#cw natural disasters
redd956 · 1 year
Tornado Safety
This year’s tornado season prediction for the united states is looking quite grim, so I decided to make this lil tornado safety post.
Difference between Warning and Watch
First you need to know the different between a tornado warning and a tornado watch. 
A tornado watch means there is a potential risk for tornadoes.
A tornado warning means that server weather as bean spotted.
The real one you know to get going for is the tornado emergency which means that there is truly something heading your way. However you should respond to all of these appropriately, and if one is issued keep watch for the weather.
What to look out for
The calm before the storm is a real thing. The wind may die down, and the air become still. Everything might fall silent for a moment
The sky is turning dark really fast, or green, or both.
A roar similar to that of a distant freight train. Tornado’s sound like freight trains.
Fast moving and rotating clouds, especially if they’re making a funnel shape
Obviously tornado watches escalating for tornado warnings
What to do
Let’s say the tornado warning is now issued, and eventually a tornado is coming your way. What do you do? Well the situation depends on how immediate the danger is, and what your circumstances are.
First let’s start with the “average”  American advice. Go to the lowest level of your home, and hopefully a basement or storm shelter. 
Now if that isn’t an available option, there’s no need to fear or panic. The lowest level of your home is advised. Try an small enclosed room, with low to minimum windows, such as a bathroom, closet, or center hallway.
If you are in a mobile home GET OUT OF THERE. 
Let’s say there’s nowhere to go.
Go to a safe available nearby building, especially if it has a basement. However if that is still not an option lie in the nearest ditch (I know it sounds crazy but it works) and shield your head/neck with your hands
If taking shelter in a home, make sure everyone is with you. That can include pets, but if you’re in a super emergency situation it is better to leave them and get to shelter as quick as possible.
If you can get low and shield head, or body with a mattress, blanket, etc.
Natural Disaster Safety
Doesn’t matter where you live, you should probably have an emergency kit, especially one attuned to the climate of your area. This doubles if you’re in a natural disaster prone area.
Many of those in the United States have learned lately what the consequences of not having the proper equipment on hand are.
So what should you have for a tornado?
Battery Powered Radio
Extra Batteries
First Aid Kit
Water & Canned Food
Emergency things tailored to people of household (medical problems, etc)
If you live in a cold region also have cold safety materials too
What NOT to do & Extra
Don’t disregard the watches, and especially the warnings. They are there for a reason, and you should really keep an eye out. You might even want to head to shelter anyway if the wind is crazy strong.
Don’t stand near windows, or be that classic midwesterner who is on their porch getting a good shot of that swirly cloud of death. I know its fun...but its not safe.
If the situation is an absolute emergency don’t take time to grab your valuable. Its devastating to lose them, I've been there, but you can replace most tiny things and not a life.
Make sure any invalid family members have their own viable tornado plan. My grandma lives in a tornado prone area, and the plan has completely changed since she’s been confined to a walker. Make sure your family members like that have a plan.
Being in a car during a tornado is not safe at all. Drive to nearest shelter, or get out and hop in that ditch.
If the tornado looks like its standing still, it’s not. That shit is heading towards you.
Always be sure to remember to cover your head, or help shield your children.
Myth Busting
Overpasses are not safe shelter for when you’re in a car. It’s a myth, take that ditch instead if need be, or drive to a shelter.
Hiding under your car is dangerous. Tornados can drop on your car, either crushing you or sucking you up into the air along with your vehicle
Cars cannot outrun tornados
Don’t open your windows. It’s not going to stop the tornado from blowing your house over, instead it may even help it. It will allow for debris to enter your home easier, and cause the wind to be able to tear your house apart from the inside out.
It’s hit now, maybe your house was safe or not. Keep track of watches still, tornados can return, or could be apart of a tornado outbreak, meaning a second or even third tornado can hit the area. 
Assume all downed lines are active and dangerous, try not to use the gas, electricity, and water til you’re sure its safe.
If you’re not home return home once it’s deemed safe
Keep aware of damaged buildings, glass, debris, etc. 
If you want to and have the chance help your fellow man, lost animal, and etc. Checking on people is a kind and lifesaving thing to do, as well as securing people’s pets.
All of this from a person who lived in a tornado prone area growing up, to you.
