#congenital STD
allkindsofadvocacy · 2 months
Find Me Friday: Theo, Phil, Vincent, & Eddie!
Logo that says Reece’s Rainbow Special Needs Adoption Support in blue, below a blue & yellow paint stroke rainbow graphic with a yellow Ukrainian trident symbol on the right half. In this series, each Friday I’m able, I want to share a different child or group of children who are available for adoption and listed through the adoption advocacy website Reece’s Rainbow. Please note, names used on…
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kp777 · 4 months
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helloescapist · 8 months
Prompt/suggestion you can run with (SFW): Gyutaro x Reader (platonic)
Imagine the reader (GN) as a 15-18 year old demon slayer from the Edo period who, like Gyutaro, suffers from congenital syphilis and has been tormented for it.
Reader is sent on a mission to Yoshiwara, and manages to find and cut off Daki's head, leading to her calling for her brother (She's a lot weaker in the Edo period since she and Gyu recently became demons, which is why she's so easily beat by a non-Hashira).
Gyu emerges and is about to off on his usual jealousy rant when he notices the similarities between himself and Reader. Regardless, he tries to kill them since they hurt Daki, but as Gyu gains the upper hand he feels a sort of kinship with the Reader and offers them to become a demon, like he did with Tanjiro.
Reader declines, since they have completely different values of life despite having similarities, and is killed as a result.
Fast forward 100 years to Gyu and Daki's eventual defeat; as he lays dying, Gyu thinks about the demon slayer (Reader) he killed a long time ago, and wonders if he could've made a better life for himself and Daki if he'd gone down a better path and been more like them.
Turns out, although Reader lost the battle, their worldview was the right one in the end.
I'm incredibly sorry this was so long. I'm excited to see what you'll write for this! If you do write it. Apologies if I broke any of the rules, too
hello, hello!
I'm sorry it's been so long. I truly loved this ask, and wanted to give it all of the love and attention, and research it deserved. I wanted to depict the slayer's memories in a way that was similar to that of how we see glimpses of the demons. Admittedly, my computer is on the fritz (forgive it, the old broad is 12 years old)., and jumping everywhere, so i'm not entirely sure if this piece is what I want it to be or need updating when my new computer is in.
Parallel Paths | Gyutaro
Setting: Gyutaro x gn!reader [platonic/two sides of the same coin fic]
Content Warning(s): spoilers, angst, reflective, depictions of gore/blood, red light district, and STI/STD (reader has congenital syphilis).
A/N: reader is born of a courtesan. As such any child of a courtesan is essentially born into service, regardless of gender.
Summary: It has been so many years since Gyutaro thought of the slayer with the same condition as himself, and in his final moments, he understands the beauty of their smile.
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Slate grays dove into waves of charcoal, clouds that dipped across the surface of the moon. Shushing the faint glow of the celestial body. Marred the shadows of the night, and masked the night. The once vibrant night life dedicated to music, and pleasure was now robbed of gratification. Rouge smeared across screams, tears that shattered painted faces. Luxurious fabrics shredded in desperation; extravagant scents spilt into the streets. Marred by the scent of metallic and iron. Hemoglobin that threatened to stain silk. Threads and hemmed littered across the ground, bodies that had been caught in the turmoil. Carnage that littered the walkways, burned flesh caught by the scatter of candles in the attempt to flee. The faint glow of the moon illuminating the horrors of battle spread across the red-light district. Perfumes and incense that threatened your nose, churned your stomach, and caught the nausea at the base of your throat. Muscles that flexed at the overwhelming scent of the lavish Hinoki, delicate noes of jasmine, and rare touch of foreign florals. Hair adornments abandoned in the chaos, gold that glittered against the raging flames. Smoke that seared your eyes, brought tears to your lashes as you forced the tainted air through your lungs. The press of your hand against your abdomen. The chill ebbed across your shoulders, flickered at the touch of your skin as the blood met your fingers. Struggle to whisper relief to your senses, survived. You were alive. Fought the caught of your breath, shook your shoulders as you heaved. Questioned who it was you should pray to, to thank your existence upon this world. Tremble of a smile, no s-so many had been lost.  Alive.  The ache of your bones, of your senses against her screams.
                The curl of long locks of hair rolled across the muck. Screamed insanities, wailed in rage. Strands of a mane that echoed the tricks of her trade, a banshee painted in the finest of oshiroi.  Humiliation that masqueraded as fury, spawned the roll of tears. Sobs that caught at the base of her severed throat. Hair embellishments, gifts from suitors you could only assumed had been fractured in the skirmish.  The pull of your wounds, each step revealing a new affliction. Broken ribs. Eight of them on your right side, easily having been obtained when her pkkuri-geta had caught the side of your torso in your fight. The power of her kick unexpected. Strength, despite the delicate frame she bore, the demon had proven to be as powerful as the rumors had depicted her. Her movements swift, far faster than those of her peers. How she had ever maneuvered the tarnished district in such elaborate foot wear was beyond your comprehension. Daki had been an emerging threat quite capable of climbing the hierarchy. The shift of your heel, drawing the agony across your ankle crawled up the height of your leg. Shattered, your left leg had been shattered when she had flung you through the chashitsu. Scalded flesh beneath the black hakama of your uniform soaked, rattled shards of tea wear embedded into your flesh. Littered your uniform, torn the delicate cloth from a variety of angles. Exposed far more of your complexion that you would prefer, fought back the anxiety of whispers should wandering eyes of victims that had remained caught in the chaos would bear. Childhood wounds that had never properly healed,  and yet, for all the capability your opponent had shown in battle, the loss of sensation in your left arm revealing the failing of your own movements, the sorrow of realization had washed away her sins. The whelp of her tears, round and fitful. Her wail little more than that of a child’s, the youthful round of her cheeks, untouched by time, and cared for by lavish goods—when she had revealed herself to you, you had prayed that her appearance had been maintained by victims. Her demonic state maintained by the blood of her art, or perhaps her meals, but the babble of her bawling revealed a temper tantrum fitting of small children.  The lacquer of binding of your gunbai felt heavier than normal. Although how your heart tried to convince yourself that it was the burden of your battered body, the ache of your chest could not be soothed. Throbbed as you willed your knees to bend fought back the scream of agony as your tarnished zorii sandals struggled to bear your weight.  The excess of ribbons strained at the flex of your wrist as you drew your hand forward. Gathered the excess of your kimono sleeves, bound to your flesh. Concealing secrets that painted your skin, the wiggle of your brow. Heavy and mournful as you delicately lifted her skull between broken fingers. Blood that trickled between the callous of your fingers as you carefully regarded her. The salt of her tears marred across her meticulously painted face, her glare as fierce as the blade of your staff. The fierce glower of chartreuse behind long eyelashes, touched the mourning of her rage, of her loss. Round, doll like eyes that scowled at you, hissed obscenities. The quiver of her pout, swore that you had cheated. “It’s not fair,” her voice shook, trembled at the knot that caught in her throat.
