#darkwood fic
writer-of-the-lamb · 6 months
"darkwood dating" - cotl oneshot
--the lamb shoots his shot. narinder replies accordingly--
The sun shone through the thick forest canopy, casting dappled light onto Narinder and the lamb as they wandered. Holding a map from Clauneck in his hands, the lamb turned to face him.
"We have arrived."
Narinder raised an eyebrow, all three eyes looking around skeptically. "..Arrived where, exactly?"
The lamb flourished his arm outwards, conjuring a picnic blanket in checkered red from his crown before adding a wooden table atop it. Narinder watched him craft, giving the crown's eye a dirty look.
Sometimes he kicked himself for giving that thing away.
The lamb pulled back a chair, bowing slightly and looking up to Narinder. "Take a seat." he said, grinning.
Disgusted, Narinder sat himself down. "How will this help us harvest for the feast tonight?" he asked as the lamb sat across from him and leant onto his elbows.
"Oh that was a lie. I already have stuff ready." The lamb revealled nonchalantly, tilting his head. "Soo..."
Unamused, Narinder scowled. "So what?"
"How are yooou?"
"I beg your pardon."
"You enjoying the weather?" The lamb tried again, winking with a click of his tongue.
Narinder's face scrunched in horror. "Are you...attempting to advance on me?"
The lamb's eyes crinkled in a smile. "Now who implied that?" he said innocently.
"W- you are asking me mundane questions. Am I incorrect to assume that is not an attempt at being forward?" Narinder argued, waving his hands.
The lamb chuckled, eyes glistening merrily. "I think you're being forward."
Narinder's eye twitched. "What is this." he whispered, terrified, scanning the perimeter of the forest clearing they were in, "This is a trap."
"I'd never."
"You just killed a follower in cold blood after she neglected to tend the farms."
The lamb giggled, almost airily. "Whoopsie."
Narinder broke his gaze off of the lamb, watching the swaying camellia like they were about to jump out and kill him. "Forgive me, but I am incredibly suspicious of your motives."
"Why's that?" The lamb asked, grinning again.
Narinder paused, eyes narrowed. "Forget it." he muttered, turning away in his chair. "Must we sit here for longer?"
"Until you answer my questions, yes."
A loud groan.
"Ask me your ridiculous queries, then." Narinder mumbled, clenching his jaw.
The lamb beamed, now kicking his feet under the table. "How are you on this fine day, then?" he chirped, tilting his head.
"How do you find the weather?"
"How do you find the flowers?"
"The colour is acceptable."
"What about Darkwood?" "It was better before this."
The lamb laughed - a merry laugh Narinder didn't think he'd quite heard before. There'd been a lot of chuckles, snickers, snorts at his expense...especially when he had been dethroned...but a laugh?
Narinder's face softened slightly as the lamb wiped his eyes.
"I'd apologise but I don't entirely care about you hating me." he chuckled, grinning.
"I don't hate you."
The lamb's gaze snapped back onto him.
Narinder pursed his lips, looking away.
"Repeat that?" The lamb asked wide-eyed, leaning forward.
"Be prepared to sit here forever then."
A pause.
"I simply stated...that I do not despise your presence before me in the circumstance of a table-sat gathering."
"You like me."
"If any soul here favours someone, it is you toward I." Narinder scoffed. "You are a pathetically obvious fool, Lamb. One I regrettably enjoy tolerating."
"Your fancy words don't hide your true feelings." The lamb smirked, "How would you feel if I was 'advancing' on you?" he asked, using air quotes.
"Disgusted." Narinder replied.
The lamb rolled his eyes, chuckling.
"..but not impartial."
The lamb waggled his eyebrows. "Pathetic display, truly. I have been better wooed by specks of dirt." Narinder said, fighting a smile.
The lamb leaned forward on his elbows, whispering. "Specks of dirt wouldn't dare approach you under my gaze."
Narinder felt the sun get hotter on his face. "Your sudden vocabulary change does not impress me, Lamb."
The lamb stood from his seat, walking over. "So if I told you something like 'the crimson upon these flowers has nothing on the divine red of your soul', you wouldn't be interested?"
Narinder shut his mouth.
The lamb stepped back, chuckling. "We can go back now, by the way. I'm shooting a shot." he grinned. "Can't blame me fo-" Narinder rose from his seat, abruptly seizing the lamb by his robe and kissing him firmly.
The lamb's eyes widened just as Narinder let him go, turning on his heel back toward the cult.
"Are you advancing on me?" The lamb mocked, running after him.
Narinder smiled a small smile. "Now who implied that?"
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fluxydrawings · 1 year
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Things left behind
(characters belong to @kishdoodles <3)
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ps-froggie · 1 year
Soft Things Don't Last In This Place
By happinessfordeeppeople
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Definitely learned and improved a lot with this one. I originally formatted this for a print on demand place before realizing it'd be better if I tried my hand at binding it myself. More talking about it below
This is another bradel binding as I've found that one just clicks for me and is way more intuitive to do than any other binding so far.
The cover for this actually uses things I already had around the house so I didn't have to buy a single new thing for it. The spine is roughed up leftover upholstery pleather and the cover paper is from a to-go bag I washed ink over to bring out the wrinkles and folds. The headbands are simply scrap cork leather from another project. The endpapers are paste papers I did myself.
I experimented with using a dremel to smooth the edges and while they're still a little rough as I didn't have any finer sandpaper, woah! It's such an improvement!
The only thing I want to really improve more on is typesetting as it wasn't until I printed and folded everything that I realized I made the line break symbols too big 😬
Just gotta practice more I guess!
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bloodred2023 · 1 month
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Darkwood (Video Game) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: The Stranger (Darkwood) Additional Tags: Double Drabble, Sleep Deprivation, Horror, Ambiguous/Open Ending Series: Part 14 of Whumpuary 2024, Part 1 of May 200 Challenge 2024 Summary:
The Stranger can barely keep an eye open.
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brimbrimbrimbrim · 1 year
I love love love how you write sex for favors. Jailbreak with big Richard? The mercy of a wolf? Only the brave shall pass? Masterpieces, amazing, makes me vibrate with glee when rereading.
(Hope you never stop writing, because no matter the fandom I always look forward to your fics)
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Seriously, Anon, thank you for saying so. Not only does this make me feel warm and bubbly inside, but also made me realize I have several fics like this. I should probably tag them appropriately... >_>
*cracks knuckles* Okay, here we go.
Jailbreak with Big Richard - M!Troll/F!Tiefling (tit fucking for freedom)
The Mercy of the Wolf - Wolfman/F!Reader (knotting sex for sanctuary)
Hell by the Boombox Snarl - Frank/F!Reader (sexploits for survival)
Only the Brave Shall Pass - Borkul the Beast/F!Brenton (sucking for safe passage)
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whaleofatjme1920 · 9 months
WhaleofaTjme’s Kinktober Masterlist 2023
It has come back ;)
Everything on this list is subject to change should I feel it necessary. The open spaces are for you to request - get to it!
Reblogs are appreciated
October 1st - 14th: Cryptids, Creatures, Monsters Galore! [SCP, Darkwood, Creepypasta]
Degradation - SCP 735 X GN!Reader
2. Orgasm Denial - Brian Thomas X GN!AFAB!Reader
3. Dacryphilia - Tim Wright X GN!AFAB!Reader
4. Stalking/Obsession - Eyeless Jack X F!Reader
6. Hands/Fingering/Breeding - Dr. Simon Glass X F!Reader
7. Staying Warm - The Stranger X GN!AMAB!Reader
9. Demons - Dr. Kondraki X GN!AFAB!Reader
10. Double Penetration - SCP 049 X GN!AFAB!Reader X SCP 035
11. Blood play - Toby X GN!Reader
12. Temperature Play - Dr. Iceberg X GN!AFAB!Reader
13. GONE FISHING (lol)
14. Totally Normal Smut Fic - Crack!Creepypasta X F!Reader
October 15th - 21st: For the Non-Monster Lovers [Sally Face, TF2, COD]
15. Size Difference - König X GN!AFAB!Reader
16. Threesome - Alejandro Vargas X F!Reader X Valeria Garza
17. GONE FISHING (lol)
18. Hate Sex - Ghost X GN!AFAB!Reader
19. Spanking - Sniper X GN!AFAB!Reader
20. Mommy Kink - Soap X F!Reader
21. GONE FISHING (lol)
October 22nd - 30th: All Those I’ve Missed and Failed to Recognize [A general free space for you.]
