#dash feels dead without them all. like I'm not close friends with anyone in the community but I recognize people
heartbeetz · 1 month
I feel like there have been less selfship posts on my dash lately. I also feel like I've seen tumblr blogs around that I could've sworn I was following but apparently wasn't (or tumblr had another unfollowing glitch or I got softblocked). I don't have further comments I'm just observing.
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 10 months
First, I must inquire, what do you think are tan's and lem's real names? 
Now imagine this, his wife having really good acting skills, enough to convince everyone that she's just a terrified civilian looking for help, keeping her act up until she gathers intel from them. Feel like lem would also be so proud of her.
Tan prefers calling you, but when he can't, he'll either send the softest messages or fast typed ones with tons of spelling mistakes "My pretty girl, you're going to be the death of me." responding to the selfie you just send, "Thsi fycking twat jsut ruined m y dress shrit!". But imagine a group chat with these two. Lem and I share the same braincell so we'll disscus the silliest stuff and he'll just butt in to say "will you two please think before typing on this group chat"
Childhood friends to lovers with tan? He'll protect you even if it means he'll get an ugly wound, but it's ok because you'd always patch him up and give him an earful. It doesn't take long for lem to figure it out and pushes him to confess. And he'll be so cute too "How 'bout I take you to dinner after? " "Ask me again when you're not bleeding from your stomach." You two end up eating at home because you only just started taking missions and can't afford a 5 star restaurant. Speaking of protecting, when he finds out your carring his child, he won't let you take any missions. "They're having a baby?" asks a confused ladybug, "I'd be more surprised if they didn't." is all lem can say before he notices his brothers stare.
It's not a secret he has a big mouth, what if his girl matches that but in a more, classy way? "I'm sorry sir but I must inquire, what's with your illiterate way of thinking?" and he butts in "She means why are you so fucking dumb." All while proudly smiling.
I'm going to finish this with the most heartbreaking angst. Instead of Tan finding Lem "dead", they both survive but his wife dies. They're a trio but split up to look for the briefcase. The twins somehow get the it back and decide to put it on red so now they're looking for her all over the empty train. They finally find her and all he can do is stare at her before droping to his knees, bringing her close to him. It hits him like a train so he breaks down, screaming and crying as he hugs her. Lem somehow finds the power in himself to place the Edward sticker in her palm.
Phew, sorry this was a lot, if anything else comes to mind I'll saved it for later so that like you said, you're not spamming people's dash. Sorry for any spelling mistakes (you know who to blame). It means a lot that I get to share my ideas with you and your followers. Anyway, going to rewatch Bullet Train tonight, can't believe it's already been a year since I've first seen it on the big screen. Kisses, 💺 anon.
hii, sooo…
1. that question has been picking at my brain for a year!!! I genuinely cannot think of what they’re called, I wanted to make a post and ask everyone a while back, but if anyone has any thoughts or ideas for their names please PLEASE comment them, im dying to know. something british/ criminally english that’s all I know😭 ironically, I feel aaron suits
2. ughhh I love that!?! he’d be super proud, silently cheering her along. like a subtle nod or quick wink
3. the spelling mistakes aaahhh love that!!? also feel like the 3 typing dots would be there for ever, like he’s replying then doing something assassiny then typing again, and it’ll all be mumble jumble. he’d get annoyed at the two of you messaging eachother in the group chat but I feel he secretly loves it. also think he has trouble talking sometimes, so he likes to have the social aspect without it being awkward for him (if that makes sense) ardgsh and he’s such a flatterer I just know it!! sweet girl, pretty girl… MY SWEET GIRL!?! MY PRETTY GIRL🫠
4. love it!! and the element of being besties and knowing everything. omg imagine you go on dates with other guys (before liking liking tan) and he’s always really jealous but he hides it bc he wants you to be happy etc, but he maybe kinda sabotages it so he can have you all to himself heehe. he definitely reacts before thinking, especially if you were involved (and got hurt) super caring cute sweet innocent kinda guy, right? completely innocent bbg
5. “why are you so fucking dumb?” HAHAHAHA love it!! but yes!!! he’s got that cockney ‘charm’ so he gets right to the point. and I love that she matches his vibe (but just in a more feminine classy, femme fatale way)
6. that is heartbreaking!?! why would you write that🥲🥲🥲🥲 im just kidding, but that is a horribly sad idea
7. you’re very sweet!! and tysm for sharing your ideas!! and yes, if you have more, send em over. heheh guessing your hamster😭 ive been wanting to rewatch it for ages, I just need to do it bc I miss it lol. that year has gone quick omg?!
hope everything I said makes sense😭 apologies if it doesn’t
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weezeryuri · 3 months
the followup ask wasn't me but otherwise yep, right person! "privacy"? the privacy of posting about me for a year straight, on a public account, on a public site, surrounded by peers? on the account MY friend was ~mutuals~ with you on, where he had to see you shittalking me on his dash weekly? the privacy of misinterpreting every thing i said to you so you can hide your (justifiably) hurt feelings behind "Actually ableism is the fault of all of this!"? the privacy of painting me as an ableist, as your Gross Icky Pr*ship Ex Friend, trying to get everyone to pity you, be on your side, because "it was an ugly friend breakup" won't justify the extent of your feelings (IT WOULD), in your head? THE PRIVACY OF DECRYING ME AS AN "INCEST SHIPPER" (NOT EVEN TRUE)???? i wasn't even looking at your blog in the first place, i heard secondhand, that's how ignorant and obvious your comments were. your words and Ideas about someone (that you Literally Are publically crying out) don't exist in a vacuum, they MEAN something, and other people will hear them. or did you care about decrying your Beloved Exfriend, Older [Sister] Figure as this and that hurtful thing and the impact of it as much as you cared about the friendship i was struggling and reaching out a hand (that i never Needed or Expected you to reply to) to maintain and let live and, I Dunno, Not let you be isolated in an echo chamber of your own anxiety forever? the attempted friendship that you valued less than venting on tumblr all day long? that you valued as much as listening to your two remaining friends that were trying to help you? but have fun believing me checking in on you for months on end, encouraging you when you Were capable of saying anything, waiting for you no matter what, trying to involve you in our lives so you weren't permanantly stuck in 2021 alone and unloved and unheard, and sending you paragraph after paragraph of apology and clarification to clean up the mess i made... was just ableism. i hope you enjoy never thinking about it, never rereading what i said, and pinning every shitty thing i did on Must be cause i'm oppressed, and living without the nuance you claim to use. i hope you enjoy crying about it publically to people you only talk to indirectly, to people who will never get to know you directly, because you've made your stance on any closeness or attempts at it deathly clear. i hope you keep whining that i'm only "ableist", and i hope nobody truly hears you, like it has been for the last year. rot in your own refusal to change
Jesus Christ man you do realize you said some horrendous and ableist shit to me (i still have screencaps before you go calling me a lying piece of shit) and have actively gone out of my way to block you and anyone who interacts with you on here.
you took advantage of my sadness at a very vulnerable time and used that to fight with me over shipping discourse because i dared to imply i’m scared of a group directly connected to my groomers
you need to fucking get your shit together because the way you’re acting is pathetic and the shit you did was horrible and you have no right to decide what and what isn’t ableist. of course it isn’t ableist to you. nobody ever gives a shit unless we’re directly being called useless cripples.
grow the fuck up and leave my life entirely. you did not try to involve me in your lives, you messaged me at 3 am telling me all my problems were my fault such as using cases of my chronic fatigue to paint me as lazy and careless. and then said you didn’t like me since 2020.
i GRIEVED our friendship. you hurt me over the dumbest shit when i was at our most vulnerable when i thought i could trust you. it was performative at best and actively hateful at the worst. you used words from a private vent blog to make me feel like shit
“wow cripple you didn’t suck up your fatigue and talk to me? you must hate me so much and want us all dead and think I’m a predator and and and etc etc”
this is my blog and i can post about whatever the fuck i want. i never mentioned your name or where to find you. please go the fuck away because now i can just confirm this is an act of purposeful malice and it hurts. i trusted you so much.
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anukkuna · 3 months
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As many people, I too get new TV recs from my Tumblr Dash (among other places), so i watched "Oderbruch".
Find my thoughts and potential Spoilers under the cut!
First of all: my overall conclusion is that I really liked the show. It didn't captivate me as much as, say, the first season of Dark, but it was an entertaining February watch for me.
I also went into the show completely unspoilered, I didn't know anything besides the mystery crime genre and who the three lead actors were and I think, for me, that was a good thing.
So, if you enjoy mystery-crime as a genre, liked shows like Dark, with some supernatural elements and intergenerational conflicts, I'd recommend that you watch the show first and without spoilers.
For everyone who is ready to be spoilered, I made lists of things I liked, didn't like, what I found ambiguous, things that surprised me etc.:
I liked:
The vampire rework. I'm not an expert on these, but I like that the vampires age when they don't consume blood (or only animal blood). Also you can't turn anyone, you have to be born a vampire.
The main plottwist that our protagonist is a vampire too. I didn't see this coming.
How they set this in eastern German no man's land.
That the series started with a bang, with not just one dead body but with a biiiiiiig pile. A mount. Bring it on!
Many connections the characters had. It's very villiage-y. I liked many of the intergenerational conflicts as well.
The ensemble cast. I knew some faces from Tatort, Polizeiruf, Das Boot, Dark and other German TV productions.
I liked that Maggie and Roland were past lovers and recent friends with history. Roland was helping an old friend with whom he shared a lot(!) - but he is portrayed as honest and faithful and never questions his loyalty to his wife and kids. Romantic relationships are not the main focus and not needed between the main characters.
All of the Chekov's X turned out to be relevant to the plot. Give us a close-up and we'll be sure to look out for: mom's flask, numerous weapons, even glass shards and side characters.
The voice change of "Adrian". Omfg, well played!
I didn't like:
The vampire "ethics". Maybe because I thought about this not so long ago... but: were there any? What message were they trying to bring across?? Is this gonna turn out as a questionable pledge for naturalistic morals (aka the Right is with the Strong)?
Kai says about the leeches: "nobody likes them, though they're good for the eco-system"... considering what these vampires do and to whom... are we supposed to think this about them as well? That's it's good that they feed on people who won't be missed? That it's justified how they treat the kids in the school?
Also, the whole shaky wolves-and-sheep-analogy: "the strong eat the week. It's simply our nature. You can't fight against this." I know it's mostly Stoian... but still. I guess, my final verdict on this depends on season two.
That Maggie didn't thoroughly finish Stoian off. I mean... come on! Cut him in half with your sword, as you did with the other one ffs!
The vampires' focus on finding a female to breeeeeeeed. WTF happened to the female vampires? How long haven't they been around that these guys write very old poems about it in their "code"? Is there really such an overall lack of vampire? Doesn't it seem kind of a bold assumption by Maggie's mom that they are supposed to be "the last two"?
With regards to the last point I made: maybe this is the line where you have to suspend disbelief. LeavIng some of these Story bits unexplained and not everything has to be logical, cause it's mystery... it's up to you if that's a premise you'll feel satisfied with and ethical implications you know what to make of.
The show is mostly SHOW and very, very little tell. That means: characters are harder to get because often they will just stare, maybe grind their teeth, frown, etc. That leaves room for interpretation but also for uncertainty and some of the characters thoughts and motives. Depends on you, if it's something you like (I did).
My overall recommendation still stands though: watch it, but be prepared.
Alright, so long for this one, people!
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barbierpt · 2 months
hey barbie! i hope you don't mind me venting here ;v; i've been an admin of a long-running rp for the past 6 years now and it's been a great time! i love the group (obvi i've been here this long lol) even though we've kinda become a slightly "smaller" group (about a dozen members at this point) over the years through people and coming and going and just who's stuck around and wants to be here (at least 8 of these people have been here 5-6 years like i have). i just recently ran a 2 week m!a event that we have every year and everyone's always loved it saying it's so much fun and how they always look forward to it every year, although this year it.. idk it fell kind of flat? like half of the group (as usual) showed up on the first day or two to send out anons and start threads but there was the other half just sitting in the ooc waiting for people to come to them with anons without reciprocating or starting threads. and then after day 2 everyone just vanished and the dash has been crawling, ooc's been dead, co-admin hasn't done anything or been around, even my closest friends in this group that i talk to daily have been barely online to even talk and idk. sure our dash has had quiet moments as our real lives pick up but usually it gains life during events like this. i know it's just an rp but i feel so disappointed and demoralized that i put in all this work on this event and it feels like no one cares this time around and i'm this close to canceling the rest of our group's events this year if no one wants to show up for opportunities i provide for writing and plotting. 🥲 i don't know if you or anyone might have any advice on how to handle this situation?
hi anon!! first of all, i'm so sorry you've had that happen –– i know it sucks major ass when effort as an admin feels unappreciated. i hope it's just a perfect storm of everyone suddenly getting busy but, at the same time, if no one's communicating that with you (like i think members should) then how are you supposed to know what's really going on behind the scenes??
personally, that would be my first instinct too to stop hosting events after something like this in a group that's ran that long. if players aren't going to appreciate the effort then why waste the energy, y'know?? but then again, this might be a more passive aggressive approach 😅 alternatively, you could either talk with your members or host another event and see if this happens again before canceling all other events. ideally, this was just a one-time thing with shitty timing.
either way, i hope it works out for the best for you, anon. if anyone else has other advice for the anon on this topic, please chime in!! 💓
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yutanology · 3 years
Promise Me | Yandere! Nakamoto Yuta X Fem!Reader
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Warning : 18+, possessive, foul behaviours, sexual content(nothing biggie), mental illness, death, etc. No proofread. Please, don't be too harsh on me. I'm still new and this is my first ever one shot/fanfiction here :)
Word count : 2.4k+
"Could you just stop?" Y/n whisper shouted at her seatmate who had been bothering her since this morning.
It's not like this is new to her or to anyone in their class but today, he seemed to be more clingy and touchy than he usually was and she found it quite unusual.
By the time she stepped into the school campus this morning, he abandoned his game with his friends on the soccer field just to greet her with his dashing smile and a nice warm hug.
She didn't mind it at first as she was already used to it but when she thought he's going to leave her alone after that, he followed her around instead like a lost puppy. She could almost see a furry tail happily wagging behind him.
Everywhere she goes, he's there right beside her. Either his hands were holding hers or his arms were wrapped around her lower waist. Some people were jealous or happy when they thought they're finally officially together and when someone questioned their relationship, Y/n would immediately respond saying they're just friends while Yuta would say otherwise, leaving them confused.
He was still attached to her during her classes and even ditched his just to be with her. The teachers could only sigh in defeat and shake their head. They knew that whatever they say, there's nothing they can do to make the stubborn guy follow their orders.
At the end, he'd always get what he wants.
The Japanese boy glanced at her side profile. His head was laying on top of his other hand. Seeing her brows furrowed irritatedly, he stopped for a moment before continuing to twirl a few strands of her silky hair between his long fingers.
It doesn't look like he has any plans of keeping his hands to himself at all. She'd been trying to get rid of him for countless times and she failed with all of those useless attempts. She's so close of getting angry at him but she doesn't want to lash out on him and seem like a bad person.
With her another sigh passing through her soft reddish lips, she looked at the clock on the wall. ‘Just five minutes more, Y/n. Just a little more patience, you can do it.’ she tried to convince herself. By those five minutes, she let Yuta play with her hair.
When the school bells rang and echoed around the campus, she immediately fixed her things and rushed out of the classroom before the teacher could even dismiss them. The corridors are already crowded and she could only hope that Yuta wouldn't be able to follow after her this time.
She decided to go to the restroom and stayed there until she was certain that Yuta's nowhere around her. He's really acting weird and she couldn't understand why. Whenever she asked what's wrong with him, he'd always say the same thing like 'I'm fine. It's all in your mind.’
His gaze, the way he looks at her also felt different this time. She felt something uneasy somewhere in the pit of her stomach or maybe there's something wrong with 𝘩𝘦𝘳. Maybe she's just overthinking way too much since that's what she always do mostly when she doesn't get enough sleep and she stayed up late last night.
That's right... these shit are all just in her head.
She released an exhausted sigh and turned the faucet on to wash her face, hoping that it would also wash her frustrations away. She reached for a handkerchief from her bag and wiped her face dry as she made her way out of the comfort room.
Her heart almost jumped out of her ribs when she found Yuta standing just a single step from the exit. She gasped and her hand immediately flew to her chest in surprise. "Yah! Stop scaring me like that!" she yelled and he only chuckled in amusement.
"I've been waiting for you. What took you so long?" he asked her, locking his hand on hers as he lead her to the canteen. Eyes of the people they passed by were immediately on them like they're more interesting than the lessons that their teachers taught them.
"Wait, why were you waiting for me?" confusion was evident on her face.
"So we can eat together for lunch, of course. Come on, we don't have all the time. Classes are going to start after forty minutes." he casually said, pulling her closer to him when they walked passed a group of boys and he didn't fail to notice the way they looked at Y/n.
He didn't like it, not even a bit.
Y/n seriously couldn't count how many times she sighed at how she always end up letting Yuta do whatever he wanted to do with her. From the simple hand holds to sudden random kisses that he pepper on her face. No matter how hard she tried to push him off, he'd always stick himself even more closer to her.
It was like that for the passed weeks and it was honestly so tiring as hell. Yuta just won't leave her alone even when she goes to the restroom, he would insist to wait outside the cubicle that she had to push him away and lock the main door of the room.
She could barely talk to other people peacefully as he would shoo them away immediately and ask them to leave her alone. It was so frustrating and she's getting fed up of his unexplained foolish practices.