The dawning of all your fears evident in her protests. Unable to fight the pity that captivated your features, the way your voice met her wails. She’s a child. Hummed a distant lullaby, one that echoed your upbringing, faint memories of your mother’s perfume littered across features. Cradled her severed head despite the way she protested, tucked the mangled of hair that had caught against her snot. Soothed the fragments of her hair embellishments from her hair, attempted to hush her wails. Ghost of a childhood, clung to the many linings of your mother’s kimonos dazzled by her hair ornaments that caught the light as she danced under the lanterns. Swept the sweat slicked strands of hair that had unraveled in her state of duress from her brow, murmured reassurance that all would be well. Rocked the shrieking head as memories of hours dedicated to tayu training hummed recollections of a childhood you had abandoned. The faint echo of your mother’s lower rouged lip that trembled, how her touch had recoiled from the pat of your head. The tears she had shed at your parting, far too young to understand the mercy she had expressed to her only child. Oblivious to the great risk she had put herself at the hands of the master, shooed you from her sight, whisked away by a patron that had frequented her brothel. A hashira she had bartered with for your well fare, spirited away in the middle of the day, utilizing the daylight hours to disappear without a trace. Far too young to understand how the scars that blemished your skin had threatened your existence, nor old enough to understand that it had been the sacrifice of a mother’s love that had uprooted you. A child entangled in the horrors of the night, a tangle of sex, and violence, the tarnish of your complexion impacting your profit. Far too young to understand, just as the young girl you now cradled in your arms. Whispered reassurance of the afterlife, of forgiveness, and rebirth.
“I-It’s not f-fair,” she hick-uped between snarls. Thrashed her eyelashes as the depths of her jade-colored eyes caught against your own. Whelps of tears, large and unrelenting as her rage. Humiliation that had nicked at the tip of her nose, fallen to the fullness of her cheeks. A victim of the times, of profit, and of the night, the fury of her tears , and a razor sharp tongue that elicited insult after abuse. The tremble of your brow, how this little demon reminded you of the tayus who had fought for your mother’s attention and affections. Slighted by the warmth she had often provided—they had probably taken your place if she had fallen from grace in your departure. “Y-You cheated. H-How dare you t-touch me. Di-DISGUSTING! L-Look at you! Look at you! H-How d-dare you!!!!!”  the snap of her jaw, the sharps of her teeth snatched at the curl of her lips. Wrinkled her nose as the tears down poured. “O-ONIIIIIIIIIIIIIICH-HHAN!”
Rolling, the revolting slump of her beheaded torso slumped before crackling in a stomach-churning rattle of bone and marred flesh. The bite of chill that threatened to swallow you whole. Senses snubbed, and delayed. The tilt of your vision, blood loss—no. No. The impact met your form eight ten broken ribs shattered by the blunt force. Crunched under the pressure, sending your form clattering through a series of buildings. Wood splintered against your weight, the impact of pure blunt force trauma inflicted from a mangle of bones. A foot that had landed with precision. Fractured any chance of breathing, claimed a lung in the tumble of your limp stature. Devastated the remainder of strength, and robbed you of the ability to grasp your blade. The clutch of your knuckles, your left arm struggled to grasp the naginata between fragmented finger bones; held together by the mere flesh that bound them. Blood that poured from gashes, threatened exposes your rashes to the night air. The drowning terror that caught in your throat, and intimidated your resolve. The flutter of your eyelashes, bruised and lacerated across your left eye. No longer able to catch the vision of shapes from your left optic. Blood that dipped to the lining of your lower lashes as you struggle to your feet. The length of your blade balancing your weight, bearing far more than the naginata was intended. The tremble of your jaw as the faint glimpses of a huddled form flickered in the flames of the night. Rattled words that could only be described as jagged rocks scratched against one another, formed soothing praises. The touch of a tender words, a figment of nightmares. Crouched delicately over the form of Daki’s head. Long, spindly fingers that used their nails to graze across her childlike features, sweet in their regard. Affectionate, and soothing. Tangled, and knotted putrid green hair bound into a neglected node at the top of its skull. Bones that rutted from beneath paper thin flesh, stretched over the skeletal form of famine that rocked in its soothing movements. The touch of blood that bound the two together, the blossom of cellular growth that kissed at the base of her neck, silk that recoiled Daki’s once severed head back to her limp form. Tearfully joined despite the weight of the hand upon the top of her haid. “Oniichan,” she yowled in her snivels, “G-Gyutaro.”
“There, there,” the gravel tone as though his neck bones had caught against one another, “it will be okay. Big brother will take care of it, sssssh. It’s okay.”
Big brother.
Yellow eyes the combined hue of mucus and jaundice, encased in citric orange flickered your direction. Fear caught in the base of your throat, the blink of your eyelashes drawing the monster to your sights. The graze of his fingers threaded through your hair, pruce flesh slashed across his face. The sight of his jagged teeth revealed ins his snarl, reaction time given no opportunity to allow the gravity to hit your senses before he slammed your face into the ground.  The clutch of his knuckles weaved into the tangles of your ponytail, a berating laughter that slammed into the ground repeatedly. Delighted in the crunch of your nose. The cartlidge smashed and deformed beneath the brunt of the ground. Cackles that berated, and rejoiced in your shame. “Such a pretty-pretty faceeeeeeeee."
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Daki’s tears caught at the corner of her long eyelashes. The beauty of her jade eyes trembled in her wails. Touched at the depths of her despair, shamed at her short comings. Blindsided by you, the bastard who had dared to touch her. Threatened her peace, assaulted her in the comforts of her own home. Revealed her to the masses, exposed her being, and left her muddled in her own blood. Disgraceful, shitful little worm. Good for nothing who dared to exist in the same space as his little sister.  The curl of your hair caught between his blades of his nails, his snarl of jealousy in the lush care of your mane. Silken, like Daki’s kimono. Disgusting. Wretched little bastard. The furrow of his envy drawing his knee to the side of your cheek, the impact smashing the side of your cheek bone, tossing your form once more. The flutter of bones, and the wounds of your prior battle. The skid of your zori beneath your weight. Gritted your teeth as your left eye cinched. Your vision jumped, and rattled and trembled. The rattle of your knees—scared. Oh you were scared, he could practically smell the piss in your pants. The spread of cracked flesh, the neglect of his lips sprawled into a smile. Shrew and misshapen over his deformed jawline the dip of his chin tucked to his chest. Predatory in his regard, catching at the tremble of your breath. Shattered like a broken, little doll. Beautiful, little doll. Far too weak to do anything to escape your fate, trembled, and delayed. Far too slow to stop the way that his fingers knotted in the bangs of your hair, ripping your gaze to match his own. The tremble of your eyes—oh to break the pretty little—ugly bastard.
