#crk prune juice x reader
shmolish · 2 months
Same anon here aaaand can't help but think of an idea for a part 2 if you want!
Maybe Prune juice finds y/n's diary and learns about y/n's plight behind y/n's back....
Aaaaaaaaaaand maybe to turn this intoba bit of a hurt comfort...Prune juice later reveals to y/n...he loves them back and that they ARE enough.
(Got idea from reading a bunch of hurt to comfort....also bonus if you want to add this in but if not I understand: he reveals that the reason he wants to get famous and live lavishly....is so he could make sure he could spoil y/n with his love and the lavish life ne wants to live with them! He wants to make sure y/n feels adored and never has to worry about a thing ever again!)
AN: T3$+S 4R3 C0M1NG UP. W9RK1NG H4RD. 1 2WE4R.
(Idk why I typed that, lol.)
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Prune Juice x Reader
Oneshot (2/2)
Warnings: Angst (mild)
-Good Enough-
"Okay, what's up with you?"
Prune Juice had just walked in front of your desk, crossing his arms with a glare present on his face.
You titled your head in confusion. "What do you mean?" You'd ask.
He sighed. "You're acting.. weird. Like you keep avoiding me and zoning out all of the time," he explained.
Oh, so he noticed. You're trying to stay out of his life and yet you still end up troubling him. How disappointing.
"I'm not avoiding you," you would say to him
"Yes you are. Now what's bothering you?"
The world is being cruel again. Why does it always have to give you hope like this? Making you think that he cares..
"Nothing." You get up from your seat and walk outside of the classroom.
You just need to get away from everyone. You just need to get away from him.
You just need to get away from these emotions.
You wander through the rather empty hallways of the school. The taps of your shoes echo throughout these winding halls, soon being one of the only things occupying your thoughts.
The only other thing being Prune Juice, of course.
You just can't seem to stop thinking about him.
"Ah, wait!" A voice called out to you.
It was Prune Juice.
He quickly caught up to you and grabbed your hand.
"Is this about what you wrote in your journal..?" He'd ask with a solemn face.
Your eyes would widen a bit. "H- how do you know about that?"
He snickered. "You left it on your desk." He held it out and handed it you, to which you quickly snatched away from him.
"Hasn't anyone taught you to not look through people's stuff?" You'd huff.
"Haha, I didn't need that dumb book to realize how you felt about me," Prune Juice said.
"Why do you think it's dumb?"
"Because of what you write in it. You don't actually think your not good enough for me, right?"
You'd avert your gaze from him. "Well.."
Prune Juice abruptly leaves a kiss on you cheek, causing a dusty pink to cover your face.
"If I didn't think you were good enough for me, I wouldn't be talking to you now," he told you, a soft smile appearing on his face.
"I thought you just wanted to become rich and didn't want anyone else to bother you-!" You'd say in surprise, not at all expecting this outcome.
Prune Juice sighed. "You really don't get it?"
You shook your head.
"I want to become rich for you. I want to live alone with you. That way, I can spoil you and you won't have a thing to worry about!" He patted you head, looking at you with a grin.
"Wait, so you... like me?" You'd ask, blush still covering your face.
"I thought it was obvious."
"Why didn't you say anything sooner if you knew how I felt?"
"Well, it was supposed to be this whole thing. I wanted it to be grand, and worth remembering! ...But I guess the little secret came out prematurely..." he smiled awkwardly.
You smiled back. "I'm so glad.."
Prune Juice would cup your face, looking at you with longing. "Don't worry about not being enough, okay? I'll always love you."
《☆》 Fin
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brittle-doughie · 1 month
I can’t imagine how many love letters Y/N Cookie got when they were in Scovillia, Crème Knights and Parfaedia.
Just imagine every day. Getting so many love letters.
And three of them stood out in particular….
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“I’ve had a confession to make with you, Y/N Cookie. I’ve never met a cookie as dedicate and caring as you. I told you that I couldn’t really keep up with my peers, yet…it didn’t little to sway your opinion of me. That no matter what, you’d protect me and believe that I can good at potions in my way. And for that, you have taken my heart. I hope to say these feelings directly to you, one day!”
You giggled as you moved on to the next one in the pile…
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“I know you may not see me as a romantic partner just yet, but know that even if you don’t know it, my heart has been set on loving you ever since our meeting during the Triple Cone Cup. I didn’t think that a cookie could be so soft and warm, yet strong too in their way. I’ll continue to shine the brightest for you, for I long the day where we can be together.”
It was always these types of love letters that get to your heartstrings. You put it aside as you pick up one more of note to you.
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“Your sweetness compliments my SPICE, you know! I didn’t think that after meeting out there in the arena that you’d want to keep me around, but you didn’t seem to care that I was that strong at all. I was like every other cookie you meet, always with that smile of yours. You know I have to use my strength now to protect you! Because I will! I won’t let anything happen to you!”
You hummed in content as you picked up the three letters and placed them in the drawer, going back to the pile of letters on your desk.
Those three cookies, you plan to give them an answer someday…
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Can I have 2 romantic letters? One from shadow milk cookie(can you make this a little yandere?) and the other from prune juice cookie?
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[A shadow emerges from your own, gently slipping a letter into your hand. It rumbles sweetly before disappearing. The envelope is a royal blue, and the letter inside a soft sky blue.]
My Muse,
It's been so long since I've seen your face! Saw your smile, heard your adoring laugh! Well, now I can, because your favorite trickster is free!
