#coincidentally chose two characters with two forms
deniax18 · 5 months
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I think they're gonna have to kill a guy
Had to draw this the moment I saw it spreading on Twitter
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Non-Unrequited Love
Non-Unrequited Love: Part I
Read Part II, Part III & Special Ep. I here. (Links are also below)
🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Characters: Lo’ak (18) x Omatikaya Reader (18)
Warnings: Slight NSFW, cursing, lots of fluff, lo'ak in rut
Word count: 3.6k
Authors Note: This series is really a continuation of one event. It has a slow start, but nearing the middle and end it gets pretty steamy.
Synopsis: You and lo'ak have been friends all your life. Everyone knows that you like each other, except the two of you. Fed up with him flaking on you constantly, you follow him one day and find out he's in rut. Now your alone with the love of your life, on a secluded island, whilst he's in rut.
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Lo’ak experienced his first rut at the early age of 17. He chose to endure his rut alone, until the girl of his dreams (y/n) had chosen him as a mate. It was rather painful and lasted much longer than normal – 3 entire days. His only form of release was himself. His father brought him to a secluded island, near to hometree, where he could go and endure his rut alone.
He’s had feelings for you since you guys were in your early teens. You two did everything together. You’ve tamed your ikrans together, learned how to use a bow and arrow together, and even got in trouble together. You two were inseparable and knew everything about each other. Nothing could pull you guys apart, and everyone around you knew that you were destined mates. However, you have also been waiting for him to choose you as a mate.
Despite the continual encouragement from his older brother, Neteyam, telling him to express his feelings to you, he still chose to wait. Thus, he has spent the last three, very painful ruts on his own. He had gotten used to the feeling and learned ways on how to cope with it. He would start by taking a bath in the lake, eat some grub, and embark on his, several, intense self-love-making sessions.
Coincidentally, every time his rut came around, there would be some sort of special event that he would have flake for. Outside of these special events, he deemed himself as a reliable companion. His first rut came on your birthday. The day of, Neteyam came to you and explained that he was extremely sick and needed to rest.
The second time around, he had promised to go with you on your first real hunting trip together. You waited on him for 2 hours at the meeting spot, before giving up and going back home. Later, Kiri came to you and explained that Lo’ak got in trouble for stealing his father’s assault rifle and that he was grounded for a few days. Seemed believable enough.
On his third rut, he promised to take you to the hallelujah mountains to a hidden spot his parents showed him when he was younger. He said he would make it up to you there, and that he’s been wanting to confess something to you. Jake himself, told you he was sick again, and that he would make it up to you another time.
Today, it was your uniltaron (dream hunt), where you were supposed seek your spirit animal. It was important to you that he showed up to this rite of passage. When Neteyam came running to you with his tail between his legs, head hanging low, you didn’t even let him speak.
“Y/n, I – I’m sorry. Lo’ak, h – he, he -.” Neteyam stutters, out of breath from running to meet you at the tree of souls.
“No, not another word.” You say, tears welling up in your eyes. “He always does this! What is this? He is supposed to be my best friend. What kind of best friend misses this?” you cry, motioning over to the ceremony.
Neteyam looks sorry for you and tries to explain. “I know, but there’s a good reason, y/n. If you would just let me explain!”
“No.” you take your small dagger out from your chest and point it in his direction. “tell me where he is! Where is this bitch hiding this time?” you shout.
“y/n... I can’t.” you step closer to him, and he steps back, looking behind him trying not to trip. “I can’t tell you!”
“Neteyam, I will pluck the eyeballs right out of your face!” at this point, he’s on the floor and you’re towering over him, like a predator trapping their prey.
“He’s on the island! Okay? The island!” his hands are in the air, covering his face.
You calm down a bit and withdraw your dragger slightly. “Which island? Where?” Neteyam looks hesitant to answer.
It seemed as if he were trying to choose whether he wanted to be maimed by his brother’s crazy mate or face the rath of the great Lo’ak. Neither seemed very appealing to him, but he’d rather take his chances with Lo’ak.
“The island right across from here. You will find him there. But y/n, he is not himself right now. He’s not the Lo’ak you know and love. You should just wait for him to come back.” Neteyam warns you.
You hiss your teeth, “Love? Pshh.” you get up in a huff, fuming with rage, and make your way to your ikran, mounting it swiftly.
“Crazy woman... they’re really made for each other.” Neteyam mumbles under his breath, shaking his head.
You had been to this island once with Kiri before, to harvest some sort of rare plant that is supposedly able to relieve a third-degree burn in minutes. You and Kiri got the plant, but at the expense of almost losing a few limbs. No one is really supposed to go here, primarily because of the large population of Thanators.
You have heard of a rumor though, that there is a hidden spot, nestled deep into the jungle, where na’vi go to mate before Eywa. It’s supposedly some sort of obscure spiritual sanctuary, that only higher ranking na’vi like the Olo’eyktan, Toruk Makto, and other great warriors know about.
This didn’t stop you, though. The blinding rage that courses through your body is enough motivation to fly there just to maim Lo’ak. What was happening here that was more important than your ceremony?
Your ikran makes a large thump when you land on next to a tree on the island. You dismount her and explore your surroundings. You can recall most of the island, seeing that Kiri would not let you leave until you sourced that ridiculous plant.
With your bow and arrow in hand, you lean against the trunk of the tree next to you, “Lo’ak! I know you’re here. Come out!” You yell.
Lo’ak is hiding high in the canopy of the tree directly above you. He peers down at you, squinting his eyes to get a better look. After confirming that it is indeed you, he takes a deep breath to steady his heart rate.
Why is she here? How did she figure out where I was?
His breath steadies, and his heartrate slows. His rut was approaching any minute, and he was finding it hard to keep calm. The girl he’s loved for so long just stepped foot into a secluded island with him while in rut, what could possibly go wrong?
“Lo’ak! Come out, come out wherever you are” you taunt, just like when you were playing hide and seek as kids. You slowly load your bow with an arrow.
He studies your posture, seeing that you’re armed, and angry. He removes his dagger out of its casing and climbs down on the branch below him. He’s calculating his every move, planning out exactly how he’ll deal with you.
Just as you were about to give up and search another area, something large and heavy attacks you, pinning you to the ground. You shriek from the unexpected blow, huffing and puffing from the pressure in your chest. Your hands are trapped under your own body, and its paw is holding your head down firmly. It exhales hot air onto the back of your neck, making your ears perk up.  
A Thanator? Shit!
You go into fight or flight mode, and surprisingly for a mighty warrior like yourself, you choose flight. You know you’re no match for the jungles biggest and baddest predator. You begin to wriggle underneath it, trying to release yourself from its tight grip so you can make a run for it back to your ikran.
“You should not be here.” the Thanator speaks.
Surprised, you look behind you to see Lo’ak pinning you down, with his knife out.
“Fuck! I thought you were a fucking Thanator, Lo’ak. Great Mother. Never do that to me again.” He releases you from his grip, letting you scurry away.
“I may as well be.” He spits, through breathless pants.
You put away your bow and arrow and put your hands in the air. “You too.” you look wide eyed at the dagger in his hand. He carefully places it back into its casing.
“Why are you here?” he says in a cold voice. It stung to hear the man you secretly loved didn’t want you here.
“Why are you here?” you ask back, crossing your arms over your breasts.
He looks down, and takes note of the placement of your hands, staring a little too long. He looks back up at you, with emerald, green eyes, “I’m trying to protect something very valuable to me. But it’s not working out how I planned.”
You take interest in the sudden change of his eye colour, but you find what he just said more interesting. Intrigued, you ask “Protecting what? If it that valuable to lock yourself away on an island, you could have just roped me in for some help, Lo’ak.”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “It is not a what, it is a who.”
“A who?” that stung even more. Who’s more valuable than his best friend? You look down, deep in thought, trying to think about who could be so valuable to him that he would miss your ceremony to protect.
He sees the sadness in your face and feels sorry for you. “It is you, y/n.”
“Me?” butterflies flutter in your stomach, “how is hiding on an island and missing one of the most important ceremonies of my life ‘protecting’ me? Protecting me from what?” you’re so confused, and ready to solve this mystery once and for all.
“From me.” He states, his pupils morph into slits and his green eyes glow even darker.
You hear his breaths become raggedy as he starts backing away from you into the darkness.
“Protect me? From you? Lo’ak...” you chase after him. 
“Y/n, go home.” He walks away from you, climbing back up the tree.
You’re not taking no for an answer this time as you’re on the verge solving this mystery. You climb up the tree behind him, getting a whiff of rain and leather hide mixed together. You look around to see if it’s raining, and to your surprise it’s not. All you can see is the bioluminescence of the flora around you.
“No, tell me Lo’ak. What is it? I’m not leaving until you tell me!”. You catch up to him and tug on his tail, “seriously Lo’ak, I thought we were close, but I guess I was wrong.” your voice lowers into a whisper.
His face grimaces, you can see the hurt in his eyes from what you just said to him. This, on top of the very little self-control he has left makes him snap at you, “I’m in rut, okay? Are you happy? You should go, I can really feel it now.”
He makes his way further up the tall tree, with you following closely behind him. “Lo’ak! Rut? You mean the thing that we learned from Mo’at about the na’vi cycles?”
“No shit, y/n.” he hisses.
“I didn’t know you got yours already, I’m still waiting for mine.” You whine, a bit jealous that he got his first.
How does this boy climb so quickly? You’re panting, at this rate.
He stops abruptly, pulling you aside onto the large branch that he’s standing on. You look at him intently, the beads of sweat on his forehead drip onto his chest, which is glowing under the night sky. Big green saucers for eyes look back at you, as he takes your hand in his.
“I have spent my last three ruts alone, on this island, by myself. Each of those ruts, I had something planned with you and had to make up an excuse so that I wouldn’t hurt you. When I’m in this state, I’m delirious, completely out of control. I have these... urges, that I can’t stop, and with the way I feel about you... I – I don’t think I’d be able to keep myself back. So, I come here, with the help of my father, and hide for the three days that it lasts.”
That was a lot to unpack. For a minute, you’re speechless, just registering and processing all that he just said to you.
How he feels about me? Urges? Three days? Doesn’t rut usually last a day, at most? You had so many questions, but nothing was coming out.
You may be a bit slow, but you are no fool. As the puzzle pieces together, it dawns on you that he has feelings for you, and to protect you from the animalistic... sexual, urges, he locks himself far away from you. How romantic.
He looks at you for a while, waiting for a response, to be met with nothing. He scoffs, drops your hand, and looks away, “I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. Go home, y/n.” he starts making his way towards the trunk of the tree.
“Wait!” you grab his arm and pull him towards you. “I, I – I have these feelings too, Lo’ak. I’ve had them for some time now. Every time you flaked, I felt stood up. I’ve been waiting for you to choose me, first.” you look away, shyly.
“Y/n. Are you saying that you want to be my mate?” he grips both your arms, staring deeply into your eyes.
“Yes. I’ve always wanted to be your mate, Lo’ak.” You whisper, as if other people could hear your confession.
He can’t help but smile at you, searching your eyes to see if you’re being honest. He swallows his spit, and glances down at your lips. You notice this, and glance at his lips, too. The tension in your chest is intense, it feels like knots in your heart. He inches closer and closer to you, close enough for you to hear his quick heartbeat. His lips crash into yours, hungry and inexperienced.
Not knowing what you’re doing either, you kiss him sloppily, using your tongue to explore his mouth, your teeth clinking together. Both of you reeked of desperation. All these years, you’ve looked at your relationship with him as unrequited love – a girl who settled to be his best friend. Unbeknownst to you, he’s felt the same way about you this entire time.
This is what the sky people would call ‘making out’ it seems. His tongue wraps around yours, much like his arms wrap around your waist. He’s never touched you like this before, in fact, no one has ever touched you like this before. You’re so nervous that he picks it up.
He pulls away from your lips, “What is it? Is this, okay?” He pants, trying to catch his breath.
“Yes... it’s nothing. I’ve just never done this before. I don’t really know what I’m doing.” you too, are panting and trying to catch your breath.
“It’s okay, me too. We’ll learn together, just like we do everything together” he smiles before he leans back in and kisses you excitedly.
His hands explore your body, in places he’s never touched before. They make their way up and down your back, and then around to your breasts. He brushes past them, unintentionally flicking your nipples that peak through the thin cloth on your chest. A soft moan escapes your mouth into his, as you flinch from his touch.
“Sorry.” He apologizes, breaking the kiss.
“No, it felt good. Keep going” you demand, kissing him back.