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night-wyld-system · 1 year
Understanding Trauma
Many people seem to not understand trauma. This can be helpful to any and all people, regardless of whether or not you have experienced any trauma. Trauma can occur at any time or age. Being aware of how something is considered trauma is important so you can heal. Weather you were traumatized in childhood or adulthood, you deserve to be able to heal and understand that your struggles were indeed enough and valid.
What Is Trauma?
According to TIC "Trauma is a pervasive problem. It results from exposure to an incident or series of events that are emotionally disturbing or life-threatening with lasting adverse effects on the individual’s functioning and mental, physical, social, emotional, and/or spiritual well-being."
Trauma is a very vast and nebulous concept. It is an incredibly broad umbrella term that covers any and all distressing experiences that leave an impact on the individual who experienced them. They can be real or imagined experiences as well.
The way we (as a system) personally process trauma from our experiences with side effects of a medication giving us auditory and visual hallucinations is the same as we process the rest of our trauma due to the nature of what we suffer from. The "smaller" traumas we have endured are no less or more distressing than the "larger" traumas, merely they are easier for us to accept the fact that they occurred.
No one person will have the same criteria for what constitutes trauma for their brain. Everyone has a different tolerance for what may or may not be traumatizing. For example, children are more likely to be traumatized by things that would not traumatize an adult. Children are less aware and less capable of thinking about the future, because of this they often do not seem to understand that events are not life-threatening. This is not something that is to be seen as a fault or personal failing, this is merely a part of human nature.
Types Of Trauma
So many people are not aware that instances in their childhood or adult life may be traumatic or can cause trauma. They may believe that either they themselves or others are being weak for being affected so much by the things they have experiences. We understand this issue very well as we have often degraded and beaten ourselves up over the idea that some of our "lesser" traumas were not as bad as our "greater" ones and should have been inconsequential. This is not fair to us or anyone else.
Bullying People often overlook this as a form of trauma due to the idea that being bullied is a "normal part" of childhood. However this is a very unhealthy and unrealistic standard that has been set which plays a large role in socio-cultural issues we see today. That however is a topic for a different discussion entirely.
Some things that are seen as normal childhood "bullying" but can be traumatic are, but not exclusive to:
Child on child violence
Physical (hitting, tripping, kicking, etc.)
Verbal (name calling, teasing, taunting, threatening, and sexual comments)
Social (spreading rumors, embarrassing someone in public, being purposefully exclusive)
Cyberbullying (sending negative, harmful, and/or false content electronically via text messages or email; posting mean things or hurtful pictures online through social media, blogs, etc)
Bystander (seeing someone be harmed and not stepping in, being unable to help, etc.)
Things that can come from it that can also be traumatic:
School avoidance, including missing or dropping out of school
Poor academic performance
Eating disorders
Suicidal or homicidal ideas or actions
Stress, anxiety, and depression
Loneliness and isolation
Feelings of rejection, or poor self-esteem
Changes in sleep and eating patterns
Poor relational skills/never learning how to socialize
Community Violence Yet another form of trauma that is often overlooked is living in a volatile and aggressive environment. Whether or not you yourself get involved in any of the conflicts that have taken place in your neighborhood, city, town, region, or country, does not matter. The environment itself and the general feelings of tension can be incredibly stressful.
Things that can fall under this, but are not exclusive are:
Exposure to acts of violence committed in public areas by those who are not known to the victim
Gang conflicts/fights
Individual conflicts
Shoot outs
Public stabbings/shooting/violent assaults
Group conflicts
Ongoing Wars
Terrorist attacks
“War-like” conditions (often associated with high rates of crime and large amounts of organized crime)
Exposure to homicides, sexual assaults, robberies, assaults, and weapon attacks of either those you know or those who are detached
Consistent or constant reasonable fear of ones safety
Further traumas that can come as a result:
Bodily injury
Always being on edge
Trouble with trusting people in your community
Exposure to and heightened risk for substance abuse
Being in survival mode
Worry about family & friends
Natural Disasters The world itself can be a scary place at times. There are a whole list of ways that nature itself can be a cruel and traumatic force. Survivors of natural disasters, no matter how big or small can be left with lasting mental scars.
Some examples may include:
Extreme Heat
Extreme Cold
Wind Storms
Further things that may be traumatizing which come as a result of some natural disasters:
Loss of housing
Less resources
Loss of personal property
Changes in school
Changes in work
Loss of income
Physical injury
Loss of a loved one
Loss of community
Separation Anxiety
Medical Trauma Dealing with injuries, medical conditions, illnesses, and chronic illness can also be traumatic. Not only from just merely being sick or in pain, but also from the experiences one may have in a medical facility. These are typically based more on subjective experience than the fact of the injury/illness/treatment itself.
