#darby the elder
parttimesarah · 1 year
Been a while since I did a “Totally random GIFs I’ve made” post, so here ya go!…
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deusluxuria · 2 years
can we talk about the effect jotaro has on people and with absolutely no effort whatsoever and also the fact that these two images happen within mere minutes of each other
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[ID: Two screenshots of gambler D'arby from the Stardust Crusaders anime. In the first image, he's posing smugly and has sleek black hair. In the second image, his hair is a gray mess, he's agape, drooling, flooded with sweat, and only the white parts of his eyes are visible. /end ID]
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crttvset · 8 months
good morning ive got part 3 on my mind
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/19/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew; Rhys Darby; Con O'Neil; Kristian Nairn; Samba Schutte; Wee John Wondays; LubeAsACrew; Stats/Trends; Fan Spotlight; Engagement Prompts; LoveNotes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
Hey All, today's been an off day for me, so please let me know if I've missed something. Hope you all had fun!
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
== Rhys Darby ==
Well, our goofball of a captain is back with more Red Dead Redemption II, check out Part 2 below:
Rhys also did comedy at Bourbon Room Hollywood last week, and = tmiddendorfphoto on IG captured quite a lot of photos of his set. Feel free to visit them:
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== Con O ' Neill ==
Whoops! I had this prepped for yesterday then completely forgot, sorry Con! Con was out seeing BettyRules in NYC!
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== Wee John Wonday ==
Kristian had Samba on WJW Today! Lots of cool stuff they chatted above! If you're unable to watch right now, there's a small breakdown of various high points below:
Highlights/Things We Learned:
Samba baby's name is Ocean
Samba was kind enough to stand in for WJW when someone else had to drop off for work.
Samba loves giving Kristian middle names: Kristian Victoria Nairn / Kristian Alexander Nairn / Kristian Valaria Nairn, Kristian Venereal Disease Nairn / Kristian Damien Nairn / Kristian Nicholas Nairn / Kristian Tabitha Nairn
There were live doves that would shit on you on set, and they shat on Samson
Kristian was a professional Chef
Samba wants to do Cryptic Factor w/Rhys
Samba is big into ufo's and cryptids
Kristian is also into paranormal stuff
Kristian - In New Zealand saw weird things on the lawn of his rental place (weird creatures focused on the balcony of his room)
David Fane - ate all the cheese in Calypso's Birthday
They really appreciate all the fans trying to save OFMD and would LOVE to get a season 3, even if only for 2 hours.
Samba would like ot do a bts/blooper combo but has to get permission first
For the wrap party, the cast members got each other gifts:
Samson got everyone crocs
EDIT: David Fane gave them Samoan necklaces (ty @denizbevan)!
Kristian said his "Gifts got stolen"
Samba gave them pictures / BTS videos
Q: Who was most elusive in regards to BTS?
Joel - also Ewan
Q: Favorite Soup?
Sambas favorite Soup - Chicken Noodle (chicken soup)
Kristian's favorite Soup - Cream of Tomato
Q: Did anything change with Roach in S2?
Yes, he became softer / trusting
Q: Lots of great energy and hanging out between crew members and family, (not something often seen) what do you think led to that?
Casting director Alison Jones - awesome at casting
Energy on set was positive and acceptance from the get go that helped
Sailing training, stunt training, sword fighting together helped bonding
Everyone on the cast was odd, and people moved out together so lots of small found family situations
Long hours together
Note: Stede's story time everyone is actually asleep, cause they've been up for like 18 hrs
Q: What's your favourite dessert, that you could live off forever?
Roach - Chocolate Mousse, really fluffy and airy
Kristian - Black Forest Cake
Q: What was best part of working in New Zealand?
8 hr days instead of 18 hrs days
Nature was gorgeous
Maori Elders did a land blessing
Q: Roach played a lot of roles, what do you think was his main role?
Cook, Doctor, therapist in that order.
Q: Would Aamba release a cookbook?
If enough interest, Yes - OFMD Cast Favorite Cookbook
And Mac and cheese recipe
Cakes and desserts
Q: What's it like being a new dad?
Amazing , no time to catch breath, feeling a lot of protectiveness and excitement and energy to step up and take care of the kiddo So fulfilling, Sambas a great dad.
Original Script / Deleted Scene Stuff:
In original script: Roach was going to end up with the crew of revenge, but then changed the script cause Samba would look like a kid who stole his dads jacket, so Frenchie was cap
Originally Zheng called the crew "beta" instead of "tender" but they changed it.
Innkeeper deleted scenes:
Everyone's eating soup on deck, roach was supposed to be serving people soup, and Fang says "Ah, Leroy, I'm so glad you're alive?" and Lucius goes "I'm sorry do you think my name is Leroy?"
Oluwande was crying, Jim asks if he was, he says no he gets that thing when he's around grass, and Jim says "A yeah lots of grass around here"
Other deleted scene:
Kristian saying "its sizest" doing big guy stuff
And roach says he's stuck doing tall skinnhy guy stuff
Pete asks if he's stuck doing bald guy stuff
More Deleted scenes:
Ewan zip lines over first and yells: "I was born to fly"
Roach zip line screams quietly cause they tell him to be quiet, and then he lands and says, "why its so sticky I wanna go back", and he tries to get back on the rope but Frenchie flys in and knocks him over.
Another Delete scene:
Wee John was going to dress up as cupid, would have encouraged Stede and Ed, who would have danced to "At Last" and then when and boned.
== Samba BTS ==
In honor of Wee John Wonday's, Samba added some more BTS starring Kristian, and shared the video he talked about in WJW regarding Kristian's birthday.
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== Lube As A Crew ==
Astroglide sent @Seven_Sugars a carepackage for a lovely review!
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== Stats Stats Stats / Trends ==
Thank you @meowzawowza_ as usual for the awesome insight!
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Trends! Thank you @merryfinches and @debphotog for catching these!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
For those of you not on twitter, you may not have seen @wndrngnomad's collage's she's been doing each day for the cast members! They go back quite a while so I'll add them all to the repo, but they kind enough to give me permission to share them with the everyone outside of twitter!
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== Engagement Prompts ==
Over on Instagram @saveofmdcrewmates have some engagement prompts for tomorrow: #CrossoverCruesday. Time to switch it up! What is your fantasy crossover beween another show and OFMD? Crossover AU anyone?
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== Articles ==
Special thanks to @heide79728 on Twitter for sharing all these international headlines!
HBO MAX "praised the loyal audience that engaged with the series and contributed to building an interactive community around it." - Article in Arabic
"14 Recommended Series-fans are already deeply engaged in a massive campaign to encourage another network to buy the rights and produce another season to give the story the ending it deserves" - Article in Hebrew
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies.
Have you had any water lately? Did you get to go outside and take a walk? Please remember that you need breaks sometimes, even if they're only a few minutes here or there.
You deserve rest-- and when things get rough, your brain needs a couple minutes to reset. Remember to take care of yourself and practice some self-care.
Self care means fun too!
Do something you enjoy that makes you smile. I'm not a fan of sticker/sticky things-- but I know a lot of people who love googly-eyes so I figured this was appropriate.
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Anyway, gnight/gday crew, have a lovely one.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
I think I've done this Darby one on these recaps before, but I needed to have a theme tonight, and the them is well, I think you know. Yes that is Taika in the stash, from "Boy".
