#d’arby the elder
jojo-heritage-posts · 2 years
omfg dio losing manwhore competition to sanji is ridiculous. did u know in the sdc ova d’arby (elder) says dios mansion used to be a whorehouse btw. it might have been nonsense bc it was after jotaro beat him but me and my friends were stunned into silence for a while afterward. Rest in fucking peace dio 🙏
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amethystsoda · 4 years
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A few more SDC profiles from my Barnes and Noble adventures 💙✨
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pretty-pink-seaslug · 4 years
Edit: If anyone wants to see more of these types of images,Go through my ‘Album archive’ or ‘Jjba Album covers’ tag! You’ll see plenty more updates✨
I need to have an archive post for screenshots of jjba characters that would look great on the hottest mixtape of (insert year) so I’m tagging this and coming back to it for when I make those album covers
Consider this part 1 Incase I need to make more
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thirillia · 3 years
Things in the OVAs that make me go brrrr:
• The entire Justice fight (it was amazing)
• Enya using Justice for eternal hotness
• the very heartfelt Avpol hug
• the way Kakyoin’s earrings defy the laws of physics
• Jotaro’s and Kakyoin’s introduction fight
• Kakyoin in general
• the way Iggy is drawn
• Iggy’s shit-eating grin
• Polnareff’s earrings not being hearts but ‘half hearted attempts’ which just makes them look like broken apples
• Avdol and Polnareff communicating through gestures and it being transcribed into subtitles
• Avdol generally being such a badass with his flames. They really made his fire look extra great
• Polnareff just not having a fleshbud and just turning from evil to baby in a second
• Kakyoin going sth like “not this guy” when they meet Pol, implying that they met
• and entire episode being named after and dedicated to Kakyoin
• Them all crying in the last scene. Yes, even Jotaro
• Joseph wearing a bandage over his shirt?
• Star Platinums long, luscious hair
• Star Platinums voice breaking while Ora-ing
• Jotaro throwing a tower at Dio
• Dio’s voice that tries but doesn’t sound threatening OR charismatic and persuasive
• the Ora’s and Muda’s that are just... off and stop halfway through because “they can’t expect us to do this for 10 seconds straight right?”
• Star Platinum flashing ass while throwing Iggy
• Jotaro’s chain jingling when he moves
• More Spider-Man Kakyoin & Joseph
• Hamon being called “Wave-energy” or sth in the subtitles and it just... not being explained. Like, fuck those who haven’t read p1 & 2 right?
• Jotaro dreaming about Phantom Blood like a true shounen jump protagonist
• the colour palette desperately trying to turn it down with earthy tones
• Polnareff & Joseph being blonde for some reason. It’s amusing
• Silver Chariot with golden accents
• Hierophant Green rocking this colour palette
• the way the English pronunciation is slightly better but it’s just not as fulfilling as hearing a good ol’ “EMURALDO SPULASHO” and similar
• Attempts to make Dio less of a slut in design but still showing him in THAT pose every episode plus his tight leather tank top
• N’Doul mentioning the other gods of prosperity but they just skip over that, except for D’Arby, elder. Not D’Arby, younger though. We ain’t got no time for video games.
• Jotaro’s magenta tank top and matching hat
• Jotaro’s wavy hair
• Avdol dying in one episode and immediately returning in the next, because we are on a budget
• the Egypt arc being the first to air and them changing the art style when animating the other half
• managing to make Jotaro look even less like a 17 year old and more like approaching 40
• Suzi Q’s hair being even fluffier
• there is a shot where, two times in two different fonts, “Gay Lord” is written as a restaurant sign. And I know it’s a surname but I wheezed
• Jotaro’s MASSIVE neck. If Dio had actually gotten to attempt to sever this GINORMOUS TREE STUMP OF A NECK he wouldn’t have succeeded
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pearlyetoile · 3 years
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Jotaro vs D’arby Elder
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femmchantress · 2 years
Hubby and I got to the two-parter with D’arby (Elder) in our watch through of Stardust Crusaders and I’d forgotten how much I love that encounter. It’s so good, maybe even my favorite fight in part three.
