ecritverite · 3 years
what flavor is your soul / uquiz
“oh child of spice, you are bound to the core of the earth. can you feel the heartbeat of nature pulsing through your veins. you are the mouthful of autumn that scorched through your throat, you are the pepper of life that wakes up the weary. the foolish and shaking will attempt to dilute you with sickening sugar, do not let them. your spark is what keeps us alive, my dear. keep burning, little star. you see the beauty and the light, but oh you have been fed poison and refuse to drop it onto other's tongues. be wild. i know what your heart is changing.    run. run. run.   run dear, find your story. do not trade your spirit for safety. you are a child of the earth, forever seeking, forever dancing.”
TAGGED BY: @guttersniper TAGGING: anyone who has not done it and wants to 👁 
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ecritverite · 3 years
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1950s teenager w&p yaaaaaa
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ecritverite · 3 years
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ecritverite · 3 years
self knowledge questionnaire.
below the surface everyone is pretty complicated. based on your answers, we think the following traits are important strands in your personality:
•  neediness.  being affirmed and nurtured by others is a central requirement for you to feel safe. this means you can be slow to warm up to other people, which is difficult because what you most need from them is their reassurance. yet (eventually) you know how to be vulnerable: to let down your defences and accept that you need another person. this lack of pretence is a valuable trait, and ultimately more endearing than the macho efforts others make to deny their childlike sides.
•  rationality.   you like clarity and intelligent simplicity and it takes time for you to understand messy thinking. this can make you seem unreasonably pushy to some, but it is actually a virtue: you are motivated by a horror at pointless effort and a longing for precision and insight into how things and people work. your ability to synthesise and bring order is essential in producing thinking which is truly helpful.
•  independence.  you don’t set out to be different for its own sake; you are more easily guided by what interests and moves you. you are more concerned about what is right for you than about the pressure to fit in. you are more aware than others of impulses which are not entirely conventional. you know the value of selective irresponsibility, of forgetting occasionally about being ‘good’.
•  vigilance.  part of you is gripped by the fear that you’ll launch into something and completely mess it up. the upside of this is wise caution: people are indeed often too rash, whereas you know, by instinct, that holding back can save you. probably, you feel shame and self-disgust a bit too much. but when you do feel in your element, you act with a wisdom and sensitivity never found in people with thicker skins.
•  aggression.  one part of your character is anger in all its forms: frustration, outrage – and when anger is suppressed – bitterness, grumpiness, and bodily aches.  one way to deny aggression is to direct it inwards, as self-criticism. but you’re at your best when you acknowledge anger, and act it out clearly and in a focussed way, with honour.
tagged by: @guttersniper tagging: @voirverite , @soulmissed , @transforms , @gutwrenched (eden 👁) , @bundledmisery AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WISHES TO DO IT, DO ITTT
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ecritverite · 3 years
helping you realize your power is part of my love language.
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ecritverite · 3 years
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woods eating sugar cube in tranquil gay quietness
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ecritverite · 3 years
archetype quiz.
40% caregiver.  friendly, sincere, and compassionate, the caregiver finds their reward fulfilment in helping others. no one could ask for a better best friend.
30% creative.  the creative appreciates all beautiful things, in art and daily life. the creative act is essential to who they are.
30% visionary.  leave it to others to live by the status quo. the visionary is interested in new ways of seeing, solutions not yet imagined, products not yet built.
tagged by: @voirverite tagging: anyone who follows & has not yet done this...
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ecritverite · 3 years
can we like…get rid of the so-called leather and rubber “pride flags” ? it’s honestly ridiculous and offensive to the lgbtq community. those aren’t pride flags. 
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ecritverite · 3 years
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flowers n leather… his apt juxtapositions
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ecritverite · 3 years
some hc’s on woods’ past & his behaviour - (tw: mentions of homophobia, abuse, suicide)
abridged summary: because of his history of abuse, woods has a VERY private inner world and has a hard time trusting others enough to speak his mind lest he not be listened to or harmed in the process. he is extremely self-aware and observant often out of anxiety that something might be used against him. he is also very emotionally sensitive, feels things intensely, and is prone to crying - something his father did not like to see in him. however, his father’s behaviour made him realise that he does not want to harm others either & give into that same nasty fate, so he puts distance between him & others when he starts to feel intense to avoid that possibility. is always willing to listen, seek honesty & truth, to see beyond the surface, to provide others with something he felt he never had. always asks ‘why’ - knows there is always reason behind intense emotions but can see when it needs time to be voiced and can’t be rushed. however his constant self-isolation can bring about overthinking tendencies & anxieties & anger at believing he’s being misunderstood/not having the same safety to express reciprocated... he may think he is being clear, but because he was never given the opportunity to do as he pleased, he has a hard time articulating or knowing his own needs at times.
