#especially since i think this is the first time in rtte that hiccup has lost a battle
jackshiccup · 9 months
woah this maces and talons shit is getting serious !
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inkerii · 3 years
SOD Hidden World Playthrough - Prologue pt1
I should first make it clear that I have already played through the story once- so this wont be a 1st-time reaction so much as me rambling about it. I will, however, be making a new viking since I need to experience the story again. Meet my new little dude!
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After some trial and error, finally decided on a design. Meet Junip- or Juunip, as he's called in-game. I like to think he's a child of dragon hunters only marginally affiliated with Drago or the Warlords (kind of like Viggo), who somehow met Hiccup and realized dragons were friends. He lives at the School now because his parents kicked him out for liking dragons :') But he has yet to regret his choice.
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I remember the way this entire thing caught me off guard when I first replayed this game. What was going on? First time I played SoD, it was shortly after the game had launched. HTTYD2 hadnt even come out yet, and Hiccup still had his original 15yo model. There was no battle and I think there was a boat that would take me to the School!
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So it feels like a real pang to see Hiccup all grown up, calling himself Chief of Berk, all comfortable in his new role. I remember when I logged in very briefly after httyd 2 and I think he had his 2nd movie model (and still no battle, just the ship). He has come so far ;-;
Also, I spy Grimmel's weird heligripper machine in the back!
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This, though. I really can't complain about this new opening. Its fast-paced, fun, and lets you fly on Toothless just once, as a treat! You can aquire him later through a minimun of a 3-month premium membership but haha nope not for me.
Particularly love how it actually gives you a 1st person shot of what it feels like to fly on Toothless, complete with the whooshing and screeching NF diving sounds. I know the RTTE did it once, but I wish these kinds of POV shots were done more often. Even in a low resolution like this game (compared to the movies), its really exciting and surprisingly immersive!
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Astrid is calling me, but you can bet I'm gonna enjoy flying around with Toothless a little bit longer. Love how Hiccup just gives you a ride :'D He did offer to let Eret fly with him in httyd2, so this isnt too out of character for him!
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Also, I like how immediately after this, Hiccup just opens his flight suit and lets me control the night fury all by myself :'D Such trust. Very Hiccup. I get to blow up a Warlord ship tho, so that's awesome >:D
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The absolute best part of this new opening is that it rewards you with a brand new adult dragon! There are four starting species: Sand Wraith, Flightmare, Seashocker and Rumblehorn. I remember when originally all you got was a dragon egg from one of the 4 common species of HTTYD1, and you had to grind for quite a while to age that dragon up enough for him to be flyable, so this made me spazz out first time I played it, heh. I love Sand Wraiths too (very spiky much spicy) so its a real treat to just have one right out of the gate.
Also, I love how Hiccup coaches us through doing the hand touch thing. I forgot how much I just love Hiccup and this universe.
Anyway, meet Ivaran! She's cautious but curious- and not black (though you can totally cheat and make a pure black one to be a discount Night Fury)- just dark brown. We'll see how it goes between her and Juunip.
Also, look at that toothy smile. Definitely not a Night Fury, but still adorable <3
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One of my favorite things about School of Dragons is that it never, ever forgets Valka. She ended up feeling like such a plot mechanic since HTTYD3 never really expanded on her character and HTTYD2 only set her up, but here, she's a living, breathing character who has thoughts and feelings of her own- it really shows, especially in the Hidden World storyline I mentioned. I love how she's in charge of the Dragon Hatchery and teaching younglings how to care for their dragons. A perfect role for Valka once she settles down in Berk! Besides, she probably enjoys taking care of kids and dragonlings since she lost her chance with Hiccup.
It does feel like a punch in the gut to not have Stoick welcoming you, his model was a constant presence in my memories of playing this game as a kid. It feels kinda empty without him, even tho we have SO many new things these days. I miss him :(
I seem to have hit my picture limit for this post, so guess we'll have a prologue part 2! It'll just be my adventures in the Hatchery and fawning over how pretty everything looks these days :'D And then finally onwards to the story!
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Febuwhump Day 2 - Scream
Summary: Written for Febuwhump Day 2. Set in RttE. Before deciding to make Hiccup talk about the Dragon Eye lenses, Krogan chooses to make him scream instead.
Warning: /
Rating: Mature
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless, Stoick, Krogan
Pairing: /
Words: 3 254
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: “I can’t take this anymore”
Whumpee: Hiccup
Author’s Notes: Lost a little bit of steam halfway through proofreading this thing and then towards the end. Didn't quite know how to end it either.
Constructive criticism is appreciated.
Hiccup is no stranger to torture. It's a sad thing to acknowledge, but he isn't. So when he's captured by Krogan and Johann, that is what he expects, and he's prepared for whatever these two plan on throwing at him.
Or that is what he thought when he was brought to this room and strapped to this chair. Because it isn't a beating that they give him, they don't whip him or hold his head underwater. Instead, they put him through something he could never have prepared for.
Tied to a chair, his everything hurts. He's bruised all over, his nose is bloody, but so far, it's nothing he hasn't suffered through before in any other scuffle or battle he's been in before. The strangest part is that his current injuries are mostly caused by the crash that resulted in his capture, including the possibly broken wrist.
A little suspicious as Krogan loves squeezing every little bit of fun he can out of every chance he gets to torture someone, especially when that someone is someone he has a particular dislike for.
Sniffing and smelling a mostly metallic tang in his nostrils from the blood, Hiccup flexes his fingers curiously, not quite as able to on one hand. They haven't been dislocated or broken, his ribs are fine, besides those bruises. He's just fine and that is a worrying thing.
His prosthetic isn't even missing and his tunic and armor, everything is still in place.
What are they planning on doing to him to get him to talk? Do they have some sort of ace up their sleeve?
But he shouldn't jump to conclusions. Doing so will only result in him stressing himself out for nothing. Who knows, maybe his friends are keeping them busy and that's why no one, but the guards right outside of this room are here and he's fine.
Wouldn't he hear the sounds of battle if they were, though?
No, again, he shouldn't worry.
But then, there are footsteps and Krogan enters. He looks just as pleased with himself as he always does, his hands together behind his back.
Hiccup doesn't like it, because this means that he might've brought that little surprise with him.
He wants to stress, can't help his worrying, but all he can do is the one thing he can do whenever he's captured.
"Finally, a visitor! I would've rather had Viggo because he's more interesting to talk to, but I guess you'll have to do." He used to be scared of Viggo, of what that man wanted him from and was willing to do to him, but ever since the destruction of his empire, he's somehow different.
He almost seems... less likely to hurt him. Hiccup isn't sure how much he can rely on this character growth, but maybe it's better than spending his time with Krogan.
"Even when you're captured, you will not stop running your mouth, will you?" Krogan asks, standing before Hiccup with an air that is at least a little less amused than when he came in.
"Not likely," Hiccup tells him. He plans on keeping the sass going for however long he's still able.
Krogan hums, just sigh of sighing deeply. Does Hiccup know how annoying he is?
"No matter, I have my ways of silencing your sarcasm." Upon saying this, he removes his hands from his back and shows what he's been hiding. It appears to be an opaque bottle of some kind.
Hiccup leans forward as if it'll help him look through the bottle to see the contents inside. He may not know what it is, but he can tell it's nothing good. He sits back and eyes it warily.
"Any guessed to what this could possibly be?" Krogan asks, but Hiccup simply stares at him, not answering.
And then.
"Do you want to find out?"
"I'd prefer not to actually." But Krogan isn't about to listen to Hiccup and he uncorks the bottle.
Grabbing him by his possibly broken nose, he forces him to open his mouth if he wants to breathe, to then dump the contents of it in his mouth. Dropping the bottle and still pinching his nose closed, Krogan covers his mouth next and Hiccup has little other choice but to swallow it.
Only once he's sure that Hiccup has swallowed does Krogan let go and Hiccup can finally breathe again. He coughs, his lungs attempting to draw in as much air as they can at the same time.
What was in that bottle? It tasted horrendous.
"Want to make a guess before it sets in?" Krogan asks, grabbing the nearest stool he can find and sitting down in front of Hiccup. This is something he wants to see up close.
Another concerning thing. Hiccup, in response, tries to lean away from Krogan as far back as he can, which isn't very far at all.
"No, no guesses." Besides, Hiccup has a feeling he's about to find out soon. Krogan specifically used the words "sets in". Is it poison? If so, will he survive? They need him for information, so surely, they won't just kill him?
Is it just because he's stressing out over this that he suddenly feels a little warm? Or is he coming down with something?
It worsens and it does so quickly. Hiccup begins to pant as he feels his temperature rise dramatically.
He looks around him, but there is no fire in here. So where's the heat coming from? Is it really coming from within him? Is it even heat? No, it begins to feel different, like electricity tingling underneath his skin, like lightning.
No. No wait, it's different again. It's turning into a burning sensation, like something inside of him is heating up, becoming warmer and warmer. He can't help but sweat, his body attempting to cool itself down, but it doesn't help. All sweating does is make him feel even more uncomfortable than he did before.
Something is burning up inside of him. Something is boiling. His blood... His blood feels like it's beginning to boil inside his vein, spreading the fire from his center to the very tips of his fingers and toes.
Within seconds, it's everywhere.
"It's... It's Triple Stryke venom." Hiccup recognizes the sensations and states, swallowing.
Krogan smiles in satisfaction.
"Can you tell which one?" He asks next, happy to see the effects take hold so quickly, but then, he did give him a good dose.
Hiccup is already flushing red, already panting, and attempting to control his breathing when it wants to become faster and faster, his heart palpitating inside his chest. The boiling of his blood grows more intense.
"The-the painful one." He gasps and it's all he manages to say. It's not its scientific term, but he can't even remember what it is. All he thinks is "pain".