She's well aware that the guy likes her more than just a friend and she also can't deny that she's attracted to him but these behaviours of his are just too much for her.
The said dirty blonde haired Japanese guy was sitting closely beside her, his chin rested on her right shoulder as he watched her turn pages of the book that she's reading. He wasn't paying attention to the words written on the dead leaves. His eyes stared at her small hands, wondering how they would feel like around his cock—
"Yuta." the guy's ears perked up when she said his name. Snaking his arms around her waist, he pulled her to his chest and planted a kiss on her neck. Her cheeks heated at the unexpected skin contact but she tried her best to ignore the butterflies that he's giving her.
She's planning to finally confront him and she had to make him stop whatever he's doing cuz it's no fun at all. It's not entertaining and she's not amused at all. "Yuta." he hummed, his kisses getting wet and he started to graze his teeth on her skin, lightly nibbling on them until he finally bit hard enough to leave a mark.
A whimper tried to escape her mouth but she's fast enough to bite her lower lip, trapping the sound until it disappeared on it's own. He was disappointed when she didn't make any sound for him, thinking that he didn't do well enough to make her feel good so he ran the tip of his tongue on her neck.
His hot minty breath heated her skin and tingles spread around her body when he blew her sensitive ear, nibbling her earlobe and placing a kiss on one of her flushed cheeks. His hands wandered under her blouse, caressing the side of her hips with his thumb.
He slowly dragged his large hands up under her breasts and just when he was about to touch them, Y/n pulled away from him. A low whine and groan simultaneously erupted from him, complaining at the lose of skin contact from her.
Y/n looked around the library if someone saw them and she was thankful that no one was there but only them. She straightened her blouse, closing the book and stood up. "Where are you going?" he also stood up from his seat, ready to follow her wherever she's going.
She didn't answer him. She slung one of her bag's strap on her shoulder, walking away with the book and placed it back to where she took it. Yuta was quick to keep up with her steps, confused of why she was suddenly in a hurry.
When they finally got out of the library, she stopped at the nearby bleachers where students barely pass by and turned to him with an exasperated sigh, "Yuta, seriously, what's wrong with you?" the way she questioned him came out more stressed out than how she wanted it to be.
Yuta blinked his eyes a few times as if he's trying to figure out what she meant. "What do you mean, what's wrong with me? I'm totally fine. Are you okay?" it was his turn to ask her, walked close to her and placed a hand on her forehead.
"Are you sick? You don't seem fine to me. Let me take you to the clinic—"
"Yuta, stop." she stepped away from him before he could even hold her hand. He halted, his brows met as his eyes stared at her worryingly.
"Stop whatever you're doing to me and please, leave me alone. I also need some time for myself and other people around me, alright? You can't keep me from interacting with anyone. This is honestly suffocating, Yuta. We can't keep doing this."
He felt like his heart shattered into tiny pieces. His chest tightened and his airways narrowed, making him unable to breath properly. Without him knowing, tears were already streaming down his cheeks.
Y/n was taken aback at this, immediately feeling guilty for making him cry. She didn't expect him to be this emotional for his appearance.
"Look, I'm sorry but—"
"D-don't you love me anymore, Y/n?" He didn't let her finish her words, leaving her speechless at the question.
Her mouth left agape, struggling to find the right words to tell him. "Did you find someone else better than me that's why you're planning to leave me, is that it?" more salty water poured out of his eyes.
"Yuta, w-what are you talking about? We're not in a relationship to begin with."
"Then let's be together officially! Just you and me, Y/n. I'll do anything just to be with you. I promise, I'll be the best boyfriend you'll ever have. I'll give you everything you want—" he held her arms, "—just promise me I'll be the only one you'll ever love and want to be with. Promise me, Y/n. Promise me!"
Yuta secured his arms around her, holding onto her desperately. Scared that if he lets go, he might lose her. He can't let that happen. Like what he said, he'll do whatever it takes just to have her.
All for himself.
"Y-you have to promise me, Y/n."
Her head was clouded with a lot of thoughts. She was barely thinking straight and her emotions also messed up with her. She really likes Yuta. The increasing speed of her heartbeat and the butterflies flying around her stomach with euphoria whenever she's with him didn't lie at all but it felt wrong.
These feelings didn't feel right.
She pulled herself away from him and shook her head. "I'm sorry, Yuta..." that was all she said before she left him without even looking back at him.
She had no idea how it broke him and how it made him do things that a normal person wouldn't do. He saw nothing but red after she disappeared from his sight. Everyone who tried to touch or talk to her the next day suddenly disappeared, a minute after they left somewhere else.
At first, she didn't think much about it until the number of people disappearing quickly increased and made everyone alarmed. All schools around the place were forced to close for a moment and people were told to stay at home with tight security to keep them safe.
Everyone was scared including Y/n, of course.
It made her so anxious that she could barely sleep at night. One morning, a knock on her door echoed around her silent apartment and she panicked, quickly hiding on her bedroom.
She almost peed her pants in fear when the knocking and ringing of doorbells continued for minutes. Her phone went off on her nightstand and she ran to it. Yuta's calling.
Without a second thought, she answered it with trembling voice. "Y-yuta..."
"Y/n, are you okay? Please open your door for me, I have to make sure you're safe. I'm the one outside your house."
And that was all it took for him to be with her. Make her scared to be outside, convince her that everyone is dangerous and he's the only one who can protect her.
Whenever he goes outside to buy food and other necessities for the both of them, he'd always return with a small cut or bruises and it made Y/n scared that she might lose him too.
He's all she had left.
He made her thought of that. He's all and everything she could ever need. She'd be nothing without him.
"Do you love me?" he asked and she nodded silently.
"If you really do, promise me that you'll love me and only me, Y/n. I wanna hear it from you." Yuta looked at her straight in the eyes when he said those words.
"I promise." his heart raced inside his chest.
A smile stretched out on his plump lips. "I love you, Y/n. So much than you could ever imagine." He meant it. He always had and always will. He leaned his body closer to her, locking his lips with hers and they moved in sync.
This is paradise to him.
He couldn't explain how much happy he's right now. With her here in his arms, it's the only place where she's safe. He watched her drift off to sleep, he kissed her forehead when her eyes finally closed.
He could look at her like this forever. The love bites that he painted on her skin looks so beautiful. She's like the most beautiful painting he'd ever seen and she deserve to be placed on his art gallery but she's only for him to be looked at.
He sighed dreamily as he continued to press more kisses on her neck. He successfully made her love him. There's nothing he could ask for, now that her naked body is already tangled with him under their soft blanket.
He could only hope that she'd keep her words and stay true to him.
Feedbacks are pretty much appreciated and requests are open! Feel free to share your thoughts!
I will not always be active but I will try my best to attend each of your requests and to also interact with y'all.
I apologize for not being word-perfect in English. English sadly ain't for me—
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whump-town · 2 years
I need your thoughts on Derek carrying out grief assessments after Hotch dies
Oh my god absolutely not
ok fine but he's pulling an Emily he's not dead you lil asshole (which like actually a cool idea right?? especially if you dash in some insecure Hotch in there and secret hotchgan bc the only thing worse than having to listen to your close friends mourn your dead secret bf is knowing he didn't even think his friends cared)
It would take a tole on Morgan.
I think Rossi would be an interesting place to start just because I can't immediately identify how I think Morgan and Rossi would work together. It would be pretty hard on Dave, Hotch plays a very distinctly troubled kind of younger BFF role for him. Dave gives him advice. He pats him on the back. He's there to pick him up when he falls. He's tough love and long talks and just that specific kind of comfort you get from someone you've known nearly your entire life. Rossi would not take Hotch's death well and I don't think he'd want to talk to Derek about it. He's going to be shut down, removed during any sort of talk about Hotch directed at him. However, with the others I'm sure he's open and vibrant. His grief assessment is probably going to look like a solid "fuck off" and Derek bluffing through the report.
Which is where I think Emily would come in. She's not going to process her grief. She'll just tactfully ignore it in the exact same way Hotch did – she's going to be miserable to be around and pretend like she has no idea why that is.
I think Emily's grief assessment would be rather silent. They're partners, years of in field practice have communicate without a word. So they just sit. In silence. Both lost to their memories and their fears and drowning in their own grief. They can't talk to each other. They don't know what to say. One of them might break down and say something but they just sit there in their uncomfortable silence. Because they have no idea what comes next. Hotch would know. He'd have them up and moving, focused on a case. But Derek can't even open a case file right now and Emily has no desire to move or think let alone work.
Spencer takes it horribly. He sleeps. He won't eat unless someone watches. He's thinking about not coming back. His entire life has just been thrown off course. He's got to learn how to be around a new boss. Someone who isn't going to be as kind as Hotch. His routine is gone. Everything is too much. And then there's the grief. His assessment isn't as "official". Derek just watches him. He checks in on him. They don't sit down in anyone's office and have a "which step are on you", "how are you feeling today?", or "is there anything I should be aware of? are you having any concerning thoughts?" Spencer just pulls within himself and tries to live through the storm.
Garcia bakes. She bakes and bakes and bakes and no one can even look at the food she makes because the thought of eating hurts. She drops it off to homeless shelters. She works through her entire cook book – this old bound thing she made herself full of all of the best recipes she's ever learned – until she gets to Hotch's favorite cookies. She's made them so many times over the years she's made little improvements here and there until she deemed them perfect. She takes the recipe to Derek during her assessment. Holds the paper out to him with tears in her eyes. She can't even look at it. His picture is taped up in the corner, he's smiling brightly and holding a plater of her cookies up for the camera. It's his birthday. Thirty-seven. She wants him to take it because it hurts her too much to look at it. He tries to encourage her that one day that won't be true. One day she'll want it back.
JJ is verbal. She's frantic. She's terrified. She's crying. Her concerns are for the other's. They talk about what to do about Spencer and how to help Garcia. They talk about the hell Emily is raining down over everyone. How backwards Dave is being. And then, only once they have spoken about literally everything else, does JJ admit she's not certain she knows how to do this job without Hotch. She still walks into his office expecting him to be in there. She gets his mug out of the cabinet in the morning.
The day they put up his picture on the wall, half of them leave without saying a word. Spencer doesn't come in. Emily would leave but she can't bring herself to have to pass it again. Dave doesn't even step out of the elevator. Garcia hides in her office. JJ and Derek stand there at the picture. Neither able to look away.
Derek bullshits all the grief assessments. Writes what they want to hear instead of what he sees – a storm has ripped through them. Someone has taken a knife and split their ribs open, pried out their hearts and made them watch. Something vital has been stolen from them and they're all walking around like zombies. Animated corpses just trying to make it through the day.
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(Spoilers for 3rd life) Possibly a request if you will take it as one but if not just words :D (apologies for it being many words, I am not good a crushing down sentences shxhf)
I am, so intrigued with how scar setting off the trap in monopoly mountain went- Martyn was literally in the storage room, but he heard the tnt ingnite and moved into the corner slightly behind a wall on reaction and was pretty much fine, mostly just rattled, standing safely on the one bit of floor that didn't get explodificated- Meanwhile when Scar set it off Tango was actively walking behinds him Towards the door and got absolutley launched when the explosion went off, and no one even looked to him freaking out for the most part after the fact aside from Scar apologizing- Everyone was caught up in literally everything else with the you know, war- And to be fair you couldn't really see him he ended up like?? halfway down the first flight of stairs??? But tango angst, is what I'm suggesting here basically sGsjcjhj- You cannot tell me being launched a bit down a mountain from directly in front of the blast point of multiple tnt minecarts did not hurt
exactly!! you can make the argument that Martyn was far enough away AND had his shield up for the explosion to not damage him that badly (it only did HALF A HEART of damage omg) but in Tango’s own words, he was RIGHT THERE. he was RIGHT next to it. there’s no way c!Tango wasn’t injured being flung halfway down a mountain.
but i have decided to take this as a prompt anyway :) bc i am a sucker for a) Tango, b) hurting characters, and c) hurting Tango /j
Tango scrambles backwards as he hears Scar’s yell and the quiet hissing of TNT. The force of the explosion sends him flying to the side, right off the top of the mountain. He lets out a loud yelp of pain as he lands heavily on the very edge of the first flight of stairs down, dangerously close to slipping off the rest of the way down the mountain.
“Martyn!” he hears Skizz yell.
“I was inside, you fools!” Martyn’s voice yells back. “Who set that off?!”
Groaning, Tango pushes himself into a sitting position and assesses his situation. His left leg is bent at an awkward angle but even though it hurts a lot, he doesn’t think it’s broken. Pain is emanating from his back and his neck, which isn’t surprising considering the force of the explosions, which have left a strange ringing in his ears.
“Tango!” comes Scar’s voice.
Tango glances up to find Scar rushing towards him. “I tried to warn you, Tango!”
“You gave me like a second’s warning!” Tango yells back, the pain making his anger worse. “I was RIGHT there! What the hell were you thinking?!”
“I-!” Scar breaks off with a yelp as an arrow whizzes over his head. “Sorry, I gotta go!”
He takes off running down the stairs.
“Wait, Scar!” Tango shouts after him. “I can’t walk! SCAR!”
But Scar keeps going, pursued by what seems to be the entire Red Army. Soon, all of them disappear into the forest.
Tears pricking behind his eyelids, Tango attempts to use the side of the staircase above him to pull himself to his feet but the instant he tries to put weight on his leg, the agony becomes too much and he sinks back down. His attempt to get up has only made things worse and now he can hardly move without fiery pain shooting down his entire body. He lies propped up against the cliff, unable to stop the tears from flowing. Not only is he in horrible pain but he’s been abandoned by everyone who might have been able to help him.
Apparently not everyone.
Tango opens his eyes. His vision is blurry but he can just see the outline of a person coming up the stairs towards him. But he doesn’t need to see them; he recognises their voice. “Grian… I-I need help.”
“I can see that. Geez, what happened?”
“Scar set off some kind of T-TNT trap in your house. I got l-launched off the cliff.”
“Oh no…” Grian groans and shakes his head. “I didn’t see any death messages in chat so I guess it didn’t get anyone.”
“IT GOT ME!” Tango roars suddenly, causing Grian to leap back with fright. “GRIAN, I’M IN A LOT OF PAIN RIGHT NOW! I NEED A BIT OF HELP HERE!”
“Oh! Right, right, right!”
Grian moves closer and reaches down to help lift Tango to his feet but freezes when Tango lets out a cry of pain. “Are you okay?!”
Tango shoots him a scathing look but bites back his scathing retort. “I c-can’t move without my neck and back REALLY hurting.”
“Okay, okay, um…” Grian steps back, trying to think quickly about what else he can do. “Okay, I think I have one healing potion left. It’s a weak one but it should ease the pain enough for you to be able to move.”
“G-Go get it, then!” Tango cries, as he accidentally shifts his back and more pain shoots up his spine.
Grian hurriedly dashes up the stairs towards his house, but as he gets to the top, he sees the giant crater in the bottom of his house and realises with a jerk that the explosion has destroyed all his chests. All his and Scar’s stuff is gone.
“Oh no…”
Picking his way over the singular blocks left from the floor, he happens to check his brewing stand and finds two healing potions left over, to his relief. He grabs them and rushes back down to Tango, who’s gone worryingly still.
“Tango?” Grian kneels beside his friend. “Are you dead?”
“I wish,” Tango mutters. “Do you have something?”
“Yeah. Drink this.”
Tango takes the offered healing potion and shakily drinks it. It tastes as weird as usual but he can already feel the pain in his back and neck easing up. He lets out an involuntary sigh of relief.
“Is that better?” Grian asks, watching him carefully.
“A lot better, yeah. Thanks.” Tango drains the rest of the potion. “Sorry for yelling at you back there.”
“Don’t worry about it. Do you need help getting anywhere, or…?”
Tango shakes his head. “I’ll be fine from here, thanks. How long ‘til sunset?”
Grian checks the position of the sun. “About an hour and a half. Can you make it home in time?”
“Yeah, should be fine. Thanks again for helping, G.”
Grian nods. “No problem.”
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awafflenamedhaji · 3 years
This is my first time making some x reader here in tumblr so please bare with my grammar and some mistakes😣😣
Yamaguchi x !fem!reader
Tumblr media
You, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima are friends since kids and have been together till now
You and Tsukishima are cousins but you both have different personality (at this point I don't even know where he got his salty personality from)
You live in the same roof as Tsukishima since your family's house is far
You and Yams have a thing for each other but too afraid to confess to one another
Tsukishima always drops hints (like all the time) that you both like each other but just plain stupid to realiz,e he's the bridge of your relationship
"Tsukki!! Why'd you order me crispy fries?! I like them soggy you know!" Yamaguchi yells while pouting at Tsukishima who is grinning widely while staring at me
"Yams you can have mine! It's a bit crispy but there are some soggy ones!" I slid my fries onto his front and took the fries that Tsukishima bought
"Ha! It must be nice to have y/n's soggy fries huh?" Tsukishima then had a smug smile plastered on his face "Maybe she made them soggy on purpose—" I threw a wet wipe on Kei's face that smudged his glasses "WHAT THE— WHY'D YOU THROW THAT AT ME?!" Now it's my turn to have a smug smile on my face
"There was oil on your mouth and I was just helping you out cousin, you don't like oil on your mouth don'tcha?"
"Hey hey! Quit it you two, people are staring!" Yamaguchi whispered and looked at the both of us
"Ugh, I'm just gonna leave, have fun on your date" What the fuck is his problem
"D-date?! Tsukki what do you mean—" Yamaguchi hurriedly tried to catch up with Kei
"And y'all just gonna leave me here with your leftovers?"
