#de-stress slow dance at home
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"Do you dance?" "For you, I could."
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theanothersherlockian · 5 months
Me nace del corazón || Frankie Morales x Latinx!Reader
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Just a quick drabble. I wanted to make Frankie embrace his Latin side jeje.
Reader is gender neutral, no physical description. She understans spanish and speaks it.
The translation of the song at the very end.
just 500 words
this might or not might be self indulgent (it is c: )
Music was always in the scene, no matter how the mood was. It could always lift him up if Frankie had a bad day at work, or keep the good energy on a good day.
You hadn’t gotten him to admit it verbally but he loves to dance, especially if it's with you. Well, he only likes to dance if it's with you. Swirling you around, humming along to the song, not minding where you were, not worrying about prying eyes, being with you was enough to take him out of his comfort zone.
You had a stressful day. Things at work didn't work out how you wanted, making a domino effect on everything else. It just wasn't your day. You just wanted to get home and de-inflate, laying on the couch with Frankie, maybe even starting a movie that you probably sleep through.
Once at home, you started making dinner, something small for the two of you. You put your playlist on your phone, something with a fun tempo to make you feel better, and in no time you started singing and dancing along too.
Frankie didn’t make a sound when he unlocked the door, he had made it sure to be that way when he heard you through the walls, your voice and laughter making him soft every time he heard it. He opened the door and made his way in with light feet. He stood there watching you, he couldn’t believe this was his life now, after everything he's been through at the military, he now can be at ease. If only young Frankie could see how his life would do a total 180.
You turned around, and saw Frankie there.
“You’re early” you say laughing
“Hey baby,” he said, walking closer to you, pulling and hugging your waist. He started to swing you slowly to the tempo of the music. Until it changes to a different song.
He grinned knowing the song. He would always sing that to you. The trumpets making the entrance.
“Frankiee!” you said playfully laughing into his neck.
“Me nace del corazón” he started singing along the song “Decirle que usted es mi vida, que no se vivir sin usted disculpe que se lo diga.”
Frankie started swinging at you jumping on his feet at the new fast tempo. His right hand held you tighter to the waist while the left hand intertwined your right hand, making it go up and down.
His voice was playful but at the same time his low voice made you feel something. He swirled you around on your feet. his right hand always knows its way to your hip. You both were dancing through the kitchen.
Your laughs impregnated the room. You were always happy to be with him, he made your days brighter no matter how bad they were.
“Y quiero sentir sus besos, su manos que me acaricien” you started singing with him as well “quiero comprobar que vivo, no quiero morir de amor”
You both were breathing fast, giggling into each other when the song was over. Your head resting on each other, lips bruising.
“I love you” you whispered to him, the breathing slowing as a sense of welcoming washed over you.
“I love you too baby” he whispered back to you. His soft eyes linger on your face
the name of the song is “Me nace del corazón” and it’s specifically Juan Gabriel’s version.
ME NACE DEL CORAZÓN DECIRLE QUE USTED ES MI VIDA: It is born from my heart to tell you that you are my life.
QUE NO SE VIVIR SIN USTED DISCULPA QUE SE LO DIGA: that i don’t know how to live without you, i’m sorry for telling you.
Y QUIERO SENTIR SUS BESOS, SUS MANOS QUE ME ACARICIEN: And I want to feel your kisses, your hands that caress me.
QUIERO COMPROBAR QUE VIVO NO QUIERO MORIR DE AMOR: I want to check that i’m alive, i don’t want to die of love.
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
Sliding Into Home ~ It Doesn't Stay in Vegas
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Pairing: MLB!Frank Adler x Abigail Hernandez (OFC)
After a trade from Boston to Los Angeles, first baseman Frank Adler would seem to have it all. Money, women, an amazing niece, yes Frank should have it all. Except for one thing. One thing that left after a mistake five years ago. Los Angeles should be the chance to start over. Except she is supposed to be in Boston. Not his new medical director.
* A Frank Adler AU x Major League Baseball Story**
Warning: ANGST (i can't stress this enough), second chances, cheating, eventual smut, slow burn, drug use, abandonment issues, betrayal, domestic violence (i may have missed some), flashbacks
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Main Masterlist ~ Sliding Into Home Masterlist
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Empty shelves.  
Missing pictures.  
Half a closet empty. 
Frank Adler held his head in his hands, a tumbler of scotch in front of him on the coffee table.  It felt like the slam of the door continued to echo through his house.  The only blessing was that it didn’t wake his niece.  She took forever to get back down when she was awakened in the middle of the night.  Frank took another sip of the scotch, letting the burn keep him in reality instead of the blessing of dreaming.  He didn’t deserve to dream right now.   
One mistake.   
And he wasn’t even sure what happened.  But the photos told the story. He couldn’t. Not because he didn’t want to but because he couldn’t remember.  Fuck, why did he let Mike convince him to go with the team to Vegas.  Sure, in his third year in the league, the Red Soxes won the World Series and the team deserved to celebrate.  He should have stayed home with Abby and Mary, had some champagne and went to bed.  Instead, his best friends, Mike Weiss, his lawyer and Bobby Fuller, his third baseman, organized a celebration in Vegas for the weekend.  
How much did Frank want to go back in time and just stay home.  Then maybe he wouldn’t have woken up in bed with a woman who was not his girlfriend of three years.  Maybe pictures wouldn’t have been sold to the tabloids.  Maybe he wouldn’t be staring at a half empty apartment.  
Maybe Abby would still be home.  
A single tear ran down his face as he thought of Abigail Hernandez.  The one girl who knew Frank better than anyone.  Best friends since high school, it took one magical night right before the baseball draft for their life to change. But three years later, she walked away. She had every right because he made a terrible mistake.  
Draining the tumbler, Frank made his way down to Mary’s bedroom.  The four-year old was still sound asleep and Frank wished he had her peace.  Because in the morning, Frank would have to explain how her de facto mother had left them.  How he had screwed up. Mary was going to hate him, and he couldn’t blame anyone else but himself.  He curled up on the floor next to her bed, trying to find comfort in her.  
Tomorrow was going to suck but he had right now before the remainder of his world came crumbling down.  
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He’s holding Abby in their living room, dancing to a song on the radio.  She’s laughing as he spins her around, a big smile on his face.  He pulls her back to him, her dark hair swinging around as her big green eyes stare into his soul.  He leans down to kiss her and is met with a poke on his cheek.  huh?  He tried again but again met with a poke.  What the fuck?  
Frank jolted up to see Mary sitting on his chest, a blue feather in her hand.  “What?” 
“Why you sleep on the floor?”  
“Couldn’t sleep on my bed so I slept here with you.”  
“Where’s Abby? It's Saturday.  It’s pancake day.”  
Frank cursed internally.  How could he forget pancake day? A day where, unless he was on the road, the three of you would sit together with pancakes and make plans for the weekend. He swallowed.  “Uh, ok. Well,” he had just had to rip the band aid.  “Mary, I need to tell you something.”  Her big blue eyes looked back at him.  God, this was going to suck.  “Abby went back to her mom’s house for a while.”  
“Well, we had an argument and she decided to leave.”  
“What does that mean?”  
“It means she doesn’t live here anymore.  She moved away.”  
Mary stopped to think, her brow furrowed together.  “Does that mean she doesn’t love us anymore?”  
Oh fuck. Frank tried to keep it together.  “No, Nugget, she loves you very much.  It’s just, she doesn’t love me anymore.”  
He could see the fat tears that were gathering in her eyes.  “So, she’s gone?” 
“I’m afraid so Nugget.”  
Mary huddled into his chest as he sat against her bed. He looked around the room, decorated in Red Sox parahelia and NASA stuff, Mary was a duplicate of himself. She was so smart, a little brain box. She could tell you all of the visible constellations and what they meant. She had memorized all of the stats for all the players and who had been leading in the standings.  She had been along the third base line with Abby, cheering him on as he played.  But right now, she was just his little girl, his Nugget, crying for the woman whom he had broken.  
“Will she hate us forever?” 
Us. That one-word broke Frank.  
“She doesn’t hate you Nug. She hates me.”  
“She can’t hate you. She’s your best friend.”  
“I made a mistake. And she is very angry. I’m sorry Mary but I don’t think she’ll come back.”  
“Then she really didn’t love us because she wouldn’t leave me behind if she loved me.”  
Why did Mary have to be so smart? It would have been easier to have her not know so much about love but after her mother and grandmother, Frank had always reminded Mary that people who truly loved her never left her behind.  So, her logic was sound.  Abby wouldn’t have left if she loved Frank and Mary enough. 
“It’s me she doesn’t love anymore Nugget.  I’m sorry I ruined that.”  
Mary cuddled into him harder. “I won’t leave you Frank, but I don’t like you very much right now.”  
Frank sighed.  “I don’t like me very much either.”  
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Mary refused to have pancakes that morning.  They had French toast instead.  As he was cleaning up, Mike walked in, loud suit on, phone in hand as he spoke loudly. “Look, Frank Adler has no comment on it. Make that clear.” He hung up and looked at his best friend. “You look like shit.” 
“Thanks.” Frank sipped his coffee, the scotch headache still lingering. He looked at the stack of tabloids that still had headlines. 
Frank sighs as he puts the papers down and looks at Mike. “What the fuck do you want?” 
Mike raised his hands. “Whoa, is that any way to greet your best friend?” 
“Best friend?” Frank scoffed. “You are the reason I was put into a situation that just about cost me everything.  I told you it was a bad idea but no, Mike Weiss parties hard, consequences be dammed.”  
“I didn’t tell you to climb into the bed with the blonde.  I just poured. Next thing I know, you’re gone.”   
“I don’t remember, ok?  I don’t fucking remember anything. She said nothing happened, but Abigail doesn’t believe me. She said you told her you weren’t sure.”  
Mike growled, “I don’t believe you.  You were bragging about banging the blonde and that whatever happens in Vegas and blah blah blah. You fucked this up Franklin.  I told Abby the truth.  She’s my best friend too.”  
“You’re a liar. I would never say that.” 
“Well, get someone drunk and high and loose lips and all that. I was just letting Abby know that. And even if you told her, you broke her trust. So, who is she going to believe?” A malicious grin begins to spread across Mike’s face.  
“And you always wanted her.” Frank threw the accusation at him. “Ever since high school and you found a way to get in there. You set me up!” 
Mike smirked.  “Can’t prove that.”  
“Get out.”  
“Get the fuck out of my house!  Fuck you, Mike!  Consider our friendship and our work relationship terminated!” Frank was seeing red.  
“You’ll regret this Adler.”  Mike grabbed his briefcase and stormed to the door.  He stopped.  “You never deserved her, and you never will again.”  He slammed the door as he exited, and Frank sagged against the counter.  
Abby was too good for him. Everyone knew it.  But she chose him.  And she chose to leave.  Frank called his agent, Steve. “Hey Steve.”  
“Frank. How are you?” 
“Fucked.” He checked to make sure Mary is still in her room.  “Abby left last night.” 
He heard Steve sigh.  “I’m so sorry Frank.  How are you holding up? How’s Mary?” 
“We’re... broken. But surviving.” Frank takes a deep breath.  “Is Boston still wanting a long contract?” 
Steve has whiplash from the change in conversation. “Umm, yeah but you said that you weren’t sure because of medical school.”  
“Well, I know but,” it is taking everything to fight the tears, but he does it, “it doesn’t matter anymore.  I don’t want to move Mary around. She needs stability.”   
“The offer is five years, $65 million with $25 guaranteed.” Steve pauses. “Are you sure you want me to continue?” 
Frank contemplates. He could wait for something with a longer term or more money. But with everything so up in the air in his life, he needs something to ground him, to keep him from falling over the cliff. “Yes, just make sure that I have some sort of childcare in there and I’ll sign.  I need,” he runs a hand over his face. “I need to find a nanny.”  
“There is an agency we use.  I’ll call and get some resumes for you.”  
“Do you also have an attorney I can use?” 
“What happened to Mike?” 
“That fucker is gone.  I don’t know why I listen to him in the first place but I just can’t deal with him anymore.” 
“Andy Barber,” Steve replies. “Best sport attorney in the biz. I’ll give him a call.  He’s mentioned before that he thought you needed better representation.”  
“Whatever he wants to keep him on retailer, guarantee it.” Frank is glad that Steve still has his back.  “Do you know a realtor?” 
