#cw discussion of death
loudclan-clangen · 1 month
Thinking abt how the kits would have absolutely zero grasp on the concept of mortality and death and how they'd be really confused on why their parents are upset and where Mothtree wen't :^)
Hi friend, I don’t want to be like a major downer but… Rosehipkit is VERY sick. She and Dogwood, more than any other kits, absolutely understand the concept of mortality and death in a way that they should not have to.
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kunosoura · 4 days
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antimony-medusa · 8 months
So what kind of a dad is q!Phil anyways?
So, Phil getting Tallulah and Chayanne to wear armour and learn how to fight. Also Bad doing this with Dapper, and the Brazilians trying to do this with Richas, and the french with Pomme, but when it gets discussed, it's mostly focusing on Phil because of the contrast of Wilbur not wanting his kids to have to fight. There's some really fun discussion that comes up with that!
And the interesting thing is that when we're trying to pull up other cultural touchpoints to compare phil-and-fighting-and-the-kids to, a lot of the other characters have very specific vibes, so to speak. I was in a discussion the other day where someone compared Phil in this with the dad in Supernatural, and him getting his sons to follow him on hunts. Cause he's a dad training his kids to fight, right? From a very young age? However, I don't think this is a perfect comparison, and I wanted to share the one that comes to mind for me, despite the fact that it deals with some pretty dark topics. This whole post deals with some dark topics, you might want to check the tags, just so you know.
Anyways, I never watched Supernatural, so I didn't do much more than think emoji in the moment when this comparison came up. But I checked in with friends who have watched it, and I think Phil QSMP and John Winchester Supernatural are acting from some pretty different places. John Supernatural is teaching his kids to fight because they have a duty and a lineage and have to help save the world, but at the same time there's this tragedy there that implies that he's so focused on his duty as a hunter that he's not seeing that maybe you don't need the kids for that. They could start when they were older—or maybe they could not start this! He essentially conscripts them into a battle that shapes the course of their lives, as little warriors, and they never have a choice in it. And he's not above using them as bait, because they're warriors, right? The battle is so important? They want to be involved, they want this (of course they want this, you're their dad, and they believe you that this is important). He's a true believer.
Whereas Phil is faced with a world that actively and constantly wants to kill his kids, and he's trying to train them to defend themselves. He's trying to say that there's danger out there, you take care of yourself, I'm going to put myself on the line for you, but if I fail, if I'm not there, you won't be defenseless if it comes down to it. I have had my beef with fics that take on this topic, in fact, because I've seen people write Phil as using his kids as bait to get to the codes or forgetting his kids in his code battle, and that's not how I interpret the character motivattion and actions. For me, the way I see it, Phil is always thinking of how best to defend the eggs, and everything else is in service to this. He's a man with anxiety on an island that wants to kill his kids, not a warrior in an epic battle.
Does this mean that the eggs are gonna grow up and go to therapy about their childhood full of danger? Hell yeah they wll. This is not an ideal childhood. But— and this is the crucial thing— they're going to grow up. Same with Dapper, same with Richas, same with Pomme— living your life under constant need to teleport out to safety is bad, objectively, but when the alternative is living in the moment until you die, I think the teleporting out is better, actually.
And the comparison that comes to mind for me, because of my personal experience, is not examples in media of parents training their kids to fight, but examples in media or in real life of parents dealing with serious and or terminal illness in kids. Cause that's what my family did. And boy is there resonance there.
I don't know of any parent of a kid with cancer who likes putting their kid through treatment. Chemotherapy sucks, radiation sucks, surgery sucks, immunotherapy sucks, none of this is good. I have seen this tear up parents (and siblings) inside. But it's better than letting their kids DIE, isn't it? And before you say well, obviously everyone is on the same page when it comes to things like chemotherapy, I have *seen* people go out there and post at cancer families about how they can't believe they're putting poison in their children's bodies when they should just eat better, etc. (This take reminds me strongly of the "she shoudln't wear armour cause she shouldn't have to fight" take about Tallulah.) Serious illness in kids forces you into terrible situations, but the only saving grace is that they're better than the alternative, you hope.
