#chapter XI - brother brother
infernalscream · 10 months
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new 19 days chapter
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tianshanforlife · 6 months
Also is anyone else feeling like we're missing a chapter or something? Like we went from piercing and a hickey to this? Like nobody is reacting to the new piercing and why does He Cheng wear a bulletproof vest and why is He Tian supposed to leave right now?? Am I missing something?
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mixedup-sideblog · 1 year
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Old Xian knows what she’s doing, those straps aren’t doing ANYTHING practical 😅 (honestly this is so sl*tty of him, I hope He Cheng’s looking 👀)
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suguruslut · 1 year
Brother Qiu has instant ramen lmaoooo, love me a dumb big tiddy man who can't cook
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umsivsworld · 2 years
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Leaving this masterpiece here~
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kokoro-sans · 2 years
I think I have developed a special skill. I kinda sense it when a new chapter comes out. Like for the past 3 chapters, I just wake up one day and think that I should check 19 days before I go to bed. And somehow the chapter has been updated 12 hours ago or something like that. It used to happen to me before for like 1 chapter at a time (rarely 2) but this time it was 3. Maybe my consciousness has gotten used to Old's schedule after so many years of reading 19 days.
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youryanderedaddy · 21 days
Yandere!Butler x Princess!Reader
A war on my mind
Caged bird  Summary: When your prince finally catches you, you are forced to see things his way.
Red eternity pt.1  Summary: Something went terrible wrong between you and your step - brother, now your past is back to haunt you both.
Red eternity pt.2 
We all fall down
For you are all I have Yandere! communist leader x former princess! reader
The First Shot Is A Warning - chapter i, chapter ii, chapter iii, chapter iv, chapter v, chapter vi, chapter vii, chapter viii, chapter ix, chapter x, chapter xi
A man in love Possessive 19th century husband
Yandere! Sun Prince sun prince x moon princess reader
Yandere!Enemy prince Summary: You were an assassin, assigned to kill the prince while disguised as his fiancee. It didn't go as planned.
Love, Loss, Fire yandere! vampire pt.1
Give, Take, Borrow yandere! vampire pt.2
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misguidedasgardian · 6 days
The Hour of the Wolf (XI)
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XI. A ray of sunlight
Summary: You never thought you could feel like this 
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats,arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, might miss some warnings, brestfeeding on this chapter
Wordcount: 3,4 k 
Notes: Alright… sorry for the confusion… There were three ravens, Reader first wrote to Cregan to confess to him that she was pregnant and she wanted him back and whatnot… that raven GOT LOST, got eaten by a snake… idk… she then received a raven from Cregan, who, as he never received anything, he wrote to her telling her he was fine and he would like her to visit him up North, reader thought he received the letter, and didn’t care, and it was answering to it, so she just wrote a letter telling him she couldn’t make the journey, that’s it!
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“Look at him”, you whispered, “he is perfect”, you admired his beautiful round face, his perfect little nose, his long eyelashes, his round squishy cheeks
“He is”, Cregan whispered, kissing your temple, “you had done so beautifully, my sweet Queen”, you looked into his eyes and you found content, and pride
But your eyes returned to your baby, your dragonling.
He had silver hair, beautiful silver hair, just like yours, and then when he barely open his eyes, he revealed them to be icy gray, like his father
He was so perfect, a perfect Targaryen Prince
The blood of Old Valyria and the blood of the first men run through his little veins.
You were so, so proud of him, of yourself, you had every maester check his health, and they all agreed, that the New Prince of Dragonstone was healthy, strong, and, as he had proven to you, had a strong set of lungs in him.
“My love”, called Cregan, but you only hummed, not letting your eyes wander from your newborn son, “there is people wanting to meet him”, he said softly, it was the middle of the next day, and you wanted to savor your alone time with him a little longer.
“Later”, you said simply
“They had been waiting since yesterday”, he said, kissing the top of your head again, “and we need a name”
“I just gave birth, can’t they please leave me alone for a bit?”, you asked, softly but angrily 
“This baby is the next ruler of the seven Kingdoms”, he said softly, “there are protocols…”, you looked at him severely
“Bring in my brother and Jahaera”, you conceded, he barely nodded, and went away, giving you a breath of relief. You didn’t want anyone else but your family in here
The children entered with big, curious, scared eyes, when they landed on you, they came to your side quickly, Aegon was sure to be right there next to you, to catch the closest and first look at his baby nephew
“He is a bit red”, it’s the first thing he mumbled, making you giggle
“He was just born”, you whispered, “it’s normal”, you explained softly, Jahaera didn’t say anything, but looked at the baby with big ghostly eyes, and for the very first time, you thought you catched a glimpse of a smile
“Jahaera? want to hold him?”, she seemed truly surprised, you just patted the bed right next to you, and she climbed to your side, when she was settled, you placed your baby in her arms, she seemed content, only watching him in her frail arms
“He is small”, she murmured, you only smiled, he was a bit small, and… “made of ice and fire”, she whispered
“What?”, you asked, but you were interrupted when Cregan opened the door, he stood there, with a warm smile on his face. 
You didn’t even know how you were going to name him, I mean, you had some ideas, and you were not even going to ask your husband, he, your firstborn, was of the realm, of the Iron Throne, he had to have a name of Old Valyria
Jahaera excuse herself, she had a lesson with her septa, but Aegon stayed, sitting there in the bed by your side, Cregan had left to gather the court
“Can I ask you something?”, your baby brother asked 
“Anything”, you answered truthfully
“Now that you have a son… will you… will you still love me the same?”, he asked, and his big eyes told you he was extremely worried. That truly surprised you, but you smiled softly nonetheless.
“Of course!”, you said with a big smile, “you are my baby brother, I will never stop loving you, and I will never stop caring for you, you heard me? you are stuck with me, and your little nephew for life”, you giggled
“Really?”, he asked, hopefully
“I promise”, you assured him.
Cregan came back, thinking he had given you enough time, Aegon as he saw him, he excused himself from the room, and left
“A name, wife”, he demanded. He was the father, but he is letting you name your child, the prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne
“Aerion”, you said with your son back in your arms, “of House Stark, until he ascends the Throne, as Aerion Targaryen”, you said firmly
“Good”, he said, “the small council is waiting”, he said, and again, he did not expect a no for an answer
“Very well”, he received your son, as you stood from the bed, the maids had placed you the “looser” dress you had, but not less impressive than any others, it was soft red velvet, with black and gold details. Your hair is barely arranged by two small braids arranging it off your face.
You barely let the maids touch your child, but they had dressed him too, in a simple golden attire. He was sleeping in his father’s arms, and you held onto him too, as you walked the hallways.
You had to present your son to the court
Not letting them see him, would awaken all sorts of gossip, that maybe there was something wrong with him, or he was weak, or any nonsense like that, this was going to make it clear to everyone…
The House of the Dragon stood strong, with you, your son, your brother, and your niece.
Especially with the silver hair on his head.
“You have done beautifully, wife”, Your husband said, as he saw you pondering, with your eyes lost in front of you
“Thank you husband”, you answered simply
You were already tired as you reached the huge doors, you hoped you didn’t have to sit on the throne today, you didn’t think you could handle it. You were still really sensitive.
“Lady (y/n) of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, the Roynar and the first Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and protector of the Realm, and her Lord Husband Cregan, of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, and Hand to the Queen, would like to present to the court, Aerion, of House Targaryen and Stark, Prince of Dragonstone!”, you might as well announce it now, the shocked faces appeared before you, your son was the heir, and next King of the Seven Kingdoms.
The huge doors of the entrance of the throne room opened in front of you, you tried to smile as the entire court, your court, tried their best they could to catch a glimpse of the sleeping Prince in Cregan’s arms
You walked slowly to the front, smiling and nodding to everyone on their way
All the Lords and Ladies nodded at you, muttering words of kindness
“Congratulations my Queen”
“What a fine Prince your grace!”
“You had been blessed, and you had blessed us all”
And more
So much more
Your council had been waiting for your approval, to start the celebrations, feasts, tournaments, parties, the first ones since the end of the war
“Behold! Prince Aerion of House Targaryen and Stark!”, chanted Arryk, you faithful Queen’s guard. 
