#cometh up as a flower
aliteraryprincess · 2 years
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July Wrap Up
Well, July has flown by. I think it felt short to me because I was away for the first two weeks and it seemed like that shouldn’t have counted as part of the month. 😆 Hopefully August will go a little slower because I would like to savor what’s left of my summer.
Books Read: 8
Another good reading month! I’m proud of myself for not falling into a slump yet. My favorite new read was Marriage, and I had a lovely time rereading Sense and Sensibility. My least favorite was Cometh Up as a Flower, which I found utterly tedious.  
Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick - 2.5 stars
Beach Read by Emily Henry - 4 stars
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen - 5 stars ®
Favorite Poems by William Wordsworth - 3 stars
Cometh Up as a Flower by Rhoda Broughton - 2 stars
Marriage by Susan Ferrier - 4.5 stars
Imperial Leather: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest by Anne McClintock - 4 stars
Waverley by Sir Walter Scott - 3 stars
On Tumblr:
Not much here (but better than the next section!). There are a bunch of things I’ve been tagged in that I want to do. I just have to actually do them. 😆 August will have to be the month for that.
June Wrap Up
LGBT+ Book Recommendations W/O a Romance Focus
On the Blog:
We’re just not going to talk about this...
On YouTube:
And there are things here! I gave my first Fairy Tale Friday video a go (though I will still be doing it on my blog when I actually get back to posting there). And I put together a list of Victorian reads for beginners.
The Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag
Victorian Literature for Beginners
Fairy Tale Friday: Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid
Currently Reading 7/19/22
June Wrap Up - 10 books!
2022 Mid Year Reading Stats
The Persuasion Book Tag 
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psycadenza · 1 year
// tag dump
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supposed2befern · 1 year
Has anyone thought about how much Jaiden’s house says about her charatcer and the greief that she���s experienceing?
She built it in a flower field filled with roses—even the houes is filled with roses. Her fridge only has food that Bobby loved. Her second story is fully dedicated to Bobby, filled with pictures, more roses, and easles and canvases (there are three of them, if i remember corrrectly). She made a treehouse, comething her and Roier started for Bobby. She made a balconey with three chairs so they could watch the sunset.
What Jaiden has done is she’s made the perfect house for if Bobby was still alive: a room for him, an outdoor area, all his favorite food, his favorite activities, een his favorite flowers.
She refueses to have more or less than three chairs. The perfect amount for their little family.
I feel like neither of Bobby’s parents want to forget him, but they’re also handling it in different ways. Roier has moved on, forming a new family and living life as he did before. He’s sad, and he misses Bobby, even suggesting that they find a way to get Bobby back, but he’s moved on. Jaiden, on the other hand, has everything in her life dedicated to Bobby.
I think Jaiden is convinced that Bobby has a chance of coming back, even if she doesn’t directly say it.
But it also makes sense why she’s willing to give up her life to protect the eggs and maybe even get Bobby back.
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dearophelia · 1 year
best of sara's fic, according to her
Because I’m feeling some kind of way about my cancer lately and wanted to put together a Sara’s Greatest Fic Hits while I’m still around to do it (which is a morbid thing to type, but see the intro: been feeling some kind of way lately).
These range from my most popular fics, to the ones lost to weird posting hours, and everything in between. If I counted correctly, there are 14 fandoms on this list: from Mass Effect and Dragon Age, to Grey’s Anatomy and Stargate SG-1, to The West Wing and Calvin & Hobbes.
I’d appreciate reblogs on this (I am not ashamed to pull the stage iv cancer card here) so it can reach as many people as possible.
I have been writing fic for over 15 years; this is not a short list.
All are rated T or lower unless otherwise indicated. All stories are at or under the 3k mark unless otherwise indicated.
Stargate SG-1:
waves are universal (the heaven in hiding remix) (Sam/Jack; I’m very Normal about this fic; time travel and alternate realities, a host of OCs (and some familiar faces from Norafic if you look closely), oh and the Sam/Jack kid from the alternate reality! Only she’s an adult and working on a way to save the world! This has it all, folks: humor, romance, angst, action! I told you I’m Normal about it; 40k)
strange is the night where black stars rise (Sam; horror! A low creeping sense of doom! The King in Yellow! No, seriously, fuck that planet; 10k)
#sg1wedding (Sam/Jack; their wedding turned into An Event against their will; bets are going down about who would win in a fight: Bra’tac or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs; also Jack loses his socks; twitterfic from 2012 and technology has definitely Marched On, just read it like an unhinged group chat fic)
phoenix (Sam/Daniel/Teal’c, Sam/Jack, Sam/Jack/Daniel/Teal’c; apocalypse (that I consulted a real live geologist on!); rebuilding in the wake of said apocalypse; team family feelings, kids, and some really shitty neighbors; 38k)
Dragon Age:
joy cometh in the morning (Ariadne; rated M; a host of OCs; mind the warnings; friendship; worldbuilding galore; friendships and mentors and first loves; did I mention friendship and worldbuilding?; 56k)
through the rude wind’s wild lament, and the bitter weather (Ari+Cullen; quiet magic, kind magic, good magic is still new to Cullen)
as the sun kissed the horizon (Ari/Josephine; a relationship in ten moments)
‘til we meet again (Ari+Cullen; platonic sleeping together!)
so hold my hand, consign me not to darkness (Ari; her faith is the core of who she is and, for the first time, Andraste isn’t there; post-Trespasser)
raise your fists up to the sky (Kylie/Krem; it’s Krem’s first day with the Chargers and there’s a naked elf in the middle of camp)
every demon wants his pound of flesh (Krem+Bull; Krem was in the Fade with the Inquisitor and the fear demon had some Things To Say To Him)
black dove (Anaya) & strange little girl (Anaya+Dagna) & dissolving clouds (Anaya+Cullen) (because neurodivergent Inquisitor, friendship, blossoming romance, and three very different takes on blood magic)
skeletons (Zahara+Bull; she is saarebas, he is Ben-Hassrath, and language is important)
children shouldn’t play with dead things (Juliette Amell; she’s always had an easier time with the dead than the living; cw for bugs)
a sorta fairytale (Josephine/Cassandra; flower shop & tattoo parlor AU; 8k)
Mass Effect Trilogy:
gonna set your flag on fire (Nora Vakarian, Liv/Garrus, James/Liara, Liv+Liara, Livfam; action! Humor! Angst! Worldbuilding! OCs!; I am Super Normal about this fic too; I promise everything’s okay in the end, promise, even though it isn’t written yet; Nora is an N3 and has an inactive control chip in her head. She and her team are ordered to investigate a Cerberus facility. It goes, shall we say, awry; 40k)
anthem (Liv/Garrus, Hannah/Zaeed, Liv+Liara; eight months is a long time without each other; angst with a happy ending (I promise); post-Destroy; 13k)
holy ground & dress (Liv/Garrus; ficlets from the night he gets sworn in as Councilor)
brightly shone the moon at night (Liv, Liv+Liara, Liv/Garrus, Livfam; five Christmases in Olivia Shepard’s life; 5k)
the pieces of gold, they light up your eyes & now we’re alone, now we’re alive (Liv/Garrus; the evolution of a relationship)
fighting is said to have reached palaven (Liv/Garrus; please, please let him be alive)
and some things you just can’t speak about (Quentus+Nico; the war)
‘cause i know that it’s delicate (Liv/Garrus; pre-wedding!)
nosce te ipsum (Nico; he likes boys and fanfiction and he didn’t think he’d get his little italicized oh moment)
i will write you love letters if you tell me to (Liv/Garrus; Hannah gives him one of Liv’s notebooks before he goes off to Omega; Garrus does the only thing he can think of with it)
i really need you (Liv/Garrus; James POV during the reunion scene in Priority: Palaven)
you look really tired (Liv/Garrus, Liv+Liara; post-Thessia, Olivia’s not doing well)
hey, so, ground rules (Liv+Zaeed; it’s a lot weird now that he’s dating her mom)
and all the scars you bear are from a previous war (Liv+Quentus; Mom!Liv)
you can hear it in the silence (Liv/Garrus; just a moment, post-war)
this all started because of a bad day (Liv/Garrus; from first meetings to matching rings)
combat, i’m ready for combat & turn on your favorite nightlight (Hannah; she’s a civilian and her daughter isn’t, and she’s bound and determined to know what Liv goes through when her boots hit the ground; Hannah, Zaeed, Liv, and Garrus hit up Armax)
four quarians who never made it back to the fleet (and one who did) (kinda what it says on the tin, honestly. Oh, Tali’s in this!)
everyone’s lost, the battle is won (Evangeline; somewhat predictably, my experiment in getting as many of my team killed as possible resulted in Feelings About It)
across the sky (Susan/Liara; how to make the Control ending feel good)
and yours is in red underlined (Vanessa; The Illusive Man has pissed her off for the last time)
i’m headed straight for the castle (Vanessa; renegade control ending; kneel before your queen)
Mass Effect Andromeda:
for saviours (Tori; ten scenes from a pre-Andromeda life; 10k)
ringing joyful and triumphant (Tori/Liam/Jaal; just some morning fluff)
the thing with the baby angara (Tori/Liam/Jaal; thinking about the future)
the undone and the divine (Tori/Liam/Jaal; the lone single solitary explicit fic on here, give it props for that alone; Liam gets absolutely railed by his partners. That’s it. That’s the fic.)
you’re like the thing that makes the universe explode (Sara Ryder/Suvi, Drack; kid, the only people who don’t know that you like Suvi are people who haven’t met you and Suvi)
this one’s for the torn down, the experts at the fall (Tori+Garrus; one night in the intersection of Victoria Ryder and Archangel; maybe they’re better friends than they both thought)
The West Wing:
a great revelation sigh (CJ; she’s Chief of Staff; ten steps to the apocalypse; the apocalypse source probably didn’t age well, heads up)
it’s in my blood and i won’t give up ‘cause it’s running through my veins (Amy+Andi; it’s Election Day in the future and Amy has nothing to do)
Grey’s Anatomy:
dropsonde (the singers in a lower choir remix) (Addison/Alex, Derek/Meredith, Addison+Derek, Addison+Mark, Mark+Derek; the one that kicked off all the remixes; absolutely off the rails from canon somewhere in S3; budding romances and kidfic and my theory about people being storms and lighthouses; 40k)
scarlet city (Mark/Addison, Burke/Cristina; film noir gangster and detective AU; Addison’s the gangster, Burke’s the detective; literally everyone I could fit into this fic shows up; also Denny is comic relief; 18k)
access records (Star Trek Voyager; Naomi Wildman’s holodeck access for the past week; worldbuilding!)
in this twilight our choices seal our fate (the song in the house of night remix) (SVU; Olivia/Elliot; rated M; on the rise and fall of partnership; probably a little too much religious imagery but what the hell else am I gonna do with a minor in religious studies?; 4k)
the end of days job (Leverage; Parker+Eliot+Hardison; the apocalypse job, basically; this one ages well!)
let the only sound be the overflow (D&D; Calia/Kelpie/Edal, aka ot3: fathoms below; the ocean is big and they are not)
we are golden stars above silver seas (we hear echoes from another galaxy) (Calvin & Hobbes; Calvin+Susie; throughout all those years, she never gave up on him; this one went viral on tumblr [LINK] and I cleaned it up for the AO3 version)
lift her, pull her, from the orchids (Grace and Frankie; Grace/Frankie; the one where I invoke the spelling bee)
rocket queens (Babylon 5/Pacific Rim; Susan Ivanova/Talia Winters; look, they’re jaeger pilots, I really don’t know what else to tell you)
the great gig in the sky (Battlestar Galactica; Six; rebirth is painful, she forgets this sometimes)
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yanderelovlies · 10 months
Please look only at me
Note: Jack is written as if the both of you actually live in Cloudy town.
Fandom(s): SWWSDJ
Character(s): Sunny Day Jack, and Shaun
Tw: Yandere tendencies on Jack's part.
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Sunny Day Jack
Jack hummed as he unlocked the door to your shared home. He was excited to see you again despite only living together for the convince he has come to really enjoy your presence. He would even go as far as to say he has grown to have feelings beyond friendship for you. You are everything he has ever wanted yet couldn't find anywhere else.
"Sunshine! I'm home!" He watched as you excitedly poked your head from the kitchen a smile on your face.
"Welcome home, Jack! How was work?? How are the kids?"
He chuckled, setting his stuff down on the table. "Everything is good! The kids have grown so much."
Your backed was facing him as you cooked comething over the stove, but he could tell you were smiling. This all felt so normal, so...domestic. Now, if only he could wrap his arms around you as he lays his head on your shoulder and continues to tell you about his day, then it would all be perfect.
"You wanna hear something interesting?" Jack hummed in response, still lost in his own little fantasy."Rory asked me out today."
The world stopped as Jack's face fell, and eyes widened. "...what?"
"Yeah! he asked me right after my shift at the bakery. Even got me those flowers on the table."
Jack's head swung to the table just now, noticing the beautiful arrangement of all your favorite colors and flowers. It was really well done if he was being honest, and he hated that. "W......what did you say?"
You shrugged. "I told him I would think about it."
Jack would feel his world stop. Think about it? You were seriously considering it? Not there was anything wrong with Rory, but... He doesn't know you like he does. He doesn't think anyone does. He was perfect for you. He could take care of you.
Jack's arms wrapped around you as he laid his forehead on your shoulder. "Don't do it...please sunshine.."
He could feel your turn your head to get a better look at him. "Jack...?"
He lifted his head, meeting your side gaze. "I like you y/n. A lot. I don't want to lose you."
He could feel you tense up all your movements coming to a halt. You stared at him with wide eyes and red face before finally speaking "D-do you mean it....?"
Jack's hold you on tightened slightly. "More than anything sunshine." Before Jack could say more, you turned in his hold, crashing your lips into his.
This kiss was messy and frantic, but to Jack, it was magical. You tasted better than he could ever imagine, and you felt so right in his arms. At first, he was afraid it was a dream till your teeth clashed, making the two of you pull apart in breathless giggles.
Once the two of you gathered yourselves, your eyes met. "I like you too, Jack Like a lot."
The smile on Jack's face brightened as he pulled you in for a more calm kiss. Finally, he could call you his
"Hey, what's that Bruning smell?"
Being roommates with you was one of the best decisions Shaun had made since he came to college. You were responsible, kind, and respectful. You guys agreed on most things, and on the very rate occasion, the two of you get into disagreement it's solved within an hour. You had quickly become his best friend, and somewhere down the line, something more to Shaun.
Though he would never express it to. Your friendship meant too much to him for him to throw it away for some feeling that would go away months later.
Or at least that's what he told himself to feel better as he watches Ian fail to flirt with you from a distance. He never had anything against the guy. He was the typical shy nerd that had this charm about him. However watching him now Shaun could feel a sense of rivalry with him.
Letting out sigh he made his way back to your shared home more or less preparing himself to hear you tell him everything that happened in that conversation.
"So I finally had to tell Ian I wasn't intrested."
Shaun's head turned to face you with an almost shocked expression "Why?"
You looked at him puzzled. "Because he won't stop trying to ask me out?"
"You don't like him?"
You shook your head. Shaun could feel a sense of relief course through him followed by shame for the relief he felt at someone's expense.
You turned back to the TV before continuing "Besides I like someone else. Someone I've know for awhile. Someone im....close to."
"Who.....who is it?" Shaun knew he was as tense as he felt, but he truly was hanging on to your every word.
You were silent for bit before taking a deep breath "You..."
Your voice was barely above a whisper, but Shaun still heard it, but that wasn't enough. He needed to hear you say it out loud to be sure. "I'm sorry I didn't catch that....what did you say." Slowly Shaun inched closer to you.