The only thing that makes me go ehhhhh maybe with Phil and the Mr Supernatural is him letting Chayanne fight, but Chayanne is a kid being hunted whose sister (also being hunted) is disabled, and this happens whether or not Chayanne is involved, and he wants to try and defend her so bad. I don't think saying "let her die if necessary, don't intervene" is going to be a conversation that ends up with less trauma, if you know what I mean. That is simply a situation that has no real win conditions out of it. At least this way he feels like he has some control? (Note: this is a bad situation, there's no getting around it.)
QSMP is so often a story about forces beyond our control trying to destroy us, and while Supernatural and its ilk also has that tone, within Supernatural there's at least a population that doesn't have to be part of the battle, so opting into the battle becomes on some level a choice, and involving children in that is also a choice, one that you can hold up to the standards of allowing children to have a childhood and go "is this ethical". On Quesadilla island, there's literally no opting out of this fight. There are malevolent forces that are directly trying to destroy you, destroy your children, and the question of allowing children to have a childhood has been effectively taken out of your hands. You simply have to do the best with the situation you have, and have a birthday party while keeping the armour on. And this reminds me much more strongly of situations like childhood cancer, than it does of cases in media of people concripting their children into battle.
In both cases children are trying to fight malevolent entities that want them dead, as pushed to fight by their parents, but boy, at least to me, the tone is pretty different. I think the question of "is it self defense or did you choose to be here" is pretty important.
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estrogenism · 7 months
idk i wish people would talk more about papua when it comes to occupied nations.
free papua.
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lavendertrash39 · 1 month
(CW for discussions of death. Spoilers for up to Chapter 85 of the Manga. There's now also some spoilers in replies and all of that so beware 😅)
shoutout to dungeon meshi for handling death in one of the most unique and interesting ways I've ever seen before.
I feel like it's really easy for when universes allow reviving to happen that life just like... loses its weight. Dungeon Meshi manages to have reviving and species that often mix that all have different life spans, and it's just... so impressive. It's so cool how it all ties together, and you realize as you go on, this has been a theme throughout the whole story.
Marcille has genuinely become one of my favorite characters because of her relationship with death. It feels like it just works so well. It doesn't feel like her feelings towards it came out of nowhere. It's always been there. It's rare for elves to be in parties. But she's in a party. She's in a party with people she knows are going to live not even 10% of her lifespan.
Just... that line. "You run faster than everyone else... so you're going to have to watch lots of people go away." Shit dude. That would've fucked me up so royally if I'd heard that about my own life when I was little.
Marcille's fucking desperation to extend her friend's lives because she can't stand the thought of the other 70-90 percent of her life span being without the people she loves. She's fighting tooth and nail against death because all she can think about is that backwards ticking clock on her friends' lives.
There's so much weight in life. Marcille is so desperate to keep her friends alive. I think a part of me actually shattered when Laios said "Besides, we've known all along how to stretch our life spans without the winged lions power." and they all say those three things Senshi had originally said... it's so simple.
It's acknowledging the fact that they aren't powerless under death. There isn't any ticking clock counting down that they have no control over... they just have to take care of themselves.
Marcille is still going to lose them. It is still going to hurt badly. But she has them now, they're doing what they can now. 100 years is far away, she can start to think about the now. She doesn't have to live according to a countdown.
Idk,, it just hits really hard. I really love this manga 😭
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nelida-alvarez · 3 months
I debated for some time whether or not I should post this, but in the end, my desire to share stories won.