He begins to shake in his chair, the symptoms of the venom unpleasant, but not wanting to show how much of an effect it already has on him.
But Triple Stryke venom isn't known for being slow and the symptoms intensify with such speed that Hiccup wants to panic.
No, he can't let it get to him, that's what Krogan wants. He wants to see him cry and scream.
He's sitting opposite to him, smiling expectantly as he watches the panic take hold despite Hiccup's best efforts to keep a level head.
He's trying to hold on.
A shaky moan breaks free and Krogan's sadistic expression grows deeper, satisfied with such quick and pleasing results. Oh, he can already tell how much he's going to enjoy this.
"I'd ask you about the Dragon Eye lenses, but Johann implied that we should let you suffer first and I was not about to disobey an order, was I?" Krogan says and, of course, he wasn't going to disobey that order.
Hiccup can already imagine the way he must've gleamed when Johann implied that Krogan could go ahead and torture him before asking questions. Compared to Viggo, Krogan takes more after Ryker in smarts, but his cruelty is without a doubt unparalleled.
Hiccup is experiencing first-hand how cruel he is. Krogan could've done anything to him, beat him, break his bones, cut him, whip him, instead he's making him feel like he's being boiled alive. And because he won't be dying, the pain will continue for however long Krogan sees fit.
Tears grow in his eyes and he wonders how long the dose given to him will last. An hour? Two? Three? How many?!
"The antidote. Krogan, please?" Hiccup doesn't like to beg, his pride doesn't allow it, but as the pain intensifies and the tears glide down his face, it's becoming harder and harder to hold on.
Oh, it hurts so bad. It hurts so, so bad and it hurts everywhere.
"Oh, that silly thing? I don't happen to have it on me." Krogan replies nonchalantly because, of course, he doesn't. And he doesn't intend to go get it either, if they even have it. He is much too content to watch Hiccup suffer and writhe.
His blood continues to boil, new surges of pain course through his veins, traveling through every little part of his body from his head to his toes.
And then he can no longer stop himself. He screams and Krogan's smile breaks out into a smirk. That sounds like music to his ears.
How much time passes between his first scream and now? Everything is a blur, the concept of time slips from his grasp, but it feels like hours have passed and Hiccup is still screaming.
His face a deep red, streaks of tears and snot on his face, and his voice is hoarse. Still, the pain draws more shrieks out of him and it might give up on him any minute now. And the excruciating sensation of boiling alive, it's still going strong.
Hiccup doesn't know the amount he's been forced to ingest and at the current time he's not in the right mindset to think about it either. His every nerve screams with him and Krogan enjoys it too much.
He hasn't moved from that chair, still smiling fondly at Hiccup's display of pain.
"I was going to ask you what you knew about the Dragon-Eye lenses, but it would seem that you're a little preoccupied." Going back on what he said earlier, he speaks to him again. If Hiccup even hears him over his own yelling, Krogan doesn't know and he doesn't care.
"Oh please!" Somehow, with a voice so tired and strained, words are still possible.
"Please, I can't take this anymore!" Hiccup begs him, writhing and squirming and finding no relief anywhere. The ropes are digging into him and he's starting to wonder if it isn't possible that his skin might be peeling and his flesh might be slipping from his bones. It certainly does feel that way, yet it never happens.
And he can see now why they left his clothing on his person. His woolen tunic scratches and itches his sensitive skin and his armor weighs heavily on him.
"Krogan, please!" But Krogan doesn't move from his spot. His rear is feeling a little numb from the sitting, but he doesn't mind.
"Krogan! I can't- Please, I can't!" He cries and he begs. How much longer until the pain subsides? His throat hurts and he can't stop screaming.
But then completely out of nowhere, Krogan stands up and leaves with anger on his face.
Does he suddenly have enough of Hiccup's suffering? Is he no longer a joyful sight to him?
With the assault on his senses, body, and mind, Hiccup misses the explosion rocking the cave system the Flyers and Hunters are using.
The Dragon Riders are here and not a moment too soon.
"No! No, don't go! Please!" Hiccup begs him to stay, the only one who he believes can take this pain away from him.
But Krogan walks away without looking back once, leaving him behind.
"Krogan! Please! I can't take this anymore!" He wails, pulling at his unforgiving restraints as if to chase after him.
Oh Gods, he's leaving him! He's going to die now, isn't he? He's not as fun to watch anymore because he's about to die, that has to be why Krogan left.
Hiccup continues to howl Krogan's name, begging him to come back and bring an end to his misery. He no longer cares how it ends, so long as it ends!
And then suddenly, his screaming stops.
His blood still boils, that hasn't gone away, but his voice has. Maybe it really has been hours and his vocal cords have finally given up on him. If so, how much longer will this torture go on?
At least with his screams now soundless, a mere pitiful wheezing, he can hear the rumblings of a battle raging outside. Though still going mad with agony, he knows now that the Dragon Riders are coming for him.
Where are they? When are they coming? The battle outside stretches on endlessly.
Eventually, even his silent screaming comes to an end and it's not because the torment has ended.
After however long he's been in this chair, it's almost like he's shutting down. His struggling has stopped, his tears merely fall with every blink, he shivers, and stares ahead.
The explosions and shouting outside continues, but a new sound just barely registers in his ears. Footsteps come running his way and there's more than one.
Opening his eyes, he can't remember closing them, Hiccup sees a dark shape coming in from the hallway through a blurry gaze.
"Toothless?" He mouths silently.
It is his dragon. Within an instant, he's in front of him and his dry and scale nose nuzzles his face. It hurts so bad and Hiccup turns his head away.
That puzzles the dragon, who realizes very quickly that something is wrong.
"Son!" To Hiccup's surprise, his dad is here as well and he lays a heavy hand on his shoulder.
Hiccup no longers writhes and screams, but at the strange expression he's wearing, Stoick can still tell that something is off. Is he tired? In pain? Now if only he would realize he's the one doing the hurting.
"What's wrong, Hiccup? Where does it hurt?" His father asks, grabbing his other shoulder as well, which he doesn't take kindly to either.
"Everywhere!" Hiccup croaks out inaudibly, going unheard by his dad.
At the very least, Stoick manages to figure out why the screaming he'd heard upon first entering this confusing cave system suddenly stopped. Hiccup lost his voice and Stoick can only imagine for how long he must've been screaming for that to happen.
But Toothless perks up, the only one still able to hear his Rider, and bites down with his gums on Stoick's arm to pull the limb away.
On any other day, he would've given the dragon a look, but fortunately, he understands what Toothless is trying to do.
"Oh Gods, I'm so sorry, son." He apologizes when he realizes he must've been hurting Hiccup somehow and he lets go. But whether Hiccup understood him is up for debate, his lost expression betrays little.
All that's left for him now is to stare listlessly in front of him, head slumped at an angle.
"Son? Hiccup?" Stoick tries to make him look at him, kneeling in front of him, but it's as if he's looking right through him.
Whatever mindset he's sinking deeper into to escape whatever's been done to him for hours, it's taking him far, far away.
He can see him fading away, it's almost like falling asleep without actually falling asleep.
What if this is a permanent thing? Great endless pain can do strange things to a person's mind and Stoick feels the much too familiar twinges of fear in his heart. Gothi needs to take a look at him.
Toothless can see it, too, and he whines at Stoick.
"I know, Toothless, we have to take him out of here." He agrees. He may still not be able to understand the Night Fury as well as his son does, but he understands that much, at least.
Assuming that Hiccup can no longer "be hurt", he takes this opportunity to undo his restraints.
Hiccup slowly looks over, but that's about the only reaction Stoick is getting out of him.
"Don't worry, Hiccup. We'll take you out of here soon enough. We'll make the pain go away." He promises, Toothless moaning in agreement and nuzzling his human's face again. Unlike moments earlier, he doesn't receive a response. Instead, Hiccup closes his eyes.
Once he's untied, Stoick cautiously lifts his light weight into his arms. They can meet with the Dragon Riders outside and head for Berk.
The Edge would be closer, but with Hiccup in the state that he's in, Stoick would rather go straight home and not wait two to four days for Gothi to be brought.
Hiccup stirs ever so slightly in his arms upon being moves, but whether he's unconscious or not, his father doesn't know. His head rests on his chest.
"Come, Toothless, we're leaving." He tells the Night Fury and they make their way out. The sooner they can meet with the rest, the sooner they can leave for home, the sooner Hiccup can be helped.
It feels like his mind must've somehow turned itself off, because Hiccup doesn't remember leaving that chair or the long trip home. It's like he fell into a long sleep, just like he did after the battle with the Red Death when he lost his leg.
When he wakes up, he's on Berk. He can gather as much from seeing his room when he opens his eyes.
He's sitting in bed and Toothless is at the foot end of it. He appears to be resting, but he isn't asleep. Hiccup can tell, because when he moves just a tad, the dragon's eyes open and look at him.
Purring happily, the Night Fury comes closer as quietly as he can and he nuzzles Hiccup's face.
"Oh, Bud." He gasps, his skin still sensitive, but no longer as unbearably hot as before. He feels strange, but fine.
Hiccup smiles and pets his Bud on the nose, happy to be home and to be rid of the sensation of his blood boiling. It is such a relief.
But there is one more thing that draws his attention.
His hands scratching Toothless' chin, Hiccup looks behind him to see that he's sitting up in bed because it's his father he's lying against.
The man is asleep with his back and head leaning against the headboard and the wall behind it. There's a secure arm around his son to keep him close.
He must've been keeping watching over Hiccup while he slept along with Toothless. Hiccup doesn't remember being found, but evidently, something must've scared his father for him to keep this close of an eye on Hiccup.
