#corn bad turkey girl
camomile-t · 1 year
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fukanouna · 2 years
thinking of you (wish you were here)
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff
Rating: G
Word Count: 787
Warnings: Fluff with Angst
A/N: Happy Thanksgiving! Please enjoy some WandaNat angst :)
Wanda thought back to her first Thanksgiving after moving into the Avengers Compound.
As a Sokovian, American traditions were still very foreign to her. She understood the holiday sentiment and what the occasion brought to American families, but she felt very out-of-place to be spending it with the people she once fought against, and truthfully, she thought they'd feel the same way towards her.
Yet here Wanda was assisting with meal prep in the kitchen. She and Vision were tasked with cutting the vegetables for the stuffing.
Steve and Sam were arguing about how the turkey should be prepared, the latter insisting they season it the way they do in Louisiana. Rhodey left the compound to grab some pies at a local bakery that he swore on his life made the best pies in the world while Tony would stop by later with Pepper with a wide selection of wine, courtesy of Pepper's friend who owned a vineyard.
And Natasha? She was in charged in making the mashed potatoes.
Temporarily leaving Vision's side to take a break, Wanda curiously peaked over Natasha's shoulder. "Is that cereal?" the brunette asked with a puzzled expression as Natasha sprinkled the cereal over a layer of shredded cheddar cheese that sat atop the garlic herb mashed potatoes.
"That's right. They're plain corn flakes," Natasha responded, her eyes never leaving the dish to ensure every spot was covered. "Gives it a nice, satisfying crunch after you put it in the oven."
"I take it that this strange addition to mashed potatoes was something you learned here and not in Russia."
Natasha chuckled. "Definitely not. The idea actually came from Cooper, Clint's oldest son. He suggested it a few Thanksgiving dinners ago, and I thought, why the hell not? Let me give it a go. The end result was surprisingly delicious, and I've continued to perfect it since."
Wanda had to admit that the presentation alone was pleasing enough. "Your praises have made me more excited to try your mashed potatoes than the actual turkey."
"If you can wait about thirty minutes for this bad boy to be warmed and toasted, your taste buds will be knocked right out of the park," the redhead grinned.
After patiently waiting, the glass serving tray of Natasha's mashed potatoes was taken out of the oven. The spy insisted that Wanda received the first plate, eager to know the witch's thoughts. When Wanda tasted the cheesy buttery goodness of the potatoes and the light crunch of the corn flakes, her eyes widened by the simple blend of flavors and textures, which made Natasha smirk in satisfaction.
"This is too good to only be cooked once a year," Wanda praised. Her eyes shone with a childlike wonderment that Natasha found endearing.
"I'll gladly make these mashed potatoes whenever you want, Maximoff. All you gotta do is ask."
But Wanda never did.
She never got the chance to, not when the world needed the Avengers not too long after.
And now, Natasha was gone.
After Tony's funeral, Clint invited her to have Thanksgiving at his home with his family. Wanda refused several times, but when Clint said, "it's what she would have wanted", it was impossible to deny the invitation any longer.
Laura was a sweetheart and welcomed Wanda into her home with loving, open arms. The Barton children were as welcoming and friendly as their parents. Cooper was polite and kind, no longer a boy as he was almost as tall as Clint. Lila was an adorable yet sweet girl. As for Nathaniel, the youngest Barton wasted no time clinging to Wanda, and she had to do her best to keep smiling and not to cry when looking at the small boy whose name was inspired by the two people Wanda loved the most and lost.
What Wanda didn't expect at the table was Cooper setting down a small bowl of cheesy mashed potatoes that were covered with toasty corn flakes in front of her. A wave of nostalgia washed over her.
"This is..." Wanda trailed off, swallowing hard.
"Auntie Nat taught me how to make her famous mashed potatoes once Mom said I was old enough to cook in the kitchen on my own," Cooper explained, fidgeting slightly. "It's definitely not as good as hers but Dad said you really liked Auntie Nat's mashed potatoes so... I hope I did them even a little justice."
Wanda placed a small forkful into her mouth and the familiar taste sent her back in time to a period when she was happy with her Natasha.
A teardrop slid down her cheek, but Wanda gave Cooper the brightest smile she could muster.
"It's perfect, Cooper. Just the way Natasha used to make them."
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Out in the Middle: Part 15
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Summary: While the guys are off on the hunt, you and the girls decide to have a little fun of your own
You stamped off your boots as you came back into the house, hanging up your jacket on the coat hook along with your hat and mittens. It was a hell of alot colder out now, the snow falling harder but the heat of the house and the smell of cinnamon, cloves and apples bombarding your senses and warming you from your head to your toes.
“Ya’ll gotta be freezing!” Beth exclaimed as she pulled something from a small fridge under the counter.
“Yeah and the hands are still out in it,” you said, removing your scarf and hanging it up. “I’m hoping they come in soon.”
“I told’em no later than noon,” Beth said. “It’s gonna get colder through the winter and nobody’s freezin to death on our watch.”
“Whatcha got?”
“Little something for later when the kids are asleep and the men are downstairs in the basement watching the football game later.”
Beth pulled a clear bottle from the wine fridge under the counter and stuck it right next to the toaster. Your jaw almost dropped when you saw it, relieved that it was finally that time of the week. “Beth Wheeler, you are a lifesaver!!!” you exclaimed. 
“I wasn’t about to let any of us go the whole week without it,” Beth told you. “i love the babies to death but I’d love nothing more than to just let Joey run around outside with a stick.” 
You laughed a little as Beth stuck it back in the fridge for later, the two of you getting the kitchen set up to make dinner. Surprisingly enough, the kids were as quiet as could be, playing downstairs in the basement or watching some of the old VHS tapes that John had collected throughout the years. Monica came through the door a few minutes later, practically speaking in tongues as she shivered. 
“Them idjits better get their butts home before the deep freeze hits,” she shuddered, stripping off her coat and scarf. 
“Are the hands all in?” Beth asked. 
“They went in an hour ago,” Monica answered. “Last I heard from Kayce, they were just over the hill and coming back.” 
You looked up at the wall clock just above the stove and saw that it would be at least another ten to fifteen minutes before they were home. God please let them get home before the snow gets worse......you prayed. 
Monica pulled up her Spotify playlist before she set to helping you and Beth before Nora made her way up from the basement. “Oh ladies,” she chirped. “Guess what? I come bearing a gift.” 
You and Beth snorted a little while Monica playfully rolled her eyes. “Whatcha got?” Monica asked. 
“Remember the week before Halloween when you and I went over the hill to go and get a few things for your dad?” 
“Yeah why?” 
“Well,” Nora said. “I’ve had this sitting in a wooden fruit crate ever since harvest and every year at Thanksgiving, my gram and my aunts would put it out as a centerpiece or serve it at the table.” 
What Nora pulled from the box was nothing short of awesome, several ears of corn in bright shades of red, orange, yellow and black. “Oh my God, where did you.....?” 
“Rose Black Moon gave us some out of her field when we helped her and her grandsons fix the tractor,” Nora explained. 
“Was it really bad?” Beth asked. 
“Hadn’t been working since the summer,” Nora answered. “Parts were hard to get and we had to barter for the ones we couldn’t get at Tractor Supply. But it got fixed and they got the harvest in on time so I’d say it was a success.” 
You and the girls chattered away about everything under the sun when you saw Cody, the youngest of Beth and Rip’s kids padding his way to the sliding glass door, his thumb in his mouth and his Denver Broncos blanket clutched in one arm. Beth had always joked that Cody should have been named “Linus” from the way he always had his thumb in his mouth and his blanket in his hand. 
All of a sudden, Cody’s little head perked up and so didn’t the family mutt’s. “Momma!!! Momma!! Turkeys!!!” 
“You see the turkeys Cody?” Beth asked. 
“No Momma! Turkey!!” 
Cody pulled at the sleeve of his mother’s hoodie before Beth followed him to the sliding glass door and sure enough, there were the men, traipsing through the snow, pulling the freshly hunted turkeys on a small sled behind them. 
“Thank God they made it,” Beth said. “I’m gonna go and let’em in.”
You followed Beth down to the basement, through the bar room and past the room where the kids were playing and into the store room to let the boys in. One by one, they filed into the mudroom, kicking off their boots and stamping off the snow on the shitty rugs before hanging their wet clothes up. 
“Good hunt baby?” you asked as you helped Rhett off with his wet jacket. 
“Caught three birds,” Rhett said in between his chattering teeth. “Twenty pounds each.” 
“Holy shit!” 
You placed your warm hands on Rhett’s freezing, reddened cheeks, the cold running from him to you as he pulled you close to him. “I’m gonna rest for a while,” Rhett said sleepily. “We’ll get the birds all de-feathered later.”
“Wanna watch something while the girls and I cook?” you asked, kissing his cheek. 
“Might watch ‘The Men Who Built America’ with John or something,” Rhett answered, rubbing his tired eyes. “Mom said she went to the store to get a few things and then she’s comin back.” 
“Go get yourself upstairs and we’ll make you guys hot drinks if you want’em,” you told him. “We’ve got all day today and then tomorrow is the big day.” 
You and Rhett walked hand in hand up to the living room, excited for the day ahead tomorrow and relieved that you could catch a break in between until then.
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Before Amy. Let's talk my ability to #sagitalPlane so am I riding torrie's husband's cock or is he in a blank space suit #VASA bro kin. Behave 😂 like God eventually you can get me a little black book for the corn. Simon says judge me today for Lewinsky's scandal actually makes me the bad guy yet this black Chyna sings for us in a funny little mannAH
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Amy 🕸️ iffy when I blew up at Turkey Mountain #stillthehottestpowerlessbottomintheYOUniverseMANKIND🥑🍟🥓🍟🌮🍳🫑🌯🥗🥠🥢🍹🍾🍯🍰🍮🍮🍼🧊🍭🍬🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🥨AARAYAH NAKED?? 😂💗rough tonight??? Are you drunk Sir?...the tool men "buzz Loud House introduction pt.|| " Summer Rae to Cenation.
That was for the one and only WWF Chyna getting in on WAGS screenshots galore numbers gay me game 🎮 fratvictimbttm Twinning a DJ KHALED b.s. motorsport type of way to say not much for a big way I'm stuck on Chris Cuomo's •••√π rev 666 I'm one in a million and his gang took this to a deep place and the cops didn't care so all I have is my girl power. And I love Uma Thurman so much on my behind the scenes tiredness exhaust pipe KIMwin{§} car y = sp? Ice ;( #2day😵‍💫😵😵😵😵😷🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒💯👾🌚😇💤🎉🙉😻💙💚🤍🤍🤍❤️💌I'm so in love with your energy. Al of you SMHLL{3 but I have to re read. This is unreal random pick in Jur' two ettes...
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Jiggly puff. And I'm out with the confidence to eckankar tough enough emoji 4 with mr.LevelQuest quoMOtatte(sp?) This is new. Fuck me and they were so like umm... Odnsmkendkmdbnd I tell you so Cody DeAnjcivuvjvhiuggbbkvvgREC YOU have a cheat in me straight married or taken men too
0 notes
brookston · 10 months
Holidays 8.30
Barberry Day (French Republic)
Constitution Day (Kazakhstan, Turks and Caicos Islands)
Frankenstein Day
Fred Hampton Day (Illinois)
Gai Jatra (Cow Festival, in remembrance of people who died the previous year; Kathmandu Valley, Nepal)
Huey P. Long Day (Louisiana)
International Day of the Disappeared
International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances (UN)
International Missy Barratt Day (Aenopia)
International Puma Day
International Whale Shark Day
Manu Ginobili Day (Texas)
Motel Day (Colombia)
National Beach Day
National Bite People Who Annoy You Day
National Black Beauty Founders Day
National Grief Awareness Day
National Harper Day
National Holistic Pet Day
National Small Industry Day (India)
Onam begins (India) [thru 9.8]
Pinaglabanan Day (Philippines)
Popular Consultation Day (East Timor)
Rowboat Day
Saint Rose of Lima’s Day (Peru)
Slinky Day
Talk Intelligently Day
Victory Day (Turkey)
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Cabernet Sauvignon Day
National Mai Tai Day
National Toasted Marshmallow Day
New England Apple Day
5th & Last Wednesday in August
La Tomatina (world's biggest food fight; Bunol, Spain) [Last Wednesday]
National Meals on Wheels Day (Australia) [Last Wednesday]
Tug-of-War Day [Last Wednesday]
Willing-To-Lend-A-Hand Wednesday [Wednesday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
Independence Days
Ashoka (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Kohlandia (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Leylandiistan & Gurvata (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Tatarstan (from Russia, 1990) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Agilus (a.k.a. Aile; Christian; Saint)
Alexander of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox)
Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster (Christian; Blessed)
Anne Line, Margaret Ward & Margaret Clitherow (Christian; Saints)
Black (Positivist; Saint)
Candle in a Wine Bottle Day (Pastafarian)
Charisteria (Charis, Goddess of Mercy; Old Roman Thanksgiving)
Day of Satisfying the Hearts of the Ennead (Nine Major Gods; Ancient Egypt)
Eustáquio van Lieshout (Christian; Blessed)
Stephen Nehmé, Blessed (Maronite Church / Catholic Church)
Charles Chapman Grafton (Episcopal Church)
Fantinus (Christian; Saint)
Felix and Adauctus (Christian; Martyrs)
Festival of Charisteria (Day to Give Thanks; Ancient Rome)
Fiacre (Christian; Saint)
Full Moon [9th of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Autumn Moon (Traditional)
Barley Moon (Alternate, England, Wicca)
Binara Full Moon Poya Day (Sri Lanka)
Chrysanthemum Moon (China)
Chusok (Harvest Festival; South Korea)
Corn Moon (Amer. Indian, Traditional)
Falling Leaves Moon (Traditional)
Fruit Moon (North America)
Han’gawi (Harvest Festival; North Korea)
Harvest Festival (Full Moon closest to Equinox)
Harvest Moon (Amer. Indian, Colonial, Neo-Pagan, Traditional)
Moon of Brown Leaves (Traditional)
Mulberry Moon (Choctaw)
Navajo Sing Festival (Navajo)
Nut Moon (Cherokee)
Singing Moon (Celtic)
Southern Hemisphere: Crow, Lenten, Sap, Sugar, Worm
Storm Moon (South Africa)
Taw Thalin Full Moon (Myanmar)
Wise-Crone Moon (Native American)
Zhongqiu (a.k.a. Chong Chao; China)
Isaac Levitan (Artology)
Jacques Louis David (Artology)
Jeanne Jugan (Christian; Saint)
Narcisa de Jesús (Christian; Saint)
Pammachius (Christian; Saint)
The Pullover Sweater (Muppetism)
Robert Crumb (Artology)
Rose of Lima (Christian; Saint)
Santa Rosa de Lima Day (Peru)
Third Onam (Rice Harvest Festival, Day 3; Kerala, India)
Thor Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 16 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [16 of 24]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [39 of 60]
Anna Karenina (Film; 1935)
Bad Girl, by The Miracles (Song; 1959)
Beer (Film; 1985)
A Bird in a Guilty Cage (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
Carnival Row (TV Series; 2019)
Dance, Girl, Dance (Film; 1940)
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (TV Series; 2019)
Emma (Film; 1996)
Flesh + Blood (Film; 1985)
The Good Girl (Film; 2002)
Heart-Shaped Box, by Nirvana (Song; 1993)
Hey Jude, by The Beatles (Song; 1968) [1st Apple Records release]
Highway 61 Revisited, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1965)
Kravn the Hunter (Film; 2023)
The Late Show with David Letterman (Talk Show; 1993)
Medúlla, by Björk (Album; 2004)
Music of the Sun, by Rihanna (Album; 2005)
Santana, by Carlos Santana (Album; 1969)
Side to Side, by Ariana Grande (Song; 2016)
State Fair (Film; 1945)
Surf’s Up, by The Beach Boys (Song; 1971)
Top Hat (Film; 1935)
What Happened to Monday (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Felix, Herbert, Rebekka (Austria)
Aleksandar, Aleksandra (Bulgaria)
Didak, Margarita, Petar (Croatia)
Vladěna (Czech Republic)
Albert, Benjamin (Denmark)
Emil, Meljo, Mello, Miljo (Estonia)
Eemeli, Eemi, Eemil (Finland)
Fiacre (France)
Alma, Felix, Heribert, Rebekka (Germany)
Alexandra, Alexandros, Evlalios, Filakas (Greece)
Rózsa (Hungary)
Donato, Fantino (Italy)
Alija, Alvis, Jolanta (Latvia)
Adauktas, Augūna, Gaudencija, Kintenis (Lithuania)
Ben, Benjamin (Norway)
Adaukt, Częstowoj, Gaudencja, Miron, Rebeka, Róża, Szczęsna, Szczęsny, Tekla (Poland)
Ružena (Slovakia)
Íngrid, Pedro (Spain)
Albert, Albertina (Sweden)
Raisa, Rhoda, Rosa, Rosabelle, Rosalie, Rosalind, Rosalinda, Roseanne, Rose, Rosemary, Rosetta, Rosie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 242 of 2024; 123 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 35 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 15 (Geng-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 13 Elul 5783
