sparrowmoth · 1 year
Red Days, Blue Nights • [AO3]
Teen | Drabble | Carvie | Resurrection, Dark Devotion, Mild Horror
A/N: A little gift for my lovely friend @infiniteecosmos. <3 Please note that dialogue is presented in an experimental style in this fic (insp. the novel NW by Zadie Smith). Also, "Red Day" is my original concept for how Valentine's Day might be "celebrated" on the Isle.
CW: Mild thematic horror, referenced child abuse, implied MCD (and resurrection), blood mention
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On the Isle, they call it Red Day, for all the blood in the streets. Death. More than usual. Screaming, crying, all what’s familiar—just more. More for some, that is, but not for Carlos. Never less than blood and tears and so much noise it turns to static, glasses clinking, bottles dropping, shards all scattered, deathly silence, heavy breaths.
He hears footsteps as the last thing sometimes, smells her breath as she starts to speak—probably cursing him to live. And he does. But he dies first. On Red Day or Monday or some winter evening or a sunny afternoon. He doesn’t always track the date, you know—it doesn’t matter. But that day, it must have been in February—
That day, when he returned, it was to thinking he was still dead, in a dream he had between of sleeping warm beneath cloud cover—thick blue night air pulled up to his shoulders, the scent of flowers in the grass—the dark sheen grass that spilled like oceans, like her hair—
Just like her hair.
She was laying beside him.
— Evie.
— Carlos.
He slips back into present with that single whisper, hearing his name as assurance he is. He takes a slow breath, swallows a gasp—feels the pain and the pleasure of Evie tracing her fingers over spiderweb cracks. His skull had split open. He remembers the feeling.
The bones are still healing, quicker surely from that touch.
There is a little magic even here on the island—but only ever from Good, only ever from Love, only ever from such words that are spoken like poison, spat on the floor—should never be felt—
Evie pulls back her hand and lets it rest on Carlos’ shoulder. She kisses his forehead, leaving red where the blood was. She pulls back altogether and her bedroom opens up, moonlight showing through the windows—fuzzy, muted white, tinted golden from the barrier.
He should be waking under soil or on the shoreline or an alley.
She knows what he’s thinking.
— I know where to look.
When she can’t find him, she means. He doesn’t press for more. Some children get coffins or tucked into bed, some children are garbage and he knows which he is. Evie doesn’t like to say it—
But she’ll have thrown out his old clothes.
They’re not ones to waste, but sometimes, sometimes—
There’s not patches to be made, not even rags or bandage strips.
— I was going to wait to give this to you.
And there’s the proof of her guilt, the proof of what she’s thinking. She’s got something to replace, something to make up for—like she hadn’t dragged his corpse home, cleaned him, changed his clothes, made him comfy there beside her with his skin still blue and cold.
— It’s not my birthday.
Probably not. His mother never told him.
Evie tosses her hair and rolls her eyes skyward—all the way through the ceiling, all the way through the barrier. Then she cracks a little smile and takes a seat there beside him, on the edge of the bed.
She’s gotten something from her dresser drawer.
It’s sitting in her lap, wrapped neatly in paper—butcher’s paper, clearly used. That’s traditional for Red Day. It must be getting close.
He pushes up against the pillows, brain spinning in his skull but the bed at least feels solid. Not as hard as the floor, just solid. He plants his palms flat, pressed to the sheets, lets his spine curl back until the pillows mold around him, and finally reaches for the present—
It’s weighted in his hands, wetness seeping through the paper.
— Whose is it?
He asks that, having not peeled back the paper. There’s just—and he’s not one for the mystic—but there’s just this… feeling he gets, when there’s a heart in his hands. Like he can still feel it beating.
— Cruella.
She says that and never “your mother.”
She says that and he smiles, and she leans in to kiss him, and there’s blood stains on her nightgown—old and new, because he knows now that she hasn’t laid beside him the whole night, waiting.
He doesn’t say that he loves her, because that word isn’t theirs.
They are the children of monsters.
They might be monsters, themselves.
Thank you for reading! Reblogs are always appreciated. If you’d like to leave a kudos or comment on AO3, I’d really love that, as well! ♥
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monkeybell · 3 months
Stranger things OC bio
TW// child abuse and self harm mentions
Name: Celeste Fae Peterson
Nicknames: Cele
Gender: female
Height: 5’6’’
Alias: 009
Age: 16
DOB: unknown, August 12th(fake birthday)
Hair color: honey
Eye color: blue
Relative: Wyatt Peterson(adoptive father), Vera Peterson(adoptive mother), Cody Peterson(adoptive brother)
Other relations: Jonathan Byers(best friend), Dr. Martin brenner(former captor/caretaker)
Pets: Snow white(female pit bull), Dewey(male parakeet)
Abilities: psychic and healing abilities
Occupation: student of Hawkins high school
Appearance: Celeste has pale skin, freckles, short and curly honey colored hair with bangs and blue eyes. She wears round glasses. She is always seen wearing large baggy black hoodies that make her appear tiny. She also has a dark blue backpack with various pins and patches on it
Personality: Celeste is highly intelligent and blunt. For the first years of her at school, she was an outcast and bullied. However as she reached high school, she befriended popular kids and thus became a bit popular herself. But despite that, she still doesn’t get along with all of the popular kids, especially Tommy. Celeste is a big nerd, enjoying science, mainly astrology, reading and gaming, known as one of the best players in town, AKA CELE
Deep down, Celeste is a hopeless romantic and dreams of finding her prince charming, something that developed after reading fairy tales and watching romance movies. She also gets flustered occasionally, acting shy towards guys she likes likes and hides her face with her hoodie when this occurs
Back when she was first adopted and free from Brenner, Celeste was closed off and quiet. She was always curious about things she never knew thanks to being raised in the lab and often asked what things were
History: Celeste’s true birthdate is unknown. Hawkins lab acquired her when she was a baby, parents unknown as well. She grew up at the lab, along with the other numbers and was known as 009.
After her healing abilities presented themselves, she became Brenner’s favorite child. She was always training and barely got time in the rainbow room or to interact with the other numbers. Using too much of her power would cause mini earthquakes
When she was 4, she helped Kali aka 8 escape the lab. Both intended to but after Kali’s illusions disappeared, they were quickly hunted down so Celeste sacrificed herself in order to make sure Kali got away. She got punished, receiving beatings, shock therapy and such. Each time after every beating, they would release her into the halls and each time she would try to get away so she would get beat up again and again until finally, she just stood in the hallway, still and never moving.
For one final test, they tried pushing her outside the lab but panicked as she reached the door, acting like going through the door would result in death. She sobs and hugs Brenner, apologizing over and over and saying she’ll never do it again. He hugs her back and
As a reward, Brenner gifted her a stuffed goat named ‘Billy’ and as long as she was good and did what she was told, he could be with her at all times and ‘stay alive’. So it remained this way until at 9 when Henry, one of the workers convinced her to skip her training and play with the others
She was quickly discovered and punished, including Billy being ripped apart in the chest. That day during training, she was pushed too far, caused a major earthquake, power outage and passed out afterwards. She stopped breathing and was assumed to be death so after Brenner mourned her, he ordered one of the guards to find a nice stop in the woods and bury her
Once outside with the guy, she suddenly woke up. With her will to stay put and be obedient now destroyed now that Billy the goat was gone, she ran away. She was found by a stranger, taken to the hospital and treated by Mr. Peterson who would later adopt her
Emotionally unstable and distraught, she attempted to take her life by carving the skin where her tattoo was out but she was found before she could lose too much blood. She was then adopted by the Peterson’s and became Celeste Fae Peterson
At one point, Celeste told her new family about herself and her past.
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bunny-lou · 4 years
Hello! If I may ask; do you have any particular favorite dark ot4 headcanons? (Like on the isle, ways they had to protect each other or things they might have gone through together, or in Auradon how they cling to the other three because of their trauma, without even realizing how sadly it makes the adults look at them... etc)? I get such great inspiration from your blog lol. Thank you!!
Sure do!! Some of these will be explored in Instructions Not Included!
These are dark head canons, so they are going below a cut. Warning for starvation, neglect, physical abuse and sexual abuse.
 - Jafar hates that Jay is a part of Mal’s crew and not the other way around, he hates that Jay follows a girl. He constantly tells Jay how women are beneath him and how he should be a man and be dominant and Jafar’s anger escalates to abuse, so Evie comes to Jay with the offer that she’ll let Jay push her around and use her and degrade her in front of his father. Jay refuses because he would never hurt Evie, but she reassures him it’s okay, so they plan on a day to fuck in the shop, knowing Jafar would walk in, with Jay saying horrible things to her. To their surprise, Jafar doesn’t leave when he sees them, but stays and tells Jay (and Evie) about how women should know their place and how Jay should be using them more often. Him staying to watch and say all these things brings Evie to tears and Jay is humiliated, so they cling to each other and cry that night.
 - Similarly, when Maleficent thinks Mal has friends instead of sidekicks, Carlos and Evie will let Mal be terrible to them. In fact, they insist on it. If Maleficent thought they were a weakness to Mal, she has the power to really hurt them. Carlos lets Mal hit him and Evie lets Mal talk down to her. Mal always tries to make it up to them, but they assure her it’s okay.
 - Mal becomes super obsessed with dark magic - like bringing back the dead and trading life sources. She knows about the abuse the other three suffer, especially Carlos, so she wants to have a spell on hand in case she ever has to use it. She’s fully prepared to make deals with Chernabog (or Hades lol) and when the other three find out and freak out about how Mal is ready to deal with forces even stronger and more evil than Maleficent, Mal shrugs and says it would be worth it
 - Carlos and Evie have it the worst out of all of them, especially when it comes to villains that aren’t their parents. They both get cornered a lot by adults who think they’re pretty and weak and rip their clothes and take until they have nothing left to give. Carlos and Evie cry through the whole thing and wait for the monsters to leave them alone, then they crawl to each other and huddle naked in an alley, just sobbing into each others’ chest. But the two of them come to each other to learn gentle sex, slow and giving, where it doesn’t hurt and no one is scared and they can say no. The two of them start a physical relationship before the rest of their group does, having bonded over such traumas
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Descendants Alphabet - T is for Thanks
The words came out instinctively. (Human decency was never taught on the Isle, but maybe everyone was born with some sense of it until the world beat it out of them.) She was four-years-old the first and only time she thanked her mother. Maleficent had brought her a dragon doll, with eyes that glowed and sparkly black wings, and she’d squealed the words, and the next thing she knew she was face down on the floor and the doll was in the fire. 
On the one year anniversary of their arrival in Auradon, Jay sat down at his desk. He drummed his fingers lightly against the wood, and hesitated, then grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. His hand hovered over the blank sheet for several moments. He didn’t know where to start. He’d never written a thank you letter before (he’d never had a reason to.) Finally, restless, feeling silly for even doing this in the first place, he simply wrote, “Ben – It’s been a year. Hope you don’t regret it. Thank you. – Jay.” 
Evie was raised with manners. It was one of the many differences between her and the other children on the Isle. She said please and she curtsied and she ate with the right fork at the right time. “When receiving a compliment, show gratitude,” her mother had taught her. She remembered this, always, so when the decrepit old villain with the roaming hands released her arm and called her beautiful, she dutifully replied, “Thank you.” 
It was a cheesy essay prompt, so of course his essay was cheesy. “What are you thankful for?” Carlos was thankful for Mal, for her boldness and her watchful eyes and the protective instinct that would never leave her. He was thankful for Jay, for his warmth and his contagious laugh and the fierce loyalty that they could always depend on. He was thankful for Evie, for her spirit and her soft touch and her ability to see the best in all of them. He was thankful for his dog, and for wireless headphones.
