#dc digests
cantsayidont · 2 months
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April 1986. Long ago, back in the prehistoric days when you could still potentially buy both a new comic book and a candy bar for a single U.S. dollar, DC had a protracted flirtation with digest-sized comics, obviously intended to capture some of the supermarket checkout rack space normally dominated by Archie Comics. With very few exceptions, they were all-reprint, with a diverse array of material ranging from Golden Age reprints to '70s horror comics to recent DC highlights. This issue, #71 of the BEST OF DC BLUE RIBBON DIGEST line (which was only a "series" in a very technical sense), was one of the last, if not the last, of this eight-year experiment, and it sort of highlights why it became unworkable.
Let's suppose that you're a kid in early 1986, and while in line at the grocery store, you persuade your parental figure to buy you this comics digest. If they could spare the $1.50 plus tax, there was no obvious reason to object — it's a comic with a silly cartoon character on the cover and seems to have some Superman and Batman stuff, no big deal. What it contains, however, is a very peculiar assortment of recent material, including, inter alia:
"The Day the Earth Died" from SUPERMAN #408 (Paul Kupperberg/Ed Hannigan/Curt Swan/Al Williamson), a story about Superman's nuclear anxiety that begins with a rather harrowing dream sequence where Superman sees Metropolis destroyed by nuclear attack, leaving him the only survivor.
"Mogo Doesn't Socialize" from GREEN LANTERN #188, the now famous Alan Moore/Dave Gibbons short that introduced Mogo, the Green Lantern who's a planet.
Three ridiculous Keith Giffen stories: Blue Devil fighting the Trickster (from BLUE DEVIL #8); Ambush Bug trying to hassle Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman into guest-starring in his new miniseries (from ACTION COMICS #565); and a short in which the Atari Force's alien pet Hukka is terrorized by a robotic toy (from ATARI FORCE #20).
A tongue-in-check Batman adventure from BATMAN #383 (Doug Moench/Gene Colan/Bob Smith) in which our hero, in both his identities, desperately tries and repeatedly fails to get some sleep.
A solo story for Katana from BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS (Mike W. Barr/Jerome K. Moore) in which Tatsu murders some guys and recovers a stolen Japanese artifact with no dialogue or sound effects other than running radio commentary on a baseball game.
The well-known Alan Moore Swamp Thing story ("Rites of Spring," from SWAMP THING #34, drawn by Stephen Bissette and John Totleben) where Abigail Arcane and the Swamp Thing get very high on one of his psychedelic tubers and Abby gets her monsterfucker card punched, which editor Barbara Randall said had to be carefully recut not for content, but to get it to fit the page format.
This was a reasonably representative sampling of DC's 1985 output, but it's a weird lineup that's all over the place in tone and content. I have no idea what a hypothetical kid would have made of "Rites of Spring" upon encountering it in this format (by the time I happened upon my copy of this digest years later — for 50 cents — I'd already read it in TPB), but it would have been apparent that we were not in Riverdale anymore.
One nice thing about the digest series is that they often had some thoughtfully selected material; the themed issues are worthwhile, chosen with care even if the size and quality of reproduction were far from ideal. DC has occasionally put out conceptually similar packages, but not on a regular basis, usually in something more like regular comic book dimensions (the Walmart specials, for instance), not on a regular basis, and not on supermarket checkout racks.
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1984 ad for the DC Digests.
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nerdpoe · 9 months
There was a slight miscommunication.
Danny says "Get souped!" or variations of it when he soups a rogue.
In a different dimension, the few recordings that the Justice League was able to get their hands on of the High King of the Infinite Realms didn't really have a lot of sound coming through, just static.
They need to summon him to wrangle a threat from his home dimension, but they can't hear what he wants.
But Batman can read lips.
Clearly, the best offering to summon the Ghost King is soup.
"I'll have Agent A make soup," he says, completely neutrally.
"I think we'll need the best soup, though. How about I go get my Ma to make some?" Says Superman, side eyeing Batman.