Islamic: 13 Safar 1445
J Cal: 2 Aki; Twosday [2 of 30]
Julian: 17 August 2023
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 18 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Black]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 70 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 9 of 32)
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Holidays 8.30
Barberry Day (French Republic)
Constitution Day (Kazakhstan, Turks and Caicos Islands)
Frankenstein Day
Fred Hampton Day (Illinois)
Gai Jatra (Cow Festival, in remembrance of people who died the previous year; Kathmandu Valley, Nepal)
Huey P. Long Day (Louisiana)
International Day of the Disappeared
International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances (UN)
International Missy Barratt Day (Aenopia)
International Puma Day
International Whale Shark Day
Manu Ginobili Day (Texas)
Motel Day (Colombia)
National Beach Day
National Bite People Who Annoy You Day
National Black Beauty Founders Day
National Grief Awareness Day
National Harper Day
National Holistic Pet Day
National Small Industry Day (India)
Onam begins (India) [thru 9.8]
Pinaglabanan Day (Philippines)
Popular Consultation Day (East Timor)
Rowboat Day
Saint Rose of Lima’s Day (Peru)
Slinky Day
Talk Intelligently Day
Victory Day (Turkey)
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Cabernet Sauvignon Day
National Mai Tai Day
National Toasted Marshmallow Day
New England Apple Day
5th & Last Wednesday in August
La Tomatina (world's biggest food fight; Bunol, Spain) [Last Wednesday]
National Meals on Wheels Day (Australia) [Last Wednesday]
Tug-of-War Day [Last Wednesday]
Willing-To-Lend-A-Hand Wednesday [Wednesday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
Independence Days
Ashoka (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Kohlandia (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Leylandiistan & Gurvata (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Tatarstan (from Russia, 1990) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Agilus (a.k.a. Aile; Christian; Saint)
Alexander of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox)
Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster (Christian; Blessed)
Anne Line, Margaret Ward & Margaret Clitherow (Christian; Saints)
Black (Positivist; Saint)
Candle in a Wine Bottle Day (Pastafarian)
Charisteria (Charis, Goddess of Mercy; Old Roman Thanksgiving)
Day of Satisfying the Hearts of the Ennead (Nine Major Gods; Ancient Egypt)
Eustáquio van Lieshout (Christian; Blessed)
Stephen Nehmé, Blessed (Maronite Church / Catholic Church)
Charles Chapman Grafton (Episcopal Church)
Fantinus (Christian; Saint)
Felix and Adauctus (Christian; Martyrs)
Festival of Charisteria (Day to Give Thanks; Ancient Rome)
Fiacre (Christian; Saint)
Full Moon [9th of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Autumn Moon (Traditional)
Barley Moon (Alternate, England, Wicca)
Binara Full Moon Poya Day (Sri Lanka)
Chrysanthemum Moon (China)
Chusok (Harvest Festival; South Korea)
Corn Moon (Amer. Indian, Traditional)
Falling Leaves Moon (Traditional)
Fruit Moon (North America)
Han’gawi (Harvest Festival; North Korea)
Harvest Festival (Full Moon closest to Equinox)
Harvest Moon (Amer. Indian, Colonial, Neo-Pagan, Traditional)
Moon of Brown Leaves (Traditional)
Mulberry Moon (Choctaw)
Navajo Sing Festival (Navajo)
Nut Moon (Cherokee)
Singing Moon (Celtic)
Southern Hemisphere: Crow, Lenten, Sap, Sugar, Worm
Storm Moon (South Africa)
Taw Thalin Full Moon (Myanmar)
Wise-Crone Moon (Native American)
Zhongqiu (a.k.a. Chong Chao; China)
Isaac Levitan (Artology)
Jacques Louis David (Artology)
Jeanne Jugan (Christian; Saint)
Narcisa de Jesús (Christian; Saint)
Pammachius (Christian; Saint)
The Pullover Sweater (Muppetism)
Robert Crumb (Artology)
Rose of Lima (Christian; Saint)
Santa Rosa de Lima Day (Peru)
Third Onam (Rice Harvest Festival, Day 3; Kerala, India)
Thor Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 16 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [16 of 24]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [39 of 60]
Anna Karenina (Film; 1935)
Bad Girl, by The Miracles (Song; 1959)
Beer (Film; 1985)
A Bird in a Guilty Cage (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
Carnival Row (TV Series; 2019)
Dance, Girl, Dance (Film; 1940)
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (TV Series; 2019)
Emma (Film; 1996)
Flesh + Blood (Film; 1985)
The Good Girl (Film; 2002)
Heart-Shaped Box, by Nirvana (Song; 1993)
Hey Jude, by The Beatles (Song; 1968) [1st Apple Records release]
Highway 61 Revisited, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1965)
Kravn the Hunter (Film; 2023)
The Late Show with David Letterman (Talk Show; 1993)
Medúlla, by Björk (Album; 2004)
Music of the Sun, by Rihanna (Album; 2005)
Santana, by Carlos Santana (Album; 1969)
Side to Side, by Ariana Grande (Song; 2016)
State Fair (Film; 1945)
Surf’s Up, by The Beach Boys (Song; 1971)
Top Hat (Film; 1935)
What Happened to Monday (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Felix, Herbert, Rebekka (Austria)
Aleksandar, Aleksandra (Bulgaria)
Didak, Margarita, Petar (Croatia)
Vladěna (Czech Republic)
Albert, Benjamin (Denmark)
Emil, Meljo, Mello, Miljo (Estonia)
Eemeli, Eemi, Eemil (Finland)
Fiacre (France)
Alma, Felix, Heribert, Rebekka (Germany)
Alexandra, Alexandros, Evlalios, Filakas (Greece)
Rózsa (Hungary)
Donato, Fantino (Italy)
Alija, Alvis, Jolanta (Latvia)
Adauktas, Augūna, Gaudencija, Kintenis (Lithuania)
Ben, Benjamin (Norway)
Adaukt, Częstowoj, Gaudencja, Miron, Rebeka, Róża, Szczęsna, Szczęsny, Tekla (Poland)
Ružena (Slovakia)
Íngrid, Pedro (Spain)
Albert, Albertina (Sweden)
Raisa, Rhoda, Rosa, Rosabelle, Rosalie, Rosalind, Rosalinda, Roseanne, Rose, Rosemary, Rosetta, Rosie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 242 of 2024; 123 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 35 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 15 (Geng-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 13 Elul 5783
Islamic: 13 Safar 1445
J Cal: 2 Aki; Twosday [2 of 30]
Julian: 17 August 2023
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 18 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Black]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 70 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 9 of 32)
0 notes
doberbutts · 2 years
Mr. Doberbutts, I’m looking for recourses when researching dog foods since in general everything out there is so conflicting. Any advice or things to look for.
What I know is a hodgepodge of vetrinary advice combined with studies combined with just owning dogs so take this with a grain (or several) of salt:
Dogs are carnivorous animals, but they are not obligate carnivores. What this means is that while the bulk of their diet should be meats and animal-based protein, other sources of nutrition are not bad for them and should be considered as a viable part of their diet. It also means that dogs are not meant to survive on vegan diets, and that while many will (like humans, dogs as a species are highly adaptable survivalists) it's a subpar diet for the majority of dogs. Dogs evolved alongside human communities eating scraps and trash. But that doesn't mean we should be feeding just scraps and trash now that we know better.
Grains aren't bad unless your dog has an actual, proven allergy to them. The majority of food-based allergies in dogs are to proteins and specifically chicken and beef. Wheat and corn are the next common offenders. This is why a lot of allergy-friendly food you can get in a store aka without a prescription is something like salmon and rice or turkey and barley.
If you feed kibble, there MUST be what's called a 'binder' added to the ingredients as without it the kibble ingredients will just form a powder or a paste, they won't be in those hard little crunchie chunks dogs love to eat. Most companies use grains as a binder more than as a source of nutrition (and if it is as a source of nutrition, it's mainly just for fiber and carbs). This creates a problem for grain-free foods as there still needs to be a binder to get the kibble form. Many grain-free formulas used lentils and legumes for their binders because it gave the added benefit of boosting [plant-based] protein percentages. This is bad for a few different reasons:
Recently, in the last couple years, we've seen higher amounts of dietary DCM in breeds that did not have a genetic link to DCM like dobermans do. Multiple studies have traced this back to a correlation to higher amounts of legumes and lentils, usually chickpeas, in grain-free dog food and even in grain-inclusive dog food that used these ingredients to boost [plant-based] protein percentages. Since obviously no one wants their dog to randomly drop dead, this presented a major problem to the way dog food is made and marketted.
Additionally, legumes and lentils have a known link to infertility, small litter sizes, and neonate deformities in breeding dogs. This has mostly flown under the radar in this country since most people spay/neuter their dogs quite young and never breed, and thus wouldn't have noticed a decline in reproductive health. However even before the dietary DCM studies came out there were warnings not to feed foods too reliant on pea and pea-protein as anything that harms reproductive health will also have a negative effect elsewhere on the body.
There are, still, some dogs allergic to grain. So what do we feed those dogs if all the grainfree foods are using problematic ingredients as their binder? Thanlfully many grainfree formulas have switched to using different binders such as pumpkin, egg, and tapioca powder - which have not yet been found to be problematic on a dietary level - but are significantly more expensive and thus the price of grainfree food has risen dramatically per-pound.
Tl:dr if your dog doesn't need grainfree, grain inclusive is not a bad thing to feed. I have my girls on a grain-inclusive, but Creed needed grainfree. It'll be cheaper for you in the long run anyway.
I do not feed foods from companies or that source from companies that do not have at least the same level of food handling laws as the US. This is due to a scandel in the early 2000s where several companies sourcing their meats from China realized there was fraud happening internally, and euthanized cats and dogs sometimes with flea collars still on were being ground and sold as pet-safe meat product. That's right, we were being sold "beef" to put in dog food that was actually dog. As if that on the surface isn't bad enough, pesticides such as flea collars are not meant to be eaten, and euthanasia drugs are toxic in all intake methods including ingesting meat from a euthanized animal. So... as one can expect, we only found out about this because a bunch of dogs started dying. This problem is still ongoing, the last sweep of implicated companies per the FDA was in 2018. China was a major country implicated in this scandel but there have been a few other countries with similar, lower-than-US-standard food handling laws that have been caught as well. I'm not saying the FDA is the gold standard, but at least it doesn't tolerate pentobarbital being fed to living dogs.
I rotate company, formula, and protein often. This is because IF there is a dietary deficiency within my dog's food, it is much harder to catch as it takes a long time to do damage to the body. By switching things up, even if every bag is somehow deficient, the liklihood of all of them being deficient in the same way is incredibly low. I switch my dogs over slowly to avoid upset stomachs but otherwise they're usually on something different every couple of months.
Lastly, having worked at a pet store for almost a decade, there are just some foods I don't care how good they're supposed to be I simply will not buy or feed them. I have dealt with repeat offenders for torn bags, recalls, quality control, mold, infestations, sharp pieces of glass or metal, etc that I just won't take the chance that what's on the shelf is actually safe for my dog. There's foods I've watched lawsuit after lawsuit, recall after recall, and I'm just not going to buy it for my dogs end of story. I don't care who made it or how good it's supposed to be when I'm seeing reports of dogs dying and the company drags its feet to pull the product off the shelf. Every single one of these companies is a corporation with the singular target of making more money, they care less what is actually good for the dogs and more what is markettable. I'm not going to trust them if it's been proven time and again behind closed doors that there's shady practice going on, and I'm certainly not going to let my dogs eat their foods if they can't even figure out packing and warehouse concerns.
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misslilli · 3 years
Thank you to the lovelies who are still here ❤️
Felix Felicis
MSR. AU. PG-13. | tagging @today-in-fic | read on AO3
Chapter 22 - B Is For Basketball
[ DS ]
October has faded into November, pumpkin-spiced latte has been replaced by peppermint mocha and plans for Thanksgiving break have been secured, my mom beside herself with joy that Bill Jr. will be returning from his assignment overseas just in time for the holidays.
At school, we’ve made paper turkeys for our window decorations in school, and slowly, I’m beginning to get into the holiday spirit myself. I stay late on this Friday afternoon to put the finishing touches on the turkeys, cutting out paper candy corn and taping everything to the insides of the windows that line our classroom. ‘Looks pretty good, the kids finally got the hang of cutting paper along the lines neatly.’
I exchange my heels for my gym sneakers after a long day, grab my book bag and head out, locking the door behind me. The eery calm of an empty school building soothes me and I turn out the lights of our hallway. When I look out into the school yard, I notice that someone has left on the lights in our gym and I roll my eyes. That someone might have been me forgetting after my lesson today, so I cross the yard quickly to turn them off before I head home.
When I enter the gym, though, I freeze at the top of the bleachers. The floor is empty safe for one Fox Mulder, dribbling a basketball and shooting hoops. I know I should just turn around and leave him to it, but I just can’t help watching, slack-jawed, as the muscles of his back ripple under that tight t-shirt. It’s not often that I get to watch him without getting caught, so I allow myself to stare for just a little bit longer, heart hammering in my chest.
I only realize that my hands have gone limp when my keys hit the floor with a deafening crash and I almost jump out of my skin. ‘Run! Move! Now!’ My legs are not cooperating, damn them, and I see to my horror that he whips around and spots me standing on top of the bleacher’s stairs.
“Jesus, Scully! You trying to kill me?” ‘Those damn forearms of yours are what’s killing me…’
His surprised expression morphs into a smile. “Skinner said it’s okay if I used the gym for practice in the winter. What are you still doing here?”
“Uh... I was hanging turkeys … and I noticed the light on … and I thought that I had left them on after my lesson … and yeah…” ‘Stop rambling, you idiot!’
Now he’s grinning even wider and I can tell he’s going to tease me mercilessly. In my head, I start a list of ‘10 things I hate about you.’
“Didn’t know you hang your own turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, Scully, that’s pretty badass of you!” ‘I want to smack that smirk off your pretty face right now, how’s that for badass?’
I roll my eyes at him and he has the audacity to look incredibly pleased with himself. “Have you ever shot a three-pointer, Scully?” ‘What now?’ I take a moment to contemplate what to say next.
“No. In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m only a few inches taller than a yardstick, so I guess I have found more necessary things to do with my time than fail at basketball.”
He jerks his head holding up the basketball. “Get over here, Scully.” The tone in his voice makes my skin tingle.
I’m almost 100 percent sure he thinks I won’t do it, but I won’t give him the satisfaction of backing out now, so instead of shooting him down, I walk down the stairs slowly until I’m standing in front of him. I have to tip my head pretty far back to give him a blank look and the eyebrow and smack the basketball out of his hand, sending it bouncing on the floor a few times. Now it’s my turn to smirk at his surprised expression.
Laughing, he goes to pick up the ball and I think of other things I’d like to smack as I get a good look at his backside when he bends down. “Alright sassy lady, you stand here and I’ll try to get around you to the hoop. You need to block me and take the ball from me, okay?”
We move into position and he dribbles the ball a few times. “Okay. Just don’t body-check me!” ‘Oh yes please, body-check me. Tackle me. Wrestle me down to the ground.’
“Body-checking’s for hockey, Scully, so don’t worry!” He moves suddenly, to pass on my right side and I follow, trying to get the ball out from under his hand but he turns and twirls around me and in three long strides, he’s jumping up to the hoop, sinking the ball into it with a satisfying swoosh. Color me impressed.
“You want to try?”
“There was some talk about shooting three-pointers, I think I’ll stick to that for now. Where do I start, here?”
“No, that’s the free throw line. Back there’s the three-point line. Now don’t be nervous, I know for a fact that you can take a shot. Or three…” He looks so pleased with himself at the hint, but it only makes me flash back to Halloween night. Steve. Easy lay.
Shaking the thought from my head, I take the ball he offers to me and bounce it a few times.
‘Oy that’s pretty far away from the hoop, crap. Too late to back out now, Dana.’
