#could not move could not speak etc etc
strawbebyjam · 1 year
unexpected kindness after unintended vulnerability. yeah.
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aardvaark · 11 days
im so glad that we never get a clear picture of sophie’s background in leverage & i hope we never do. however i also really like making up various, often conflicting backstories for her in my head. perhaps they’re all backstories for an alias of hers, ones she laid to rest back in season two.
#leverageposting#leverage#lev#sophie devereaux#wren speaks#particularly that one of or both her parents had to move around a lot for work & so she would change herself to fit in at every new school#or new town etc etc. and that whatever original identity she had was dropped due to some kind of really awful event and her bio family think#she’s dead. eg she got into some kind of extreme legal trouble for the first time & she faked her death & everyone she knew as a kid thinks#she’s dead too. like. astrid wasn’t the first person she left to miss/mourn her.#but also that she was a teen runaway at like age ~16 and pretended to be an adult (like. 18/19) cause theres not much you can do by yourself#as a minor like booking flights or renting an apartment. and so began her first proper alias. and she was a pickpocket until she could fund#her life fully through grifting & cons.#or alternatively her parents died when she was a teen & she was old enough to become an emancipated minor (everyone in lev is an orphan)#and she kind of just fell into crime from there bc she had no one#or perhaps she got married at 17 and realised how fucked it all was and stashed money until she could run away & leave it all behind. that’s#bc of a single vague sentence on john rogers’ blog saying she was married at 17 and in context it was quite possibly a joke or random#hypothetical example but i was like what if???? What If???????#i also like the hc that she’s trans which i’ve seen a few times#in some versions in my mind her parents were okay and in some versions they were awful and in some versions it was so complicated.#i think tara has heard one story and parker or hardison have heard another and nate has never heard any story. he’s never asked.#she is here now and that’s all that needs knowing. and sophie devereaux is her real name in any way it matters.#eliot has also never asked and she asked if he was curious once and he just asked if she was curious about What He Did and that was answer#enough for the both of them. just a mutual agreement not to ask and it actually solidified their bond.#i think she struggled for a long time about whether to tell her new family The Real Story but in much the same way we never hear her birth#name bc it’s not Her anymore… she never gives The Real Story. bc it no longer defines who she is. she’s so much more than whatever happened.
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tragedykery · 2 years
getting sad thinking about the dialects I would have known/spoken had it not been for the devaluation of “non-standard” variations of a language
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needylittlegirl · 1 month
sometimes ill be doing some normal everyday task and ill stop and realizing that im doing it pissed as hell cause i started thinking about yolanda saldivar
#brushing my teeth like 😡😡😡😡#selena quintanilla queen of tejano and queen of little mexican american girls that cant speak spanish (me)#when i was like 7 years old i was having a TOUUGHH time at school#cause kids were saying like oh your mom looks weird she doesnt look like our moms!#and my dads white and im very white like visually#so i was getting a lot of people asking like What Are You are you adopted etc etc#and then on the flipside all of my cousins speak spanish but i dont#cause im the youngest and by the time i was born all the spanish speakers in my fam had learned english#so it was very like whatever way i turned i wasnt fitting in#so my mom sat me down and made me watch selena and i criiies and cried#like no i dont look like her but we’re both 3rd gen girls who were a little lost with their cultures and stuff#also dont tell my mom any of this she says im white passing to white ppl but mexicans always Know#which is true ive had mexican people ask if im mixed or wtf is up#its gotta be my nose like 100000%#i think my nose and body type and hair are the noticeable features#i was also raised super culturally by my moms side of the family#also i think its funny that spanish speaking people dont assume i speak it so theyll be talkin shit or something and ill know#i understand it but i dont speak it#but im getting better!! i think i probably can speak it im just not at all confident#i had to drop highschool spanish cause my teacher thought i was cheating#and she did not care when i was like girl i promise i only know this cause of my abuela pls believe me#sorry im rambling i have no clue where this is coming from#but when my grandparents moved here it was like#like 50s racism running rampant#so my grandpa tried to ditch EVERYTHING and like oretend he was italian cause that was more acceptable and all that#so he got rid of every tradition and tried to smash it down as much as he could#so of course that rubbed off on my mom#but my grandpas sisters never tried to hide it#so me and my mom have really bonded over like relearning our culture and i get to go to his sisters to teach me and its just really nice#yeah ok bye
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zarvasace · 2 months
Don't leave me alone after 3 AM I will come up with a new idea
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genspiel · 6 months
...so, we know that decim got his job after the 15th floor was vacated by quin. but. was there a previous arbiter of viginti??? who were they and where tf are they now??? i'm-
