#chenqing ling
wangxianficrecs · 6 months
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Follower Recs
Update: The ask for this Follower Rec re-appeared in the inbox, so I was able to add the text. The rec was originally sent in for the Rewind 2023. However, since the story was first published in 2021, I didn't add it to the list. -Mod Kay
This is a canon divergence AU where after WWXs death, Jiang Cheng ended up with Suibian and the Jins ended up with Chenqing. The author spins a *fascinating* canon divergence, stuffed chock full of Yunmeng Bros feels (and plenty of Wangxian feels too, of course). Plus some beautiful embedded art. I couldn't put it down! @flamingwell
The Twin Blades of Yunmeng
by GhostySword (@ghostysword), ofmindelans (@sometimesophie)
T, 89k, Wangxian & Sangcheng
Summary: Then Jiang Cheng brings both blades around, two sword glares flashing, and—oh. Wei Wuxian knows the second sword’s red and silver glare better than any other. His brother is wielding Suibian, the first and last sword that had ever belonged to Wei Wuxian.   Jiang Cheng and the Jin sect took away different treasures after Wei Wuxian's death. When Wei Wuxian comes back from the dead, his brother has some theories, some feelings, and two swords strapped across his back. Now Wei Wuxian must solve a Chenqing-charged mystery while surviving a passive-aggressive custody battle between Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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dkniade · 6 months
(Wrote this some months ago)
I’ve always known that The Untamed is not a direct translation of 陈情令’s title… BUT IT SUDDENLY DAWNED ON ME THREE (?) YEARS LATER THAT THE DRAMA’S OPENING THEME SONG IS 无羁 (Wu2 Ji1)
羁 refers to a horse’s bridle.
Meaning The Untamed is actually a translation of the main theme’s title 无羁 instead of the drama’s.
By the way, it’s also the same Wu (无) in Wei Wuxian (魏无羡)’s name. And while it doesn’t use the same hanzi character and meaning as Lan Wangji (蓝忘机)’s Ji (机), it’s the same pronunciation.
Meanwhile, the drama’s title 陈情令 (Chen2qing2 Ling4)…
陈情 means… “give a full account (of something)”, in this case likely a confession of one’s feelings/actions (be it hostile or romantic or platonic or something else). It’s also the name of Wei Wuxian’s dizi/flute.)
令 in this context is likely 小令 (xiao3ling4) as in “short tonal poem” (a form of Chinese poetry) or one could simplify it to “verse”. (Fitting since Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian both play instruments which likes alludes to 高山流水, a story of a qin player and a listener who can see in his mind the qin music’s intended imagery. The term 知音 / zhiyin can mean “heart’s accompaniment”, literally being “understand the sound”. By the way, the imagery of an unseen Instrumentalist in the distance is very common in traditional Chinese poetry so the instrument-playing Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian’s make quite the poetic imagery.) Alternatively 令 could also mean ”order”/”decree”.
In English prose—
From a romantic angle, 陈情令… can mean “Confession Verse”, “Short Confession Poem”, etc. Or, from a non-romantic angle, “Monologue” seems to work too (even if it’s a more loose translation)
But if 令 is taken to mean “order” or “decree” along with 陈情’s ambiguous meaning, then 陈情令 could also be roughly interpreted as ”Guilty Confession Order”.
Bringing in 令’s “verse” imagery together with the “order” imagery, and the various meanings of 陈情…
陈情令 as “Open Letter Order” in prose?
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dolphelecat · 1 month
So I have this weirdly specific scenario I want to read a fic about.
So Person A gets trapped in, like, a lantern or an enclosed table lamp. They don't remember or experience this. For them it's like they had a nice dreamless nap and then woke up. They just look like a light inside the lantern/lamp.
However, whatever rules trapped them there keep them there for a very long time. If the people involved are mortal, it will be sometime after Person B dies. If the people are immortal, it's long enough that it's a disconcerting amount of time for the people to be apart.
So Person B has this little lantern/lamp and tends to it and takes care of it, talking to it as it's the only bit of Person A they have, possibly with no expectation of ever seeing Person A again but still caring for them the best they know how.
Luckily, Person A gets out a LOT earlier than expected. It's short enough that the two can have a happy ending, but long enough that Person B was nicely traumatized.