His hands work further down, past your stomach, down to your lower thighs. Your body moves on its own, rolling and whining to dance with his hands. At this point, he is groaning too, allowing his own body to succumb to his ‘urges’.
You start kissing his neck, and make your way down to his collarbones, caressing the dip in them with your tongue. He closes his eyes, savouring the pleasure that he’s feeling, breathing in your natural scent. The bulge in his loincloth becomes more and more visible, something you’d never seen before. You were curious to see how it feels, if it was really as stiff as they make it seem to be.
You allow your hand to move slowly down his stomach, playing with his belly button on the way down. You cup his bulge, squeezing gently, trying to feel the shape of his member. He jerks slightly, from the sudden touch of his most sensitive area. Soft moans evade his mouth, while he lets his hands move from your thighs to the soft flesh between your legs. You gasp for air as he rubs your most delicate area.
“Whoa. You’re really wet, y/n” he says, making an innocent observation.
“And you’re actually rock-hard” you look up at him, surprised.
His vision becomes hazy, and his heart starts thumping. He tries his best to fight the feeling, and continue to have this moment as himself, but his rut is proving to make that difficult. He lets go of you and takes a deep breath while stepping back.
Did I do something wrong?
“Y/n. My rut. I can’t fight it anymore. We should really stop here.” He says through clenched teeth and furrowed brows.
“Then don’t.” you say, stepping towards him, grabbing his hand.
“Don’t?” he shakes his head, confused and foggy.
“Don’t fight it, Lo’ak. I am here now, and if we are destined to be mates...” you stroke his queue with your other hand, “then is it not my duty as your mate to be with you, now more than ever?”
“Yes. But you don’t understand, y/n. This is not my first rut. I – I can’t control it. No matter how hard I try, it is insatiable. I don’t want to hurt you, especially during our first time...” He takes another step back.
“I want it. I’ve been wanting this. I am ready, Lo’ak. Besides, you owe me for all those times that you stood me up” You giggle, lightening the mood. You cup his face and stare deep into his dark green eyes. “I trust you.”
He shakes his head, “Agh. Okay. But you must listen to me and do exactly as I say, y/n.”
“I’ll do anything you tell me to do.” You look up at him, smirking.
He takes your hand and hurries all the way up to top of the tree, where his hide out rests. There is a woven mat, food, water, and other necessities. It’s nestled among several branches that veer off in all directions. It really looks something like a prison; it saddens you to know he had been dealing with this while you were upset at him for not showing.
He quickly packs his bag with some supplies and food and calls for his ikran who is resting, quietly hidden in the canopy.  There is a great sense of urgency in him, as the height of his rut is fast approaching. You both mount his ikran, and you sit comfortably between his legs. He steers the ikran with one hand, and wraps his other hand tightly around your waist. You soar through the sky towards a small hill deep in the thick of the jungle.
“Should you be flying in this state? Where are we even going?” you ask curiously.
“I’m alright for now. We’re going to a sacred place that my father showed me once. He said to me ‘if for some reason you are lucky enough to mate with someone, bring them here to impress them.’” he chuckles. “Perks of having your father be Olo’eyktan and Toruk Makto, I guess.”
So, the rumor is real. Huh.
The landing is rough, probably due to Lo’ak’s foggy state of mind. He disconnects his queue from his ikran and dismounts him. You hop off on your own, taking in the view. This hidden, sacred place leaves you breathless. The flora glowed in the night sky, as the waterfalls burble into the large, crystal-clear lake. Vines and panopyra dominate the woodland, wrapping around and hiding between the shrubs and trees. Even Lo’ak was glowing before you, hazy eyed.
Woodsprites float like jellyfish, surrounding Lo’ak, and then you, bringing the two of you closer together. “Does this mean that we are destined to be?” you ask, jokingly.
“Maybe.” He says, seriously, taking his queue and holding it in front of him. “Are you sure you want this?”
You take your queue and hold it in front of you, looking at the tendrils dancing before you. “Yes, do you want this?” you bring your queue closer to his.
“Yes. Definitely, yes.” Your queues come together, creating a spark that only the two of you can feel.
Your eyes dilate, ears lay flat, and your lips part ever so slightly – you are both connected through tsaheylu now. You feel his breath, his heartbeat, his rut. It feels like a deep sensation of sheer frustration, not only sexual, but a craving for a deeper, emotional connection, expressed through sex. Your tail sways back and forth as the feeling travels through every inch of your body.  
Do you feel it?
You’re taken aback by his voice in your head. You swore you didn’t see his lips move. You look at him, really concerned that you’ve gone mad, searching his eyes for an answer.
“Tsaheylu makes it so that we can hear each other’s thoughts.” He speaks.
Like this, my pretty girl.
You smile at him, embracing your mate.
Now we are mated, before Eywa. Your chest gets hot.
For life. He kisses you passionately.
Read part II & III here:
Part II:
Part III:
Special Episode I:
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amaya-writes · 2 years
if you have time do you think you can make a L from death note scenario where you teach him how to kiss? that’ll be great! thanks :))
Notes: okay first off this request was so cute! And I wanted to write it earlier but y'know life lol but yeah I was super excited for this one
Warnings: n/a, just pure fluff
Characters involved: L
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
The office was consumed with a peaceful silence as you lounged on the sofa, watching as L shuffled his gaze across the sheets of paper and monitors before him, occasionally letting out a small contemplative hum or clinking his spoon against the ceramic plate his cake sat on.
The two of you had been like that for quite some time, with L working away while you did as you pleased, waiting for him to finish.
This certainly wasn't the first time you had spent your afternoon like this, however, something about this time seemed different. Almost off even.
Like L was different.
The thought had you glancing up in your partner's direction, coincidentally catching him just as he turned to look at you.
"Something's bothering you."
It was more of a statement than a question, but L still chose to respond as he completely spun his chair to face you.
"I wouldn't say bothering, no. But I have found myself contemplating something for the past couple of days."
"And what would that be?"
L's personality seemed to do a complete 360 at your question, with his usual self-assured demeanour being replaced with a more hesitant one that wasn't quite like him.
Almost as if he was contemplating whether or not to reply truthfully.
However, he seemed to finally give in to his curiosity and eventually voiced his concerns.
"As a couple, I have come to understand that there are some things people in relationships normally do, such as kissing."
"And I can't help but wonder why we haven't done it yet."
You didn't know why you felt so surprised at his bluntness, after all, you had gotten used to L's tendency to speak his mind with no filter over the past month or so.
Yet somehow you found yourself feeling slightly flustered even as you replied.
"Come here."
He lingered beside his desk for a moment or two before rolling his chair towards the sofa, only coming to a stop once he was directly in front of you.
However, you were quick to tug him closer to you, causing his legs to drop to the ground so that he could lean down to your level.
"If you wanted to kiss that badly, you could have just asked."
L seemed to get a little flustered at your comment, with a light blush dusting his cheeks as he noticed the way you shifted so you could easily lean into him.
"Think of it as more...research based. I would like to learn how to kiss rather than just kiss."
"Oh yeah? Well-"
You couldn't help the smile that formed across your lips as you leaned in to have your foreheads touch, noticing how L turned impossibly redder at your proximity.
"-I'm happy to help you out."
You finally sealed your lips with his as you spoke, softly tugging on his bottom lip as you guided L through the kiss.
Your hand almost automatically moved to tangle in his hair as you tugged him closer to you, with the action prompting L to rest his hand right below your jawline as he slowly began experimenting with the kiss.
He seemed to get the hang of it after the first few pecks, choosing to break away for a quick second before leaning back in for another kiss, this time with him taking the lead.
His kisses tasted of the strawberry cake he had been munching on, with the sweet flavour only adding to the soft way he caressed his lips against yours.
L was quite the natural when it came to kissing, something you shouldn't have been surprised by considering your partner was a certified genius and a quick learner.
However, as his kisses got bolder and his other hand dropped to your waist, you found that it was you who had to pull away before you got too flustered.
"So, did that suffice your research?"
L let out a contemplative hum at your question, moving his chair back and forth for a moment or two before he finally stopped and returned to his previous position, this time leaning a lot closer than before.
"Hmm, I think I need a little more to go off of. For research purposes, of course."
He might have had his signature detective face on as he spoke, but you couldn't help but feel like L had some ulterior motives, however, you were more than happy to oblige.
After all, it wasn't every day you got to teach the world's best detective how to kiss.
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itskotka · 2 years
peter parker x reader
summary: peter parker, being the dumb self-sacrificial idiot he is, breaks up with you because he wants you to be happier. you’re left wondering what you did wrong, and he’s left with a self-induced broken heart. but on the 4th of july, you coincidentally meet him on the rooftop.
w/c: 1.2k
a/n: wrote very late at night with no editing, yes the characters are slightly problematic but who isn’t
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Peter never wanted to leave you.
He needed to make that clear, even though he didn’t when he had left in a dramatic fashion that left you speechless. And for as many times as he said ‘I love you,’ the illusion seemed to fade away the second he walked out your door. You didn’t want to believe it, but he chose to leave, and that was the only thing clear about the situation.
So now he was sitting on a rooftop, reminiscing about where it all went wrong. A boom roared in the distance, leaving him on edge. It was the time of year when it was difficult to tell if they were fireworks or gunshots. Differentiating between cries for help and loud children was even worse. He thankfully saw a bright array of colors in the sky and let out a sigh of relief.
Even though it wasn’t intentional, he spotted you out of everyone from the view on the roof. For some reason, it was always you. You were sitting in the living room of a foreign apartment with another guy, smiling carefully. Peter’s body tensed as he realized he had been replaced. It wasn’t hard to imagine; you were beautiful and talented. Anybody was lucky to have you, and he was dumb enough to let you go.
The guy placed his hand in yours and Peter swore he was stabbed through the heart. You grinned back at him and relaxed at his touch. He had to remind himself that this was on him, even if it was intentional or not. The end was bound to come, he had figured. In the last weeks of your relationship, you both fell apart. There were too many tense late nights where you were up waiting and worrying for Peter. There were too many times that he came in through your window injured from reckless decisions. And maybe ending it was another one of those reckless, dangerous decisions.
But when you were the one who got hurt, Peter knew it was over.
The guilt overcame him entirely. The guilt of not being able to protect you and knowing that with him, you could never be happy. All Peter wanted was for you to be okay and for you to be happy. It seemed like he made both of those things untrue. And it killed him, inside and out.
So, he did what he thought he could to keep you safe and happier. As much as he definitely hated the guy you were with, you looked happier. His plan was working, only at the cost of his own happiness. He finally peeled his eyes off of you to acknowledge the light show and the ooh-ing and aah-ing of the crowd. It could distract him for a little while at least.
Unfortunately for him, the fireworks reminded him of you. You were together last year - strictly as friends - on the fourth. Everyone else retreated inside while you two stayed and watched the fireworks over the lake in the cool July air. You were forced to go inside once it started down pouring, but you loved every second of it. Peter loved every second he had with you, but he had to mess that up too.
He loved you, with everything he had, but he had to let you go. You deserved to find someone who could love you and protect you, and that could no longer be him. And although he watched you move on from a distance, he never uttered a word. After all, he left without explaining, and he can only imagine how badly he hurt you.
The thought destroyed Peter. He left you to stop hurting you, but he managed to do that without even being there. His stomach churned at the realization that maybe he didn’t do the right thing. But it was too late now. He turned his attention back to you, who pressed a kiss to the man’s cheek and walked to the door. Tears began forming in his eyes, and he didn’t care enough to stop them.
In a turn of coincidental events, you ended up landing on the same rooftop as your ex, Peter Parker. You simply wanted a place to breathe and take in the fireworks, but it seemed like your plans suddenly changed.
“Peter?” He jumped up and faced you. His eyes were red and his face was splotchy, which was a dead giveaway that he had been crying.
“Hi,” he quietly spoke. The silence was deafening between you, neither wanting to breathe another word. It had only been a month, but the month seemed to last a lifetime. Peter realized he needed to at least clear the air, even if he could no longer be the one to make you happy, “I’m sorry,” he blurted. You studied his face and recognized the purely genuine expression.
“Why did you do it?” He peered down to his feet and drew in a shallow breath. “You started acting weird before you did it, and then just left with just a goodbye? I can’t do this anymore? We were friends first, and I lost even that. Why?” You felt the anger releasing from your chest - anger that you tried to forget was there.
“I wanted to protect you. You got hurt, because of me, because of Spider-Man. I needed you to be okay,” he explained meekly, “And I needed you to be happy.” A sob rose from your throat. You were entirely wrong about the situation, and it made you feel terrible. You always knew Peter struggled with these feelings, so why didn’t you think of it when he ended things so abruptly after you broke your arm while he was on patrol? You wanted to break down right there in his arms and tell him everything was okay, but you couldn’t yet. “Say something, please,” Peter pleaded, voice full of concern.
