#chaos began to take form when he entered adulthood
sigma-el · 9 months
I was just here, sketching to help me fixing ideas and concepts of characters I write about... and while I was messing with Xangr's hair of the period he left the mage guild to listen to some obscure designs, I fell on... Darra. @downontheupside
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Hi, 2E male Darra.
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kafus · 11 days
i really need to talk about why Gestalt is the perfect song to kick off Kaf's new era a little bit or i'm going to explode
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talking about this requires some background knowledge and i'm aware most people who are going to read this probably don't know that much about Kaf so i'll talk about her history a little bit - Gestalt is Kaf's first solo release in a whole year. this is a considerably long time for her, and it's because the person who had been writing her songs for/with her for her entire career, Kanzaki Iori, left Kamitsubaki Studio early last year due to personal complications with himself as an artist (he is still on very good terms with Kaf and the rest of Kamitsubaki's staff!!)
additionally, Kaf's music with Kanzaki had always primarily been centered on various bittersweet and painful themes, but especially the pain of growing up/becoming an adult. this was especially pertinent because Kaf started Being Kaf when she was 14 years old, so she was singing from a place of genuine teenage angst. as she began to inch closer to adulthood and then became an adult herself, however, the feeling of her music shifted from singing about a far-off adult future, to an incredibly immediate one, with songs like her final song with Kanzaki, Kaikou, but especially Kyoukankaku which also came out during those last few months of Kanzaki being around. (i will spare you a whole ramble about these songs, you just have to take my word on the thematics up to this point lol. feel free to look into it further if you like)
so, Kanzaki leaving left Kaf in a bit of a limbo state for a while since so much of her musical identity was built off of her work with him and the topics they explored. she would need to form a new musical identity and figure out where to go from Kanzaki leaving... she spent about a year releasing her last songs with him as well as pumping out covers and collaboration songs with other musicians. but now, finally, she's back to releasing her own work! Gestalt was actually debuted at her KAIKA concert back in January, but only now has the studio release and full music video come out.
Gestalt is representational of her finally entering her new era after this big transitional period. even the official english description for Gestalt says:
KAF embarks on the next stage of her journey.
and oh boy does she!!!
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Gestalt looks and feels like a super fun dance song in both the song itself and the MV. the description also says:
Over a year since KAF's last solo release, "Gestalt" is a 'killer dance tune' for the modern age.
and they're right. it is a killer dance tune. this shit slaps. but there's more to it than that.
it's immediately apparent when looking at the lyrics that there's more going on here - take this bit from the official english translation of the first verse for example:
From emotions to configurations When they start to break down I lose all understanding In so many ways Ahh I can't breathe Celebrating suffocation I can't take this
doesn't sound very fun or happy right? sounds chaotic. kaf is suffocating. she is losing her shit. but then it's followed up with:
Drop the beat! This disruptive Unnatural Forbidden gathering "Don't come here" "Don't look there" This is where it all starts to get good It's greedy Warped and twisted But hold me tight It's so hard to get it right, this losing game Seems like working together is the only way
to me, this is Kaf inviting the audience to dance with her amidst the chaos that she and all of us are suffocating in. the "unnatural and forbidden gathering" part is referring to how her and all of us are outcasts of society, how us trying to dance and experience joy while suffocating is looked at strangely. but the only way to survive in "this losing game" (of adult life) is to Work Together! be together!! dance together!!
that idea of being together in spite of suffering is the core message of the entire song, which is even brought out by its title, Gestalt. Gestaltism is essentially the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, that the whole is worth more than the individual components. both the title and the lyrics of the song emphasize togetherness and dancing as a whole.
this is already a much more optimistic take on those themes of Adulthood Hard and Life Is Pain, portrayed in a much peppier way than Kaf is generally used to. it's familiar, it feels like Kaf, but there's a new spin on it now! it really feels like Kaf is debuting her new era with explosive energy. it's very much "i lived bitch" to me - she's an adult now like she always dreaded being but despite it all she's dancing within the chaos and you should join her for that in this new era!!
but it actually goes deeper than that, because Kaf's MVs have always been made thoughtfully and usually pertain to the meaning of the song, and this one is no different. the animation also ties back into this transition and meaning.
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^ these screencaps are from Gestalt (2024) and Just Forget About It (2019) respectively. both music videos were directed by Kawasaki Kenji, who worked on most of Kaf's older music videos and was the person who defined her visual style for a good portion of her career. older Kaf MVs almost always had some element of Kaf existing in real life environments, like some sort of alien girl wandering the streets of Tokyo. she was often put into very mundane locations with a good amount of wide shots, creating this ethereal feeling.
well, Kenji implements those themes into Gestalt for sure... a lot of the MV feels like an older Kaf MV. but there's a couple MAJOR differences...
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instead of just idling around and looking wistful like in her older videos, she is DANCING!! and the usual typography in her videos is extremely stylized and much more colorful than usual, plus the environments are decorated with a ton of colorful and overlapping shapes breaking up the relatively mundane and even melancholic looking environment (for the record, "gestalt" is also a type of visual design involving closed shapes, so the typography and shape language here also ties into the title of the song lol).
essentially what they've done here is draw back on the Kaf everyone knows and loves but gone hey, now it's colorful and explosive and high energy! this is new, too!! which is exactly what the song is trying to do as well! familiar themes but portrayed in a completely new light
and as one last aside, it is also worth mentioning real quick that Kaf's current outfit for the year or so, Raichou, was debuted at her concert in January where this song was also debuted, and while not specific to Gestalt, her character designer PALOW really made sure to change how Kaf looks a lot more than usual this time for her new era. Kaf has a new main look every year or so and those outfits can define entire eras for her, and usually they're darker and heavier on the blue, but Raichou is nearly devoid of any blue and has a very different feel. they even changed her hair to be cut flat, something she hasn't done before.
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anyways TLDR; my takeaway from Gestalt is i'm dancing with Kaf in this new era amidst the world being on fire so hard. joy and whimsy in the face of suffering bitch‼️get ready because Kaf is going to keep making banger music in new ways the likes of which we have never seen!!! this song is literally a perfect transitional song drawing on Kaf of old and bringing her into the new. absolutely genius. Piedpiper has done it again. thank you Jazzin'park for your service
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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Chapter 20
Original Title:  二哈和他的白猫师尊
Genres: Drama, Romance, Tragedy, Xianxia, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 20 - This Venerable One Will Tell You a Story (Part 2)
Early the next morning, the members of the Chen family walked back from their relatives and saw that the orange tree in their courtyard had fallen down and the oranges were spread all over the ground. There weren't many other residents around here. They were only close with the Luo family. When they thought of how Luo Xianxian drooled over those oranges every day, the Chen family were sure——
The oranges must have been stolen by that bastard child, Luo Xianxian!
Not only did she steal them but she got jealous and chopped down their orange tree!
The Chen family immediately went to Luo Shusheng to complain. Luo Shusheng couldn't bear such humiliation. He immediately called his daughter over and asked her angrily if she stole the oranges.
Luo Xianxian cried and said no.
He asked if she had cut the tree down.
Again, Luo Xianxian said no.
He asked her if she had eaten the oranges.
Luo Xianxian couldn't lie so she had to admit that she did.
Before she could explain, her furious father ordered her to kneel down. She was beaten with a ruler in front of the Chen family. While he beat her, he said: "Raising a daughter is much worse than raising a sun! At such a young age, how could you do such a thing? Shame on you! You disgraced your father! As punishment, you won't have anything to eat today and you'll face the wall for three days. Think about your mistakes and repent--"
"Dad, it wasn't me! It really wasn't me!"
"How dare you talk back to me!"
No one believed her. Although the Lower Cultivation World was in chaos Caidie Town was an exception. The town had always been simple and honest, no one locked their door. What was she supposed to say; that a bloody lunatic ran in in the middle of the night? Who would believe it?
Luo Xianxian's small hands were split open from the beating.
The members of the Chen family looked at her coldly. Only the oldest boy among them, pulling at the corner of his mother's clothes, hesitated to speak.
His mother ignored him and there was nothing he could do about it. The boy's small face scrunched up. He couldn't bear it, and he stood off to the side, unwilling to look anymore.
At night, Luo Xianxian didn't dare go back to her room, squatting under the eaves of her house, standing pitifully.
Her father was a scholar and couldn't tolerate stealing. Moreover, he had a rotten and sour aura, and he was stubborn, unwilling to listen to explanations.
Luo Xianxian's head was dizzy after a day with no food. Suddenly someone whispered to her: "Miss Luo."
Luo Xianxian turned his head and saw a well-groomed head protruding from the edge of the dirt wall. It was Chen Bohuan, the eldest son of the Chen family who tried to help her plead her case earlier.
Chen Bohuan did a couple checks over the dirt wall to make sure no one was watching. He was carrying a hot steamed bun in his arms, and without saying a word, he shoved it into her hand.
"I know you've been standing by the wall all day and haven't eaten anything. Here's a steamed bun. Hurry up and eat it."
"I..." Luo Xianxian had always been shy. She had lived here for several months and had never spoken to her neighbour's son. Now, they were so close together that she inadvertently took a few steps back and banged her head against the wall. Still, she stammered out: "I couldn't. . . Dad won't let me. . . He said. . ."
