#char: hwang hyunjin
sweetlixes · 10 months
a symphony of broken notes
(★) fandom: skz (★) ships: multiple (★) rating: not rated (★) 9542 words (★) completed (18/18) (★) drabble collection
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." – Maya Angelou
A collection of all drabbles I've posted on twitter.
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iloveyouseoulhq · 1 year
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Para muitos Bae Donghan não passa de um vizinho criativo, com 23 anos de idade, Dongi atualmente é fotógrafo e pintor, mas quando não está ocupado você conseguirá vê-lo pelo bloco 3, onde mora. A personalidade do apartamento 305 é conhecida por ser empático e atencioso, em outros momentos o que fala mais alto é seu lado inseguro e recluso. Heterossexual e atendendo pelos pronomes ele/dele, tem quem diga que ele se parece com Hwang Hyunjin, mas sinceramente? Eu não acho tanto, para ter certeza basta dar uma olhadinha no @ils_donghan. 
Crescer em um orfanato sempre foi muito importante para a vida de Donghan. Desde que se entendia por gente, já vivia com as diversas crianças e suas cuidadoras, que não eram mulheres muito gentis e, por muitas vezes, tratavam os pequenos com rispidez e julgando-os por terem sido abandonados por seus pais. O pequeno Bae se desenvolveu escutando como sua mãe havia engravidado de um estrangeiro e o abandonado, mas pouco se importava. Dentro de si, guardava uma esperança que teria dias melhores quando uma boa família o adotasse. No entanto, esse dia nunca chegou e Donghan esteve fadado a viver dentro da instituição até alcançar sua maioridade e precisar se virar no mundo.
Durante toda sua infância e adolescência, uma figura foi muito importante para a construção de caráter. Enquanto as inspetoras eram tiranas e não se esforçavam tanto para que crescessem felizes, Kim Jayoon era um anjo na visão do jovem menino. A voluntária que fazia questão de visitá-los quinzenalmente era motivo de alegria sempre que chegava, afinal suas atividades lúdicas eram diversão garantida. Donghan sempre teve uma ligação mais profunda com a mulher, vendo nela uma figura materna sem ao menos perceber. Jayoon era uma artista e ensinava tudo que conseguia ao pequeno Bae nos dias de visitação. Sempre foi um desejo interno da mulher adotar o garotinho, que tão novo já exibia uma visão artística de dar inveja a qualquer um. Porém, como nunca se casou, o governo sul-coreano sempre dificultou o processo de adoção para si e ela se contentava com as visitas ao orfanato, sempre torcendo que o jovem menino encontrasse uma boa família.
Ao alcançar seus dezoito anos, o jovem adulto Donghan precisou sair do orfanato. Com o equivalente a quatrocentos dólares no seu bolso, alugou um quartinho em uma parte péssima da cidade e saiu em busca de emprego - tarefa difícil para um rapaz que havia se formado em escolas não tão bem conceituadas e cresceu toda sua vida em um orfanato. O preconceito com órfãos era mudo, mas existia e ele aquela era a primeira vez que ele presenciava o mesmo. Quando a esperança começava a morrer, um anjo bateu à sua porta. Kim Jayoon, agora idosa, chorou ao abraçar o garoto e começar a explicar como precisou procurá-lo por muitos lugares. Desde aquele dia, Bae passou a chamá-la de mãe, como sempre havia sonhado e deixou-se ser cuidado de verdade pela primeira vez na vida.
Com a ajuda de sua mãe, Donghan conseguiu um emprego como recepcionista na galeria de arte que a mesma trabalhava. No mesmo dia que foi contratado, ganhou de presente um item que guarda até hoje: sua primeira câmera profissional. Um objeto afetivo, que não compartilha com muitas pessoas a história por trás, mas que sempre carrega consigo onde quer que vá. O rapaz passou a dividir seu tempo no emprego em horário integral e as aulas particulares de Jayoon. Era uma artista multifacetada: pintava, fotografava, desenhava, esculpia e, além de tudo, escrevia. O Bae queria ser como ela. Ela não era rica, mas vicia confortável e feliz em ter seguido seu sonho. A partir dali, ele havia decidido que seguiria os mesmos passos que sua mãe Kim. 
Foi preciso muita perseverança. Começando com trabalhos de freelancer de fotógrafo, conseguiu alugar um quartinho melhor e mais próximo do condomínio que Jayoon morava. Na mesma época, expôs duas obras suas junto de uma exposição da mais velha, apresentando-se pela primeira vez para o público de lá e largando o emprego de recepcionista logo após. O dinheiro de suas duas obras foi suficiente para colocar em uma poupança e dedicar-se integralmente a exposição individual que teria dali um ano. Donghan só não esperava perder a maior fonte de sua inspiração. Já em uma idade avançada, recebeu a notícia da morte da Kim no mesmo dia que finalizaria seu maior quadro. Nunca mais conseguiu pintar como antes, tendo picos de criatividade, mas sem conseguir fazer muito. Aceitou uma proposta de emprego fixo para um jornal e tentou seguir sua vida da melhor forma, mais uma vez sozinho.
Um ano após a morte de Jayoon, porém, um oficial de justiça bateu à porta do fotógrafo. Ela havia deixado uma parte do pequeno patrimônio no nome de Donghan, além do apartamento no condomínio que, na verdade, era sua oficina de arte. Com um pouco de esforço, aos poucos o rapaz modificou o local com sua personalidade, mas nunca sem deixar a veia artística de lado. As paredes ainda tinham quadros expostos, sem contar as decorações únicas que haviam sido produzidas pela sua mãe antes de morrer. Daquela forma, ele mantinha ela viva em seu coração. Aos poucos, começava a procurar inspiração para voltar a fazer o que mais amava: pintar.
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hyuuukais · 3 months
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-`♡´ - APARTMENT 143
pairing -> lee minho x reader
synopsis -> after a bad breakup, y/n needs to find a new place to live. although she's grateful for her best friend, up-and-coming model hwang hyunjin, for letting her stay at his, she can't keep living with him and his model roommates. so when an opening for somewhere nearby with cheap rent opens up, she jumps on it, despite knowing next to nothing about the 3 other tenants, only that one owns 3 cats. the three quickly learn of her breakup, determined to help get her back on her feet. but what happens when one of them begins to develop feelings?
warnings -> gen, y/n overthinks a lot and isn't very nice or forgiving to herself, food, y/n panicking & hyperventilating, food, blood, suggestive near end
CHAPTER TWELVE -> FAILED ROMANTIC ESCAPADES (partially written, wc: 1.5k)
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"Hey, hey, hey." Minho cups your face hesitantly, wiping the stream of tears flooding from your eyes. You're hyperventilating, gasping for air by the time he's arrived to help you as the pan of burnt food lies off to the side. "Here."
He takes a hand and places it on his chest, breathing in deeply and encouraging you to do the same. You try, but its shaky and and you start coughing. A hand comes down to rub your back and you don't even notice how close you are, finally starting to focus on the rise and fall of Minho's chest. Once you've started to calm, he lets his hand fall off of your back, leaving the one clasping yours to him.
"Go sit down," he orders and you try to protest. "No, I don't want to hear it. Go sit and destress with the cats while I salvage this."
"There's no salvaging that," you say, pointing to the charred, inedible... lump on the stovetop.
"So I'll make something new."
Sitting on the couch, you debate texting Soobin and calling the whole thing off, but he's already on the way and the scent of food cooking wafts over you. You feel fucking awful. First, you mess up the date, if you can call it that, before it even started, and now you've guilted Minho into helping you when he was probably in the middle of doing something. What he's making smells delicious and you feel even worse.
"How long?" Minho calls out from the kitchen. The apartment is fairly open, only an island separating that part from the living room you're in.
"Twenty minutes, give or take."
"Touch up your makeup, you cried it all off." Your face reddens. "And wear that pink shirt you have."
"The one with the ribbon?" You ask, confused why he knows your closet.
"No, not that one. The other one with the heart."
"Because it's nice," he says, still focused on the task at hand. "You look nice in it."