This brings him a sense of nostalgia as the last time Hiccup was held like this, he was still a very, very young boy.
So Hiccup decides against waking the man up. He settles instead, choosing the safety of his father's hold over rising him.
Besides Krogan and the blinding pain, he doesn't remember much. But he hopes it's okay to stay like this for a little while longer before he eases Stoick's worries, sinking deeper into his father's hold with Toothless' head on his lap.
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toothlesslove · 5 years
Random HTTYD3 Thoughts
Hiccup’s pure selflessness. Not a selfish bone in that skinny boy’s body. Yeah he’s creating a dragon utopia FOR dragons, and then he gives that up and let’s his best friend go so THEY can live free and safe forever in the hidden world.
(I’m in love with that boy)
Friendship vs. romantic love. Yeah, big controversy here. I value friendship so much and am suspicious of romantic love, especially when friendship is downplayed in its favor. Did HTTYD do that here? On some days, I think so, and sometimes I see through that and find the power of the story. There was a lot of romance in HTTYD3, but the friendship between Hiccup and Toothless was always displayed so strongly. The first day after HTTYD3 (back in Feb 2, early showing), I was so upset that Toothless left Hiccup for a love interest. I’m still wondering about that. But there’s no doubt in my mind that Hiccup and Toothless love each other deeply. They are the deepest friends I have ever imagined or seen in this world. And I won’t give that up lightly. Furthermore, we gained something very special in THW: We heard them say “I love you” to one another for the very first time. It’s official. They love each other. And that’s the kind of love that I believe in.
Hiccstrid wedding, Hiccstrid children, Night Fury/Light Fury babies. Everything we’ve headcanoned for years is true.
Hiccup still a beat-up dweeb as chief. HTTYD2 Hiccup had it easy. HTTYD3 Hiccup, now that he’s technically the number one boss, has everyone putting him down as if to remind him that he’s not a natural at this. Imagine yourself as a villager -- all your life the chief’s son was a laughing stock, you had a few years seeing him in a whole new light and actually admiring him and being grateful for the dragons he brought into your life -- and now he’s chief. He’s still as twingly as Hiccup always is. I think it must have been weird for the people of Berk and especially the kids to answer to Hiccup as their chief. That’s why all the butt-slapping, and beard-thrusting, and tossing-chief-Hiccup-into-the-air. It’s the way everyone’s coping with having the runt of the litter be your new Commander-in-Chief.
(Hiccup being thrown in the air by his people and feeling sick is one of my favorite scenes! Throw chief Hiccup!)
Badass raid to start the day, the most badass Night Fury with glowing dorsal spines, the most badass peacemaking demon with the hottest face EVER
Hiccup has grown incredibly handsome. yep. There’s one piece of hair I really like that sticks out of his head, and then he has those bright, explorative, and gentle eyes that makes his whole face beautiful. I like his face and his skinny waist. He feels so small to himself, but he’s such a badass to us. 
I got mad and sad and upliftingly overwhelmed with peace and turmoil with the separation scene. I saw this back in Feb 2, I felt like my world was ending the next day and that Toothless didn’t miss Hiccup enough and that they wouldn’t ever be together again. I felt that their separation was done wrong with the Light Fury love interest. I still have mixed feelings about it, but there’s no denying how this is incredibly strong storytelling to have them choose to separate and grow because of it. It’s an amazing storytelling choice all the way from Cressida in the books, and I’ve sort of anticipated it since then, though I didn’t know how serious it would be. How they say goodbye to each other is one of the most movingly emotional scenes, ever. Hiccup and Toothless said goodbye. Hiccup touched Toothless on the nose, that special touch, one last time. I really can’t believe it.
The wildness of Toothless and the maturity of Hiccup in the final reunion. Hiccup actually isn’t too much older in the last scene, since if you shave off his beard he still looks like our Hiccup. But he isn’t flying dragons. He’s taking the slow path ... sailing on a ship, which takes days instead of hours to travel to other lands. How slow ships must feel for Hiccup. But I think he got used to them. Astrid looks incredibly beautiful, with her curls -- and then the children! JUST then they sight Furies on an ice flow -- wow, it felt incredibly real to me, in that mist, like scenes from a nature show when we’re just squinting to see undisturbed nature living its beautiful life. The Night Fury notices the ship, the people -- he does more than notice, his ears perk up. I think, he is starting to remember that there’s something familiar on that ship. He flies to it -- and HOW CAN I TALK ABOUT HICCUP AND TOOTHLESS AT THE SAME TIME? Hiccup is so damn respectful of Toothless. He stands there so tentative yet warm, introducing himself to Toothless so carefully without ever assuming that his best bud remembers him. Hiccup treats Toothless like a DRAGON -- a being to utterly respect. And the LOVE that Hiccup feels -- you can feel it, too, the way his eyes try to hide how elated he feels that he is seeing Toothless for the first time in years. This is the FIRST TIME in years that Toothless has looked this wild ... this unsearchable ... that’s what I loved about Toothless. When we first met him, he was this captured beast with eyes full of meaning, a beast screaming in Hiccup’s face, this beast flying disjointedly and formidably into the misty forest. Toothless was wild, and you couldn’t always know what he was thinking with his face, though you ALWAYS knew that there were thoughts and intentions behind his eyes. I felt that HTTYD2 Toothless and ROB/DOB/RTTE Toothless had lost that wild mystery and intelligence, and that Toothless had been essentially domesticated. But his look on that ship returned a lot of what he had lost. Toothless’s face, as he pauses with his claws laced onto the bow of the ship, is neither aggressive nor welcoming, but there is yet both distance and warmth and curiosity in it. That’s the wonderful unspoken ambiguity with Toothless as an animal who cannot speak human language. We must interpret what he is saying. And I think at this moment, not even Toothless quite knows what to think as he stands there. I believe that he feels that someone he knows is on that ship, but he can’t quite be sure. Something is so very familiar, whether it’s the way the boy talks, his mannerisms, the eyes. Toothless has become unaccustomed to people, so just seeing a human being again is a lot for him. But he smells Hiccup -- and THAT’S IT! He’s totally certain that his friend has returned and he gives him the most crazily excitable welcome ever. Their love is displayed right there.
That’s all for now, folks. But the sum of the thoughts on HTTYD3 can fill a book. There’s so much in that movie left to analyze.
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fan-writer02 · 5 years
Hiccup was acting... strange.
And if that wasn't the understatement of the season. She knew Hiccup. Well, not know him, but, know what he's like, what he does, and how he behaves. I mean, it wasn't like she watched him, per se, (She's not a stalker, sheesh) she just noticed when he messed up, or when he made a lame joke at the mead hall. She didn't like to talk much, especially since the only people her age were absolute idiots. So, she observed. And Hiccup was an interesting one to watch.
She felt slightly guilty to admit that his fumbles amused her.
But while everyone seemed to think he messed up 24/7, she'd have to disagree. Because they only noticed his mistakes. Even his own father seemed to only acknowledge him for the things he did wrong. She knew he did his best, and, in some situations, he even succeeded.
She'd spotted sketches on the wall at the Forge, and she highly doubted they were Gobbers. She'd seen his sloppy excuses for "weaponry designs" first hand when he attempted to draw her a new axe. After much frustration, he threw up his hands (hand) in exasperation, called for Hiccup, and had her describe what she wanted. He disappeared into that little room of his, and returned not one minute later with papers in hand. The charcoal drawings were fantastic.
Sadly, as much as he longed to follow in his father's footsteps, she knew that it just wasn't for him. He wasn't built for that type of exhertion. He was brainly, if anything.
And don't mistake her acknowledgments as coddling. She didn't favor the scrawny kid. She was just being honest, like she tried to be with all matters.
Which was why the past day's events bothered her so much. Never, as in ever, had Hiccup succeeded when it came to dragon killing. His sloppy attempts were just that. Sloppy. And attempts. He'd never once succeeded.
So how did he manage to frighten a dragon- and not a small one either- into surrender, without even using a weapon? She'd only known one person who could do that, and that was Stoick. Stoick, who had burly muscles and years of experience under his belt.
It bothered her more then she'd like to admit.
She gnawed on her lip as she thought, staring at nothing as she fiddled absently with her fork. The "gang" chatted over their food, but the conversation was lost to her. She hated secrets. Hating not being aware. And she had a strong feeling Hiccup was hiding something.
"We could be falling off the edge of the world, and I don't think you'd notice." Ruffnut huffed under her breath, nudging her in the ribs with her elbow.
Astrid jerked away, doing a double take. "What?"
"Boy, you were gone."
Astrid frowned and tucked her hand under her chin "I'm thinking." she twirled her fork between her fingers.
Tuffnut tugged on Ruff's just then, distracting her before she could prompt Astrid for an answer. Which was a relief; she didn't feel like talking.
After popping the rest of her bread into her mouth, she stood and headed to the door. After dropping her plate at the wash bins, she slipped outside.
The cold air did her a favor, cutting to her skin and effectively slapping her out of whatever daze she'd allowed herself to fall into. So, with a shake of her head, she bounded down the steps. She jumped the last ten, landing easily on her feet.
But even the cold night air couldn't drive her thoughts away. Shortly after she set out down the street, her mind fell back again onto the last day's events. How... How had Hiccup threatened a dragon, when he was obviously so tiny. Even his voice wasn't intimidating.
It was then that she realized. This mystery was going to drive her absolutely insane.
With a growl, she kicked at a wayward stone in frustration. It bounced against a stack of crates, before smacking into a nearby building. Looking up, she realized she was in fact standing in front of the Forge. She paused, the sounds of scuffling coming from within. Curiosity got the best of her, so she stepped nearer to look inside the small dirty window.
It took her a moment to decipher anything through the grime that coated the thick glass. But even with the limited sight, it wasn't hard to figure out who the small figure was that bent over the work table.