She was incoherent and couldn't even form a complete sentence.
Chen Bohuan said: "Oh, your father's watching you at all times? What do you care what he's doing? If you're hungry, don't starve yourself. Eat it. If you don't, it'll get cold."
The steamed bun was soft and white, looking so enticing, steam rising from it.
Luo Xianxian looked down and stared for a while, taking a large gulp.
She was so hungry, too. Regardless of whether she was supposed to be a gentleman or not, she grabbed the steamed bun and inhaled it, gobbling it up in no time.
After eating it, she raised her round eyes and rushed to explain to Chen Bohuan: "I didn't cut down the orange tree, and I try to steal any."
Chen Bohuan was taken aback, and slowly smiled: "Okay."
"But they don't believe me. . ." With such an emotional gaze, Luo Xianxian's heart slowly opened, her anger melting away like snow. She wailed, her mouth wide open. She wiped her tears and wept loudly: "None of them believe me. . . I didn't steal. . . I didn't. . ."
Chen Bohuan patted her back: "I know you didn't steal it. Like come on, you stand under the tree and stare at it every day yet you never took an orange. You would've stolen some a long time ago. . ."
"I didn't do it! I didn't do it!" Her crying became more fierce, tears and snot rolling on her face.
Chen Bohuan consoled her: "You didn't do it, you didn't do it."
The two children got to know each other very well.
Later, there was a murder in a neighbouring village. A few nights ago, a bandit covered in blood entered a family's home and wanted to borrow the family's bedroom to sleep. When the man did not agree, the bandit stabbed the family to death. Then, in the room full of corpses, he slept peacefully and leisurely left the next day during the daylight. He left and even left a message written in blood on the wall. He wrote out a large message, detailing everything he had done to make sure the world knew that an evil individual like him existed.
This tragedy immediately spread like wildfire, and soon reached Caidie Town. That was the night Luo Xianxian admitted she had met "Mr. Madman".
Luo Shusheng and the Chen family were speechless.
After the misunderstanding was cleared up, the two families were in much closer contact. The Chen family saw that Luo Xianxian was cute hardworking little beauty. They thought that, based on their current situation, it would be difficult to find a daughter-in-law, so they quickly arranged the marriage of Chen Bohuan and Luo Xianxian. Once they reached adulthood, they would officially be wed.
When Luo Shusheng saw his daughter and Chen Bohuan were good childhood friends, so he readily agreed.
As the days passed, if it weren't for Luo Shusheng's love of elegance and fragrance, then the Chen and Luo families would live lives of poverty and tranquillity as they had originally expected.
Unfortunately, Luo Shusheng accidentally made the "Hundred Butterfly Fragrance Powder".
Although the scent of the powder was nothing special and it wasn't much different from the typical powders in town, it had a benefit that ordinary powders didn't——
It could last for a hundred days with a neverending afterglow.
Hundred Butterfly Fragrance Powder lasted for a long time and it didn't wear off easily. It was exactly what everyday people were looking for in terms of good quality and low price.
Luo Shusheng, Mr. "Everything is inferior; the only excellence is in academia." Even though he made the powder, he didn't want to sell it, thinking that he "would lose his identity."
If he didn't sell it, naturally others will worry about it.
Madam Chen repeatedly tried to get the recipe out of him and urged Luo Shusheng to open a shop, but she was always rejected. After going back and forth, Madam Chen got embarrassed, so she stopped bringing it up, but she silently always kept it in mind.
The year Luo Xianxian reached adulthood, the opportunity came. Luo Shusheng's sickly body had contracted tuberculosis. He suffered for a few days then died. As Luo Xianxian's in-laws, even though she wasn't officially their daughter-in-law yet, they were still close friends, so they got busy helping her arrange the funeral.
Luo Xianxian burst into tears of gratitude. What she didn't know was that Madam Chen had a plan to quietly walk away with the secret powder recipe while she packed up Luo Shusheng's things.
That night, Madam Chen, under the light of a soybean oil lamp, was full of excitement, ready to read the recipe. After only one glance, she was at a loss.
Luo Shusheng's words danced across the page, calligraphy that typically would be considered elegant and unrestrained. She stared at it for a long time, but she couldn't understand half of the words.
She had no choice but to return the recipe quietly.
A few months later, after Luo Xianxian had a chance to grieve, she invited the girl over to their house for dinner and "inadvertently" mentioned the Hundred Butterfly Fragrance Powder in a passing conversation.
Luo Xianxian thought to herself there was no point in keeping the recipe at home. Her mother-in-law treated herself so well. If she wanted it, she'd give it to her.
So she found it her father's things and helped Madam Chen to distinguish the individual characters and sort out the precise recipe.
Madam Chen was ecstatic. When she got the recipe, she and her husband opened a perfume shop together.
Of course, she was still very fond of her gentle and sensible prospective daughter-in-law. The more Luo Xianxian grew, the more beautiful she became. Although her family was unfortunate, her looks were some of the best in town and many young people in the town began to pay attention to her.
A long night is filled with dreams*, Madam Chen thought to herself. They'd need to hurry and secure the marriage.
*(T/N: 夜长梦多 - means that the longer something is put off, the more likely something will happen before you're able to do it)
However, Luo Xianxian just lost his father. According to the custom of Caidie Town, she couldn't get married for three years after the death of her parent.
How could Madam Chen wait for three years? She deliberated and thought of a way--
One day, Luo Xianxian was braiding the hair of the Chen's family young daughter. She had a very good relationship with the youngest Chen daughter. Luo Xianxian pulled the hair over and under and the braid trailed down her back.
Madam Chen walked into the courtyard and called Luo Xianxian to the inner hall. She said to her: "Xianxian, you and Bohuan were childhood sweethearts and had a marriage arranged. Now that your father is gone, you must be lonely. It can't be easy living by yourself. You should be getting married this year. But we have the three-year mourning period, so you can't get married, so I got thinking: if you wait for three years, how old are you going to be?
Luo Xianxian lowered her head. She didn't say anything but she was clever and could guess what Madam Chen was insinuating. Her cheeks grew slightly red.
Sure enough, Madam Chen went on to say:
"Living alone must be so difficult and tiring. How about this - you two get married behind closed doors. No one needs to know. If anyone asks, just say that you're living with your auntie to help care for her and preparing to be her daughter-in-law. This will not only complete the wedding rituals without the worry of being criticized, but also give your father some peace in the underworld. After the three-year period is up, we'll have a beautiful proper wedding for you two, alright?"
Her remarks sounded like she cared about Luo Xianxian. Luo Xianxian was a person who always saw the best in others and would never think badly about someone else so she agreed.
Later, the Chen family made a fortune by selling the Hundred Butterfly Fragrance Powder. They moved out of their old house, bought a large piece of land in the town, built a mansion on it, and became a powerful family.
Luo Xianxian had become a shadow among the many figures of the large household, an infrequent presence.
People in the town thought that Luo Xianxian had been taken in by Madam Chen, so she lived in the Chen house. They didn't know that she was actually married to Chen Bohuan.
Although it wasn't perfect, Luo Xianxian thought that her mother-in-law was doing this for her own good so that people didn't gossip, so she didn't complain. In addition, Chen Bohuan was dear to her, the couple living a sweet and fulfilling life. They only need to wait for the three-year period to pass then everything would return to normal.
But Luo Xianxian didn't wait for the day of the official wedding.
The Chen family business was growing larger and larger. In addition, Chen Bohuan was handsome. Not just in Caidie Town but even the daughters of the big families in the surrounding towns had begun to play with the idea of marrying Young Master Chen. With this development, Madam Chen's mind was racing.
Back then, she decided to secure Luo Xianxian because she thought she wouldn't be able to find a good daughter-in-law when they were nothing but a farming family.
Who would have thought that the heavens would bless the Chen family and allow them to soar into high society? Now, when she looked back at Luo Xianxian, she felt that the girl was not good-looking enough and she wasn't intelligent enough. Like her dead father, she was unpleasant to look at.
She regretted it a bit.
The appearance of Yao Qianjin turned her "a bit" into "a lot".
Yao Qianjin is the daughter of the county magistrate. She loved men in positions. One day she returned from hunting on a horse. She passed by an incense shop and picked out a few fragrance powders. It didn't matter what fragrances she picked out, but she caught a glimpse of the busy handsome young man in the hall.
The gentleman was no other than Luo Xianxian's husband, Chen Bohuan.
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justarandomsideblog · 3 years
Okay I admit it I'm obsessed, just more Winged!Fundy AU stuffs
-Most of canon is side-stepped, using rough elements as a guideline (L'Manburg was a thing, it had its revolution, the 16th and doomsday, Wilbur died, Fundy and Phil are estranged/disowned, Fundy has his prophetic dreams which jumpstart his godly magic, etc) but Fundy is around the same age as Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo are physically (the former of the two being immortals and the latter having a naturally long lifespan), and it takes place in a world where the nuke wasn't stolen and Quackity gets to be happy okay. Fundy is still being haunted by his dreams and begins to suffer from derealization, though I have no intention of going into details about it.
-Dream himself is mortal and isn't the big bad, but DreamXD, his twin/doppelganger is a god of chaos and is the main antagonist, and Dream is working for DreamXD. DreamXD has noticed Fundy's powers awakening.