I've missed you so much, my little blueberry. Keeping you in your gilded cage as I went on and used the Cookies below us for our entertainment was joy! Oh, I can't wait to do it all again!
So just wait, my dear! I'm going to crumble Elder Faeire Cookie and his little friends, and then no one can ever seal me away again~!
Shadow Milk Cookie
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To my love,
I hope you've been well. It's lonely here, at the academy, without you. I know that you're returning today so that we can spend time together, but my potion making can only distract me for so long. Capsaicin Cookie and Kouign-Amann Cookie keep on saying that I just need to relax, but how can I when I miss you so much?
I can't wait to show you all the new little tricks and potions I've made. I remembered your tips from your last letter and they worked like a charm as always, my dear.
I can't wait to see you soon.
Pure Juice Cookie
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yandere-loveer · 4 months
Hi uhm firt request so this may be a little all over the place and I apologize for that but could you do aa yandere prune juice cookie it can be as hardcore or soft as you like I just feel like he is very underrated yandere wise
✶﹐✨️﹒yandere prune juice cookie concept!
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✶﹒┊I find this request curious, really. I feel like this character deserves more recognition and more potential to be a yandere.
✶﹒┊Warnings: Forced relationship, obsession, manipulation, stalking, unhealthy jealousy, yandere, reader!fem
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★﹒This one is really unfortunate, but we love him.
★ ﹒His personality is difficult to deal with, since he is somewhat egocentric or also try to socialize more deeply with this cookie. He is mostly dedicating his time to making his potions and no one bothers him, that's clear.
★﹒In order to meet him, we have to think of two simple situations that first you should be in the same institute or if you are in one of the other institutes you were able to meet him at the big Triple Cone Cup event. But if we are guided by the first option, there may be a lot.
★ ﹒And God, how did you get the attention of this cookie? .... The truth is, he has a somewhat high ego, what you could do was raise it further with your words of admiration when you saw his skills when creating potions. Also if at one point they become closer make it feel enough. What if he is someone without his potions.
★ ﹒His infatuation with him towards you is not immediate, it takes time until he realizes that your company is not annoying like that of other cookies.
★﹒I can tell you that every time time passes your infatuation becomes an obsession that is sick and suffocating. You can tell when you talk to the other students at the institute.
★ ﹒When you talk to someone, you can feel Prune Juice's gaze from far away while he sold his potions to one of the students. And when he gets angry it's not pretty, his eyes can be seen better and he doesn't transmit any good vibes.
★ ﹒But he doesn't show his emotions that much about it, so at least he doesn't take it out on you but on the other cookie you talked about at that time.
★ ﹒You can tell if he has a cute side that if you have an outing together he is very detailed, calculating and careful. That's why he demonstrates it at the event. But if you're going to have a good time with him.
★ ﹒It is also believed that he is someone who is manipulative when he wants to generate trust, he uses that with you and one of the cookies of which one you have a friendship with. I see that little by little it makes you generate insecurity regarding your friendships because of the words of Prune Juice Cookie.
★ ﹒If he has to eliminate someone he will always use his potions at every moment of the day, so when it is something dark he may use manipulation to attract said cookie that is related to you and if he drinks his potions without seeing . I assure you that you will not see that cookie again. That's good, there's more time for Prune Juice and you admire his skills!
★ ﹒I think I could still create enough time to stalk you and see how you are despite being so focused on his potions and see that they never lack it. But you are an exception to him and look away from him to his talent to see you.
★ ﹒But I don't see it possible for him to resort to murder, he uses his intelligence more to obtain what he needs. I also don't see it possible with the issue of kidnapping you to have you by his side, it would be suspicious if you disappeared, but the idea seems tempting...
★ ﹒Maybe I don't think he can do much about the kidnapping, if he can knock you unconscious and everything. But that can apply some physical force and he's not that strong of a cookie. But it is his hands when mixing to create his potions.
★ ﹒I see a somewhat absurd but fun situation to keep you by his side if we leave aside the manipulation. I think he could create a potion especially so that you have his eyes on him and don't think about others, he would love how you would look at him with eyes full of love like he has for you.
★ ﹒Unfortunately his only obstacle later if we talk after the Triple Cone Cup event, his new friends can see his not so normal love. But he's going to fix it. He doesn't want to let you go, so worship him, appreciate him and spend time with him making potions together!
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margarine-archives · 1 year
General Dating HCs With: Prune Juice Cookie !
part 2 is here !
note: I noticed there aren't anything at all for prune juice which is kinda funny. I don't have much info about him in general so I'm sorry if he's OOC, I'm just noting what I know from the triple cone cup event
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- Prune Juice likes making remedies when you're sick, to him, its like making potions (but it heals) its a piece of cake for him
- sometimes when he feels like it, you become his little test subject ! whenever he's created something extraordinary he sometimes have you test them. He barely really does it though, since he doesnt need much testing when he crafts his potions
- He once made a potion for you to be immune to poison, it worked but it gave you a bad stomachache, he apologized with a kiss
- He has low stamina due to the fact he has his potions to do most of the work for him, if you plan on travelling with him then prepare to carry him after walking a few miles
- There are times when his confidence falters, and thats usually when he's REALLY upset, its your job to heal him back up !
- you were with him in his chambers in preparation for the tournament, only you can disturb him when he's busy, because he doesn't really mind (he loves it actually)
- to him, its motivating him to win, and to him, you're his little good luck charm in winning this tournament.
- loves it when you praise him, especially for his successful win in the 1st round, he's quite confident with that.