"I believe my mother knows of a fantastic recipe only found in Themyscira," says Wonder Woman, checking her nails.
"My dad left me a recipe for the best fish stew I've ever had," says Aquaman, already halfway out the door to get groceries.
"My pop makes a real good chicken noodle; you can't beat the classics," says Static, already texting his father.
"I have managed to make the most accurate approximation that I can to a very widely enjoyed Martian stew," says Martian Manhunter, staring Superman down.
All of the Heroes assembled glare at each other.
"...How about we let the King decide?" Asks Constantine, shrinking in on himself when the attention gets turned on him.
The High King get's summoned to a row of Superheroes glaring at him, with different soups laid before him.
They're all encouraging him to eat the best one, but he knows a trap when he sees it. He's a Midwesterner, and they fight their social battles with recipes.
Daniel Fenton forces himself to eat it all.
When asked which was the best?
"Oh, they were all so good I just can't bring myself to choose one over the other."
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 223
Clockwork is Chronos and Kronos. He is time, sometimes split into many aspects but one all the same. Normally it’s not an issue, as at the end of any of the aspects they simply return to him, as the main body. It’s almost like a hivemind, though not quite that either. Honestly he’s not been able to explain it to anyone else, as it’s such an entwined thing with his being. 
Once again, normally there is no issue with it. However, instincts can bleed over, which apparently er, happened at some point. He’ll have to apologize to his aspect’s children for the misunderstanding when he gets the chance. 
He might have forgotten while dealing with other things, meaning he never explained it to that timeline’s children. Oh well, he’s sure nothing will come from it- he’s quite busy caring for his little ghostling who is turning out to be just like him, albeit with Space instead of Time, after all…
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therandomartmaker · 1 year
Clockwork is Kronos AU or smthn? Prompt?
idk, but something or other leads to Danny being introduced/introducing himself as Kronos’ son (youngest or! oldest for shits and giggles because i think it’d be really funny for Diana to just go, why are you older than Zeus, child)
and everyone’s like “Kronos had a son he didn’t eat?”
And Clockwork just drops a green stickynote that says “the rest of them are going to be little shits, of course I have a favourite child,” ‘cause obviously he looked into the future to know what his children were like and chose to give them trauma in response to that.
and Danny’s just so fucking tired, says i love you too, dad and then deals with whatever threat or issue he’s put through
and Diana is now on the hunt for her uncle (?)
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winged-bat · 2 months
With all the weird shit that goes on in gotham Bernard never questions when things in his apartment suddenly move or go missing. But what is very suspicious is half of his pots/pans missing and stuff that looks questionably like Tim’s appearing out of nowhere.
Idk I just love the thought of Tim and Bernard unintentionally half moving into each other’s places.
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faeriekit · 6 months
Health and Hybrids (XVII)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and the prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
PART ONE is here PART TWOis here PART THREE is here PART FOUR is here and PART FIVE is here PART SIX is here and PART SEVEN is here PART EIGHT is here PART NINE is here PART TEN is here PART ELEVEN is here PART TWELVE is here PART THIRTEEN is here PART FOURTEEN is here PART FIFTEEN is here PART SIXTEEN is here and we're limping into part 17...
💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts (now featuring mediocre mouseover translations, only available on a computer)
Where we last left off... Two! Words! In! English!!! And a television? Hardcore!
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my nonexistent attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
Danny can raise his head now.
Only a little. It still hurts his neck for a while after. But his arms and his head both rise, now. His fingers curl, now, too.
The result is that Danny can now watch and change his own television channels. No more news! Now it’s all Food Network, all the time, baby. The result is that sometimes the doctors tending to him get distracted by various pasta dishes, but also. Danny is also distracted by various pasta dishes.
And roast chicken.
And fried potatoes. Every potato ever, actually.
…It makes eating his oatmeal a more awful ordeal.
“Aw, dyrling, na þa sæd egean,” the lady says to him, spoon at his lips. Danny weakly moves his arm towards her, but only manages to hit her elbow with the heel of his thumb. “Inne cwic tima, gise? Hiere þa læce.”