A bonus scene is sometime after this, Person B is compromised -- just woke up from a nightmare or sick/injured and delirious, etc. -- and they can't see the lamp/lanter and freak out, and Person A has to calm them down and comfort them.
If you write this, no matter the fandom or pairing (I'm sure I'll regret that later), please send it to me.
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carrot-felisidad · 6 days
Warning: I chose violence everyday and I'm your passive aggressive friend who cares for you.
I'm giving you White Head Ribbon because... My girl, my boy, my enby baby, my bothsie, treat this as a wake up call. You need restraint. You need to start creating a list of principles that you think would turn you into your dream self, and stop doing things based on short term pleasure. I know I can't stop you for most as you have ADHD and/or autism, but the more you cater to your short term whims, the more you hate yourself. You also need the silence and peace in the cloud recesses. You may not know it, but your soul has been craving for some alone time. Seclude yourself in Hanshi if you want, just let your soul rest for a while.
I'm giving you a clarity bell because... You've been empathizing with people for so long that I wish for you to get out of the muddy puddle that is other people's problem and get back to your own energy. My sad baby empath... it's okay to say no. You've been in the Empathy ritual for so long, and a lot of people have been telling you to get out of it, the friend that you have been empathizing with is long dead, just a walking corpse who only see you as a free therapist, nothing else. They don't even want to change. You need this bell, boo. Clang clang clang or whatever.
I'm giving you a Vermillion Mark because... I want you to be proud of yourself for once. Acknowledge your hard work and credentials, stop brushing them off as "only", because I need you to bag that promotion and/or RESPECT FROM EVERYBODY, as what you deserve. Oh, you think you're not actually that good? Your achievements are nothing?? Well, I want you to get over your imposter syndrome because Su She was out there creating his own sect by being a pretentious wannabe!!! He has no skills and is only a steve jobs fanatic! You?! You have real skills. Wear this vermillion mark and show them! Jin Ling was bullied all his life by mere nobodies but he knew from day one that he's the GOAT. And always remember that you have someone who will fight alongside you, who will break their legs if they hurt you.
I'm giving you a Fan with Paintings in it because... I want you to follow your dreams. You may be raised in a family or culture where you are assumed to follow a certain path. Be relentless that you are living your life. The point of life is to be enjoyed, not to be someone else's puppet, ain't no way! And don't worry about where your life will lead you. You are smart and scheming, you know your subject. You will lead a fruitful life wherever you go. Stop living your life to get someone else's validation. Actually do things that make you happy. You deserve a life worth living.
I'm giving you a Bamboo Flute because... You need to practice necromancy, lol. Use the dead for your own goals... Stop a war or plant some vegetbales... Haha i think, um, idk the agressiv spirit guide who was ghost writing through me just fled to get some pizza she ain't coming back haha. Research about shadow work (it's an actuall clinical thingy) and rise above the challenges. Come back with the coolest fashion statement. Stop being a people pleaser and start being an feared entity. OVERCOME YOUR MEASLY HUNAN CONDITIONS AND BECOME A DEMONIC CULTIVATIR! Wei Wuxian did not die and came back to life to orove nothing!
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theuntamedcollages · 2 years
The Untamed, ep49, scene 31:44-35:35: Chenqing
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LXC: Young Master Wei...
JC: Wei Wuxian!
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Previous scene - Next scene
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sweetlittlevampire · 2 years
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In which Lan Wangji shows Wei Wuxian his most prized possession, and some mysteries are unveiled. Or are they not…?
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sandumilfshou · 2 months
"why do you like jiang cheng?"
is such a weird question. what is there NOT to like?
sweet, insecure, covers up his embarrassment with fake anger, youngest baby sibling, heir to the sect, tries his hardest and is truly powerful and smart but doesnt look like it next to his beloved shixiong who is a genius and can do anything with barely any effort
desperate for his fathers approval, is aggressively mothered, pretends his shixiong is embarrassing and he wants nothing to do with him but is constantly letting himself get dragged into shenanigans
loses his entire sect and both his parents in one night, sacrifices himself in a potentially SI way to save his shixiong, becomes chronically disabled (for a cultivator), loses said brother he sacrificed himself for. gets plunged into a war as a teenager while trying to build up his sect from essentially nothing using his dead mother's weapon of choice.
goes through the sunshot campaign, wwx's demonic cultivation and defection, all while building up his sect again. loses yanli to the jin, loses wwx to the dafan wen. loses them both permanently. has no family remaining in the world, alone and vulnerable, except for infant jin ling.