There was a single candle lit in the Forge, but it sounded like Hiccup was hard at work. Things clanged, the sound of metal against metal, and the woosh of the billows could be heard. Carefully peering through the a neighboring grimy window, she watched as Hiccup rushed back and forth between the work bench and the glowing red ovens. He seemed to be mumbling to himself.
There was a strange contraption displayed on the table. Something like a ridiculously tiny sail. A mixture of cloth and mechanisms. It looked like nothing she'd ever seen before.
What is he doing? She watched as he, in his hurry, tripped over a bucket on his way to the ovens. He went down in a heap, disappearing behind a weapon rack. It was almost comical.
Astrid tried not to dwell on the fact that she let a small smile slip.
"Stupid-" he grumbled, getting back onto his feet and continuing to the ovens, albeit much more carefully then the previous attempt. Sitting on the billows, he jumped up and down a couple of times to build the fire.
She pulled away from the window and took a few steps down the street. It didn't feel right watching like that, without him knowing she was there. It felt too close to spying, no matter how curious she was. And even if she didn't like to, she stuck to her morals.
Now she was creeping, in a matter of speaking.
Sighing, and knowing the only way to get any answers out of him was to actually talk to him, she lifted her chin and entered the building. She wasn't exactly sure what she'd do... but anything had to be better then peaking through a window like a freaking four year old spying on the baker.
Walking briskly into the Forge with all the gusto she could muster, she plucked an axe out of a nearby barrel. For a few moments, she wondered if Hiccup had even noticed she was there, for he merely continued mumbling under his breath, bent over the weird contraption.
She clunked the axe against the wood, successfully stalling him. He jumped, head whipping around to stare at her with large eyes, his sweaty hair flopping over his forehead.
"A-ah, Astrid! Hi-" He scrambled to scrape his papers together into a semi- neat pile, shoving them into his apron pocket. He wiped his hands against his pants legs, but didn't move closer.
She watched all of this, eyeballing the papers cautiously.
"Wh-what can I do for you?" He stuttered awkwardly. She looked up at his face again, absently dragging her hand down the axe blade. She struggled to find something to say.
"Just looking." She eventually settled on. He swallowed noticeably, his adam's apple bobbing. She continued. "I heard the clanging from outside, and since everyone's at the Hall, I wanted to make sure a critter hadn't crawled in and was making a mess."
The excuse/fine-line-of-a-lie surprised her with how legit it sounded. She glanced about the room again, trying to make it look like she was indeed inspecting for the suggested animal.
He gave a lopsided smile. "Ha... n-no... just me."
She gave a small nod, looking again at the unfinished devise on the table.
He seemed to read her mind, for he hastily began fiddling with it again. "I'm just working, ya know, gotta be prepared for the next raid!" He said it almost too cheerfully, but she didn't know what to gather from that. She reasoned he had a good reason for being happy, he had done well in the Ring that day, after all.
"I see. Is that another arrow catapult?" She gestured towards the devise.
He blinked, then shook his head. She noticed the way he moved his arms in nervous gestures, how one minute they were jostling at his side, picking at his sleeve, or bouncing from tool to tool. They were constantly moving.
Now, they moved from his apron pockets to the contraption behind him. He laughed nervously again.
"Um... just an experiment. Probably won't become much. In fact, you have a good point- I should just scrap it all together." He began picking up the small pieces around it, dumping them in a cup. Looking over, he peered out from behind his bangs. "Y-You sure you don't need anything..?"
She looked from him to the "experiment", then back to him. It boggled her, because he was acting like he normally did. Dorky, constantly tweaking his inventions, clumsy, and awkward. If she hadn't known about what had happened in the ring that day, she'd never have given his antics a second thought. It bugged her, because she knew that something... something was up.
But gosh darn it, she couldn't figure out what the heck it was.
"Ah... I think I'm good. Like I said, just checking in." She flipped the axe back into the barrel, before turning on her heal and ducking out the door. She paused outside for a few moments, going over everything that had just happened. Nothing odd came to mind. He was just... hiding something. And doing it disturbingly well.
Furrowing her brow, she crossed her arms and continued home.
I have absolutely no clue what this is, or what it's trying to be. It was more of a word vomit to get over this writers block then it was an actual story.
Yesterday, I decided to reread some of my older one-shots. Like the last chapter/story in my HTTYD Requested One-shots. And like... they're actually not half bad. Before reading them I always thought they were crap, ya know... but now, going back, I've realized how out of touch I've grown with my writing skills. And with all of this HTTYD 3 news and hype, I'm really starting to miss how obsessed I once was with the series.
So guess what. I'm gonna sit down during my free time -like while I'm drawing, instead of watching youtube videos- I'm gonna rewatch RTTE. I haven't watched that show in months, and tbh, I'm so excited to revisit it. Hopefully that'll get me back into the "fandom", so to speak. Just back into the mood. I miss it so much, and I'm really starting to miss the tumblr fandom as well. As much as I hate tumblr on a whole, I do miss the few nice people I'd met there. I've even contemplated returning (especially in the past couple of days). So who knows. But, I also wanna give you some of my plans for the new year.
I do want to keep writing (well, pick up writing again is probably a better way to put it), and not just for HTTYD. I'll probably write some stuff for Marvel as well, here and there, especially after Avengers 4/Engame, but I also really really want to write more HTTYD. And you know, if that means joining tumblr again to get into the "mood", then so be it!
The reason for all of this might be because we/I moved this past Fall, and I'm homesick as heck. And because of it, I'm also really sick for what I used to do back home. Like fangirling over fandoms.
I've been so set on growing up this past year. Of... going out of my comfort zone, that I pushed away my fandoms and the friends I'd made through those fandoms. (animalsarepeople2, katurdi, thepurplewriter333 *hugs*) And I am just lonely. I miss hanging out with online friends, especially now that I've moved and all of the few friends I had are back home. I miss you guys.
But, one good thing came out of this whole "year of growth". I've learned how to manage my time on the internet. I used to spend too much time obsessing over fandoms at such an unhealthy level, that all my free time was spent in my room in my bed on my phone. This past year I've been working more, hanging out with family, etc. I've learned to limit myself to what I do online.
So yeah, sorry for such a long A/N. Just wanted to give you the 2019 update. Expect me to return, even if it is slow at first. Wish my luck, and the happiest of New Year to you all! Love you, and thanks for all the support. *hugs*
(P.S. If you guys find any typing/grammar errors plz lemme know! I want to up my editing game. :D)
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kingofthewilderwest · 6 years
I've been thinking about Astrid lately, I personally think she is someone who has never been contradicted before. In her village and Viking community she is the textbook example of what a Viking should be and therefore never experienced teasing . In Gotnf she threatens to punch tuffnut when he insulted her yaknog . This is not hate on astrid to be clear I love her character. But I think that from all the dragon riders she suffers the least in the sense of social status.
I think that’s a very fascinating interpretation of her character, and it’s interesting to see this since I look at her largely from the opposite angle! When I look at Astrid’s social status, I see someone who’s constantly trying to prove herself and make up for lost ground that she was born with. Astrid might be a textbook example of what a Viking should be, but that’s because she became that textbook example to overcome her family’s tarnished background. Whether or not Astrid experienced teasing specifically for her, she would have experienced poor words about her family name, and been affected by them. Astrid doesn’t want to have the same tarnished reputation as her family, so she works with a lot of social consciousness to be perceived as great.
Astrid demonstrates her insecurities often through anger. For instance, during the first movie, Astrid’s anger is fueled when Hiccup beats her in Dragon Training. As someone who wants to be the best in the ring, it’s frustrating to see someone else besting her - especially someone who shouldn’t be besting her. Likewise, during the DOB “Fright of Passage” episode, we see her angry when Snotlout mentions the Flightmare. In fact, this is about as angry as Astrid ever gets… and it’s because of the sensitive topic of her soiled family heritage.
Fishlegs: I do fancy myself to be Berk’s leading authority on the subject. Here’s a few more fun facts: legend has it that the Flightmare is so terrifying, it actually freezes its prey in their tracks.Snotlout: Yeah. Just ask Frozen Finn Hofferson. Right, Astrid?Astrid: You think it’s funny, Snotlout? You think its a joke that my family name was ruined by that dragon?Snotlout: Well, I used to, just a couple of minutes ago. But, now I can see how it might be upsetting you.
Astrid throws Snotlout to the ground, plants her boot on her, and points her axe at him for making that joke. This is something that does quite bother her. In fact, the entire point of this episode is that Astrid tries extremely hard to tackle the Flightmare and regain family honor. She tells Hiccup:
Astrid: I don’t want to hear it, Hiccup. I’ve waited my entire life for a chance to clear my family’s name, and you’re not going to stop me.
She says “I’ve waited my entire life for a chance to clear my family’s name.” 
All the hard work Astrid’s done to be athletic, a talented fighter? All the reasons she was so determined to fight her parents’ fight and tackle dragons? All the reasons why she became upset that Hiccup was somehow besting her in the ring, when she had worked HER WHOLE LIFE to clear her name, and this little kid who wasn’t serious was now BEATING her???
Well… in light of what we learn about Astrid in this episode… now it makes a lot of sense both why Astrid was a textbook Viking fighter, and why she was so determined to be the best in Dragon Training. Astrid became a textbook Viking fighter, training hard her whole life, to clear her family name. She’s lived her entire life feeling like her social status was not respected, and thus worked extra hard to gain that respect.
We also see some other hints of this in various episodes. In “Sandbusted,” for instance, Astrid feels like there’s no possible gift to give someone like Hiccup, who has everything from a sword that lights on command to the future chiefdom of Berk. Others who are FAR more knowledgeable like @dyannehs have commented that Astrid’s in fairly basic, cheap clothing in the first movie, but has an obvious increase in social status and fineness of clothing in the second movie (after her betrothal with the son of the chief). Astrid isn’t someone who’s been able to waltz through social respect.