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heavencanbeaprisontoo · 2 months
Imagine Being Arthur Shelby’s Twin
Platonic!Arthur Shelby x Shelby!Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, mentions of past childhood neglect, period-typical sexism. The image below is just to visualize what a twin for Arthur could look like. Very, very vague implication of Darby Sabini and Luca Changretta x Shelby!Reader.
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“I’m not crying, you’re crying!”
The two of you are very sensitive, always have been. Aunt Polly likes to mention that you and Arthur used to cry at the exact same time as babies. As young children, if one of you got hurt, the other would start crying. This remained mostly the same even into adulthood. Though, you are definitely the more stable twin. 
Arthur would go to you when he needed comfort. You and your twin would draw horses together under candlelight by copying them out of books as children. It was you who first told him that he could be an artist. Arthur laughed you off back then.
Although Arthur bends the knee to Tommy, you are not nearly as submissive as him. Tommy and the others look to you as an equal to Polly. Their elder sister who stepped in when mother wasn’t feeling quite right. 
As the oldest Shelby daughter, you had a hand in raising most of your siblings. Arthur got to run about Small Heath cracking skulls while you stayed back to change nappies and read bedtime stories. Compared to the other Shelby children, you didn’t have much of a childhood at all really.
You had a reputation of being the family tattletale. When your brothers acted up, you acted like a second mother. Always chasing after the little ones and setting them straight. Aged beyond your years because you had to be. Not because you wanted to. 
By the time you were sixteen, you were working three jobs. You were a laundress, a clerk at a drug store, and waking up early to help out at a bakery. The last job worked best for you as you had a talent for baking.
Arthur was such a dreamer before the war. He didn’t have a real plan for his life, only fantasies. You weren’t anything like that. Always looking ahead, mapping out your path, it felt like Arthur didn’t take life seriously. Didn’t take you seriously. 
Before the war, Arthur didn’t fully understand that about you. It was all “women’s work,” and you seemed happy enough. It didn’t occur to him that you might have had dreams of your own. 
You were too strict, too obedient, too boring. It led to many, many fights. Mainly, you and Arthur would disagree about how he was living his life. The fastest way to get Arthur mad was to accuse him of being a bad influence. His face would go red, and he would stomp off, he never had a good counterargument for you.
Just before the war, you got into a terrible argument. You and Arthur can’t even remember what started it. It ended poorly. Both of you said things that you couldn’t take back. When he left to serve, all you could think about was how the last thing you said to him might be his last memory of you. 
The war changed Arthur in a terrible way, but it also changed your relationship for the better. You became more understanding of each other and valued the time spent more. 
Arthur made up with you not long after he came home. By that time, you were married and had fixed yourself up a quaint little home. You didn’t know that the boys were back yet. John and Tommy had gone straight to Watery Lane, Arthur went straight to you. His face was sallow, and he cried like a baby into your apron as he fell to his knees and begged you to forgive him. You started sobbing right along with him and told him that there wasn’t any way you could forsake your twin. This started a long tradition of Arthur dropping by unexpectedly to have a slice of peace.
Even if you marry and have children, Arthur is sure to pop in unannounced for any number of reasons. Your home is warm and quiet, his head is sick and loud. You understand this about your brother and do what you can to soothe him. Oftentimes, just you mentioning that one of Arthur’s nieces of nephews are nearby is enough to get him to calm down. 
Nobody is ever allowed to call Arthur “crazy,” in your presence. In your words he is, “psychically and emotionally distressed.”
Your husband had better be tolerant of Arthur, because you are not going to budge on letting him stay over. Arthur has a permanent open seat at your dinner table and a guest room just for him. Unless you can see he’s been using. That is where you draw the line. 
If you aren't married, expect Arthur to be simultaneously invested in finding you a good man while also hating anyone you date. He wants you to be happy so, so, so badly. It's just hard for him to trust people with you.
You also have a tendency to attract troublesome men. Like Darby Sabini, for instance. Or one Luca Changretta. There's just something about a motherly woman who bakes that gets these men going.
When you found out that Tommy had dumped Arthur’s medication, you gave Tommy a black eye while still dressed in your Sunday best. Everyone seems so alright with Arthur being used except for you. It has caused a rift between you and your other siblings. You try to encourage Arthur to take a step back from the Peaky Blinders, but it never stays. 
Arthur is more than a bit envious of the life you have. You’re married with children, living in domestic bliss. He’s expressed to you many times that he feels that he’s too old, ugly and mad in the head to be loved. All you can do to get him to smile is say “My twin can be old, and he can even be a bit wild, but he can’t be ugly. We look too much alike for that to be true.”
Any time you need his help, Arthur is there. He has you on the highest pedestal he can muster. Arthur hates to disappoint you and fears losing all the progress you’ve made in mending things. If he was ever to cause harm to you, even by accident, it would devastate him.
Now that you’re both grown and can see your childhood with clarity, Arthur holds a lot of guilt. He can see how you didn’t get to have fun like the rest of them and the toll that took on you. To try to make it up to you, Arthur likes to take you and your children to all sorts of things. The circus, the zoo, the funfair, anything bright and exciting. You both insist it’s for the kids… but then you’re both stuffing your faces with fairy floss and craning your necks to look at the tigers. 
All in all, you do what you can to look after your twin. 