and now, on to the details. you really don’t have to read all these but if you want to, i am extremely honoured that you’d take the time to 😭 for reference, linden is woods’ dad’s name.
scene from dead poet’s society with neil’s father - a great example of how woods’ father might guilt him - “we’re trying very hard, why do you defy us” / in response to questioning/protest: “oh stop it! don’t be so dramatic” - being rushed to answer in an intense moment; the hopelessness as he realises his family will never understand the depth of what he’s struggling with, will always run up against a wall, humiliation. resistance seems futile.
despite his consistent drawbacks in business & money, linden considers himself the ‘wise one’ of his family because he has ‘forged his own path’ and believes the only way to get through life is by stepping on others & manipulating - insists ‘the world is not fair’. has a distaste for his older sister, a lesbian plant ecologist; does not understand her & doesn’t want to, consistently works in the opposite direction of her, cuts her off from contact with woods.
claims that he has worked very hard to give woods the ‘easy’ life that *he* had always wanted as a child - believes that his son making a successful career in sports will keep him safe from financial failure, keep him ‘too dumb’ to know about the complexities of the world. relates knowledge to his sister.
homophobic, linden suppresses his son through destroying evidence of ‘deviance’ upon discovery - takes satisfaction in burning woods’ clippings of men in sports magazines / undergarment ads, threatens him with humiliation & guilt as well as physical abuse. 
makes an attempt to conceal the severity of his abuse from the mother so that she hasn’t enough ground to disagree with him and cannot side with their son’s resistance. this would give her ‘too much power’. she is secretly sympathetic but has no idea how to provide proper support without suffering the same fate of punishment.
linden does not want to believe he is losing a grip on the life he had intended to have - to admit defeat would be to show weakness & failure. in denial of reality and attempts to warp everything around him and is violent towards defiance, fear is linden’s instrument of control.
because of the way his father operates, woods has little to no privacy and is in constant fear of being ‘found out’ - he does what he can to appease his father just to survive, does not believe there is anything beyond the path that has been ‘laid out for him’ - the hope has nearly entirely been beaten out of him.
writing is his only form of escapism. feels unable to express himself at school - even in his classwork, the teachers have brought his outside-of-the-box thinking to his father’s attention and it’s resulted in the same private threats. because of his feeling trapped, woods often has suicidal thoughts at a very young age. nature is his only solace/reminder that there is something more out there, something beautiful. often looks at the moon to feel less alone, is fascinated by the phenomena of flora, understands & is gentle toward animals (they don’t judge or suppress him like the human world he knows at this time does).
to keep himself going, woods puts all energy into rugby & football - has a satisfying release of tension in the activity of the game. unfortunately, his intense ambition results in injury and his future of a successful career drops out of view.
his father clambers and decides the only two options are for woods to either work at his sales business, or for him to attend military academy.
fed up, this marks the point of woods’ escape from home. conspiring with the singer of a band (his only close friend at school), woods runs away one morning to join musicians on the road and never looks back.
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ecritverite · 3 years
    a gold sun reddens on its descent behind the palace and paints the sky in vibrant shades of crimson and coral; woods finally enters through the weathered front door, returning from his day out, greeted by the distant sounds of galloping paws and puppy-dog growls from another room. 
    he follows them to the source, stopping at the threshold to find perry and their hound amongst packing boxes, locked in a spirited but clumsy game of tug-o-war. a moment of adoration and a ‘hullo’ later, and he reaches into the gift bag he’s holding to produce a patterned collar with a shiny new tag. the name on it reads: MR. BORIS. “it’s from scott,” woods explains. “cute, innit?”
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ecritverite · 3 years
@ecritverite: ‘ alright, sleepyhead, i think it’s time for bed. ’
memes, accepting
he hardly recalls the journey upstairs. (his feverish cheek pressed close to woods’ neck. arms hung limp and achy about his shoulders.) the idea of a plush bed and his stuffed animals cants his mouth. it’s a feeble smile, diminished by his ill state, but a smile all the same. 
art will have to wait. when he’s well again, he can create, he can write. he remembers reading something someplace. how artists need their rest. or perhaps it was woods who uttered such knowledge? 
his bedroom door creaking open breaks his nebulous trance. woods lowers him into his blankets, fixes the rumpled collar of his pajama shirt. the gesture, however minor, lulls august. his head dips into the pillow. everything inches by at a snail’s pace. careful footsteps. a drawer opening. rustling paper and brushes and pencils. before long, his half-lidded eyes slide closed. you didn’t have to do that, he thinks, i can clean my own room. 
his full heart overpowers his clouded thoughts. he mumbles a congested, “ love you, w’sie. ” 
    prone to allergies and colds, woods remembers a brief time when he was still small and frail enough for his mother to be deeply insistent about his wellbeing. it was before he had discovered that her urgency for him to get better seemed to frequently stem from his father’s impatience with perceived weakness in his only son, before he’d learned to insist he was capable of taking care of himself. 