He watched you fidget trying to keep your eyes on the screen before finally giving up and turning back to him. Your face was bright red as your eyes darted to anywhere but him "u-um....You...?"
Unable to contain it any longer, Shaun gives you a big smile as his hand caresses your face. "Do you mean it?"
Not needing any more confirmation, Shaun pulls you into a slow yet passionate kiss. This was everything he had been waiting for, and if he was being honest, he could wait to experience your sweet kisses every day.
"I like you too y/n more than words can describe."
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notmuchtoconceal · 1 year
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- welcome to a bruxaria – a show that may or may not still be the bruxcast. on my program today, i have the effervescent lil tall sip of fizz, cpt. luxor drottin ready to seranade us with some fine poppy foam bubbles i know you'll be eager to trickle right down your shirt fronts!
- what up, brother brux. you got a special girl in your life yet, bro?
- she's out there, mate! might be listenin in right now for all we know!
- bro, what i know is you're gonna make the luckiest lady alive the lady who makes you the luckiest man alive. you're so special, brother brux. you deserve a special girl to be with, all the rest of your days ~ !
- cpt. drottin, i have to ask – you a great dane or just a standard swede?
- deffo not enough finns to make a whole fish, bro.
- an avalanche every iceman cometh, i am indeed the jelliest of donuts!
- bro, you should soundproof cpt. hlaford when you're recording, otherwise stick em someplace soundproof, bro. holy hell – what are you even spending 9/10ths of our total broadcast budget on if you can't account for basic quality of life improvements?
- mate, we hadn't always been a big show. you're a young up-and-comer. you weren't with us in the early seasons. i started out as a pirate channel in a janitorial closet and did every show to the hammer beat of wally deadliftin in nothing but a big sweaty ass-stained lycra singlet and cheese scented wool socks, the singlet himself (itself -- weren't once human!) almost obscenely padded out by a fat heavy knit cotton tee which'd accrued mothscales on pine like sycamore sap; sweatmarks foamroasted in tree rings so much i thought he were wearin some sorta throwback arctic camo -- sometimes just strippin outta his drenched as shit singlet, tossin his goofy coconut tropical scented pineapple printed dick briefs at me head. full on fuckin sloshin me like urinal piss foam in a mug i served outta the tap at me own bar, and wally fukin drank it down, asked for another and another -- by the end, i was dehydrated, lyin on my side jitterin and he just bleched and said he was goin out fer a beer /// live on air, his stinky fuckin briefs hittin me head, and it's so sweet and anointed and heedy like a fuckin pina cooldada it takes awhile to taste the burn -- joshua openly fornicatin christos, i bet this man's cock is delicious! i just wanna stare the seat of his pants everyday the rest of my life and cringe thinkin about how good it'll taste, but i'll never ask, cause i'm such a shy and delicate flower -- i had to hear it during recording, during editing, on the air. it's part of my creative process now. there just is no motive to create without hearin wally scream through a wall. punch through the wall. chase me around the room. hollerin after me to gimme back his soul. destroyin all my equipment, but not before it can all be backed up to the satellite, way out in space, where wally's domain can not yet penetrate into the upper atmospheres ~0~ ! tell you the truth, i can't coax him into helpin me do it unpaid, so i just sort loike – y'know. built my sets around him. sometimes cut off pathways in advance, to keep him boxed in, change the patterns of nature to make him predictable, just sorta like – you know. follow him and record so inspiration can strike the second he lets his guard down and thinks he's free to be himself, but i'm just over here bein a nosy lil anthropologist lady who wants to record the sound of him gettin it on so i can once again feel a butterly tinglin in my nowhere places when the currents of life are alive and fruitful like a smoothie churning egg beater my brain from which i will fry the heartiest crepes?
- bro, to be completely honest – i have so many questions, i don't even know where to start, so um – i won't unless you give me a few moments to collect myself, which i doubt you will?
- mate no, by all means. this is a show where two people talk. a talk show. i have to show you talking. in all the hours we've been together, i'm sure i definitely have footage of you talking. go ahead. prove it to me now and to the viewers at home that you have participated in my talk show by talking to me – now. live on air. edited only for initial broadcast.
- um –
- cpt. drottin, you know, i think –
[vintage tye-dye throwback bumper
cpt. laika greenscreened onto a celluloid scarred void of rippling droplets !
collides with cpt. jacek in the edit ! ~ !
as typical,
laika's overblown toothy cheeked eyeball fucking is soggy sugarmush churned maple greens from steel-cuts =0
/ and jacek's face looks much like his dick --
much too large and swaggering to be this fuckin leaky. ]
( 0 _ ./. o. >,: <;\|-/~ ) o ( l .,.KlTYT>| |)
the bell rung.
the mirage accumulated by light particles into corpulence.
your brother didn't have a beard. he looked nothing at all like cpt. drottin.
- um, sir?
once again, your most favored hour fell upon you.
- your sarcasm is much appreciated, sir. you're the only one who has the balls to roast me both openly and to my face. 
in full confidence, you would much rather have him raw.
- our most astute viewers know the true meanings of your words, as do i, though i scar my tongue most to know saltlick... just gonna pretend you wanna rut my tight and virtuously chaste hole and leave me drenched in my own tenderings and squirtings, sir. // your proclivities have been much established by those-in-the-know, but um… this'll look better for the men, you know? you're way more relatable when they're thinkin bout you like, um – like  grabbin me,& suckin me without, um, tearin me in half and slurpin out each a my halves like shucks through the pelvic openings?
he has such a pretty throat. a shame you couldn't fit both your cocks in his mouth at once without tearing him apart down the prime meridian.
- sir, i know you're jockin me right now, big bro. you had two cocks, um – holy fuck, you'd have this cloven hoof bulge all gnarled like the limbs of a tree out which the earth had been hollowed, all fat roots and pike-thorn branches and, um –  i'd wanna bury myself in your crotch even more?
you and everyone fuckin else, kid.
- my apologies, sir. after my recent sesh with cpt. schreibermachen, where secrets were re-divulged without the application of rope, i couldn't help but fall into the dreamy reveries he induces upon the mere mention of your, um – that shrill horrible beeping sound that would otherwise lance at my ears, but which by his gentle assurance now floods my nerves with the anticipation of the sweetness before a toothache?
he needed to surprise you. he wasn't doing anything new today.
- i could rip off my face and expose the maw of coiled intestines beneath, hissing out with the hellfire of your own failed accountings, lord of all which forgotten ~ slain always by the light of remembrance?
throw a tarp on him. worst he'd do is burn the place down.
cpt. schreibermachen glanced at cpt. drottin through the light.
he seemed for a moment, only anonymous. some face more flesh than memory, shed as the cicada shell of a mask.
- never have i met a man before as you, brother – as uncut and void of substance as myself. 
cpt. drottin – let himself linger in the glance that he threw back.
he would stroll as he would linger, some eternal dusk whenever he took things slow. though his eyes were the hardball palming the mits of the leather. no fangs to see in the dusklight he crept.
corrosion softest in the creases. parts of him wore away, from wear and from moisture, and it seemed inevitable – that he should decay though still a young calf he was. to slaughter before spoil. no caustic splotches. no sheens of oilslick to stain. the wear of age which deep intuition had bent into seams varicose down the planes of his face – hairline fractures in the light which you would only see for only you looked, and met not a man's eyes before meeting the topography of his skin, as you interrogated your seawall against oblivion every morning.
you had seen comelier young men putresce on the vine. he was simply microdosed with his own fermentations, dispersed in beads along the sweet, you never tasted his punch, or into what frenzy it drew you.
- i will hear you, brother – for you are a virtuous man.
schreibermachen wore a brief of cotton, drottin a brief of aluminum – the translucence of the strands wrung spun and glow wormed in the rays of the evening sun refracted off the contouring of their meddle.
their cocks they pushed together, to careen shaft to shaft, in boy's adventure fables where they knew the heroics of their capacities for life and for daring, ascending and descending the ropes from which they hung and swung, sang and wrang, though sometimes it were vine or stone, and they could press only closer to cling in embrace, singing praises of valor, sputtering salival and bellowing, articulations upon articulations as you strove to meet his eyes ~
though your head craned back as his, slick inside the prison of his briefs, as you foamed through the cling of yours, your slick coating his, beading through the meshing to mingle with his as he stewed in your seepage and his stung your nicks, your cockheads so tight inside the dual collar of your phimotic ring, magenta and clamped upon by the joint limitations of your own crucified anatomies, as you were girdled in flesh as you were gartered in fly, as much two bodies trapped inside a mind as two minds trapped within a body, inches upon inches together /
your eightheads together, (4 + $ - CAP = ←) meeting his eyes with the mutual piteousness of your need, hovering at a threshold of ecstatic communion, condemned to never plummet off, but shoot deep roots into the rocks at the edge, to drop fruit to be carried far in the rivers below ~ your trunks entwined and your branches parting farther, the spongeal nodes of your need still aching and pressed together, no longer able even to rub, but merely to give and to merely pulse in the same heartbeat of your idiot-eyed surrender to himself and to you ~
breeches around your ankles in the public squares, your uniform jackets drenched with drool, foaming down your legs and into your breeches, briefs so soaked-through there is nothing left to-be unseen ~
and you are breathing in the spice of cpt. drottin's beard, longing to bite at it, but you can only hold him, wishing your faces were clamped even closer together, stuffed by the figure-eight of a dual-chambered inflatable gag, mouths clamped into the optical illusion of a vice-grip jaw to jaw so you could meet his eyes, only his eyes, and never be away from those pools into which you longed to drown, but would plunge into only to scale up – for the light you saw was but a reflection of your own.
… you are the true foundation, brother joseph;
drottin sang to ache ~
the exhaustion he could no longer prolong.
[ camera left rolling for six hours.
through the silky, slatten light
falling through embers of alleys;
cpt. hlaford bums a smoke off a derelict saint, to bless him with a bottle of spiced rum, and a pirate jig they will do.
a pirate jig they did do for you.]
( )
- cpt. drottin. my, my – aren't you looking lovely this fine day!
- thank you, cpt. haruspex. all the world is lovely that i look upon ~
- do you ever feel, like, er – there's somethin that needs to be done that you aren't doin, mate? sometimes i feel like i, um – sorta use people to distract myself from my real problems?
- bro, you shouldn't be talking to me if you have things you need to do.
- mate, no – it's not like that, it's more, like –
- you can't make excuses for yourself, cpt. haruspex. you're a brave and enduring soul who every day stands in the muck of primordial chaos and pushes the world heaved upon your shoulders back up into the warm and ever enduring horizon line of the sun. you know this to be the truest and most real you. you know the smog which composes the pollutant of your atmospheres arises only from maladaptive industry, and this is simply the cumulative effect of many tiny corrosions which have gone unchecked, for an arrest has come over your basest components.
... you are a live today, cpt. haruspex. the day is what you make of it, and you ought make a reality the many fine things you know yourself capable. will you take my hand? take your hand and make a pledge to me?
- mate, your hands i'd – 
- don't be scared, brother brux. i'm just a man. 
- …
- haha, hey lil slime trail.
- it's just, um – you're so warm and so soft – i don't want to lose myself in your eyes, cause i'm not as strong a swimmer as i should be, or maybe i am, bein the one to be born and all, it's just – i jump headfirst into choppy waters or else plunge into the arctic cold? cause i like to? 
… guess it sorta feels like when i see the storm waves or the blackest depths, i gotta take the leap. if i don't, it's like – why didn't ya jump in? why didn't ya endanger your life? what's a self-preservation instinct done but hold ya back to the wall? think you're ever gonna flower in the ice?
/// sure are gettin oily, mate – way your hormones are chuggin away.
... what ya see's what ya get, and all ya see is the filth gushin out ya. you breakin up, or you breakin out? i seein static or caulked splotches? why i see a time-lapse of a rose on every face, so bright and clear i can anoint myself with my own imaginins?
... guess it sorta feels like the slicker i get, the more i can stay outta holds, but um – i don't always know if there're people grabbin at me while i'm under water? the pressure wraps around me. some hand, some arm. throats always grippin mine. don't always know what i need to do. if i'm strugglin to keep my head up, or strugglin to sink!
- cpt. haruspex, look upon this vast country. all but the sink is yours.
... cpt. haruspex, look upon this scarred and arid continent. all but the sink is yours. you have no basin in which to let stagnate still waters, and no gorge cut by the slow erosion of a coercive night's languid stream.
... you are face down now in a puddle of your own brewing, gasping for air when you could simply flip and meet the sky ~
falling to the sky 
… some fisheye of waters diffused, icy only at the rims of space.
... sun warmed as the sands in which you lie, standing only to see truth.
... cpt. haruspex, you have dominion over every beast that you tame. you have dominion over every land you claim. you receive nothing of what you have asked, though you have accepted everything you have to gain. you assist and you are given, and you insist only so you do not receive. there are things which you are owed, and to make yourself known will bestow upon you the earnings of your actions! do not drown yourself in your own meager moisture – not when you have it within you to call upon those pressures of the sea, to cloak out the air ~ in the black tumult of the storm winds, you may blot out the sun – for an hour, for a day – to drench the droughted land in the downpour for which it is overdue!
- am i like heat, lux? risin like air, or bread in the oven? will i be fanned down or else carved and buttered? am i a tasty lil croissant – you wanna have me for breakfast, deem me the fittest meal, unworthy as i am?
- with my coffee, um – put some butter in there, too – make it shimmer as gold in the suns you obscure, for what dim light you have is surely radiant, though it skims only blackenings of my won-blotted eyes?
- and my waters? soakin the land as a fair maid well-aware i have tracked her far across the fields?
... will they sink deep, between the hard baked scales of the sun-drenched soil – the debris of what is dead and dry, to raise porous and fungal in the caps of some vast toadstool, as handsy as it is without hands? 
- i will always remember you, cpt. haruspex. you are the bell which makes me remember. you are the ring which wakes me to dismember.
- i am the phone you never pick up. i am a connection you did not make. i am a spring shower dried up too soon, for the light of the sun oppresses me with its bounty :-- which is not the meager bounty of oijyamb. doomed though i am, doom always ain't gotta be such a gloomy thing!
- in the shade, the boulevard of every garden :-- hatted though i am, no cat am I, though still i feed on all assortments of what i net! we are all the octopus :-- for we reach and we grasp, and the bites of our kisses leave their mark or their notch, more pattern than bloodclot or breakage!~
- lux, i err – really appreciate all you have to say, but i really need to go to the bathroom mate. can you please let go of my hands? your grip is so strong, so tight and so loving, i think it makes me quiver in ways that neither me or my bladder could ever get used to!
- go, brother brux! begin your showers early!
- land's gonna get real fertile, i can tell ya that mate!
– another brick, brother lux. it is a pleasure to be limed with you.
[armchair slid against the tile, crashed back against the plateglass ;;
ceramic shattering, rootwork of marble slab pulled up by the plinth.]
[cpt. psychorragia hunched over throbbing, polishing his pulsating meat, bellowing like an ape peeling, fondling, mashing bunches upon bunches of ripe bananas unfurling in pinecone fountain light waters gushing burgeoning spooge geysers of milk and honey in cascades of neuronal flares all throughout the denser coagulants of himself; all over his muscleboy mantits shoulders so broad and slopey.]
./ o ./
cpt. psychorrhax dabbed the cloth under cpt. schreibermachen's eyes.
blooms darkened the blue to bluer gray, as light as spring rain, shining black as mud beckoning a baptism in clay.
though he picked up far from little, it could hardly be enough.
the tears, infrequent though they were, bled him for the waters came too fast and too heavy, and left joey once more clinging to his brother –
some branch he ducked under to catch reprieve from the downpour, as he looked back to see fields bleak with storm swallowed by the choppy surf of some granite tide, finding himself now alone on a rock stranded out at sea, sodden beneath the wind-torn branches of this lone and rootless tree he kept upright, for he did not know, were he to lean his weight upon its boughs, would it sink or stay afloat.