Cw/Tw : mentions/discussion of losing faith (religious) & mentions/discussion of child death. Take care of yourselves <3
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It was rare for Nélida to be uncomfortable. Sure, there were things that annoyed her, things that stressed her and things that made her afraid. She wasn’t ashamed to admit that- she was human, and it was in Men’s nature to feel, whether the emotions were positive or negative. Things that made her uncomfortable though? Things that made her skin crawl with unease and the desire to be anywhere else than where she was at the moment? Those were rare. Oh, they existed. And they made her soul tense up when mentioned.
“I don’t think that’s right, though…” Nova said, sprawled on the couch with Keegan as they argued. Nikto was sitting in a love seat, doing crosswords almost absentmindedly as he quietly listened to the sergeants talking. Castle was reading a book, not really paying attention. Meanwhile, Nélida was sitting on the ground in front of her Captain, her back leaning against his legs.
“No, I’m quite sure… It's like that thing with Adam and Eve, right? Banned from Paradise for touching the forbidden fruit or something.” Keegan replied.
“Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden to prevent them from eating from the tree of life, which would have made them eternal, not because they ate the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” Nélida absently corrected, shocking the two sergeants into silence. Noting the absence of talking, she blinked and looked up, meeting the bewildered gazes of her team.
“What?” She asked, a bit confused.
“I didn’t know you knew so much about… Bible-y things.” Nova said, tilting her head in curiosity.
“Oh.. yes, I guess I just… never talked about it.” Nélida tensed slightly, her hands playing idly with Castle’s shoelaces.
“Are you Christian?” Keegan leaned forward, eager to know more about her. A small pregnant pause followed the question, broken by a shuddering breath Nélida took.
“…was.” She whispered. Nikto frowned, shuffling in his seat.
“Oh.. well, what is, or was maybe, your favorite Bible quote?” Nova frowned a little at Keegan’s question, eyes darting between his oblivious self and Nélida’s crisped expression.
Castle had put his book down, lips pursing at the tense atmosphere in the room. He let one of his big paw-like hands slowly come down to rest against Nélida’s nape, the weight reassuring.
Keegan, realizing his mistake, opened his mouth to apologize, before being cut off by the older woman.
“It..” she started, clearing her throat as her voice broke.
Nikto crouched down next to her, presenting his gloved hand, palm up, to her. Nélida took it, taking a deep breath, before starting to speak once more.
“It is… or was, perhaps, Isaiah 41:10." She admitted, clearing her throat once more.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" Keegan started, before being cut off by Nélida throwing a small smile his way.
"It's fine, amor, you didn't know."
Silence reigned for a while, before Castle hummed.
"Well now, what do you all say we play a game, hmm? Anyone up for strip poker?"
As Nova got up to go take the cards, Nélida squeezed Nikto's hand in thanks and threw a grateful glance over her shoulder at her Captain.
Nélida prefered to be the big spoon when cuddling. She just liked that position better. But sometimes, she just wanted to be held, to feel like nothing could hurt her when she was safely cocooned in her lovers' arms.
Castle rumbled quietly, scratching at Nélida's scalp gently.
"What's bothering you so much, mamí?"
"...just.. memories.." The woman mumbled, her voice slightly muffled due to the fact that her face was burried in the older man's pecs.
"Wannna talk about it?" Castle gently asked, like she was a feral animal that was being cornered.
"...Perdí a mi bebé... Mi hijo- mi hijo sólo tenía dos años y- murió..." She erupted in cries, Nélida's body was wracked with sobs, the comforting weight of Castle's hands caressing her back seemingly ineffective.
"I prayed.. I prayed so fucking much-! And my s-son, my son still.. still-!" Nélida gasped breaths in as Castle grounded her, his voice in her ear telling her to breathe helping.
"Doctors said it was CNS tumors..that there was nothing they could do, that- that it was too late.. that I noticed it too late.."
"I just- I- I miss him so much.. I wondered, why God? Why my son?" Her voice broke on the last word, trailing off into whimpers and sniffles.
Castle hummed, pressing a kiss to Nélida's forehead. He didn't quite know what to say, but he knew that what Nélida had said had probably been weighing on her for quite some time.