“Sure do and discreet too.  Moving?” 
“I want Mary to have a yard. To have space to run or experiment or whatever.” Frank spies on her walking back to the living room. “It's just going to be me and her and I want to give her everything.”  
He watched Mary build some Legos into a tower. Then he thinks about what he told Steve.  Just him and Mary.  He didn’t want to find anyone else.  He wanted Abby. His life was going to be Mary and baseball.  
It’s the end of October and he needs to get ready for the holidays. He needs to make sure that it’s special for Mary.  The only girl in his life from now on.  
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Taglist: @patzammit @firephotogrl74 @texmexdarling @slutforchrisjamalevans @jennmurawski13-writes @tinkerbelle67
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absentcaryatid · 1 year
San's New Friends
An ATEEZ fanfic by AbsentCaryatid
San makes some friends, including the reader, who help him de-stress from a busy career.
2.3K words, Content note: all tumblr using ages, gender neutral reader, cats, food, cheating is referenced, no pronouns used for the reader, no reader romance, there are characters named Spider and Ant but no actual bugs in the story
With a blissful grin, San cooed into the phone, “You know I miss my baby. Can I come over to your place tonight? I can make it quick.”
The other teammates eyed each other as they took a rest break mid-practice. ATEEZ did not have a dating ban, so the conversation was not surprising for that reason. Instead, the concern felt by all of them from Hongjoong to Jongho was due to the knowledge that San's partner was currently out of the country. Dancing resumed, but the mood was uneasy. When the others wearily trudged to the company vans to be chauffeured home, San broke off and headed out on his own.
When he got back to the dorm that night, San was smiling like a Cheshire cat. It did not go unnoticed by his teammates who were strewn about the living room engaged in a multitude of activities. For various reasons from a love of drama on Wooyoung's part to Yunho's concern for their good name as a group, nobody had wanted to miss San's return.
The first to speak, Yeosang commented warily, “You look happy.”
“Yes, very much so. I have a new friend.” San continued to beam as he passed through the room toward the kitchen.
Wooyoung trailed him and watched as San got himself a drink of water. Leaning against the cabinet beside the sink, Wooyoung wanted to know, “Is that all? Sounded like more on the phone earlier. Baby, was it?”
Unreadable, San drained the glass before responding. “Just friends, I promise.”
“With benefits,” Wooyoung snickered.
San laughed. “I guess you could call it that. I even feel like I am cheating sometimes.”
Hongjoong had been listening in. Risk taking sounded out of character for San, so he felt the need to caution, “Whatever you have going on, don't let it blow up in all our faces.”
The other members trickled into the kitchen to keep up with the conversation.
“All our careers are linked, and anything you do can tarnish the name of the whole team.” Seonghwa's serious tone matched the others' worried expressions.
“Whoa! I know that, and really am not doing anything dangerous.” Finally aware of the gravity of their assumption, San began to clear his name. “Here is what I have been up to. You will be okay with it, I promise.”
After bouncing around workplaces looking for something that felt meaningful, you had recently landed the perfect job for your skills and interest- manager of a cat cafe. It had been your idea to take on the project in an effort to increase adoptions from the shelter you worked for. With no interest in dealing with the food service part of the cafe, the current offerings were limited to several vending machines, but that did not seem to slow business down any. People generally weren't after the restaurant experience when they visited a cat cafe anyway.
The draw, of course, was the shelter cats hoping to find a permanent home. The playroom side of the cafe let prospective owners interact with cats in a far more comfortable environment than the shelter cages offered. Other people came to relax by playing, petting, or merely watching from the tables. College students living far from their own beloved pet were regulars, and you had recently seen an uptick in their numbers around the stress of finals. Seeing the community benefit from your job gave you a strong sense of pride.
You were pinning another adoption success story photo to the corkboard when a new visitor came in. He looked like a typical college age customer in casual clothes, mask, and brimmed hat pulled low on his face. The man got a can of hot coffee and also made use of the pet food vending machine to get a tube of salmon paste. He was guaranteed to be popular in the cat room with that choice.
First sitting at a table, he seemed mesmerized by the activity behind the glass wall. Some kittens zoomed after each other while the more sedate older residents zoned out with petting and massage from other customers. When you came by to remove trash from the next table over, he asked you about the two Siamese cats.
You tried to hold back talking too much, but it was difficult when he had asked about your favorites. “The bigger one with the gangly legs, we call her Spider, and her brother is Ant since he was the littlest in their litter. I'm hoping they end up in a home together, but at the same time, I am in no hurry to see them go.”
The man who listened happily to your tale of rescuing the orphans from a drainpipe soon became a regular customer very eagerly greeted by the cats due to his frequent purchases of the most expensive treats. Sometimes his visits to play were midday on the weekends, but more often it would be late on a weekday. There were also times when whole months would go by without seeing him.
It was after one of those absences that he came to the door very late begging for five minutes in the cat room just at closing time. With a gesture far more successful than expected, while still outside he took his mask off for the briefest moment to win you over with a show of dimples.
You hoped it was not visible on your face, but you immediately recognized him as Choi San from ATEEZ. All this time, you had had your suspicions when his eyes reminded you of one of your favorite artists, and then the voice too, but to know it was really him left you impressed. San had never acted like a big shot star, waiting in line for the vending machines like anybody else or making friendly conversation with the staff. His humble attitude impressed you.
The long absences coinciding with ATEEZ world tours made sense, and you were enough of a fan to know he had just gotten back to the country today. If letting San decompress with his favorite local cats was a thing you could do for him, you were eager to give this simple gift. “Take all the time you need, I'll be cleaning up and restocking for a while.”
The work went fast as you smiled to yourself. You left San alone, knowing he was there for the cats and some likely much needed relaxation. When it finally came time to move the residents to their cages he offered to assist, and you readily agreed to give him more time with them. It didn't hurt that you enjoyed watching the interactions either.
“Here you go baby, tuck down for the night.” After he put Ant away in his labeled enclosure, San made conversation with you too. “Thank you so much for this time. I have a job that can be stressful and don't get to see my own cat while I live so far from my parents. Tonight really helped.”
You nodded. “You must miss the comfort of Byeol terribly. I wouldn't want the hectic life of an idol for the world.”
San stopped petting Spider who was now snuggled in his arms, purring away. “You recognize me? You didn't freak out.”
Shrugging, and hoping the smile under your own mask reached your eyes, you explained, “I figured you wanted some normalcy. Cats probably make a nice break from effusive fans so I respected that.”
“Thank you. I love being here because the cats like me for who I am as a person rather than my looks or fame.”
When you laughed at him, San took it in good humor. “You win them over with salmon paste! You're gentle with them sure, so they feel safe to be around you, but we both know how well they respond to the customers who spoil them.”
From that night onward, you always got a special head nod in greeting when San showed up. It was clear from the behavior of the staff under your direction that his identity was kept close to your chest. Understanding San would lose the ability to relax at the cat cafe once his visits became public knowledge, you made sure to protect this secret. The two of you were always friendly, but you also made sure to limit your interaction, giving San space to be just like any other cat admirer.
It was right after another concert tour when San returned at closing time with a catnip gift for his favorite nearby cats. When you mentioned Spider and Ant were adopted while he was away, his shoulders slumped. “I hoped to see them again, they really did a lot for me when I missed my Byeol, even if it did feel like cheating on her sometimes to be giving affection to another cat.”
Luckily, you were able to soften the blow with some good news. “Well, if you want, I can take the present home to them, or you are welcome to visit and give it to them yourself. I live nearby.” Suddenly you were hit by how that sounded. “It really is an offer for you and the cats, I'm not looking for anything more from you.”
San laughed, “No worries, being undesired for once makes a nice change. I'm really pleased you gave in and adopted them yourself like you were always threatening to do.”
From then on San would come to play with Ant and Spider from time to time, watching them grow up and calling himself their uncle. He even video called from a tour once because his parents weren't answering to let him chat with Byeol and he really needed some cat time. It soon became clear you were also friends in your own right, the cats alone were not the only draw.
You could tell San felt comfortable after seeing you weren't begging to meet the other members of your favorite group, and could enjoy his company as just a person. He even teased you about it once when he brought snacks for an evening of dramas. Protesting you did like him for far more than being a provider of gourmet smoked salmon, San enjoyed the listing of traits you rattled off as to why his friendship was so valuable to you. None of those reasons had anything to do with his fame or looks, other than the happiness his smile brought you.
Shifting his cat time and friendship visits to the privacy of your home worked well because given enough time, even with the mask, it was a sure thing San was eventually going to be recognized by someone at the cat cafe. Once that happened, with the secret now out and mobs lingering for the chance of spotting a much-admired star, San gave up going to the cafe now that he had an in with you for cat access. Since his association with the shelter run cafe was already publicly discussed online, San approached KQ Entertainment with an idea to help the remaining unadopted cats he had gotten so much benefit from. Since the business was a non-profit, his employers agreed and you greatly looked forward to the project.
The day came and the cafe had a sign out notifying customers it was temporarily closed. Two sedans and plenty of equipment trucks arrived for a video shoot. You held it together far better than your giddy employees as ATEEZ filmed in the cat room. Jongho cheerfully complained but had a soft smile as a cat snoozed across his outstretched legs. Others seemed more at ease, such as Hongjoong who strutted around regally with an orange fur collar licking at his earrings.
In another corner, Yunho and San were splayed out on the floor letting cats walk on them while Yeosang taught a small gray cat to high-five. Seonghwa laughed as the kitten in his arms playfully batted at his bangs. Also true to character, Wooyoung was making recipes mixing together treats from the cat food vending machine to an appreciative audience. And then there was Mingi. The microphone on his shirt picked up quiet words of affirmation to the fat cat named Princess lovingly cradled in his lap, reveling in affectionate forehead scritches and Mingi's soothing voice.
Watching through the glass dividing the animal room from the cafe tables, you were in awe to see how easily San and the others slipped into model mode for the photography session afterward, even with the added difficulty of interacting while holding a cat. The resulting shots designed to showcase each available animal resulted in a complete emptying of the shelter you worked for. The pictures were passed around online, and in no time at all, even the previously hard to place cats had homes with dedicated fans.
The photo of Princess and Mingi in tiny matching tiaras generated the most interest. She was quickly spoken for, however. One of the managers on site that day came back soon after to make her his own to the delight of his family. Thereafter, Princess was occasionally seen around the KQ building on request, but for San she was no substitute for his beloved Byeol, or friends Spider and Ant. Regular visits to those local cats continued, as did his time with you.
San's romantic partners came and went, but your steady presence in his life as a person outside his idol work remained a cherished friendship. When the day came for him to settle down in a permanent relationship, you planned to be there cheering him on. And, should the happy couple wish to add a cat to their household, you would be ready with plenty of suggested feline companions in mind.
Masterlist of stories with no romance
General Masterlist
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jimmawww · 2 years
OST Song Titles
that make you go
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Silent Hill 2
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Theme Of Laura
White Noiz
A World Of Madness
Ordinary Vanity
Promise (Reprise)
Ashes And Ghost
Null Moon
Heaven's Night
Alone In The Town
The Darkness That Lurks In Our Mind
Angel's Thanatos
The Day Of Night
Block Mind
Fermata In Mistic Air
Prisonic Fairytale
Love Psalm
Silent Heaven
Noone Love You
The Reverse Will
Laura Plays The Piano
Terror In The Depths Of The Fog
Black Fairy
Theme Of Laura (Reprise)
Overdose Delusion
Pianissimo Epilogue
Silent Hill 3
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Lost Carol
You Re Not Here
Float Up From
End Of Small Sanctuary
Breeze In Monochome Night
Sickness Unto Foolish
ClockWork Little Happines
Please Love Me...Once More
A Stray Child
Innocent Moon
Maternal Heart
Letter From The Lost Day
Dance With Night Wind
Never Forgive Me Never Forget Me
Walk On Vanity Ruins
I Want Love
Heads No.2
Memory Of The Water
Rain Of Brass Petals
Flower Crown Of Poppy
Uneternal Sleep
I Want Love
Pathologic 2
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Children Are Burying The Doll
Drops In The Endless
Mourning Of The Gone
Doctor’s Dead
The Temple Of Lost Childhood
Killing The Bison
Heart Of The Labyrinth
Lost In The Night
Macula Areas
Shaman From The Downtown
Volch’ya Yagoda
Darkness (no words)
Air Castle
All Dead, All Dead
Archaic Way
Canceled Show
Canned Future
Corner Trap
Dead End
Deep Dreaming
Destiny Teeth
Endless Rest
Eternal Sacrifice
Exhumation Of Sense
Gears Of Law
Heavy Hand
Higher Than Sky
Illusion Of Choice
Infected Warehouse
Mad Mother Earth
Military Administration
Miracle Workshop
Nobody Home
Panic Routine
Plague Awake Here
River Of Flegm
Rotting Stones
Rust And Blood
Silencio Zero
Slow Ceremony
Song To Bodho
Stress Hug
Suok Circle
Taste Of Crime
Terminal Fever
There Is No Hope
Useless Science
Window To The Past
You Are Not Welcome Here
Madoka Magica
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Sis Puella Magica! / You Should Be A Magical Girl!