But Astrid’s someone who’s always wanted to prove herself and make people pay attention to her.
And the thing is, she does garner peoples’ attention. She’s caught Snotlout’s eye, for one. Then Hiccup in the first movie has a crush for her largely because she’s exactly the type of Viking that Berk admires. I feel like the reason that Astrid has no problem threatening to punch Tuffnut in GOTNF, or is so strong winning arguments in RTTE, or slams down Snotlout whenever he says anything contentious… is because she’s learned how to make people listen. She’s not going to let people stomp over her! And because she’s become so good at strengthening herself up, no one would even dare to stomp on her. She will always win.
There’s something to be said that once Astrid finds her place and comfort in Berk (her relationship with Hiccup, her place in the dragon riders, her skill as a dragon rider herself), she mellows out a lot. She seems happier, more carefree, during the end of RTTE and HTTYD 2 times. She doesn’t feel that tenacity of “I’m going to prove myself!” …because she’s comfortable and content where she is now.
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Whumptober Day 17: He Knows
Summary: Written for Whumptober Day 17. Set during RttE. A Hiccstrid AU. When Viggo knows something about Hiccup that the Dragon Riders don't, he's all too eager to share it with his young rival.
Rating: Mature
Characters: Hiccup, Viggo, Astrid
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Words: 4 264
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: “Blackmail” + “Dirty Secret”
Whumpee: Hiccup
Author’s Notes: This is actually based in an AU/UA that I've posted one one-shot for before and do plan on writing a main fic for because there is just so much drama and plot that can be made with it.
The continued usage of the wrong pronouns is on purpose.
Constructive criticism is appreciated!
NOTE: The Rape/Non-con warning is there for a correct warning. Nothing explicit happens in this fic. What does happen is unwanted touching above the belt, above the chest even, but still unwanted.
Ao3 Whumptober Fic
Ao3 Original Fic
"I can't imagine how awful it must be to be in your position."
Hiccup looks up from the shackles binding his wrists at those words. They are the first spoken since Ryker has pushed him into this chair in front of Viggo minutes ago. There's been a tense one-sided silence of Viggo giving him the usual "did you honestly believe you would get away with this" speech with Hiccup not even giving him the time of day. But at those words, he has to look up.
They haven't been spoken with the kind of sympathy you'd expect to hear them be spoken in. Instead, Viggo gazes back at him with a smirk and that alone is enough to make him angrier than he already is.
"What position?" Hiccup asks, tone short, and showing the way he feels.
"Well, born the way you are, I can't imagine you have it easy." Deciding against giving him a straight answer, Viggo continues to use hints instead of giving him a straight answer.
"Berk no longer takes an issue with me being a runt." Hiccup replies and Viggo gives him that look, one of those he doesn't like. This one makes him feel like he's being played with.
"How does it feel knowing that your father, the Chief, will never truly accept you?" He asks and at this point Hiccup is confused.
Whatever gave him that idea? The relationship between him and Stoick is the best it's been since ever and Viggo shouldn't be able to know about the years before Toothless. And even if he did, that wouldn't explain why he thinks this.
Noticing the confusion Hiccup fails to hide, Viggo continues.
"You have to hide yourself, do you not? Can't imagine that must be pleasant." Viggo's fingers won't stop moving as he speaks and Hiccup almost finds them distracting. Is that what it's like talking to him? Is he that distracting, too?
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not hiding any part of myself." Hiccup denies what he thinks is an ungrounded claim.
"Good job, Hiccup, you almost sounded believable. I had no idea you were capable of such lies. How many times did you have to tell this to yourself before you started to believe it?" Viggo congratulates him on an acting job well-done and Hiccup isn't sure why.
"Repeat what? You're not making any sense." In the back of his mind, the very, very back, Hiccup feels like he knows exactly what his captor is talking about. But the last thing he wants to do, however, is admit to it.
Viggo readjusts his position and leans back in his chair, his expression hardly changes.
"Does it frighten you knowing you'll have to pretend you're a Chief someday? For the rest of your living days, I suspect? I assume this masquerade started because Berk's line of Chieftains has been entirely made up of men at this point. Bad enough they would get a runt for a Chief someday, but a female one? Now that must've stung." So this is what this has been all about, Viggo finally reveals the truth behind the lies Hiccup has supposedly been telling.
Pressing his lips together, Hiccup looks the other way, unable to bear that look of satisfying victory on his opponent's face. Viggo, meanwhile, is simply enjoying this little interaction.
"Are you suggesting that I'm... that I'm... You're-you're ridiculous!" Hiccup spits his denial at him, evidently shocked at this reveal.
"Can't even say the word, can you? Is that how far they've gotten the stubborn Hiccup Haddock the Third? You can't say "woman"? "Girl"? Or even the word "female" when it comes to yourself? You disappoint me, my Dear Hiccup." Viggo asks with mockery. This is still nothing more than a game to him, as everything always is with this man. A kind of frustration only he can make Hiccup feel burns within him.
But at least there's that one thing that doesn't change. Doesn't matter who he represents as Viggo still won't stop calling him "Dear".
"How did you know?" He asks, dropping the act as it's no use to keep it up.
Spending years in hiding, he doesn't exactly show it much. He's not like Astrid, who expresses her femininity with her clothes and her grace and her statements. He's not like Ruffnut, who would scream her pride as a woman from the rooftops if they hadn't explicitly told her several times to stop shouting in the middle of the night.
As far as he knows, he doesn't act, sound, or look all that different from his guy friends. And even after the months spent on the Edge together, they still have no idea what he truly is. So how did Viggo know?
"I simply have a keen eye, my Dear." Yeah, sure he does. It took the Dragon Riders ages to correct him on his pronouns before he finally started to call him...
"So you've known from the beginning? Why keep it to yourself all this time?" It is a good question. If he really is as observant as he claims, why hadn't he brought it up sooner?
It's not like this is the first time he's been captured by the Dragon Hunters, so why wait until now? That something might've changed scares him the most.
As if having been invited to talk more about his discovery, Viggo stands up and walks from behind his desk.
"It was odd for sure. Is this simply who Hiccup Haddock is or is there something deeper going on? It didn't take much digging before I concluded that's exactly what's going on here." It is the intro to whatever speech he has prepared, the moment he's been waiting for, what he probably specifically captured Hiccup for.
"Berk has been keeping its dragon secret quite well, despite your theatrics." Hiccup rolls his eyes. Sure, he might have a bit of a dramatic flair going on, but it's not all purely theatrical.
"Did you know that your tribe's allies still refer to you as "the runt of Berk"? "Stoick's little embarrassment"? "Stoick's mistake"? I can't imagine any of those things being said about the Dragon Rider, especially about the Dragon Rider who ended the war with the dragons. That was you, wasn't it? Isn't that how you lost your leg?" So he knows about that, too, not that he's too surprised about this one.
Viggo has come to pace behind Hiccup, his hands behind his back. His footsteps are slow, relaxed, and yet somehow methodical as well.
Hiccup tries not to let it get to him, not that or the nicknames he used to hear so much growing up. He's always despised peace treaty signings for this exact reason. That and that his father expected him to keep the visiting Chiefs' spawn entertained and most of them loved to bully Berk's runty heir. The things they used to say to him, even in his own tribe, they still affect him to this day.
"But that everyone, even your allies, felt secondhand embarrassment for you and your father wouldn't explain your need to hide, so I dug a little deeper, a little somewhere else, and then I discovered Berk's lineage. No female leaders in your nearly 400-year-old history?" Viggo asks, the sound of his footsteps on the wooden floor accompanying him.
Hiccup's silence means he's hit the nail on the head. It's the lineage, that is why he needs to hide.
His hands land on the back of the chair and Hiccup visibly tenses up as a result. His hands intertwine, legs press close, shoulders move up, jaw clenches, within a single second, Hiccup is one human-sized ball of tension.
"This is why I can't imagine how awful it must be in your position." His voice is so close, he's looming over him and that, as well as the nature of this conversation, sends chills down his spine.
Hiccup wishes he could retort, sass, say anything, but his throat has closed up.
"Berk isn't the most progressive of places, is it?" Hiccup's silence keeping its hold on him, Viggo continues to talk.
But this time, Hiccup manages a response.
"And your tribe is? Where are your warrior women, Viggo, because we haven't seen a single one so far." Hiccup moves to the side, away from  Viggo. He doesn't need to look to know that his smile is still there. He's not going to respond to that one.
"What do you want people to call you? Are you truly satisfied going through life as someone you're not?" Satisfied? Of course, he isn't satisfied.
He's never told his friends this, but he's jealous of his female friends. Astrid, Ruffnut, Heather, he knows at least two of them were never ostracized for being a runt and for being useless. And they certainly haven't needed to prove their worth by fighting a dragon nearly the size of a volcano, lost a leg, and trained the dragons of Berk only to be forced to continue to hide.
He's resentful, too. Yeah, he's resentful. Some might claim he isn't capable of such an emotion, but that nagging feeling choking his heart is a familiar one.
As if able to tell the rush of emotions, Viggo leans in just a tad bit closer and suddenly his hands are on his shoulders. Not even on the pauldrons, but on the armor itself, close to his neck. There's a slight trembling he has a hard time suppressing. He does like that Viggo thinks he can just invade his personal space like this.
"Can I make you an offer?" The older man leans in closer, his lips right next to his ear.
"What about a place where you don't need to hide? A place where you can just be yourself, the woman you were meant to be from birth. Strong, intelligent, powerful, a true Mistress of Dragons." A place like that doesn't exist, not for him, but Viggo isn't quite done yet.