It took a while for Nélida to calm down, her eyes puffy and red with her anguish.
"Thank you for listening.. I-.. it's probably not fair on you, but I really needed to talk about it.."
Castle smiled sadly, a thumb drying one of his mamí's tears.
"I know this was difficult to talk about, but I'm glad you let it off your chest, love. If you ever want to talk, know that I'm here. If you don't want to talk and just want someone to hold you, I'm also here." He said, gaining himself a wobbly smile.
"Thank you, Castle... I really appreciate it."
Thye both knew she would hide anything was wrong the next morning. That she would burry her feelings deep inside her heart until they rose to the surface again. But for now, they fell asleep. Tomorrow would be different.
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"...Perdí a mi bebé... Mi hijo- mi hijo sólo tenía dos años y- murió..." : “…I lost my baby… My son- my son was only two and he-.. he died…”
Isaiah 41:10
“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
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caterjunes · 3 months
two days ago i was ecstatic - peach had regained a ton of weight (back up to 460g from a low of 330!) AND his neck lumps had miraculously gone away. but today his bro lunchbox is breathing laboriously, not eating, barely moving, and looks like he's in pain & exhausted. 😖😖😖
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boatcats · 8 months
I did not find Izzy's death ableist in any sense. Before I saw the episode I did have a fear that they would portray him sacrificing himself for the crew because he was "too broken to go on" or some other ableist bullshit. But instead he dies at a point in his life where he's probably happier than he's ever been. That's what makes it so affecting! He has community, he has friends, he's valued and knows it. And all this happened after he lost his leg. His life was not only still worth living, it was more joyful. And he doesn't die sacrificing himself or due to his disability. He dies in a twist of fate during a dangerous situation.
I didn't read him telling Ed at the end that he wanted to go as suicidality. He was bleeding out already. Ed continuing to apply direct pressure to the wound might have kept him alive for a little longer but it was causing him significant pain. He preferred to go a little more quickly but much more comfortably in the arms of someone he'd finally made his peace with.
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tallsc · 2 years
AvA Red Character Analysis
In AvA and AvM, it's common for the Color Gang to have an intuitive, almost mind-reading-level awareness of their friends in a fight, right? We've seen the masterful level of coordination between them all in tight situations, it's a skill all the sticks have. But I've noticed Red seems a little more intuitively aware of their friends than the others are, and that both leads to one of their greatest skills, along with what may be their greatest flaw.
Red might not be the best at building, or make the smartest decisions *coughmilkbucketclutchcough* but they are an incredibly quick thinker and can tell in just a moment what their friends need, to the level of seeming to gain skills by just interpreting what others need them to do.
Let's start with Monster School as an example for this. The way Red took charge wasn't to just do everything themselves, they would always quickly come up with a plan to help the monsters beat each challenge. Getting Enderman to attack Red, throwing Spider at Orange Team so they could all continue, even recognizing that Skeleton needed to use a bow in a different way to aim better. Red isn't even an archer, but they recognized in just a moment that Skeleton wasn't entirely bad at shooting, they just needed to use a bow differently than normal.
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But hey, that might just be a stick thing, right? I did say before that all sticks were very good at intuitively recognizing other's needs. But no, Red continues to have this tendency to be a little quicker than the rest on other episodes too. There's a trend in a lot of the Animation Vs something-that-isn't-minecraft where, if someone (usually Orange) asks for something, Red's the first to understand and respond - shown by opening fullscreen in Vs Arcade Games and starting a new game in Vs League of Legends. Plus, speaking of arcade games, Red's not even good at these games but still was great at helping Yellow save Green in the Tetris section. Maybe they're just better at Tetris than they are at Breakout, but this seems like a bit of a trend.