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"You're Mine." ~ Hawks x reader x Gojo x Dazai
words: 2.6k
This is just pure self-indulgence
Sitting on the steps of your house you scroll through your phone bored on a Saturday afternoon and looked up occasionally at the birds or chipmunks passing through the grass. You had just gotten out of classes yesterday and were taking the day to relax, winding down through social media or hobbies. Some of the favorite anime’s had updated and you had already binged them, now facing the consequences of being a binge-watcher.
Leaning your head up to the sky you close your eyes and let the sun warm your face, enjoying the warm spring day. You feel something tickle your nose and brush your face, the object in question being soft and light.
Opening your eyes, you see a red feather brushing your face and are put into shock a bit but brush it off as a coincidence with the winged character in the recent episode you watched. You laughed and put your phone down to grab the feather, touching lightly admiring how soft it was. “Be careful with that feather, kid.” A masculine voice laughed behind you, whipping around to see none other than Hawks or Keigo Takami.
“W-what? How are you here?!” staring at him with a slightly panicked look. It’s not that you didn’t want him here, it was an amazing mystery, but you really didn’t want him to know how much you actually liked him. “I don’t think that matters because you here, I’m here and I finally get to see my baby bird~” He rasped while lifting you up and wrapping an arm around your waist, hugging you tightly.
You heard him sign contently and pull away to stare into your eyes, closing the gap between you, and stopped before whispering, “Can I?” Nodding you kissed him back and put your arms around his neck, being careful of his wings. Feeling them flutter slightly, some of the longer feathers brushing against you because of the wind.
The kiss was soft and loving, adoring every second of it knowing this could be fake. You both broke for air and you hugged him once more, burying your face into his neck and murmuring how this couldn’t possibly be real and you had to wake up now.
“This is real and I promise I’m not a hallucination. I cannot believe I can finally hold you in my arms, be able to actually speak to you, kiss you, love you, gaze at you, and fuck you.” Keigo whispered the last part, placing small kisses all over your face and smirking as he saw your face light up from his comment.
Furiously blushing, you look at his face again, his blonde wavy hair, the crimson wings seemingly as tall as you, the black birthmarks around his golden eyes, to the warmth of his hands cupping your face.
The both of you lovingly staring at each other and smiling like no tomorrow. But of course, that was interrupted but not by who you expected it to be. “Hey! I see you found Ashe, thanks for waiting for me.” Gojo said walking up to the both of you smirking and staring right at you through his black sunglasses, not even bothering to acknowledge Keigo.
The tall white-haired man strolled up to you guys and intertwined your hands with his, using the other hand to take off his glasses revealing his stunning blue eyes. “How are you doing, sweetheart?” If your face could get redder it was because of how flustered you were with both of your crushes flirting with you (not even remembering your kiss with Keigo for fear of shutting down out of embarrassment).
“Hey bud, I think you’re mistaken because we were in the middle of something. Back off.” The winged man said, tightening his grasp on your waist possessively and glaring at Gojo.
“I don’t think they would mind, seeing as they like me as well.” Gojo teased back to Keigo, winking at you not so subtly, “Gojo, I hate to tell you but you’re wrong because I know I can make them blush harder than you.
After all, I did just steal a kiss from them and I know my baby bird loved every second of it, isn’t that right Ashe?” Stuttering your cheeks flushed brightly as you went to hide your face in Keigo’s chest, completely speechless because of what he had said.
Feeling Hawks’ chest vibrate as he laughed at your reaction, suddenly sweeping you up in his arms and hovering off the ground as his wings curled around you both. “Just try and keep up with me, pretty boy~,” He said as Keigo shot up into the sky, leaving Gojo on the ground.
“Now I have you all to myself~ My beautiful hummingbird.” The blonde said holding against his chest, nuzzling his face into your neck as you held onto him for dear life. You know that he would never drop you but there’s still that fear instilled in you.
You gasped as Keigo kissed your neck and tried to find your sweet spot, nibling certain areas then licking them to soothe the slight pain it gave you. He moved to your earlobe, tugging with his teeth, and sucked it, humming as his breath fanned your face.
He pulled back with your lobe still in between his teeth and smirked. Keigo narrowed his eyes as he continued to suck on it and hum pleasantly. Letting go of it to kiss you passionately, moaning into the kiss as you return it and close your eyes.
You feel his tongue swipe across your bottom lip, asking for permission in and you gladly open your mouth. Signing contently as his tongue roamed your mouth claiming every inch of it, caressing your tongue, and moaning as you both continue.
After a couple of seconds, you both break apart for air, desperately panting for air while Keigo seems less tired than you. Leaning your head on his chest as he rests his head on top of yours humming a soft song as you both fly in and out of the clouds.
“I couldn’t ask for anything more than this. I love you so much, dove. The way you smile, always giving me another reason to see it again. How easy it is to fluster you with just my words, seeing those cheeks bloom red whenever I tease you,” Of course you had blushed at that comment being completely true and you could never deny it.
You were always weak to teasing and being flustered and with Keigo of all people doing it didn’t help your case at all. “I can’t believe I’m actually here with you, Keigo. It seems too good to be real but I hope this never ends. I love you so much.” He smiled and leaned down, nuzzling your noses together,
“I love you too, baby bird. So much-” He was cut short by a popping sound and you being lifted out of his arms, into Gojo who had apparently warped to catch up to you guys.
“I wanted to be respectful and let the both of you finish your moment but I couldn’t wait any longer. Now they’re mine, birdy.” Not even giving Keigo a chance to respond only hearing a “shit!” from him as you and Gojo quickly went back down to the ground somewhere.
By now, you couldn’t even keep track of where you were but hoped you didn’t die now because that would suck. Once you felt your feet touch the ground, you pried your hands off of his neck that you had been clutching in all the panic. Your apology being brushed off by Gojo as he walked you two further down the alleyway with him just staring ahead.
“Finally have some alone time with you without someone interrupting. So,” You were suddenly pulled to his chest as Gojo went to sit down on a nearby box, your hands landing on his chest to stabilize yourself as you straddled him.
“I’m not letting you go anytime soon, baby. You’re mine~” he said as his hand lifted your chin and captured your lips softly, putting his hand around your waist to get you closer. Gojos’ hand moved from your chin to your neck as you both passionately kissed each other and softly moaned as you both continued. Until the very last moment, you broke for air as he smirked gazing at your pink cheeks, slightly open mouth inhaling air and half-lidded eyes.
Leaning down to kiss your neck, sucking parts as you react gasping as he licked a line up your neck and kissed your jaw. Doing this all while you could see him staring at you from his lowered sunglasses, teasingly staring at you as he got you all hot and bothered. You let a moan slip as you felt him brush your ass, squeezing it as he went to your thighs and rubbed them, going up and down.
Occasionally, squeezing parts and laughing while he was still kissing your neck at the small noises you let out. “That’s it, baby. Let me hear your pretty little voice~” He purred as he locked his eyes on yours, smirking and relentlessly kissing and biting along your neck. Gojo stopped but continued to rub your thighs, kissing you as his hands wandered further up and reached your clothed clit.
Causing you to moan loudly into his mouth as he softly rubbed his fingers up and down the fabric separating him from your skin. “I can’t wait to hear you screaming your name in pleasure for me-,” Hearing a clash and seeing black smoke fill the air and hearing Gojo hiss, you were pulled away from your crush yet again and backing into someone’s chest.
You were quickly pulled out of the area, coughing as you ran from the alley you were once in. At this point, you were too aroused to care and a bit annoyed at people stealing you away just when things got heated. Finally being able to see your ‘kidnapper’ and it being none other than Dazai. Smiling back at you as both ran, “Knew he would be there, just a matter of time and patience until I finally had you in my arms.”
Laughing he kept running with you helplessly following him and jumping over any debris that you would run into, looking ahead to see an abandoned building. You both rushed inside, stopping to catch your breath when you look around to see where you are and scan the area around you. The dark interior of the warehouse was covered in broken glass and scattered boxes, some sunlight was peaking in through the uncovered window.
You walk around the building, studying all the boarded-up windows and boxes full of old junk, and heard Dazai following you. Seeing him next to you in your peripheral vision eyeing you as you explored the building, remaining silent until you reached an iron support beam and ran your hand over some carvings in the metal. You heard a hum behind you and slowly backed into the beam as Dazai crept towards you.
“Well, we’re alone in here and I have you all to myself. Now~” The brunette said as he kissed you, grasping your cheek as he pushed his body against yours. Letting out a small noise in surprise but returning it immediately and closing your eyes letting Dazai lead.
You bit his lip and moaned as he growled in response, running his hands down your figure and resting at your hands, intertwining them. He licked your bottom lip and you gave him access, dancing his tongue over yours and moving it around your mouth.
You felt his hands raise yours and pin your wrists with one hand above your head, breaking the kiss and narrowing his eyes at you in lust. Tilting his head and placed a string of kisses from your jaw to your collar bones, trailing his hand down your back reaching your ass, and squeezing it causing you to involuntary push your body against his.
“Just like that, darling. Show me what you got~” You nodded with half-lidded eyes filled with lust as he looked you up and down seductively. Murmuring how long he had waited for this moment and kissing your neck, stretching your clasped hands despair to grab on to something.
Your breathing became ragged as you became aware of how turned on you were getting as Dazai found your sweet spot and abused it with kisses, biting it and sucking it. There were going to be hickeys all over your neck the next day from what these men had done to you but you weren’t complaining.
Loud moans left your mouth as he licked and kissed the places where he had bit, coming back up to kiss you once more, moaning into the kiss and your eyes fluttered closed once again. You felt a gust of wind pass you as you broke the kiss to look at the entrance to the warehouse to see a vermillion pair of wings fly by as his feathers separate the both of you, flying you to Keigo’s arms.
“And here I thought they would go easy on me. Hope you didn’t think that I gave up, you’re always gonna be mine kid~.” He purred into your ear as he whispered what he was going to do to make you forget about both of the other two. Flying out of the building and back into the sky, making sure you weren’t going to hit anything before looking down at you curled into his chest away from the wind.
At this point, you were far past thinking you were dreaming and just enjoyed all the attention you were getting. Feeling him kiss your head as Keigo slowly descended to your porch, you were going to ask him to put you down when his wings closed around you,
“So, I’m guessing you both aren’t giving up, huh? You have a lot of nerve stealing my baby bird away from me.” You heard Keigo growl holding your closer and you saw Gojo and Dazai casually leaning on the porch steps, looking at you with ‘playful’ smirks. The white-haired sorcerer was the first to speak,
“No way. Especially not when they were clearly enjoying my touches the best~” He said huskily as you were pulled out of Keigo’s arms and into Gojo’s chest. “You two obviously have no idea what you’re talking about because you should have heard the noises they were making for me. Oh, wait- Hawks you were there for part of it?”
Dazai smugly grinned as he pulled you closer towards him, “How’d it feel that your ‘baby bird’ became my darling? Hm?” This was Keigo’s last nerve apparently because he slowly walked toward him and wrapped an arm around their waist, forcing you closer to Keigo with both of your hands still being with Gojo and Dazai.
They all glared at each other while your mind had short-circuited long ago just trying to breathe properly with all three guys fighting over you and eventually hearing enough of their bickering, “Guys! As much as I would love to say who flustered me the most, I don’t want to upset any of you when I love you all so much. Besides, I actually don’t know who ‘won’ because I felt drunk on lust for most of it.”
You said to all of them, laughing at the end of it. Noticing glances being shared by the three guys and seemingly coming to a conclusion silently, Gojo being the first to say something, “Well if we all tied this round,” Dazai whispered next to your ear and further helped your blush, “Then it only seems fair,”
Keigo tilted your red face up and came close enough to touch your lips, “That we all get to try again. How about it hummingbird?” They all wove their arms around you as you finally processed what they had said.