-Phil is one of a handful of Angels of Death, having been created by Death through magic. He is technically Death's son, and if Death ever falls is the next choice to become the god of Death. He is technically a god, but as the son of a god and having wings he is referred to more often as an angel. Wilbur and Tommy are his biological sons, though they have different mothers (who are mortal and lived roughly 100 years apart). So technically all three of them are Angels of Death, and all their wings are made of magic.
-Wilbur manifested his godly magic when he was 3, and had Phil there to guide him through it so that growing his wings wouldn't hurt. His wings were pepper gray and white, but when he was still a small child he had a traumatic accident that irreversibly damaged his wings, and his wings were magically removed since leaving them be would have caused more problems.
-Tommy was barely 6 months old when he manifested his godly magic and grew his wings, taking both Phil and Wil by surprise. His wings are pure gold, a stark contrast to his father and brother. He still has them, but he started hiding them when he got involved in wars since they would become a target for the enemy.
-Angels have a special magic called an Angel's Bond, where they can, only once in their lives, share a bond with a mortal and extend their immortal life to them. There's different kinds of bonds this can fall under, though the most common are familial bonds, often between a mortal who was taken in by gods or angels. It ties that mortal's life to the angel's, and until the angel dies the mortal cannot die and will only age at the same rate as the angel.
-Techno and Tubbo are Phil's adopted children. Techno was found as a young Piglin in the nether, and he was roughly the same age as Wilbur. Phil ended up using his Angel's Bond with Techno. Tommy brought Tubbo home one day, Tubbo an orphan trying to get by in the forest, and Phil welcomed Tubbo into their home. Tommy ended up using his Angel's Bond with Tubbo after finding out that Tubbo's going to grow old and die before Tommy ever even reached adulthood. Phil has concerns about Tommy using his One and Only bond so young, but it can't be reversed so...
-Sally is the daughter of a god, and was created through magic. She has many sisters. Their mother calls themself Mother Nature, even though they are more accurately Life (versus Phil's father being Death) and Fundy is the actual embodiment of Nature, being the one and only descendant of Life and Death.
-Wilbur and Sally knew each other were angels/spirits/the children of gods, and they knew they were the children of opposite gods, meaning that their love was technically a forbidden love as life and death magic was never meant to mix. They fell in love anyways, and though the god of Life disapproved, they just sat back and watched. Sally actually couldn't have kids, being a product of pure magic, and ended up asking Life for help, and in the process made a deal; she and Wilbur got to have a kid and in exchange, they could never awaken the kid's magic (thus, these two immortals' son would be doomed to mortality) and Sally had to return to the sea after the kid turned 5. Oh, and Sally had to take a different form after being pregnant because Life did not want their grandchild to appear human. Yea Life's a sick fuck. Wilbur actually wanted to disagree but Sally wanted to have a kid biologically (they did raise several adopted kids which was very fulfilling but Sally just... wanted to have a baby, idk why, couldn't be me) so she agreed. Wilbur cried the day he came in for breakfast to find his wife had transformed into a fox woman cause he knew the timer had begun.
-They didn't tell anyone, not even Fundy, who they intended to raise as a mortal. They took away all magic from their house and told Fundy that Wil was a musician and Sally was an accountant. It was after Sally disappeared that Wilbur built L'Manburg's walls.
-Wilbur managed to keep Fundy from manifesting his magic all throughout his childhood and teenagehood, and he never found out that Fundy figured out astral projection and shapeshifting. After Wilbur died, however, Fundy began exploring a little more and ended up discovering some of his other powers (prophetic dreams/dreamwalking, being able to mold the world around him to a degree, things like that) and Ghostbur didn't remember enough to keep an eye on him. Phil had no idea, since Wilbur never told him, he never met Sally and Fundy hadn't manifested his magic when Phil was around. This time, where Fundy is completely alone and has all the time to himself, is when he begins manifesting the magic his parents had tried so hard to keep him from manifesting, and it's when the phantom pains from wings that hadn't grown yet began. It is a PAINFUL process to grow wings, even magically, because it comes from under the skin/attaches to muscle and bone, and since he has no older or more experienced Angel with him he has no one to help him or guide him...
-Ranboo is there when Fundy's wings grow, a very traumatizing moment for both of them (blood and Fundy definitely passes out and all that fun stuff), and manages to convince Fundy to not immediately try to chop them off with an axe (Fundy was panicking) but Fundy refused to go to Phil or Tommy because he has Issues(TM). Namely, he didn't want his family to decide he's suddenly worth loving because it turns out he's just like them after all. In fact, he's terrified that if they find out, he can never have a relationship with them because he'll never be sure if they love him or just love that he's like them. He wants to be loved for who he is, not what he is...
-On the other hand, Phil and Techno threaten to kill Dream when Dream shows interest (/p) in Fundy, and Phil tells him to "stay the hell away from my grandson" because even if he's angry about the whole Butcher Army thing, still, he is NOT about to let some cretin near his grandson. They do love him. They're just mad and waiting for a proper apology. (Phil, of course, does not know Fundy is more god than mortal so the idea of him manifesting death magic and growing wings doesn't even cross his mind, and doesn't know he let Fundy go through the wing growing process all by himself.)
-Funboo (/p) shenanigans as they try to hide the existence of Fundy's wings from literally everyone else. Tommy and Tubbo finding out in possibly the worst way possible. Tommy freaking out because Fundy A) went through that painful and traumatic process without another angel there to help, B) is trying to teach himself how to fly and use magic, and C) didn't feel like he could go to his own family about this thing that everyone in their family has gone through.
-Emotional family shit as Tommy realizes just how alone and isolated Fundy felt, not even willing to go to his own family to learn more about his magic? Learn how to fly?
-Enter Tommy&Tubbo&Fundy&Ranboo (/p ofc) shenanigans as they, very specifically, try to hide this from Phil, Techno, Ghostbur and anyone else they think might even possibly let it spill to them. Also Tommy taking over teaching Fundy about his magic and flying, because "no offence Ranboo but this is very different from enderman stuff"
-Fundy trying to come to terms with the fact that his family's perception of him won't change just because it turns out he's not mortal
-Fundy figuring out how to astral project right out of the mortal plane and talk to his father in the afterlife. It's tense ofc their last meeting was not a good one but Fundy needs answers because nothing's adding up....
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korra4321 · 4 years
Epiphany (Gifts sequel)
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Word Count:14.5K
Trigger warnings: Violence, strong language , yandere themes 
Teaser :Epiphany is a moment of sudden and great revelation or realization.
Fate really have it twisted way of bringing two broken souls together, the said souls share the copy image view of the world not only mutual understanding but bring out the best in his other half , understand one another with the simplest move , love unconditionally and care for each other like there is no one but them. Soulmate bond that unbroken, soulmate was a whole being divided by two , one soul in two separate bodies.
Korra found on him the companion that she was seeking all the time , someone who understands her no matter how massed up and fucked up she was , the later always understand her , someone who view the world just the same like he was seeing it through her own eyes, he was magical too and he brought a new purpose to her life , he saved her from the bottomless loneliness. Tom found on her everything literally, a savior, a companion, someone like him with extraordinary abilities, she showed him how special he was , cared for him like a human being that he was, he felt gratitude for her first , he wanted to give back to her and protect her that feeling slowly developed to a youthful liking that took an expected turn to become an endless obsession that growth worse day by day.
He called it love and soulmate decided by fate. She called it companionship of no more or less then best friend platonic love.
Korra laid down on her bed, no there bed now that her massed up besitie claimed it as theirs , he was taking a bath in the exact same water she just bathed into it.
She heard him humming a song that she always listen to when she was working and she let her mind roam for a second debating if he always did that in his time in the prison , she though that leaving him there will help him realize that she doesn't have romantic feeling toward him , the only emotions her heart hold for him was platonic one .
But unfortunately it did not help at all, it made him believe she was either :
A)giving him time out as a punishment of not telling her he was Lord Voldemort and not making her involved in the purge as her right for being his soulmate
B) transferring there relationship to the state of long distance one to taste his ability for it which he proved to be idealist one
Even direct method of communication like talking her feeling toward him to make it loud and clear made the latter believe she was denying her feeling and too afraid to let herself being loved and love someone , loving her soulmate, he claimed that she have Philophobia . He called himself her medicine that will cure her of that phobia.
She sighed making herself in the fetus position , as she deeply analyzed trying to see from when and where he started loving her and having that 'we are soulmate' delusion .
Usually adolescence start having crushes around fourteen years old the average age where puberty happen , the awkward stage of leaving the childhood and entering the mystery land of teenage years that will be the gate to adulthood the current state of which both of them where now , they are doomed to stay in it for evermore .
"Fucking horcruxes" Korra scowled her tone dripping loath for whoever had a hand in letting him know about it , she never felt the desire to rip one throat with her bare teeth or the desire to curse him down with all the unforgivable curses respectfully in sequence .
In her fetus position she froze down at the idea, at the train of thought and where it landed her. She was thinking just like him, the ill intention to cause harm and unmentionable thing to an innocent.
Maybe just maybe they were .... alike?
‘No...I am not the same as someone who torment ,kill and destroy pure people life .’ She buried her face in the pillow deeper , letting the soft cushion consume all of her face , needed to let it block her though
How dare she let herself to even think they were the same? Next thing she knew that she would believe that they were product of fate design, the two shards of the same entity... soulmates.