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joot-aro · 3 years
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thanks araki for talking about my favorite jojo and my favorite minor villain i will inject this straight into my brain
(image id under the cut)
[image 1 id: a screenshot of the jotaro page in jojonium where araki talks about his thoughts on various different characters. it reads:
"The idea of making the main character of Part 3 Japanese was something I had thought of doing around the end of Part 1. I had originally planned Jojo to be a trilogy, and thought it would be appropriate to have the final, fated confrontation take place in present-day Japan, but I didn’t want it to be a tournament-style affair, like what was popular in Weekly Shonen Jump at the time. That’s when I had the idea of having the characters head for a specific destination, like a road movie, taking inspiration from Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days. Years later, a certain TV comedian took a trip across Eurasia along a similar route. Just like with Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken) coming out before Bizarre Stories in This World (Yonimo Kimyou na Monogatari), I'll say that for the record, Jojo did it first (laughs).
Clint Eastwood, who I love and respect as an actor, served as the model for Jotaro. Jotaro’s trademark pose where he points his finger actually was inspired by Eastwood pointing his .44 Magnum. Even details such as Jotaro’s catchphrase being “good grief” take inspiration from parts that Eastwood played, where he'd have lines like “A bank robbery? You have to be kidding me...” That’s why Jotaro seems a bit “rougher” compared to other Jump protagonists. Joseph might be a little easier to get into from a Weekly Shonen Jump perspective, but Jotaro actually fits my image of a hero to a tee.
My image of a hero is that of a loner. As opposed to someone who does the right thing looking for compensation or attention from others, my idea of a hero is someone who is an unappreciated symbol of justice. There are times where taking the correct path leads to loneliness. I also think that heroes shouldn't be in the business of making friends. Jotaro goes on his journey while keeping his feelings bottled up inside because he’s a “lone hero.” He doesn’t celebrate in an over-the-top manner when he defeats an enemy. For him, a throwaway “good grief” is plenty.
Jotaro has become big enough to function as a synonym for JoJo as a whole. I’ve actually based subsequent JoJos on his visual design and differentiated them from there. My original vision for Jotaro was having him journeying through the desert while wearing his school uniform, and with that, fantastical and bizarre things would happen to him during his day-to-day life. On top of that, it’s not your everyday uniform. He's got a chain hooked on to his collar, two belts... I played around with his design quite a bit until I got something that conveyed just the right amount of rebellion. Speaking of teenage rebels, you know how guys used to have chains hanging from their pants, connected to their wallets? I drew Jotaro with his chain on his uniform first (laughs)! Let's add that to the record as well." /end id]
[image 2 id: a screenshot of the elder d'arby page in jojonium where araki talks about his thoughts on various different characters. it reads:
"Given the evolution from the Hamon to Stands that came with JoJo entering Part 3, I wanted to include some battles that didn’t just boil down to fistfights. I mentioned this in the Hol Horse retrospective, but I wanted to keep the face-offs between the Joestar party and DIO’s minions fresh by switching back and forth between one-on-one battles and team battles, and as part of that, I needed to add some variance to the Stand abilities themselves as well. I actually did a “gambling battle” in Cool Shock B.T., but I wanted to try doing it again differently as a Stand battle. D’Arby came from my desire to do that.
I think of gambling as something where you bet your own soul and pride as part of the process. To me, the money and chips you actually use at a real casino are just a representation of your soul. So it felt natural to have D’Arby take the souls from his opponents once they lost. Well, the fact that I can depict it the way I did is all thanks to the concept of Stands (laughs). As far as gambling is concerned, you can only win or lose—there is no in-between. With D’Arby as the sole challenger, I wanted to give him the mental fortitude and strategic cunning to give Jotaro a run for his money, as well as be able to instill some fear.