3zun have essentially tied 3 of the 4 great sects together, leaving ymj out. vulnerable. so jiang cheng channels his mother and protects them by cultivating - successfully! - the reputation of the feared sandu shengshou who nobody wants to cross. forces himself to become angry and bitter to hide any remaining vulnerabilities, fragility, emotion.
threatens to break jin ling's legs but jin ling knows he is loved and is never scared of being physically harmed. raises the ymj out of the ashes to the point they can afford to lose 400 spirit nets without even worrying about it
jiang cheng is so broken and fragile and when he needs support, when he has lost everything and everyone, he has nothing. so he is forced to put himself back together, to harden his edges, to ensure that nobody will ever hurt him again. he is untouchable. he is respected. he is feared. he is powerful.
and despite all this, he still kept chenqing in pristine condition for over 10 years. he still trusts in wwx to do the right thing despite all the wrongs he has done. he cries, he rages, he threatens.
but in the end, jiang wanyin is the only one to come out of guanyin temple better than they went in. he wins. and he does it all by his fucking self.
even if all he wants now is jin ling to be safe and for wei wuxian to come home.
oh, and he looks like THIS:
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asksythe · 11 months
The lost tiger plushy, the many versions of MDZS, Wei Ying’s two leaps of faith - Question and Answer Continuation
A few days ago I posted a question and answer regarding a detail of the MDZS novel (a ragdoll that Wei Ying made for A Yuan) that might have been lost after it underwent rewriting and edit. I also noted that I was operating purely on memory and had no actual receipts for this old version of MDZS.
Well, friends, the receipts are here today, thanks to armodeus, Nihaharika, and kimalysong. 
Even though the tiger plushy and the scene of Wei Ying making it for A Yuan was removed from the current version of MDZS novel, it still shows up in other adaptations of MDZS. 
Behold, the lost tiger plushy! 
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One is from the Donghua, the other from the live action Chenqing ling / The Untamed. 
Looking at the one from Chenqing ling, I have to agree with Wen Qing on it being the ugliest rag doll she had ever seen. It’s barely recognizable as a tiger plushy! 
So even though we don’t have the actual text, it’s more or less confirmed the tiger plushy and Wei Ying making it for A Yuan is a part of the greater canon. 
But there’s more! 
Thanks to kimalysong for pointing out that there exists the translation of an even older version of MDZS which is drastically different from the version we have today.
Here it is, thanks to Qinghe-Nie: 
To summarize, in this super early iteration, there is no bell for Jin Ling, no tiger plushy for A Yuan. Wei Wuxian never went to Jin Ling’s 100 day celebration as it never took place. Instead, he was lured to Qiongqi Path and ambushed by Jin Zixun in a fake night hunt. This version confirmed the Jin tampering with Qiongqi Path to further implicate Wei Wuxian of crimes he did not commit (this is only heavily hinted at in the current version). 
Having read this version, I can see why MXTX removed it. It lacks the subtlety of the current version as well as the mirroring symbolism of Wei Wuxian and Jiang Yanli’s relationship and how it echoes into other parts of the story. 
There are two times in Jiang Yanli’s life that she reached out to Wei Wuxian with the intention to help and implored him to trust her. One is on Wei Ying’s first night in Lianhua Wu when he was stuck up in the tree and she told him to jump down, saying she could catch him. But she couldn’t, and Wei Ying ended up breaking his own leg. The other is when she sent him an invitation to Jin Ling’s 100 day celebration, a celebration in which a child formally recognized his uncles in ancient Chinese customs, with the intention of deescalating the tension between Wei Wuxian and the Jin. But all that achieved was to lure Wei Ying out of the protection of the Burial Mound, and open him up to Jin schemes, schemes that eventually led to the death of both Wei Ying and Jiang Yanli. 
