#dagur whump
howtowhumpyourhiccup · 7 months
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Nights Are For Nightmares And Contemplation
Summary: Written for AI-less Whumptober 2023 Day 25. Set during RttE’s ‘Enemy Of My Enemy’. Dagur has a nightmare caused by the events of the day and it causes him a moment of contemplation.
Warning: /
Rating: Teen and Up
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless, Dagur
Pairing: /
Words: 1 325
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: Nightmares, Flashbacks
Whumpee: Dagur, Hiccup
Author’s Notes: This is the idea that originally inspired Day 12, 'Numb.' If you still remember what that one was about, I'm sure you'll see when exactly I got the idea. :')
Alone on a ship, Dagur startles awake. He’s covered in a layer of cold sweat, his heart races, and his breathing is shallow. He pants and rises, sitting up in bed with his legs thrown over the edge. He tries to regain his composure, but it’s difficult. With a hand, he grasps at his tunic.
A nightmare is what put him in this state and Hiccup had played the lead role.
He used to dream of him for three years while he was trapped in the dungeons on Outcast Island. Some were violent- typical for the old Dagur- but some were good, a little too good. These were the kinds he certainly won’t be telling his brother about.
But the nightmare he just had, it is nothing like any of the dreams he’s had before, whether good or bad.
It felt so real… He was watching himself sleep when a dark figure walked into the room. Another stood in the darkest corner of the captain’s quarters he is in. There was something familiar about the both of them. The first figure approached the bed soundlessly, climbed up on top of him, and raised a dagger high above their head before plunging it into his heart. It was a quiet assassination, the only sounds were his breathless gasps. Blood pooled in his body, in the bed beneath him, flooded from his lips. And then he died. The second figure simply watched it happen.
Dagur feels like he knows those figures, he knows which two people in his life they’re supposed to represent.
His siblings, Hiccup and Heather.
It’s quite likely that his dream tonight has been caused by the events of the day. Hiccup and Toothless crash landed on his lonely little island where he was spending his days in quiet exile and contemplation. The latter got hit by a dragon root arrow and Hiccup was in danger of facing a ship full of Dragon Hunters all by himself, they were the ones who had shot them down. Dagur decided to help him out, keep his brother from being caught and worse.
He tried his best, but it hadn’t ended well. The antidote for Toothless’ Dragonroot poisoning had particularly horrible side-effects on Night Furies, something they all found out the hard way. Hiccup did not take it well, believing that it was all a part of his scheme to finally kill his beloved dragon. It ended in them getting caught by the Hunters they were hoping to avoid.
But it wasn’t any of that that must’ve caused the nightmare he just had. It must be how they were caught.
Reeling in shock from Toothless’ screeches of pain, Hiccup turned towards Dagur and screamed at him that he would kill him.
And then he tried very hard to succeed.
He got violent. His outrage dragged them down a river, away from Toothless, but even after being thrown around like ragdolls by the wild current, Hiccup still saw red.
A fight happened, Hiccup ended up on top of Dagur.
His hands around his throat.
And he squeezed until Dagur could no longer breathe.
Dagur gasps thinking about it, the memories intrusive as they claw their way back in. The way Hiccup had glared at him, eyes dark with hatred and brimming with tears from believing he lost Toothless. If the Hunters hadn’t found them in time, Dagur fully believes he wouldn’t be here tonight, suffering in the aftermath.
He caused that. The pain his brother felt, that anger… if it was anyone else who gave Toothless the antidote, he would not have reacted nearly as severely, he would have trusted the process. But because it was Dagur, he drew the conclusion that he finally killed his dragon after such a long time of trying and it sent him right over the edge.
Somehow, Dagur finds it in himself to lie back down, though sleep will escape him for the rest of the night. He stares up at the ceiling, spotting the cracks and spots in the wood.
This is why he left the Hunters, the Berserkers, and decided to do better. Because both of his siblings, one by blood and the other found, were out for his life at least once and he can’t blame them for that. After every wrong committed against them, he should honestly call himself lucky to be alive today. Today, he can still do something about it.
He needs to do better, be better.
Hiccup and Heather need their big brother in order to heal.