22. Daddy Kink - Captain Price X F!Reader
23. GONE FISHING (lol)
24. Bulge Kink/Size Difference - Jake Sully X GN!Afab Reader
25. Through the Window - Jeff the Killer X GN!AMAB!Reader
26. Glory Hole - Jacob Frye X GN!Reader
27. Quickies - Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick X GN!AFAB!Reader
28. Stress Relief - Nick Burkhardt X GN!AFAB!Reader - DELAYED
29. Gagging & Degradation - Sal Fisher X GN!Reader
30. Bondage, Secrecy, Oral - TF2 Medic X GN!Reader
October 31st: A Surprise!
31. Who knows..!
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cr0ftisprocrastinating · 10 months
Do you have any all time favorite fics? Any that specifically inspired your own? I absolutely love some recommendations for feel good, sexy, engaging romance (enemies to friends to lovers or just friends to lovers) fics. Thank you so much!!
Hello! And YES, I absolutely do. Some of these are the classic ones that everyone recs, but I've also included some WIPs that I am really loving atm that make me happy. SO:
Classics I re-read all the time:
DMATMOBIL - @isthisselfcare. This singlehandedly got me back into the fandom. I'm sure you've read it, but if you haven't, you absolutely must!
I love everything that @scullymurphy writes (plus they have great taste in music, and wine). Start with Universal Truths, but the recently completed Teach Me How To Forget is also delicious.
Similar for @thebemoon, I just love their stuff. The Darkwood Wand and The Gloriana Set are just so fun and enjoyable. I smile the whole way through.
Love and Other Historical Accidents by @pacific-rimbaud is frequently rec'd for a very good reason. Beautiful.
Also I have to shout out The Nature of Purity by @starsoforionwrites for some really interesting takes on wizarding society (and electricity!!!) which I am still thinking about.
How to Win Friends and Influence People by @olivieblake is the closest fic I've found to a Caput Mortuum-esque unhinged Hermione, and is really great fun.
Now we get to the WIPs that I'm loving, which again probably don't count as inspirations but are very much in the genre of things I love to read (and therefore, write!)
You Do It For Me by @zeebee3 is just delicious. Talk about fics you smile the whole way through.
I am ADORING Scary Partner Privilege by @nightbloom7reads. It deserves SO MUCH hype, because it's just excellent.
Erotic Friend Fiction by @whiskeygreen hasn't been updated in a while, but it is hilarious and you have 47 delicious chapters to get through!
Things Without Remedy by @onebedtorulethemall is also brilliant and deserves more hype. Very sexy big brain, hyper competent Hermione, and very sexy laboratory descriptions too. Anyone who writes anything about time travel I instantly am in awe, because I just don't think my brain could ever work that way.
Finally, If These Walls Could Talk by @incognitotoro is absolutely delightful. Bloody love cursebreaking, bloody love the medieval period, bloody love when they both exist in a fic.
these are all I can think of off the top of my head, but yes, I hope there are a few that you haven't come across yet! xxx
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Leshycatpril Week 3: Nightmares
Oneshot fic for my Nightmares entry. Plus this is set in an au where leshy is the follower and enzo/yellow cat is the revived chaos god,because i can. Also @aniflowers i meant roleswap when i asked about using aus in the ask,i worded it wrong lol. Enzo is yellow cat btw.
Enzo wakes up in the middle of darkwood,seeming to have teleported there despite him not having his crown's powers anymore. He then walks across the area and then he ends up finding some camellias.
'Camellias.. Leshy loves these heh.' the yellow cat thought to himself,and he pushes the thought aside to keep walking in order to find a way back to the cult.
Enzo walks and walks for what seems to be hours until his legs gets tired from traveling for such a long time so he sits against a tree to rest for a bit. He notices it's dark out by then.
"Ugh it's night time. How will i get back to the cult and my beloved worm now?. And i'm too tired to keep traveling by foot." enzo complains,not talking to anyone in particular,just saying his thoughts out loud.
The scenery suddenly starts to become darker and darker as if shadows begun to envelope the forest. Then the yellow cat heard a voice yelling "He's over here!" to unknown associates. And before he knew it enzo got all his limbs tied up.
"Where are you taking me?!." enzo hissed at his captors. The big boar man carrying him then looked at him and opened his mouth to speak. "Don't you remember?,we were your old sacrifices when you were still the bishop of chaos. You had us hanged drawn and quartered,had us burnt at the stake,made sure that we had the most painful deaths possible. So we are going to make you go through the horrible demise to make you pay for doing so." the boar says to the yellow cat,with the other two former sacrifices which are a dog and a fox respectively listening to the two's conversation.
"But that's impossible! You're all dead! I made sure of it!." enzo says to the trio. "And the lamb resurrected us after finding our corpses at the outside of darkwood. Looks like we're gonna have our revenge boys." the boar says to his associates and then they all keep walking to a remote area in darkwood,which has a cauldron boiling at the center.
Enzo then realizes what's going to happen to him and then he starts crying. "Please! Please don't do this!. I have a boyfriend to go to!. Mercy! Mercy please for the love of the old faith!." enzo pleads to the trio tearfully.
"Did YOU listen to our pleas when we were getting sacrificed for you to selfishly gain more power?." the fox says to enzo who shakes his head in disagreement.
The yellow cat is then placed into the cauldron and the former sacrifices put more oil into the fire to make it stronger. Enzo can feel himself starting to burn and his skin rapidly starts peeling and blood gushes out from his now furless skin as he screams and cries for his captors to take him out but he burns and burns until he eventually dies.
Then enzo wakes up crying beside leshy in their tent together,with the cat realizing that it was just a dream.
The cat whimpers and cries softly as he hugs himself to soothe his own terrible nightmare as he doesn't want to wake up leshy with something so embarrassing for the former god of chaos,something that made him become so helpless and powerless. 𝘗𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤 as his inner voice chastises.
Leshy then wakes up from hearing enzo's quiet sniffling via his strong hearing. "Hey. What's wrong zozo?." the worm asks enzo who's still crying.
"It's nothing. I'm fine." enzo says to his beloved as his voice breaks even more. The worm hugs enzo and then he kisses the latter on the forehead.
"You don't look fine kitty. You know you can tell me anything right?." leshy says to enzo softly who blushes in response. "I know. But it's kinda silly." enzo says then he laughs sheepishly while leshy wipes off his tears.
"Silly is okay with me. Now what or who made you cry?." leshy asks enzo. "I had a nightmare about my sacrificed followers getting resurrected and then they cooked me alive as revenge for the painful deaths i gave them. It was so scary. I thought it was real." the yellow cat says to leshy and then he cries even more.
"Oh kitty.." leshy says to enzo and then he hugs him a bit tighter,giving him kisses on the head. "It wasn't real. It was just a bad dream. You're safe with me now." leshy says to enzo and then he kisses him softly on the lips,the cat then kisses back and pulls away.
"Thank you lesh. I love you." enzo says to leshy. "I love you too. Also before we go back to sleep,what made you think that the bad dream was silly?." leshy asks. He then keeps hugging enzo.
"Well it's because i felt so helpless and pathetic in it. Because it's so humiliating for a former chaos god to feel that way... I hate being a powerless mortal." enzo explains to his boyfriend and then he frowns.
"Oh. Well at least this powerless mortal is loved by his awesome boyfriend right?." leshy teases enzo and then he wraps his arm around enzo's back. "I guess so. That's one good thing about being mortal." enzo says and then he yawns.
"Good night leshy." enzo says to leshy. "Good night zozo." leshy says to enzo and then he lies down along with enzo,spooning him from behind and hugging him tightly so that he won't have bad dreams anymore.