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thatbiologist · 1 year
G’eth Character Name Bank
First Names
Masculine Names
Alfred, Andrew, Arlo, Arthur, Balthazar, Barry, Ben, Benedick, Bernard, Burchard, Cedric, Charibert, Crispin, Cyrill, Daegal, Derek, Digory, Drustan, Duncan, Edmund, Edwin, Elric, Evaine, Frederick, Geffery, George, Godfreed, Gregory, Guy, Harris, Harry, Horsa, Hugh, Humphrey, Iago, Jack, Jeremy, John, Kazamir, Kenric, Lawrence, Leoric, Lorik, Luke, Lynton, Lysander, Madoc, Magnus, Maukolum, Micheal, Miles, Milhouse, Mordred, Mosseus, Ori, Orvyn, Neville, Norbert, Nycolas, Paul, Percival, Randulf, Richard, Robert, Roderick, Stephen, Tennys, Theodoric, Thomas, Tristan, Tybalt, Victor, Vincent, Vortimer, Willcock, Willian, Wymond
Feminine Names
Adelin, Alice, Amelia, Beatrix, Beryl, Bogdana, Branwyne, Brigida, Catalina, Catherine, Claudia, Crystina, Deanna, Desdemona, Elaine, Elinora, Eliza, Enide, Eva, Ferelith, Fiora, Freya, Gertrude, Gregoria, Gueanor, Gwen, Gwendolyn, Hannah, Hegelina, Helen, Helga, Heloise, Henrietta, Igraine, Imogen, Jacquelyn, Jane, Jean, Jenny, Jill, Juliana, Juliet, Katie, Leela, Lettice, Lilibet, Lilith, Lucy, Luthera, Luz, Lyra, Malyna, Margherita, Marion, Meryl, Millie, Miranda, Molle, Morgana, Morgause, Nezetta, Nina, Novella, Olwen, Oriana, Oriolda, Osanna, Pamela, Petra, Philippa, Revna, Rohez, Rosalind, Rose, Sallie, Sarra, Serphina, Sif, Simona, Sophie, Thomasine, Tiffany, Ursula, Viola, Winifred, Yrsa, Ysabella, Yvaine, Zelda, Zillah
Gender-Neutral/Unisex Names
Adrian, Alex, Aiden, Arden, Ariel, Auden, Avery, Bailey, Blaire, Blake, Brett, Breslin, Caelan, Cadain, Cameron, Charlie, Dagon, Dana, Darby, Darra, Devon, Drew, Dylan, Evan, Felize, Fenix, Fernley, Finley, Glenn, Gavyn, Haskell, Hayden, Hunter, Jace, Jaime, Jesse, Jo, Kai, Kane, Karter, Kieran, Kylin, Landon, Leslie, Mallory, Marin, Meritt, Morgan, Nell, Noel, Oakley, Otzar, Paris, Peregrine, Quant, Quyn, Reagan, Remy, Robin, Rowan, Ryan, Sam, Samar, Sasha, Sloan, Stace, Tatum, Teegan, Terrin, Urbain, Vahn, Valo, Vick, Wallace, Waverly, Whitney, Yardley, Yarden, Zasha
Surnames, Patrilineal - First Name (Patrilineal Surname)
Ace, Allaire, Appel, Arrow, Baker, Bamford, Barnard, Beckett, Berryann, Blakewood, Blanning, Bigge, Binns, Bisby, Brewer, Brickenden, Brooker, Browne, Buller, Carey, Carpenter, Carter, Cheeseman, Clarke, Cooper, Ead, Elwood, Emory, Farmer, Fish, Fisher, Fitzroy, Fletcher, Foreman, Foster, Fuller, Galahad, Gerard, Graves, Grover, Harlow, Hawkins, Hayward, Hill, Holley, Holt, Hunter, Jester, Kerr, Kirk, Leigh, MacGuffin, Maddock, Mason, Maynard, Mercer, Miller, Nash, Paige, Payne, Pernelle, Raleigh, Ryder, Scroggs, Seller, Shepard, Shore, Slater, Smith, Tanner, Taylor, Thatcher, Thorn, Tilly, Turner, Underwood, Vaughan, Walter, Webb, Wilde, Wood, Wren, Wyatt, Wynne
Surnames, Townships in G’eth - First Name of (Location)
Abelforth, Argent Keep, Barrow Springs, Barrowmere, Bedford, Brunhelm, Bumble, Casterfalls, Dunbridge, Falmore Forest, Folk’s Bounty, Frostmaid, Fulstad, Heller’s Crossing, Hertfordshire, Humberdale, Inkwater, Little Avery, Marrowton, Mistfall, Mistmire, Morcow, Necropolis-on-Sea, Otherway, Parsendale, Piddlehinton, Port Fairwind, Redcastle, Ransom, Rutherglen, Saint Crois, Tanner’s Folly, Tavern’s Point, Wilmington
Surnames, Geographical Locations in G’eth - First Name of the (Location)
Cove of Calamity, Deep Woods of Falmore, Eastern Isles, Eastern Mountains, Foothills, Frozen Peak, Lakes, Maegor Cobblestones, Northern Mountains, Southern Isle, Tangle, West Coast, Wild Wild Woods, Woods of Angarad
Surnames, Nickname - First Name the (Something) 
Bald, Bastard, Bear, Bearded, Big, Bird, Bold, Brave, Broken, Butcher, Bruiser, Careless, Caring, Charitable, Clever, Clumsy, Cold, Confessor, Coward, Crow, Cyclops, Devious, Devoted, Dog, Dragonheart, Dreamer, Elder, Faithful, Fearless, Fey, Fool, Friend, Generous, Giant, Goldheart, Goldfang, Gouty, Gracious, Great, Hag, Handsome, Hawk, Honest, Huge, Humble, Hungry, Hunter, Innocent, Ironfist, Ironside, Keeper, Kind, Lesser, Liar, Lionheart, Little, Loyal, Magical, Mercenary, Merchant, Messenger, Old, Orphan, Pale, Polite, Poet, Poor, Prodigy, Prophet, Proud, Reliable, Romantic, Rude, Selfish, Sellsword, Scab, Scholar, Shield, Shy, Singer, Sirrah, Slayer, Slug, Small, Stoneheart, Swift, Tadde, Talented, Tart, Tenacious, Timid, Tiny, Tough, Traveller, Trusted, Truthful, Viper, Wizard, Wolf, Wyrm
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octaviustheoctopus · 1 year
our flag means death cast sorted by age + birthdays :)
Sorted from youngest to oldest
Format: Actor (Role): Birth date (Age on 4 January 2023)
Jonathan the seagull (Karl): ?
Nathan Foad (Lucius Spriggs): 30 December 1992 (30)
Vico Ortiz (Jim Jimenez): 10 October 1991 (31)
Samson Kayo (Oluwande Boodhari): 20 June 1991 (31)
Guz Khan (Ivan): 24 January 1986 (36)
Joel Fry (Frenchie): 20 May 1983/84/85 (39/38/37) (it's unclear T-T)
Samba Schutte (Roach): 1 February 1983 (39)
Claudia O'Doherty (Mary Bonnet): 29 November 1983 (39)
Angus Sampson (King George): 12 February 1979 (43)
Kristen Schaal (Antoinette): 24 January 1978 (44)
Rory Kinnear (Nigel & Chauncey Badminton): 17 February 1978 (44)
Nick Kroll (Gabriel): 5 June 1978 (44)
Tim Heidecker (Doug): 3 February 1976 (46)
Kristian Nairn (Wee John Feeney): 25 November 1975 (47)
Nat Faxon (The Swede): 11 October 1975 (47)
Simone Kessell (Mother Teach): 19 August 1975 (47)
Taika Waititi (Blackbeard | Ed Teach): 16 August 1975 (47)
Rhys Darby (Stede Bonnet): 21 March 1974 (48)
Ewen Bremner (Buttons): 23 January 1972 (50)
Will Arnett (Calico Jack): 4 May 1970 (52)
Leslie Jones (Spanish Jackie): 7 September 1967 (55)
David Fane (Fang): 28 December 1966 (56)
Fred Armisen (Geraldo): 4 December 1966 (56)
Con O'Neill (Izzy Hands): 15 August 1966 (56)
Boris McGiver (Father Bonnet): 23 January 1962 (60)
Gary Farmer (Chief Mabo): 12 June 1953 (69 (nice))
Toneey Acevedo (Tribal Elder): ?
Brian Gattas (Siegfried): ?
Connor Barrett (Officer Hornberry): ?
Michael Crane (Office Wellington): ?
(I didnt put Jonathan or Toneey Acevedo here because it's safe to assume they're in the first and last positions in the list)
Main sources: google, ofmd fan wiki, wikipedia
if anyone spots a mistake/finds one of the missing dates tell me & I'll change it :)
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primevein · 1 year
The Prime of His Youth: Book II: Quest for Fire: Ch23: Skittering
The convoy approached the first challenge point. Arcee pulled to a stop behind Smokescreen and Jack climbed off of her. Arcee transformed, along with Bulkhead behind her. Beside him Miko donned the Apex Armour. Jack stepped behind Arcee, and gestured to them to go forward.
"Just tell us when." Bulkhead said eagerly, and soundly struck his hands together.