"Hey Kei?? Ya hear me? Hello???" I poked his side and to my surprise, he's ticklish there
"Oh my oh my! Kei's very ticklish on his sides huh??" I smirked while trying to tickle him
"Stop it will you?! Or I'll tell Tadashi that you like him!" W-what??! NO HE CAN'T KNOW
"NO NO NO I'M SORRY FOR DISTURBING I JUST WANT TO KNOW HOW TO SOLVE THIS!" I bowed to him and waited for his response
But to my dismay as I look up he has this smile that I can tell that he is planning on something
"Then you'll do anything I say? Is that a deal or not?" He took off his headphones and waited for my response
"W-well it depends on... what you are planning" I looked away at him and started fidgeting my hands
"You'll have to confess, well maybe not really confess but make him answer if he is interested into dating you"
"How would I know? You two are like beans in a pod that you can't even separate" He was satisfied with my reaction so he went back to what he was doing
I swear for the love of Asajesus I want to kick this tall stick's ass and send him to the fucking sun
"Ugh I'd rather get buried than say to Yams that I like him" I played with the pen that was just lying on the desk the whole time
"Suit yourself, don't blame me if you get that problem wrong, I offered you a good deal yet you refused" THIS GUY—
The next day my homework got returned to me and of course... I need to redo it
"Kei..." I tapped his shoulder
"Hm? You failed? Sucks to be you" He smirked and went back to dozing off to his “wonderland”
"Ughh just hear me out!! I accept your deal!" His eyes opened
"Then go ahead, there's an hour for you to go and confess"
"Take it or leave it, I'll be waiting" Ughh after that I ran to the cafeteria to find a grayish-green haired boy with freckles plastered on his face
"HAHAHAHAHA! Don't tell me that.. you spitted your orange juice on her blouse? Poor her she gotta wash that hard to take the stain off!" He laughed while talking to Hinata and Kageyama at the corner
"We'll I was surprised so I accidentally spat the juice at her!"
"Yams!" I called out and they immediately turned their heads at my direction
"Oh hey y/n! What's up? Is there a problem?" I huffed "I just need to excuse you for something urgent, umm you don't have to wait for Yams here bye!"
I held his wrist and dashed out of the cafeteria and of course we went to our usual spot where me Kei and Yams always go to
"Umm... so Yams uhh.. you see uhh I've been meaning to... ask you something" What the heck why can't I just talk like a normal person
"Yeah? What is it? I hope it's not hard to answer though hahaha!"
"Uhmm...." I fidgeted "A-are you... by any chance uhmm.... interested in you know.... in getting into a relationship" He looked at me in confusion and thought about what I asked
He blushed "N-no.. not really.." He's saying no but his face does..
"O-oh really? Hahaha! Uhmm is there someone you like? Like, like romantically?" He nodded in response and looked away
"Yeah... She has been for a long time had make my heart skip a beat"
"H-ha! Now I've got a chance to pass that freaking homework! Let's go? Kei might be waiting at the classroom" I stood up with a gloomy face, not even sparing a glance at Yamaguchi
"Ooh.. okay.... why did you ask though?" He got curious and of course I'm dumb and told him
"N-nothing... It was just a dare Kei made me do.. Just forget about it!"
Dead silence. Yes we're not talking to each other until I asked him
"Have y.. you asked the girl out?"
"Why not? I mean I know she'll like you too! I mean who wouldn't want a fluffball like you?"
Who wouldn't like an amazing guy like you?
I looked at him and he was as red as a tomato, and it's so freaking adorable
"U-uuuh~ Can w-we drop the topic?"
I guess he doesn't like talking about someone he likes to me
(Istfg they're so dumb, but Yams is cute)
We have reached our classroom with silence, I've got no chance huh?
The day just went like how it used to, me listening to the teachers, taking notes and everything except when it's time to go back home
"Kei I'm going home early, don't ask why" He looked at me with a not so concerned look
"Uhh okay? Want me to tell Yamaguchi?"
"Nah, he's not interested about that anyway, oh and don't forget about the deal, Imma head out"
I heard the door closed and so I took my notebook and pen and set it to his table
The door opens and he squinted at the sight
"What are you doing in here? Get out"
He rolled his eyes and settled in beside me
"The fuck? Where'd you get these answers from? Are you nuts?" HOW RUDE
"Not my fault his teaching was hard to understand" I scoffed
"Well if you're not dumb you'd get the answers right, anyone can solve this y/n"
"Ugh fine fine just teach me already!"
"Later, I need to wait for him" Him?? Is he expecting someone?
"Gomen Tsukki! I was adoring the cat outside so I got in late!" He opened the door panting, he still hasn't noticed me
"Uhm.. I-I'll just watch how to solve it, I'm going back to my room" I packed up my things and was about to stand
"I thought you wanted me to teach you? Since I'm teaching you two the same thing I called him here" He smirked
But I want to avoid him.. for the mean time
"Nevermind that, I'll just ask you something else, later Yamaguchi" I left Kei's room and went straight to bed
Ughh I can't face him like this, I'm just gonna take a nap and do my assignment later
"Uhmm.. Y/n I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way, I hope we can still be friends though..." I teared up
"Y-yeah it's alright, I'm not really expecting you to reciprocate my feelings so it's okay!"
No it's not okay, not okay..
I love you but you don't love me..
"LWHWIAKKAGSI" I woke up to see Yamaguchi's face close to mine
"OH MY FUCKI— OWW!" I bumped my forehead in his
"AH! I'M SORRY Y/N! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU! I WAS JUST GOING TO WAKE YOU UP!! GOMEN!!" I massaged my forehead "N-no it's okay! I was just s-surprised that you're here..."
"Tsukki said I should wake you up.. I'm really sorry! Ahh look at your head" He quickly touched my forehead and my heart starts to beat faster
"It has a bump! I'M REALLY SORRY!!!! I'M GETTING YOU SOME ICE!" He's leaving... this is your chance to confess or else you won't be able to get things off of your chest
"W-wait.." I held his shirt and started to get red
"What is it? Does it hurt? Fuck I'm sorry!" He took his hand off of my head
"N-no.. it's.. uhh.. ilikeyou..... so.." I mumbled "What? I can't hear you" Oh god this is embarrassing
"I like you Yams— I mean.. *sigh* You don't have to say anything, I'll just get the ice.. You can go back to Kei.." I said it... though this will be a one sided— "I l-like you too... y/n.. I like you a lot... I m-mean like lot, a lot more than anyth—" I hugged him
I don't want him to see my face, I'm so flustered that I just hugged him without hesitating
"Finally! These dumb dorks" Kei looked at us with satisfaction
"Y-you! You planned this huh?" I stood up and started to hit Kei's arm
"Ow! Well at least you won't have to sulk in this dark room of yours!"
"What do you mean dark?? This is called style you uncultured salt!"
"Hey hey don't start bickering, I'm going to teach her Tsukki so do you mind if you know.. you could-"
"Go back to your room and start listening to your weird music!" I pushed him to his room and went back to my “dark room” he said
"C'mere, I'll teach you the easy way" He sat down on the floor and started to scribble on my notebook
I wiggled my way to his lap and leaned on Yams
"H-hey! It's hard to teach if y-you're leaning on me!" I chuckled "You'll get used to it! Now teach me!"
so yeah the ending is crap (○゚ε゚○)
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bnha-hcs · 5 years
*breathes* I've been haunted by the "wait for me" trope; may I ask for a scenario where Todoroki's crush accidentally slips that she loves him, but he doesn't catch it and she leaves it hoping he doesn't think too much about it. But he does. And he realizes. So he brings her to talk and feelings are exchanged; he admits he loves her back but he's got a lot going on but he doesn't want to lose her, so if she's willing, would she wait for him? I'm really sorry if that's a lot to ask!
Decided to do some requests bc I’m still waiting on my doctors to figure shit out and its,,, taking forever so I’m running out of things to do that don’t have me doing too much alsjdalkd. I know it’s late on a lot of these but better late than never yeah? 
Also I finally caught up with the manga oh my gods it’s been 5000 years
- Tiki
You stand there in complete silence- thoroughly mortified about what you had just let slip in such casual conversation. There’s no telling what could happen at this point and you weren’t sure if you should try to apologize or just own up to the fact that you had just accidentally confessed your feelings to Todoroki. For a second you weren’t even sure if he even heard you, until you looked over and saw his blue and brown eyes searching your face for any semblance- any indication that you had been lying, or joking, or something.
Todoroki didn’t look like he was going to say anything anytime soon, leaving you to hurry up and pick a course of action. He looks… uncomfortable, and actually a little flustered. Specifically, he even looks like he’s lost a bit of his cool/aloof nature and you’re very afraid you’ve actually ruined any sort of friendship the two of you even had. Is he mad?? Is he upset with you?? You scramble to think of what to say, and before you can stop yourself, words are pouring out of your mouth in a mad dash to keep whatever dignity and friendship you had left.
“Um!! I mean don’t think anything of what I just said… In fact, just forget I said anything alright??” You manage out, stumbling over a few words here and there.
NO response.
Crap, you’ve definitely fucked up. Surely this is where everything goes out the window and now it’s time to make a hasty retreat. So you scramble to get your things and get going, making your move to leave. As soon as you bid your quick goodbye in the form of a quiet squeak you feel the hold of his hand on your wrist, and look to see a look of utter confusion on his face matched with pleading eyes. You’ve never seen such a look on Todoroki’s face before and you’re unsure of what to even make of it. Out of habit you freeze and wait for whatever he looks like he’s about to say.
“I’m sorry, what did you mean? I’m a little confused…” He says, his face scrunching up a little bit as he looks lost in thought. You physically deflate at his words.
Oh GOOD he doesn’t actually know what you said thank g o d s. You let out a large sigh and force a sheepish smile onto your face, freeing your wrist from his grasp and waving your hand a bit.
“It’s okay Shouto! Don’t worry about it.” You say quickly, taking a step away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
This time you don’t give him any room you stop you, and successfully make your retreat this time. You almost run back to the dorms, eager to find solace in the safety of your room and to wallow in your embarrassment by yourself, and rightfully so. You were still mortified with yourself, and are sure you wouldn’t be able to look Todoroki in the eyes the next few days. Gods... maybe if you were lucky he’d just forget about the whole thing altogether. But you’d never be that lucky. Todoroki was aloof but you were dead sure he wasn’t that aloof.
As soon as you were back to your dorm room you threw yourself on the bed and contemplated on whether you needed to fake your own death or not. Your over dramatic ass tried to list off friends who could possibly help you disappear, but figured you’d have a better chance just accepting what happened than trying to suddenly drop from the grid and become a hermit. Groaning into your pillow you roll over and set your alarms for tomorrow, deciding to sleep off your days events.
The alarms went off and you had to, unfortunately, get up and get ready to face the day. As soon as you brought your phone to your face and shut off the alarms to stop the assault on your poor eardrums, you found a text from Todoroki waiting for you, having been sent only a few minutes before you got up. As soon as you saw it waiting in your messages you could feel your soul leaving your body and the emergency systems in your brain start to malfunction. At some point you were sure someone could hear you screaming in your mind as you tapped on the message to read its contents.
‘Sorry it’s early, but could we talk before class?’
Quickly, you texted out a reply, making about 500 typos and then having to spend more time fixing them than actually typing it up. It didn’t help that you were hardly coherent from waking up about 2 minutes prior. Finally you had hit send and waited for a reply, biting your lip a little too hard.
‘Sure!! Same place as yesterday?’
‘That’s fine’
You practically shoot yourself out of bed to get dressed and make yourself look like you didn’t just sleep for about 15 hours because holy hell you were sure you looked like a disaster right now. I mean… you ARE a disaster, but you couldn’t let anyone actually k n o w, let alone Todoroki of all people good gods. So you shove on your uniform and haphazardly brush through your hair so you could quickly jump over to the bathroom and brush your teeth, put on deodorant, etc.
As you’re finishing up your flurry of things you realize you hadn’t asked when the hell you were supposed to be there, having just assumed that he meant as soon as possible. Well… if you went now you wouldn’t have to run the risk of running into anyone. So instead of confirming a time to be there, you decided to stick to your plan of getting there as soon as possible, not exactly caring if it was a little too early. Maybe you could find a vending machine somewhere and get a drink in case you had to wait…
You sighed and threw your bag over your shoulder, checking your phone as you exit your room and make your way down, and out of the dorms. Just as you had thought, not many people were up and you were lucky enough to slip past them and out the door without having to say a thing. Maybe they were also half asleep and just hadn’t the energy to talk yet. Either way you were grateful. With a quick pace you headed back to where you were yesterday- a small courtyard around the school grounds that you’d often study at if the weather permitted. After a while of being friends with Todoroki, the two of you had made it a habit to meet there and study together or just hang out between other things in your busy lives.
Rounding the corner you choked on your spit seeing Todoroki was already there, and you had to make peace with dying from choking as you avoided hacking up a lung and looking like a huge idiot. Just great… Your face was already red and your voice was going to sound stressed. And he must’ve heard your muffled choking noises because he turned around, his soft face catching the morning sun as he squinted to see you. So you hurried your way over for his sake, seeing as it would do neither of you any good if you just loafed around like a piece of wet lettuce.
“Um, hey!” You squeaked out, stopped just a bit in front of him. “So what did you want to talk about?”
There’s a pause, and you watch him shift his hands, like he isn’t sure what or where to put them. He settles for awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, a blush dusting his cheeks as he struggles to look at you. You watch with much anxiety and anticipation, not used to… well… any of this.
“I realized what exactly you meant yesterday…” He starts, choosing his words carefully. “And I’m sorry I didn’t understand at first but…”
But??? But what?? Oh gods you knew it, you knew he was going to reject you- you knew you never stood a chance of ever being with someone like him. You knew… you’d start to cry sooner or later but as soon as you had the flood of thoughts scrambling for purchase through your head you could feel the tears pricking your eyes and the heaviness of rejection settling in your head.
“I’m not really good at… these kind of things.” He says simply, and part of you is relieved but you aren’t exactly sure that can stop steeling yourself for whatever he has to say. He looks up at you, eyes locking with yours, his gaze as heavy as your head felt and you find your breath catching in your throat. He sighs, looking away again before he begins to inch closer.
Todoroki reaches out and you resist the urge to shy away, knowing that if you did, you’d never be able to witness such tenderness from him again. So you move a bit closer on your own and meet him halfway. His right hand moves to cup the side of you face, thumb swiping over your cheek with a feeling that has you at a loss of words. You’re not even sure if you should speak right now, and wait for him to make his next move. Todoroki has a look of pure adoration of you in his eyes and you feel his hand waver a bit and a slight look of sadness flickers in his eyes for a quick second.
“I realized what you said and then I realized I…” He pauses his other hand going to cup the other side of your face, “I love you, too.”
The feeling is suffocating- his hands, his words, his face as it’s so close and so far from yours, and then the feeling in the pit of your stomach that has you thinking that it’s too good to be true. The warm blush that’s spread across your face has you feeling dizzy, like you can’t quite focus on anything but his touch, and the sound of his voice. You sigh prematurely and you watch him look away for a second.
“Shouto…” You breathe out.
“I love you so much, (Y/N), but I- we can’t be together right now.”
“Wh.. What?” You ask incredulously. “What do you mean?”
You can feel the tears pricking in your eyes again, and the sinking of your stomach as a pang grabs at the deepest depths of your chest. You could hardly keep your voice from wavering as you spoke. He can tell you’re upset, and surely this was just as hard for him to explain as it was for you to listen and accept it.
“Just, as I am now, I wouldn’t be able to be there for you. And we’re both still changing and growing so it wouldn’t be good for either of us.” He sighs, looking around like he’s anxious until he resumes, keeping his tender gaze with you and his hands still gently holding your face. “But I don’t want to lose you.”
It’s hard to keep the feelings buried in you so you let a sniffle out, and few tears roll down your face, which are quickly wiped away by the boy in front of you. You want so hard to hide your face- to bury it in your hands and hide the tears you’ve been trying so hard to keep back, but all you can do is reach up and grasp one the the hands Todoroki has cupping your face. You lean into his touch, nodding to his words as they slowly process in your mind.
“(Y/n),” He beckons your name so you’ll look up at him, giving you a small smile. “I know I’m asking a lot but, will you wait for me?”
It takes you a second to actually process any single word that he just said and you half blame the inebriated state that you’ve been in this whole time and the whirlwind of emotions that you’ve been through had you second guessing your comprehensive skills. And before he knew it, you had broken his hold on you and leapt into his arms, burying your face in whatever place you could put it. His arms circle around you and for a few moments the two of your stand there, completely content in each other’s presence. His face buries itself in your hair and he places a small kiss on the top of your head.
“Of course I’ll wait for you!” You gasp, pulling your head from his chest and making him lift his head. “I’ll wait as long as it takes.”
For a second he looks surprised as he looks down at you, like he didn’t expect you to say yes. And then a smile makes its way into his face, slowly, and he can’t help showing his delight. Without much warning he leans down and quickly presses his lips against yours. It’s quick, and in a way it’s very bitter sweet as you quickly go to reciprocate the affection, knowing full well it’ll be the last you’ll ever get in a while. You try to embed into your mind the feeling of his lips on yours, and you know very well that he is probably doing just the same. The tickling shiver that flutters up your spine is foreign, but definitely not unwelcome and part of you wonders when you’ll be able to indulge in something like this everyday. And just as you thought, the moment the two of you part, you feel a loss at the lack of contact.