- as cheesy as it is, you're his motivation (in general), you're partially the reason he's still high and confident, the reason he can grow confidence again so quickly after feeling so low in the span of 5 minutes. He feels quite insecure of not being able to do magic like the other mages, to rely on his potions to do the work for him, and yet he becomes confident again after a few reassuring words from you !
- he loves your presence in general, you could be doing anything while he's busy making potions and he wouldn't mind. Might even offer for you to join him in making another batch of potions to sell
- he doesn't show it much (he probably doesn't even know how) but he's truly grateful for you, even if it may seem like he loves himself more on the outside (he probably does)
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poly hcs ; capsaicin, kougin-amann, prune juice
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requested by ; anonymous (03/05/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | epic | super-epic
character(s) ; capsaicin cookie, kougin-amann cookie, prune juice cookie
outline ; “Hii im not sure if you take requests with more than two characters but if you do could you whip up some poly headcanons with Capsaicin, Prune Juice, and Kouign Amann??
x reader obviously ahaha, take care and dont overwork yourself!”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
this relationship is pure chaos at its finest because as much as they all love each other and you, they’re still on opposing teams and all very competitive at heart
and this bleeds into every aspect of your relationship
like, for example, you guys have a rotating chore roster that makes sure that everyone gets a chance to cook
and when it’s each of their turns, they’ll go out of their way to make the most delicious, grand meal they can — to show that they’re the best provider of the three
they all tend to brag about their respective schools and will get into debates about which school is best (they never agree)
whenever tcc season comes around you can guarantee that they’re dragging you there to support their schools’ new competitors — they get really riled up because this was where you all met, and they’re really big on the competition culture
prune juice cookie is the partner you go to if you want a quiet night in spent with a good book, a hot drink and plenty of fluffy things to keep you warm
that mini relationship is defined by rainy days, deep conversations, fluffy socks and studying together
capsaicin cookie is the partner you go to if you want to get riled up with lots of movement, lots of shouting and heaps of fun — including metal music and mini moshes
that mini relationship is defined by wonderful chaos, shameless affection and going out to concerts to headbang until your necks hurt and scream until you can’t speak anymore
kougin-amann cookie is the partner you go to if you want to spend an afternoon baking and laughing and dancing barefoot on the kitchen floor
that mini relationship is defined by traditionally sappy gestures, casual effortless affection, matching clothes and drawing hearts on each others’ cheeks with flour
kougin-amann is the best baker of the three and prefers to take on dessert duty — which all of you are happy to let happen
she loves trying out new recipes but will try making them no less than five times before even considering serving them (capsaicin is her taste tester)
prune juice prefers to handle hearty meals — things that fill you up after one serving and that can stay good to eat for a week
this usually means that he’ll be spending the entire day prepping everything by hand
capsaicin loves spice and thus tends to make meals that will leave you reaching for a cup of milk whilst he wolfs it down effortlessly
granted he can, and does, make meals that aren’t quite as catastrophically spicy as he wants — seasoning his portions separately — but he does make some incredibly flavourful dishes anyway so nobody is complaining about him being in the kitchen
capsaicin calls you all ‘babe’ or ‘baby’ — or, occasionally, ‘hotties’
kougin-amann calls you ‘my love’, prune juice ‘darling’ and capsaicin ‘sweetheart’
prune juice just calls you all by your names
temperature regulation in your house is a nightmare because prune juice prefers the cold and capsaicin loves it hot — so the boys end up sleeping in separate rooms and you and k-g will rotate between them
you have a wonderful garden where you grow your own herbs and spices for cooking, which p-j meticulously researches and cares for using his potions and magical expertise
kougin-amann has styled all of your hair at least once — you have a picture of the final (very pink) result and it sits proudly on your fireplace
capsaicin prefers metal music, kougin-amann loves classical, and prune juice loves opera — so they usually debate who gets to control the music on road trips
movie nights are a staple in your home and they always end up with popcorn everywhere and you sandwiched between two of your partners (especially if you choose a horror film)
capsaicin sleeps on his back and will basically hold you all hostage against him until he wakes up
prune juice is a more independent sleeper and will just barely spoon whoever is closest to him in bed
kougin-amann is a clingy sleeper and shockingly strong so she’ll pretty much koala against whoever she’s in bed with
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starbeamssovereign · 6 days
Can I request a vampire reader x these specific cookies? You don't have to do all of them if it's too much!
Clotted Cream, Affogato, Prune Juice, and Sablé Cookie?
If you're able to or if you're comfy with it, can you make it seem a lil suggestive? If not that's completely fine and I'm sorry for bothering you-
I just really love your writing :(
OMG YES ABSOLUTELY (I can only do suggestive with Affogato and Clotted Cream sorry 😞 and no guys this isn’t the Vampire Cookie we all know)
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Clotted Cream, Affogato, and Sablé Cookie x Vampiric Reader
Summary: It seems that you’ve arranged a deal with a few select individuals. As a vampire, you can’t help but yearn to taste the delectable blood strawberry jam within those feeble cookies. You drink their blood on certain nights, and they can do whatever else with you as their part of the deal. Whether that be asking you questions and gaining knowledge, or more…personal things. Well, let’s just see how this goes! 🤭
TW: Well…vampires. And blood, plus some other random shenanigans. I’m gonna say blood for this set because I feel lazy tryna say strawberry jam
ALSO PRETTY SUGGESTIVE FOR CLOTTED CREAM AND AFFOGATO JUST A BIG WARNING FOR THAT. Expect a bit of whimpering. A lot. A lot of whimpering. More for Affogato cause he a whiny bitch <3
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Clotted Cream Cookie
When you first encounter the poor Consul, it was after a late night of getting berated by his father, Custard Cookie, as well as dealing with documents that would…“Create a better and brighter future for the Republic.” Of course, this was all about the Higher City and new improvements to increase everyone’s wealth and whatnot. Unfortunately, the Lower City never even got a chance to be heard or mentioned. As if it were just…a speck of dust in someone’s shiny new cloak.