Both times, Jiang Yanli failed, and not only hurt herself, but also Wei Ying. Jiang Yanli has all the heart, but none of the capability. 
Both times Wei Ying believed someone could help him in his moment of need, he was hurt and his trust proved poorly placed, which only feeds even more into his insistence on doing everything and shouldering everything himself. 
Wei Ying’s relationship with the Jiang siblings is characterized as love without trust. He cares deeply for them, but he doesn’t trust them, doesn’t trust their ability, their perseverance, or their choices, because every time he thought he could trust them, they ended up proving him wrong. Wei Ying loves the Jiang siblings the way he sees the love between Jiang Fengmian and Yu Furen. Love without trust. Love that only ends up hurting both parties. 
Wei Ying’s relationship with Lan Wangji, specifically after his resurrection, is the reverse of this. Because not only does Lan Wangji has all the heart, he also has the capability. 
Adult Wei Ying jumping down from the tree and caught by Lan Wangji is an echo of 9 years old Wei Ying jumping down on his first night in Lianhua Wu. Only this time, his trust is given to the right person. 
“If he catches me, I will...” indeed.   
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wangxianficrecs · 7 months
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Follower Recs
I loved this fic. It was so sweet and had the perfect amount of humor and angst. I have a soft spot for teacher WWX fics and this one does it so well! The juniors from all four great sects fighting over WWX is hilarious and just shows how easy it is for WWX to collect ducklings without trying. Also has the Lan juniors fighting against the "don't interact with WWX" rule if you like that trope! @misscellophane-ao3
Mark My Place
by BenevolentErrancy
T, 27k, Wangxian
Summary: Wei Wuxian had already made his mark on the cultivation world and he knew it. He had been a nuisance and a war hero and a threat and the stain of true evil and then he had died. Whatever place he had once carved for himself was shed at some point in those thirteen years. Now, having been revived, a man displaced from time, he could accept that he didn't really belong anywhere except perhaps at Lan Wangji's side. And that should be enough, because Lan Wangji's side was the best place in the world to belong. It didn't matter if none of the other sects wanted anything to do with him, or the fear and scorn that other cultivators met him with. Really, it didn't. The juniors disagree.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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symphonyofsilence · 1 year
I love Wangxian as much as the next guy, but my unpopular MDZS opinion is that both LWJ & WWX after the resurrection were really shitty brothers. Both to their own brothers and to each other's.
Like...JC just threw himself in front of WWX & his boyfriend & Jiggy's sword & took a stab to the chest just narrowly missing his heart, & Wei Wuxian DIDN'T EVEN ASK HIM HOW HE IS! I'm sure JC didn't want him to thank him, but totally ignoring that & forgetting about it is... you know, not fine. even LXC was more worried about his wound. After the temple, when everyone was talking to everyone else, & WWX thanked JC for giving Chenqing back to him, he doesn't even wait until JC's answer is fully out before he immediately turns back to look at LWJ!
Even JL who wasn't talking to JC at that moment saw that JC had something to say! But WWX not only didn't give him a chance to talk, but didn't even have any interest in what he had to say, and wouldn't listen to him just like all the other times when JC tried to talk to him (Repeatedly reminding WWX of his promise & even asking why didn't you go back to Lotus Pier). As you try to do, after you brother has returned from the dead, after causing his own death, your sister's and your brother-in-law's. WWX doesn't think that that's an issue that they need to talk about. Because it's unpleasant for him. While he is not the one who's owed an explanation or an apology. He's not the one who gets to decide if they're having this conversation or not. Let alone asking about JC's wound! WWX! just! Left! With! His boyfriend! & didn't look back! Not even after JC's public meltdown!
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And and, what's worse, for both LWJ & WWX is this! Here is what happens when JC is trying to have a conversion with WWX about the non-consensual surgery WWX performed on him by mutilating himself on JC's behalf:
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Why yes, he is injured, Hanguang-Jun! He's injured because he threw himself in front of WWX & you little fuck!
He does this once, and it causes JC's wound to open and start bleeding again, and then he goes to do it again!
It's a matter that seriously needs discussion, Hanguang-Jun. JC's world has turned upside down without him having a say in it or even being told about it for years, Hanguang-Jun. JC has every right to talk about it to the person responsible, Hanguang-Jun. It's a family matter, Hanguang-Jun.