I had D’Arby face off with the Joestar party in a few different ways. I like coming up with ideas for gambling because you can turn almost anything into a bet. Bets involving animals are particularly interesting to me. It’s hard to predict what they're going to do, so it works as a bet. I like situations where it doesn’t seem possible to cheat, but maybe they actually are somehow. It’s also important for the bet to feel like it fits JoJo. Poker is pretty mainstream, so I assume many of you have played it before, but the key point to winning at it is perfecting the “bluff.” It’s less of a surefire way to win the battle, and more of a battle of wits between you and your opponent, testing just how much you can fool them along with just how gutsy you are, so I think it was appropriate for the final face-off between Jotaro and D’Arby. I really enjoyed drawing the D’Arby battle, so I introduced his younger brother before the final showdown with DIO. I didn’t want to give readers yet another poker match, so that time I had them play video games instead. Video games have all kinds of genres, like baseball or racing, so I had plenty of ideas to play around with, just like with the gambling theme.
Looking back on it now, I think introducing the D’Arby brothers and the Oingo Boingo brothers in Part 3 separated Jojo from other manga, because it allowed me to add just that much more variation to the battles. Jotaro and D’Arby’s gambling battle led to Josuke and Rohan’s dice battle in Part 4, and in JoJolion, which is being serialized right now, Josuke and Jobin’s beetle fight. Battles in JoJo can be both fistfights and battles of wits. I think the D’Arby battle might have been the starting point for that." /end id]
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chadprez · 3 years
tanaki’s out of context moments because why not
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“Death by slinky… it could happen!” (To Jotaro, part 3)
“You know what they say: deck in, frog out!” (To Elder D’arby)
“I literally haven’t looked up the definition of hyperbole in, like, a million years.” (To Zo, part 4)
“If there is one thing you can say about Isaac Newton, it’s that he was made of meat.” (To Jotaro, part 4)
“If you can’t do the math, then you shouldn’t buy the robot.” (To Okuyasu)
“I love a man with connections in the industrial pudding business.” (To Bowie @outofthiszawarudo )
“Do you think they are trying to contact the old Egyptian gods with laundry?” (To Avdol)
“God is like a toaster; he pops up every so often.” (To Josuke)
“You might be a greater menace to the earth than lint!” (To Mary-Jane)
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D’ARBY THE ELDER: I once played poker with a deck of Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.
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duhragonball · 3 years
Hellsing Liveblog Ch. 14-19
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This is the “Elevator Action” arc, presumably named after the 1983 video game of the same name.   I’m pretty sure a lot of Hellsing arcs are named for video games, which makes me wonder about the ones that aren’t.   Like, is “Master of Monster” a video game that I just haven’t heard of?  
The title fits, in the sense that there’s an elevator in the story, but we don’t spend much time there.   Anyway, this thing starts off with Alucard checking into a ritzy hotel in Rio de Janiero, and his only luggage is two big-ass coffins covered in sheets.  What happens next might surprise you...
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For some reason, the guy at the front desk objects to Al’s luggage, not because they’re coffins, but because they’re just really big?   Like, he’s not even remotely suspicious, even though the sheets sort of hint that they’re trying to smuggle something in.   No, this guy just thinks it’s too big.    So Alucard uses vampire hypnotic powers or whatever to Jedi Mind Trick him.   Pip Bernadotte thinks it’s a “sex beam”, and yeah, this dude sure looks like he got hit with a sex beam.  
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Seras is part of this mission, but she can’t travel over running water, so she had to make the transatlantic flight in her coffin.    Apparently they tricked her into this, which I don’t understand, but okay.  
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And Al makes a big production over the debut of his own coffin, because he’s a diva like that.  
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During the trip, Seras fell asleep, and she dreams of a visitation by the guy who played Baron Harkonnen in the Dune movie.   I think?   This is all a big gag revolving around her gun being named after a guy in Dune.    Then Alucard wakes her up because there’s helicopters and soldiers surrounding their hotel, and he thinks it’s awesome.
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A bunch of this arc is panels and panels of commando goons taking up positions and getting ready.    A Brazilian newscaster is there covering the story, which he says is a hostage situation.    The authorities seem to think Alucard and Seras massacred a bunch of people in the hotel, and have hostages on the top floor.    It’s weird that they would even have a photo of Seras for this, since no one saw her.   As for Alucard, they identify him as “J.H. Brenner”, which I believe was an alias Dracula used in the Bram Stoker novel.   He shoulda spelled it backwards.   “Yes, I have a reservation for R. E. Nnerbhj”.   