So, Clotted Cream was sitting at his desk, looking like he was about to faint at any moment from sleepiness. That is, until he felt a cold, death-kissed hand touching his shoulder, and crimson eyes that stared down at his form with a sweet, fang-filled grin.
“Ah…aha~ slow..down there…you’re going to drain my entire…ngh..being..”
The Consul had whispered in a breathy tone, trying to keep his grip on your hair while you sat on his lap, drinking up his oh-so warm and sweet blood.
It had been several weeks since your first meeting with him. Since then, the two of you exchanged a deal. You drained him of his blood, then patched him up so he could have a time to actually rest and get his stress out. However, this arrangement became…quite complicated.
He had to force himself to stay quiet, otherwise a maid might overhear and think that there was much more going on…even worse if it was a maid who gossips..
Clotted Cream let out another whisper, this time cursing to the Divines as he pulled your hair back, staring at your teeth, stained with his blood. Hell, he could’ve assumed that you just decided to drink too much wine and that you were drunk. Yet, that was not the case. With a little grumble, he allowed your fangs to pierce his sensitive neck once more, the feeling of your tongue lapping up his blood making him feel waves of emotions he couldn’t escape nor explain.
“You’re lucky…I don’t usually let…d- demons..into my lap..”
You merely looked at him and smiled softly, pressing your bloodstained lips to his own, in which he responded by pulling you closer to his lap and moving one of his hands to the small of your back.
Well, it seems that he’s up for something more then just a bit of biting, don’t you think? 😇
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Affogato Cookie
He met you one night while walking in the halls of the Citadel. He could immediately tell by the scarlet in your eyes and the fangs you bared at him in every smile you gave. You were definitely a creature of mystery, but also one of power. Well, he could always get more of that, so why not make an alliance with a vampire? After all, a new powerful puppet in his grasp would be wonderful, would it not?
However, Affogato soon realized that you weren’t happy on settling with mere scraps while you helped him, so some fun revenge was your best option. Your deal with him was much like Clotted Cream’s one: You drank his blood, but this time, Affogato would use you as a pretty little weapon to help take over the throne.
“Oh…~ y/n, please, agh..it’s too much..you’re draining me completely~”
The Royal Advisor whimpered softly while you pinned him down on the table in his room, not bothering to check if any stray droplets of his delightful blood stained the papers he was working on moments ago. You know, for someone as cunning and intelligent as he was, you couldn’t help but notice how…soft and pathetic he looked while getting the rough treatment.
You took a fistful of his hair and he let out a pleading and breathy moan, his body shuddering as you used your other hand to keep him steady, his neck exposed just for you. Affogato could feel your tongue flick out, the appendage trailing from behind his neck to closer by his chest, and he was practically shivering in both fear and pleasure. He could hear you let out a pleased hum, before your teeth sunk into his already soft and tender flesh, the blood trickling down as you created a second bite.
I do want him bent over and whimpering for me thank you, thank you. /j
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Sablé Cookie
(I hc her as being in her early 40’s or late 30’s, making her the youngest Elder there)
Our dearest Sablé met you once while on a midnight stroll, stopping by one of the glorious fountains to admire its shimmering waters under the pale moonlight. It was by a stroke of…well, she wouldn’t call it luck. Or misfortune… But you? You were looking for a new victim. Another life to drain, more blood to spill.
But how could you bloody a body as soft and beautiful as that? Her smile graced the reflection of the fountains, while you merely stared back with a numb and confused gaze. And her voice…she sounded like there was a harmony in every word she spoke, even if she was just infodumping on a new piece of art she planned to work on. It almost felt criminal to you, planning to kill someone so gentle and graceful. Your hunger was stopped abruptly as you considered your options. To either kill, or to…prolong your interactions with her.
“Oh, y/n, dearest…perhaps I might make a new set of paintings, dedicated to this..moment.”
She had whispered to you as you sunk your fangs into her collarbone area, then her shoulder, then finally settling on her neck. You could really be teasing her, or testing which areas would be the best. After your little encounter with Sablé, she had decided to strike a small deal with you. She had been dealing with quite the lack of creativity. She needed something to give her that spark. And so she decided to enlist your help. You drain her blood out, and she’ll try to get ideas from it all.
Currently, she was laying on her bed, your cold body in her arms as you lapped up the blood droplets eagerly. Seeing her face contort into pain, yet she powered through it to please you… now that was something you liked a LOT about her.
Your cold fingers intertwined with her warmer ones, holding her close as you pressed your frigid lips against her collarbone. The blood on your lips acting as a lipstick, staining her glorious body.
Well, she definitely had some ideas on what to paint or sculpt…perhaps you’d like to be her new muse?
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 9 months
Hey it’s the anon who sent the Yandere Capsaicin and hot dog vendor MC request!