Danny is pretty sure his face is a nightmare to look at at the moment, but he still makes the world’s saddest expression at the lady, because she hasn’t blasted him or hit him or even sedated him yet, and he needs something. Anything.
He’s pretty the lady makes an equally sad look under her medical mask, but Danny is hungry and he’s tired all the time and he’s sad and he wants a cheeseburger. Or fries. Or…or anything at all!
Danny’s look gets progressively sadder, and the lady gets progressively sadder to match, and then they’re both just looking at each other so very sadly until a doctor physically has to cut between them to reach for Danny’s green-speckled blankets.
Ugh. Great. Now he’s cold too. He can’t quite muster a glare, but the doctor gets an extremely stern squint from him for their “help”.
The only response Danny gets is a half-strangled laugh. That is not the response Danny needs. He needs immediate respect and a Nasty Burger number two special.
And a new blanket.
“—Eall dæg?” the doctor asks the woman, but not Danny, and then he has to listen to everyone talking about him in a weird language without even pretending to ask for his input. It’s extremely annoying, and Danny half-considers falling asleep to avoid it. His gaze slides back to the television. He’s just as capable of ignoring everyone else as they are. He bets it sucks. He hopes it sucks.
They talk for a while, but then the lady takes the oatmeal away—and hey! Danny’s eyes widen and sting from the stretch. Uh. Maybe he didn’t think this one through. He’d still thought he’d get lunch out of this.
Um. He would like to continue to receive meals. But he’s watching her walk out with his oatmeal, which is the only human food that’s ever been given to him here, and…
Danny’s stomach cramps. It’s probably just anxiety.
He wishes he’d eaten the stupid oatmeal.
The doctor stays with him, setting the blanket into a laundry bin and checking over Danny’s body (ew) (gross) (nasty) for whatever they have to check on him, and Danny tries to go intangible at least four times during the check only to get oWOUCHOW jerks inside his core. At least one time, he flickers invisible. Not much, he thinks. Probably just an arm and the chunk of his torso.
The doctor pauses. Danny waits for things to (start to hurt) get worse.
“Mæg Ic?”’
…Danny doesn’t move. It hurts to breathe. Every time air scrapes through his nose and mouth, it burns a little more.
The doctor doesn’t move.
So they just.
“Mæg Ic?” the doctor asks again.
They move very, very slowly. They touch him, and his—skin—and they rotate him to check underneath him. If they find something of whatever it is they’re monitoring him for, he gets wiped down with something gooey and wiped clean, and sometimes he even thinks they bandage him.
Danny wishes he had a bath. A whole, real bath. Where he could wash his own hair. And wipe off whatever this goo is.
When they’re done, the lady comes back in.
The sound of the door latching shut makes Danny flinch. Is she going to punish him? She walks to his bed. With her medical mask over her face, Danny can’t see if she’s visibly mad at him or not. She doesn’t look mad though…does she?
She stands to his good side, presumably so that Danny can see her. The oatmeal is back—it looks kind of gloopy, though, like it’s been badly reheated. The lady shows something to the doctor, who makes an irritated groan, and then they start talking to each other again. She cuts off to show him something, though—
Danny blinks. She’s showing it to Danny. He…looks down at it.
It looks like a mustard packet. It’s a black packet with yellow streaks, with writing on it with those letters Danny’s never seen before coming here, and it takes his eyes a second to focus on the package before realizing that there’s a little bee and pot on one end of the packet.
Oh. It’s honey?
Danny jerks upright, and, OW, and he definitely scares the lady and the doctor who rush to settle him but there’s honey?? Flavor??? His food can taste good again??!
He wheezes— and slaps a stinging hand onto the packet. “Pl’s?” he begs. He’d stopped begging in the old labs, no one there had listened to him—and he’d stopped begging for them to be gentle, to stop hurting him, to let him go. But for food. For food that tastes, Danny might do anything. Anything. “P’lease? Ple’se? Pleese?”