You don't know how to respond so you go to look for the shirt he mentioned. It's hanging up in your freshly organized closet, colour coordinated to help you find things easier. Taking it off the hanger, you change quickly and re-emerge to see Minho plating what looks like a professional dish.
Soobin is never going to believe you made that. Your heart drops and you start fiddling with your fingers, standing at the edge if the kitchen and staring as he finishes up. Unwelcome tears prickle at your eyes again, breath picking up slightly. Minhi catches your eye, coming over and looking down at you. His hand comes up to the back of your head, patting your hair, and somehow this helps you calm down.
"He's not going to think I made that," you admit.
"Why not? There are dirty dishes in the sink." Minho turns your face gently to look. "Who says you can't be a Michelin chef in your spare time?"
"Shut up," you push his hand away, barely containing a smile.
"There's our girl," he sighs. "Now, you know-"
A knock at the door, it opens seconds later, a tall man walking in. "Y/n? I know you said to just walk in but I feel weird so I'm still going to wait for you by the door."
"Oh my god." You look to where Soobin's voice came from, back at Minho, gripping your panic by the throat and shoving it away. "He'll see you if you go to your room and I said no one would be home."
"I can hide-"
"Behind the island!" You push him away quickly as you hear footsteps approaching. Turning around, you see Soobin hesitantly walking in. "Hey! I was just um... finishing getting everything ready! Yeah, that's what I was doing. I, uh, still need to get drinks though. What do you like? We have a bit of red wine left, sparkling water, regular water, and some pop too. Unless you don't want a drink! But hydration is important."
Your voice becomes small nearing the end of your rambling, internally cringing at yourself, but Soobin just smiles and takes off his coat. "Regular water is fine."
Nodding, you go to the side of the island Minho is on. He's crouched against the side, looking up at you as you open the fridge door. When you turn back around with the jug of water, you can see Soobin rounding the corner and panic, nearly dropping the jug as you kick Minho's leg, silently telling his to go around to the other side. He glares at you, but crawls away just as Soobin joins you, a small smile on his face. Sweat clings to your skin as you set the jug down, sending Soobin a tight smile as you reach for two glasses. They're just too high, but you're determined, which does not end well. One glass is close enough to the edge that you can grab it smoothly, but the other is shoved and falls onto the counter, glass flying.
"Oh my god!" You step back, setting the glass behind you and pushing Soobin away with your other hand. "Stand here, I'll sweep this up. I'm so sorry."
You're trying hard not to cry again at this point, so overwhelmed and overstimulated that you feel like you'll burst. The glass cleans up easy enough, but you still feel terrible.
"Y/n, you're bleeding."
"What?" You look down at the hand you just threw the glass out with and see a small cut running under your pointer and middle fingers. "Shit, okay, um, I'll be right back."
"Oh, okay," Soobin leans out of your way as you rush past him.
"Get it together," you say to yourself as you close the bathroom door, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. "Patch it up and get back out there. Calm the fuck down."
And you do just that, slapping a bandage onto the wound and stepping back out. With another deep breath, you reenter the kitchen.
"Ready to eat?" You plaster a smile on your face, taking the dishes and setting them on the coffee table. "We usually eat at the island, but I thought the couch would be nicer for tonight since the seats are comfier. Is that okay? We can eat at the island if you prefer. Or even up on the rooftop, we have a picnic table up there-"
"The couch is fine," Soobin cuts you off. "Really."
You laugh nervously, watching Minho crawl back to the other side as Soobin joins you on the couch. As you eat and make small talk, you become more comfortable, laughing freely at his jokes and even making your own. After you're done, he compliments the food and a wave of guilt runs through you, but you push it down and suggest a movie. Out of the corner of you eye, you see Minho trying to escape the kitchen, so you fully divert Soobin's attention to the TV, allowing Minho to stop being an unintentional third wheel. Not that this is a date.
This is how you end up snuggled into Soobin's chest, his arms wrapped around your waist as the credits roll. It's dark outside, the sun having set while the movie was still going. You yawn, looking up at him with a sleepy smile that he returns, ruffling your hair a bit and making you giggle.
"I had a good time tonight," he says, and you swear his eyes flickered down to your lips, but maybe you're being delusional.
"Me too, we should do this again sometime."
"I can think of something else I'd like to do again," he smirks and you blush.
"You know we can't-"
"They don't have to know." Soobin uses a finger to lift your chin, barely a breath away from his soft lips now. "We don't have to say anything. I know you like me Y/n, and I like you too."
Your heart is racing as he closes the distance between you, mouths moving together in a rhythm. He slowly moves you onto your back, the hand on your waist traveling down to your hip, toying with your waistband as he hovers over you and deepens the kiss. As his thumb dips under the waistband, it sets in what's happening and the feeling of guilt washes back over you, pushing him off you harshly with a hand to his chest.
Sitting up too quickly, your head spins. A hand is on your cheek, turning you to face the man next to you, but everything is too much and you smack it away. Soobin furrows his eyebrows and retracts his hand.
"I think I should go," he says, voice low.
You don't say anything as he gets up or when he slides his shoes and coat on. All you can do is stare at your hands, skin hot and tingly all over. When you hear the door open, your head finally shoots up to see Soobin leaving.
"I'm sorry-" You get up, but he's already out the door. You stare at the wood, wishing there wasn't something wrong with you.
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notes -> i wanna hug yn. so, her family is coming into the picture here... doesn't seem like the greatest dynamic.
taglist -> @chaeryred @toplinelix @channie-143 @puppyminnnie @tfshouldidohere @kangaracha @chlodavids @whitney190 @thisisnotjacinta @borahae-reads @brooklynie @gini143 @kayleigh-28 @skz-streamer @babyphotos0325 @scallywag1299 @venusmoonxnight @naomisosoup @fertiliezedtoesw @s00buwu @realrintaro @anothershorthuman @skzstaykatsy @ilovejeongin007 @btswestan @multifandomedsimp @ihrtlix @raehawthorne @euphoric-univers @hyperpixie @evermourning @satsuri3su @jazziwritesthings @minhwa @wyzminho @fic-for-readers @dreamerwasfound @imsiriuslyreal @lailac13 @palindrome969 @lixie-phoria @aalexyuuuhm @sunflowerbebe07 @st4rhwa @lukeys-giggle @jabmastersupriseee @judeduartewannabe @gaysontheprince @stepout-09-15 @splat00z
^^^ orange means i can't tag you
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otsilliak · 10 months
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Hi my little spark. Why don’t you sit down and go on the journey of meeting all of these handsome men.
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Park Seonghwa
Accidental Dinners
you was set on a blind date by a friend. seonghwa looked exactly like the description your friend gave you. he didn’t tell you the truth until after you two left because he was stood up as well
Kim Hongjoong
Halloween Miscommunication
you and hongjoong go to the same college and are both friends with seonghwa. seonghwa told you both that it was a costume party. he forgot to tell you guys the change of plans, which made you both show up in full blown out costumes
Jeong Yunho
Scripts Of Love
both you and yunho were casted for an upcoming korean drama as the love interests
Kang Yeosang
Failed Ice Skating
it was snowing for the past few days. you were trying to go get groceries, only for you to slip on the apartment building steps. yeosang came up at the right time to catch you before you fell
Choi San
Drunken Mistakes
woosan was drinking to relieve stress from all the work they’ve been doing. they both saw you walking past and wooyoung bet san to holler at you. he did it in korean because he thought you wouldn’t understand him
Song Mingi
Spinning Carousel
you were solo traveling to south korea. you decided to spend the day at lotte world. mingi and woosan was there trying to take a photo. you walked by and mingi asked if you’d take the pic for him.
Jung Wooyoung
Fake Love
you was at a bar to relax after a rough week you just when through. an abusive ex showed up and tried to talk to you so you run up to wooyoung hugging him and whispered for him to help you by pretending to be your boyfriend so your ex will leave you alone.
Choi Jongho
Dancing into the Frame
you’re a popular influencer. you’re a choreographer and do kpop dance covers. for the past few months any picture or video you take in public the same man shows up in all of them. you finally meet him when you’re hired to help ateez make choreography for their new song.