- you're too good to me, laik.
- that is a contradiction in terms, cpt. schreibermachen.
where joey refused to push himself -- seduced always by the warmth of his brother's arms -- he would find himself pulled beneath the riptide, buried forever in the mudflats which churned beneath the shallow seas.  
- what depthless rubber lungs i have! what a well-scrubbed and castiron heart! let no man tell you there is no fortification to be found in running away! for what submersible would i be if i caved to the pressures ... !
joey's hands clenched laika's shoulders.
the blood grew torpid in his veins.
laika spoke, and made himself heard. 
- a lesson our brother, cpt. haruspex has no want to learn, for he lives his lectures daily, repeating them with such frequency.
his hands rested in mutual conspiracy with himself to lean further in, for he could feel only useless letting them hang limp at his sides, and so it made itself so that to anchor was always an act of will. 
– i shouldn't need you to do these things for me, laik.
though now joey felt only that he could push off, for there could be no indignity greater than being seen for what he could not hide.
once more, laika made himself more. 
-- i am the man you love. i would do these things and many more, and i would do them gladly, would you but permit me.
from the distance of a forearm's length, cpt. schreibermachen could meet his brother's eyes ~ the peak of a silver mountain through the mist.
– i shouldn't need you… to take care of me, laik.
laika leaned in.
joey's heat bled through the layers of their shared insulation. 
– everyone needs someone to take care of em, joe.
once more, a gooiness clung to the skin of his arms. pearlescent as honeysuckle baked in the heat of their embrace. steam distillations rose from pomegranate flesh and there were nothing but cocktails to be had.
– not the major. never the major. he is truly more – unconquerable than i.
laika allowed himself to linger – he had no cause to contradict in full. not here. where he was needed most. where he most needed to be.
– you don't know what he needs. sometimes i know better, big bro. 
joey stayed with him. it seemed natural. no protocol, and no guilt.
he would give anything, for with laika he had all to give.
for laika never asked for things he could not give.
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The Kingdom of the Stars Chapter 19: The Reunion
Previous: Chapter 18
Next: Chapter 20
“Can you reach it?” Ana called, floating a few meters overhead as she held Phoebe toward the tip of the bell tower.
“Yes!” she answered, adjusting her grip on the final piece of golden flower decor, as the crowd watched with bated breath. 
Both turned their glances down below, giving Asha a nod, before she turned to address the waiting crowd.
“Alright, everyone! This is it!” Asha held up her fingers, as she could feel the air practically crackle with excitement. 
Phoebe reached her small hands towards the pole.
Her fingers were mere inches from it as the crowd below watched with bated breath.
Phoebe carefully placed the decoration around the belltower’s pole as the crowd erupted into cheers with several tossing their hats and flowers into the evening twilight. 
After hours of hard work and planning, The market decorations had officially reached completion. . 
She couldn’t help but smile as she basked in the soft glow of the now-lit lanterns that, along with the old wilted tree’s blossoms, had practically breathed new life into the market.
It was perfect really, and she couldn’t have asked for more than that.
After all, None of this would’ve been possible without their creative vision and assistance. 
She looked around the joyful crowd, soaking in the atmosphere as she watched the people begin to go about their business. 
The musicians immediately began to play their festive tunes as Mrs. Alina, Mrs. Akinemi, and several others, danced. 
She squeezed through the crowd, murmuring words of excuses and apologies as her eyes searched for one face in particular. A face that she was both glad yet frightened she couldn’t find.
“Oh, Valentino,” she stopped, watching as the goat came into view. Several of Ana’s birds were perched on his back. Their soft chirps and songs quietly reminded her of her birds, who she hoped had returned to the castle safely. “You haven’t seen…him  have you?” 
The goat shook his head as she let out a sigh of relief. 
Her eyes quickly landed on the night sky above, where the hole in the thick thunderclouds had quietly slipped into view. 
‘Maybe he’d gone home?’ After all, he had granted her wish, hadn’t he? 
All of her tasks were completed, so if she’d gotten what she’d wanted then there’d be no reason for him to stay. 
Those rules he’d sworn had kept him here would’ve effectively become null, and with that he’d have no choice but to go home! 
This night couldn’t get any better, could it?
 She beamed at Valentino who pleated at her curiously. “I have a very good feeling about this,” she whispered, watching Ana’s birds quickly disperse as two figures approached her. 
“Wonderful job on the market, miss!” She heard Captain Silver call as he gave her a firm pat on the shoulder, before turning to Mr. Bjorn. “See now didn’t I tell ya that she could do it? Hmm?” Bjorn scowled in reply as Silver grinned. “Now hand it over,” he reached towards the elderly man with his bandaged hand. “A deal’s a deal, remember?”
Mr. Bjorn grumbled, turning to her, “Just for the record, I knew that you would do an amazing job decorating this market. I just didn’t think Allard would let you do it while she was still…alive…but ah,” he sighed before shrugging as he dug into his pocket for three golden coins that he grudgingly handed to the grinning sea captain. “I suppose stranger things have happened in these parts before.”
“But ya losing a bet is not one of them,” Captain Silver called before victoriously stuffing the gold coins into his pocket. 
“I wouldn’t speak so loudly if I was you! Pride cometh before a fall! And no one in Rosas has a history of Fallin like yourself!” Bjorn argued back as Asha watched them walk off into the now busy market crowd together. 
She glanced towards one part of the market where several people gathered for the renewed baking competitions. It was something she’d eagerly looked forward to seeing how it would unfold, given how the reigning champ, Dahlia, was no longer present to dominate.
“Want to take a look around?” She asked Valentino. “There’s a lot to see and do.” The goat nodded, quickly trotting alongside her as the pair began to venture towards the more crowded part of the market.
“Come get your chance to win a new toy in a game of marbles!” A nearby merchant called as several others began to open their shops, all promising prizes and fun games.
“Feeling brave? Try your luck at the fiercest Noughts and Crosses champion!” the man gestured to a grinning child seated around a table. 
“Are you the new sack toss champion? There’s only one way to find out,” a woman called as she gestured towards her stall. “Try your luck…you might win a prize.”
“It’s beautiful Valentino,” Asha contentedly sighed, continuing to take in the sights and sounds of the market around them as they continued to stroll through.
Valentino pleated in agreement, before both paused, watching a few people pass them all of whom were headed towards the enormous crowd that now surrounded Mr. Armin’s stall.
“You were the one who provided the papers and strings for these cranes, right?” she heard a noblewoman ask as he nodded. “Good, well I’d like to place an order for your next shipment of these as soon as possible.”
“Of course! Of course ma’am!” he nodded, hurriedly scribbling the order down.
“I’d also like to place some orders as well! For whatever you used to make this!” a man called as he held up one of the makeshift streamers that Mr. Armin had created with some of the flowers from the old wilted tree.
“Certainly! I’ll have your order ready before the end of the week.”
“I’d like to place an order for those too!’ someone else called.
A nobleman stepped forward, gesturing to the young stoic-faced girl who stood at his side, “Tell me, good sir, do you take apprentices? My daughter would like to learn-,”
A small grin made its way to Mr. Armin’s face as he answered,  “It’s been a while since I’ve taken in an apprentice. But I’ll see what I can do.”
She watched on, hope blossoming within her that this could be the start of something new or bigger and better, for not only his business but for the other teachers and hopefully the townspeople as a whole. 
It was, after all, the least they deserved for helping her out. 
“Come on Mom! You’ve got to try this! They’re amazing!” She heard a girl call as she began to tug her mother towards the long line for Mrs. Kurkaus and her husband’s stall. 
“Alright alright,” her mother chuckled before speaking to a woman following her “These things seem to be a hit with the kids you know-, he says they call it something like ice cream- can you imagine?”
“Ha! We’re certainly not making it out of the dark ages with that one, are we?”
“Not a chance. 
“You know…My son tried one earlier and hasn’t been able to stop talking about it since. He swears it’s the best thing he’s had since Tarta de queso!” the woman chuckled before the trio wandered out of earshot. 
The best thing since Tarta de queso? 
She exchanged glances with Valentino. There was only one way to find out, wasn’t there? 
Admittedly she’d nearly been tempted to join the insanely long line but the sound of Diego hollering overhead brought her to a stop. 
“Woooooooohooooo!” She, along with several others glanced overhead,  watching in amazement as Ana soared through the partially clouded sky while holding an excited Diego in her arms.
“Remember to keep your arms stretched!” Ana called. “We fly faster that way!”
He nodded as she watched them briefly soar out of view.
“Someone seems like she’s having a lot of fun,” Asha commented as she looked at Valentino, who pleated in agreement, probably wanting to be next in line for a ride as well. 
Ana had mastered her gift in a remarkable time, as she now flew so well that Asha was half tempted to think that she’d been born for flying. 
But come to think of it, it seemed as if everyone who’d had their wishes granted had mastered their newfound gifts rather quickly, hadn’t they? 
She watched as Mrs. Bellerose stopped the rain from her cloud with a simple gesture before she prepared her next customer’s bouquet. Mrs. Kurkaus nearly did the same as she patted her snow cloud for a few icicles. Even Julian had moved with a surprising amount of efficiency when he’d been on a rampage earlier.
It was funny really, Asha had always thought that the king and prince made it sound like magic took years, if not a lifetime to master, but everyone who had had their wishes granted today made it look so simple .
Was it simply a difference in the type of magic or was it something else? Asha would never know nor would she want to. 
She took a mental step back, carefully thinking over everything.
The chaos, the success, the work.  
A lot had happened, mostly because of the star.  But as much as she hated to admit it, everything that the star had disobediently done had seemed to help in the long run. 
Granting Mrs. Bellerose’s wish had not only revived her business but it had allowed her to add all sorts of flowers to the town’s decorations, giving them a vibrancy that Asha had never even thought they’d need. Then Mrs. Kurkaus’s wish led to her selling and inventing even more delicious treats that the townspeople would gladly appreciate. And then there was Ana who was now giving the children fun rides with her ability to fly.
But all three of those wishes were something Asha wouldn’t have been able to grant on her own, nor were they wishes that she could see the king even consider granting.
She couldn’t make someone fly, nor could she create a cloud that could rain or snow on command. But  All three wishes had positively contributed to the market, and ultimately to her teachers' wishes. 
Even Julian’s wish, despite how destructive it had been, was the only reason why any of this was allowed to come to fruition. 
He’d destroyed the market’s decorations, hadn’t he? Then he’d injured the officials. 
He’d inadvertently left them no choice but to go with her plans; plans that most definitely wouldn’t have materialized if Allard nor her decorations had been burnt.
It was an upsetting thought, but perhaps not an incorrect one, she reasoned, as her gaze settled on the golden branches of the old wilted tree that now peaked from behind some of the buildings. 
She wasn’t sure what the star had exactly done to the tree, but as she stopped, taking in the soft glowing flowers that they’d integrated from the tree into the decorations, she knew she couldn’t deny that the tree was breathtaking at the least.
It had done wonders for raising morale, as she’d noticed that the people had seemed even more invigorated once they’d caught sight of the tree.
It had been a sign. 
A miracle, and that was exactly what she needed.
Had the star done it coincidentally, or intentionally? 
Nothing about him gave her the feeling that he was some grand mastermind, and yet she couldn’t help but feel that some of the things he had said, and done felt…premeditated.
 But then again, maybe she was giving the star too much credit and too much of her time.
He was gone now, wasn’t he? So why even bother to waste time thinking about him when she had the king to address? Letting him know about the dangers in the wish garden was her top priority now, but she’d need somewhere private to tell him about it. Somewhere that she could convince him to-
“Valentino?” she blinked, watching as the goat fervently leaped, his eyes darting towards the other side of the market as several incoming figures pushed themselves through the crowd, panting as they looked around with widened eyes.
“T-The king!” she heard the town crier call, pointing behind him as the crowd began to stir. “His highness has arrived!”
“ The king?!”
“The king is here?!”
Quickly the crowd moved aside as the king, mounted on his favorite horse, came into view. 
“Whoa! Whoa!” He called pulling the horse’s reins as the queen and several other apprentices came into view: all mounted on their own horses as well. 
Granted she’d expected him to be here, but she hadn’t expected him to bring the whole calvary with him!
A sudden hush fell over the crowd as she watched everyone quickly bow. Commoner and noble, Maintainer and guard. Everyone bowed deeply to their king as she watched his eyes scan over the crowd. 
“Good evening Rosas!” He called, circling 
 the market several times, his eyes curiously sweeping over the decorations. 
 “Not bad,” he muttered to himself, as she watched him bring his horse to a complete halt next to Mr. Leitus’s chalk mural. His eyes lit up as she heard him call, “Oh! Now this is nice! Amaya do you see this?” he called, as the queen rode to his side, quietly observing Mr. Leitus’s chalk mural of them. “Someone is definitely working overtime to get their wish granted~,”
“Finally!” she heard Mr. Leitus whisper as a few members of the crowd seemed to relax.
At least he seemed to be in a good mood, and a happy king was the best king to deal with.
 Finally, the king’s eyes swept the crowd once more before finally landing on her’s and gesturing to the queen. 
Had the king himself been looking for her?
No, he couldn’t be. 
He had no reason to. But the look of relief in the queen’s eyes told her otherwise as the thought hit her. 
He’d left her behind that night, hadn’t he? She grimaced. The sight of the horse returning that night without its rider must’ve worried them. 
Her thoughts were only confirmed when she saw a surprised Safi riding atop the familiar black stallion. 
Her eyes quickly returned to the king’s, not missing the way how his brows furrowed as she saw a tick in his jaw. 
Was he upset with her? Suspicious? She braced herself for the inevitable cascade of questions, questions that never had the chance to materialize as the crowd did the unthinkable. 
They cheered.
They cheered far louder and harder than they had before, Asha swore she felt the ground shake as the king looked on in surprise, exchanging a glance with his queen who merely shrugged. 
“Long live King Magnifico and Queen Amaya!” she heard someone yell, as the crowd roared in agreement, all wishing their blesses to the royal couple.
Somewhat recovered, a half-grinning king muttered something to the queen, before turning back to the crowd with a newly placed smile.  “My people of Rosas!” he called, holding up his hand as the crowd fell into an awe-filled silence. It had been the first time since arriving did Asha hear the marketplace be so silent. “May I say that it is truly an honor to be with you all again this evening!” He grinned, looking over the crowd before glancing to the uneasy maintainers. “I can tell that this certainly was no ordinary market decoration, was it?” he asked, eyeing one of the fallen golden petals from the old wilted tree.
“We are truly honored by both your presence and blessings, your highness, even in the most unpredictable circumstances…” answered someone from the crowd. Asha was willing to bet that said person had been a maintainer, perhaps one of the few people who’d be brave enough to lead with such a statement.
“Is it true that you were the one who granted our wishes earlier?” someone else asked.
“It wasn’t the work of the rumored rogue sorcerer, right?”
“Why have you decided to grant wishes before the wishing ceremony?”
The king grinned, but Asha could see it, the slight but subtle tension in his shoulders, before he relaxed, a chuckle escaping his lips, as he glanced towards the queen.“Ha, a rogue sorcerer, can you imagine?…” He chuckled once more, before waving his hand dismissively as he smiled towards the awaiting townsfolk, “There’s no need to worry about that. That sorcerer has been taken care of long ago. As for your wishes…Well, with my young apprentice coming to assist, I was hoping to provide you all with assistance of sorts for the decorations. Something that could make this upcoming celebration truly incredible! Now tell me, how are you all enjoying your new gifts?”