Salve, Terrae Magicae / Welcome To The World Of Magic
Gradus Prohibitus / Forbidden Steps
Credens Justitiam / Believe In justice
Clementia / Clemency
Desiderium / Desire
Conturbatio / Disorder
Postmeridie / In The Afternoon
Puella In Somnio / The Girl In The Dream
Umbra Nigra / Black shadow
Terror Adhaerens / Clinging Terror
Scaena Felix / A Happy Scene
Pugna Cum Maga / Battle With A Witch
Decretum / Decision
Agmen Clientum / Army Of Clients
Venari Strigas / Witch Hunt
Signum Malum / Bad Sign
Amicae Carae Meae / My Dear Friends
Incertus / Uncertainty
Inevitabilis / Inevitable
Serena Ira / Peaceful Wrath
Anima Mala / Evil Soul
Pugna Infinita / Infinite Battle
Vocalise Op.3 No.14
Ave Maria / Hail Mary
Numquam Vincar / I Will Never Be Defeated
Quamobrem? / Why?
Cor Destructum / Destroyed Heart
Surgam Identidem / I Shall Always Rise / I Will Rise Again And Again
Confessio / Confession
Sagitta Luminis / Arrow Of Light
Nux Walpurgis / Walpurga's Walnut
Cubiculum Album / White Room
Taenia Memoriae / Ribbon Of Memories
La Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin / The Girl With The Flaxen Hair
Symposium Magarum / Symposium Of Witches
Pergo Pugnare / I Will Continue To Fight
コネクト -ゲームインストー- Connect -Game inst.
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Opening Suite
Truth And Reconciliation Suite
Brothers In Arms
Enough Dead Heroes
Perilious Journey
A Walk In The Woods
Ambient Wonder
The Gun Pointed At The Head Of The Universe
Trace Amounts
Under Cover Of Night
What Once Was Lost
Lament For PVT Jenkins
Covenant Dance
Alien Corridors
Rock Anthem For Saving The Universe
The Maw
On A Pale Horse
Perchance To Dream
Library Suite
The Long Run
Suite Autumn
Dust And Echoes
Halo 2
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Mjolnir Mix
Blow Me Away
Ghosts Of Reach
1st Movement Of The Odyssey
Heretic, Hero
Flawed Legacy
Never Surrender
Ancient Machine
2nd Movement Of The Odyssey
In Amber Clad
The Last Spartan
Orbit Of Glass
3rd Movement Of The Odyssey
Heavy Price Paid
Earth City
High Charity
4th Movement Of The Odyssey
Drakengard 3
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A Better End (Better End)
Voidscape (忘彼)
Thundervalor / Battleground (勇雷/戦場)
Corroscience / Battleground (侵贖/戦場)
Descendeus (神降)
Antipurity / Battleground (不情/戦場)
Blissade / Battleground (踊祝/戦場)
Iniquitus (偏罪)
Registance / Battleground (応撃/戦場)
Prevolt / Battleground (防来/戦場)
Aethervox (空音)
Pulchregeist / Battleground (奇霊/戦場)
Exvulsion / Battleground (出蠢/戦場)
Strumble (転歩)
Wilderblades / Battleground (乱葉/戦場)
Companthem / Battleground (友歌/戦場)
Nethernox (底闇)
Exhaustion 3 (尽きる3)
Censorial Sonata (倫理の為のピアノ曲)
Kuroi Uta (クロイウタ)
Exvulsion / Phanuel (出蠢/ファヌエル)
Prevolt / Armaros (防来/アルマロス)
Corroscience / Almisael (侵贖/アルミサエル)
Blissade / Egregori (友歌/ガブリエル)
Companthem / Gabriel (友歌/ガブリエル)
Blissade / Raphael (踊祝/ラファエル)
Companthem / Abdiel (友歌/アブディエル)
Prevolt / Zophiel (防来/ゾフィエル)
Exvulsion / Galgaliel (出蠢/ガルガリエル)
Corroscience / Ezrael (侵贖/イズライール)
Kuroi Uta (international version) (クロイウタ/日本国外向け製品収録版)
The Final Song (最後の歌)
This Silence Is Mine
No More Heroes
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Beam Katana Chronicles
Too Much Gorgeous
Hell On Bare Feet
Fork In The Wall
DND (Do Not Destroy)
Gorgeous Blues
Blaster Nation
Walk Like This
Oxygen Graffiti
Time To Scream
Science Of Silence
Crashmere Cannonball
Steel Python
Wishful Whistling
Heat In Your Heart
Strawberry Shortcake
Wind Blows, Love Dies
Bushido Flow
Season Of The Samurai
Righteous, Triumphant, Et Cetera
Hot Dreams
Ten Tons Of Titanium
Piranhas In The Air
Shy Supernova
Stop Hanging DJs
Hustlin' 'n' Tusslin'
Disaster For Sale
Sun On The Ceiling
Samurai Summer
Blueberry Cheesecake Brownie
Heat In Your Hand
Mach 13 Elephant Explosion
Speed With Teeth
Pleather For Breakfast
Dynamite Rider
Walking On Leaves
Art Of The Past
Rocket Surgeon
Electric Ladder
We Are Finally Cowboys
Staff Wars EPISODE I
The Virgin Child Makes Her Wish Without Feeling Anything
N.M.H. (Action Mix)
Wide World
You Suck
Mask Power
Batter Up
You Rock
NiGHTS Into Dreams
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Dreams Dreams
Sonic Team 1996
Fragmented Nights
Dreaming Youngsters : Claris Ver.
Gate of Your Dream
Introduced Dream
Paternal Horn : Complete Ver.
Acrobat Time
The Dragon Gave a Loud Scream
After The Dream
Dreaming Youngsters : Elliot Ver.
The Amazing Water : Complete Ver.
Time Up
Pia Over
She Had Long Ears
Mare Over
Gloom of The N.H.C. : Complete Ver.
Deep It Lies
Message From Nightopia
Take The Snow Train : Complete Ver.
E-LE-KI Sparkle
Dreams Dreams : In Silent Memory
Suburban Museum : Complete Ver.
The Mantle
Under Construction : Complete Ver.
NiGHTS and Reala
NiGHTS and Reala : Theme of a Tragedic Revenge
Growing Wings
D'Force Master
Peaceful Moment
On to The Audition
Score The Goal!
NiGHTS, Forever in Our Heart
Sowing Seeds
Dreams Dreams : Kids Ver.
Fragmented Nights : Epilogue Ver.
Know Thyself!
Dreams Dreams (Instrumental)
Missing Star
Welcome to Christmas NiGHTS
Introduced Dream
Dream Bells
The Dragon Gave a Loud Scream : In Holy Night
Twinkle Star
Dreams Dreams : A-Cappella Ver.
Winter Sleep
Jack Frost's Chime : Complete Ver.
New Year's "9TH"
Rolling Eggman
Dreams Dreams : Sweet Mix in Holy Night
Dreams Dreams : Nightopian Ver.
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Loading Tape
Turned Around
Safe Room
Causal Loop
Double Back
Eternity in a Box
Visions of Alina
Intensive CareTrain Ride
Riot Control
Ewige Wiederkunft
Kentucky Meat Shower
Haint Tales
Coal Ash Slurry
Sea Smoke
Ritual (Nowhere)
The Red Gate
Die Toteninsel (Emptiness)
3000 Cycles (I missed you) 
Near Dark by the Pond
Lived In
I can't stop now
Rogue Wave
You have changed
Cigarette Wife 
Rotfront (Moon)
Dream Diary
Double Back (VHS Ver.)
Ariane's Theme
Falke's Theme
Become whole again
The Promise
Troublesome Creek
Warm Light
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GRAIN (opening theme)
Drift Mind
Float flower
Collage man
Sweet home
Idler Wheel
Medium shot
Be Lit Up
Mid Point
Angel hand
Make it Home
What Do I See
The Seeds of Time
Before you go to sleep
Close Your Eyes
Cast Upon the Wind
Cannot Hear
Kuniaki Haishima - Than One ( Monster OST 2)
The More I See
It's a Long Way to Go
Mother 3
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001 - Let's Begin! 002 - Fun Naming 003 - Voice 1101 004 - Welcome! 005 - Alec's Log House 006 - Mom's Hometown 007 - Save 008 - I'm a Mole Cricket! 009 - Enemy Encounter! 010 - Bothersome Guys 011 - You Won! 012 - Stand Up Strong 013 - As You Wish 014 - A Letter to You, Honey 015 - Carrier Pigeon 016 - Mysterious Flying Object 017 - LOG-O-TYPE 018 - F-F-Fire! 019 - Chapter 1 020 - Sound of Siren 021 - Together 022 - To Sunshine Forest 023 - Forest Prayer Sanctuary 024 - Forest of Flames 025 - The Enemy Attacks! 026 - Mr. Batty Twist 027 - The Water's Great 028 - Enter the Pigmasks! 029 - Dangerous Guys 030 - Troublesome Guys 031 - What? 032 - Back Beat Battle 033 - Gentle Rain 034 - Homely Yado Inn 035 - Letter from You, My Sweet 036 - Hard Rain 037 - Let's Go Together! 038 - Run, My Dog, Run! 039 - Somewhere, Someday 040 - Got a... 041 - Cautiously 042 - Mischievous Blues 043 - Tragic Reconstruction 044 - Confusion 045 - MOTHER 3 Love Theme 046 - Sorrowful Tazmily 047 - Lonely Room 048 - In the Room 049 - Going Alone 050 - Fun Bazaar 051 - The Bread's Ready! 052 - Beyond the Sunshine Forest 053 - More Mischievous Blues 054 - Cumbersome Guys 055 - Mambo de Battle 056 - With My Father-in-Law 057 - Astonishing March 058 - Magypsy Party 059 - Much Better! 060 - Danger 061 - More Troublesome Guys 062 - Toppling March 063 - Big Enemy Encounter! 064 - Fight with Mecha-Drago 065 - Victorious... 066 - Level Up! 067 - Long Shadow 068 - Chapter 2 069 - Passing Down Secrets 070 - Mind of a Thief 071 - Suspicious Flying Object 072 - Huh? 073 - Zombeat 074 - Tough Zombeat 075 - Fate 076 - Accelerondo 077 - More Cumbersome Guys 078 - Osohe Castle 079 - More Dangerous Guys 080 - Back Beat Battle - Hard 081 - And El Mariachi 082 - Dry Guys 083 - Etude for Ghosts 084 - Got Somethin' Good! 085 - Ragtime Osohe 086 - Mambo de Battle Plus 087 - Serious 088 - Misplaced Revenge 089 - Polterg-g-g-geist 090 - Family Matters: 2nd Movement 091 - The Room Too Mysterious 092 - Fanfare of the Noble Vase 093 - Morning Already 094 - A Master, a Father, a Thief 095 - Piggy Guys 096 - Piggy Something 097 - Open Sesame Oil! 098 - Open Sesame Tofu! 099 - Learned PSI! 100 - Ode to Ancestors: 8th Movement 101 - Formidable Foe 102 - Butch and the Villagers 103 - Chapter 3 104 - Monkey's Love Song 105 - We're Going Together...? 106 - Bean Bean Pork Bean 107 - BzZzT! Even In My Dreams! 108 - The Peddler's Grand Speech 109 - Monkey's Delivery Service 110 - Dance! 111 - What Happened?! 112 - Laugh! Be Happy! 113 - Formidable Foes 114 - Audacious March 115 - Drago!? 116 - Thanks, Drago! 117 - Something Strange is Going On 118 - Love Theme (Reprise) 119 - Chapter 4 120 - A Railway in Our Village! 121 - Good Morning 122 - Reminded 123 - Hotel Yado 124 - My Wonderful Room 125 - Fun Shopping 126 - Happy Town? 127 - A Little Elegy 128 - What's Beyond the Tunnel? 129 - Even Drier Guys 130 - Murasaki Forest 131 - Whew, Hauling is Hard Work 132 - Good Work 133 - Stringent 134 - Ride the Ropeway 135 - Club Titiboo Theme 136 - Big Shot's Theme 137 - Girl's Room 138 - Shower Time Ballad 139 - The Attic's a Dungeon?! 140 - Intense Guys 141 - A 16-Beat Attack! 142 - A Marching Attack! 143 - Rock and Roll (Mild) 144 - Rock and Roll (Spicy) 145 - Lucky's Room 146 - Bon Voyage, Amigo 147 - What's That?! 148 - Chapter 5 149 - Oh No! 150 - Dangerous Highway 151 - Pork Bean Outta Gas 152 - Parking Area: Dur-T Cafe 153 - White (Owner's Recommendation) 154 - Fairies (Neckbeard's Recommend.) 155 - Resolve (Gum Guy's Recommend.) 156 - Blessing (Baldy's Recommendation) 157 - Adolescence (Toilet Cow's Rec.) 158 - Wasteful Anthem 159 - His Highness' Playroom 160 - His Highness' Memory: 2S 161 - His Highness' Memory: 2H 162 - MROB-6720M 163 - GENE163-1425 164 - Aria of Unease 165 - Chapter 6 166 - Sunflowers and Illusions 167 - Name These Children 168 - Mother?! 169 - A Tiny, Enormous Miracle 170 - Chapter 7 171 - Right Left Light Reft 172 - Quite the River 173 - Magypsy's Home, Sweetie-Pie 174 - Magypsy's Gone, Cutie-Pie 175 - Razor and Lipstick 176 - And Yet, El Mariachi 177 - Close Your Eyes, Sugar 178 - She Was Like a Sunflower 179 - Let's Ride the Train! 180 - The Green Train's Fun, Too! 181 - It's Chimera Research 182 - Pink Shell 183 - Pulling of the Needles 184 - More Audacious March 185 - Mole Cricket Elder 186 - Snowman 187 - His Highness' Theme 188 - Anthem of Destruction 189 - A Flying Whatchamacallit 190 - Mr. What's-His-Nose 191 - Mr. Saturn Theme Z 192 - Tragic Security 193 - Hustle for Pride 194 - War of the Words 195 - we humming 196 - Volcano! Inferno! 197 - Yokuba and InterpreTor 198 - Coffee Break 199 - Got Somethin' Great! 200 - Beach Combing 201 - O2 in Love 202 - Tanetane Island 203 - Red-Green-Yellow-Yellow| 204 - Is it Just Me Or Are You Gorgeous? 205 - Strong One 206 - And Then There Were None 207 - Is Anyone There? 208 - Like Looking for a Dropped Pickle 209 - Chupi-Chupyoi for World Heritage 210 - Who? 211 - Strong One (Masked Man) 212 - True Welcome! 213 - Life's an Inner Circle Gap 214 - NPC Loves You! 215 - Chapter 8 216 - Isn't This Such a Utopia?! 217 - Blip-Blip High Score 218 - No Eating Crackers in the Cinema 219 - Beauty and Tasty 220 - New Pork Bossa 221 - Absolutely Filthy Apartments 222 - Leder's Gymnopedie 223 - Afro Bam-Babam 224 - Hey, Brother! Gimme an A! 225 - Theme of DCMC 226 - Samba de Combo 227 - Hippo 228 - Rain, Followed by a Harem 229 - Refreshing Toilets 230 - Under Construction... 231 - Automated... 232 - Even More Intense Guys 233 - Mini-Porky's Entrance 234 - Try Kind of Hard! 235 - And... Stop! 236 - Natural Killer Cyborg 237 - Time Passage 238 - A Certain Someone's Memories 239 - I am Porky 240 - Porky's Porkies 241 - Burst-In Rock 'n' Roll 242 - Master Porky's Theme 243 - Absolutely Safe Capsule 244 - Battle Against the Masked Man 245 - Memory of Mother 246 - It is Finished 247 - Phantasmagoric 248 - Curtain Call 249 - 16 Melodies (Beginning) 250 - Memory of Life