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Bahng Christopher Chan
Universe in Your Eyes
you was on the way back to your hotel after a stray kids concert. you was singing off key to youtiful as you parked your car. you heard laughing and turned to see bangchan smiling at you
Lee Minho
Passionate Tempo
you moved to a different city. it took you awhile to find a new dance studio. when you found it, the first group dance was done in pairs. you are paired up with lee know
Seo Changbin
Charred Cookies
it was five minutes until changbin could get off work. he was unfortunately called to your apartment complex because you accidentally set of them fire alarm. your cat ran out so you went looking for him while you had cookies in the oven
Hwang Hyunjin
Broken Canvas
you entered one of your art pieces into an art gallery. a handsome man was staring almost glaring at your piece. you asked his thoughts on it and he rips your hopes to shreds before looking at you seeing your face fall
Han Jisung
Blooming Background Love
both you and han won chances to be in some up and coming comedy movie as extras. you guys clicked immediately after you both did the same silent skits in the background without even speaking
Lee Yongbok
Flashing Lights and Radio Silence
you are a popular youtuber who originally did on the street interviews but you get invited to the louis vuitton 2023 pre-fall show to interview the celebrities there and you get to interview Felix
Kim Seungmin
Midnight Nuisance at the Checkout
seungmin was grocery shopping for the dorm while teacher!reader was getting supplies for her classroom. both of them end up in a the same and only line with a karen
Yang Jeongin
Cooking Up Love
you debuted in a co-ed group the same time as stray kids. you and i.n have been shipped since debut. both of your companies put you both on a cooking variety show for fan service and exposure
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Goo Gunil
Waltz into My Heart
you signed up for a beginner ballroom class to surprise your brother taehyung. you get paired up with a handsome man who can’t dance and took the class to be able to impress his future partner
Kim Jungsu
Quiet Home
your second home was a library that was near the local college that jungsu goes to. he has a class project he has to get done. he assumes you work there since you was putting up a stack of books. you tell him you don’t work there but still tell him what books he needs down to the shelf and the placement it should be.
Kwak Jiseok
Cotton Candy Pang Pang
you’re new to south korea and your roommate thought it would be a good idea to go to wolmido to ride disco pang pang to get you a man. the operator made you go running into a beautiful korean man with cotton candy colored hair.
Oh Seungmin
Library Project
o.de was studying at the campus library when you sat at the same table as him. he noticed you pulled out the exact same project he was doing. he gets the courage to ask if you’d like to work together
Han Hyungjun
Forgotten in the Changing Room
you and your „friends“ went shopping. you and a couple others from the group were trying on clothes. while you was changing into an outfit they left forgetting that you was there. when you stepped out of the changing room instead of your friends sitting there it was someone else. junhan was waiting for jooyeon to get out and when he did get out they both hyped you and your outfit up
Lee Jooyeon
jooyeon was trying to surprise gaon by covering his eyes only for it to not be him but a new debutee who had the same hair color as gaon for this comeback
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skzxlevanter · 3 years
skz reacting to you accidentally crashing their vlive
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skz x gn!reader, fluff, bulletpoints+scenarios
gifs belong to their original owners, the pictures are from pinterest ( pls dm if you want the credits)
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bang chan:
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he’d be very sweet and cool about it
would just ask you to join him, letting you sit besides him or even in his lap
softly giggles at your words, plus his ears would definitely get a bit read bc he thinks you’re so incredibly cute
“channieee~ have you seen my char- “ you stopped in the middle of your sentence when you saw the familiar vlive-layout on the pc screen in front of your boyfriend,
“oh, i’m sorry, i didn’t know that you were live” you apologized while blushing a little, chans gaze now on you, giving you a big smile.
“why don’t you join?” he asked, softly tapping the spot besides him, signaling you to sit down.
“you can also recommend a song if you want” he added, smiling at you while the chat went crazy over the way chan looked at you with pure adoration in his eyes. he then played the song you wished for, while casually talking about your day and different topics, giggling at your words from time to time with a huge smile in his face.
lee know:
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would playfully be mad at first
but that would turn into a “i guess you have to join me now🙄🙄” really quick
definitely shows you off, bragging about all the things you’re good at and
“heyy!! I’m on a live rn!!!” lee know shouted dramatically when you peeked your head through the door. but his dramatic demeanor quickly changed when he saw a guilty look on your face.
“well i wanted to ask what you want for dinner, but i guess that’s not important right now” you playfully snapped back at him, about to close the the door when he dramatically screamed “waittt”
you walked into the room with a complete dumbfounded innocent look on your face “yeahh?”
“c’mere, now that you interrupted you gotta stay and tell me what your beautiful mind thought of doing for dinner…if stays knew how good you’d cook, they’d definitely kidnap you!”
seo changbin:
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he would just look at you like??? and wouldn’t make a big deal out of it
maybe a little started when you suddenly bursted into the room
would give you playful smirks all the time
changbin jumped up in his seat when all of the sudden the door bursted open, startling him. his head immediately turned into your direction, looking at you in shock with big eyes and slight concern written above his face.
“biniee~~ “ you whined, walking up to him “i really can’t open this stupid can of pesto, can you please help me”
his concern was immediately wiped away and was replaced by a big smirk on his face. he took the can from your hands with a smile, also struggling with the lid for a second, until it opened with a loud click.
you thanked him with a sweet thank you, while you were walking towards the kitchen again, being completely oblivious to the fact that he wad live the whole time.
he would definitely tease you about the way you looked at his muscles tensing as he opened the can later
hwang hyunjin:
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would look at you with big doe eyes paired with a soft smile
would teach you some dance steps, so you can dance a little together, but also to show stays how talented you are
soft, innocent touches from time to time to hell you with your pOstUrE
hyunjin butsted out into a big smile when he saw you walking into the practice room, his facie turning away from the camera to look at you.
“you forgot your water at home, so i brought you some” you said while holding up the water bottle in your hand. he immediately walked out of the camera frame to get to you, giving you a short hug as a thank you as he took the water bottle from your hands and took a sip.
“do you wanna join? i was teaching stays some dancesteps anyway, so you can learn with them if you want to”, he asked and was more than happy when you answered with a “yes sure, why not”
he gently dragged you into the frame by your hands, proceeding to teach you the dance moves he showed before, while his hands continued to give you light touches around your waist or arms to get you in the correct position, always making you blush a little.
han jisung:
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he would be a little shocked at first, putting in panic mode on, since he’s pretty private abt his relationship
but when he sees that you are comfortable with the situation, he calms down a bit
you two just chat casually with many giggles and adoring stares in between
when you walked into the room, jisung wasn’t sure whether he should cover the camera or even stop the live, totally panicked about if you knew that he was live or not.
“hey, i saw that you were live, so i thought that i’d stop by for a second” you exclaimed, shooting a reassuring smile towards your boyfriend while getting another chair for you to set down.
jisung calmed a little bit down, but he was still a little bit nervous, so you just started chatting about random topics. you started to tell some childhood stories, giggling together and laughing out loud together.
his gaze never leaving your face when you tell your stories, while looking at you with attentive puppy eyes, waiting for you to finish speaking so that he can share a similar experience afterwards.
lee felix:
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shy bby would be so happy
a giant smile the whole time
would pull you on his lap with no chance to escape
“lixie i’m home!!” you shouted through the apartment, making felix pop a big smile. just a few moments later the door to his room opened, felix’s eyes growing big at the bags in your hand.
“I walked by our favorite place and thought i’d bring some-“ you explained when you saw that he was currently live.
you let out a silent ‘oh’ while blushing a little. “you should’ve told me your live!!” you yelled playfully “i look so messy right now”
felix just chuckled to him self while he grabbed the bags from your hands, setting them down on the table in front of him,so that he can finally pull you into his embrace and sit you down on his laps.
“you look everything but messy right now, gorgeous”
kim seungmin:
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he would just look up to you like ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
would then just continue with whatever he was doing
still would be a smiley little pup when you decide to join him and more than happy to (subtly) show you off
Seungims head turned when he heard a light knock on the door.
“come in” he answered in a soft tone, a big smile appearing on his face when he see’s you standing in the door.
He looked at you, expecting you to to say something, but wanting to discuss something more private, stayed quiet, just looking at him. He seemed to understand, just giving you another smile before he turned back to his food.