Some forms of trauma may include:
Invasive procedures
Non-invasive procedures
Shock and loss of control at a diagnosis
Life-altering complications 
Conditions of the medical ward
Conditions of the doctors office
Unexpected medical intervention
Delirium experienced by some patients
Children not understanding what's going on
Chronic illness and health complications
Excessive doctor visits as a child as compared to ones peers
Additional forms of child that may be experienced as a result:
Impair day to day function
Lack of adherence to medical treatment
Impediment to recovery
Physical Abuse This is a much more tricky topic as everyone tends to already have an idea of what this is. However most people's understanding of these issues are lacking to say the least. Society would have you believe it must always be done with harmful intention and result in physical injury, but that is not always the case.
Examples of some forms of this trauma:
Dragging someone around
Unwanted non-sexual touch
Hair pulling
Object throwing
Physical restraints
Having your medication controlled/restricted
Use of weapons
Coercion into using substances
Withholding physical needs (physical neglect)
Injuring or threats to injure others
Seeing an abuser destroy objects
IPV, Intimate partner violence
Seeing IPV/intimate partner violence
Further traumas that may be experienced as a result:
Struggle to develop and maintain friendships
Walking on eggshells
Survival Mode
Physical injury
Red marks that may fade away
Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse is yet another touchy subject, and one that needs to be discussed more. There are so many different forms of sexual abuse.
Examples of SA:
Sex Trafficking
Forced/Coerced Prostitution
Forced/Coerced Sex-work (virtual)
Leaking/spreading of nudes
Using force, coercion, guilt, or manipulation.
Exploiting a victim who is unable to make an informed decision
Laughing or making fun of another’s sexuality or body
Making contact with the victim in any non-consensual way
Exhibiting excessive jealousy resulting in false accusations of infidelity and controlling behaviors to limit the victim’s contact with the outside world.
Having affairs with other people and using that information to taunt the victim.
Withholding sex from the victim as a control mechanism.
CSA/Child Sexual abuse This is a subset of SA, consisting of any forms of it that occur to a child. This is about whether or not it can be traumatic and less about if there is purposeful harm (there is unintentional forms of CSA also known as covert csa)
Examples include:
Child on child CSA (when a child assaults another child)
Non-contact CSA (typically any form of CSA where a child is not directly touched)
asking, pressuring, inciting, or otherwise coercing a child to engage in sexual activities (whether or not it leads to physical contact)
sexual touch/fondling (even if fully clothed)
sexual activity in the presence of a child
causing a child to watch a sexual act
exposure of genitals to a child
viewing a child’s genitalia or breasts without contact
inappropriate sexual conversation
meeting a child following sexual grooming
using a child to produce child pornography
sexual grooming
emotional incest
Religious/Spiritual Abuse Preface: Religion and spirituality is okay and can be healthy! Religious abuse happens when religions are run in bad ways or by bad people. This is any form of distress that occurs within a religious group or institution and has a lot of overlap with different types of abuse and traumas. This is even more apparent in cults.
Enforcement of the idea “you were born sick”
Fear of being damned to eternal suffering (things like fear of hell)
Being kicked out of the church
Removing oneself from a religious group and losing connections due to it
Trauma from separating oneself from a long believed in religious figure
Belief in being constantly watched
Being told you are sinful
Puritanical abuse (shaming sexuality, shaming sexual thoughts, shaming abuse survivors)
Experiencing shame or being told you’re not worthy of love due to your thoughts or beliefs
Fear of expressing yourself or sharing your thoughts
Forced to follow your communities rules and expectations
Marginalization due to your gender or sexuality
The use of scripture to justify abuse or injustice
Not feeling free to leave your faith
Individuals in positions of power who force members to participate in religious ceremonies or use fear of hell or punishment to earn their abnegation
Suppression of normal child development through limited access to information and the teaching of dysfunctional beliefs
Stifling independent thinking and creating self-doubt, to diminish the agency of members
Financial abuse
Financial manipulation
Ways leaving religions or the effects of harmful religious groups may be traumatic:
difficulty with decision-making and critical thinking
identity confusion
lack of meaning
Sleep and eating disorders
sexual dysfunction
Rupture of family and social network
financial stress
interpersonal dysfunction
emotional, intellectual, social, and sexual immaturity resulting from the control of information and discouragement of critical thinking within the religious environment
Traumatic Grief Grief is something that almost everyone will experience, but sometimes this can infact be traumatic. Especially for young children. It is okay if your grief turned traumatic.