I move to stand at the indicated line, holding the ball between my hands and concentrating hard on the hoop, I throw it. The ball sails forward in a pathetically low arc, missing the hoop for miles. If he laughs now, I swear to God, I’ll hang his ass from the backboard.
Thankfully for him, though, he bites back the teasing and instead, moves around me to stand against my back. The hairs at the back of my neck stand up at his proximity. “Come on, I’ll show you.” Reaching his arms around me, his front pressed against my back, he holds the ball in front of my face. ‘He’s too close, damn it! Houston, I have a problem!’
He nudges my foot outward and forward a little with his and I can feel his warm breath on my neck. “Legs shoulder width apart.” Next, he takes my wrist, raising my arm to 90 degrees and places my hand underneath the ball. “Spread your fingers and rest the ball on your palm. Only touch it with your fingertips.” I swallow hard around a lump in my throat, nodding. ‘Mayday, mayday!’
My left hand is placed on the side of the ball. “Don’t grip the ball with your left hand. Now you need to bend your knees and jump.” I start to hyperventilate when it dawns on me where exactly my ass will be pressed against when I bend my knees. But his hands leave mine as he steps back and the loss of warmth on my back makes me shiver.
I jump and make my shot and while it’s infinitesimally better than my first shot, I still miss. I groan in frustration, I hate being bad at something.
“I’m just too short, damn it!” ‘If I start to cry now, I’ll hang myself from that backboard.’ Now I’m not only agitated and nervous, now I’m frustrated on top of it all.
He gets the ball back and hands it to me, a thoughtful look on his face and I wonder what he’s up to now. “Hmm… okay, let’s try something else.”
I almost jump out of my skin when his hands grab my waist just below my ribs. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Relax, Scully, I’m giving you height.” I’m feel lightheaded. “Okay, on three you jump and make your shot. 1, 2, 3!” I follow his orders and he lifts me over his head as I shoot for the hoop, my heart going a mile a minute, a faint ringing in my ears.
This is all so perfect and romantic and sexy all at the same time.
No, wait.
It’s too perfect, too romantic, too sexy, too close, too much. too soon. too many unknowns. too scary.
When he lowers me down his front slowly, I stumble forward as I regain some footing under my feet, whipping around and breathing hard. I don’t even hear the swoosh of my money shot.
Only managing to choke out a strangled “I gotta go!” before ripping up the stairs, through the doorway, into the chilly November night.
Leaning my head back against the teacher’s bathroom door, my mind flashes back to the night on Halloween, bits of conversation reverberating in my head. “Not relationship material. Hot teacher. Catholic girl. Golden Retriever. Easy lay.”
I go back in history to all the times I’ve found myself curled into a ball on the floor of my bathroom, my living room, my kitchen, in my bed. Crying so hard that no sounds left my mouth, all the pain in my chest making it hard to breathe.
I knock my head backwards into the door once, frustrated.
I’m just too broken. Damaged goods.
I wait for what feels like hours but is probably just a few minutes before turning off the lights and heading home.
[ FM ]
‘Shit. You overstepped. You made her feel uncomfortable. Unsafe.’ I want to slap my stupid-ass self as I watch the doors close after her. ‘It seemed like she was having fun, what happened? Should I go after her? Does she want me to?’ After a long while I put the basketball where it belongs, turn off the lights and leave the gym in search for her. I have no idea where to look and if she even wants to be found, but the thought of me causing her pain sends me running through the dark school anyway. I stop to listen for sounds several times, but everything’s deadly quiet. I can’t find her.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,945 Words
Summary: Five worried members of class 1-B and a day off for the hero courses.
Warnings: Cursing, Injury Mention, Caps, Death Mention, Broken Bone Mention, Panic Attack Mention, Abuse Mention, Disownment Mention, Blood Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Usernames: Existence Is A Prison  Aizawa: feral cat dad, Aoyama: gay salt, Hagakure: ranch flavored jello, Tokoyami: foil-mecha, Shinsou: farmer toshi, Kuroiro: life is a nightmare, Shiozaki: saviour, Tsunotori: schrodinger better run, Honenuki: pure, Monoma: nat20
Aizawa, We Agreed No More Cats: Chapter 4
2:55 PM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20: @feral cat dad @gay salt @farmer toshi @foil-mecha @ranch flavored jello
nat20: Are you guys okay? There was an announcement for all available staff to come to the USJ asap. Isn't that where you are?
nat20: Guys?
nat20: I get that y'all are training but can one of you answer? I'm getting worried.
nat20: Akemi, sis, you better fucking answer me.
3:00 PM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20: Akemi, this is breaking law three of being half-siblings. Getcha ass in the chat and fucking respond to me or I'm taking a protective quirk and coming down there myself.
saviour: You will do no such thing. Clearly it's dangerous since the announcement was directed toward all available teachers. That doesn't sound normal to me, even if someone had been just injured. Seiko, it's best to try to make things decently safe for their return instead of hound a response.
life is a nightmare: Six different news sources say that three unidentified people were admitted to a hospital nearby UA, said to have been transported from the USJ, which was attacked this morning by an unidentified villain, the attack being resolved by UA's pro hero staff members only ten minutes ago. Two more people were injured and are supposedly in Recovery Girl's office.
nat20: AKEMI @gay salt
gay salt is now online
ranch flavored jello is now online
foil-mecha is now online
gay salt: I'm back, Seiko. I'm fine. Almost everyone is fine.
nat20: Five people are hurt!
ranch flavored jello: Yeah, all three pros were hurt.
nat20: Which students got hurt!?
foil-mecha: I think you already know what you're suspecting, Seiko.
nat20: No. No, he's not dead. If Shinsou's dead, I'll personally bring him back to life to scream at him. My little brother isn't dying dammit.
gay salt: Not dead, mon dieu. Shinsou is severely injured but he isn't dead.
nat20: Who else is hurt? That green kid again?
ranch flavored jello: Yeah, Midoriya's hurt again. To be fair, he wasn't thinking about how he was using his quirk, just that he was using it period.
foil-mecha: Hold on, they're calling on Aizawa and Shinsou's condition, I'll do a video chat with you guys.
foil-mecha has started a video chat
The bones in his arms are splintered and he's got facial fracturing. Fortunately there doesn't seem to be any serious brain damage. But his orbital floor has been almost completely destroyed. We have no way of knowing if his eyesight will be impaired or not once he's healed. -Unknown
Well, you heard the man. -Unknown
Sir, what about Thirteen? -Unknown
No need to worry there, despite some pretty bad lacerations to the back, Thirteen is gonna pull through good as new. And AllMight is also without any serious injuries. He's in the nurse's office right now. Recovery Girl's power should be all that he needs.-Unknown
What about Deku!? -Unknown
How's Midoriya? -Unknown
Midoriya? Oh, Recovery Girl was taking care of him too. He's fine.-Unknown
How is Shinsou!? -nat20
Who was that? -Unknown
My half-sibling, we both live in the dorms with Shinsou and Aizawa. They're worried about them. So is the rest of the class 1-B students that live in the dorms with us. -gay salt
Shinsou has a mild concussion, a severe bruised nasal bone, and his jawbone was fractured so he needs to have his jaw wired shut for a bit until he's back to being strong enough for Recovery Girl to heal him. He should be better in about a week or two.-Unknown
What the fuck happened to him that he got that badly hurt? -life is a nightmare
During the villain attack, Shinsou decided to fight alongside Mr. Aizawa. against the villains and this big monster thing was hurting Mr. Aizawa and this creepy guy was about to hurt Asui, Mineta, and Midoriya. -ranch flavored jello
Call me Tsu. -Unknown
Tsu, Mineta, and Midoriya. But Shinsou got the creepy guy to respond to him with the mist guy's voice and he brainwashed him. Then the monster hit his face into the ground really hard. But he covered Mr. Aizawa with his own body and got his face hit down again. -ranch flavored jello
Shinsou was really out of it, ribbit. He was calling Mr. Aizawa his dad.-Unknown
Tsu, Mr. Aizawa legally adopted Shinsou as of 8 o'clock this morning. -ranch flavored jello
I'm gonna hang up, we're all gonna head back. I'll visit you Seiko. -gay salt
You better. -nat20
gay salt has ended the video chat
2:40 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi is now online
life is a nightmare: Shit, I'll shadow over, hold on, Shinsou.
2:50 AM
Existence Is A Prison
life is a nightmare: shinsousleepingagainsther.jpg
life is a nightmare: Guess I'm claiming he's my boyfriend when they ask why I'm here because I can't even shadow out right now without waking him up.
gay salt: rip to you, Kageya, but me and Seiko need our beauty sleep.
nat20: so go to sleep, Kageya, you need to sleep.
2:16 PM
Existence Is A Prison
saviour: I'm pre-making some easy meals since they both have facial damage and need softer foods.
farmer toshi: What are you making?
saviour: Well, I have Seiko working on frozen smoothie bags. Kiyomi is helping precook some vegetables and stuff that can be blended down to baby food consistency. Pony's really good at making homemade juice so she's making you juice with lots of protein and stuff so you don't loose too much weight and set your progress back.
ranch flavored jello: Me, Akemi, and Fumikage are making soft food for you both once Toshi gets his wires off. We've been making a lot of soup. We may have gone overboard.
ranch flavored jello: So far we have chicken soup, broccoli and cheese, potato soup, split pea soup, egg drop soup, cheese soup, soft curry, corn chowder, turkey rice soup, ham chowder, cheeseburger soup, creamy meatball soup, chicken cordon bleu soup, chicken pot pie soup, and and miso soup.
farmer toshi: You guys are so sweet. Thank you so much. I wish I could hug you guys right now but they want me in the hospital today for observation.
gay salt: I expect a hug when you come home.
feral cat dad is now online
nat20: DAD'S BACK!
feral cat dad: Hello, dorm children. This is Mr. Yamada, Mr. Aizawa told me to tell you all thank you for making him and Hitoshi food for when they come back on Friday.
pure: It was nothing! We want to help them get better as fast as possible and, to do that, we need to keep them healthy!
feral cat dad: I'll add myself so Shouta can have his phone back.
feral cat dad has added Yamada
farmer toshi has changed Yamada's name to President Megaphone
nat20: Wow, you don't waste a second, do you?
farmer toshi: I didn't when I was attacking villains in the USJ.
schrodinger better run: What happened in there, by the way? My phone went missing yesterday and the day before and I finally found it last night.
farmer toshi: Well, you see, some wannabe criminals calling themselves the League of Villains teleported themselves into the USJ just before we were about to start training and our communal father figure was about to go fight them and all my instinct just told me to follow him so I did.
President Megaphone: Kid, you really don't have to tell them just because you live with them.
farmer toshi: These are basically my adopted siblings, Mr. Yamada. Of course I want to tell them.
farmer toshi: Anyway, so I was fighting thugs and Dad had already gotten to this "Shigaraki" dude who was like their leader or whatever and the fucker decayed his right elbow and I was trying hard to get to him but the fucking cronies wouldn't let me by them.
farmer toshi: Then this huge fucking monster grabbed Dad and hit him into the ground and broke his arms. That thing couldn't be human, it's brain was out and it was like 9 feet tall.
farmer toshi: That Shigaraki fucker spoke to me. I can't even remember what about, but he was mocking me, I can tell. But the teleporter told him they needed to leave because Iida had made it out by that point.
farmer toshi: So this fucker tries to decay either Midoriya, Asui, or Mineta to "break AllMight". But I used the teleporter's voice to brainwash him and that monster hit my head into the ground like he did with Dad for brainwashing its friend.
farmer toshi: I knew Dad was out because the thing had hit his head into the ground again and knocked him out and that thing would try to hurt him again if I didn't do something. So I put myself on top of him because I couldn't lose a Dad I just finally got. But the monster hit my head down again.
farmer toshi: I had finally managed to get up to get me and Dad out of there when AllMight showed up. AllMight put us on a stair landing and I had to get up the rest of the way. Another villain tried to get us while I was getting him up there to get out but I just stabbed her and pushed her down the stairs.
farmer toshi: Mind you, I was running on adrenaline this whole time. So, when the UA teachers came in, I was pretty numb emotionally because I was basically out of steam but I wanted to get Dad out of there so I kept going until Sero and Uraraka helped me up the rest of the stairs while the teachers got there.
farmer toshi: I'm pretty sure Snipe is who caught me but then I just passed out and woke up in the hospital not being able to speak and had a panic attack.
feral cat dad: I've figured out speech to text and I appreciate what you did for me, Hitoshi, but I was worried about you when that thing had me. I don't want you dying to protect me.
farmer toshi: Trust me, I don't plan to nearly die again. The headache was killer and I'd rather never experience that again.
feral cat dad: Good. Now, make sure you rest, kids.
2:15 AM
private chat with Bakugou and Yamada
Bakugou: Look, I know it's late, but my mother kicked me out and she's disowned me because she now wants me to drop from UA and I won't do it. I need somewhere to stay and I know Aoyama and them were talking about dorms yesterday after the USJ incident.
Yamada: It doesn't matter if it's ideal. Head to the school, I'll come get you inside and we'll go for your stuff from your parents' house tomorrow after school and I'm putting a rush order for emergency UA protection for your custody right now.
Bakugou: I think I need Recovery Girl, she got my arms pretty bad. I'm losing blood like crazy and I can barely grab things to keep going but my leg is sprained so I need help moving.
Yamada: We can worry about healing injuries once you're here. Until then, just be safe and get here as fast as you can. If you can't make it here, then I'll come get you.
Yamada: Just keep responding, little listener. How bad are your injuries?
Bakugou: bloodyleftarm.jpg
Bakugou: bloodyrightarm.jpg
Bakugou: sprainedknee.jpg
Bakugou has sent their location
Yamada: Fuck.
Taglist: @everythingisstardust 
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ary-se · 4 years
Mankai with a cat
a few months ago, our cat scratched me right on my cheek and my first thought out of all things was "what if mankai had a cat" pls get me out of this brainrot 😣
on a side note, this got way TOO LONG so i'm putting it under the cut!! this also works as an apology since i was gone for too long without notice 🙇‍♀️ as always, thank you for reading!
🐾 having a pet for the dorm was a subject mankai always brought up. it definitely sounds like a good idea for a domestic setting, but actually getting a pet is out of the question. sakyo didn't allow it due to obvious reasons, and of course it involved the company's budget.
🐾 there was one time however when muku and yuki went back to the dorms with a white stray cat that had a sprain. that time, sakyo would've given them a lecture like usual, but he gave in anyways and told them that they can foster the cat and they'll let it go after its leg gets better.
🐾 unfortunately for sakyo, everyone got way too attached to the cat before its sprain healed, and sakyo also adored the cat but of course he wouldn't openly admit that. after a week, when the cat got better, it only took a few buttons to push before sakyo agreed to finally keeping the cat, under the condition that they are not getting another pet again.
🐾 no one knew who started calling the cat koko, though it just seemed so natural that everybody else started to follow suit, which was pretty convenient because they didn't have to fight over the cat's name when mankai will finally keep her as a pet. (fun fact coco is the name of our cat)
🐾 that week, tenma deadass acted like an expecting father having his very first child, it was really unnerving to see. taichi and juza would often join tenma in shopping for random cat toys after school, which usually lasts longer than girls shopping for a singular pair of heels and that already says a lot
🐾 the conversation usually goes like this
tenma: "what's the best color for this toy mouse?"
taichi: "i like the red one!"
juza: "that's fine too."
tenma, after 10 minutes: "i see, i'll just buy all 7 colors"
🐾 tenma spoiled koko a LOT. teasers? balls? lasers? plushies? you name it, and tenma literally had them in ALL available colors. he did not really care if some of the toys remained untouched, as long as koko had something to be busy with. tenma had a huge ass box of cat toys that he could open up his own damn store and he'd get a lot of profit
🐾 tasuku literally had no idea why, but koko never scratched anywhere but his legs. is there some sort of magic on his legs?? if there was, it wasn't something tasuku is aware of, and he isn't sure if he wants to know what it is either.
🐾 it actually didn't hurt or anything, it just annoyed him when he needs to go somewhere else and the cat would just pounce to his direction to scratch his legs. tasuku feels bad on walking away, so all he does is stand up and wait until koko is done scratching his leg so he can finally move on.
🐾 when a scratching post was delivered to the dorm, koko has been all over it ever since. when tasuku noticed that koko never scratched on his legs anymore, it then just occurred to him that koko used his legs as a temporary scratching post. if he was being conpletely honest, he doesn't know how to feel about this.