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telli1206 · 3 years
Carvie… Knee deep in the sewer system 😬😁
I'm sorry this took me a while @mycroftinthemindpalace...my inspiration has been lacking as of late 😔 But I'd never leave a Carvie ask unfulfilled!
Evil, the tunnel is SO dark. 
Evie squinches her eyes nearly closed and leans in closer, searching the dark, murky water slowly and carefully. A putrid stench pierces her nostrils, so quick and so strong that she can't even stop her body from recoiling. She tips her head back to suck in some much needed fresh air before returning to her position above the sewer hole.
"Ugh, this is too awful. Carlos? Can you hear me?? I changed my mind. Please get out of there before you pass out. I've never smelled anything so gross in my life!"
But the tunnel is eerily quiet, with only the faint sound of the occassional swish the water makes as it hits the walls. It’s odd, and Evie is suddenly filled with an overwhelming sense of dread.
“Carlos Oscar! You answer me right now!”
She cringes at the shrill of desperation in her own tone, and her eyes quickly scan the streets to make sure no one’s around to hear her. She’s alone, thankfully, so she shifts her focus back to the sewer entrance, her fingers gripping the edges so tightly her knuckles are turning white.
“Carlos? Please?” Evie croaks. She can’t find her voice, but she forces out what little sound she can muster as she stares down into the water.
“Here! I’m here!”
She sees splashing water before anything else, but soon enough Carlos’ matted wet curls come into view. He looks up, squinting into the pseudo-brightness of the cloudy sky above ground. Evie sucks in a breath as soon as she sees his face, choking out a happy laugh once she realizes he’s ok. She tries to sniff away tears as Carlos inches closer to the entrance her body is blocking, turning her face away so she can quickly dab them away with her fingers.
“Oh, evil, you can’t do that to me, Carlos! I thought you drowned or something! Here-” She stretches out her hand, waving impatiently for him to grab it. When he gets a firm grip, she uses all her strength and heaves just once, but still manages to pull him up quickly, letting him smack to the pavement beside her when she releases her hold. 
“Are you ok?”
Carlos nods weakly after a moment, groaning as he pushes himself off the ground onto his hands. Evie smiles briefly, but then lets it dissolve with a shake of her head. 
“Shit, I want to be mad at you because you scared me so bad! But I really owe you for going down in...in that, for me.” 
She bites her lip, casting a nervous glance at Carlos’ hands, empty at his side. “D-did you, find it?”
Carlos stares at her as he stands up slowly, his expression blank. He tilts his head then, his brows furrowing into confusion. Evie’s breath catches in her throat for a second before he finally breaks into a wide grin.
“For you, M’Lady,” Carlos coos sweetly, sweeping a vial from his back pocket with a flourish. Evie screeches happily, putting out her hands so Carlos can carefully place the vial in them.
“Oh, Carlos! Carlos!! Thank you so much. Mother will be SO happy. She’s been needing formaldehyde for ages. Her nail polish keeps turning to goo and she’s so angry and annoyed about it all the time!“
Carlos nods quietly, brushing some dirt off his sleeves. “I can see how she’d hate that. But it’s probably safe to assume she’s been a little intolerable to you then, specifically, lately?”
He’s watching Evie carefully, waiting for her answer, so to best avoid him she lets her gaze drop to her feet. Carlos understands her better than anyone, which is why she’s so grateful to have him in her life. But she also hates it, just a little, because he has the inate ability to make her feel so exposed with only a few words.
“Y-yeah. Just a little.” She forces herself to look at him, smiling tightly. “But, it’s fine. It’s going to be better now, thanks to you.”
Evie reaches for his hand, giving it a squeeze, but pulls a face when she makes contact with his wet, slimy skin. She squeaks “Ew!” before she can stop herself and drops her grip. But her face falls and her gut clenches with guilt at the sight of Carlos’ grimace.
“Sorry,” he mutters, trying to wipe his hands on his pants. But they’re wet, too, so he does his best ot just shake them off instead. But it’s useless, he’s a mess. Most of his body, in fact, is covered with muddy water. There’s dirt, black sludge and stringy nondistinct remnants of trash clinging to his skin and clothes. And his entire body smells slightly of the stench that made Evie’s stomach turn just minutes ago.
“No, it’s not your fault, it’s mine,” Evie insists, shaking her head emphatically. She grabs at his hand again, holding it firmly. “You’re coming home. With me. My mom will be way too happy with that vial to worry about what we’re doing.”
Carlos can’t hide the confusion on his face, but he lets Evie pull him along, following her down the alley that housed the sewer entrance and back out onto the street.
“And, what...are we doing, exactly?”
Evie turns and gives him a knowing wink without slowing their pace. “I’m going to steal some of her best soaps and give you a bath in her tub. We’re using ALL the hot water tonight. I don’t care. It’s going to be the most luxurious bath you’ve ever had and you’re going to love it.”
She doesn’t even turn to look back at Carlos while she talks, but she can still sense the wide grin that spreads across his face.
“Eves, you know you don’t have to do that. If you have even one bar of soap that would be luxury to me.”
“Doesn’t matter,” she snips. “You deserve the best, and you’re getting it. Don’t argue with me, Carlos Oscar. I’ve made up my mind and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
She hears a soft chuckle from behind her. “If you say so, Princess.”
And she can’t stop herself from smiling.
Settings To Imagine Your OTP Prompts
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semper-legens · 2 years
19. Leif and Thorn vol 4: Blazing Stars, by Erin Ptah
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Owned: Yes Page count: 185 My summary: It’s time for the Kolpovision Song Contest! With a night of glitz, sparkle, and singing, how can anything go wrong? Off-duty knight Thorn certainly hopes nothing bad’s going to happen, as he has two sensitive guests - Leif, his pseudo-boyfriend currently indentured to the Embassy Thorn works for, and Kale, an ex-dark magical boy hiding his former identity. Thorn’s screened the party for gatecrashers, but one might just slip through the net... My rating: 5/5
More Leif and Thorn! It’s one of my favourite webcomics, as I’ve previously mentioned, and obviously I’ve been jumping at the chance to have print versions of the comic as they come out. This volume contains the Kolpovision Song Contest arc as well as a lot of the smaller arcs around that, where shit gets real dramatic, real fast. Not to imply that things aren’t dramatic before or after, but the Kolpovision arc (which I read live as it came out!) really represents a high quotient of Holy Shit content. So, on with the post!
Thorn continues to be a great character. He’s almost the eternal straight man (ironically), just a decent dude who’s nice to people and tries his best to be a good person, and those characters can sometimes fall flat or be boring. Thorn is not boring! Thorn is an engaging viewpoint character - he has his own biases, he’s not perfect, but he’s trying his best. He defends his sister’s family from overbearing relatives, he puts his job at risk to help free Leif’s friend from indentured servitude, and he protects Kale because he sees the good in him despite all that he has done. He’s not perfect, nor is he above emotional attachments or outbursts, but god damn it he’s trying his best. And I love him for that.
Kale is largely in focus throughout this volume and, hoo boy, Kale. His former identity is Kudzu Carvi, a dark magical boy who controlled people’s minds and killed on a massive scale. And we learn why that happened - he was manipulated and brainwashed into believing he was doing right, believing his actions were for the best, and when that all came tumbling down he lashed out at the people he perceived as being at fault, as well as a lot of bystanders. The narrative never really seeks to exonerate him for what he did. He has a lot of blood on his hands, he did a lot of harm, and many people are right in being angry at him. But the real situation is a lot more complicated than ‘evil magic boy kills a lot of people’; Kale himself is suffering a lot of trauma and pain both from his actions and his upbringing. Does that justify trying to murder him with a knife? Maybe! Which is why the character who does it is still somewhat sympathetic, but the act itself is still horrifying and impactful. Poor Kale. I just want to wrap him up in blankets and protect him forever.
On a lighter note, Kolpovision is a wonderful invention. It’s Eurovision! But fantasy! Reading Ptah’s notes in between the comic panels about how she would come up with a ridiculous idea that could be only done in a fantasy world, and then found out that Eurovision itself managed to top it. She really captures the spirit of Eurovision, too - despite the fact that the song contest itself isn’t foregrounded, it’s still recognisably Eurovision, which is commendable for an American author. Like Leachtric before it, the Kolpovision Song Contest is also an interesting bit of worldbuilding, adding depth and flavour to the world while loosely referencing a real-life concept so the reader can understand immediately. Wonderfully done, and I appreciate it so much.
Next up, some more and better private eye action, as we deal with 1930s Chicago...and the Fae?
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vilevanity · 5 years
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renegadeapostle · 4 years
You have to tell us what perfumes you use!! Put us on! What’s wrong with le labo? I like the le labo rose 34 :(
A tough one to answer because I wear multiple perfumes a day and I'm almost always trying out samples, much to my family's displeasure. (I've been called a torture artist for making them smell some of the things I've worn!) But I try to mostly do sampling when I'm at home. Full bottles I own and wear when I'm out and about include but are not limited to:
Andy Tauer L'air du desert marocain - LOVE OF MY LIIIIFE! It smells like nothing else, simply one of the best dry ambers in existence. You must sample this if you like perfume at all.
Tauerville Rose Flash - my favourite rose scent (yes, even more than Portrait of a Lady!) A super jammy rose with a weird, funky citronella kind of base note. Projects like nothing else, I adore it. 
Thierry Mugler Alien - one of the best designer perfumes of all time, one of the best jasmines of all time. I love her. I wear this to the grocery store lol
Guerlain Vetiver Extreme - I didn’t care for the OG Guerlain Vetiver, though it’s considered one of the best in the genre (and I adore vetiver as a note!) but this one I love, it’s super smoky and incense-y. Hard to find in Aus but great value for money.
Comme des Garcons Incense: Avignon - you spray this and a Gregorian chant starts playing. A beautiful, airy, completely unforgiving incense. 
Prada Infusion d'Iris - A papery, dry iris. It uses the dry facets of iris, vetiver, incense, and a slug of iso e super (an aromachemical that smells like cedar/pencil shavings) to create an effect like the smell in a very clean library. One of my safe (for other people!) scents. 
Wik & Co Marveilleux - a lipstick rose/iris from an aussie indie brand. Smells like a vintage style scent that’s been given a modern twist. The closest I get to a decadent floral. 
Lalique Encre Noire/Encre Noire Extreme/Encre Noire Sport - my vetiver babieeeesssss. Encre Noire is one of the best vetivers ever made and probably the best soliflore for this note. Unfortunately, it only lasts about an hour on me so I spray it profusely. Extreme is deeper and a bit more powdery, Sport has some mineral notes in the top, both are also lovely. 
Lush I'm Home/Rentless/What Would Love Do?/Lord of Misrule/Goddess - I love my little lush bottles!. I’m Home is a cosy vanilla/benzoin, Rentless is Christmas spices with a huge slug of patchouli, WWLD is a lavender/citrus, Lord of Misrule is a patch/vanilla/pepper situation, and Goddess is what has to be described as a brutal oud, paired with rose and osmanthus. All lovely, well priced, and more inventive than about 80% of the designer/niche market. 
Serge Lutens Gris Clair - my fancy chemist lavender/hot ironing darling. Glorious.
Rania J Ambre Loup - gorgeous, cosy amber, with a lot of clove in the top notes. Not too powdery.
YSL M7 - one of the first western oud scents. Smells very medicinal, like cherry cough syrup - one of my faves. 
Prada Candy Gloss  - another cherry scent, I’m obsessed with medicinal/clinical cherry notes (I often enjoy almond/heliotrope perfumes because they smell very similar to cherry!). What perfume people call a ‘dumb reach’ - lovely, crowd pleasing, unchallenging. 
Molinard Habanita - powdery but in a good way. A vetiver-vanilla combo that is dominated by heliotrope (cherry-ish) and tobacco for me. Love the bottle.