It was a tiring affair, you should be resting, and Cregan thought so as well, but you you a Queen, and if you wished to prove those who wouldn’t see your mother on the throne wrong, you have to stand there, with your newborn son, in front of the court as you barely gave birth the day before as the sun was setting 
“In the celebrations of the birth of my son, I announce a big tournament, to join all countries as one, and also, a big feast to go with it!”, you said loudly, and the entire room bursted in cheers and applause, making Aerion cry angrily, as he was startled by the loud noise
Cregan smiled grabbing him carefully with his strong hands and showed him to the entire room, shortly, then he cuddled him into his strong chest, he looked so proud 
The tournament was going to be held in two months time
This was a new era, you constantly had to be remained of
The kingdoms were still healing, you were still healing… you need this, you did
You were finally “allowed” to go back to your rooms, you dismissed the nannies who had offered to take your baby.
It was normal and customary, that you had a small army of women ready to take care of your child, but you didn’t want to let him out of your sight
Is not that you didn't trust them, it was just…
It felt odd
To be apart from him
You had them bring a crib by the side of your bed, as you watched him asleep tears fell down your eyes… oh how you wished your mother was there with you
You had cried for her in the middle of labor, how you needed her warmth, her maternity, her advice, all of her. She was an excellent mother, she adored each and every one of you, and you didn’t know how you were going to do this without her
You were so lonely
You had dismissed your ladies, and the nurses were unfamiliar to you
Because Aegon the Usurper killed your mother’s nurses when he took Dragonstone
You felt so lonely.
The all familiar pain that had installed on your chest came flourishing back again, and you realized it had never left, you just grown accustomed to it
Would she be proud of you?
You imagined your brothers coming to see your son, Jacaerys picking him up from his crib and raising him in his strong arms, you imagined Luke grabbing onto Aerion with gentle hands, accommodating him on his chest with his beautiful smile looking down at his nephew 
The guards outside your room presented Cregan who entered the room with scrolls on his hands
“Letters, from your cousins Baela and Rhaena, and one from Lord Co…”
“Dispose of them”, you demanded, you didn’t care
“I don’t care what those traitors have to say”, you said bluntly, he had caught you in a wrong moment
“Wife…”, he started carefully, “may I ask why…?”,  he asked simply, you guessed he wanted to hear your version of the facts
“Corlys Velaryon served my mother, until it suited him, when the ship was sinking, in the moment my mother needed him the most, he betrayed her, then served the usurper!”, you said bluntly
“He probably was the one who poisoned the usurper”, he said softly
“I guess, it didn’t suit him to keep serving him, I don’t care”, you said angrily, “if he had stayed at my mother’s side like he promised perhaps she would still be here”, you said, you could not forgive him, you wouldn’t allow yourself to
And Baela and Rhaena?
It just hurt too much
At one point they were like your sisters, like real sisters, you had lived together since your mother married Daemon, and… now it just hurts too much. They say Rhaena managed to hatch a dragon, a pink little thing
Good for her
But it just… it hurts… of all the people that could have survived… 
You felt guilty for only thinking about it
They were more Corlys Velaryon’s granddaughters that they were your sisters
“Can I read them?”, he asked, you looked at him
You wanted to say no, you did, but you were also terribly curious
Of what they might want or say… What if was indeed something important? and really, it was Cregan, he was the only one you trusted fully
“Yes”, you said shortly, “let me know if there is something important”. He sat by the window, to read the letter by the sunlight, Aerion began to get fuzzy, so you grabbed him gently and started to feed him
Something very frowned upon
Not even your mother had breastfeed her babies
But to your understanding… who better to feed a future King… than a Queen? his mother? You paid it no more mind as he latched onto you, Cregan didn’t even batted an eye
He was frowning a he read the missives 
“Is there something they need?”, you asked dismissively, “a threat to our Kingdom?”
“No”, he said simply, “just a call for you, their sister”, he said, he folded the letters and put them away, then he opened the one of Lord Corlys
“They wish you the best regarding the birth of your child and Prince of Dragonstone, and they wish to know that if there is anything they can do for you”
“No requests… that’s a new one”, you said sadly 
“Please, help me understand”, he pleaded once again, “what are you thinking?”
“They just keep wanting the fucking throne”, you said bitterly, “that is all this whole thing had been about, the Hightowers and Velaryons alike, each for their own side, sunk their teeth into the targaryen of their choice and bit, ripped and tear them apart for their own convenience, for the fucking throne, killing my entire family in the process, I am done with them”, you sentenced. 
“Very well”, he said, “I will stand by you”
“Thanks”, you said smiling softly, not wanting to discuss the issue further
Even if they were true, that they only were calling for you, their “granddaughter” and sister, how could you ever trust that? if you were not seated on the throne, would they still care for you?
You were convinced they only wanting to fall back into your good graces, the graces of the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and everything that meant
And the very fact that they knew about the birth of your son so soon unnerved you.
Of course they had spies inside the castle
Perhaps you should burn the letters publicly so words get to them
But it was of no consequence, because that very day, Cregan received important news
His son was arriving
He was in the Crossroads Inn, and he was dying to go and meet him
You allowed him to go with a small force, you had never seen him so happy and excited. He was on his way to meet his son
And taking advantage of that fact, that was going to take him a few days… You realized, thinking about Rhaena… 
Your son needed his egg
You had felt Vhaelar restless, and you needed to know if she had laid her clutch of eggs, or, egg
The very thought frightened you, what if it didn’t hatch? She as well could be the last Dragon, a grown, fertile dragon. You called in a Dragon keeper immediately, and he presented in front of you, the one that went inside the cave with you, the only one who could get close to your Dragon
“This is long overdue, your Grace”, he said with a soft smile
“I cannot go down there myself”, you explained softly, his face then changed. “What's the matter?”, you asked him
“Vhaelar laid eggs, we didn’t know how many, when the prince was born we adventure into the cave to find… one is gone”, it seemed like everything froze around you
“What?”, you asked
“One of the nests was… broken into”, he said
“Why wasn't I informed of this!?”, you asked angrily
“We found it this very morning”, he said quickly
“Raised alarms!”, you said
“The one that stole it… didn’t realize, she laid two eggs”, he gave a signal to Erryk who was at the door and he opened them to reveal two more Dragon Keeper, that brought with them the heating chamber
A sight you never thought you’d see again
They revealed the egg to you, and tears were brought to your eyes, it was golden, golden like the sun
Was it an Omen? Golden like Syrax… Golden like Sunfyre
Who could have possibly stolen my dragon’s egg?”, you asked him
We don’t know your grace, it must have been someone who knows the area, that its been heavily guarded, even though its against the sea, you had maintain guards around it, and over it, so we can’t understand…”, you kept quiet, you could barely go up stairs, you couldn’t go personally.
That is why she was so restless
Somebody stole her egg
“What if it hatches?”, you asked him, fright in your eyes, he didn’t know what to answer
“A dragon will only answer to a Targaryen your grace, in the worst case, it will grow wild, until we can finally know where it is”
“And in the best case?”
“It’s not normal for two eggs to hatch in the same clutch”, he said softly, “if the Prince’s egg hatches… then… someone still had a treasure in their hands but at least, it will not be a dragon”
It did not settle your nerves
You saw the beautiful egg, it seemed to move, you could feel it, the life within it
“Thank you”, you said finally, and they left you alone.
It wasn’t until a week later, as you fixed the skirt on your dress, that you finally realized how important this was.
Rickon Stark, Cregan’s son, was entering the city
Your husband’s child
Your own child, by marriage
A sweet boy of eight
Soldiers entered in front of the comitive, mounted men with the Stark sigil, and then, right after them, Cregan in all his glory, and at his side, on his own horse, a young boy, that even from afar, you could tell he looked exactly like Cregan, same shade of hair, and as they dismounted and walked towards you, you realized, he had his eyes
“Your Grace, my I present to you, my son and heir, Rickon Stark”, presented Cregan
“Your grace”, the boy greeted politely, his big eyes looking at you widely, even though he bowed. Cregan was by his side, looking at his son proudly
“My Lord, you are most welcomed to King’s landing, and to the Red Keep”, you greeted, amused, he smiled shyly.
“Thank you, your grace”, he looked at you with mistrust, and you could understand him, all of this was new for him.
You of course invited them in, the entire household he had brought with him was large, but, the more the merrier, and if having more of his people with him was going to make Cregan and RIckon feel more comfortable, they were most welcomed.