“I… I thought you didn’t love me anymore. I thought you might’ve found someone new or not wanted me.” Watching his face, you thought he was about to break down instead of you. Another tear fell from his eyes, but he didn’t wipe it away.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” You took a step closer to him, wanting to absorb his hurt and make it all go away. He looked deep into your eyes and suddenly a flicker of jealousy flashed across his face. “Who’s the guy? I saw you. He… He makes you happy.” You almost rolled your eyes at the statement.
“Justin. And I just told him we aren’t going anywhere.” Peter’s eyes jumped back to yours.
“But- Why?”
“You are such an idiot.” He ignored you.
“If he makes you happy, why wouldn’t you stay?” This time you did roll your eyes back at him.
“Because you make me happier. You always have and you always will.” Three fireworks exploded at that moment, one in the air and two in your hearts.
“I’m so, so sorry I did that to you. I got scared, and I shouldn’t have. I trust you. And I love you-”
“Oh shut up already,” you interrupted. You leaned forward and kissed him with all the feeling you had left.
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electricprincess96 · 1 month
What do you make of the change the New52 made with Catherine and Sheila in Jason's Death storyline?
Despise it. And I've argued with plenty of other so called Jason fans on this one. They all hated Sheila and were happy to see her removed from canon but the fact is all they did was give her story to Catherine thus tainting the one good person Jason had in his early childhood. Jason fans need to realise you're meant to hate Sheila, she sold a young boy, her own son out to the Joker. They also need to realise just cause someone is bad to Jason doesn't mean they shouldn't exist for the purposes of the story. Sheila being an awful mother, an awful person, is necessary for Jason's story while tainting Catherine with that storyline removes the one adult figure in Jason's life that he felt didn't actively seek to hurt him even if she still let him down in another way.
Jason feeling ostracised in Bruce's family, finding out Catherine wasn't his birth mother and realising he had a chance at a parental connection with someone who might appreciate him only for that woman to turn him over to the Joker is heartbreaking and contributes to Jason's later unwillingness to trust people (unless you're Talia cause for some reason DC and some Jason fans think that woman is a saint when she used Jason just as much as everyone else, if not worse in many ways and is no better than many of Batman's other Rogues). However, despite this betrayal Jason still tries to save Sheila in the end showing that despite what DC want us to think nowadays about Jason as Robin, he was good at heart, he died a hero, trying to save a woman who sold him out and watched as he was beaten bloody with a crowbar. This is integral of Jason's character, it shows that he was more than the cautionary tale that Batman and modern DC want to turn him into. He was a hero.
Also easily the worst part about the change in the New52 is it makes Jason's entire life the product of some scheme by the Joker. I hate that. Not everything in comic books needs to be some massive conspiracy. Sometimes things can just happen coincidentally. Jason was not the only orphan (or in this case fake orphan since Catherine was not dead in this scenario) on the streets, Batman could have stumbled across any of them, the fact he takes Jason in is entirely because of actions Jason chose to take, no one manipulated Jason into stealing the Batmobiles tyres.
For people who don't know basically in New52 Sheila was replaced with Catherine. Catherine was originally Jason's step mother in Post Crisis Canon but was changed here to be his biological mother. In original canon Jason's father was killed by Two-Face and Catherine died of an "illness" speculated to either be a drug overdose or some form of cancer that she took drugs to try and dull the pain. Regardless Jason ends up orphaned on the streets and then found by Batman when he steals the wheels off the Batmobile to try and sell them for money. Then Jason finds out Catherine is not his real mother and goes searching for Sheila and finds her in Ethiopia where she's working with the Joker (admittedly unwillingly but she's being blackmailed due to her stealing charity funds so honestly I don't feel bad for her in that situation) and Jason tells her he's Robin and can help her with the Joker and instead of taking him up on that offer she sells him out to the Joker.
In New52 the Joker meets Jason pre death of his parents and orchestrates everything. Willis Todd's death, he fakes Catherine's death to leave Jason "orphaned" so that he'll be taken in by Batman and made into Robin, he then threatens Jason by revealing Catherine is alive and that's how he gets Jason to the warehouse where he beats and kills him.
I just hate that. I hate the idea that the Joker basically controlled every part of Jason's life even BEFORE he killed him. Newer DC writers seem obsessed with Jason being a puppet to the Joker due to him being Red Hood, constantly tied to the clown rather than acknowledging Jason taking the name Red Hood is his way of regaining some agency in his own life by taking from the man who took from him. But to a degree I can understand thinking post resurrection Jason is in a way controlled by the Joker, his existence affects Jason. Having the young boy who thought being Robin made him magic also just turn out to be one of the Jokers sick pet projects is just callous, cruel and ultimately adds nothing substantial to Jason's character arc. It was poor writing and I'm thankful for the most part more modern comics seem to have tried to distance themselves from this god awful retcon and that fans seem to have never accepted it as canon to begin with.
The New52 Outlaws run had its moments but I'll he honestly I'm not a huge fan of Lobdell's storylines, overall characterisation wise i think he normally nailed Jason decently well but some of those plots were.... just not good. This is absolutely, 100% one of the worst ones.
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firelordgrantham · 2 years
CS Lewis wrote an entire book (among a series of seven books with slightly different stories) to explain to children that even if your neighbour believed in another god than you, as long as he believed truthfully, he would go to Paradise, while a bad man, whatever the religion, would go to Hell.
He also wrote a main character being punished for having been mean to someone who deserved it, because the disproportion of the defense towards the attack made the main character the bad guy for this particular situation.
JRR Tolkien wrote thousands of pages about very different civilizations, who where each very interesting and thriving on its own, and different races or subspecies of humanoids being all as good as the other, with none superior, but each being the best at one or the other thing. And ''chill'' was a valid answer to ''what do you want to do as an adult'', as much as fighting a war or building gigantic castles. In fact, maybe more valid of an answer.
His only two evil races are formed of people who chose evil, because you don't get born evil or good, it does not depend on the people you are from.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote an autistic-coded, aroace-coded character before either words were even a thing. Said character was very respectful of women and a good friend.
Lewis Caroll created an entire litteray genre out of the desire of a little girl to hear a story. Coincidentally, the heroin is the little girl herself.
Victor Hugo wrote thousands of pages of social criticism, taking the defense of people forced into prostitution or theft because of poverty, writing the most moving tale of redemption of his century.
William Shakespeare wrote a comedy which could have seemed antisemitic until the end when he revealed the only reason the bad guy was a Jew was because the heroes wronged him for being jewish in the first place, and making a moving plea against antisemitism.
Jane Austen wrote her heroins to be every girl of her era: one strong and witty, one just a hopeless romantic, one pragmatic and determined to marry well, one past her prime with low self-esteem learning to love herself... and none of them are put down compared to the others. Each has her own qualities and her own flaws and each deserves happiness.
Jack London gave a voice to native people of the arctic circle and wrote moving testimonies of a now-extinct world, the ''wild'' of Alaska and Canada. He wrote about hierarchical dispositions and behaviours in sledgedogs packs way before the whole ''alpha/omega'' bullshit went by and destroyed our understanding of dogs. Denounced white bad men as well as put native people as heroes or positive supporting characters.
But sure. The past is a dark place and only bigots ever populated the earth (particularly the *spits* christian ones) before the modern era set everybody free and more tolerant.
This is totally vagueposting to the people who told me (on another website) that we were soooo lucky that Netflix and Disney were starting to get inclusive because there never had been any tolerance in the world before today, that autistic kids and gay people were left to die in the woods or stoned to death and all white people from before the 70 were inherently sexist and racist.
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brothersapart · 1 year
So, hey, nightmares06!
I came from Brothers Unexpected on AO3, and was wondering if there were tidbits on any future stories. I saw that you could apparently "submit story ideas" here, and decided to plant my own twisted, rotten piece of "idea dandelions" right here!
Brothers Unexpected: Meeting of Brothers
What if there was a third or fourth or whatever number part of the story, where Sam, Jacob, and his family get caught up in a situation with a monster. Maybe a demon, spirit or something "simple" like that. By this point, Jacob is about as old as he is in all other iterations of him, around his teens, a bit older. Sam knows a bit about the topic; not that much, but enough to know that they are screwed up. He's panicking, they're all panicking, everything's terrible peachy-keen.
Then Dean shows up not after, since he's working on another, completely irrelevant case (that is totally not related) and manages to find them and save them from getting torn to shreds impending doom. Oscar, by this point, has also become a hunter. Having lived with Dean and John up to this point, he's lost most of his... soft-ness. He's overcome a lot of fears and is as resourceful as it gets. But he still retains at least a bit of the fuzzy personality that makes Oscar, well, Oscar!
So, anyways, queue the conversation about monsters, the discovery of Sam/Oscar, the reveal, and the reunion. All the standard stuff that we all love to read. (I swear it's almost addicting.)
I would love to see how Jacob's parents are going to deal with this. Like:
"Woah, there are tiny people that aren't cursed humans, and, not coincidentally, our (basically) adoptive son's biological brother, who we have sort of been searching for for entire years, also has adopted a tiny non-human. Oh yeah, and they hunt the supernatural, which we may or may not have been putting aside, since it's almost borderline inconceivable."
Man, I spend way too much time fantasizing with this stuff.
Anyways, this time, Sam is the more scared, unsure character. He's lived with a "normal" human family for most of his life now. He can use his knife, he has the basic skills, and he's a proficient learner, but he's severely outmatched by Oscar, who has been hardened by both John and Dean's training, as well as just pure experience.
Now Dean has to connect with Sam, someway, somehow. Will it be with "hunter-ifying" him? Or will it be by slowly easing himself back into a slower-paced, not-a-hunter brother, just for Sam? And when that happens, how will Oscar feel? Like an intruder, or a replacement? How will Jacob feel? Will he be like in Brothers Adopted, and feel like an outsider? WILL JACOB AND OSCAR FORM THE ULTIMATE ALLIANCE?
I have no clue.
But, hey, this was an interesting thought just sitting in my head; I had to blow the seeds somewhere, and I chose here!
Dandelions are pretty. (◉⁠‿⁠◉)
Have a great holiday, and happy late Christmas! (whether you celebrate it, or not.)
Best Regards,
Oh, every bit of this is amazing to read and imagine, I love it!
We certainly do have a plan for when these two crews intersect at last, and I definitely hope we get far enough into the story for all the !!FUN!! to commence! You certainly got a few bits of it right ;) and they will DEFINITELY run into each other down the line. Where would the fun be if they didn't?!
Any time you feel like throwing around story seeds, we're all here to listen! My readers are just as rabid as we are for finding new ideas and plot bunnies to imagine.
If you want to see how the Brothers Unexpected crew is doing in the far future, after their rediscovery and encounters, we did do a short story with them (They were just too perfect a crew to throw a halloween for):
Just Another Halloween
(Other posts on Brothers Unexpected)
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isnt-it-pretty · 2 years
Okay! So these are what I have bookmarked. Keep in mind there are a lot of other great ones out there, I'm just picky. Long post incoming.
Like Steel by kikitlu
Kaeya doesn't get sick.
caring by honeywhisk
“I understand your concern. However, Xiao is a young adeptus, and a very skilled one for that matter. It’s not unlike him to disappear from time to time, especially if something upset him recently. He won’t be gone for too long; you will hear from him tomorrow at evening at most. I assure you, there’s no reason to worry.”
The look that Traveler and Paimon exchanged reaffirmed Zhongli’s suspicions: that, even in his human form, his instincts rarely were off.
Traveler finally met his gaze again, his eyes even heavier with worry than before, and Zhongli was reminded of what he already knew: Traveler rarely acted out of unfounded concern.“He’s been gone for three days now.”
Some Coincidentally Spawned Gaggle of a Family (And Then We Chose to Keep It) by BeyondTheClouds777
(As a chronically ill young adult, this fic has killed me, it's so good)
Life is rough. Family is rough. Hardship zeroes in on five stragglers in particular—Xiao, Kaeya, Aether, Childe, and Zhongli, a group of individuals who looked at each other one day and said, “Hey, we all need somewhere to live and none of us have money. That’s, like, a whole two things we have in common. Let’s get an apartment together.”
So they did. Five of life’s travelers, each with their own unique set of baggage. It goes well. They get along just fine. And, hey—sometimes family is you and your four circumstantial roommates, and sometimes that’s enough.