Goldfield and Banks Wood Infusion - another aussie niche brand. A sticky oud and sandalwood, it projects like crazy. This one is addictive!
Guerlain Mitsouko - the chypre to end all chypres. 
Ariana Grande Cloud - a Baccarat Rouge 540 dupe, the best BR540 dupe, a saffron/medicinal top that blooms into a warm gourmand base. I get compliments from strangers when I wear this one. 
Escentric Molecules Escentric 01 - iso e super (aforementioned pencil shavings aromachemical) with a truly lovely pink pepper top note. 
Gucci Guilty Absolute pour Homme - smells like bandaids. Smells like a muscle rub. The affect is created by a truly dark combination of vetiver, cypress, and patchouli. I adore it. 
Agent Provocateur l’Agent - tuberose and incense, mainly myrrh. Very gothic, dramatic, seductress in silk dressing gown draped over a staircase. 
Dior Homme - A masculine (citrus top, woody base) with an iris (lipstick smelling) heart note. It is heavenly. 
Estee Lauder Youth Dew - my brother once called it, 'the sulfur of the damned'. Smells like Betty Draper mid existensial crisis. A coca coca oriental. 
Tocca Guiletta - this is a breezy light floral that has almost nothing I like listed in the notes, and yet I love it? It lasts forever, i take it on holidays. (Man, remember holidays?)
Tom Ford Black Orchid - Had it for years, love it deeply. A chocolate-cucumber top accord with a decaying floral/incense base. Smells like a dying 1920′s starlet. 
Tom Ford Grey Vetiver - a buttery vetiver accord in the style of Comme des Garcons Man 2. 
Kyse Frollino Lavanda - a huge dose of essential oil-ish lavender on top of a salted butter/sugary base. It’s just gorgeous. 
100bon Amaretto and Framboise/Carvi Jardin et Figue/Davana and Vanille Bourbon - these are all natural scents with surprisingly good longevity. The almond is a little boozy, the fig is very creamy, the davana a bit more fresh. I wear them in summer because they’re not cloying and they don’t give you a headache. 
I have decants of Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady/Musc Ravageur and Heeley Cardinal that I wear pretty often as well. And I have a sample of Ormonde Woman that I'm hoarding because I love it and I want a bottle very badly but it is spennnssssyyy ($230 for 50ml). My wishlist is equally as embarrassing.
As for Le Labo, that’s really just a petty me thing; I don’t like brands that overcharge for their product. Fact is, unless the scent includes really difficult to source (real oud), rare (Mysore sandalwood), or expensive (real orris butter, saffron) ingredients, there’s no reason why the scent should be sold at such a markup. 
(I would probably never buy a full bottle of a Frederic Malle perfume either, though I love many of them and I like the brand a lot more than Le Labo, because they are similarly exorbitantly priced - mostly because of the ingredients.)
A lot of niche brands do markup (Byredo, Creed, ROJA DOVE) because they’re selling the aesthetic, and I don’t jive with that. I like a few Le Labo scents (Thé Noir 29, Vetiver 46, their oud is alright) and i would buy them if they were in the 100-150$ price range. I also like that they have an affordable in house sampling service. I don’t like how they name their perfumes after the most used ingredient, because I think it’s misleading (Santal 33 does not smell like sandalwood, it’s a violet leaf bomb, etc). Rose 31 I do hate though lmao. It smells like sour cumin to me.
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daggery · 3 years
Your tags on the Narnia post (about the Evie & Susan and Carlos & Edmund associations) have me thinking about Carvie finding a doorway to Narnia in Cruella's closet jkdjalgjklsgjk. I don't know what this AU is but it exists in my mind now. It's a thing and I must share it.
fun fact! when you sent me this ask i went and wrote an 800 word response in one sitting, and then i just. didn't post it which is exactly what i'm doing rn with your writing prompt sdjflksjdfl. i definitely will post it though. this is still long unfortunately so don't feel obligated to read this! i know you're not really invested in narnia, i'm just dumping these thoughts out at this ask's feet and letting the wind carry them away like dead leaves etc etc
narnia au!!! i love the moment when lucy discovers narnia, especially the look of wonder on her face when she steps out into the snow in the movies. but it made me think of the differences between lucy discovering narnia through the wardrobe and carlos discovering narnia through cruella's closet? the wardrobe is this grand old mysterious thing standing alone in some dusty room with a bunch of old coats. whereas cruella's closet is like.. very different. your rat fic is the definitive depiction of the setting of cruella's closet for me rn, i'm thinking about the nightmare scene specifically. so i guess i'm just talking about the image of carlos pushing through the darkness, through cruella's fur coats and into the closet until he finally steps out into Some Other Curious Unknown Place that's bright, open, beautiful and he has that soft wonder about him. it'd definitely hit different. (although it brings forward the question of why he'd walk through the furs in the first place. honestly my first thought is that he's looking for a place to hide.) anyways - yup he'd tell evie about narnia first
and personally for me what appeals to me about a narnia au is more the feel of narnia and not plot or anything. i love the way narnia feels Old and Full of Magic and Fairytale-like. that d2 quote where mal asks rhetorically "does an ogre like cheese puffs?" to tell ben how much she likes the motorcycle gift? the quote by itself is weird and hilarious, but for some reason what this made me think of like.. you know how winnie the pooh capitalizes certain words sometimes and it makes it Feel So Kindly? narnia only really capitalizes the names of talking species, such as Horses or Dryads or Fauns, but it still feels?? kindly to me?? to put it badly??? capitalization has that old children's tales vibe. basically the ogre quote made me think of mal hanging out and having a tea party with Giants or something lmfao
like actually it's just that straight up i would love to read a rotten four fic that's written in a style of a children's fantasy series. the core four are all like 12 and bffs and spend their days organizing a little feast for their friends and chatting with Creatures and playing chess with their solid gold chess set that this little old woman in the forest gifted them after they battled and chased away some monsters for her, and such - that they are kids and they are wielding swords and shit is never questioned bc this is a kids story. just fun fluffy things and all. this has nothing to do with a narnia au but alsdjfmgmsks anyways. there is actually a core four narnia au on ao3 but it's a very short wip from like 2018.
OH and also i once had this weird narnia-inspired idea where one of the core four goes into a closet to hide and ends up in auradon. i got nowhere beyond that idea
aand one last little thing, i mostly associate susan and evie bc they're kinda mom friends, their stories have a big thing to do with how they're perceived by others as really beautiful and ladylike and such, are smart and practical, better with people. but they're quite different in a lot of other ways, me using associate is probably a bit strong. im feeling the edmund and carlos thing though. constantly thinking type people. on the quieter side and sharp, witty, intelligent. bit bookish though that might be more of a hc idk. mean sometimes. i think they would be buds. like they'd just chitchat and talk shit and philosophy or smth
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sparrowmoth · 3 years
I keep daydreaming about a fic where poltergeist activity starts up at Hell Hall after Carlos breaks through the barrier. Just little things that add credence to rumours of the place being haunted, except it's not just rumours anymore. The cupboards slam open and shut at night, Cruella's cigarettes burn too hot and turn to ash in her hands, knives fly out the drawer and narrowly miss Jasper's head, Carlos wakes up with scratches and bruises that his mother didn't inflict (he assures the others over and over—it's not getting worse, just... stranger).
Things happen outside the house, too. Maleficent starts berating Mal in public and her robes start to smoke, then set ablaze; she turns her fury on someone in the crowd behind her, screeching at the nerve of them while Mal makes her escape. Jafar goes to raise a hand to Jay and a TV falls off a top shelf and knocks him out cold; Jay doesn't so much as check his pulse before leaving the junk shop. Evil Queen is smiling in that condescending way, assessing Evie with a look; she clicks her tongue and opens her mouth to say something cruel when suddenly a ruler flies past her throat, leaving a thin line of blood that begins to trickle down, threatening to stain her white-collared gown.
Evie's the first to notice the pattern. These things that happen... it's only ever when Carlos is present. But why? He has no magic. And it's not a trick, she's sure. He couldn't have planned it. More than that, he never shows emotion about these kind of things. He looks so... calm.
She doesn't mention it, though it stays on the back of her mind.
And then they go to Auradon.
Things escalate so quickly.
Evie and Mal are accused of hexing and cursing, and well, some of the... incidents might have had something to do with them (not that anyone can prove it), but what about the shower in the boys' locker room scalding a guy who'd been giving Jay a hard time? What about those who'd seen a locker door slam open, breaking someone's nose? Someone who had, not moments earlier, made a tasteless comment about Cruella. Carlos had heard it. He'd been meant to. But students around had sworn, despite how strange it was, no one was near that locker when it happened. Carlos, for his part, had been as surprised as anyone to hear the sudden shriek of pain and the gushing blood.
Never mind that Evie and Mal were on the other side of campus with airtight alibis, they were still the ones suspected, because who else?
Oh, but Evie wouldn't say anything, even then.
She wasn't certain yet, and even if her theory was true, the thought that Carlos would blame himself for something out of his control...
Things continue to escalate. In Goodness class, Fairy Godmother seems to lose control of the chalk. She's writing so hard, it sounds like nails on the chalkboard. Her smile is tight when she finally gives up and drops the chalk. Then, King Beast makes an appearance at a school assembly and barely makes it past "hello" at the mic when he starts to fidget with his crown. "It's..." He grunts and seems to try to pull it off, but it doesn't budge. After a muttered exchange, Belle tries to help him remove the crown. "It's too tight," is the last thing heard before he knocks the mic with his elbow and the feedback shrieks. The student body erupts into chaos as they watch the king collapse.
On a field trip to the museum, everyone begins to sweat as they enter the Hall of Villains. Nothing to stop their tour guide's fifty mile ramble about Auradon's dark history. That is, until the wax figures begin to melt. They are ushered out just as display cases begin to shatter.
Evie notices Carlos doesn't look as calm. He looks angry. Or at least, he did. When she glanced him before it happened. After that, it was just the same as always—he looked startled, confused, even afraid.
He's the one who tells her that night. He's noticed the pattern, too. But he doesn't know what it means. He doesn't have magic. And it doesn't make sense, from a scientific perspective, but...
"I think I'm bad luck," he confesses like a shameful secret.
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perverse-stigmata · 4 years
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                                        Psych™ Starters !!! ( Meme ) || Accepting !!!
@carviings​ has a plan: ❝ I have an idea, but we’ll need cool names. ❞ ; billy wants 2 meet satan & maybe help dethrone god idk
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“ Yes, yes --- I think disguising ourselves is a good move. Should we make the names intimidating or innocuous ??? That’s the real question ... don’t you think ??? “ 
Lucifer slouches in their big chair as they snap their fingers and refill the Waterford Crystal™ bowl they’d purchased from Neiman Marcus™ with more sweets. Amanitas had come to learn that this particular little imp enjoyed the taste of sweets & favored the pursuit of chaos. However it had slipped past their radar was a question only the heavenly father could know. 
Regardless --- they’d be reunited & were due a little coup d’etat in a bid for ‘ moving up ‘ in the world, so to speak. Lucifer tilted their head and sighed ruefully: 
“ Nothing obvious like Dark Lord 666 or Armageddon Bringer 2020 would really suffice, huh  ??? “
It’s a shame though because both of those are really cool, if you ask Lu ! 
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bunny-lou · 5 years
Can you please write an evil core4 for me😫I love the idea so much
(For people who are unfamiliar, the evil core 4 idea started when someone sent an anonymous ask suggesting that Mal was still evil and her plan this whole time was to get Ben to bring down the barrier in D3, then it morphed into Mal and Uma were partners all along and that the core four wanted the barrier down to get revenge on their parents. Read more here and here and here!)
Warning for a dark and twisted story. Mentions of abuse and non-con and violence.