Jack looked back at the girls behind him. Arcelia was transformed with the loaded trailer hooked up. Roxana was behind her, sitting on her kickstand. Behind them was Sirenia in her robot form looking forward and Windblade behind looking back. He turned to the front, "Smokey." he said. Smokescreen dove into his vehicle form and sped off forward. The moment the cave opened up he popped his smokescreen. They watched and waited. At first nothing happened, until their heard the metallic skittering. Soon enough the Insecticons appeared. They appeared to be grasshoppers of every size, from insect to a single one of Cybertronian size. Jack slipped passed the others and walked out.
"What part of the plan was this?" Bulkhead asked.
Miko sighed, "The part where he tries to talk his way out of the fight."
Jack walked out into the open. The Insecticons were moving towards the far side, but some turned around. They started to run and jump and fly towards him. "Wait!" he shouted. The Elder turned to look at him and transformed. The swarm stopped.
"What can I do for you?" the Elder asked.
"Safe passage." Jack stated.
The Elder thought for a moment, "Who are you?"
"Jack Darby! And you?"
"Kickback." he said contemplatively. "And what would I get out of it."
"Not getting your butt kicked!" Miko shouted.
"Miko!" Bulkhead admonished her.
Jack looked back before looking at Kickback, "Hm?" he asked, "Wreckers?"
Kickback shook for a moment before looking back at Jack. "I don't suppose I can?.." he asked.
"No." Jack replied, simply, strongly.
The Elder screamed and the swarm started to move towards him. Jack pulled out his hand flamer and aimed it with both hands. Arcee dove into a transformation and raced out. Bulkhead and Miko ran out. Windblade looked foward for a moment, "Arcelia, when you have a clear path."
"Could you?.." Arcelia asked.
"I can." Windblade replied.
Jack started flamerthrowering the small Insecticons that swarmed at him. The Elder had enough and transformed. In an instant he was flying at him. Jack ducked as Arcee flew overtop of him. She rammed him with her front wheel before transforming in the air and striking at him with her arm blades. She ended it with a kick before they broke apart. Jack flamethrowered the Insecticons to his right and front while Arcee fought them off on the left side with kicks and arm blades. The Elder recovered as Bulkhead rushed up to him. He jumped into the air. He expected Bulkhead to transform a blaster as he flew away, but Bulkhead did not. Instead Miko removed the Apex Armour and jumped into his hand. He threw her at the Elder and transformed his wrecking ball in his right hand and his cannon in his left. He started shooting all of the small to medium sized Insecticons as they approached.
Kickback jumped just as Miko's punch was going to land, moving well out of the way.
"Arcee?!" Jack shouted, and she flipped into the air, landing behind him. He kept the smaller ones at bay with his flamethrower as Arcee transformed her longshot blasters, and aimed at Kickback. Kickback jumped as Miko's next punch nearly landed, only to be riddled with blaster shots from Arcee. Kickback stumbled as he landed, which gave Miko enough time to land a punch. He stumbled, but managed to get another jump, this one at Jack. Arcee transformed her blasters into arm blades.
"Your turn, lover boy." Arcee said. Jack pulled back to his left as Arcee pulled forward to her left. She started engaging the Insecticons as Jack put away his flamethrower and then drew his sword. He touched his left shoulder to her leg, and she stepped to the left. He swung his sword and it grappled Kickback, shocking him. The two stepped apart as Kickback landed in an unmoving slump. Jack flicked his sword out which retraced into a longsword. With two hands he struck the Insecticon's neck, causing a great gush of Energon. He held the sword underhanded with his left hand and once again drew his flamethrower, firing a couple bursts that nearly stopped the swarms before putting it away. Arcee was stabbing the Insecticon with her arm blades, soon covered in Energon.
Arcelia saw a clear path to Miko.
"Go." Windblade said, and then looked back to the rear.
Arcelia remembered what Arcee had taught her about combat driving, and what she had learned about her trailer. She drove off across the terrain, roughly over the bodies of fallen Insecticons. She and her trailer bounced to and fro. She had to keep just enough speed to not get stuck, but if she had too much she might damage herself, or worse her cargo. She forced herself to keep her calm as she careened over the battlefield. Before she knew it she had traveled through, with Smokescreen smiling at her. She wasn't sure what her face would be doing at the moment, but it certainly wasn't smiling.
"You made it." Smokescreen cheerfully said, and then looked back, "Next!" he shouted.
"That would be you." Windblade said, and then looked back to the rear. Roxana quickly took off. Sirenia stepped into the open and jumped into a transformation, her rotors were angled forward, quickly picking up speed. As she flew passed Jack, he blew her a kiss, and she continued on as the battle was slowing down. Once Roxana and Sirenia were safe on the other side Windblade quickly blazed by. Arcee transformed and Jack climbed on board. His right hand still had the flamethrower, which he braced on the handlebars with his right wrist. His left hand still held his sword underhanded.
Bulkhead transformed. He had to ram his way through a few of them. He slid to a stop to allow Miko to climb in and then sped off again. Everyone but Arcee took off. Arcee stopped long enough to allow Jack to put away his flamerthrower. He then wiped his sword off on his arm and sheathed it. He put his hands on her handlebars and she sped away to catch up.
* * *
Smokescreen stood by the second opening as the others approached. Jack climbed off of Arcee as Bulkhead with Miko on his shoulder stepped in. Jack turned back, "Windblade?" he asked.
"We are ready." she said, and turned back to the rear.
Jack turned back to Smokescreen, "Smokey?" he asked. Smokescreen transformed and sped off. A few moments after the cave opened up he used his smokescreen and drove through.
Once again they just watched. This time a group of beetles without crests showed up. Jack looked back, "Anyone?" he asked.
"I believe they are close to your Bombadier Beetles." Sirenia stated.
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Jack shouted.
"And for those of us not from Terra?" Arcee asked.
"Oh, they are quite fascinating." Sirenia eagerly said, "They produce a binary explosive, which they mix with a catalyst, basically causing an explosion from their abdomen."
"They fart explosions?" Arcee asked. "How can that be a real animal?"
"From a girl with lasers for hands that can turn into a motorbike?" Miko asked.
"I'm not an animal." Arcee stated.
"That's not what Optimus said." Miko added.
"What?" Arcee asked.
"Autonomous Cybernetic Organisms." Jack stated, "And watch out if they point their abdomens at us."
"Butts." Arcee said as she transformed. She drove out and off to the side.
"Go!" Jack said to Bulkhead, and started to run out. Bulkhead marched out right behind him. A number of the medium-sized beetles pointed their abdomens at Arcee. A few of them launched volleys of fluids that exploded in the air behind Arcee. Bulkhead was already blasting at them with a cannon on his right arm as Jack drew the bolt pistol with his left hand. He placed it in his right hand, supported by the left, and stood still as he aimed and fired it. Not all of them hit; the ones that missed tended to hit the smaller Insecticons, killing them all in one hit. The shots that hit his targets, the medium size Insecticons, were taken out with two bolts. Bulkhead's cannon took out a few small ones per shot, or one shot per medium one.
Arcee flipped off of the wall and shot a number of them with her longshot blasters in the air.
Jack put away his bolt pistol and drew his flame pistol as the swarm of small Insecticons approached. Bulkhead was already barreling through their lines as Jaune started to flamethrower them.
Arcelia moved forward slightly. "No yet." Windblade stated, "The Elder has yet to show himself.