Also, these photos are just panels from the Valentine Bros. arc.    That’s Seras killing ghouls in her berzerker rage, and that’s Alucard chillaxing while he waits for Luke Valentine to find him.   How would a Brazilian TV station have these?   I’m starting to think this comic about gun-toting vampires might not be on the level.
So now all the main cast can see this situation unfold on international television.   Pip watches from his crappy one-star hotel room, Integra, Walter, and the Convention of Twelve watch from Jolly Old England, and Millennium is watching from... well, somewhere.   
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They clearly orchestrated this whole situation, which means they not only knew about Alucard’s mission, but they had a whole thing prepared for him.   As far as they’re concerned, this is just a test to see if Alucard will kill humans as readily as he hunts monsters.
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What follows is, well, a bloodbath.   The police try to enter Alucard’s hotel room, only to find his coffin, engraved with “The BIrd of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to make me tame.” While they try to suss out that riddle, Alucard shows up and demands they stay away from his coffin, so they shoot at him for like three pages in a row.    But bullets don’t work on Alucard, so he just grows back a new everything and starts slaughtering these guys.
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The last guy in the room is so horrified that he just gives up and shoots himself, which actually shocks, then enrages Alucard.   
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Then he tells Seras to come out of a cupboard he hid her in, and he gets all upset when she objects to his killing humans.    “Look, this is war,” he tells her, but that look he gives her at the end kind of suggests that he knows she has a point.    Those cops were never any match for him.    The two of them could have easily escaped this penthouse without a scratch.    Alucard’s ethics may excuse this kind of overkill in the line of duty, but he knows it’s not right. 
This scene also marks the first (only?) time Seras defies him.   There’s a part in the Gonzoverse series where Alucard is about to execute a human reporter who Knows Too Much, so she pulls a gun on him, but then Integra shows up and is like “No, it’s cool, you can kill this lady, idgaf.”  I guess that whole moment mirrors this one pretty well now that I write it out.    Seras doesn’t like how this is playing out.   She joined Hellsing to fight vampires, not human police officers, but she still follows Alucard’s lead in the end.   So is he influencing her, or is she influencing him?   It’s kind of hard to tell.
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And maybe Seras really did make an impression on Al, because the next thing he does is call Integra to report in and confirm his orders.     She told him “Search and Destroy” before he left, but that was before all these human dupes shows up at his doorstep.     He’s willing and able to kill them without regret, but he wants to know if Integra is cool with it, since she’s the one calling the shots.    But Integra holds firm and insists that nothing has changed.    She looks resolute here, but leading up to this moment she was pretty anxious about what Alucard was going to do with all these humans.   
So why is Walter so giddy about this?  Is he just proud to see his commander displaying this ruthless leadership style?   Or is it something more?    After she hangs up, she asks Walter if she made the right call, but he declines to give an opinion, since he’s just the butler.  
I’m not sure Seras was privy to any of this, since she was preparing the coffins for transport while Al was on the phone.    He orders her to take the coffins to the roof and steal a helicopter to escape.   While she does this...
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Alucard leaves the suite and heads down to the front door of the hotel.   There’s more cops in the hallway waiting for him, but he just mows them down the same way he did the ones in his suite.
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Back to Millennium, their leader, known only as “The Major”, is now satisfied with the knowledge that Alucard can and will kill humans that get in the way of his mission.   But he sees no reason to prolong this battle, so he orders his man in the field, Tubalcain Alhambra, to put this to an end.  
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Oh, and here’s the elevator.    The cops scramble inside and try to close the doors to escape Alucard, but he sex beams one of them to hit the “door open” button, which gives him just enough time to get inside.   He kills them all, then emerges on the ground floor and kills the cops there to make his way to the entrance.    Along the way, he tosses some of their bodies out the windows, and they land on nearby flagpoles, which impale their corpses like pikes.     Because he’s Vlad the Impaler, get it?  
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And finally Tubalcain Alhambra reveals himself.   He calls himself “The Dandyman”, and he has card powers.   Is he anything like D’arby the Elder from JoJo?   Well, he’s got a vest, so maybe.   He explains that he manipulated the authorities into sending those cops into the hotel.   All he had to do was promise them eternal life.   They didn’t hurt Alucard, but they did get him to waste a bunch of his ammunition.   Maybe all of it, since I’m pretty sure Al never shoots Dandyman during this fight.    See?   Seras had the right idea after all.
