#i forgot the 4th one
hinamie · 2 months
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surprise it's yuri!!!in 2024
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tea-bird · 11 months
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Another sketch vs. finished build comparison!! ✌️ (First post is here~)
That middle sketch sure is something... lmao
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dot-png · 8 months
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nep8ta · 8 months
guys what. what if I said
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pentosesuga · 2 months
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save me season 1 episode 4 brian kinney
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
I'M SORRY I'LL LIKE,, Never draw any other characters these 2 are just my FAVORITES....💓💓‼️😭😭😭 and it's ultimately just a lot of friend hugs
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christakisbang · 10 months
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yugiohz · 1 year
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*forcibly befriends dabi*
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satirn · 2 months
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this is stuff for the full timeline google slides project im working on !! the context for these specific people i cannot reveal currently but i will once I finish this. designing for them was very very fun :3
fun fact this is already like 75 slides long and i have way more to do.... god rest my mortal soul. </3🙏
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daijoboob · 9 months
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ohhhhhh kanochisaren/liella art dump!!!
this is all stuff i posted on twitter this past year! i've been more active there these days out of laziness///
check out @.Daijoboob for more regular posting from me, art related and not!
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forgetful-river · 10 months
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da-proti-toku-grem · 7 months
He is out of this world
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He really is out of this world 🫠
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Surprise under the cut 🤭
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ghostorbz · 14 days
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!! some zadr !!
Main characters:
-Irken show affection by entangling their antenna together. So Zim wraps his antenna around Dibs hair spike
-Zim shoplifts candy from the store (and Dibs fridge) other times he gets Gir to steal stuff
-Once Dib ate cup noodles for 3 weeks straight. He hasn't done it since
-Dib still has the snarl beast
-He's also very good at drawing, most of his drawings being of him and Zim
-Dib probably gets dizzy when he stands up too fast
-Gaz and Tak like playing games together, Tak is super bad at them though
-Gaz is really into robotics, that's why Professor Membrane doesn't pressure her into science like he does with Dib. In fact she programmed her "security" plushies all by herself
-Gaz HAS and WILL doxx people
-Gir and MiMi are very lady and the tramp coded
-Gir would be best friends with Jenny Wakeman
-Gir CONSTANTLY steals drinks, not only from people he knows either. Like in a restaurant he will just take a big sip of someones drink and walk away
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Other characters:
-Zita is a theater kid, she puts the most effort in school plays compared to everyone else
-Carl has literally anything and everything in his beanie. Need a spare pencil? He's got it. Need a notebook? It's in there. Need a bag of chips? You know he has it. But he won't ever give it to you. Like Pinkie Pie except Carl isn't helpful
-Gretchen actually can tell really good jokes, she just doesn't tell them
-Jessica and Letty are lesbian I swear to god they are
-Poonchy is a lot like Tobias from the amazing world of gumball except maybe a little less mean
-Mr. Elliot is Ms. Bitters son, he likes being around her so he got the same job as her (despite her protests)
-Mr. Dwicky probably killed that guy in the vents. Among us imposter ass
-Miyuki and Sporks tallest uniforms seem to be slightly different than Red and Purples, the slight adjustments are there to prevent Zims monsters from eating them
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-Hugs from behind are very beloved since you're basically hugging their PAK which is like, their everything
-Irken relationships are heavily looked down upon until they are officialized
-Tallest DNA is used for reproduction by being put in a lil tube until a smeet develops
-Tallest colors are passed down (I don't reaaally headcanon this but I think it's a cute idea)
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(Not super invader zim related, but it's one of my favorite headcanons)
-Alien hominid landed on earth after the Irken empire took over his planet. He really hates Zim
(I DON'T KNOW A LOT ABOUT ALIEN HOMINID so like, sorry if I'm ignoring already established lore idk)
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wildtornado-o · 5 months
The pain of drawing characters one way because of one character description for them and then they get described again, and it's an almost completely different design...
