#cole cassidy fanfiction
l0serloki · 1 year
bro i’m not even gonna anon idc, can i ask nicely, kindly (only if you want to ofc) for cassidy being jealous?
tysm <3
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Jealous OW Character HCs
(Cassidy, Moira, Kiriko, Hanzo)
CW : GN!Reader, mentions of anxiety (Kiriko), Hanzo with some control issues (not overbearing though, dw)...
A/N : SAY LESS!!! I got you ;^)
Cassidy : 
I feel like he won’t outright admit it but you can definitely tell
“I ain’t even jealous. Don’t got a single jealous bone in my body.” (He proceeds to glare at the man who just talked to you)
He gets pretty handsy when he’s jealous and will butt into the conversation you’re having
“Yeah.. Well I need Y/N! Do ya mind?” (They better not mind if they don’t want a fight)
He drags you off and just talks about random stuff to fill the awkward silence. He does NOT wanna talk about it.
“You were jealous.” “Nah. You can kiss me to make up for it though.” “I swear to god Cass-”
Just kiss him and make him feel special LMAO
The new recruit kept going on and on with praises and thank yous for saving his life. You waved them off, saying it was just all part of the job. You could tell he was a little awestruck, still being new to the job. You had been kind enough but he was getting a little annoying. Thankfully your hero in shining cowboy boots was here for the rescue.
“Do ya’ mind? I need to take Y/N. Mission talk and all that.” Cassidy raises an eyebrow at the guy, waiting for a response. The kid puts his hands up in defeat and murmurs a no. Cass just hummed in acceptance, hand gripping at your wrist. You could only grin when you saw the red flush of his face, pulling you out of the room. 
As soon as you were out of hearing distance, you began teasing the man. 
“Is someone embarrassed and jealous? Think some recruit is gonna beat my love for you?” You rubbed circles in his hand as he scoffed in denial.
“Nah, I’m always better. And I am not embarrassed! Or jealous for that matter! Now.. Give me a kiss. I love ya’ too!” 
Moira : 
My gal’s a MENACE
“Oh.. Is this your.. Friend?” She looks them up and down and gives them the most disgusted look.
You have to smack her in the side to behave and she just rolls her eyes
“I was just trying to make conversation, dear.” 
The person walks away and Moira just continues to ask questions about them, moreso concerned as to why you would talk to them.
“Baby, I’m not some god-” “You could be though.” “For the last time I’m not doing that experiment!”
One of Moira’s lab assistants had brought her younger sister in for the day. You had done whatever you could to appease her curiosity and keep her entertained while the other two were off doing lord knows what. 
“So then you-”
“Who.. is this? A friend of some sort?” Moira’s voice boomed from behind you, making you jump.
“Moi! You about scared me to death. This is your assistant's sister. She was just visiting the lab.” You explained and the woman nodded. 
“Yes, well, dear girl, your sister is already on her way to the car. You best be off.” Her demanding presence made the other girl quake, practically booking it.
Your girlfriend turned to go brew herself a coffee, letting out an awkward cough.
“You are worth more than just being a measly tour guide, you know. You should’ve told me that little mouse was on the premises.” 
You could only roll your eyes at her protectiveness, sighing. 
“Moira, there’s no need for that. She was kind! I am not THAT special.” 
“Then you do not perceive what I do, dear.” Her genuine smile lit up your heart, leaning in to give her a kiss.
Kiriko : 
She’s not THAT jealous but you can tell she’s a little put off
She acts normal and nice but the second they walk away she’s gonna be all over you
“Kir, not here.” “Oh please, they need to know their place.” (Sly bastard)
She definitely won’t let the two of you move until she gets a bunch of kisses ;^)
“See, it was that simple babe!”
The festival was packed and you shuffled between the people in search of your girlfriend. You felt the anxiety wavering at your body, pulling off to the side.
“Oh dear, are you alright? Can I get you a drink?” A younger woman at the stall next to you questioned, her eyes softening. You nodded at the generosity, thanking her as she passed you some water. 
“Y/N! Oh, Y/N! I thought I lost you there. Are you alright?” Kiriko had pushed the woman out of the way, checking to see if you were okay. You nodded and sent an apologetic glance to the other woman. She just shrugged and smiled, continuing to selling her vendor foods. 
Kiriko’s eyes gazed between the two of you and shook her head, hands rubbing up and down your arms. You could tell she was a little offput by the woman, hands gripping at you a bit tighter than usual. 
“Iko, why don’t we go home?” You whispered and she nodded, lips melting to your cheek.
“Anything my little troublemaker wants.”
Hanzo : 
“I do not get jealous, you belong to me.”
He tells himself that and then five minutes later you find the other guy with a black eye
“I know you beat him up.” “You are losing it.”
I feel like Hanzo has a lot of control issues, not in an obsessive way, he just really doesn’t want to lose you. He will do whatever it takes to keep you safe!
Just have a conversation with him in bed, he’ll admit to it while he’s tired. Otherwise, good luck getting it out of him!
“I don’t know what you mean.” Hanzo’s gruff voice lilted in denial, face scrunched in anger. You could only snort, hand rubbing against his bicep. The whole night he had refused to admit that he was jealous. You were having a casual conversation with Cassidy when he had gotten back from his mission, waiting in the corner for you to be finished. Truth be told, it was more like pouting in the corner from lack of attention. Usually when he had got off the jet you were waiting like a puppy to pounce on him - but not this time! 
“You just wanted attention and were jealous of Cass!” You teased at him again and he rolled over, back facing you in the bed. Running your hand across his torso, you snuggled into the taut muscles.
“I don't need attention. I was not jealous.. Just.. Waiting for you to be done.” He murmured, voice tired with defeat. You only hummed, smirk getting wider.
“Whatever you say, Hanzo.”
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miaowitch · 4 months
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Lonesome Ride (18+)
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Read on Ao3 or below !!