🐾 know the meme of people making their babies choose their pokemon starter? that's what itaru did to koko, except he used the figurines of his waifus instead of pokemon plushies. he'd carry koko to the table, and the figurine koko will knock over would determine who her best girl supposedly is.
🐾 what he didn't know was that koko wouldn't knock one figurine over, but ALL FIVE OF THEM, and they all went rolling from the table and fell down to the floor. he swore that one of the figurines easily gets broken since its glasses came off at some point, and until that moment his trust towards animals has never been tested so bad. gladly, none of the figurines broke so koko is not yet in itaru's hit list.
🐾 even with all the toys tenma showered her with, koko finds itaru's hair on a ponytail very entertaining. itaru doesn't really mind koko messing with his hair as long as his gaming stays uninterrupted, though he gets annoyed when koko pulls a part of his hair too hard. he also somehow gets pissed whenever his hairtie falls off during a crucial moment, but he doesn't have the heart to get mad at koko so he lets her off the hook for so many times.
🐾 if omi is already such a mom to mankai, he is even more of a mom to koko. there is a sack of cat kibbles stored away for weeks, but it still remains untouched up to this day because omi always whip up homemade meals for her.
🐾 there was a time when omi cooked up turkey, mashed potatoes and corn for koko's dinner, but he didn't prepare anything for the actual human beings in mankai. omi was just like, "oh haha, there is leftover curry in the fridge. we probably should finish that first"
🐾 in other words, koko isn't subjected to curry hell. never. cats actually aren't supposed to eat curry or else something would happen. even if cats were allowed to eat curry though, it is highly doubtful that omi will make koko eat curry on a daily basis. if omi is an actual mom, everyone would collectively agree that the favorite child is koko. no buts, no questions asked, that's it.
🐾 it was a given that cats don't like water, so everyone was really surprised when they learned that koko LOVES water. the first time they learned it was when sakuya went to wash the dishes like usual, only for koko to literally pounce by the sink. she waits for sakuya to turn on the faucet and everytime sakuya does, she just sticks her paw out to the water until he turns it off. it was an adorable sight.
🐾 it definitely made sakuya slower on washing the dishes, but he does not really mind one bit, he actually enjoys the company. he opted to use a bit more dishwashing soap after he noticed that koko also liked to play with the excessive foam and bubbles on the sink whenever he finishes doing the dishes.
🐾 everyone in mankai, especially sakuya, already made it a habit to call out to koko whenever they're about to do the dishes so koko wouldn't have to wait for the sound of the faucet before running to the sink. it already is a routine every after mealtime.
🐾 was it already mentioned that koko likes water? yes. whenever the boys get in the bath, koko also joins in the damn tub and REFUSES to leave. after some time, the boys already accepted it and just let the cat stay in the tub, losing their sense of privacy in the process. they also bought little rubber duckies and those bubble bath products so koko can play around with the excessive amount of bubbles and the rubber duckies in the tub.
🐾 there was one time when omi woke up super early to prepare breakfast, though he went to the bathroom first and nearly shit on his pants when he saw koko in the empty tub. no koko, he isn't going to fill the tub with water if you just stay there. get out of there and sleep in your own damn bed.
🐾 koko also follows anyone who is on their way to the bathroom, ALWAYS assuming that they'll fill up the tub every time they do get in the bathroom. sorry to break this to you koko, but taichi wouldn't get in the bathroom 8 times a day to take a bath every single time, he just really wants to pee... please give him a break
🐾 koko always joins tsumugi when he is in the garden, though it was only because she wants to drink on the water coming out of tsumugi's watering can. when there are water droplets on the leaves, she climbs up and licks them off. unfortunately, it is one of the reasons why tsumugi started to yell on a daily basis, "KOKO NO THAT PLANT IS POISONOUS DON'T LICK THAT—"
🐾 tsumugi wouldn't have to warn koko forever though, since she'd eventually memorize what plants are poisonous and what are not. sometimes, after tsumugi is done watering the plants, he'd fill the watering can with water again just so koko would get in the can and chill for who knows how long.
🐾 koko is attached to muku for obvious reasons (he picked her up when she was injured!!) so koko is often in their shared room with kazunari. sadly, there was a time when muku took a break from reading the shoujo manga to grab some water, and when he got back, koko was already tearing it into pieces.
🐾 muku did not get angry at koko, but the cat knew something was wrong when muku was trying to stop himself from crying that koko already knew not to tear any of muku's books in the future. koko still felt really bad about it even after muku bought a new copy of that specific volume.
🐾 whenever kazunari is rushing an art project that is to be passed the next day, muku holds koko close to him so koko wouldn't be able to somehow ruin the painting. there has already been an instance wherein koko stepped all over the painting when muku and kazunari wasn't in the room, and that better not happen ever again.
🐾 gladly, kazunari was calm about it and found a way to fix the blue pawprints all over the white paint, but only god knows what will happen once koko messes up the painting again when kazunari is getting SO close to breaking down because of the deadline.
🐾 there are times when kazunari prefers to eat bread with charcoal and drink his paint water than having koko step all over his artwork, and muku better make sure kazunari does none of that
🐾 banri is unfortunately one of those people who pretends to be a dick around their pets. more often than he would admit, he'd act like he is about to throw a punch to koko, only to actually give it gentle pats on the head. banri throwing the cat mid-air and catching her is already a common sight, too.
🐾 he finds it funny scaring koko in all sorts of ways, especially when it comes to heights. banri would carry koko up high, and pretend to drop her just to catch the cat again. sakyo has reprimanded him a lot of times regarding this situation, but he brushes it off.
🐾 there was one time however when banri just carries koko up high and stays that way. the cat was literally scared shitless of being high up on mid-air unmoving, she literally had no choice but to piss right on banri's face. ever since that time, banri toned down his tendencies of teasing the cat
🐾 koko ALWAYS sleeps with hisoka. it doesn't matter where, will it on top of the sink? on the tree? below the table of the living room? you name it, and you see koko and hisoka stuck to each other like glue. somehow it feels like koko became a replacement of penpen. the poor stuffed toy probably got messed up by the cat, waiting to finally get fixed in yuki's room
🐾 koko got hisoka's habit of sleeping literally everywhere that it became really concerning. there was a time when tsuzuru noticed that koko was nowhere to be found, and everyone went batshit looking at her all over the city. even sakyo got mad at everyone because they weren't keeping an eye out of the cat while everybody else is gone. after how many hours of searching, turns out the cat was just sleeping inside the fucking washing machine
🐾 funny enough, taichi and koko have the SAME eyes. like, actual striking blue. taichi usually carries her and parades around the dorm, announcing the news to everyone even though he has said it for like the 83rd time that day. nobody really minds though, the coincidence is still too unreal. the quote "like pet, like owner" doesn't really apply to koko and taichi though, because if anything, it feels more like comparing a cat to a puppy
🐾 taichi is also the one who plays with koko the most, which solely meant that he also used the cat toys tenma bought as much as the cat herself did. at this point, it wouldn't be wrong if they said that the toys were bought for BOTH koko and taichi because even taichi sometimes finds entertainment in using the teaser by himself whenever the cat is being held by somebody else.
🐾 as much as yuki refuses to admit it, he actually gets concerned when koko climbs up in all sorts of countertops, because that would mean koko would also NOT hesitate to climb up to his sewing machine. he is already meticulous when it comes to his materials for sewing, but even moreso now.
🐾 every after yuki finishes sewing, he tightly encloses the sewing machine with a case so that the cat wouldn't get to touch it and potentially get hurt. yuki also used to just leave his sewing materials on the desk, but nowadays he actually keeps them into somewhere secure so as to not harm anybody. he can't have koko's paws bleeding just because of some damn pin that rolled on the floor
🐾 yuki also somehow feels bad when he drives the cat away from him by force every time he is working on the costumes for the next play. he doesn't know what the cat is thinking, but he hopes that koko knows he is just trying not to actually make her bleed over some needles. as a repayment, yuki lets koko bother him all she wants whenever he does his homework with muku.
🐾 since masumi always used to be alone at home, he always thought of the possibility of adopting a pet cat that would keep him company. that constant thought he had already dissipated when he started living in the mankai dorm, so when they decided to take koko in, he remembered the specific reasons why he wanted to own a cat.
🐾 he never let anyone willingly in his personal bubble except for the cat, which he accepted pretty easily. masumi also found it kind of amusing to blast songs on shuffle from his phone because koko had her own way of showing if she likes the song or not. if she likes it, she doesn't do anything. if koko doesn't, she taps her paw on his phone a lot of times as if telling him to change the song. most of the time, masumi obliges.
🐾 every time tsuzuru opens the fridge really late at night, he has to double check if koko is inside the fridge or not before he closes it. there was one time when he didn't notice koko get in the fridge while getting energy drinks. the cat pretty much stayed in there for hours and hours until omi opened the fridge to make breakfast. tsuzuru was lectured by sakyo that morning because he would be ultimately responsible if the cat died in the fridge from freezing her ass off
🐾 whenever tsuzuru gets in a writing frenzy, koko keeps him company late at night. unfortunately for tsuzuru, if he stops typing for at least 10 seconds, koko takes that as a sign to pounce on his keyboard and just lay down there. tsuzuru already knew better than to carry her away from his keyboard since the cat will be insistent enough to return to his keyboard, so he usually gives up and goes to bed, saving the ideas in his head for the next time he wakes up.
🐾 because of that, every time tsuzuru finishes a script for the next play, his tendencies of passing out right after handing the script to somebody else significantly lessens. tsuzuru doesn't know if the cat is just trying to be annoying or if she just wants him to get some sleep, but either way he doesn't really mind because he gets to stop himself from overworking. well sorta
🐾 juza almost never approaches koko. like never. it feels like he is openly avoiding the cat for some apparent reason, and nobody knows why, but in reality he is just scared as shit of the damn cat. what if koko gets mad at him? what if she suddenly gets aggressive and scratches him? honey you're way bigger than her, and koko wouldn't hurt you... really it's okay
🐾 juza's way of offering affection to the cat is to give her some portions of his meal during dinner, sometimes breakfast. he tries to be sneaky about it, but he legitimately has no idea that everyone knows. it becomes more obvious when koko already made it a habit to sit on the chair behind juza every meal time to get more food. that still happens even after omi just filled up her fucking bowl. nobody comments about it though, they find it hilarious
🐾 koko always tries to test homare's patience, but for some reason homare literally doesn't give a single fuck. every time he is writing something down, high chances are koko would spread the ink all over his paper. sometimes she'd try to crawl her way in his coat sleeve, and homare, he just....... doesn't mind.
🐾 if homare is actually busy however, he'd take out his necktie from his vest if koko doesn't want to leave his lap. most of the time, she actually plays with it like it's a teaser. homare is fine if the necktie gets destroyed, he has a lot of neckties in his closet and some of them are specifically for the purpose of koko messing with them
🐾 not to mention that he also finds it really amusing that koko gets overly excited when it comes to lasers. homare is curious why this would be the case, so he usually uses the laser to play with koko when he has free time. he doesn't think of where he points the laser though, so his wooden desk ends up having a lot of scratches. again, he knows and he doesn't care in the slightest.
🐾 misumi adores koko so much. her ears are triangles, her paws are triangle, her nose is triangle. she is a fucking triangle. with the help of kazunari, he already has a whole album of koko's best pictures in polaroid films. most of them are in a photo book so that everyone has a physical copy to look at, while some of them are taped on misumi's wall. the ones on misumi's room are particularly the ones where her ears are especially prominent.
🐾 at least twice or thrice a week, misumi brings koko out of the dorm and brings her to other groups of stray cats that misumi deems trustworthy. nothing bad happens to koko gladly, because only god knows what would happen once misumi's instincts tell him something horrible is about to happen to their pet cat, and they're always spot on
🐾 citron has ZERO sense of personal space when it comes to koko. citron would literally touch koko anywhere, thinking she is fine with it. unfortunately, there are times when citron pets koko on parts she doesn't want to be touched, particularly the tail and the area around it. citron's hands always end up covered in scratches. over time, he memorized where he should and shouldn't touch like the back of his hand
🐾 citron made a koko jr. which was completely intended to be for display purposes. the cat saw it as a new mouse toy however, so it didn't take a whole day for koko jr. to look like a ball of messed up wool. it doesn't look like a damn cat anymore, though it passes as an extremely fluffy and distorted alpaca
🐾 sakyo never shows affection to the cat. no pets, no strokes, nothing. the most he does to koko is spare her a glance, and sometimes he even glares at her from a distance when sakyo gets too absorbed in his thoughts... despite that, everyone wonders why every time sakyo comes home, she gets more energetic greeting him compared to how she'd greet the rest of the boys when they come back to the dorm
🐾 azuma knows. he would sometimes stay up for late night talks with sakyo, and through their conversations that's when azuma learns how much sakyo cares. azuma often helps sakyo out on trimming koko's nails when they're getting kind of long, trying to be as careful as possible so as to not hurt her.
🐾 azuma is also amused at the fact that sakyo tries to ignore koko resting on his lap, or when he pretends not to notice the cat trying to slip in the pockets of his coat. knowing sakyo, he'll definitely complain about the white fur on his black coat later on. as funny as it is, azuma knows better than to say a word about it.
🐾 before kazunari realized it, his camera roll is pretty much filled with random pictures of koko. most of them are just derp pictures, though... kazunari captures her weird quirks, like how she likes to fall asleep with all fours spread out like a starfish, or how she constantly make noises on the door stopper if she wants to get in the room. the picture with koko's most horrified face on it was when banri threw her high up mid-air, and that is never going to get deleted.
🐾 they find everything the cat does very adorable, even though she is just drinking water from her bowl. or when her tongue gets stuck on the ice tray omi brought out from the fridge. or when she yawns and taichi sticks a finger in her mouth and she doesn't know what to do next. or when she squints her eyes at homare when he gets in a blabbering rampage. literally everything.
🐾 at some point, kazunari thought it'd be a good idea to have those cat tunnels mounted on walls so there will be more room for koko to play. he just said it out of nowhere, but everyone agreed on that idea. after a week or two, the whole dorm is basically a cat playground with a crapton of shelves, slides, and tunnels on the walls, save for the practice room, bathroom, and the bedrooms.
🐾 did sakyo said that they are never, ever getting another pet after koko? yeah right, there's no way that's actually happening. high chances are they got more cats so that the cat playground they all built together will get utilized. the more, the merrier!! even though sakyo complains a lot about the expenses, they all know he isn't against the idea, though they better not tease him for it or sakyo will definitely take it back
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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Today was great and Im only frustrated that my lip has gotten worse again. I think from the friction from my mask and the heat all day made it worse. But my whole mouth area hurts and it sucks. Honestly, I am also just very sore. We did a lot of walking in the sun today!!
I didn't sleep great last night. I had weird nightmares again and I woke up with my lip all covered in dry blood. I was pretty upset about it and it would only get worse. I tried my best to baby it but there was only so much I could do.
I got washed up and dressed though. I was super excited for costume. I would end up wearing my corset open because it was a lot warmer then I expected. But I felt so cute. I loved how I did my hair, with two twisted braids under my headband. I was very pleased. My makeup would mostly wear away half way through the day but I still felt really good about it. James put on their costume so we could see how it looked before we left, just in case something had to change. But I think they looked great. The new shirt is so good and loots great on them. They would wear a regular shirt for the drive, so I put all our accessories and their costume in a tote bag to bring with us.
I was in a really chill mood overall. Jess was texting me all upset about feeling rushed and things not working the way she was hoping but I was chill and tried to give her some of that energy.
We left here and went to Mcdonalds before we drove the hour and a half to the ren faire.
And it was a good drive! The way there we made great time, we listened to a few episodes of the story podcast we listen to on long drives. We had lots of laughs because I kept saying dumb shit and James would tease me but in the best way. It was a good ride.
Jess was worried about the parking line but we got there a little after 1030 and there was no line at all! And they pulled in minutes after us!
It took us all a few minutes to get our costumes right and get ourselves together. But Jess and her brother and sister-in-law would come over to us and then we would all go in together.
We got in really fast. And for real it was barely crowded. Like there were crowds but nothing like Ive experienced in the past. We barely had to wait for anything. When we first got there we got lemonade and played with some photo opp things. I had a great time walking around and was for sure the leader of the day.
I would just lead us to what I thought was good. James was there for whatever and Jess didn't have anything specific. We didn't know what any shows were so we only ended up going to one. Which was the mud pit show. Which I always love. We caught a little of a few other shows but we should have probably planned that better. We did get to see the mermaids which was very cool though. She even had fangs.