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princesssmars · 1 year
a night in the castle
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a vampire jessica and oscar x reader
wc: 6.010 (?>?????/)
working as a tired maid in your town, you have a horrible night and end up at the mysterious castle on the hill. the two owners give you a dinner unlike any other.
contains : fic set in the nineteenth century but its barely written that way. reader is a maid is shunned by the village which includes some misogynistic remarks. polyamory with vampires aka the dream. said vampires do in fact drink blood. threesome with said vampires. oral sex (m>f, f>f), unprotected penetrative sex. reader isnt all there (rightfully so) and the vampires love it.
a/n : yall know i had to do it. this took me forever sorry i cant write smut. enjoy.
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living as a maid in your town, you weren't afforded many pleasures in your day to day life. you slept in a shabby room with a creaky and stained bed, spent a large portion of your day cleaning after people who treated you like the dirt you scrubbed, just to go to the bar to drink with the few friends you had until you felt numb.
it was pitiful but it was your life. but one of the major luxuries you weren't afforded was rage.
and as you walk up the muddy path on the hill on the edge of town, your legs burning and your skin shivering, that burning hatred was all you felt.
you had spent an uncountable amount of hours cleaning after one prominent family, the morgan's. you'd spent the most amount of time cleaning their home, and they were fairly kind to you, even if it was mostly their son who spoke to you.
but that didn't do you any favors when the young morgan was accused of having an affair and placed the blame on you to protect his mistress, which led to you being publicly shamed and thrown out of the home, mrs. morgan calling you a harlot who would never find a home to work at in town again.
your mind is running so fast you don't even notice you've picked up your pace, your feet making wet thuds as you head to who knows where. at this point you can be bothered to care, even when a stray branch knicks your ankle.
it feels like an eternity until you finally reach a destination, your body nearly running straight into a large set of dark doors. you look up in surprise to see where you are, your eyes widening when you process where you are: darkwood manor.
you always heard stories as a child about the manor up on the hill on the edge of town, the massive estate looming over where you lived like a constant reminder of the past. your grandmother would tell you tales of it before bed, prattling about the monsters who lived inside who would take away young girls who didn't behave.
eventually your grandfather would come in and assure you your grandmother was teasing, and that the manor was just inhabited by the two reclusive owners and their staff. you'd had more nightmares about it than you cared to admit.
but standing outside of the manor, you don't even feel a smidge of fear. you're too tired mentally and psychically to care about what the owners might do to you for trespassing.
you aren't afforded too much time to dwell in your exhaustion before one of the doors creaks open, soft yellow light pouring out before being blocked by a small frame coming into your view.
"hello, are you alright, dear?" a small voice asks you as your eyes finally adjust to the light to see the person in front of you. its a woman, much older than you judging by the many grey streaks in her hair. she's wearing a simple maids uniform and is staring at you with kind eyes and a smile. the sight of it nearly makes you crumple to the floor, your hurt legs giving out on you as she tries to hold you up.
"its ok, dearie, you're ok now," she soothed, her body nearly wrapping entirely around yours. "how about we go get you cleaned up, hm?"
you nod, rising with her as she wraps one of her arms around you to lead you inside the manor. you barely register the interior of the grand home, your eyes bleary with tears and rain. you can make up the large staircase that swirls upwards into the next floor, and how the walls are dark and filled with intricate designs and paintings.
eventually the elder woman leads you to sit down at a stool in what seems like a wide kitchen, some younger workers scurrying off when she gives them a muffled order. but the mental toll of the days events are starting to settle into your body, your eyes drooping and head tilting to the side.
"now now, don't fall asleep on me now, hun. how about i help freshen you up and you tell me what happened to lead to you coming all the way up here in this weather?" she asks gently, patting you on the shoulder at your tired nod.
and so, as the woman who tells you her name is agnes and that she is the head maid for the lord and lady of the manor softly cleans your face and arms with a damp rag, you slowly start to explain what happened in town for you to end up at the estate at such a late hour. as you repeat everything that happened it hits harder that your life, no matter how much you disliked it, would never be the same after tonight.
right before you start bawling you look up at agnes to see her staring at you so kindly it nearly makes you break. she reminds you of your mother before she sadly passed from an illness when you were young. the maternal way she acts helps to soothe you, even if its just enough to not cry at this moment.
"there, all better. now you look like a proper young lady." agnes smiles at you, tilting your head from side to side to check if she missed any smudges. "well, its safe to assume you can't go back down the hill. you stay right here and give me one second, alright?"
you nod again to assure here you'll stay where you are before she smiles and leaves through another pair of doors on the outside of the kitchen. after she leaves you take in your surroundings, noticing just how big the kitchen really is for just two people, though you suppose its normal for such a large home.
feeling better now that you're clean, you figure agnes wont be upset if you explore the kitchen a bit, getting up and admiring the kitchen. the walls are composed of a patterned brown wallpaper, with the floor being a brown wood and counters made of a darker brown wood. you trail your hand across the top of one of them, noticing how smooth and clean they are. the kitchen is impeccably clean, actually, even thought supper time was merely a few hours ago and there is'nt a pot or pan in sight.
just as the thought crosses your mind, the sound of the door opening causes you to whip around, holding your hands behind your back guiltily. you expect to see agnes but instead see someone that nearly makes you pass out in nervousness.
instead of agnes a woman stands in the doorway, her fancy clothing telling you she is the lady of the manor. she's wearing a a gown, the black and red fabric standing out against her pale skin and red hair. her eyes stay on you while you observe her, the pale blue staring into your own. when she entered her face looked furious before she saw you. your hands start to fidget under her gaze.
"oh, dear, why are you up and about? i told you to stay sitting so you would'nt tire yourself out anymore!" agnes worries, moving from behind the lady and rushing over you to guide you back to the stool.
she turns toward the lady. "i'm sorry, ma'am. she's just a little bit out of it because of what happened."
"that's quite alright, i cant imagine what it must be like to have gone through all that she's been through." the woman says, her voice low and almost haunting. she steps closer, bringing her fingers to grip your chin and tilt your head to look at her.
"my name is jessica, the lady of the manor. i reside here with my husband, oscar. i'm sure you might have heard of us?"
"y..yes i have. just stories as a child." you whisper.
she smiles, almost like she knows exactly what you speak of. "i'm aware of the tales. but i can assure you that no one in this house is a monster." you briefly catch the faint smile on her face and the look she shares with agnes.
"but i can assure you that in this home you will be cared for. agnes will arrange a room for you and some fresh clothes for you to change in to."
before you can even object agnes walks out of the room and jessica takes your arm in hers to lead you to another part of the house. seeming to sense your curiosity, she encourages you to ask questions about the house and its architecture, answering any question you ask no matter how silly it sounds in your head.
she leads you up the staircase to the second level, taking you down a long hallway before stopping before a slight open door, opening it and gesturing for you to head inside.
following her direction, you slowly walk in to the room to see a bedroom straight out of your dreams. its big but not too large to feel overwhelming, having a four poster canopy bed, some dressers, a nook near the window presumably for reading, and a quaint sitting area near a fireplace.
"i hope its to your liking. we can have you moved to another room if you'd like-"
"no!" you nearly shout, slightly embarrassed at how you cut her off. she does'nt seem to mind though, simply looking at you in a way you cant interpret.
"its amazing, thank you. i swear soon i will hopefully be back on my feet and out of your way."
"nonsense, don't rush yourself, precious," she assures, stepping forward to rest her hands on your shoulders, continuing that unbroken eye contact from before, "you are welcome to stay in our home as long as you'd like. we rarely get guests from the town these days, so its nice to see a new face. especially one as lovely as yours."
the shock of her words makes your heart take a beat so suddenly you're scared she will be able to hear it. you feel bashful, not used to getting many compliments about your attractiveness. you cant help but want her to compliment you more, feeling like you'd give anything for her to call you beautiful.