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livelovelifeagain · 28 days
De-Stress in 10 Minutes: Easy Techniques for Busy People
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As a stress relief coach, I help people from all walks of life find healthy ways to manage stress. Here are some of my favorite quick and effective techniques that anyone can do, anywhere:
1. Deep Breathing: This might sound simple, but it's incredibly powerful. When we're stressed, our breath becomes shallow and rapid. Taking slow, deep breaths activates the relaxation response in our body, slowing down the heart rate and calming the nervous system. Here's how to do it:
Find a quiet place where you won't be interrupted.
Sit comfortably with your back straight.
Close your eyes gently, or focus on a soft spot on the wall.
Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of 4.
Hold your breath for a count of 2.
Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 6.
Repeat for 5-10 minutes.
2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This technique involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in your body, helping to release physical tension that often accompanies stress.
Start by sitting or lying down comfortably.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
Focus on your toes. Squeeze them tightly for 5 seconds, then release completely and feel the tension melt away.
Repeat this process for different muscle groups: calves, thighs, glutes, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, face, and scalp.
By the end, you'll feel a deep sense of relaxation throughout your body.
3. The 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique: This technique helps to bring your awareness back to the present moment, offering a mental break from stressful thoughts.
Find a quiet spot and take a few deep breaths.
Look around and name 5 things you can see (a chair, a tree, your phone, etc.).
Listen carefully and identify 4 sounds you can hear (traffic, birds chirping, your own breathing).
Focus on your sense of touch and feel 3 things around you (the texture of your clothing, your chair, the floor).
Smell what's around you. Are there any 2 distinct scents?
Finally, taste something, even if it's just a sip of water.
4. Short Guided Meditation: Meditation may seem intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. A quick guided meditation can be a powerful tool for de-stressing. There are many free guided meditations available online or on meditation apps. Look for one specifically designed for stress relief.
Find a comfortable position and close your eyes, or soften your gaze.
Listen to the guide's instructions, focusing on your breath and letting go of distracting thoughts.
Even 5-10 minutes of guided meditation can make a big difference in your stress levels.
5. Get Moving: Sometimes, the best way to de-stress is to move your body. Even a short burst of physical activity can release endorphins, improve mood, and help you feel more energized.
If you're at work, try some quick stretches at your desk or take a brisk walk around the office.
If you're at home, do some jumping jacks, put on some music and dance freely, or even just walk up and down the stairs a few times.
Remember, even just a few minutes of stress relief can make a big difference in your overall well-being. By incorporating these quick and easy techniques into your daily routine, you can better manage stress, feel calmer, and be more prepared to tackle whatever life throws your way. As a stress relief coach, I'm here to help you find what works best for you. Don't hesitate to reach out for personalized guidance on your stress management journey.
Feeling overwhelmed by deadlines, to-do lists, and the never-ending demands of daily life? You're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, stress is a common enemy. But what if you could hit pause, even for a short while, and find a sense of calm? The good news is, you can! With a few simple techniques, you can de-stress in just 10 minutes, even as a busy bee.
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crispyfryenperu · 2 years
Eating Cuy?? //Turning 25
The last few weeks have been going swimmingly! But rapidly swimmingly. Last week we celebrated my birthday, and my host family threw me a party and invited the other volunteers over. My family made us delicious homemade empanadas, tequenos, masamorra morada, chicha morada, sandwiches, and an amazing cake! I can’t believe they did so much for me, a random vegetarian gringita who had the audacity to spend her birthday at someone else’s house… they are so kind. The volunteers were also very kind celebrating my birthday with me with a few gifts, including cinnamon rolls made by the very talented, brilliant, incredible PC Trainee Amanda Gapud! Cinnamon rolls are a LOT of work and time so thank you! AND the WASH team also gave me an apple pie and a Kusco hat to wear for the day. We actually had a crazy busy week and my birthday fell right in the middle of it. That day we had a cultural celebration at the training center. The WASH volunteers and mothers made carapulcra and sopa seca - a dish from Canete/Chincha, the places we are going to be staying. We also had to give presentations about the regions. Thursday we had more presentations for the JASS’s (Junta Administriva de Servicios de aqua y Saneamiento) which was kind of stressful, because we were reporting to them what they could improve on. I think they know way more about their water systems than I could tell them, but actually I was able to give them a couple of points from an outsider’s point of view. The JASS was very gracious and might take my suggestions. Anyways, the week was long and busy for everyone! And I am continually blessed by the people who surround me.
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My amazing host family
Tomorrow i will meet my new host family for two years. This is site exploration, I will be in my site for 10 days and then go back to the training center for about 2.5 more weeks. Then I’ll be back with this host family for 2 years! I don’t know too much about them but I know I will be living with a mother, a 21-year-old sister, and a 12-year-old brother. My regional coordinator told me that they are excited to meet me and the three family members just finished painting my room today! I am collecting kindness from so many people I feel like I am taking more than my slice of the cake. If cake is kindness I need to start baking more and more of it. Perfect because one of my host sister’s birthdays (at training) is after site exploration.
Now I’m 25! A year ago I celebrated my 24th birthday in San Francisco on my construction site with my work friends. I also went out with Alex and Carmen and rode a mechanical bull 3 times. It feels like I was 24 for 5 years. I think partly 23 bled into 24, but I’ve also been doing so many things in the last year, and they say new experiences make time slow down. Since turning 24 I started working from home and then moved to Tucson, lived alone, roadtripped back home and moved to Peru. I did so many things, like eating alligator, learning to dance banda, visiting Texas, eating at fancy buffets in Vegas, generally being an adult, and making brand new friends in a brand new city. And I’ve grown so much. I learned that being a people pleaser is actually a terrible thing! Standing up for oneself is a part of the US’s individualist culture, but perhaps due to being a woman, or being Latina, I’ve learned to prioritize too many people before myself.  I think it’s mostly how women are socialized.
This year I went to see Lorde with my bestie Carmen. And she has this song that really wraps up how we feel turning 25, please enjoy:
And note I know I haven’t seen it ALL, and will keep learning my entire life, but 25 is a huge milestone for me. I didn’t expect it to be until I looked back on the year. 
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Well immediately after writing the previous paragraph I went to a preschool where I judged a cultural event and the Moms were NOT happy to lose so now I am feeling very guilty. Since I literally JUST wrote to stop people pleasing… I need to get a grip!! I thought the hardest part of this cultural event was going to be trying to avoid eating all of the meat. It was a challenge, but fortunately I got away with only tasting a few types of seafood (that were actually delicious shh don’t tell my sister). I ate these fish due to all the hard work these parents put in for their children and teachers. I even tried the cuy for my very first time! It was a little shocking to see it sprawled out on the plate like that, and pretty hilarious too. There was even a cute live cuy (hamster) in a cage nearby. But I ate it for the sake of adventure as well as integration. It paid off because one of the Moms also works at the municipality, and she knows I’m vegetarian but told all my other coworkers that I tasted the cuy. Cuy has a lot of collagen in it (making it extremely chewy)       (☍﹏⁰)。     so this text emoji is how I felt eating it. But that’s your newest beauty hack! Instead of botox y’all can start eating cuuy :) you’re welcome, way cheaper. Even though eating fish and cuuy was tough, facing the wrath of protective mothers, who stayed up past midnight creating decorations and cooking, was much worse.  The event was incredible though! And I understand their frustration - there was a LOT of delicious food and thoughtful, intricate decorations. 
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Selva food!
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On a side note there’s a famous cultural dance called the Anaconda. When I first asked Massiel her favorite song she said Anaconda, but I wasn’t about to put Nicki Minaj and Sir mix-a-lot on for a 6 year old. Now I’ve finally seen the real dance. 
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pixellionmm · 2 years
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7 Effective Ways to Reboot Your Mind
In today’s hectic, fast-paced world, it’s natural that you want to escape from reality and recharge your batteries. Feeling tired and stressed have become the new normal for most people, affecting their personal lives, relationships, and careers. So, how do you reboot your mind?