                “Y-you,” the growl unavoidable. Flinched across the touch of your lips. Anxious, and exposed. I-It had been so many years since someone’s gaze had flicked across the abrasions of your skin. Appraised as livestock, little more than profit that recoiled in disgust. The clench of his fist, revolted at your appearance. The vile of a past you had prayed to forget, one of lavish kimono and exquisite tea. Paraded women, little more than entertainment amongst war. Casualties of famine, and of poverty, sold to the highest bidder. Lessons dedicated to poetry, to singing. One in which your beauty had once been praised, a mirror image of your mother, a jewel amongst the brothel you had been born into. Cultivated in sweat, tears, and the musk of strangers. A fatherless bastard gifted the beauties of the world, the madam charmed at the prospect of owning a rare beauty, and how quickly all of it had been ripped from your fingertips. The blossom of the rashes that had claimed the high of your cheek, danced across your nose. Blossomed down your left shoulder, and claimed your arms. Tarnished your once cherished face, revolted all those that had looked upon you. The color of puce deformed the otherwise perfection of your complexion, and the jewel of the brothel you had once been. Treasures taken from you, punishment, the mere sight of you an insult to the brothel. Nights locked in a store house, torn from your mother’s side, from the lavish clothing you had known, and the hair ornaments the tayus had coveted. Asunder, bare to the night air, as far removed from your mother’s sights as you had been the madams. The whispers of the courtesans lacking in decorum, pleasured in the fall of status, and delighted in your depths of sorrow. Peace only relieved in the depths of the morning, the shatter of your mother’s voice in the storehouse. Having found your malnourished form lingering to life. The tears that had gathered at her cheeks, and the weight of her throat as she had ushered your frail weight to the back of a man. Whispered her goodbyes, unable to do little more than reach for her as the man tore you from her side. The faint touch of her fingers as she traced your features into her memories. {YN], please. Live, my beautiful little one.
                The memory caught in your throat. You were far to young the fate that awaited those who actively defined the madam or the consequences of the disease that had deformed you.. A sin of your birth caught in the bruised colored rash that had scared your flesh. Plagued your existence. Shuttered touches from strangers, and avoided those of peers in the Demon Corps. Now exposed from your bound wrists, under the gaze of a demon who bore similar blemishes. Laughter that threatened to spill from his lips as his hand met the back of your head. Demanding the diversion of your gaze. “You ugly little bastard,” he cheered, “dare to look down on me, you pathetic little worm. Look at you! Look at how ugly you are! Oh my, the world must hate to have you, disgusting. Disgusting little rat.” The patting of his hand smacked against the base of your skull, over and over before you found the strength to grasp your naginata. Desperate in the strain of muscles, torn and ripped in the abuse. Twirled the hilt across yoru shoulders, kept to the hit of your wrist in an attempt to heave him off of you.
                Futile as the laughter that emerged from his lips. Playful, as a child who had found a new toy. “Ah, I like you,” whiny, and amused, “You know, all filthy things belong to me. What do you say?” Jagged teeth that snickered as they clenched together. Predatory eyes that circled your form, loomed over you and exerting pressure that dared to snub out the breath of your lungs.
                [YN] Please, live.
                “I’m sorry,” you whispered to the night air. Far too aware of the agony that wretched across your bones. The weariness that had long since set in, and the exhaustion that had begun to seep into your pores. Suffering that longed for suffrage, lamented in torment, and prayed for release. To smell her perfume here of all places. A rarity even amongst the red light district. Distinct in her scent, and warm as her silken robes. The bittersweet memory of her soft fingers wiping the tears from your eyes. The small stirring that smiled upon your lips as you gazed up at the creature before you. Scared and broken. The rash that littered across his form, blossomed across his face, a mirror of your own. Painted in depravity, and desperation to survive. A casualty of the pleasure trades, discarded to fate, and neglected of love. “I’m sorry, I-I’m.” my beautiful little one. The ache of your breast as your eyes found Gyutaro’s. “beautiful.”
"I'm beautiful," you whispered to the night air, severed to the after life.
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Beautiful, it had been a hundred years since had thought of that particular fight. In all of the years spent in depravity, partnered with his little sister, it had not been an impressive brawl. It left a lot to be inspired, but despite the passage of time, Gyutaro had always felt frustrated at the way you had smiled at him in your final moments. Beautiful. Delicate in the way the rash dared to touch your delicate complexion. The time had not robbed him of the familiarity of your luscious hair. Long, and well cared for, stylish, and extravagant. The lovely shade of your eyes blissful in the way that they greeted death, oblivious to the disgusting crush of the rash that had spread across the majority of your skin. Scarred your complexion, and in the moment when his raged, to hear you dare speak of yourself as beautiful in your state, he was enraged to know that he was envious of your beauty. The delicate smile that you held as your gaze welcomed his bone scythes.
                Far different than how he had greeted death. The chill of absence of the bridge of his existence numbs into his features. Hollowed the realities of his life into his chest, as his feet fell beneath his weight. Daki leaned into his touched, determined to remain at his side in an oath he had made so, so many years ago. In another life in which he had cherished her more than power, more than wealth, and more than beauty. The warmth of her touch, seeking his soothing. It had been, so many years since he had thought of that slayer, time had robbed him of his sense of self. Given way to pride, and contempt. Ensured him status, and survival, and yet, yet, in his final moments, it was the beautiful of the smile that had robbed him of his confidence. Whispered doubt of his choices, of his abilities—of what consequences would fall upon his sister at his side. Linked in death as they had been in life, a treasure he had neglected so long ago. Beautiful in its warmth, in its comfort. Precious as it was in life, a bond of siblings that survived the world. A beauty he had over looked, and was far too young to appreciate. Beautiful.
                Just as that of the smile of the ghost that passed them by.
If you're curious about base notes: here you go!
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sugarakis-p2 · 2 years
Gyutaro's melting chocolate
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Gyutaro x chubby reader
You are so unlucky. A confectionary baker running into an old acquaintance who wants to collect on a ten year old debt. Only Gyu-chan is not the same as you remember him. He was never really nice but he has a more deadly air about him when he demands you show him where you live. He doesn't seem to like you and he's too dangerous to escape.
Warning: Heavy Non/con, possessive Gyutaro, mention of std, low self-esteem, insults, 69, blood, loss of virginity, demon turning, fingering licking with gentle death threats...mmmm just warm
You recognize the young man and curse your misfortune for bumping into him.
"Gyu-chan. It's been a while. We keep meeting like this. I'm sorry to bump you again," you sputtered, immediately bowing deeply. He looked stranger than usual. It had been over ten years ago, but you recognized him immediately. He looked taller, extremely muscular, dangerous, and thinner.
Much too thin. Gyu-chan always appeared deformed. When you heard his mom died of syphilis, you suspected he had congenital syphilis and avoided getting physically close to him at all costs. He looks worse somehow. You think it's because his hip bones sharply stick out. Your brows knit into concern, which deepened when you looked up.
"You are that big foreign girl. The rich one I used to collect food from," he graveled. Looming, staring at you with a horrid expression. The one where he decides on how violent he will be.
"Yes, that's me," you said, disappointed. He only remembered you as that. Your family wasn't that rich either. But you suppose compared to what Gyu-chan went through. You looked pretty rich. You had difficulty making friends because of being foreign and with money. Everyone either wanted to use you or insult you. When Gyu came over, you felt that you two were creating a repore for a genuine friendship. His words hurt. Joyous cackling brought you back to the present.
"Yeah, that girl that ran into me. Made me drop our meal. I forced you to make a new one for us every week to make up for it. You look so pathetic right now," he said, moving closer. The way he smiled at you made your flesh crawl. He can barely remember his human life. He is impressed with himself that he recognizes you.
"I was worried when I heard rumors about you and your sister. You stopped showing up. So, I am happy to see you are ok," you said, quickly backing from him. His smile dropped when he stared at you in confusion.
"Happy to see that I am ok?" he repeated quietly. You give him a nervous smile as you try to retreat from him.