“Do you want a bite?” he asked,tapping the empty space next to him for you to sit down. You nodded as you made your way up to him. He took a spoonful of everything he had in front of him and handed it you. You thanked him and ate your portion,giving him a smile in return.
In the meantime seungmins eyes wandered to read the chat
“Look babe, they think you’re cute”
yang jeongin:
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he’d take the chance to tease you, knowing you can’t do too much about it
so be ready for everything including giggles
would probably forget that he’s live for a sec and would then get embarrassed about it
“hey” jeongin warned you, but the pillow he threw already made it’s way to you, hitting you almost perfectly. You picked up the pillow from the floor, ready to start a street fight when you saw his bashful smile and the ongoing vlive on his screen.
You stopped yourself, but nothing did stop you from pulling him away from his seat, in the direction of the couch, so you can throw the pillow back at him without breaking anything. And before you knew it, you were immersed in your pillow fight, completely forgetting that the live is still on.
when the thought of being live came back to his mind, jeongin stopped all his moves, blushing, realizing that dozens of people are currently watching him lose against you in a pillow fight. after he finally overcame his frozen state, he walked up to the camera, basically using it to protect himself from any other attacks.
He giggled softly at your defeated expression, making you laugh out loud too.
“Let’ decide who wins this later, you aren’t done yet , jeongin” you warned, leaving the room with a playful smile.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
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chanswavyhair · 4 years
filter | hwang hyunjin
warning: some cursing, fem!reader, too much fluff akshka.
a/n: this is my first time writing a fic and not a timestamp so,,, i hope it’s not very bad. this was kinda inspired by bts jimin’s filter but jagsjh,, anyways hope you enjoy it!!
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you were in trouble
like,,, you were usually in trouble but THIS ONE WAS BIG
so you basically agreed with your parents that you would attend some ball ???
and with your boyfriend as your plus one ?????
well to start off you didn’t have a boyfriend and you didn’t even know why did you just say that HSJAKAH
you could do many things, but backing off and hurting your pride WAS NOT ON YOUR LIST
so now you had to find a boyfriend in like a month and half
i mean... you could ask jisung or felix, but you knew how uncomfortable they felt with your richies
also they didn’t give off the rich, classy and charming boyfriend look
well,, your friends were really handsome but not the type of handsome high society liked
but anyways that’s a problem for the future Y/N because we ain’t getting distracted at chemistry !! your grades were NOT falling
yeah you were living the rich and perfect y/n life
anyways in fact you were pretty annoying HSJSJD
you got very !! stressed !! when things were out of your control
there were only a few <lovely3 people who truly knew you and stood you, and they were jilix and your sis ryujin
(who invited her bestie daehwi, but he was rich too so he had no prob)
like,,, you usually hung out with your sis’ friends, but you weren’t THAT close
and for jisung and felix’s friends,,,,, it was weird when they weren’t all together
and that’s how jisung had the dumbest idea ever, and he’s had A LOT
like that one time he convinced you to let him dye your hair (you ended up looking like a light bulb)
or when you shaved his legs (WORST EXPERIENCE EVER YOU ALMOST GO DEAF but it was kinda fun)
anyways he just let out “why don’t you tell hyunjin? you know he does this weird thing of getting paid for acting as a boyfriend”
“what the FUCK JISUNG i am NOT paying hyunjin to act as my BOYFRIEND”
and,,, guess who heard you freaking out
nope not hyunjin but your sis ryujin
and her friend yeji
who hapepened to be hyunjin’s cousin
so yeah she told him and he went  ($ ‿ $✧)
now he’s been “AnAlyZInG” you for some days
and you were too busy thinking about your problem to notice it
so he decided to make a move, as you didn’t
“hey Y/N... somebody told me about your problem”
“uh, what do you mean?”
“i know you need someone to be your supposed boyfriend in some ball”
lol it actually sounded really lame
“wait— what do you mean???”
“well, i could help you and act as your boyfriend. i’m feeling generous, so i will lower the usual tax. which version do you want? cute? prince char—”
the fuck no, you weren’t that PATHETIC
“i’m sorry, but i don’t want your help. thank you anyways”
,,,,,,in that moment it turned to something personal to hyunjin
who wouldn’t want to be his girlfriend???? at least if it’s just for a night????
and that’s how he started to be such a gentleman to you, to smile at you everytime you locked eyes, to initiate skinship
you knew he had ulterior moves, so you were irritated by him
but he was actually way more charming that you thought,,,,,,
“’morning Y/N, looking fine today. how are you feeling? good?”
you were literally on a big ass sweater, but the bags in your eyes were even bigger
“hyunjin it’s too early and i’ve barely slept so please leave me alone—”
“oh, that’s no good,, should i call you tonight to make sure you fall asleep?. anyways, i’ll see you in english class. don’t forget we had homework!”
and,,, he always shared his food whenever you forgot yours,,,,,
he proved himself to be more than a cute face
he tried to help you whenever he noticed you were struggling to understand anything
and one out of five words he said were just him flirting
you eventually started not minding him being around you everyday
and then soome time after that,,, your heart ??? suddenly started to do weird things ??? when he was close to you ???
you MAYHAPS had a little crush on him
or when HIS EYES WENT,,, (◠‿◠✿)
but you did NOT like him, right?
he just treated you so well ಥ⌣ಥ
well lucky for you because this boy was also confused as fuck
since when have you been covering you beautiful smile when you laughed???
he honestly just wanted to put your hands down and tickle attack you
but that was just because he was getting into his role right??
anyways things got even worse for your weak heart when you saw him at you favorite cafe, studying, looking just TOO GOOD TO BE REAL
and then,,,, you two started to go studying there every evening
at some point he even started ordering your usual comand before you came
and,,, when you found yourself getting distracted by hyunjin’s cute mole under his eye by the 4th time you started to think that...
you maybe...... liked him ????
like... YOU liked HIM ??????
“i have finished all my assignments. how about you?”
“i- i still have lots to do. you should go first or it will get late— ”
“and that’s why i’m staying. you shouldn’t go home alone it’s dark, i’ll walk you, if you don’t mind. and don’t worry, i don’t have anything to do now”
you liked him A LOT
but you knew he was just being this nice so he could prove that you should hire him
which was not happening, as if wasn’t enough to fall for this boy :(
the thing is
he had forgotten about that weeks ago when his feelings grew bigger
he didn’t understand what he felt, but he knew he felt insanely good when you were around him
like whenever he told you he felt he was going to fail an exam you looked at him in some kind of way
he didn’t understand how or why, but he felt like whatever was worrying him didn’t matter anymore
and everything he wanted to talk, see, or think of was you
anyways he started to walk you home whenever he got the chance
this one day,,, you weren’t going to the cafe because you had things to do at home
but he insisted to walk you
so he was waiting for you in the hall
then he saw you at your locker talking with some random boy who was quite close to you
his heart went :(
but then he realized you were not exactly happy ??
“look, yeonsung, i already told you that i won’t tutor you. please leave me alone”
“no, Y/N you don’t understand, you HAVE to. we are meant to be, and if you won’t accept my dates at least help me with school stuff. it’s not that hard.” he grabbed your arm.
“yeonsung, no. let me go” you tried to pull, but he wouldn’t release you.
enough bullshit
“hey, i think you’ve heard her. she doesn’t want anything to do with you, so you’d better stop bothering Y/N. i’m not as polite as her”
“who the fuck are you? oh, little Y/N you’ve got some dickhead as your boyfriend? i’m much better than that. if only you fucking let me-”
ok so hyunjin’s blood has been burning for some time now but when he PUT HIS HANDS ON YOUR WAIST-
did he
“listen here, you asshole. if you dare to touch a single strand of her again i’ll fucking show you myself how to keep your hands down. understood?”
“un- understood”
“you’d better have” he pressed him a bit more before he let him fall on his feet
“let’s go away” hyunjin grabbed your hand
Y/N.exe has stopped working
hyunjin..... threatened this guy..... because he was harassing you
which was kinda hot btw ????
“hyunjin you didn’t have to-”
“don’t tell i didn’t have to because i made my best effort not to break his fucking nose.”