“You thought a year was going to change everything? After 16 years of living at hell! The things we’ve been through - that you caused - the starvation and the predators and the abuse and the-the violence a-and-and-!”
“Deep breath, princess.” Jay tells her as he wraps his arm around Evie’s trembling shoulders. “We’re gonna make them pay, don’t worry.”
Belle and Adam lay shaking on the ground on the lawn of Auradon Prep. Their hands are tied behind their back and they cling to one another.
“You don’t get to ask why!” Evie still shrieks at them. Her hands are balled into fists at her sides, nails digging into her palm when she really wants to dig them into Belle’s face. “Everything that we’ve been through, me and Carlos and Dizzy…” Her voice breaks again as she chokes for air. Her anger and pain have left her distraught and speechless when the emotions become too much.
Jay pulls her into his chest. The action may make them look weak, but compared to the former king and queen huddled on the dirty floor, it doesn’t seem so bad.
“She was just a little girl.” Evie cries into his chest. “When her grandma gave her to Gaston and he-.” The pain and anger become too much again and she hiccups.
“Gaston?” Belle asks. Her eyebrows raise in concern and she looks between Jay and Evie and her husband. “With little Dizzy? The one with the big glasses? What did he do to her?”
Jay sneers down at her and pulls Evie away. “It’s too late to give a shit now.” He rubs Evie’s shoulder. “It’s okay, princess. We’ll get him back. Dizzy is safe now, remember? She’s with Freddie and Celia. We’ll get Gaston and Lady Tremaine and Drizella, okay?”
Evie just cries and nods.
“Knock knock.” Uma announces herself as she leans on an imaginary doorway. Behind her, the citizens of Auradon are in similar states to Belle and Adam - hands tied as the kneel on the ground, each group being watched by a different VK. “Mal and the boys just found your parents.” She tosses her head and Jay and Evie follow her gaze. “You guys lowered the barrier, so you get the first fun.” Uma grabs at her hip and pulls out a knife. “Wanna use mine? It’s extra dull, way more painful.”
“I’ve got my own idea,” Jay flips his lighter out of his pocket, “but thanks.” As they leave, Jonas and Harriet take over watching the king and queen.
“I’ll take it!” Evie reaches for the knife with a small grin coming back to her face. “Thanks, Um.”
“Yeah, yeah, just stop you’re boohooing.”
Carlos had been offered the chance to go back to the Isle and help find the vicious four, but he had asked for Gil and Harry to go in his place. He had spent his time rounding up dogs, though he hardly found any dalmatians, and chatting with Dude. Carlos scratched the head of a husky as Jay and Evie and Uma come up behind him.
“Dogs?” Uma tilts her head. “How ironic.”
“Yeah, well,” Carlos shrugs, “the original plan had been to-.”
“Tie bricks to her feet and toss her in the ocean.” Jay, Evie and Uma recite together.
Jay ruffles Carlos’ hair. “You only told us like a hundred times.”
Carlos squirms out from under his grasp and swats at him. “But being eaten by dogs is more…poetic.” He grins wickedly, too wide and with too many teeth. “What she always used to torture me is now reversed.”
“I love the way your minds work.” Jay bats his eyelashes and kisses Carlos’ temple, then Evie’s.
“What about me?” A voice calls from a few feet away. “I’ve been gone for a couple of hours and you already forgot about me?”
“Never.” Evie rushes up to Mal and cups her face. “We’re just all excited.”
Mal reaches up and brushes her fingers across Evie’s cheek, her eyes screwed up in worry. “You’ve been crying. What’s-?”
“It’s all about to be fixed.” Evie tells her softly and presses their foreheads together. “Once we do this, no more nightmares or anger or pain. We’ll have revenge and safety.”
“And once they’re dead, we’re burning the remains.” Carlos reminds them. “And then we’re scattering the ashes as far as we can. Bury some, toss some in the ocean, everywhere. Even magic can’t bring them back if-.”
“If there’s no body.” The three finish for him.
Carlos pouts. “Am I really that predictable?”
“Of course not, pup.” Evie wraps her arms around his waist, appreciates the height he’s gained in Auradon instead of being so small compared to her. “Great minds think alike is all.” She kisses his chin.
They all turn to the main event.
At the edge, having just crossed the barrier, are Maleficent and Jafar and Cruella and the Evil Queen. They’re being brought forward by Harry and Gil, who have been joined by Uma.
“Are we ready for this?” Jay asks, his eyes never leaving his father.
“It doesn’t matter.” Mal answers shortly. “They’re here, we’re here, it’s ending.” She looks around. “What did we do with Ben? And Jane and Ally?”
“All the kids are inside.” Evie reassures her. The idea of referring to people her own age as ‘kids’ doesn’t seem odd at all. “They won’t see.”
“They didn’t do anything wrong.” Carlos mumbles as they all walk forward.
“Just like we never did.” Jay says.
All too soon, they’re standing before their parents. Up close, the villains all have gags in their mouths.
“They were obnoxious as fuck.” Harry explains without anyone asking. “Ya all have it from here?”
Mal nods.
“We’ll stay close.” Uma tells her. “Just in case they try to run.”
Jafar snarls through the cloth in his mouth - probably indignant at the suggestion of him running, and Jay sneers at him.
“We’ll go get the adults from Auradon.” Gil offers. The tension seems to make him uncomfortable. “So they can all watch.”
“It’s okay.” Evie tells him before anyone else can respond. “You don’t have to watch this, Gil.”
His shoulder relax and he sighs. “Oh, cool. Thanks.” And he turns away, but doesn’t wander far.
Jafar is still shouting and stomping his feet.
Jay finally rolls his eyes and snatches the cloth. “Fucking what?”
“You insolent little brat!” Jafar seethes, arms twisting as if he could get loose. “You had one job and you-!”
“Did it!” Jay cuts him off. “We did the plan, we got the barrier down, but we did it our way on our time. And now the plan has changed.”
Jafar spits at him and laughs. “You think you’re such a man, don’t you, boy? You think you’re so strong and tough against someone with their hands tied? You want a real fight, let me loose and stop being a coward!”
“Isn’t this what you taught me?” Jay mocks. “To go after someone weaker?” He takes a step forward and punches Jafar in the gut, watching as he kneels over. “Isn’t this what you did when you were kicking the shit out of me at 10?” Jay sends his foot flying forward and into Jafar’s face. “Isn’t this what you did when you were sticking your hands down the pants of girls a quarter of your age?”
Mal puts a hand on his shoulder, but doesn’t pull back. “Let this last for as long as you need it to.” She tells Jay and squeezes, then she turns to Carlos and Evie. “Do you want to say anything to them?”
“No.” Carlos shudders. “I never want to hear her voice again.” He looks warily at his mother, head high and defiant as she glares down at him.
He’s probably taller than her now, if he could stand straight. But just the presence of Cruella is enough to snatch his spine away.
“Take her away.” Mal shoos Cruella. “You have it planned out with Dude, right?”
Carlos nods. “Yeah. Once he starts, the other dogs know to follow.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to hear her scream?” Evie asks him as she reaches for his hand.
“Yeah. I’m good.”
“I saw the Dalmatian people down that way.” Mal points to her right. “Take her over there and let those dog fuckers watch what their little puppies are capable of.”
Carlos takes a deep breath and stands straighter, Dude at his feet. “Let’s go.” He marches first and Harry follows, shoving Cruella forward.
Evie watches as he goes, silent for a long moment as the only sound is Jay punching his father over and over again. She inhales and looks forward, blood freezing. “Hi, mommy.”
The Evil Queen, tall and regal as ever, has no response.
“I’m going to carve up your skin.” Evie tells her, voice hardly more than a whisper. She twirls Uma’s knife in her fingers. “I’m going to disfigure your face and scar your skin and I’m gonna make you sit in a room of mirrors so you always know that the ugliness on your outside matches your inside.”
Maybe it’s just the setting sun, but Evie swears she sees her mother pale.
“And then I’m going to burn you,” Evie hisses. She feels hot and sweaty and nervous, but she doesn’t need to look perfect anymore, her mother isn’t in charge anymore. “Alive. You’re going to be scarred and wrinkled for your last few minutes on Earth.”
Evie’s fingers twitch at her sides. She’s aware of Mal watching her, and of Maleficent beside her, and most of the kneeling Auradon population behind her.
Quickly, she reaches and snatches the gag out of her mother’s mouth. “And I want to hear you scream.”
“What a little disappointment you are.” The Evil Queen says. Her voice isn’t loud, but it rings across the yard. “Look at you.” She sneers with disgust. “The tummy, the split ends, the chubby cheeks.” She looks nearly nauseous. “If I have to live knowing I had a daughter who looks like this - willingly - then I’d rather die.”
Evie blinks back the tears. It’s not fair that she’s holding a knife and her mother is bound, but somehow it’s still Evie who wants to cry and hide.
She won’t give her mother that satisfaction though.
“Good.” Evie hisses and, so fast no one has time to prepare, she slashes her mother’s face.
The Evil Queen screams and tries to clutch her face, but the violent jerking just has her falling to the dirty ground.
Mal looks at her like a crawling bug and she looks at Evie with a little smile. “Atta girl.” She praises proudly.
Then, Mal faces her own demon.
Maleficent’s eyes had never strayed since she crossed the barrier. She had paid no mind to Jafar’s grunts of pain or the snarling dogs or the Evil Queen’s screeches. She had only ever looked at Mal.
“You know, I thought for a while about what I would do to you.” Mal says slowly as she meets Maleficent’s stare. “Nothing sounded good enough. Or, well, bad enough. Drowning was too gentle, fire wouldn’t last long enough, bleeding you dry was more effort than you’re worth.”
She tries to sneer, but Maleficent has no expression.
“I did some research and called in a few favors.” Mal reaches slowly into her pocket and pulls out a steel box. “I’m pretty happy with what I decided.”
The box clicks open and inside is nothing special - to a human. Just bits of metal, nuts and bolts and corks and screws.
But they mean something to Mal.
They mean even more to Maleficent.
“I know what you’re thinking.” Mal says as her mother raises an eyebrow. “I’m gonna burn myself too when I touch the iron. When I pick it up and force it down your throat.” She growls and wishes her eyes would flash green, but she’s shaking too much to be scary. “Even if I’m just half fairy, it’ll hurt. But that’s fine. It’ll be the last scar you ever cause.”
Surely the all knowing Maleficent had sensed Uma behind her, but she still falls to her knees when Uma kicks the back of her legs. Uma grabs Maleficent’s shoulders to keep her down as Mal reaches for the gag.
“You might not scream.” Mal says as the cloth drops to her feet. “But even if you keep it in, I’m going to know that you’re in pain.” She pinches her mother’s cheeks, digs her nails in until the pressure is too much.
“I’ll hold the box.” Uma offers out one hand. She would offer to force the iron down Maleficent’s throat herself - iron won’t burn witches like it will fairies - but she knows how important it is for Mal to do it herself.
“Thanks.” Mal sets the open box in Uma’s palm and grabs the first piece, crying out as it singes her fingertips. Smoke sizzles from the skin on iron contact and it takes more will power than Mal expected to keep going.
She looks down at her mother, mouth pried open and kneeling and just watching her.
“Any last words?” Mal releases her grip ever so slightly.
Maleficent, to everyone’s surprise, grins. Her eyes travel and Mal knows what’s around, she doesn’t have to look. There are kneeling citizens and the VKs standing tall, Jafar who is unconscious and the Evil Queen who is ribbons, a pack of snarling and growling dogs a distance away. There is terror and chaos all around them. 
“Oh baby girl,” Maleficent purrs up at Mal, “I’m proud of you.”
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el-dibidibidorado1 · 4 years
Demon Bite
Avengers x reader
A/N: This is new and I'm excited! But there is some blood and gore that I have always wanted to write in my stories and I think that now is my chance. So I hope you enjoy and that this fic is a success if not I will learn to try again.