"Then where are you going? Why are you backing away from me if you missed me so much?" He growled.
"Oh, because of the curfew. There have been many missing girls lately," you say.
"You don't have to worry. That is only pretty girls," he snarled. You froze. Your bottom lip trembling, eyes burning and blurring as tears well up. He is so fast. You had no idea when he got ahold of your wrist, "You're even more pathetic now. I like that. If you are afraid, I will escort you home."
You shake your head. Gyu has never been kind, but something about him is vastly different. The sudden thought of him knowing where you live has you in a panic. The second he sees you resist, his nails scrap his skin, his grip tightening.
"What is the matter? You don't trust me?" He questioned in a harsh accusing tone.
"You hurt my feelings," You said timidly. That made him beam like a ghoul.
"Oh, oh, oh no, my sweet little prey. So honest. So sad. So weak. I will take care of you. Tell me where you live," he trills. Almost in a singsong, he uses when he's in a good mood. You squeal in terror when he lifts you. He is not taking no for an answer. Cradling you in his strong arms, you tremble in fear. His fingers dig in ruthlessly groping, squeezing your thick thighs, moving from your ribs to the side of your breast. He is holding you like you weigh nothing.
"Please stop," you whined.
"Aw, am I picking on you too much? I will stop when you tell me where you live. Hurry up. I need to get back to my sister before dawn," he chuckles, kneading you harder like bread dough. You give him your address just to get him to stop. Feeling stupid hanging onto that thread of hope. As if you have ever known Gyu to have mercy.
He jumped to the rooftops. Jumped! Your heart is pounding like a frightened caged bird. Your hair is coming loose and whipping your face. Gyu-chan is a monster. No human could carry you like a doll. Shrieking in fear, clinging to him, and burying your face in his chest. He cackles.
"This place is nice. I'm envious. It seems like every insult in the world was tailored just for me. You must really like me. Calling me Gyu-chan and clinging to me even when you are home. What is this place? It smells disgustingly sweet." He asked, not loosening his hold on you.
Struggling, you shove against his chest to no avail. He feels like iron. He doesn't even feel your efforts as he wonders about your modest place, attempting to find the source of the sweet smell. He peaks at your kitchen, the biggest room, and frowns. He moves on to tersely dump you on the floor of your bedroom. You landed on your ass on the rolled sleeping mat. It softens the blow but still hurts.
Struggling to hold back your sobs. He sits cross-legged in front of you. Staring at you, rubbing your round ass to rid the pain. You stop and move it from his view when you see he is staring at your ass too intently.
"Thank you for bringing me home safely," you say, quickly bowing.
"Cheap, thank you. I'm gonna collect what's due," he graveled, scratching his chest. You smile and jump up. He winces, prepared to hurt you if you try to attack or run away. Swiftly running into your store room. Coming back with two interact boxes. You bow and push them towards him. In the moonlight, you can see he is too pale as well. His unique green hair looks unwashed. An inappropriate if innocent thought of washing him pops in your head. You squash it.  
"I am a pretty famous confectionary and chocolatier. The other box is for your sister. I am so relieved to find out the rumors were not true. Is she well? How is your health lately, Gyu-chan? I remember you two being inseparable," you grin.
He opens the box and sniffs at the gold leaf chocolate hearts. He scoffs
"Like you care. No one ever cared. I want a better thank you," he snaps. Biting a chocolate and grabbing the front of your kimono, yanking you to him. Exposing one of your breast. You yelp and again struggle against him.
"I bet you would spread yourself if I was a pretty boy. Kiss me now," he growls, annoyed around the chocolate. What is he saying? His moods swing so violently it is hard to keep up or predict what he will do next.
"No, Gyu-chan. I am confused and afraid. You called me fat and ugly. This would also be my first kiss. Please, you are hurting me," you beg. He is ruthless, pressing his lips against yours. Stealing your first kiss. You scream in his mouth. You don't want this, and you don't want syphilis. He grabs your head, twisting his fingers in your hair.
The chocolate is melting between your sealed lips. Gyu-chan's tongue is forcing his way past your lips down the back of your throat. The strong muscle dominates yours. Your struggles become weaker as it becomes harder to breathe. You must focus on air while Gyutaro chokes you with his tongue and saliva.  
Pulling away, he pants, his beautiful chest heaving, while you dizzily gasp for air. His greyish skin darkens instead of blushing like a normal person. His hands are hot. You can feel the heat radiating from him.
"Mmm, sweet," he says, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He snatches another piece of chocolate, licking it with his hot tongue. He trails the melted chocolate down your neck to stick to your nipple. Pulling your head aside to lap and suck at your neck.
"No, Gyu!" you whimper.
"No use in crying. Be good for your Gyu-chan. Your weak body can't hurt me. Might as well give in before you hurt my feelings. You should be fawning over me. I was a good man and brought you home safe," he rasped, running his tongue down. Using his right hand to bruisingly knead your breast.
 Sucking your nipple in. Lapping at your tender flesh, feeling it pebble under his tongue. You hate how your panties are getting wet, how you trembled in fear and shuddered with pleasure each time his tongue pressed and pulled away.
"You are getting warmed up for me," he states. Inhaling deeply between your breasts. He moves to cup and presses them together when you jerk from him. You twist, trying to stumble to your feet. He steps on your kimono, causing you to fall hard on your knees.
Gripping your ankle, he drags you to the mattress. You cry and claw at the ground. Your chest burns as your skin streaks over the floor. He kicks it open mat. Hauling you up his body, hanging upside like a rag doll, your face near his crotch. As he hugs you in place with an arm wrapped around your waist, he examines your quivering sex.
"Nice try, but you can't run away. Suppose I had a nice face. Good skin, no stains, marks, or scars. With broad shoulders. Over six feet, you would be showing me proper gratitude. Instead of playing with me," he huffed, his voice quivering with rage.
There's a ripping sound above. Your head is swimming. It's hard to understand. You groan in pain as your panties flutter past your face. Gyu's hand is working at the front of his trousers. His cock springs free and smacks you in the face. You cry out and push against his thighs to get away from it.
"You filthy dirty girl. You say no, but you are so wet from some kissing. A little tongue play, and you are ready," he titters. You scream when you feel one of his fingers press into you with a filling, burning sting.
"Gyu! I'm a virgin! That hurts so bad," you wail. His massive cock twitches and leaks at that confession. You pant and take a good look at it. Shuddering in fear. It's not long, maybe six and a half inches, but it's long enough to look painful. It's so thick you wouldn't be able to have your fingers touch at the base where it is thinnest.
It thickens out more towards the mushroom helmet. Like the rest of him, it's corded with thick ropes of muscle and looks like an alien version of a human cock. It's speckled with similar marks on his face. It is drooling at throbbing at you the more you look at it. Gyu laughs as he continues to dip his finger in and out.
"A virgin. Oh yes, I see. You are so tight, and it's just one finger. You are really pathetic. An old virgin is rejecting me. It's ok. I will collect. You owe me some meals," he laughs. He says 'chomp' as he clamps his hot mouth over your clit. You scream again, mentally praying someone will come and save you. You are so isolated here. No one is coming to help.
The tip of his tongue plays with your bundle of nerves. Sucking and licking the little bud. You squirmed and whimpered, struggling to escape.
