#climate change is REAL
decaf-lesbian · 20 days
RS isn't the only place in Brazil in a climate crisis and we need to talk about it.
the main thing i've talked about on this blog since last friday (may 3rd) is the catastrophic floods devastating my home state, Rio Grande do Sul, located in southern Brazil. it's an unprecedent tragedy that we won't be able to recover from anytime soon. but we also can't ignore what's happening in the rest of the country, so i decided to extensively rant about it.
over the course of a week, these historic floods have taken over a state the size of Ecuador, raising the levels of rivers and wiping out entire cities. i've said it before and i'll say it again: this is not natural, although some smooth-brained people might say it is. the last flood of this magnitude in my state was the flood of 1941, which was a result of 24 days of continuous rain, raising the level of the Guaíba lake to 4.75 meters.
the floods we're facing now raised the level of the lake up to 5.30 meters. and it only rained for seven days.
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we all hear climate change deniers saying it's just the weather patterns, but it's impossible to deny the fact that human actions are changing them. we didn't have nearly as many torrential rainstorms here a couple years ago, not even in autumn (which is the usual season for it). yet, from 2022 to now, the frequency with which these occur have been cranked up to the max. i used to joke about how it rained every single week, but now it sounds less like a joke and more of a grim commentary on the sad reality we're living.
that's why, in addition to what's happening here, we really need to talk about the climate crisis in the other regions in Brazil.
the center-west and southeastern regions have been suffering from dry weather and a heatwave that has been going on for days (and will still go at LEAST up to may 10th). they are registering temperatures above 30° C/86°F, which means they are having perfect summer weather IN MID AUTUMN. i am not joking; São Paulo has registered an alarming temperature of 32° C/89,6°F, breaking the record for the highest temperature ever registered in a day of may for the last 81 years.
in the northeastern region, the end of last year was marked by an extreme drought intensified by the deforestation of the cerrado biome, which is crucial for maintaining water distribution. and this was basically in the countryside; the coast was the target of heavy torrential rains (and is currently under the threat of more rain). some cities registered an extreme and alarming 240mm of precipitation in just 24 HOURS.
and in the northern region and some parts of the center-west and northeastern regions, the number of wildfires from january to may is already the highest in recorded history (which began to be recorded in 1998 by Inpe): 17.421 spots. and the dry season in the biomes of the Amazon rainforest, cerrado, and pantanal HAS BARELY BEGUN. this is already a horrifying tragedy and it can become one of the worst catastrophes in the history of Brazil if we don't act on it fast.
ever single time something like this happens, scientists from all over the country (and all over the world) warn us of what can happen next. every single time, scientists extensively talk about the human actions that are directly and indirectly interfering with the environment. every single time, nobody listens. every. single. time.
and we still have time. we have the technology and the means to prevent this. and yet the government does absolutely NOTHING to help (hell, in my state only 0,2% of the budget was allocated to preventing climate disasters; an ABYSMALLY low R$50k, which is about US$9.850,00). everyone, and i mean EVERYONE, knows about the ever increasing frequency of extreme climate events. even the DENIERS WON'T DENY IT. this should be enough proof that we need to do something fast or we will irreversibly ruin the only place we can call home. but governments will always prioritize money over lives. always.
these disasters have always happened in Brazil, but they were far apart. this country should be blessed by god and beautiful by nature, like a popular song says. yet we are currently experiencing the worst climatic crisis we have ever seen here. and it will only get worse if we don't stop it now.
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destielmemenews · 6 months
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"The findings are in disagreement with widely accepted assessments of the ozone layer’s status, including a recent UN-backed study that showed it would return to 1980s levels as soon as 2040."
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archerinventive · 2 years
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Trying to stay cool during this most recent heatwave by thinking about all the colder quests I’ve been on. ❄️ Noticing just how many of them involve Kindra Nikole. lol 🤗
Will 100% go into a blizzard, or ice-cold river blindfolded, for friends and their art. ❤️ *Note: Please remember to adventure responsibly.