I think MC is just a walking shitpost. I can imagine MC looking over at the chaos and just thinking “huh I guess hell is real” and then proceeds to throw a hotdog in the fine to “feed the demons” since MC is too tired to realize what is actually happening
I also wonder how Prune Juice and Kouign-Amann would react to Capsaicins out burst
Also can I be 🌭 anon?
Tw: implied violence
Kouign-Amann probably freaks out on why Capsaicin is trying to commit murder, and tries to stop him with her sword. She tries to consult him (yelling over the hellfire so he can hear), wondering why he would suddenly rage up like this.
When she finds out MC is the cause of it, she's gets a little annoyed. She starts interrogating them about the situation before he started going crazy. "What happened before Capsaicin got upset? Please tell me immediately, as you are a part of this mess!"
Meanwhile MC is trying not to fall asleep and pass out right then and there-
Prune Juice? Prune Juice is just enjoying the drama from afar. He's probably beside MC, snacking and witnessing the hellfire with a smile. Only if it effects him does he try to stop Capsaicin, but other than that man's loving the tea. "Never thought that brute could be so passionate about his feelings towards another cookie, haha."
Meanwhile Capsaicin:
*more whining*
(Capsaicin is so goofy I love him.)
(Devsis should definitely add more Breton desserts into the game- literally I was so happy when she came out. Especially cuz the French government hates Bretons)
- Celina
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kyokoyamatekisser · 11 months
🧪 — Prune Juice Cookie X Gn Reader fluff hcs
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1 .
He allows you to lay in his lap sometimes while he's working, he's always extra cautious though because he's afraid that you'll accidentally get a bit of the current potion spilt on you.
Sometimes he's just a tad bit dramatic, he will purposely fall into your arms like a damsel in distress when he's surprised. "Oh the agony!!"
Adding on to the last headcanon, he will occasionally force you to carry him if you're able to. Bridal style of course, nothing but the best. "Oh n/n.. I'm so fragile, I need to be carried!"
When he won the triple cone cup, you two celebrated together. It wasn't anything fancy, just a movie night. You two cuddled and ate popcorn, he was most likely the little spoon.
He heavily enjoys praise, and will internally MELT if you even compliment him on his potions. He immediately gets all giddy at even the slightest amount of praise. He won't show it though, too much pride to allow that.
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i REALLY hope this isn't ooc djjsiaoskfhjssj :((
(( this is for lika i love u pook ))
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zuyyin · 5 months
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A/N : I've wrote this thing for awhile so yea. Pardon my bad grammar and all. English isnt my first language
Prune Juice Cookie x reader|| fluff || ooc || reader is (your preferred flavour) cookie
I barged into his laboratory only to find out that he has been busy with his potion making. Cauldron filled with bubbling hot potions. The faint scent of strawberry filled the air as I slowly entered his lab. "Have I told you that intruders are not allowed to be in here?" he said while his eyes are still glued on his potions. "Oh, Prune Juice Cookie. Its me!" said with full enthusiasm as I walked closer to him to take a closer look on his current activities. His attention quickly adverted to me as he heard my voice. "Oh its you, (your flavour) Cookie. And here I thought you were some random pesky Parfaedians or something" he responded shortly after.
"Of course it is me. The principal told me to check on you" I said as I walked to the sofa located by the window and plopped myself onto it. He is still busy on his potion making, though. Seriously, what's so fun in potion making when you have magic? What a weirdo. He then settled down his apparatuses and turned to see me. Ah, the cheeky grin of his. Bet there is something sinister behind it.
He pulled out his brand new potion he had just made and "Ta-da! The 'All Eyes on Me' potion!" he said as he held the potion bottle above our heads. " 'All Eyes on Me'?" I blinked several time in confusion as he let out a long sigh at my blurred state. "This potion will make the cookie that drank it more... attractive. Thus will make them gaining other cookies' love and attention" he explained short and clear about the function of the weird looking potion.
"Alright so what are you going to do with that weird potion?" that potion surely got my attention. "This is not 'weird potion' this is 'All Eyes on Me' potion" he corrected me. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and asked again "Fine.. the 'All Eyes on Me' potion. What are you going to do with it? Drink it?". A small grin appeared on his face as he inched closer to me, bringing the lips of the bottle closer to my mouth. He let out a small chuckle before saying "Im not going to drink it, sweetheart. But you are" he said before slightly tilting the bottle so that the liquid inside flowed into my mouth. I forced myself to drink the potion. Surprisingly, it tasted sweet. "Good~ What a good test subject you are!" he said as he patted my head.
I looked at him in wonder. "Did it work? Is it working?" I asked him secretly hoping for the potion to work. He laughed at me before decided to boop me on the nose. "Sadly, it didnt work" he said in a playful tone. I muttered out a small 'oh' at the result. I am actually relived but disappointed at the same time. "Wanna know why?" he asked. I nod at him eager to know the reason of the failed experiment. "Because... You already have all my love and attention. Why would you seek for another?" he explained bluntly while keeping that signature grin of his. "And also, it is just strawberry milk".
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You can write for prune juice cookie right? can you write hcs for him with an s/o that uses music to conduct magic? your writing is really amazing!
Tysm!! I try my best on my writing haha!! Ty for the request by the way!