You feel Todoroki’s breath fan across your face and resist the urge to lean back in for another kiss. And so the two of you part further, going back to standing together, and somehow acting like that didn’t just happen. You share a look with him and with a nod the two of you head off to class, Todoroki looking like he’s puffed up a little, probably due to the fact that he didn’t think you’d say yes. You found it endearing, to say the least.
There’s nothing much to say as you walk, a comfortable silence, and you find yourself still a little confused in your feelings. Sure you’re still muddled in sadness at the fact that were both rejected and not rejected at the same time. You weren’t quite sure where to place anything in your heart just yet. The only thing you knew is that you’d have to wait for him, for however long it takes. And you were just fine with that.
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cinaminho · 5 years
Mafia Stray: You Attempt to leave them
╰ Group: StrayKids
╰ Genre: Angst
╰ Warnings: Mild Violence ,, not proof read
Request: can you do a mafia!stray kids where you try to leave them? and a when they get jealous?
Plot - this will be before their S/O had warmed up to them and realized they loved them. Whether you can't deal with their annoying ego, attitude, or just plain don't want to be there, you decide to try and make a run for it, there can be no wedding without the bride right? They however, catch you no matter if you'd gotten very far or barely made it to/out the door, obviously they're not thrilled but will they let their rational or irrational side handle it?
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Chan 🗝
He had eyes guarding the house while he was away at a cocktail bar conducting business regarding new territory that could make him a great deal of money if he made it a selling ground for his and his father's products, you'd barely been seen by anyone so you doubt anyone would treat you as if you weren't invisible when you passed them by with a small shopping bag of clothes and other things in , you slipped on your dark shades and black coat pulling up the collar to hide your face more as you made your way out the door closing it quietly and down the steps of the large house your eyes shut tightly behind the glasses as you walked past the men, two on each side of the gate that actually lead to your freedom.
You cleared your throat "open the gate." You hoped your tone sounded demanding enough to mask your nervous fear.
The men scanned you, one closest to you leaned a bit closer trying to see behind your glasses which caused you to lean back, they recognized you. "Ms. Y/n, why are you dressed like this?"
You clenched the bag in your hand a bit tighter cursing inside your mind but remaining composed "I'm feeling under the weather, I just have to return these things." You said holding up the bag.
"Return clothes, half eaten food, and deodorant.. In a grocery bag?" Another man chimed in suspicion obvious in his voice.
"Yes." You said all a bit too quickly.
"Well Ms. We could-"
"No thanks, please, open the door." You huffed. The males gave each other a knowing look , but they obliged. Soon you zoomed out but you heard something that made you stop in your tracks, they snitched. "Mr. Bang, we got a runner." Was all you heard before you took flight down the side walk. The sound of tires screeching brought you to a hault as a black charger met you at the corner, you turned the opposite way but His men were right there. You were busted. You let out a defeated whine as you turned back to the car.
Out he came. He stepped out of the drivers side his arm rested on the roof of the car, he looked.. Like he expected you to run.
"I'm honestly surprised you didn't run sooner, good thing I was on my way back."
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Woojin 📍
Didn't try to stop you as he knew someone would find you and bring you back, because you see, if Something Woojin had in his possession came up missing he would raise hell until it was found so when word was put out that his S/O had ran away and that anyone who gave them shelter would suffer consequences the entire city went on a rampage trying to find you, and in a little less than 3 hours there was a knock at his door. Calmly getting up from reading his magazine he answered the door and their you were in the grip of two strangers, one male , one female, they pushed you towards him looking wide eyed with fear before dashing off of the property. You fell at his feet once they let you go.
"Come. We need to talk." He said tiredly.
You scoffed as you got to your feet. "If you think I'm going to stop running you're wrong."
Woojin only looked over his shoulder at you. "And if you think I won't break your ankles so that you can't even think to try and escape you're wrong. Now, I said come. We need to talk."
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Minho 🔫
Surely you were free once you made it to the drive way being as quiet as you possibly could be opening and closing a car door, you quickly put on your seatbelt, you turned on your phone flashlight looking for your keys once you found them you put them into the ignition and started your vehicle, or tried to. The thing would barely make a noise, it'd start up then stop, you looked to see if you'd ran out of gas but that wasn't the problem, was your battery dead? Great. You let a frustrated growl leave your lips as you leaned your head on the steering wheel, so much for your perfect get away. 2 minutes later a tap on your window jolted you up and you were faced with the person you were trying to escape from himself. Minho. When you left he was fast asleep but he looked as if he'd been up all day no bags under his eyes, not sign of him getting out of bed. He wore a small smile as he signaled for you to roll down your window, you didn't budge though. You quickly tried to start your car again, Minho smacked his lips at your rediculous attempts.
"Y/n honestly you couldn't have tried this in the morning?"
"Move the hell back before I run you over." You yelled from the inside of the car as the window was still the wall between you.
"You're not going anywhere." He stated calmly.
"Really now? Well watch this." You taunted. You try to start the car once more but it still wasn't on your side.
"Y/n why do you think I have you driven around, you're not moving in this." He chuckled. You snappily glared at him "what did you do to it?" You said knowing full and well he'd done something now. Minho reached in his pocket holding up a small piece, your eyes widen , it was your small motor starter. He'd taken it out.
"Now then. Get out, come inside, we'll discuss this as calmly as possible." He smirked.
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Changbin 🔗
It was 2 A.M when you got out of bed slickly before grabbing your duffle bag and slipping on some flats tip toeing out the room and down the stairs of the big house. You sat your bag down momentarily to undo all the locks, boy did he have that place sealed shut not a single lock was unlocked. You were having trouble with one as it seemed to be jammed.
"C'mon stupid lock." You whisper yelled.
"Allow me." A deep voice rung.
You froze momentarily before trying harder to get the lock open. With the clicking of you jiggling the lock you didn't notice the sound of The safety on Changbin's gun being removed but heard it loud and clear once it went off, you let out a horrific scream as Changbin shot at the lock you were trying to open, you jerked back ducking and cradling your head. That one shot was all you heard.
"Y/n if you can't hear your fiancee sneak up behind you, how will you survive outside of here?" Changbin spoke. You were shaking and didn't Dare look up. Changbin made his way over to you forcefully yanking you up, his grip made you feel like your circulation was being cut off.
"Face it Beauty, you're not going anywhere without me." He growled viciously.
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He was hurt. He'd never given you a reason to run, atleast he thought he didn't, but of course, you being unhappy was enough it was crazy how you didn't even show any slight sign that you were planning to leave, he didn't understand how he didn't see this coming but he'd heard about it from his friend that worked at a store you'd been in that'd you looked alarmed so he called Hyunjin to see if he knew why you looked stressed, he also mentioned that you asked for directions to a train station which he'd given and now Hyunjin was there waiting in his seat that he knew you were seeing in seeing your belongings there. Once you came back from the restroom you sat down paying no attention to the person beside you who was looking out the window.
"So where exactly where were you escaping to?"
You recognized the voice all too well you quickly shot the man that you were sure was Hyunjin a look he soon looked your way revealing himself to be exactly him. You sprung up from your seat but he grabbed your wrist making you sit. You looked around noticing you two were the only ones there.
"You want to go on a trip then we can but we'll talk about this misunderstanding along the way."
You chuckled "this wasn't a misunderstanding I wanted-"
"You're not leaving me." He spoke sternly looking straight ahead.
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You left in the middle of the night as he wasn't due back from his mission for a week, you lifted one of the bags over your shoulder as you quickly sped walk down the drive way headed to the nearest bus stop but you seen a car slowly approaching the drive way and without much thought you dove into the bushes dropping the bags which you knew you'd regret that. You waited to see if it was an intruder or your fiancee. You peeked through a few vines as the car lights turned off and the drivers door opened it was dark but the porch light made the figure visible, it was definitely Jisung. You cursed a thousand times under your breathe. He looked to see the bags in front of his car, he sighed heavily before turning to the bushes, you closed your eyes haulting your breathing.
"Y/n in case you didn't know I saw you when I pulled up you're not a very fast runner."
You still stayed quiet.
"By the looks of these bags you're going some where for what appears to be a while." Since he got no response he continued on. "Just let me go." You yelled from the bushes. It got quiet then you heard footsteps that were coming over. You picked up a nearby stick squatting down more but ready to swing.
Jisung opened the bushes making him face to face with you. Your eyes suddenly glossed with tears as you knew you weren't getting anywhere tonight. You still tried to make a run for it pushing him away first but he was hot on your trail soon you felt an arm around your waist and a hand over your mouth. You kicked and screamed kicking him a few good times but his grip remained strong as he dragged you through the yard and unlocked the door forcefully bringing you into the house.
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Felix 💉
You weren't sure how long you'd been running as you had a rip in the foot of your stocking, heels in hand, you jumped out the window of a bathroom you were in at a restaurant with Felix, you claimed you had to 'freshen up' and excused yourself but as soon as you got in the restroom you tied your hair up and made an escape you hadn't stopped running yet. That was until your legs started to give out and you collapsed on a nearby park bench. Your heart was beating in your ears it sort of heart, you dropped the heels and sat up on the bench resting your back on the cool surface, leaning your head back looking at the sky you needed to breathe you'd gotten far enough. You were weak your head was pounding from lack of air you groaned.
"Thirsty my love? I brought the Wine."
His deep voice startled you. You looked over to see Felix sitting next to you waving his phone for you too look at and see that he had been tracking you, you looked around trying to see where the chip was.
"It's in that hair clip embedded in a diamond, clever huh?" He grinned. You grumbled snatching the clip from your hand and throwing it off into the distance. Felix Shook his head fakely disappointed.
"I had Jisung make that especially for you."
"You're a maniac let me go!" You barked. "Well now, That'd make me very unhappy if I did and That may be so but you will be my bride." He sneered. You laughed in his face "not if I keep running."
Felix now was inches away from your face "You shouldn't have stopped." He whispered. You furrowed your eyebrows as you heard a slight clink sound and coldness to your wrist, you looked down to see you were handcuffed to the bench, you gasped shooting your other hand over your mouth.
"Now we got all night to sit here and sort this out." He exlaimed.
"I will never give into you there is nothing to be sorted out!" You ywlled through angry tears. They didn't affect Felix though.
"Voluntarily or involuntarily you're coming back with me. Now let's sort this out." He ordered.
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Bea & Fraze
Bea: Might just turn the dodgy cooker on and gas us all Fraze: Dramatic Fraze: Let's leg it before then, like Bea: Not dramatic just real Bea: how many card games can we play before it stops raining Fraze: So come on Fraze: I know you ain't put off by water falling from the fucking sky Bea: You think of a reason we need to be out there then Bea: there's no French exiting rn Fraze: Don't need one, everyone's pissing me off & I'm sick of this fucking caravan, so are you Fraze: End of story Bea: And I'm gonna calm you down, yeah? Fraze: You don't need to go into your tactics but yeah Bea: Don't make me laugh Fraze: Why not? Bea: 'cos there's literally nothing funny about being stuck in here with this lot Bea: wish they'd have let us stay home Fraze: Leave with me then Fraze: Fuck overthinking it Bea: Of course I wanna Bea: where are we even going, actually Bea: never mind where we say we are Fraze: Home, another seaside shithole, round the corner Fraze: Does it matter Fraze: If it ain't inside here, I'll take it Bea: [Tess being like help me make lunch or something] Bea: Ha Bea: when you decide lemme know, have to meet you there Fraze: [is the definition of a moody teen rn soz everyone] Fraze: Or you could just come with me now Bea: Sure, when you're the one that's gotta tell your mum no, we'll do that Bea: what's five more minutes of hell Fraze: [Storms out because the mature response like soz if anyone tries to ask him where he's going or wtf cos just gonna be a rude hoe] Bea: save me a 🚬 Fraze: You can have 'em all, my lighter's fucking dead Bea: least you got a valid reason to go shop then Fraze: Cheers for the positive spin, babe Bea: ☀ when there ain't none Bea: I know Bea: been said so many times Fraze: Don't make me laugh Bea: Why not, you're free Bea: temporarily Fraze: 'Cause I'm not in the mood to shout 'free at last' or some shit even if I am Bea: Poor baby Bea: not gonna feel bad for you 'til I've made these kids stupidly specific sandwich orders Fraze: It don't mean you've gotta take the piss 'til then Bea: I ain't Fraze: Whatever Fraze: I don't wanna kick off at you, do I Bea: I know Bea: it's shit Bea: but we can't be throwing tantrums like we're their age, like Fraze: If they wanna treat me like a fucking kid instead of letting me stay home then why the fuck shouldn't I act like one Bea: 'cos I don't wanna fuck some whiny kid, do I? Bea: Think on Fraze: Alright I'll come back & help prepare lunch like I'm some old bloke Fraze: Fuck off Bea: Yeah, that's my type in a one Bea: twat Fraze: What do you fucking want, Bea? Bea: No, what do you want Bea: 'cos not kicking off at me is bullshit Fraze: & you reckon I'm the one who's skilled at turning any shit into a fight, yeah? Fraze: Have a word with yourself Bea: Seriously Bea: I was just trying to talk to you without going on about how shitty we all know this is already Fraze: Seriously, I really like you but you really wind me up Bea: Hardly gonna take that personal Bea: everything winds you up Fraze: Yeah well Fraze: Fucking genetic probably Bea: If you're happy with that excuse Bea: don't seem it Fraze: Well done working that out, like Bea: hardly the enigma code but tah Fraze: Still, credit where it's due Bea: So sweet Fraze: Course, get told that all the time Bea: doesn't SOUND like something your mum'd say Bea: but I'll take your word for it Fraze: So trusting Bea: Any particular reason I shouldn't be? Fraze: Loads but none of them are 'cause of me Bea: Yeah Bea: don't need to take the convo there Bea: do we Fraze: I'm just saying Fraze: I am pretty godlike but I didn't create the world, like Bea: 😂 Bea: You're lucky I don't have friends to send all the stupid shit you say to Fraze: You wouldn't even if you did Fraze: You ain't like that Bea: Lucky you Fraze: Yeah Fraze: You finished these sandwiches yet or what? Fraze: Really fucked your Saturday job prospects if you ain't Bea: Rude but can't say I'm too gutted Bea: if the punters were even half as annoying as my sister Bea: you still want me to come Fraze: Do you need me to say I miss you Fraze: You're meant to be smart Bea: I am Bea: why do you think I'm waiting for you to say it Fraze: Fair Bea: Go on then Fraze: Fuck's sake Fraze: I miss you Fraze: Tell my ma you're going to find me & then do it Bea: Alright Bea: Be right there Bea: where are you though Fraze: Went the shop Fraze: & didn't get banned Fraze: See? So grown up now Bea: Impressive Bea: don't change too much thoug Fraze: 'Course not Fraze: Basically perfect as I am Bea: 😏 Bea: Shut up Fraze: You know you don't want me to Bea: Maybe not Fraze: I've got loads to say to you Bea: Yeah? Fraze: Come find out Fraze: Hear me out Bea: I am Fraze: Good Bea: [Show up like I'm listening] Fraze: [Gives her sweets he just bought cos you don't have to say everything with words and he did miss her & he's sorry for being a dick 99% of the time] Bea: [just happy about this 'cos unexpected and pure] Fraze: [kisses her obvs] Bea: [kissing back with feeling 'cos missed you too] Fraze: [then lights a 🚬 for her cos she said save me one and he ain't forgotten, always listening this boy] Bea: [when it's so needed lmao, 'you're the best'] Fraze: [when you wanna stay in the good books so you telling her how much you've been thinking about her and what you've been thinking] Bea: [when you're pouty 'there's no fucking privacy here'] Fraze: [you can literally see the cogs turning because he's trying to think of where they can find some. 'When the rain stops they'll all fuck off out & we can head back in without being seen'] Bea: ['has to stop eventually, yeah' smiles, 'reckon we can pretend you got lost on the way to your room and ended up in mine or?'] Fraze: [Smiles too because actually likes the rain for the mems and the fact there's literally nobody about. 