Cole Cassidy / GN!Reader (Overwatch 2)
cw ⋆。‧˚♡ smut, swearing, grinding, power bottom pov, plot what plot, cumming in pants, high tension, canon/reader
summary ⋆。‧˚♡
You get swept away by the Deadlock Gang, outlaws and violent maniacs. Or are they? Cole Cassidy is your watchful guardian, but you wonder if he even feels anything as you spend countless nights together. Will he ever reach the breaking point?
1.2k words
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It was nice to have moments like this. Alone, resting at an inn for the night. It was the only inn you’d seen in days, traveling with the Deadlock Gang wasn’t for the weak. You wouldn’t consider yourself weak, but being abducted by a gang wasn’t in your plans for the month. Cole Cassidy, the young gun criminal, kept his eye close on you. You were technically his, in every sense of the way. 
Not that you hated the concept of a new life, you were practically begging. With a boring life at home, it was easy to imagine a big adventure. This was your big adventure. You wouldn’t admit it, but it wasn’t a bad life. They weren’t the gang of hardened criminals the paper made them out to be. You weren’t bound, just monitored. You weren’t starved or dehydrated, you were treated like a human. 
Which is what brought you to the inn. Instead of camping for the 5th time on low supplies, Ashe directed the gang to a nearby spot her old friend ran. Cole took responsibility for watching you, but you knew he’d much rather be drinking by the fire with the rest of the gang. He stayed in the wooden chair by the window in the room, chewing idly at a lit cigar. You’d gotten used to being in shared company, sharing a horse with the man had gotten you pretty close. 
Being pressed up with your back to his front, bouncing rhythmically with each gallop. The smell of his cigars was familiar now from being so close against him. You might’ve been a little pent up from the repetitive motion, but that didn’t matter. Cassidy hadn’t said much since you’d made it to the hotel. It was…a little awkward. With a free hand, he played at the brim of his hat that rested in his lap, letting his brown hair lay soft around his face. The radio in the room broadcasted a radio show with the occasional news break. It was easy to forget he was an outlaw in moments like this.
You let out a sigh, breaking the silence between the two of you. It was loud enough for him to make a comment. “Bored?” His deep voice inquired. “I guess.” You laid back onto the bed with another sigh. Your legs hung off the side of the bed, swaying slowly with your boredom. “It’s not like you’re being forced to say.” Cole replied, “You’re the one that asked me to bring you along.” It caused a small twinge in your head. He was annoying. His tone was slightly bitter, but you weren’t sure what was up his ass. 
“I know.” You hissed, shooting back up. “No one is asking you to sit in here, I’m not going anywhere.” Matching his frustrated tone, just to watch his expression shift. “Y’know, I’m not askin’ for your damn attitude either. Y’don’t see me crying!” Cole took the cigar from his mouth, resting it between his pointer and middle finger. “In fact, I didn’t ask for you to ride with me either.” He muttered, but you understood. Then, as if to distract you from the first part, threatened. “Maybe I should just pull someone else in to deal with your crazy ass.” Yet a smile had already formed on your face, realizing what was wrong with Cole Cassidy. 
Your fists clenched around the fabric of the quilt laid on the bed. Leaning forward just slightly, you figured you would try something. “What was wrong with riding with me?” Asking that made him tense up. The brim of his hat became clenched in a fist. The hat rested higher in his lap now, holding it tight to hide his tightening pants. “Do you really not want to deal with me anymore?” Standing up, you stood in front of him, as if showing off in your thin sleepwear. “Now..I-I didn’t say that.” He cleared his throat, avoiding your stare and placing the cigar back between his lips.
Stepping closer, you now stood with your knees almost touching the chair he sat on. Standing between his open knees, he now couldn’t look anywhere else. Now, he looked right at you. Hooded eyes, he needed something that he wouldn’t admit to. “Are you okay, Cassidy?” Sharply, he inhaled as you moved away his hat, placing it right on your head. “Couldn’t big bad Cole Cassidy say he wanted to fuck me?” You smile, teasing him as his face flushes with a deep blush. You slowly crawl onto his lap, legs falling on the side of his own.
“Ohh, darlin’....please..” Cassidy begs under your grasp. Thighs placed on either side of his legs, straddling him while putting pressure in the center of his groin. You adjust, grinding up on his coarse jeans. “Please what?” You ask with an innocent tone, keeping quiet for no reason at all. Cole squirmed, looking down between the two of your bodies. Grinding up onto his lap, the thin fabric of your pajamas didn’t leave much to the imagination of what’s beneath his jeans. You let a hand hold onto his shoulder, the other closed the lace curtains behind Cassidy. 
Now his hands gripped onto you, guiding you…using you. His right hand held onto your waist, his left onto your thigh. You let out quiet moans, sensitively twitching each lap you’d make on his hard cock pressed on your crotch. The only reaction he’d given was a furrowed brow while pulling you harder onto his dick. He groaned, laying his head onto the center of your chest. “Gh- Please, don’t stop.” Cole pleaded, his teeth gritted onto the cigar that still sat between his lips.
As if you could stop, with the combined desperation from you and Cassidy’s grasp on you, but it just wasn’t an option. Your speed quickened the longer you went on, teasing at him through the same dusty jeans you’d been grinding against for days now. Cole wouldn’t announce it, but you knew he was close when he started bucking his hips up against you. Startling you, but it’s not as if it was unwelcome. You now held on tighter to keep up with the ride, arousal was intoxicating the two of you, you needed this probably just as much as Cole did. Choking on your name, he repeated it like gospel. As if you were just to be used by his own pleasure, his hands now moved to your ass. Giving him more control with your motion in his firm grasp. 
Combining his forceful moving of your ass against his now throbbing dick, and bucking his hips up; Cassidy’s only thought was finishing you off. Your chest rose and fell quickly against his face that he buried against you, hiding from your teasing smile. Watching him melt under you just grinding against him, watching Cole Cassidy lose himself without even taking his pants off. He moaned out your name in a strained tone, the cigar dropping as he let his guard down. 