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Never mind, he does shoot him.   Also these two hit a lot of innocent bystanders while they fight.    It’s worth noting that Dandyman seems to have a lot of the same abilities Alucard expected from Luke Valentine during their battle.    Luke thought he was hot shit, but he couldn’t regenerate or transform himself.    But it looks like Tubalcain can shrug off gunfire and turn his whole body into playing cards.   
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While all of this vampire fightin’ is a-goin’ on, Pip Bernadotte infiltrates the bad guys’ command post, shoots all of the crooked authorities in league with Dandyman, and then blows the whole thing up for good measure.
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Oh, and here’s the third (and final?) Cross-Fire backup.    Bishop Maxwell gets injured during a pagan cult tries to assassinate the Pope, so he sends Heinkel Wolfe and Yumiko Takagi to go to Wales and slaughter their entire congregation.   And they do.   These Cross-Fire stories just don’t hold up.    It’s two overzealous religious fanatics killing other fanatics, except they always have the firepower and the element of surprise, so there’s no suspense or tension to any of it.  
Back to the Dandyman fight, well... wait, we gotta go through a flashback, first.
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The last installment opens with young Integra learning about vampires from her father, Arthur Hellsing.    He quizzes her about why vampires are so feared, and the answer is that vampires are powerful, and they’re also vicious and aware of their own power.    So in close-quarters they’ll tear a human to pieces.    And another monster wouldn’t?   I’m not sure I understand his point.  
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Back to the fight, Dandyman seems to have Alucard in a bit of trouble, because his cards are razor sharp and once they cut Al, he can’t recover from the wounds so easily.    Fortunately, Seras shows up to provide a helpful diversion.    And by “diversion”, I mean, shooting enormous shells at Dandyman.
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And that gives Alucard a chance to get the drop on him.   He breaks Dandy’s leg, splits his left arm in half, longways, and then drinks his blood.   Also, Millennium does that self-destruct thing on Dandyman, so he goes up in flames.    This is about as defeated as a bad guy can get.  
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And then Pip shows up in a helicopter, I guess the same one Seras was ordered to steal, since they have the coffins ready to go.   But Alucard is in no hurry to withdraw, because he’s just so gosh darn excited to be fighting this Millennium group.  They’re bloodthirsty, violent maniacs, just like him, so it’s perfect.  Or is it...
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pleasemrdarby · 4 years
What if Daniel took his son to gamble and he gets a piece of the action and wins money Daniel would be so proud
This is Daniel we’re talking about; the man would be proud of his son for pretty much anything. Also, it’s been awhile since I’ve written for the gambler man, so I’m really rusty (pretty much, don’t hate me if this sucks). That said, I sort of maybe totally absolutely took this idea and ran.
As soon as his son is old enough, Daniel would regularly be taking him to casinos, bars, and any other type place where he could gamble. Even before then, possibly to S/O’s disapproval, he’d still bring them along with him (it’s not breaking the law if you’re not caught, right?). Believing that you’re never too young to gamble, the elder D’Arby would have plenty of connections with people to ensure that they don’t get caught for underage gambling.
At first, Daniel has his son only watch, making observations during his games; eventually, when his father thinks he’s ready for it, he’ll have them move onto being more involved with the game itself. As it’s in his careful, calculative nature, Daniel has a fairly well-planned out roadmap of how he wants to pass on everything he knows, albeit at a very slow pace. He means well and only wants to make sure his son fully understands all the intricacies to gambling; however, his approach ends up restrictive.
Reclining in his chair at the poker table and passively taking a sip of his beverage, Daniel would be fully prepared to hear his son bet within their agreed upon range. He’d look over to them just as they pipe up from beside him, raising to an excessively higher wager.
After nearly choking from the initial surprise, which would win him glares from around the table, his eyes would flick first to the just-moved stack of chips, then over to the unbothered expression of his son. Recognizing that he should follow suit, Daniel quickly (and somehow gracefully) collects himself, having to curb his dadlier instincts.