"Quit being difficult. I'm much stronger than you. Your weak body can't resist me," he reaches down, gripping your hair, he painfully yanks your face to his cock.
You cry harder when the head pressed against your sealed lips. Tears are streaming down, and your nose is running, making you uglier. I want to stop! Stop crying! Stop all of this! Your mind screams. His precum smearing on your sealed lips.
There is no cure for his disease. You refuse as he presses harder against your lips. His sharp teeth nip your bud. You scream through gritted teeth. He snarls like an angry beast as he pinches your nose.
Clawing at his hand, he doesn't relent. When you rip seams in his flesh, they almost instantly mend. This doesn't make sense! Your mind cannot understand! Pain! Your lungs burn and beg for air as his fingers painfully pinch your nose, as his cock bends against your lips, demanding entrance. No! No! No! Your hazy mind pleads.
You can't take it. You suck in air only to have a cock violate your mouth. He lets you breathe through your nose, but now there is a burning pain in your jaw and throat as he forces his cock in deeper.
"Bite me, and I bite you. Relax and breathe through your nose. I've seen my sister do this, so it's not impossible," he moans lightly, bucking his hips.
You remain slack jaw, but he still hurts as he makes you choke. Your jaw feels painful, as if dislocated at the joint. Your lips hurt, covering your teeth because you don't want him to bite you. Thrusting in and out of your mouth as he stretches and licks your pussy.
The tang of his cum is sharp. Sweet and salty.  And diseased?  You wonder and cry. It's too late now. There is a sharp sting as he purposely breaks your hymen to lap at your delectable blood mixed with your juices. Pressing two more fingers in. The worst part is how what he is doing feels good. Darting his tongue out as the pain in your pussy dulls to an ache.
Your mind is screaming for air. Being upside down with a huge cock blocking your airway is too much. In the race of pleasure and pain in your body, pain is winning by a long shot. You scream on his invasive cock, clawing and shoving away at his thighs.
He moans louder as the vibrations of your cries make him hump and eat you harder. His fingers dive deeper, curling just right to find that sweet spot. When he finds it and your pussy clenches down on his fingers, he rams himself as much as possible in the back of your throat. Jets of hot cum shoots down the back of your throat. Making you gag, your struggles becoming weaker.    
"Oh, you frail, pitiful girl. There, there, that wasn't so bad. I think your ready now," he consoles with a husky voice. Laying you gently down with care before ripping your robes open. He lewdly presses your breasts together, rubbing his face between them.
"Gyu-chan," you moan. Gasping and weakly trying to cover yourself. He smiles, caging you in his arms.
"What is it, my poor helpless girl? Why are you trying to fight your Gyu-chan?" he asks, nuzzling your neck. His hot, heavy cock, hard as a steel rod, lays on your hip.  
"You used to be so nice to me. But now you are cruel. Please, don't hurt me," you rasp.
"Tsk, tsk. I doubt I was ever kind to you. You only fed me to pay me back for what you did. I'm still collecting," he growls. Reaching between your legs to notch himself at your wet entrance. Fear lifting the fog, you wriggle from his grip.
"How annoying. All this fuss over your sad virginity," he gripes. Two red bone sickles appear in his hands. He brings them down on either side of your head. The handles pinning you in place, digging into your collar bone, forcing you to still, "Now look what you've done. You made your Gyu-chan cut your hair. It was so pretty too."
With a dower expression, he laments as he grabs a lock. Sniffing it before he twists it to place it in a pocket in his pants. It was a tender gesture that confused you more. He was kind to you in his own way. It reminds you of the last time you saw him.
You  had run from the mean girls who had called you a foreign dog. They threw rocks at you when you ran into Gyu-chan, knocking the food from him. The look in his eyes was murderous. Quickly telling him, you can get make him better food. Healthier food for him and his sister, he took the opportunity to help his sister and exploit you.
When he came to pick up the food weekly, he didn't call you names or hurt you. Anytime you asked questions, especially about his sister, he gruffly answered with a smile.
"I am truly jealous of your wealth," he said to you one day.
"It's not all that great. You are the only one that talks to me. Do you think we can go for a walk one day by the lake, Gyu-chan?" You asked with hope. He wasn't pretty but he is strong, and no one would hurt you while you were with him. In turn, you would love him and be his best friend. You desire to be able to walk about without being abused.
"I like you calling me Gyu-chan," he had smiled and nodded. That was the last you ever saw of him.
He  is rubbing his dick over your wetness, slicking himself and watching you twitch when his head hits your clit. He had forced your legs spread wide apart for him. You stretch up and caress his cheek. There is a slight red stain on the corner of his mouth, and you wince at the sight. He stops.
You carefully pull his face towards yours, kissing him sweetly. The flavor of blood invades your mouth. He had drunk your virginity, swallowing the blood from your broken hymen like a vampire. His intense gaze locks on your face. He is not the Gyu-chan you had known. He truly is a monster.  
"I can't stop you, Gyu-chan. Please, be gentle with me," you plead, trembling. He removes the sickles to either side of your head. He notches his cock back at your entrance.
"Hold onto me," he orders. You do what you are told. It's a hot pain as his tip pushes into you. He slowly sinks into your warm tight cunt, "You are so tight."
With gritted teeth and an intimate grip on your shoulders, he forces more of himself in you. Your tight resistive walls are perfection, almost as good as human flesh. You can feel more of him slide in. you wonder when he will stop, maybe won't, and split you in two. Loud whines between panting. Fresh tears spring at your eyes while he stretches your pussy to his shape.
You beg for him to stop when he thrusts all the way in with a loud popping slurp. You jerk and scream, writhing in pain under him. His eyes widen in surprise when his pelvis locks flesh with yours.
Kissing your cervix, tears stream down your face, your nails digging into his shoulders. He has so many sharp edges. His hip bones dig into your soft skin. You feel torn in two.
"Shhhh, I know. It hurts. But I will end all your pain soon. You did well. You sucked all of me in you. Letting a virgin adjust and warm my cock first is only polite. I've watched enough to know how to please a woman," he reassures, petting your hair.  
He nuzzles and kisses her neck, trying to calm himself before he thrusts. You are a weak little human, after all. He doesn't want to break you. Your vaginal walls keep squeezing him tighter and tighter. It's almost painful to him.
"I don't understand. You don't even like me. I don't think you remember me," You weep.
"I remember enough. I remember you are mine. I am Gyutaro. I will collect what is mine," he groans. Grinding his hips. A look of pain crosses your features. He touches your nude skin, tracing every curve, every stretch mark, and dimple, "Your skin almost glows. Your features are soft and kind. All of you is soft, warm, and feel good."
You blink a few times, relaxing your grip on his length. He sees this as a signal that now is the time to drag his length out and firmly slide himself back in your wet, waiting cunt. Burying balls deep. Arching into him, you gasp and clutch at him. His nimble fingers move between you to circle your clit. Listening to your moans as he lightly bucks his hips. Your nub is swelling under his touch.
Watching your lips part, turn red and plump. Your tits bounce and jiggle with each connection of your bodies. He suckles them as your legs wrap around him, calves pressed to the back of his thighs, encouraging him to pump into you a little harder and faster.