"alright, there's something on the bed you to change into. another maid will be waiting outside if you need help getting dressed. she'll lead you to the dining room when you're done." she explains.
you're eyebrows knit in confusion, her face amused at your confusion. "you'll be having a meal with me and my husband. its only right you meet him and get some food into your system. trust me, he'll adore you so don't be worried."
you don't voice how that makes you worry more, instead telling her "thank you again for everything." before she leaves the room and you're left by yourself yet again.
the weight of what's happening finally settles in and you feel euphoric, struggling to quiet yourself as you jump on the bed and cheer for yourself. from a maid rejected by town to a guest at a local manor in the span of an hour. this is crazier than your wildest dreams.
composing yourself, you stand up and move to the dress that's been left for you on the end of the bed. picking it up doesn't help quell your excitement, the clothing being prettier than anything you've ever worn or even been able to afford. better yet its beautiful, being a white color with hints of f/c.
when changing you do have to invite your helper, catherine, inside to help you do up the back of your corset and the rest of your undergarments before finally helping you into your dress. your initial shyness fades as you begin to speak to each other, the both of you being around the same age and seeming to have the same interests. most of your friends looked away when you were thrown from the morgans, so it's nice to have a new one here in this strange place.
once you've finished getting dressed catherine leads you back down the hallway and stairs, through a new wider set of hallways before you eventually arrive at the dining room.
it's massive, to say the least, and the ceiling is covered in a gorgeous mural that trickles down the walls to keep the room regal yet creative. there’s a large table in the middle of the room, enough fancy chairs to seat at least 20 people.
“and you must be y/n,” a voice booms, pulling your attention from admiring the room to the person now speaking to you. he walks over to you faster than you can comprehend, seeming to cross the room in a manor of seconds. you don't have time to dwell on it before he clasps your hands in yours, shaking then up and down in a peculiar handshake. “my name is oscar, welcome to our home. i hope my wife and our staff have show you enough kindness to persuade you to stay.”
the lord is greeting you so nicely but you feel bad for barely paying attention to his words to take in his looks. you can see why he and his wife are married, to say the least, as he is incredibly handsome. he has slightly curled dark brown hair with eyes to match. he's wearing a suit just as extravagant as his wife's, mostly black with red and white accents. the coloring stands out greatly against his tanned skin and better unifies him and his wife as one. he lets out a little laugh as he notices your staring.
"um, yes. they've been nothing but kind to me," you manage to stutter out, slightly embarrassed at how you let yourself be so rude. "thank you so much for allowing me to stay in your home. i'm sure you've heard of my predicament, so i'm more than willing to pay off your kindness with service."
"y/n, you're our guest. we want you to enjoy your stay here. don't worry about any of that now." jessica projects from her seat at the table, watching your entire exchange. she gestures to the chair across from her for you to sit, oscar quickly guiding you to the end of the table to take your seat which he politely pulls out for you and pushes back in.
as soon as the lord sits in his seat, a few servants exit the kitchen to start laying out the meal. before you can even blink a full plate of food including some of the best-prepared meat you've ever seen, a fresh steaming bun of bread, and a good heap of vegetables is laid in front of you. you notice how the lord and lady aren't laid meals, instead, both of them are poured a dark red wine into their glasses.
"aren't you both going to eat?" you ask, trying to be as polite as possible.
they share a look and softly laugh to each other, in on a joke you cant understand.
"don't worry about us darling," jessica comforts, raising her glass to her lips and taking a languid sip before licking the leftover liquid off of her upper lip, "we'll be just fine like this. don't be shy and enjoy the meal."
and so, you dig in. the food is phenomenal, your eyes nearly rolling in to the back of your head much to your hosts amusement. after giving your compliments to the chef, they start up a shared conversation. they ask numerous questions about your life, what you loved and enjoyed doing, and more. it made you just a tad uncomfortable to be the center of attention, but a part of you deep inside craves more of it.
"i cant believe that woman would do something so cruel to a pretty little thing like you." oscar says, his face pinched in anger as he takes a long swig of his wine.
"precisely what i was thinking darling. y/n seems far too sweet to do such a thing. we are deeply sorry that happened to you, dear." jessica agrees, rubbing her hand up her husbands arm while looking at you.
"well its not completely..i-i guess she had a little reason to worry," you stutter out, your shoulders hunching as the two of them stare at you in signal for you to keep talking. "someone had blabbed about something that happened a while ago with a friend of mine. me and her son had started to get close so i guess she presumed that i would...try to do something with him."
"hm. it looks like you were wrong, my love," oscar hums to his wife, "she's not as innocent as you thought."
jessica chuckles, brining her glass back up to her wine stained lips. you notice how dark and thick the wine looks and cant help but want a taste. "i'm alright with being wrong this once. you know how i love a surprise."
"if you don't mind telling us, y/n," oscar calls you back into the conversation, " what ever happened with your friend for the townspeople to assume you would do something wrong to the morgan's son?"
the dining room goes silent when you don't answer, only the faint sounds of the workers in the kitchen being heard throughout. you contemplate how to explain to your hosts that about a few weeks prior you admitted to your close friend that because you'd been so busy with working these past few years you'd yet to lay with, let alone kiss, anybody else. after laughing and assuming that you were joking, they'd reassured you that it was ok and even offered to be your first kiss as a friendly gesture.
things escalated and before you knew it you had gotten yourself into a heated makeout session with your closest friend. you swore each other to secrecy but you assumed they had told one of your other more gossipy friends who spread it through the grapevine.
“you do not have to tell us if you do not wish to, dear,” jessica comforts, “the last thing we would want to do is make you uncomfortable.”
“thank you, but i don't mind. i trust you.” your eyes strain as the words leave your mouth. you’ve only known these two for a few hours at this point but there is something about them that calms you. t makes you feel safe with them. “i kissed one of my friends a few weeks ago because i never had kissed anyone at that point. i thought they wouldn't tell anyone but…word got around.”
“im sorry that happened to you, y/n. something like that should be sacred. the act of giving yourself to another person should be special, especially for someone as sweet as you.” the redhead moves her hand ross the table to clasp it with yours, wearing a soft look on her face.
“exactly. if that were us we definitely wouldn't betray your trust in such a way.”
“oscar please, you sound so vulgar.” jessica chastises him, the man giving her a rogue grin that sets off a spark in your lower stomach. “anyway its getting late, do you think you'd like to head to bed, y/n?”
your mouth opens to reply but nothing comes out. your thoughts are conflicting, a tug of war between your head and…something else. something darker.
“what did you mean when you wouldn't treat me in that way?”
the couple share a look as oscar tries to hold back his smile from broadening.
“would you like us to show you?”
when you were a teenager, your grandparents had given you the much-dreaded talk about marriage. how unless you would get a job they would have to marry you off to one of the wealthier men in town. your grandmother didn't see any reason to be avoidant of the conversation and decided to inform you about what most men wanted from women, and what would happen to you on your wedding night. she seemed to have avoided the worst of it with her husband since they were very much in love, but she had heard stories from other women whose husbands weren't so understanding.
fortunately for you, your new partners were nothing of the sort.
after your inquiry and frankly embarrassingly enthusiastic consent to what they wanted to show you, the lord and lady had gently guided you up to their bedroom before softly undressing you while praising you and your body.
“do you know how beautiful you are, my love?” jessica runs her slender hands up your arms, the woman standing in front of you as her husband undoes your stays behind you.
“i wouldn't mind hearing it some more.” you smile, letting out a squeak when you feel oscar’s hands squeeze your sides.
“how lucky are we, my love, we’ve got a gorgeous maiden with spunk all to ourselves.” oscar smiles.
“look’s like someone’s heard our prayers,” jessica whispers into your neck, the feel of her lips on your skin driving your mind hazy and your eyes to shut in bliss.
oscar finishes undoing your clothes and brushes the shoulders of your dress off of you to the ground, your hands instinctually coming up to cover your chest before the man holds them to your sides.
“don’t be shy, you're gorgeous,” he tells you, pressing a kiss to the other side of your neck and your cheek. at your nod, he continues his hold on your arms as he sits on the bottom of the bed, sitting you in his lap before wrapping his arms around you.
jessica sits at his side, her body turned so she can still hold and touch you. her hands move up and down your shoulder, as she presses a featherlight kiss to it. when she pulls away you take her wrist in your hand and bring up her hand so its in front of your face. she watches you as you admire her, the smooth lines and wrinkles of her hands and bring it to your lips for a kiss.
“such a sweetheart. we really did get lucky, my dear.” she says to her husband.