“There is someone I want you to meet”, you said happily, he only nodded, you looked at Cregan as you walked back to your chambers, and he seemed content, “Can I call you Rickon?”, you asked him softly
“Yes your Grace, of course”, he said simply
“Are you my new mommy?”, he asked bluntly, and you looked at Cregan, alarmed, he was amused, but didn’t say anything, you then looked back at the boy who was looking up at you with his big ghostly eyes
“I don’t have to be if you don’t want me to”, you said gently, and that seemed to relax him a bit, “but there is a place I’d like you to fill”, you said with a solemn voice, like you were requesting of him, you opened yourself the double doors to your room
“Which one, your grace?”, he asked solemnly
“How about.. big brother?”, you asked, inviting him to look inside the cradle where his baby brother was sleeping peacefully
“I’d like that”, he said, pleased, but frowned at further inspection of your baby, “why is his hair white?”, he asked, you giggled
“Because he got it from me”, you said softly
“I thought you had white hair because you were old”, he said simply, and you laughed, hard
The sound of your own laugh seemed so foreign to you
You haven't laughed in…
In a long time
“No, no my dear, I was born with my hair like this”, you explained softly, he only nodded, understanding clearly, “so… are you going to be Aerion’s big brother?”, you asked, and he looked at you with a true smile for the very first time, and nodded excitedly
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tossawary · 2 months
When Shen Yuan returns to Cang Qiong after the Skinner Demon mission, one of the first things that he does is report to Yue Qingyuan, and one of the first things that Yue Qingyuan does is take Shen Yuan by the wrist to check his health. (It must be very strange for Yue Qingyuan that this amnesiac Shen Qingqiu is letting him do these things without ripping his head off.)
"Shen Qingqiu was instantly surprised, however Yue Qingyuan made no further movements and instead examined him attentively through his pulse, even inserting a mild spiritual flow of his own to investigate Shen Qingqiu's. He realized then that Yue Qingyuan was only inspecting his spiritual circulation, and he relaxed.
After a moment, Yue Qingyuan let go. He smiled and walked with Shen Qingqiu into the main hall. "How was the training?"
His tone was like that of an eldest brother, which made Shen Qingqiu remember his former self's two brothers. He felt slight sorrow, but greater still was the comforting sense of warmth, to the point that even his dejected report came out cheery. "Unsatisfactory."
His disciples hadn't so much as glimpsed the Skinner Demon's shadow. Speaking from the angle of disciple-training, the trip really had been a bust.
"No need to rush," said Yue Qingyuan.
Shen Qingqiu nodded before suddenly changing the topic. "Zhangmen-shixiong, I wish to go to the back of Qiong Ding Peak and enter secluded cultivation without the Ling Xi Caves." "
Volume 1, Chapter 2, page 86.
I'm not sure that Shen Jiu did anything "cheery" in his life. Yue Qingyuan has very good control of his face. (Yue Qingyuan does visibly react to Shen Yuan saying that he wants to make use of the Ling Xi Caves here, but it's a quick flicker that Shen Yuan can't read clearly before it's gone.) Again, Yue Qingyuan must be having an extremely weird time with this.
Also "former self" is a hell of a way to refer to Shen Yuan's past life when I'm pretty sure it's only been a couple weeks at most? Shen Yuan is like: "I will put my grief in regards to the family I was 'very close' to in a box and I will deal with it never."
He really does see Yue Qingyuan as "big brother shaped" and likes him, though! That's kind of nice and a little funny to me in a slightly sad way. Yue Qingyuan is like, "Would you... like some affection and care and thoughtful support? Maybe we could hang out later?" And Shen Yuan is like, "Oh, yes, please! You're so nice! Sounds great!" (They have both lost the people they truly care about here and they can't know it / can never talk about it.)
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tinietaehyun · 5 months
Forsaken : ̗̀・❥・ ੈ✩‧₊˚
[Sorcerer!Taehyun x Royal!Reader] [Series] [Masterlist]
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Pairing(s): Sorcerer!Taehyun x Royal!Reader [Ft. other txt members]
Genres: Romance, fantasy, supernatural, royal!au, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, action, strangers to lovers.
Contains: Will be stated each chapter.
Summary: With your throne ripped away from your hands and on the run from your brother, you have no choice but to enter the Woods of Mors to escape the royal guards.
On the brink of exhaustion and hopelessness of having lost everything, you meet an arrogant sorcerer who seems to not respect your status whatsoever. Learning about his past, you realise, he’s exactly what you need to perhaps have a chance at winning back your throne and protecting your people from your tyrannical brother.
It’s all smooth sailing until you realise, you’ve caught feelings for the prideful sorcerer who despises royalty. Oh, it’ll be fine, right?
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Note: Chapters will be varying length 4-5K words depending on chapter content. This will attempt to be an immersive experience! Rated PG-13.
Story Masterlist:
1. Chapter I: An Ode to Betrayal
2. Chapter II: A Plea to the Sorcerer
3. Chapter III: One’s Own Misgivings
4. Chapter IV: Bounties & Temptation
5. Chapter V: A Cry of Two Broken Hearts
6. Chapter VI: Keep Your Enemies Close
7. Chapter VII: Fluttering Feelings
8. Chapter VIII: A Door to the Past
9. Chapter IX: Trust Me, Sweetheart
10. Chapter X: Forlorn Reunion
11. Chapter XI: Home, Sweet Home
12. Chapter XII: An Ode to Romance
13. Chapter XIII: A Ballad of Two Lovers
14. Chapter XIV: Confessions & Treachery
15. Chapter XV: To Die is to Lose
16. Chapter XVI: [Finale] The End is a New Beginning
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Coloured/pattern dividers are from @cafekitsune (amazing work!)
© Please do not plagiarise my works, or upload translated versions elsewhere. Remain respectful and considerate of readers and myself on this page. Thank you.
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from-the-clouds · 1 year
texas sun - joel miller x f!reader - vol. xi
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series masterlist | series playlist | writing masterlist | previous chapter |
chapter summary: I'm not even gonna be poetic about this: Joel and reader lie to themselves and others about their feelings for 5.6k words. pairing: joel miller x f!reader words: 5.6k chapter warnings: ANGST. Description of panic attacks/anxiety. Referenced death of family members/romantic partners. Implied bisexual reader. Alcohol consumption, hangovers. smoking. Canon-typical suffering. As always please dm if you have questions. a/n: Wanted to give game Joel a little love with the gif choice, ya feel me? I've been excited to write this chapter for months and I ultimately feel like it flopped so hard, it just did not come together the way I envisioned. It's also my last week of work for awhile I'm honestly feeling very burnt out so I'm in a 'fuck it, i don't have the energy to make it perfect' mood, BUT - It’s a lot of backstory/development that I do think is necessary. Next chapter shit will go down tho so get ready.
**ALSO! I got rid of my taglist. Please follow @ftcwriting and turn on notifs if you would like to be notified when I update my works :) **
-April 10, 2024-
Joel reaches out to clutch the patio railing. His chest is tight, like someone’s stitched his ribs together so they won’t expand fully every time he tries to inhale. Each breath wheezes in and out of him, and his head spins. 
None of this feels real. It can’t be real. And if he’s asleep, he can’t decide if he’s in a dream or a nightmare.
That’s until he hears his name. 
Her voice is like a jolt of electricity, shocking his body back into equilibrium. He finds Ellie standing behind him when he looks over his shoulder, Tommy walking up the pathway to the front door, brow furrowed. 
“We literally only got here like one week ago, you can’t die already,” Ellie scolds him, and he knows that the jab is meant to be playful. “Woah, are you okay?” she asks when they lock eyes. 
Joel straightens, squaring up with Tommy, fully prepared to give him a piece of his mind, for throwing him into the deep end with nothing to stay afloat. 
“Who was that?” Ellie is completely oblivious. 
Even if he wanted to answer the question, he still probably couldn’t. It had taken him a moment to even recognize who you were, that’s how long it’s been. And he hadn’t even really gotten a good look. It only clicked when you’d taken off your glasses, and when it’d registered, and then he’d seen the kid next to you, he’d panicked. Joel brushes past Ellie, shoving his brother with one hand in the center of his chest.
“What the hell were you thinking?” 
Tommy recoils at the contact, something pained and confused crossing his expression. “I…. I thought you’d be happy to see that she’s still alive.” 
Joel doesn’t answer, just glowers at him. He’s still unable to make sense of the questions swirling around in his mind, each one seemingly more important than the last. 
Of course it’s good that you're alive. At one point, he had tried to find you. It was after Sarah, after he’d tried to- he can’t even think about how foolish that had been. At the time, the thought of seeing you again was the only thing that provided him with even the slightest bit of hope for the future. But the search had been fruitless. 