The answer to this is taking time to care for your body and mind. While it’s easy to get caught up in the craziness of daily life, it’s critical to prioritize your mental health. You need to remember that self-care is not selfish.
Here are seven ways to help you refresh your mind and feel more rejuvenated.
Take a nutritious meal
Eating a healthy, nutritious meal can help to reduce the negative effects of stress on your body, promoting a strong immune system. It is also a good idea to keep nuts, seeds, and dried organic products around your work area. You can munch on these nuts while working to keep your mind refreshed.
Make a good meal plan that includes a variety of carbohydrates and less sugar. Consuming nutritious meals will both energize and refresh your mind.
Listen to your favorite music
It’s time to play your favorite tracks, relax, and let your mind unwind! Listening to music can help brighten up your day and relax your tired mind. Research shows that music can help slow your heart rate and lower blood pressure.
It also suggests that music helps to reduce anxiety by allowing you to escape reality and transport you to your ideal world. This way, it helps relax your thoughts and rejuvenate your brain.
Write down your thoughts
Journaling your thoughts can actually relieve a lot of stress by serving as a getaway. Writing about anger, sadness and other painful emotions helps to release the intensity of these feelings. By doing so, you will feel calmer and more able to stay in the present.
So try writing each day for a few minutes. Allow the words and ideas to flow naturally without overthinking. Don’t be concerned about spelling mistakes or what others might think.
You get to know yourself better this way by disclosing your deepest worries, thoughts, and feelings. Make your writing time as your personal relaxation time. It’s a time when you can de-stress and wind down.
Take a nap
How does napping help reboot your mind? For one thing it will boost your mood. Sometimes all we need is a short nap to refresh our mind.
Naps boost energy and improve reaction time. They enhance creativity, increase productivity, and boost problem-solving abilities.
Consider napping as helping you to reset the button especially when you’ve had a bad day because it helps you to process those emotions which will in turn improve your outlook and be better prepared tomorrow to meet any challenges that may arise. It’s not only beneficial for your body, it’s good for your frame of mind!
Exercise is one of the most effective ways to deal with stress and anxiety. It refreshes your mind as it releases endorphins – chemicals that make you feel good and reduce stress.
Almost any type of exercise or activity can improve your fitness while also lowering your stress levels. The most important thing is to choose something you enjoy doing. Walking, stair climbing, jogging, dancing, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting, and swimming are just a few examples. It will definitely help in making you feel better after a hectic day.
Remember that you don’t have to join a gym to get moving. Take a walk with the dog, try body-weight exercises or do a yoga video at home.
Get Creative
When do you get the creative ideas the most? More likely in the shower, on a long walk, or lying in bed — when you have time to relax and think.
Studies show that engaging in artistic activities – like music, visual art, movement or creative writing – can help you emotionally and physically. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as the alleviation of depression-related symptoms.
Simply engaging in creative behaviors such as baking, doodling, taking photos, knitting, coloring in an adult coloring book improves brain function, mental health, and physical health.
Spend some time with family or friends
Having a strong support network is essential for maintaining a healthy mental state. Spending time with family has been demonstrated in studies to help reduce stress and anxiety, promote a healthy lifestyle, and extend life.
Social bonds provide emotional support, which improves your psychological well-being. According to one study, people who consider their friends and family to be supportive have a greater sense of meaning in life and a stronger sense of purpose.
If you’re feeling under pressure, give your loved ones a call or spend time with them. Being among family and friends can make you feel instantly more at ease and secure.
To summarize, it is critical to set aside time to pause, take a breath, and allow ourselves to begin to relax. Although your brain does not have a restart button, there are numerous ways to reboot it. Try these suggestions to see which one works best for you!
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morvantmortuary · 2 years
Hector “Hex” Emile Morvant-Casares
(The Summoner)
(Rarae Aves’s Slasher/Necromancer OC)
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“Aww, no need to be shy. People look better on camera than they think they do… or at least, they do on mine. C’mon, trust me, I’ll show you. Just like that… and smile— Perfecto.”
[Previously, before Volume I…]
age: 40 (10/1/1981, libra and he takes it v seriously.)
birthplace: greymoon, calcascieu parish, louisiana usa (though he has dual mexican citizenship.)
height: 5’10”
current location: lurking somewhere around greymoon, louisiana. (though you might want to check your closet. just to be certain.)
favorite book: a head full of ghosts - paul tremblay
(what he thinks his walk-on music would be: ellos quieren sangre - varsovia
what it actually would be: HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON’T - fall out boy
fc: diego luna with longer hair and usually in a hoodie. it’s a vibe, what can I say?)
hobbies: Hex’s daytime passion is photography, but he still finds plenty to be fascinated by in his spare time. he’s an avid lover of visual art of all kinds, and his obsession with the use of negative space carries over into the enjambments and caesuras of poetry. he’s prone to finding a good spot in the backyard for stargazing, and has a knack for picking out constellations wherever he is a leftover from spending time with his father as a young boy, not that he’d ever talk about it. Being alone a lot, one of his greatest pleasures is cooking - he finds food is often a way of going home when going back is actually impossible, for one reason or another. While his dessert baking seems to be under some sort of curse he blames the Oaxaca Incident for that, he can work miracles with bread dough, often using the process as a physical de-stressor when he’s stressed or anxious. In terms of things that bring him joy, he loves dancing in some grungy little spot to a good live band - but even more than that, he loves dancing with you.
You’re a recent discovery, his latest fixation - but you’re already the apple of his eye.
occupation: Hector has had a variety of different jobs over the years usually because he’s he’s fleeing from the scene of his latest crime but he’s most consistently found a way to keep his bills paid through freelance photography. sometimes under different names, depending on the circumstances, but it all goes to the same place. recently re-settled in greymoon, he’s trying to get a business set up within the mortuary that would provide memorial photography of the deceased to their mourners. it hasn’t caught on yet, but he figures it’s only a matter of time. and considering three of the four active morvants are back in greymoon, there’s going to be more than enough opportunity.
…If you know how to ask, and when to ask, and how much to pay, he’s also a skilled medium who can commune fluently with the realm beyond the Veil. If you make your case (and meet the fee), he’s willing to lend an ear to your grievance beyond the grave. But you might not always like what he brings back from the other side.
“There’s… pretty limited opportunities when it comes to the local galleries, I’m not gonna lie.” Hex is fiddling with the camera hanging on a strap around his neck, as usual. He grimaces, and it’s still sly, handsome (with the right quirk of his lips, his teeth could flash into something cruel). “But where else was I gonna go, you know? Family is… complicated.” His dark eyes find his finger tracing the shutter button (there’s a flicker of restlessness, and they look back up constantly like he’s watching something invisible to the rest of the world). “…It’s not all bad, though.” His grimace twists itself into a smirk, and he meets your gaze again like there’s a joke he hasn’t told you the punchline to yet. “New opportunities show up wherever you are. You just have to know how to look for them, y’know?” (And the way his eyes give you a slow, deliberate once over, you know he’s looking at you.)
the present, in a way:
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Okay, sure, so Hector came back to Greymoon to snipe the mantle as head necromancer out from under Maxi’s nose. And he’s still definitely planning on doing that, thank you very much.
Things just… maybe got a bit sidetracked, when he realized he didn’t want Maxi’s Obsession to go the route most Obsessions go. Or didn’t want to see the cousin he’d thought of as a brother for most of his life to turn into a total monster.
It’s okay if he’s the monster. That’s different. He doesn’t have Maxi’s same connection to this crummy little town and its people, they need him. FT can handle their shit, they proved that handily, but they clearly need him too. Maxi deserves to have that much if he can get it, Hex figures, he never wanted the title anyway. Not like he did. Does. Of course he does. He’s given up far too much to turn around now - he’s in it whether his feet get cold or not.
Besides, he can’t think of anyone who’s needed him in a long time. Not that way. He can’t even count Rora anymore, because not only did she bring her damn self back from the dead (and won’t let anyone forget it), she’s his main competitor now.
And besides, one more Morvant out of the running means things will be that much less bloody when push comes to shove.
So he figures he’s stuck here as he hunts down the rest of his links in his Chain, more or less. It’s an easy way to keep an eye on Rora’s scheming because she’s up to something, he knows it, he just can’t figure out what and hanging around the old stomping grounds means he can just lay low and observe, for now. With his undead uncle likely out for blood, and whoever that fucking weirdo was lurking around the cemetery, the twins are likely going to want the extra set of hands. Y’know. Just in case.
...Besides. You have the most exquisitely colored essence, and he’s having a hard time ignoring the urge to crack you open like a bottle of paint and play with it. Just a little. Just enough to see what it looks like on his film.
You’re probably the most interesting thing he’s seen in a while, if he’s being honest with himself. 
Whether that’s a good or a bad thing for you, well. Time will tell.
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favorite snippets outside the main arc:
Hector comforting a sad nonny.
no mistakes, know the stakes
no confíes en mi
Hex + Just Dance
Hex + sleeping
(Relevant playlists, other stories, and chapters in the overall continuity can be found on the main masterlist here.
all his usual tags are included in this post.
and as always, I’m not fluent in Spanish yet, so any suggested tweaks to Hex’s speech/vocab are always appreciated if necessary!)
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lotti-lyric · 2 years
Hihihihihihiihih lottieeee (can i call u that)
May i request a matchup
Im a little on the younger side and i have short dirty blonde hair, i have grey blue eyes and..i was attacked by the freckle monster when i was just an infant😥.
Im a cat person, and i have a bad obsession with them and cartoons.i like gaming alot and drawing is like my favourite thing eva
My music taste is mostly 00's rock and indie music eg: mcr and current joys.
Im a plant nerd -w-
And im a bit of a crybaby, i'll cry over anything and everything
If you cant do this req i understabd writing is stressful, just make sure to drink some tea and take a break yea? Okay baii
-british Milqy
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charlotte’s interlude!! 💗- HI STUNNING!! absolutely, you can call me charlotte, lottie, char, charlie, or anything else!! thank you so much for looking out for me, i appreciate it so much!! hope your day is amazing!! PLANT NERDS UNITE!! 🦋🌸✨
warning; crying mention, cats, food, and swearing!!
i match you with…
Yaoyorozu Momo!! (aka Creati)
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ugh oh my god she would LOVE YOU
slow dancing in the sculpture exhibit of the art museum, there’s no music, just the rhythms of your hearts as one 💗 (a/n: THAT SOUNDED CHEESY MY BAD YALL ARE JUST >>>>>> )
she absolutely loves cats and has two at home!! a ragdoll named Béline and a european shorthair named Toinette!! (a/n: they’re character names from a classical french play i was in!!)
you, her, and the kitty cats love to cuddle and talk about anything and everything
SHE ALSO LOVES YOUR PLANT NERD SIDE OMG, she loves flowers but struggles with keeping them alive so she totally idolizes you
“Love?? Could you possibly look at my lilies? I’m afraid they’re a bit limp, they could use a little of your expertise.”
she would never ever judge you for crying! it’s a normal response and completely valid!! she may even cry with you, she can’t bare seeing you upset :((
she loves sharing headphones with you, listening to your playlists with her head on your shoulder as you doodle
she adores your art!! SHE HAS SOME FRAMED I KNOW IT!!
if you’re ok with it, she would trace your freckles with the pads of her fingers with a small grin, just absolutely taking you in
she could live forever in that moment
she is just so absolutely entranced by you 💗
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imtryingmybeskar · 2 years
Day Fourteen of Steph's Christmas writing challenge.
I REALLY wanted to try to get this done. So here is a tiny little thing with Jack. Warning for swearing and mild allusions to smut. I wrote this very quickly on my phone and it's not my best work 😬
Jack Daniels X GN! Reader. Word count: 420
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Silly Dancing
So..... turkey's in the oven. Potatoes are prepped and ready to go. The vegetables are cooking. The gravy is simmering. We have wine and cheese and crackers and table decorations. Christmas playlist made and playing. Stuffing! Oh fuck! The stuffing!
Your thoughts stumbled over themselves in your panic. Who could forget stuffing at Christmas?! It was integral to the table. You began hastily pulling ingredients out of cupboards and were reaching for your mixing bowl when you heard his bass, Southern honeyed tones throughout the house.