From the corner of her eyes, Asha could see the maintainers and officials relax, as the crowd began to stir.
“It’s wonderful, Your Highness!” Ana called, briefly levitating.
“You saved my business!” Mrs. Bellerose called as she glanced at her rain cloud.
“I used the ice you gave me to make a King Magnifico ice cream treat, just for you!” Mrs. Kurkaus commented as she held up a frosted treat that heavily resembled the king.
 Now the king looked impressed, maybe even flattered. 
“You saved my shop!” Mr. Armin commented.
“And ours as well!” Called another merchant.
“We would’ve lost everything had you not sent the rain storm to save us from the fierce and fiery hold of Julian!”
She could see the tick in his eyes, the tiniest note of surprise, but it had vanished as quickly as it had appeared, leaving in its place an air of undeserved satisfaction and pride. 
Years of addressing the public had trained him well.
He hadn’t granted those wishes. 
There was a good chance that he hadn’t even know who or what said wishes had been granted, but Asha had a feeling that there was no way that the king was going to let the people know that. 
It would make him look as if he wasn’t in complete control of the wishes, nor could he protect them as well as promised. It would imply that he had an equal, a superior even- and that was when it dawned on her. 
There was a reason why the star had gladly given the king all the credit both for the tree and the other wishes. 
It wasn’t out of kindness, no. 
It had been out of strategy.
It was possible that by giving the king credit for the wish-granting, the star had put the king in one of two positions. 
He could A) be honest to the people that he hadn’t been the one to grant these wishes- that this magic, a magic that could possibly rival his own had come from elsewhere, or B) he could take credit for it. 
As honest as option A was, if he admitted this magic wasn’t his, then it would no doubt leave the king’s ability to protect both Rosas and its wishes from the outside forces looking inadequate, especially during a time when the hole in the clouds still persisted, and then there’d been a curfew because of an allegedly rogue sorcerer. If said sorcerer had gotten past his ‘barriers’ so easily, admitting the truth would’ve been an insult, both to the king’s capabilities and pride.
Then there’d been option B. He could lie, which seemed to be exactly what he was doing now
Was he upset that someone else in Rosas apparently had the magic to grant wishes? Most likely. 
But if the people praised and accredited him for such things, then in the eyes of his loyal subjects and to the world at large, he wasn’t only just doing what he’d promised, he was excelling at it. Over delivering. Being every bit the benevolent king that they believed and wanted him to be.
The only obstacle that now stood in his way was Julian’s horrific wish. 
But even that had a solution.
Perhaps he could paint himself as the benevolent overhead trying to give a troubled youth a second chance only to have said youth take advantage of the situation in the worst way possible, and honestly? 
That would’ve been more than just the perfect lie.
Julian already had a history of suspected attempted arsonry and trouble-causing, so there was a very good chance that most would take the king’s word for it without a second thought. 
It seemed as if the king had shared her train of thought as she watched his face soften, sadness becoming visible as she heard him say, “Julian?” the king repeated, looking a bit confused as his grip on his spear tightened. “Ah you mean Julian- of course, of course. You see, I granted Julian has always been a close friend of my nephew. I’ve known him since he was a small boy, and back then I knew that he was a studio child, with a good heart, a heart that I fear had been unfairly plagued by the troubles of life.”
Most of the crowd seemed to coo in a sort of sympathy that Asha was certain hadn’t been present before.
“I wanted to give him another chance,” the king continued as he glanced into his scepter. He looked devastated, as she watched the queen gently lay a hand on his back. “I wanted to prove to the world that there was still some good in him, that he could still do good… ” He sighed, shaking his head, “ I only wish he hadn’t taken it for granted.”
It was hard to see the king’s expression from this angle as she heard a guard gruffly call out, 
“The bloody fool! Give us the word and we’ll teach him to never take anything from our king for granted again!” 
The crowd cheered in agreement, leaving Asha’s stomach feeling uneasy. 
They’d taken the bait, hook, line, and sinker, and just like that. No questions asked, no flags raised, nor suspicions aroused. 
It was ironic.
 Julian’s wish had turned him into the perfect fall guy who would not only ruin his life but ultimately paint the king in a far more sympathetic and benevolent light than he could’ve ever wanted. 
Had the star been gunning on the king being cocky and dishonest enough to do this? 
She wasn’t sure, but he’d been right either way.
He’d seemed so smug that she nearly believed that he knew what he was doing…and if he was, then there was no doubt that he definitely knew far more than he let on.
“People, please,” the king sighed, hiding his mouth behind his hand as he regained his posture, acting as if he’d been forcing himself to move forward. 
Every movement was so subtle and telling, no part of his body language seemed extra or wasted.
 “I appreciate your spirit, but I’d much rather prefer to speak to him myself, as in all my years of ruling, protecting, and guiding Rosas, I can promise you that the best way to solve a problem is not to destroy it, but to understand it. The situation will be dealt with accordingly. I can promise you all that much.”
The crowd murmured, mostly in respect and awe for the king as Asha’s eyes searched the crowd, thankful that the star was absent. 
“But enough of that, you were having a festival, weren’t you?” the king asked. “One that despite all odds has persisted and flourished!” the crowd victoriously cheered, as she sighed in relief. “So, how about we get back to the festivities!” 
The crowd cheered once more, this time inviting their king to join them. 
As much as Asha wished to partake in their joy, she knew that if the king were to get involved in this (which he most likely was) along with the investigations that the maintainers were running, then there was a good chance that he’d find truly find out that she’d-
She shivered, cutting off the thought. 
There was no need to think about it, at least not here in public where she’d risk making herself look even more suspicious. 
Right now she needed to- “Asha!” The voice of her mother cut through her thoughts as she heard the crowd begin to cheer once more, no doubt at whatever the king had said. 
Her mother quickly came into view, pushing and shoving her way through the crowd before tightly embracing Asha. “Oh thank God,” she gasped. 
“Mama?” Asha choked out.
“I was so worried. We were all so worried,” her mother muttered, before slowly letting her go to face her. She looked her over, once, twice, and then sighed. “Thank goodness you’re safe,” she placed a hand over her heart before Asha saw her frown re-emerge in full force. Uh oh. She only frowned like that when she had an earful for her.
“Asha!” She exclaimed. “where on earth have you been?! Do you know how worried we all were?! We nearly tore up half of Rosas looking for you!”
“Ha, well, you see mama, it’s a funny story really- but, I was doing tasks for the king,” she whispered, watching as the crowd cheered this time for both the king and queen who was still addressing them. “A lot of tasks, and one of them involved overseeing the decorating of the market, and I would’ve contacted you sooner, but I got caught up in… some things. But I’m finished so at least I have time off now! I think.”
She winced, taking note of her mother’s unmoved expression before she heard her mother sigh and embrace her once more.“I didn’t know you had to do this much just to get time off! Do the other apprentices have to do this much work for their time off as well?”
She shook her head “No, it’s not usually like this. I think the upcoming events have just given everyone a lot to do,” She wasn’t sure why she’d said that of all things. It wasn’t as if she’d regularly ask for time off, and even then, she was quite certain that none of the other apprentices had to do anything remotely similar to this. 
Maybe she was just feeling grateful.
 As cumbersome as the tasks had been, some good had come out of them. She’d brought the prince back and helped grant some wishes.
She’d made people happy, or at least tried to.
So as much as the king didn’t deserve her excuses, she could at least admit that his tasks had somewhat helped in the long run.
Finally, her mother released her, looking around. “You really decorated and designed all of this?”
“With a lot of help, but I mostly oversaw it and did a few designs here and there,” she admitted.
Her mother smiled. “It’s beautiful!” “I haven’t seen the market like this in years! How did you convince the head official to let you do it?”
Asha grimaced, “It was less convincing on my part and more so a series of unfortunate events.”
Her mother raised a questioning brow, nearly about to ask for elaboration when Mrs. Chidera stepped towards them. 
“Chidera!” her mother had cried before embracing her as the crowd cheered once more.
“Hello Sakina,” Mrs. Chidera called, as she embraced her mother before stepping back.
“How have you been?” 
“Honestly?” Mrs. Chidera’s smile shrank as she shook her head. “It’s a long story. A stressful story, but at least it has a satisfying conclusion.”
Asha reasoned that satisfying was one way to put it, but it could’ve been much worse for her if the king had been honest.
“Stressful? Is everything alright, Chidera?” 
“No, no, it’s fine now. We just had some… issues earlier, but it seems as if they’ve been resolved. So there is nothing to worry about.”  A slow smile spread across her face, one that Asha would remember not quite reaching her eyes before she massaged her temples. “Unfortunately I have some business to attend to for the time being, but I do hope you both enjoy your evening,” she called, glancing towards her colleagues before quickly taking her leave.
Now her mother looked beyond worried. She looked concerned as she turned to her and asked, “What exactly happened in the market earlier?”
Asha had no idea how to answer that, and thankfully she didn’t have to as she heard the king’s nearing voice say, “Asha! We’ve been looking all over for you, where have you been?” 
She was surprised at the relief she felt as she watched some of the surrounding eyes turn to the king and queen’s approaching figures.
“Your Highness,” She curtsied, hoping that she looked more confident than she actually felt. “My apologies for any concern or issues I've caused you. I’ve been here overseeing the market decorations…”
“I can tell,” the king called as he looked around. “It’s…prepossessing, to say the least. Well done.”
“Thank you, your highness. I couldn’t have done it without some assistance from my fellow townsfolk and Lady Allard herself.” She didn’t miss how some of the surrounding townspeople frowned at her words, and in any other situation, she was sure she would’ve hated herself for saying it too, but not now. 
As much as she hated to admit it, The king wasn’t the only one who could make friends or scapegoats. Not if her family’s safety was at stake. 
She couldn’t let him realize the connection between the wishes and her goal, not if it would lead to him being suspicious. So she needed for him to believe that Lady Allard had been an ally and not a hindrance, even if it meant sacrificing some of her credit to do so. 
“Lady Allard helped you with this?” the king asked, raising a brow as he looked around the marketplace.
Asha nodded as she withdrew the noblewoman’s ring from her pocket. “She did. ” she lied. “Before the event of the attack, nothing happened without her approval or knowledge. She even helped suggest some ideas as well.” She gestured to the lanterns, an idea that had been her own. “And with her blessings, I was able to continue it even after she was injured and integrated some of the designs and suggestions from the others.”
“I see,” the king answered, glancing from her to the ring. Relief consumed her as she realized that the king had accepted her answer. “And how were your other tasks?”
She could tell that he was anticipating her failure, but she was afraid she’d have to disappoint him.
“Finished, Your Highness. Just as you requested.”
“Finished?” the king repeated in near disbelief, as she nodded. “I know you’ve taken care of the other side of the market, and this one, but what of the last one?”
It took everything in her to not smile as she said the words,  “In the Iron Explorer Inn, Your Highness.”
The king stepped back, exchanging a surprised glance with the queen before he cleared his throat, quickly regaining his posture. With a simple nod, two guards took off towards the inn, leaving them all alone as she saw the other apprentices look on with baited breaths.
“Well, I must admit, I am very impressed.” His nearly stoic yet polite expression said otherwise. “You’ve somehow managed to achieve the impossible,” he gave her a nod, before turning to the surrounding crowd who’d been listening in, “so let’s hear it for Asha, hmm? For all the diligent work she’s put in to make this happen!” The crowd cried and applauded so hard that she could’ve sworn that this time she did feel the cobblestone ground beneath her feet shake. 
“Grant her wish your highness it’s the least she could get for putting up with us!” she heard Mr. Armin call. 
Her heart stopped as she felt the king’s gaze linger on Mr. Armin almost as if he was thinking.
She held her breath, waiting for the king’s response as she watched him smile, thoughtfully tapping the butt of his staff onto the ground. “You know it’s funny that you say that. If my memory serves me correctly, we’re due for another wish ceremony, aren’t we? In about a week I believe, right?”
She could sense the heavy implications his words offered as the crowd started to stir once more, answering with the obvious reminders of the upcoming ball and ceremony. 
Her heart sank as she began to realize where this conversation was headed.
She didn’t want to do this.
She couldn’t do this!
She glanced towards the queen, desperate for any sign or way of salvation, but it seemed as if the queen’s attention was on a guard who’d stepped forward to quietly address her. 
“Do you hear the sound of that?” she heard the king call from over the sounds of cheers. 
She’d opened her mouth to speak, but a heavy weight had centered itself on her chest as she watched the king swim in the adoration and attention that the crowd provided. While still looking towards the people, he spoke, “Those are all the people who are wishing you well both at the ball and ceremony… It’s wonderful, right?”
Hesitantly, she felt herself nod, “Yes your highness, it is, and I’m honored really-,”
Now he turned to her, his grin in full display “Good! Then I’ll look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the castle to talk about it.”
“T-tomorrow?” she repeated, a bit caught off guard. Hadn’t she completed all of her tasks?! Why was he asking her to return to the castle?!
As if sensing her thoughts, he nodded, adding, “Only for a few hours of course! What, did you think I’d go back on my word? A promise is a promise Asha, and you know I would never purposefully break a promise.” 
She nodded watching as he began to step in the opposite direction. “And besides it’s Just to ensure all of the finalizations for the ball! These things do take practice, you know. So I’ll see you there before dawn,” He paused, gesturing for the rest of the apprentices to follow him as he made his way through the adoring crowd. 
The crowd bowed and cheered for the passing royals with a few even asking some of the other apprentices for autographs.
They were the guests of honor weren’t they, or at least a part of the royal entourage, so she supposed it only made sense for them to enjoy the festivities while it lasted. He halted once more, this time grinning as he looked over the still applauding and roaring crowd.
She could tell that he was loving every bit of this.
He had to be.
Never mind that the king hadn’t even asked her to accompany him or spoken about his promise to fund her projects but she supposed that would have to be dealt with tomorrow when she’d tell him of the danger. She hated having to delay it, but she knew better than to interrupt the king when he was like this in public.
She watched as he held his staff high in the air as he declared, “To the new era of Rosas!”
“To Rosas!” the people echoed. 
She could hear the sounds of drinks clinking as the music resumed, leaving her to hopelessly watch as the crowd swallowed the king, and his entourage up. 
Somewhere in the dying cheers of the crowd, she could make out the brief words of thanks and congratulations for her wishing ceremony. 
Mrs. Chidera had told her, “A personal invitation from the king to attend your wishing ceremony? Sounds like someone is on the right path for a promotion!” Or disaster. 
“You deserve it, Asha! After how you took down Julian earlier, the king should be granting at least hundreds of your wishes!” Mr. Armin had said.
“Remember me, when you get your wish granted, eh?” Mr. Leitus joked. “You were always one of  my favorite students .”
Oh gosh. How could she tell them all that she hadn’t even planned on attending the wishing ceremony to begin with? How could she tell them the truth?! 
Somewhere in the ruckus of her muddled mind, Asha heard Valentino pleat as she felt him gently nudge her leg. She could see from the expression on his face that he was concerned. 
“I’ll be fine,” she murmured, but if it had been to reassure Valentino or herself, she wasn’t sure. 
“Asha?” she heard her mother call. “Are you alright?”
“Yes mama, I’m fine,” she lied, nodding towards her. She was not fine. She was anything but fine. She knew from her mother’s expression that she didn’t believe her as she glanced past her most likely towards the king.
Her mother was definitely starting to suspect something. 
But how could she tell her?
The king of all people who roped her into this, and everyone in Rosas knew better than to refuse an order from the king, no matter how small or unfair said order was.