I loved seeing people's costumes. And we ate a lot of different things. I had a smoothie. Me and Jess shared a pickle. Jess and James each had turkey legs. I had a baked potato. We would have kettle corn and I got a little sandwich. They got coffee and James shared an apple muffin with me. It was such a food day and it was great.
We didn't buy much beyond food. I did get to do things I never got to before. I got to do the gemstone panning thing. I have always wanted to do that but it always seemed expensive but it was $15 and I got some awesome stones and really had a great time. And James got me one of those copper roses and I always wanted one of those. So it was pretty great.
We would do a lot of walking. A lot of people watching. Going in shops. Enjoying the company. We watched the glass blowing demo. We got James sized for a kilt and the men who ran that place were so excited that were getting married. They apparently also do rentals and gave us their card so we can get something for James that we know is nice. I think we even know the color.
I really had a great day. I was tired but like in a good way. We went to the dungeon and read about all the scary things people did to each other. James found someone's wallet?? So we gave that to the woman at the front. I hope it made its way back to the owner.
We did see a poor girl who was wasted wasted and an actor came to check on her because she was double over on her self, looked asleep, but then security staff and first aid came and checked on her to get her some water and find her friends. I hope she is okay.
We surprisingly didn't see to many embarrassingly drunk people, for being Octoberfest. It was fun seeing people in all kinds of costumes though and I was having a great time.
Jess was moving very slow because her feet hurt and we kept losing her. So to keep James slow I held their hand and to keep Jess with us I held her hand and we were a little train. A man at a booth laughed at us and said we needed a leash when I told him why we were doing this. But it worked!!
Jess got a precious hat. And then we bought honey products. We ran into her brother and sister in law and it was decided we wouldn't stay through the end and instead leave at 530ish.
So we got our last snacks and headed to the front to wait.
Me and Jess talked for a while while James filled our water bottle. And then we went out to sit in a gazebo and take some costume pieces off. It was just a wonderful day. I am so glad we got to go. Lookign through my posts we haven't been there together since 2014, me and James went to the Maryland one ins 2018. But it has been forever so this was just the best. And I get to see Jess again next Tuesday so it wasn't even that sad saying goodbye.
I was excited to go home. But we had some issues. We ended up going on the wrong exit on the turnpike and had to go twenty miles out of the way to turn around. And then we had another wrong turn and it was another 20 minutes added.
But we stopped for donuts and tacos after that. Donuts for James and tacos for me. And we listened to more tanis and enjoyed the sunset.
We got home around 830. Washed up and now were in bed. My lips are hurting really bad and have split open again. Im going to get actual neosporn tomorrow. Auquafore just isn't cutting it.
But now is time for rest.
I hope tomorrow is beautiful for all of you. Goodnight everyone!!
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thejacketandthehook · 4 years
The Art of Pretending
Title: The Art of Pretending 1/?
Author: thejacketandthehook (aka everystareverywhere)
Summary:  Killian Jones needs a family and needs one now. In order to impress his boss, Killian hires a single mother and her son to pretend to be his wife and son for the weekend. Nothing can go wrong, right?
Author’s Notes: Hello all! Here is my submission for the @captainswanmoviemarathon!This is based off of the Lifetime movie, "Borrowed Hearts," starring Eric McCormack and Roma Downey. The movie came out in 1997, and I consider it to be one of the first made-for-tv Christmas movies.
A couple of years ago I was watching it and thought this would be a fantastic scenario for our favorite Captain and Savior. I wrote it and then stopped, and then started it again, only to stop again. When I saw this movie marathon, I knew instantly this was the movie I wanted to do and I wanted to make sure that I finished it this time.
I hope you enjoy it!
Rating: Teen (for language mostly)
Word Count: 3534
Henry Swan looked up at the night sky and closed his eyes. If anything in his eight years of life has taught him, it was the first star you saw was the one you always made a wish on. And so he did. He closed his eyes so tightly, his little fists clutched, and his mind could only focus on one thing.
A house.
Not necessarily a home, because at eight he really didn't understand the difference between a house and a home. To him, they kind of meant the same thing. And he did have a home, with his mother, Emma, and their landlord, a fiery older woman she insisted that everyone call "Granny." But it was Thanksgiving, and he knew that he should be giving thanks for the fact that he has a roof over his head, friends and family to eat with, and food on the table - even if his mother does make him eat vegetables.
But they lived in a small apartment where you can hear every sound all the tenants make. You couldn't have the air conditioner on at the same time as the oven, and God forbid you try to take a bath without the neighbors below complaining of a leak. Henry's room was also the size of a closet, which could only contain his bed, a small dresser, and an even smaller toy box. He was getting too big for the room, honestly. The rest of the apartment was rundown, and he knew that his mother was doing the best that she could. She worked really long hours as a waitress in a local diner.  
But no matter how hard she worked, it never seemed to be enough. The only thing he asked for for his birthday this year was a fairy tale book he saw at a secondhand book store. The book is amazing, but it also cost upwards of fifty dollars. He felt bad, because he knew that his mom was getting a bill after bill after bill. She tried to hid it from him, but he knew was "LAST NOTICE" meant.
(He looked it up online, honestly.)
So while he was wishing for a house, a smaller part of him was hoping his mother could get a better job or something to help get more money. They needed it.
Henry also needed a bigger room.
"Henry!" his mother called from the dining room. "Food's ready!"
Walking away from his window, Henry took a deep breath before bouncing into the room. "Smells delicious, Mom!"
"Oh, thanks kid. But Granny's the one who cooked everything," she said, gesturing to the older woman who walked in carrying the turkey.
"Hey, I made the dessert!" Granny's only grandchild, and fellow waitress at the diner that Granny owned and Emma worked at, Ruby piped up. "It's apple pie." She winked at Henry. "Your favorite."
"It's supposed to be pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving," Emma said, coming into the room wearing oven mitts as she carried a casserole dish filled with mashed potatoes.
"We have that too," Mary Margaret Nolan chimed. She was Emma's best friend, and Henry's godmother. Henry looked at her as more like a family member than a friend, along with her husband, David, who was putting ice in the cups. "David made a fresh pie this morning."
"Only the best for my nephew," he said, grinning at Henry.
The table that was only supposed to seat four sat the six of them somewhat snuggly. Henry was squished between his mother and aunt, and he smiled as he looked around. After everyone sat down, Granny insisted that they should say grace, and though Henry only went to church for Easter and Christmas (and the occasionally Sunday when Emma feels that they should go), he bowed his head too.
He might have said his only little prayer, because when you're desperate for a change, you'll pray (or wish) to anything.
"Let's eat!" Granny announced as she got up to cut the turkey. There was a lot of chatter and music playing softly in the background. Emma filled Henry's plate with turkey, mashed potatoes, and corn, and he thought that maybe the house wasn't big, but his heart certainly was.
Three weeks before Christmas. God, did he hate this time of year. Everyone was so fake, pretending to be in the Christmas spirit when really they were just looking for a way to buy their mother a gift that was way too expensive because they're not actually sure what she would want.
Killian Jones sighed as he entered his place of work and walked past the receptionists who might have said hello to him, but he wasn't sure. Because right now, he had big news. Huge, really. And he really needed to get to the thirty fourth floor to find his business partner (and perhaps closet friend) David Nolan.
Killian began working for the Woodman Corporation right out of college. He started as everyone does, an intern before just working his way up. Now he's the manager of this branch in New York, and overseas hundreds of workers. Not bad for a boy who came over to America when he was fifteen with his brother and barely any money in their pockets.
The Woodman Corporation was the company you wanted to hire when you wanted a building made. "We make dreams come true!" had always been the slogan. And though Killian wasn't exactly sure about the dreams part, they certainly did make wonderful buildings. And the owner, Marco Woodman, was just the kindest soul one could meet. Killian had the occasion to meet him once before, which was when Mr. Woodman came to visit his New York office, and Killian had just started getting paid for his work at that time. There was another branch in Boston, one in Chicago, and one in Los Angeles. Rumor was that Marco wanted to go overseas, and back to his home, London. Killian would almost kill for the position. Killian too was from London, and would love to go back. Nothing was really keeping him here in New York anyway.
Killian got on the elevator, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He had to see David and tell him the news. Now. He was going to burst if he didn't tell his partner the news in the next minute.
Killian has known David for only the last number of years, but it certainly feels longer than that. While Killian had already been working here when he arrived, David had an air about them that screamed “Royalty” and walked around like he had a stick up his butt. In actuality, Killian and David hadn’t really become that close until two summers ago when they were accidently stuck in an elevator together. Though it was only forty-five minutes, the two men realized that they had quite a bit in common and after that moment became fast friends. David is the first person that Killian runs to with news, and vice versa. So it’s no wonder that not only would Killian practically run to his friend’s office, but that he knew David would share the same excitement with him.
Finally, the elevator dinged and he got off, quickly making his way to David's office. Barely greeting David's secretary, Killian burst open the door to David's office before proclaiming, "He's coming here."
David looks exactly how you picture Prince Charming from those fairy tale stories you probably heard about years ago. Tall, masculine, with blue eyes and sandy-brown hair, he was definitely the typical “boy-next-door” that every daughter wants to bring home to show their momma. Fortunately for David, and unfortunately for all the women who work at this branch, David met his soulmate when he was in high school and married her straight after college. Killian thought he was foolish to marry the one and only girl he ever truly loved, but David told him that she was “the one who he made sure would never get away.” Killian scoffed at that, and called him a blind-loving fool in his mind.
When Killian came bursting through the door, David looked up from his desk. "Who? Jesus? Has the second coming come so close to Christmas?"
"No, you ninny. Marco is coming here."
David stood up slowly, a look of astonishment and awe on his face. "Are you serious? Dude, this is huge. If he's coming here that means..."
Killian started to grin. "I know."
"Maybe the rumors are true. Maybe he is going to make a branch in London."
"Oh, how I hope they are."
"That might be why he's coming. Maybe he's here to offer you the job."
Killian crossed two fingers. "I do sure hope you're right."
David pretended to be hurt. "And you would consider leaving me and Mary Margaret in this our hour of need?"
"Our of need? Mate, she's pregnant, not dying. And she's got another three months to go. I can come back from London by then."
"Would you really go?" David asked, sitting back down behind his desk.
Killian shrugged. "Probably. I mean, Liam is back there, you know, with Elsa and my nephew. And I do love New York, but...I don't know. Maybe I should go back. Besides you, I have nothing really tying me here, you know."
"I'm touched that you would consider staying for me."
Killian smirked. "You know I love our bromance. Is that what Mary Margaret called it?"
"Yeah, apparently, that's what her students call it nowadays. A friendship between two men."
"They're ten. They don't know what's hip any more than we do."
"They're closer to understanding it."
Killian sighed as he sat down. "Isn't that true? But back to the matter at hand – Mr. Woodman coming here. Now. I wonder if Regina knows about this.”
“Probably,” David sighed as he sat back down behind his desk. “She’s the head of P.R. here, if anyone should know about Mr. Woodman’s return, it –”
“Men,” Regina Mills, said sternly as she threw open the office door. With her dark black hair and dark brown eyes, Regina was beautiful, but she was by no means a warm woman. However, she had a sort of soft spot for Killian and David, which is why they only gave a small jump when she walked into the room, and didn’t scream or nearly jump out of their chairs (which Killian would be ashamed to admit may have happened once. May have.) “Did you hear the news?”
“About Mr. Woodman?” David asked, as Regina walked further into the room and nodded. “Yeah, we did. We were just discussing why he might be coming here.”
“Well, isn’t it obvious? He wants someone to take over the London section.”
“And what, you want the job?” Killian asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Please,” she scoffed, as though the thought alone was ridiculous. Killian has known Regina long enough to know that she was being serious with her answer. “The last thing I would want is to move to London. All that rain and eating fish?” She shuttered, and Killian and David gave a small grin to each other before looking back at her. “No thank you. No, I wanted to talk to you about Mr. Woodman, and….”
Just then, David’s assistant, Ariel, popped her head into the office and said, “Mr. Jones – sorry to interrupt, but your assistant called. He said that you have Mr. Woodman on the phone.”
Killian, David, and Regina all looked at each other. Killian was so excited, he barely noticed Regina’s face pale as he replied, “Send the call through to here.” Ariel nodded before closing the door behind her.
“Killian, before you take that call—” Regina started, but Killian waved her off.
“Whatever it is, it can wait, Regina. This might the moment my life changes,” he grinned at his friend, who grinned back at him.
“Yeah, about life changing…” But before Regina could get another word in, the phone on David’s desk rang.
Killian smiled before he leaned over, picked up the phone, and pressed the button to except the call. “Mr. Woodman, sir, what a wonderful surprise.”
“Mr. Jones? How are you doing?” Marco asked in his old Italian voice.
“I’m fine, sir, just fine. And how are you?”
“Bene, fine. I needed to talk to you, Mr. Jones—”
“Please, call me Killian.”
Marco chuckled. “Killian, eh? Killian, I needed to talk to you. I would love to come to New York to visit, yes? I want to see how we are doing there.”
“Oh, you’re coming here?” Killian asked, trying to keep the surprise out of his voice, even though he looked at David and both pumped the air. “Oh, sir, that’s wonderful. In fact, I insist that you stay at my house, as my guest.”
“Killian, that is very kind, very kind. I would love to stay with you and your family.”
He smiled and was about to respond when Marco’s words registered. Smile fading, he shook his head as he asked, “Stay with my family—?”
Before he could ask what exactly Mr. Woodman meant by that, Regina took the phone out of Killian’s hand and said, “Mr. Woodman? Regina Mills here, how are you?” She paused as he answered. “Oh, I’m fine, just fine. Yes, Killian is fine, he just got into a coughing fit, poor thing.” She lied, looking at him and then glancing away when he mouthed, Regina, what the hell? “Oh, yes, Killian would love to have you come and meet his family, I’m sure.” She paused again before, “Yes, Mrs. Jones and their child are anxious to meet you too.” Killian’s eyes almost bugged out of their head, his mouth dropping before he looked over at David, who was just as stunned as Killian was. “Yes, I will pass along the message. Yes, Killian is fine now. We can’t wait to see you either, Mr. Woodman. Ciao.”
As soon as the phone was back in the receiver, Killian all but screamed, “Regina, what the bloody hell is he talking about?! What family does he want to meet?!”
Regina leaned on David’s desk, and though her shoulders were back and her back was straight, she kept looking down at her shoes. She muttered something under her breath.
“What was that?” David asked.
She cleared her throat. “I may have touched up your image a bit.”
Killian raised his eyebrows even higher and leaned forward. “Wait. What?”
“Well, it’s just,” she paused before continuing. “I know you’re a hard-working man, but…Marco has certain expectations, and Killian….”
“Well, you just…don’t meet them.”
“What do you mean? You just said I’m a hard-working man.”
Now she looked at him. “You are! And you completely deserve that London promotion. But Marco is a family man, and he expects his employees to also be family…people.”
“You’re not a family person,” David muttered before sinking further into his seat when Regina gave him a glare over her shoulder.
“That may be true,” she added softly as she looked down before flicking her hair over her shoulder. “But I’m not the one who needs to impress Marco for a job.”
“What are you saying, Regina, that you ‘spruced’ up my image?” Killian asked, his stomach going somewhere near the floor.
Looking him straight into the eye, she proclaimed, “That’s exactly what I did.”
Killian shook his head and began pacing behind the chairs that were facing David’s desk. “Wait, you told Marco that I have a family? What kind of family?”
She shrugged. “The normal kind. A wife and kid.”
“Regina, why would you do such a thing?” David asked. “Killian’s not a bad guy.”
“No, I know that,” she insisted. “But I mean…you may have a bit of a reputation.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Killian, don’t play stupid, it’s not a good look on you,” she snapped at him. “You know how it looks that at every Christmas party or celebration we have in the office, you either show up with a woman no one has seen before or sees again, or you come alone. And Marco is a well-established business man, who prides himself on a having a good family.”
“Didn’t he adopt?” Killian asked.
“Does it matter?” Regina replied. “He has a kid. He loved his wife until her passing. He prides himself on hiring people who are loyal and respectable, and who know that family is above all else.”
“How in hell do you know so much about this?” David asked.
“I’m the P.R. person, of course I need to know almost everything about our C.E.O.” She rolled her eyes.
“There’s just one problem with your plan, darling,” Killian said, clutching his hands on the chair and leaning forward. “I don’t have a bloody family!” Taking a deep breath, he said as calmly as he could, “You know that I only have my brother who is in London right now.”
“Yes, yes, I know that,” Regina nodded. For once in her life, Regina paused to think about what she should say next. "I might have come up with a hypothetically family for you, yes. In all honestly, I just said it so he would meet with you."