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There's more little examples I have in mind, but I think the point is across. Red's a quick thinker, and good at immediately recognizing what other people need them to do, so they're a very good support for their friends in a fight - no wonder their preferred weapon is a shield. But hey, at the start of this, I said this was also a flaw, right? All of this seems pretty helpful so far, so what is this flaw?
So, the problem with Red's skill is that they don't really realize that others aren't as good at adapting to abrupt changes as they are. This seems a little counterintuitive, but there's a difference between recognizing what people need them to do and recognizing how people feel, Red's very good at the former and sometimes not so great at the latter.
To explore this, let's go back to Monster School. While that episode was absolutely Red's time to shine, it also showed us this same flaw. At the last challenge, Red threw Spider off a cliff so they could use their webbing to get the Yellow Team in the air. While Red's plan did work out in the end, Red seemed to expect everyone to understand immediately, when none of the monsters actually did. Spider just panicked for a moment before catching themselves on the way down, while Enderman and Skeleton took it as a hostile action, which... is understandable, considering Red just threw their friend off a cliff. But Red didn't show any indication that they realized how their action looked to anyone else. They just expected the monsters to understand like Red would, casually waving them over instead of making any attempt to calm them down and explain.
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Now, all of this together makes Red seem impulsive at a surface level, maybe a little rash and reckless. And yes, that is partially true, but it's also just that Red quickly forms ideas of what should be done about a situation, and expects their friends to catch on quickly and back them up. So they rush to start games, because after all, most of their friends like a good adventure, and it'll probably happen anyway. They spontaneously color all the block textures black and paint them, because it's faster than fixing them and will get Yellow out of trouble. They...
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...rush into battle against a known enemy. Because they know a battle's inevitable. And they think their friends know that too.
This scene was always incredibly painful, but thinking about this analysis made it hit even harder. Red wasn't trying to be reckless, they just knew that Dark was a threat. They started the fight and expected their friends to follow and help too. But nobody did. Red acted a little too quickly, assumed a little too much, and died for it.
And they were gone before they saw their friends step in to help.
Well, if you read through all of this character ramble, thanks! I hope you enjoyed - well, idk if enjoyed is the right word considering that last part - but I hope you found this interesting at least. I really like making analyses like this (if you've also seen my Deltarune your-choices-don't-matter analysis too, you probably guessed) so I'm very likely going to make more.
Edit: 1 this has become so much more popular than I thought it would be, thank you so much everyone, 2 I have some commentary (and a drawing) relating to this analysis after episode 30 so here ^-^
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atherix · 6 months
16 from your spotify wrapped ^-^
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OH MY GOD you have no idea how many times I've debated putting this on my Midnight playlist :)
Mumscarian for the soul, specifically Midnight Mumscarian.
The Elf tenses up before relaxing, raising his gaze to look at Grian.
"Hey, Birdie," Scar greets him, giving him a tired smile. Grian goes to him and Scar almost instinctively opens his arms to him. "Shouldn't you be asleep?"
"I had that dream again," Grian tells him, pressing his face into the groove of Scar's shoulder. "You know the one I told you about. With the water."
Scar breathes out softly and holds him close. "I know," he says, letting go when Grian pulls back to look at him. Grian studies him closely.
"You look tired," he notes, gently running his talons through Scar's hair. Scar leans into his touch, closing his eyes.
"Had a little overload, couldn't get back to sleep," Scar tells him quietly. Grian chirps to him and Scar chuckles. "I know..."
"It's getting worse."
"I know," Scar repeats. "That's how it happens, though. To be expected."
I'm dying, Grian hears though Scar doesn't say. Of course it's getting worse.
Grian leans against him again. "I don't know what I'll do without you," Grian admits quietly, and Scar stills.
A few seconds of silence pass before Scar says, "You and Mumbo will have each other, and you'll move on."
Grian's feathers fluff up at the words. "Excuse me?" he squawks, backing away again. "What is that supposed to mean?!"