May you be able to stay cool and safe during these times.
Photography Credit to Kindra Nikole for images # 2,3,6,7 , Photography Credit to Yasemin Arts for image # 4, and Model credit to: Ryan Pankratz  for #4 :)
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deanwasalwaysbi · 1 year
You know what I don't hear anyone talking about relating to the fire smoke in NYC today? The fact that the pictures Just Don't Capture It.
Phone cameras are programed to color correct for light being white, but the light in NY today is NOT white. It is yellow. It is Orange. It is legitimately unsettling. The light coming through my very white curtains into my apartment is ORANGE, but when I try to take photos of it, they just look normal.
We are turning up the color saturation. Tinting our photos. To Yellow. To Orange. As far as it will go. and yet the photo still does not do the weird orange glow justice. Cuisine Setting is the closest I've come to so far.
A spring kick off in the park I was looking forward to just got cancelled because they didn't want to risk public health and safety.
Climate change is real. Climate change is a huge problem. and anyone still arguing otherwise is unfit for public office.
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vintageseawitch · 11 days
i'm tired of evil winning so much. it doesn't matter some good things could happen; evil will be there in no time to destroy any decent progress. i'm tired of being terrified i'll lose my rights. i'm tired of being powerless about this & not being able to help others across the globe who have already lost their rights. i'm tired of how useless the UN actually is. i'm tired of the US being a global superhero by being murderous bullies. i'm tired of fascism rising again. i'm tired of WWII being romanticized but now people think that little Austrian artist with the even smaller mustache had some good ideas actually. i'm tired of human rights violations happening & there are zero consequences for it. i'm tired that the majority of humanity as well as currently living flora & fauna will have to pay the price for the greediness of the few. i'm tired of always hearing about a countdown to when we can never reverse climate change while those who are actually the major problem - the US military, big oil, & others - are able to get away with this. i'm tired of the bloated military industrial complex. i'm tired of having less rights than literal corpses. i'm tired of useless CEOs. i'm tired of billionaires. i'm tired of people thinking billionaires are geniuses instead of actually greedy sociopaths who will happily pay you nothing if they could get away with it. i'm tired of people thinking our government wouldn't do that when they actually totally would & have already done it in some capacity. i'm tired of "voting for the lesser of two evils." i'm tired of old, out of touch people being in charge. i'm tired of people being proud of their willful ignorance. i'm tired of the white-washing of history. i'm tired of people not giving a fuck about the environment. i'm tired of people not being able to afford homes when there are more empty houses than there are homeless people. i'm tired of workers labor being exploited so they get paid a time while their bosses get a dollar. i'm tired of learning my generation & younger are the most educated but the most overworked. i'm tired of older generations who had so much handed to them want to make sure someone else doesn't get the same because lead poisoning have made them into sociopathic cowards who refuse to see the truth & will vote against their own interest just to fuck over people they fear & misunderstand. i'm tired of people claiming protesting against genocide means you're antisemitic & should be silenced. i'm tired of book banning/burning. i'm tired of xenophobia when so many of us are descended from illegal immigrants. i'm tired of men still getting upset over a hypothetical question instead of doing some self-reflection. i'm tired of the patriarchy, rampant misogyny, & toxic masculinity. i'm tired of men not thinking anger counts as an emotion. i'm tired of rapists getting away with their crimes because "what about their future" & "what was she wearing" when it's actually not about sex but power instead. i'm tired of "not all men" to silence legitimate points. i'm tired of people who make false claims of being raped not facing any consequences so it's harder for real victims to come forward. i'm tired of being so afraid of being assaulted & getting pregnant with my rapists baby that i took my state of fertility in my own hands because i'm afraid of my government even as my obgyn said not to worry. i'm tired of the christofascist movement that is gaining momentum. i'm tired of project 2025 being a real possibility & people claiming "they wouldn't do that." i'm tired of how openly fascist conservatives are now. i'm tired of people drinking that kool-aid so hard. i'm tired of the bootlicking. i'm tired of cops & their undeserved diplomatic immunity so they can literally commit murder & get away with it. i'm so. fucking. tired. this country is hell & has helped make the world hell. america has never been great. it's just super effective propaganda & brainwashing that has been wildly successful.
i just want hope that doesn't feel delusional. i don't want to give up but i'm so tired.