After a while, Joel decided that you were dead. It didn’t matter whether or not you were. He’d seen the unspeakable pain humans were capable of inflicting on each other and then when he’d gotten involved with some hunters, became the cause of all that pain. If you were alive…it meant those horrible things were happening to you. You were better off dead. 
It also kept his conscience clear. After he’d done what he had done, he knew if he ever saw you again, he wouldn’t even be able to look you in the eyes. And he was right. You knew a version of him that no longer existed. 
“Joel,” Ellie interjects. He’d nearly forgotten she was there, still lost in his shock and rage. 
“Ellie, go inside,” he quips. 
“Can’t I just-”
“Inside. Right now. ” Joel hasn’t used such an aggressive snarl with her since they first left for the Boston QZ, and he turns to look at her just in time to see her face crumple, before she turns and marches up the stairs. He immediately feels bad, but unfortunately, this is just how things go with every person he cares about these days. He hurts them, then they hurt him, and it equals out, only ending when one of them decides to leave. 
“Jesus, Joel,” Tommy scolds, but he doesn’t care. 
“How long?” 
“How long have you known she’s alive? That she has a fuckin’.....” Joel feels something get caught in his throat. “...a fuckin’ kid.”
“That’s her nephew,” Tommy says matter-of-factly, as if it was supposed to be obvious. As if Joel wasn’t just grappling with the idea that he had a twenty year old son he’d never known about, and feeling guilty that you’d been alone with him this whole time. “But I guess I can see where you’d think that.” 
Now that you’re on Joel’s mind, he does recall you mentioning your nephew a few times. Maybe you even had a picture of him hanging on your fridge, and he had pegged how you had the same smile. He’s a little embarrassed for jumping to conclusions, but it doesn’t mean he’s done being angry. 
“Shit,” Tommy rubs his beard. “They’ve been here for like three years. It’s been awhile.”
“Three years?” Joel asks, a whole new wave of anger reappearing. “And you didn’t think to fuckin’ tell me all this time?”
“You know the rules. We aren’t allowed to use the radio.” 
“What about when I was here in the winter?” Joel asks stiffly. 
“I just…figured it’d be a shock-
“And why would you think that, Tommy?” Joel raises his voice. 
Tommy holds out his hands, lowering them slightly as if to tell Joel to settle down. Then he nods towards the house. Ellie. “You had a lot going on with that whole situation. I didn’t want to distract you.”
Joel would never admit it, but that was probably a smart decision for Tommy to make. He remembers how uncertain and scared he’d been when he first stopped in Jackson. But Joel still tries to think of a way to keep the argument going, because he doesn’t want to give Tommy any sort of props for how he’s chosen to break this news to him.
“I thought you’d be happy she’s alive, really, I mean you both-”
Joel holds up his hand. “Enough, Tommy. It was so long ago…I barely remember.”
Tommy frowns, gives him a knowing look. “Really?” 
Joel sniffs, crosses his arms. 
“Well, I remember,” Tommy says. “And she was always good to you.”
Joel doesn’t answer, because he doesn’t have anything else to say, and at this point, he just wants Tommy to leave.
“Work through whatever you have to,” Tommy says. “But don’t be an asshole. You should work on that, in general. Or else I’ll have to keep explaining your behavior.”
“Glad I’ve got you looking out for me,” Joel says dryly.  “Don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Fine.” Tommy shakes his head, backs away.
His brother doesn’t say goodbye as he stuffs his hands in his coat pocket and walks down the street. Joel stays in place, alone on the front porch, until his hands relax from the fists they are clenched in and his anger turns to shame. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
-April 19, 2024-
You close the locket and place it back inside the old lunch pail full of tchotchkes and other memorabilia. It’s a fairly empty box, over the years you’ve found that the things you hold onto are either lost or left behind, not unlike the people you’ve met. You swipe away the tears in your eyes. 
Bea had always said it was important to give yourself the space to grieve, to let yourself feel whatever it was that you needed to. It’s advice that you don’t want to take from her right now because you’re pissed at her for being gone. Not that it had been her fault. And also because you know if you don’t stick to a routine it’s very easy to backslide. 
In the bathroom, you hurry to splash cold water on your face, taking a look at yourself in the mirror. Before the outbreak, there was nothing more terrifying than getting old. Now, as you study the new lines and wrinkles on your face, the scar on your bottom lip, the gray strands in your hair, it doesn’t scare you at all. It seemed frivolous that looks were something you’d been so concerned about when you were younger. But you suppose you didn’t have much else to worry about. There was something pretty freeing about being older, that you can be content without being concerned about whether or not someone will find you attractive. And really, getting old means you’re still alive. That’s all that matters. 
You are concerned with the red in the whites of your eyes, but hope they’ll fade by the time you get to Maria’s. 
Grappling with the fact that Joel is still alive has dredged up a lot. Since it had been about a week since your reunion – if you could even call it that – on your front porch, and you’d seen him one other time. The first time, you’d sort of understood why he’d ran off. But you guessed you kind of expected him to come around eventually. He didn’t. 
Just a few days earlier you’d been walking through the town square, and he’d been headed your direction with that teenage girl who Tommy has since told you is named Ellie. She was giggling at something, and Joel even had a slight smile on his face, but when he saw you, it disappeared, and he pulled Ellie to the opposite side of the street. It was clear now that he was intentionally trying to avoid you, which….didn’t feel great. 
That was an understatement. Having Joel back made you realize just how lonely you were. It had taken some time after arriving in Jackson for you to grieve your partner of nearly ten years, so it hadn’t really dawned on you that at some point you might crave a deeper level of intimacy that your friendships couldn’t offer. But you had already had it twice, so you supposed that was better than nothing at all. Plus, your number one priority had been, and always would be making sure Ethan was provided for. 
So what exactly were you expecting from Joel? Not that, of course. But maybe some kind of closure after all those years spent apart. Some kind of acknowledgement of your time spent together. 
When the outbreak first happened, you had spent a lot of time being angry. With Joel and Sarah, the possibility of being normal had been dangled in front of you. You realized you had wanted to be loved after being convinced by your father – and yourself – that you didn’t deserve it. Then, the second you acknowledged that you wanted it anyways, the world had literally ended. It was a little egocentric, but it sort of felt like a sign that your dad had been right all along. Some women aren’t meant to be part of a family.
Of course, Bea had proved that wrong. But losing the people you loved became a pattern. And you even to this day, you alternated between believing that it was the unfortunate reality of life, or that it was your destiny to never get what you wanted. 
Regardless, even if the way Joel is acting has caused you more turmoil than you are willing to admit, you’re not going to follow him around and beg to get back into his good graces. That’s never been your style. 
You’re tidying up the kitchen, getting ready to leave, when Ethan shuffles into the room. It’s nearly noon. 
“Hey, sleepyhead,” you say to him as drags his socked feet across the hardwood.
He grumbles his greeting and tilts his head at the bag you’re adjusting over your shoulder, as if to ask where you’re headed.
“I’m going to Maria’s,” you say. “Then I have to meet with Eugene.” 
He makes a noise of affirmation, still half-asleep, and slumps into a kitchen chair. When you look at him closely, you see the dark circles beneath his glassy eyes, his face pale. 
“You alright, honey?” you ask, putting your bag back on the countertop and approaching him. “Do you have a fever?” when you reach to press the back of your hand to his cheek he swats it away weakly. He doesn’t feel warm.
“I’m fine,” he says, crossing his arms on the countertop and burying his face in them. “I just have a headache.”
“Yeah?” you say. “You were out late last night.”
“Derek and I went to the Tipsy Bison,” his voice is muffled. 
Everything clicks into place. “Oh. Were you overserved?” 
He turns his head, but doesn’t lift it. With how long his hair has gotten, most of his face is obscured. “Maybe. But before I get a lecture, don’t worry – I’m never drinking again.”
“I’m not gonna lecture you,” you’re almost offended. “Is this really your first hangover?”
“I mean….probably not. But it’s definitely the worst.” 
“Well now you know your limits,” you say, crossing the room to pour him a glass of water and get some ibuprofen from the long-expired bottle you keep in a cabinet.
“Maybe if we were allowed to drink when we were with Bea, I would’ve learned that sooner.”
You let Ethan’s get his dig in at the last community you’d lived with before Jackson. The more time you’d spent here, the more time he’d had to convince himself that what you’d gotten yourselves into was terrible. Because you had more of a complex perspective on it, it was the one subject you avoided speaking to each other about. 