Scar raises his hands. "Bad wording! Bad wording!" he insists, and Grian huffs. "I meant- that's what I want you to do, Birdie," he explains, slowly standing up out of the chair. He leans on the desk as he does, the exhaustion of an overload and little sleep weighing heavily on him. "I want you," he continues, reaching over and cupping Grian's cheek, "and Mumbo to go on and live the best life you can. And know that you two have made these last years the best they've ever been."
Grian's wings droop at the words, his indignation fading as fast as it had flared up. "I don't know if we can, darling."
"You will. For me." Scar gives him a weak grin and Grian feels his heart break just a little more. "Besides, you know better than anyone else that there'll come a day when we'll meet again. On the other side of that sea you always dream about, right?"
"Right," Grian croaks. "I wish I knew how to save you."
"Aw, Birdie," Scar says softly, smiling- really smiling- at him. "You already have."
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star-rug-64 · 1 year
So, basically, this antishipper created a meme on TikTok stating that they were planning to harass and make death threats to proshippers. I replied that harassment and death threats are unlawful, and they continued to be total jerk, so I told them to act this way towards me, and then they asked for my discord, and they threatened to say horrible things to me. I was going to explain why it's incorrect, but I decided to give the bee movie script instead because they were going to utter stupid nonsense like that. I assumed they were kid but they weren't since they stated I was four years younger than them.
Later on, they convinced a friend to add me to a group so they could both harass me. I asked why they had their buddy do that, and they urged me to kill myself. They also claimed they were going to show me how to tie a knot so I could kill myself.
I asked why they were saying horrible things to me and bothering me, and they told me I supported pedos, which I don't.
I'm at school and can't submit any more images because Discord doesn't work here; nevertheless, I will release the remaining screenshots.
Keep in mind, I'm not proship or antiship I'm peacefic and neutralship now
Also, check the reblogs if you want more proof.
I’m blue
I was 16 when they said this shit to me I'm now 17
The user who’s harassing me is red
Tw death threats, tw racism, tw suibaiting, tw ableism, tw incest mention,
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eriexplosion · 1 year
I'm still thinking on Crosshair's arc and why I think a redemptive death wouldn't make sense for him even though it's what several people are predicting, and part of it is still that Cody's words to him, the thing that cracked the glass, was about living with your choices. But also its that I think Crosshair has been passively suicidal for a while now.
In Return to Kamino, after he lays everything on the table to convince the batch to come with him and it doesn't work? He aims his gun at Hunter, but didn't shoot. It's a split second but come on I think we all know he could have shot first. I think he expected Hunter to shoot him. But I don't think he expected Hunter to have the gun set to stun because he wakes up seemingly completely surprised to still be alive.
A couple times in the escape he lingers in place, like he's considering just staying behind and only choosing not to because, frankly, drowning is a shitty way to die. When it comes time to leave he tells them he's staying behind... on a platform with no supplies no shelter no anything. Crosshair is an idiot at times but he's not that stupid, he's fully aware he's taking a course that could kill him.
And in his latesr episode, he shoots a superior officer to avenge Mayday and again seems quite surprised that after it all he wakes up alive.
Do I think Crosshair wants to die? Not exactly. When it seems imminent he's not exactly a fan, but when faced with blaster fire instead of drowning or strangling, I don't think he cares terribly much if he lives. I think he's making choices that intentionally put him in a place where something could kill him.
A death for him wouldn't feel like a noble choice or a fitting end to his arc, it would feel like a man that didn't seem to particularly value his life in the first place, or at the very least not his own dignity considering the shit he lets the Empire get away with, continuing to not particularly value himself all that highly. It wouldn't feel like a closed character arc it would just feel like a win for depression.
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crows-talking-place · 9 months
(109 spoilers!! tw for all stuff related to that, check the tags for more specific tws if unsure - stay safe :] )
Still not over 109
Chip died.
Like, say it how you want, he died. He was dead. There was a moment when he was no longer alive.