"Honey, I'm home!" A hearty chuckle. Then, "I'm sorry, that's so clichéd. How about "Sweetheart, I've arrived?" "
"Hi Jack," you answered frantically.
He entered the kitchen, a worry creasing his brow.
"What's wrong, sugar? You sound all...tense." He dropped his voice on the last word, and ordinarily it would have shot straight to your abdomen, warming you through and sparking a desire for his voice closer, whispering sweet filth into your ear. Right now, it just made you more stressed.
"I forgot to make the stuffing!" you wailed. "And it's such an important part of Christmas and I don't know if it will cook in time and now I'm worried I've ruined the dinner and-"
"Honey, honey, honey," he soothed. "It's okay. It will all be okay. I'll help you make whatever you need to make. But first..." He held out his hands to you invitingly. "Dance with me?"
"Uh-uh," he interrupted. "Dance with me. The stuffing needs to be made with love. Not stress and panic. And I can help you de-stress." A beautifully wicked grin spread across his face. "I can help you de-stress in a lot of ways. But maybe like this for now, hmmm?"
It was impossible to resist. Those arms, that smile, that broad chest he wanted to pull you against. Those eyes. You went to him and allowed him to take you into his embrace, settling your head on his shoulder and letting him lead you in a slow waltzing step, which was totally out of time for the upbeat Christmas song currently playing. He twirled you, catching you offguard and making you trip over your feet as you fell, giggling into his chest. He tilted your chin up so you could meet his gaze, his impossibly dark eyes capturing you within their depths.
"I love you sugar," he said. "And stuffing or no stuffing, this is going to be the best Christmas ever." He paused and winked cheekily at you. "But let's go with stuffing, hmmm?"
Taglist - @thisshipwillsail316 @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @elegantduckturtle @dihra-vesa @midwesternwitchery @just-here-for-the-moment @eri16
Day Fifteen
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
The Akatsuki at Karaoke Night
Being a group of insatiable killers is hard work, even in the best of circumstances. Like anybody else, the Akatsuki is constantly seeking out ways to unwind and de-stress during their off time. One day Konan goes out and comes back excited; a local tavern hosts a karaoke night every week. The others are reluctant at first, but this quickly becomes one of their new favorites pastimes. Drinking, eating, singing; what could be more fun than that?
Has to be really drunk to get up on stage and sing. Like, incredibly drunk. Like how-is-he-still-standing-drunk. When in this state, there’s one song that he’ll sing and one song only: “I’m A Barbie Girl.” Nobody in the Akatsuki knows why he chooses this particular song, but everyone has to admit that it suits him. He’ll take his hair out of his ponytail and have it cascading down his back, he’ll tie up his shirt in a front knot, and, if she’s wearing them, will borrow Konan’s heels to wear. And he’ll always try and drag Sasori on stage with him to sing the parts of Ken (C’mon, Danna! You’re literally like a doll, hm!), but Sasori will only comply if he’s in a really good mood/there’s not that many people around. Despite his intoxication he’ll actually sing beautifully, so much so that he’ll receive requests for encores; which he’ll do, until the booze catches up with him and he falls head-first off the stage and into someone’s (usually Tobi’s) lap. Won’t remember a thing the next day and feverishly insist that he’s never even heard of “some weird Barbie song”.
EDIT:: After days of this being on my mind I can also believe that Deidara would sing “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood(?) and stare directly at Sasori the entire time even though they’re not really dating they‘re “in a situation” and even though if they WERE dating Sasori isn’t the cheating kind but he’s listening to the lyrics and noting how intensely Deidara is singing it and his face is just 😳
He only goes because the others insist that he does. Honestly, this guy has a severe allergy to anything Fun. Chances are he’ll bring one of his puppets with him to work on/modify. He mostly refuses to get on stage and sing any songs of his own, BUT he’ll use his chakra strings to control his puppet and have it dance along on stage to a song of his choosing, that he has one of the other members sing for the puppet (giving them a taste of ventriloquism). The song he likes his performers to do most frequently is “Dancing With Myself” by Billy Joel; this must be his favorite song because he always silently mouths along to it as it plays. If literally nobody else is there besides the rest of the Akatsuki, he sometimes “makes” Deidara join him for a duet; he’s particularly fond of “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” by Elton John, although he and Deidara always fight over who sings the part of the girl.
It’s dangerous to let Tobi sing in front of people. Not because he’s bad at it, but because ... he’s good. Startlingly good. His voice changes completely from a goofy childish timbre, to very deep, and smooth, and mellow. There are sea legends about sailors being lured to their deaths by the songs of sirens, and the same principle seems to be at work here. Waitresses will drop their trays, people walking will run face-first into each other, and the area around the stage will be packed with men and women alike trying to get as close as possible to him. The fact that he sounds like that but won’t make his mask off makes him even more mysterious and alluring. His song of choice? “Unchained Melody” by The Righteous Brothers; which brings tears (and swooning) to the eyes and minds of anyone who hears him. After the song it’s like someone flips a switch, and he goes back to the weirdo that the Akatsuki knows and tolerates, seemingly completely oblivious to the chaos his singing caused. He also enjoys having drinks with his Senpai, as the alcohol makes the blonde much more friendly towards Tobi than he usually is; however he can’t keep up with the amount of booze Deidara can put away, and he feels sleepy after just a few beers.
As with most group outings, he’ll complain about thinking everything is stupid. His religion prohibits the consumption of alcohol, so he’ll occupy himself with eating lots of food and “lovingly” heckling his fellow Akatsuki members when they get up on stage. Once in a blue moon he can be persuaded to get up and sing himself, although again this is a complete rarity. He has no real music preferences and will usually just flip through the available choices until he finds something he knows the lyrics to. Tries to pick songs with a lot of swearing in it, which he won’t bother to bleep out and will instead scream out at the top of his lungs (which often results in the whole group being threatened with getting kicked out). Sometimes, though, when he’s in a more mellow state of mind ((a rarity for Hidan)) he’ll get the urge to do a duet (because that takes the pressure off of everyone staring only at him) and can convince Konan to go up with him. Their rendition of “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” always brings the room to its feet, and gets them thunderous applause. After the song Konan will blush and kiss his cheek, which Hidan pretends to act embarrassed about (but is secretly thrilled by). His favorite song to do solo, however, is “Sympathy For The Devil” by The Rolling Stones, which he ... really ... gets into.
Mostly comes out with the others as a sort of chaperone; making sure they get home safe after drinking, and trying to prevent them from blowing all their money on the “outrageously priced” food and drinks. Karaoke isn’t really his thing, and neither is being on stage in front of people. However if he’s in a decent mood, and there aren’t that many people around, he can be persuaded to get up and sing. He sings the most amazing rendition of “Ain’t No Grave (Can Hold My Body Down)” by Johnny Cash; his deep gravelly voice and slow speaking pitch are absolutely perfect for it, giving everyone listening goosebumps. Kakuzu is also a skilled guitar player, and sometimes he will sit on stage and play the guitar bits of certain songs for other Akatsuki members singing, “But I’m taking my fees out of your next paycheck.”
Surprisingly, this is one activity that the plant-man enjoys engaging in with the others. He’s not much of an alcohol drinker, and “human” food isn’t really his thing, either; but he loves to hear the others do their best at singing. It takes a lot to get Zetsu up on the stage himself, but when he does, he’s a fairly decent singer. He’s able to change the pitch of his voice quite effortlessly, so that it intend sounds as if two people are singing, instead of one. His song of choice is a long one: “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen. It takes a lot f stamina to get through this, but Zetsu always finds that half the time he can’t even hear his own voice with this one, as everyone in the place sings with him (because seriously, who alive doesn’t know this song?). But it’s not all fun and games; Zetsu will always be scoping out the crowd, discerning who the most intoxicated people are. He’ll lure these poor souls into the alley out back, and gave himself a tasty little snack. He tries his hardest not to let the others catch him doing this, though, as this is supposed to be a fun and stress-free night for all involved.
Konan and Pein
This whole thing was her idea, yet, unless it’s a duet with one of the others, she’s very reluctant to try and sing on her own. Thinks her voice is “nails on a chalkboard”, although everyone vehemently disagrees with this perspective. Never has to bring any money with her to the bar, because all of the boys will take turns buying her food and drinks. She goes crazy for fries of any kind, and can eat carloads of these alone. Konan is exceptionally beautiful, and she will be mercilessly hit on from the moment she walks in until they all leave. Well, not always — the boys ALSO like to take turns acting as Konan’s bodyguard, and protecting her from anyone who tries to come within three feet of her. They hide their more vicious tendencies for when Konan’s not paying attention, because they know she wants a relaxing evening, but still: there’s been quite a number of guys escorted out of the bar by Kisame and Hidan, that mysteriously never return. When persuaded to sing, almost anything she chooses will be an Amy Winehouse song, as this is her favorite artist. Her favorite song is “Wake Up Alone”, which moves her fellow teammates (Pein included) to tears. Joins Kakuzu as helper to make sure everyone gets home safe and sound. Pein doesn’t like singing, and does not want to sing ... but Konan always manages to convince him to be a good sport at some point in the evening. But the song he picks is disappointingly predictable: “Pain” by Three Days Grace. Expected, maybe ... but he puts real heart and soul into his rendition, nearly falling off the stage with his enthusiasm. As with all group outings, Nagato loves to experience everything through the Pein-body’s eyes, and spend time with this makeshift family of his.
One of the biggest drinkers, but something (perhaps his half-animalness) makes it near impossible for him to be totally drunk, no matter how much alcohol he consumes. Sometimes he’ll make a deal with Kakuzu: Kakuzu will scope out other drunks in the place, inform Kisame of their whereabouts, and Kisame will hustle them for money in either drinking contests or pool games. He’ll split the money with the old guy, making both happy. When it comes to the karaoke aspect, Kisame doesn’t really like singing, or being in front of a crowd; but decides to be a good sport and do a song lIke the others. He can sing almost anything (he has a wide vocal range), but he really seems to favor love ballads. His favorite is November Rain by Guns n Roses, and the rest of the Akatsuki is shocked at how damn soulful he sounds singing it. If not singing or hustling drunks, he likes to spend some quiet time with Itachi, buying him snacks and coaxing the thin ((TOO thin, in Kisame’s opinion)) young man to eat.
Is quiet and shy by nature, so naturally things like karaoke bars aren’t really his deal. But Kisame always insists that it’s good for him to get out ((out of the hideout and out of his head)) and socialize once in a while, so he goes. It’s the same deal as Konan, almost, where women flock to him and hit on him for nearly the entire duration of his visit. However, the group doesn’t act as a collective bodyguard for him, as the majority of them feel like he’d be better off, as Hidan delicately puts it, “If the fucker just got laid.” But Itachi doesn’t seem interested in anything like this; he’s polite to those who approach him, but so closed-off that eventually they give up. When one particularly persistent woman wouldn’t leave him alone, Itachi resorted to grabbing the person nearest him (who happened to be Deidara) and telling the admirer that he was his boyfriend. He even put his arm around the guy’s waist, squeezing him. Deidara went along with it, but after the woman left he angrily informed Itachi that he’d “blow your ass up if you ever try something like that again, hm!” That’s what he SAYS, but it should be noted that he blushes quite hard for some time afterwards. Itachi was only ever convicted to go up and sing one time, and it was a duet with Kisame. The song was “Under Pressure” by Queen and David Bowie. At the end of the song, Kisame was beaming, and Itachi had more admirers than ever clamoring for his attention. Not used to late nights so if they’re out past midnight will usually fall asleep sitting at the bar, and be carried home (and put into bed) by Kisame.
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captaintrissy · 3 years
Marrying Ron Speirs headcanon
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While Ron doesn’t have any problems with marriage he does want to take it slow and make sure the two of you are actually ready, considering what happened with his last marriage.
He will however make his intentions clear, showing early on in your relationship how serious he is about you two.
Slow with Ron is still very passionate and exhilarating.
Once he thinks you two are ready to take the next step he’ll want to propose as soon a possible, he’s not the most patient guy and he wants to start his new life with you as soon as possible.
He doesn’t need to shop for a ring, he’s already picked out the perfect one from his loot months ago.
While he wants to show you how much you mean to him he’s not a flashy guy so the proposal will probably be simple and heartfelt.
He’s also a pretty private guy so the proposal will be kept to the two of you.