As the hand plays out, the older D’Arby would try his best to remain indifferent so as not to disadvantage his son. Despite his attempts to repress any and all nervous tics, he ends up taking noticeable amounts of short, brief sips of his drink and digging into his pockets to fish out a piece of chocolate before noisily fumbling with the wrapper (let’s be honest, he probably has some sort of emergency chocolate for moments like these).
In the midst of his distress, possibly as he’s enjoying some bites of his emergency chocolate, Daniel would take a few moments to consider why he was feeling the way he was. He was the Great D’Arby after all, so why did the poker game of someone many years his junior make him so uneasy? Don’t get me wrong, Daniel loves his son dearly, but gambling was gambling; if his son lost, then he lost, and that was that.
As far as he was concerned, the bet didn’t directly affect him. Any amount of money lost was easily replaceable. Sure, he did have some pride on the line as he was the one who taught his son everything he knows; although, it isn’t unexpected for someone so young to be inexperienced. Besides, gambling is merely a metaphor for man’s relation with one another, a dance in which the loser cries first. So then, why did the outcome of the game matter so much to him?
He would never figure out the root of his anxiety for, despite his tendency to deny it, Daniel had gotten softer after becoming a father. Of course, any and all of his fatherly softness is saved for whatever family he has for himself, conventional or not; however, pieces of it found itself seeping out into other aspects of his life.
Occasionally, even if it’s just for a moment, he’d almost feel a small tinge of pity when someone loses against him; considering whether they knew any better instead of resorting to believe they truly deserved it for being so foolish as to bet against him. Other times, he’d have to stop himself from feeling sorry and completely at fault for someone so emotionally distraught by the knowledge that their loved one’s soul was taken from them. Though, Daniel stifles these thoughts immediately.
Having given himself some time (and some chocolate) to calm down, he’d glance back at the table and instantly be dragged out of whatever funk he was in becaUSE OH HEY LOOK AT HIS SON
The older gambler would have to fight to keep that dopey proud dad smile from his face when he sees his pride and joy surrounded by a mountain of chips. Now that things have proven to be going well, all of Daniel’s worries would be lifted.
Getting nerves from any high stake like that was natural, wasn’t it? Of course, he should have remained fully confident in his own flesh and blood! Perhaps he had inherited some of his skill alongside his good looks?
Daniel could easily flip the situation to see it as a sort of test, an unexpected detour in his roadmap for teaching his son the art of gambling, perfect for seeing whether or not everything he taught him had really stuck. It also acted as a show that he had been holding back his son; seeing him so capable and adept in this situation would certainly change Daniel’s approach to teaching him.
From that realization onwards, watching the game unfold would have become fun, and Daniel would never fail to be thrilled by seeing that amassment of chips grow larger and larger. Although, he’d decide to remain silent; he had virtually nothing to do with the game.
Every once in awhile, he’d notice behaviors and turns of phrase reminiscent to how he would act: continually taunting his opponent, boasting over any slight advantage, making shvictory (premature or not) in their face, and generally, for a lack of better words, being a massive bastard. Overall, alongside how proud and impressed Daniel would be, recognizing similarities between him and his offspring would only be the cherry on top.
As the game comes to a close and all’s been said and done, the older gambler, no longer needing to suppress grinning like an idiot, would quietly watch as his son cashed out his chips. Once the two were out of whatever establishment they were in, Daniel’s in full dad mode, clapping them on the back, singing praises, making comments on every little thing they did right (with very few minor, almost glossed-over, critiques sprinkled in), and, obviously, telling him how proud he is. If any of his remarks was met with how they “learned from the best” Daniel wouldn’t be able to stop himself from ruffling their hair and letting out a hearty “Good!” (I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself). He might receive some teasing for his initial reaction as well; although, now that it was over, it became something he and his son could easily laugh about.
Maybe a congratulatory hug was in order?
When it came down to how to properly celebrate, Daniel was completely willing to go along with whatever made his precious offspring happy. Though, he did have a preference for things such as the two of them purchasing custom-fit suits or even getting ice cream together.