How exactly was she supposed to attend the wish ceremony when she didn’t have a wish? Better yet, how was she supposed to attend the astral ball, when she could barely waltz? 
She was going to make a fool of herself at both. She knew it. 
“And the night had been so close to being perfect,” she whispered under her breath as she sighed.  Leave it to the king to unintentionally make her life harder for his own entertainment. 
She sighed again, pinching her temples as she tried to reassure herself. It wasn’t like the night could get any worse, right? 
“Asha!” she heard the voice of her grandfather call. 
“Saba!” she called over the now cheering crowd that watched the queen easily score a point against the town’s champion in sack toss. Ignacio hadn’t been kidding when he called her athletic.
He narrowed his eyes towards her as he pointed his old wooden cane in her direction. “Want to give me an explanation for why you were running around with a boy this side of Rosas?”
“Boy?” Her mother repeated, glancing from her grandfather to her with a shocked expression. “Boy?!”
“Saba!” she yelped before she turned to her mother and quickly shook her head. “Mama it’s not like that, I swear.”
“She’s right,” she watched the old man lean towards her mother. “It’s worse .”
She shook her head “No! No! It’s actually super complicated, and accidental….”
“Likely story,” her grandfather scoffed before waving his hand dismissively. “A warning would’ve been nice you know, or just a small message informing us of your gallivanting. Do you know how many message hawks I had to use to find you?!”
“I wasn’t gallivanting. Wait a second, how did you-,” her voice trailed off as she watched a few children come into view, all eating the familiar pastries from her grandfather’s bakery before giving her a knowing smile. “Traitors,” she muttered.
“He bribed us with brownies!” Edda protested.
Thatcher took another bite from the pastry. “He also promised to teach us the move you did today too!”
“Brownies, really?” she placed her hands on her hip. “You couldn’t even sell me out for something better, like cake? You’re resorting to bribery brownies now, Saba?”
Her grandfather shrugged, “Eh, it’s the best pastry to bake before a funeral.”
“A funeral?” she repeated. “ A funeral?!”
Of course, he didn’t elaborate as she watched him grumble something to himself before glancing around the crowd. “Where is this boy you speak of? Bjorn told me that he saw him this morning.”
“Oh him?” Asha paused looking around, relief filling her. “He’s gone.” Thankfully . “He was just passing through, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to-,”
“I was wondering where you’d been, Asha,” came a terrible voice from behind her. A voice that she knew most definitely should not have been here.
Why was he still here?! 
He should’ve gone back to the sky ages ago!
She cringed, forcefully swallowing the cry in her throat as she looked back, taking in the sight of the star who stood there with a cup of Mrs. Kurkaus’s frosted treats in his hands. “Sorry I was late,” he said as if he wasn’t ruining the very fabric of her existence by standing there. “The line for these things is shockingly long, but it’s worth it. See? I got you one-,” his voice trailed off as she watched his eyes full of blues, purples, and oranges settle on both her grandfather and mother.
“Asha-,” her mother began, looking from her to the star. She cleared her throat, offering the star a polite smile. 
She could tell that her mother was trying to be polite, but unfortunately, the sentiment wasn’t shared as her grandfather frowned. “Asha, who is this?”
Oh boy.
One minute passed, then two, then three, and by this time Asha was very certain that she was cursed as she heard Valentino pleat excitedly. Unlike her, he wanted to see how this would unfold.
“Hello, ma’am!” The star said with a small wave and smile that could’ve won anyone not named Sabino or Asha over.
“Hello,” her mother replied. “You must be Asha’s friend!” She offered the star a polite smile. 
“Yes ma’am, you could say that,” the star answered while casting a glance in Asha’s direction. 
“I thought you said he was your acquisition-,” she heard Edda mumble.
“The word was acquaintance,” Asha sighed, even though she had a sinking feeling that Edda’s words hadn’t been entirely far off from the truth. 
This was such a weird situation. Why did it have to happen to her?!?
“Where are you from?” her mother suddenly asked, far more interested in the star than Asha would’ve hoped.
Please , she mentally begged him, ‘ Please don’t say anything outrageous. Please attempt to be somewhat of a normal person. Please!’ Asha knew the star could do a lot of things, but now she hoped that mind reading was one of them.
“Oh me?” the star blinked while pointing to himself, his eyes matching the pleasant colors of the passing twilight. “I fell out of the sky yesterday night, ma’am.”
“Well at least he’s honest,” her grandfather mumbled with a shrug. 
Her mother’s brow furrowed in confusion as she looked towards the old man, “what?!”
“HA, HA HA! You’ll have to forgive him! He hit his head earlier,” Asha interjected as she lightly pushed the star away.
“Is he fine?” her mother asked, concern making its way onto her face.
Asha nodded with a nervous laugh, “Yeah, he’s fine. He’s just not from around here.”
“We can tell,” her grandfather answered.
“Sabino be nice,” she heard her mother warn while still looking somewhat confused.
“And this isn’t really his first language, or second, for that matter. But that’s how they greet each other where he’s from-,”
“It’s true,” the star nodded like he wasn’t absolutely insane. “It’s the most respectful greeting one can give.”
“Interesting! So you’re passing through for the astral ball and ceremony?” her mom asked once more. 
“I am,” the star politely answered. “I even helped Asha to decorate the market!”
“So I’m guessing this was your work, then?” Her Saba asked as his cane gestured to a few scattered golden petals.
“Some of it,” the star admitted. “But a lot of people helped! So it was actually pretty fun!”
Her grandfather muttered something incoherent under his breath as she heard her mother comment, “Well if you don’t mind me asking, do you have any accommodations? 
“Accommodations?” The star repeated, looking a bit confused. 
“Yes you know,” she paused, looking a bit surprised by the star’s confusion. “someplace you’ll be staying overnight?”
“Don’t use that kind of speech with him, Sakina,” she heard her grandfather interject. “They never get it at first.” He took a step forward, this time gesturing to the star as he said, “Your family isn’t with you, right?” 
“I’m afraid not. I usually travel alone,” the star admitted. The curiosity in his eyes had changed as he watched her grandfather carefully. 
“You’re here by yourself? Where will you go after the market finishes tonight?” Her mother asked, sympathy making its way into her voice much to Asha’s dismay. Now was not the time to show the legendary Rosas hospitality! 
“I…I’m not sure,” the star admitted, glancing towards Asha as if to ask for help. “But I’ll figure something out.”
The star’s words had unknowingly hit a little too close to home for her mother as she heard her ask. “Would you like to stay with us? At least until you get yourself settled?”
Before the star could answer, Asha stepped in, grinning. “Could you please give us a moment? I just…need to talk to him about a few things! We’ll be back soon! Bye!” she called, dragging him away as she watched her mother’s expression of polite curiosity slowly intermingle with suspicion. 
As soon as she was certain she’d dragged the star from her mother and grandfather’s earshot, and into an alleyway she quietly exclaimed, “You fell out of the sky yesterday night?! WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THAT!”
He blinked, “It was the truth-,”
She facepalmed, “I thought I told you NOT to tell people anything crazy!”
“But I didn’t! Don’t people fall all the time? I mean someone nearly fell off one of the ladders earlier-”
“Yes but not out of the sky! WHEN THEY FALL OUT OF THE SKY THEY USUALLY DIE!” she roughly whispered, before taking a few forceful yet deep breaths to calm herself. 
Yelling at the star would get her nowhere and as much as she wanted to know why he was still here, the consequences of someone accidentally overhearing their conversation were far too dire.
So that question would have to wait until later, but for now- she needed to ask him something.
“Be honest with me,” she forced the words out. She knew that despite her uneasy tone, it sounded confrontational, but she needed to know, she deserved to know. She forced herself to meet the star’s somewhat surprised gaze, “are you doing this on purpose?”
“Doing what?”
“Trying to destroy me! Are you intentionally trying to destroy me?”
He blinked. “Why would I do that?”
She shrugged, “Because you’ve made my life infinitely harder as of late! So c’mon…just admit it. I’ll respect you more for it.”
“But…I’m not-, I couldn’t destroy you. Not even if I-” his eyes widened as she saw his lips press into a thin line. “No,” he shook his head. “No. I would never. I could never. There are rules to this Asha.”
“Which is?”
He leaned against the wall, not taking his eyes off of her as he replied, “We can’t harm whoever wishes on us. Regardless of intention. The consequences are quite dire, you know. Why do you think I sent the storm to stop Julian from hurting you?”
She felt herself stiffen. She hadn’t even realized that the sudden yet strange weather occurrence had been another act of the star’s power. But it had saved her. It’d given her the time she needed to disarm Julian safely. 
But it hadn’t been the only shocking thing about the star’s revelation of this rule. He couldn’t hurt her, at least not without suffering from dire consequences. 
Now that certainly changed things! Not as much as she’d like, but hey! At least she could sleep well tonight knowing that incineration by star would not be the way how she died! 
Feeling brave, she finally decided to ask him the question that had been plaguing her all evening. “Did you mean for this to happen?” 
“For what to happen?”
She took a step closer, making sure they were alone as she whispered, “For everything! For the decorations to be unsalvageable, for the head official to be too injured to continue, and to then give credit to the king- did you mean for all of this to happen?”
“I didn’t intend for the head official to get hurt,” the star answered. 
“But you intended for everything else to happen, didn’t you? Is that why you granted those specific wishes? Because you knew they could do more to benefit me?”
“I-,” he started to answer only to come to a pause as she saw his eyes focus on the alleyways entrance as her grandfather’s figure quickly came into view.
“Saba?” She asked, surprised to see him as he quickly made his way towards them. “Saba, what are you doing here?”
He huffed, abruptly turning to leave as they followed. “I could ask you the same question! Running off into dark places with boys you can’t even properly introduce to me! And in this alleyway of all places! Asha, please have some standards! That is no proper place for a murder!”
“Saba I’m not going to kill anyone- I don’t kill people! I’m telling you this is all just one massive misunderstanding! It’s not what you think!” The look in the star’s eyes told her that he hadn’t forgotten how she’d swung her sketchbook at him the night before. But that had been attempted murder, something that wouldn’t have happened if he could just stop sneaking up on her! 
Her grandfather didn’t answer as he paused, whirling around to regard the star. “You!” He pointed to the star. 
“Yes sir.”
Her Saba narrowed his eyes, “What is your name?”
“It’s Cepheus, sir.”
“Cepheus,” he repeated before shaking his head. “Unfortunate. Who are your parents?” 
“My parents?” the star repeated, looking a bit taken aback. 
“Yes! What are their names?”
“Ah, well,” the star fidgeted, glancing from the sky and then finally back to her grandfather as he answered, “their names are…Ray and Evangeline.”
To the star’s credit, those were…shockingly believable answers! Sure they didn’t impress her Saba but it was far better than hearing him say something outrageous. 
But come to think of it, did stars have parents? She’d have to ask him later as she followed her grandfather towards Mrs. Kurkaus’s stall. 
“Searching for you has been as exhausting as it has been stressful,” he stated as they stood in the now short line for ice cream. “So I think I deserve to have this.”
“Hello, Asha, Cepheus, and Mr. Sabino” Mrs. Kurkaus smiled, “How may I help you all today?”
“I’ll have three Rosas specials, please,” Asha smiled. One for herself, her mother, and then Valentino, whom she knew she owed for giving him the burden of watching the star.
“Alright, and what would you like?” Mr. Kurkaus asked the star. “The same as last time?”
“Yes please,” he nodded. 
“And you, Mr. Sabino?”
“I’ll take a nice helping of your finest non-royally themed delicacies,” he stated, before placing a few golden coins on the counter of the stall. Mrs. Kurkaus laughed, nervously glancing towards the king who thankfully was a bit too busy playing against the queen and several noblemen in spellicans to notice. 
“Heh…Coming right up!” she hummed, before handing them all their treats in record time. 
Soon, they’d seated themselves by the fountain, enjoying their treats as Asha glanced at the somewhat empty side of the market. “Where’s Mom?” 
“Talking with some of her clients,” her grandfather answered before taking another helping of his ice cream. “You know how those nobles get around this time of the month. Everyone’s gotta look good for something.”
“That’s good for business though, isn’t it? It’s what keeps the economy going. Even you can’t refute that Saba.”
He scoffs, readjusting his grip on his cane as she hears him say, “Don’t tempt me. You know I can be very unreasonable when I want to be.” 
She grinned, against her better judgment as she placed Valentino’s ice cream on the ground for him to eat. She could always count on her grandfather to have some sort of answer, no matter how ridiculous they usually were.
“BLLLEAAATTTT” she paused, hearing the sound of a distant explosion as the sky illuminated in a brilliant display of lights and colors as the crowd watched. The king must’ve been enjoying himself if he were using his magic to conjure fireworks outside of a ball or ceremony. 
She could only imagine how good he felt now taking credit for wishes he didn’t grant to earn.
“What’s that?” The star asked, looking at the sky curiously. 
“Fireworks,” she replied in between bites while she watched Valentino practically devour his ice cream. “Sometimes we have those at big celebrations…” she paused taking in the star’s expectant expression. “what?”
“Oh nothing,” he shrugged. “I was just expecting to hear your whole science spiel on how they work. And how it’s not magic. Can’t forget the anti-magic attitude!”
She grunted, not in the mood to give magic nor the star any sort of positive acknowledgment as she finished the last bit of her ice cream. 
Her grandfather scoffed, eyes rolling as she watched him turn away from the fireworks, muttering “Illusions. Distractions. That’s all they are…don’t be fooled.”  After a moment or so of fidgeting, he finally settled to his feet muttering something along the lines of “I’ll be back soon,” before walking off towards a group of less than friendly-looking individuals, aka mercenaries. 
She only hoped they weren’t working.
“Ay Sabino!” she heard one call as the group caught sight of her approaching grandfather. 
Someday she’d have to have a talk with her grandfather about his associates from his days before his retirement. Someday.
“Your king seems quite popular,” she heard the star call rather thoughtfully as he examined the crowd. “And it’s not hard to see why. He can grant wishes, can’t he? And that’s what he did today,” The star smiled as he turned towards her. “So It’s best to let a king enjoy himself, especially on a day he'll have to remember favorably. It’d be foolish for him to do otherwise to ruin such a day, don't you agree Asha?” 
She hesitated. 
To do otherwise? She hadn’t gotten what the star had meant at first, but when she heard the crowd cheer for his fireworks it clicked. 
The king couldn’t backtrack his statement of granting those wishes. Even if he’d done a thorough investigation into the matter, he could never release the truth. He could never let anyone know the truth, not unless he wanted to look like a liar. 
No wonder the officials and Mrs. Chidera had seemed so relieved. There was a good chance he’d call off any investigations if he claimed responsibility which was a benefit for all of them. Most Investigations usually cost money and in worst-case scenarios, reputations or jobs.
But it seemed as if she was safe…for now.
“Careful,” Hal’s voice whispered. “Careful-,” The crowded stall fell silent. Hal had worked her way through the market effectively crushing, conquering and destroying everyone in sack toss, which had left her with only one remaining challenger- the champion himself. 
He’d put up an admirable fight, leaving the two locked in a strenuous tie, as Hal was left with the final sack. 
“It’s not too late to retreat,” she heard him whisper. “I’ll respect you for it.”
“Keep your respect,” she called back. “I’m going for the gold!” She readjusted her position before tossing the sack, all anxiously watched as the small sack sailed through the air and perfectly into the furthest hole, breaking the tie.
“We have a new champion!” the stall owner called, more than happy to collect the money that people had betted against Hal. 
“WOOOOHOOOO!” Dario yelled as the teens cheered, all congratulating Hal as she took what must’ve been her twentieth stuffed toy that evening. 