"We have met!"
"Yes, years ago. Killian, you were barely out of college when you two met. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he doesn't even remember you."
"Well, gee, thanks," Killian replied sarcastically.
"So," David interrupted, finally. "Let me get this straight. When Mr. Woodman comes, Killian - who just invited him to stay at his house - is going to showcase his family, which he doesn't have?"
Regina nodded. "Yes, that's pretty much the story."
David looked Killian sympathetically. "You're screwed, man."
Killian gave him a look before he replied sarcastically, "Thanks mate."
"Listen, we'll fix this." Regina stated.
"How? Are you going to tell Mr. Woodman that my "family" died tragically in a car accident? Because I don't see how we can fix this?"
"We'll give you a family, dumbass!"
Killian raised an eyebrow before looking at David and commenting, "She's the one who invented a family for me, but I'm the dumbass?"
"I was trying to make you look better!" Regina argued. "I don't think Mr. Woodman- once more remind you, a family man - would want to hear stories about how you have dated every woman in New York."
"That's not true," Killian scoffed. "I haven't dated you."
"Thank Heavens for that," David commented.
"Can we focus on the problem at hand? Where the hell are we going to find a family that will suit our needs?"
David suggested, "Craigslist?"
"We call acting companies," Regina replied, already taking out her phone and, knowing her as he did, started looking up nearby acting organizations. "I'm sure for the right price, anyone will pretend to be married to you for two days."
"Hey!" Killian shouted, feeling the slightest bit insulted.
"Wait, I think..." David started to say, his eyes wide in thought. But just as quickly, he shut his eyes and quickly shook his head. "Nah. Never mind."
"What mate?"
"Well, it's just...I actually know a single mom with a young boy. And she could really use the cash."
Killian looked at David like he was an angel from up above. "Are you being serious right now?"
"Completely. She's a single mom living in an apartment that is basically the size of your living room. I think she's trying to save money for something bigger, so you would totally be helping her out."
Killian scratched the back of his neck as he looked at Regina. "What do you think?"
She shrugged. "No harm in asking. It would work perfectly in all honestly." She looked over at David. "This woman is trustworthy?"
"Emma? Oh, completely," he replied without a bit of hesitation.
"What about her son? How old is he?"
David thought about it for a moment before replying, "I believe eight, and he's got a wonderful imagination. He'll have no trouble selling the family part, I promise."
Killian still looked unsure. "I don't like this. Faking a family for a business deal?"
Regina took him by the shoulders as she whispered, "Killian Jones. This is not just a business deal. This business deal could help our company go global, if we sell to London. Who knows, Paris could be next, then Germany, you don't know! But this is the deal that you worked day and night for."
"The one that she was willing to lie for, to make you look better," David added. Regina gave him a look with a raised eyebrow.
Killian shrugged off Regina's hands as he said, "I know, I know. I just...I don't like the idea of being dishonest."
"I know it's not ideal, mate, but it's a hell of a deal."
“Do you think she would go for it,” Killian asked David. “This…Emily?”
“Emma. And…honestly…I don’t know. She’s the only person I’ve ever met who is more stubborn than you are. But I can ask.”
Killian took a deep breath before replying, “My fate lies in your hands.”
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kedreeva · 4 years
I used to feed my chickens (when I had them) all the scraps. Well except chicken, because that seemed wrong. Their absolute favorite thing ever ever was raw hamburger, though they'd eat anything, they went crazy for that shit. So I was wondering if you ever feed meat? Chickens'll eat mice and lizards if they catch them, not sure about other fowl.
I wouldn’t give them raw hamburger, just because hamburger in particular can be bad bacteria wise, but yeah we give them meat scraps here and there. We will give them pinkie mice sometimes, well-cooked extra lean hamburger, scrambled eggs or egg whites, chicken, turkey, anything lean really. Things that are salty (like bacon or corned beef) are a no. We don’t eat other kinds of pork so we don’t really have leftover pork ever, but they’d probably eat that too. There’s very little they won’t touch.
My peas won’t really eat adult mice, but they’ll kill them and play with the bodies for a while. I’ve definitely had birds that WOULD eat mice- Gizmo and Beep both did. I remember one of my feeder mice got out, a big white girl, and by got out I mean I was holding her and I dropped her and she disappeared but I figured the cat would catch her overnight. A few days later I’m sitting on the couch and Beep goes into high-alert mode, shoves the front half of her body under the couch, and surfaces with the goddamn mouse. She’s killed it and got it halfway down her throat before I even understand what’s going on. That was the only adult mouse she ever ate, even though I used to offer small ones now and again. Gizmo on the other hand would eat a small adult every day. I haven’t tried giving any to Andromeda yet, given her eating issues.
But yeah. Most fowl will eat meat, and it’s good for the peas since it’s really high in protein.
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cruecifymesixx · 4 years
Love and Leather /part sixxty sixx/
Word Count: 7.7k
A/N: Enjoy! a soft and emotional chapter that is well needed in the saga of Van and Nikki!
Warnings: nothing. maybe a little smuttish?
Taglist: @brideofdraculana , @xstarryeyesx , @aryssav , @miserablecunt , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol , @fandomshit6000, @anntheboneless@venus-calum​, @justjodeye,  @hi-my-name-is-riley​, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @awesomealmostdopestudent @romanticvengeance , @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @rockersbox, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy @thanks2pete, @slowandangry, @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1 @motherloovebone, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001, @wheresmyvodkabitch, @waywardprincess666, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @zoenicoles, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @primal-screamer @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @miss2001babe, @nassauartist , @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @lauravic, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe @kellysimagines @thoughtsoftheantagonist @marvelismylifffe,  @sleepyjunhong @lovemythsworld @meetthesixxter @sparxx27 @gingerspicetalks @kaitieskidmore1 @unknownoblivion @siliwanoel @nevergoodenuffbutokaaayyy @sublimeprincesswasteland @kylieinwonderland @haileynicoleseavey17 @lavendersoundbarrier @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor, @duffshairdye, @xpoisonousrosesx, @m0rnlngstar, @cranberrirolls, @oskea93, @love-struck-aries, @idumpyourgrass, @minxtruck, @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @cruesixxlover1991​, @arianareirg,, @fentitrbl, @dogmom2014, @sinningsixx, @motleycrueprincess
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-June 27th, 1995-
The sound of dings and pings of carnival games, the laughter from children and adults alike surrounded the dysfunctional family. The sweet delicious smells of freshly dipped caramel apples, kettle corn and cotton candy flew through the air. It was a whole other world that was found completely within the confines of the city that never sleeps.
The anti hero and sometimes hero of this story walked side by side of our princess. They watched as Arianna ran around in front of them, but she knew better and still stuck close to both of her parents. It was the last family outing for a few weeks while Nikki returned back home to California to tie up a few loose strings. He had suggested a day spent at Coney Island even if Arianna wasn’t tall enough to ride most of the rides. For the first time in a long time, the two actually agreed on something.
Nikki glanced over at Vanity, who had a smile on her face as Arianna dragged her over to every game stand in an attempt to win a giant stuffed animal. She seemed happy to him.
Of course, being the man he is, his eyes wandered down the contour of Vanity’s body. She was wearing a cute little red sun dress with yellow flowers on it, it hugged her so god damn well. He prayed that a gust of wind would just magically sweep through and cause the flowy fabric to lift up to see if she was wearing panties or not. His guess was that she wasn’t. He hoped that didn’t change. He laughed at himself silently with that thought in his mind. Her hair was in loose curls as it laid on her left shoulder naturally. Her eyes were covered by jet black sunglasses as she was wearing a tiny gold nose ring. Vanity turned to look at him, completely ripping him from his pleasant thoughts.
“We should grab something to eat before the fun starts. She’s yet to have lunch.” Vanity spoke, his eyes staying glued to her lips.
Nikki nodded, “Yeah, Maybe after we’ll start giving Ari a sugar rush.” He chuckled a little bit, as he knew She was rolling her eyes under those shades.
“You’ll be dealing with her when she doesn’t listen then.” Her lips pulled into a teasing smirk as she ran her black painted nails through her hair, “There’s a cafe over there.” She says, pointing to a carnival decorated shack as she glances over to him.
Vanity watched as Arianna went over to Nikki and held his hand before he scooped her up into his arms, making her erupt into a fit of giggles.
Vanity was happy this whole co-parenting thing was working in her favor. Because we know when it involves one Nikki Sixx and one Vanity Blackwood, it’s as if the universe has stacked the cards against them.
It was quite a site to see when it came to Arianna and Nikki. Arianna had Nikki wrapped around her little finger. Pig tails, a vibrant yellow shirt and light up shoes was a huge contrast compared to the silver chain hanging out of the pocket of his black jeans which was paired nicely with a half buttoned red and black plaid shirt. Vanity noticed he was wearing the same bulky chain and padlock necklace she had gifted him years ago for his birthday.
A young waitress guided them to a booth as Arianna and Nikki slid into one side while Vanity slid into the other. The waitress brings them water and menus to hold them over before rushing off to someone else.
Nikki looked down at Arianna, “You can get whatever you want Princess.” He spoke, kissing the top of her head.
Her eyes went wide as she stared up at Nikki, “Can I have a ice cream sundae!?” She was overly excited as Nikki mentally face palmed himself.
“Lunch first, then maybe you can have a sundae after.” Nikki attempted to bargain, but Arianna had perfected the pouty look that was a spitting image of Vanity, and boy, did he fucking hate it.
Arianna’s eyebrows scrunched together as she stared at him with her big brown eyes, “I want ice cream.” Vanity tsk’d, shaking her head as she looked over her own menu.
“Well-“ Nikki scratched the top of his head as he glanced over at Vanity for guidance. She in return, gave him a look, practically saying to figure it out yourself. He needed to learn when it was the right time to be the bad guy and when he could be the good guy.
It applied to both the relationship with his daughter and with Vanity.
“...Would auntie Clem let you? No. I doubt that.” Nikki quickly came up with a solution, knowing Arianna absolutely adored her aunt. Even if he despised her.
By the expression on her face, Nikki noticed she was attempting to think of how she could get what she wanted, “Daddy, Auntie Clem isn’t here and, and I think she would let me.” Vanity let out a laugh as she watched the two interact. It was amusing.
Nikki doesn’t budge, “Lunch first Princess, then you can rot your teeth with a sundae.” Arianna quickly became frustrated with him. So she went to the next best thing. Mom.
Vanity saw the tiny wheels turning inside of Ari’s head. She raises an eyebrow and gives her a stern look, “You pick something or I will pick it for you. And it might be one big bowl of peas.” Vanity said, showing her the kids menu. Arianna’s eyes wandered to the picture of a kid sized menu, pointing at it as she smiles at her mom.
“Arianna.” Vanity said her name sternly as she was finally defeated, slumping back into the booth as she picked up a crayon and started coloring in the little art book the waitress had gave her, “Chicken strips.”
Vanity looked over at Nikki, “And that’s how it’s done, Sixx. Take some lessons.”
Nikki pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head by using his middle finger. Vanity smiled at him before flicking the trash from the straw wrapper at him. Vanity continued glancing over the menu as Nikki picked up a crayon and started coloring with Arianna.
“No daddy, you’re making it ugly.” Ari spoke as she snatched the crayon out of his hand. Nikki rolled his eyes, “Well excuse me. Was just trying to help.” He chuckled a bit before he picked up the rolled up piece of paper Vanity had flicked at him prior, just for him to throw it down her cleavage.
“Goal!” He mimics a crowds cheers as Vanity glares at him and digs it out from between her tits. Vanity shook her head and picked at her nails before she decided to have some fun with him, for old times sake, or something like that.
She took off her sandal and propped her foot up between Nikki’s legs. She pretended to look at the menu that was just so interesting as she felt him glaring at her. She was humming along to Mariah Carey’s ‘Always Be My Baby’ as it played at a low level throughout the cafe. Vanity moved her foot long the inner seam line of his jeans, inching closer and closer until Nikki jumped in the booth and grasped her ankle tightly. She finally looked at him, a shit eating grin on her lips as Nikki warned her with a head shake.
He let go of her ankle as he tried to focus on finding himself something to eat. Vanity glanced around at the cafe, seeing guitars hanging on the wall with pink wallpaper laying behind them. She made a funny face towards Ari when she caught her looking at her. She looked over at Nikki, eyes narrowing when she felt his hand moving up her leg and then back down to her foot. She smirked, running her nails through her hair as she pressed down on the zipper of his jeans before running her sparkly pink toes down the outline of-
“Hi folks! Do we know what we’re having?” The over exuberant waitress questioned. Vanity nodded, smiling at her as she took her foot away from Nikki’s crotch.
“I think I’m going to have the chicken tacos with rice and extra guacamole please and she’s going to have the kids chicken strip meal.” Vanity handed over her menu. She looked at Nikki, who looked like he needed a cool rag over his head.
“Um, can I uh...Um. Just a turkey club with fries. Is it hot in here to you?” The waitress gave Nikki a strange look as she wrote down the orders before walking away.
“Are you okay Nikki?” Vanity asked, voice sickly sweet as she sipped on her drink.
“Never been better V, you okay?” Nikki choked out.
“I’m okay too.” Arianna butted in, giggling as Vanity reached across the table and colored on the page she was working on.
“Well, how come mom can help you color but I can’t?” Nikki questioned, trying to pick up another crayon but Arianna grabbed it again before moving all the crayons away from him, “Cause mommy knows how to color.”
“I was thinking we just let her pick the rides she wants to go on. Not force her on anything that might terrify her. I don’t need her having any nightmares.” Vanity suggested as Nikki agreed with a head nod. Wow. Two things they agree on in less than in an hour? Wow.
Nikki noticed as Vanity chomped on her gum and looked around the joint again. He also noticed how she watched some brown headed guy walk past them, giving him a smile when they made eye contact. Nikki had a sour look on his face before he smirked and kicked Vanity in the leg.
“Ow.” Vanity mumbled as she finally looked at Nikki, “Don’t kick me.”
“Sorry, long legs.” He smiled at her as she rolled her eyes and looked away from him. He sighed before he brushed his hand over Arianna’s braids.
Please just look at me for longer than two seconds. You use to spend all day and night looking at me.
Nikki tapped his fingers against the leather booth, his eyes falling on a middle aged dude wearing board shorts and a black wife beater.
“Oh no.” He mumbled as the guy had a disposable camera in hand as he came towards their booth. Vanity eyed the guy as he stood at the edge of the table.
“Dude! You’re Nikki Sixx! Can I get a picture?!”
Dude, I’m going to fucking rip you limb from limb if you don’t get away from me and my girls.
Nikki forced a smile, “Yeah man, not a problem. Van could you...” He glanced over at her, seeing she was visibly irritated with the fan.
Princess, you know this stuff happens. You know I can’t control it.
Vanity nodded, taking the guys camera with a smile, “I saw your show in New York last time the band was here. It was gnarly bro.”
Nikki nodded, “Thanks man. Glad you liked the show. Let’s uh, be quick. I’m here with my family.” Vanity raised an eyebrow as she looked through the camera and snapped a picture for the fan before handing it back to him. The fan thanked Nikki before he left to go back to his own table.
Family? Vanity tried wrapping her head around that simple little word. On one hand, it confused the ever living hell out of her. Were they a family? A weird, dysfunctional family? On the other hand, it made her heart skip a beat and made her insides turn to complete mush with the idea of the three of them being one little cute happy family.
See! And then you do stuff like this that confuses me! !Vanity huffed as she tapped her nails against the table. She noticed Arianna kept glancing at Nikki and then back over to that fan across the way.
“Daddy, you have a lot of friends.” She spoke softly.
Nikki laughed, “Well, your dad is important.” Vanity let out an amused grunt before rolling her eyes, Nikki glaring at her as she did so.
“Daddy just makes a lot of people happy with his music. That’s all babe.” Van explained softly as Arianna nodded and continued coloring for a moment before lunch was served to them.
“You’ll come to one of my concerts one day.” Nikki reassured as he stole one of Arianna’s french fries.
Vanity looked over at Nikki, “Don’t you think a Mötley Crüe concert is a little inappropriate for a small child?”
Confusion riddled Nikki’s expression, “I’ve seen fans bring their kids? Why couldn’t Arianna come? I think she’d enjoy it a lot.” Nikki mumbled before taking a bit of his food.
“Because she’s my kid. That’s too loud of music and too provocative.” Vanity expressed her concerns as Nikki glared.