"How do you know there's an Elder?" Roxana asked.
"The swarm is coordinated." Windblade simply stated. She saw Bulkhead pick Miko up off his shoulder and throw her into a side tunnel. "Well, that will settle that." she said, and looked back. "As soon as the path is clear." Jack's flamerthrower not only killed a number of the small Insecticons, but the others were now nervous about approaching him. Bulkhead on the other hand had largely cleared a path. Unfortunately, he was closer to the side they were coming from. Arcee had joined Jack, the two making a small cordon of death. The two stepped to the side, leaving a clear path. "Go." Windblade stated, and Arcelia quickly accelerated. Jack's flamethrower kept the path near them clear as Arcee kept the larger ones at bay. Arcelia drove through the clear path, which closed up right after them. But the Insecticons were thinning out. Roxana quickly drove, going around the swarm as Sirenia flew overtop of them. Miko came out, literally stomping the small ones while kicking the medium ones out of the way. Bulkhead transformed. Miko jumped towards him, pulling off her armour and landing in his open passenger seat. Arcee transformed, facing the side, and Jack climbed a top her. They too sped away.
* * *
Smokescreen had found a small side tunnel. He transformed, ever vigilant.
* * *
Like before, Arcee drove passed, transforming on the other side. The two moved around the corner at the same time. Arcee with both of her blasters, Smokescreen with his one. They moved and swept into the tunnel and looked around.
* * *
Jack on Roxana came in to the tunnel. Jack climbed off and started to look at at the back wall as the others filed in.
"Holes." Jack said.
"Scrap." Arcee stated.
"You couldn't fit, could you, Arcee?" Miko asked.
"As a bike, maybe, but if I get stuck? Yeah, not happening."
"We need to find another place." Jack said, as he heard something from within the tunnels. His head snapped towards them. Arcee and Smokescreen instantly drew their blasters. Jack slowly stepped away. "Windblade, scout down the tunnel, try to find a place for us."
"And us?" Miko asked.
"Bulkwark." Bulkhead soundly said as he struck his fists together.
"Everyone else." Jack said, and saw Insecticons crawling out of the hole. These ones appeared to be pillbugs. They rolled up and rolled out of the holes. Arcee grabbed him by the shoulder and transformed with him on her back. She pulled back and drove passed everyone else. Arcelia and Roxana were right behind her. Smokescreen transformed to drive passed them, running parallel to Arcee as Bulkhead's cannon was sounding and flashing behind them.
They met back with the main cave and turned deeper into it. They passed Windblade whom was standing at the cusp. She transformed and flew on passed them. Bulkhead pulled out behind them and drove up. "I hate to bring it up, but isn't it close to their nap time?"
"tsk." Arcee replied.
"Soldiers often have to keep fighting long passed their medical limits." Roxana stated.
"Lucky for them, you've got me." Bulkhead stated.
"What do you suggest?" Roxana asked.
"We stop long enough to get them to cuddle in my back seat." Bulkhead stated, and Arcee tsked. "You okay?"
"I... promised to be less jealous of Miko..." Arcee uttered.
"We don't, you know, have to cuddle." Miko stated.
"It would probably be better if we put our seatbelts on." Jack added.
"I don't suppose you have room for me in my dollform?" Arcee asked.
"'Fraid not." Bulkhead uttered, and Arcee sighed.
"Arcee is in charge of the main force." Jack said, "Windblade of the detachments."
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cannibalgenders · 2 years
Perhaps I’m betraying my past as a Tumblr Elder from the depths of Ye Olde 2013 but I just got reminded that martin freeman is in the new black panther and I desperately want to know if people are doing the thing they did with the hobbit movies and shipping his character with dr strange because Those Are The Johnlock Guys ™️ ,,, like have we as a species continued to do that? I saw it like last month with Rhys Darby and Taika Waititi in WWDITS
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asimmingpunsquared · 10 months
since stilla ends at the death of the first-born member of gen 5 and i've just sent the first member of gen 4 to college, i needed to tally up who belongs to which generation. i'll copy and paste the list below which really doesn't make any spoilers snce i didn't include last names lmao
GEN ONE: Ezra, Larisa, Aphrodite, Coretta, Darby, Matthias, Esme
GEN TWO: Hector, Virginia, Stanley, Nadia, Odelia, Augustina, Hera, Yusef, Maya, Neo, Louisa, Rodrigo, Frida, Marzanna, Floriana, Eir, Klaus, Daciana, Winona, Alexander, Nita
GEN THREE: Philandros, Martina, Nike, Hugo, Mickey, Wanda, Amalie, Daylight, Freeflow, Valerio, Mirella, Xane, Willa, Victoria, Johanna, Ross, Colton, Adrastea, Ace, Liam, Cedric, Ian, Alexandra, Anne, Artur, Tahlia, Jalen, Nikita, Abraham, Orpheus, Nissa, Mathilde, Elliot, Saul, Keira, Samuel, Lemon, Lime, Apple, Kori, Rudolph, Lisandro, Emma
GEN FOUR: Mireia, Saturn, Benedict, Anastasio, Valentin, Santino, Chris, Oscar, Elsa, Dawn, Hilda, Russell, Delphina, Tiffany, Bubbles, Blossom, Buttercup, Jasmina, Alfred, Bonnie, Penelope, Marco, Kenan, Aretha, Sal
this is so. so. so many sims. most of gen 2 is already dead in-game. gen three is split between established adults, young elders, college kids and teenagers. gen four ranges from literal babies to college students. fun!
i've also been using the behindthename name generator for this challenge (and rerolling if anything is too uncommon/does not match the ethnicity of the born baby) and i can't believe it took until gen four to give me such normal names as "tiffany" and "penelope" lmao
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darling-leech · 2 years
Eugenia Alexandra Ronec’s Skyrim Character Sheet(Updated 2)
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Here’s the Skyrim Character Sheet I used.
Here’s a blank one, if ya’ll wanna use it as well. Also here’s the Font I used.
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Is an updated version of this(XX) post.
Name: Eugenia Alexandra Ronec(Ronec is only her last name in The Elder Scrolls series)
Nickname: Alex
Name Pronunciation: yoo-jee-nee-uh(Eugenia), al-eks-AHN-dra(Alexandra), Ronec(Row-Neck). al-eks(Alex) and yoo(Eu).
Age: 4,500+? Looks 24 years old tho?
Birthday: July 31(Sun’s Height), ????(Born during the Merethic Era)
Birthplace: ????
Race: Breton
Gender and Pronouns: Cisgender Woman and She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual. Also Polyamorous.
Religion: N/A?
Height: 5'1 FT(156 CM)(61 Inches)
Weight: 120ish? LBS(54.4311 KG ish?)
Birthsign: The Ritual
Class: The Battlemage/Spellsword
Weapons & Tools: Dwarven Dagger, Dwarven Bow, Ebony Dagger, Ebony Blade(Mephala’s Artifact), Ebony Bow, Glass Dagger, Glass Bow, Stalhrim Dagger, Stalhrim Bow, and Wabbajack. Mostly used Ebony Dagger tho. 