And ffs What do you think WWX's brother wants to do to him?! After he took a stab to the chest for him?! He is wounded and his spiritual energy is sealed, what can he do? He's going through it right now in front of everyone. why would you humiliate him even more?! They're brothers! It's none of your business!
And WWX doesn't say anything! It's Jin Ling who must beg Hanguang-Jun to spare his uncle!
(I think they understood what a shitty move it was in the CQL, cause WWX at least lifts a hand to stop LWJ there. And LWJ doesn't actually push JC, opening his wound again, And then try to do it A SECOND TIME AFTER THAT!)
Like...Beating someone's family member in front of them is a very, very rude thing in general when they're themselves handling the situation very well. They were just having a family argument, and LWJ felt the need to beat JC. If you want to de-escalate a family argument, you do it the way JGY does. Or LSZ, A CHILD, de-escalates situations. While respecting both parties. Or else it just escalates even worse.
And this happened at the Jiang ancestral halls, too. WWX was the first to attack JC (which was totally within his brotherly rights when JC was being a little shit) and JC counter-attacked. JC's spiritual powers, unlike WWX's and LWJ's, hadn't returned yet. WWX totally got this. It wasn't their first time fighting. OK, LWJ deflected the first blow of Zidian. He didn't need to intervene further when WWX was beating JC in JC'S ancestral hall. WWX himself passed out when he realized wtf he was doing. (& bear in mind that hours ago, JC with his spiritual powers sealed, barely able to walk, picked his sword and was going to go back for WWX in the burial mounds, before he knew about the golden core thing)
Imagine your friend invites you to their home which they've ran away from when they were very young, their sibling that now owns the house lets you in even though you don't even say hi to them or acknowledge their existence there in anyway, & your friend invites you to somewhere you really have no business being in. IDK. Say, the master bedroom that's been locked ever since their parents' death. Your friend's sibling arrives there and they have an argument. You get offended in the crossfire but your friend leaps in to protect your honor, by beating the said sibling. The said sibling beats back. Can you imagine actually beating the sibling?! Trying to separate them, sure. But beating them?!
& others have talked in depth & better than I about how LXC just murdered the love of his life after some very shocking revelations & was 100% ready to die with him & was clearly going through it & LWJ just left with his boyfriend to fuck when LXC was the one who was there for him when HIS boyfriend died. Like..no LWJ didn't leave his brother after a few days. HE LEFT HIM THAT VERY MOMENT! DIDN'T EVEN GIVE HIM A HANDKERCHIEF OR A PAT ON THE SHOULDER!
And people have also talked better than I about how WWX didn't tell LXC about Sisi bc...he might have shown JGY mercy?
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travalerray · 4 months
Chengxian for the ask game?
thanks for the ask!
Well you know. This goes without saying.
What made you ship it?
Since I started with the donghua, I would say the hyperspecific scene in the Xuanwu Cave right after Wei Wuxian has gotten branded and everyone's going "fuuuuck", and Chengxian exchange a very meaningful look and Wei Wuxian says, "I have gotten hurt in Lotus Pier before too. When have I not swim the fastest?". The way they looked at each other altered my brain chemicals <3. (Also yes, lmao, the donghua is very funny because it decides to make Jiang Cheng this mega softie in the first flashback and even adds this extra dialogue during the Waterborne Abyss where they are fighting the water ghouls where he tells Wei Wuxian "we have got it" when in the novel Wei Wuxian's narration is like "as usual, Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian were competing". Heartbreaking how they completely dropped the ball after the XiYao conversation in S2 E1). The one that did solidify my stance is the famous choking-crying scene because......yeah, I won't say it. It is always heart breaking to see children lashing out in the moments of grief, especially this one that highlights how they deal with it—Jiang Cheng angry and lashing out, Wei Wuxian putting a hand over his eyes, both not wanting to show that they are crying, the rain starting—the cinematography is beautiful.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
*gestures* Everything.