(๑ ● o ● ๑)
he was really mad
“Y/N, i know you are probably angry at me and that you want me to mind my own business, but i swear i-”
Y/N since WHEN did you have the GUTS to cup his face ?????
he went silent
“hey, calm down, ok? i’m not mad at you, this guy has been asking me weird things for some time now so i guess you just helped me to end it. i’m fine, yeah? calm down.”
you realized you were still holding his face so you were about to take them off but
he put his hand ON your hands
why was he POUTING
“why didn’t you tell me? or anyone? he could have done anything worse if i hadn’t been there and Y/N, i honestly don- i don’t know what would i do if someone hurt you”
“it- it’s okay. let’s just forget it. come on, i have to go home”
“wait let me- please, let me hold you for a minute”
HAIR ???????
“you smell really good. i wish i could stay like this for a bit longer... but it’s okay. anyways, let’s go”
you can imagine how HARD ryujin laughed at you when you told her you thought you had forgotten how to breathe
yeah she was crying out of laughter
but anyways you two stopped shouting when your mother entered the room
“kids, have you already invited someone to the ball? it’s just week and half apart”
so now you were disturbing felix and jisung again with it
“Y/N,,,,,,,, has it ever crossed your mind that you two act just like a couple?”
“felix what do you mean he doesn’t like me and-”
“hi guys! hi Y/N.” he smiled at you with his whole heart and patted your hair “can you go today to the cafe? i don’t have much to study today, but we can go if you want to. i mean,, if you don’t want to it’s fine, i’ll just walk you home from here, if that’s cool with you.”
felix gave you that look
like the one he gave you when he was right
which was a bit usual because socializing wasn’t your best trait
but hyunjin didn’t like you, did he????
he was... he was just acting
as much as it hurt you, that was the truth
and in order to protect yourself... you should stop it
u MASOCHIST <(`^´)>
“i think i’ll just go alone. don’t wait for me, it’s fine.”
you lost your appetite with just saying that
and hyunjin was like ????
you could see your two other boys-
Y/N! hyunjin is not your boy so stop it
anyways, jisung and felix were really confused too
well it was actually jisung because felix was more like DONE with your bullshit
you just went back to your classes and then, you went home
has routine been always this boring?
you couldn’t help but smile when you saw that hyunjin sent you a message asking about what where you doing tomorrow
but then you remembered you couldn’t let this hurt you anymore
so you said you were really busy at home and turned your phone off
“Y/N are you, okay?” ryujin said
“yeah, i am. why wouldn’t i be?”
“you don’t have to lie to me, sis. majorly because you can’t. talk to me, Y/N, tell me what’s wrong” she laughed softly
“i am... i am cutting off any relation with hyunjin.”
“what? why? you guys seemed to be getting along really well. i thought you liked him...”
“that’s why, ryu. i like him way too much. before he started talking to me, he told me to hire him to act as my boyfriend in the ball. he’s been trying to prove it, and i don’t want to fall deeper. i don’t know why did i let myself trust him, when i knew this from the first moment. i just don’t know why.
:(((( you started crying, and ryujin hugged you
“i don’t... i don’t think hyunjin is such a bad person to go this far with that thing of wanting you to hire him... but if you think that’s the best, then i’ll support your decision. we can sit in another table tomorrow. you know, just the girls, you and me. okay?”
you nodded into her embrace, trying to stop sobbing.
so you started to avoid him as much as you could
and it was eventually making him crazy
well,,, he had been coping with whOle week without you
until he just exploded
“guys, i don’t understand. everything was going really good, and then she started to treat me as cold as fuck. and i don’t get what did i do to deserve this.” he complained to his boys
he was really disappointed
because he knew he felt different to what he had ever felt before with you
he thought he was learning to fall in love, to stop worrying just about him and his friends
“am i not enough? have i bored her? or have i pressured her? i’m going crazy because i don’t even know why do i feel like this”
“hyunjin you like her is pretty easy actually”
did minho just
“what????? i’d never had something like that for anyone. it’s true things are different with her but—”
“when was the last time you did that fake dating thing?” chan asked
“well... like a month? i was busy”
“busy with what you genius”
seungmin don’t cross the line
“i... i was spending time with Y/N”
was this boy the same hwang hyunjin from a month before???
“omfg guys i think i like her but like a lot”
“dumbass that’s exactly what we are saying”
poor jeongin got slightly hit buy the so called dumbass :(
“but this doesn’t have anything to do with why she’s been dodging me like bullets??”
they all looked to felix and jisung, expecting they would know anything
“to be honest... i‘m not sure. she hasn’t told us anything” jisung said.
“well, the last time we talked about you we told her to ask you to go with her to her parents’ ball, and then i told her that you two already looked like a couple” felix said
then felix went
“oh... so she doesn’t like me...”
hyunjin felt like the whole world was going down
there was this thing burning on his chest, a thing that he thought he could only feel for his friends or family
but then, you showed him he was wrong, again
“wait- i think i’ve connected the two dots— ” jisung said, but lix interrumped him
“no, you didn’t connect shit. i get it now. hyunjin, she thinks that you’ve been acting all the time to prove you should go with her to the ball. that’s why she’s avoiding you, because she thinks you just tried to play her” felix said
hyunjin’s heart broke a bit more when he processed felix’s words
(╥_╥) (╥_╥) (╥_╥) (╥_╥)
he... he hurt you
and really bad
“oh god, i’m so fucking stupid. what do i do know? she hates me!”
“ugh, go get your girl you dumbass!” changbin said
hyunjin suddenly started working again, and rushed off while calling someone.
so yeah back with u lil creature
you were doing homework, but you couldn’t focus
so you went to the kitchen to grab some snacks
and then your phone ringed
“ryujin?” you answered
“yeah. i’m at daehwi’s and i forgot to take a jacket. i will be passing be there in his car in like... 15 minutes. could you give me the versace one?”
“the colorful one or the leather one? ” you asked with your mouth full of a chocolate cookie
ryujin felt relief
“the leather one”
“okay. but weren’t you studying in the library for a physics exam?”
o shit
“i just went to his house! to study together! anyways! see you later! sis!”
????? weird
anyways you finished your math homework, and when you realized, you just got a message from her saying she was outside
so you got her jacket and opened the door in order to look for daehwi’s car
oh hyunjin’s there
you slammed the door in his face
then you realized THAT WAS WAY WORSE
“can you open please?” he said from outside
you really missed his deep and soothing voice
“i- well- yes”
you opened the door, not being able to look directly at him
“can we talk? just give me five minutes, and if you still hate me after that i’ll just stop bothering you”
“i don’t hate you, and you- you aren’t bothering me”
“well... this past days it didn’t look like that. more like, exactly the opposite”
you went silent because you had literally no excuse
“are you mad?” he said
“why would i?”
“i don’t know either, that’s why i’m asking. i mean, it’s not like you’ve been avoiding me for days, not answering a single message or call. that’s all”
“are you mad?”
you knew he should be, you deeply hoped he wouldn’t
“Y/N, i know you thought i was playing with you”
“wait- you weren’t?”
“oh god. i really told you i didn’t know what would i do if anyone hurt you, so why would i?”
“i thought... you were trying to prove i should have payed you to go to the ball...” you quietly said
but you looked at him when you heard him sobbing softly
“Y/N, you are the first person i’ve ever fallen for. i’ve been with plenty of people, and no one had ever make me fall like this. i don’t know why am i even crying in front of you, all i know is that i really, really like you”
your eyes were wider than the pacific ocean
LIKE,,,,, FORREAL?????
“i know you probably still hate me but please... if you at least gave me a chance for still being friends...”
“what?” he stopped sobbing
“hyunjin, i like you too”
you didn’t even know what was happening, but you knew your mouth kept talking
“wait, you do???”