Armor, Clothing, & Accessories: Alternative Armors - Ebony Plate(Creation Club), Alternative Armors - Dwarven Mail(Creation Club), Alternative Armors - Stalhrim Fur(Creation Club), Spell Knight Armor(Creation Club, and specifically the Ebony Spell Knight Armor, shown in one of the pictures above), Amulet of Articulation(She doesn’t wear this alot tho, considering her persuading checks always succeed anyways. Her speech is at 100, so 😅😅😅😅), College Boots, College Robes(Shown in one of the pictures above), Copper & Onyx Circlet, Dead Man's Dread Captain’s Clothes & Boots(Creation Club), Ebony Armor, Ebony Mail, Guild Master's Armor Set, Gold Ring(Shown in one of the pictures above), Gold Necklace, Jester’s Outfit, Master Robes(Shown in one of the pictures above), Nightingale Armor,  Shrouded Armor, Shrouded Robes Outfit, and Thieves Guild Armor. 
Powers & Abilities: Agent of Dibella, Black Market, Blessing of Dibella, Blessing of Mephala, Companion's Insight, Dragonborn Frost, Magic Resistance, Mora's Agony, Oghma Infinium, Leveler’s Control Weather(Part of the Leveler’s Tower mod), Leveler’s Dimensional Chest(part of the Leveler’s Tower mod), Prowler's Profit, Shalidor's Mirror, Seeker of Shadows, Seeker of Sorcery, Seeker of Might, Shadowcloak of Nocturnal, Sinderion's Serendipity, Secret of Protection, Secret Servant, Summon Arvak, Summon Spectral Assassin, Summon Karstaag, Spawn Tentacles(Part of the Spell Tome mod), Vision of The Tenth Eye, Whirlwind Cloak, and this spell(I don’t have a name for it, but it’s also a Spicy™ one as well so. ALL Dragon Shouts but mostly uses Whirlwind Sprint and also ALL Magic as well. 
Racial Bonuses/Special Abilities: Dragonskin and Magic Resistance(Breton blood grants a 25% resistance to magic).
Main Skills: All are at 100, but mostly uses: Archery, Alchemy, Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting, Heavy Armor, Restoration, Lockpicking, Light Armor, One-Handed, Pickpocket, Speech, Smithing, and Sneak.
Personality: Bubbly, Charismatic, Cunning, Hedonistic, Intelligent, Impulsive, and Promiscuous. 
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Temperament: Sanguine/Choleric
Enneagram: Type 3 - The Achiever(SX/SO variant)
Factions: College of Winterhold, Dark Brotherhood, Dragon Cult(Formerly), Thieves Guild/Nightingales, and more?
Titles: Sotomvith(It translates to White-Hair-Serpent in The Dragon Language).
Likes: Being With Friends/Family/ETC, Being Able To Do Whatever She Wants, Magic, Having Fun, and Tinkering?
Dislikes: Being Alone, Being Controlled, Being Ignored, Being Lonely, and Not Being Paid Attention To.
Mother: Cecilia Gigi Anaelle Ronec
Father: Angus Peyton Everston
Step-Father: Eirik Alexei Ronec
Half-Brother: Farren Darby Ronec
Maternal Aunts: Moira Klaire Ronec, Jhone Morana Ronec, and Ermengard-Sheherazade Ronec.
Maternal Great-Aunt: Aite Ethnea Ronec
Maternal GrandMother: Elysabet Petronia Ronec
Maternal GrandFather: Ennis Timotei Ronec
Maternal Great-Grand-Parents: Maelie Eilith Ronec and Nicholas Arthur Ronec.
Maternal Great-Great-Grand-Parents: Reggy Edward Ronec and Melvina Elfrida Ronec.
Martial Status: NOT Married, BUT is in several relationships tho.
Spouse: NONE. ISN’T Married.
Friends: Is Friends With All Of My Other The Elder Scrolls OCs. Aela the Huntress, Aren Savos, Astrid, Babette, Brelyna Maryon, Brynjolf, Cicero, Delvin Mallory, Drevis Neloren, Enthir, Eola, Farkas, Gabriella, Geldis Sadri, Glover Mallory, Hadvar, Isran, Illia, Jenassa, J'zargo, Karliah, Kodlak Whitemane, Lleril Morvayn, Lyris Titanborn, Lynea(from the Fishing Creation Club Content), Martin Septim, Miraak, Muiri, Nazir, Neloth, Nirya, Onmund, Paarthurnax, Ralis Sedarys, Serana, Vex, Veezara, Viarmo, and Vilkas to name a few. 
Horses/Mounts/Pets/ETC: Has a Dwarven Horse named Ülgen and a Unicorn named Forseti. Also has a Legendary Dragon named Ensosin(It translates Bewitch in the Dragon Language) and a Frost Dragon named Fotoorin(It translates Frost-Inferno-Master in the Dragon Language). Has a Demented Elytra Nymph pet named Deathbell and Manic Elytra Nymph pet named Nirnroot.
Background(Sorry it’s kinda messy, will update if I feel like it or whatever): Born during the Merethic Era, Alex is roughly 4,500+ years old, looks 24 years old tho. Her past is still sorta a mystery, but most of her life spent in Apocrypha with her Mother, Father, Step-Father, Hrafn Loki Hove, and Miraak. A couple years before the events of Skyrim, Alex ventured out and befriended Einar Kennet Viggo(My Last Dragonborn OC). And the rest is history lol. 
Languages Spoken: Dragon Language and Tamrielic.
Home: Leveler’s Tower Mod(Mostly stays here), Myrwatch(Creation Club House, and second house she mostly stays at), and Gallows Hall(Creation Club House, sometimes stay here). Occasionally stays at Dead Man's Dread(Creation Club House).
Also while we’re at it, go check out her RefSheet.Net!
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mudaship39 · 2 years
Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu an Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native of color demigod and alien hybrid
Love Interests:
He/she/they is polyamorous and is in polyamorous non-monogamous and monogamous relationships.
He/she/they have many partners and spouses as someone considered to be a mahu (Hawaiian), fa’afaine (Samoan), fakaleiti (Tongan), or maohi (Tahitian) in the middle elder and healer. 
He/she/they have many partners as someone polyamorous. 
He/she/they have many spouses as a trans queer Indigenous Pasifika person of color high king/high queen or chieftain/warchief. 
As someone with DID and schizophrenia in his/her/their psyche and mind he/she/they have several identities each with their own distinctive names, likes, dislikes, hobbies, & personalities since he/she/they are a plural system. 
Such as Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith. Such as Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato. Such as Zana Saani. Such as Francisco Alejandro Diego García Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa. Such as the alien hybrid Zana Saani. Such as Polynesian demigod Kalani. Each plural system is a system of the main system Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. 
This is to deal with the abuse and trauma that he/she/they have suffered as a former metahuman and superhuman child soldier. 
The plural systems of Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato, Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith, Zana Saani, & Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Maria Garcia Ochoa are all polyamorous like the main system Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. Each system is dating different people that is different from the other plural systems. 
Spouses and Partners:
Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu:
His/her/their  Indigenous Pasifika and Indigenous Pasifika partners of color are Hokulani Kaimana Keali’i-Latu or Zhao Ya-Latu, Dior Linh Heimana Tran-Latu, Jazmine Kueni Leota, Olivia Hine Kohe, Vaulina Jiya Tagi-Latu, Runica Hana Keju-Latu, & Hibiki Higa-Kato or Rin Lan-Fen-Kato. 