Whoever said that one mind can be it worse enemy is truly man of wisdom. Even if the said wisdom applies to her right now, it's a sword with two different blades, her ally and her foe.
She could use it as weapon if she played her cards right. She can be free in no time and she could run away from him if she pretended that his ' treatment ' is curing her of her blindness of the indisputable truth.
'and then when he see I view him as a soulmate, I will run away when he give me freedom, when he trust me blindly ' Her mind was being her ally right now , Lady luck was on her side , her lady hope persona may lost the battle but there is war left , there is fire left on her that didn't die .
The door of the bathroom slightly opened leaving a crack that let the steam escape and the scented candles with lavender to spread into the air. And his humming stopped.
"Korra dear? Is everything alright there?" His voice was worried with no other trace of emotion there, just filled with worry.
"Yes Tom, everything is right, did something happened?" She matched his voice.
The crack spread more allowing for his wet head to be seen, and that smile to be fully displayed on it glory ,"it just that I heard you saying, " he paused for a few seconds allowing himself to perfectly mimic her words like a passage of speech from president himself. "Fucking horcruxes" his smiled forsaken for a smirk . "Darling you can't ..have an intercourse of that type with a container ...but if you feel...." Korra who's face exploded with red had avoided eye contact with him and rushed to cut his sentence. "No! I..don't want that ..." He chuckled softly , like she made an inside joke . "I know you don't want it ....now ....you are just saving yourself up for our wedding" His eyes had hunger look into them as he slowly closed the door.
Leaving her a mess of red and heat, while he returned to his humming that followed by more tone of euphoric.
She really needed to get out of that place.
As a mocking from fate her eyes landed on the pillow form the living room, she didn't know why it was there but the writing on it mocked her
It's like a butcher welcoming a livestock before ending them for good.
She stepped out of the bed, but remembered the masks, she looked at them.
Lord Voldemort persona was staring at her with unforgiving stare promising chaos to whoever breathed an insult directly or indirectly to her or him, to any and every no magical human to make them existent from the word of living.
Her eyes drafted slightly to the right.
Lady Hope is antonym of her counterpart, her eyes brought mercy and hope to the suffering survivors, a reminder of the light side that still exist.
Anyone in their right mind will see that they were the opposite, foes made to destroy one another. Light vs dark in their form of materialistic.
But not to him of course.
Tom Marvalo Riddle was soaking wet in the bathtub He couldn't help but to feel rush of adrenalin through his vines.
That smirk was still in his lips. The masks were even more proof of their love.
Lord Voldemort destroy the enemy while Lady Hope cure the falling of their side both mentally and physically like the ancient Yin and Yang, one can cease to exist without the other, they need each other to survive.
Why she was so confused and misguided by those muggles ? His teeth chatting and his jaw clinched. The rotten muggles made her filthy . How dare they firstly to drive her away from her world that rightfully belong to her by their nasty spawn of Satan that doesn't have the ghost of claim to magic that preserved only for pureblood no they stole magic from them no claiming to claim something is to have an ownership right for it ,secondly they made her live among them doing low job that barley cover the bills ?
In infuriating he ran his hands through his long hairlines, he recalled that she would return them to their original length just the same length she putted will he did what he always does, impressive her.
He breathed in more of that scented smell of lavender, he noted to himself that in the manor he bought for them and just them he will grow lavender in the garden and more lovely flowers so when she walk the pathway it always have a scent she liked.
He has millions and more scenarios of their eternal life together, he had one year of isolation to plan it and write it down on the diary, even living them in his slumber.
He heard the sound of a door opening and he was half expecting that she will be joining him, he embraced himself to feel her body heat against his and move his body to the side of the bathtub making space for her and he moved a finger and music began a pleasing song filled the atmosphere but the bathroom door was not the one who opened that the bedroom one .
Korra was on the hallway , it was still Halloween night she called hear children screaming with enjoyment "trick or treat", she looked at the window and saw youngsters wearing cosplays of their favorite characters even that one of them even wore a suit and claimed to be bodyguard for his sister that wore a simple regular custom resemble modern princess. she got an instant flashback at the sign of the two.
It was Tom first year Halloween with her and she wanted to give him as normal childhood as someone like him called. Blaz was waiting for them at the living room to get ready for the ancient act of trick and treat.
"Are you sure you want to be wearing suit? I don't mind it but it's your choice " he simply nods and flashed her a lovely smile. "Yes bestie, I am really sure also I read in a book that cliché is overrated so why not use something new?" The boy that too mature for his age said , Korra theorized that his suffering and tormenting that he faced in the orphanage led him to be this developed in his mind but they say that trauma build the character ,it's a sacrifice of innocent for the gain of knowledge.
Korra left him to change to her custom in her room . the boy mentally scolded, he never liked this 'Blaz' , but for her he will pretend that he tolerate him until he find the perfect method to get him to leave them alone .he looked at himself on the mirror .the reflection showed his dark hair gracing his childhood feathers and his dark eyes matched the occasion and the suit that he insist on wearing will give an effect on anyone to not talk down to him.
After couple of minutes Korra come back wearing regular clothes that was not addressing the holiday at all, he extended his hand to her like a young gentleman , korra though he was being in the character so she took his hand into hers and they wordlessly went downstairs to join Blaz . The man jumped to his feet from seeing that she was not dress up and he was wearing skeleton custom . "You...you didn't dress up?" Blaz voice filled with disappointment as his eyes traveled between his custom and her regular everyday clothes . She shrugged "I am going in as a background character they don't dress shiny like the protagonist and antagonist, just normal to blend in" she took a good look at his custom and an idea popped into her head ." I can be the previous you ... Living just before death" Tom hand on her squeeze and he bite his lips making them thin line, just the idea of losing her to death was unbearable , he hated how death means separation of loved one, in his orphanage days he was starved out of love and caring that he craved so frantically, just because he was different than others doesn't mean he didn't yearn for his basic human right of emotional containing. That made him attached to her as she was the sole survivor with him after the apocalypse.
"And Tom? let me guess a high lord of a previous lifetime?" Blaz voice may come as cheery for others but to him it's as irritating as sharp nails on a chalkboard. He just couldn't wait to get him out of the picture. It took Tom a maximum of five seconds to put his fake tolerance for Blaz to display. His vocal was so calm and soft as his dark eyes held warmth of the sun in a winter morning "You can say so , but in fact I am korra's bodyguard...she may say she's a background character for someone story but for me she’s the heroine in my book" his eyes captivated with real emotions of gratefulness as he continues with charming tone ." She's my savior" with a kiss on her hand he finished.
"Tom....that’s too much .... You are too much of a true gentleman now " Korra who can't remember the last time someone made positive remark on her maybe it was when she worked in the ministry when Jonathan Morgenstern an aurora made a mistake of practicing magic to let out a fire when he was camping during his vacation unaware of unwanted attention of a muggle who was hiking which led the wizard to ask the ministry to send an obliviter to fix his undone, he called her in a friendly comment a light giver due after obliviating the muggle she didn't forget to bring with her a light to help him start a bonfire. That nickname become her code name after the accident .
"No bestie I am telling the truth....is that a tear?" Indeed she had a silent tear on her eyelids , "yes, something went into my eyes I think it was an eyelash" she was not lying completely since one was on her eyes and she had a tear because of the impact pf his words on her , it was fate giving her a merciful look.
"Let me rub it out for you" before she can protest he reach out his hand that she knelt to his head level allowing him to get the stubbornly eyelash for her but instead of dismissing it with his hand the boy put it on his hand palm . "Bestie what are you doing?" Korra was concerned that he will practice magic Infront of Blaz. "It's a saying in a folklore that if you put an eyelash on your hand and made a wish it will become true , come one bestie make a wish for me"
The woman mumbled lowly out of Blaz earshot but in Tom's one "I wish that we will stay best friends forever " and then she bellowed. ----- When they walked from house to house that was decorated for the night of the mythical creatures, enjoying the peaceful night without any accident until one that nearly ruining the night for them had happened . They were walking to the last house of the night when the one responded to the door ball was an obese man with his double chin and obvious vines that was nearly everywhere and his smell was straight out of butcher as he smelled of livestock fat and tissues , his eyes was too inside of him that he had to widen them to get great view opened the door. "Trick or treat" Tom said as he felt the weight of his bag full of sweets from the night . The man that awfully reminded anyone looking at him of a pig grinned as he looked above and behind Tom shoulders to Korra, his hands around the glass bowl he was holding tightened while colors of deep red exploded on his face he licked his lips as saliva escaped his mouth . "Oh dear lord knows I don't mind trick ...private trick from her " his tone heavy with unmistakable lust as he made clear with his eyes what type of tricks he seek from her . Blaz didn't get the time to respond to the direct verbal sexual harassment when it happened.
The bowl in the human pig hands exploded candies falling like tiny rain of child dream on the small area between them ,shards of glass entering the man body piercing his skin do deep that it surprised Blaz with how deep the shards buried into the man that they disappeared in him like pins hanging on a jacket not a living body , but that didn't shock Blaz more than the fact that in nothing but a miracle when the bowl exploded a wind blowing from behind them protected them from the shards . The pigman face was stuck on shook as he shaking tried to take out the shards with his fat fingers but in pointless efforts he failed , then his eyes widened even more that it was semi cartoonist as his bloody hands went to the place his heart was and it looked like he was having a heart attack but in fast and extremely misery and just like a pig he made a final cry that literally sounded like the said animal and he dropped dead.
