that you showed up at my house having a mental breakdown because of nothing? And that you’ve been ignoring me because of nothing?” Matt asked her angrily, which just made Eden roll her eyes. “What? Are we in fucking preschool?”
When she didn’t answer he continued, “See, I actually thought that we could trust each other and tell each other everything because that’s what I’ve been doing for like the past year, but now I am so sick of your goddamn bullshit, Eden, I am so fucking sick of it!”
“Hm, let me help you out a little.” the teenage girl started, already fed up with the situation “We are not a thing, Matt! I am not your girlfriend and I owe you nothing! We agreed on that, remember?”
Suddenly Matt’s anger turned into an attitude, “You knew that I wanted things to be different. I once really liked you, Eden, but that was before I realized that you’re just a little bitch, who had been using me for whatever stupid cause you made up in that pea brain of yours. And in that way, even Shirley Chambers would be better for me that you!”
“I don’t feel that way,” she said regarding his last sentence. Maybe she was a little bitch and maybe he used to like her her, but there was no way Shirley Chambers was better than her.
“Sometimes I think you don’t feel anything…except maybe for your uncle, which by the way would be exactly your kind of crazy shit.”
That hit Eden hard, but probably not as hard as her fist hit Matt’s nose. He stumbled backward, holding his bleeding nose and glancing at her shockingly. “You dumb whore!”
A voice angrier and louder that Matt’s echoed through the school yard. “Eden Marie Van den Berg Winchester! What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Eden spun around seeing her angry father walking up to her. “Please Dad, let me explain!” she tried to calm him down before he could reach her.
“Oh, that better be a damn good explanation!” Dean said while checking Matt’s nose and asking him if he was okay. After Matt answered with a nod, he turned around to his daughter, “Otherwise I’ll whoop your ass when we get home and this time I’m serious!”
The teenage girl swallowed hard. She felt extremely humiliated by her dad and that in front of her classmates. But she replied with her jaw clenched, finger pointing at Matt, “He’s the one who needs the ass whooping. He called me a little bitch, then claimed that I and Sam are having a thing and then he called me a dumb whore!“ 
Dean really tried hard to control his anger when he started speaking to Matt again. "How dare you! You have not the germ of an idea of what my family went through. So you better keep your mouth shut and stay the hell away from my daughter, boy, or I swear to god I’m gonna rip your lungs out! You hear me?”
“Ye-es Sir!” he stammered intimidated.
“Good!” he said before he looked back at his daughter, commanding her to get in the car.
Eden obeyed. She didn’t want to get in more trouble than she probably already was. 
Her Dad started lecturing her as soon as he pulled the car out of the parking lot, “I can’t believe what you just did, Eden. Seriously, I thought Sam made himself pretty clear the last time you got into a fight.”
But Eden hardly listened to him talking. She just stared out of the window, watching the neighborhood passing by while thinking about what Matt said. When he said he liked her he actually meant that he was in love with her, otherwise, Matt would have broken up with her months ago. It was so stupid of Eden not so see that. She knew that now, and still she would be lying if she told him that she felt the same. Of course, she liked spending time with him, but only if her dad, Sam or Cass weren’t home. Maybe Eden just wasted his time, maybe she used him.
“…And that’s exactly why you have to learn to control your damn temper, Eden!” Dean finished, then realized that his daughter didn’t hear a word he said.
“Eden…Come on, won’t you try defending yourself?”
“Please don’t tell me he broke your heart.” he said and Eden shook her head, but he didn’t see that, “I get it, Champ. I was a teenager once too.”
“Yeah, a couple lives ago,” she joked, but earned a stern glance from her father,
“He did not break my heart, he just said some things that I have to deal with.”
“Fine, just talk to Sam about it, or maybe even Cass, before it eats you up inside, okay?” Of course, Dean wouldn’t want to hear her emotional breakup story, he thought that she only did this to herself. A fifteen-year-old shouldn’t be in any kind of relationship with any boy.
Back home Dean parked the stolen car in the garage and continued fixing his Baby, which still was damaged after “that British Bitch” crashed it. Eden just wandered off to the kitchen, where she spent the next thirty minutes on her phone while eating a bowl of cereal. 
Her uncle decided to join her when he passed the kitchen. “Hey, Baby. Are you okay?” Sam asked her after he noticed her pensive look.
His niece shrugged her shoulders, “Don’t know”.
Clearly, Eden wasn’t okay, but also didn’t want to talk about it, Sam knew that. He just put his arm around her shoulder to comfort her.
“Sam, do you think we’re too close to be niece and uncle?” she suddenly asked.
The younger Winchester brother glanced at her surprised. “I actually never thought about that. Why would you wanna know?” “Just reasons.”
“I don’t know. You were more like a daughter to me. I mean, after all, I did raise you.”
Eden looked up at him and smiled weakly. “And I have to admit, you did a quite good job.”
Her uncle laughed, “Okay, what is it? Did you got a bad grade or why are you trying to butter me up?”
The teen lowered her head and said with a shaky voice: “Matt broke up with me.”
And Sam wouldn’t answer. He just hugged her tight and hold her until she’d calm down.
I don’t own these GIF’s
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