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 11 months
I notice that all the climate panic is mainly aimed at not putting more carbon into the atmosphere
is it just utterly unfeasible to think about drawing carbon out of the atmosphere?
i.e. someone please plant a shitload of trees
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sweetcandygirl21 · 2 years
everyone in the UK right now:
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the mona lisa burning meant less than Cassandra's death, by any margin.
it's a beautiful artwork society has collectively agreed to hold in high regard. beautiful artworks don't change, and there will remain pictures and documentations of it. a human being who has died is frozen at the moment of her death, when she had infinite potential to be something more. and at the end of the day, the preservation of a famous painting isn't worth more than stopping the guy who would've blown up the entire world simply so he could stay on top of it.
(Side note: I think the climate activists who threw soup at some paintings did a really brave thing. What are we going to do with painting preservation when fifty countries have gone underwater and humanity dies off from famine and natural disasters? At least this way there were more articles about the issue than when the climate scientists chained themselves to a building, which in and of itself was a really brave act of protest as well. Without a certain level of disruption that threatens pre-existing power structures, no one in power will want to acknowledge that their way of life is unsustainable. It was possible to clean the soup off the paintings anyway. You can't resurrect people, or re-freeze the polar ice caps.)
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 7 months
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i’m learning a lot at college and making very good graphic design posters along the way 👍
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quotingtheboys · 1 month
Quote #105
Person A: We gave the Earth early menopause.
Person B: Technically ExxonMobil gave the Earth early menopause
Person A: If only we had a way to fix it like earth control
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linusbenjamin · 6 months
i woke up and saw it fucking snowed! ❄️ *opens spotify's every best christmas songs playlists out loud*
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I need to mow the yard
But the weather is talking snow this weekend.
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destielmemenews · 9 months
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ladythatsmyskull · 10 months
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compo67 · 3 months
Yesterday it was almost 70 degrees. Today, it's snowing. Wtf. Also, my body just can't keep up with this.
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pixoplanet · 3 months
❄️ It's February 27, International Polar Bear Day!
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❄️ International Polar Bear Day is celebrated every year on February 27th to raise awareness of the current state of polar bear conservation. As stewards of this planet, it's our responsibility to protect all Arctic animals and preserve their delicate ecosystem for future generations.
Polar bears are one of the most iconic symbols of the Arctic, known for their strength, beauty, and adaptability to extreme cold environments. However, climate change is presenting them with numerous challenges. The melting sea ice caused by rising temperatures is shrinking their habitat and reducing their access to prey.
What immediate actions can we take to protect our polar bears and preserve what’s left of their fragile Arctic ecosystem? We can support specific polar bear conservation organizations such as Polar Bears International and the World Wildlife Fund's Arctic Program. These organizations work tirelessly to research and implement strategies for polar bear conservation.
We can also support specific climate change prevention organizations like 350.org and the Sierra Club, who are dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the impacts of global warming on polar bears and their habitats.
Organizations such as Conservation International and the Nature Conservancy focus on conserving biodiversity worldwide, including fragile ecosystems like in the Arctic.
By supporting organizations focused on polar bear conservation, climate change prevention, and biodiversity preservation, we can make a positive impact on protecting our beloved polar bears and preserving the delicate Arctic ecosystem for generations to come. Please do what you can to help. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese of Pixoplanet
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📚 Text Sources: https://justoneocean.org/ https://polarbearsinternational.org/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polar_bear https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change https://www.aza.org/polar-bears-international https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/polar-bear https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/bare-sanctuaries https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/polar-bear https://unfoundation.org/blog/post/how-biodiversity-loss-harms-human-health/ https://www.nwf.org/en/Educational-Resources/Wildlife-Guide/Mammals/Polar-Bear
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