As far as Toothless knows, Hiccup just woke up from a nightmare. It woke him up, too. It is hard to stay asleep when your sensitive hearing picks up on a yelp followed by panicked breaths.
The dragon barely got to raise his head to check up on his Rider when said Rider already wrapped his arms around his neck, knees kneeling on his stone bed.
And now here they are; completely still.
Toothless is afraid to move, not wanting to give Hiccup incentive to pull away. His arms are around him, squeezing, his face pressed into his scales and his breathing barely under control. He doesn’t know what he was dreaming about, but he can guess it has something to do with the events of today. Events Hiccup neglected to share with the rest of the Riders.
They couldn’t hide the fact that the Night Fury was still a little under the weather and so they did tell them about the Hunters, but Dagur was never mentioned. Astrid gave Hiccup an earful about not looking after his dragon well enough and Toothless about how he should stop enabling Hiccup so much. Then she sent them both to bed. It did happen to be quite late when they all finally got back.
They and the other Dragon Riders, who were searching for them ever since Astrid realized Hiccup and Toothless left this morning without her.
But a lot has happened today and Toothless is not sure if just one of those things is the cause or all of them combined.
As he contemplates, Hiccup tries his best to calm down. He was never much of a crier, but the tears refuse to stop coming and he is not very successful at getting his breathing under control either.
He cannot stop thinking about today, about the things that happened. Toothless got shot with a dragon root arrow because of him, he suffered the antidote because of him, but worst of all… He tried to kill Dagur.
He can still remember the rage. The way it filled him in an instant, how his blood boiled within his veins, when red was all he saw, and that there was only one thought in his mind; kill Dagur.
For all he'd done to him, his friends, for finally succeeding in killing Toothless.
But that was not what was actually happening. His dragon just had a bad reaction to the dragon root antidote and Dagur was genuinely trying to help for once. Just as when he was telling him that his yearning of vengeance for what Viggo Grimborn had done and was doing would eat him alive from the inside.
And it is. Because if it wasn't… maybe he would not have reacted so violently. In hindsight, he remembers Dagur begging for Hiccup to listen to him, but he had not listened, he was too angry to.
If he actually succeeded… Gods, he doesn’t want to think about it.
The thought feels suffocating, he squeezes his dragon’s neck as if that will make it all better. It’s like he’s trying to squeeze the thoughts out.
It doesn’t work. Not even when Toothless pulls him closer and wraps his forelegs around him to return the embrace.
Because Dagur is right. Vengeance eats a person alive. Viggo is changing him and he is not sure if there is a way back if he lets him.
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evilwriter37 · 10 months
47) Humiliation/Display with maybe Dagur or Hiccup or both in whatever manner that means to you?
Rated: teen
Warnings: imprisonment, implied/referenced torture
Pairings: none
Word Count: 334
Summary: Dagur is made into a display in front of the Outcasts.
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kalessinsdaughter · 1 year
Whumpuary 2023
Prompt no. 10 "blood"
With a crossbow bolt in his shoulder, Dagur is finding it difficult to keep from passing out. It's down to Hiccup to get him in shape for the trek back to their hideout.
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useless-moss · 2 months
Remember my post about wanting to explore Dagur's time in prison? Well here's a snippet I'm working on
Writing on the wall. Blood, dark charcoal, even scribbled within the never-ending dust and dirt that seemed to keep piling up.
Hiccup. Hiccup Hiccup Hiccup Hiccup…
The name haunts Dagur's nightmares and floats about dreams. Always there. Always lingering. That scrawny little body that Dagur wanted to slice into pieces and take a bite out of. To grope and bruise. That round face that he wanted to pinch and squeeze. Those green eyes he would love to see widen in fear and pain. That he could get lost in. That soft brown hair he wanted to use as a handhold to yank the little brat around so he could shove him against a wall or a bed and-
The clanging of metal brings Dagur out of his little stupor. Makes him focus on the jeering calls and chit chat he wishes would just stop already. He's going to gut somebody soon if it doesn't. Grimacing, the redheaded man leans his head against the cold wall and closes his eyes. He wants to yell, but he's learned by now that doing so would only make his situation worse.