His tension melted away under you, fully relaxing while you still sat on his lap. Panting, but not fully satisfied. His head laid back, neck balancing on the back of the table chair. Eyes closed for just a second before cracking one open to look at you. Still looking, hoping he wasn’t done. A sly grin finally cracked on his face, “Look who’s beggin’ now.” He chuckled, grabbing back onto your ass and standing up. Lifting you in his arms, he kissed your quivering lips. Carrying you closer to the bed, and mentally preparing for a long night.
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off-putting-otter · 2 months
Howdy hey chapter 3 is out NOOOWWWW GO READ IT!!!
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koifish67 · 7 months
kissing headcanons with the Overwatch boys
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Sloppy af, mf doesn’t know how to kiss
Leaves the bottom half of your face wet and he looks so overly proud
When you finally teach him he’s just quick and desperate, still leaves your lips a bit of a mess
Cole Cassidy
Long, loving kisses, very sensual and gentle
Touches your jaw and pulls you in, keeps his hands on you when he does
Doesn’t do little pecs it’s either long kisses or no kisses
Doesn’t usually kiss you, he LOVES you don’t get me wrong but he isn’t a touchy person
Usually quick and simple, a little pec on your forehead
When you do get more sensual its still quick, just on your lips.
Googled how to kiss people only to find out you had to have lips to actually do that.
He doesn’t really kiss but instead puts his face plate against your forehead.
You notice his fan starts to turn on so he doesn’t overheat
Quick pecs all over your face, usually grabbing your cheeks and squishing them while he does.
He’s very straight forward and kisses you when he feels like later in the relationship
When he kisses you on the lips it’s quick and he still squishes your cheeks
Gets all giddy and excited, holds your hips and kisses you sweetly and gentle.
Makes you give him a kiss before every mission for good luck.
Also googled how to kiss you and zenyatta caught him, giggled at him for a bit
Similar to his brother, he pressed his face Oleg against your forehead, or he’ll press his face plate to your jaw, very soft *clinks*
His orbs kinda shake a bit, kinda like his version of blushing
Sometimes pulls you on his lap when your alone and kissing, make sure to warm himself so he isn’t cold
Awkward a first, but over time he takes his time and savories it, taking everything in.
Puts his hands in yours or touches your face with his fingers
Dipped you once to kiss you out of surprised but he dropped you by accident and never forgave himself for it, never does it again
Gets amped up and all excited, kind of sloppy but there loving at the same time. Squishes your cheeks to
Always says he just wants one pec but it turns into a makeout, forgot what he was going to do beforehand
Lifts you up half the time and kisses you as a surprise
Reaper (Gabriel)
Old man knows how to smooch ngl, deep and sensual kisses, pulls you in by your chin and puts his hand on your waist
HES 58???!??
Doesn’t kiss you if there’s anyone around, he wants to put his “cool mysterious guy” look on
Gets kinda grumpy when he can’t kiss you for long
Soilder 76 (Jack)
Much like reaper, it’s deep and sensual, his lips usually wonder. His kisses are usually LONG
He’s 6’1 so he usually leans down, but if you taller he’ll make you sit down so he can kiss you.
Little pecs at most in public, likes to be professional
Another old man
His kisses are gentle, romantic, loving, pure sappy tooth rotting fluff. Pulls your chin towards him.
Floats while he kisses you, so he leans down.
Randomly kisses you when he’s deep in thought and it takes you by surprise
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nanamis-princess · 2 months
Night troubles
Synopsis: they wake up from a nightmare:(
Genre: angst with a hint of fluff
T/w: nightmares, possibly ptsd?
Multiple x gn reader (separate)
Nobody likes their sleep disturbed. Abruptly woken from a sickening nightmare, It just felt so real. Once they realized it was in fact a night terror, they roll over facing you. You’re peacefully sleeping, taking up most of the bed. They felt the weight leave their chest and let out a quiet sigh of relief. Deep down they’d never forgive themself if something happened to you, they don’t even want to picture what it’d be like without you. listening to your soft breathing and your movement against the sheets as you get comfortable again knocks them out of the thoughts of the dream. They very slowly & gently locks their fingers with yours, not wanting to wake you. They press a gentle kiss on your forehead before getting comfortable. The smell of your body wash and the mixture of the fresh sheets helps them drift back asleep.
-Nanami, Gojo, Yuji & Megumi (jjk)
-Aizawa, Fatgum, Midnight, Bakugo, Todoroki, All might (mha)
-Sanji, Zoro, Robin, Ussop & Koby (one piece)
-Mori, Kyoya, Hikaru & Kasanoda (ohshc)
-Cole Cassidy, Odessa stone aka junker queen, hanzo, Baptiste & Ashe. (Overwatch)
A/n: hello my loves, it’s been a bit since I’ve posted and sorry it’s like sad lol. But anyways don’t forget to do something nice for yourself today! Drink some water!
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velovw · 1 month
How would OW characters love you?
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(Ft. Reaper, Genji, Ramattra, Hanzo, Venture and Cassidy)
A/N: It's been quite a while, but I'm happy to share a little thing I've written.
At first, Gabriel would refuse the idea of being in love. There was no way the thing he had become was deserving of love - nor did you deserve to be with anything like him. The confession would probably come from you, or the feelings you two have for each other would simply be locked away and forgotten with time. Unsure touches, hesitancy in communication would plague your relationship early on, leading to frustrating fights and time spent apart.
Gabriel had spent so long being Reaper, that he had forgotten how to treat another gently, softly. Years of being one of Talon’s obedient and ruthless weapon left him scarred, almost a husk of the man he one day was. Patience, lots of it, would be needed to build a healthy relationship with him. With time, he would slowly start to mimic the actions you did to him - learning from you on how to love and be loved - this could lead to Gabriel learning to love you just the way you want him to.