Chip is 19 years old.
He's a kid. 19 is still a kid. Yet he was dead, through no fault of his own.
He went to the Black Sea to find his father, or rather the closest thing he'd ever had.
But now he's dead.
Because technically, he still is. Undead is still dead.
What was it Ollie said, when he was corrupted? "My mom can't see me like this."
History is doomed to repeat itself.
Would Arlen even recognise him? Or would he just see what Chip sees? What Gillion sees? What Jay sees? What everyone must see, because what else would they see?
A monster.
Because that's what he is, isn't he? How else could this be described?
How is he meant to live, now that he's dead?
Maybe that's why he flips open the compass. What else could it possibly do? He's already stopped breathing.
Maybe that's why he slips into the sack. What could he lose? He's already lost his heart.
Maybe that's why he meets Niklaus' eyes What could he want? What could he take?
He's got nothing to give He's got nothing He's got nothing He's got nothing He's got nothing
He's already dead.
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farmergilesofham · 1 year
On Halfmen
So, Myrddraal.
The way they're technically described in the books is as 'eyeless' in the sense of 'there is naught but skin over where eyes should be', but I don't like that.
Don't get me wrong, in the 90s that was a (reasonably) novel monster look, but nowadays it's been done to death and back - and besides that, even with the mentions of "pale skin where eyes should be", it is not what I imagined the first two times I read the series.
The Fades/Myrddraal/Halfmen/Eyeless/Lurks/Fetches/Nightrunners were made through human experimentation using the extra-dimensional magic of the Dark One, and it would be far more fitting if they more obviously looked like tortured corpses - grim, yes, but accurate to the books (Lan says at some point that in making Fades, the human strain and Dark One's magic are both made stronger).
The way I imagined them then, and belligerently continue to imagine them now, is as otherwise-ordinary-looking humans, with the signature waxy skin, but with tar-spattered hollows where eyes once were. It adds, in my opinion, to the body horror of the Wheel of Time when the monsters don't just look like generic monsters: looked at intently for a few moments they, instead, begin to look a bit too human. Also, a bit easier on anyone trying to adapt them to screen.
The same goes for Daghkar - they're often shown in art as these quasi-vampiric creatures, but I always saw them as oversized, pale dimorphodon/toothed pterosaur looking things, except that they look more like something out of All Tomorrows, as the only genetic material being used to make them was that of regular humans.
Trollocs are already described as well as they could be, with their grotesque, twisted features framing too-human eyes and their animal calls being twinged with the flavour of a human scream.
As for Shaidar Haran, I thought it would be extra neat if, on top of just being a Very Tall Halfman, it also had tiny points of white light fixed just in front of the ruined eye sockets, never moving in any expressive manner in order to highlight that yeah, those probably aren't eyes the way we understand them.
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ms-demeanor · 2 years
Neighbor shithead is standing in his driveway talking to some friends and joking about how many kittens in the last two litters got eaten by coyotes.
Every couple of days I hear someone driving down the street honk suddenly and then I have to wait for a thud to see if the cat that ran out into the road made it or not.
I took a picture of four of the kittens (in a new litter!) the other day and every single one of them has visible, terrible ear mite issues (which you can tell because they've scratched the fur completely off the back of their ears) and one has a really severe eye infection.
Our friend lent us a trap to take the kittens to the shelter for spay/neuter/vaccination but at this point none of the cats has taken the bait and honestly I would be surprised if any of them were considered healthy enough to release.
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Did Jack's toys kill anyone?
On-screen, we don't see that they do. Santa Claus comes in time to replace Jack's toys before they can hurt anyone.
HOWEVER. It's likely that the Man-Eating Wreath killed the old lady in the rocking chair, since we never have a scene of Santa replacing/fixing the wreath, on-screen.
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Someone who knows the Nightmare cast asked the animator who worked on this scene his thoughts on what happened to her. He said she "totally dies". So, there's that!
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