"My good pretty girl," he hisses with adulation. The sensations of his cock gliding along your velvety tight hot walls are indescribable to you and him. It's a ball of burning pain and desire throbbing from your center. Driving all sense out of your mind as you cling to him. He is slowly feeling good. Pleasure is starting to pull ahead of the pain. You shouldn't be craving him, lusting for this monster who is now a stranger to you.
"That look. That look is so pretty and just for me. You are mine. You belong to your Gyu-chan. You are delicious and sweet. Your stomach like a bag of wheat, your hair like silk, your eyes stunning, your thighs thick and strong, your pussy like a fist. I can melt into you," he praises.    
"I missed you so much. I loved you," you let slip.
That shocked him. He starts bucking his hips in wild abandon into your beautiful crushing cunt. Panting like a wild dog as you brace yourself against his animal-like humping. Begging him to slow down. Your sex is overstimulated, and it feels so good you can barely breathe. Head till swimming in a fog of euphoria when he grips your shoulders with both hands and digs deep into you.
Moaning with each tender roll of his hips. The pain is being overpowered by the bliss he's causing. This time you embrace the searing pleasure and ache into him, screaming and pulsing around his dick. Your eyes are rolling in the back of your head while a lighting of pleasure strikes through your being. Writhing and moaning his name. He doesn't stop his ruthless pursuit in cumming in you.
His sharp pelvis bit into your flesh. You scream again. He was pounding into you hard and fast. Shuddering and growling as he freezes. His hard cock twitched and pulsed with his racing heart as he shot hot jets of cum into your spasming sex. Trembling under him, the intense expansion in your sore cunt as he arches and forces as much of himself in you.
Stretching you beyond your boundaries and making you cry. Tight quivering walls are milking him of every drop of his seed. You push against him and wriggle away from his massive cock, which only causes you both to grunt and wince. He's tied to you by the flesh of his stiff dick in you.
You are not going anywhere until he is done and softens. He feels one with you for this moment. So, dazed, you never felt his hands playing with your silky loose hair. You didn't notice when he cut himself and shoved his bloody fingers in your mouth. Hours later, you are even more confused. Human flesh is pushed into your mouth.
"Don't worry. I will take care of you. I was picking on you a little too much earlier, but you must understand. No one is prettier than Daki. But that is a good thing. She has become a picky eater. With your help, we can make her stronger. You don't have to worry about anything. I will protect you both." He is saying as he dips raw flesh of beautiful sushi in soy sauce and feeds it to Daki.
"She is a really good a preparing human. I want more! I promise I won't kill your ugly girlfriend if she keeps making this. Give me more," Daki whines.
"Now, now. My adorable little sister. No need to pick on her. I promised I would take care of both of you. She is cute in her way. Soft like goose down. I need soft. I can't keep meat on me. Don't think too hard with that silly brain of yours. Do what you are told," he lightly scolds.
"Gyu-chan? What happened?" You mumble as he places a piece on your tongue. You chew slowly.
"See. Cute. You are a demon now. I had to heal those bruises I caused. I have two pretty girls to take care of. It will be ok. I will keep you both fed. I will keep my girl nice and soft," he reassures.
"At least put her in a better kimono. I'm not going to be seen with my chef looking like that," Daki complained. She was a brat, but they both killed for you. It's hard to remember a time before them. Gyu-chan and Daki tell you that you belong to them. That Gyu-chan loves you and you love him. They always ensure you are in the prettiest and most expensive things. They always take care of you.
[writers notes: Couldn't help myself. I imagine if Hana survived with Shigaraki, this is what they would be like, and my sicko heart beats for it. Really going to take some days off, I swear. I love this evil bastard]
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coochiequeens · 11 months
Hey CNN how about a story mentioning the men spreading STIs?
Brett Coomer/Houston Chronicle/Getty ImagesCNN — 
The Houston Health Department has reported a syphilis outbreak, with an increase of 128% among women in the city, and a ninefold increase in congenital cases in Houston and the surrounding Harris County area since 2019.
Rates of congenital syphilis are skyrocketing in the US. Here's why
Health officials announced the outbreak in a Thursday news release.
According to the department, new infections rose by 57% from 2019 to 2022. There were 2,905 new infections in 2022, compared to 1,845 new infections in 2019.
There were 674 cases among women in 2022, a steep increase from 295 cases in 2019, according to the release. And there were 151 cases of congenital syphilis in 2021, the latest year for which statistics are available, compared to just 16 cases in 2016.
Congenital syphilis happens when a pregnant person passes the bacterial infection to their baby in the womb. Untreated congenital syphilis can lead to stillbirth or damage the baby’s organs or bones.
“It is crucial for pregnant women to seek prenatal care and syphilis testing to protect themselves from an infection that could result in the deaths of their babies,” said Marlene McNeese Ward, deputy assistant director in the Houston Health department’s Bureau of HIV/STI and Viral Hepatitis Prevention, in the news release. “A pregnant woman needs to get tested for syphilis three times during her pregnancy.”
Pregnant women should be tested for syphilis at their initial prenatal visit, during the third trimester, and at delivery, according to the release.
The health department is waiving all clinical fees for sexually transmitted infections at its health centers, according to the release.
Additionally, the department “will expand the use of its HIV/STD mobile clinic to increase the number of community screening sites and set up in areas considered hot spots, selected from disease monitoring and case management data,” the release said.
Syphilis is a bacterial infection commonly spread through sexual contact. The disease usually starts with a painless sore on the genitals or mouth – direct contact with the sores spreads the infection.
When it’s caught early on, syphilis is easily treatable with antibiotics. But without treatment, the infection can lie dormant in the body for years or even decades before attacking the brain, nerves, eyes, and other organs. It can cause deafness, blindness, and death.
Congenital syphilis has skyrocketed across the US, particularly in the South and Southwest. Infections in newborns have risen about 700% across the country over the past decade, a CDC official previously told CNN. Experts attributed the rise to a combination of factors including lack of public funding for sexual health programs, a shortage of qualified personnel, and uneven coverage for screening by Medicaid.
Because syphilis in its early stages may not have obvious symptoms, pregnant people and their health care providers might not notice it or screen for it at all.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
The number of newborns with syphilis in the United States surged more than 10-fold in the last decade, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported on Tuesday.
The agency said 3,761 cases were recorded in 2022, the highest in over 30 years, up from 334 cases in 2012. The 2022 cases included 231 stillbirths and 51 infant deaths.
Nine out of 10 cases might have been prevented with timely testing and treatment during pregnancy, said Laura Bachmann, chief medical officer in CDC's Division of STD Prevention.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection that can cause serious health problems without treatment, and during pregnancy, can lead to stillbirth, miscarriage, infant death, and maternal and infant morbidity.
By treating patients quickly, healthcare professionals could reduce some of the greatest hurdles to the care some mothers need, said Bachmann.
Congenital syphilis occurs when a mother with syphilis passes the infection to her baby during pregnancy.
The CDC recommends screening for syphilis at the first prenatal care visit to reduce perinatal transmission.
Benzathine penicillin G is the only recommended treatment for syphilis during pregnancy that must be administered as a single-dose injection or three doses spaced seven to nine days apart, depending on the stage of infection, according to the CDC.