Ethan is similar to Vincent in that while he’s very sensitive, he also seems to enjoy being an instigator. Of course, spending all of his life fighting to survive in a world that wants him dead has only intensified that. Bea had been good at helping him manage his temper when he was a teenager and it became too much for you to handle. But besides that, he doesn't get into much trouble, so you aren’t going to chastise him. 
“Drink this, and take these.”
He groans, but reaches out for the aspirin and water, nursing it down with small sips. You bite back a smile. The both of you have endured much worse than a hangover, but there’s something cathartic about seeing him experience the plights of a normal twenty-something. 
“Are you hungry?”
“If I eat anything, I think I will vomit,” he lays his head back down. 
You consider asking him if he wants you to stay so you can look after him, but decide that you don’t want to encourage the habit too much. Instead, you reach out and brush a strand of hair off his cheek so you can see him more clearly, and he closes his eyes. “I bet you’ll feel better in a couple hours. Drink water. It’ll help.”
He blinks up at you, seemingly unconvinced. “I saw that guy yesterday. The weird one.” 
“What guy?”
“Tommy’s brother. What’s his name?”
“Joel?” you ask, and pretend that saying his name doesn’t almost make you shiver. 
“Yeah,” he says. “He was with Tommy at the stables. Guess they’re making him a ranger.”
“I know you knew him before or whatever, but he’s definitely a weirdo. And I’m not just saying that to make you feel better.”
The whatever in his sentence is doing a lot of heavy lifting. You roll your eyes, but not maliciously. “Well, he did just get here.” You definitely don’t owe Joel anything, so you surprise yourself by defending him. 
Ethan almost ignores your response, winces, turns his head back into his arms and grumbles something to the effect of I’m dying. 
“Rest up,” you ruffle his hair and kiss the top of his head, like you’ve been doing since before he could walk, and it’s hard to stop even though sometimes it annoys him. Right now, he doesn’t protest. “I’ll bring you home some soup from the mess hall. Take it easy.” 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It’s Tommy who lets you in once you arrive at Maria’s. She’s upstairs with the baby, he says, and tells you to wait in the living room, before you hear her frantic voice calling out for him to come help her. 
His footsteps retreat up the stairs, and you hover in the entrance to the living room, your eyes inexplicably drawn to the chalkboard with 
You glance at the little memorial that Tommy had made for Sarah and Kevin, Maria’s son. Even though you’ve seen it a million times at this point, the sight of her name, the date of her passing – the same day as Joel’s birthday – makes your stomach sink. 
That’s when you notice that you’re not alone. Sitting in a chair in the corner is the girl that you’d seen accompanying Joel. You hadn’t actually been properly introduced, you realized, and she’s staring at you like she doesn’t know what to do. She’s a cute kid, a teenager if you had to guess, her dark hair pulled back into a ponytail. 
Based on how he’s been acting, you can’t imagine what Joel has told her about you. Probably nothing good. So you give her a nod and a small smile, before crossing your arms and leaning against the doorframe. 
Surprisingly, the bit of sincerity seems to warm her up a little. “I’m Ellie,” she says.
You nod again, and give her your first name. “It’s nice to meet you, Ellie. Sorry I didn’t get the chance the other day.”
She shrugs. “It didn’t seem like that was your fault.”
You let your arms drop to your sides, straighten up. “Did you uh…come to see the baby or something?” 
Ellie shakes her head no. “I’m waiting for Tommy. He’s gonna take me to see the school.” 
“Oh, that’s nice.” 
“Not really,” she says. “I think school is fucking stupid. But everyone says I have to go, because all the other kids in town do, too.”
Ethan was grown when you arrived in Jackson, and you didn’t have children of your own, so it was the one place you didn’t really frequent. “Well, you probably should but….I hear you.”
There’s an almost imperceptible smile that crosses her features. You turn your head back to stare at the staircase, waiting for the sound of Maria’s footsteps, but all you can hear is her and Tommy whispering with frantic energy as they try to put their son down for a nap. 
“You know Joel won’t tell me anything about you,” Ellie’s voice cuts in, and you turn back towards her. “But you knew him before, didn’t you?”
You’re not sure how to take this information, or…how to respond to it. So you keep your response simple. “I mean, we were neighbors.” But even that feels like a lie, and a useless one to tell. Maybe it’s a little petty, but you don’t owe it to Joel to keep his secrets, especially not after he’s treated you so poorly. So you tell her the truth. “I guess he was also…my boyfriend for a little while.”
Ellie seems taken aback by this. “What happened? Did you break his heart or something?”
“No,” you snort. “We got separated before the outbreak.” 
“Oh.” She ponders for a moment. “So then why is he so mad?”
You shrug. “I’ll let you know if I find out.” 
“Well, he’s an asshole. But I bet you already know that,” Ellie says. 
Based on the time you actually spent with Joel, you would’ve never described him that way. So if that’s really how he’s perceived, even by the people who care about him, it makes you a little sad. Losing Sarah must have changed him more than you could imagine. 
You’re already sick of thinking about him so much, so you change the subject to something that’s at least a little lighter. “How did the two of you end up together, anyways?” 
“Long story,” she answers, and you get the sense there’s something she’s holding back. Because you just met, you don’t press her any further. 
“As I’d imagine.” 
You hear boots coming down the stairs, and Tommy rounds the corner, holding a stack of photos. “I’ve been meaning to show these to you, I went home a couple years back…to Joel’s old place and mine. There wasn’t much left, but I found these.”
He passes the pictures to you, and you look down at them. You don’t think much about your old house at all. It was another thing you lost, but almost everyone did, so it didn’t really make you feel special. Still, sometimes you thought of your cozy back patio and your old friend Martini, and had accepted you’d never see them again.
The first photo in the stack is a photo of Joel and Sarah at one of his soccer games. As sweet as the gesture is, you are pretty sure you can only confront so much of your past at once, and with Joel being back in town it’s starting to get suffocating. Also, when you study the picture and realize that your memory has gotten some of Sarah’s features wrong, you’re overwhelmed with guilt. 
Hesitantly, you place the pictures down on the coffee table, and Ellie reaches for them immediately, flipping through him. “Woah,” she says. “He looks so different without all the grey hair,” she flips to a photo of him and Tommy, and glances up at him. “You look pretty much the same.” 
When you agree with her, Tommy grins, playfully tucking a piece of hair behind his ear bashfully before growing serious. “You better not tell him I showed you these.” 
“I won’t,” Ellie assures him. 
“Look at this one.” Tommy pushes another photo across the table towards you, and you peer down to look at it. “He fucking adored you.”
You remember taking the picture vividly while on vacation with Joel and Sarah, and at one point you’d had your own copy framed on your dresser. There are flowers peppered in his hair, and you both look so young, and so happy, and so oblivious, his arms around you, his lips pressed against your cheek. At the time, you really had no idea that everything you knew was about to be destroyed. 
“Nice,” you say flatly, and in an effort to keep from getting emotional, push it back across the table, and retreat to sit in a chair across the room. 
After some time, and some convincing, Tommy and Ellie leave to go on their tour of the school. When the door closes behind them, you swipe the photo from you and Joel off the table and slide it into your back pocket. You tell yourself it’s so Tommy can’t show it to Joel, but really it’s because it’s one of the only memories you have of yourself before the outbreak, when everything felt perfect. 
Just as you back away from the pictures, Maria appears at the bottom of the steps. She looks exhausted, and before either of you can speak, you wrap her in a hug. Partly because it looks like she needs it, but also because you just want to feel close to someone you trust, even if it’s only for a few seconds. “How are you holding up?” you ask. 
“I finally get some peace and I’m using it to work,” she says, leading you into the dining room, where all the paperwork is spread out. Your plan had been to write a new amendment to the town’s constitution, which then had to be approved by the council. 
Maria hadn’t stayed away from her job as the leader of the community for very long after having their son, despite your encouragement for her to take it easy. She had experience with her previous son, Kevin, but you imagined it didn’t make life with a newborn any easier. So you tried to help her out with any chance you got, especially because you knew she’d do the same for you. it was just how things between you worked. She knew even more about you than Tommy did, and you told each other everything. Well, almost everything….
“You should take a nap or something.” 
“Don’t tempt me.”
“I’m serious,” you insist. “I can write a draft while you sleep and then you and I can do the revisions together. 
She seems reluctant, but after making you swear you’d wake her if the baby starts fussing, she lies down on the couch and you begin working. 