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mothratta · 8 months
Long hair meaning strength and power. At some point in prison Dagur cut his hair. What if he didn’t but was forced to cut it/someone cut it for him as a display of dominace. And because of the lack of nutrients, his hair just didn’t grow back like it used to.
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
I would like to inform everybody that I am and never will be over Hiccup shouting at Dagur about how much he hates him, because that’s one thing, Hiccup was justified, but the way Dagur stopped and looked like he was about to cry… and as I write this I don’t recall Hiccup ever telling him he hates him until this point? So imagine it, the very first time he heard the person he saw as a brother say that he hated him was the time he was trying so hard to save him
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jackshiccup · 9 months
woah this maces and talons shit is getting serious !
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ivygeorgi · 1 year
At last, I finally finished writing something! It's a oneshot, Dagcup, obviously. Takes place during episode Family on the Edge. I hope you enjoy.
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hiccupbutpurple · 9 months
My brain is stuck listening to Fight for Me by AlicebanD rn soooo (also not going into anything overly graphic but talk of unhealthy relationships and things surrounding that + talk of nsft stuff underneath)
- It could be both Dagcup and/or Vigcup
- It could be a dark situation (probably non-con) or it could just be a glance into a more consensual (if kinky) relationship. Personally i like the latter more.
- I equally like the idea of one of them singing it purely about Hiccup (and him singing the ‘every time I think of her I flinch’ part) or, alternatively, the idea of Hiccup singing more of it as he becomes more and more willing to hurt due to his situation (or just getting more into kink dynamics i suppose):
V/D: I'll play with you as I know you like it rough
H: I'll reason that I don't think I'm that tough
V/D: I'll make you beg for me and plead for me
H: And I know that you will bleed for me
V/D/H: And I'll play with you until I've had enough
- Then they both/all sing the rest together.
- Also the flinching segment could just as easily be Viggo or Dagur singing too, they need/want Hiccup and that really effects them. It kinda shows their obsession with him, while for Hiccup it’s more a fear towards them.
- The second verses though are definitely Viggo and Dagur (either in a dangerous way or a consensually kinky way).
- It could also be a not sex related thing too, just more a look into the darker dynamics within their relationship. I just see it more as sex-based though.
(Sidenote: not bothered to write it out as much but Fire with Fire is Hiccup in rtte, and Wolf is also Vigcup/Dagcup)
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Cmon Loki, do the thing
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 8 months
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Summary: Written for AI-less Whumptober 2023 Day 12. Set during RttE’s ‘Enemy Of My Enemy.’ Believe Dagur to have hurt or even killed Toothless, Hiccup does something he can never take back.
Warning: Major character death, Murder
Rating: Mature
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut
Pairing: /
Words: 1 354
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: Character death
Whumpee: Hiccup, Dagur
Author’s Notes: Was actually working on a different prompt for way later in the month when I got the idea for this one.
Before Hiccup realizes it, Dagur has already stopped moving. His hands are still around his throat, still squeezing, he’s still shaking. He doesn’t know how long it’s been, how much longer than necessary he’s been like this.
They’re on a shore of some sort, Hiccup doesn’t have an eye out for his surroundings. His focus is on Dagur and solely on him.
Because Dagur lies lifeless beneath him. He was strangled.
He’s still being strangled, Hiccup’s hands haven’t left him yet.
Finally, they let go and he sits back, straddling him.
It’s over. After three long years and a lifetime of torment, Dagur is dead at long last. He can’t hurt anyone anymore. He can’t hurt any of his friends anymore, he can’t hurt his sister.
Though his death won’t be bringing Toothless back.
The thought doesn’t bring him any sadness. The rage he felt before has left him completely. Right now, he’s just numb. He feels nothing, no emotion, he doesn’t even seem a part of his own body anymore. Reality is crumbling away and he’s letting it. If for whatever reason he were to pass on himself, he wouldn’t mind. At least, he would be reunited with Toothless.
Rolling off Dagur, he lets himself fall onto his back. Still wet, sand sticks to him, but he doesn’t seem to notice. He stares up at the near cloudless sky. It’s strange, the sun doesn’t feel particularly warm.
What is he supposed to do now? Dagur is gone and cooling next to him, eyes staring up at nothing. Toothless must be gone by now, too. Hiccup left him to die alone and nothing will make that right either.