Examples of traumatic grief:
Sudden loss of a loved one
Learning a loved one was murdered
Learning of a horrific crime that resulted in a loss of a loved one
Unexpected losses
Loss of a child
Accidental death of a loved one
Stalking This is something that a lot less people have experienced but it is very important to be talked about nonetheless.
Types of stalking/examples:
Domestic Stalking
Lust Stalking
Love-Scorned Stalking
Celebrity Stalking
Political Stalking
Hitmen Stalking
Revenge Stalking
Being followed around
Having someone taking photos of you without your knowledge and posting them online
Seeing the same person numerous times around you
Constantly feeling or being watched
Finding your things out of place when you know for fact you did not displace things and do not have any memory issues
There is a large amount of things that constitute trauma. We skipped a few things being trauma that is experienced due to discrimination and trauma experienced due to survivors guilt.
Resource Document
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(( Holy shit my hometown got hit with a tornado. My IRL best friend live there still and told me about it, and I called my family out there. They’re okay, the tornado literally hit just across the street from them. 
My friend said that if she hears anything else, she will go get my family. They live in an apartment with no tornado shelters, but she has a basement. It’s... So rough that things keep happening like this.
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reasonsforhope · 5 days
Since the 1960s, the world has seen a spike in the number of natural disasters, largely due to rising sea levels and an ever gradually increasing global surface temperature.
The good news? We’re getting better at helping each other when disasters strike.
According to a recent study from Our World In Data, the global toll from natural disasters has dramatically dropped in the last century.
“Low-frequency, high-impact events such as earthquakes and tsunamis are not preventable, but such high losses of human life are,” wrote lead authors Hannah Ritchie and Pablo Rosado.
To conduct their research, Ritchie and Rosado gathered data from all geophysical, meteorological, and climate-related disasters since 1900. That includes earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides, drought, wildfires, severe storms, and mass floods. 
In the early-to-mid 20th century, the average annual death toll from disasters was very high, often climbing to over a million. 
For example, the study cites that in 1931, 2.7 million people died from the Yangtze–Huai River floods. In 1943, 1.9 million died from the Bangladeshi famine of 1943. Even low-frequency events had extreme death tolls. 
“In recent decades we have seen a substantial decline in deaths,” Ritchie and Rosado observed. “Even in peak years with high-impact events, the death toll has not exceeded 500,000 since the mid-1960s.”
Why has the global death toll from disasters dropped? 
There are a number of factors at play in the improvement of disaster aid, but the leading component is that human beings are getting better at predicting and preparing for natural disasters. 
“We know from historical data that the world has seen a significant reduction in disaster deaths through earlier prediction, more resilient infrastructure, emergency preparedness, and response systems,” Ritchie and Rosado explained in their study. 
On April 6, [2024],a 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked the city of Hualien in Taiwan. Days later, as search and rescue continues, the death toll currently rests at 16. 
Experts have praised Taiwan for their speedy response and recovery, and attributed the low death toll to the measures that Taiwan implemented after an earthquake of similar strength hit the city 25 years earlier. Sadly, on that day in 1999, 2,400 people died and 11,000 were injured. 
In an interview with Al Jazeera, Wang Yu — assistant professor at National Taiwan University — said that event, known as the Chi-Chi earthquake, revolutionized the way Taiwan approached natural disasters. 
“There were lots of lessons we learned, including the improvement of building codes, understanding earthquake warning signs, the development and implementation of earthquake early warning (EEW) systems and earthquake education,” said Wang. 
Those same sensors and monitoring systems allowed authorities to create “shakemaps” during Hualien’s latest earthquake, which helped them direct rescue teams to the regions that were hit the hardest. 
This, in conjunction with stronger building codes, regular earthquake drills, and public education campaigns, played a huge role in reducing the number of deaths from the event. 
And Taiwan’s safeguards on April 6 are just one example of recent measures against disasters. Similar models in strengthening prediction, preparedness, and recovery time have been employed around the world when it comes to rescuing victims of floods, wildfires, tornados, and so on. 
What else can we learn from this study?
When concluding the findings from their study, Ritchie and Rosado emphasized the importance of increasing safety measures for everyone.