Francisco Alejandro Diego Ochoa/Francisca Maria Garcia Ochoa:
His/her/their Indigenous partners and Indigenous partners of color are Central American Latine Native Veronica Dulce Gomez Veracruz-Ochoa, South American Latine Native Adriana Stephanie Macias Acosta-Ochoa, Lac La Ronge Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman ‪Inayat Aloomse Barnett-Latu, & Asian Native Loretta Hope Dawn Isip-Latu (who is Southeast Asian Filipino, Aeta Indigenous Pasifika, and Anishinaabe Ojibwe Indigenous). 
Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato:
His/her/their non native partners of color are Joanna Jacobson, Nijah Nadra Nadar, & Sofia Velasquez.
Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith: 
His/her/their non native white partners are Talia Macridis Macar-Smith, Jessica Darby-Smith, & Leslie Pearlman-Smith. 
His/her/their nonhuman alien lovers are aliens Scir'uil, Kir'els, Litux, Falder, & Ollas 
Their nonhuman humanoid lovers are Greco Roman Amazonian Elolipe, Merfolk Hasi Kac (she is merfolk as a sea nymph, triton, & siren hybrid), Homo magi Charlotte Nightmore, angel Matariel, & demoness and devil lady hybrid Kylesh
His/her/their nonhuman divine partners are Atlantean demigod Olle (who is the daughter of a goddess of the ocean), Aesir Asgardian Valkyrie Ylva Helga Olafsdottir (daughter of Loki and Sif), Roman goddess of war Carina Bellona Ragoria (daughter of Mars and Venus), & Greek goddess Diona Artemis Megalos (daughter of Ares and Athena). 
Zana Saani:
His/her/their alien extraterrestrial partners are Kulax Kojir-Saani, Ohoi Nessars Saani, Breapru, four armed alien R’hasiss, Iesloria, Melmih, Loran, winged alien Terris, & Hleor. 
His/her/their Indigenous exes were Afro Latine Apache Native Kelly Andrea Perez or Gouyen Mescal, Latine Native Yaqui Hoan Escalante Valencia Yocupicio, Asian Arctic Native Amaruq Ren Naitok, white Arctic Native Aleut Mary Lestenkof, Asian Tsalagi Native Cheng Na, Black Tsalagi Native Freedman Angela Robinson, Black Chickasaw Native Freedman Miko Harris, Latine Native Náhuatl Coyotl Acuca, Latine Native Zapotec Nayeli Sakagut, white Native Iroquois Mohawk Tekawitha Murphy, Sami Indigenous Emma Hakala, Nez Perce Kaya, Afro Latine Native Nakota Ana Anacaoana Ahura Lagunas Zaghoul or Tahcawin Teton, Black Native Lakota Tanaya Avery Johnson, white Native Blackfoot and Salish Hurit Ridley Clarke, Asian Native Dakota Chaske Kiren Tiwari, & Dine Jaan Kai Yazzie. 
His/her/their Indigenous Pasifika exes were Polynesian Tongan Ahio Colin Moala, Polynesian Maori Taki Anaru, Black Pasifika Kanaka Maoli Leilani Brittney Kekoa, Asian Pasifika Filipino and Polynesian Hawaiian Kalea Malea Ioane, Afro Caribbean and Melanesian Papuan Nali Tamara Apa, Melanesian Fijian Hereva Tanimani, Melanesian Solomon Islander Agarobe Garae, Melanesian Papuan Vavine Kila, Melanesian Ni-Vanuatu Ailana Tari, Asian Pasifika Micronesian Marshallese Runica Maiko Alik, Asian Pasifika Micronesian Pohnpeian  Eiken Hiro Apaisam, Micronesian Chamorro Isa Dela Cruz, Micronesian Chuukese Achina Akapito, and Micronesian Kosraean Tulpe Alik. 
His/her/their ex partners of color were Jonathan Kaven Ruslo, Lavanya Sunita Mishra, Devrim Keyan Uzun, Karishma Patel-York, Jayani Kumar-Patel, Raji Patel Keisuke Tanaka, Seo-Jun Jeong, Lisa Nguyen-Jeong, Jason Fujimoto, Hank Nguyen, Yoon-Sook Lee-Tanaka, Ruro Suzuki, Jason Peter Rodriguez, Lola Macias, Raquel Marina Alonzo-Jones, Lorena Castillo, Ulric Hayes, Vincent Tennyson, Jasmine Harris, Taylor Davis, Hector Vega, Hasan Karim, Ashaki Kahn, & Tirsa Malik.
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mitchy-bae · 2 years
When your partner gets you off with a super intense prostate orgasm... melt my brain & open the floodgates!! Hnnnng. 🥵😵‍💫🤤🤯
I love you so much @thirteenth-of-february, got me all sore & aching this morning.
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My Tags: AEW
Liveblog Tags:
elle watches aew
elle watches dynamite
elle watches rampage
elle watches dark
elle watches bte
elle watches ppv
Wrestler Tags:
Adam Cole: #it's all about the budge
Adam Page: #emotional support cowboy
Andrade el Idolo: #black mask cosplayer
Anna Jay: #queenslayer
Bandido: tbd
Brand Cutler: #the corporate stooge
Britt Baker, D.M.D.: #hippocratic nope
Bryan Danielson: #fear the beard
Christian Cage: #uncle christian
Christopher Daniels: #uncle daniels
Claudio Castagnoli: #the swiss sweetheart
Danhausen: #teeth gremlin / #teeth goblin
Daniel Garcia: #the poe prince
Darby Allin: #sting's feral goth child
Eddie Kingston: #the mad king
Emi Sakura: #auntie emi
Griff Garrison: #varsity himbos
Hikaru Shida: #the shining samurai
HOOK: #send HOOK
Jade Cargill: #a storm is coming
Jamie Hayter: #don't be a hayter
Jay White (AGHHH): #that knife guy from new japan / #elle spites jay white
Jeff Hardy: #younger hardy
Jon Moxley: #unscripted and unstable
Julia Hart: #she's got hart
Jungle Boy: #tarzan
Keith Lee: #king keith
Kenny Omega: #omegaman
Kip Sabian: #mr boxman box me a man
Konosuke Takeshita: #the cinnaboi 💙
Kris Statlander: #galaxy's greatest
Kyle O'Reilly: #i just want good things for kyle o'reilly
Lance Archer: #murder teddy
Luchasaurus: #roar roar dinosaur
Matt Hardy: #elder hardy
Matt Jackson: #math
MJF: #that guy Lexie hates
Nick Jackson: #nicko
Nyla Rose: #the native beast
Orange Cassidy: #a can of soda
PAC: #pirate pac
Penelope Ford: #the superbad girl
Red Velvet: #stir it up
Riho: #wrestling since age 9
Ryan Nemeth: #dolph ziggler's little brother
Ruby Soho: #destination unknown
Samoa Joe: #joe's gonna killll youuuuu
Sting: #i love my wrestling father figure
Tay Melo: #tay ko
Taya Valkyrie: tbd
The Bunny: #alice in bunnyland
Thunder Rosa: la mera mera
Wardlow: this is war(dlow)
Wheeler Yuta: #cyute
Willow Nightingale: tbd
Yuka Sakazaki: #the magical girl
Tag Team/Faction Tags:
2point0: #2point0 and son
Acclaimed: #yo yo listen
Best Friends: #the bestest of friends
Dark Order: #the dork order
Death Triangle: #a^2 + b^2 = DEATH
Elite: #the elite the the elite
FTR: #ftrr get it?