Like your old job, you don’t really like doing this. The only job you have in Jackson that actually excites you is the work you do with Eugene, and going on patrol. But this work makes you feel the most useful. And despite the fact that you had always been skeptical of authority – you believed in her ability to keep things in Jackson running smoothly. 
About an hour later, you’d drawn up the draft and Maria stirs from her nap. The revisions don’t take very long, since you both are usually on the same page, but when you start packing your things up to go, she seems surprised. 
“Are you hanging around until dinner?” 
“No, I have to meet up with Eugene,” you say. “Plus, Ethan’s at home hungover so I told him I’d make him soup. 
“Do you think he’ll be up for dinner tomorrow night?” she asks. “Tommy keeps pestering me.”
“Well he’s still too young for his hangovers to last two days,” you smirk. “So yeah, I think he will.”
“He invited…..Joel, and Ellie,” Maria says hesitantly, watching your face. “Is that okay?”
“I mean….it’s not my dinner party.”
“You can say no. Or not come,” she offers. She hadn’t been there the day you’d seen Joel again for the first time, but it sounds like Tommy has given her the rundown. 
You shrug. As much as you don’t want to admit it, being forced into the same room as Joel is a little exciting. “I’ll go.” 
“Are you doing okay with that?” she asks. “I told Tommy not to surprise you, but he didn’t listen.”
“It’s all fine,” you say, which isn’t entirely a lie. At the end of the day, everything would be fine. The stakes weren’t life and death. When Maria seems unconvinced, you continue. “I mean, it feels like he’s being a little rude…but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
Maria lowers her eyes, pauses. “Has Tommy’s ever told you about any of the stuff Joel got him into when they were on their own?”
“Not really,” you say. “But I know they were on bad terms.” 
“I didn’t know you back then,” Maria begins. “So I don’t know what you saw in him, or what he was like. But….I don’t think he’s….I don’t know if it’s worth getting emotionally invested again.”
“Oh, bummer. As you know, reconnecting with an ex is my main priority right now.” you deflect with a smirk, but Maria doesn’t seem as amused.
“Fair,” she says. “But be careful. I saw what he did to his own brother. I don’t want it to happen to you.” 
“You don’t have to worry about me,” you assure her. “Whatever he’s done, I’ve dealt with worse.” 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
-April 20, 2024-
When Joel and Ellie arrive at Tommy’s, it’s clear immediately they aren’t the only people that were invited. 
Seeing the life that Tommy had built for himself here – a thriving community, a wife, a son – fills him with a certain level of envy. But mostly….he’s ashamed. Back when they were hunters, Joel was adamant that it was the only way they could survive, despite the horrible things they were doing. The worst part was, Joel really believed it. Now, the nightmares still chasing both of them, he realizes he was wrong. Even if Tommy won’t say it out loud, Joel knows he resents him for those days, how he’d been forced to trade away so much of his humanity. For Joel, violence came easily – shockingly so – an outlet for all his anger after losing Sarah.  But Tommy had always struggled. And even though there will always be love between them, the tension was still there. 
He’s still adjusting to life in Jackson, only leaving the house when Ellie drags him out, and when Tommy trains him to go out on patrol. It’s hard to accept that he’s not on the run anymore after the chaotic nature of the last year. Only Tommy knows his darkest secret, and he intends to keep it that way. 
While Ellie does seem somewhat hesitant to leave him alone, she does seem a lot more enthusiastic about life in Jackson. Joel knows it’s a good thing, and once again, he feels like he’s let her down by not leading by example. 
Tommy greets them both once they step inside, and Joel is polite — something he’s been trying to do more of lately. Maria gives him a tight-lipped smile, one that tells him she’s trying to be civil despite her reservations. God only knows what Tommy has told her about their time together. At least he can understand where she’s coming from. Had they met twenty years ago in Austin, they probably would’ve gotten along. Nowadays, he’s not surprised when people don’t like him, because he hates himself, too. 
But Maria still entertains them with general pleasantries and questions about how they are settling in, despite looking incredibly flustered. Ellie is more apt to answer them then he is, Joel standing by with his thumbs in his belt loops. 
Over their shoulder, Joel sees you, standing in the corner of the front room with your back turned to him, deep in conversation with your nephew. He’s smiling and telling a very animated story, at one point clapping his palms on your shoulders and shaking them violently while you giggle. It makes him think of you and Sarah. Therein lies the problem. He’s become a little more comfortable discussing his past with Ellie, but there’s a limit to what he’s capable of, especially after repressing so much for so long. 
The oven goes off, and Maria excuses herself to the kitchen, inviting Ellie to follow along. Joel and Tommy are left standing in the entryway together.
“You invited her?” Joel asks, not bothering to hide the venom in his voice. 
Tommy steps back, giving him incredulous once-over. “It’s my house, isn’t it?” 
“I don’t know what game you’re trying to-“
Tommy shoves Joel into the dining room before he can finish his thought, out of eyesight from the rest of the people in the house. “I’m not playing games, Joel. She’s family. Maybe not to you, but definitely to Maria and I. And she’s never shown you anything but kindness. So grow the fuck up.” 
Before Joel can think of another objection, the sound of a baby crying cuts through the air. Tommy freezes at the sound, until you call out from the other room. “I got him.” 
“Come on,” he says. “Maybe you can muster up the courage to hold your nephew.” 
He wants to tell Tommy that he’s trying, even if it doesn’t look like it. But it almost feels better to allow himself to be the black sheep. It makes things easier. If he keeps that door closed, he’ll never need to worry about the problems that lie on the other side. Still, he begrudgingly follows his brother in the other room. 
When he enters the front room, you’re holding Maria and Tommy’s son in your arms.  
After Joel had learned that Ethan was your nephew, he was unsurprisingly relieved. What did surprise him, however, is that some small part of himself was disappointed. Sure, if you actually had his child while you were separated it would have been devastating. But before all this, all he had wanted was a future with you, would’ve gladly given you children….really, anything you wanted.
He tries not to let his eyes linger on you too long, lost in the daydream of what could’ve been, but you meet his eyes and give him such a sterile, polite nod that it’s almost painful.
Dinner is uneventful. Joel ends up seated directly across from you, Tommy’s doing, no doubt, but you do a good enough job of engaging in conversation that you don’t spend much time looking in Joel’s direction, and when you do, he doesn’t recognize your expression. It does give him the chance to study you up close, which he hadn’t done yet, and immediately regrets. 
He’s still just as attracted to you as he’d always been. Sure, you’ve aged, but so has he – although you wear it much more gracefully. When Tommy offers to pour some bourbon into Ethan’s glass, he refuses, and for whatever reason, you stifle a laugh, the wrinkles around your eyes more prominent than they used to be. 
After dinner, when the plates have been cleared, you disappear. He can feel himself growing overwhelmed, so he steps outside onto the back patio for some air. You’re sitting on a porch step looking out at the yard, but when he steps outside, you turn.
When you register that it’s him, you return your eyes forward again, and Joel remains silent, even considers walking back inside without a word. But he stays there so long, contemplating, that you’re the first to speak up. 
“You know, if you stay here….at some point, you are gonna have to acknowledge me.” 
Joel knows he’s the antagonist right now. He’s well aware. But he can’t help himself. Despite that, there’s no malice, and no bitterness in your voice. But you are direct. 
And, because he’s never been good at refusing you, he gives you something in return. “I guess I’m just surprised to see you here….” He recalls a conversation you’d had long ago, curled against his chest, staring up at the stars together. “Being a city girl and everything.” 
You turn to look over your shoulder, gaze making him feel warm, a small smile on your face. For a split second, you’re looking at him how you used to, and then it’s gone. “It is sort of a miracle, isn’t it?” 
He ponders this, and you continue. 
“It’s good to see you, Joel,” you say softly. He wonders how you can make general pleasantries sound so sweet, and is surprised at how easily you betray yourself with the words. Though he had noticed a pattern at dinner. You weren’t nearly as guarded as you used to be. He wonders how that’s possible, if you’ve made it this far. 
“You too.”
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xoxobluelock · 1 year
Itoshi Sae, Physical Contact, and the Exceptions: Rin and Shidou
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As of Chapter Ch 214, the only two people we see Sae allow to touch him are his little brother…and Shidou Ryusei.** Post (S)pain, it’s only been Shidou. 