'Nah but there's no need to pretend you're the only fucker I want around me this holiday, not a secret, like'] Bea: ['exactly, they're not reckoning it's 'cos I'm so special, like' rolls her eyes] Fraze: ['you are though'] Fraze: [Gives her a LOOK and it's not a pisstaking one] Bea: [when you don't know what to say or do so you're just like 'see how you feel when you're not stuck in a tin can with that lot'] Fraze: ['you reckon I'm gonna change my mind, yeah?'] Bea: [shrugs in a 'let's see' kinda way but is pulling herself closer to him] Fraze: [kisses her because he won't & we all know it but ILY curse is trying to get me] Bea: [just about to be like wanna go loiter in the arcades or something when the cars pull up like get in we're going cinema/aquarium/bowling whatever rainy day activity and you're just there like what did they seeeeeeee] Fraze: [is literally 😒 and trying to be like we're alright here cheers but who is listening cos you ain't mcvickers you can't run totally wild without nobody giving a shit soz] Bea: [getting in the car like lord jesus help me, poor Joe, least you have each other] Fraze: [literally fuming because you can't get up to anything like you're JJ unlucky lads so 🚬 out the window to annoy your mum oh boy you're gonna get a slap] Bea: this is wholesome family fun Fraze: Don't Fraze: Fucking hell Bea: you know, have something to write in our 'what I did on my holiday' diaries Bea: 👍 Fraze: There's shit I'd rather be writing Fraze: Even if Miss would rather not read it Bea: 😂 Bea: Might be into it Bea: more likely ring the social but you know Fraze: Place your bets Bea: I feel like I'm Rocky's age rn Fraze: I ain't fucking having loads more days of them treating us like we are Bea: I know Bea: what you gonna do Fraze: I dunno yet Fraze: Loads of time to work it out while we're stuck doing this bullshit though Bea: True Bea: get my thinking cap on Fraze: What if like Bea: Go on Fraze: I was just thinking how much good came out of us watching the kid last time Fraze: If we take the baby my ma won't care what we do Fraze: When it ain't raining he needs to go for walks and shit Bea: That's a good idea Bea: get to pretend we're being helpful Bea: let us do that all we want Fraze: I dunno how I'm gonna get her to think I give a shit about this one but could work Bea: 'cos you're so mature now Bea: probably dash that cig out though Fraze: You want a go on it first? It's gonna be a long fucking day Bea: Yeah Bea: may as well Bea: least we don't have to try and keep this secret and all Fraze: My ma can reckon she's worked all mine out if that's as far as she gets Fraze: [Shameless excuse for her to lean out of the window with him and them to be close for as long as the 🚬 lasts] Bea: Bit better, like Fraze: Yeah Fraze: [At least a small mercy if Fearghal is driving them aside from no annoying kids there'd be some fucking jams playing lol] Bea: [If y'all ain't picking up on these vibes you're dumb af lmao like hello] Fraze: [the looks that'd be going back and forth because stuck in this car and nothing else they can do] Bea: You're so blatant 😏 Fraze: Shut up Fraze: I ain't Bea: and so easy to wind up Fraze: If you wanna see blatant, watch this Fraze: [Does something risky and saucy like boy no] Bea: Fraze Fraze: Bea Bea: What are you doing Fraze: Proving a point Fraze: I can always be more blatant Fraze: & you're just as easy to wind up Bea: Dickhead Bea: this is beyond blatant Fraze: And you ain't mad about it Bea: they'll be more than that if we get caught right now Fraze: Who's catching us? My da's driving & Joe ain't on the same planet Bea: I hate you, you know Fraze: Bullshit Fraze: I know you don't Bea: Okay so I don't but Fraze: But what? Are you gonna try and tell me you hate this Bea: Nah Fraze: There's no but then, is there? Bea: [just gives him a look] Fraze: [Gives her one back] Bea: Are we sure I don't hate you? Fraze: You tell me, babe Fraze: [Boy you better stop, getting so cocky about this sneaking around life] Bea: [When one of you needs to know better but you don't] Fraze: [Makes me lol because ruster are exactly the same in the future, Oh Bea you can't say shit my dear but good luck] Bea: When we get there Bea: come with me okay Fraze: 'Course Bea: I can't wait but that's your fault so Fraze: Much as I like winding you up, I ain't gonna make you Bea: Don't Fraze: I told you, I miss you Bea: You don't need to Bea: we can do this Bea: whatever we want Fraze: I know Fraze: Me & you Fraze: There's nothing we can't do Bea: Yeah Bea: [look of love beech] Fraze: [Gives it back obvs] Bea: [let's get 'em out of this car, how far away is it gonna be] Fraze: [Has anyone ever gotten out of a car faster in their life] Bea: [casual torture of having to wait to pay and go in, so drama] Fraze: [At least that can be masked as they don't wanna be here, thank god] Bea: [the joys of family holidays amirite everyone] Fraze: [There's probably so many people there cos all had the same idea so would take ages] Bea: [least if baby Rock started fussing they could be like WE'LL GO lmao] Fraze: [Good idea guys, get that plan rolling] Bea: I think all of Dublin is here today Fraze: Be harder for my Ma to keep an eye on us then Bea: don't think it's us she reckons will be tryna take the sealife home in our pockets Bea: we're good Fraze: 😂 Fraze: Yeah, we're good Bea: Very Fraze: 😏 Bea: actually can't see through these crowds Bea: how close to the front are we Fraze: [Lols because she's so smol] Fraze: Not close enough Bea: don't laugh at me it's claustrophobic down here Fraze: Want me to pick you up? Bea: Yes Bea: but no Bea: 'cos then I'll just wanna Bea: go Fraze: [A dangerous look] Bea: Stop it Fraze: Easier said than done Fraze: But alright Bea: You're so distracting Bea: I can't look at anyone else Fraze: Don't Fraze: There isn't anyone else Bea: I wish that was true right now Fraze: [Takes her hand for a sec stealthily because same] Bea: [ily curse always just hold that hand really tight and shh] Fraze: [But then let go before any of the kids notice you cos the kind of shit they would] Bea: [y'all shut your nosy mouths] Fraze: [Let's stop being mean and say it's their turn to go in finally] Bea: [when you dash off so fast you look like you're buzzing about the aquarium]7 Fraze: [bye bitches] Bea: [bathroom shennanigans as if people wouldn't be queuing and judging] Fraze: [Thank god they could give less of a shit, no shame ever] Bea: [soz not soz fam/world] Fraze: [Later talking about how he's gonna have a massive aquarium in his house one day cos rich people shit] Bea: ['have a shark, very bond'] Fraze: [is buzzing about that idea shamelessly] Fraze: [The convo obvs turns into what else he's gonna have when he's rich af] Bea: [a convo she can get behind obvs, probably knows what she wants to do already lbr so] Fraze: [control your 😍 boy] Bea: [when you're lowkey having a good time #fakes] Fraze: [Especially because he'd make her share the sweets he bought her earlier none for you though kids #soz] Bea: [so shaded, also don't want your gross fishy hands in the bag tho so] Fraze: [stealing Rocky to trial run this plan because only so much chatting and looking at fish you can do after a while] Bea: [looking like the youngest parents ever] Fraze: [Judgey looks from old people activate but maybe the rain stops for a sec so they can take him outside cos he's 'fussy' and be alone for a sec] Bea: ['When I'm rich, I won't ever go on holiday anywhere where the weather ain't perfect'] Fraze: [When you mean to say you but you say we because in love 'We can like hire an island or some shit'] Bea: [when you don't correct 'cos you don't wanna just meeting it with enthusiasm, 'until we can afford to buy one, obviously'] Fraze: [When you're just grinning because you hadn't even considered being that rich cos lowkey poor af forever & you so happy you're even being nice to baby Rocky, it's a moment] Bea: [he would be cute lbr] Fraze: [when you snuggling him and your bae so you do look like a fam lol] Bea: [haters back off it's cute] Fraze: [giving her so many 😍 like just say it boy, I'm dying] Bea: ['he looks a bit like you when you were a kid' 'cos baby mems] Fraze: [Looks at him like hmmm like he never thought about it cos probably hasn't. 'Ain't as cute as me though'] Bea: [Lols and covers Rocky's ears like don't listen] Fraze: [whispers something hot in her ear while his are covered] Bea: [does that fake face slap thing ('cos you're so scandalized ok) where you use your hands to plant a smooch] Fraze: [some good kissing for a minute because baby Rocky isn't a cockblock] Bea: [real MVP] Fraze: [but then the rain is back so gotta take that baby back in sorry lads] Bea: [mother nature cockblocking, there's probably a shitty cafe they could sit in, share a coke] Fraze: [the fucking mems] Bea: [also a giftshop pls buy something dorky] Fraze: [some stationary for her of some sort cos he's always ripping the piss about homework like] Bea: [get the boy a shark] Fraze: [bitch I nearly screamed] Bea: [when you pretend you ain't but you're so cute] Fraze: [so like mcvickers goodbye] Fraze: [okay but Tommy, Ali & Ro descending upon the gift shop so you gotta stop being coupley af for a sec] Bea: [always having to stop kids buying the most ridiculous tat in places like that] Fraze: [Tommy wanting to get something 'girly/fabulous' and Fraze making fun of him because job as big brother and dickhead] Bea: [just walking away from that situation, lord knows what Ali and Ro are after lmao] Fraze: [I'm just like Joe? Are you okay babe? Where is he] Bea: [does anyone care, 'scuse you] Fraze: [Tess because shameless fave #problematic] Bea: [we get it, he's your easiest child but honey it's because he's bottling that shit up for later] Fraze: [Mcvickers steering all the children away from the tat like come on, the rain's stopped again] Bea: [hit that beach lads] Fraze: [But a minor hiccup of discovering Ali's trying to steal creatures haha] Fraze: 😂 Bea: Probably a crime if she weren't underage Bea: have to hit up greenpeace sharpish Fraze: You know she was counting on those giant fucking eyes and knowing smile to get her out of it Fraze: Get your sister to start crying on her behalf if all else failed, like Bea: Probably a solid plan Fraze: Don't miss a trick that one Fraze: They're basically the Krays that pair Bea: 😂 Bea: with more menace Fraze: Exactly Bea: Some of the shit they get up that your mum tells me Bea: so God knows what else actually Fraze: I don't reckon I wanna know Fraze: Have to sleep with one eye open then Bea: Seriously Bea: not to mention plausible deniability Fraze: Yeah Fraze: You wanna go to the beach with that lot? Bea: Not if you have a better offer Fraze: Easy to bullshit that we're coming but then hang back at the caravan Fraze: It'll be ages before they give a shit we ain't there Fraze: If they do Fraze: And then even easier to say you're sick or something Bea: Yeah Bea: we've done our bit for the day Bea: not gonna be mad if we want some time to chill Fraze: Been the best babysitters going Bea: Exactly Bea: weather providing Bea: owed at least an hour or so of interrupted alone time Fraze: Thinking about that makes this car ride back less of a pisstake Bea: You'll make it, babe 😏 Fraze: I'll survive for you, yeah Fraze: Plenty of room on this floating door like Bea: such a romantic, you Fraze: One of many things about me that appeals to you, I know Fraze: Can't offer to draw you though Bea: Could give it a go for you Fraze: Yeah? Fraze: Alright Bea: Not promising it'll be worth much but you know Fraze: I can promise I ain't gonna sell it Fraze: Won't need the money for our island, will I? Bea: Should probably kick it for your eyes only if we're going full Titanic here, like 😂 Bea: 'course not, heart of the ocean was trashy anyway Fraze: When I buy you jewelry you better fucking not throw it into the sea Fraze: Rich but not stupid Bea: Have better taste than her dickhead fiancee, like Fraze: Not hard Bea: Thanks for the stationery Bea: even if you were taking the piss Fraze: No need to thank me just don't lob it out the car window Fraze: Or into the sea Bea: or at your head, yeah Bea: got it Fraze: You can chuck it at my head Fraze: That's foreplay basically Bea: Hmm Bea: know it was your first time and everything but Fraze: 😂 Fraze: I like buying shit for you anyway Fraze: I can't tell anyone we're together but I still want you to know, like Bea: I know Bea: not gonna forget Fraze: Good Fraze: Don't Bea: Nah, never Fraze: [a look because ILY curse is strong] Bea: Imagine how much easier it'd be Fraze: What? Bea: if it was a normal situation and we could just be honest about it Fraze: Change one thing & you change all of it though Fraze: How we met weren't normal but I don't wanna unmeet you Fraze: Who the fuck would we even be? Bea: Yeah Bea: you're right Bea: must be nice though Fraze: If you wanna tell 'em, we can Fraze: I chose you first & you're not my fucking sister Bea: It ain't even that I wanna Bea: I dunno Bea: fuck being normal anyway yeah Fraze: Figure out what you do want & I'll figure out how to give it to you Fraze: You know that Bea: Just like that? Fraze: Yeah Bea: That's why I like you Fraze: I mean it Fraze: There's nothing I can't do & even less we can't do together Bea: I know you do Bea: and I want you so badly right now Fraze: Then I'll have to make it happen, won't I? Fraze: Can't break a promise that fast Bea: I'm so ready to be alone with you Fraze: Me too Bea: [THE TENSION like soz Joe seriously] Fraze: [hence I'm like he's gotta at least have a clue what's occurring] Bea: [you know, also not an idiot, everyone knows they're basically in love anyways] Fraze: [exactly and they are not subtle especially him at sneaking about in the night/morning] Bea: [foosie moment 'cos what else are you getting away with rn] Fraze: [At least it's not a long car ride even though it feels like forever] Bea: Fuck Bea: what if Joe doesn't go either Bea: he's had a shittier day than us Fraze: I'll kick him out Fraze: He ain't won a fight against me for years Bea: Yes but will that actually work on convincing him Fraze: You got a better idea? Bea: Let me think Fraze: Not stopping you Fraze: Think on Bea: You are Bea: looking like that Fraze: Don't Fraze: Where else can we go if not there? Bea: Okay, so if he won't leave Bea: there's the shower blocks, yeah? and it's got the washing up bit too, so one of us needs a shower and one of us is being 😇 again Bea: barely anyone would be there in the day Fraze: Or I could break into another caravan Fraze: That'd be piss easy Bea: Probably Bea: Risky if the next family shows up, like Fraze: The weather's shit and so's this place Fraze: Other families have more sense Bea: 😂 Bea: alright then Bea: we'll work it out Fraze: 'Course Fraze: It's a plan Fraze: you go to the shower blocks, see how busy they are & I'll scope out the other caravans Bea: Okay Bea: Easy Fraze: Might still give Joe a slap anyway Fraze: Just 'cause Bea: Don't be mean Fraze: Don't be on his side Fraze: He ain't on yours, I am Bea: I'm not Bea: focus on me then, not him Fraze: I will Fraze: Soon as I can Bea: Good Fraze: I just can't fucking look at you right now Fraze: Jesus Bea: I know Fraze: I really wanna do something really stupid Bea: How stupid Fraze: Whatever you're thinking of, go harder than that Bea: Shit Bea: I already know that regardless they ain't gonna leave fast enough or be gone long enough Fraze: That's why I reckon another caravan's our best bet Fraze: We can just stay there Fraze: Even when they get back Bea: I just Bea: want you over and over again Fraze: I told you, whatever you want Bea: let's just stay away Bea: long as we can Fraze: Alright Bea: I hate it when you have to leave straight after Fraze: I don't wanna Bea: I know, it's just how it is Fraze: How it is is I don't ever wanna leave you Bea: Fraze Fraze: Yeah? Bea: I really like you, you know Fraze: I really like you too Fraze: Always have done Bea: Me too Bea: I'm not sorry for kissing you then, when we were little Fraze: I'm not sorry for anything back then or now Bea: Promise? Fraze: I swear Fraze: I told my Da I was gonna marry you, like I was having a man to man chat with him or some shit Fraze: Stupid but like I knew what I wanted, you know Fraze: I still do Bea: You've never told me that Fraze: Like I said, it was stupid Fraze: I was only a kid Bea: Not stupid Bea: but I won't call it cute either, know you don't like it Fraze: It's alright, he took the piss out of me, you can Bea: I don't wanna Bea: and I ain't Bea: we're all stupid when we're kids yeah Fraze: 'Course Fraze: Grew out of it, like Fraze: Basically Bea: Yeah Bea: not completely, I hope Bea: you promised me something really stupid Fraze: nah, not completely & not you Fraze: Couldn't grow out of liking you Bea: Sorry that I ain't sorry Fraze: I don't want you to be sorry Fraze: I ain't Fraze: Only that I didn't tell you before Bea: it's not like we didn't know Bea: it was just Bea: ignoring it for Bea: whatever reason Fraze: It's for them Fraze: But I don't give a fuck any more Bea: They can't actually stop us Bea: anyone Fraze: I didn't want my Ma to get any shit from the social or whoever & I don't but Fraze: I don't owe her shit Fraze: She dodged enough bullets when me and Joe were kids and she knows it Bea: Me either, obviously Bea: I owe her more but Bea: it's no one's business, it's so stupid Bea: we aren't related Fraze: Like I said, you were mine first Fraze: None of 'em would know you if I didn't Fraze: They don't get to tell me what I can do Bea: Why do I like when you say that Fraze: 'Cause it's right Bea: Yeah Bea: You're mine too Fraze: Yeah Bea: It's so surreal Fraze: I can pinch you if you want Fraze: It ain't a dream though Bea: You're an idiot Fraze: A fool for you, like Fraze: That's it Bea: [lols] Bea: well done 😏 Fraze: Smarter than you reckon Bea: You know that's not how I mean it Fraze: You're the only one who don't underestimate me Bea: 'cos I'M not stupid either Bea: and I know you Fraze: You're the smartest person I know Fraze: Not just smart for a girl Bea: You better not call me anything just for a girl Fraze: I just said I ain't that stupid Bea: Clever boy Fraze: 😏 Bea: [let them be there now] Fraze: [thank god how much more can they handle] Bea: [whaddya reckon Joe, stay or go?] Fraze: [if I was him I wouldn't wanna go, no shade boy] Fraze: If there's any shit from my Ma about where we're going or been, shut up & let me take it, yeah? Bea: Alright Bea: but I'll spare some time for thinking up a decent excuse if I can Fraze: Not loads though Fraze: Just 'cause we ain't on borrowed don't mean I don't want it all still Bea: You know I need all your time too Fraze: I know what you need Fraze: Come on Bea: [run off into the sunset] Fraze: [god bless] Fraze: [When you're trusted to go to the arcade because you've been looking after Rocky loads this hol & doing your sneaky shit very much on the low + Joe the shameless fave and responsible golden boy is going] Bea: [get on it with all those fun games] Fraze: [when you competitive af] Bea: [but it's fun 'cos the prizes are crap and the couple who win together] Fraze: [Gotta also win her something like my boo did for me though even if its not as cute as Sunshine] Bea: [big flex] Fraze: [Joe can win something for his