"A place next to me." And there it is. The tone in his voice always dips when they're alone, but this time it dips even deeper and Hiccup isn't sure how to feel about it. Afraid? Something else?
The suggestion isn't as tempting as he'd like it to be, however, because the Grimborns and their men still hunt dragons for a living, some even for sport. That isn't a community he can even consider living in.
But it is nice to dream, though. A life where responding to "she" and "her" instead of "he" and "him" is possible.
If only he hadn't been born an heir to a tribe that couldn't possibly accept a Chief that is both a woman and a runt. If only he hadn't been born an heir.
"Are you thinking about it? About what you could become? What we could become?" Viggo's hold on him tightens, but not in an entirely uncomfortable way. Or rather, Hiccup supposes it isn't supposed to be discomforting.
"What's in it for you?" Hiccup forces himself to bypass the lump in his throat in order to ask. Because Viggo isn't offering this out of the kindness of his heart.
"New opportunities." That's the only answer the man will give him and Hiccup is left to guess what exactly these opportunities may be.
So he's no longer interested in beating them or having a truce then? Viggo has never hidden his interest in his young foe, but has never made this offer before.
One hand moves closer to his neck, fingers curling so the back of them can caress his skin. At the same time, his index finger and thumb grab small locks of his hair to play with. The other hand, it moves down just a bit and sneaks the tip of his finger beneath his armor. Hiccup's breathing grows labored.
There's a sense of excitement that he doesn't like.  Because these are kinds of touches he doesn't let the Riders do in fear of being discovered. Not even Astrid, his girlfriend, can get too many touches in. The Riders, not knowing about this secret, believe it's because he just doesn't like to be touched. They respect this, whenever they remember to.
This must be why Viggo's fingers have this effect on him, because of how touch-starved he is to protect this secret his forebears forced onto him. That just makes him hate it even more.
"Are you thinking about my offer?" He repeats his question in that same low tone.
Hiccup's hands may be shackled together, but he's not tied to the chair, so he brings an end to this conversation by getting up before those hands can travel a little further. He could sense their intent to, could feel his armor lift just a tad.
Now pouting, Viggo watches Hiccup walk away from him.
"That won't happen. You hunt dragons and I save them. Don't forget that we're at war for a reason, Viggo." He tells the other, turning his head sharply to look at him from over his shoulder.
"This-this-this... fantasy! This fantasy won't work out. It will never work out! So don't bother trying to get me to your side, no matter what type of deal you try to make with me, I refuse to take it." He raises his voice, ignoring the stinging and the burning in his throat as the urge for tears wells up within him.
A fantasy, that's what the idea of him ever being himself, herself, is. A fantasy. Nothing more, nothing less.
Swallowing and taking a breath, he pushes that realization to the back of his mind. His mind.
But Viggo straightens and his amusement is gone as he approaches. Hiccup's stubbornness and his refusal to show his fear in the face of his enemy doesn't allow him to back away, but he can feel his heart thumping inside his chest.
"It wasn't a fantasy, far from it, it was a fair deal to save you from further humiliation. I'm sure you've suffered quite a bit of that in your young life, I had simply assumed you didn't want any more. But I see that I was a fool." The game picks right back up where it left off and Hiccup is left to wonder where it'll go this time.
He hasn't only declined, but essentially made fun of it, too, and that can't feel good to a man as prideful as he is.
"What do you mean?" He tries to keep his voice strong, unwavering, but he can't help the sense of anxiety that he feels when he asks.
"I have this information, do you expect me not to use it? I'm sure there are tribes, both ally and foe, that would be very interested to hear about Berk's heir. I'm also quite interested in knowing how Berk is going to react. Do the Riders know?"
"NO!" At that, Hiccup has quite the reaction and Viggo maliciously smiles once more.
The rational part of him knows his friends will accept him and won't reject him for this, but even so, that fear lingers. It's been ingrained into him since birth that nobody wants a runt, let alone a runt that's also a... So there is still a part of him that wonders how they are going to be any different from the rest.
Hiccup looks down, ashamed for the way he responded. He has just given the exact reaction Viggo is looking for.
"How about an ultimatum? Join me or the Dragon Riders will know. Refuse a second time and Berk will know. Refuse a third time, your allies. Can you guess what will happen if you refuse for a fourth time?" Viggo asks, satisfied with this perfectly cruel choice. He has always loved a good game. So long as it's in his favor, of course.
Hiccup stares at him, unable to hide his fear and the growing tears.
This is the day he has always been afraid would come, the day someone finds out and uses it against him like he has been warned it would. Ever since taking on this role of protecting dragons and facing countless of enemies, he has been afraid. Even before Toothless, when he was just Berk's embarrassment, he was afraid.
And now it's here.
If anybody finds out, he'll be shunned and bullied and belittled and thought of as worthless all over again. He can't bear to go back to those days. He can't bear being hated again for being born the way he is.
And yet...
"I guess you're going to have to... tell them." He can bear to see the Hunter harm dragons even less and so he refuses and in his mind doom himself to a life branded as the shame of his father. At least he'll still have Toothless.
Though not happy with this answer, Viggo isn't surprised.
"Shame, we could've had something great together, could've created some greats things, but you leave me no choice." He tells him. Hiccup casts his gaze downwards, a sense of panic is threatening to choke the breath out of him, but he has given the Hunter Chief his answer and he doesn't plan on taking it back.
"Shame, a real shame," Viggo remarks some more. He'd given Hiccup the chance to change his mind, but it didn't happen.
Then, as if sensing the dreadful end of this conversation, an explosion rocks the entire ship that they're on, throwing the two off-balance.
Slamming into the older man, Hiccup, and Viggo both make a tumble towards the floor, one ending up on top of the other.
"Dragon Riders!" The call is faint, almost too soft to hear, but it's Hiccup's cue to get out of here.
Using his cuffed hands, Hiccup strikes upward against Viggo's face with such force that it breaks his nose powered by nothing but the want to escape. He leaves the man no choice but to take a moment as a burning pain burst free.
Hiccup takes this opportunity to run, climbing to his feet and going for the door.
Toothless has to be here on this ship, too, they've been captured together.
As luck would have it, while he runs down the corridor, Toothless appears and their gazes meet.
"Toothless!" They meet each other halfway, both running to reunite and the dragon pushes the flat top of his head into Hiccup's torso, urging him to grab hold for as much as his tied wrists allow it for a brief hug.
"I'm happy to see you, too, Bud. We have to hurry and leave."
"Just what I was thinking." Astrid pops up as well, having been the one to free Toothless and letting him guide her straight towards Hiccup, always homed in on him.
"Come on," Axe in one hand, Astrid grabs one of Hiccup's in her other and pulls him along towards the deck of the ship, dodging Hunters and bracing for impact with each hit delivered by the other Dragon Riders.
They reach the deck soon enough and while Astrid and Stormfly reunite, Hiccup climbs in Toothless' saddle and the four of them take off towards the sky, the others providing them with cover fire.
"Dragon Riders, we're heading back to the Edge!" Hiccup orders. There were only two ships and they're both sinking, no use sticking around.
"Wow, we're happy to see you, too. Just a nice "Hello!" would've been fine, though." Snotlout teases Hiccup from on top of Hookfang. From what he can see, Hiccup is fine, so he thinks he's allowed to.
"No, Astrid, he's kinda right. I'm happy to see you guys, too. Now let's go home." Hiccup stops Astrid from lecturing the other Rider. Barf and Belch, Ruff and Tuff, Fishlegs, and Meatlug join back up with them and the group heads for home.
The Dragon Hunters didn't get too far away with their prisoners, but still, it took a good hour of flying before the Dragon Riders arrive on the Edge.
The six Riders and one Dragon are in the clubhouse now, removing the cuffs and cleaning the chafing that they'd caused on his palms. Or Astrid is. Snotlout and the twins are off to the side, declaring their undying hatred for the Hunters while Fishlegs prods Toothless incessantly for possible injuries that may need treating.
"But I need to take a look at you!" Fishlegs exclaims when the dragon moves away again, much to Toothless' annoyance as he just wants to be left alone.
Astrid, who had been watching the rather amusing chase around the room, looks at Hiccup to see his reaction only to find none.
He's been down ever since his rescue. And though, being kidnapped can't exactly be called pleasant, Astrid feels like something else might be going on here.
She dabs his palms with a clean cloth soaked in water a few more times before she speaks up.
"You're not going to say anything?" She asks gently.
"About Fishlegs and Toothless."
At this, Hiccup looks up to see what's going on, Snotlout and the twins betting in the background how much longer it'll take for Toothless to get angry.
"Fishlegs, he's just tired and wants to be left alone. So leave him be." It may have sounded a little sterner than he intended it to, but it only further validated Astrid's assumption that something is up.
Turning their attention back to his stinging hands, she has to ask.
"So what's wrong?"
"Why do you ask?"
"I just feel like something is the matter. You know you can always tell me, so do you want to talk about it?" She offers herself up as a listening ear.
"Nothing is wrong, just the usual Viggo with his stupid threats." Hiccup tells her, deciding against sharing details about their talk for reasons that are obvious to him.
"Oh no, what was it this time?" Astrid asks, remarking on this being a very frequent occurrence.
Hiccup looks her in the eye and seemingly thinks about something for a good few moments.
Should he tell her?
He stares at her fiercely blue eyes, the long blond hair he loves so much, can feel her hands caring for him as she waits for an answer. Then he looks around the clubhouse, gazing at each of his friends when he finds them. Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut, just joking around and relieving the stress of the day.
He doesn't need to look at Toothless, who has settled on the floor behind him now that he has some peace. He has known from the start, all the dragons have, and they don't care what he is.