**I’m going to argue that Sae allows Shidou to jump on his back. And I mean 'argue' in the lightest sense.
Quick preface: Just organizing and posting notes I took on the subject for characterization in a fic (they are, therefore, biased). I’m not claiming that no one has ever touched Sae, just that the manga only shows a select few occasions. We’ll go in chapter and not chronological order. For the most part.
The first time the manga shows us anyone trying to initiate contact with Sae is with these two clowns (JFU President and U-20 “coach”) in Ch 107. Hardly surprising that Sae wouldn’t shake the hands of people he so clearly doesn’t respect. 
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Every expression in this panel is priceless.
Next up, Ch 111:
Aiku and his proposal are plainly of more interest to Sae than the JFU bozos, yet Sae nopes right out of Aiku’s ‘gentlemen's agreement’ handshake. And then threatens to nope out of the whole match if the U-20 Team can’t meet his standards.
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We see Sae being rushed by celebratory teammates several times. Not once do we readers see any of them actually succeed in throwing an arm around him pre-Spain, in Spain, or post-Spain. Until Shidou.
Post Spain (Ch 116): 
Sae has just scored a goal crazy enough to have Isagi think, “The leading actor in this game is Itoshi Sae!!” The crowd is going wild, the U-20 Team is rushing Sae in joy, …and Sae literally slaps them off: “Hands off, chumps.” 
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Poor Fox Kid and Not-Bokuto. They seem so darn sweet. 
Now, a blast from the past. 
Pre-Spain (Ch 123): 
I don’t know about y’all, but I can so clearly see Little Sae ducking right out these guys’ arms—in a more humorously standoffish way. Like how we see Rin sidestep Isagi (coming right up!). An imagination is all we got here.
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Spain (Ch 125):
Now in the mysterious (S)pain… Hopefully we’ll get more than a glimpse of it one day! Would Sae have dodged the Real Madrid Youth Team guys? Would he have numbly endured it? Would he have slapped them off? Etc.? The manga, again, leaves us to wonder. (My money’s on the second one.)
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Once again, I’m definitely not saying Sae’s teammates have never succeeded in tackling him in celebration. Just that it’s notable we, the readers, don’t see it. Yet. 
I’ll conclude with some pre-Spain Itoshi Bros cuteness, but let’s talk some post-Spain Itoshi Bros parallels first.
Ch 121
Poor Isagi. 😂 Rin sees him coming with a little “!” and dodges his charge like the plague with a grumpy lil “Hmph.”
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Rin, now away from Isagi, goes right back to business in the next panel.
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Ten chapters later, we have a Sae parallel. 
Ch 131
Just like Rin, Sae sees a celebratory missile coming right at him with a “!” and a less than enthusiastic expression—yet Sae doesn’t dodge Shidou.
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Shidou definitely takes off like a bat out of hell (ha). But do we really think Itoshi Sae of the New Generation World XI couldn’t have even sidestepped—like his little brother—if he’d really wanted to?
I think Sae allows Shidou his moment of clingy celebration. Especially in light of the Rin and Isagi parallel. Remember, this was immediately following Shidou’s unbelievable Big Bang Drive—a goal that had even Sae showing open surprise on his face (Ch 130). Shidou becomes the first one shown to have jumped on Sae in celebration.
(Real talk, though: someone please give Kitsunezato and Neru a high five!)
The next page…
Both pursuers of the Itoshi Bros end up with a hard impact on the ground, and yet….
Sae doesn’t tell Shidou to f— off after throwing Shidou off him. Shidou doesn’t get an icy “Hands off, chump” like Fox Kid and Not-Bokuto. Sae doesn’t stalk off (he actually lingers and seems to chat while Shidou just chills on the ground and gives him a lil thumbs-up). Sae tells Shidou, “You have to get a hat trick, remember? Then you’d get my number. Hands off until then, you horny demon.” Untillll being the operative word (...one of them, anyway 😅). Not only does Sae let Shidou latch on, Sae banters with Shidou.
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This is outside the point of this post, but Sae looks…sad? nostalgic? when Shidou first jumps on him. It doesn’t last long, but it’s there. Perhaps relating to the panels I’m about to bring up. (Addressing what may have prompted Sae’s “Gross” and “horny demon” reactions + his punch/tackle is also outside the purview of this post 😅 Same with speculating on what the helllll these two were talking about below.)
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Concluding with some Pre-(S)pain Itoshi Bros
Ch 123:
We see Little RinRin as the original No Touchy exception. And it’s so wholesome.
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And Sae actually reaching out to Rin and being affectionate. Maybe we’ll see it again one day.
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Ch 124
Look, the Itoshi Bros are capable of high fives! Or, they were, anyway. 
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Unlike Sae, we actually see Rin's teammates grabbing him in celebration, pre-(Sae’s return from) Spain.
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In conclusion...
So far, the manga shows Sae breaking his general Kuzco Rule with only two people.
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Pre-Spain, Little Rin was a very obvious exception. Post-Spain / currently and more subtly, Shidou is the only exception we've seen. Is it a respect thing? A soft spot? Emphasizing Sae is an "untouchable" player? Some combination?
As for canon… I really hope we see Sae and Shidou become friends. They’re both so alone but seem to bring each other to life. I also really hope we’ll see Sae accepting his teammates’ celebration one day. Just imagine Sae pulling off a crazy pass or stealing a goal at the World Cup, both Rin and Shidou rushing him in joy, the rest of the team on their tails! Or maybe something smaller, like just celebrating a cool move in practice. I think we’ll see it eventually. Just like I think we could see Shidou act as a bridge between the estranged Itoshi Bros.
You’ll find what notes / “meta” I’ve already posted under #xoxoBlueLockNotes. Will probably organize and post more somewhere in here!
PS: Check out @bluelockhalloweek for spooky Blue Lock fun! 🎃 Halloween is just around the corner!
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So I don't really have a concrete theory or anything, but...
Dany dreams she is fighting the "usurper's rebel host" (aka Robert Baratheon's army) but these icy enemies are obviously Others; see how they melt away the way Ser Puddles did when Sam killed him.
That night she dreamt that she was Rhaegar, riding to the Trident. But she was mounted on a dragon, not a horse. When she saw the Usurper’s rebel host across the river they were armored all in ice, but she bathed them in dragonfire and they melted away like dew and turned the Trident into a torrent. Some small part of her knew that she was dreaming, but another part exulted. This is how it was meant to be. The other was a nightmare, and I have only now awakened. She woke suddenly in the darkness of her cabin, still flush with triumph. Balerion seemed to wake with her, and she heard the faint creak of wood, water lapping against the hull, a footfall on the deck above her head. And something else.
In a later Jon chapter, in the very same book, an "enemy" bursts into the fray to scatter the wildlings. This enemy is a Baratheon king - Stannis. This Baratheon king claims to be the legendary Azor Ahai, but he's not (Dany is, "the dragons prove it").
Trumpets were blowing all around, loud and brazen. The wildlings have no trumpets, only warhorns. They knew that as well as he did; the sound sent free folk running in confusion, some toward the fighting, others away. A mammoth was stomping through a flock of sheep that three men were trying to herd off west. The drums were beating as the wildlings ran to form squares and lines, but they were too late, too disorganized, too slow. The enemy was emerging from the forest, from the east, the northeast, the north; three great columns of heavy horse, all dark glinting steel and bright wool surcoats. Not the men of Eastwatch, those had been no more than a line of scouts. An army. The king? Jon was as confused as the wildlings. Could Robb have returned? Had the boy on the Iron Throne finally bestirred himself?
I find it interesting that Jon initially thinks it's his brother, a military commander with a near spotless record, coming to rescue him. Then thinks that it should be the king on the iron throne; he's expecting a boy, but it's wasn't a boy who came.
I think that we're going to see a repeat of this in ADOS, with Dany as the real Azor Ahai and king coming to rescue Jon. Upon hearing that the Others have come and receiving Watch's call for aid, Dany will immediately choose to go North. Think of Stannis saying:
"Yes, I should have come sooner. If not for my Hand, I might not have come at all. Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne.” Stannis pointed north. “There is where I’ll find the foe that I was born to fight.”
Also notice how Dany's Trident dream alludes to a fated battle involving icy monsters.
This is all just conjecture right now but, Jon's chapter has Stannis breaking the wildling siege on Castle Black. In Jon's (obviously prophetic) ADWD dream, he's besieged by a wildling host who turn out to be Others/wights - this dream is literally a play by play of the battle at Castle Black; like to a tee, it's crazy. Jon is fighting alone in that dream, just as he was alone among the wildlings before Stannis came.