“and she tastes even sweeter.” oscar agrees, biting your neck and chuckling at your small yelp. “i say we indulge in her, frankly im sick of waiting.”
jessica places a kiss on the corner of your mouth. “i love it when we think alike, darling.”
before you know it you're lying down on the soft covers of the bed with jessica resting near your head oscar settling between your legs. it’s slow but intense, the way they kiss and suck and bite every bit of your skin until your skin and your brains are on fire. its made worse but so much better when the man drags his tongue up from your entrance up to your clit before giving it a long suck.
“oh my god-” your moan is cut off by jessica’s kiss, her tongue quickly entering your mouth and dispelling any thoughts in your head. the burning feeling at the pit of your stomach grows hotter when her hand trails from your cheek down to your neck before resting on your left breast, circling the nipple before giving it a rough squeeze that makes you let out a squeal.
“you’re so sensitive, my dear,” oscar mumbles into your cunt, using his hands to spread the lips of your pussy and stick his tongue straight into your hole and groaning at the moan it pulls from your throat. before this evening you rarely had thoughts of hurting another person, but its happening again when he pulls away from between your legs and your arms jerks to pull him by the hair back down.
you're given only a few seconds of recuperation before the two of them switch spots at record speed, oscar giving you a heated kiss while jessica throws your thighs over her shoulders and starts to eat you out just as ravenously as her husband did.
its only a few more minutes of pleasure before the look in jessicas eyes from between your legs and the sting of oscar’s teeth as he bites and sucks your neck before you feel yourself come to a release.
“thats it, oh that's perfect, baby,” oscar’s voice rings in your ear, the gentle comforting in your ear making your climax all the more powerful. you don't even notice your hand is trembling until he grasps it with his own.
the lady comes up from the apex of your thighs and brushes the red hair out of her face. when her eyes meet your own she smiles, and you clench your thighs together at the sight.
she giggles and squishes the fat of your thigh with her hand, moving forward to give her husband a quick kiss to his cheek, “i believe our dear is still a little pent up, my love. i think it’s time we seal the deal.”
the way they talk about you while barely acknowledging you causes your core to clench harder than you’d like to admit, a whine coming for your throat that brings their attention back to you.
“dont worry, sweet girl. our fun isn’t over yet.” the lord runs his hands down your chest and torso as he and his wife swap places yet again, his body hovering over yours. he smirks as he sees your eyes go blank with the feeling of his cock pressed against your stomach. “just give us the word and we’ll stop for the night.”
“no!” you shout, laughing at your own outburst. “i don't want to stop. i want you. please.”
oscar smiles down at you and gives you a kiss so sweet it starts to make your mouth and heart ache. he pulls away and uses his large hands to push your thighs apart to rest between them. able to tell that you’re getting in your head, jessica moves one of her legs to the other side of you, the sight of her bare in front of your face making your heartbeat skip.
“while he’s making love to you i'm going to show you how to pleasure me, is that all right?”
you nod your head so quickly you fear you’ll sprain something.
she smiles at you before moving some hairs from in your face gently cupping your face as she moves to rest her cunt over your mouth, her soft command of “lick” drawing you to stick out your tongue out to lick a long line from her entrance to her clit, and the sound of her moan ignites a fire in you that just wants her to feel as good as she made you feel. you bring your hands to wrap around her thighs and push her further into your mouth and the noise she lets out is nothing short of primal.
your main focus is on bringing the lady to orgasm until you feel something soft and large rub up and down your entrance, the feeling of it rubbing against your clit making you hum into jessica’s mound.
“take a deep breath.” oscar’s voice comes from behind jessica’s body, and she pulls her body away despite your pawing at her thighs to watch your face as oscar’s cock enters you, the sight of your eyes widening and mouth opening ina forced moan making her wetness grow.
they take a few minutes to allow you to adjust to the new feeling, waiting for your nod before oscar starts to thrust at a steady pace as jessica sits back down on your face to muffle your moans. you go back to grasping her thighs with your arms and wrap your legs around oscar’s waist to pull him in closer, the feeling of him inside you driving you up the wall.
all the while the pair are praising you, whispering it over the sounds of skin slapping and moans.
“that's it, carino, lift those hips up. show me how much you want it.”
“you’re tasting me so well, my sweet. just a little harder-oh yes, just like that.”
“gods above you’re gripping me like a vice. better than i’ve been dreaming of-”
you don't get to ask what he means before you feel the same pressure from earlier building up in your lower stomach, but it feels different. you’re squealing and squirming as it builds before you hear jessica let out a drawn-out moan as she squeezes her legs around your head, the taste of her arousal flooding your mouth. she’s panting and her skin is shiny with sweat and you swear you've never seen a person more beautiful.
she moves her body to lay on her side next to you, moving her hands down o rud quick circles on your clit as oscar speeds up his thrusts, lifting your hips to rest your bottom on his thighs to fuck inside you at a deeper angle. you cant even be embarrassed by the loud moans you're letting out before you're reaching your climax. the lovers moaning at the sight and feel of your cunt squirting onto oscar’s lap and chest.
the next few minutes are a blur, the physical toll of the night and the sex finally seeping in and making you drowsy. you feel a soft damp rag wiping down your body, each stroke being followed with a feather-light kiss and whispers. about how long they've waited for this, for you, and how they promise to never let anything hurt you again.
its the best sleep youve had in months.
when you wake up you stretch your arms and take a minute to just relax. its been years since you've woken up and had nothing to immediately do. its nice. you could get used to it.
getting up you see some nice clothes laid out for you, including a note left on the bedstand once you finished getting dressed.
dear y/n,
when you awaken, please come downstairs. we'd like to discuss some things with you.
j & o
the neutral tone of the note forms a cold feeling in your chest. from what youve seen you dont think the couple are the type to take down on their luck virgins, take their innocence and then kick them out. but after yesterday's events you cnt risk putting all of your trust into someone.
after you finish getting ready, you head downstairs, your mind instantly leading you to the large living area downtairs that you pass on your way to the dining room. the floors in the hallways are hard and the sound of your footsteps alerts your hosts to your presence.
"ah, you're finally awake! come, sit with us. we've got some tea and muffins here if you're feeling hungry." oscar welcomes you, motioning to a spot on one of the plush red couches and the treats on the table surrounded by them. jessica is sat lounging on one of the couches, a thick book in her hand.
you give a strained smile, walking over to sit on the couch before pouring yourself some tea and chewing on one of the muffins. they watch you while you eat, the gazes going back to feeling almost haunting compared to the heated way they made you feel last night.
"as you already know, we have some things we'd like to discuss with you, my dear." jessica scoots closer to your seat, setting her book down on the table and giving you her full attention. she must be able to see the fright on your face because she immediately gets up and sits next to you, wrapping one of her arms around your shoulders to cuddle you. "trust me, it's nothing bad."
"at least nothing bad for you," oscar snickers, dodging his wife's light slap to his leg.
"all we ask is that you hear us all the way through, alright?" jessica asks and cuddles you closer when you nod.
you understand her request when they explain what's been happening to you. apparently, they had been visiting the town in secret for a few months now, and after seeing you in a bar on their first trip they'd gone back frequently to watch you.
the way they explain it makes it seem like they're practically enamored and your heart is starting to hurt with how fastly it's beating.
but they know and give you a moment to relax and take it in, because they can tell when you're upset or overwhelmed. because they also tell you that they are vampires.
it takes everything in your power not to burst out laughing, but as they look at your face it all starts to make sense. the way they only apparently to drink a dark red wine, so thick that you wondered how it could be possible, how they were already enjoying their day in the middle of the night. the coldness of their skin.
"we understand it's a lot to take in. but we have one more thing to ask you." oscar questions while cozying up to the other side of your body.
you nod your head, figuring it couldn't become more shocking than what they've already told you. you're surprised at your calmness, thinking back on how you from a year ago would most likely be running for the hills now.
"we dont want you to just be a maid here. we want you to become one with us," jessica explains, the hopeful smile on her face near blinding, "vampire culture is a bit different than regular human culture so you can marry us if you'd like."
"but we would never rush you." the lord takes your hand in a gentle kiss.