girlfriend too, god bless] Bea: [and be having not a totally shit time for once] Fraze: [Lowkey having a good time with your bro cos you can be competitive and take the piss and pretend like you don't like him so no pressure] Bea: [when you're happy 'bout that on the low 'cos not about the awkwardness but not your place to be trying to #fixit, let them be playing some game so you can wander off] Fraze: [killing some zombies with your brother like your my brother & dad] Bea: [enter local fuckboys] Fraze: [When you must be having a good time cos you ain't noticed your bae is gone & you normally would] Bea: [just doing that thing of humouring but not encouraging you know the drill Fraze: [When you finally realise the bae ain't about so you check in #boyfriend] Fraze: Where are you? Bea: outside, having a smoke Fraze: Cheers for the invite, like Bea: You were having fun 🔫 Bea: you could come now though Fraze: I've won now so be right there Bea: Um can you mean now as in right now, not to be dramatic Fraze: What's going on? Bea: [doesn't reply 'cos drama] Fraze: Bea Fraze: [Comes to find her because when does she not talk to him ever] Bea: [These lads being aggro 'cos she's smacked the letchy one] Fraze: [When he's just gonna fight them all on his own cos that bitch like no get Joe to help you boy] Bea: [let's assume he'll hear 'cos squad] Fraze: [just two bros beating up dickheads together like old times, love it] Bea: [ha gotem] Fraze: [this squad are taking your shit squads tickets & money cos deserved thank you] Bea: [get sweets and toys for the kids with those tix] Fraze: [Especially Rocky cos fave] Bea: [no sweets for you baby boy] Fraze: [toy that you'll probably try and swallow though] Fraze: Talk to me Bea: I'm good Fraze: You ain't allowed to lie to me, remember Fraze: So you better not be Bea: Or what? Bea: I'm not not good Fraze: You wanna test that now, yeah? One fight not enough for you Bea: You'll have to go a harder if you want a smack Fraze: You got another one in you? Bea: You taking the piss? Bea: there was loads of them Fraze: Nah, I ain't Fraze: I just reckon if you can swing for me then you're alright Bea: I'm not hurt Fraze: Good Fraze: Don't be pissed off at me for checking Bea: I ain't Bea: but you don't need to Fraze: I know but I wanna Bea: Alright Fraze: You don't need me to look after you but that don't mean I won't, like Fraze: I'm never gonna let anyone hurt you Bea: I said thanks to you both, like Bea: and meant it Fraze: Yeah, I heard it Bea: well then Fraze: Nah, fuck that then Bea: don't make a fuss Bea: I ain't Fraze: Don't tell me what to do Bea: for God's sake Bea: do what you want but why bother Fraze: 'Cause you think you can pat me on the head and then put me back in my fucking box Fraze: Like we ain't so far fucking past that Bea: That ain't what I'm doing Bea: Idk what you want me to say Bea: boys are dicks, end of Fraze: One thing that ain't bullshit maybe Fraze: Jesus Bea: Fuck's sake, not right now Bea: not with Joe Fraze: [Sends him off with the money to get them something to drink a la my dream and gives her a look like well that's that solved] Bea: Such a smartass Fraze: So stop treating me like I'm my thick cunt of a brother Bea: [just makes a noise like 'rude!'] Fraze: [gives her a look like come on cos he knows she ain't chill about any of this] Bea: [shrugs, 'they were just dickheads, you sorted it'] Fraze: [shrugs back 'I don't give a shit about them'] Bea: ['me either'] Fraze: ['I ain't asking about them either, don't act like you don't know that'] Bea: [blood from a stone, soz boy, 'Come on, this is boring'] Fraze: [I hope you've got a sleeve he can pull on because that's the mood here so he can kiss her because unspoken things might work why not] Bea: [when you're going too hard 'cos your mood] Fraze: [when you're letting it happen cos you just wanna make her feel better] Bea: [when you gotta stop yourself from being that person but then you can't even look at him just like 'sorry'] Fraze: [when you pulling the bae closer to you if possible & you do the chin lift thing so she has to look at you because eye contact forever 'Don't. Fuck sorry.'] Bea: [shakes head and pulls away, 'no, it's fucked up.'] Fraze: [Shakes his own head. 'Like I ain't never done a fucked up thing.' Looks at her intensely 'Fuck normal, remember?'] Bea: ['Not to me, anyway, it ain't a free pass'] Fraze: ['I ain't hurt'] Bea: [Gives him a look 'cos using her words against her] Fraze: [Says her name softly and with feeling because I refuse to let you say ILY rn boy I don't care if you wanna] Bea: [Actually looks at him for a hot sec] Fraze: ['What do you want?' Doesn't need to elaborate because he knows she knows whatever it is he'll make it happen so just a look] Bea: [sitting and thinking in silence for a bit 'cos good question] Fraze: [🚬 while he sits and waits but passing it back and forth between them cos #mood] Bea: ['I just wanna- I don't know, for it to not even be a big deal, seriously, that's all I want'] Fraze: ['Yeah but it's always gonna be a big deal to me. Like, if someone even looked at you wrong that's gonna piss me off. Not 'cause you can't handle it or any of that bullshit but 'cause you're mine. End of.'] Bea: [grabs his hand 'but you got to fix it, you got to deal with it, like'] Fraze: ['I told you, they don't fucking matter. You do. And I can't do shit to make this really go away, can I?'] Bea: [laughs like yeah that's what I've been avoiding saying here] Fraze: [Pulls her up. 'Fuck this. Come on.' Cos taking her somewhere else to do something else that isn't this] Bea: ['What?'] Fraze: [Some handholding for Winnie & because it's allowed at a time like this] Bea: ['Just forget about it, okay?' pushing her forehead to his] Fraze: [Smiles at her genuinely. 'That's the plan, babe' & off they go again cos he on a mission] Bea: ['We don't wanna wait for the drink then? And Joe, like...'] Fraze: [Gives her a look like he'll come to us cos cocky forever] Bea: [shrugs and goes with it 'cos why not] Fraze: [Takes her to the beach where it's late enough by now there aren't loads of peeps about considering it ain't peak summer. Chucks a bucket & spade at her that some kid has left behind and lies down. 'Go on, bury me then'] Bea: [laughs 'have you actually lost it or? kneels down beside him] Fraze: [It's that or tunneling out but that ain't gonna shut me up much, like & I've seen enough prison shit to know it ain't foolproof enough for us either' Shrugs and closes his eyes] Bea: ['Not got any insurance I can cash in on, have ya?' genuinely smiling and when he opens his eyes again she'd be leaning over him 'such a dork' and a real kiss] Fraze: ['No point, invincible basically. Do your worst. His eyes widen (in that second before you have to close them again so you don't look like a mental person kissing with your eyes open) because not expecting that and lowkey undone by the realness always a little bit] Bea: [we know what 'bouta ensue] Fraze: [Don't hurry back Joe but do come back eventually cos I care about you babe] Bea: [Oh Joe, this is the worst holiday lmao] Fraze: [I hope he has got a girlfriend and Bea weren't wrong cos needs some happiness in his life damn] Bea: [in my head she probably just fancies him but nothing is being done about it lol] Fraze: [I love my future junkie son] Bea: [he's less of a relationship boy, like he'd have loads of little ones 'cos he'd start and then be distant and not what normal girls want in a boyf 'cos soz not here for your drama he's got more on his mind lol] Fraze: [what a mood, meanwhile I hope you two are gonna wait for him and not fuck off again cos rude] Bea: [when it's gon be obvious like how you sorting yourself out here lads] Fraze: [god bless, gonna have to get yourself to that shower block speedy before he returns] Bea: [look of love forever 'cos ily curse] Fraze: [likewise] Bea: [when you're like 'we should move' but don't 'cos #mood] Fraze: [when you only move closer to her despite knowing damn well that ain't what she meant] Bea: [when you ain't complaining, 'I miss not being able to touch you when other people are around'] Fraze: ['You can do whatever you want. We can.'] Bea: ['In theory'] Fraze: ['In reality, as long as you don't give a fuck about anything except what you want.'] Bea: ['That's the problem, ain't it. We already said, I can't get your parents in shit so...just how it's gotta be'] Fraze: ['And I already said, fuck them. I can always repeat it if it weren't clear enough though, like.'] Bea: [Just looking at him like, we know it ain't that simple, 'how it is is good though- isn't it?'] Fraze: [Gives her a look back like they can't stop us cos true and he knows it. But then gives a softer look & reassuring touch because obvs. 'Course. I told you, I wouldn't change any of it up to now. But that don't mean we can't have more.'] Bea: [big sigh but a weary smile 'cos still happy it's just a lot 'yeah'] Fraze: ['I love you, I wanna be able to do that properly, you know. So I will. I'll figure it out.'] Bea: [just quiet for ages 'cos he said it but you don't know if you should make it a Thing TM so but then you hit him with a 'We will' and the most MOST kiss] Fraze: [let's just let them have a make out moment on this empty beach thank you] Bea: [when you in love aw] Fraze: [don't worry babies you're gonna have it all] Bea: [after a while, have Joe show] Fraze: [thirdwheeling harder than ever but at least he has booze] Bea: [partayyy] Fraze: [watch the sunset kids live your best life] Bea: [but you should probably be back home soon lmao you children Fraze: [you know they gonna be late back and Tess will be like 😒] Bea: [ignoring all those mum texts 'til she threaten on rolling up] Fraze: [I'm cackling, don't test her kids she 100% would] Bea: [when you're gonna sneak away still though when they asleep heheh] Fraze: [god bless all the empty caravans because you're lowkey the only tourists] Bea: [gonna text as much hold up lol] Bea: tonight Bea: you wanna go back out when they're asleep Fraze: Yeah Fraze: Joe might not stay up half the fucking night if we let him neck most of this Bea: He won't dob us in anyway Bea: not saying tell him where we're going but you know Bea: long as they're asleep, that's the main thing Bea: and we don't fall asleep in some random caravan, like 😂 Fraze: You over your crush on him now then, yeah? Fraze: We'll set an alarm before we fall asleep, not that fucking stupid, like Bea: You're full of shit Bea: I never had a crush on him, please Fraze: You better not have Bea: I don't do crushes Fraze: Alright Bea: You don't believe me? Fraze: If I didn't, I'd say you were full of shit too Bea: I don't, this isn't an American teen drama Bea: can see when someone's good looking or not but not gonna write their name on my notebook or something Fraze: 😂 Bea: What Bea: why you laughing at me Fraze: Just thinking I'd be fucked if that's what I bought you all them pens and shit for Bea: Unlucky Bea: don't know what to tell you Bea: still draw you if you like, that's something Fraze: Yeah, it'll be something with with me as your model Bea: Could be Bea: got the height for it Fraze: Keep it in mind as far as future careers go then Bea: Can't be bad Fraze: You're fucked unless you're gonna grow like a foot in the next couple of years Bea: Yeah, thanks for that Bea: twat 😂 Fraze: I don't want all them cunts looking at you on a fucking giant advert by the side of the road anyway Bea: but I've just got to deal, have I? Bea: 🙄 Bea: they're less fussy about girl models height anyway, depending Bea: loads of them are barely over 5'5 Fraze: Fair, if you're hot you're hot Fraze: Not gonna get a fucking tape measure out if you've got any sense Fraze: Not for girls anyway Bea: Less about hot more about clothes horse Bea: no offense Fraze: Depends what kind of model you are Bea: You gonna get your kit off, are you Fraze: Could do Bea: 😑 Fraze: Cheers for the vote of confidence, babe Fraze: Good job I don't need it Bea: You said I couldn't Bea: not gonna stroke your ego over it Fraze: I said I didn't want you to Fraze: I ain't telling you what you can & can't do other than giving my brother the fucking eye Bea: Whatever Bea: I don't want to be a stupid model Fraze: Me either Fraze: Just keeping my options open Bea: Good for you Bea: smart Fraze: Island ain't gonna buy itself, like Bea: You know Fraze: Yeah Bea: [silent drankin] Fraze: [what a mood] Bea: swear whoever Joe got to buy this pocketed some of that money Fraze: Should've gone ourselves Bea: Yeah Bea: no getting pissed tonight Fraze: Do you wanna? Bea: Don't matter Bea: I'm good Fraze: If it didn't matter I wouldn't have asked Bea: Well Bea: either way we ain't Bea: not like I need to Fraze: We could Fraze: Ain't like I've never stole shit before Bea: I know Bea: I've been there plenty of times too Bea: I don't wanna though Bea: was just saying Fraze: & I'm just saying I ain't lost my touch Fraze: In case you forgot Bea: Alright Bea: plenty other ways to prove that Fraze: If I had anything to prove, yeah there are Bea: You're welcome Fraze: Am I? Bea: Yeah Fraze: Alright Fraze: Cheers Bea: 👌 Fraze: [drinking while you give a 'good talk' kinda look lol] Bea: [being like Imma go get ready for bed and leaving the bros] Fraze: [when you can't follow her even if you wanna] Bea: wake me up when you're in or they're sleeping, whichevers first Fraze: You'll hear me Fraze: Don't have to sneak in, only out Bea: Maybe don't wake the baby though 😏 Fraze: I'll put him back to sleep in a sec if I do Fraze: Had loads of practice now Bea: You're a pro now yeah Fraze: It ain't hard, you said it yourself first time we babysat him Bea: Still Bea: don't get too cocky or you'll be on babysitter duties for life Fraze: We've done such a decent job I reckon that's a danger already Bea: It's alright, only need to drop him on his head once and we're in the clear again Fraze: 😂 Bea: Probably be more annoying when he's older if we actually though so you know Bea: just pretend Fraze: It don't matter we'll be long moved out by then & too drunk at every family gathering to give a shit Bea: True Bea: Poor boy is gonna be smothered Fraze: Sounds like a murder plot in the making Fraze: Did you want me to be on board? Bea: 😂 Bea: Not what I meant Bea: we'll be gone, remember Bea: just him and your 'rents Fraze: Assuming none of the others aren't still about freeloading Bea: Give them the benefit of the doubt Fraze: Whatever Bea: Saying I will Bea: not gonna be that much of a bitch and predict their futures for 'em quite yet Fraze: Give it a few more years before you commit to it Fraze: I know how much you hate being wrong Bea: How'd you know that Bea: Never am, like Fraze: Other than every time you've called me an idiot, like Fraze: 'Course Bea: I only ever said it as an observation Bea: not fact Fraze: An observation that's wrong Fraze: 'Cause I never am Bea: Personal opinion, McKenna Fraze: You're last naming me now, yeah? Fraze: My personal opinion is you're full of shit, babe Bea: No one likes a smartarse, babe Fraze: Wrong again Fraze: I'm well popular Bea: Egotistical bastards too Fraze: You including yourself in that? Bea: Was saying no one likes those either Bea: but if the shoes fits, I guess Fraze: When did you get so concerned about what everyone else likes? Fraze: Christ knows I couldn't give less of a fuck Bea: You're the one that's so popular Fraze: What's your point? Bea: You clearly care a bit Fraze: Nah Fraze: Just that impressive Fraze: I've told you that before Bea: God Bea: you're so irritating Fraze: Go to bed then Fraze: That's what you fucked off to do Bea: I am Fraze: Really slowly Bea: I have a routine Fraze: You'd probably get it done sooner if you shut up Bea: fuck off Bea: no one's making you reply Fraze: Just an observation, babe Fraze: & why wouldn't I reply? I'm not the one who left Fraze: Gutted if you expected me to use this time for brotherly bonding or some shit Bea: what are you even doing then Bea: sat in silence? Fraze: Like that's unheard of in this family all of a sudden Bea: You've both had a drink you should at least be able to do smalltalk no Fraze: What am I gonna waste my time chatting shit to him for? You've got that covered Bea: I'm going to bed, remember Bea: that's the whole point Fraze: You're still here though Fraze: That's my point Fraze: Why did you even go? Bea: 'Cos you were playing a game together before all that stuff happened Bea: so you're still capable Bea: that's why Fraze: Fuck off Bea: What Fraze: I don't need you playing games with me to bring about some fucking reunion Bea: Don't make it sound malicious when I'm just trying to fix what I started Bea: we could've still been there if it weren't for that nonsense Fraze: & I really don't need you to fucking fix me Fraze: Jesus Bea: Where Bea: where did I say that Bea: you aren't listening Fraze: Say something worth listening to instead of trying to act like a few hours of him tagging along & me being in a decent enough mood not to kick the shit out of him means any more than that Bea: Fine Bea: Whatever makes you happy Fraze: Don't Bea: Sure Bea: I'll go Bea: Enjoy your silence Fraze: Yeah 'cause I clearly will now Fraze: Fuck's sake Fraze: This ain't about me & you as good as admitted it just then Bea: I know it isn't Fraze: Don't fucking use me to try and make yourself feel better for shit that wasn't even your fault in the first place Bea: All I'm saying is don't let it ruin a perfectly good evening by making everything so serious Fraze: Fuck that Bea: Whatever Fraze: Any more bullshit you wanna throw at me to see if it sticks or can I go? Bea: Go Bea: I'm over this conversation Fraze: At least we feel the same way about something Bea: Thank god yeah Fraze: Never been more relieved, like Fraze: Goodnight Bea: Night, Fraze Fraze: Joe's heading back, if he don't make it, send out a search party or whatever Bea: None of us are that wasted sadly Bea: but will do Bea: what are you doing Fraze: Like he needs an excuse to not be paying attention to where the fuck he is or when Fraze: Christ knows but I know what I ain't & that's following him Bea: True but I figure warm bed tops being vague right now Bea: was freezing Fraze: Maybe Fraze: We'll see if he shows up in a sec or nah Fraze: You will anyway Bea: I'm not going to stand on the porch like your mother, sorry Fraze: I bet he's proper devvo on that Fraze: I meant you'd hear him Fraze: Or my ma kicking off about how late she reckons it is at least Bea: Obviously Bea: but our love is strictly forbidden now so he'll have to deal Fraze: Didn't stop me or you Fraze: He could grow a pair after winning that fight earlier Bea: Fingers crossed, even more obviously Bea: he's here anyway Fraze: Good for him Fraze: You can sleep soundly now knowing it too Bea: You're the one making me check in with you Bea: but sure Fraze: 'Cause I don't want the blame if he didn't show when he was meant to Bea: Alright Bea: bullshit but fine Fraze: Not my bullshit Fraze: Just the way my parents minds work Bea: Maybe Bea: but if you were really worried wouldn't you be here yourself Fraze: It's 'cause I ain't it'd be my