So my thinking is Jon gets besieged and he is fighting alone, in need of a helper.....
They are all gone. They have abandoned me. Burning shafts hissed upward, trailing tongues of fire. Scarecrow brothers tumbled down, black cloaks ablaze. “Snow,” an eagle cried, as foemen scuttled up the ice like spiders. Jon was armored in black ice, but his blade burned red in his fist. As the dead men reached the top of the Wall he sent them down to die again.
...then enter Daenerys, who is above all a savior.
“But,” Prince Aegon said, “without Daenerys and her dragons, how could we hope to win?” “You do not need to win,” Tyrion told him. “All you need to do is raise your banners, rally your supporters, and hold, until Daenerys arrives to join her strength to yours.” “You said she might not have me.” “Perhaps I overstated. She may take pity on you when you come begging for her hand.” The dwarf shrugged. “Do you want to wager your throne upon a woman’s whim? Go to Westeros, though … ah, then you are a rebel, not a beggar. Bold, reckless, a true scion of House Targaryen, walking in the footsteps of Aegon the Conqueror. A dragon. “I told you, I know our little queen. Let her hear that her brother Rhaegar’s murdered son is still alive, that this brave boy has raised the dragon standard of her forebears in Westeros once more, that he is fighting a desperate war to avenge his father and reclaim the Iron Throne for House Targaryen, hard-pressed on every side … and she will fly to your side as fast as wind and water can carry her. You are the last of her line, and this Mother of Dragons, this Breaker of Chains, is above all a rescuer.
Tyrion VI, ADWD
Dany dreams her fight is for the iron throne, but she is obviously fighting the Others. Tyrion thinks Dany is coming to rescue Rhaegar's son in his bid for the Iron Throne, but she will rescue him as he fights to save the world (and not doom it with more war). Notice how Jon atop the Wall dons house Targaryen's colors. Notice how he too is symbolized with Azor Ahai imagery, waving a beacon to light Dany's way. It's Aegon the Conqueror reversed. Dany's not here not for the throne. She's here to fulfill a prophecy, which Aegon never did.
Dany will save Jon while he's besieged by the Others :)
(small rant below)
This initially started as a post talking about Dany the war commander and kinda morphed into something else....
But it's funny to me that when people talk about the war for the dawn, it's always Jon and/or Bran who are made to be the natural war commanders or battle planners. And that's not a bad thing...but neither one of them has experience planning for and staging pitched battles. Bran has zero military experience to begin with and didn't receive the same education that Robb did. People assume that he'll be the commander because his skinchanging can be used for reconnaissance and thus battle command, but the one who canonically uses their skinchanging to spy on enemy troops and use the intel is Jon.
Jon, on the other hand, has battle experience but he was defending against a siege and not leading a fight in an open field. And that's not to say that he would be a bad tactician. He did an incredible job in ASOS defending the wall and ADWD also shows us that he can come up with intelligent plans on the fly. Anyway, aren't we told that people get stuck in their castles starving and with nowhere to go? Jon has experience leading sieges so he's the most suited for that. But he's not the most suited for breaking sieges and leading open battles because he doesn't have experience doing so.
DANY is the one who actually has experience as a more well rounded military commander. It's literally in her name: Daenerys, the sacker of cities. She has a spotless record as a military/war leader in Essos. That's Robb Stark level of prodigious ability, yet she does not get nearly enough respect in fandom. Robb will often get touted as one of the top commanders, even making top three/five for a lot of people, but doesn't Dany have similar stats and way more disadvantages? Shouldn't she be up there too? So out of anyone, shouldn't she be the war commander?
I was just annoyed that she has this insane record overturning enemy lines and breaking sieges and no ever talks about how that invaluable skill can be used against the Others. It's always "someone else will command her to go here and do this and do that". When talking about what looks like a war of attrition, why is no one mentioning the human battering ram being the key to success?? Feelsbadman :(
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suguruslut · 2 years
But why does he have to make a face like this😓😭
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capitaine-du-terror · 3 months
ARTICLES AND BOOKS (and illustrations!) BY H. GOODSIR
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- Anatomical and pathological observations, 1845.
Goodsir, John (1814-1867) Goodsir, Henry Duncan Spens ("Harry") (1819-1847).
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/75603#page/9/mode/1up
Harry is the author of the following three chapters:
N°VI. The testis and its secretion in the decapodous crustaceans (pp 35-40)
N°XII. The mode of reproduction of the lost parts in the crustacea (pp 74-78)
N°XIII. Of the anatomy and development of the cystic entozoa (pp 79-103)
> The last one was read before the York Meeting of the British Association in 1844. I did a little research and found that Goodsir was “secretary” in the zoology and botany section:
(Read more:https://www.ypsyork.org/resources/articles/the-1844-british-association-conference-and-the-first-photographs-taken-in-york/ )
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-Cases and observations illustrating the history and pathological relations of two kinds of hydatids, hitherto undescribed, 1844
Goodsir, Harry D. S. , Gairdner, John, Lee Thomas M. , Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/180385#page/3/mode/1up
Microscopial observations (two pages of illustrations at the end of the book, low quality).
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-On two new species of leachia, 1841
Goodsir, Henry D. S. Esq.
(from the Edimburgh New philosophical Journal for October 1841)
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/188531#page/1/mode/1up
(One illustration at the end)
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-Description of the genus Cuma, and of two new genera nearly allied to it, 1843
in: The Edinburgh new philosophical journal, vol. 34, pp 119-129
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/12565428#page/139/mode/1up
(Illustrations at the end)
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-On the specific and generic characters of the araneiform crustacea, 1844
in: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany and geology, vol. 14, pp 1-4
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/2331360#page/14/mode/1up
(One plate at the beginning)
- Description of some animals found amongst the Gulf-weed, february 1845
in: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany and geology, vol. 15, pp 73-76
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/2248314#page/98/mode/1up
(One plate at the beginning)
- Description of some gigantic forms of invertebrate animals from the coast of Scotland, june 1845
in: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany and geology, vol. 15, pp 377-383
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/2248663#page/427/mode/1up
(One plate at the beginning)
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-On the development, structure and eoconomy of the acephalocysts of authors; with an account of the natural analogies of the entozoa in general, june 1845
in: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany and geology, vol. 14, pp 481-484
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/22068990#page/495/mode/1up
Abstracted from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, having been read April 1, 1844.
> which I, of course, found:
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol XV
pp. 560-571, three plates
Link: https://archive.org/details/transactionsofro15roya/page/560/mode/2up?view=theater
(His brother was also there!)
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-On several new species of Crustaceans allied to Saphirina, 1845
in: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany and geology, vol. 16, pp 325-327
Link: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/22069398#page/339/mode/1up
+Plate XI (at the end)
This last article is also mentionning the Erebus... I'm not crying, you are.
PS: I hope you enjoyed this overview of Goodsir's work, it took me days to gather it all and I'm glad to be able to share it with you all. As I'll soon be in Edinburgh, you can expect to see more Goodsir content! Love <3
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infranuz · 1 year
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“I heard that you fell in love, or near enough”
📹 SNAP OUT OF IT!! ; chishiya x fem!reader * social media au
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synopsis — [name], the poor hopeless romantic who’s been told countless of times to not fall just for anybody goes and gets tangled with her brothers best friend. It is now up to chishiya kuina and arisu to snap her out of it. “[name] he has a girlfriend!!” “WHAT!?!”
genre — fluff, slight angst, modern/college au, childhood friends to lovers, slow burn-ish?, unrequited love, crack-ish
warnings; one sided pinging (for a little while), cursing (ofc..), kys and kms used as a joke, most likely horrible spelling and grammar, writing from a beginner 😭 read at your own risk.. reader does like karube here but it’s not a karube x reader fic
status — ongoing 012523— xxxxxx // ON-HOLD
taglist — open !!
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“you’re hopeless” || profiles (2)
< nwjns 3 ,, fluffies
> if you would like to see profiles go to my blog bc tumblr breaks my post when I put links to my post, apologies in advance
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꩜ — for chapters with written fic
I ,, your hands are cold ; ꩜
II ,, a kiss for you ig ; ꩜
IV ,, hopeless ; ꩜ chishiya focused
V ,, im so in love ; ꩜
VI ,, operation : crash the date!! ; ꩜
VII ,, hypnotized?
VIII ,, what
IX ,, decent guy
X ,, dreams
XI ,, save your tears
tba . . .
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