It's about the grouchy "why do you have to always play a hero (for the others, just be mine)" as an act of love, it's about walking away as an act of protection (duty is the death of love, honour is the death of love), it's about the mourning for thirteen years, it's about missing your home no matter where you go, no matter who you are with (because it can never be enough—it's always a convenient excuse), it's about acts of self sacrifice as a love language, it's about the "raging ecstasy" and "vengeful wrath" when faced with your childhood "sweetheart", it's about broken promises, it's about childhood dreams and always wanting to stay together and failing always. But most importantly, it's about a lot of yearning disguised as angry barking (Jiang Cheng) and joking around (Wei Wuxian).
It's also about how no matter what Wei Wuxian is narrating, Jiang Cheng filters into his thoughts. Oh, the kids are flying a kite? Jiang Cheng is there. Wei Wuxian is eating? Jiang Cheng is there. The reverse is true too—they are too intimately connected and impossible to be separated.
Above all, it's about Jiang Cheng bringing Chenqing to the Guanyin Temple in perfect condition and throwing it to Wei Wuxian. Above all, it's about Jin Ling being threatened and in that brief moment of confusion, they start yelling at each other, using "the same voice they used as children".
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think I know enough about the popular opinions to say? Considering the popular opinion people have going on half the time involves arguing on how much Jiang Cheng's actions were justified (what did he do. He didn't do a single thing until Jin Zixuan died and we see him at the Pledge Rally and he doesn't even get REALLY upset until Jiang Yanli dies. Is the problem with the fake duel??? Which is admittedly something you would only see these two come up with, because yes, the only way to avoid a problem is to publicly fall out with your martial brother. But I have never seen anyone express a problem with this detective novel levels of drama, so maybe it's the first siege???) but I don't think most of the shippers have a problem with that? But if this question means unpopular opinion in general, well—Chengxian is an unpopular opinion in general, I think. But otherwise, I will leave this line here:
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[there's so much he could be talking about here. Come back Wei Wuxian. Why is it so purposeful. Hello. "I don't want to"? Wei Wuxian????]
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arugulaextract · 4 months
Still reading MDZS (I’ve been taking my time) and I have a question that I was wondering if anyone could answer about colors, as someone who wishes to draw fannart. Is the blue often drawn in Lan uniforms book-cannon??? I can find no textual evidence that Lans having any details in their robes that aren’t white, and would like some. Personally, rn I have the inclination to draw the forehead ribbon embroidery in silver/grey. Additionally, I can’t find Wei Wuxian’s outfit description, and definitely can’t find him wearing a red ribbon. WWX definitely wears black as the Yiling Patriarch, and is probably wearing it during present timeline given ch 14 his description of his father and mother and comparing them to him and Lan Wangji (his father wore black and his mother wore white), but I can’t find any explicit mentions of colors for his robes. The red seems to come from chenqing’s tassle. I can’t even find the color of WWX’s sword glare :(
Further color questions/comments below:
Also only note I could find on WWX eye color is that they were originally dark. In Mo Xuanyu his eyes are described as bright but I can’t find any other mentions. Additionally, it’s unclear if they look alike to me; ik WWX described Mo Xuanyu’s face as definitely not the face of the Yiling Patriarch but this seems to be more about the fact that his face has pristine and bright and youthful vibes. Also he’s shorter lol.
Also for the Jin’s robes the only one that specifies a single flower that I can recall was Jin Guangyao’s, and I think Jin Ling was introduced with flowers (plural) on his robe, so I want to know if anyone knows about this discrepancy. This feels like this could be a translation discrepancy though as according to my minute google search Chinese doesn’t have plurals. “The embroidery on his robes was indisputably exquisite, swirling together into extraordinary white peonies.” Is Jin Ling’s robes vs “the full bloom of the Spark Amidst Snow family insignia embroidered on the chest of his round-collar robe, matched with a nine-ringed belt and a pair of tall boots.” For Jin Guangyao.
I also can’t figure out if WWX wears Jiang’s purple robes when he was head disciple.. I can’t even figure out for certain if all Jiang disciples wore purple, as the mentions of it I find are associated with Yu Ziyuan or her kids (Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli). Because WWX’s robe gets specified as black post burial mounds but I can’t find it before it I’d assume he wears Jiang colors, if they were Jiang colors. If not, and he wears black otherwise, I think this would be because it’s the color his father wore not because Yu Ziyuan is particularly jealous. Actually, it could just be that bells were what indicated being a sect member instead of clothing color, but idk if not color coding sect members is common??