fault 'cause I'm gone & so he's then they'd reckon we're together even though we ain't gone off together anywhere in years Fraze: But he's back so I don't have to give a fuck Bea: Exactly, so you're still gonna get in trouble for being late Fraze: When have I ever been home on time Fraze: They never do fuck all about it Bea: Okay then Bea: your night's your own Bea: good luck finding something entertaining Fraze: Cheers Bea: 👍 Fraze: You can go you don't have to sit there emoji-iing at me Bea: I'm saying night it's not a big deal is it Fraze: It's been said Fraze: So it's a waste of time Fraze: Why would you want that? Bea: You think I fall asleep soon as I hit the pillow? Fraze: Clearly not part of your routine Fraze: I ain't that stupid however much you wanna treat me like it Bea: You're being it right now Fraze: Stupid would be pretending I can be alone in a caravan full of fucking people Fraze: So nah, I ain't Bea: Stop talking then, if you really want to be alone so bad Fraze: Stop talking if you're not gonna say what you really wanna say Bea: and what do I really wanna say then Fraze: If I knew that I wouldn't give a fuck if you said it or not, would I? Bea: Suppose not Fraze: But there's something or you'd have put your phone down & left it there by now Fraze: I know when you're done with a conversation, like earlier & when you ain't, like now Bea: I've already asked multiple times Bea: but you don't have an answer so what else am I meant to do but wait Fraze: That's bullshit Fraze: We both know I'm the kind of cunt who has an answer for everything Bea: Not a good one, then Fraze: Since when do they have to be good Bea: since you want me to leave Fraze: I don't Bea: You keep telling me to so Fraze: That's what you want Fraze: Your fucking bright idea to salvage my night or whatever Bea: Well that got fucked however long ago now didn't it Fraze: Yeah Bea: Just come back for fuck's sake Fraze: Alright Bea: I'll meet you Bea: let's just go now Fraze: You know how much shit we could get in for that, yeah? Bea: Yeah Fraze: We can just stick to the original plan, like Fraze: They'll have to go to sleep once my ma's had a go at me Bea: Sure Fraze: Or you could wait for me on the porch, that did sound decent Bea: 😂 Bea: Better than your actual mum, yeah Bea: not much of a compliment is it Fraze: You can take it as one Fraze: Come on Fraze: You know I really wanna see you Bea: You do? Fraze: 'Course Bea: Are you still mad Fraze: You reckon I can stay mad at you? Bea: You can try Fraze: Not gonna for that bullshit Bea: Don't Bea: we'll have a better time together Fraze: Yeah Bea: if we can't go now Bea: at least come to my room just for a second Fraze: Nothing we can't do, babe Fraze: I know you ain't forgot Bea: then do Bea: I wanna see you Fraze: Are you still mad at me? Bea: Only for not being here already Fraze: Timed getting here well then Fraze: Come 🚬 before I have to go in Bea: I don't wanna Bea: [when you mean smoke rn so you obvs come out anyway] Fraze: [When you obviously weren't arsed either because you aren't smoking when she comes out it was just a shameless excuse cos you've had like no time alone today and you know you ain't gonna get long now but you gotta take what you can get before you can sneak off] Bea: [Have at it kiddos] Fraze: [When you just know he's gonna say ILY again because it's out there now RIP] Bea: [dies] Fraze: [When you're having the most intense make out ever like your fam isn't literally right there basically] Bea: [seriously you better hope they ain't curtain twitching bois] Fraze: [not a convo you wanna have rn or ever if you could help it] Bea: [gather your courage to go get shouted at by your mum lol] Fraze: [when you keep having really good 'last' kisses that then aren't] Bea: [no chill ever how have you not been caught frankly] Fraze: [literally only cos Rocky is a baby & keeping everyone busy] Bea: [real MVP wutwut] Fraze: [When you know he ain't gonna listen to a damn word Tess said cos too distracted soz babe] Bea: [when does he ever, or like any of these kids #mumlife] Fraze: [At least he wouldn't be talking back and kicking off like he mostly does you can have that one for free] Bea: [that's your first clue gurl] Fraze: [she'd 100000% think he had a girlfriend just not Bea obvs] Bea: [hawkward] Fraze: [An appropriate amount of time passes for a Tess Vickers Lecture TM] Bea: How was it Fraze: Standard Bea: You don't need comforting then? Shame 😏 Fraze: For the fact this holiday ain't close to over yet, I do though Bea: Are you telling me you'd rather be at School? Bea: Have to get that in writing or the teachers will never believe it Fraze: I'd rather be bunking off with you but if you wanna spread that rumour the teachers'll be thrilled, like Bea: 😂 Bea: I'd rather that too Fraze: Good Fraze: I miss you Bea: I miss you more Fraze: Count to a 100 and let's fucking go then Bea: 75 Bea: final offer Fraze: 95 & we don't come back til morning Bea: Ugh Bea: okay Bea: but don't get comfortable with me giving in to you Fraze: It's more fun when you try really hard not to Bea: Shut up Bea: if I have to count to 95, I need to focus here Fraze: Not like I said do it backwards Bea: can up it if you keep taking the piss boy Fraze: No you can't Fraze: You don't wanna wait any longer than I do Bea: I don't Bea: but you know I will Fraze: Yeah but don't Bea: Then be nice to me Fraze: Keep counting Fraze: You know I will Bea: How nice Fraze: How nice do you want? Bea: well, don't be boring, like Fraze: Wrong brother there, babe Bea: Don't start on that Bea: be telling me I'm fantasizing next 🙄 Fraze: I'm just saying, I couldn't be boring if both our lives depended on it Fraze: Well, maybe if yours did Fraze: For a sec, to save you, like Bea: Very noble Bea: must be love Fraze: Yeah Bea: Okay Bea: that's 95 Fraze: Come on then
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hjazysol · 5 years
The Ultimate Battle Pt.8
Rathalos had gone out of control. His eyes were bloodshot. Everyone stared in fear and the fear stared them right back in the face.
Alucard: Rathalos stop this instant. We do not mean you any harm.
Ashley: Look. His eyes. He-
Samus: He's been recaptured.
Geno: Then shouldn't we knock him unconscious.
C.Falcon: Yeah I'm burning to fight.
Lyn: But please try not to hurt him.
Rathalos bellowed within trying to stop himself it didn't work. He was unleashing a barrage of fireball around the ruins. Causing the smashers to become in danger.
Mario: Oh no. He-a blocked off the path to escape.
Samus: Okay anyone with lasers set them to stun. Anyone with lethal weapons stay back. Anyone else try your best to defend as you'll be up close.
Doomguy: Come at me lizard-lips.
Samus: Doomguy stop making loud noises.
Doomguy: No worries I've dealt with way wor- ahhhh!
Rathalos dashed at Doomguy and swallowed him whole. He began to ascend towards the skys and occasionally swooped down to pick off the fighters one by one. Link had just woke up.
Link: Where am I? What's going on?
Marth: We are attempting to tame Rathalos as he has been taken by the evil forces.
Link without hesitation pulled out his ancient arrows not knowing what Samus had recently said since he was unconscious. Rathalos had DK ontop of him on his back, Pichu on his tail, Samus on his head and Mario on the wings. They were trying to make him fall slowly and carefully. Link was already aiming though.
Marth: What's that noise Li- Link wait nononononono.
Link fired the arrow. It had planted itself straight into Rathalos's heart. Rathalos fell drastically letting out a shreik of pure distraught. *stop the music*. Everyone turned to look at Link in disgust about to question what he had done.
Samus: Link it is great to see your awake but-
Mario: Kids. I think-a you might wanna cover your ears.
They do so.
Link: Wait what!? You said he was a monster.
Samus: I said it was Rathalos who is our friend. NOT SOME DAMN BRAINDEAD SERVANT. WHAT YOU DID WAS BULLSHIT AND TOOK NO INITIATIVE!? You can uncover their ears now Mario.
He did so. Samus walked up to Link and punched him square in the jaw.
Samus: Let that be a lesson.
Everyone ran over to Rathalos to review the damage he had taken.
Lyn tears escaping her eyes: Oh no.
Rathalos lay infront of them struggling to breathe as he bled out infront of them. His cold breath making contact with their faces. Doomguy had already pulled himself out of Rathalos's stomach.
Geno: He's dying.
Ashley began to cry as the news had been shared.
Springman: No. Come on this can't happen he's one of us it wouldn't be the same without him.
Lucas: Now I feel bad all I ever used him for was for rides to places. I had never respected him the same as he had me.
DK eyes like kongo falls: No my dude you can't die. Your like the dog from Marley and Me - we all love you.
Rathalos stared at the people he'd be around last until...He stopped moving. He stopped breathing. He stopped blinking.
Doomguy went over to check for a pulse......He stood up. Stood still. Looked down and shaked his head. He was dead.
Mario sad: No.
Kirby walked over to him and gave Rathalos's body a hug. So did everyone else after. Samus glared at Link and walked angrily over to him clenching her fists. Lucario stopped her.
Lucario: Samus wait. It wouldn't have mattered.
Samus: What are you saying? His life wasn't valuable?
Lucario: No not at all. I sensed his aura. He had no control. The power used to capture him was too great to even knock out of him. Link just ended his bound to be eternal suffering. Besides is hurting someone else really going to bring him back.
Samus stared at him for 10 seconds before walking away.
Out of all the assists Lyn took it the hardest this was the only time she wasn't there to protect. So before they set off on foot to the castle. They had a little memorial ceremony for Rathalos. How much fun they all had together he was always there for others even when he wasn't needed, even if he was sick he didn't care he just wanted to assist. Each had left a different coloured flower and they then set off for the next journey.
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interstellar-borb · 6 years
Broken Triangles pt5
Vert was pacing around the cave, the boys were out there too long, what if that bonechill thing killed them? Marine wasn’t a fighter he was nineteen for crying out loud, he usually stays back or keeps an eye on things, he never fought like blue did. Copper tried to calm vert down until she saw cyan hovering back into the cave with a few scrapes and bruises, but other then that he was ok, Vert rushed to her brother and hugged him “don’t you EVER do that crap to me again!” cyan chuckled and sighed before he hovered away from his sister, “alright girls, don’t freak out… but marine has rouge and he won’t come in unless you both don’t scream at him” he stated cautiously causing vert to laugh as cyan gave the ok to marine outside “scream? I only scream and panic when i see something i'm… holy shit” copper ended up being the one who screamed, but not over marine basically being a giant monster, but rouge looked like he was almost dead in his arms, and her high pitched scream scared marine half to death almost making him drop rouge.
A little bit had passed as marine had settled himself at the back of the cave as copper was freaking out “no no no NO!” she cried “i can’t heal rouge because i'm not blue! If blue was here he’-” Marine let out some steam, startling vert and copper into looking at him “Rouge will be fine for now, as long as i am holding him that is… he kept taking blows for cyan and even got ice shards to his abdomen, if i let go. He may bleed out, and he’s breathing, but not in the way he was before.” everyone went silent, no wonder marine didn’t shift back to his boat self, but copper had other questions “why didn’t you tell us your haiyang?! You told us the stories of haiyang that the books never said like he was a story of yours. Not that you ARE HAIYANG!” marine laughed nervously, “i wanted to so many times. But cyan kept hurting my feelings by calling me stupid so i kept my mouth shut. sorry” cyan’s face grew pale, did he really hurt his friends like this? He needed to be more open about these things and paid attention to how marine, no, Haiyang felt about his reaction to his many stories by calling them childish and stupid. Without anyone noticing, cyan left the cave for a moment to himself to think as the storm strangely subsided after bonechill was gone, “i can’t believe this whole time i was hurting my friends. I know i did it to rouge due to how many times blue told me to stop, but marine?! I should keep my mouth shut… especially to rouge, i should be nicer to him, he almost DIED because of me today. Twice! Maybe i should just keep to myself once all this is over… i feel horrible, i just hope rouge makes it.” he sighed as he hovered to the point where he started to see pink, and it only made him feel worse, until he heard a clicking noise that sounded similar to a triangle, but how? The paradise treeangle was stolen and dark continent had no treeangle, how could there even be a triangle that responded to a blue? He looked around some only to see bonechill’s corpse, and a treeangle piece above it “so that’s why he was so invincible, he destroyed the dark continent treeangle and kept a piece to himself! Makes me wonder how Marine finished them off? Then again bone chill is the wyrm of ice and cold he spoke about in his stories” he hovered close to it to obtain the treeangle piece in hopes it would fix any issues here before freezing in place. “Rouge.” he dashed back to the cave screaming at the top of his lungs “MARINE, COME HERE! QUICKLY!” the group looked back at cyan and were shocked to see he left the cave “bro what the hell, there could be something else out there that co-” vert was cut off by cyan “No time to explain, bring rouge. NOW!” he then dashed back out as marine got up and ran after him, copper and vert looked at each other before copper picked her up and flew after them. Once the two girls arrived they saw what cyan had found, marine placed rouge beneath the treeangle piece and stepped back as it reacted to him being underneath it, it hovered up into the air before spinning right down into rouge and caused the familiar burst of magical rainbow energy and loud cheerful music as rouge reacted to the sudden life brought to him and got up as everyone brought him back down in a big hug, “ROUGE YOUR ALRIGHT!” Shouted vert as marine then picked up rouge and gave him a bear hug making the centinoodle far more confused than he ever was as copper shouted at the top of her lungs “HE LIIIIIIIIIIVVVVEESSSS” earning a hard laugh from cyan as he watched from afar, as marine placed rouge down on the ground the pink boss had so many questions “what happened? How long was i out for?! What the heck stabbed me in the head?!” he couldn’t remember what happened after he blacked out from blood loss, it made marine sick to his stomach with guilt as he spoke up first “well, bonechill attacked and i should’ve intervened sooner. I almost got you killed for not being there in time… i'm sorry rouge, i really am. But i'm glad cyan found the treeangle piece from bonechill and used its power to save you… but its gonna take alot for me to not feel guilty about this happening to you” rouge eye’s widened as he realised who this was, the voice was definitely marines, but he looked like what a childhood friend of his described with such detail “WAIT! Your Haiyang! I know someone that knew you, i haven’t talked to em in a while but she said she knew you for a long time!” rouge seemed too excited before almost falling over and being caught by marine, “careful there lad you almost just died on us, calm down” rouge nodded in dismay as he was now leaning on marine, he had no energy left despite being healed by the treeangle piece “c'mon now let's get you back to the cave for a couple hours” marine said in a distressed tone, oh how much did he want to hear about this friend rouge knew, but he knew that the safety of the world mattered more than just a lost love right now, and cyan could see it in his eye, he remembered how violent he was against bonechill, like he did something to the one marine loved oh so dearly and so he wanted to avenge her. His mind buzzed before vert started to literally drag him back to the cave “come on you crazy dingus we’re stayin in the cave till rouge wakes up and marines switches back to normal so let's go”
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I'm still salty about what they did to Billy's character in season 4... "he betrayed his brothers because ANGER" GAH WHY
2nd message:
vincisomething ha dicho:  I mean how can you take the ship's mother and then be like "he's angry now and doesn't care about anyone anymore" ?? ??? He still sided with Flint for the sake of his brothers, but I guess nvm??        
Hi there!
I know how you feel. It’s been almost a year since the show ended and I still can’t get over Billy Bones’ fate in season 4 nor understand the hate he gets in the fandom.
This morning I was talking with my bf about this message you sent me and how I haven’t been very active in the BS fandom lately. Every post of BS  in my dash is about Silverflint or Flinthamilton (which is great for the people who like their relationships or who are in love with those characters, but it’s not my case) and I got bored of having them in my dash. When I see a post about Billy I am skeptical, I mean, I am like Billy (as honorable as they come) so if I see that someone has said something bad about him, or are rude to him, I simply avoid them, I don’t like to have verbal fights (after all everyone has their right to give their opinions) so I just act like a ghost and let them be. It wasn’t until I saw the post  “how to fight a BS character”, or something like that, where they  suggest to push Billy again to the sea, when I had enough. I had enough of people joking about him, enough of people being rude to him and enough of people not understanding him, that’s why I made the comic post. I needed to show my support for  Billy, and I needed to let people know that he’s not the villain of the story. My bf has told me that if it wasn’t for all the character interpretation or explanations I gave to him about Billy during the 4th season, he would had seen him as the villain of the story too and not as the victim he is. He also understands his motivations and everything that he’s been through the show, and he doesn’t get why people can’t see it too. We both believe that Billy deserved better.
During the last season, and even though I was (and still I am) a  Billy and Flint shipper, I only wanted one thing: Flint and Billy to have a proper conversation about their situation and truest intentions. I didn’t care about Blint or Flint anymore, I just wanted someone to thank Billy for everything he had achived and I wished there was someone who could listen and respect Billy the way he deserved. But then again none did, not in the show and even less in the fandom (well there were some people who were defending Billy too, but then again we were very few).