(This is about Ferris. In Cog Ferris is described as small and heavier set, looking older than he was, but in LoD, he's described as tall and lean, still clinging to looks of his youth)
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nerves-nebula · 9 months
(The fun thing about shitty parents, is you don’t even have to make up prompts :D)
Donnie is tired. He knows it’s late, but he still tries to sleep.
He’s roused by yelling, an argument brewing like distant thunder.
Donnie is tired but he gets up.
He’s not sure where this energy comes from, this rare, but routine urge to tamp down the flames that Mikey’s fanning.
He stand in the doorway of the kitchen, and he can already tell Mikey’s going to cry; his words are furious and rambling, emotions and thoughts moving too fast for him to keep up with.
He’s teetering on an edge in his frustration
Donnie thinks Splinter can tell, can see the tantrum, and is pushing back, egging his son on as he throws one in turn.
Donnie is tired.
“Do you really expect me to buy food, because you don’t feel like eating what we have?” Splinter says.
“It’s not about what I feel like eating! Half of everything we have is past its expiration date already, and we never get nice food!”
“Expired doesn’t mean inedible, Orange.” Splinter replies easily, rolling his eyes.
Donnie wants to disagree. “That’s t-true.” He says instead, despite how the concept revolts him, “Anything we can’t eat when it goes bad, we do throw out.”
Siding with their dad, would hardly calm his brother down, but it would likely keep the argument from escalating. And Donnie could lay out reason and logic, where Splinter wouldn’t.
Mikey turns to him, vexed, “You never eat it. Because it’s disgusting.” He glares pointedly at their dad.
“We c-c-can’t exactly just get food whenever we want, Mikey. You k-know that.” He reminds gently, hoping Mikey will drop the subject.
“But we can!” He argues, “We could get out food from the Hidden City, or we could ask Draxum-“
“Orange.” Splinter snaps, truly annoyed.
“We have options!”
“We do not need options. It’s not as if you are going hungry.”
“But we do! All the time. Raph’s always hungry, and Donnie just doesn’t eat, whenever he thinks something’s going to make him sick.”
Splinter sends him a scrutinizing look and, that’s hardly Donnie’s only reason, but… “that is- um- sometimes th-the food we keep does-“
“You wouldn’t get sick so much if you didn’t think like that.” Splinter interrupts reproachfully.
Donnie… Donnie truly doesn’t know what to say to that.
He glances over to Raph. He wonders if he can even hear them, in that distant state he looks like he’s in. His eyes stare forward, empty as he washes dishes mechanically. He looks tired.
Donnie’s tired too.
“-And I don’t think it’s a big ask for you to get food we actually like.” Mikey continues.
Donnie agrees, honestly; their dad only ever really got what was convenient, and would last longest.
“If the food we have isn’t good enough for you, then don’t eat.” Splinter says, tone flippant and patronizing. Donnie cringes at the words.
Mikey just screeches, bitter and wet, before he storms off.
Splinter sneers to himself, and begins ranting of childishness. That Mikey is unreasonable. Mikey is ungrateful.
This goes on, and Donnie quietly tries to leave, only for his father’s ire to turn onto him.
“And you, stop getting involved unnecessarily, Purple! Do you think you’re helping by encouraging your brother’s undesirable behavior!” He hisses, and Donnie suddenly feels twice as overwhelmed.
He fumbles, shrugging helplessly, as he can’t quite think up a response, beyond the roiling self-loathing and wordless outrage warring in his head.
Splinter scoffs, looking at Donnie with a contempt he hadn’t directed at his youngest son in a while, and Donnie wishes he had never left his room that afternoon.
Before he leaves, Splinter tells Raph not to make Mikey anything for lunch. Raph doesn’t respond for a moment, then gives a small nod, and Splinter stalks off, telegraphing his annoyance with every step.
Donnie is tired.
With a glance back at Raph, he leaves to return to his room. He realizes he already started crying when Leo rolls his eyes at him as he passes him by.
Donnie doesn’t leave his room for the rest of the day.
hey this reminds me of my dad hahhhhnnn
also, splinter keeps the best/longest lasting food for himself lol
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thathilomgirl · 3 months
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A compilation of Tearmoon Empire's bonus short stories will soon be released in Japan on May 15th
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