“hyunjin, i- i was avoiding you because i didn’t want to fall harder”
you were still malfunctioning
then you saw him getting closer to you
“can i,, like,,, kiss you?”
but his lips looked so soft HHHHHHhHhhhhhhHHhHHHHHhhhHH
he didn’t answer you
well at least not verbally
boi just WENT FOR IT
you thought you wouldn’t mind if you died there
his lips were even softer than they looked
was that like paradise felt?
but then,,,
you two separated immediatly
you, alias, tomato 1 said
“well i guess you two have to look for some clothes for the ball because there are only three days left, so go make out in another place but not in the porch. i don’t want to see hyunjin eating your face when i get home”
hyunjin, alias, tomato 2 intensified
“just,,, leave okay?”
you two lovebirds went for a walk, without a specific direction
you couldn’t be any more embarrassed
“can i call you my girlfriend?” he said
“i- yes”
can you two get any cuter omg
“let’s go to the mall to look for some fancy clothes for my cute girlfriend and me and then make out when we get back”
“n e v e r”
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f1shtears · 4 years
sighs i rly wanted to get up actual full-bodied requests in the tag but @ this pt i don’t think that kind of thing is going to happen before opening tmrw (this post itself might even be too late) basically this is a v quick v badly described run down of all the request-esque things i’m looking for for certain characters 👀👀👀
blaise hwang (23 yrs old, lee taeyong) - a messy ass streamer house (they all live under the same roof in seattle, having their own rooms to stream from) probably do a lot of group streams, a lot of collabs, dumbass prank videos filmed exclusively for their group youtube channel (i dnt have a team name yet kill me) following every single trend & posting their own versions of them, posting memes in their group chats, etc. but i was thinking they could potentially be a lgbtq+ stream team on twitch ? (they all dnt have to belong to twitch & twitch exclusively btw - some could be youtubers, some could be tiktok, some could belong to multiple platforms - as long as they have some form of social media presence they could fit in this) n by messy i want past relationships, future flings, this person slept w/this person but then this person the next day, just !!! messy (i’m bad @ explaining i’m so sry) 
unnamed kim hyojong (i’m working on it i swear) (25-30 yrs old) - an ex/baby momma/future poly female basically needing the mother of hyojong’s daughter/son (haven’t decided which yet) there are some TRIGGER WARNINGS for this req (drug use/abuse/addiction mainly - as hyojong is a recovering addict) rn baby momma (wat i’ll call her for now) is dating someone new (anywhere from a yr or less) who’s rly good to her (not to say hyojong was horrible but obviously when he wasn’t sober he wasn’t him), who’s good for their kid/good w/them, but hyojong has been going on 1 or 2 yrs clean now (the longest he’s ever been clean) & mb things are reminding them of how things used to be between them (when he wasn’t as addicted as he ended up being - tbh u can have her have been using too or not, that’s completely up to u, but mb he did push or pressure her into trying some things w/him while he was high & she did them bc she was that stupid in love, didn’t think much of w/e drug it was) anyway, obviously feelings redevelop but she also still has feelings for her current partner & this is where we’re going to work things into a poly w/jace’s jung wooseok (currently unnamed) obviously some things we can all work out together but some fc ideas are: kim hyuna, lee siyeon, hirai momo, minatozaki sana, open to other suggestions/western fc suggestions too (if none of these r ur fancy) the only other thing solid abt her is that she should be close in age to hyojong (anywhere from 25-30) 
rehab group ? don’t rly have much in mind for this yet bc it’s literally sth i just thought of for him but just a big mess of ppl regularly going to a support group for recovering addicts (of drugs and/or alcohol) if anyone has any additional interesting ideas for sth like this def drop me a discord or tumblr dm/ask - obviously some can be recovering as long as hyojong (1-2yrs) but maybe some are ppl who are a week clean, come in & talk abt how they relapsed & did such & such drug again, rinse & repeat ? ppl who aren’t sober rn but still come for the support, those of them that are sponsors, etc. just a big mess of people needing the help & support & hopefully finding it in each other - mb a bit of a makeshift family for one another 🥺 
unnamed hwang hyunjin (again, i’m working on it cries) (19 or 20 yrs old) - adopted family v loosely based on netflix’s umbrella academy this one is harder to explain in a quick para but... essentially a rich couple adopting different ethnicity babies/children (would be adopted young) from around the world (a way to include diversity in the family so pls try not to double up on an ethnicity if possible [just bc i’m playing an asian ethnicity doesn’t mean other asian ethnicities can’t be included as well tho]) n while these children don’t have super powers (obviously) most of them r gifted (weren’t born that way but were given the opportunities [& pressures that come w/those] growing up) for ex: hyunjin is going to be an olympic lvl figure skater BUT i am looking for this family to have a klaus-esque character too (aka a total fuck-up - or so most their family thinks) someone who doesn’t try (mb they did @ 1 pt/showed they could do it if they tried but...) also thought abt the possibility of including the ‘ben’ TRIGGER WARNING suicide and/or suicide attempt - mb all the pressure rly got to 1 of the kids to the pt of them either committing suicide successfully, or if someone is interested in playing them, having attempted suicide (i know it’s not rly said wat’s happened to ben in the show but i saw a fan theory for this @ 1 pt) 
this family will either have 5 or 6 (if someone wants to make the ‘ben’) remaining spots (not including my character) pls keep in mind none of the other characters (besides the klaus/ben) have to resemble any characters from the show @ all (& the klaus/ben are able to be played differently from how they r in the show - u can completely take the char & do it up however ud like to, as long as the concept is similar) but if u want to resemble them slightly off a character feel free to, this req is rly just v loosely based on the family aspect of the show/them being ‘gifted’ - age range can be anywhere from 18-early 30s (give or take) 
drop me an add on discord sigh™duck#1141 or send me a dm/ask here on tumblr if ur interested in any of these requests !!! probably won’t have official site requests up for most of these for a little while 
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dreamofkpop · 5 years
Can’t catch me
Stray Kids 10th member AU
Charlie x Stray Kids
requests are open!!
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(gif not mine! credit to owner!)
Keeping her hand pressed against her name tag, Charlie sneakily ran around the open space, keeping her eye out for the other members. 
She ran towards the open space by the Viking ship before stopping and looking around. 
“Where are they?” She mumbled to herself, whipping her head around. 
Footsteps padded towards her from behind, the persons shoes clacking on the floors. “Charlie~”
She spun around, taking careful steps back when she realized Woojin was walking towards her, a cape hanging around him. 
“Oppa!! Fancy seeing you here!” She exclaimed, glancing behind her as she started to pick up the pace. 
Woojin laughed at her obvious attempts to distract him. “You’ll trip if you keep walking backwards like that!” He warned
Charlie shrugged “I have to or you’ll get my name tag!” 
She stopped momentarily, sighing. “Sorry Woojinnie, you won’t be able to catch me~” She sung before turning around and breaking out into a sprint. 
Turning left, she found a door that had a staircase behind it and ran up it, she got to the top and slowly came to a stop, seeing Chan stood there and having obviously heard her footsteps. 
“Oh! Chan! Hi” She smiled, pressing her back against the wall as she neared him. 
“Charlie, hi” he smiled, almost creepily. 
The suitcase he had early seemed to have disappeared, meaning he’d be able to catch her easier. 
He took bold steps towards her, his hands outstretched. 
“Listen! We’ll make a deal, Woojin is down there!” She pointed towards the staircase. “We can try and get his name tag together!” 
Chan stopped, cocking his head to the left. “How do i know i can trust you?”
Charlie shrugged, glancing towards the staircase and then towards the left which led to another open area. 
“That’s your problem not mine, mate” She smirked. 
She pushed away from the wall, pressing her hand against the name tag before breaking out once more into a sprint, towards the open area. 
“YAH!!” Chan screamed, chasing after her. 
Charlie was running so fast, passing by another member fast enough that she didn’t see their face. 
“Changbin-ah, help me catch Charlie!” Chan shouted to the boy she’d ran past. 
“WHAT??!! THAT’S NOT FAIR!!” Charlie shouted, skidding to a stop and turning around. 
Both Chan and Changbin were running towards her.
Panting heavily, she started running again, a little slower this time. 
“I hate you both!!” Charlie screamed as she rounded another corner, almost slipping.
Running towards the carousel, she passed Hyunjin and Jeongin who started laughing at her. 
“RUN CHARLIE!” Hyunjin shouted after her. 
She spun around, running backward this time, facing the two boys that were chasing her. 
“Run run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me i’m the ginger bread man!!” She taunted, sticking her tongue out at them before spinning back around. 