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Hitchhiking and stealing a couple of bucks from people was my lifestyle, for a while. Well, ever since I've been solo. Inside I know it's a bad thing but its survival.
A couple of bucks gives me a nice hotel, with a semi soft bed, a hot shower and sometimes a meal to fill me up for a week or two..oh and free breakfast. Talking about a meal....
"You were supposed to get the menthol cigarettes not this shit!" A hard smack echoed throughout the almost empty lobby. The tears and bruises made my blood boil and stomach growl.
After shoving, I'm guessing his wife into the room he looked around. I just waved my hand and winked at him. His dirty smile and smell made my nose burn.
"What room?" He spoke loud enough for me to hear.
"16" I said giving him another wink and walked away making sure his eyes were on me. Fuckin pig.
Before getting my stuff ready to leave right away i decide to call the lobby.
"Hello blackbird hotel, how may I assist?" Perfect it's the lady.
"Yes, do you mind coming to room 16 It sounds as If there is something in the vents and it's kinda disturbing my sleep."
"I will send some-"
"No! "I didn't mean to shout. But I had to, i wanted it to go to plan.
"I would want a woman to come, usually men somehow think that we are dramatic"
Finally she agreed and I panicked trying to find a way to tell her that I was going to kill the bastard of her husband.
While splashing some water on my face a knock on the door made me slip on some water that I had dropped.
"Coming" I opened the door to find the poor lady with a now purple eye. I moved aside letting her pass, then I heard it. A soft pitter patter, this lady is with child.
"So where is the noise coming from" I rubbed my hands and offered her some water and asked for her to take a seat.
"There is no noise..." she stayed quiet and I noticed her breathing speed up.
"I'm not going to do anything to you, but, do you love your partner?" A tear rolled down her cheek and shook her head.
"I fuckin hate him; I wish he where gone" she drank the water and a huge wave of relief washed over me.
"What if I can grant you that wish?" Her eyes sparked. This woman was desperate, and she despised him.
"How?" I placed my hand on hers and told her not to worry.
Another knock made her jump in fear. This man had done some damage to her.
"Stay put" I said and opened the door to find the same man. Surprisingly he showered and got ready for a fuck that will never happen.
"Hi" he said showing his same nasty teeth. I stepped aside and let him in.
"So- what the fuck are you doing here?!" He yelled
"I'm doing her a favor" I twisted his shoulder until I felt pressure. He yelled and continued cursing.
"Shut up" I said.
"You bi-" I snapped his shoulder making him cry in pain.
"Kneel" he continued cursing scaring her more.
"I said kneel!" I let my nail grow and stabbed his collar bone keeping my finger in.
He finally got on his knees and each time he cursed at her I would dig deeper into the stab. From the corner of my eye i noticed her shiver in fear.
"Sweetheart, stand up" I said keeping him still.
She stood in front of him but I held him back from lashing out at her.
"Apologize to her" I whispered into his ear.
"NO" I dug little more deeper until I touched his collarbone and snaped it.
"Apologize to her!" I said feeling the sharpness of my teeth gently scrape my lip.
"I'm sorry....please stop I'm sorry, im sorry, im sorry" he said making the lady cry once more. I finally managed to break the man.
"I hope that you suffer. You made my life miserable and I'm glad this child isn't yours you fuckin bastard" a harsh slap across his face made him quiet.
"Rot In hell" she rubbed her red hand walked out leaving us.
A smile appeared on my face.
"Aww is someone upset" I teased.
"You whore!" He pulled out a pocket knife with his uninjured arm and stabbed my leg and side. Angrily I finished breaking his collarbone and with force I pushed him across the room hitting the small dining table.
"Ow" I said taking out the knife and tossing it. The fear in his eyes is what I needed it made them taste tender.
"How is that possible?" The quiver in his voice was satisfying. Racing towards him I lifted him up and pinned him to the wall.
"Anything is possible" he began crying and shaking like a child. My teeth became sharper and nails longer ready to pierce his neck. In the reflection of his eyes I found mine blacked out.
"I need you hopeless" I growled and sank my teeth into him savoring the red liquid.
"What else do you have in store for me?" The color began leaving him. Dropping his body I grab the blade and open him up. His screamed echoed. I for sure knew that i had to leave tonight but i found satisfaction by this. His scream, the fear in his eyes and the rapid pumping of the remaining blood in his body. In seconds his organs rose and his eyes where about to pop out of its sockets.
"Hmm, liver is good " my hand circled inside him finding the main source of vitamins, facts. His breathing speed up soon as I pulled it out.
"But my favorite is the.." I forced my hand into his chest pulling out the juice box.
"....the heart" I licked my fingers and made sure that was the last thing he saw. Soon as I dug my teeth into his heart I felt my joints crack, skin tighten, and fatigue vanish. My energy had came back. My only way of surviving.
Once I had finished the most important parts the same sudden wave of disgust and emotions washed over me.
I ate people to live, but I only ate the evil, removing them from this earth.
I decided to eat more since I didn't know when my full belly would come again, regular food only helped so little. I cleaned up my mess and disposed of the almost empty carvis into a rundown fire pit they had in the back, before I showered.
"Hello?" I went to pay when the lady came out with red puffy eyes, i also didn't miss the small fear in them.
"You look different" I said
"So do you, more younger..." she opened her mouth but shut it right a way.
"About what happened-" she frantically shook her hands.
"I promise! I won't tell anyone!" I chuckled and i told her to relax as i pulled out some money from a wallet.
"I know you won't. And i expect you to take care of yourself and that child.." i pointed at her swollen belly.
"If not, i will know and i will take the child away and give it a better life." I gave her the room key and got ready to leave.
I didn't mean what i said. Its just intimation, to get them to become better people.
"I will and thank you!" She said as i walked out.
"Sure" i scratched my neck.
"Any big citys around here?"
"New York is north two hours away" new york? Ive never been there.
I left without another word. Walking out with a duffle bag, i looked around for a new ride. Thats when is noticed a blue 18 wheeler in the parking lot.
"Lost, lady?" A male accent caught me off guard.
"Yes. Um i was wondering if that blue beauty yours?" I noticed that he is nice elderly mexican man, with a mustache and tinted glasses.
"Si. Where are you going?" We began walking towards his 18 wheeler.
"Two hours North" he nodded and took a sip of his coffee.
"That is where i have to go. I give you ride." His accent made me smile. I nodded and hopped on the passenger side. He had a kind heart but a piece was dark...i could sense it. We spoke and the two hours seemed like 30 minutes. 
"Thanks for the ride Eduardo" i hopped off with one of burritos that his wife had made for him.
"Anytime. You know.." i took a bite out of the burrito.
"You remind me of one of my grandchildren."  I choked on my food.
"Youngest one."
We bid our goodbyes and hoped that we crossed paths someday.
I turned and found myself in the middle of a park full of people. Now that i am miles away i could probably start a new life.
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Batman - The Carving - Issue #1
This is the script for the first issue of my fan created Batman comic story line, subtitled the Carving. It stars ‘The Carving’ the joker’s traumatised daughter, her fractured psyche and emotional state lead her to throw herself backwards in time on a one way mission to the only freedom she could ever understand.
The Carving – Part One – Betrayed Beginnings
Page One
Panel A – Light drops of rainwater drips down an axe, washing away dried blood. The unstained parts of the axe reflect the vibrant colours of the city shining into them.
Caption – Gotham City – The Year 2043
Caption – 09:32 PM
Caption – Two days after the Joker’s body was discovered.
The Carving – Caption – For decades I’ve wondered what it felt like. Living, that is. Human Living. Being more than just a heartbeat and breath.
The Carving – Caption – I wondered what it felt like to be a person.
Panel B – In the foreground, shrouded in shadow stands the flash (Barry Allen), his hood pulled down, his long beard swaying gently in the wind as he watches from the rooftop doorway. Standing on the edge of the building, looking out to the beautiful Gotham skyline is a figure wearing a dark stealth suit, a bloody axe hanging gently from her hand as she spreads her arms freely. Her long, vibrantly green hair flowing in the wind, sickly pale skin shining in the moonlight of the clear sky as the colours of Gotham city dance across her face. She is The Carving.
The Carving – I know what that feels like now. I know what it means to be a person. Which kinds of people there are. Which person I am.
The Flash – And who is that?
Panel C – The Carving jumps down from the edge on to the roof in front of him causing the flash to flinch slightly.
Silent Panel.
Panel D – The Carving runs up to the flash holding the bloodied axe in front her face. The entirety of her lower face, her mouth, cheeks and nose are hidden beneath an advanced looking skin-tight mask. Despite the mask, her excitement and joy can still be seen in her eyes and raised eyebrows.
The Carving – I’m the person that cut the Joker’s head off!
Page Two
Panel A – The Carving jumps back on the edge of the building spreading her arms wide and the axe high in celebration. The flash stands in the background, looking away from the Carving, guilty.
The Carving – He’s dead!!!!
The Carving – Ha! Ha! Ha! Haaaaa!
Panel B – E – This succession of panels is intended to display the swinging nature of The Carving’s moods and to demonstrate her separation from who and what the joker is. She is something different to her father. Over the first two panels, the joy and freedom in the Carving’s face are slowly replaced by despair and agony as she slowly lowers her arms defeated as tears begins to fall from her eyes. The third panel shows her screaming into the empty air in front of her in pure broken agony. In the final panel she begins to appear leaning forward over the edge of the building. Across the four panels the flash moves towards the Carving tentatively until he rests his hand on her shoulder in the final Panel.
The Carving – He’s dead…
The Carving – I’m Free…
The Carving – Never hurt…
The Carving – No more…
The Carving – Never…
The Carving – I’m Alive…
The Carving – AHHHHHH!!!!!
Page Three
Panel A – Splash – The flash is holding the Carving’s Arm as she stands nearly horizontal on the wall of the building staring down into the traffic dozens of stories below her. The Flash holds onto telephone wires to keep himself and her from going over the edge.
The Carving – You wouldn’t even let me go if I asked, would you?
The Carving – I know you’d consider it. I know you’d want to. You’d hate yourself for thinking it, but you’d want to.
The Carving – Maybe I’m wrong, maybe you would let me go.
The Flash – Clark would never forgive me.
The Carving – Well, he is dead, if that makes it easier for you.
Title Caption – “The Carving: Part One”
Title Caption – “Betrayed Beginnings”
Page Four
Panel A – The Flash, using all his strength, pulls the Carving back onto the ledge of the building, she makes it hard for him by not lifting herself in the slightest, or shifting her weight back onto her legs, which are still on the ledge.
The Carving – We’re going with saved then.
Panel B – The two of them are standing on the rooftop once more, the flash still not looking at her directly. The Carving looks at him with curiosity.
The Carving – You still can’t look me in the eye. None of you can. Why?
The Flash - …
The Carving – Guilt? Shame? Hatred? Am I getting close? Or is it pity?
The Flash – After what you’ve done, you don’t deserve any pity from me.
Panel C – The Carving’s smile returns, but it is crueller. She leans in close to the Flash who stares at her coldly; she seems bigger and more intimidating then she is.
The Carving – But it’s still there. And you hate it. You hate that you can’t hate me. Don’t you?
The Flash – Yes.
The Carving – Heh. Heh. Tell me why. I want you to tell me why, Barry.
Panel D – A look of resentment runs across Barry’s face as he continues to stare down at the bemused Carving.
The Flash – Because I didn’t save you.
Carving – No!
Carving – That’s not right. You can't even admit it to yourself, can you? Boy Scout could, you know. Just before… He was brave in the end, I guess.
Panel E – There is a silent look of rage from The Flash directed at his taunting company.
Silent Panel.