Lucha Brothers: #lucha bros
Private Party: #*gasp* is that private party?
Team Taz: #team spaz
Top Flight: #first!class!top!flight!
Young Bucks: #bucks of youth
Other Tags:
Mark Henry: #it's time for the main event!
Alex Abrahantes: #alex abrahantes!
Aubrey Edwards: #aubrey!
Excalibur: #excalibur!
Rick Knox: #rick knox!
Tony Schivone: #tony schivone!
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 2 months
03/30/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR: Ruibo Qian; Rhys Darby; AdoptOurCrew; CoolPirates/Trans Day of Visibility; Fan Spotlight; Kudoboard Last Call; Watch Party Reminders; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
Hope your weekends going well luvs! I know it's almost over for some of you, and others have one more day to go!
== Ruibo Qian ==
Our Pirate Queen is absolutely just slaying today.
Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram
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= Rhys Darby =
Rhys and Finn Darby did an interview at the Whammy Bar in NZ! Wanna see the video? Visit Stuff.co.nz
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In addition, Rosie caught them in the newspaper!
Source: Rosie's IG Stories
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== Adopt Our Crew ==
Our dear friends at #AdoptOurCrew have posted a lovely letter to all our trans and non-binary cast, crew and fandom!
@adoptourcrew Twitter
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==Cool Pirates ==
Lots more trans and non-binary cast, crew and fan crew spotlight today!
= Madeleine Sami =
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The Sami Sisters
= Zayre Ferrer =
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Inevitable Foundation
Zayre Imdb
= Zackery Alexzander Stephens =
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= Mich =
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= Ari Azure =
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card is Toneey Acevedo! You may remember him as one of the tribal elders in episode 2 of season 1 who was helping Stede cope! So good to see him getting highlighted, thank you darling @melvisik!
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= Final Glow Up Bracket! =
Our dear crewmate @thesparklyfkingpirate has been doing the #ofmdglowup for #marchmadness this month. I have been meaning to post about it for a week now and kept getting distracted. Sorry hon! Looks like it's down to the final two! Stede and Izzy! Source: TheSparklyFkingPirate's IG
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== Kudoboards Last Call! =
REMINDER! KUDOBOARDS close on the 31st. 
Go send the cast and crew some love folks!
David Jenkins
Nathan Foad
Con O'Neill
Ruibo Qian
Leslie F*cking Jones!
Matthew Maher
Vico Ortiz
Samson Kayo
Alex "Ass Tonight" Sherman!
David Fane
Gypsy Taylor
Kristian "Wee John Wondays" Nairn!
Samba "BTS and Baking King" Schutte!
Fellow OFMD Fan Crew!
== Watch Party Reminders ==
Movie: Boy Date: Sunday March 31st at Time: 10am EST / 2pm GMT. We're watching Boy (2010) Hosted By: @tillychmo & @regg_official Location / Hastags: TBA
== Love Notes ==
Hello my lovelies! How are you holding up? It's almost the end of March, which is pretty darn hard to believe.
I really hope that you're out there having a good day. I hope your heart and burdens are a little less heavy today, even if they're not weightless. I hope you get a chance to take care of yourself even a little bit, whether that's a shower, or a meal, or a walk outside (or raiding the local target for discount chocolate)-- you deserve a break, and to get a chance to feel like you again.
Remember to love yourself my dears, just like we love you. You deserve all the darn love this crazy world has to offer. I hope you can see that, if not today, one day soon.
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Src: @allontheboard Instagram
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's Theme: Video Games! For those of you who ship #Freemanji
Daily Darby Courtesy of @neonpigeons
Tonight's Taika Courtesy of @aanakin
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steveezekiel · 4 months
1 THIS is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a Bishop, he desires a good work.
2 A bishop then must be BLAMELESS, the husband of one wife, TEMPERATE, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, ABLE TO TEACH;
3 NOT given to WINE, NOT VIOLENT, NOT GREEDY FOR MONEY, but GENTLE, not quarrelsome, not covetous;
4 one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence
5 (for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?);
6 not a NOVICE, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil.
7 Moreover he must have A GOOD TESTIMONY [reputation] AMONG THOSE WHO ARE OUTSIDE [the church], lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil."
1 Timothy 3:1-7 (NKJV)
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• Social Qualifications.
- Whoever would work in God's vineyard should be above any reproach:
(i) Having a good reputation with Christians: "SO A CHURCH LEADER MUST BE A MAN WHOSE LIFE IS ABOVE REPROACH. HE must be faithful to his wife. HE must exercise self-control, live wisely, AND HAVE A GOOD REPUTATION. He must enjoy having guests in his home, and he must be able to teach" (1 Timothy 3:2 NLT).
(ii) Having a good reputation with Non-Christians: "ALSO, PEOPLE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH MUST SPEAK WELL OF HIM [a bishop, a pastor, or an elder] SO that he will NOT BE DISGRACED AND FALL INTO THE DEVIL'S TRAP" (1 Timothy 3:7 NLT).
READ: 1 Peter 2:11,12
- A leader who practices what he preaches or teaches, provokes the unbelievers to consider submitting their lives to Christ.
• Ministry related Qualifications.
(iii) Such must be able to teach (1 Timothy 3:2).
- All leaders would need to do some teachings as one of their primary responsibilities of their leadership role.
- Teaching is a GIFT (Romans 12:6,7; 1 Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 4:11). HOWEVER, the skills could be developed if the assigned leader pay attention to it through adequate study and preparation in the Word of God.
- All leaders who work at it could do it with a few measure or level, or an amount of proficiency.
• A Leader's behaviour (1 Timothy 3:2,3).
- A person's character cannot be assessed properly until such is seen under pressures.
- How would a person react when things get difficult? The pressure may come from different sources such as; adverse circumstances, temptations, or difficult people to deal with.
(i) A good leader is temperate (1 Timothy 3:2). The one who exercises moderation. A number of people want to believe they are not born temperate. But if a person, who is a believer, works at it; he or she would be.
a. In fact, temperate or temperance is one of the character elements which Apostle Peter said every believer should add to their faith:
5 BUT for this very reason also, using therewith all diligence, IN your faith have also virtue, IN virtue knowledge, 6 IN knowledge TEMPERANCE, IN temperance ENDURANCE, IN endurance GODLINESS" (2 Peter 1:5,6 (DARBY).
b. The temperance is also known as self control (1 Timothy 3:2). A discipline state of mind, not impulsive, and not given to extremest. A self controlled person does not overreact in crises.
(ii) A good leader is respectable (1 Timothy 3:2). Such can be trusted to keep his or her words. A man or woman of Integrity.
(iii) Not given to wine (1 Timothy 3:3). A person who drinks alcoholic beverages generally cannot have a good reputation with outsiders.
(iv) A good Ministry leader is not violent (1 Timothy 3:3). In other words, such is not a giver of blows.
(v) Not quarrelsome (1 Timothy 3:3). Disinclined to fighting. Peaceable. Conciliatory.
(vi) He or she is gentle (2 Corinthians 10:1; Philippians 4:5).
(vii) Not a lover of money (1 Timothy 3:3). A leader must have developed a strict financial Discipline before such is appointed to Leadership.
• You will not fail in Jesus' name.
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