I've gotten enough back into crk to write for some of the newer ones so yesss, I can hoohoo
Prune Juice x Reader Who
Performs Magic Via Music
Read Either Way
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Despite being a wizard, Prune Juice is not well versed in magic of- well- any sort. His only saving grace is the fact he is one of the best potion-makers known to cookie kind.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ He’d be so jealous of you when he first met you, mainly because of how you seemed to perform your magic so easily. One thing he could not deny, though, was how wonderful the sounds you made were.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Once he properly meets you, he does become quite interested in you. He expresses this through his questions about your talents- how long does it take to set up your instrument? What happens to the spell if you accidentally perform the wrong note? How long did it take you to learn how to turn music into magic? You’re going to get drowned with his questions.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Despite his curious nature towards you, he does not wish to perform your magic himself. He tried once, when you offered to teach him, and instantly dropped it after he struck the fourth note. He’s not too good with instruments, especially with his need for everything to be exact, as is with potions.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ He will teach you about potions as well, if you want him too! He could go on for hours and hours about just a single potion. He’ll make up for it by listening to you talk about your magic, though.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ He spends a lot of time in the library gathering new potion books and information on ingredients, and every once in a while he finds a book about music! Whenever he can, he will check them out for you. If you like the book enough, he may just the library for it so you can keep it.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ He enjoys listening to you practice while he’s brewing, it calms a lot of his nerves, and it sounds so sweet. He’s always shocked when you use your talents to perform offensive spells- how can a sound that sweet be so destructive?
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brittle-doughie · 11 months
Can I get yandere triple cone cup champions pretty please? 🥺
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Capsaicin Cookie is a giant, flaming ball of fun who makes sure you never spend a moment bored around him! He’s always stoked to do anything with you, whether it be a good spar or a good workout, Capsaicin would never find himself bored with you!
Which is why he’ll tend to get a little..volatile if he’s found himself unable to hang around with you for so long. He’s touchy with you, pulling you into big hugs to display his forever burning love for you! He fears losing you that he’ll fire up if something ever gets in his way to you, he’s not letting the Cookie who understands be kept away from him!
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Kouign-Amann Cookie is very passionate when it comes to you, you’re the reason she even gets up in the morning! Incredibly sappy and loving with you, there’s never been one hangout where you two haven’t been exchanging hugs and kisses. She couldn’t find herself stopping! She just loves you so much, it makes her heart soar when you give her love, it really energizes her more then anything!
So please forgive her if she ever gets a little…possessive when she finds other cookies hanging around you, trying to get some of the affection that is meant to be reserved for her and her only! She’ll try asking nicely for these cookies to move along, she wanted to spend with you alone. Her patience is little, so it’s better they heed her first and final warning before she draws her blade to their necks..
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Prune Juice Cookie is such a little weasel when it comes to monopolizing you. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking to other cookies, he’ll just casually enter conversation and steer the topic away towards you and him. If not, he’ll be quite the attention seeker, announcing how today was so taxing on his dough, won’t you carry him in yours arms to help him out? Oh and kisses too, that will definitely make him feel much better~
As you’re too busy coddling him, his eyes turn dark in hidden fury as he stares at the cookie that was too close to HIS Y/N Cookie. If looks could kill, the darkened stare, showcasing his almost slit-like pupils, would have the cookie crumbled hundreds times over. Prune Juice has already decided that potential competitors were already enough of a headache and will nip it in the bud before it progresses. You’re left baffled when cases of sickly cookies started coming in recently…
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Seal anon here and...I gotta say this:
Absolutely loved it! Also got an idea for another thing....might ask this for kouign amann too in the future but for now for Prune juice my other beloved...
Prune juice x reader who isn't good at taking care of themselves....like forgets to eat, forgets to go to sleep on time, busy with work or gets so into something they get distracted from taking care of themselves...yeah lol! Curious if this yandere is one of the types that would kidnap their beloved and just...care for em lol!
TW: Drugging (sleep potions), kidnapping
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Prune Juice Cookie is the exact same way, but he's a total hypocrite. He'll worry over your health but mostly ignore his own.
He really frets over you a lot. Like, a lot a lot. To the point where it can interfere with his own work.
It's really too easy for him for him to lace your drinks with sleeping potions. Some strong some not, whatever it takes to get you to sleep.
He's incredibly doting over you. Always willing to make time out of his day.
Eventually, it reaches a point where.. Prune Juice Cookie decides that you just can't look after yourself anymore. You're always too tired or not eating enough.
So he just.. slips a strong potion into your drink one day and slips you one.
It's not like you'll mind. This is for your own good, after all.
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margarine-archives · 1 year
heyy can you make more prune juice cookie x reader headcanons i really loved your post make sure to stay hydrated!
'A Raindrop that Dwells on the Past' with: Prune Juice Cookie !
notes: thank you dear anon ! I present more food for the prune juice fans, except this one has lost its fluffiness. The good thing is I REALLY racked my brain for this one comparing to the last prune juice hcs, he just has a lot of angst potential
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- prune juice cookie has a neutral feeling for rain, though it does make him quite gloomy, he also thinks the atmosphere is just perfect for making more potions ! but its also a perfect time to cuddle with you, his beloved !
- but he always prioritizes you ! so you both end up cuddling under thick blankets as he secretly racks his brain for more ideas, so sometimes you get surprised when he suddenly sits up to grab his notebook filled with ingredients, ideas and sometimes even doodles ! he just can't risk forgetting an idea for a new potion to brew ! (most of the time he even asks you for ideas !)
- speaking of brewing potions, he's usually the one to make warm drinks for the both of you, though most of the time he acts as if he's making a very poisonous potion, which makes you worry on what he added to your drink
- not to actually harm you, of course ! he just thinks its boring to simply cuddle and drink under the covers, he wants something surprising ! something completely unexpected (seeing your shocked face as your drink acted up like popping candy just makes him giggle, though at this point you're used to it)
- this is when he doesn't feel like teasing as much, but when he does feel like wooing you under the pitter sounds of the rain then its much more chaotic !