“Congratulations Hal!” Safi said. “I knew you could do it.”
“Thanks,” Hal grinned, turning to the champion as he shook her hand. “Good game.”
“Good game,” he repeated with a courteous bow. “It was an honor, Senorita Hal. But it certainly won’t be the end.”
“Noted. I’m always up for a rematch,” she answered as the crowd around the stall began to disperse. “Well that was fun,” she sighed, turning to her companions as they ventured toward the more private parts of the market. “So what do you guys think we should do next?”
“We could do the baking competitions,” Safi sniffled, as he tossed a few bread crumbs to some birds. 
“I know Dahlia would love that,” Hal grinned, looking at her friend.
Dahlia shook her head, not returning the smile. “No, no. I can’t.”
“Why not?” Dario asked as she watched him begin to take a few bites from his ice cream.  “Everyone knows you’re like the best baker ever.”
“I know,” Dahlia nodded. “So it wouldn’t be fair to just destroy the competition like that. You have to give everyone a chance to shine.”
“We could be the judges,” Hal suggested. “I heard one of them had to drop out after trying one of the mona de Pasqua’s the official’s apprentice made. It got really nasty.”
“Ugh,” Dahlia grimaced. “Thanks but no thanks… Pastries that are baked with more stress than sugar are pastries that are not worth sharing,” she stepped past them, leaning against an empty stall as the three teens exchanged glances.
“You’re still waiting for Bazeema aren’t you?” Hal asked, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. 
Dahlia shook her head, frustration slowly making its way into her voice, “She should’ve been back by now! I mean we all heard Asha when she said that she’d completed all of her tasks! I’m not crazy!”
“What does Bazeema have to do with Asha’s tasks?” Dario asked, earning a pointed glance before nodding, “Oh right!  The secret mission. You’re talking about Bazeema’s secret mission. The secret mission we all chose to give to Bazeema. That mission?”
“Yes Dario, that one!” Dahlia sighed before rubbing her face. 
“The secret mission for Nachos!” Dario whispered, before taking another hearty helping of his ice cream.
“Emphasis on the secret part,” Dahlia added.
“I can’t believe she found him in less than a day,” Safi sniffed. 
“I told you she could do it,” Hal shrugged as she crossed her arms.
“But she did it so fast- and by herself! How is that even possible?! I mean for her to go to you-know-where and back in time to decorate an entire market- it just doesn’t make sense! What?! Did she fly there!?” Safi exclaimed before sneezing as one of Ana’s birds chirped. “Thanks,” he sniffled, as he withdrew a tissue from his pocket. 
“It’s Asha, so it’s best not to think about it,” Dario suggested, taking in the surprised looks of his friends. “What?” he shrugged, “she’s scary! We know this!”
“I wouldn’t call her scary, but her grandfather…he has a whole sharpened broadsword in his cabinet,” Hal blinked in disbelief as if she couldn’t believe her own words. 
“Well…He wasn’t the captain of the guards for nothing.” Dahlia sighed, as the remaining apprentices, a small pause filling the space before they heard the screams of fireworks overhead.
“Fireworks? Seems like he’s in a good mood tonight,” Dahlia blinked as she adjusted her glasses.
Safi wiped his nose, “No surprises there, I mean did you see him when the crowd started cheering? He’ll have to pass a royal decree to make the doorposts higher from how much his head was swelling!” 
The teens laughed, watching in silence as a few more fireworks exploded before Dario whispered “Hey, just between the four of us…since the king is in such a good mood right now, do you think he’d grant my wish too?”
Hal laughed, “To quote the king- Not a chance,”
“Nope,” Dahlia shook her head. 
“Not in a million years!” Safi exclaimed. “Besides he probably didn’t even grant those wishes to begin with.”
“What?” Dario blinked in surprise. “What do you mean?!”
“C’mon,” Hal leaned against the stall, looking around to ensure they were truly alone before she continued. “We were with his highness all day, Dario. If he did something, there was no way we wouldn’t have seen it!”
Dario deflated, “Ah, you’ve got a point….”
“And besides,” Hal shrugged. “The most wishes he grants when he’s feeling generous is 15, and that’s over a whole year. There were at least four wishes granted today, which is more or less equal to what he normally grants in a third of the year. You want me to believe that he’d outdo himself randomly today of all days and here of all places?”
“C’mon Hal,” Dahlia frowned. 
“Sorry! I mean, let’s be honest, if he were to go splurging with the wish-granting, don’t you think he’d do it to his favored members of the court? Just to keep favor, and all those politics.”
“Fair enough, but if the king didn’t grant those wishes…who did?”
A strange silence fell over the group as the teens exchanged glances with each other. 
“Maybe-,” Safi began, pausing as they heard the sound of galloping hoofs heading towards them. 
“Someone’s coming!” Hal whispered, as the teens scattered, just as a horse came into view, its rider pulling on the reigns, bringing the horse to an abrupt halt. It was hard to see the figure’s face that was shrouded underneath their dark cloak as Dahlia’s eyes darted past them and to the familiar figure who was mounted behind them. 
“Bazeema!” Safi cried.
“Hi!” Bazeema squeaked as the horse calmed. “Sorry it took me so long,” she whispered as the figure dismounted the horse, before offering her a hand down. “Thanks,” she smiled, dismounting as the teens quickly surrounded her and the figure. 
“Nachos?” Dario called, as the figure paused, looking towards him. “Nachos!” he yelled running towards the figure with outstretched arms. The figure stepped forward ready to receive him, only for Dario to run past him.
“So close,” the figure sighed, as Dario ran out of the alleyway. 
“Ignacio…” Dahlia began, her voice quiet as she squinted. “Is that you?”
“In the flesh! And I come with gifts!” he replied as he pulled his hood back, and smiled, holding his arms out, as Hal, Safi, and Bazeema embraced him.
“It took you long enough, Your Highness,” Dahlia huffed, crossing her arms. 
“Sorry! It took me forever to lose the guards my Tio sent for me. You know I’m on a tight leash here.”
“Right, right, I nearly forgot about that” She nodded, taking in his expectant gaze. “What?”
“You didn’t join the group hug-,”
“Yes!” he snapped. “I didn’t get banished for three years just for you to miss out on group hugs.”
Dahlia sighed, grabbing her crutch as she made her way over to her friends, and embraced them. Admittedly being together did feel nice, especially when she’d thought it would never happen again. “There. Is that better?” she asked. 
“Much better,” he smiled, before releasing them as Dario made his way back to them, receiving his own hug from the prince.
“I missed you Nachos!” Dario cried before releasing the prince. 
“I missed you too!” Ignacio replied. “All of you.”
“You got super tall!” Hal exclaimed.
He grinned, shrugging, “What can I say? It’s in the genes, right next to the magic-,”
“Speaking of magic, did you hear about the wishes that were granted today?” Dahlia asked. 
“No?” he shook his head, confusion lacing his tone as he asked, “Wishes were granted?”
Hal nodded. “Yeah- I overheard some of the maintainers talking. They said six wishes were granted in the market today. One went haywire.”
“Haywire?” Dario asked.
“Yeah. Some kid named Julian tried to burn the place down.”
“Julian?” Ignacio repeated, as his face paled. “Julian?!”
“Yeah. I think that’s what they said. He was stopped by a storm and Asha. Hey Dahlia, do you know this Julian guy?”
“Somewhat,” she confessed. “He was the son of one of the most influential noblemen in these parts a while back, I think. I only remember hearing about him recently because of all his familial problems. Is something wrong Ignacio?”
The prince let out a small yet uneasy laugh, “No! No, everything is fine! I was just wondering if any of you knew where he is now?”
Hal shook her head, “they didn’t say. The whole thing is under lock and key now. The officials and maintainers wanted to do an investigation, but it got called off.”
“Called off? Who’d call something like that off?!”
“The king,” Hal answered, gesturing to the man who was still amusing his subjects. “But on the bright side now someone can fly, and manipulate a snow cloud and a rain cloud!”
“It’s how we got this!” Dario called as he held up his ice cream. “Seriously! You need to try one of these things! It’s better than flan!”
“Ok, let’s not get hasty now,” Ignacio laughed. “Nothing is better than flan. Except for maybe more flan. Made by a certain someone-.” he glanced towards Dahlia.
“If that’s your way of asking me for some flan then it’s not happening,” Dahlia answered.
“Can’t blame a guy for trying,” he sighed with a small shrug, before looking the small group over as another explosive firework from overhead illuminated them.
“THANK YOU PEOPLE OF ROSAS!” The king’s voice boomed, as the teens all turned to watch him as the crowd cheered at the final firework. “It’s been a true pleasure being with you all tonight!”
“Have you spoken to him?” Dahlia asked, glancing from the king to the prince.
“Not yet,” he answered, slowly clenching his jaw as he looked them over. “Where’s Asha?”
“Not sure. I don’t think the king invited her to hang out with us,” Hal shrugged, as Safi glanced around. 
Ignacio frowned. “She really decorated the market and he didn’t ask for her to show him around?” 
Safi coughed, as Hal fidgeted, no one wanted to answer the prince’s question as Bazeema stepped forward, softly stating, “Last I saw of her, she was with her mother and grandfather.” 
“Really?” asked Dario before he took another bite of his ice cream. “Because that doesn’t look like her mom or grandpa to me-,” he stated before pointing to the other side of the market where Asha’s figure came into view, trying to pass through the outskirts of the crowd, when a second hooded figure appeared.
“Who is that?!” Hal exclaimed, watching as the figure seemingly drew the attention of a few women towards himself. 
“It’s…it’s a boy,” Dahlia repeated in disbelief. “And her grandfather didn’t kill him yet?”
“We truly are living in strange times,” Safi sniffled as the figure continued after her. 
“Why are you asking about Asha anyway?” Bazeema whispered, her voice quietly wavering as the others frowned and looked toward the prince.
He shrugged, “I heard the innkeeper say something about Asha needing some male clothes this morning after she bought a room for two…so I was just curious. That’s all.”
His friends, save for Dahlia let out a sigh of relief, as he watched Dario devour another scoop of his ice cream before wailing “No! I’m almost out!”
“We can always go get some more,” Safi offered, before turning to Ignacio. “You haven’t tried this have you?” 
The prince shook his head, “No not yet. I was thinking of doing so earlier, but the lines were atrocious”
“You might have better luck now, Nacho,” Dahlia pointed out. “Because everyone’s so distracted with the king and his fireworks, the lines should be very short now.”
“Well then! What are we waiting for?” Hal grinned. “I’ll buy!”
“Really?” Ignacio furrowed a brow towards her. “You’d really buy something for a prince?”
“Only because I’m Hamlet’s Sack toss champion,” she beamed. 
“You know Mrs. Kurkaus is making a fortune off of these things,” Dahlia commented as the teens began to move toward the more crowded parts of the market. 
“Definitely. Hey, have you ever thought about combining your cookies with her ice cream?” Ignacio asked.
“Cookies and ice cream?” Dahlia repeated. “You think it’ll work?”
“It’s worth a shot, isn’t it?” Ignacio called, with a shrug as they all made their way towards the ice cream stall.
Had they lingered where they were for a bit longer, they probably would’ve seen when the king had begun to make his way through the crowd, proudly taking in the words of praise and adoration from his surrounding subjects as he neared the stables.
The night had been a success. 
Granted he had a few…issues to attend to, but overall, the day had gone splendidly well. 
Anyone who was there could have told you that, but where the story falters is what happened afterward.
Everyone remembers the king making his way through the crowd, but very few remember the hooded figure passing him. Anyone who saw it would’ve told you that the figure most likely was a young male, not any older than eighteen who’d stopped to speak to a few noble girls before resuming his trek after someone. 
But what they wouldn’t have told you was how said figure walked past the king, with neither party touching nor sparing the simplest of glances toward the other. From an outsider’s point of view, it’d been nothing more than the king showing comfort in the proximity of his subjects, or at least that’s what it would have been if both parties hadn’t come to a complete halt in the middle of the market.
Only the queen would see her husband’s grip on his staff tighten. “Amor?” she called out, eyes narrowing with concern, as the king took one breath. 
Then two. 
Then three, before suddenly turning around with such force that the audience gasped. Magic flew from his fingers into the ground, snaking along the cobblestones until they reached the fountain, elegantly freezing the water into two sharply angled pristine figures.
“A parting gift for your hospitality!”  the now laughing king called to the startled crowd as they slowly began to clap, all oblivious to the sharpness in the man’s teal-colored eyes as he looked through the crowd. 
His eyes landed on the spot where the figure should’ve been or rather would’ve been, but now, it was empty, leaving behind no trace of its former occupant. 
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Okay so FIRST.... I absolutely adore the Malleus Monster Mayhem fic. My whole entire heart was REELING for it, but also you have such great comedic timing and it was so ENGAGING! Truly there is nothing better than the harmony between powerful/sexy Mal and confused/huffy dragon Mal.
Also, the D&D mechanics were so awesome to read!!! I loved the chaos of forcing a certain someone to waste all of their spell slots... pride cometh before the fall! Or tackle, then incineration, in this case. I have to know... when MC/reader tackled him, what spell did they interrupt? Did you have a particular one in mind? Also, did you build a character sheet for Rollo? My inner nerd is screaming about D&D 😅
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Excuse me as I melt over here >.<
But yes!! I also LOVE D&D, so I was super excited to try and integrate it into a fic!! And oh my lord, I should have built a whole character sheet because that would have made my life SO MUCH EASIER. Instead I was just hemming and hawing over spells, and spell slots, and 'oh but does he have too many how do I even keep track.' Alas. I just suffered like an idiot and kept track of most of it in my brain.
The idea I was working off of for his D&D version was basically a wannabee cleric who never was really holy enough to reach actually being that, so was instead a very stuck-up Wizard who was very strong! But also kind of fucked because he kept picking up Cleric and other Magical Initiate feats and whatnot rather than actually improving what he was naturally good at as a High Elf. I was working off him being around a level 15 Chronurgy Wizard with a lil smidgen of oathbreaker paladin for flavor -- just enough to get him to having a big, eighth-level spell slot but also so he had access to the 'Convergent Future' Ability. Natural he knew 'Silence,' 'Hold Person,' and the 'Firebolt' cantrip, but the other big spells I had for him in my head were 'Disintegrate,' 'Hellish Rebuke' (because helllo Hellfire reference lol), 'Shield,' 'Misty Step,' and 'Hold Monster.'
That big ol' last spell of his was basically a mix of 'Dominate Monster' and the Magic-Eating/Destroying flower bullshit Rollo tried to pull in the Twst Event. And with the addition of 'Convergent Future' thrown on top which would have forced Malleus to auto-fail the save.
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ailendolin · 11 months
Prompt list ask: 1. Mary and Annie
Thank you for the prompt, anon 💙
List of prompts is here. Filled prompts are here, here, here and here on AO3.
Prompts are closed.
Warning: mention of child death
When Annie found Mary, she was in the garden among the roses. They were in full bloom; a sea of red, yellow, orange, white and pink, and Mary was sitting in the middle of its waves, her eyes unfocused and her mind very far away. It was a side of her Annie had only rarely caught glimpses of before, and every time she had, she’d found herself missing the shy smile that usually lit up Mary’s face when they were together. Today was no exception. Annie had no idea why it mattered so much to her, that smile; she just knew that it did.
She had to tread carefully, though. Mary was a gentle, sensitive soul. When she was lost in memories of times long gone, trying to cheer her up would not work, especially not by force. Annie had learned that the hard way. She’d been like a dog with a bone and only realised she’d crossed a line when Mary wordlessly got up and left her standing in the rain. Mary had refused to talk to her for a week after that – a week that had felt like a month to Annie. Rogh could barely string a sentence together and Humphrey, while pleasant enough most of the time, was just so terribly dull that she’d found herself bored out of her mind not even two days after Mary had given her the cold shoulder.