What happened after it was the classic of making sure that Tom was fine as the later took the opportunity to hug her and bury his face into her claiming to be shocked by the tragic and trauma death that happened before his innocent child eyes, as Blaz dialed the police and ambulance informing them of the accident ,Tom was glad that the hug give him the cover for that dark grin on his face . He was wearing the suit suitable for a bodyguard...savior his extraordinary abilities helped him to live as the role ...her savior and not just for one night for all their life together.
Korra was back to the present time with feeling of his arms around her torso and hot breath on her ears as he whispered" do you remember that night? That pig of a man ...?" The edge of his voice was merciless ,his arms stiffed but didn't feel like the force that will case a break more like borderline feeling of a snake closing itself around her waist in a light hug . "Now that I think about it his death was....easy , I should have tortured him more , by that time I didn't realize the disturbing truth of his words I thought it was just trying to make you do a trick without me , I got this feeling of heavy burn inside me and then you saw what happened, if that happened now... " Still he didn't press harder on her torso but his chin rested on her shoulder and she saw scarlet on his orbs , mad with rage at the mere thought of dead man. his eyes softened when he saw that she was looking at his reflection. "Sorry love for that " he let her go only to take her hand and led her to the bedroom where a scissor lied on the table waiting to be used , a faint glow on the edge told her it was magical enchanted just like everything else in the house .he sat on at the chair and she knew what he wanted , that damn hair.
She realized a sign if she wanted to gain his trust and escape to the ministry of magic she will have to play the role . ---- "I am never a chief but at least let's try it" He made for them a dish that she didn't bother to look at it but when he sat the plate to her with a wave of his hands she saw it was a simple parmesan chicken . "Bone Appetit" he said as they began their meal, Korra found it mystery how he was still having a appetite after ordering Nagini to eat the shop owner but again that was just a drop of the black sea of his mistakes that she wanted to fix, she refused to accept the fact that her bestie is now someone that obsessed with her and claim it as love , for a second she paused as she realize that it was love and she knew it but he have his way of showing it that made the line between friendship and romantic relationship to be questionable. She forced herself to eat not wanting to know what he will do if she didn't.
Being done eating he waved again but this time the dishes disappeared in favor of bottle of wine and two glasses. "A toast for our eternity together" he raised his glasses and she knew that she have to do her part of the tradition. "For our eternity" 'until I escape to the ministry ' and there was nothing but the sound of their glasses cracking .
---- They were laying on the bed with a book on her lap as she was reading and he was following making comments on how the characters were predictable and nothing new happen. As if he's complaining was a cue an owl dropped a letter to his lap. He led go of the hand that was holding his before flashing her an apologetic smile and opened the letter.
{Done} with no sender information at all.
Korra didn't remove her eyes away from the book "you are right they are so foreseeable" he kissed her head ,"I love when you admit I am right ....maybe that's will make you see how deeply I am willing to go for you , purging the wizarding society is just a tip of what I am capable of and how far I will go for you" his voice was one of those who have a sugar rush . "Muggles need us the same way we need them..."she firmly said ,he took a deep breath "we don't need them at all, they can't use magic to safe one of their loved one dying or even to simply left an object ....they drove you away from where you truthy belong " his tone hold grudges as if he was born for it . "I left because it became toxic with all the pureblood maniacs " he paused looking at her in disbelief. She took at as signal to continue " I mean I know a lot of muggle born who are brilliant with a lot of potential unlike some purebloods who have squib in their family " she grinned falling victorious . "The only reason for squib to happen is because a mudblood took the said squib , muggles are nothing but kelptomaniacs that need to be punished for the crime of taking what not belonging to them" that victory in her died at his reply, she knew that there is no point on keeping this conversation going. "Five" he said with a silky voice . In puzzling state of mind she looked at him . There is no need to ask as he understood her without talking . "Each single time you defend those low life of mudblood and muggles I will end five of them, the ratio will vary it can be five kids , five men, five elders , five women , a twin child and woman and two men , or to make the odd preferable five pregnant women so that bonus " He said that with a teasing amount of causality like he was reading a newspaper . "You can't do that....think about how Blaz will feel" a finger on her chin forced her to have eye contact with that flame of hell . "Don't you dare to say any male name around me .... especially Blaz he was the worst , really he need to be learn to mind his own business and he had absolutely no respect for personal space " he silenced himself to collect air in his lungs. "He was my secret keeper and you know what his death did , it was what made my existence return to the wizarding world " hint of regret was on her voice but she didn't take her eyes of his bluntly to keep that fact buried into his mind.
"You do realize that they have a shorter lifespan then us, why not choosing a wizard to be the secret keeper? “he was not complaining but did she really disliked to that level how toxic the situation of blood state was? This time she avoided eye contact with him "it's felt the only way to truthy have nothing left to come back to that society" What do they say about anyone who avoided eye contact when he in the middle of a conversation?, Clear sign of a lie . He smugly grinned at the conclusion that she had something that will always connect her to the that world. He just needed to find it, he had that ambition that he wanted no, eager to clarify the fog of mystery surrendering his soulmate past. "You know , lovely angel , you never told me about your time as a witch save being an obliviter I want to know facts like your magical state , what you did in Hogwarts ?, If you had any childhood friend or took solace in being friends with books?" He freed her chin of his finger to lean back to the head of the bed to observe every single move she makes. She felt a knot in her throat, her past was nothing, but song of loneliness played with melody of tragedy. She was a love child of misfortune and loss,
"At a very young age I learned that nothing good last forever "
Her very first memory is this, It was her seventh birthday with her parents they were celebrating it in the forest surrender by a lot of creatures, her father holding her to reach a tree branch where a small nest had bird that was too shy to go and see what the world have to offer, "daddy he is so shy , he won't take the worm from me" her tiny voice hold disappointment, her father slowly lowered her back to the ground fearing that a rush will harm her , "sweet one , it's too early for him to step out of his safety shell to the outside " he kissed his daughter head. Her mum was setting on a rug that they brought with them that on it their lunch and a simple cake for three , her skin glowed attractively in the sun light her brown hair gracefully freefall on her without any style to keep their beauty away. The little girl walked to her mother that embraced her so tightly as she whispered to her "Happy birthday" her father who had black hair and heterochromia eyes , one was grey the other hazel, he was watching the scene with butterflies on his stomach, how lucky he is to get both a beautiful wife and lovely daughter it was so contiguous euphoric like a scene a painted by an artist of what the first minutes in heaven like. The girl remembered a trick she can do but it required a baby animal such as a bunny or hare . "Mommy , daddy I am going to show you something really cool just wait for me" Her mother had a book in her lap and her father laid down looking at the clouds telling his wife the shapes they remind him off , her mother extracted her wand from her pocket. "Expecto Patronum" from her wand busted a silver ghostly runespoor, it's three head tall with pride and in that sunlight it give him a glow of grace . "I will protect you " it was awkward to hear her mom voice from the Patronus but she got used to it from the second time , Patronus are meant to be guardians even companions for the lonely souls, never she felt the intense feeling of her blood turning ice on her vines from the terror of the runespoor Infront of her , she found him comfortable and favorable to have around when her parents where working, call it a questionable choice of babysitter but the three head serpent was her only friend ,they were living on a shack in the forest it was not fancy neither in poor condition but perfect for the small family with no civilian only for a small town that was miles away what was it name? Little Hangleton.
It's a small town actually with nothing of interest, the family lived in peace away from the anything that was civilian, self-sustaining themselves form the little garden they have and a nearby river. They had jobs small one in the town enough to get them by and never to let them feel short hand and waiting from pay check to another . It's was all so peaceful and paradise like. It was too good to be truth, too good to be left without darkness tinting it .
Korra went deeper to that forest not lost due to the the patronus keeping a clever watch and map of the soul to its caster ,when she didn't only find a bunny but a wounded child around eight years old . "You don't look so good " she draw closer to him , now that she was closer she took a good look at him , curly platinum hair and strange purple eyes , albino?, And a gashes covering his body he was bleeding heavily. "I am on my way " again the patronus spook with that voice . "What happened to you?" Her curiosity was over the roof . "I...I was attacked by a wild creature I don't remember it's shape it was fast...so fast and brutal he left me to die as you see “the child spook with wary voice . "My mom is coming to help, my name is Korra" all what she can do is to speak to him to keep him awake. "Nice name for a nice child, mine is Godric, tell you what we are going to be friends , actually we already are "he give her a little smile as his lips managed to part. The girl eyes widened , "friends ?, Really ...I have no friends like living flesh and bone one" she didn't have any at all the town people didn't have any child as if they were so afraid to bring any to the world due to the economic crisis that was going on yet they give her parents looks she didn't understand and her looks of discomfort and pity but to finally have a friend it was an experience that she longed for , she read about it in books and always longed for someone to call a friend other than runespoor . "Korra dear , step aside I want to aid the child " her mom took out her wand and the tip of her wand touched the child body. In a blink of eye, a heartbeat ,the boy vanished , long gone his aurban locks and purple eyes , now standing on all four a creature of darkness and eyes of the devil , lava like eyes glowing with bleeding red , and his voice bottomless hole it must be what an vengeance will be like if it had a voice , his teeth so sharp it was surprise it didn't cut that long tongue . "I knew I will find a Huffman here ...not one but two my dark lord Grindelwald will be so pleased " he snicker , her mom come in front of her shielding her . "Go and tell your lord that he can make love to himself that all I care about " her wand never left her hand as she throws a hex at him , he judge with a jump upwards , it was thing of wonder how a being of that mass is able to move with such agility and in a blink of eye landed behind them , the patronus sprinted attacking at the same time that her mother made a protection charm to her daughter not caring for her safety , the creature went invisible the same minute the patronus hit him and dismissing into thin air .