Not big on romantic gestures, and doesn’t like PDA. He has an underlying fear that if anyone were to find about his weak spot for you, it would mean harm your way.
A cupid 's arrow.
It would not take him long to recognize the emotions he was experiencing, as the excitement and exhilaration of a new love were familiar to him due to his youth. The anxiety and giddy feelings were difficult to overlook or ignore. He would not hesitate to express his feelings, as he was quick at noticing if someone reciprocated his affections based on their reactions to his affections. He was accustomed to this aspect of a relationship and would confidently touch and remain close to the person he was interested in whenever possible.
Due to his past, Genji would have an underlying anxiety about performing well as a partner. He was good at sweet talk, enough to make your heart flutter - but when it came down to serious conversations and fights, he would almost shut down. In the past, whenever these things happened, he would simply dump his past partners and move on - but he didn’t want to do that now. So he would be awkward, asking you what he could do to amend the wrongs and fix the situation. He would heavily depend on you to guide him in that way.
Wouldn’t be able to hide your relationship, almost always bringing you up in a conversation. Excitedly calling you his partner.
Love? How futile.
He had no time for such weak emotions, no time to spend worrying over your safety when you were a human - the kind he hated with his very being. No. Ramattra only spent his attention and utmost care towards the cause he believed in.
Or that's what he desperately wanted to believe.
But the amount of stress his system felt when he saw you in the middle of the battlefield, how he was reluctant to end your life right where you stood, proved it all to him that he was *wrong*. Ramattra would take what felt like a lifetime to confess, seeing you sick and injured pushed him to it - the reminder of your mortality severely affecting him. Would try to do everything at once one day, showcasing his innocent and lack of experience in *love*.
Every word, every moment would be recorded through his optics and stored forever in his hard-drive. Ramattra’s touches sometimes felt… ghostly. As if he was afraid of breaking you. But he was always sure to impose his threatening aura around strangers.
A silent reminder of your importance.
Throughout the most part of Hanzo's life, there were only two things he felt the most. The bitter regret and the pain of tomorrow. Losing everything came at a great cost and it shined clearly when you met Hanzo for the first time, when you tried to befriend him - the look in his eyes. Hanzo would avoid you emotionally once he feels… different. Part of him knows what he feels but another one denies it with all of his strength. Not for pride, simply because he's afraid of losing once again.
A wall to talk to. His indifference at the start would drive you crazy, driving you away until he finally realizes how much more empty he feels with your absence. Even so, does a small act of servitude by giving you your favorite food - a small attempt to see if you still care for him. Just enough so he can *try* and allow himself to feel the gentle feeling of love.
Small smiles your way, brushing your hand with his while passing by. All small but mean so, so much for Hanzo. There is no shyness, just gentleness, and no fear of showcasing such feelings in front of others.
Spending most of their life researching and excavating did really not leave any space for romance. Venture would be quick to accept the feeling, the rush of adrenaline and giddy feeling quickly taking over their mind as they realized they liked you. It would be obvious to anyone around them. The way their eyes would be searching for you in the room, quickly asking someone if they've seen you and when they do finally see you - the biggest smile they can muster.
Your name would be mentioned by them every chance they get.
A confession would take mere days, and if you weren't totally sure about them - they'd at least hope you'd let them take you out on dates so you can get to know each other better. Small trinkets of their affection would be given to you, crystals and rocks being the main source of it, secretly hoping you'd try and find the meaning of them.
Their only flaw is being overly excited about the feeling, sometimes overly romanticizing you and getting disappointed when you don't reach their standards.
Cassidy would recognize the blush that would dust his cheeks when you were around, how he seemed to want to impress and sweet talk you. That would be his way of gaining your favor slowly, calling you sweet nicknames and trying to charm you with his words. A small brush of his shoulders on yours, opening doors for you and tipping his hat when he passes by - all small acts that are meant to sweep you off of your feet.
A relationship would bloom slowly, as he would like to ride out the early fluttering feeling of love. Going through all the small showcases such as holding your hand, gifting you something meaningful before taking you out on a date and asking you two to finally be oficial. To everyone else around you, it was clear that Cassidy was courting you - and no one else dared to attempt anything. Whispers of his past holding them back on doing so.
Cassidy’s flaw would be being too warm or too cold. Either giving you hurtful but helpful advice, or comforting and unhelpful ones. It would solely depend on his mood, but you can always tell when he doesn't really wanna make decisions. Sometimes he just wants to exist, to let himself breath without any worries.
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ya-zz · 1 month
Hello, if you're taking requests currently could I request the overwatch guys: Ramatra, Genji, Hanzo, Magua, Life Weaver, Cassidy and Lúcio taking care of a fem reader on her time of the month if you write for any of them?
-sincerely a reader suffering cramps <3
Sorry this took awhile to get to, but hopefully this will suffice 💜 I’m also doing this from my phone so apologies if formatting is off
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Like most arrogant omnics, he didn’t care at first.
It was just another weak, human thing that didn’t concern him.
But when it came down to you, he softened up and offered to help when he could.
He knows your cycle and everything that comes with it.
He’s done his research, wanting to make the days go by quickly and comfortable for you.
The few days before when your mood is low and you feel lethargic, Ramattra would bundle you up in a blanket and put your favourite movie on.
Everything was prepared afterwards. Hot water bottle for the cramps, your favourite snacks and drink on standby for when you needed them.
If you needed space, he’d oblige… sort of. He’d be in the same room, but distance himself from you.
If you needed more products, he’d get them for you, already knowing which were your preferred coverage.
Ramattra would snuggle up to you at night and warm himself up so you were comfortable.
Should you happen to leak, he’d clean up, no questions asked.
He’d help you through it all, despite the mood swings putting him on edge sometimes.