Then, when Xiao’s health begins to spiral (because life is nothing if not unsatisfied), it doesn’t take a village: it takes a family of five and of choice. They’ll laugh through the best, plough through the worst, and they will make it.
They will.
(They must.)
transcension by _exce (Afueras)
It begins when Aether is asked by the friend of a friend to deliver a mysterious package to a stranger, only to find that there's more to the situation than he's prepared to deal with.
Modern AU centering around Xiao, told mostly through Aether, Venti, Zhongli, and Verr Goldet. Loosely explores themes of responsibility, friendship, recovery, grief, etc.
The Human Condition by Oopsthatsbad
“Kaeya Alberich, first of his name, we bestow unto you the hopes of our nation, the blessings of our ancestors, your birthright.”
Khaenri'ah was not Godless. At least, not in the way those of Teyvat were taught. The last remnant of a long dead nation, Kaeya Alberich holds many secrets close to his heart. Circumstances might just rip this one away from him.
Liyue is a Mess™ by Anonemoni (a series by a lovely friend of mine, I'll put the summary to the first fic in it) (You can follow her on her tumblr here, but she doesn't post writing)
Zhongli is Rex Lapis. The thought left Childe feeling hollow. How had he not known? For all his scheming, all of his planning- his target had been right in front of him the entire time.
He felt stupid. He felt betrayed. And it only got worse as the man before him opened his mouth to speak.
We're going to take a look at how the whole Liyue debacle affects various characters and relationships- focusing mainly on Childe, the Traveler (Lumine), Xiao, and of course Zhongli himself.
It's gonna get angsty so hold on tight!
Can Everyone in Mondstadt Just CHILL OUT For a Second?? by Anonemoni (these are more disconnected then Liyue's, but I'll post the summary for Kaeya Alberich Does Not Like Fire)
"But for all fire could melt ice, only hydro could come close to the level of effect that cryo had against bare flames. As much pain and destruction as a pyro attack could dole out, Kaeya’s cryo was theoretically more than enough to match... right?"
Kaeya Alberich is generally very good at keeping weakness and vulnerability close to the vest. But when it comes to heat and flame, it doesn't take long traveling with the cavalry captain to realize something is up.
And even he has his limits when it comes to controlling that particular fear. He had just assumed that he had gotten past the point of it being a detriment in battle...
fool me once, shame on you by fickle red beans (cizzi)
Kaeya kept himself behind a carefully constructed veil of glass so that no one would ever become too close to him and get burned like Diluc did ever again. Seemingly transparent, yet unreachable in reality. When he's ambushed out in the wild and finds the breath fading from his lungs, he thinks that it's almost not too bad. As long as Mondstadt is safe and Diluc is happy...what's the problem?
And then he wakes up. Younger than he should be, different, and everyone who sees him looks like they've seen a ghost because Kaeya Ragnvindr died fending off the drake that should have killed Crepus. And Diluc, and his father? Refuse to let go of him now that he's appeared to rise from the dead. Kaeya is different from what they remember - he pushes people away, or tries to - but neither his sanity nor his resolve can keep up his guard around his own family.
What's going on? Why is everything different? Why has his life completely changed?
Maybe none of it matters. Maybe the only thing that matters is the fact he can start over and fall blindly back into the warmth and care he thought was gone forever.
a warm embrace by honeywhisk
After taking a few minutes to pull himself together, Xiao finally opened his eyes and lifted his head to regard his master properly.
Zhongli’s golden eyes wandered down his body, examining him carefully, then came back up to linger on his face. Or, more specifically, on his injured cheek. Xiao flinched involuntarily and evaded his gaze, turning his face the opposite way, but Zhongli didn’t comment on it.
“Why don’t you come here and tell me everything about it, while I take a look at your injuries?”
Slip of the Mask by BeyondTheClouds777
He knows the arms that hold him—arms that tighten around his knees and shoulders, the bite of the wind becoming sharper. 
“Save your strength,” Zhongli says. There’s a rigidness in his tone, masking a deeper fret Xiao doesn’t have the mind nor will to uncover. “I do not know the depth of your wounds. Be still.”
Xiao doesn’t see why not, and even questions seem a futile effort when there’s no hurry to find the answer. He lets his head loll into Zhongli’s shoulder, and trusts.
Worth Every Unruly Moment by BeyondTheClouds777 (technically has romance between Guizhong and Zhongli)
Just before aging out of the foster system, Xiao is adopted by Zhongli and Guizhong.
He gets sick for the first time under their care.
Take Flight on Golden Wings by Terra_Argentum (also has minor romance between Guizhong and Zhongli, also warning that there are errors in grammar, but the story itself is still good)
Before Alatus served Rex Lapis....He served another:
Freed from his chains Alatus finds himself in the Guili Assembly under the watchful eyes of two Gods and their faithful retainers.
All is not always well for a bloodhound of slaughter forced to live amongst the people and he is pushed to a journey of healing and self rediscovery as he becomes once more an adeptus revered.
Delusions of Grandeur by AngstArchon318
Mysterious kidnappings spring up all over Teyvat, but that’s hardly bad news for Kaeya and Jean. Of course, Kaeya’s not thrilled about it but he’s desperate for anything to keep his mind from dwelling on memories of the past. And it’s obviously a headache for Jean but at least she knows exactly how to rope Diluc into helping solve the case. Maybe this time Mondstadt’s Cavalry Captain and Darknight Hero can finally realize they never stopped being brothers.
As the case gets deeper, relationships are repaired and spirits resolved. By the end of it all, it seems as though things have changed for the better. But unbeknownst to the people of Teyvat, something much more sinister may have been playing out behind the scenes the entire time.
the angel’s share’s cat by alexithymias (first fic in a series)
A perfectly ordinary cat finds its way to Angel’s Share and into Diluc and Kaeya’s lives. Any family drama that happens after that may or may not be its fault.
And of course, my own fic.
Into Darkness and Howling by isnt_it_pretty
It is not Bosacius trapped at the bottom of The Chasm, and it is not a lingering memory they find there.
(A role reversal AU for our favourite yaksha (that ends happier than canon))
Hope you find some you can like within this! If anyobdy knows these author's tumblrs, let me know and I'll link them if they wish.
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dyrewrites · 11 months
Author Ask Game
Tagged by @rmgrey-author and no, I haven't done this one yet. =)
I'll use Weald and Wen for this one, because it's done so I know the most about it.
What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it? I don't really strive toward a lesson when writing, so I'm not sure how to answer this one. I can say that, for the characters, the lesson is perseverance. They endure a lot in a very short period of time, with even less to really process it, but they have to go on. They have to keep going. So they need to learn, quickly, how to do that. Which I probably chose because of personal experience and never having the time to really process the things that happened to me, so I just learned to keep going. Luckily, for my characters, they'll have that time in a later book and they have eachother to help.
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)? Mostly real-world animals, and plant-life, but there's a specific piece of media that impacted the mood and visuals quite a bit. That is Dark Crystal, both the 80s movie and the recent show. Actually, I could toss Labyrinth in there too, and Guillermo Del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth as well. Dark, moody but colorful fantasies with morally gray characters, both friendly and violent monsters, and fae-like chaos certainly inspired this world.
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person? Each MC has their own personal goal but the shared one is to save the world...and to survive. What I suppose I tried to achieve with them (and will continue throughout the series) is to teach others that living is worth doing. No matter how bad it gets, no matter how bleak it feels, life is worth living. You may need help, and it may not come in forms you expect and may be the hardest thing you've ever done, but it's worth it. Life is worth it.
How many chapters is your story going to have? Weald and Wen has thirty-two chapters.
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it? Original and I've shared some chapters here, and only here. It'll eventually be published through Amazon though.
When and why did you start writing? I started writing, in general, at the age of twelve because a teacher saw potential and encouraged me to. That is, coincidentally, also when I first started coming up with what became Weald and Wen and the entire Mar series. Took a while to be able to actually write it though. >.>
Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow? Write what you want, don't put yourself in a box because of genre expectations or listen to people who tell you it'll never sell or find readers. Write what you want and your audience will find it. As for those I follow, I am going to forget some but these are who come to mind; @scribe-cas @stesierra @repressed-and-depressed @palebdot @jgmartin
Leaving it an open tag, but if you're looking at this because a mentioned you and you haven't done it yet...>.>
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hotelyamato · 2 years
3. How did you choose their name? (all of them)
Questions about Creating Your OCs.
Sit tight for another doozy.
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We'll start with Ayumu and Eriko, since they're sisters (and, coincidentally, Ayumu's first name comes first alphabetically) and were the first two OCs I made. Their last name Király is a common Hungarian surname which translates to "King," a name that fits them, as they are both avid chess players. Of course, the reason their last name is Hungarian is that their father is Hungarian; and the reason that their first names are Japanese is that their mother is Japanese.
In one sense, Ayumu is named after Ayumu Kasuga, better known as Osaka, from Azumanga Daioh, always one of my favorite manga and anime. It also happens that Ayumu's and Osaka's name are written 歩, which happens to be the short form of the shōgi piece 歩兵, which translates to "foot soldier," or more commonly, "Pawn."
Eriko's name, on the other hand, just happened to be a Japanese name that I found rather pretty. I cannot think of a character from an anime or manga with that name, which may be part of the reason that I chose it.
Once again, I will speak of Giacomo Martini and Chiara Rossi together. More detail here. Both characters were developed out of a silly desire of mine to have an Italian duo named Martini & Rossi, after the famous brand of vermouth and wine (which I do quite enjoy).
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Chiara's name simply came from the most popular fan name for Nyo!South Italy (or Nyo!Romano, most commonly) from Hetalia.
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Giacomo's name evinces a common pattern you'll see henceforth: Biblical names. Specifically, St. Joachim, husband of St. Anne and father of Mary. Another pattern: my specific reason may just be, "It came to mind first, and it sounded good." Being able to bestow the nickname "Jack" upon him (given that he currently studies in Scotland [where they speak English, allegedly]) is a bonus; it can be a reference to my family's first pet, as well as to the playing card (and you know how much of an enthusiast I am for gambling).
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Chunying Su's name probably just came from a quick lookup of common Chinese names. It helps that we can nickname her "Sue," the name of one of my favorite Fire Emblem characters.
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Elizabeth Collins, of course, is named for St. Elizabeth, relative of Mary and mother of John the Baptist. Collins, I thought, would be sufficient to mark her as Irish without having to go into "Mc" or "O'" (or even "Fitz"!) territory, lel. That may still be on the cards, however.
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I've always liked the name Erin, it's quite pretty. As for Staunton, that comes from Howard Staunton, one of the great chess players of the 19th century, and namesake of the Staunton chess set, which the vast majority of chess tournaments, from club to the world stage, use exclusively.
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Fernando Vicente Olivares y López just sounds decently Hispanic enough. Any other names could have worked, probably, as long as they weren't Raúl. (Remember him?) On closer evaluation, Fernando Vicente probably comes straight from Vicente Fernández, the late, great Mexican musician.
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Judyta Fiszer... named after Judith from the Bible, of course! As for Fischer, being named for Bobby Fischer obviously comes to mind. Perhaps I was really trying hard to go for a Jewish-sounding Polish name.
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Katarina is a cute name, and is used decently enough in Norway. Håland was just the first Norwegian surname to come to mind that didn’t end in “-sen.”
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Kazimieras, of course, is named for St. Casimir, patron saint of Lithuania. I believe that the surname Lukša is derived from Lukas, Lithuanian for Luke.
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Kōichi is named after Inspector Zenigata from Lupin III. His last name, Uehara, like Katarina’s, was simply the first surname to come to mind.
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Madeleine is named for St. Mary Magdelene, of course. I don't quite remember where Métraux comes from, but it is a common French surname (probably).
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Miriam is named after the sister of Moses and Aaron. Löwenheim comes from the character of Lorens Löwenhielm from the Danish novel and film Babette's Feast. It just stuck out to me.
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Peter August MacGregor sounded phonetic enough. I knew that, when I made a Scottish character, he had to be named MacGregor. Got to represent. His nickname “Wally” also rolls easily off the tongue, and is based off the Scottish slang phrase “you look peely-wally,” or “you seem unwell.”
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Rafael Domingo de Guadalupe-Pérez... finally, someone named after someone in my family. Rafael was the name of my paternal great-grandfather, whose last name is my family name. Domingo, Sunday, the Lord's Day, good enough. And de Guadalupe, how much more Mexican can you get? Pérez is probably lifted straight from Sergio Pérez, the F1 driver from Mexico.