Strangely enough, that thought doesn’t hurt. Just as life left Dagur, the ability to feel anything has left Hiccup. Today doesn’t even feel real, it’s like a particularly prolonged nightmare he can’t seem to wake up from.
He could lie here or maybe he could at least return to the cave he left his dragon in. He could curl up next to him and hope to join him.
There’s rustling in the bushes. On automation, Hiccup arches his neck to watch Hunters approach him. He should feel a certain way, but there’s nothing. Viggo himself could be standing there and he would get no reaction from Hiccup.
The captain of the crew stands over him. He has no idea what just happened, but he can guess from the bruises around Dagur’s neck and the lifeless look in the Dragon Rider’s eyes. Only one of the men before him are dead, but the other might as well be.
He’s been thrown around in the river, hit his head, his back, his everything. But if his body is aching, Hiccup doesn’t seem to notice. Not even when he’s grabbed by his arms and pulled away.
Time passes by in a blur. Hiccup is vaguely aware that he was being questioned. The Hunters wanted to know where Toothless was, but he wouldn’t give up a location. Not just because he desires to protect his dragon even in death, they’d use him for parts if they could, but also because he just… can’t. He’s too numb to talk, his body doesn’t feel like his to use and control.
They held a hot iron up to his face, threatening to brand him if he didn’t tell them what they wanted to know, but then they chose against it. If he wasn’t even cringing at the heat blistering his skin, he wasn’t going to tell them if the hot iron did mark him.
So they just… left him alone. Left him tied with his hands behind his back near the fire, face in the grass, barely dry.
“We’ll find the Night Fury ourselves,” the captain said before all but two left. Whatever happened to put the Dragon Rider in this kind of state, he was almost considering killing him as a show of mercy.
The sun lowers, clouds gather and rain pours. His two guards huddle together for warmth and shelter under a tree, leaving Hiccup out by the dying fire. He feels frozen to his core.
A flash of light, fire. The sounds of the two men screaming barely registers in Hiccup’s mind.
“Hiccup?!” As does Astrid’s voice. Stormfly’s blue form appears in sight, it’s the first thing to catch his full attention since Dagur.
But Astrid isn’t on her back.
Instead, she lands next to him and dismounts from a dragon as black as the night. The rain stops as a large wing hovers over them both.
“Hiccup! Hey,” she drops to her knees next to him, her hand cups his cheek as she leans down to meet his gaze. Astrid freezes at the emptiness she sees in them.
“Yeah, you better run! Cowards!” Snotlout can be heard shouting at the two Hunters on the run. They’re lucky there are more pressing matters at hand or he would’ve had Hookfang roast them for dinner.
After him, Meatlug and Barf and Belch land as well together with their Riders.
“Astrid, how is he? Is he okay?!” Fishlegs asks as he dismounts. Her total silence unnerves him.
“I- I don’t…” She straightens. She reaches for Hiccup’s bound wrists, but Snotlout beats her to them, already cutting through the ropes.
“Why isn’t he saying anything?” He asks, worry settling in his already angered heart.
“Is he breathing?” Tuffnut asks.
“Hiccup, what’s wrong?” Astrid tries again. “Did they hurt you?”
They all tense up. Snotlout, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut can already think of several ways to punish these Hunters if they have.
The rain pours again when the wing retracts. A black snout with familiar green eyes steals his view of Stormfly, replacing her with himself. He warbles in worry.
Is he hallucinating? Are the rest of the Dragon Riders even here? Or is he getting his wish and will he join Toothless at long last?
A warm tongue tells him that, no, they’re both very much alive.
And just like that, all life returns to him.
“Toothless!” He shouts, his heart pumps warm blood through his veins. His body aches from being thrown around. His head throbs from slamming it on a rock in the river, his back is sore and stiff, and he’s probably full of bruises. But he finds the strength to climb up on his knees and throw his arms around Toothless’ neck.
Toothless purrs happily, he was so worried about Hiccup! He had no idea what happened to his Rider after he and Dagur fell down that waterfall and neither returned for hours. Before the Dragon Riders came, he didn’t even have the strength to get up and search for Hiccup himself.