"of course not. we just...we've never felt this way about anyone but each other. but your kindness and your character and your beauty...we couldn't help but to fall in love with you."
you can feel the start of tears forming in your eyes. despite a small rational part of your brain telling you its a trick, that they might just be doing this to reel you in and drink you dry, you believe them. you cant help to when they look at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
"i...yes. i want to be with you." you sigh, letting out a string of giggles when they hug you from each side. it's suffocating and warm and it's the best hug you've ever had.
"gods, you're perfect. this is perfect, we'll tell the maids to prepare more on things to get you accommodated, we made you a few outfits just in case but you'll need more, not to mention more of your favorite foods and-"
you and jessica share a fond but teasing look at her husbands' rambling, the man quickly rushing out of the room as he calls for some of the maids to make preparations.
despite your happiness, you let out a strained sigh at the bubbling anger you felt from last night. everyone on the village called these two beautiful beings monsters in the night while they had treated you poorly based on a liars word of mouth. it fills you with a rage you don't know what to do with.
"what is it, y/n?" jessica inquires at your sudden change of mood. when you explain your anger she agrees, telling you how the worst part of looking at you from afar was seeing how people treated you like less than them.
"among our kind the art of killing humans is rather taboo these days. nothing like how it was when we were children."
"what if it was for a good reason?" you shock yourself with your question, and jessica too based on the look on her face.
she slowly starts to smile. "i think you're going to like it here with us."
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canadianno · 15 days
For that mutual I promised I'd make some drawings for 🙏
Here we have 2 of the important reoccuring characters in my fic, who will make their first appearance in chapter 1!!
Finaan is an Anchordeep rescue, found chained to an altar by the lamb and saved.
July is a Darkwood refugee, a 'reformed' cultist of the old faith, who joined the Lambs' cult after losing to them in battle.
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(Some wips under the cut for fun)
Oh hey since you're down here you also get a writing wip!! I'm on my phone so it's formatted Bad but. Deal with it <3
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androgynous-agent69 · 2 months
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Gonna share a bit more of my personal COTL fic set in Leshy's POV, it's surprisingly fun to write a story where you can't simply describe what the character sees and instead have to focus in scent, touch, etc.
Also yes I added the "YC lived in darkwood and doesn't know who Leshy really is" headcannon don't judge me I love the idea ;w;
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divinities-hymns · 2 months
Currently running on 2 hours on sleep, period cramps, an empty stomach, holy crap I just realized I’ve only had Dr Pepper and orange juice in the last 48 hours, the promise of Dairy Queen, and this Leshycat fic I started writing :p
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I named my yellow cat Myosotis, which is the scientific name for a forget me not. He’s one of the Lambs six disciples and in their court takes the role of one of their three closest confidants (think one of the mini bosses you fight in each dungeon) He was rescued from Darkwood between the time after Leshy fell and before the Lamb killed Heket.
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The fanfiction has now been finished and posted :3
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simplegenius042 · 4 months
WIP Wednesday & OC Interview(s)
Tagged by @nightbloodbix & @josephslittledeputy and @g0dspeeed
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @inafieldofdaisies @shallow-gravy @strangefable @strafethesesinners @corvosattano @carlosoliveiraa @adelaidedrubman @minilev @ladyoriza @josephseedismyfather @trashcatsnark @chazz-anova @snake-in-the-garden @cassietrn @softtidesworld @wrathfulrook @onehornedbeast @voidika @henbased @vampireninjabunnies-blog @florbelles @direwombat @derelictheretic @deputyash @dephellseed @deputy-morgan-malone @skoll-sun-eater @fourlittleseedlings @afarcryfrommymain @titiagls @megraen @starsandskies @la-grosse-patate @cloudofbutterflies92 @thewanderer-000 and @i-am-the-balancing-point + anyone else who wants to join. Here's my taglist if you want to continue being tagged or not.
Got a WIP for The Thorned Crown of Iron Thrones and three OC interviews for The UnTitledverse, Far Cry The Silver Chronicles and A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore. You can find these under the cut.
WIP for my House of the Dragon fic, The Thorned Crown of Iron Thrones, a fic set in my Life, Despair & Monsters series, following the tragic dynasty of the Targaryens as shown in House of the Dragon... but taking all of that and making the situation 1,000 times worse. This fic stars the original cast PLUS my original characters; Corvus Targaryen, adopted son of Viserys I and Aemma, good with the blade, though socially awkward fellow who only sets out to be a knight or if he gets his way, a maester (or alchemist, either one), and trying to keep the peace between the Blacks and the Greens, with Caecilia "Cecil" Targaryen Royce, daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce (after an aggressive and drunk consummation filled with scratches and bruises from both sides), who like her mother, absolutely despises her father (though this is not reciprocated by him), is out to help her cousin Rhaenyra keep her claim to block Otto's plans and spite her father, and lastly a down-on-her-luck ex-assassin woman who currently calls herself "Okkotsu", who through means unknown, becomes the paternal figure Aegon II Targaryen never realised he wanted, better than Viserys ever will be. There's also Sir Enigma Malvolio (Director of the Ruins of the Midnight Rise), Yan-Kain (second-in-command of Aggravor's Chapter of the Occult), and the Court King (main antagonist and pissed off people have forgotten about him). Note that this WIP is still under heavy construction, and things may or may not change. Below is a snippet of Rhaenyra convincing Corvus to join in on a fun time at a tourney... on a day where everything goes wrong:
Corvus eyed his sister with a reluctant frown, dimmed violet eyes looking into a vibrant purple. His hand remained anchored to the darkwood table, the vials and tubes and bags full of liquids and substances ready to be used as ingredients to sate the curiosity of a student of alchemy.
He gave glance to Rhaenyra's companion, hoping Alicent could save him from the young dragon rider's expectant gaze. However, the Hand's daughter stared back with polite brown eyes and a slim smile that refuted his silent plea to be saved, leaving him to make a futile attempt at fending for himself against his younger sister of all people, which he knew would conclude into an inevitable failure.
"Surely... surely you could do without my presence at the tourney?" Corvus spoke up, voice soft and uncertain, "I'm no fan of such events. I wouldn't want to bring down the mood. Perhaps... it would be best I remain here, where mother is? The maesters could require an extra pair of hands should she go into labor."
Rhaenyra seemed to think his words over, but her face hardened, determined. She grabbed hold of his arm, grip firm but slack, eyes widening as the candle light reflected off them, unfairly sparkling the purple rings. Lips formed into a soft smile, as she pleaded at him with her gaze.
The older dark-haired boy's resolve wavered as his pale skin involuntarily flushing at the contact. He tried to avoid Rhaenyra's wide smile, her eyes and swore upon the Old and New Gods that he tried to ignore the gentleness plea of her voice. But his younger sister knew all the ways to get him to comply to her demands, and just as a dutiful if awkward older brother would, he'd follow her anywhere, just as Father and Mother tasked him with.
And once Baelon is born, I may even be able to convince them to allow me to become his personal guard, should I continue to knighthood that is.
Looking to Alicent once more, searching for her opinion, Rhaenyra's companion merely gave a small shrug and encouraging smile. Exhaling out a light sigh, he looked down to his white-haired sister and gave his response.
The word was simple, but it granted him an opportunity to see a triumphant grin from his little sister, her excitement genuine. Even when the years had been hard to swallow, especially with Mother's condition, he was glad his sister still hadn't lost her fiery spirit.
"C'mon now! We must bid goodbye to mother and join father at Keep's gates. We shouldn't keep him waiting," Rhaenyra exclaimed, pulling Corvus along behind her back towards the spiral staircase, as Alicent joined them with the shake of her head.
Both Rhaenyra's brother and companion briefly glanced at one another, incredulous gazes connecting as they are both, yet again, pulled along by Rhaenyra.
Corvus was nervous at the prospect of the vast eyes of Lords that would be watching their every move at the tourney. It made his stomach coil at the though of that much attention, with his sister's popularity and his own unpopularity.
Alicent must have noticed this, and stated aloud, "I think it will be quite a good day out. The skies are clear, and the sun warm. The tourney should be able to go on uninterrupted."
Rhaenyra piped up, adding, "I'd even say it will be fun. So no need for such gloom, dear brother."