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Reina María Ramos-San Martín... If you meet a young girl in the future whose first and middle names are María Reina, that's probably my kid. For some reason I want to name my daughter that. On the silliest side, if I have a son and daughter, their names will be José María and María José. (I'm mostly being tongue-in-cheek.) But, more seriously, I've always liked the name Reina. It helps that Mary is Queen of Heaven. As for Ramos, it's just a common Hispanic surname, while San Martín might be less so. I believe that Martin de Porres, the Peruvian saint whose patronage includes mixed-race people and racial harmony, as well as innkeepers and the poor, is the specific namesake.
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Sara Hernández y Ortiz. Again, Sara is a cute name that I like. Hernández and Ortiz are also common Hispanic surnames.
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Sayaka Asakura. Sayaka is definitely named for Sayaka Yumi, the female protagonist of Mazinger Z, one of the anime that my dad watched growing up in El Salvador. Asakura probably comes from Akio Asakura, protagonist of Wangan Midnight.
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Vittoria Savio. Another name I like, Victoria. Savio comes from St. Dominic Savio, of course.
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Last, but not least, Yuliya Serhiivna Bonarchuk. Yet again, Julia is a name I like. Her father is Serhii, so she will often be addressed as Yuliya Serhiivna. Now for Bonarchuk: that's the name of one of my favorite teachers in high school, who happens to have Ukrainian parents and no love for Lenin or Stalin.
Hopefully that was a fun read. It was quite fun writing this answer.
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ethanlifilmadaptation · 4 months
O. Henry Short Story Ideas
Having joined this group late I have decided to research some more O. Henry novels which I believe could also be interesting to adapt:
After Twenty Years
story of two close friends, Jimmy and Bob who promise to meet up twenty years later after Bob leaves New York to chase a dream. Bob awaits Jimmy when a policeman appears. Bob boasts to the policeman about how well he's done and how he has no doubt Jimmy will appear. Later a man turns up claiming to be Jimmy however Bob eventually realises that he isn't and is arrested by the man who turns out to be sent by the real Jimmy, the police officer Bob met earlier who realised that Bob was a wanted criminal and didn't have the heart to arrest him.
Make the Whole World Kin
A robber scouts the streets for a house to rob, he enters a house looking for valuables where he comes across an old man asleep. The robber wakes the old man up holding him at gunpoint telling the man to put his hands up but the man cannot due to an illness which coincidentally the robber also has. The robber in shock lowers the gun and they talk about their struggles. The old man suggests they get a drink and the robber invites him to the pub, he helps him get dressed but by the time they are there the old man realises he forgot to bring money. But the robber kindly offers to pay for his drinks.
I chose these two stories as I believe they have interesting unexpected twists and the characters can be expanded on through film form. For our next group meeting on the 29th I intend to brainstorm how these two stories could potentially be adapted and pitch them to the group.
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aaroncutler · 5 months
On Trying: An Exchange About Essayistic Film Writing
January 6th: The link above leads to an exchange of letters between me and the German film critic and programmer Patrick Holzapfel, which was originally published in print form in a special edition of the magazine Jugend ohne Film (aka Youth Without Film) during the most recent edition of the Viennale (Vienna International Film Festival) in October of last year. The occasion was a launching of a young film critic’s workshop (coordinated by Patrick) within the festival, and the theme of the exchange was the current state of essayistic film writing, around which we shared with each other a total of eight letters (four from each of us) sent by e-mail between the beginning of September and shortly before the Viennale’s start.
I had known and admired Patrick’s writing for some years, principally through the beautiful series of English-language articles called “Full Bloom” that he and Ivana Miloš co-authored for the web publication MUBI Notebook. What struck me most about the Austria-based critic’s writing was its quality of what Thom Andersen once called a “militant nostalgia” – a certain dedication to using art as a way to preserve the memory of human decency, and one which goes beyond the world of art to embrace the entire surrounding world in its deployment. Within Patrick's very personal approach, dissatisfaction becomes a necessary tool in the work of helping the world become a more wholesome place, and the Self appears less as an agent than as a witness that can usefully recall how aspects of it once were. I identify both with the style of writing and with its sensibility, and it strikes me as hardly coincidental that we both greatly value Straub-Huillet’s films and the vision of cinema that they represent – one in which the past is a living, breathing, tangible thing that works to make the future better.
Our dialogue and the shape it took grew out of Patrick’s initiative, which I believe was inspired by conversations that we were already holding with each other. The initial challenge that I felt to my participation was a basic one founded on a question: What on Earth is there to say? The broad nature of the topic at hand, combined with my narrow range of experience, at first led me to feel that the premise of the thing was somewhat farcical, and I chose to deal with my feelings by thinking of myself as a clown character who might gain courage enough to take off his make-up as the conversation progressed. An irony of such a move, of course, resided in how my effort to eventually reach a point of seriousness led me to making multiple claims that I regretted almost instantly after publication. Yet with that said, I also understood some regret to be an unavoidable outcome of any exercise that involves sharing oneself, which one could inevitably always do and have done better. The point was to try.
As I look at the exchange again, two components of my participation strike me in particular as being hopefully useful. The first is the emphasis that I placed on the necessity for a writer to reach out to voices beyond his or her own for reference and inspiration, together with the importance of feeling dissatisfied with too much self-regard. This is a point that I don’t think should be belabored, due to the difficulties of being specific about something general and the impossibilities of resolving a broader problem with a single quick fix (for instance, if Patrick had invited someone more ostensibly different from him in my place). At this moment, I feel comfortable saying that it involves a work of constant searching, which likely no one has the energy to do always, but which often leads to edifying results. I also think that it’s important to say that one should not need to look purposefully for value in that which is different; if one simply casts a net wide enough, that value will emerge on its own.
The second component is the emphasis that I placed on hope as something that both keeps us alive and propels us creatively, outside of questions of simple survival. I find hope to be embodied in my contribution through the figures of two people named Mariana and Ava, whose special qualities exist for me in ways far beyond the realm of words.
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The Meeting & The Rat (Pokemon AU Fanfic)
Two short stories I wrote to apply for a pokemon setting tabletop RPG around two years ago when the prospective GM asked me to write about how my character (a travelling pokemon professor type travelling the region and performing in contests to study the newly discovered type shifted pokemon in the region, and impress the nobility in order to literally obtain research grant funding)  first got his Pokemon, and how his relationship with said Pokemon developed.
Yes, I wrote two whole short stories just to apply for a tabletop rpg ran by a complete stranger because he asked. No the game didn't go anywhere, it literally conked out after a day or so when we asked him some really basic questions about the system we were using and he just kinda chose to kick us all out. I am not salty about it at all.'
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Gerald took another sip from his glass of iced tea to fight off the heat. It was one of those days, the kind that had uncomfortably clear skies above, and a dry wind below. The kind that made him all too glad to spend most of it at home, and just a little guilty about having someone over. 
Especially when there was little of interest there to begin with. His estate was a modest one after all, little more than a cozy two room flat. With a living room dominated mostly by the imposing pair of bookcases, and a small dining table. Which coincidentally, is where he was seated at the moment, right across an overworked fan, and the stout form of his guest, Alan.
He was an old college friend, one of the few he had managed to keep in touch with over the years. Although the ring on the man’s finger, and the short conversation they had about his new wife was a surprise, and an unpleasant one at that. Was he the only one his age who wasn’t settling down already? And more importantly, did he really not get an invitation?
This, and a few other awkward thoughts bounced around in Gerald’s head as Alan broke the silence with the most uncomfortable question of all. His guest’s thin lips still curled up into that pleasant and unknowing smile as he said, “What about you? Seeing any future Mrs. Redwoods these days?” and caused the gaunt man to choke a little on icy water.
Gerald quickly put the glass down on the table, one hand still brushing and tapping on his chest as he stammered out a, “No, no. I haven't had the time to meet anyone lately, work’s been keeping me pretty busy. You know about the type shifts right?”
Alan, realizing that he’d struck a nerve, quickly replied with an equally uncomfortable, “Oh boy, do I ever. Let me tell you, folks back at Redriver seem to think that just because their Goldeen is colored a shiny black, we would just know that it’s a poison type obligate carnivore or something. Pisses me off.”
Gerald nodded sagely, his voice taking on a more confident tone as he said, “I hear you, we’re still trying to figure out what’s setting them off. We know that type shifts have happened naturally in the past, both in other regions and in our’s, but having new subspecies pop up at this rate is a little…. Strange to say the least. We haven’t found anything that could explain it yet though. At least, not on this scale.” Alan raised his own glass of warm tea up slightly, gesturing with it at his host as he said, “Well, good luck with that, I’d offer to help out, but you know.” Gerald resisted the urge to roll his eyes a little, “Yeah yeah, the long nights, the strict hierarchy, and the ‘lack of respect’, I know why you stopped Alan. But It’s kind of a shame though, you were always at the top of the class back then.” Alan’s smile didn’t waver for a moment as he said, “Don’t forget the government salary too, that certainly didn’t help. And sure I could have made a lot more if I got a job at one of those bigshot companies, but it turns out that I didn’t really want to study Pokemon you know? I just wanted to pet them.” “You just wanted to-,” Gerald buried his face in his hands for a moment, and gently massaged his temples a little. Before he let out a sigh, and said, “But don’t you ever regret it? Giving it all up to run your father’s daycare?” Alan looked thoughtful for a moment, as he turned his gaze away to stare out of the nearby window, "Well, whenever I think about that lately. I just think about my wife, the beautiful growlithes we keep, and the home we made, and I just remember just how lucky I am. 'Course, knowing that you're still living alone in this dingy flat helps too."
Gerald let out a bitter laugh as he let his hand slowly slide back down to the table, “Wow, that’s just…” Alan’s smile widened a little as he leaned in, and lightly punched his host’s shoulder, “Oh don’t take it the wrong way mate, I’m not judging you for that, but we just have different priorities is all. You know how it is, while everyone else was out partying and experimenting back in college, I was stuck in one new project after another, and ignoring all the pretty birds while I toiled away to be the very best. It felt right back then, but looking back, it all just seemed like a waste.” “Well, I’m glad that you’ve found your calling, and about the marriage too, but we could have done all this over the phone you know,” Gerald said, seeming unamused by his guest’s behavior.
Alan let out a hearty laugh as he slunk back to his seat, and began rummaging around for something inside of his brown bag, “We certainly could, but I’ve missed seeing that face of yours. A video call just isn’t the same! And besides, I couldn’t give you this over the phone now could I?” “Give me what?” Gerald asked, before his eyes widened a little, at the sight of his old friend placing a small white and red capsule down on the table before them.
“Your new best friend, if you’ll have her that is,” Alan calmly stated, as he idly spun the premier ball around on the table with his index finger, and took out his phone. Gerald eyed the ball suspiciously, as if its contents could lash out at him at any moment, “Alan, you know that I’m not….” Alan quickly raised a finger up, as he cut Gerald off with a, “Before you say anything, I need you to take a look at this.” The guest quickly followed up his statement by flipping his phone over, and showing his host a particular video.
A small but excitable dog was laying on her side with its head pressed up against the hardwood floors. The dog let out a cute little bark as it noticed the camera, and turned its face up to stare right into it. Even going so far as to roll around on the floor in excitement, which conveniently allowed Gerald to notice something strange about the little beasty. It was certainly shaped like a Rockruff to be sure, a not all too uncommon sight around these parts, but its platinum fur had a strange metallic sheen to it, that made him wonder if it was something more than a particularly rare breed.
Alan’s smile widened a little as Gerald stared at the Rockruff’s antics on the screen, “Precious ain’t she? Someone left her mother alone too long with a particularly rowdy Meowth a couple months ago, and the owner just left the egg behind when we offered it. We’ve been raising her up back in the daycare up till now, but what she really needs is a proper owner, you know?”
It took a moment before Gerald shook his head, and countered with a simple, "If she's that precious, then why aren't you raising her yourself? You love dogs don’t you?"
Alan’s smile wavered a little as he shook his head, "My hands are tied unfortunately, Archie and Maxine don't appreciate the competition, it's one of the few things they can agree on."
Gerald seemed thoughtful for a moment as he tried to remember something, "Maxine the.... Growlithe?" His guest let out a hearty laugh at his response, before he quickly corrected the man, "Maxine the wife actually. She won't let me adopt another dog, especially not with a baby on the way. I did tell you about that didn't I?"
Gerald opened his mouth a little, letting it hang open for a bit before he countered with, "No-congratulations. But Alan, this is all a little sudden, and I really don't know if I could raise... the dog."
Alan for his part, smoothly replied with, "Her name is Esther actually, and don't worry. She's taken to her training pretty well. You know if it were up to me I'd keep her for another couple of months just to teach her how to be a proper companion, but I think my wife knows me a little too well for that." He laughed a little after he spoke, it was a short and awkward laugh.