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mars-ipan · 7 months
ok i’m abt to go to bed i promise but i do need one more little tag ramble
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trans-cuchulainn · 1 year
okay i've finished rewatching pride now i will stop having feelings all over your dash
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astral-schools · 8 months
say whatever u want about the technical problems in wiz. it is one of the only games (w/ movement) ive seen that allows you to play almost exclusively one-handed. and the fact that thats been a feature for a WHILE is pretty impressive
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criticalrolo · 1 year
As a fellow Nie Sect apologist, I would love to hear your thoughts on Nie Mingjue's tragic hubris
ok just off the top of my head
thought he could protect his brother from tragedy forever, still ended up dying even younger than expected, despite his best efforts to take care of NHS it just made it that much harder / sadder that NHS went full Machiavellian after his murder
and also quite frankly. so sad to see a guy who Never wavered in his principles, for better or for worse, decide to go against his better judgement in JGYs case, and in the end that’s what killed him 😭 he was So Rigid but deciding to be flexible in JGYs case to try to fix him / give him a chance is the first domino in his murder
like. damn. there’s excuses / explanations for why jgy did the things that he did in the Sunshot campaign but it is also completely reasonable for NMJ to not trust him / not want to have any kind of relationship with him afterwards. it’s really tragic that compromising on his principles to give JGY more chances actually made things way worse than they would have if they’d never spoken ever again
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ocdsaraberry · 1 year
Everytime someone writing a fic has Noel mention The Blue Angel and calls it a French film I lose years of my life
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
NOOOO RIGHT 'CAUSE LIKE... the way the Arakawa Family specialize in faking deaths already, I'm sure Jo was so on top of everything. And who better to walk Masato through it right... flight's the perfect time to get started if it's gonna take like fourteen hours...
BUT YES. YEAH. Like The Day Of he's just paralyzed with worry and caught between wanting to do something and not wanting to go against Aoki... maybe at most he chances calling Arakawa telling him to be careful, because that's not too conspicuous given his role in the dissolution, but Arakawa just gives him the old I'll Be Fine Worry About Yourself... and, you know, why shouldn't he; they've always had their enemies and he's Arakawa the Assassin, he can handle himself... he can let himself have that fleeting hope, but deep down... and THEN he finds out and has to act like he didn't mean anything to him and has to go back to his duties like nothing happened... OUGH
Can I just say. Literally such an insane fucking series of scenes in Coin Locker Baby. Because you get Jo's despondence when he's saying he might have killed Arakawa--he's being a bitch to provoke Ichiban into a fight, but it's also an admission his inaction played a part, isn't it... and then you get him expressing that he's familiar with Ichiban's need to protect Arakawa... and then you get the sheer desperation and insistence in his voice when he says he could never kill him... and then you get--I'm not totally sure how clear it is in English--but you get him actively saying his feelings go deeper than Ichiban's without really explaining how... and then you get the tinge of fondness when he's thinking back on the old days when Arakawa lived up to his name... Like. Why Did They Do That. Any Of That.
ALSO. GOD. I've gotten so much shit the past couple days because I said I want to lock Jo, Kume, and Tendo in a room for five minutes For My Entertainment. Reading those tags felt like coming home honestly 😭 Like, even Ichi was ready to kill someone over Arakawa, and Jo was out here threatening to disembowel people [in the dub]. And I Think They Should Be Allowed To. As A Treat. So FOR REAL the biggest "I'm so glad we get to talk" 😭😭😭
On that note genuinely so funny that I took an extra ten minutes re-rendering the video because I forgot to put the "flashback" part in Arakawa's subtitles at first but then nobody read it 😭
But it's also something I've been mulling over because I'm delusional. Getting actors as high-profile as Nakai and Takei back for just A Flashback is kinda crazy to me because Arakawa and Jo's screen-time took up a full four percent of the entire game [over ten percent of the cutscenes] originally. But then if it's multiple flashbacks equivalent to that... what exactly is going on here that the past is so intertwined...
And Because My Brain Is Evil there is the fact that technically speaking, Yokoyama only said that line was from a flashback, and specified Arakawa wouldn't be appearing in the main story. Now of course a normal person would interpret that as him reassuring the audience he won't appear in any present-day scenes, but part of me was like. Oh So A Side Story Is On The Table [<- it's not it's fucking not it will not be in a million years]
ANYWAYS that's enough from me for today I am [as always] glad you enjoyed One Missed Call and Kyouen, ABSOLUTE bangers
no but thats what i MEAN like i already was jokin with myself like 'jo and arakawa probably had A Thing right lmao' BUT THEN THE WAY JO TALKED BOUT ARAKAWA AND OBVI THE GENERAL FACT HE COULDNT KILL HIM REALLY JUST MADE ME (。・∀・??) AND REAALLLY LOOK AT EM CLOSER THE SECOND TIME AROUND like genuinely for what. it will fuck me up until i'm dead and gone SOOO unnecessary and yet they did it..