These days, Annie was more careful when she approached Mary when she was in a melancholic mood. She kept her steps deliberately light as she sat down next to her among the roses. Bees were buzzing all around them and happily humming as they went from one blossom to the next. For a breath or two, Annie sat perfectly still in their midst before she turned to Mary and carefully placed her hand on her arm to get her attention. “Mary?”
Mary blinked as if waking from a dream. “Oh. Where didst thou cometh from?”
Annie nodded at the house. “From inside. I’ve been looking all over for you. What are you doing out here?”
“Remembering,” Mary sighed softly before she turned her attention back to the roses. It took all of Annie’s willpower not to ask her what she meant. Instead, she followed Mary’s gaze to the white flower and its pink tips in front of them, wondering what her friend was seeing and silently hoping Mary would tell her. Patience was not her strong suit, not since she’d died and learned what true freedom meant. But for Mary, she was willing to wait. An eternity, if need be.
“Dids you have children?” Mary asked her softly after the silence had stretched along with the shadows the sun cast.
Annie shook her head. “No. The life I had – I did not want any children to be silenced like I’d been.”
Mary hummed in understanding. “I dids. Five babes. None lived beyond the age of three.”
Oh, Annie thought and felt her heart break quietly.
“My last child was a daughter,” Mary went on, still looking at the rose. “She was a pretty little thing, rarely cried. We called her Rose – ‘twas because she was a summer child, you see?”
“It’s a beautiful name,” Annie said softly.
Mary nodded and then, very quietly, said, “Tis her birthday today.”
“Oh Mary,” Annie whispered and wrapped an arm around her to pull her close. “Is there anything I can do?”
She felt Mary lean into her touch with a sigh that bore the weight of years of sadness. “We used to sing for our children when they were born.”
Annie could just imagine Mary and her husband gazing down at their daughter with love in their eyes as they celebrated her life. She could also imagine the underlying fear, the terror of, What if we lose her to winter and sickness like all the others? and desperately wished life had been kinder to Mary and her family.
“Let’s sing for little Rose, then,” she said with a smile that showed nothing of her own sadness she felt for her best friend. “So she knows she’s not forgotten.”
Mary gave her a grateful look, and as their voices rang out in the garden, the wind carried the melody up into the blue sky where the bright light that had once taken Rose was waiting for all of them.
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tenebriism · 10 days
She settles in the calm they've managed to steal; resting against a mighty oak tree, a set of tea emptied of contents and placed aside. Amari would tuck smaller frame against Urianger in a contented sigh. 
❝ Would that we could always spirit away like this.❞   Hand reaches to hold his, idly lacing their fingers together, to gradually trace upon the lines of his palm.   ❝ To simply have the world finally slow to a gentle respite. ❞  Another sigh escapes her but of a lower quality, an understanding that settles behind her eyes, even as she lifts his hand to place a kiss upon it. 
❝ But, whatever happens… wherever this road takes us, I would want nothing more than to be beside you through it all. ❞
Slow... but not to a halt. The Elezen wishes, despite the immense power and skill he possesses within the very palms of his hands, that he had ever MORE so he may rid the world of troubles present and forthcoming. Where he has been wounded time and time again by the woes of the world that see fit to target them specifically, it is she who has healed him. Renewed and kept consistent this ineffable feeling of happiness and fulfilment that he hadn't thought possible, nor bothered to seek, prior. Even now, though they only sit 'neath this tree, hand in hand, gazing 'pon a world they had nearly lost more times than he deems plausible, it feels like the world, actually, is at peace.
That nothing, nothing, nothing at all is wrong, and it is only the two of them. Nothing and nobody else...
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" Oft mine thoughts dwell on... what shall cometh. " Her hand is so tiny within his own, but never has something felt so right. For every kiss she bestows 'pon him, he doubly returns the gesture. " Just afore, I had resigned mineself to a life of self sought, albeit lonely enlightenment once the world saw fit to finally cease ending for longer than what feels like but a day... "
--- and now? There feels like an unwritten new path to this ending. One she is paving and painting for him, lined with flowers and sunshine and gaiety that she had already begun to lead him down the moment they locked gazes. Now, instead of some flustered hesitation, instead of walking just behind her out of FEAR of where this may go, he's nearly tugging her along himself. " However... the thought of a life without thee is one that I cannot bear. One could sayeth thou hath... becometh mine entire universe. I still believeth mineself to be in a dream still... and, should this be, I pray I never wake up. "
The Elezen turns, lifting his free hand to oh, so delicately cup her chin. The way he looks upon her with full, unadulterated adoration and appreciation... why, Thancred's relentless teases may just hold some level of validity; this is a man wholly, deeply, undeniably, in love. A foolish man not QUITE ready to say it, as if to fully acknowledge and verbalize the many feelings he possesses for her may turn the fear of LOSING her into reality.
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" Regardless, I am yours, my flower bud. Whether in dream or reality, of that, I promise unrelenting certainty. "
@mystiic ;;
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a3cc54 · 11 months
charlie kelly <3 waitress
mac macdonald bonnie kelly
dennis reynolds
dee reynolds
frank reynolds
season 1
S01E01: the gang gets racist
S01E02: charlie wants an abortion
S01E03: underage drinking: a national concern
S01E04: charlie has cancer
S01E05: gun fever
S01E06: the gang finds a dead guy
S01E07: charlie got molested
season 2
S02E01: charlie gets crippled
S02E02: the gang goes jihad
S02E03: dennis and dee go on welfare
S02E04: mac bangs dennis’ mom
S02E05: hundred dollar baby
S02E06: the gang gives back
S02E07: the gang exploits a miracle
S02E08: the gang runs for office
S02E09: charlie goes america all over everybody’s ass
S02E10: dennis and dee get a new dad
season 3
S03E01: the gang finds a dumpster baby
S03E02: the gang gets invincible
S03E03: dennis and dee’s mom is dead
S03E04: the gang gets held hostage
S03E05: the aluminum monster vs fatty magoo
S03E06: the gang solves the north korea situation
S03E07: the gang sells out
S03E08: frank sets sweet dee on fire
S03E09: sweet dee’s dating a retarded person
S03E10: mac is a serial killer
S03E11: dennis looks like a registered sex offender
S03E12: the gang gets whacked: part 1
S03E13: the gang gets whacked: part 2
S03E14: bums: making a mess all over the city
S03E15: the gang dances their asses off
season 4
S04E01: mac & dennis: manhunters
S04E02: the gang solves the gas crisis
S04E03: america's next top paddy's billboard model contest
S04E04: mac’s banging the waitress
S04E05: mac and charlie die: part 1
S04E06: mac and charlie die: part 2
S04E07: who pooped the bed?
S04E08: paddy’s pub: the worst bar in philadelphia
S04E09: dennis reynolds: an erotic life
S04E10: sweet dee has a heart attack
S04E11: the gang cracks the liberty bell
S04E12: the gang gets extreme: home makeover edition
S04E13: the nightman cometh
season 5
S05E01: the gang exploits the mortgage crisis
S05E02: the gang hits the road
S05E03: the great recession
S05E04: the gang gives frank an intervention
S05E05: the waitress is getting married
S05E06: the world series defense
S05E07: the gang wrestles for the troops
S05E08: paddy’s pub: home of the original kitten mittens
S05E09: mac and dennis break up
S05E10: the d.e.n.n.i.s. system
S05E11: mac and charlie write a movie
S05E12: the gang reignites the rivalry
S05SPC: a very sunny christmas
season 6
S06E01: mac fights gay marriage
S06E02: dennis gets divorced
S06E03: the gang buys a boat
S06E04: mac’s big break
S06E05: mac and charlie: white trash
S06E06: mac’s mom burns her house down
S06E07: who got dee pregnant?
S06E08: the gang gets a new member
S06E09: dee reynolds: shaping america’s youth
S06E10: charlie kelly: king of the rats
S06E11: the gang gets stranded in the woods
S06E12: dee gives birth
season 7
S07E01: frank’s pretty woman
S07E02: the gang goes to the jersey shore
S07E03: frank reynolds’ little beauties
S07E04: sweet dee gets audited
S07E05: frank’s brother
S07E06: the storm of the century
S07E07: chardee macdennis: the game of games
S07E08: the anti social network
S07E09: the gang gets trapped
S07E10: how mac got fat
S07E11: thunder gun express
S07E12: the high school reunion: part 1
S07E13: the high school reunion: part 2
season 8
S08E01: pop-pop: the final solution
S08E02: the gang recycles their trash
S08E03: the maureen ponderosa wedding massacre
S08E04: charlie and dee find love
S08E05: the gang gets analyzed
S08E06: charlie’s mom has cancer
S08E07: frank’s back in business
S08E08: charlie rules the world
S08E09: the gang dines out
S08E10: reynolds vs reynolds: the cereal defense
season 9
S09E01: the gang broke dee
S09E02: gun fever too: still hot
S09E03: the gang tries desperately to win an award
S09E04: mac and dennis buy a timeshare
S09E05: mac day
S09E06: the gang saves the day
S09E07: the gang gets quarantined
S09E08: flowers for charlie
S09E09: the gang makes lethal weapon 6
S09E10: the gang squashes their beefs
season 10
S10E01: the gang beats boggs
S10E02: the gang group dates
S10E03: psycho pete returns
S10E04: charlie work
S10E05: the gang spies like u.s.
S10E06: the gang misses the boat
S10E07: mac kills his dad
S10E08: the gang goes on family fight
S10E09: frank retires
S10E10: ass kickers united: mac and charlie join a cult
season 11
S11E01: chardee macdennis 2: electric boogaloo
S11E02: frank falls out the window
S11E03: the gang hits the slopes
S11E04: dee made a smut film
S11E05: mac and dennis move to the suburbs
S11E06: being frank
S11E07: mcpoyle vs ponderosa: the trial of the century
S11E08: charlie catches a leprechaun
S11E09: the gang goes to hell: part 1
S11E10: the gang goes to hell: part 2
season 12
S12E01: the gang turns black
S12E02: the gang goes to a waterpark
S12E03: old lady house: a situational comedy
S12E04: wolf cola: a public relations nightmare
S12E05: making dennis reynolds a murderer
S12E06: hero or hate crime?
S12E07: ptsdee
S12E08: the gang tends bar
S12E09: a cricket’s tale
S12E10: dennis’ double life
season 13
S13E01: the gang makes paddy’s great again
S13E02: the gang escapes
S13E03: the gang beats boggs: ladies reboot
S13E04: time’s up for the gang
S13E05: the gang gets new wheels
S13E06: the gang solves the bathroom problem
S13E07: the gang does a clip show
S13E08: charlie’s home alone
S13E09: the gang wins the big game
S13E10: mac finds his pride
season 14
S14E01: the gang gets romantic
S14E02: thunder gun 4: maximum cool
S14E03: dee day
S14E04: the gang chokes
S14E05: the gang texts
S14E06: the janitor always mops twice
S14E07: the gang solves global warming
S14E08: paddy’s has a jumper
S14E09: a woman’s right to chop
S14E10: waiting for big mo
season 15
S15E01: 2020: a year in review
S15E02: the gang makes lethal weapon 7
S15E03: the gang buys a roller rink
S15E04: the gang replaces dee with a monkey
S15E05: the gang goes to ireland
S15E06: the gang’s still in ireland
S15E07: dee sinks in a bog
S15E08: the gang carries a corpse up a mountain
season 16
S16E01: the gang inflates
S16E02: frank shoots every member of the gang
S16E03: the gang gets cursed
S16E04: frank vs russia
S16E05: celebrity booze: the ultimate cash grab
S16E06: risk e. rat’s pizza and amusement center
S16E07: the gang goes bowling
S16E08: dennis takes a mental health day
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ekebolou · 2 months
Academy Days: Day Two, pt 1
EDITED 6/1: HAHA I WAS RIGHT - it did change, but I have to say, not a lot.
This is probably too fresh to post - I expect it'll change, but my god if I don't keep moving on this I'll end up sitting on it for another two to five years. it'll reach majority and leave home before I can post it.
Dominicus sat up, awake.  Felt for the curtain; slid over to get it until he almost fell out of bed.  Remembered there was no curtain; his knuckles hurt.  Swung sideways; felt air under his feet, toed out into space, remembered he was high up.  Tossed himself at the floor; stumbled, but got to standing, took a couple of steps, wondered what the fuck was wrong with ground, reached again for the not-there curtain, panicked.
Where the fuck was he?
“AH, gran’mas belted… franchee…”
Feichín bolted upright at the noise, peered at Dominicus in the semi dark.  Hair sticking up every which way, he swayed gently, squinting one eye.
“’S haunted?”
Ruaridh’s honking snore made Dominicus jump.  He remembered where he was.  Blue-black light filtering through their extremely inadequate curtain cast everything in the small room in shadows so dark they shattered his sense of depth.
“What are you doing awake?”  Feichín asked, rubbing his eye as he came awake for good.
Dominicus ignored him.  It had occurred to him that he had no idea where to get water.  Even if he knew, he didn’t know what to do with it.  Nobody else here would be doing any waking prayers or ablutions.  It occurred to him that he didn’t know if he would be doing any waking prayers or ablutions, and he felt suddenly as if his own body was apiece with the black shadows, making him unsure what was real.
Ruaridh honked.
Yawning, Feichín cracked his neck.  “Well, good morning, I guess.  Do you, by any chance, know if there’s a chamber pot?”
Dominicus shook his head, and his body celebrated its re-inhabiting with a painful twinge of his bladder. 
“They gave us a tour yesterday,” he said, hoping Feichín’s memory was better than his.  They had stuffed so much information into the afternoon Dominicus felt lucky he had made it back to his bed at all (a process he also, at the moment, didn’t remember).
“Not the tour sort,” Feichín said, sniffing wearily, and Dominicus once again marveled, unsure whether every Ainjir was this arrogant or Feichín was just particularly stupid. 
“Anyway, I suppose it’s a tad urgent.”  Feichín hopped up out of bed, long shirt dangling.  He chuckled, pointing at Dominicus’ loose pants, “Between us there’s one whole set!  Do say, though, if you have any idea what we’re supposed to do this morning, and, uh, whether we can actually leave?”
He was unsure.  The thought hadn’t occurred to him – either thought.  Now he was horrified that he might as particularly stupid as his roommate.
“You know,” Feichín said, rocking on his heels, “urgently.”
The door creaked open, startling them both.  The very tall man in the very plain gray clothes stood silhouetted in the doorway.
“Ah,” he said gently, “already up?  That’s good.”
He raised an enormous cone to his mouth, pointed it at Ruaridh’s head, and shouted, “GET UP YOU FILTHY GRUB!”
Ruaridh rolled right out of his bed, onto the floor, cowering.  As the tall man took a deep breath, turning to head to the next room, a slight humming began outside, which soon became a calamitous, reedy, semi-melodic screaming.
A man carrying what looked like a stiff-legged carcass stuck with a dozen slaughtered flutes followed after the tall man to rouse the rest of the dormitory.
Feichín turned to Dominicus, shouting, since both had their fingers plugging their ears, “You know, it’s a good poem, when not at this volume.”
Ruaridh groaned. 
“Is there a chamber pot under there?” Feichín asked.
Clay grated across wood, and Ruaridh rolled onto his back.  “Be my guest.  I think I pissed myself already.”
“Thank you, most gracious, thank you,” Feichín muttered as he delicately tip-toed around him towards the pot and decamped again to his corner of the room.
The light had grown enough Dominicus could see the deep bags under Ruaridh’s eyes as he looked up at him. 