The setting will either be gorgeous or meaningful to you.
Probably both.
No one can keep a secret as well as Ron so the proposal will be a complete surprise.
My guess is that the proposal is gonna take place at sunset on your favourite hiking trail. Despite not being very articulated Ron will try his hardest to tell you how he feels about you. It’s a little awkward but very heartwarming.
When you said ’yes’ Ron would get the biggest and brightest smile on his face and would cup your cheeks and kiss you until you’re breathless.
During your engagement Ron would try to be more affectionate. Not that he didn’t show affection before, but like I said, he’s a private guy and thinks that PDA is best left at home.
If a relative or friend of yours decided to give him the ’if you hurt her talk’ Ron would patiently listen to threat despite knowing full well that he could easily take them.
Ron doesn’t see the point of a big wedding, in his opinion marriage is less about the celebration and more about the commitment. However, for you he would endure as big of a wedding as you want.
His groomsmen would consist of Easy company men.
He’d probably have a small bachelor party, hosted by Lip, which would include poker and drinks but not strippers.
While Ron would prefer not to partake in any of the wedding planning he would listen to all your ranting, help you solve conflicts and help de-stress you.
If one of the conflicts is bad enough to make you cry all hell would be unleashed on the person responsible for it (but not before making you feel better of course).
Since it’s one of your loved ones he would try not to get physical but he would make sure to put the fear in good in them.
After that you would notice your wedding guests agreeing with you a lot more.
As previously stated, Ron would want to express how much he loves you, so throughout your engagement he’d write a letter, trying to convey his feelings and the night before your wedding he’d give them to you.
Speaking of which you would not spend the night before your wedding separately, Ron is marrying you because he wants to spend more time with you - not less.
You would however get ready separately.
If you were okay with it Ron would like to have a first look so that the first time you see each other on your wedding day will be intimate.
When he first lays eyes on you he’d tear up a bit but not actually cry (he’s not very fond of crying but thinking about your future together just makes him so happy).
During the ceremony Ron’s eyes would not leave you, wanting to remember every detail about you and how beautiful you look.
His vows would be short but meaningful to the two of you.
During the reception he’d make sure you eat and drink enough. If he thinks you need to eat he’d hold of the guests.
Ron is incredibly graceful so your first dance would run along smoothly.
You would share lots of kisses throughout the day and at the end of it Ron would express how happy he is to be married to you.
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sin-tentional · 3 years
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looks like  PAX SONG MIN  blew in TWENTY- FIVE DAYS AGO and never left. they’ve proven themselves to be CALM & EARNEST, but being COWARDLY & TREACHEROUS is their downfall. it’s only fitting that MOZART’S, LACRIMOSA ( REQUIEM, K. 626 III. ) is playing when they leave their home in GARGOYLE GARDEN APARTMENTS. rumor has it that they ARE A SECRET HALF BROTHER TO HAN JAE SONG, wonder if that’s why the MUSIC SHOP OWNER moved out of their place in BOSTON, MASSACHUSETES.
                                                                   { full bio here // the muse doc }
i: aesthetics
the lilt and lull of sharp strings of a new composition ; spinning bike wheels rolling with the fog as the only means of transport ; shattered coffee mugs from spoiled milk and rotten demeanors hastily cleaned and picked up after ; record players drowning goosebumps to be tucked away in antique boxes ; the comfort of an empty auditorium lacking appreciation and adoration ; a dark billowing cloak hunched over a piano bench
ii: a playlist
❝ Requiem, K 262: Lacrimosa ❞ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
❝ Concerto in G minor RV 156 ( Arr. for Piano) ❞ Antoni Vivaldi
❝ Nocturne No. 2 In E Flat, Op.9 No.2 ❞ Frédéric Chopin
❝ Moonlight Sonata ( First Movement ) ❞ Ludwig van Beethoven
❝ Trois Gnossiennes: I. Lent ❞ Erik Satie
❝ Carnival of the Animals, R. 125: XIII The Swan ❞ Camille Saint-Saëns
❝ Swan Lake, Op 20, Act 2: Scene ❞ Pyotr Illyich Tchaikovsky
❝ Gymopédie No. 1 ❞ Erik Satie
❝ Clair de Lune, L 32 ❞ Claude Debussy
❝ Fantasie-impromptu in C Minor, Op Posth. 66  ❞ Frédéric Chopin
❝ Fantasia in D Minor, K.397 ❞ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
iii: a study
⸻ NAME: pax min
⸻ AGE: thirty-two
⸻ GENDER: cisgender man
⸻ PRONOUNS: he/ him
⸻ SEXUALITY: heterosexual
⸻ RELATIONSHIP: pinning ( engaged ) over a beauty
⸻ FACECLAIM: lee soo hyuk
⸻ HEIGHT: 6'0"
⸻ HAIR COLOR: black
⸻ EYE COLOR: brown
⸻ MARKINGS: sullen eyes from a lack of sleep, trimmed fingernails, and perfect posture.
⸻ TATTOOS: none
⸻ DECORUM: turtle necks and slacks–– which are far too professional for a record store owner
⸻ SCENT: bitter coffee, a hint of antique must and musk masked by blue spruce cologne
⸻ POSITIVE TRAITS:  benevolent, calm, & earnest
⸻ NEUTRAL TRAITS: absentminded, frugal, & private
⸻ NEGATIVE TRAITS: cowardly, envious, & treacherous
⸻ ZODIAC: scorpio
⸻ ALIGNMENT:  true neutral
⸻ MTBI: intj
⸻ ENNEGRAM: 2, 8, 4
⸻ TEMPERAMENT: melancholic
⸻ ELEMENT: water
⸻ PRIMARY VIRTUE: chastity
⸻ TROPE: defrosting ice king, control freak, the problem with fighting death, jerk with a heart of gold, no social skills
⸻ INSPIRATION: mr. clean, squilliam  fancy pants, victor van dort & ichabod crane with trace amounts of mr darcy
⸻ GOALS: pay off his family’s debts.
⸻ FEARS: ornithophobia ( birds, especially ducks )
⸻ OCCUPATION: technically, a retired orchestra flutist- Music Shop Owner, English Street Music Company, where he sells instruments for mostly band students in the area, he also provides music tutoring / lessons in his home for piano, and plays in Jazz Bars every Wednesday night.
⸻ HOBBIES:  playing the flute, & piano– he’s new at the violin, and despite how birds make him feel– bird watching because you’ve gotta keep your eye on your mortal enemies, ( mostly for the long walks it involves ) he won’t admit it but he’s also fond of slow dancing–– but he’s very picky when it comes to partners, he also likes to collect watches.
⸻ HABITS: he picks at his fingernails when he’s nervous, cleans ( especially dusts ) when he’s upset and therefore sniffles in high times of stress, as well as talks over people when he’s heated. he will also point out in any moment that smoking kills, and will sour around secondhand smoke
iv: a biography
his ambitions were mostly misunderstood when he was younger. he wanted to spread the joy and love of music through orchestral compositions and his own niche favorite jazz woodwinds. the year he learned to play the recorder was the worst year for his father’s patience.
he had the support of the woman whom he thought birthed him, which overshadowed his father’s wishes for his son to become a doctor. though it was a debate among the household growing up, neither parent could deny pax’s talent. and despite how much his father argued, his mother would influence the boy to follow his heart.
if you ask pax song what his most treasured gift is, it would be the gold plated flute gifted to him by his mother. it was a graduation present intended to be used for traveling the world but he’s never truly taken it out of its case. other than for a quick polish, the pipe hardly sees the light of day. he feels unworthy, mostly.
his days as an orchestra flutist are a thing in the past. after a recent passing in the family, he’s returned home- close enough to be within driving distance of his adoptive parents’ house. and though, he does struggle to keep business afloat, he does intend, one day to buy a home where his parents could stay with him.
despite learning at an early age that he was a part of an illegal adoption, he’s considered himself lucky- being a part of the family he’s grown up with, despite his father’s pressures and their constant bickering, they are his real family.
he’d heard rumors of a half brother and a sister, of which he was fully determined to meet, though finding said individuals grew too hard and strenuous on his patience. he’s mostly given up that feat.
v: connection ideas
General Ideas:
Musician friends
Music mentees
Met in the Music Shop
Family - he’s likely got a lot of adoptive family along with his real siblings
Klutzes in Common
A big Ex from years ago
He played at your bar mitzvah, wedding, birthday, etc.
Where you can find him:
Thrift stores
Park benches
Coffee shops /internet cafes
Jazz bars
Opera houses
Busking in the park
vi: tags
;; PAX & ⸻
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littlemissagrafina · 3 years
Like a boat out on the ocean (I'm rocking you to sleep)
Read on AO3
"Okay, wait, wait, wait. So lemme just me get this straight," May's voice echoed through the lab, her astonishment clearly seen thanks to the video call she and Tony were currently on. "Peter was hit by two different spells and the effects of the two combined together managed to turn him into a kid again?"
Tony sighed, rubbing a tired hand over his face, using the other to support a now very young and very much asleep Peter on his lap.
"That's about it, yeah. There was a wannabe Voldemort that decided to make an appearance after he decided he was the all powerful lord of the mystic arts or some shit like that."
"The others didn't want to take any chances so we called in Strange for some help since the sorcerer side of the villains are a bit out of our usual Tuesday routine. Between all of us we managed to get the situation handled pretty fast but there was a little scrabble towards the end and a stray spell got fired towards Peter."
Tony saw the small flare of panic in May's eyes and he rushed to carry on explaining before she interrupted and started stressing herself out. "Strange shot his own spell to try and stop it but it was too slow to fully block it and they merged together just before hitting Peter. With the distraction of those spells, the others were able to apprehend Lord Wannabe while Strange and I took care of Peter."
"That still doesn't explain how we ended up with a spider baby instead of a spider teen, Tony. I'm pretty sure the sorcerer wasn't just throwing around spells to turn people into children." May raised an eyebrow at him in a way that reminded Tony way too much of his mother. Damn, why are Italian women so terrifying?
"No, he wasn't." Tony paused. This was the part that he was slightly hesitant to tell May. Yes, it was fine now but the danger of the situation had still been very real and prominent in the moment.
"The spell that was going to hit Peter was apparently one that would reverse the natural state of whatever it hit until they, essentially, became the dust they once started from. When it mixed with Strange's spell trying to block it by freezing it in time, the effect was that it de-aged Peter back to around three or four years old."
May nodded, taking it all surprisingly well. Way better than Tony himself had taken it although he wasn't going to admit that anytime soon. He was the definition of cool and collected after all. And no, no one was allowed to give the many many instances proving him to be the opposite of calm and collected where Peter was concerned.
May speaking brought Tony back from his thoughts. "And that was the only effect? No injuries or anything else to be worried about?"
"No," Tony shook his head. "Nothing else of major concern besides the obvious. "He nodded down to the still asleep child in his arms. "And he still has all his memories and powers as far as we can tell, it's just the body and mindset that got a bit of a reset."
May couldn't help but feel relieved to hear that. She couldn't imagine having to tell Peter about his parents or Ben all over again or even begin to know how to explain everything about the spider bite and Tony. "That's good. Do you know how much longer he's going to be like this for?"
"According to Strange the spells should wear off in a few weeks and he will most likely just revert back to his actual age and size." 
"Right, considering his track record I'm definitely grateful that it wasn't anything worse. I'll try and get up to you guys by morning if that's alright? I don't want to chance driving in the dark with the roads still full of ice." As much as May wanted to get to her kid to reassure herself that he was really okay, she knew that she still had to be logical and careful and driving on roads riddled with black ice at night wasn't the way to go.
"You'll be okay with him until tomorrow?"
Tony nodded, shooting her a reassuring smile. "Yeah, we'll be fine, May. Clint is letting us use some of Cooper's old clothes until we can buy some for Pete tomorrow so we're all good here for now. Besides, Morgan is having the time of her life now that he's younger."
May gave a chuckle at that. "Oh I'm sure she is. She adores that boy so much. It must be a dream come true for her to have a "little" brother now. Anyway, the boss is calling so I have to go. I'll be up there tomorrow! Take care of our kid, Tony."
"Yes ma'am!"
Tony was woken up that night by little footsteps and sniffles. Sleep was quickly brushed away as he sat up, Friday automatically turning the lights up until it was just bright enough to see without disturbing Pepper sleeping next to him.