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lakelandg · 1 month
The STD surge: Florida hits record high rates, surpassing pre-pandemic levels
Sexually transmitted disease rates in the state are on the rise, surpassing pre-pandemic levels. In particular, Florida ranks 14th on the CDC’s national list when it comes to congenital syphilis. Sexually transmitted disease rates in Florida have skyrocketed by 42% in the last decade. These numbers are surpassing pre-pandemic levels, hitting its highest since 1990. Hillsborough County is the…
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World Peace is Attainable Through Solus Dominus, The Only True Spiritual Master.
 Global Unity Peace Through This Master | Seeking 2nd Female in a Closed Triad / Throuple. Must be Female 18+ . We reside in Arizona.
"You have opened the door into the infinite—Science must enter. It may hesitate; it may engage in controversy, but it cannot afford to ignore the principles you have established which eventually will revolutionize man's concept of himself, his world, his universe, and his human problems.
"You have done for us in this 21st Century what Ptolemy, Euclid, Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler did for their earlier centuries. But you have further penetrated all physical barriers and extended your discoveries into definite forms of the infinite law which created our universe and keeps it in operation with mathematical precision through the millions of years."
Hello Young people, The government and the public education ( indoctrination system ) has LIED to you. There ARE very serious consquences to a "free sex" society, and women have a higher percentage of the serious health damage from STD's…Remember, it's not a "mystery" how these diseases are spread… Sexually Transmitted Diseases.  Approximately 26 million NEW cases of STD's per year. Now that's a REAL pandemic, and very few people even talk about it.
Congenital syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia are all STDs that contribute to a large portion of pediatric cases. 50% of new STD cases each year occur in individuals aged 15 to 24 years old.
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journalofclinical · 9 months
Seroprevalence of Treponema pallidum, HIV- Co-Infection, Cognitive Effects and Risk–Variables for Infection in a Tertiary Psychiatric Hospital in Nawfia, Nigeria
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In the last decade, an increase in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, the latest global threat paved way for the increase in new emerging and re-emerging sexually transmitted diseases (STD`s) especially in Africa where health care policies are non-existent or not workable. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a spirochete Treponema pallidum. STD`s like syphilis remains an emerging threatening disease which can go unnoticed because of the asymptomatic nature of its tertiary stage. Several occupational groups, lifestyle factors, and age are at risk of being infected and can even be transferred congenitally which poses a threat to the unborn child. Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/clinical-community-medicine/fulltext/seroprevalence-of-treponema-pallidum-hiv-co-infection-cognitive-effects-and-risk-variables.ID.000136.php Read more Lupine Publishers Google Scholar articles: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=vfbCW-wAAAAJ&cstart=20&pagesize=80&citation_for_view=vfbCW-wAAAAJ:Ri6SYOTghG4C
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the-urologist · 9 months
Clinical Approach to Hematospermia
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Step-wise approach:
Is it real HS?
Partner bleeding
Post-ejaculation bleeding from prostatic hemangioma.
Melanospermia: melanin deposition in SV in melanoma.
Is it functional?
Long abstinence.
Frequent ejaculation.
Is it related ti direct avoidable cause?:
Drugs:[aspirin, anticoagulant, atomoxitine]
Medical instrumentation:
Injection of hemmorhoids
Pelvic radiotherapy
ESWL stone lower ureter
>40 yrs:
Increased risk of prostate cancer.
PCa in 1% of cases
Surveillance for PCa is needed.
< 40 yrs:
Infection: [TB, shistosoma, STD]
Traumatic: perianal or genital, iatrogenic, or duct evacuator.
Congenital: cysts
Is there systemic cause?:
Hypertension: specially (uncontrolled, with proteinuria, high s. creatinine)
Hematologic disease: e.g. lymphoma, leukemia, or bleeding disease.
Chronic liver disease
Mostly SV
Diagnostic Work-Up
“Condom Test”
STD survey
Urine analysis
Urine Culture
Urethral Swap
Semen analysis and culture
Prostatic excretion culture
Coagulation profile
Acid-fast bacilli in urine, semen and prostatic excretion.
X-ray based  (all are old, some are obsolete):
Plain pelvic
S. Vesiculogrpahy
Vaso-Vesical Vesiculogrpahy
Diagnostic Cystoscopy.
Therapeutic options
Exclusion of cancer (prostate, bladder, SV, testicular, urethral)
Surveillance of PCa (hematospermia increase risk of PCa):
Patients with family history
High risk groups; African-American
Reassurance (in most cases; idiopathic, drug related, traumatic)
Medical treatment:
Antibiotics (culture is not a guide, and negative culture is not sensitive)
Anti-Shistosoma if found
Anti-viral (if herbes simplex)
Other medical treatments according to the Condition (antihypertensives)
Aspiration of the cyst; by US or CT
Un-roofing of seminal or prostatic cyst
Excision of SV cysts; open or laparoscopic
Ahmed Bakr, MD, FEBU
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wings01 · 1 year
Factors That Contribute To Infertility in Men And Women
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After a year of attempting to conceive, you are said to be infertile if you are unable to become pregnant. Endometriosis, congenital anomalies, and thyroid disorders are some of the female causes of infertility. Low testosterone or low sperm count are two possible symptoms of male infertility.
As one becomes older, their chances of being infertile rise with time. In accordance with the Office on Women's Health Trusted Source, men's issues form the basis for a third of infertility cases, with female infertility accounting for around one-third of those cases. Infertility in both men and women may be to blame for the residual third of cases, or there may be no recognised cause. There are several factors that may contribute — over time — to the infertility rates to increase in both men and women.
Factors That Contribute To Infertility In Men And Women
How readily a woman ovulates, becomes pregnant, or gives birth can be influenced by a number of things. On the opposite end of the scale, infertility is a condition that affects both men and women. Let's examine a few of the variables that could affect both men and women's infertility.
In Men
Sperm Disorders: Male infertility can be brought on by problems producing healthy sperm. Sperm may be insufficient or underdeveloped, have unusual shapes, or be incapable of swimming. Men who encounter male infertility frequently describe a variety of sperm problem causes.
Injuries and Abnormalities: Men who have undergone pelvic surgery or have sustained groyne injuries as adults or youngsters. men who experience pituitary or hormonal abnormalities.
Diseases: Liver diseases, kidney-related infections and diseases, and some medical conditions, including tumours or long-term illnesses like sickle cell disease.
Environmental Factors: Many scientists think that environmental factors account for the continued fall in male fertility. It might be dangerous to expose the genitalia to hazardous substances or high temperatures.
Habits/Lifestyle Related: Unhealthy habits like smoking, consuming alcohol or illegal substances, and being overweight are linked to an increased risk of male infertility. Medicational consumption (for various diseases) may also result in infertility.
In Women:
Fallopian Tube Damage: The fallopian tubes can suffer damage from STIs such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea.
Polyps, cysts, a septum, or contractures inside the uterine cavity are examples of uterine problems. While certain anomalies are present at birth, others, like polyps and fibroids, can develop on their own.
Unprotected sexual intercourse with numerous partners raises your risk of contracting an STD that could later affect your ability to conceive
Eating Disorders: Eating Disorders may lead to ovulation problems.
Limited Capacity: All of a woman's eggs are present when she is born, but this supply may fall before menopause.
Ovarian disorders: This can range between polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and other follicular diseases.