Corvus simply nodded in reply, shoving away his nerves at they reached the top of the spiral. A visit to mother wouldn't be so bad, he thought.
And three OC interviews below:
Far Cry The Silver Chronicles (featuring in Silva's Hope and Ain't It A Joy?)
Name: Alexander Khaos
Nickname: Alexander doesn't like to use nicknames.
Gender: Male
Star Sign: Cancer
Moral Alignment/Personality: Lawful Neutral.
Height: Either 5'10 or 5'11
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: British (with Asian descent)
Fave Fruit: Dragon fruit
Fave Season: Winter
Fave Flower: Peony
Fave Scent: Fresh morning air, burning wood.
Coffee, tea or HC: Black Coffee.
Average Hours of Sleep: 8 hours
Dog or Cat Person: Dog.
Dream Trip: Finland.
Favorite Fictional Character/Real Person: He'd say Jacob Seed, but it's actually Stan Lee.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: None.
RANDOM FACT: Alexander picked up a Southern accent... it's still unknown why he chose to do this exactly.
The UnTitledverse Name: Joaquin Cobalt
Nickname: Jackie.
Gender: Trans-Male
Star Sign: Leo
Moral Alignment/Personality: Neutral Good.
Height: Either 5'4 or 5'5.
Sexual Orientation: Ace.
Nationality/Ethnicity: Australian.
Fave Fruit: Oranges
Fave Season: Autumn
Fave Flower: Lily of the Valley
Fave Scent: Library books or Old Musuems
Coffee, tea or HC: Went from coffee to tea.
Average Hours of Sleep: 8 to 9 hours.
Dog or Cat Person: If he had to choose, a cat person, but he leans towards reptiles like turtles.
Dream Trip: America (and then he changes it to Germany).
Favorite Fictional Character/Real Person: Stephen King.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: Three.
RANDOM FACT: Joaquin's name is pronounced "jack-a-win" because that's how a young Lisa insisted it was pronounced when she first saw the name. And well... it just stuck.
A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore
Name: Arcane Urias
Nickname: None.
Gender: Male
Star Sign: N/A
Moral Alignment/Personality: Either Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil.
Height: 7'6
Sexual Orientation: N/A (due to being a Displacement (name for entities manifested from unnamed Dimensions), he has no known concept of sexuality. He does (and continues to try to) conceive offspring with anyone capable of getting pregnant only to use as powerful pawns for his evil deeds).
Nationality/Ethnicity: N/A (though he can take the human shape of anyone not just his main form)
Fave Fruit: Hates fruit.
Fave Season: Summer.
Fave Flower: A dead one.
Fave Scent: Ash.
Coffee, tea or HC: None.
Average Hours of Sleep: He will rest/meditate for an hour or two, only to conserve energy.
Dog or Cat Person: Bobbit Worm.
Dream Trip: He wouldn't mind Antarctica.
Favorite Fictional Character/Real Person: N/A
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: N/A
RANDOM FACT: There’s only been three individuals Urias has cared for in his entire existence; his brother Mathias “Mason” Talos, his student (a Lich named) Aggravor and lastly his hyper-fixation, Discord (aka the Mad God/Kin of Carnage). Urias has no love for his children (Ortega “Ore” Brantley and Marissa “Ress” Bishop) due to them having the “human element”.
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Hi croft! I just finished nowhere else to go and I just wanted to say it was unlike anything I have read so beautiful, so heartbreaking, utterly mesmerizing. thank you for writing such a gem of a fic. I saw so much of myself in hermione, and i am so grateful and hopeful to find light as well.
I know I will have a hard time finding something like this again so I wanted to know if you have a list of your favourite dramione fics that enthrall you completely, or ones you keep coming back to again and again?
Thank you so very much. Nowhere Else to Go has such a special place in my heart, because it was SO hard to write, but I'm so proud of it, and I also feel very honoured that it has prompted so many people to say and share really lovely, vulnerable and intimate things when they compliment it, and that's so special to me!
I don't think I've ever read a fic like NETG in terms of style, but the ones I reread all the time are way happier in tone lol. I love the fluff!
I'm always talking about @thebemoon's The Darkwood Wand and The Gloriana Set.
I also adore @scullymurphy's entire catalogue of work, basically, but the most recently completed multi-chapter Teach Me How To Forget is gorgeous.
My most favourite recently-completed work has to be @onebedtorulethemall's Bad Omens. It is truly so remarkable, so enjoyable, and so perfect in every possible way.
(also, the classics: DMATMOOBIL, Wait and Hope, etc etc)
Some shorter ones that I had lots of fun reading:
Dial G for Granger by @dramioneog
Custom Fit by @thebrightcity
Tentacular by @kayka
Finally, my favourite drop-everything WIPs:
Antinomian by @starsoforionwrites, and Under Their Protection by the lovely @stein048 <3
If you want something that has a similar kind of rhythm to NETG, then I got most of my inspiration for the spacing/sense of breath, pause and movement from playwriting!
Some of my favourites are: The Nether by Jennifer Haley, Antigone (the Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald trans is the one I used I think, but I also adored Lulu Raczka's interpretation), and anything by Lucy Prebble (she also was on the writing team for Succession!).
For general creeping sense of doom/unease, then Harold Pinter is the master of that. I'd recommend The Birthday Party.
ALSO 'It's True, It's True, It's True', which is about Artemesia Gentileschi is a favourite.
You used to be able to stream It's True - unsure if you still can but if it's available I *highly* recommend watching.
All my love xxx
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Bit of a sad request but, could you do a cotl fic where the reader helps Shamura with their daily tasks (Reminding them of what they need to do today, replacing their bandages, etc). As a result of this, the two become quite close. Though Shamura sometimes forgets who they are. Then one day the lamb comes to kill Shamura and the reader and their fellow followers watch in horror as Shamura is defeated. Then the reader, in a blind rage, charges at the lamb with a dagger and is killed by the lamb.
"Shamura, were have a fighting pit scheduled at sundown."
"O'Wise One, your bandages are due for a change. I can see the red flowing into your eyes."
"Please rest, my lord. I'll take care of the nonbelievers who doubt your wisdom."
This is how life in Silk Cradle was for you:
Being a keeper for your lord and savior Bishop Shamura. Although they didn't necessarily appoint you to that role, you just helped them out one day when they forgot about an important matter they had to attend to.
And ever since, you've spent nearly every minute together.
It was never out of fear nor blind obedience, but rather out of genuine concern for Shamura. Of course, Witness Allocer and the other temple guardians were there to attend to their needs, though none of them formed such a close emotional connection with their bishop like you did.
While Shamura didn't often say it, they appreciated what you did for them. They didn't need their hand held through every single task, but your presence and reminders kept them grounded through the difficult times.
Especially on the nights where they remember Narinder's betrayal, which caused their headaches to become unbearable and the bleeding to be excessive...not to mention the grief of chaining him down below.
Every time they asked you if that was truly the right thing to do, you'd reassure them "yes".
Despite rarely leaving their side, Shamura's memories would still be quite foggy, and at times they'd even forget who you are. They'd wonder why you're always following them around, or how you snuck into their den unnoticed.
As a result, they'd grow angry until you managed to calm them down, gently reminding them of your role and duties. Only then did they apologize for forgetting so often.
But you forgave them every time.
It wasn't their fault.
As of late, things have been settling down within the lands of the Old Faith. While the prophecy of a lamb bearing the Red Crown was feared to come true, the bishops were swift in dispatching every single member of that kind until none remained.
It didn't matter how old or young they were.
All of them had to be slain.
Though after Shamura returned to Silk Cradle after the scheduled execution of the last lamb, you had noted the rather distressed look upon their face.
Today should have been a cause of celebration, so why did they seem so distraught?
Only days later did you finally learn the horrible truth from your fellow acolytes:
That cursed Lamb had risen again, as a vessel of the Red Crown, and has already amassed a following in Narinder's name.
Just like the prophecy foretold..they sought to kill the Bishops who held the chains to his prison, freeing him so he could return to the physical plane and reshape the Old Faith into his own image.
The first to fall was Leshy, having been murdered practically overnight after Lamb took on several crusades in Darkwood. Even his loyal servants were brutally beaten and forcefully indoctrinated into their cult, brainwashed into helping the enemy.