"We are friends korra just you and your mommy come with me to the dark lord" he mocked ,voice coming from everywhere and nowhere . "Think about what your place will be with my Lord , your daughter too, you are wasting away all your potential and abilities here " a shift in the branch of nearby tree made her mother send a hex at it . The jinx hit the tree with but no monster was on it . It was right next to her child, who was shaking . 'f....friend .monster. They do this...trying to kidnapped their friend to a bad guy....I don't want that ' Her daughter magic core what in chaos and the aura around it growing viciously , repealing against the protection charm , creating an orb of gray cocoon . Her mother was torn between keeping her daughter save and calming her and defeating the monster. The creature open his mouth so wide but it was not the teeth to be terrified off, it's spitted a texture liquid and sticky it rained from his mouth like riddle of bullets at them , but before it can touch any one of them it froze . His body abruptly vibrated brutally , and like a fireworks it explode . Korra magic murdered him. Her mother was caught off guard, her daughter was more powerful then she thought she need to learn to stabilize that magic before wrong hand find her . She rushed to her hugging her , " I am so sorry you had to witness that, so sorry for what happened , you are alright right ?" She briefly scanned her daughter, wide teary eyes, and shock on her face. "Mom is that what friend do..." It was not a question, a broken statement. "No.....they do this " the monster voice raged again with a tone that will hunt her for the rest of her life . Her mom eyes froze when she realized what the creature actually was .... It was ultio. Ultio was the worst ever, it should never ever be killed, once he is dead, he literally brings his murderer down with him to the grave. There was only one way to survive. "I love you " she kissed her daughter check and hugged her so tightly shielding her from what was happening . She heard to sound of blood spilled and tissues of body ripped off as the creature killed her mom and was gone with her. One Huffman was gone , another shocked to the core . Her mother sacrifice made the girl to be invincible and untouched by any dark force.
Her father grows worried from not seeing anyone return as he felt heavy silence, even the birds were silent, he just woke up from a nap. "Love, Korra??" The cake and food were left untouched, again no answer. He felt string leading him forward to the deeper part of the forest. The deeper he got the more the lack of sound become ominous. Until he saw the scenery.
A bony body hugging a frozen bloody living one , and the hair covering the girl become red with blood . He lost it. ----- "Daddy I am so sorry...I wanted to show you and me....why aren’t you looking at me?" Her father was gone in his mentally and it had been days since that cursed day, be barley ate , slept that was when he was home , when he was not he drowned himself in work ,locked the house on his daughter who desperately needed someone to calm her from all the mental attacks she have , there was no runespoor anymore to keep her company, no friend , not a soul but her and his dad who is mentally dead ,refusing to accept it , part of him died with his wife he couldn't bear to look at his daughter she was the spilling image of his late wife, not acknowledge her , like she died with her mother. For four years she didn't hear her father voice at all, just crying and ugly whining. She never spoke during that four years at all , so when an owl appeared dropping a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts ,like a robot her father moved his eyes hallow and took her to get her things for the school . --- Now they were at the train express , families where hugging their children goodbye promising to exchange letters , her father gaze to the unseen as he just waved goodbye. She didn't bother to wave back at all.
"Salvatore ,Korra Salvatore" the sorting hit said her name , she walked toward it ,not caring which house she will be into , the hat was putted on her head . "You are unique one here, not many like you , I can name very few who share the same magical core like you ...I see intelligence and bookworm Ravenclaw will be great for you... But you are loyal and love fair play ...it's equal the traits of the two houses on you hmm it's difficult for you ...is that a trace of .... oh, my let it be ... Hufflepuff!" The said house clapped and giving her a warm welcome , she didn't feel a string even when curious eyes looked at her wondering what the sorting hat was going to say as he cut himself off before announcing her house . Time passes and she never gained any friend , she didn't want another Godric she wanted her mother back she wanted her father back from the dead , it's like she become orphan losing them both . Soon even her house learned to leave her alone she was shut down of the world it's all black and grey no white that white left along with runespoor that patronus friend , she never spoke a word unless it's absolutely necessary and to cast a spell other time they thought that she was mute , but as more news come by about the dark lord and people more and more terrified, her sleep had a lot of nightmare surrounding by one word Grindelwald, what was that wizard and why he wanted her and her mother so badly ?, It's definitely have to be about her family from her mother side. In one evening her mother made her promise that she will never ever tell anyone she was Huffman rather than she was a Salvatore from her father side , she didn't know why but she made that promise without asking . Her father had no family at all, he was orphan didn't have a foster family. Her mother never told her about her family or even if she has one . Still the mystery around that Grindelwald and her family hunted her , she wanted answer and a book in the restricted section will contain the answer. But all what she had to do is to one of the perfect students to be able to get access there. So becoming teacher pet and bookworm she was her approach .around the time that her pairs where getting hormonal she was ignoring all the looks of admiration that she got from boys , she felt gross by it , no one will deny that she was beautiful .she never let herself feel the need to have a friend let alone lover .was she asexual aromatic? She didn't care at all to leave her heart open to anyone . she found solace in the darkness , in the middle of the night one day she realized she was nyctophile , that was when a teacher asked randomly if a student preferred light or darkness more if they preferred sun time or moon time since that cursed day of her mother untimely passing and she avoided everything that reminded her of it , even light .she felt her light wither fading more into a grey one .
"Listen today lesson is about casting a Patronus " she temporary froze as if she was stunned by stupefy, the others didn't give her a mind . "To conjure it you have to think of a memory that make you happy , feel you with joy " she felt sick on her stomach .
"Good job Felix of Slytherin. Your Patronus is a stage that quite amazing...Miss Salvatore you are next " Korra knew what will happen before hand , she rise her wound looking at her wand tip and said the spell, nothing at all not even a spark or pity excuse of smoke. "Thing of a happy memories dear " then she doesn't recall what happened but when she come by her class was terrified and she was quickly dismissed of the class.
----- It's he fourteen birthday, she was setting with a teacher in her office. "I am so sorry for your loss dear , you must have been so close to him that his loss affected your magic that day" she felt her teacher words of condolences . When she got that letter that day she didn't feel anything negative more like relief that her father joined her mother , at least he was happy there and content . Not her , she never smiled at all , she looked to be more suitable to be Lady of darkness then light .
"......" "I understand your grief I am here for you " "He was dead long time ago" her tone was colder and lack the care. She left her teacher stunned as she exists the room.
Korra was not completely unaware of her surrounding she just knew the elephant in the room when it comes to wizarding society was always blood state . She was half blood , she didn't know about her mother blood state if she was pure or not , but it was unfair that a teacher will be extra careful marking muggle born and careless when marking pure blood, and the bullying was so unbearable for those muggle born , from calling them mudblood to physical beating . It was unjustified at all, it had to be stopped no one was doing anything like it was the norm , even when a first year was being cornered by a pack of fourth years . It's the harsh reality of that world, she told herself that she will try to make them say what they were doing was wrong but the only way for it was if she had a high position in the ministry of magic.
On her sixteen birthday she found the answer, the restricted section illuminated by her wand the light casted shadows in her face among with the darkness of the night made the scene to be out of a mystery movie , the book of about every magical family that existed. 'H for Huffman ' she found her family from her mother side . 'Huffman have a long and interested origin , they began in the early dawn of the magical history ,legend says this that a Huffman witch found an injured animal(tale varies about the animal type some says it's a dove , dire wolf, phoenix, cat or another animal )  on the blink of death ,no passerby spare the dying animal any glance , the Huffman witch who had heart of gold took the animal in and spend countless of night nursing it back to health in the expense of her what little of supply she had and time , once the animal is back healthy , the unexpected happened , it's turned out to be an divine being. "Congrats dear witch , you are the only one who passed the test" the holy creature said his voice was so captivating and delightful. The witch was catch up by the creature ethereal beauty and light . "You and your entire bloodline will be blessed , you will have the full package, beauty , wealth , talents, abilities and luck, I have been testing witch community to see who will earn my blessing" the witch didn't approve or disapprove she tough that she died nursing the creature and this was her going through the afterlife ,but a light touch on her check told her it was real ."thanks but I was doing the right thing ", the angelic beamed. "It's a gift ,pure lady ". Korra couldn't finish reading the rest of the tale . She just closed it , tears on her eyes and onerous in her stomach. Her mother died because of a legend , and she knew that Grindelwald won't rest until he get a Huffman to join him but why he couldn't get another one or went on a hot pursue for them earlier ? If her bloodline was that of a jewel for a crown, why no one mentioned them earlier? What she believes will answer her questions have risen more questions than satisfied her. She closed the book and returned to her dorm.