Panel F – Finally the Flash looks away in shame. Causing the Carving’s glee to somehow present itself more clearly on her face.
The Flash – Because I chose not to save you.
The Carving – Yes…
The Flash – All of us. We all chose not to. For years…
Panel G – The Carving wraps her arms around the shamed Flash in a taunting and false hug causing the Flash to only look more disgusted, but he doesn’t try to fight her off.
The Carving – There you go. There you go, sweetie. Get it out.
The Carving – Now, doesn’t that feel so much better.
The Flash – You belong in Arkham. Sealed away.
The Carving – Wouldn’t be the first time you kept me locked away in hell.
Panel H – The Flash turns away from her as he continues where he was cut off.
The Flash - …Bruce stopped us.
The Carving – No! No! No, he didn’t. He asked you not to interfere. And you just accepted that. He never had to stop you because you never tried!
Page Five
Panel A – The Carving’s face becomes sympathetic in an instant as she continues the one-sided hug on Barry. Meanwhile behind his back she is picking at some of the dried blood still stuck to her axe.
The Carving – Oh, I’m sorry sweetie, I didn’t mean to shout. I just… I just get so mad. You are so big, so far above the rest of us. But you still bow to that Big Bad Bat like a little puppy. Doing what master says, hoping for a treat.
Panel B – The Flash tears himself from The Carving’s grasp and begins to walk away. The Carving raises her hands in mock surprise at his withdrawal.
The Carving – Aren’t you going to ask me why I’m here?
The Flash – No.
Panel C – A close-up on Barry’s stunned face as he hears the Carving’s next words.
The Carving – Just gonna’ run home to sweet Iris, and uh, … what are their names it’s so hard to remember? Dan and Dianne?
Panel D – The same shot as before but now rage has taken over Barry’s features.
The Flash – Don and Dawn.
Panel E – The Flash, using his super-speed is holding the Carving by the scruff of her combat suit, holding her mostly over the edge of the building.
The Carving – Oh! Ha! Ha! Back here again!
The Carving – How old are they now? 16? 17? I forgot to ask.
The Flash – What did you do? Where are they?
Panel F – The smile and cruelty vanish from The Carving’s face as a wave of cool focus seems to wash over her. She has power over the situation and she knows it, and so does the Flash.
The Carving – Let go.
Page Six
Panel A – The Flash releases her and takes a step back to allow her to stand fully on the roof once more.
The Carving – That’s better.
The Flash – Where are they?
The Carving – No. Not yet.
Panel B – The Flash turns around and bends down to get into his running stance to leave, but the Carving pulls a clicker with a big red button with the word ‘Boom!’ written on it, from her belt.
The Carving – Always in such a rush. You must miss so much going so quickly.
The Flash – What is that?
The Carving – You know what it is.
The Flash – What do I have to do for you to not press that?
Panel C – The Carving sits on the ledge, folding her arms and legs, letting The Flash stand straight once more.
The Carving – 23rd September 2022.
The Flash – Why?
The Carving – Why not? Ha Ha!
The Flash – Whatever you plan to do, you have no idea what consequen…
The Carving – Are you going to take me, or I am going to have to go and kidnap Wally’s family too?
Panel D – The Flash hangs his head in defeat. As the Carving saunters towards him in gleeful victory.
The Flash – I have a responsibility, Carving. I can’t use these powers to disrupt time. Especially knowing what happened last time I changed history, it nearly caused the world to tear itself apart.
The Carving – Well that sounds like an exciting story Barry. But I think that, right now at least, you have a choice to make, all of time and space, or little Iris.
The Flash – Tell me why. Why that date?
The Carving – Oh, you’ll figure it out when you get back here, don’t worry. Now stop dilly-dallying.
Panel E – Small sparks of energy begin to bounce off the Flash’s boots, as he holds out his arms in an invitation to the Carving.
The Carving – We have a deal then?
The Flash – It seems I don’t have a choice. The Carving – Don’t you remember Barry?
The Carving – We always have choices. You should know that by now.
The Carving – Don’t hide behind helplessness Flash. It’s not a good look on you… hero.
Panel F – The Carving jumps into the Flash’s arms bridal style, hanging one arm around his neck.
The Carving – Good choice, Flash!
The Carving – You know, I’ve always wondered what this felt like.
The Flash – Time travel? 4. The Carving – Being held in kind arms…
The Carving – But yes, time travel too, now that you mention it.
Panel G – This panel will show the Flash in very stages of descent down the side of the building and onto the road below in the heavy traffic, his streak trailing behind him. The Carving is waving her arms around like a child in an amusement park.
Silent Panel
Page Seven
Panel A – Splash – The Flash runs towards a time vortex. The vortex appears to be tearing itself into reality, dragging everything towards it with bolts of lightning shooting out of it. In the centre of the vortex, The neon sign of A.C.E. Chemicals sits in the eye of the storm. The Carving is no longer waving her arms, instead focusing intently ahead, her grip on her bloody axe is clearly tight.
The Carving – I’m ready.
Page Eight – Nine
Panel A – Double-Page Splash – This splash is meant to serve as a fragmented introduction to the DC Universe which the Carving and this older Barry Allen originate from. As the two of them travel through the time vortex, moments of importance flash through the vortex. The muscular body of Superman lying on a lonely country road, costume torn and bloody, with his neck visibly broken and jutting out into the skin; In the background Lois holds the body of Superboy who looks as bad as superman, his neck in the same condition. The hands of a Green Lantern wrapped in yellow chains with the cracked, lifeless ring of willpower still sitting on his finger, mocking him. A lonely Diana sitting upon the throne of Themyscira wearing her mother’s crown, darkness engulfing her. Arthur Curry turning away from a holo-image of Amnesty Bay with his brother Orm standing at his side. Penultimately, Bruce Wayne, cast in shameful silhouette, standing in the doorway of Wayne Manor as Alfred Pennyworth and Damian Wayne carry their most valuable possessions away, never to return. Finally, Batman, without his cowl to hide his agonised face, aiming a pistol square between the eyes of the Carving herself.
Silent Panel.
Page Ten
Panel A – A silent, gloomy Gotham alleyway. Trash and filth cover the floor and walls as shadows try their best to hide the disgusting site.
Narration – Gotham City – 2021
Panel B – The portal smashes through reality into existence as bolts of lightning lash out at the walls and fire escapes. Stray newspapers and other trash are claimed by the violent winds swirling around the opening in reality.
Sound Effect – Krack!
Panel C – The portal has disappeared as soon as it appears, Barry Allen now standing in its place with the Carving already eagerly jumping from his hands. Her eyes wide as she takes in the Gotham of the past.
The Carving – It’s…
Panel D – She turns and looks at Barry with disappointment.
The Carving – It’s the same. Isn’t it?
The Flash – Gotham is always Gotham.
Page Eleven
Panel A – The Carving catches a stray piece of newspaper that is still floating about in the air.
Silent Panel.
Panel B – C - A close-up of the front page, the attached photograph shows the Penguin sitting in a bulletproof glass box inside a court house, but the article is more focused on the captivating Bruce Wayne standing in the middle of the court room. The title of the article reads, “Bruce Wayne, Batman’s Elected Court Representative!” The paragraph of the article that hasn’t been torn away from the old paper reads “Bruce Wayne appeared in court today, acting as the middle man between Batman and the Gotham High Courts. He presented evidence provided Batman and authenticated by the GCPD with assistance from several divisions of Wayne Enterprises. The Penguin will face life in court for numerous counts of arms dealings amongst other charges including…” The rest of the article is missing. Silent Panel. Panel C – The Carving brings the paper close to her eyes and crosses her eyebrows with heavy scrutiny.
The Carving – He looks so young. He still has his eye…
The Flash – Where is my family?
Panel D – The Carving walks down the alleyway towards the main road still engrossed by the newspaper. She absentmindedly calls back to the Flash.
The Carving – Who?
The Flash – Is this all a big joke to you?
The Carving – Yes? Yes.
The Carving – That’s the answer you wanted, right?
Page Twelve
Panel A – The Flash launches a vibrating hand right at The Carving’s belt, she watches but chooses to not react what so ever. Silent Panel. Panel B – The Flash crushes the trigger in-front of her in a righteously victorious manner. While the Carving just rolls her eyes.
The Carving – Party Pooper.
Panel C – The Flash grabs her and slams her against a wall, his face a complete mess of confusion while the Carving just seems bored with the whole situation.
The Flash – You’re done! You’re coming back with me to our time. And I’m giving you back to him. He can decide what to do with you. As long as I never have to see you again, I don’t care.
The Carving – Good little puppy.
Panel D – The Flash turns back to the centre of the alley where the portal had been moments ago. But is halted in his tracks, his face is cold with shock and dread.
The Carving – And I thought you loved her. I mean, she clearly loved you.
The Flash – Whispering – loved…
The Carving – Yes, Flashy boy. Loved. You see…
Page Thirteen Panel A – Splash – Without holding back, the flash slams her into the wall sideways with all the force and speed he can.
Sound Effect – Slam!
The Carving - #### Barry! What was that for?
The Flash – Enough ####### games. What did you do? Where is my family?
The Carving – They’re waiting for you at home. Just hanging out.
The Carving – Hehe. Cough* Sorry. Hahaha!
The Flash – What. What’s so damn funny.
The Carving – Hanging!
The Carving – Panel Sound Effect – Hahahahahahahaha!
The Flash – No… 10. The Carving – Yep.
Panel A – Indent – Barry’s face collapses to tears as he raises his fist and begins to vibrate is right in-front of the Carving’s face.
The Flash – Whispering – Why?
The Carving – Cause Barry.
The Flash – Why!
The Carving – Because now you can’t take me back.
The Flash – You’re right! I might not even take back a body.
Page Fourteen
Panel A – The Carving, seemingly enjoying playing with the Flash shrugs lightly.
The Carving – Oh, come on. You’re a smart little puppy Flash. Why did I pick this date?
The Flash – I don’t care!
The Carving – Yes you do. Good little detective like you? You need to know. It’s scratching away at the back of your mind. Chipping away. Chip! Chip! Chip!
Panel B – The Flash lowers his vibrating hand while The Carving just waits expectantly.
Silent Panel.
Panel C – The Flash snaps up looking at the Carving with sudden realisation.
The Flash – No… No, you can’t! You can’t do that. It will create a paradox. Time will tear apart trying to rearrange itself around the void.
The Carving – There you go. Clever little puppy.
The Flash – I can’t let you do this.
Panel D – The Carving walks forward knowing she now has the power of the situation.
The Carving – But you know you’re going to anyway. Don’t you Barry.
The Carving – You know that if there’s ever a chance. The smallest chance that your wife will be waiting for you when you go back. Your beautiful children running up to hug you as you walk through the front door. You will never fight me, because if you don’t let me do what I came here to; you will never hold Iris in your arms again.
Panel E – Barry let’s his shoulders fall as he stands back out of her way. The Carving forces his eyes to hers by lifting his head under his cheeks. He doesn’t hide the tears dripping into his beard, nor does he hide the rage and grief dancing across his face.
The Flash – I hate you.
The Carving – You all do. You always have. Now, I’ve just given you a reason.
The Carving – Now go home.
Page Fifteen
Panel A – Without another word the Carving walks down the alleyway towards the street. The Flash is left standing defeated in the dark; losing a fight he didn’t even realise had started, a fight he’d already lost.
Silent Panel.
Panel B – A Close-up of Barry as he looks down at his wedding ring, gently rubbing the beautiful gold band and the delicate metal work. The letter’s ‘Iris’ shining in the pale moonlight shining down from above.
The Flash – I’m sorry.
Panel C – The Carving is leaning against the wall, around the corner listening to the Flash. Her eyes are sad.
The Carving – I really shouldn’t be surprised. The plan kinda’ did rely on him believing it.