Beyond out of breath, she slowed down her pace, her chest heaving as she breathed heavily. 
Someone grabbed a hold of her shirt, pulling her backwards with such force that she wen’t tumbling to the floor, landing on her side with an alarming bang. 
She groaned in pain and started struggling against Changbin, trying to ignore the dull pain in her arm.
“AH!! LET ME GO CHANGBIN” she screamed as said boy started tickling her.
She rolled around, trying to keep them for getting her name tag. 
Changbin was a lot stronger than Charlie, he effortlessly managed to grab her wrists with one hand, reaching behind her and pulling her name tag off with all his strength. 
“AHA! I GOT IT!” He cheered, letting her go and standing up, high fiving Chan. 
“Charlie is out” One of the staff members stated, Charlie sighing and waving her hand in response. 
She slowly say up, groaning through gritted teeth at the pain in her arm. “I hate you Changbin” 
Said boy chuckled, stepping in front of her and holding his hand out. “That’s a lie char and you know it” he joked as he pulled her up. 
When Chan and Changbin jogged off she made slow paces towards the carousel, holding her shoulder with her right hand. 
“Look who got out~” Hyunjin sang teasingly, his expression changing when he saw the look of pain on her face. “You okay?”
Charlie collapsed next to him, shaking her head. “I landed on my side when i fell and it hurts”
“Oh poor baby Charlie” He cooed, wrapping his arm over her to gently place his hand on her shoulder.
“Shut up, Hwang” She mumbled
He scoffed, throwing his head back. “Well remind me never to be nice to you again!”
“You two argue like an old married couple” Jeongin sighed from beside Hyunjin, leaning back against the railing. 
“Oh be quiet Innie” Charlie exclaimed, reaching over to hit his leg. “We’re far from it”
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sweetlixes · 2 years
philia, eros, mania
(★) fandom: skz (★) ships: changbin/hyunjin, chan/hyunjin (★) rating: teen and up (★) 2607 words (★) completed (1/1) (★) inspired by the myth of apollo, zephyrus and hyacinthus
Changbin huffs, gazing down at the garden he created for Hyunjin. Hyunjin is still utterly fascinated by the flowers Changbin planted for him, occasionally exclaiming in surprise at the delicateness of the blooms. And on any other day Changbin would fly down and join Hyunjin in admiring the blooms or play with him. But not when Apollo is there with Hyunjin, usurping Changbin’s place.
The myth of Apollo and Hyacinthus, as told through the eyes of Zephyrus.
cw: character death
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kemmiebaby · 5 years
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Precisely! So everytime you see me don’t ask me about my relationship status with anyone because I’m more than happy with ... Min Yoongi Kim Taehyung Jeon Jungkook Kim Namjoon Kang Brian Kim Wonpil Koo Junhoe Chae Hyungwon Lee Jooheon Hwang Hyunjin Kim Seungmin Yang Jeong In Yuta Nakamoto Lucas Wong Johnny Seo Choi Seung Cheol Yoon Jeonghan Jun Hui Wen Kim Mingyu Ji Hansol Kwon Hyunbin Kang Daniel Hwang Minhyun Christian Yu Hong Dabin Mark Tuan Kim Minseok Lee Dong Hae T.O.P. and so on and so forth... Char... Joke. HAHAHAHA #fangirlhugot #ugtas #opparakenroll 🐵🙊🙈🙈 https://www.instagram.com/p/BwzBVyOh-n7/?igshid=10s07s6qdcyhe
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hoodiehan · 6 years
Birthday Boy - Hwang Hyunjin Imagine
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Synopsis: You try to create the greatest birthday ever for  Hyunjin, but with the members of Stray Kids trying to help you out, it obviously does not go as planned.
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: HyunjinxReader
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: A happy happy birthday to one of my baby boys Hwang Hyunjin :’))
“Changbin! Put that vase down! Stop trying to hit Woojin with it! No, don’t just set it down on the floor. Put it on the table!” You screamed across the room trying to direct Changbin to put the vase in the perfect spot on the table; you wanted everything to be great for Hyunjin’s birthday. Even if that meant that you had to turn into a dictator who yelled at the other members of Stray Kids, who were currently trying to help you set up for Hyunjin’s birthday party.
“What?” You snapped turning around to face a scared, wide-eyed Seungmin.
“Um, I was just wondering where you wanted… This… these um-” Seungmin said stuttering over his words as he saw your stressed and furious expression. He ended his sentence by simply pointing at the balloons that were held in his hand.
You sighed, immediately loosening up and calming yourself down. You didn’t mean to scare Seungmin, but you were stressed as you had only 30 minutes left before Hyunjin arrived at the dorms, and you still had so much left to accomplish. “Just scatter them around the house, but make it look nice,” you gently told Seungmin, softly patting his shoulder to signify that he was doing a good job. Seungmin nodded before quickly skittering away from your presence, still obviously intimidated by you.
You stood still in your position for a moment before you sniffed the air, detecting a hint of something burning. Immediately, you ran towards the kitchen only to see Jeongin and Minho waving kitchen mitts around the area, attempting to disperse the smoke that was being emitted from the oven.
“Oh my goodness,” you muttered as you groaned and rolled your eyes so far back in your head that it most likely wasn’t a pretty sight for anyone to see.
“Y/N!” Jeongin said shooting you a bright smile. “Don’t worry! Minho and I have this covered, the cake is still good!” Jeongin said pointing at the cake pan that sat on the counter. It once looked like a vanilla cake… But now it very much looked liked a chocolate cake with all the char that covered the pastry’s surface.
“Honestly, you’ve done worse,” you simply stated recalling the time that Minho spilled the entire pan of tteokbokki.
“You are absolutely right. But we can just scrape off the sides of the cake and then put some frosting on top of it,” Minho exclaimed excitedly quickly gathering the frosting ingredients from the fridge. As much as you detested the idea, it was too late to start a new cake or order one from the nearest cafe.
“Fine, just make it look pretty,” You sighed exiting from the room to check on Felix to see if he was completing his assigned task.
Outside of the kitchen, Felix stood on top of a grumbling Changbin, trying to pin the streamers to the wall of the living room. “Y/N! What do you think of the banners? Do they look fine?” Felix questioned, still standing on Changbin’s back.
“I think they look fantastic,” Changbin remarked sarcastically, his voice muffled by the floor.
“Oh shush, you can’t even see it,” Felix swatted Changbin’s shoulder, to which Changbin responded with a loud snort of annoyance. From your perspective, you could clearly see that that the letters spelling out ‘Happy Birthday Hyunjinnie’ were crooked. Also, Felix had somehow managed pin the letter ‘B’ backwards, and had spelled “Hyunjinnie” as “Hyunjinine”.
“Felix you spelled 'Hyunjine’ as 'Hyunjinine,” you told him, disappointedly.
“Oh I did? I guess you could say that’s a sign that we were meant to be OT9 then!” Felix cracked, slapping his knee humorously.
“I think that you should check your work Felix. Other than 'Hyunjinine’, it’s a bit crooked and… also backwards,” you stated before turning your attention to the doorway where Jisung was coming in.
“I’ve got the good stuff!” Woojin proudly exclaimed, coming in with a bag full of presents. Rushing over, you helped Woojin place the presents on the table before checking the time. Chan would be bringing Hyunjin to the dorm anytime now.
Quickly going into panic mode, you began to run around the entire house like a madman. Shouting at Felix to hurry up with the banners, yelling at Minho to stop eating the icing and to actually get something on the cake, hearing Seungmin somehow manage to accidentally pop a balloon, and running into Changbin multiple times, everything was still a mess. You were frantically attempting to help Minho and Jeongin slather some frosting onto the cake when a voice behind you said, “Wow that looks pretty awful.”
Turning around, you saw Hyunjin smirking at the mess that was the cake, and you. “Is that really for me?” He asked.
Sighing exasperatedly, you nodded in disappointment. “Yes, it’s really for you. I thought it would be okay to leave Minho and Jeongin in charge of the cake, but clearly, they were not responsible.”
“Hey!” Jeongin said from the corner of the kitchen where he was eating frosting off of a spoon.