In my opinion, as I told in the comments of my last post, I think the writers screw Billy up for the sake of Silver and Flint’s relationship. I don’t know if it’s bad wrtiting or not, I am not going that way. But I think that the writers wanted to make Silver the hero and free Flint and they needed  a close or familiar villain to do so, and there enters Billy.
On the contrary to Silver’s character, Billy is always in the wrong place at the wrong time, he's unlucky. He gets to know things too early or too late, or never at all. His thoughts and actions are misunderstood by his context. Even though he’s pure at heart and believes in the good side of people and cares for his crew, his dark side, his traumas, had made him very paranoid and straightfoward when there's something that he doesn't see as right or that is going on without his consent. I am the first to say that Billy is a cinammon roll and that he's just a puppy, but the truth is that Billy is a man who has gone through so much trauma and physichal pain that he can act too bitter and cold hearted when the tension explodes. The fact that we've never seen him that way before season 4 doesn't mean he's not a dark character. The reason why he hadn't explode earlier in the show is because he hadn't had the time to happen. I mean, he has been left for dead in season 1-2 after he discovered Miranda's letter. Then he disappears and we never get to know if Flint pushed him or not from the ship, he doesn't even care about it. He comes back changed.
He always does. @kelofthesea explains it very well in this post (please take a look at it and then continue):
Then again, when he comes back from his second time being tortured by the English Navy, he still sides by Flint, by his crew. He wants to protect all of them, even the Captain. What he wants in season 3, and Silver also does, is to get Flint aside of the power, they don't like what James "suicidal mode" Flint is making to the crew after Miranda's death. He believes that Silver, for the sake of the crew, wants the same as he, that's why he creates the legend of Long John Silver. He stays in Nassau for the sake of the resistence. Vane dies, but it wasn't Billy's fault. Vane wanted to die and he tells Billy not to rescue him. Vane valued and respected Billy as a pirate like no one did, and he knew Billy would understand his will. So we can't blame Billy for Vane's death, that's for sure.
When season 4 starts,  Flint and Silver are already friends, and Billy doesn't have a clue about it. Flint has told his story with Thomas to Silver (and Billy is still clueless, and it's funny becauise Thomas is the reason why Flint fights for) and, as we end up seeing at the end of the show, he has shared some fighting strategies with Silver too (while Billy was maintaining the plan in Nassau). In those scenes Flint asks Silver about his past. Silver tells him that it's not important, maybe because the trauma doesn't allow him to speak about it. But Flint realises about one important thing when Silver tells him that he was born in Whitechapel: "I remember when you first told me, it sounded like an invention. About one story that bled into others I’d heard told elsewhere to the crew. I didn’t think much of it at the time. I suppose I assumed that if you ever became somebody worth knowing, I’d learn the truth of it eventually. Only in this moment, I’m realizing that never happened. And what is of some concern to me is that despite how invested we each are in the future of the other you just told me that story again". Flint wants to know the truth about Silver, his truest backstory, he has entrusted his. He knows that one story was just a ticket for Silver to survive in the crew, Flint might thought that after the traumas Silver has gone through in the Walrus (loosing his leg, witnessing Muldon's death...) and most importantly his frienship with him, Silver would have told him a more intimate and truer backstory. But he doesn't. Why? because he's a liar. He's always been. I am not sayig that Silver's relationship with Flint is fake. Just saying that I've never trusted Silver cause he uses the stories (his or anyones) for his own benefits, and even if the trauma of his past doesn't let him talk, we never ever get to know were he comes from (or any kind of anger caused by that trauma).
Billy case is similiar but different. He never gets to talk about his past, we learn about his childhood when Flint tells Abigail about it. Flint knows the truth, knows how the life of Billy changed when he was just a kid. He witnessed how Billy changed again when he killed his first man and he realised he couldn't go back home to his parents because he became a murder. Trauma changes people, and Billy has change from trauma to trauma. We have witness it. He doesn't talk about what they did to him, or complains about it, he acts as if nothing had changed in him. But the truth is everything has change, and then he gives that powerfull speech to Dufresne about the tortures effetcs. He's showing his backstory without showing us what really he went through.
In season 4 Billy goes from one misunderstanding to another. First one when Flint's ship is attacked and Silver falls to the sea. Flint inmidietly blames Billy. But then again it wasn't Billy's fault. He gave the alarm and sent Featherstone to tell them. Then we learn that Max was behind it all the time, was she ever condemned by it? No. When they are at Miranda's house, Billy is having enough of mainsplaining from Flint and he faces him telling him that Flint is not the one in command in Nassau. Billy is the responsible of the resistance and he has fight and bleed along the men, not him. And he's right. He's also fucked up because of the disappearance of Silver, cause he was his friend too, so he continues to act according to the plan, get Flint out of the war. But he doesn't count with Madi, so now he has Madi as Flint's ally so there's not much he can do to continue with his plan other disobeying Flint's commands.
What happened in Underhill was Billy's fault, ok. But he was done with the situation of having everyone against him, having Flint telling him what to do. As I understand it wasn't a racist attack to the slaves. Billy knows what it feels like to be treaten like a slave. He was kidnapped when he was a teen, so he knows how this people must feel, being parted from their family, just like him. In my opinion he wanted in one hand to continue with the plan, not hearing Flint's advice (though this time Flint was right) and in the other hand he wanted to rebeal to Flint, just to show him that he wasn't under his control anymore. I understand his acts and I support him, why not?
When he gets the crew killed (I can't remember very well the plot cause I'm still unable to rewatch season 4, so tell me if I am wrong please) in the first episodes of the season, everyone started to hate him, cancelling him and stuff like that. And I was like, why are they condemning Billy now and not other charaters who did similar things before? Didn't Flint killed Gates because he was revealing againts him after Billy's death? Didn't Flint killed two crew members when they all were going through a rough time in the ship when they were adrift? Didn't Silver planned to steal and played Flint with the Urca's gold (and someone who was working in his plan got killed in the way)? Didn't Anne Bony killed Longan and then Charlott (a pure and inocent gilr who created Jack's flag image) in the burdel? Why is it so difficult to forgive Billy? He was the leader of the resistence and did what he had to do, they were collateral damage, and he is responsible of that, yeah, but he is not the only one who has taken bad decisions in the show, but it seems like he's the only one who people can't forgive, and that's something that I can't understand.
Then, when Flint is in the fort and they are about to "give" Eleanor the treasure, Billy stands and tries to get Flint alive and the treasure back, but what he doesn't know is that Silver is playing him, bringing him to a rat trap. And it's funny cause that's what at the end Silver ends up doing: setting Flint free (letting him become James McGraw again). At least that's my opinion. Billy didn't want to kill Flint, he wanted to restrain him, cancel him. But then again, I guess Billy's next moves made him untrusted again when he goes to Rogers and claims to be Long John Silver himself.
But what did people expect Billy to do when he has been tortured for the third time in his life by his crew and his friend? How would you feel if you had a plan with your best friend (or co-worker friend) and you both wanted to get your crazy boss out of your way, but then you realized that during the time you were bussy creating and maintaining the plan they both become close friends and then they blame you for everything, never revealing you the truth? How do you think Billy would feel in that situation, being tortured for the third time (I repeat)? That moment was what made him change compleatly and made him go to Rogers. I was glad when he went to him and told him the whole truth. He is Long John Silver, he has being fighting and scaring Nassau with the resistance. He was the one behind that legend, and nobody thanked him anything the whole time. He screwed up creating that persona, yes, but it was necesary for the resistance. So yeah! I was glad about it, and at one point I thought that maybe Billy was planning to play Rogers for the sake of a plot twist, where we could find that Billy was good all along... but it didn't happend. What we got was, once again, an ally who was going to use and abuse Billy and who was not going to listen or respect him. So yeah, it's sad, very sad.
At the end, when he fights with Flint, I truly don't know what to say... it's painful for me to remember it, and even harder to get a conclusion. The only thing I know is that Billy is one of the greates characters I've seen. Too dark, and to too pure. When he gets up in the beach and realises that he's left alone in the island we can clearly see all the shit he has gone through.
For me it feels like both Billy and Silver are like the most hard working kid in class and the cheater one. When the hard working (who's backstory seems kind of dark) gets good marks and compleats every homework or task the teacher asks it's always fine. Everybody kind of envies and admires him cause he's never ever gave any problem before and they know what to expect from him. The cheater copies, tells jokes, is charismatic but everything he does is always wrong (we don't know for sure his backstory but we know it must be kind of bad). He sometimes blames others or makes up stories to get away with punishmients, he's unexpected. But what happens when the hardworking starts to rebeal and the cheater makes one right thing (hen the hardworker has had enough of dealing with his traumas, and the cheater who has suffered too, redeems himself or another)? That they all punish the hardworker for his behaviour, not expecting it from him, and prize the cheater for the only good thing he has done, that was also unexpected! That's not fair. They both need to be treated in a more equal way. Yeah, the good guy made a mistake, but pay close attention to that mistake and find the truth behind it, help him to get it from his chest. And yeah the cheater is great too, we can encourage him to be that way, but not forgeting all the things he has done before.
I don't know what kind of metaphore I came up with, but what I want to say is that I understad Billy and his actions, in fact I understand every BS characters decisions and acts too and I also support them. I think that what I really mean is that Billy has gone from being the mom of the Walrus to the reek of the Walrus because they wanted to prize Silver. I mean, I think that Silver is a very complicated and interesting character and I love his arch, but I still believe that he's a liar and I still can't believe the ending of the show, cause it's a story told by himself, and we all know that stories could be true or not, so I mantain my instincts. And about Billy, who knows, maybe he didn't end up that way... and season 4 never happend! ;)
Thank you so much for the ask. It's been a long while since I wrote something about Billy and his character arch in season 4! As I told before I haven't rewatched the 4th season, so maybe I am wrong in somethings, forgive me for that in advance an let me know if so. I don't know if I answered your question, but it all came to me as I was writing it (I spent the whole afternoon in this). Thank you again!
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thatcrappypuppy · 7 years
Goodness i hope your still doing the shipping with Rocket thing cause i only just gathered the nerve to send this XD Anyhoo,i'm 5'2, grey eyes, pale with light blond long hair. Kinda chubby and lazy,favorite things is to draw, listen to music, and play games Also love science things and stuff. Pretty quiet, let others do the talking, but say random jokes sometimes but other than that im very shy.Tend to only have a few people im close to and love to hug. Thanks for writing so much good stuff!!!
Hi there, sweetie! I’m glad you submitted, just sorry I took so long to complete the shipping! I’m still pretty sick but I’ll write anyway because I miss you guys. Also oops abandoned bullet points in this post. It’s like a fic, now. Sorry if that’s a problem. Thanks for participating and I hope you enjoy!
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You were part of a mostly unsuccessful intergalactic-interspecies inclusion sponsorship that brought you and your “Earther art” to Xandar. You didn’t enjoy being considered a backwards, inferior race, but, you were grateful for the opportunity to see so many new and exciting people and places. One of those people was Rocket.
You were drawing a picture of the adorable alien, in total wonder as to how a raccoon came to be sentient and bad-mouthing Xandarians, when Peter Quill helped himself to a seat next to you.
“Hey, that looks pretty good!” Without warning, the man took your book, calling out “Rocket! Look at this! This drawing actually makes you look handsome.” You wondered if you should retrieve your work (which you needed, as Quill had taken the whole damn thing) or just run away and claim your art was destroyed and hope your Xandarian supervisor/mentor gave you a new sketch pad.
“I didn’t know you could draw,” Rocket said.
“What? No, I can’t. What makes you think I drew this?”
“I don’t know anybody else stupid enough to use these materials instead of storing it on a tablet.”
Well, that about convinced you to bolt. But, Quill chased you down - with the Guardians in tow - to return the sketchpad and apologize for stealing it in the first place.
It took everyone’s efforts to get you to say more than one-word answers, but, they eventually figured out that you were in an art program.
“Sounds stupid, if ya ask me,” Rocket crossed his arms.
“Well, nobody asked you!” Quill nearly smacked his head, lightly, but Rocket dodged.
“Hey! I’m only sayin’ that it’s a waste of time. You’re not gonna find anything pretty to draw, here. You should come with us - we see way cooler stuff all the time.”
It was a fantastic offer. One that you didn’t feel at liberty to accept. Besides, you weren’t even sure if the sassy raccoon meant it.
Instead, you remained in Xandar’s capital. You had the best chance of running into the guardians by hanging around Nova Corps, and your supervisors appreciated whenever you drew their buildings and uniforms in a flattering light.
You didn’t expect the Guardians of the Galaxy to ever pay attention to you, especially with their growing notoriety and new members, but they often managed to find you and catch up. Peter wanted to know about Earth music, if it had gone as downhill as he believed. Groot, according to Rocket, wanted you to draw him and would remain still, in a pose, for as long as it took for you to notice and draw him.
Rocket, especially, paid attention to you, which both delighted you and made you nervous. He’d watch you draw Groot, interrupt conversations between you and Peter, offer you rides “to see somethin’ as pretty as you,” or “as pretty as you can draw,” and ask about what stupid things you’d been assigned to draw. He was the first to tell you what important missions they’d been on. He’d brag about which one of his inventions saved the day. He’d show off his weapons to you, only to be admonished by Gamora for brandishing them in public.
“Why did you even bring that thing? It’s dangerous!”
He enjoyed that you paid attention to him, that you drew him, as Peter had put it, handsomely, that you were kind to Groot, and that you seemed genuinely interested in his gadgets and remembered the terminology used for them. He appreciated every time you smiled at his arrival, marvelled at his work, or blushed at his compliments to you. But, no matter how many dashing - albeit snarly - smiles he sent your way or how many times he offered you to go with them, you found some excuse to stay behind, some way to protect yourself from embarrassing yourself, some way to prevent them from realizing how useless you’d be on their ship.
When your program was over, you were given a ride home, which you accepted with obedience, thanking your supervisors for the opportunity. You sat with the few other Earthlings that had been selected. You never really got to know them in your months on Xandar. In fact, you were certain most of them didn’t even speak English, but didn’t feel the need to chat with them.
You were relieved to return to somewhere familiar and to be reunited with your close friends. But, you couldn’t shake the sad feeling that you were leaving the same number of friends behind, and without even telling them you were leaving. They were sure to dislike you, now, if they ever really liked you in the first place.
Since it was a ship full of Terrans, nobody expected anyone to interfere with your return to Earth. There were few guards on board and even fewer weapons and defense systems. They definitely didn’t expect to be attacked and boarded.
“Rocket! Can you tell us what we’re doing, already? I don’t want to go back to being a criminal!” At the sound of Peter’s voice and the mention of Rocket, you perked up in your seat, where you had, previously, been slumping into out of fear.
“Yes, we have enough on our hands thanks to your thievery with the Sovereign!” Gamora’s voice joined in.
“Breaking into a Nova ship is not wise, even if it filled with weaklings,” that was Drax’s voice. Were all the guardians here?
Rocket lead the way into the room, gun slung over his shoulder, successfully, though effortlessly, threatening away any guard that thought to protect the Earthers on board. He cast a disgusted glare around the room until he caught sight of you. Then, he grinned and pointed.
“There! See? I told you they had taken one of our friends!”
Peter walked in, saw him pointing at you, and sighed.
“Sorry, Y/N, we’re not gonna kidnap you, Rocket’s just-”
“Kidnap?” Rocket barked, looking up at Quill. “Y/N wanted to come with us, didn’t you?”
Everyone was looking at you, leaving you speechless.
“Ugh, man, we gotta work on your words. It’s a good thing I ain’t as quiet as you, or else you’d be goin’ back to Quill’s dumb planet.”
With that, he grabbed your hand and dragged you to what was left of the Eclector.
It took many codec calls to verify that, no, you were not being kidnapped and, yes, you would go back to Earth, at least temporarily, so that your relatives and friends could attest to your health and safety. The whole team chastised Rocket for not telling them, first, and for abducting you, even though he insisted that you had said you were okay with it. You were quite certain you had never said any such thing, but pretended, for Rocket’s sake, that you had.
“Y/N, seriously, if you want to go back to Earth, just let us know,” Quill assured you. You nodded. When left alone with Rocket, you asked him why he did it.
“For you, of course,” he said, looking you dead in the eye as he confidently had the nerve to tell you what you wanted. “I told ya I’d take you to see something better than Xandar.”
“Well, thanks for abducting me, then.”
“Any time,” he bared his teeth at you in a smart-ass smile. Then, his ears flicked back and he turned away. “And besides, I know ya like me and would miss me.” He said this with the same self-assured tone you were used to from him, but his posture suggested that he wasn’t actually that sure. You stood still, not wanting to deny it but not having the courage to elaborate, either. After a moment of silence, he looked at you as you wrung your hands.
“Aw, flark, do I really gotta do everything?”
He tugged on your arm until you bent down enough for him to pull you into a kiss. Your eyes were wide with surprise, but, seeing his close tightly from his nerves, you decided to the same. You weren’t sure what to do with your hands and were grateful when he grabbed them in his. Despite all his bravado, he was gentle and didn’t push you, giving you every opportunity to protest, which he knew you would be shy to do and had no intention of taking advantage of that.
He pulled away sooner than you’d have liked.
“You, uh, do like me, don’t you?”
“Yeah.” A lot. You didn’t say that. You wanted to, but you didn’t. His grin told you that he knew.
You had been afraid to draw him again, before, but, after that, your sketchbook contained a lot more Rocket.
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