Also can’t figure out if the studying disciples at The Cloud Recesses wore white. My guess actually leans towards yes as at the archery competition all the disciples had to wear Wen red, so if that’s the standard I’d assume they’d have to wear white in the cloud recesses (though the Wens may have been doing a power play).
Also if anyone has a chapter/page number for a description of Wen robes that would be appreciated. I started this post like 30 minutes ago and spent a long while looking for textual evidence (luckily I’m on kindle so I have a search feature) of each clan’s robes but I’m feeling done. .. same with what the burial mound Wens were wearing bc I always see them in Wen robes which in my mind kinda makes sense but also kinda doesn’t, but I haven’t reread to that point.
If anyone has any clothing information of sects/characters that hasn’t been mentioned from book cannon and wishes to share with me I’d appreciate it so much I’m going insane. Or if you have any particularly good resources on embroidery/robes/swords/instruments/hair/other things that understanding would give better idea on how these babies actually dress. MDZS isn’t trying to exist in a particular time period is it? I’ve seen guestimations on the internet of like 2nd century to 6th century, but my understanding is that it’s kinda like high fantasy novels which just get set in vaguely-Western Europe and unmodern.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 2 years
Already Dead AU
They don't notice as the weeks pass, it becomes easier to live in the Burial Mounds as time passes. Crops become easier to grow, their clothes becoming less patchy. In the Demon Slaughtering Cave Wei Wuxian continued to add a stroke to the talisman he was completing he assumed that Wen Qing had asked other Wens with better bargaining skills to go to Yiling on market days.
Wei Wuxian paused in thought, when was the last time he had ventured into Yiling proper?
As Wei Wuxian made to leave the barrier he jerked back in shock, he and Wen Ning stared as Wei Wuxian's hand crossed the barrier and became completely transparent.
No one had been going to Yiling to get better clothes, they had unwittingly been using their own newfound ghost power to 'wish away' the patching, the crops they were growing fueled by excessive Yin energy.
The poor memories of ghosts making them forget they were hungry and thus giving A-Yuan their food, A-Yuan who was the most alive out of any of them due to a powerful love was untouched by the Mounds blessing/curse.
A-Yuan was immune to the phenomenon for the moment but there was no guarantee it would last.
Wen Ning was completely unaffected by the fading at the boundary, he was the one who would take a-yaun away, to Gusa.
To Lan Wangji, who Wei Wuxian assured the Wen Remnants, was the last truly righteous cultivator in what seemed like the entirety of Jianghu.
The invitation to Jin Ling's 100th Day Celebration signed by Lan Wangji would easily grant Wen Ning a audience with the Lan at least.
As for the Wen Remnants and Wei Wuxian? Wen Ning wished he could cry but suspected he would have long run out of tears.
It would be gentle Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing had assured Wen Ning, the Stygian Tiger Amulet would power the talisman, the most impractically powerful exorcism talisman in recorded history created by Wei Wuxian.
It was a mercy kill Wen Ning knew and Wei Wuxian knew, the memories of the ghost Wens were fading faster ever since they had become ghosts spiritual cognition corroding even faster with the conscious revelation that they were already dead, a horrible fate.
Wen Ning would be on watch to protect A-Yuan, he would watch over A-Yuan from afar and gift him with his a-niang's sword Suibian and his flute Chenqing when he came of age. And when the day came that he was no longer needed and no longer desired to remain? Wei Wuxian had gifted Wen Ning a smaller version of the exorcism talisman.
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ruthlesscalculuss · 2 years
I think many jc antis and some jc fans don’t realize that Jiang Cheng is not just an angry callous man. He’s arguably the most sensitive character in mdzs.
He deserves to be seen through his hard exterior, because there’s something so interesting behind it. An angry man with no deeper thought would not keep Chenqing by his side for 13 years. No man with such little depth would cry and mourn at the golden core reveal and at the temple scene. His love and willingness to die for his nephew shows one of his best qualities: loyalty to family and his loved ones.