Gerald awkwardly laughs a little in response, "Still, you know that I've never really raised a Pokemon before."
Alan chuckled a little, "Well you should! You can't really be a proper Pokemon professor without one, mate. And besides, why don't you just try it out for a couple of months? I promise that she won't be a burden, and if it just isn't working out, you could always ship her all the way back to me. No fuss, no muss."
Gerald opened his mouth for a moment, but quickly closed it. Looking thoughtful for a moment as he tried to think this through without paying too much attention to the running feed of Esther’s greatest hits. It took a while before he finally relented, and said, ".... can I at least see the dog?"
Alan smiled a little wider, his hand reaching down to take the ball in his hands as he said, "I thought you'd never ask."
The guest slowly stood up a little in his seat as he pointed the ball down, and took aim at a very particular spot before he clicked the button. And sent out the soft, warm, and sleepy form of Esther onto the edge of the table, and just beside Gerald’s hand.
“You bastard,” Gerald stated, as his free hand accidentally brushed against Esther’s soft fur. The noise, and the slight touch causing the little dog to shift in place a little. Facing directly towards the host’s face as her sapphire colored eyes slowly blinked open, and her mouth opened up to let out a little yawn.
“She enjoys Chester brand Sausages, regular naps in the sun, and she has the most adorable response to belly rubs I’ve seen so far,” Alan said, quickly listing off Esther’s good points as his host tried and failed to resist the urge to find out the third point for himself.
Gerald’s hand slowly, and hesitantly moving to scratch the platinum dog’s belly as it simply stared at his face. An awkward moment passing before Esther let out a little bark, and stuck its tongue out, seemingly relaxing just a little as it let the host rub at her exposed belly. The dog even started to wrap her tiny body around his hand a little, as she let out pleased sounding barks.
“She’s too used to people to be all that useful as a guard Pokemon I’m afraid, but on the bright side, you can have guests over for a party without stressing her out, or needing to put her away.” Alan stated, his smile growing a little warmer as he saw Gerald’s response.
It took a bit before Gerald tried to pull his hand away, causing Esther to let out a disappointed sounding bark, before she quickly snapped up to her feet, and leapt straight into the host’s warm lap. Thankfully managing to avoid digging in with her distressingly metal spikes.
“Oh, she decides when you're done scratching her belly, not the other way around unfortunately, haven’t managed to train that out of her yet," Alan remarked, as Esther’s shuffling and barking convinces Gerald to stick his hand back in there. Only to quieten her down of course.
A few moments pass before Gerald’s gaze finally pulls away from the cuddly Rockruff. The host staring deep into Alan’s eyes as he quietly says, "What have I done?" With one hand still gently scratching Esther’s belly.
Only for Alan to flatly reply with a short, and simple, "You've been adopted by a dog, congratulations."
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A few months had passed since that fateful day, and the oppressive heat of the summer had given way to the cool autumn rains. It was a mixed blessing to the inexperienced dog owner, as he found himself needing to devise new and interesting ways to arrange air fresheners throughout their home to keep the scent of damp canine from lingering too long. 
But of course the new season had its upsides too. Such as the warm and seemingly content form of his dog Esther curled up on his lap. And while she had always been a little affectionate, it was still nice to know that he was appreciated, especially after all he had to learn since he first met her. Who knew that training a Pokemon would turn out to be so much work? Well, most of his colleagues as it turns out, who were thankfully quite happy to give him a few pointers here and there, which was a lot more help than his ‘good friend’ ended up being. After all, the man didn’t even bother to tell him that Esther was a type shift somewhere inside of the long rant of his about the dog’s preferences, and day to day behavior. 
Still though while he can’t say that his life wasn’t massively improved by her presence, he had to admit that the man was right, she really wasn’t much of a bother at all. And having her around with him throughout the day made him feel at ease, even if she did have to stay inside of her ball a little longer than either of them would prefer.
But of course, it was at this moment of peace and tranquility, with Esther curled up in his lap, a fresh cup of tea in his right hand, and an interesting novel on his left, that something felt the need to make its presence known. The lights in their small flat abruptly shut off, plunging the two of them within an uncomfortably dark and cold room.
“Ah, that’s not great,” Gerald remarked to himself, as he gingerly put his book and cup aside, hoping not to spill anything while his eyes adjusted to the relative darkness. Only to drop the entire cup rim down onto the table as his hound abruptly decided that she wanted to go down now, and confidently leapt onto the floor below.
“Wha-hey!” Gerald said as he ineffectively complained at Esther. Before he let out a sigh, and moved on to try and find the nearest pack of tissues, while his hound sniffed at the air around them.
“Esther, you know you can’t just jump off anymore,” the man grumbled, while he wiped the milky tea off the wooden table. Managing to wipe off just enough to stave off the worst of it before he heard Esther let out a loud bark.
The hound seemingly ignored the man’s complaints as it leapt in place, and gestured at the small and awkward space in between the bookshelves, where he did his best to hide the small gap leading into the wall’s cavity.
“What are you going on about Esther? There’s nothing there,” Gerald asked. Before he slowly walked towards her, and turned his phone’s flashlight on, hoping to calm his yapping dog just a little with its presence.
Only for him to suddenly freeze in place, as he hears the sound of tiny feet scampering about inside of the walls, and promptly wonders if he left one of his windows a little too open. “Esther, you stay right there okay? Don’t get any closer to… whatever that was,” he said, hoping that the excitable oversized puppy would wait patiently while he fetched a comfort broom.
And to her credit, Esther did try to wait for Gerald to make his way back, for about a minute or two, before she threw caution to the wind and barked her way inside of the hole. The small dog found herself stuck halfway inside of the gap, and squinting straight at the blurry, and panicked form of a rounded out yellow creature in the darkness. 
The creature for its part, seemed to be much more terrified of Esther than she was of it. The blurry, pointed eared, and almost mouse like creature letting out a strange cry as its beady eyes darted between the sealed off exit, and the sizable, and very loud dog preventing its escape. 
A brief moment of relative calm passing as Gerald turned his gaze towards his dog, and managed to shout, “No! Esther, get out of there!” Before the stress, and the loud noises convinced the cornered rat to attempt something drastic. Twin sparks of electricity light up the rat’s face for a moment, revealing a terrified expression that stood in stark contrast to the blankness and regret beginning to show on Esther’s. Before it let out a panicked cry of, “CHUUUUUUUUU,” and sent twin motes of lightning surging from its cheeks, and onto the metallic, and trapped form of Esther.
Jagged yellow light momentarily outlines Esther’s form as she convulses and twitches against the walls. The rat’s electric attack leaves its aggressor stunned, and its escape route clear. The yellow rat immediately leapt over the Rockruff’s body, scrabbling over their form as it made its way out of the gap. Only stopping to hiss at Gerald’s poorly armed form before the damp Pikachu leapt out of the nearest window, intending to take its chances with the rain. And leaving the man behind to clean up the mess.
Gerald for his part, wisely decided to back away a little as the Pikachu beat its retreat. The man stayed oddly still for a moment as he took in one deep breath after another, before he quickly rushed to Esther’s side. Almost tripping over himself in his haste as he leaned down to check her pulse, and found himself letting out a slightly relieved sigh as he found her to be injured, paralyzed, and scared, but very much alive.
“You’re alright, you’re alright,” he repeats, both to himself, and to Esther, as he gently attempts to slide her out of the hole, only to suddenly stop after she let out an uncomfortable whine. Causing the man to fumble for her ball while he internally cursed the Pikachu, along with his own negligence, and ineptitude. 
It took an uncomfortably long time before he found her ball on the coffee table, and a bit longer for him to awkwardly say, “I’m sorry!” as he recalled her, and made a mad dash towards the door. The man hurriedly put on the nearest jacket and pair of shoes before he slammed the door open and closed, barely remembering to lock it behind him in his haste. 
Gerald’s heart pounded in his chest as he braved the cold rain, and the colder stares of the people he passed and bumped into on the street on his way to the nearest clinic. And he found himself to be soaked, tired, and absolutely miserable by the time he finally arrived. 
Gerald’s haggard, and slightly panicked state, along with the gasping breaths that interrupted his words causing the bored receptionist to assume that he was the patient for a moment. Until the man finally took out his ball, and caused a nearby trainer to laugh a little as he explained what actually happened. 
It was one of the few times he had considered punching a woman in his life, but fortunately, it didn’t take long before he was dragged into another room. Where he watched over Esther while the resident doctor examined her condition, and found absolutely nothing wrong with her. Well at least, nothing you wouldn’t expect from being on the losing end of a Pokemon battle.
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we're in a field, then we're moving, through cities, traffic, back through nature, in crowds, front of crowds, all blurred and hasty
then we're on a stage. from the moment we step on the stage, though, we're suddenly not the main character anymore. we're watching from behind, as it's harry who mounts the scene
we're the camera now, then switched to the front. first a close-up of his face, which goes from neutral/melancholic to a smile. then we're at a distance again, panning backwards, as the set forms around harry, the house coming upright behind him as the reverse of the stunt done by buster keaton @swimmingleo. the scene is set, we're there to watch the play
the audio of this video is reversed, so if you put the audio right, we get the opposite story credits to @bluewinnerangel
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the house does fall around him, like the original buster keaton scene, then he goes off stage, goes through the motions of a chaotic life, to end in a peaceful field among the flowers
the buster keaton stunt was pulled off back in 1928 by keaton nailing himself to the ground so he'd survive the move, so you can read into that
the movie where the scene takes place is steamboat bill jr. summarised amazingly by @vlnylstyles here which, in short, is about a father struggling to accept his son, bill jr, bc he's not a Strong Manly Man like him - he's an academic and he's sensitive. after getting into a lot of shit, bc bill sr. doesn't accept jr.'s help, the facade comes crashing down. in the end, bill jr. saves everyone, and finds love, while also staying true to himself
and as if this all wasn't enough, with the literal facade lifting up/coming down around harry, he's put the whole thing on a stage. he's dressed like a doll thank you @caralara on a stage in front of a house - a doll's house. which is a play by ibsen, coincidentally played in the theatre harry chose for this trailer, thank you @thestylinsons. it's a play about a woman, nora, who, at first sight, seems to be leading the perfect family life, married with two children. little by little, though, it becomes clear that nora has secrets, and that her life isn't as perfect as it seems. she has these secrets to help her family and husband, though, who she has this dedication for that makes her go as far as breaking the law. it's a harsh wake-up call for her, then, when her husband makes it clear that he doesn't want her help. he just wants her to be the perfect, docile wife. in the end, which was a shock in the 1800s, nora leaves him.
here a beautiful quote from @infinitelymint who explained it perfectly: "This is what leads her to part with her former life - she realises that she’s just been a doll in a doll’s house for others to play with, and famously says to her husband that “You have never loved me. You have only thought it pleasant to be in love with me.” - like she sort of realises that she was never seen as an actual person but more like an accessory to him, that he never knew the real her and that he definitely never loved the real her (she isn’t even sure who she really is herself - but she puts herself before her husband and children to go out into the world to figure it out)."
SO. what am i saying?
he's only a person with agency when he's off that stage. on stage, he's a doll in a dollhouse doing stunts, the facade is up. he stays still and goes through the motions while he's also out-of-body, an onlooker of his fake life. he's living what appears to be the picture-perfect life but actually has many secrets. who he really is wouldn't be accepted as readily as the image others have (the first image of nora/the ideal bill sr. holds for his son). people don't love him, they love the idea of him.
will the facade come down like buster keaton's? will the real harry be revealed as he steps away from an inauthentic life? will he be the hero of the story as he stays true to himself? will he hurt us terribly by constantly alluding to the fact that the facade is still up and the charade isn't over and he's stuck up on that stage for another while?
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sunlightwoo · 3 years
Come Back Home
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☀︎ pairing: hidden king!Sunwoo x queen!fem.reader
☀︎ genre: there’s fluff for a small part of this, but there is more angst because of the inspo that I got this idea from hehee. WARNING: there are mentions of blood, wounds, and killing in terms of it being a war and a major character death will happen in this.
☀︎ wc: 4.7k
☀︎ plot: The king that the people see in the kingdom that is ruled by him is not the true king, but rather someone else. However, when the life of the king that has been playing the role for his friend’s life is endangered at the stake of a war, what will Sunwoo choose when he knows that he’d have to come back home to you unscathed somehow?