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He’s had his fair share of mood swings with the females he had dated, but he was more than happy to make sure you were okay during your time of the month.
Genji didn’t rely on dates, he relied on your mood.
He was quick with making sure you were comfortable before moving away from you to give you space.
When your arms would open up to him, he would scurry over and hold you until you told him to let go.
You were, in theory, in charge.
If you needed something, food, water, products, he’d get them in a heart beat.
Movie nights were a must, Genji swore by them and while they did help you forget about the pain, it was nice to be close to him.
Your favourite takeout would be ordered for the perfect night in.
He would also, somehow, get you out of the house for a little while. A small walk for some fresh air helped immensely on the bad days.
The ninja stayed with you as much as you would allow him to, and yes, he did tease you about your mood swings when it was all over.
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Calendars were made for a reason, and alongside birthdates and events, a small dot to signify the start of your period was on there.
He’d put it in his phone too, just in case he was away.
If it happened to be irregular, he’d rely on your mood, just like his brother would.
Hanzo would grow softer, hands massaging your shoulders when you sat with him.
The bathroom would always be fully stocked too, never seeming to run out of your products.
The archer had reserved a cupboard in the kitchen for your favourite snacks for this exact moment, bringing you what you needed whenever you asked.
Hot water bottles were filled when required, and when they eventually grow warm, Hanzo would gently rub his own hands over the pain.
Hanzo would do anything you asked of him, even if it was as simple as turning the light off because you were in the perfect position in bed.
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First time writing anything Mauga so shhh
He’s staying with you throughout it all.
Protest as much as you want, he ain’t leaving.
Hot water bottle?? Not needed, his hands are hot enough.
He’d let you lay on him at all hours of the day if you wanted.
His hand would soothe over your head when you’re in pain and teary eyed from how bad it is.
He’d tease you over your mood swings, wanting to get a rise out of you because you look “so damn cute.”
Mauga would do anything to take your mind off of it all.
You name it, he’d do it.
He loves you that much he’d kill for you.
He’s one for overbuying snacks and drinks like this would last longer than a month so there’s always extra food laying around for later.
He’s not one to shy away from buying products should you need them, either.
So long as you’re comfortable with him, he’s happy to be there with you through it all.
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He’s always prepared.
Doesn’t matter if it’s on time or irregular, he’s there with everything you need.
Extra blankets and pillows were pulled out so you were comfy in bed or on the sofa.
Products were always fully stocked in the bathroom and he’d even carry some whenever you went out just in case.
He’d always stay composed when your mood changed quickly, instantly bringing you back to a calm state of mind.
He was careful and gentle, not wanting to make it worse for you.
Niran would ask to cuddle with you and wouldn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you the moment you let him.
Soft hands would rub against the sore and aching parts of your body, easing the tension that had built up.
When he couldn’t be around, he’d leave small notes around the apartment that’d make you smile.
Coming home, he always had a little bag of snacks he bought on the walk back for you.
Just a little something to bring your mood up.
He’d spoil you too, small gifts and flowers that’d take up the table.
Niran would be soft and supportive, giving you exactly what you want whenever you needed it.
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Don’t expect this cowboy to let go of you anytime soon.
If you push him away, he’ll be the one pouting.
He’ll respect your wishes, of course, but he’d mope.
He'd forget occasionally, but would always make it up to you as quick as he could.
Cassidy would hold you close, hand soothing over your stomach in an attempt to calm the pain.
He'd be affectionate, more so than ever, it makes you question him each time, but he'd shut you up with kisses.
The cowboy would wrap you up in his cowl, his scent easing all worries for you.
No matter how snarky you would get, he always found it fun to verbally battle you.
Cassidy would let you lay in bed for as long as it happened, bringing you everything you requested.
He was happy to be your little servant for a few days, always laughing and joking about the circumstances, but never belittling you over something you couldn't control.
He would always reassure you about how much he loves you when you're teary eyed and doubtful.
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He'd be the type to carry products in his bag just in case it started whilst you were out with him.
Always has spares on hand, each depending on the flow for that month.
If it became painful, he'd give you his homemade hot chocolate and a hot water bottle to put on your abdomen.
Lucio would put on your favourite playlist and let it loop until you got sick of it.
He'd make sure your favourite drink was prepared for you, chilled or hot, whatever you needed, he'd get it ready for you.
Snacks? He'd go shopping right then and there and pick up everything on the list you had given him.
He's a softie, pulling you close in bed and cuddling up close to you.
Blankets upon blankets would cover you both as he'd hum a tune to help you sleep.
If your mood plummets, he would sit with you until you calmed down, not wanting to leave you.
His hand would hold yours until contact would break, but he'd come back the moment he could.
Anything for his brest friend and partner.
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demigoddessqueens · 4 months
candy for a 💝 cowboy
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I feel like Joel and Valentine's Day would be a combination of awkward but also a tad adorkable. Like, Sarah and Ellie can give this man pointers and he will still miss ALL the cues. But you see what he's trying to do and you think it's sweet on his end. Honestly, you're just lucky you get a chance to spend time with him and Joel has no intention of letting you go for the day.