The next morning she found a ray of hope when she heard that Grindelwald was captured and for the first time since more than half her life she smiled and the words that lift her lips were one of kind . "Fuck you Grindelwald" and a sea of shocked wizards and witches looked at her . ----- When she graduated from Hogwarts she got a lot of work offers from everyone who had a high position in the society , the thing is she never learned how to use that 'blessed' side since her mother didn't tell her how to use it , the only thing that was default was the looks . She didn't care about wealth since she was not one to spend it on trivia things. The only job she accepted was the obliviter position in the ministry of magic , she became obliviter for the hope to be promoted to higher position that will let her voice be heard about the racism unethical practice . It's funny to be memory wiper when you are yourself hunted and broken by your past . But as time process by and more years flew by that hope died on her , it transformer into dark void in the black hole of herself, they didn't care , they accepted the fact that it's written on stone , you see when generation rise a generation it's rise them on the previous learning that they got from the generation who risen them and the generation that is being risen will sink in the learning in like a sponge in its mindset and being risen to care more about blood state then potential is one of those things. So it was no surprise when she quit her job and moved into muggle world .
She never realized just how lonely she was until one day when it was December and numerous people pass by congratulating each other for the upcoming Christmas , a child walked to her being so full of the spirit and congrats her for it . "Lady, I hope you have a Joyful Christmas with your family and friends" Friends....she had none she couldn't even conjure the spell that heavy emphasis on happy memories. Friends were not for her , ' they either turn out to be server of the dark or one that prejudge so much ...they are risen like this ......risen wait ... Why not adopt one and mold him into a friend that is what I seek for , what I lost, who accept me for being who I am ?' It was the only option she had , all the others was unfavorable as the old saying say beggars can't be choosers. Desperate time lead to desperate methods and outcomes. Before she knew she was standing in front gates of wool's orphanage.
"And that lead us to where we are now, bestie " she dropped the last word like a spokesperson dropping the mic after victorious speech.
The dark lord was in utopia , it just couldn't get any better, every single peace for the puzzle fall together creating the perfect picture, fate really outdone herself in this love story it’s a masterpiece , he was broken by his past just like her ,he saw how the society was toxic ,they were half-bloods her family from her mother side was pure blood descended from the origin of Helga Hufflepuff  his from mother side rooted from Salazar Slytherin , both of their fathers were unfortunately muggles , he will forgive fate for making them muggle , also they come from the same village, what a wonderful gift to have two decedent from two out of four now dead houses to be soulmates? it must be that their ancestors were one too, and that the great Salazar went mad when a muggle tried to take his other half away from him, it all fit perfectly fine, she was expert in advanced level of magic just like him , safe that she is so shy to show it off.
Korra knew from how she found his arms around her waist and his lips on her that his obsession have grown worse , she told him her entire background to give him window on herself a chance to let him see that she’s beginning to heal and see him as what he saw her, a step to her freedom.
so, when his kisses become more demanding and hungrier, she gives in.
its bright afternoon when his hand sneaked like spider legs from her back to rest at her shoulders and he printed a kiss on her cheeks before saying in nobbling words "love its time" she nearly dropped her calm facade, time for what? there weeding or to do the traditional purposing to her?, only one way to find out.
"what is it time for? Beloved one" she forced the words out of her lips, its worse than the fresh memory of that creature and its acid rain.
"to move to our new home" she looked at him like he was having a second face behind him , he adored every single expression she was making except the painful one , a pure lightness like her way not allowed to have a painful look, it's ruin that perfection on her esthetic face , he careless toyed with a hair lock , speaking about expression he was lately wondering about the type of faces she will be making from the gift he got for her. "But our belongings, we can't leave them" ‘oh sweet angel you really are worried about muggles devices  aren't you.’ "I took good care of them " As they existed the place Korra with their luggage that was magical transformed to their new home , he just had to be extra dramatic and burn the house down, he smiled as he cut down the last string that pinned her to the muggle world, there was truthy no turning back now, not when the orphanage that they crossed by was with ear tearing screams of agony. -------- The marble floor felt pleasing against her bare feet , in other life she showing more awe for that manor or mansion that was her new home ,every single detail was phenomenal , what is it with dark lord ,heir of Slytherin and incredible taste? , It's like she was in heaven. Heaven..... No heaven was worth the price of one freedom and free will.
"I told you I can give you the world and more , here it is, just name the thing and in a snap of a finger it's yours" he purred seductively. She had to remind herself to earn his trust to get a chance of that sweet freedom . She run her finger to the outline of his sharp jawline and stood up on we toes the same way he was kneeling to her level , arms around her waist to give her access to his ear . "I already have everything I want " her whisper send shiver to his spine and goosebumps to his skin . "Precious one , you don't have the tinniest idea of what you are doing to me now " his dark eyes landed in hers as his thumb found her lips gently running to her upper one . --- As she took a bath , it was out of blue , a lightbulb opened in her mind and then Epiphany happened , her heart nearly stopped when a sense of revelation washed on her .
He needed her more than air , his soulmate She needed him her one true friend , obsessed and all but he understood her at the bottom of his heart. Messed up relationship but fate granted her that wish. They were part of each other that forever intertwined, tangled and become one.
Speaking about fate she wanted to know why her out of everyone had to be his....
A knock on the bathroom door made her flinch , the level of the water that was crowned with petals of rare flowers rose higher then it's container level. "My lady I am so sorry to disturb you in your  time of showring but he told me he have present for you " she was glad it was not Tom voice rather a house elf one ,if her memory serves her right she will safely recall the name of Delphine for the voice owner . "It's alright Delphine thanks for telling me that" she knew that he send her to send curiosity in her to see him and know what is the present was, sneaky one isn't he, she got dressed he made sure that all of her wardrobe had luxuries clothes from every item manmade ,they had to be highest of the high end or else in his eyes it will not do her right, his wardrobe is not of a differ from hers , she settled for a simple yellow summer dress and a high socks to cover her knees , she will never wear anything short when he is in her radar.
"Precious one, you don't have the tinniest idea of what you are doing to me now "
his voice sink on her, she will never wear any short that exposes her skin, not that she was a fan of short clothes to begin with.
the marble floor welcomed her feet as the house elf led her to the garden, more accuracy one of the gardens. The ridiculous size of the land was as if it was a small country of its own and here is, he the man of the question standing and giving her a bow before claiming her hand and planting a kiss on it.
"I missed you" 
"I was in the bath for twenty minutes, Riddle" his lips twisted.
"lovely angel, you don't have to remind me of the agonistic amount I was not around you" there is a lock for doors for a reason and it’s to keep the lovesick away.
she saw a box, its green color had yellow ribbons on its surface cycling it like a snake, even the house elf can tell why he chose those colors. His thumb flirt with her hand as he rubs on them, liking her body heat.
"I love the feeling of our skin together its feels right" and she longed to be contained but not like that, it’s wrong on all the right places, right on the wrong reasons.
"I am here for the present, curiosity is killing me" god by the time she escapes she will have a lifetime to spend on therapist and that therapist will need another one for himself after every session with her.
he give her a worried glance and his tone heavy with concern "my one, don't you say or suggest something like that ever again, I can’t live with the idea of losing you " she was not imagining the wet tear on his eyes , out of habit she put her hand wiping it out, out of nature he take that hand press it on his cheek before leading it to his lips and kissing it. with his extended long arm he retrieve the box, when she put distance between them he gesture for her to open it , and when she does she is captured by the present beauty.
Salazar Slytherin locket had never shined so brightly like it did in that light "you like it don't you?" her eyes had been captured by the locket and he took his sweet time glancing at every detail of her face, "its mesmerizing"
"just like you" lord have mercy, smooth one she will give him that
"turn around" he ordered.
she obeyed and his long thin fingers skillfully opened the lock and he putted it on her, it felt so right and marvelous.
"I have another present for you".
Azkaban eerie atmosphere screamed death and doom, it was home for him, forced to call it home after spending more than decade in it he felt strange link to it ,Grinderwarld face has aged but his feathers was still identifiable as what he was. A dark lord.
memories of his region of terror hang beyond his inner mind, his goals of making wizards and witches a superior to muggles as if it supposed to be, his only key to make that noble dream to come true lay no other than Huffman's ,this unique and sacred bloodline have unimaginable powers that no warlock or the darkest wizards could even dream off, but the dispute pose within that they are cleverly vanished from the history like they were a myth, a fragment of one imagination or even made up legend of a story to be told in a lazy winter night to children.
when he finally discovered how they managed to remain under the radar he wanted to slap the back of his head in shame, a secret keeper that pass before death the secret of the bloodline existence to another secret keeper ,foxy way to disappear but it’s not safe from the short stick of the said secret keeper untimely death, this is how they returned to existence, all what left was to find only one of them to join him, he place off lots of his followers to different places in hope to catch a wind of one of them, the more time it took the deeper his desire turned deadly , forget deathly hollows ,Huffman were the real deal, soon his fascination turned into obsession ,its forbid him from resting until he got one Huffman into his army , no it didn't matter the age , gender or blood state of the said Huffman.