He licks Hiccup’s entire face again before his arms settle around his head. “Oh, I thought I’d lost you, Bud! I thought you were gone!”
This heartwarming reunion brings a smile to all of their faces. Astrid places a hand on Hiccup’s back. She has no idea what made him think Toothless was dead when he was safe in a cave, recovering from an obvious dragon root injury. But she’s just glad that her boys have reunited again.
And then Hiccup pulls away, though his hands remain on the dragon’s chin. Toothless gazes at him quizzically.
“Wait, you’re alive,” Hiccup speaks breathlessly. “The antidote worked.”
“Antidote? The purple liquid in the cauldron?” Fishlegs asks curiously. He’s been wanting to ask his friend about that.
“Well, it certainly didn’t taste like soup,” Ruffnut states. She feels a shift in the atmosphere that she doesn’t like. Maybe humor will bring it back.
“It worked… It worked…” Hiccup repeats to himself, muttering. His hands part from Toothless’ scales. His heart begins to race, something is choking the life out of him.
Dagur’s remedy worked.
He was trying to help. He wasn’t killing Toothless.
And now he’s… Hiccup has…
The warmth he felt at being back with his friends again disappears, but his emotions don’t leave like they did before. Realization settles. Horror creeps up. Hiccup looks down at his hands and he knows what he has done.
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evilwriter37 · 13 days
I'm so sorry for this disconcerting fic.
Rated: mature
Warnings: rape/noncon elements
Relationships: Dagur/Hiccup
Word Count: 1,161
Summary: Dagur has Hiccup captured, and he wants him to do the thing he's been dying waiting for: kiss his boots.
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 8 months
FanFriday #2: The Cousins Ever and the curious case of the whumps.
Damn, this week has gone so fast. So, so fast. And I’ve been very hazy when reading fanfic this week to compare with last, so this list is a little shorter but still very noteworthy.
I noticed that there aren’t many OTP: true fics for these two (15 English ones to be exact) and the majority is whump, whether it’s Snotlout-related or Hiccup-. That being said, there were a few noteworthy pieces which I’ll be sharing today.
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Guys and Girls (And Everyone Else) by Anonymous — This is my favourite of the three. It explores Snotlout’s bisexuality and it feels so honest, raw, because the writer highlights that they are in some way projecting and it absolutely pays off. It goes over Snotlout’s infatuation with male presences: Dagur, Thor. Fishlegs. Mostly them. But, again, this is the primary rec in this list. Please, it’s so sweet! He’s just trying to figure stuff out.
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To Protect (I Should’ve Tried Harder) by Viva_wants_boba — This one, personally, was such a hard fic to get through. I kept having to restart because it led with such a tricky opening to get into. But I persevered and so I encourage you do as well. This fic takes place in an alternate universe where dragons still aren’t befriends (or so I gathered), and where Hiccup and Valka have unfortunately passed away so Snotlout is trying to deal with that so many years later. It’s very angsty for what the concept is, and sort of bittersweet because we have to see Snotlout coping. Definitely something you choice check out when you have the time.
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Friends In The Rain by AHeartForStories — Spitelout is a natural foil when it comes to Snotlout fanfiction. The Hiccup & Snotlout tag is no exception to this rule, and while Spitelout himself does not appear in this short fic, his presence is looming as Snotlout is down because of him. Hiccup tries to comfort him but with Snotlout being Snotlout it’s difficult. This fic feels short and concise, but emotionally incomplete based on what we see of Snotlout. It’s short and adequate, and you should all read it.
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useless-moss · 2 months
Something I feel like needs to be explored more: Dagur's time in prison. Good whump possibilities imo
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i-wishforwhump · 5 months
which httyd villain (minus dagur because he's the obvious choice) is the most fun to whump
Personally, I love to whump Viggo a lot. Physically, mentally, and more. It's just interesting to write about a man like that in difficult and vulnerable situations. It's also interesting to write his reactions. Despite his calm composure throughout most of the show, I like to write about him panicking, crying, begging
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
Do you think it’s possible that Dagur felt so guilty about what he did with Heather that he subconsciously tried to find a replacement, making Hiccup his new little sibling to suppress the memory of the mistake he made with his first little sibling? Because I do.
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