Fortunately, the door to Silk Cradle remained tightly sealed, as their cult was still quite weak at the time and could not open the realm.
But it didn't stop Shamura from secretly dreading what was to come..
That one day they, too, will die by the Lamb's hand.
You continued consoling them, even as Heket and Kallamar were eventually defeated as well. Just like Leshy, their hearts were apparently ripped out of their mangled corpses--which served to strength Lamb even further.
Before long, they were crusading throughout Silk Cradle, striking down any pests and non-believers who stood in their path. Not even the carefully-placed traps deterred them from pushing forward and incapacitating Shamura's guardians.
You weren't really trained to be a fighter, so...there was nothing you could do as they ordered you not to pursue the heretic.
Yet worry plagued you day and night.
How could you not want to defend your beloved bishop? Especially when their fight with Lamb was inevitable?
"Shamura, is there no other way to resolve this? Surely there must be something!" You pleaded, trying to stop the spider from initiating the ritual.
Both of you were awaiting the Lamb's arrival in the center of the temple..and you couldn't help but be afraid of what's to come. You didn't want Shamura to feel like you lost faith in them.
The thought of losing them just scared you. It scared you a lot.
"Maybe we can negotiate-?"
"Negotiations never worked in our favor...not with our brother," they simply muttered in reply, reaching up to brush their fingers along their bandaged head. "Only by our spilled blood shall the chains be broke. This is how it must end. Negotiations never worked in our favor. Not with our brother..not with this Lamb. I did try to warn them, but they couldn't stay away. I only hope they can prepare for what comes after..."
Despite their attempts to remain strong in the presence of you and the devotees circling around them, you could see that they've ultimately resigned to their fate.
Yet..you admired how badly they wanted to fight, even if they knew defeat was inevitable and they were only stalling.
"O'wise one, I believe your power is mightier than theirs. Don't hold back when the Damned Lamb crosses our temple's sacred threshold. If not for yourself..then fight for us. For me."
Feeling you take their hand, Shamura stared down at you for the longest time, seeing the hope shimmering in your eyes. They smiled a little as you kissed their knuckles, nodding to your request in understanding.
Yet at the same time they could sense the growing sadness inside of you, and it made them frown when you let their hand go.
There was a genuine ache in their heart, as they knew it won't be much longer before they had to fulfill their duty: one they owed to their fallen brethren.
But they never wished to part from you like this. Not after all you've done for them after Narinder's betrayal. You were there when they were at their lowest.
They were going to miss your affirmative words, your lingering touches, your gentle reminders, and your patience that lasted eternally.
If under better circumstances....perhaps they would have-
"The Lamb is approaching, my lord! It is time!"
Hearing the shout, Shamura ordered their followers to quickly usher you off the temple grounds. But you begged them to let you stay and watch the fight that was about to unfold.
You witnessed the Lamb arriving, donning a new cloak with a few demons flanking either side of them.
As your heart raced in anticipation, you threw your hood on to disguise your appearance, praying that the Great Ones gave your beloved the strength they needed to fight back.
Even if Lamb died and returned a million times, you prayed Shamura would never give up. They couldn't.
Opening your eyes, you could feel a chill overcome you as they stared right through the little sheep, uttering a phrase they've repeated all too often..for what could be the last time.
"He of havoc, she of hunger, he of blight, they of might. Five becomes four, becomes three, becomes two, becomes one, becomes nothing."
Their surrounding followers chanted an incantation, devoting their life and blood to Shamura, before they all pulled out daggers and simultaneously stabbed themselves in the chest. The spilled blood provided the bishop with an overwhelming amount of power, converting them into a giant eldritch arachnid.
Most would have been horrified, or disgusted, even.
But not you.
You thought they were quite beautiful in this all-powerful form. It was a spectacle displayed for all of you to see as they viciously attacked the Lamb, anticipating most of their movements.
Yet despite Shamura's best efforts...they triumphed over the final bishop that stood in their way, taking advantage of the exact moment they landed hard on the ground and needed a moment to recuperate.
Without any other spiders or bugs to cover them, Lamb struck the killing blow.
Falling to your knees, you watched in horror as your beloved leader collapsed in the dead center of the temple. Their power was utterly spent, now overwhelming their physical body completely.
You heard Shamura claim that these sort of rituals were only for emergencies and were usually extremely painful and difficult to control..
But never did you imagine it would lead to them spending their last moments alive screeching in agony, their body violently convulsing as they cried out to you.
Then it finally burst open into a bloody, gory mess.
And all fell silent.
Tears streaked your face as the remaining spectators panicked and fled from the temple, terrified of the Lamb's might.
But you could only watch as they casually dusted off their fleece and wiped the blood from their face, stepping over the bones of their fallen enemies. Their weapon morphed back into the Red Crown, returning to the top of their head.
Somehow they hadn't noticed you yet. Though they seemed too exhausted to check.
One of their eyes was swelled shut, and they could feel the stinging scratch marks from where Shamura swiped their claws. They even managed to make the usually sturdy sheep actually limp towards their corpse.
They were lucky. They already sacrificed one follower to bring themselves back from the brink..another would've just been wasteful.
Finally, they reached the nauseating pile of flesh, silk, and bone. Atop that was the final bishop heart they needed in order to unlock their crown's full potential.
'This is all I need..then I can head back to the cult and heal..' They thought to themselves.
But just as they were reaching for the heart-
Your scream of rage startled them, making them spin around to see you charging towards them with a dagger, deciding to take their life here and now.
However, you made the fatal mistake of forgetting they had allies with them...
As you were shot in the heart by a Vesta's arrow, collapsing to the ground instantly, the dagger clattering beside you.
Lamb blinked, looking to the demon and smiling at them, nodding in thanks. But they tensed up when they realized you were somehow still alive.
Though since your hood had fallen off, they could see your face, blood trickling down your chest as you smiled in sorrow, looking up at them.
"I'll..tell you a secret, little Lamb.." You rasped, a bloodied hand weakly grasping the hem of their fleece. "I-I loved them more than anyone....truly, h-honestly...and you took them from me. Could you ever understand that pain?" Tears dripped down your cheeks. "Or maybe it means nothing to you..s-since you can easily....bring back anyone you want.."
For a few moments, they just blankly stared down at you, thinking over your words and listening to your agonizing breaths of pain. Their eyebrows furrowed slightly.
"...I can't bring back everyone I loved."
You blinked, surprised to hear them actually speak. But you laughed softly.
"Hah, good...you do...u-understand..."
Finally, you drew your last breath as your hand slipped from their fleece, falling lifelessly to the ground.
Lamb didn't even realize they were crying until they brought a hand to their dampened cheek, but they huffed and brushed away the tears. They had a prize to still collect before one of Shamura's devotees made off with it, so they grabbed the heart and exited the temple.
All the while, you laid beside the mangled corpse of your beloved bishop.
Hopefully you'll see them again in the next life...wherever that may be.
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wickermayne · 2 months
👨‍👧‍👧 🌝✨🍰 please?
Thank you for the asks Days!
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic? 
Nooooo! No! 🤣
The word 'fanfiction' has never left my mouth in the real world lol.
Actually one time my coworker was talking to me about Reylo (she was ranting about Adam Driver lol) and she said smut and I was like oh, hm, what's that 😐
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
I've written some drabbles about Karui, so I don't know if she counts, but I definitely would like to write a longer form Naruto/Karui oneshot at some point, even if it's not smut, just like the type of fic where Naruto's escaping the hoopla of Konoha after the war and Karui happens to take care of him.
Otherwise, probably Kurenai, whom I've never written about. I have a Naruto/Hinata/Kurenai idea actually.
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
Concise, filthy (in a good way of course), romantic.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
I'm not much of a re-reader for fics, but there is one fic I like to re-read the ending from time to time and I suppose that's my comfort scene, because I just love it so much. The fic is called The Darkwood Wand, it's a Draco/Hermione fic (Harry Potter characters) and the last chapter (not the post script) is just full of the love and adoration Draco has for Hermione, it gets me every time.
Fanfic Ask Game
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