“She’s our kid.” Vanity rolled her eyes, “Jeez, you sound like the same people who tried censoring us. Rock n Roll builds character. I want her growing up around the music and the band.”
“She’ll never have a normal life, Nikki.” Vanity mumbled but shook it off, “We’ll talk about it more when the concert thing comes.” Vanity continued eating her lunch, glancing over at Arianna who went back and forth between eating and coloring.
“Maybe you need a little Rock n Roll in you too, doll.” Nikki smirked, raising his eyebrows in a titillating manner. Vanity only smiled before stealing a piece of his steak.
After lunch, Arianna was already bouncing off the walls. She finally got that sundae she wanted and absolutely demolished it. Arianna was giggling and screaming as Nikki chased after her before scooping her up and putting her on his shoulders.
Vanity watches them as she tries to keep up with Nikki’s long strides as they head in the direction of the carousel, “Daddy I want the rainbow one!” Arianna yelled as Nikki handed over a few tickets and placed Arianna on top of the horse she pointed out.
Vanity held her sundress down while carefully trying to get on the one besides Arianna. What? It was laundry day and she didn’t put on any underwear and she was not about to put on a show for Nikki or any other guy for that matter. She watched as Nikki stepped off the ride, “What? Too heavy metal to ride a fake sparkly horse with your daughter?”
Nikki felt his face heat up, “No, it’s too small for me and I don’t want to squish her.”
She rolled her eyes and called him out, “Then ride your own horse or stand by her. Don’t be lame.”
“I’ll give you something to ride.” He mumbled under his breath before he opted for standing between the girls as they spun around.
After the ride, Arianna looked back and forth between all the games as Vanity and Nikki strolled behind her. Nikki quickly wrapped his arms around Vanity, resting his chin on her shoulder, “You know, I didn’t appreciate that little stunt back at the cafe.” He whispered in her ear as Vanity attempted to pry his arms off her body.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She smiled before giving up and resting her hands on top of his, “I didn’t do anything wrong.”
Nikki smirked, “Remember all the times you’d tease me and what I’d do about it? You know how I am with these stupid games you like to play with me.” He moved away but left one of his arms wrapped around her waist.
Vanity stopped walking and stood in front of him. She placed her hands on his hips before standing on her tip toes and whispering in his ear, “I don’t remember, would you like to remind me?”
“Maybe later. I think our daughter found a game.” Nikki pointed as Vanity looked over her shoulder and saw Arianna standing by a booth. Nikki propped Ari up on the barstool as Vanity sat beside them and handed the carny some cash.
It’s a moving target game that you have to shoot with an air rifle full of metal beads. Nikki crouches down behind Arianna to show her how to play and she quickly gets it down and hits all the targets. Vanity on the other hand, is having a bit difficulty as her targets are moving in a circular motion. She quickly drains the clip before shaking her head, “Stupid rigged game.” She mumbles under her breath as Arianna gets awarded a small little plush toy.
“Mom! Look!” Arianna cheered as she showed off her toy. Vanity forced a smile before getting off the barstool, “How about we go to the darts and balloon one?” She pointed across the walkway, “It’s easier...”
“No! I want the big bear!” Arianna points at the humongous white bear hanging from the top of the booth. Vanity groans before she sits back down on the barstool, she reaches to give the guy more money until Nikki hands over his own cash for all of them to play again.
Nikki leaned over her, putting his hands on hers and his mouth near her ear, “Just point and relax.” He speaks softly as Vanity stiffens up as he wraps his hand around her wrists and has her hold the toy gun.
“Ye-yeah, Okay..”
Nikki moved one of his hands down to her hip as he rested against her back more, “Don’t listen to the noises. Those are meant to distract you from aiming, just block everything out.” Vanity breathed out heavily, how could she focus when his cologne hit her like a brick wall and the feeling of his warm, minty breath invaded every pore in her body, “Find the center of the target and just pull the trigger.”
She nods, attempting to relax against his touch as she pretended to miss some more. Her lips pulled into a sly smirk, “Maybe I need more help, Nikki.”
He laughed in her ear before his lips pressed a gentle kiss to the side of her jaw, “You’re teasing me again.”
She leaned back into his chest, “And if I am?” She chuckled a bit before taking his hands away from her and sitting up straight. She glanced over to the guy running the game. She bats her eyelashes and gives him a sinful smile while reaching across and traces her nails over his hand, “Can I just buy the bear?”
“Watch it.” Nikki growled in her ear before stepping away from Vanity.
If she wanted to play this game, he could do it better, “Look man, I’ll give you an autograph plus some money for the bear.”
Vanity narrowed her eyes at Nikki, glaring before she turned to the guy again, “I’ll buy the bear for whatever amount, plus give you a couple hundred bucks. Name your price.” Vanity then leaned over a tad bit more, showing off her tits as Nikki let out a scoff, “And if you’re lucky, maybe I’ll even give you my number.” She eyes the guy, tilting her head to the side in an almost innocent way before sending him a wink.
He smiled at her, “Alright, the big bear goes to the lady.” Nikki groaned loudly as Vanity stuck her tongue out at him, rubbing it in even more. She handed over a hundred bucks to the guy before giving the bear to Arianna.
“You’re the best mommy!!” She chimed with glee as she attempted to drag it away.
“Nice try.” She smiled at at Nikki’s scowl, patting him on the face before getting off the chair.
“Hey! What about your number?”
Nikki turned back to the guy, “Not that lucky pal!” He laughed before he threw his arm over Vanity’s shoulders, pulling her to his side.
After a few more kiddie rides, more rigged games with countless amount of money spent between the two of them, Arianna was finally crashing out as the three of them sat on a bench overlooking the ocean sunset. Arianna sat between the two, giant cloud of pink cotton candy in her hand as she nodded off before waking up in a jolt to eat again. Vanity chuckled a bit as she took a bite of her own caramel apple covered in rainbow sprinkles.
“Thank you Nikki.”
Nikki glanced over and smiled at her, “Anything for you and Arianna, I think she’s out for the count..” He mumbled as Arianna was leaning on Vanity sound asleep but still holding on to the cotton candy with a death grip.
As the three of them arrived back to Vanity’s place, Nikki held Arianna in his arms as she slept soundly against his shoulder. Vanity unlocked the front door, letting them in first before she took her from him, “C’mon angel, we gotta wake up and get ready for bed.” She spoke softly as Arianna sleepily reached out for her mom. Vanity took her to her bedroom, quickly getting her pjs on and wiping off the remaining coating of cotton candy from her lips and cheeks. She kissed her forehead before tucking her in and turning on her little fairy lights. She closed her door as quietly as she could before walking to the living room, seeing Nikki sitting down with his black boots propped up on the coffee table.
“Did you still want to stay the night?” She questioned him since his bags were already packed and the rental car was ready to be returned to the airport come the next day.
He gave her a weak smile, “Yeah, I can sleep out here. Just give me a pillow and blanket.”
You dumb idiot. I ask you to spend the night, do you really think I want you to sleep on the couch?
Vanity forced a smile, “Yeah, I’ll get you some.” She quickly turned around, walking to her bedroom as she grabbed one of her own pillows and a blanket from the closet before heading back out to him. She stopped walking, staring at him throwing a black shirt over his head. He smiled at her and took the blanket and pillow from her hands.
“Thanks. The couch is pretty comfortable so I think I’ll be good.” He reassured as she nodded and looked away from him.
“I’m gonna take a quick shower.” She mumbled as Nikki nodded and sat down on the couch and flipped on the tv.
Nikki sighed heavily when she walked away from him. The thought alone of her in the shower made all of his fantasies he’s already acted out with her spur to life with in the confines of his jeans. Nikki would like to think today was successful in that department, there was plenty of flirting and teasing that came natural, just like it use to. He hated himself and Brandi for having to leave all of a sudden. He was ready to have his shit moved out here and buy a penthouse at the top of a sky riser, or so he thought. It was only going to be a few weeks away from the girls, but he’d already spent so much time away from them. Nikki didn’t want to miss a single second.
Maybe he could convince Vanity to move back to California. He enjoyed New York, but his home was in Los Angeles, that’s where his work was, the band, the music. He sighed as he got off the couch and raided her fridge and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. He unscrewed the cap and took a long swig of it before putting it back. He twiddled his thumbs, glancing down the hallway towards Vanity’s bedroom when he saw her sitting on her bed with wearing a shirt and her hair wrapped up in a towel.
Since when do you take that quick of a shower?
Nikki walked down the hallway with light footsteps. He tapped on her door quietly before going into her room. He looked around at the pictures on the wall, the black metal bed frame and the dark red sheets and Vanity, who was lathering up her legs with lotion.
“Still like to play dress up I see.” Nikki laughed as he motioned to the clothes thrown all over the floor. He checked out the matching dresser to the bed frame, Seeing hair ties, clips, jewelry and loose money. He smiled a bit when he saw a picture of the two. That same one he threw at her years ago...
“That’s my favorite picture of us.” Vanity told him as she sat criss cross on her bed and watched him hold the frame in his hands.
“I was higher then a kite and so were you.” Nikki retorted as he put the picture down and sat on the bed with her.
“Yes, but we were happy and we had so much fun together..”
He smiled, “Yeah, we did.” He yawned as he laid back on her bed, “Kids are exhausting. I give you props for doing this by yourself for so long.”
Vanity turned her cheek to look down at him, “Welcome to my life for the last five years. She’s a constant ball of energy and it’s always different with her everyday. It’s never the same thing.”
Nikki ran a hand over his face before sitting back up, “You’ve done a great job raising her, Vanity. I’m serious, I couldn’t have picked a better woman to be the mother of my kid.”
Vanity laughed as she playfully punched his shoulder, “You’re such a kiss ass. What time is your flight in the morning?”
Nikki frowned, “Seven.” He much would’ve rather picked a later flight, but he had a meeting with his lawyers in the early afternoon.
“Oh. That’s really early. Arianna doesn’t wake up till about nine.” Vanity explained as her bottom lip stuck out in a pout.
“I’ll sneak into her room in the morning and say bye to her.”
Vanity nodded as she let out a deep breath, “I’ve had fun with you the last few weeks or whatever.”
Nikki smiles and placed his hand on her bare thigh, giving it a slight squeeze “I’ve been the happiest in years being here with you and her. It’s like my life has a new purpose in being a good father and a better man to you, or for you, or whatever.” Nikki cleared his throat, cursing mentally at himself.
Vanity shook her head, putting some distance between them as she put her lotion back on the dresser, “You’ve been a great father and I know you’ll continue to do so even if you have to go back home for a little bit. Ive been trying to prepare her the last few days for it anyways.”
Preparing her. Preparing myself.
Nikki scratched the top of his head, looking over at the clock on her nightstand, “I guess I should get to bed. So I’m not grouchy with TSA and the flight attendants in the morning.”
Either one of two things was going to happen.
“Do you want to sleep in my bed? The couch might feel comfortable but I promise you it isn’t.”
And that was one of them.
“I think I’ll stick with the couch.”
And that was the other.
“O-oh Okay, well goodnight Sixx.” Vanity mumbled, avoiding eye contact at all cost as she pulled the blankets down. Nikki watches her a moment as he takes note of the cheeks reddened with embarrassment she was currently sporting.
“Goodnight doll.” He was quick to leave the bedroom, physically palming himself in the face as he walked back to the living room and plopped down face first into the pillow. It smelt like her light floral perfume mixed with laundry detergent.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” Vanity muttered to herself as she turned off the side lamp and got in bed. She couldn’t believe she put herself out there just for him to turn her down. She didn’t actually think he’d say no to sleeping in a bed with her, but yet here she was all alone in her king sized bed. She attempted to get comfortable, pulling the blankets over her head. She personally wasn’t ready for Nikki to leave. Vanity honestly had fun with him. She chalked it up to her getting comfortable again and now he’s off. She was sad about it but she knew from the get go he’d eventually have to go back to California. What more could she expect? He’s Nikki Sixx for Christ sake.
Vanity closed her eyes and tried falling asleep until she heard shuffling around her room, thinking Arianna had woken up and wanted to sleep in bed with her. She peeped her head out from under the blankets, “What are you doing?” She questioned, seeing the perfect smirk even in the dark with only city lights barely illuminating the room through her window.
Nikki slipped out of his pants and he got in bed beside her, “The couch is actually really uncomfortable.” He muttered as he fluffed up the pillows before laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling.
It was quiet for a few moments between them. It wasn’t awkward or anything, it was a peaceful type of quiet.
Vanity turned on her side to face him, thinking of something to say until he glanced over at her, “Yes?” He questioned, hands behind his head as the natural smirk never left his lips. Vanity took a leap of faith, scooting closer to him and resting her head against his chest while she forced his arm to wrap around her waist.
His laughter rumbled through his chest as he pulled her tighter against his body, “If you wanted me to hold you, you could’ve just asked.”
“Well, if you wanted to hold me, you could’ve just asked.” She copied, adding a laugh as his fingers pinched her hip lightly. Vanity sighed in contempt as she relaxed in his arms, tracing over the ink on his chest as she saw goosebumps rise.
“Thanks for letting meet my daughter.” He mumbled, putting his hand under her shirt and letting his knuckles run up and down her spine slowly.
Vanity breathed in the scent of a woodsy cologne and cigarette smoke, “Don’t mention it. I’m sorry I kept her from you, I was just angry.”
“Rightfully so, I do understand why you did it though. I just wish you told me. I wanted to be there for you regardless if we were together or not. But that’s all on me and my fault, I am sorry doll.” Nikkis voice was soft as he adjusted their position and turned on his side, smiling when she draped her leg over his thigh.
Vanity studied his face as there was only mere inches separating them. “You don’t know how sorry I am Vanity. I’ll do anything, whatever it takes to prove it. I want my girl back, I want both of my girls.” His voice was almost a whisper as he brushed his finger against her cheek. There was just enough light coming into the room for them to see one another.
”I was just, I don’t know. I don’t know why I cheated on you. You’re everything I didn’t know I wanted, Brandi isn’t. She’s just every groupie I’ve ever met rolled into one.” He continued his monologue, rough finger tips dancing along her back as he talked. It was the most comfortable Vanity felt in a very long time.
Vanity stared at him, mumbling “Do you love her?”
Nikki nodded, “In a way, yes I do or I did. It was a slow burn but I did fall for her. But I fell for her because I was scared, depressed and highly emotional. The love I felt for her is nothing like the love I feel for you. I will never love another woman the way I love you.”
Vanity shook her head, trying to pull away from their embrace but Nikki gripped her hips to keep her from moving. He was tired of her running from him.
“...And you can hate it all you want, hate that I’m making you listen to me for once. But I do love you, I still love you. I haven’t stopped loving you since the day you drove out of those fucking gates. But what’s funny is, I was doing fine. Yeah, you’d pop into my head sometimes and I’d think of you and us but then eventually it stopped. And the night I walked into that strip club you were all I could think of. All I could think about was what you were doing, if you were with someone else. If you still wear the same perfume, and you do.”
Vanity furrowed her eyebrows as she listened to him. This was the first time in a long time she had heard him express something so deep. She thinks the last time he was this vulnerable, expressing everything was the night of Tommy’s wedding and he was a strung out, crying mess as he listened to Deanna’s voicemail on a never ending loop.
“And, if you hair was the same…it s not, but it still smells the same. Like coconuts or some tropical shit. And if you had outgrown your temper, but you haven’t.” Nikki laughed as she tried pulling away from him again but he held her in place.
“And if you’d still look at me with pouty eyes and you do. Your lips still form into a smirk that drives me fuckin nuts. And if you still sleep on the left side of the bed. I thought about all of that, and there you were. Standing behind the bar, staring at me with those big golden pouty eyes of yours and that signature deep red lipstick you always wore and left prints on my skin with. It was like the universe was listening to me. I think it’s our second chance.”
Vanity shook her head, chewing on her bottom lip as she felt tears at the brim of her eyes the longer she looked at him, “We were suppose to end up together.” She cried as Nikki wrapped his arms around her, hand brushing over the loose braid she had done and kissed the top of her head.
“I know darling, I know. But look, we made a beautiful little girl and we’re here together now. That should count for something. I am so sorry for everything. I sound like a broken record at this point but Van, I am so fucking sorry for ruining our relationship.”
Vanity trembled in his embrace as the tears kept falling, only for him to hold her closer to his body, “Shhh, Princess please stop crying. Fuck. I’m so sorry Vanity.”
“I-I needed you Nikki. I wanted you. You fucking had me, you had every part of me and you still went out and cheated on me.” She choked out, moving away from his embrace finally as she covered her face with her hands, sobbing into them as she tried to catch her breath.