Looking at them all, fear wins. He's been so long without this, friendship, fun, just people who like him, you name it. He realizes he doesn't want to lose any of it.
"Hiccup?" Astrid says his name, thinking he's lost in thought.
"It's really just the usual, truce, or die." He tells her and if he reaches far enough, he can explain his lying as being technically not lying. Because what was basically a marriage proposal from one enemy to another is like a truce and revealing a secret such as his to the world is like a kind of death.
"Are you sure? We all know Viggo isn't pleasant to be around, especially for you. So we'll understand if you feel a little awful. Or a lot." Astrid tells him, lifting a hand to lay on his cheek.
Hiccup's eyes flit towards it as its warmth ends up on his skin and he needs to keep a hold on his breath, having a hard time keeping it under control. It's the biggest drawback to a lack of physical touch, the fact that every little thing makes his skin burn with a desire for more.
Astrid suddenly remembers Hiccup's believed aversion to touch, but before she can act on her realization and pull away, Hiccup leans into her hand. So she keeps it there, smiling as every little moment she gets to have with her boyfriend like this is a precious one.
But she has a point, he does feel awful. Viggo's offer and following threat aside, Hiccup hasn't been able to get his touches out of his head. He hates how they made him feel, still make him feel, Astrid's in comparison are much more enjoyable.
And then there is that deep, dark part of him that wants more.
Noticing Hiccup savoring her touch, she grows a little more daring and places her free hand on his other cheek and Hiccup takes her wrist and keeps them there, sighing in content.
Her hands are warm, they're soft though still calloused, and they belong to his girlfriend.
This moment makes Astrid wonder just why Hiccup doesn't like to be touched if he's taking such delight out of this. To her, this just screams a desire for more, and she's sad that he won't allow himself to have more for reasons he hasn't shared with them yet.
Meanwhile, Hiccup is savoring every second he gets because he knows this may be one of the last times he will get to enjoy it. There is no doubt in his mind that Viggo will make good on his threat and that means all of this, Astrid, the Gang, might end soon. It sounds like nonsense, but this fear is real to him.
So he holds Astrid's hands, hoping he can enjoy her warmth just a little while longer before he inevitably loses it all, all over again.
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At Face Value
Summary: Post-RttE. Hiccup whump. As he grows older, Hiccup's insecurities with his physical body seem to take a bit of a backseat. They never completely disappear, but in time they are mere whispers that only occasionally bother him with their awful words. But his appearance, whether the features of his face are attractive or not, is one of the few things that never quite come to mind. Until one incident puts a stain on what many have called is a face carved by divinity.
Rating: Teen and up
Words: 1 238
Author’s Notes: This has been collecting dust on my list of finished fic for a year now.
Hiccup has always struck me as someone who wouldn't care much about his face. His insecurities have always seemed to be about how he isn't built like everyone else in his village. But even so, your face is important. So I figured Hiccup wouldn't be okay with having a big ol' scar on his either.
Thus this fic was born!
Constructive criticism is appreciated!
It's quiet as Hiccup sits on his spot at the table. He holds a mug in his hands that he's been staring at as it remains untouched. He's tired and should really be heading to bed now. The sun has set a while ago and he's taken some painkilling herbs given to him by Gothi, which are making him a little bit drowsy.
Toothless is present, too, as they rarely leave each other's side. The dragon would've chased him upstairs himself if he wasn't napping near the fire burning in the fire pit. The flames the only thing making any kind of sound in their living space. Well, that and the dragon's soft snoring.
His dad isn't here yet. He must either be running late or is being held up by something or someone. And with how late it is, Hiccup figures his friends must be home already. Astrid might already be asleep, as a matter of fact.
This leaves him plenty of time and quiet to think.
A couple of days ago, he's gotten hurt during some stupid experiment of his. He got the bright idea to create small canisters that can hold a certain amount of pressurized Zippleback gas or an amount of Nightmare saliva. If he could pull them off right, it would've done wonders for his Inferno. Whenever its fire would inevitably die down, he could refill it and ignite it again.
But alas, one of his prototypes has failed, again, and with painful consequences as a result.
He was testing one with Zippleback gas and something had caused it to go off. He doesn't know what sparked it, everything about that particular memory is quite vague to him now. He just knows that his face, hands, and shoulder took most of it. He's lost three of his fingers. One on his left, two on his right.
He screamed. A lot. The little that he does remember is that Gobber had come running when he heard him and that Toothless had been sent into a panicked frenzy, wanting to help and having no clue on what to do.
He had curled up against the workbench he was working on, bleeding profusely and blinded by both the pain and the smoke and heat affecting his eyes.
His father reached the forge just seconds later, having already been in the general area when he heard his son screaming bloody murder.
But in the end, it really isn't all that bad all things considered. Gothi has taken expert care of his injuries, has told him that he's fortunate he still has his hands and face at all after an explosion from such close proximity.
In the past few days since his accident, Astrid, Fishlegs, and his father have been taking care of his wounds.
Some shrapnel has cut into his shoulder. The wounds aren't deep, though they are probably going to leave some scarring. Hiccup counts himself lucky that it means he won't lose any functionality in that part of his body.
As for his facial injury...
Hiccup supposes it isn't too bad. It had become clear that same day that there was nothing wrong with his eyes. A good thing. And then there is the wound his face did sustain. It starts on the side of his head and goes all the way down to his jaw. It's a jagged line that breaks off into two branches near the bottom of his face, the much shorter one nearly cutting into his upper lip.
It's an especially painful injure. It pales in comparison to the phantom limb and chronic pains he frequently suffers from in his stump, but it's certainly up there. Hiccup already knew the face is one of the more sensitive parts of the human body, he knows the same counts for dragons. But he never knew how much a facial injury could actually hurt until it happened to him.
It made him feel some sympathy for Dagur. The former Berserker Chief now turned Consort-prince has his own scars on his face, which are uglier and look like they were once far more painful than his.
And unlike him, Hiccup is surrounded by a whole team of loved ones willing to help him heal and keep his injuries from getting infected. Snotlout and the Thorston twins haven't needed to do it yet, but Hiccup knows they will volunteer if they need to.
Honestly, Hiccup feels bad for just feeling bad about his own hurt. Dagur has suffered far worse than he did and the main reasons for being so down now are rather shallow.
It's a first for him and he should much more upset that another one of his inventions turned out to be a grand mistake. He will always admit to his flaws, but he never considered himself shallow before. But apparently, that is a side to himself that he hasn't discovered until his accident.
He hates this blemish on his face. He didn't used to worry about his looks or how attractive he is to other people. Whenever he did worry about his appearance, it was more about the scrawny nature of his built. But he worries about his looks now.
People often comment on how much they like his face. It never fails to catch him off guard or even make him feel embarrassed. They tell him or even Stoick that the Gods were in a very good mood the day they decided to give humanity Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third. Sometimes, he catches his own friends staring, too.
He has seen his reflection before and he never thought he saw anything special, but after the accident, he worries.
Astrid has reassured him that it isn't as bad as he's making it out to be last time she helped change his bandages. She even stated how sure she is that it's going to him look badass, rougher.
Not that he cared much before, but hearing her say that still helped him feel at least a little bit better about his situation.
The other Riders try to make him believe he looks better now. That this future scar will give him more credit as a Viking and Dragon Rider, but Hiccup can see them cringe whenever they see it.
At least the swelling is going down. And the wound didn't go through his eyes, which could've cost him his sight on that side if it did. He should be grateful for all of this!
And yet...
It has taken him so long to feel any kind of confidence with his own body. It's taken him years for those berating voices in his head to finally become nothing but inaudible background noise. Now that his face is sure to scar, by his own fault no less, those voices are quickly growing louder again.
After years of suppressing them, they are there, they are as loud as ever, and they are given something else to yell at him about.
Hiccup lets out a deep sigh. He would've hung his head if it didn't make his wound pound so much.
Gently laying a hand on the bandaged part of his face, he supposes he needs to start from scratch and spent another four years building his confidence from the ground up again. Until the next time he inevitably gets himself hurt by his own stupid fault and he'll have to start all over once more.
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kingofthewilderwest · 7 years
Hey there, Haddock! I hope you're doing well! Here's a Madoka Magica AU question I've had in my head for a long time (if u can't answer that's totally ok) : if the Dragon Riders were to form contracts with Kyubey and henceforth become magical girls and magical boys, what do you think their wishes would be? Also, what kind of thing would make them despair enough to turn into witches? Like, how would their wishes backfire? Thank u so much and have a great day!
Oh my goodness yuuuuuus this is great.
I think one of the challenging things is that lots of these dragon riding individuals aren’t at a stage in their life where they might do something so brash as make a contract with Kyubey. While some of the characters enter a contract with little deliberation, it is to note that others at least think their choice is very important, or they recognize that becoming a magical girl is an enormous step. So along with the idea of what their wishes would be, I feel like I also have to analyze what motivations they would have to form a contract with Kyubey. And though we’re going to ignore gender, I’m also going to try to keep the youths in their younger teenaged years - no twenty-year-old Hiccup making a wish about his father, since he would be a bit too old to be under Kyubey’s attention at this point.
Hiccup: Become a Respected Dragon Fighter
Hiccup as he appears in the first HTTYD film is undergoing the unpleasant challenge of feeling excluded and unwanted in his society. This sort of feeling that he doesn’t belong is what prompts Hiccup to do some pretty dangerous choices in the movie. He’s willing to go so far as to create his own inventions and try to hunt down dragons - despite the dangers - in hopes he can bring one of the beasts down and prove his worth. If Hiccup is so desperate that he is going to charge into the middle of a dragon attack, then he might be so desperate that he could make a contract with Kyubey.