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ulmariaarts · 4 years
I asked my brother @plasma303 to name and give talents to the danganronpa: trigger happy havoc characters. warning, there is swearing and my brother didnt give any “real” talents to any of the kids.
also!! there are no spoilers here and as such, my brother used the pronouns and such of a characters visual appearance, please don’t get angry about that sorta thing
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Name: edgelord mcfuckboy
Talent: Being really good at yu-gi-oh!
Junko Enoshima
Name: thotass
Talent: going into hot topic and not crying when g minor is played
Celestia Ludenberg
Name: d’arby elder from jojos bizarre adventure
Talent: stealing peoples souls through poker
Sakura Ogami
Name: Sailor Uranus
Talent: ripping peoples faces open with her foot
Hifumi Yamada
Name: neck beard
Talent: treating women like trash
Mondo Owada
Name: speedwagon
Talent: fucking people up with his sledgehammer
Chihiro Fujisaki
Name: cinnamon roll
Talent: hacking the game to make her be recognized as best girl
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Talent: kicking peoples asses with his voice
Byakuya Togami
Name: if he breathes HES A THOOOOOT
Talent: being so pretentious that people actually want to kill him
Toko Fukawa
Name: Monika ddlc
Talent: sharing erotic literature with the world
Leon Kuwata
Name: joe diMaggio
Talent: throwing baseballs so hard that it kills people
Sayaka Maizono
Name: hatsune miku
Talent: being a thot
Makoto Naegi
Name: mc-kun
Talent: being really really dense
Kyoko Kirigiri
Name: megami from yandere sim
Talent: hunting down bitchass that kills people
Aoi Asahina
Name: wii fit trainer
Talent: eating literal boxes of donuts and not gaining weight
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fortune-fool02 · 4 years
Scratch that the servants were making bets about who's gonna die and what's gonna break
Yep, especially Hol Horse, Mariah and Elder D’Arby. 
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Master Dio is a super boomer-
“I am a traditionalist actually. The only boomers in my army are Enya, the elder D’arby, Anubis and ironically Telence.”
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g0atmama · 4 years
Oasis’s F/Os
key: Name - Source (Shipname(s)) For those with multiple, shipname with S/I first, then with me.
Major - (My Go-Tos)
Dio Brando - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (Diorene, Diochelle / Dioasis)
Kiryu Kazuma - Yakuza/Ryu Go Gotaku (Harbor of Dragons)
Piers - Pokemon (Pierlyn / Piersis)
Braig/Xigbar - Kingdom Hearts (Bria, Xigxi / Galactic Hearth)
???/Luxord - Kingdom Hearts (Arxord / Lucky Joker)
Xigbar + Luxord (triad poly) - Kingdom Hearts (Xigluxi / Infinite Sanctum) (For this ship, see this blog)
Canach - Guild Wars 2 (Cactus Blossom)
Vanilla Ice - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (Vanielle)
Telence T. D’Arby - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (Telle)
Data - Star Trek (Android Heart)
Ahkmenrah - Night At The Museum (King’s Haven)
Spy - Team Fortress 2 (Sanctuaire D’Espion)
Medic - Team Fortress 2
Arthur Kirkland - Hetalia
Francis Bonnefoy - Hetalia
Akiyama Shun - Yakuza/Ryu Go Gotaku
Goda Ryuji - Yakuza/Ryu Go Gotaku
Hircine - The Elder Scrolls (Hunter’s Clarity)
Vivec - The Elder Scrolls (Poet’s Gift)
Loki Odinson - MCU (Mischief Managed)
Doctor Stephen Strange - MCU (Magical Hope)
T’Challa - MCU (The Panther and The Goat)
Anders - Dragon Age (Justice and Loyalty)
Natural Harmonia Gropius - Pokemon (Wildfire Harmonics / Natural Oasis)
Damien LaVey - Monster Prom (Agapien)
Almighty Tallest Red - Invader Zim (Armada Broodmother / Conquest and Love)
Edmond - Harvest Moon: Light of Hope (Mystic Asylum)
Chase - Transformers: Rescue Bots
Prowl - Various Transformers Series (Tactical Haven)