☀︎ a/n: i’ve had this idea back when the music video dropped for Come Back Home by Oneus last july, and loved it as this plot has been collecting dust since then from the switching and changing characters to stopping the kingdom come series that this originally would’ve been for. however after watching the road to kingdom stages i thought that this was fitting after their mama stage too and decided to post it for Sunwoo. anyways happy sunwoo day and hope you guys enjoy this one!!
[ gina is listening to: Come Back Home - Oneus ] [ the spinoff ]
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Here comes the king!, the familiar four words that he was used to hearing all the time when he looks over to the man that was walking towards the throne that was on the other side of the ballroom. He watches from a balcony up above, watching the grand man closely as he waited for today’s round of laws to pass by for today. 
As though, he was the true king after all hiding in disguise.
His eyes are cast upon his companion, Juyeon who regally sits on his throne for him and connects a short gaze as he goes on with his day helping him out with more laws to go through and be signed. The reason for it; his own safety from the general public. 
Ever since the early days of the previous king and queen’s announcement of the regal heir that was yet to take over their place when they passed, nobody knew who the individual was as it was kept a secret in fear that the enemies would use him as a leverage. It was up until he had turned the age of 18, a month after a war that his parents bravely fought in and died in honor of the kingdom that he had to step up and play the role of the king. 
However, he couldn’t risk his own identity just yet because he knew that there were enemy lines speculating his friend’s true identity. Hence why he had never revealed his true identity as the king with the royal bloodline that ran in his name, nor had he acted like he was the king whenever he was in the castle since he disguised himself as the royal guard to keep an eye out on the front lines of the kingdom. 
Until he had met you. 
It was quite coincidental that you, the adopted sibling sister of a friend of Juyeon’s, had walked into the office one day to overhear their plans of making Juyeon play the role as the king until his time was done and you were the least to say shocked. Your reaction to finding your brother negotiating with the true king, Sunwoo, was rather confusing considering you had no other input towards the matter after being in the same room as the man that you had thought to be the royal guard.
Truth be told, you had always thought of him very highly from afar as you thought that for a person that had such high standards and sight in the kingdom, he was rather playful and had lots of charisma for someone that was raised as a king in secret. It took him three months since then to finally court you and eventually marry after having to somehow find a way to have you be Juyeon’s fake queen for the kingdom to rely on when they needed one. 
All of the plans were perfectly planned to the brim and executed well, where Sunwoo was rather happy with where he was in the present today, even if he had to hide in secret like he was at the moment on a balcony. It wasn’t until hours later when Juyeon finishes that he looks out the window, noticing how the sun was already on the brink of sundown that he remembers today’s plans with you as he rushes to your bedroom almost immediately.  
He makes it into your bedroom after knocking first, hearing a soft hum to allow him inside while he enters to see you sitting on your balcony with a smile on your face as you look at him. Sunwoo lets out a soft chuckle at your idea of a date for this evening as he walks over to where you were sitting on top of a blanket that you had prepared, a quiet picnic just for you two to enjoy. 
“You seemed to have remembered about our date this time.” You say as he playfully rolls his eyes at your words and the raised eyebrow look that you were currently giving him.  
The golden yellow hues of the sun setting were perfectly reflecting against Sunwoo’s skin, you thought to yourself, as you admired how he looked at this hour. You weren’t sure how you had gotten lucky with having to marry the king, as you were once a noble woman that came from a family that wasn’t as well off as the other ones that you had known of. However you could recall that night when he was supposed to pick who he had wanted his queen to be, as though the flower festival of the week for him to get to know all the other women had been tossed to the side as he chose you that night. 
“I was helping Juyeon wrap up the last of the laws that had to be seen out tonight. Have I kept you waiting long?” He asks sitting as you shook your head in response, smiling as he already found purchase in laying his head into your lap, curling his body up into a ball as you were finding yourself playing with his hair out of habit. 
“Long enough for my stomach to grumble because I wanted to be nice and wait for you,” You grin and look down at him as he was already staring back up at you with a soft smile on his face, “But I guess I can make some exceptions for you, your majesty.”
For whatever reason it may be, whether it was the stars and fate or even the coincidences that you both were given, Sunwoo felt as though everything was perfect even if it may be a bit misfortunate on his end. Although he could not properly tell the world that you were his, he knew that he was still yours in moments like these when it was just you two and the golden hues of the sun that were setting on you both. 
“I love you.” 
His random confession of love takes you off guard while heat is already rushing to your cheeks as you look at him, looking into his lovestruck eyes that were boring right into your very own gently but deeply. You think that this must be what it was like to fall in love with your soulmate, feeling happy that Sunwoo was the one person that you could only want in this life and the next. However, it had caught you off guard because he was rather someone that showed his love language through touch instead of words of affirmation, which made you confused at the sudden confession. 
“I love you too, my love. Why the sudden confession?” You say to him teasingly with an undertone of confusion, continuing to play with his hair as he lets out a soft breath while holding your hands that were now no longer playing with it. 
“Moments like today makes me really want to tell you, rather than just showing you that I do since I don’t say it enough. I love you, Y/N, and I’d rearrange the stars and the universe into your eyes and heart if I could to show you that I do.” He says, leaving small kisses right on your knuckles until he reaches your ring finger and leaves a soft, but lingering kiss right on the ring that he had proposed to you with just about a year or two ago.
There was a warm feeling in your chest as his hand was still holding onto yours, as if you were to leave at any moment now but you felt like you were at home. With him you felt like you were continuously falling in love with him more than the last sunset, and with the warm golden hues that the sun was giving off at this time, you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else if it wasn’t with him by your side. 
“Cheesy.” You mumbled jokingly and suddenly felt your weight being shifted to where you were now sitting in his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist securely as he rests his head on top of your shoulder so that you wouldn’t go anywhere. 
“That may be true, but you love it anyways,” He says while grinning widely and you turned your head to give him the same look that you always gave him when he started to get greasy, up until he suddenly steals a kiss from your lips that made you blink from the spontaneous act. 
“Come on, let’s finish up the food before it gets too cold and the sun leaves us alone in the dark.”
He was the gift that you never expected to receive in your life.
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Today you felt as though there was a heavy feeling on your chest. You were currently sitting at the throne next to Juyeon, listening to your scribe explain to you what has been going on with the surrounding kingdoms around you both from the last few weeks and you could’ve sworn that you were going to give out from boredom right in that moment. 
It was one of the rare occasions that you had to be seen with Juyeon, considering you had finished up your financial affairs with the ambassadors that came from those foreign kingdoms days ago after your picnic date with Sunwoo. However you weren’t sure what this could mean for the future of your own kingdom, considering the events of then did not exactly end up on completely good terms. 
“Your majesties!”
The sound of the door being barged open to the chambers echoed as the person who had interrupted your meeting, not that you had minded, came in rushing in with hurried feet. You notice Juyeon rise to his feet with a stern look on his face and grabbed his wrist as it made him turn to look at you with a confused look, however you made a small notion for him to leave it as a gesture of boredom was passed onto him from the thoughts that were forming in your head. 
Your eyes turn back to the individual rushing in and you noticed that it was one of your generals and good friends, Changmin, and you knew that he wouldn’t have arrived frantically if it weren’t an emergency. His eyes screamed urgency as he attempted to catch his breath and you were almost concerned for how crazed he had seemed, which meant that this was bad. 
“King Hyunjin has declared war on us.” He breathes out and there was silence as your stomach churned at the words he had mentioned. 
You were almost certain that you had been allies with the kingdom that King Hyunjin had ruled, knowing that he had been a good friend of yours with the rest of the Hwang family. However, an unexpected war seemed almost conspired as you turned to look at Juyeon with a scared look on your face. He seems almost taken aback had he not composed himself from the sudden news, eyes looking off to a distance that you knew was a hidden balcony for Sunwoo to sit in and listen. 
But there was no telling what the two could think of, because it was all so sudden. 
“Did he say why, or have sent for someone that he wants to declare a war?” You say while standing up from where you were sitting, not caring about how improper you might’ve seen at the moment because of how fast your mind was already racing at the speed of light. 
It wasn’t until he motions for you to go with him that you realize it must’ve been even more serious, and you could only assume the worst from the situation. Bidding a muttered excuse from Juyeon and the scribe, you head out of the royal chambers to head out and walk with Changmin towards your office quarters knowing that you could only get privacy there, even with the rambling inevitables that were making you spiral from how anxious you were progressively getting. 
With the door shut behind you, you noticed that Sunwoo had already met you there as he stood in front of the chairs that were in front of your desk with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Both of you looked over towards where Changmin was still looking distressed and it wasn’t until he locked eyes with you that you knew why. 
“He knows about Sunwoo’s true status, doesn’t he?” You whisper quietly and he nods in response, nervously looking between you both with so much stress that you could’ve sworn he would’ve exploded right then and there in front of you. 
“He wants the war to happen in a week’s time.” Changmin whispered, and that was when the atmosphere fell into a deadly silent room, if it were even possible from how much tension that was also being put into it. 
Sunwoo’s identity wasn’t meant to be exposed, which was why you felt a wave of emotions that included fear and betrayal from how someone would stoop so low that they would risk a king’s life for their own. You knew that, and there was also the acknowledgement of Sunwoo having the urge to leave as well knowing that his pride wouldn’t let him just sit back and let the war happen because of him. 
However you had your reasons this time around for him to not leave, and you were adament on him not leaving, especially after Changmin mumbles to himself that he was going to dismiss himself after the loud silence engulfing the atmosphere. 
“Sunwoo, you can’t go out there into the war, no matter how serious it may be.” You say, sternly looking at him the moment that Changmin shuts the door behind him while crossing your arms in front of your chest assertively. 
“Y/N, I know you’re scared-”
“No, I mean it this time, Kim Sunwoo. At all costs, I’m not going to let you go out there and risk your life dying, when you could be safer here. What if going out there is a trap to get you to get into your coffin?” You retort and you could tell that he was thinking about it from how quiet he was being. 
The war was due in a week’s time, and only time could tell what could happen in a span of a week because of everything. You blink for a second to realize that Sunwoo is walking up to you with a heavy heart in his hand, the same hand that cups your face momentarily before stroking your cheek for a moment and it took everything in you to not give into his warm and gentle touch. No matter how much you loved him, you still had to stand your ground and be selfish by telling him to not go. 
“I won’t go, only because I love you.” He concludes, making your heart feel a bit at ease in the moment as you looked into his eyes for that clarity that he had meant it. 
However it was in the time that he kisses you with the same amount of love and passionate that you were so used to feeling everyday that surpassed all the negative thoughts and placed them onto a shelf. He was here now, the kiss seemed to express, and you wanted to hold onto that grain of hope that was filling into your thoughts, but you could only wish that it were true until then.
“I love you too, idiot. Just stay here a little longer… with me.”
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“Do you think she’d actually let me go?”
Sunwoo looks over to Changmin with a pained look on his face, one that expressed how dangerous the plan that they had in mind was going to be, but it had to be done. It had been three days into the war that King Hyunjin had declared onto your kingdom and it wasn’t until one of the soldiers that was a close friend of theirs, Jacob, had come back scathed to tell that Juyeon had been killed off after being ambushed during the first night full of snow. 
“I don’t think we have a choice… He won’t stop killing our numbers, unless you’re there.” Changmin says as the written paper that was in Sunwoo’s hand felt heavier than earlier. 
The written note that he recognized to be Hyunjin’s handwriting demanded that he should show up, along with the additional information that had passed on by Changmin that he had Juyeon at hostage in the snow. The thought of his friends’ lives being put on the line of life and death made him sick and guilty, knowing that this war was specifically targeted towards him and that he wouldn’t be able to do anything if he were to stay back and watched it all happen from the sidelines as he usually would.
“Give me an hour and I’ll meet you outside with my gear.” Sunwoo mumbles almost inaudibly, avoiding the eyes of his best friend with his head in his hands as he could hear him let out a hum in response, feet heading towards the door of Sunwoo’s office while leaving. 
In that moment, he felt as though he had just been set up for inevitable death. There were hundreds of thoughts as to how betrayed he had felt about the fact that the war was happening, along with the mourning emotions that filled his heart because he knew that Juyeon might die because of him. However there was still you, who was still waiting for him to fall asleep with you in bed because it was nearly three in the morning. 
He was fearful, scared of the fact that he would lose you in the end of all this.
He knew that you didn’t want him to go because he would leave you alone with a king to rule by your side, and that wasn’t seen to be fit for any kingdom whatsoever considering it would be considered unruly. Yet he also felt as though he had to go off and stop the war once and for all against Hyunjin, to find the real answer as to why he was so insistent on exposing Sunwoo’s status to the rest of the kingdom as it was. 