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This dude right here would unintentionally pull off one of the best dates for Valentine's. Horseback riding all day, find a nice spot for an intimate picnic date by a beautiful lake side, a bouquet of wildflowers and a hand drawn portrait of you (or you two together) that you always have on you at all times for any other day
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He absolutely has an agenda planned out for you both for Valentine's! From sun up to sun down. It'll be a nice breakfast/brunch, whatever your heart desires to do for the day; sip some champagne along with some strawberries, and a nice dinner for his darlin' in the evening.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
I'm bored, so here's some Cole Cassidy heacanons for my fellow simps
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totally havent been thinking about this man all day 👀
he will purposely tickle you with his beard when he kisses you
it already tickles when he presses kisses all over your face and neck, but the added fluffy beard and soft hair will have you laughing until you can't breath fr
he always smells good, like you cant even put your finger on what it is, but he just smells good
will wrap you in the little poncho he has on after you're done with a battle
will keep you FAR away from ashe, doesnt wanna cause a ruckus ofc
loves your laugh, really makes it his goal to get you laughing just so he can hear it
this man is literally a TEDDY BEAR so expect lots of cuddles
also expect him to complain about always being big spoon and will BEG you to let him be little spoon every once and a while
he's just a big baby
he tells the most boring stories, but also the most interesting ones, but please for the love of GOD listen to this man because he loves it when you do fr
will let you wear his hat
if you wear bras, expect to walk into your room and find him trying them on (that definitely solves the broken bra incident from a couple months ago)
dress up like a cowboy/cowgirl and you will make this man FAINT
please say "it's high noon" while making fun of his accent. it makes him giggle and then you'll just say it back and forth for hours lmfaoooo
expect to wake up and find mr. cowboy hogging all of the sheets
throw his cigars
just do it
put his hair in little braids or just play with his braids and he will literally melt
call him names. nicknames or whatever and he will totally be fully in love with you
just know that this man is constantly thinking about you and how much he loves you, so give him plenty of kisses and a lot of love <3
overwatch masterlist --- pinned post
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idle-lark · 1 year
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Moira’s least favorite office holiday party
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nori-writes · 1 year
If They Accidentally Injured You
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Cole Cassidy x Reader
Hanzo Shimada x Reader
Summary: How they’d react if they accidentally injured you on a mission.
W/C: 400+
This is kinda shit, so have fun reading LMAO. I don’t think I proof read it, might have and I don’t remember. I just felt bad for not posting for a hot minute. I’m working on some Cassidy angst too. I have no idea when it’ll be done but look out for it <3
Cole Cassidy
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Personally, I think it’d take him a while to forgive himself.
His hand had slipped on the field and despite his typically good handle on his peacekeeper, it had slipped from his grasp and in his attempts to grab it, it shot into your heel.
Immediately after he had processed what happened he ran to you in a panic asking and making sure that you were okay.
He made sure to wrap it up before proceeding with anything.
While doing this all you could hear were countless apologies falling out of his mouth.
You had to reassure him that you were okay and that things happen sometimes.
Thankfully it had only shot you in the foot, he wouldn’t have been able to forgive himself had it shot you anywhere fatal.
While it was healing if you ever needed assistance getting around he was more than happy to aid.
Even though it only shot you in the foot he still has so much guilt.
It takes so much convincing him, weeks, months, after the fact to let him know that accidents happen and that you're okay and forgive him for it.
After a lot of convincing he drops it.
Still, everytime he sees the scar that he left a sour look comes to his face, knowing it could’ve been avoided with something as simple as a better grip.
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Hanzo Shimada
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He doesn’t forgive himself even after time and time of trying to convince him that you’re okay.
Poor baby’s first thought when he accidentally pierced your shoulder with his arrow was Genji. He already hurt one person close to him, he wasn’t ready for another.
As soon as he heard you let out a sound of pain from his arrow he dropped his bow and ran to you as fast as his legs could take him.
Thankfully someone else had taken out the last guy so he was safe to care for you where you were.
He asked if you were okay while telling you it was better to leave the arrow in for the time being until the two of you got back to the base where someone more qualified could tend to it.
While it’s healing he pampers you to make sure that you’re okay, always asking if you need anything.
You have to constantly tell him that you’re okay and that it was a simple mistake and that all that mattered was the fact that you were ok.
Like I said earlier, he doesn’t let it go, he doesn’t forgive himself.
He gets so upset when he sees the scar that he left with his bow.
But even so, he’s glad you’re okay.
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l0serloki · 1 year
you probably know who i am at this point <3 but i love it so much as it’s addicting bro- so, if you do not mind, please, kindly, can i ask for Cassidy with a s/o who loves his accent/voice (i personally have a slight southern accent lol, it comes out really bad when i’m upset or talking quickly)
tysmmm, i love you and your works so much! <3
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Cole Cassidy Accent HC's
CW : A bit sexual in the blurb (heated kissing, lmao), uhh GN!Reader
A/N : I LOVE YOU TOO!! I STOPPED WHAT I WAS WRITING TO DO THIS BECAUSE IT WAS SUCH A GOOD IDEA. ALSO,,, I have a southern accent too - I tried getting rid of it but.. same as you, it comes out in some words/quick talking/upset LMFAO. Southern siblings unite T-T
I feel like his accent gets worse as his emotions get high 
He has random words that don’t even sound like English (I.E. washcloth/warshclarth, aisle/ai-ill, quiet/kwai-eit.)
If you point it out he will constantly remember it and try to not flare his accent as much/or over-flare it depending on the mood. (I feel like he can get flustered and embarrassed with his accent. He definitely has had people call him stupid for it.)
It makes him flustered when you compliment him though!! His face gets all red and he won’t meet your eyes (such a cutie)
He’ll read to you or tell you stories about his missions before bed because he knows you love it and it calms you. He’s just glad you feel safe with him and love him to that degree!!
Be prepared for the pet names too. I feel like the regular ones he uses are sugar, sweet thang, or buttercup. He’s quite the smooth talker ;^)
Overall, he’s such a sweetheart and it makes his heart soar that you love his accent!! Please give this man compliments, he deserves them <3
“Sugar, where did our blanket go?” Cass had moved, rummaging around in the bedroom drawer. You felt a grin appear on your face, his thick accent making you giddy. You continued to watch his failed attempt to find the blanket, hands thrown up in a defeated sigh. 