    whatever the case, it had been one grey day while his father was gone on business, when his mother tucked him in carefully, felt his temperature, and handed him his favourite book on flora that he was confident that inherent love had something to do with her care. if only he could have been reassured of that compassion a little longer, seen less fear in her eyes after his father’s return, felt less rushed to ‘be strong’ - perhaps he would have never wanted to escape.
    as woods carries tired august to the coziness of his room, the writer turns that tender memory over and over in the back of his mind like a beloved belonging. full of sensitivity, he’s encouraged to deliberately hold the boy closer with instinctual reassurance, to place him gently amongst his toys and ask if he’s comfortable, to make sure all his supplies are individually looked after and tucked safely in their spaces. 
    woods turns back to auggie in time for the utterance of just those simple, vulnerable words; hearing them melts him further into emotion, suffusing him with a loving glow not unlike the warm lamplight by the open door. he can’t help the tearful glisten of his eyes - maybe it’s the honest evening hour, he tells himself. for a moment, he’s silent in his composing, then quietly he approaches the bed and adjusts the soft covers about august’s shoulders one last time. to see this young one peaceful, surrounded by items special to his interests, untroubled enough to speak from the heart... woods’ open soul ripples like serene water on a still lake.
    “and i love you, auggie. very much. try to get as much rest as you can.” his hand brings a soothing touch to the boy’s cheek, a good-night kiss placed on his feverish forehead. “i’ll be right down the hall if you need anything. okay?” 
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ecritverite · 3 years
thinking abt how woods always calls people out when they say “sorry” for trivial things and is like why are u apologising for smth that is out of ur control? u are fine :-) … he is a chronic reassure-r
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ecritverite · 3 years
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ecritverite · 3 years
w&p gotta take some kids to a drag show
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ecritverite · 3 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠.
❛ And for twenty-five years, nothing. Not a whisper, not a clue. ❜
❛ Look at her – I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way – what bliss. ❜
❛ Unhappy, darling? ❜
❛ Cara mia! ❜
❛ Last night, you were… unhinged. You were like some desperate, howling demon. You frightened me. Do it again. ❜
❛ Sorry about the window! ❜
❛ They grow up so fast, don’t they? ❜
❛ Don’t torture yourself. That’s my job. ❜
❛ Don’t tease. ❜
❛ Let me go! ❜
❛ Gimme that! Stop it! I’m warning you! It’s not a good day! ❜
❛ Can’t you keep up? ❜
❛ I wish you’d drop by more often. ❜
❛ The seance - tonight. Won’t you come? ❜
❛ Wait a minute, hold on! You have to listen to me! ❜
❛ Please… Just hear me out… ❜
❛ What a miserable evening. ❜
❛ Did you hear that?! ❜
❛ But don’t you think that’s absurd? ❜
❛ Isn’t that the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard? ❜
❛ Darling, how does this work again? ❜
❛ Don’t be shy. ❜
❛ Can you ever forgive me? ❜
❛ You were so dashing, you could have any woman you wanted, dead or alive. ❜
❛ Water under the bridge. Forgiven. Forgotten. ❜
❛ You forgot our secret password? ❜
❛ Can I have ice cream? ❜
❛ You spoil me… mon amour. ❜
❛ Isn’t it too enchanting? ❜
❛ There’s a trick to it. Of course. ❜
❛ Oh, no. ❜
❛ What is truth? What is fiction? ❜
❛ But let’s get to bed. ❜
❛ Spirits above me - give me a sign! Shall I be joyous? Or shall I be damned? ❜
❛ Sleepless night? ❜
❛ I don’t think so. ❜
❛ Here it is - suspicion and anxiety. ❜
❛ Haven’t you ever slaughtered anyone? ❜
❛ I’ve been around. I pick things up. ❜
❛ It’s going to be fun! ❜
❛ Darling, I’m sorry! ❜
❛ I said I was busy! ❜
❛ I changed my mind! ❜
❛ It’s a promise. ❜
❛ You were terrific. ❜
❛ What a sublime evening. A theatrical triumph… ❜
❛ A Shakespearean delight! ❜
❛ You were so beautiful - pale, and mysterious. ❜
❛ You bewitched me. I proposed that very night. ❜
❛ You were so right! What an evening! ❜
❛ How long has it been since we’ve waltzed? ❜
❛ Sometimes people have had terrible childhoods. And sometimes they just haven’t found their special place in life. And sometimes they’re dogs from hell and must be destroyed. ❜
❛ Despite everything, I don’t hate you. ❜
❛ Darling, take care! ❜
❛ To live without you - only that would be torture. ❜
❛ A day alone - only that would be death. ❜
❛ You never really loved me! ❜
❛ Come, my love - to safety! ❜
❛ What can I say? He’s going to break hearts. ❜
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ecritverite · 3 years
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