Smoking, Alcohol Consumption, and Other Habits: Just like in the case of men, smoking, alcohol consumption, and exposure to various toxins are certain contributing elements in the fall of fertility levels in women.
Best Infertility Specialist Near Me — WINGS IVF Hospital
While the contributing factors may seem overwhelming to navigate through, we can assure you that the treatment disseminated at WINGS IVF Hospital is your guide in such seemingly complex moments of life. With an emphasis on IVF, Male Infertility, Innovative IVF Procedures, Endoscopy, and elevated maternity, WINGS IVF Hospital is a leading chain of infertility facilities with locations in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
As the best IVF hospital in Ahmedabad, our cutting-edge technology methodologies are of credible, authentic quality. WINGS IVF provides complete infertility treatment using our ART procedures.
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allkindsofadvocacy · 2 months
Tuesday's Children Adoption Spotlight: Sibling Pairs! Pt VI
PD: RR’s logo states ‘Reece’s Rainbow’ across center, w/ signature 3 diagonal brush strokes in blue, pink, & green. Above & below in a circle are the words ‘Special needs adoption support’. Back in July 2018, I began a short series of posts called Tuesday’s Children Adoption Spotlight. Since then, I’ve updated the post featuring listings of sibling groups of 3, as well as the post listing groups…
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keywestlou · 2 years
IAN…..NATURE AT ITS WORST - https://keywestlou.com/ian-nature-at-its-worst/Ian represents nothing less than nature at its worst. With a destructive path that will continue into early next week. Key West was spared. Other Florida areas not. TV viewings of Ian's force and destruction borders on the unbelievable. Water rolling on shore. Filling many first floors. In some areas, second floors. Ian's power so great it sucked water right out of a river and major waterway. Unbelievable. Cars floating. Soon bodies. The most moving event I viewed on TV this morning. I do not recall where. However, a family apparently opted to stay. Their home 2 stories. Viewing showed husband/father on second floor. Water waist to chest high. He was talking to some TV personnel safely in a studio somewhere. The man was talking about trying to get on the roof. Unable to do so. There was an open window next to him. TV people were telling him to get everyone out and find something to hold on to that would float till help could arrive. Help of course hours away. Not part of the conversation. As the talk was ongoing, there was a rapid swoosh of water and the screen went blank. My feeling is the man was washed out the window. Probably drowned. His family. Don't know. Aaron Judge hit his 61st home run yesterday. Tied Roger Maris' record set in 1961. I remember the 1961 season. I was a young lawyer at the time. Maris and Mickey Mantle both played for the Yankees. Both were leading the home run race. Maris slightly in the lead most of the season. A couple of home runs ahead. The country followed the race with attention and excitement. Maris ultimately won with 61. I hope Judge gets a few more home runs in the final days of the season. Records are made to be broken. Maris' has held the record for 61 years. Time for a new top gun. Bad enough Ian imposed itself on Key West this week. So did a major fire. Just before 6 yesterday morning, a joint retail/residential structure burned. Total loss. Forty residents without homes. All commercial businesses without a home, also. The building is located at 3201 Flagler. Directly across the street from Bank of America. Syphilis is on the rise in the U.S. A recent study showed a 26 percent increase in the one year period 2020-2021. The increase of special concern. Twenty-twenty had marked the lowest number of cases ever. The concern extends to the unborn also. The same study noted a 24 percent increase in congenital syphilis. Fetuses in the wombs. Born dead or soon after birth. Last week I wrote of an increase in venereal diseases. STDs. Contributing to the problem is we are becoming an increasingly sex conscious nation. I'm not arguing with the increased desire. Enjoy! Sex is pleasurable. Experts suggest AIDS/HIV not the concern it once was. People feel freer to enjoy. Experts also believe a lack of public investment a cause. Money not being appropriated to assist in minimizing the affliction. There is a cure. Penicillin. No vaccination is available. The experts further indicate that syphilis has become such a non problem over the years, that many of today's doctors do not even recognize it when they see it. Syracuse/Wagner saturday at 5 pm at Syracuse. Syracuse 4-0, Wagner 0-3. Syracuse a 55 point favorite. If I were a betting man, I would bet Wagner. Fifty five points a hell of a spread! Enjoy your day!
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wellviewcare · 2 years
Free STD Testing Fort Lauderdale
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If you are sexually active, you should get tested for STDs often. Residents can get free STD testing Fort Lauderdale, and the results are ready within an hour. This makes getting tested quick and easy. Florida has the tenth-highest rate of reported primary and secondary syphilis cases and the eighth-highest rate of congenital syphilis per capita in the United States. Even though the state has lower than average rates of chlamydia and gonorrhoea, there were still more than 110,000 cases of chlamydia and more than 36,000 cases of gonorrhoea reported in 2019. Getting checked for STDs is important to keep yourself healthy and stop the spread of STDs. 
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lepromatosis · 7 years
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Another artwork by me! This one is a amalgam of 19th century syphilis images. 
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Hello. I found your blog today and it is fantastic. Thank you very much for the content but reading it made me wonder something and I hope you can help me. I have two characters, they are twin sisters and one of them has a lazy eye + strabismus (which I myself have!) and another blindness (before it was total blindness from birth but now that I have investigated I am changing her type of blindness) but before to do that I need to know if that is possible? This could be a dumb question but I mean can two twins have visual diagnoses of this nature at the same time? Thanks in advance for any help!
It is possible but very rare. I did a little bit of research and this is what I found:
So you didn't specify if the twins were identical or fraternal twins, but I thought I'd look up strabismus and if it's genetic, and here is a quote from this study:
"The heritability of concomitant strabismus is supported by twin studies, which reveal a concordance rate of 73% to 82% among monozygotic twins and 35% to 47% among dizygotic twins. The higher concordance between dizygotic twins than siblings likely reflects the influence of environmental risk factors."
Monozygotic twins are identical and they happen when an embryo splits in two, resulting in two distinct organisms with the same source DNA.
Dizygotic twins are fraternal and occur when ovulation (creating the egg cell) results in two different egg cells, which are then fertilized by different sperm cells. Fraternal siblings share the same percentage of DNA that siblings from separate pregnancies share.
So it's possible both siblings could have strabismus. You didn't specify what the second twin's diagnosis is, so I can't comment on how rare that is.
However, the likelihood of both twins experiencing blindness is increased if the mother had complications during pregnancy or delivery. Premature birth (which is common in twins, regardless of whether they're identical or fraternal) can cause underdeveloped eyes.
Vaginal birth carries the risk of newborns being exposed to bacteria and developing neonatal conjunctivitis. However, many doctors choose to deliver twins via a C section (cesarian) during delivery.
If the mother has an untreated STD it can result in birth defects, including blindness. Untreated chlamydia can result in Chlamydia trachomatis, in which the baby contracts a bacterial infection during vaginal birth.
Syphilis can also result in congenital birth defects but most babies born to mothers with untreated syphilis are stillborn. If they live, the infants are extremely sickly and will likely have multiple disabilities if they survive infancy. If you're worried about medical realism and you are not writing historical fiction, I would steer clear of this one.
So for you and other authors interested in characters blind from birth, I would consider what science and medical care the mothers had during pregnancy when deciding what path to go with. I hope this helps and thank you for asking :)
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