You giggled as he climbed into bed, arm yanking you into him. His lips brushed against your cheek, pressing light kisses to the flesh. “What’re ya’ laughin’ at, huh? You think I’m funny or something?” His eyebrow shot up, and you could only cackle harder at the look. “Yeah, considering you’re laying in the blanket you were looking for.” Cassidy’s whiskey hues glanced down at the bedsheets, face going red. “You done made me for a fool, huh? What a little minx.” His rough hands splayed at your waist, pulling you in for a soft kiss. 
“Mm, you taste good buttercup.” Cassidy separated, eyes meeting yours. Your hand migrated to his fluffy locks, lips kissing at his browline. “Your accent is cute. Keep talking like that and you’ll have me wrapped around your finger even more..” His breath hitched, eyes looking at anything but you. “Yeah yeah, whatever ya’ say. I ‘preciate it, sweetpea.” His awkwardness was a new sight. You rubbed circles into his chest, easing his anxieties, as the two of you drifted off to sleep. 
Who knew that your confident man could be so shy when he got complimented? This opened a whole new world of opportunities for you..
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nick-writes-stuff · 2 years
Cassidy Jealousy Headcanons
Warnings: quick mention of getting hit on by a stranger, alcohol
Gn!reader (established relationship)
The cowboy left the bar for one minute and from across the room he can see his seat was taken
Some rookie overwatch agent with a superiority complex who drank far too much tonight
You could practically smell the alcohol on their breath as they clumsily flirted with you. You tensed up and chuckled nervously at their advances.
Before you can even think to look for Cole in the crowd, you hear someone clear their throat from behind you.
You breath a sigh of relief as you feel a familiar metal arm wrap around your shoulders.
The person sitting across from you, however, looked behind you in horror
"Hey, darlin', hope you didn't miss me too much"
In any other situation, this interaction between you and Cole wouldn't be out of the ordinary. However, you can feel how tense he is through the whole encounter.
You lean into Cole's touch, trying to covertly calm him down
"Oh I was absolutely devastated" you quipped back, giving the cowboy a playful smile
"And who's your friend here?" He wasn't actually interested in the answer; he was just trying to get the agent across from you to leave.
The look on their face almost made you burst with laughter, but you kept up the charade for the amusement.
"Oh have you guys not met yet? This is Cole, He's-"
"Their boyfriend" he was quick to finish your sentence. His grip on you tightened slightly, a scowl finding its way on his face as he stared the other down.
You almost felt bad for the person in from of you as they stumbled over their words as they gave an excuse to leave, something about meeting their friends.
"Aw what a shame" the cowboy said, voice dripping with forced southern charm
The agent rushed away from the bar as quickly as possible, drunkenly stumbling in the process
You leaned up to give Cole a kiss on the cheek, murmuring a soft "thank you" before he moved to retake his seat.
The rest of the night seemingly continued like normal, but your keen eye was able to notice the aftermath of your boyfriend's jealousy
He talked a bit louder than before. He told more jokes in an attempt to make you smile or laugh. His hands lingered when he would touch you. Nicknames were added into conversation whenever he could.
"Do you want another drink, sweetheart?" "How about we head out of here, honey bee?"
If you mention his jealousy, he will vehemently deny it.
He wasn't jealous.
He was totally jealous.
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off-putting-otter · 1 month
Hello everyone! After an impromptu hiatus, I now have the next chapter of my child Cassidy fic out!! We’re getting so close to the end, I’m so excited!!
Happy reading! It’s the longest chapter yet !!
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koifish67 · 1 year
Overwatch x GN! Reader adopting a kid part 1
Tw mentions of vomit
(Since solider 76 is CANON gay, his section will have have he/him pronouns for you(
(The baby is a girl)
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Mako is a good dad, a great dad even.
You’d think he’d get annoyed easily by the crying of the baby, but he simply will just scoop up the small human and cradle them ever so gently.
His nickname for his baby? “puawai iti” (little flower in the Māori language)
He’ll put his baby on his stomach with a hand on them and omg it so adorable.
You catch him staring at you while holding the baby, he’ll lie if you ask if he was smiling. (He 100% was)
When he’s out and about he has his baby in a sling on him, it has lil pachimari all over it. He also dresses her in a cute pachimari onesie!
Is scared to feed her but after you show him he’s a bit more confident. Does the airplane thing 100%.
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Scared but happy, he genuinely is scared that he’ll accidentally hurt his baby by doing something stupid. But happy cause he finally gets to have a kid with you.
Makes baby clothes and it looks cute! Probably goes crazy when he sees baby shoes.
Puts all his dangerous explosive stuff on a very high shelf.
Cant change diapers for the life of him, like he will gag and vomit if he has to, so it’s your job now.
Giggles so much if she farts or burps, he takes videos of it and sends it to you with him giggling in the background.
Dresses her in very funny costumes and onesies.
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Omg is so so happy he finally gets to have a kid with you. He always wanted a kid, and a kid with YOU, his dream is coming true.
When he finally gets to see his child, he starts crying and hugging you and his new baby girl.
Dresses his baby in cute little dresses! He found a cute dragon onesie and is obsessed with it.
Calls her “my little dragon”
Is a pro at feeding, changing diapers, calming her down, and making her laugh.
He spoils her so much that her room is engulfed with stuffed animals, blankets, and the cutest baby bottles.
The dragons love her, they cuddle her all the time.
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Is super excited, like omg I’m gonna be a father finally!
Dresses her in a lil cowboy hat sometimes it’s so cute, its brown with little bees on it. Has her own little cow boy boots to.
Feeds her like a pro!
Does that thing where she’ll toss her in the hair and catch her, gently of course.
If he’s out and about he has a baby carrier with horses all over it.
Doesn’t smoke when she’s with him, refuses it and will never do it. He actually stops a lot and rarely does in the future.
Has pictures of her and you in his hat, takes it out to show it off to his teammates.
“Look at my amazing husband/wife/partner and our baby!”
Calls her “my little cowgirl”
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Very excited! He’s gonna be a dad! It makes him so happy to have a baby with you.