Foreteller Aced - Kingdom Hearts
Trahearne - Guild Wars 2 (Viehearne)
Sayeh Al’ Rajihd - Guild Wars 2 (Lilac of The Deep)
Laranthir of the Wild - Guild Wars 2 (Fruit Salad)
Rosalus - Elli’s Guild Wars 2 character (Cherry Blossom / Fruit Salad)
The Stormcatcher / Thrage - Flight Rising (Thundering Oasis)
Zed O'Brien - Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront
Steven A. Starphase - Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront
Klaus Von Reinherz - Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront
key: name - source [tag]
Mathias Kohler - Hetalia
Teldryn Sero - The Elder Scrolls
Okoye - MCU
Arcade Gannon - Fallout
John Hancock - Fallout
X6-88 - Fallout [Friendship Redefined]
Blades - Transformers: Rescue Bots
Boulder - Transformers: Rescue Bots
Jazz - Various Transformers Series
Jedediah - Night At The Museum
Octavius - Night At The Museum
Larry Daley - Night At The Museum
Varric Tethras - Dragon Age [Pen Pals]
Dorian Pavus - Dragon Age [Solidarity]
The Iron Bull - Dragon Age [Bulls Charging]
Hop - Pokemon [Poke-Support System]
Leon - Pokemon [Champion Friendship]
Lance - Pokemon [Dragon-Born Companion]
Scott Howl - Monster Prom [Lone Wolves]
Nishikiyama Akira - Yakuza/Ryu Go Gotaku
Aeleus/Lexaeus - Kingdom Hearts
Dilan/Xaldin - Kingdom Hearts [Rose Buds]
Isa/Saix - Kingdom Hearts [Moon Frens]
Magister Sieran - Guild Wars 2
Gorrik and Blish - Guild Wars 2
key: name - source (relationship)
Lucien LaChance - The Elder Scrolls (Dark Brother)
Sotha Sil - The Elder Scrolls (Brother-In-Law)
Almalexia - The Elder Scrolls (Sister-In-Law)
Princess Shuri - MCU (Sister-In-Law)
Dojima Daigo - Yakuza/Ryu Go Gotaku (Adopted Brother)
War, Death, Strife, and Fury - Darksiders (Adopted uncles and aunt)
Almighty Tallest Purple - Invader Zim (Brother-In-Law)
The Burns Family - Transformers: Rescue Bots (Siblings, Uncle)
Prince/Fire Lord Zuko - Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cousin)
Kahedins - Guild Wars 2 (“Brother”)
Dojima Yayoi - Yakuza/Ryu Go Gotaku
Higishakata Tomoko - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Melony - Pokemon
Kabu - Pokemon
Chief Charlie Burns - Transformers: Rescue Bots
Iroh - Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Pale Tree - Guild Wars 2
Malomedies - Guild Wars 2
My Children
N’Doul - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Nukesaku  - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Pesci  - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Secco  - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Sawamura Haruka - Yakuza/Ryu Go Gotaku
Cole - Dragon Age
Merrill - Dragon Age
Allister - Pokemon
Kairi - Kingdom Hearts
Xion - Kingdom Hearts
Roxas - Kingdom Hearts
Invader Skoodge - Invader Zim
Soliel - Harvest Moon: Light of Hope
Arlon and Pellam - Guild Wars 2
Taimi - Guild Wars 2
Questioning or Crushes
key: name - source (thoughts/crush)
Ultra Magnus - Transformers: Prime (Crush)
Prince Sidon - Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Long-standing crush)
Ingo (platonic) and Emmet (platonic? Romantic? Semiplatonic?)
Prince Edrick Thorn - gw2 (crush)
Raju Jugei Suzuyoshi - kekkai sensen (crush)
7 notes · View notes
joot-aro · 4 years
can i fucking yell about d’arby the elder for a second i WILL yell about d’arby the elder for a second. he has, objectively, one of the weakest stands in part 3. but its SO GOOD. d’arby develops such a menacing presence even though his powers lie in something as mundane as playing cards and i like that SO much. also i love the way expectations are subverted HARD when jotaro beats him through simply bluffing because from previous arcs we expect jotaro to have something amazing up his sleeve + have an epic cheating method surpassing d’arby but he DOESN’T
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