He was momentarily surprised to see a little Peter instead of Morgan thanks to the small footsteps, before he remembered the events of the now previous day seeing as it was just after 3am thanks to a quick glance at the clock on his bedside table.
Tony made his way quickly and quietly out of bed, used to the same routine when Morgan had nightmares and he woke up before Pepper did. He bent down, back only protesting slightly thanks to the small amount of extremis that found its home in his blood after his use of the gauntlet.
"Hey there, Roo." Tony whispered to the little child, slowly kneeling in front of him and giving him a small smile as he wiped away a few stray tears from rosy cheeks. "Whats'a matter, huh? You have a nightmare?" 
Peter nodded, his chin wobbling and tears welling up in his doe eyes once again. He made little grabby hands towards Tony and the man instantly scooped him up, holding him gently to his chest with one arm and cradling the back of his head with the other.
Slipping out of the room, Tony padded quietly down the hall. Just before he reached the stairs he heard a creak from behind them and turned around to see Morgan's head peeking out from her door.
"What are you doing up, Mongoose? Little Stark's are supposed to be asleep, sweetheart."
"Heard Petey get up, Daddy. Is he okay?" Morgan matched her father's still hushed voice.
Tony felt like his heart was melting right then and there. He would never get over how much it meant that his two kids, despite having no blood relationship between them, loved each other so much. "Yeah, baby, he's okay. Just had a bad dream but we're gonna go and help Petey get some sleep again."
His daughter stared up at them, intelligent eyes scanning them for a moment before she disappeared back into her room only to come back a few moments later with her favourite Hulk blanket.
She marched up to the two of them and pulled Tony's shirt, asking him to lean down and he did so, careful not to drop Peter.
"Hi, Petey," she whispered, feeling instantly happy when her brother gave her a small wave. "You can borrow my Brucie blanket. It makes the bad dreams go away."
"Thank you, Morgie." Peter whispered back as Tony took the blanket and wrapped it around the little boy.
Heart feeling like it could literally swell out of his chest because of his sweet children, Tony stood up again. "Thank you, Morgan. Are you okay to go to bed or do you wanna come with Petey and I?"
Morgan shook her head. "I'm okay, Daddy. Take care of Petey? You can dance him like you do with me cuz it makes me sleep really nice?"
"Sure will, Morgs. Go get some sleep, Little Miss."
With a smile, the girl went back to her room and peeked her head out once more. "Night night, Daddy. Night night, Petey."
"Goodnight, Morgan."
Her head ducked away and Tony waited to hear her get under her covers before he continued down to the living room and perched on the edge of the coffee table for a moment.
"Pete? You still awake, Bud?" Peter nodded and Tony shifted him back away from his chest so he could look at his kid's face. "We're gonna choose some music to play quietly okay? You wanna choose or me, Bambino?"
Peter lay back against his chest. "You." It was said quietly but decidedly as well.
"Okay." Tony got up, making sure the Hulk blanket was still wrapped around Peter, and moved to and open spot in front of one of the windows looking out across the lake.
"Fri, can you play Morgan's Tiptoe playlist for me, please?"
Soft music soon filled the air. Song after song playing as Tony held Peter close, shifting and swaying in a dance that you only knew when you held a child in your arms. He swayed and shifted, moving around in patternless circles and lines that had Peter relaxing further and further until he was fast asleep against Tony's shoulder.
Peter slept, but Tony carried on dancing. He felt at peace with the music softly echoing around him as his son in all but blood slumbered restfully in his arms.
Having a family hadn't always been in the cards for Tony. The fear of being the father to a young child the way that Howard had been to him… well, it was enough to make him nervous at the thought of having his own family even as much as he desired it.
Tony never wanted to make a child feel unwanted the way that he had been made to feel. He never wanted them to feel that they weren't loved, important, or valued.
If there was ever a time that Tony could have kids of his own, the last thing he would do was make them feel as he had felt growing up.
Any child of his would be loved and cherished with all that Tony had. It was a promise to himself that he would never break.
Standing with Pepper as they watched Morgan and Peter race across the yard towards them, both trying to be the first to hug them, Tony couldn't help but feel as if he had fulfilled the promise to himself.
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blackberry-gingham · 3 years
Alright y'all, in honor of Valentine's I'm doing a quick break from requests and making a holiday post! Enjoy, and happy Valentine's to all from me AND the boys!
Relationship or not, remember that you are more then enough and I love each and every one of you mwah!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💝💖💗
Imagine: what each of the boys would do as your Valentine
George would treat you to an at home spa day!
First things first of course, and that being a nice hot breakfast
But after that, it’s all you baby!!
You guys would take a nice warm (and scented ofc) bath together and just relax and unwind
Then when you’re all nice and clean, you go get changed into what’s most comfortable for you, ie fresh PJs, a robe, ect.
And then back to bed, where George has a whole set up that he’s been planning for you
A fragrent, but not overwhelming candle burns in the corner, offering a low, amber light
Nearby, a slow record plays quietly, adding the perfect amount of white noise to the background
And finally, a few rose petals are scattered on the freshly made bed
George invites you to come lay down, while he works some lavender scented oil into his hands
You can’t hide your excitement as you trot over to the bed and get comfortable
“Stop squirming now, you’ll tense up again!”, George laughs, as he respectfully exposes your back to the cool air
Somehow you manage to settle yourself, and George goes to work, rubbing slowly outward from the base of your spine to the curves of your hips
He repeats this gesture aaaall the way up your spine, placing kisses here and there to your bare skin and using his expert thumbs to gently loosen any knots his palms can’t stretch out
But before moving on, he makes sure to pay extra attention to the stress knots in your shoulder blades until they’re as loose as he can get them
He slides up to your arms, getting all the pressure out of the joints as he rubs from your wrists up, then down to your legs to help relieve the soreness from your day to day hustle and bustle
and when all’s said and done, you feel weightless from the relief and steady massage, ready to go back to sleep
George grabs a nearby blanket and drapes it over you, the warmth helping to lock the oil into your skin and muscles
He lays down beside you and presses a kiss to the apple of your cheek, and with but a soft whisper he says, “Happy Valentine’s, love”
For Valentine’s day, John wants to do something extra special!
But what?
He’s pretty good about being sweet and sentimental when he wants to be, but how can he turn that into a gift...
Under normal circumstances, he’d tell you that a day of good behavior on his behalf is a gift in itself
And while that could certainly be true, you deserve better then that
So, he does some thinking and goes for the one gift he can give that few to none have ever received
John works tirelessly and in secret so as to keep it a surprise
Judging on obsession and perfectionist work ethic alone, you would almost mistake him for Paul
But finally, finally it’s all ready to go
You wake up that day like any other, and you almost forget what day it is
John appears to already be awake somewhere in the house considering he’s not beside you
Then, it comes to you
Excited to see if he’s been planning something, you hop out of bed and go off to find him
If he doesn’t have any plans today, you certainly can come up with a few!
John hears you coming and catches you around a corner
You give a yelp of surprise as john picks you up in his strong arms and gives you a spin
He wishes you a good morning and happy valentine’s day followed immediately after by a smattering of kisses before he sets you down
“Now come on, I have a surprise for you!”
John leads you into the living room amd sets you on the couch
Looking a bit antsy, he tells you to close your eyes
You comply, and by now the suspense is killing you
At last John’s footsetps return, “Now promise you won’t laugh, alright?”
You gasp in mock hurt, “I would never!”
John sighs and rolls his eyes, but he suposes that’ll sufice
Fianlly you get to open and you’re... well, you’re lost for words
In John’s arms is a large framed canvas, and painted there upon it is a loving, beautiful rendering of a photogrpah he keeps on his desk
It’s of the first dance you and he ever shared
He carefully guides it into your lap so you can get a better look
“Well? Do you like it?”
You trace your finger ever so lightly along the curve of John’s painted back as he holds you close in the picture still slow dance, a soft smile drawn onto his lips
Tears well up in your eyes as you slowly put the treasured piece down
“John...”, you turn to face him, unable to get the words out
But you don’t have to
John’s expresion softeneds and he leans in for a kiss, “...Happy Valentine’s”
Paul also has a bit of thinking to do for his gift
His knee jerk response is to dedicate a song to you!
And while he does start working on one (for later, of course), he decides perhaps he should think a bit deeper for today
But what can he do that’s more personal then music?
He doesn’t really have much else in the way of outstanding talent
(Or so he thinks)
Well... He definitely knows he wants to produce a labor of love for you
After all, he would go to great extents to make you happy, so whatever he can do to make that happen, he’d gladly do it!
So, he thinks and thinks, and at last it comes to him
He breaks out some paper and some colorful things to write with and sets to work
When the day comes, he preps a little tray of breakfast and nestles his gift to you along with the plate and utensils
“Room service!”, he knocks sharply on the bedroom door and lets himself in without waiting for a response
Slowly, you begin to stir at the disturbance, but you awaken for sure after Paul snaps the shades open
A stream of soft light floods the bedroom, forcing you to get up
“Paul, wha...?”
“Happy Valentine’s Day!”, he happily declares
He swings around to fetch the tray from where he left it, then crosses back over to your bed side
“Here we are!”, Paul lays the tray in your lap, then comes around to sit beside you
“Oh, thank you Paul, this is lovely”, still a bit sleepy, you give him a kiss then pick up your fork and knife
“Wait wait! Look at this first!”, he retrieves a small stack of what appears to be printer paper neatly tied together by the corner
You take it and examine it
The front has a big, poorly drawn heart done in red crayon with you and Paul’s initials written in the middle
Already a smile blooms across your face, which grows into a full laugh as you flip through each page
It’s a little coupon book of romantic favors, all written in assorted, Valentine’s themed colors and messy handwriting
Breakfast in bed, dinner at a restaurant of your choice, a massage, movie night, 5 kisses, and more are among your choices
“Paul, I love it! Thank you...”, you land on a coupon that says 1 makeout session, then shoot him a look
“...Can I redeem this one now?”
Paul glances at it and chuckles, giving you a sly smile, “Hm, I think I can give you that one for free. Just this once...”
Breakfast will have to wait ;)
Now, Ringo is a simple man
He loves you very much of course, and would do anything to give you the best day ever!
But considering the gift is supposed to be something of a surprise... 
That does complicate things a bit on what he should do for you, given that he can’t, you know, ask
He does a bit of thinking and even asks the other lads for ideas, despite the fact they aren’t much help
“How should we know?”, they say... Can you believe that?
‘How should they know’, how should he know?
So, he invests lots of thought into it...
All the spare brainpower he can muster...
And then... He’s got it!
He has to move quick to get everything together, given that Valentine’s is just around the corner, but he just might manage!
With everything set, he takes some time to get everything together for the big day, all neat and pretty
He even throws in some overtime while you sleep to spruce the place up a bit
The next day you climb out of bed in the morning and make your way downstairs
How strange that Ringo didn’t come to bed last night...
Not that you’re exactly complaining, that is
That man can snore something fierce
Hardly a few steps from the hall to the living room and you can already hear the good old sound of your boyfriend's rhythmic snoring
You yawn, closing your eyes and stretching as you round the corner, “...Dear, are yo-?”
But when you open your eyes, all you see is wall to wall of what appear to be handmade Valentine’s decorations
Sparkly, cut out heart banners, paper steamers, and a few clusters of balloons blown at various sizes are hung randomly around the room
Then, there on the coffee table, a massive bouquet of roses, over a hundred at least, provide a fragrant backdrop to a small teddy bear and a handmade card
You pick up the bear and give it a cuddle, then go for the card
On the front, two stick figures, one of which has been illustrated with quite a comically large nose, stand on a green hill with some hearts floating between them over their connected stick hands
The inside is addressed to you with a simple message of “Happy Valentine’s Day! Peace and love, Ringo”
You gasp and coo at the overwhelmingly sweet gesture, “Oh, Ritchie! Did you do all this yourself?”
Ringo snorts abruptly at the sound of his name and mutters, “Surprise!”, as he falls off the couch with a thump
Groggily, he comes to his senses, “Oh, uh... Happy Valentine’s! Uhm, D-do you like it?”, he asks nervously
You laugh and kneel down, your head hovering just above his as you give his forehead a kiss
“I love it”, you smile, and when you kiss him again, and again, and again, Ringo thinks...
Perhaps he did alright after all
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