wack that people wouldnt want to see kume and tendo stuck in a room with jo like. from what i know everyone is a part of the We Hate Kume gang so. cmon. kume will be shredded into candy floss within five minutes. it'll be fun (๑❛ᴗ❛๑)
OK BUT NAKAI AND TSUTSUMI'S STATUS WAS A BIG REASON WHY I DIDNT THINK ARAKAWA NOR JO WOULD BE BACK FOR LAD8 THAT'S SO VALID TO CONSIDER THAT its that idea that just has me especially wondering what the plan is. im not expecting them to have MAJOR parts (or in arakawa's case too many flashback segments) but they MUST have a SUBSTANTIAL amount to warrant bringing them back right..
#long post#snap chats#when it comes to Famous Persons Coming Back i was also just like 'theres no way they could get george takei back right'#LISTEN i know the eng dub is not to be spoken of but it exists and it cant be denied takei's REALLY prolific in the states yeah#so i HAD to ask it was WORTH asking myself. unless they decide to swap arakawa's eng VA but w/e its not overly important#moving on. its ok most people dont read anyway no worries about missing a subtitle </3 a painful reality but. we take W's where we can.#OH BUT TO END /MY/ NIGHT THO i LOVED One Missed Call UGH such a good horror movie#i wanna watch it with my dad so bad he loves horror/suspenseful movies and we used to watch em whenever id visit him#KYOUEN'S A DARLING OF A SHOW SO FAR I THINK IVE SAID THAT ENOUGH but yeah......... BIG love........#i'm almost done with it. if i said i finished it earlier i think i lied i cant remember POINT IS I JUST HAVE THREE EPS#i plan on watching them before stream time tomorrow so that'll be cute :]#buuuut speaking of finishing watching things i Just finished watching the first We Make Antiques movie and UGH#love. love love love it was so silly but also really fascinating to watch... team of forgers thats WILD and i loved it..#i wish i had access to the sequels tho like PLEAASE i wanna watch these two be losers more....#they became domestic with each other so quickly like goddamn.. money can do anything#it can make two dudes trying to con each other work together.. its beautiful.....#ok now thats all from ME for tonight. id talk more on the jo and aoki bits but theres a good chance ill do that during stream#or. ill draw it during stream. me drawing is the same as me talking now innit Let My Bullshit Speak For Me etc etc#ok thats all from me fr this time BYE
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ghostzzy · 2 years
realizing things. etc etc
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
no no but like. what do we think happened with jgy’s body in cql specifically
#shrimp thoughts#there is a fic that breaks my hear into a million of pieces that deals with A Version of the cql ending! it's remains by welcome_equivocator#and it kills the man#but that aside!! like. what. does he still get a burial/memorial tablet in jinlintai when he's everyone's most beloathed villain?#(isn't it fun that both jc and jl have had to/will have to pretend to suffer less after the loss of someone who technically Yes did all#those things but also WAS FAMILY. isn't it fun that jl's position in most likely unstable as fuck and that possibly speaking too well of jgy#could even damage his reputation/put him in danger of being considered someone who would follow his uncle's steps ISN'T IT JUST NEAT)#or. what. personally i made this post because i thought about jgy's body at the back of the temple and the body of his mother stolen and#destroyed from the back of the temple and had to mentally sit down#in my fic (based kindasorta on cql) nmj gets moved back to qinghe for a sect leader's burial and jgy replaces his mom in the coffin#in a move that left many less satisfied than they'd like to be AND ALSO FOR THE AESTHETIC AND THE FIC TO BE POSSIBLE#because ngl cql is a hundred times better of an ending for jgy than the actual novel where. i mean. nmj strongest fierce corpse etc#and where i just think that if they were like 'oops wait i forgot my phone' and opened the coffin an hour later... SIGHS HEAVILY :'/#but. what happened Actually? i don't know. and i kind of do like it left unsaid as if gives us space to fill out#(just like. the space of lxc's absence...) but also. oh god. what happened. What Happened#(utter chaos in the tags.)
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traitorsinsalem · 2 years
going back to school is going to do so much for my physical health because all the sodas available at my school suck absolute shit and this summer i've been chugging laranjada as if my very life force depends on it.
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toestalucia · 2 years
anyway tying into what i was talking about the other day, but while gran def still is very naive about believing in the good of ppl, they Are also realistic about it. theyre not about to let Person A who was a massive pain run around unattended, but thinking that "theres no way theyll change" is very difficult for them cuz they dont Want to believe that. there Are ppl they rly genuinely dislike (true king) but its all very (gestures vaguely)
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