- if you like flirting then it.is.war and prune juice LOVES it, he will never back out from a good challenge ! eventually, his charming smile and wooing voice gets to you, and he loves how smitten you can get for the potionmaker
- "my, my.. look at your face ! ahahah ! you truly are adorable ! ~"
- in a way, this is his way of preventing himself in getting too gloomy from the weather. Though he is not as affected from the past as he used to be, the words from his professor still stung him greatly,
- and while he loves your words of comfort, he doesn't wanna make you feel as sad as he was, he didn't want to take away your current mood for the sake of him, he doesn't even want you to sacrifice your happiness for the sake of making him feel better and yet you never listen, he constantly wonders what he did to deserve such a thing
- he's been nothing but a burden, such feelings hidden with a close-eyed smile and he fears that his facade could break before he could even prevent it, that's why he tries so hard not to dwell in the past any longer. Yet, in these moments, it feels like it's inevitable to avoid such a feeling
- as much as he holds trust in you, as much as he wants to tell you how he truly feels in the inside, he doesn't want you to see him in such a vulnerable state, constantly worrying- he didn't want you to witness that. he fears that maybe you are just like the rest, someone to talk down onto his potential, to think that he isn't capable
- he's not as strong and fearless as capsaicin cookie, he's not as successfully courageous and charismatic like kouign-amann cookie either. He's just prune juice cookie, a failed mage who's dependant of the chemicals he pours on a bottle with his keen thinking to lead him to victory, all while holding up that same close-eyed smile he always does, the least he is special for is his ability to be charming. right ?
- he knows you're not like that- you're far from that ! so why does he think like this ? the constant self doubt, why did the gods bake him this way ? in such a way that he feels so weak, so lower ranked without his potions ?
- and for you to see him in a much weaker state ? to see him as a weak and failed mage despite the alluring aura he puts up ? he would rather die than let you see him in such a state
- he doesn't even know how you truly feel about him. Will you see him as weak once he runs out of potions to use in battle ? will you judge him for not being able to do real magic ? or will you see him as no help when he still has to support himself with chemicals in a bottle ?
- prune juice cookie, the high and mighty potionmaker, can never feel good enough to protect you, for you to rely on him, not good enough for YOU.
- prune juice wonders why its him you chose, and not a powerful mage, a real mage who can protect you with real magic, someone who doesn't have to rely on anything but their mind and wand, someone who you truly deserve to be with. He begins to think if you ever regret choosing a failure like him, if you simply feel too pitiful to let him go.
- 'it's no use to dwell on the past' he thinks, 'i'm gonna work harder, spend more and more countless days to prove myself to be just as good- maybe even better than the highest ranking mages of parfaedia !'
- 'they don't deserve a failed mage like I am, worry not, I'll simply work my way up there !' and prune juice cookie can only hope that with his charming smile and affection, you still stay alongside him when the time comes !
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sleepingdeath-light · 11 months
poly triple cone cup competitors smut hcs ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (27/05/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | super epic | epic
character(s) ; capsaicin cookie, kouign-amann cookie, prune juice cookie
outline ; “poly smut hcs for the triple come cup competitors? like all of them and reader? im over 18”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, oral sex, implied foursomes, threesomes, lingerie, sexting, belly bulging, implied public sex acts
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
let’s establish the basics here: capsaicin is a mean dominant, prune juice is a versatile switch, and kouign-amann is a service switch who can be a soft dominant or an obedient submissive depending on her mood
kouign-amann prefers to wear and see others in prettier types of lingerie — so like pink nighties, virgin-killer jumpers and things along those lines are what you can expect to see her in when she’s feeling especially needy
capsaicin doesn’t care what you wear because it will all just end up torn and discarded anyway by the time he’s done — naked is best for him and bonus points if you just stroll up to him in the nude and ask for a quickie
prune juice prefers either darker styles of sexy clothes (translucent lingerie, leather) but he also gets hard seeing you wearing his clothing and nothing else — so his shirt and no underwear is a quick way to get in his good books
it’s rare that all four of you end up having sex at the same time because your libidos all differ — kouign’s is low-average, prune juice’s is a bit above average and capsaicin is basically always horny
so usually you’re getting bent over and fucked by one of the boys — or both, if the mood strikes them — whilst kougin watches and checks in to make sure you’re all okay (she always helps with after care as well, the star)
capsaicin prefers to use the concubine position with you, the mating press with prune juice and will let kouign ride him — but he’s always the one doing the penetrating because he loves being able to turn you all dumb and fucked-out
prune juice, meanwhile will use missionary or spooning with you and kouign — preferring the intimacy of both positions — and he’s open to penetrating or being penetrated
kouign is pretty neutral about what position you’re in as long as you’re having fun — but the mating press and doggy are two of her favourites if she’s in the mood to be properly dominated, whilst missionary and riding are two of her favourites to use when she’s feeling more dominant herself
she’s also happy to be fucked or to use a strap on anyone if they ask her to — so long as she’s in the right mood
the three of you will quite regularly exchange nudes and videos of yourselves having sex in a secure group chat you made for the purpose
capsaicin sends the most pictures by far (which none of you complain about) and they’re mostly post workout or post-fuck pictures or just videos of his cock filling one of you over and over again — he also has a bit of a thing for belly bulging so he has many many pictures of that