Nikki felt his heart lurch out of his chest as he watched her hyperventilate, “Vanity, look at me.” His voice was stern as he wrapped an arm around her waist, “No!” She shouted, pushing his hands off her body.
“After all we’ve been through, I forgave you for everything! I stayed and I was there for you and I loved you, even without knowing I loved you. I stayed when I shouldn’t have but I did because I wanted you!” Vanity croaked as she shoved blankets off of her and wiped her face, “We were going to get married. We had a life together. I went through every scenario in my head over and over again! Was she prettier than me? Was he bored of me? Was he having cold feet? Was I too much for him and he finally had enough of it?! All of that, Nikki! On top of being pregnant with our kid, giving birth and raising her while you were off marrying her because you loved her so much. That possibly, just maybe, you loved her more than you ever loved me.”
Nikki sighed, beating himself up as he rested his forehead against her shoulder, letting his lips brush over her skin. Vanity gasped for a sharp intake of breath, feeling everything hit her at once. There was no bottle of booze and no blow to block it out and it fucking hurt.
“Doll look at me, please look at me.” Nikki spoke in almost a whisper as he removed her hands from her face. Her eyes watered more as his thumb brushed across her cheek to wipe them away, “Just…just tell me you love me.”
Vanity closed her eyes, trying to turn her head to the side but Nikki caught her jaw and forced her to maintain eye contact, “Tell me you love me still-“ He cooed, “And if you do, great. If you don’t, that’s fine too. Just tell me.”
Vanity held his hand that cupped her jaw not to pull it away, but to keep it there “You’re leaving.”
Nikki smiled just a bit, “Yes, but I’ll be back. You know I’ll be back. I’ll be gone for maybe two or three weeks, that’s it. I’ll come straight here after my flight lands.”
Vanity still needed more, “And what if you don’t come back?” She felt like a fucking idiot for feeling this insecure around him, but in reality, it was all because of him.
“You worry too much princess. I will be back, I have a family now. I have you and Arianna. I know it might be hard for her to understand why I have to leave now and in the future when I leave to be on the road, but she will be fine.” Nikki reassured as Vanity reached up and ran her nails through his hair
“I just got you back.” Vanity whispered, almost incoherently but she knew he still heard her regardless.
His thumb brushed across her bottom lip, “And you’ll always have me from now on. I’m not going anywhere, Vanity. You’re my home.”
Vanity’s eyes fluttered closed when she felt his lips on hers. Feeling every rush he’s ever caused to run through her veins. Every memory, both good and bad played inside her head every single god damn emotion Nikki Sixx has ever made her feel: anger, happiness, sadness, lust, love, excitement. Just one simple little kiss brought everything back to the surface.
He deepens the kiss, forcing her mouth to open with his tongue as she tasted every ounce of love he has to for her. She wrapped her arm around his shoulder, bringing him closer and feeling his weight shift on top of her, but not all of it at the same time.
Vanity opened her legs up, to accompany the body between hers as she put her hands under his shirt, attempting to pull it off of him. Nikki took the hint and did it himself before quickly coming back to her lips, cupping her jaw as he did so.
“I love you.” She whispered against his lips, feeling them form into a smile, “I love you. I haven’t stopped.” She muttered as she felt a low, needy moan fall off of Nikki’s tongue and on to her own.
Nikki’s lips moved to her neck, letting his hands travel up and down her body. Fingertips running over every curve like he memorized them and never even forgot how her body felt underneath his. He forced a quiet moan to fall from her lips as his teeth dug into that little sweet spot that laid under her ear lobe. The arrogance that dripped from him showed in that natural smirk she felt across her skin.
One hand reached down between her legs but Vanity quickly grabbed his wrist and held his hand at her her side, “Nikki…” His name rolled off her tongue in a breathy, lustful moan as Nikki’s lips trailed down to meet her clavicle. Nikki adjusted his weight, now laying between her welcoming thighs as his hands entangled themselves in her hair. His growing desire pressing against her, letting her feel exactly what she’s been missing.
Nikki’s hand reached between her legs again, his fingers curling into the waist band of her panties as she reached for his hand again, only for him to intertwine their fingers together and pin her hand to the bed.
“N-no, Nikki. S-stop.” Vanity put up a weak protest the exact moment she felt his lips abuse the skin of her neck and leaving a deep red mark in their path.
“Baby, please. I need you.” Nikki whined, bunching her shirt up in his fist as he kissed her abdomen.
”I-I don’t want too.” Vanity declared, giving his chest a slight push away from her own. She stared at him, both of their chests heaving up and down as they stared at one another. Vanity moved pieces of hair from her face, licking her bruised and swollen lips as she pulled her shirt back down.
Nikki closed his eyes, trying to control his breathing as he nodded before moving from between her legs and taking the spot next to her on the bed, “I’m sorry…” Vanity mumbled as Nikki lazily slung his arm over her waist.
“Don’t apologize darling. It’s-it’s too early and I got caught up in the moment.” He exhaled deeply as Vanity pulled the blankets up over them. She relaxed into the bed, resting her hands on his arm.
“You’re my home too, Nikki.”
*Nikki’s POV*
I woke up to my phone buzzing by my ear, “Yeah?” I rubbed my face, glancing down as Vanity was laying on my chest with her arm wrapped around me.
“Mr. Sixx, I am downstairs waiting to take you to the airport.”
I sighed heavily, “I’ll be down shortly.”
I hung up as I closed my eyes and laid in her bed for a few more moments. I quietly got out of bed, leaving her in the middle as I sat on the edge and looked out the window, the sun was barely rising. A small smile formed on my face as I felt nails running down my bare back.
I stood up, joints cracking as I turned around and leaned over the bed, chuckling when Vanity sleepily ran her hand across my face, “It’s early.” She mumbled as I kissed her temple.
“Go back to sleep, Van. I’ll let you know when I’m leaving.” I whispered to her, running my knuckle over her cheekbone as she closed her eyes and relaxed into the bed.
I put my clothes back on before slipping out of Vans bedroom and going to Arianna’s. I slowly crept into her room, trying to avoid the toys that were scattered on her floor. She had kicked the blanket off of her as I put it back on her. I knelt down beside her bed, running my hand over her mess of brown hair as her nose scrunched up.
“Arianna…” I whispered quietly but she only pulled the blankets to her chin. I quietly laughed as my heart felt like it was breaking for leaving her, “I gotta go, but I’ll be back okay? I love you.” I mumbled before kissing the top of her forehead.
I headed to the bathroom to splash some water on my face, my teeth would just have to wait until I’m on the plane. I went back to Vanity’s room, seeing she was sitting up in the bed with the blankets wrapped around her, she frowned when I reached for my jacket and put it on.
“Time to go?” She muttered as I weakly nodded.
Vanity followed me throughout the house as my heart, again felt like it was breaking into pieces for leaving.
“Call me when your plane lands, okay?” She spoke softly, resting her head against the door as I nodded.
“Of course, doll.” I gave her a smile as I reached for her hand and pulled her towards me. I held her hand in mine, letting my thumb brush against the back of her palm.
“Do you really have to leave? Can’t you stay for a little bit longer?” Vanity’s voice was riddled into a begging tone as I tried forcing a smile.
“We both know I won’t ever leave if I don’t go now. I’ll be back, okay? I promise. I’ll call you every day and think of last night when I’m alone in the bed.” I chuckled as Vanity rolled her eyes and took her hand from mine.
“Tell me you love me.”
I quirked an eyebrow, “Tell me you love me.”
She smiled and shook her head, “I love you, rockstar.” Vanity took a step forward, closing the distance between us as she gave me a sweet parting kiss.
“I love you princess.” I whispered as I pulled away from her, seeing a single tear fall from the corner of her eye. I pressed my lips to the top of her head, eyes tightly screwing shut. Don’t start crying now, Sixx.
“I’ll be seeing you, sweets.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
This or That Survey Food/Drink:
Steak or Ribs? Ham or Turkey? Chicken Nuggets or Chicken Strips? Watermelon or Kiwi? Burgers or Hotdogs? Shrimp or Crab? Cookies or Cake? Cheetos or Doritos? Peanut Butter or Jelly? Kitkat or Reeses? Spaghetti or Ramen Noodles?  Eggs or Bacon? Tator Tots or French Fries? Tacos or Nachos? Sundrop or Mountain Dew? Dr Pepper or Root Beer? Cranberry Juice or Orange Juice? Milk or Chocolate Milk? Sprite or 7up? Water or Tea? Lemonade or Koolaid? Peas or Corn? Twix or Snickers? Potatoes or Tomatoes? Ketchup or Mustard? Salt or Pepper? Frosted Flakes or Fruit Pebbles? Vodka or Kessler? Apple Pie or Cherry Pie?
Colors: Blue or Green? Yellow or Orange? Pink or Purple? Black or Brown? White or Grey? Red or Maroon? Silver or Gold? Music: Rock or Country? Pop or Rap? Drake or Lil Wayne? Paramore or Flyleaf? Katy Perry or Lady Gaga? Sleeping With Sirens or A Day To Remember? Jason Aldean or Lady Antebellum? Metallica or Black Sabbath? Taylor Swift or Demi Lavato? Joan Jett or Pat Benetar? Tv Shows: Repo Games or Lizard Lick Towing? Family Guy or American Dad? Spongebob Sqaurepants or The Fairly Oddparents? Awkward or Skins? Teenwolf or Degrassi? Bad Girls Club or Americas Next Top Model? Rugrats or Hey Arnold? Pawn Stars or Hardcore Pawn? Jerry Springer or Maury? Movies: Hancock or The Green Lantern? Superbad or Pineapple Express? Twilight or The Hunger Games? Zombieland or Kickass? Ninja Assassin or Kill Bill? Captain America or Thor? The Breakfast Club or Weird Science? American Pie or Friday? Xmen or The Avengers? Saw or Hostel? House Bunny or Legally Blonde? Duplex or The Cable Guy? Star Wars or Lord of The Rings? Resident Evil or 28 Days Later? Blades of Glory or Dodgeball? Random: Taken or Single? Old or New? Apartment or House? Yes or No? Lips or Eyes? Tall or Short? Little or Big? Walk or Drive? Eyeliner or Eyeshadow? Lipstick or Chapstick? Women or Men? Straight or Gay/Bi? Smoking or Drinking? Text or Call? Animals: Cat or Dog? Lion or Tiger? Horse or Cow? Flamingo or Penguin? Shark or Dolphin? Panda or Polar Bear? Peacock or Turkey? Pig or Hog? Whale or Seal? Elephant or Rhino? Shapes: Circle or Oval? Square or Rectangle? Trapezoid or Triangle?
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by --rainboweyes--
When you think of this country, what first comes to your mind?
Argentina: We have a local brand of canned corned beef called Argentina, so instead of the country I immediately thought of that food. But if I really have to connect this to the country, I also remembered a wrestler called Giant Gonzales; he hailed from Argentina.
Brazil:  Those “Come to Brazil” hashtags that used to trend all the time on Twitter. Brazil had some reallllly loud fanbases; I’m just not sure if they’re still as vocal now.
Canada: Bret Hart. Also @inchoate-surveys, heh.
Denmark: I don’t really know anything about Denmark. OH WAIT NO there’s Legos, so we’ll go with that.
England: I honestly thought of their dishes first since I find them rather unique and super different from the Asian dishes I’m used to. We don’t really use beans or make a lot of puddings and pies, but I think they’re all interesting. 
France: Escargot and baguette lol. I’m constantly thinking of food, guys; what a shocker. Also the movie Funny Face since most of it was set in France.
Germany: Sauerkraut and long words.
Hungary: I always confuse Hungary with Germany, but the difference is I don’t know a single thing about Hungary. So I don’t actually know how to answer this haha oops, sorry.
Ireland: Niall Horan HEHE. Also the wrestlers Becky Lynch and Sheamus. Ireland’s got a lot of talented folks.
Italy: @justsurveys (:D), Lizzie McGuire, the movie Roman Holiday.
Jamaica: I also first thought of a wrestler. His name is Kofi Kingston and I remembered him because at one point in his career he was packaged to have a Jamaican gimmick even though he’s actually Ghanian, just because of his race and the fact that he had dreadlocks. Like seriously? Classic example of WWE being racist and stereotypical...ugh. It’s truly hard to vouch for them sometimes.
Japan: The brutally honest first thing I thought of wasssss how they took over my country for a few years and subjected thousands of women and children to various forms of torture before killing them.
Korea: Korean food :( Man I miss having jjajangmyeon.
Libya: Their old flag, which was just entirely green. No designs, no stripes, no other colors. Just a good ol’ green flag.
Morocco: I think of Marrakesh and how colorful the place is. I’d love to go someday.
Norway: Northern lights.
Poland: The current Pope. < OMG editing this answer. The Pope I was thinking of was John Paul II, the actual Pole. Pope Francis is from Argentina lmaooooo so sorry
Romania: I honestly can’t tell you a single thing. Slowly starting to realize that I’m not as good in geography as I thought I was, ha.
Russia: Onion domes, I think that’s what they’re called.
Spain: When I think of Spain I always immediately think of the unfinished church, Sagrada Familia is what I think it’s called, if I remember correctly. It’s in my bucket list of places to see, for sure. Then there’s also the 333 years of colonization, but I’m not feeling bitter enough tonight to rant about that.
Tunisia: Not a clue. I’m bringing my ass to read more about other countries after this.
Turkey: Gabie, because she has Turkish blood.
Uganda: That Joseph Kony documentary that blew up nearly a decade ago. I’m pretty sure that was based in Uganda.
United States of America: Trump, Target, cheeseburgers, elderly people on scooters, those machines at the store that count your coins for you, more cheeseburgers.
United Kingdom: The royal family, Black Mirror, accents that sound fancy.
Australia: Barbecue, kangaroos, deserts, Vegemite.
New Zealand: I thought of my relatives who live there. Also Lord of the Rings.
List 3 movies you like in each genre.
Action: Eugh, I hate this genre. Wonder Woman is probably the only action movie I ever really enjoyed.
Comedy: Can romcoms count? I like The Proposal, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, andddddd This Is Spinal Tap. 
Drama: Room, Revolutionary Road, Requiem for a Dream.
Fantasy: Huge pass.
Horror: Midsommar, The Shining, (the original) Carrie.
Kids/Animated: Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Tangled.
Romance: Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Carol, Two for the Road.
Sci-Fi: 2001: A Space Odyssey(!!!), The Martian, Interstellar.
Thriller: Misery, Black Swan, Gone Girl.
Western: Not my cup of tea. The only thing I could think of is Breaking Bad, and that’s not even a movie.
Answer just in numbers.
Number of brothers you have: 1.
Number of sisters you have: Also 1.
Number of the house you live at: Eh.
Number of close friends you have: Off the top of my head, 3.
Number of pets you have: 2.
Number of times you shower a week: 6 or 7.
Number of concerts you've been to in your life: Too many to count if I include local gigs at schools. But if we’re only referring to bigger acts held in arenas or stadiums, 4.
Number of cars your household has: 3.
Number of serious relationships you've been in: 1, but we dated twice.
Number of movies you've seen at the cinema this year: Hahahaha
Number of people who live in your house: 5, including myself.
Number of plug sockets in the room you're in now: 4.
Some more randomer questions.
What food do you have cravings for the most? My cravings are always changing, though. Right now, it would be sushi and takoyaki. We actually just had both last night for dinner, but we devoured them SO fast and now I’m seeking them out again.
What TV shows do you hate to miss on TV? I’m not that attached to any show. I used to religiously follow WWE Raw and The Walking Dead and always wanted to watch both live as often as possible, but those days are long gone.
What do you tend to lose the most? My appetite. As for actual items...probably pens.
The last time someone shouted at you - why were they shouting? It’s been a while since that happened, so I don’t remember.
Would you rather have a cactus or a bonsai? Cactus. I heard taking care of bonsai trees is quite complicated, and I just know I’d kill it within a day or two, if not a lot shorter.
What scary story freaks you out the most? Not really in the mood to think of an answer to this considering it’s 1:07 AM and dark as fuck in my room D:
Are you better with gadgets or cooking? Probably gadgets, but just barely.
How would you rate your own looks? Personality? I hate deciding on things about me. I don’t want to hype myself up too much but I don’t want to drag myself down either lol
What accent is the most attractive? Some English accents are very pleasant to the ear.
Do you get annoyed when people spell your name wrong? Not for the most part since I have the more uncommon spelling anyway. But if someone is talking to me on like Messenger or Viber where my name is blatantly stated and spelled out and they still misspell it, then I get peeved.
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