The stuff that Sunwoo would’ve needed was just in the room next to his office with a letter that was ready to be addressed to you, everything already having been packed since the first day of war in case Juyeon had died, and he felt his chest grow heavy at the thought of it. He gets up from where he sits in his office to head over towards the room when he flickers on the light to see you standing next to all of his packed gear with the letter opened in your hand. 
“You almost forgot something.” You mumbled quietly and tossed him a small item that was in your hand over towards him, and it was the sight of it that made his heart drop into his stomach as you were already on your way to leave the room. 
“Love, wait-”
“When were you going to tell me that you were leaving, Sunwoo? Before or after I had found out that you took off the ring and left without another word?”
The ring that was in his hand was accompanied by the one that he had once placed on your hand, both small objects having such a large impact on how everything was going downhill from here and it was like he was caught red handed. You were beyond livid at the fact that he had taken off the ring in the first place when you had gotten up to get a drink of water, seeing as though a letter of his writing  saying that he had to make things right had accompanied it, and you felt it get worse as your thoughts were everywhere because of the anger and hurt that you were ready to unleash onto him. 
“I thought we trusted each other enough to the point where we could tell anything, Sunwoo, but you lied to me. You said you weren’t even going to leave, but here you are getting ready to go ahead and hurt yourself because you’re scared-”
“I’m not scared of anything-”
“Then let’s just skip our excuses and divorce, if you’re willing to give up your ring so fast.”
Tears had already been glossing in your eyes as the evident twisted pain in your heart was pounding loudly in your chest, your breath not even wavering in the slightest as you looked at him. In his eyes, he felt as though he had already been stabbed in the heart because of those three simple words, because he never would’ve thought that you would actually want to divorce him after everything that the two of you had gone through.
“You wouldn’t-”
“Then don’t leave me here alone without you,” Your voice cracked, tears finally streaming down your face as you could already feel yourself slowly breaking away from the fact that he was going to go anyways. 
“If you leave right now, then don’t bother coming back home if you lived to see the light of day.” 
Sunwoo wants to reach out to you, to wipe away the tears that were falling down the apples of your cheeks because of the pain that he had caused. He wants to tell you that he was going to make it home safely and that he promises to come home, but he couldn’t find it within himself to hold such an empty promise as he moves almost past you to hoist his bag over his shoulder and turns to look at you with a heartbroken expression on his face. 
He takes in every inch of your face one last time, every curvature that he has kissed once in this lifetime and the eyes that he came to love every time that they looked at him with such love, outlasting the entire galaxy and universes that could possibly shine brighter than yours. With a heavy breath that brushes past his lips, he walks over to you with a shaky movement of his hands holding your cheeks with fragility, fear as he is scared for himself. 
He knew was going to lose you to the universe in this life, and he doesn’t want you to be taken away from him.
With a final kiss against your lips, he lets out a final breath as he leaves while placing both rings into your hands as he closes the door behind him, blocking out the sobs that he was able to hear from you in the closed room that he just left. He meets with Changmin outside on his own stallion and leaves with him as the two went off into the wintery night to where the war was yet to be finished in this night of time.
He didn’t even say ‘I love you’, when he had left for good.
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“Y/N, we need you to make an announcement today.” You hear Chanhee, one of your close friends say from behind you and there was a beat of silence as you were staring off past your window to look at the crowd of people gathered in front of the palace.
“He’s going to come home soon, I know it.” You muttered back, more toned to convince yourself that he was actually coming back as you hugged your stomach closely to yourself.
A week has gone by since he had left, you noted to yourself since then as you had been awake for endless nights waiting for the soldiers to come back home; at least someone to make sure that they were alive. You grew anxious as you fumbled with the necklace that was around your neck, a simple string with a wedding band attached to it as the growing fear of him actually not making it back home continued to settle in your stomach. 
It was over, you remember hearing as the scribes from Hyunjin’s kingdom had come to say as you were on the edge waiting for any sign of life. However, nobody has come home as you could feel the tears prick at the corners of your eyes. He had to be alive, you tried to convince yourself as you turned to look at Chanhee, who had been giving you a solemn expression on his face with something in his hand. 
The feeling of dread suddenly fills your heart as you noticed that the letter in his hand was addressed to you in a familiar handwriting, one that you never wanted to see once again. There was a sharp intake of a breath that you made, realizing what it must’ve been considering there were blood stains on it as you looked up at the latter with teary eyes. 
“Changmin was the only survivor… He came back home last night when you slept, and wanted me to give you this.” Chanhee says, walking over towards you with caution as you glanced between both him and the letter.
He leaves you alone in the room with the letter in your hand, your own instincts debating on whether or not you should open it as you knew what this had meant. Your hands were shaky as the weight of the light parchment felt heavy in your own possession, not wanting to open the blood stained letter that can only mean one thing. 
Sunwoo’s last words.
The moment that he had written them was one of the most unforgettable memories that he would definitely remember in his next life. The night that he had faced Hyunjin in the snow, the strength that he gathered from the anger of seeing his friends and soldier’s brave deaths because of him, he went down in pride and in pain knowing that he had used you as a way to unleash the last few moments of life and death between the war. 
“It’s a shame that you won’t be able to see your beloved queen again, Kim. Maybe she’d be better if she were with me, wouldn’t it?” Hyunjin’s words taunt him just as Sunwoo finally paints his blood onto the snow, his breaths uneven as he finishes him off and looks at his lifeless eyes staring back at him. 
“Never in a million years, will I ever lose to you again, Hwang.”
Sunwoo stumbles back to his tent, seeing Changmin already there healing and his friend was ready to treat his injuries when he shakes his head in response. Both Changmin and Sunwoo share a glance of unspoken words that were exchanged, until Sunwoo grabs a sheet of parchment and ink to write down everything that he had been meaning to say to you even if he was bleeding out on that winter morning. 
“Sunwoo, you have to save your energy and let me-”
“I’m bleeding out too much, Changmin… Just let me do this and die in peace,” Sunwoo murmurs, already feeling his life being taken away from him as he grew weaker while ending his letter that was supposed to be addressed to you.
“Just make sure that she gets this.” 
To you who has always been the golden highlight of my life, the hues of love and adoration in the confinements of the yellow sun to my dark shades of the moon…
I knew what I had forgotten that night., and I should’ve said it before leaving. 
I’m not coming back home, my love… and I’m sorry.
We won, and I know that if I were to see light of day tomorrow, you would still let me in despite the fact that you probably hate me at the moment. But you have my ring and that’s all that matters, because only Changmin will come home, and I made him promise that he would take care of you no matter what.
You don’t need a king to prove that you are strong, Y/N, and I know that you are the greatest queen that this kingdom will be ruled under, because you are the strongest person that I’ve ever met in my life. 
I don’t regret loving you, marrying you, spending all of our picnics in the hues of the golden sunset in secret, because I knew that I was yours, just like you knew that you were mine.
But don't miss me too much, please. For us.
And I knew what I forgot to say,
I love you.
We will meet again.
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leportraitducadavre · 3 years
What good examples of Hiruzen’s cruelty and hypocrisy?
I have replied to this question many times before. If you enter my blog and go to the “Pages” entrance on the top, there they’re all my previous answers about different topics. Many of them are old as hell and probably need a re-write, but you can see some of my thoughts on different characters/situations.
Regardless, I will reply to this as if it was never replied to before, just to have an updated analysis of Hiruzen’s character.
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Hiruzen became the Hokage during his youth because the Nidaime (Tobirama Senju) chose him as his successor (democracy who?), before sacrificing himself to protect his squad. Once in power, he created a Council with those who used to be his teammates (except Uchiha Kagami and Akimichi Torifu who are at that point, presumably dead) to rely on them when decisions had to be made. 
Reclaiming the position
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It's hard to discern when exactly Hiruzen stepped down as Hokage during his first mandate, yet once Minato (his successor) died and amidst knowing the conflict between the government and the Uchiha clan, whose members at that point were suspecting their overall position in the village's matters after the Kyuubi attack, Hiruzen reclaimed the Hokage’s seat instead of looking for a new successor or calling for a democratic election which was -supposedly- Konoha's election system.
His re-establishment in the most powerful political position inside the village was not temporary either (as in, putting himself in that place until someone was elected), he spent 13 more years as Hokage, without particularly looking for a successor. This led to a rise of tensions between Konoha's founders and Tobirama's students, which was unveiled in the UCM. He kept the seat until his death, which forced his students and comrades to search desperately for a new leader in order to fill the power vacuum.
Hyüga Clan
I will not duel on this much more than necessary, Hiruzen was completely aware of the Hyüga clan's practices. He knew that there were little kids who were subjected to the Cage Bird Seal that put them under the control of the Main family of the clan, he was there when Hizashi Hyuga announced his death,
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Which means that he knew what was going on inside the families he claimed to protect. He had not one, but two mandates as a Hokage, and at no point, he decided that perhaps there were things he should intervene on. 
Since the Hyuga system only affected those in the Hyuga clan and they did not aspire to obtain the Hokage’s position, he did nothing about them. As long as they fill Konoha’s military force, there’s no need for a new internal structure to guarantee the well-being of all the citizens. “Peace” is taken more as a global view, where countries are not in conflict with each other, internally? Not so much.
The Uchiha clan
If I have to give a detailed response, this would be a complete essay, and I don’t feel much like doing it. I will not, for the sake of this response, touch on Tobirama’s policies -as in, creating the Police Force and his distaste for the Uchiha clan and its members-, but is necessary to mention that Tobirama’s bias influenced and formed each and every one of his students, who later on coincidentally occupied the most important positions within the village. 
You can’t blame Hiruzen or Danzo without taking into account their previous formation, a person is what they do with what they made of them, hating on Danzo or Hiruzen without taking into account who shaped them to be what they ended up being is minimizing every problem to its visible patterns instead of focusing on the actual core of the issue: the system in place. 
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Hiruzen apparently respected their “democratic” system enough to allow their advisors to move an entire clan outside their village, thus consciously fueling the clan's hatred towards the government in place, but not enough to allow a democratic election.
It’s canonically stated that “suspicions eventually evolved into reality” (and while is Obito who says this and he could very easily be lying, it's confirmed later on by nonother than Orochimaru), which easily translates to the idea that the Uchiha clan never considered couping until the very last moments of their existence when they couldn't take Konoha’s discrimination anymore.
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They blamed an Uchiha for what happened with the Kyuubi, despite Hiruzen fully knowing that Kushina was giving birth, which meant that her seal would have been weak enough for the Kyubi to escape if not controlled.
It is true that Obito was the one behind the attack, but why wasn’t this specific possibility considered? And isn't it outstanding that Itachi was fully aware that there was another Uchiha outside Konoha and never brought it up to save his clan?
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Hiruzen literally tells Danzo to speak no further when in front of Itachi, instead of shushing his right-hand man for good. He also claims that he will think of a plan not to use force against his “comrades”, however, after Danzo goes behind his back to convince Itachi to slaughter everyone inside the Uchiha compound but Sasuke (with the most stupid argument ever), Hiruzen does absolutely nothing against the Black Ops leader. 
To Hiruzen it doesn’t matter that Danzo is directly responsible for manipulating a child to commit the slaughter of both people planning a coup and “innocent children who know nothing”, because Danzo is a precious person to the mighty leader, a true comrade, so he allowed him to continue in the same position he was on when he obliterated a big portion of Konoha's militia.
According to Hiruzen, an Uchiha will definitely be a hazard if put in the Hokage’s seat (Itachi was apparently as smart as him at seven, but giving him the seat was unthinkable), but a man who convinced a 13-year-old into killing children his age and younger is fine being in such an important position of power. 
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Let's not forget also the reason behind Itachi's participation inside Akatsuki: Apparently, and likely after massacring his entire family and forcing his younger brother into a comma, Itachi confessed to Hiruzen that there was another Uchiha outside Konoha's borders that claimed to be Madara (and was likely responsible for the Kyuubi's escape).
So, instead of Hiruzen taking that information as he should and becoming horrified that a clan was blamed, and later on decimated over fallacies, and arresting Itachi and Danzo for keeping such information from him, he decides to trust the clan-murderer and sends him to spy such terrorist organization (infiltration that will be pointless in the long run).
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Pupils who concealed malice and ambition... I had picked up that you had such foundations within you (...) and yet pretended I haven't noticed.
How kind of Hiruzen to admit that he raised and educated to become a powerful shinobi a potential threat to Konoha, and how kind of him to let him go because he cared too much about him. Pity that Orochimaru came back and killed thousands (him included) when he joined Sand to invade Konoha, who would have thought of this outcome?
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