Him trying to help raise Jin Ling and treat him better than Jiang Cheng’s parents ever treated him is honorable. To be better than the parents who hit, humiliated, and neglected you- it’s a genuinely respectable thing. That takes character growth and reflection to be a better person, which can be hard especially in a case like Jc.
Jiang Cheng rebuilt lotus pier all by himself, yes he got support from the top clans, however he oversaw that everything was reconstructed and that the place could be a bright and functioning sect, even better before his fathers rule. By himself. That takes a certain level of devotion that I admire as well, and he doesn’t do it for greedy reasons like power like JGY, he does it because he’s been groomed to be the sect leader for so long, it’s basically a part of his personality now. And that in itself can be seen as another tragedy.
Btw the man was literally begging wwx to come back with him to lotus pier and to get rid of the wens, so that he could protect him, before things truly got out of hand “if you insist on protecting them I can’t protect you” That’s fear, that’s fear of another loss, the death of someone you care about. Also can we talk about how jc always knew he was second best to wwx? And hey he never was that angry with the man, never tried to push him down and make fun of him for being the son of a servant, he trusted and respected him. And I don’t think that was easy to do.
Also another thing. Jc never tried to hunt and kill or torture wwx. When he ran into him on the streets of that inn, he whipped wwx to stun him, and dragged him back to question him. Not even touching a hair on his head. He used fairy as a blocker, and did call him over to fuck with wwx, it wasn’t right but I get why he got pissed off. Wwx had made a…insensitive comment to say the least, because he was so used to messing with jc (and jc in turn) but forgot that things are very different now.
Also, jc never actually wanted to kill wwx when he saw him again, he whipped him to expel him out of mo xuanyu’s body because he thought he was possessing him and he did lash out at lotus pier but he tried to stop before it got any worse “Jiang Cheng didn’t really want to hit Lan WangJi, and immediately retracted his whip, but it was already too late.”
My point in writing all of this is that jc is not just an “angry bitter man”, he is man capable of warmth and forgiveness like how we see him forgive wwx in the temple after years of resenting him. It’s so easy for jc to just hate wwx, but he doesn’t, he says it himself “Why can’t I hate you?! Shouldn’t I hate you?!” The anger and hurt he’s fed for years are slowly losing its roots in his heart and he doesn’t know what to do except cry. This part of him, I think is too relatable. When you survive through expressing hurt as anger, when you have to deal with “you’ll never be good enough” I can understand and I wish others would acknowledge this type of canon
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theuntamedcollages · 2 years
The Untamed, ep49, scene 35:35-38:53: Wounds
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NHS: Su She, why did you try to kill me?!
SS: No... No... I didn't... No, I didn't... No, I didn't. It was you! *points at NHS*
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SS: Clan Leader...
JGY: Minshan. Minshan!
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Previous scene - Next scene
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amynchan · 10 months
Wouldn't it be so much easier if Jiang Cheng were just... two separate characters?
The one who begged for Madam Yu not to hurt Wei Wuxian in a way that would have definitely lost face for the sect and the one who whipped him himself?
The one who was offended that Wei Wuxian would consider marrying a servant (solidifying his classism as well as recognizing that he classified Wei Wuxian, at the very least, as 'not servant') and the one who sneered down Wei Wuxian's connection with Lan Wangji?
The one who told his sister that Wei Wuxian should be the one to give Jin Ling his courtesy name and the one who told Jin Ling consistently that Wei Wuxian was the reason both of his parents were gone?
The one who held onto Chenqing for so long and kept it in good condition (as per Wei Wuxian's own observations) and the one who helped lead the siege on the Burial Mounds?
The one who gave up his life and core for Wei Wuxian and the one who had an entire breakdown over Wei Wuxian's core reveal (including the gist of "why do you have to keep one upping me?")?
The one who keeps his silence at the end of the novel and lets Wei Wuxian go and the one who says "after all my family's done for you?!"
Wouldn't it be nice and easy if they were two different characters? A "Good Jiang Cheng" and a "Bad Jiang Cheng"?
But, you know... that would ruin both, I think. I am, in fact, someone who loves this character, but I don't think I can if it were just the good bits. The bad bits make him so deliciously tragic.
it would be easy if they were two different characters, but I personally don't think it'd be nice. I like my sour grape just as he is.
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