Currently, there is still a divide between populations with high gross national income and populations living in extreme poverty.
Even low-income countries that infrequently have natural disasters have a much higher death rate  because they are vulnerable to collapse, displacement, and disrepair. 
“Those at low incomes are often the most vulnerable to disaster events; improving living standards, infrastructure, and response systems in these regions will be key to preventing deaths from natural disasters in the coming decades,” surmised Ritchie and Rosado.
“Overall development, poverty alleviation, and knowledge-sharing of how to increase resilience to natural disasters will therefore be key to reducing the toll of disasters in the decades to come."
-via GoodGoodGood, April 11, 2024
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themaybug · 3 months
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Bramble; the dark urge, archfey warlock/druid, they/it
text reads as follows:
I am the wolf whose fangs pierce your skin
I am the river that cuts the sinews of the land
I am the poisonous fruit on the vine, and the sharp nettle that draws blood
I am life and I am death
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pillowspace · 3 months
genuine TMA question bc me and my friend can’t figure this out. So I’m asking ur opinion.
which, if any entity, would have anything to do with tornados? Probably the vast right? It feels like something that guy with the lightning scared skin (can’t remember his name rn) would fuck with
me and my friend are trying to match natural disasters to different entities. For fun :3 (Earthquakes = the buried, floods =prob the lonely? Stuff like that)
The Vast, probably yeah!! I'd think so anyway. Tornadoes are usually depicted as quite massive to frighten viewers in films and such. And you get heavily strong winds, and strong winds is a very Vast thing to have. It's something larger than you that a person doesn't have much control over, so it could make someone feel insignificant. Alsooo, I don't know if you've finished TMA or are still listening to it or what, but there's a Vast character who seems to have a large "pet" of sorts, and I've seen somebody depict it as a walking tornado in an animatic before which I was fond of
Also lightning scar guy is Mike Crew :)
Hope you're having fun!!
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monstrousmenagerie · 22 days
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Future Humans from The Drifting Classroom
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Hi. Just wanted to check in again. I’m hearing that Twitter and tik tok have been restricted in Turkey. Hoping you are doing okay
I am not mentally in a good place. I feel like I am rotting in helplessness and I am feeling immense guilt over having a warm home and food and having my loved ones with me.
I have never seen such incompetence and helpnessness and this is the second time I have felt absolutely hopeless and useless in the face of something.
I lost my religion years ago and now I have also lost my faith in the capability of humans, too. I am so angry, I am so devastated for being able to do nothing, but watching my people going thru this in -12 conditions, no water, no food, no one to save them, because this is affecting such a huge area (i am talking about a 500km radius) and about 13.5 million people with 11k+ collapsed multistorey buildings which had 20+ apartments each...
Tonight, at 04.21, it will be 72 hours since the first quake. We lost entire cities worth of people and I don't know what to do with myself.
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itmeblog · 1 year
Episode 82: Hit The Fan, is out!!
In which Hatov still finds himself stuck with Chell! Everything about this arrangement is perfect, perfect, PERFECT!
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redd956 · 1 year
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The T-Word
Also by me
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quilfish-swan · 1 year
how to cope with the feeling that i am 99% certain me or my husband or my cat or some combination of us or all three of us are going to die in a natural disaster within the next 5 years if we don't move to another state😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐🤔🤔🤔🤔🧐🧐
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rowelvjy · 2 years
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unicornery · 10 months
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The 2020 Derecho was really devastating for a lot of Iowa and Illinois, Cedar Rapids in particular, and Iowans were begging people online to take notice to very little effect. I made this meme after the Texas freeze in 2021, which got a lot of attention online, even though much of it was in the form of mockery.
The Floods of 1993 I think most people know about, since it affected so many people, but if not: The Great Flood of 1993. This was a huge deal in Des Moines, notably the Water Works was flooded and the city was without drinking water from July 12-30. have seen some reporting on the 30-year anniversary and expect to see more as the summer goes on. [Photo gallery]
The 2008 floods hit Des Moines but had an even bigger impact on Cedar Rapids (that was one of the most heartbreaking parts of them getting so hammered by the derecho, they had done so much to rebuild after 2008). The 2011 insurance industry comedy "Cedar Rapids" with Ed Helms wasn't shot in CR but the characters did discuss the real-life flood event that had recently hit the city.