While Hiccup’s lost mother is a source of sadness for him, I feel as what would be most pressing on his mind is the fact that he is socially outcast on Berk. That’s what gets him motivated to charge as he does in the canon film, after all. Kyubey offering Hiccup a contract for him to be a powerful magical boy could thus have some appeal for him at this stage of life. In fact, it could even be a double whammy of “success” for Hiccup. He could make a wish in which he could become a powerful dragonslayer and his fellow Hooligans could admire him. Then, additionally, Hiccup could gain great power by fighting witches. Not only can he take down dragons, but he has the unique capabilities of taking out enemies no one else can. Hiccup can best foes that even his father can’t!
While I wish I could say that Hiccup would be smart enough to be suspicious of Kyubey’s offer, I do want to point out several things. First, Kyubey is masterfully manipulative. Kyubey does an amazing job of selling his side of the story, manipulating girls into fighting witches for his ends. If Kyubey can manipulate some hesitant and thoughtful girls into fighting witches, then what’s to say he can’t convince Hiccup? Hiccup is smart… but so is Kyubey. Second, Hiccup is very smart, but he’s also a bit impulsive. The fact that Hiccup does make impulsive decisions means that he could charge into this danger without fully evaluating what Kyubey might be up to. Hiccup could see this as an opportunity to finally get his life together and become respected… and I could see this as motivation enough for him to take the offer, make the contract, and become a magical boy.
Now, exactly how Hiccup’s wish plays out, we don’t know. There are multiple ways I could see it going. But I imagine it likely will center around Hiccup being shown to be a great dragon fighter to the rest of his people.
Further down Hiccup’s life, we could explore how his relationship with Toothless could influence his wish to Kyubey, but I think that here, when we first meet the kid in HTTYD, is where he’s at his most vulnerable and most likely to accept an offer from Kyubey.
Snotlout: Wealthiest Individual in the Archipelago
After Hiccup, I have a harder time evaluating what the wishes will be. There are a number of factors to consider. For Snotlout, I imagine that he does have enough struggles in his life to make a wish about personal challenges. His conflict with his father, for instance, is no easy experience. However, here’s the thing: Snotlout has some problems, especially young in life, realizing how much of a problem his father’s authority is to him. Snotlout in episodes like “Race to Fireworm Island” will show some respect for what his father says, even if what his father says is not conducive to a good familial relationship. So while Snotlout could have the potential for a number of heartfelt wishes to Kyubey, there’s the fact that he might not recognize he should even be asking those things.
For this reason, I almost wonder if Snotlout’s wish ends up being something “shallow.” I’m inclined to say that Snotlout asks for great riches. We see that Snotlout is a greedy character - he finds great interest in riches, will get distracted by them, and will be more inclined to stay in danger if the result is saving those riches. Snotlout even tries to sell things he shouldn’t to gain wealth. Since Snotlout does demonstrate that constant interest in wealth, and it is something that would pop into his head as something he could receive from a contract, I could imagine that Snotlout asks for all the trinkets and gold and monetary gain he could get from Kyubey. Snotlout might just ask to be the richest person in the archipelago. Good enough for him.
Oh, and being able to fight witches? Sounds like a good thing for him to brag about. The ladies are going to fawn over him with all the great stories he can tell of being a legendary warrior, right?  
Fishlegs: Saving Someone’s (or Some Dragon’s) Life
I’ll be honest - it would take a lot for Fishlegs to become a magical boy. A LOT. Fishlegs doesn’t prefer adventure - he often complains when entering danger, and only chooses to enter danger when he sees it is what must be done. Fishlegs would hear about fighting witches as a magical boy… and he wouldn’t just be disinterested in the role. He would find the job outright unappealing. This would be the last sort of thing he would want to voluntarily do!
It means that I suspect the only guaranteed way for Fishlegs to choose to be a magical boy is if he gets into a horrific scrape in life and uses his wish to get out of that scrape. Fishlegs would potentially not use the wish on himself, but he would use it on the people he cares most about. If Meatlug is dying, or his mother, or something grim like that, then Fishlegs might in this moment choose to sacrifice his normal life to keep the other alive. Anything short of that, though, and I think Fishlegs could not be reliably convinced to take the job. As much as he loves knowledge and books and hot tubs and the finer things of life… he’d easily know that a bargain like the one with Kyubey wouldn’t be worth it.
So Kyubey would have a lot of work cut out for him. Maaaaaaaaybe Kyubey could convince Fishlegs that the fight for witches is dire enough that Fishlegs has to join the fight. But I still think there would be hesitance, “no way not me,” and the like. Fishlegs isn’t selfish and he does fight when it’s necessary, but I think he’d be smart enough to figure out he isn’t the ideal warrior, and thus waffle about this for a long time, if he ever chose to take the contract. Personal tragedy would be the sure way to force him into the role.
Astrid: Something about Restoring Family Honor
Astrid is a tricky one, but one area of insecurity we do see for her is that she is uncomfortable with her family’s tarnished heritage. After Fearless Finn Hofferson froze at the sight of the Flightmare, the Hoffersons received a bad reputation. This in turn might have fueled Astrid’s motivation (at least in part) to excel so much in Dragon Training in the first HTTYD. Astrid’s love for her family is also exhibited in the RTTE episode Astrid’s Team, in which her family being in danger is so critically important to her that she chooses to leave behind her dragon riding companions to protect the island. Family is important to her.
I will suggest - though I’m not 100% convinced - that something along the means of restoring her family honor could be where she plants her wish with Kyubey. I think this could play out several ways: 1. All of her family members are made more honorable as per her wish, 2. She simply chooses to fight as a magical girl, and that fight alone is what she believes shall restore honor, or 3. Her being recognized as a powerful warrior in Berk is the wish and that helps restore honor because - now that she’s a big deal on Berk - the Hooligans aren’t going to pay attention to the old stories of Finn. So there are variations of a theme.
Regardless of how exactly the wish plays out (screw it, it could even just be a wish that her other family members stay safe), I do think that Astrid’s motivation for becoming a magical girl is easier to identify. Astrid is someone who believes in fighting the fight. In the first HTTYD, she berates Hiccup for not having his head in the game - their parents’ fight is about to become theirs, and that is important to her. There is no time to fool around. If Astrid hears that something as dangerous as witches are perusing the area, and that by making a contract she can enter that fight to save people… then that’s motivation enough for her to become a magical girl. I don’t think Astrid would care as much about the wish as the fact that she would become a magical girl.
So while her wish might be something about helping her family, I think that for Astrid, the best deal of the contract isn’t the wish. It’s the fact that she has learned there is a fierce battle between magical girls and witches. She can become a magical girl. She can enter that critical battle and win. She’ll want to do that. Astrid the warrior cares about fighting the good fight… and so she’ll enter the contract with Kyubey.
Ruffnut and Tuffnut: Tuffnut Gets a Butt Beard
The twins’ wishes are going to go one of three ways.
1. They waste their wishes on something useless, ridiculous, or frivolous. A pet Whispering Death. An oversized mace. A bowl of ice cream (yes, I know that’s an anachronism, but they do mention ice cream in RTTE, and let’s be real, something odd like this could happen with them). The wish might even be a prank targeted at one another. “I wish that Ruffnut has a rainbow nose” or “I wish that Tuffnut would grow a beard on his BUTT.” There’s no telling exactly what will come out of their mouths… but the wishes could be ridiculous.
2. Their wishes are somehow the most useful of everyone’s on the team. They ask to be the wisest people in the archipelago. For them to have all knowledge. For them to be physically indestructible (so that they could have more fun on their daredevil adventures… WE CAN RUN STRAIGHT THROUGH FIRE NOW! sort of thing). The twins might or might not realize how powerful their wishes are, but as soon as they say them, the rest of the dragon riders gape and realize that holy crap the twins just made the best wishes of the entire group.
3. The twins just wish for a show of fire and destruction, something to get their pyromaniac heads excited.
Now, the reason why the twins become a magical girl and boy is also a little tricky. One of the primary “motivations” I can imagine them having… is literally just them misunderstanding the parameters of Kyubey’s contract.
I could imagine them making the wish without fully realizing that it’s a contract with Kyubey. “Oh. Wait? What? We’re supposed to do something now that we’ve made a wish? It wasn’t just a freebie?” I can easily imagine the twins not paying attention to Kyubey’s full shpeel. They find it boring, uninteresting, and tune Kyubey out. As a result, they only pick up that they have the chance to ask any wish and it’ll be granted to them. They don’t realize that it means something else will happen beyond that. This could potentially play into the twins making ridiculous wishes, “wasting” them, since they think this is just a random freebie and they want to see something hilarious in the moment. It could even play into them making serious wishes. They joke around, “Well, if I have the chance to wish for anything, sis, I should ask for like, all knowledge and power, right?” And boom it happens.
The other potential “motivation” is that they hear they get to fight witches, which allows them to tap into their daredevil personalities. It gives them an outlet for destruction. It sounds fun. So they take the offer.
Heather: Save Her Family
Heather’s probably the easiest. If she’s going to wish for anything, it’s going to be about her unpleasant family life. She lost her biological parents and later her foster parents. In this state of sadness and loneliness, Heather would be willing to take a contract with Kyubey so that these people she loves could live, be safe, be sound. Heather wouldn’t mind that it means that she has to go into the line of fire because of the wish - at least her family would be guaranteed safe now.
Eret: Probably Getting Away from Drago
We don’t know as much about Eret as the other individuals, and we don’t know what he’s like as a teenager. We meet him when he’s an adult. Supposing that Eret has a long-ish history with Drago, then maybe it could be the case that getting out of Drago’s hands is why Eret makes the contract. He figures that he’s a strong and athletic individual - fighting witches won’t be a horrible hassle, he can handle it - and in the process, he can escape that which he fears most.
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