“Pleece?” the woman repeats, baffled. The word doesn’t mean anything to her; she’s only repeating the sounds. But Danny can’t stop begging.
“Pleece? Pleace?”
“Awrite þis,” the woman mutters, and the doctor leaves. “Bist wel. Eom hebbjan eower wist. Es wel.”
And that still means nothing to him, but the lady gently lifts him up until his back can lay on the pillows, and he can sit more than lay. Danny watches in raspy silence as she rips the packet open and dumps the contents into the oatmeal. She stirs with gloved hands, ensuring that the packet is equally distributed. And then there’s a glob on her spoon, and the spoon to his lips.
Danny takes a bite. Tears well.
“Shhh,” the woman coaxes. “Wanian ma?”
Ma sounds kind of like more. Danny opens his mouth, and is rewarded with another spoonful.
He doesn’t start crying in earnest until the bowl is gone. But that’s alright. The lady finds tissues, somewhere, and he gets to look into her human-blue eyes as she carefully dries over and around his still-soft, green-edged wounds.
It’s a very nice gesture.
Danny sobs a little harder.
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audaciousanonj · 3 months
Ok so we all know that kryptonite is crystallized ectoplasm, aka "ghost rock candy", right??
and we've seen the hc that Pit Rage = Hangry for ectoplasm
Anyway Red Hood eats kryptonite send tweet
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alyakthedorklord · 11 months
I like shoving things thst don’t fit exactly but still technically work together. And I enjoy taking things out of context. Anyways, if you want Danny Fenton to say something incredibly confusing about Dan’s creation in your story…
Technically we can say that Danny is Dan’s Mother that died in childbirth, and Dan ate his father (Vlad) in the womb.
Think about it.
In his conception, Dan was taken from Danny’s body, he then killed Danny(his human self) and ATE VLAD why does no one talk about how he Literally Devoured Vlad’s Soul
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cantsayidont · 7 months
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September 1983. Although not credited in the digest on whose cover this version was published (BEST OF DC #40, SUPERMAN: THE FABULOUS WORLD OF KRYPTON), this map of Krypton was drawn by Albert de Guzman and originally appeared in THE KRYPTON CHRONICLES #2 (October 1981). Many of the locales shown on the map had appeared in previous Superman stories, in particular the Scarlet Jungle.
A different map of Krypton, drawn by Howard Bender and Joe DelBeato, appeared in the Krypton entry in WHO'S WHO about three years later:
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This version of the map is broadly similar to the De Guzman map above, although the captions for Kandor and Argo City seem to have been transposed: The vignette identified as Kandor appears to be Argo City — Argo had an environmental dome (which is how it survived the destruction of Krypton), while Kandor did not — and the vignette identified as Argo City looks a lot more like Kandor. My guess that someone switched the captions during production, seeing the dome over Argo and mistakenly assuming someone had mislabeled Kandor (which of course is best known as the Bottle City of Kandor).
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Starblazer No. 10 (1979), 16, 19, 20, 22 and 25 (all 1980). These were the first six Starblazer covers by Ian Kennedy. DC Thomson.
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poisonousquinzel · 2 years
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Always and Forever,
Your Pammy
x x ♡
Poison Ivy (2022-) #6
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tomoleary · 1 year
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Ross Andru and Mike DeCarlo - DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest Issue 22
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cowboyabunga · 6 months
wayne family adventure has a bigger readership then any actual printed bat comic run rn and there's people celebrating it like it's bc of wfa's own merits and not bc it's a webcomic that is FREE, easily accessible, and specifically written to appeal to as wide as a fan base as possible. this is doing like irreparable damage to how ppl view these characters + their canon storylines + characterization i'm gonna go apeshit
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hawkzeyes · 1 year
Y’all anons are like broken records and I’m simply not gonna post the same messages over and over when I’ve already explained my point of view on this whole b*tfam dynamic thing
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Prompts and Questions Open Today!
I took the day off for reasons, so go ahead! Spam me please.
I'm bored.
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