kouign doesn’t send many videos unless asked (and then they’re usually if her masturbating) but she does send a couple of random tit pics throughout the day — usually showing off the new lingerie she’s bought and worn out — with the rare exception being between matches in a tournament when she revealed that she wasn’t wearing any underwear and the three of you flocked over to her because it would be impossible to ignore a blatant plea like that
prune juice will occasionally send a picture of his erection straining through his robes, but he mostly just pops up in other people’s videos when he’s fucking them or being fucked by them — mostly in capsaicin’s spam but it’s always a pleasure to see his gaping mouth and cum filled ass pop up on your screen every now and then
when it comes to threesomes: prune juice and capsaicin tend to sandwich you, capsaicin and kouign tend to spit roast you (he fucks you whilst you eat her out), and prune juice and kouign tend to adopt a position where one of them is riding your face whilst the other fucks your hole (or, alternatively, have one riding your dick/strap whilst the other fucks you — but either way you’ll be laying down)
kouign praises you a lot and it’s all very soft and genuine, prune juice gives a very blatant commentary that can come across as humiliating at times whilst using some praise, and capsaicin will happily mix in degradation and praise to leave you flustered and speechless
whenever two or more of you have gone at it, no matter who was or wasn’t involved, everyone is helping out with aftercare — cleaning everyone up, fetching foods and dealing with any injuries if they’re discovered because, at the end of the day, you’re all partners and you take care of each other
kouign is loud and usually doesn’t offer much in terms of actual commentary other than stuttered praise and pleas
prune juice is quiet but is very vocal, being very blunt about how good you feel and talking about everything you’re doing until he’s no longer able to do anything but let out breathy moans and cusses
capsaicin is unapologetically loud and offers plenty of degrading comments that would even make most pervs turn pink — he doesn’t care who hears him moaning and grunting and groaning and calling you his ‘good boy/girl/pet’ because he has pretty much zero shame
related to the above but capsaicin will 100% make passes at you all in public (both comments and groping) — which mortifies kouign-amann and amuses (and flusters) prune juice
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starbeamssovereign · 14 days
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Prune Juice Cookie and Mozzarella Cookie x Sleepy Reader
Lychee Dragon Cookie and Butter Roll Cookie x Clumsy Reader
Summary #1: I made it like this because I said so, deal with it pookies 😘. You’re known to be a very sleepy one, always dozing off at either the best or the worse time. Luckily, your loving partner is here to help!
Summary #2: Ah yes, there you were, walking around a park with your beloved. However, a slip occurs. No, literally, you slipped on a wet spot on the trail and fell right down. It would’ve been really embarrassing for you, but there was certainly a death stare coming from your partner at EVERYONE who witnessed the action. After all, anything clumsy that happens in public remains a quiet secret ever since your super sweet partner has come to rescue you from embarrassment!
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Prune Juice Cookie
He’s known for a while that you’re the type to doze off. However, he tried to combat this by making potions to keep you awake. Oh, and he just gave you coffee. Even though you look positively beautiful while asleep, he also wants you to be awake for life as well!
But, if you still stay asleep, he just sighs and kisses you on the forehead, before pulling you up onto his lap while he works on new potions or perfecting old ones.
And yes, he does put on special goggles for your safety, even if you’re not awake.
Whenever you are awake and actually energetic, he takes you out for a lavish date before ending the day with the two of you stargazing. As this happens, he feels you lean on him again, letting out your little mumble as you kiss him on the cheek and fall asleep.
“Oh, [name], what could I do to stop you from being asleep? …but you are my personal pillow as well.”
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Mozzarella Cookie
She’s just surprised that you actually manage to sleep in such a bright and glorious kingdom. You’re probably the one who sleeps the most out of everyone in inside the Golden Cheese Kingdom!
Mozzarella takes you out to the colosseum, placing a bet and taking you by the hand as she goes to her seat.
Now personally, I think sitting on her lap would be AMAZING.
Especially during the times she celebrates after winning. Sweetheart just can’t help but hug your sleeping body and hold you closely, whispering to you about how the match went and that she won ❤️
“Oh? Asleep again I see. Hehe! You’re twice as important as anything I could win in a game, dear…”
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Lychee Dragon Cookie
Time for the clumsies!!!!
So, Lychee is probably super sweet to you after actually becoming someone they can trust and truly love.
And they’re also quite the overprotective sweetheart to you. If you fall, or are about to trip, they pick you up and act like they’re your beloved savior.
Lychee also giggles a lot whenever you slip on the most random things at home. Their laughter is honestly quite contagious, so why bother crying from any pain? You’re quite used to it by now anyways 😅
“Oh, sweet little [name]! You’re so cute when you slip and fall, because then you’ll have me as your big strong hero!”
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Butter Roll Cookie
He definitely got that loud boisterous laughter that just makes everyone smile, especially you. Butter Roll certainly doesn’t show you his workplace (for…very big reasons).
However, he does let you come into his study and do whatever you want there. Mostly you just spin on one of those silly office chairs while you wait for him to he done so the two of you can hang out.
But sometimes he gets a little tired, and this was the time that you took action — scooping him up and placing him onto YOUR lap instead
In the end, the two of you accidentally lean back a bit too far and fall to the ground, but your oh-so loving boyfriend catches you and showers you with PLENTY of kisses.
I have a feeling that he’s actually pretty light but just doesn’t look like it.
“ACK- [name]! I didn’t know you could lift me up? Did you somehow manage to lift weights with your adorable clumsy magic?”
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