“Does your uniform fit?”
Fuck.  He had been too tired to fix it last night.  He shook his head.
“Well, we can look like fools together, then.”  Ruaridh rolled himself up, stretching.
“Fittings aside, I think we should put on some haste, lads,” Feichín said, bustling over to where his lump of uniform sat on top of his still-packed bag.  “I don’t mean to be alarmist, but there’s fellows outside of the other dorms with sticks, and they seem very impatient.”
Dominicus started for his uniform, then stopped himself, and turned towards the chamber pot.
It wasn’t that he was shy.
He stalked determinedly towards the pot, and couldn’t help a nervous glanced back at his Ainjir roommates, both of whom were hurriedly dressing, and paying no attention to him.  Embarrassed to have looked in the first place, he faced the pot, which gave him a good look out the window.
“Those are not fucking sticks,” he said.
Ruaridh slowed down putting on his jacket inside out and scowled.  “What?”
“Those are fucking…” and he forgot the word.  Fuck the word.  He hoped this was the fastest pee of his life. 
“What!?  I want to know if I’m supposed to be fearing for my life or not,” Ruaridh stomped over to the window as Dominicus was almost ready to leave it. 
“Those are fucking coach whips,” Ruaridh said.
“Yes!”  Dominicus said, running to his own uniform.  “That is it.”
“Do you think we’re going somewhere?” Feichín asked. “Do you mean to sound excited?”
“Yes,” said a voice from the door – the tall man had returned.  He wasn’t using his yelling cone this time, and by the sound of it, the piper was causing hellish mayhem upstairs.  He stepped into the room, smiling conspiratorially. 
“And I’ll tell you where, since you were the only ones up when I started my rounds, and as the first up have had the most time to get ready, and are, as yet, not so, despite having had more time than anyone – I’ll tell you, that you’re going, STRAIGHT TO THE LONG POLE WHERE EACH OF THOSE NICE YOUNG MEN WILL ROTATE THROUGH WHIPPING YOU RAW SO THEIR PRECIOUS ARMS DON’T GET TIRED ON SUCH A MEANINGLESS TASK, DISCIPLINING A BUNCH OF WASTRELS!”
By the end, of course, they were dressed, and he was yelling at them as the jogged outside, the other dormitories issuing similarly disheveled and stumbling trickles of cadets.  The men with the coach whips were, as Dominicus guessed once his mind cleared, mostly for show, although they did occasionally crack a whip close enough to make a flagging cadet jump. 
What followed next was what they would come to call standing exercises, or stands, which was, as the officer who arrived to lead them informed them, all that they were good for.  What it consisted of was a lot of running, marching, and moving between long and tedious moments being correcting on how they stood, wore their uniforms, and appeared generally.  They were given groups, and broken into them, then given more groups, and broken into those, then reconvened and broken up entirely.  They were told to run to their groups, then to run with their groups, then to stand with their groups and run away from other groups.  They were given innumerable barked commands (in their groups) to replicate, in order, whether they knew what they meant or not, and then prodded and shoved into doing them correctly.
While they were standing still, doing nothing, with agonizing frequency, Dominicus thought of his ‘Guide’, and how the ‘Guide’ was just the right size to fit into the inner breast pocket he hadn’t known – until now – existed in his uniform jacket.  He also thought about his schedule, sitting with his guide in the bottom of his poorly packed and extremely jumbled Academy-issue bag, and tried, completely futilely, to remember a single thing that had been written on the first page, with the chart.
But he had neither thing.  And could remember nothing.  And ached terribly.  And could probably have eaten one of the smaller Ainjir nearby, if only he could get away with it.
So, once his blood was moving and his body has ceased to ache with stiffness and instead ached with use, he started feeling angry. Angry and annoyed.
Annoyed because he felt, somehow, that he shouldn’t have been surprised – by what? The difficulty of the first day? The feeling of being utterly lost? The way everything hurt? He wasn’t sure – it seemed logical enough to be surprised but it still annoyed him vaguely.
Angry because he felt stupid – not just early morning, unexpected wake-up stupid, but extra stupid.  He had a good memory.  He could recall his lessons quickly, and for a long time afterward, but everything from yesterday was jumbled.  And now he was stumbling around with these other idiots, failing to understand why the senseless syllables they were barking were supposed to mean something to him. 
At least they seemed to be, for the most part, equally bad.  And the ones who weren’t bad were made to look bad, rarely being in groups big enough to keep the rest of them in line.  How the ones who knew what to do had learned it, he supposed, came somehow from the books. Or being Ainjir.
Well – most of the Ainjir actually sucked at this, so he supposed, the secret Ainjir books must have taught the others. It eased his annoyance that at least, thank God, there were books.
As his stomach rumbled, he also remembered that the rooms – he presumed, because he didn’t see into any but his own – had jugs of water, small beer or watered wine (he wasn’t sure which, just recognized the bottles) and plates of rolls and dried meat, placed there at some point when they were out.  Last night Dominicus hadn’t even had the energy to eat, and this morning, no time. He knew this not from memory but because he had seen them on his way out this morning.
Fat lot of good remembering was doing him now, anyway.  They didn’t seem to be running them around in those numbered groups, after he had so pressed his schedule number into his memory yesterday – the only definite bit of information he felt he had yet been given, and it wasn’t doing him any good. That was genuinely annoying.  And his guide was somewhere tucked in his bag (he didn’t want to lose it, but didn’t know where anything went).  As was the schedule book that matched his 4th group number. 
He turned to see if anyone else had managed to bring their guide, only to get tapped with the whip, since he wasn’t standing correctly. 
Standing correctly, it turned out, was immensely difficult. Dominicus resisted the urge to suggest out loud that having a whip cracked inches from your ear didn’t help. Whatever the cause, the officers leading them made sure to let them know that they were being let go (after what felt like endless hours, but probably only functionally took one or two, at most) only because they refused to waste more time with them, not because they had improved at all.
By then, the sun was well over the walls, lightly baking both aspiring cadets and mist into oblivion. In the end, Dominicus’ thoughts became entirely consumed with getting back to his bag and the book and his schedule and studying them all until he was certain absolutely nothing was missed, all crammed neatly into his memory until he could see the book itself before his mind’s eye and turn the pages to read.
So he was perhaps less disturbed than he should have been that the only instruction given with their dismissal from exercises was that they leave their knives in their rooms.
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dramatic-squirrel · 1 year
Daminette December Day 5- Storybook/ Mayhem
As Damian stepped off the plane, chaos greeted him. Wolves and fairies, pirates and angels, characters from a countless number of stories ran around. It didn’t take the world’s greatest detective to figure out that it was the work of an akuma. But what bothered Damian was how out of control the situation had become. The further he walked into Paris amidst the mayhem, the more he discovered the extent of the problem; nearly every citizen had been turned into a storybook character.
The more he saw, the faster he raced to the 21st arrondissement. The only explanation for why Paris was in such a state was that Marinette was in trouble. As he raced by, he saw castles and magical flowers, houses of gingerbread and giant shoes. In all honesty, the scenery would have made him nauseous if he had time to think, but fears for Marinette consumed his thoughts. 
It seemed like eons, although it was probably no more than an hour before Damian arrived in front of what used to be Sabine and Tom’s patisserie. Now it was a giant tower, covered in thorns. Thankfully, Damian had enough foresight to observe first before rushing in. A couple of minutes went by when a knight ran up to the tower. While the knight attempted to enter the tower, two foes suddenly appeared from within the former patisserie. 
A queen, with a dress of roses and thorns and a beast. No doubt Sabine and Tom, who had been affected by the akuma.
The knight steps forward announcing his purpose. “What ho! I have cometh to save thy cursed princess. Do thou be the monster I must slayest?” It seemed like the affected citizens were dedicated to playing out their role in the storybook. Although Sabine and Tom didn’t seem keen on talking as they quickly dispatched and beat the knight, Sabine by controlling the roses and Tom with brute strength. Two sentinels protecting the tower.
The short bout did confirm a few things for Damian. The first of which was that Marinette was in the tower. The second was that she was afflicted by the akuma before she could transform into Ladybug, or else Tom and Sabine wouldn’t be so protective. It also meant he couldn’t get in through the front door. Luckily, he always carried a grappling gun with him.
It took a bit of maneuvering but thankfully, the tower wasn’t impossibly tall, it let him reach a lone balcony facing the Seine. And on that balcony was Marinette as a princess, just like he suspected it would be. Not wanting to get the attention of her parents, or the akuma he whispered to her. “Marinette, you need to transform into Ladybug.”
Marinette acted a bit startled at the sudden appearance of a person on her balcony but she took it surprisingly well. “Ladybug? I’m not quite sure I know what you mean, grim stranger.” Her eyes seemed cloudy as if she wasn’t all there.
A sigh of exasperation left Damian’s mouth, it was just his luck that she wouldn’t remember anything. “Marinette, my name is Damian. I’ve come to help you. Do you have a pair of earrings on you by chance.”
“Ah, of course! You’re the knight meant to break my curse!” Marinette looked excited. “Now I won’t have to suffer anymore.”
The conversation was getting him nowhere. If she didn’t know where the earrings were, he couldn’t borrow them to transform. His only option was to play along. “Yes, I’ve come to break the curse. What is your curse, and what do I have to do in order to break it.”
“The curse?” Marinette didn’t say anything for a long time. “I’m not sure what the curse is, just that I am cursed. But it’s very simple to break. Like all curses, it can be broken with true love’s kiss.” She looked at him expectantly.
Was that all? A kiss? It seemed simply enough, but it felt wrong for some reason. And then it hit him that this wasn’t the solution to their problem. “Why do you need me to save you, Marinette?”
“The Marinette I fell in love with never needed saving from me or anyone else, so why is it different for you, Princess Marinette?”
“Well, that’s because a curse can’t be lifted by one person.”
“But who said you needed to be free of your ‘curse’?” Damian took her hands in his. “You were never cursed. Clumsy, certainly, but cursed? Never. The miraculous never cursed you, they simply let you become who you’re meant to be.” He gave her a reassuring smile, and she sent a timid one back.
“Are you sure? I mean, I usually tend to screw things up.” Damian knew she was almost there, she just needed one more push.
“I’m positive. You’re Ladybug and you always fix things.” The fog cleared from her eyes and she finally took stock of where she was.
“Yes, Angel?”
“Thanks for saving me.”
“I only helped. I’m sure you would have made it on your own in the end.” 
“Thanks anyways,” she leaned up and kissed his cheek. “I’ll see you later. Tikki! Spots on!” Taking on her usual role of a superhero, she left to go clean up the mayhem of the most recent akuma.
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whitecappslll · 8 months
Life and Death
Man that is born of woman hath but a short time to live, and is full of misery. He cometh up, and is cut down, like a flower; his lifetime is fleeting, as if it were a shadow, and never has long to stay.
Psalms 103:15-18 NIV
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bbnibini · 4 months
hi hi! some ask game questions for your lilith <3 so cool to see people flesh her out more, shes such a fascinating character!
01: What's their relationship with MC (if they exist alongside this AU Lilith)?
04: What do they look like? Do you have a picture/picrew of what you envision them to look like?
08: Anything you heavily associate with them? A color, a word, a picture, or something else?
11: Bonus: something else you really want to share about them that isn't mentioned on here ♡
Hi there! Thanks for the ask! c: I really liked how Lilith turned out in writing; she's really fun to write about and I wish there's more of her in the game. It's great that she has more lore in NB. Agreed! She's such a cool grandma💖.
01: What's their relationship with MC (if they exist alongside this AU Lilith)?
Unfortunately, they don't really know each other cause she's dead. :( For some reason, I think of her like the type of grandma who likes feeding their grandkid and sneaking them out to chill in amusement parks or malls on a weekday. She has such a fun, rebellious and unhinged nature that MC also has canonly in the game and it's really interesting to see! 04: What do they look like? Do you have a picture/picrew of what you envision them to look like?
Designing and art isn't my forte so I just based off her looks on the manga version of Lilith.
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I did commission some art pieces of her with Samael and Levi! (Please note Samael is an OC-fied version of Simeon and is not an angel nor related to anyone in the Celestial Realm. It's complicated but his "Simeon" appearance is borrowed from a close friend. He actually doesn't look like that. If he were given a more human-like form, he would look more like an older version of Levi Her looks and colour palette are intentionally the same with Satan because Satan was made in her image (Lucifer was thinking about her when they fell). There's some of Lilith's traits that are reminiscent of Satan as well: her being a book nerd, her curiosity, her tendency to prank Lucifer, etc.
She always wears a flower on her hair; typically Abyssal Carnations (which are just carnations IRL but are much rarer since they're grown in the darkness/the AU's version of the underworld where Samael governs)
08: Anything you heavily associate with them? A color, a word, a picture, or something else?
Despite carnations being her favourite flower, I think of "lily/lilies" fitting her a lot. Not because of the flower itself but a passage from "Song of Solomon" which actually inspired the title of the spinoff I wrote before(and also her human name!):
"I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters. As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste. He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love. Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love.His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth embrace me...The voice of my beloved! behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills. My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away. O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely. Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies." -Song of Solomon
11: Bonus: something else you really want to share about them that isn't mentioned on here ♡
I actually shared some things about Lilith on another RB, if you want to take a look, you can click here!
Most of her lore such as her being rebellious and sassy and being "friends" (they're married and she's down bad) with Samael is taken from lore and RL references. Samael and Leviathan being biological siblings is a creative liberty, mostly because some texts refer Samael as the serpent/connected to the serpent (depending on the source) who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. Since Levi also is associated with snakes and serpents, I was like "Wow you know what would be interesting-" and glad I made the choice since canon NB is vague enough for me to interpret Levi and Simeon's relationship to be familial. I'm glad canon also made Levi one of the reasons why Simeon wrote TSL ;w: I love Lilith's, Samael's and Levi's family dynamics so much!
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years
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Thackery Binx Imagine
Notes: Before the events of Hocus Pocus, and me doing a less than decent job at the ‘thee’ and ‘thou’ and such. My apologies.
Summary: Thackery made a gift for the Reader.
~~~~ ~~~~
  The morning was quiet on your side of the village. Perhaps it was the thoughts in your mind that too drowned it out. You were busy tidying clothes when the soft call of your name startled you. Tossing the small folded pile of clothes onto the dresser, you turned to the open window. There, framed by the dark wood, was the cheerfully faced Thackery Binx.
  “Thackery Binx,” you put a hand to your chest, “thou hast given me a fright.”
  “Shh shh,” he put his palms up. “Do not alert the entire village. I’ve come to see thee.”
  You stepped toward the window. “And here I am.”
  “Are thou not pleased to see me?”
  “I am always happy to see thee, Thackery, but I have chores that need tending to.”
  “Then I ask thee for a moment of thine time. I have something to give thee.”
  “Will thou not tell me?” You asked, leaning against the window.
  “No,” he smiled, “but I shall show thee.”
  From behind his back, Thackery presented you with what appeared to be flowers twisting and intertwining with one another into a circle.
  “’Tis a bracelet. I know it may not last long, but it will only give me more reasons to make thee another.”
  “’Tis lovely,” you awed at the colorful petals. “I shall cherish this moment always.”
  You reached out to grab it, but he delicately took ahold of your hand and slipped the bracelet over your wrist.
  “It’s beauty cannot compare to thee.” There was such kindness that transcended his words. As he looked upon you, it was as if there were not a worry in all of existence.
  “Cometh to my window again, Thackery,” you beamed, giving his hand a squeeze, “and I will be waiting.”
  “I fear I may never leave.”
~~~~ ~~~~
Thank you for reading!
Reblogs are very much appreciated
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