The Carving - *Sigh*
Panel D – The Carving looks up at the neon green sign that reads A.C.E Chemicals. Her shoulders are slumped, she looks weary as if she were about to let the earth consume her.
The Carving – I’d just mentioned their names, and he’d never even think to question it.
The Carving – Iris, he loves her so much. I wonder what she’s like.
Page Sixteen
Panel A – A joker thug is patrolling along the roof of the A.C.E. Chemicals building with a high-powered assault rifle in his hands. He is walking towards a Joker thug who is lighting a cigarette through a heavy plastic mask, with his legs dangling over the side of the roof.
Gun Thug – Even for him this is twisted.
Smoking Thug – Haha! You’re kidding right.
Gun Thug – Don’t laugh like that man. You know you sound like him.
Smoking Thug – I know, I know. I’m sorry. Come on, relax man.
Panel B – The thug with the assault rifle slumps down and sits on the edge of the roof next to his friend and lets his own feet hang off the edge. He sits the rifle against a pillar next to him. Behind them, The Carving appears in the shadows, her axes drawn.
Gun Thug – You know what he’s doing to her in their don’t you.
Smoking Thug – This is just their thing you know that.
Smoking Thug – He chases her. She runs. He catches her, drags her back kicking and screaming up a storm.
Gun Thug – I don’t know man. He’s never used chains like that. Back When they started, there’s used to be a glint in her eyes, a smirk behind the gag. Not this time. She was bloody.
Smoking Thug – I thought you didn’t have a shift on Tuesday.
Gun Thug – Rostering called me last minute.
Smoking Thug – Huh. Of course, they called Craig before they called Xavier.
Gun Thug – Hey, I told you not to give them your real name when I brought you in.
Page Seventeen
Panel A – The men continue their conversation oblivious to the figure who is moving closer towards them, raising her axes.
Smoking Thug – Whatever man. Why do you even care? She was bloody last time as well.
Gun Thug – And the time before I know. It’s getting worse though. I can’t remember the last time I saw her even pretending to be happy about being caught.
Smoking Thug – You suddenly grow a conscience mate. You know this is dirty. Just don’t think about it. They’re both sick. Just be happy the freak’s attention isn’t pointed at you.
Gun Thug – I was sitting with my daughter last night. She asked me to tell her about work.
Smoking Thug – Ah Jeez.
Panel B – The Carving lowers her axes slightly. The smoking thug puts an arm around the shoulder of his buddy.
Gun Thug – What am I meant to tell her. That I got paid to carry a bloody and beaten, barely conscious woman in a stupid clown costume. And then hang her by her cuffs on a crane above a vat of acid for some sick clown to come and play with?
Smoking Thug – I don’t know how you do it. Go home to her after working a shift here.
Gun Thug – I have lots of glass friends sitting in my fridge.
Smoking Thug – That’s only going to make it worse later.
Gun Thug – Whatever, crossing bridges and all that ####. I’m just trying not to think about what he’s doing to her in there right now.
Smoking Thug – Yeah. Me too. Wanna smoke?
Panel E – The Thug with the rifle is reaching for a smoke out of the offered pack from his friend when The Carving slams needles into both of their necks, causing them to stiffen and contort in pain.
Silent Panel.
Page Eighteen
Panel A – The Carving is checking the gun while she stands above the unconscious bodies of the two guards. Rain is starting to pore down on her and the bodies, she seems unphased by it.
Joker Thugs – *Groaning*
Panel B – The Carving lands gently on metal catwalks as the sickly green glow of the acid shines up from the bubbling vats below.
Soft Sound Effect – Clang.
Panel C – The Carving slowly approaches the edge of the catwalk, looking down in to the green. A look of disgust and fear crosses her face as she raises a hand in surprise to her masked face in surprise.
The Carving – Mom!
Page Nineteen
Panel A – Splash – The Joker is standing, half submerged in a shallow Vat of acid. His shirt is dissolving as the acid splashes over his body. With one hand, he is holding a purple trailing point pocket knife blade to the neck of a bound and gagged Harley Quinn, her arms being held above her by cuffs hooked into a crane. The Joker is laughing maniacally as he uses his free hand to run an acid coated hand through his electric green hair like a perverted shampoo. Harley is thrashing roughly in the acid as her pants melt. Her blood is dripping into and mixing with the green acid, as tears mix with the blood leaking from lacerations on her face, staining the fabric gag. High on the catwalk in the background, the Carving is visible in her shocked and frozen position.
The Joker – Oh Harley dear, stop thrashing about so much. I know you’ve missed this as much as I have.
Harley – MMM!
The Joker – You’ll have to speak up dear I’m afraid my ears are getting a little clogged from the bath.
The Joker – Now. What does my little minx want her pudding to do to her?
Page Twenty
Panel A – The Carving turns away from the railing, from the scene below, she is slamming her eyes shut, desperate to stop the tears escaping them.
The Carving – No! Don’t let me see…
Panel B – C – These two panels are meant to follow the idea of like mother like daughter, both being subjected to the sadistic tyranny of the joker. In the first panel, Harley is screaming into the gag as the Joker bites into her neck while lightly dragging the blade across the top of her shirt. In the second panel, The Joker is uncomfortably close to a Terrified and agonised young girl with long green hair and skin paler then his own. He is kissing her forehead as he carves the letter “J” Into her chest.
The Joker in both panels – You are mine! My pretty girl!
Panel D – The Carving has slunk against the railing of the catwalk with her head in her hands, her body troubled as if it were shaking with dread.
The Carving – Go away! Go Away!
Page Twenty-One
Panel A – The Carving pulls her knees to her chest and holds them tight, her face is a wet mess of tears as they drip down her face and across her mask. She begins to softly sing to herself.
The Carving – “Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow? With silver bells, and cockle shells, and pretty maids all in a row.”
Harley Quinn – Off/Panel – MMMM!
Panel B – The Carving shakily returns to her feet, using her rifle to support herself. She is still singing to herself and her eyes are squeezed tight, trying to drown out Harley’s muffled screams coming from below.
Harley – Off/Panel – AHHH! MMMM!
The Carving – “Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow? With silver bells, and cockle shells, and pretty maids all in a row.”
Panel C – The Carving rests the rifle on the railing and aims it down at the vat of acid. Her face has gained some of its determination.
The Carving – “Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow? With silver bells, and cockle…”
Page Twenty-Two
Panel A – The Joker reaches up and tears away the dissolving rag and tosses into the acid. Replacing it with his index finger as he moves himself as close to Harley as physically possible.
The Joker – Now my pretty little Harley, is all that screaming necessary. You sound like a dog caught in a bear trap. Or are you just whining for me like a good little girl?
Panel B – The Joker removes his finger and holds Harley tightly with both hands around her neck.
Harley – Softly as she’s struggling to breathe – Please, puddin’ ya hurtin’ me. Stop.
The Joker – Hehehe. I know Harl’
Panel C – A red dot appears on the side of the Joker’s face as he leans in close to kiss Harley.
The Joker – Come give your Joker a nice kiss and I might stop squeezing. Or maybe I’ll squeeze harder.
Panel D – The Carving’s finger ever so slightly squeezes the trigger.
Silent Panel.
Panel E – A massive swirling shadow appears over the Carving as she is about to fire.
Batman – Who are you?
Panel F – The Carving’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise as she recognises the voice.
The Carving – No. Not yet…
Page Twenty-Three
Panel A – The Carving swings her axe around, catching the fins on Batman’s gauntlets. He himself is still hidden mostly in shadows, practically invisible.
Sound Effect – Cling!
Panel B – The Carving launches herself at the shadows with her axes aimed high, ready to strike a killing blow. Her rifle now leaning unreliably on the railing.
Silent Panel.
Panel C – The Carving spins around with a kick aimed for the head, she is blocked by a floating hand as if the shadow was defending itself from her.
Silent Panel.
Panel D – The rifle is starting to slip from its precarious resting point.
Silent Panel.
Panel E – The Carving is contorting herself in an extreme fashion in an attempt to slice at the shadow’s legs with her axes.
The Carving – Hmm!
Panel F – The Rifle is now falling away from the railing towards the edge of the balcony.
Silent Panel.
Panel G – The Carving makes a dive for the rifle as it falls off the balcony to the full vat of boiling acid below them. Grabbing her leg are the finned gauntlets of the shadow.
The Carving – No!
Page Twenty-Four
Panel A – The Carving kicks at the shadow’s arms.
Silent Panel.
Panel B – The Carving launches herself into a sprint along the catwalk. In the shadow behind her are piercing white eyes.
The Carving – You won’t stop me! Not again!
Panel C – The Carving readies her axe to throw down at the Joker who is still oblivious to the commotion going on above him.
Silent Panel.
Panel D – As the Carving is mid-throw, a grappling hook wraps itself around the handle of the axe.
The Carving – No! No!
Panel E – The Hook retracts, dragging the axe from her reluctant grip pulling her to the floor as well.
Sound Effect – Thud!
Page Twenty-Five
Panel A – Splash – The Carving is kneeling on the ground with one hand on her second axe, looking ready to pounce on the figure before her. The figure being a larger than life Batman, holding her axe above her in a position ready to defend against the undoubtedly incoming blow. His cape is swirling around him, making him look almost animalistic and demonic in his visage that is still partially hidden within the shadow.
The Carving – You weren’t here Bruce!
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telli1206 · 3 years
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
Haha, how dare you make me say something positive about my own writing Sparrow! You know I just like to wallow in my own self-deprecation 😂
But if you're going to make me...I guess I appreciate my commitment to my characterizations. I really don't like to include a character in my story and not any depth to their personality or backstory. I find it to be both a skill and a curse though, because my longer fics definitely take MUCH LONGER to write because I can't stop myself lol.
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
I recently updated The Wedding Date after much too long of a break between chapters...and I'm already working on the next chapter! I'm definitely not putting 6 months between updates this time.
And I managed to start The Heart Will Follow (2 chapters in) and The Love Game, along with a few drabbles. That was a nice little burst of writing inspo for me 😁 I just need that back now...
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Oh! I want my next multi-chapter fic to be a Dark!Jay from the Isle story. I've been thinking about this for a while...I had a commenter on Merry Christmas to Us make the suggestion and I LOVED it. It will be mostly a dark!Jaylos story, but with some dark!Malvie in it too, and will focus on Jay's obsession and desire to take over Auradon (with Mal and Evie) and possess Carlos in the process. I'm excited to get started as soon as The Wedding Date is done 😊
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
Detailed - I can't leave any little detail out, my brain doesn't let me lol. I think of every scenario so I don't leave any little plot holes, or I'll freak out when I find them.
(Mostly) Fluffly - I love me some good ol' Descendants fluff! Mostly Jaylos and Malvie, but Marlos and Carvie and Jal and Jayvie (and of course OT4!) are all fun to write fluff for too. My babies all deserve some sweet lovingly fluffy pieces dedicated to their adorable dynamics.
(Sometimes) Dark - As much as I love my fluff, I also love to delve into the Dark side of Descendants. It started with Harlos for me, because @bunny-lou has convinced me of the dark and noncon elements of their relationship, and I can't think of them in any other way now. And I also love digging into the darker sides of the Core Four, especially Jay and Mal (like in Merry Christmas to Us). But I also LOVE Dark!Evie, especially in No Song Without You! I'm excited to write more dark fics and drabbles in the near future.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
Right now I can think of three: I Think I Always Knew by @hersilentlanguage (how can you NOT love an adorable Drunk!Carlos?? 😍), No Promises that I commissioned the lovely @unapologeticallyjaylos to write for me, and Sanctuary (In Your Arms) by @callous-and-misunderstood, which I've read too many times to count at this point. They all feed my love for Jaylos and are just sweetest, cutest content my heart could ever ask for 🥰
Fanfic ask game
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