“I cant be evil today I’m to busy being a dad”
I’m sorry but he’s really bad at matching her outfits, but she’s dressed so it doesn’t really matter.
So gentle to her, he treats her like the most breakable glass in the world.
Lots of plushes, so many omg.
He makes her dance, like he does that thing where he moves her arms and legs to make her dance and it’s adorable.
Her first words are “dada” and he starts fucking sobbing.
Solider 76
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OMG HES FINALLY A FUCKING DAD! He crys in your chest when that happens
Loves taking her around everywhere in a stroller, especially at the park when he’s on his daily run.
“Where’s the wife today?”
“My HUSBAND is at home making lunch.”
Mercy babysits for you
Stricks me as the guy who builds everything, like he built her crib, a shelf, her diaper changing paper.
Has 20 books on parenting, and asks Ana a lot of questions to.
Starts crying when she touches his face and giggles, his heart is all warm and fuzzy.
Goes to check ups with mercy with her
Starts crying when she says her first words.
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Recover: Cole Cassidy x Reader
Everything was in ruins. Everything was destroyed, up in flames and smoke. The once proud, Overwatch banner fluttering in the Swiss wind is now ash. You were one of the lucky ones returning from fighting, even luckier to miss watching the explosion happen.
Countless dead, many more lying in rows of rooms in the now overcrowded hospital in the next city over.
In the chaos and panic, it was only another stab at Ceaser’s back to know both Strike Commander Morrison and Blackwatch Commander Reyes were both missing, Moira O'Deorain as well. Even in these tragic times, the leaders were missing, gone from the wreckage.
You felt numb, only watching on as the death toll rose overnight in the hospital. No time to grieve, as soon as you all started to weep for one, three more followed soon.
But even in these tragic times, it was warming to see those recover quickly. Genji Shimada of the Blackwatch division was one of them, only needing replacement parts welded back onto him before he too roamed the rooms with you.
But you both found yourselves hanging around one room in particular.
Cole’s room.
It was puppy love, really, but you couldn’t help but feel like a teenager again with how he complimented you. Those tips of his hats to you, all of the little gestures, the growling southern drawl, the winking… Even throughout the chaos of what was Overwatch and Blackwatch, you both found time to… get to know each other better.
He made you feel all fuzzy inside, warm and happy in the cruel world of war you all were forced into. But now, as you look over his body lying lifelessly in the hospital bed, you felt hollow.
His left forearm had been completely blown off, the elbow missing completely. Shattered ribcage and gashes that had him stitched up worse than old children’s toys. His right knee already prepped to have metal implanted later today as his kneecap was missing.
His once hearty tan now pale under the unforgiving hospital lights. Dark circles under his eyes made him look like the undead. All of the bruising and scratches only hurt you the more you looked at them.
You refused to leave his side when you could stay, only really leaving to help out or when he was wheeled back in for more time under the knife. Genji, Ana, Angela and Reinhardt would always walk in on you, clutching Cole’s right hand as you furiously tried to stay awake, wanting to be there when he woke up.
That’s where you were right now, sat in the uncomfortable chair, hunched over onto the hospital bed, elbows digging into the thin mattress as you kept your head up with one hand as the other was linked with Cole’s. It was hard to keep your aching eyes open, the monotone beeping of the machines had started to lull you to sleep once, earning you a mark on the forehead from when your elbows gave out and your head smacked the railing on the bed.
Genji had dropped by earlier, sat with you for a bit in silence before being called away by Angela needing to tune up his cybernetics.
You only perked up as the door opened once more.
Ana had walked in, looking at you gently before looking back at Cole.
“They have his arm’s blueprints ready. Torbjorn is making it now,” she offered, smiling softly at you. You only nodded your head slightly, covering your mouth as you yawned. “How long has it been since you’ve slept?”
“I don’t know,” you stated. “I wanna be here when he wakes up.”
“What good will that do? You’ve already hit your head once from not sleeping, it could be something worse soon.”
“Ana, I’ll be fine. I’ve been through worse sleep-deprived.”
“That doesn’t matter. You can’t stay up with coffee and force. You need rest.
Please.” She stayed silent for just a moment. “Cole would want you to.”
Just the mention of his name brought tears to your eyes. You sniffed and sat back in the chair, never unlinking your fingers from his hand.
“I’ll nap in a bit.”
“(Y/N),” she warned.
Damn her motherly tone.
“One more hour. And then I’ll rest.”
Ana sighed, knowing full and well that in one hour, you would be defying your promise and staying up, waiting patiently for Cole to wake up. Without saying another word, she left the room, leaving you to near silence.
You had no idea how much time had passed, most likely another two hours before the door opened again. It was Ana again, Reinhardt behind her, no doubt the muscle if you refused and latched yourself onto the bed as to not go.
“You’re still up,” she noted.
You felt awful, you were exhausted but you didn’t want to sleep without knowing Cole will be alright. So many things could go wrong in your sleep. You couldn’t bear to know that you weren’t there as he died.
“Come on, (Y/n),” Reinhardt stepped out of the way of the door, “it is time to rest.”
Knowing the German soldier would not leave this room without you in tow, you gave up. Defeated, you finally let go of Cole’s hand and stood on quaking feet. They both smiled, knowing you would finally sleep and take care of yourself.
They both stepped outside into the hallway, allowing you to look over Cole once more from his scruffy hair and sunken face to his pale, clammy body that was mostly hidden beneath the hospital sheets.
As you stepped after the two, you stopped and coiled up at the softest groan, fearing that it was just a hallucination. But as you looked to Ana and Reinhardt, their wide eyes were confirmation that you weren’t hearing things.
You practically flung yourself back into your seat, grasping at Cole’s hand, crying as you saw his eyelids flutter and split open just a bit. You heaved and sobbed, suddenly breaking apart as he gently squeezed your trembling hands, gazing at you out of the corner of his eye.
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