“Yeah, I came in and saw Seungmin trying to blow up 5 balloons, Changbin wrestling Felix, and Jisung playing with the gift wrap,” Hyunjin said. “Chan tried to get me to stay away from the house, but it was pretty obvious what he was trying to do.”
“Well… Happy birthday,” you said holding out the failed cake to the boy. Hyunjin’s eyes began to crinkle as he smiled widely.
“Although this is a mess, I do appreciate your efforts. Come on, let’s go get the boys,” Hyunjin grabbed your hand and swiftly led you over to the living room where the other Stray Kids members were. Upon your entrance, the boys quickly stopped what they were doing to screech a loud “Happy birthday!”
Hyunjin laughed happily and quickly said thank you before taking the cake that was held in your free hand, swiping his finger across the top of it to gather some frosting, and began running around the room wiping the frosting on all of the boys. You were cheerfully admiring how happy Hyunjin looked by simply playing with everyone, before Hyunjin turned around with a mischievous look in his eye. Hyunjin slowly began to approach you with the cake, and before you realized it, Hyunjin had taken the creamy confection and shoved half of it into your face.
Gasping, you stepped away from him and wiped the sweet substance away from your eyes. Getting ready to scold the darn boy, you quickly stopped yourself as you saw how hard Hyunjin was laughing at your expression. Rather than getting mad at him, you grabbed a handful of the cake and threw it at the birthday boy, immediately surprising him.
In response, Hyunjin seized his own handful of the cake and aimed it at you. But instead of the food hitting you, Hyunjin missed, resulting in the cake landing on Chan instead.
Chan stood still, shocked for a moment. Before snatching a cup of frosting from the table next to him. “This was a new shirt!” Chan yelled, throwing a spoonful of the white glaze at Hyunjin. Within seconds, the entire house erupted into a large food fight. Cake was being thrown in every direction, along with frosting, candies, cookies, and somehow even rice. Where the rice came from was beyond you. But by the end of the entire event, every single one of you was covered head to toe in some sort of sticky substance.
“None of you are sitting on the couch until you are clean and stick-free,” Chan demanded before retreating to the bathroom to wash himself up.
At the end of the entire night, you laid in Hyunjin’s bed, the two of you wrapped in each other’s arms.
“Thank you for a wonderful day. I’m sorry that it didn’t go as you had planned,” Hyunjin said, softly rubbing his hand up and down the length of your arm.
“As long as you had a great time, then that’s all that matters,” you told him as you nuzzled your head into his warm chest.
“I did have a great time, but that’s all because of you,” your boyfriend said, softly pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Anything for you,” you spoke, smiling up at him. “I’d go through all the stress one more time if that meant that I got to see you this happy again.”
“I’m always happy because of you,” Hyunjin whispered before closing his eyes and laying back on the pillows. Reaching up, you placed a kiss on Hyunjin’s cheek before laying back down in his arms, slowly falling asleep the steady sound of Hyunjin’s heartbeat.
A/N: A quick imagine for Hyunjin’s birthday. :)) It’s 12:31 AM right now soooo sorry if this isn’t edited as well. I hope you enjoyed this, and thank you so much for reading!
-Maddy 💕
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oldgcn · 4 years
Poderiam me explicar sobre o racebending?
Hmm racebending... Como começar explicando, né? Eu poderia dizer, só não usar personagem coreano com nome japonês, ou chinês, mas vamos ao talk show do tio Cici.
(Em nota, estou falando com base em traduções minhas de sites em inglês, porque em ptbr não acho tanta coisa assim sobre, ou que eu entendesse...)
Estarei colocando um read more também, porque ficou uma explicação bem extensa e pode poluir o feed do tumblr, mas é só ler!!)
Racebending é quando “apagam” a etnia de personagem x e substituem por outra, em palavras bem erradas, mas acredito que fica mais simples assim... 
Aplicando na cmm, digamos que você vai usar o Hwang Hyunjin de fc com o nome de Jonas Smith, o passando como americano, isso é racebending. — Pegou um coreano e o colocou como americano/estrangeiro, as vezes, sem qualquer explicação. Claro que existem exceções, ele é mestiço de coreano e americano, nós até aceitamos, mas ele precisa ter um nome e sobrenome coreano, visto que tem descendências.Outro caso é pegar um chinês, por exemplo, o Yanan do Pentagon e o colocar como 100% coreano, ele não é coreano, ele é chinês. E um exemplo japonês, pegar o Yuta do NCT e o colocar como chinês, sendo que ele é japonês... É como apagar a nacionalidade do fc.
Explicação muito fofinha de um player!! 
(obrigado anjinho)
Por nascerem em outro país, não dão a eles carta branca para serem mestiços ou terem outra etnia. O Felix, ambos os pais são coreanos e ele nasceu na Austrália. Ele é australiano, essa é NACIONALIDADE dele. Porém a ETNIA é puramente coreana. Já a Somi: ela é mestiça. O pai é branco a mãe é coreana, e ela sim TEM QUE TER um bg considerando ambos. Ela pode ter a NACIONALIDADE de onde quiser – Índia, Casaquistão, México, Brasil, bem como o Félix ou qualquer outro FC — porém, ela não pode ter a ETNIA _só_ coreana. Pois ela sim é mestiça; pai branco, mãe coreana. O Vernon do seventeen, mesma coisa: mãe branca, pai coreano. A etnia dele é coreano e caucasiano, mas a nacionalidade dele é americana.  
Se pegar o nome da Somi, o de nascença, não tem sobrenome materno (coreano), porque geralmente se pega o sobrenome do pai. O pai dela é o branco da história. O Vernon tem, o pai dele é o coreano da história. Então é justificável que o cara seja Jona Smith, se o pai não for o coreano. Mas é interessante que, mesmo que não use o sobrenome coreano, ele tenha o sobrenome coreano OU um nome coreano (Há casos de crianças que são adotadas por casais não coreanos, mas ela é coreana. Ela obviamente não vai ter sobrenome coreano, e mesmo que tenha um nome não coreano na certidão, deve escolher um coreano mais por não esquecer as raízes, etc! Mas tudo isso sempre bem esclarecido no BG e o personagem não negando a etnia, né)
O que eu quero dizer é: a nacionalidade não tem nada a ver com racebending. É literalmente sobre onde você nasceu. A DESCENDÊNCIA tem tudo a ver com racebending, ou seja, a ETNIA. Então, no caso de usar o Felix francês, é importante frisar a DESCENDÊNCIA dele! Deixar claro que os pais eram, ou um dos pais no mínimo, coreanos.
“Então quer dizer que não posso fazer um mestiço com fc coreano?”, claro que pode! Mas pedimos que escolha um fc que tenha essa “dupla nacionalidade”, exemplos, Felix do Stray Kids e a Somi, eles são mestiços, um é australiano e a outra canadense, por nascerem em tais países, mas seus pais são coreanos ou descendentes
Finalizando aqui. Quer fazer um personagem coreano? Tudo bem, tenha em mente pegar um faceclaim coreano ou que seja mestiço, podendo ter dois nomes, nesse caso. Tem que ser descendente, que tenha a etnia coreana. Se quiser fazer um personagem que nasceu na Coreia ou que ganhou cidadania ali, pode usar qualquer faceclaim, mas precisa ter coerência em seu background. O char pode ter um nome coreano e usar um americano de fc, mas tem que explicar, por exemplo, os pais foram para o país por coisa x, ele nasceu lá e tals.
Não é legal forçar etnia em cima de faceclaim que não pertence a ela!! Lembrem da frase, que é muito feia e errada, e que sempre dizem, a famosa “asiático é tudo igual, todos tem olhos puxados”, nós sabemos que não são.
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sweetlixes · 2 years
merry crisis
(★) fandom: skz (★) ships: hyunjin/jisung, minho/felix (★) rating: teen and up (★) 5762 words (★) completed (2/2)
Han Jisung has made many decisions in his life. All sorts of decisions ranging from his preferred university and a view of his future career to tonight’s dinner, you name them. Jisung has done it all.
However, making a bet with his roommate while drunk to confess to his long-time crush and getting the entire decision recorded isnotone of his brightest moments.
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