The 2018 floods were particularly scary since it all happened so fast. Fourmile Creek swelled from its banks, sweeping away people, pets, and vehicles, turned streets into rivers, filled basements, and in one case, ruptured a gas line that led to a duplex exploding (the residents escaped unharmed).
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entitledrichpeople · 2 years
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nostalgic-woodwind · 1 year
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I’m officially obsessed with this puppet show ARG, so here’s my OC.
Fun Fact: R.F.D. is inspired by RFD (rear flank downdraft), which means "A region of dry air subsiding on the back side of, and wrapping around, a mesocyclone. It often is visible as a clear slot wrapping around the wall cloud. Scattered large precipitation particles (rain and hail) at the interface between the clear slot and wall cloud may show up on radar as a hook or pendant; thus the presence of a hook or pendant may indicate the presence of an RFD" (Glossary - NOAA's National Weather Service).
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Back again for the vile OC asks!
I'll let you pick any character you want to answer for and could I have...grime and gash?
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Welcome back. And thank you for your ask.
I'm going to answer this for Anabelle Laure Marguerite Vasser de Spacci of Pale Fire. She is the one who would most fit these set of questions.
That being said as these are often mature topics, I ask that:
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Grime: What has been their lowest point?
tw: ptsd. violence. mental health. natural disaster.
Anabelle Vasser is a shadow blade from the Olessan Shadow Council, specifically the sect in the southern portion of the Olessan Empire. She functions as three things: an assassin, a way for the Olessan Shadow Council to have power over the nobility, and a treasure hunter.
The lowest part of her life occurs after her first mission and before she met Seamus Jorinuson for the first time in Tokus, a city in the Eastern kingdoms.
Her first mission saw the Shadow Council send her to a Glorendine coastal city as rumors of an Enethian artifact had surfaced. To be exact, it was said that a group of workers had stumbled upon an Enethian temple while they were mining a quarry on a nearby island. Annie was sent there to meet a guide and investigate. She would find the temple and the artifact in a grotto, but she would also learn that her guide had sold it to a soldier of the Glorendine army, Cullen Nialuson. Cullen was her enemy as Olessa and Glorendt were at war.
When her guide removed the artifact, it started an earthquake that would result in a tsumani and the destruction of two coastal cities. She would have to work together with Cullen. They would enter the last room with water filling and the opening was not big enough for both of them to go through. Cullen would push her through as a large pillar fell, crushing him.
As the coastal cities rebuilt, they enacted a curfew and a lockdown. No one could enter or leave the cities for six months after. Anabelle would help with the rebuilding, but it wasn't a safe place for a woman. She would learn to sleep with one eye open.
The after math left a mark on Anabelle. She would develop severe PTSDs. For the longest time, she would sleep on the floor upright with her back against the bedframe. Annie would always face the door. Sleep was scarce.
When she did fall asleep, she would have nightmares about her time in Glorendt. They would never be a picture-perfect version of what happened, but more like pieces would be missing. Reality would blur the dreams.
Her mind will often play tricks on her. She will see Cullen and his shattered body, blaming her for his death. Annie carries a great guilt over what happened.
During this time, Annie would begin to drink heavily. The citizens of the southern part of the Olessan Empire would always drink some wine with their dinner, but Anabelle started to drink harder things. Her favorite drink turned out to be Glorendine whiskey. She never places it in a glass, but she drinks from the bottle.
To make matters worse, Anabelle would go before the Olessan Council to answer for what had happened in Glorendt. Upon Jackson, her foster father's advice, she takes the blame for what happened. She is stripped of a few ranks and placed under Jackson's supervision once more until he thinks she is able to complete a contract / mission successfully by herself. They would reconvene and discuss her progress at a later date.
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Gash: what's something they don't tell others? And/or themselves?
cw: death. homophobia
Before Anabelle left for the Glorendine coastal city, she would have a brief, secret relationship with another woman named Éléonore while she was in Olessa Minor on a contract. They would exchange letters back and forth, but neither were ready to risk their reputations by letting their affections known.
When Anabelle is apart from Seamus, she returns to the Olessan Empire. Éléonore fell ill. Anabelle went to see her in her final days, but Éléonore refused to see her.
Anabelle counts Éléonore as one of two people she loved. At a later date, Éléonore's letters to other loved ones were published. None of the letters the two women wrote were. Éléonore most likely burned her copies, but Anabelle didn't.
There are times when Annie will read over those letters and feel great sorrow within her. These are the times when she is very angry at society and wishes that she could have publicly showed her love to Éléonore.
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