He have two different aims to fulfill , firstly to get Lady Macy Galen (Korra mom) as his wife and queen, secondly to make wizards superior, ever since he met her and all what he could think off was her, his time with her as her fellow student of Beauxbatons academy of magic and they could get a future that will be envied by others, all was good until she fall in love with that muggle , he went basilisk and nearly killed him if it was not for his best friend Dumboldore stopping him, Dumboldore who is now six feet under the dirt and dead ,just like Macy .
he felt a stub of pain in his chest at that though, he waited and longed for death to get him save out of this world to her, she will always hate what he become , cant she see it was all for her?, he become dark lord to get her to notice him, why did a muggle stole her from him, he will never forget his elation when he discovered she was a Huffman ,universe love to throw every single twist at him.
he heard two footsteps walking toward his cell, one was so light like bunny, the other was balanced like a model on runaway ,the two walked in symphony that if he didn't gain acute hearing from complete solitude he will mistake them as one. He felt a wave of magic consuming all of his sense and then when he come by he found himself pined to the wall of his cell with chains, Lord Voldemort himself was honoring him with his visit and he had a women with him ,two dark lords in the same cell and a light being trapped with them.
Grindelwald looked at the women and he froze, "Ma. Mancy you are alive?" he visited her grave even digger it himself and he felt the corpse, she was truly gone, that leave one possibility. "you are her daughter" he jabbered, "Huffman, blood and soul and everything in between " the falling dark lord cooed, not believing that his dream walked to him literally. "yes she is , and keep that dirty toughs to yourself or else you want to test crucia on you " never Grinderwarld felt that the other was using legilimency  on him, he didn't even make eye contact at him or felt him invading his mind, he was as good as the rumors had him to be.
"on what honor you two are visiting me for?" 
it was kora who spoke "answers ", he noticed that Voldemort had his hands on her waist a clear sign of relationship and saying that she was his ,he couldn’t help but to imagine him in the other position and the daughter as her mother, it will be flawless world to make that imagination see the light , Voldemort growled and then there was nothing but the feeling of his bones turning dust through unmistakable penalty of the crime of imagination, he was being cruciaed .
he didn't know the duration of it but when it was over he found himself on the cold floor and panting like a thirsty dog, “hope that enough to make you cooperative " Voldemort voice white noise compare to the main attraction of the Huffman.
"Tom , the sooner that I ask the questions the sooner that we get out of here , it’s depressing to be here" her tone was so sweet he wanted to hear every day, if only she was Mancy,"as you wish love , I don't have a string of like in my heart for a lich like him" the gentle manner that he was speaking to her was of one of those movies about purest form of love.
"firstly, why starting the entire regain and why my bloodline of every other, I know of the powers but still get a life "
"my life ended with your mother death, I tried to commit suicide on her grave holding her corpse, but the auroras found me and now I am here “she was stunned by his answer.
"didn't anyone tell you that you are creepy obsessive lovesick specie? “he chuckled, her mother told him that a lot, but he was being her soulmate and where is the crime to love your soulmate?
"darling, do you mean me?" Voldemort asked not being sure if she was speaking to him or the falling.
"no , Tom you are my soulmate “she had to fight off the urge to choke herself , he was her bestie not lover.it had magic on him as he kissed her lips quickly .Grindelwald smirked "you don't know about the rest of the story of your bloodline do you?", a sense of dread fall on her heart , his tone had no good news on it ,he took the silence as his que to answer, “the brighter your light shine, the darker your shadow become, your bloodline have a quirk that no one will wish for on their worst enemies , to attract darkness to you , to make dark lords desire only you, yes ..to have a soulmate of darkness obsessively over you "
there is it, that cursed word that doomed her from the dawn of time, the word that awaken the devil himself that was Tom Marvalo Riddle,the delusion that in a twist of fate become truth , become her reality.
"even you know that me and her are soulmate its must to be one of kind bond that others envy us for" Tom arms caged her waist even more , "but still I can’t alter my mind of your fate " Grindelwald felt confused by Voldemort words.
before Tom could do the signature move himself korra pointed a finger at the gray-haired dark lord, infamous green light brushed from her finger illuminating the room with deadly green.
one dark lord was dead, the other having his body pressed against hers
"why are we in the chamber of secrets" she asked feeling a sense of raw confusion, “love , to meet the legacy that Salazar himself left as a prove that he will always love Helga at the extend of passing it to all the generation"
"a chamber that its only accessible through girls’ toilets, pervert" he laughed "I love that sense of humor of yours "
he hissed in parseltongue and the basilsilk merged in, with his eyes closed, “that it’s the legacy, touch it dear, its smooth right? but it’s no match to your skin" he flirted 
indeed it was smooth and left pleasing feeling in her when she touched it ,but her mind was occupied by what she did to Grinderwarld, she didn't know what she was doing it’s like her body took matter into itself and acted up, she didn't know if it was part of the powers or not ,she had not felt that feeling of raw power before its felt so natural and deep within her soul , buries and left unattended until that moments its awaken itself .
 music fall on her hearing and Tom bowed to her like a gentleman and then they danced there ,she had to act the part , after all there weeding is months from now and her only chance of escaping is the tradition of the groom leaving the bride for 24 hours that due there weeding, until then she will act , act , act until then.....
"he made the basilisk to be protector of her bloodline against mudbloods "his voice will be great for narrating any story, engaging anyone to it ,he span her and when her wrist found his , something magical happened .it come like streams of raw cosmic energy , ancient language that manifested itself within and settled there , a feeling of liquid ink of the stars themselves being written on their waists , when it was done its left words that was solid truth.
I can’t live without you
he hummed that song in relish and a long finger touched the words on her waist, it was so ghostly that his finger can be a breeze of air in a summer night ,she saw her counterpart on his waist the exact same words that can summarize there entire being.
the manor felt oddly like something changed within it that matched her change , when they returned there were as always bowing death eaters to them and sentences of compliments as if both of them were a personified version of an answered prayer , till this day she couldn't get used to it , she found appreciation that he was born for the spotlight and she was born to shy away from it .
so, she failed to notice a follower mumbling to him words of approval of a delivery.
"why are we heading down?" she had never been to this part of the manor before in matter of fact she hasn’t seen all of it.
"It had failed to my attention that there is something I turned blind eye on and its should be done long time ago but you know ,my angel, that I was busy with a lot of important business to give that thing its attention" he bubbled hands holding her , leave it to him to give a speech that indirectly answer her. he loved to hear his voice, didn't he?
the door opened and what lies behind that closed door should stay behind it.
Tom riddle was being bonded by unseen robes to his rusty chair, it was not her Tom that she knew , it was the forty something version of him , what he will look like if he didn't do that deed ,if he was remind mortal and aged gracefully, his muggle father held there and completely helpless.
"why is he here?" it’s the only thing in her mind that buzzed louder then thunder.
"you mean dear, why is he still alive till now? don’t worry he won’t be" the senior made a gagging sound in response to his son assertion.
 "ohh does my fool father have anything to say?, what a low life that carry made blood in his vines , a beetle that only purpose in life is to be lab genie for the wizards to test new research on" he paused for a minute to inhale a breath .
"you left my mother knowing that you are unworthy of her, she was larger than life and you were lower than the dirt" the senior again made a gag sound.
"Tom can you ungag him I want to know what he will say" she didn't care what the other will hay but she knew that her Tom will never stop talking if it was about his loathing for his father his grudge for him was undying , just like his obsession with her.
"as you wish, soulmate" with a lazy wave of his middle finger to his father, he could talk now, and the very first words were....
"Fuck you son" 
what a classic, its run on the family, touché.
the junior giggled, " I am not interested on you, only in your bloodlust death, actually it’s her who should I fuck"
one thing that both of she and her father had in common, both had disgust look on them, she was glad that his attention was on his offspring and the later was glaring daggers at him to notice her greenish skin.
"now now don't you dare to get any idea of yourself in my position, you mud scam" the junior harshly said ,jealousy of something that never happened burning him, just when she tough that his condition couldn't  get any worse.
"I will never think of a lady of the street like her in that way, I , who have the blood of Riddle in my vine , the heir to all ...ohhhhhh" his scream of agony nearly tore down his throat  and korra found herself again in that rotten cell in Azkaban and the dead dark lord Grinderwarld dead eyes looking at her , empty with no light, he was in the afterlife now, but Crucio curse had one thing that its due to the miserable receiver, they cry sound exactly the same, that why in her mind both screams of Grinderwarld and Tom senior merge as one.
the junior sound as he stopped the curse brought her back to the present, "I am the hier of slytherine , blood of ancient pure blood run to my vine with magic you cannot imagine should end you, for this crimes, being mudblood , daring to think of marking my soulmate as yours and finally abounded my dear mother who died of a broken heart , you were never the man to stay there by her side when she needed you the most"
korra looked at the senior ,she was astonished to see the face two halves now, one for the for his father, the other for hers, she saw the similarities , both of them were never there for them leaving them to the dark , to suffer burdens that crashed them, there innocent is gone.
she felt wave of void consuming her, "kill him, he is waste of space " she was hissing, the senior looked at her as if she was the bogyman of his nightmare, Grim the ripper come for his soul.
"love!! you are truthy amazing aren't you, the reason why I remembered him was when I visited my mother grave that day and your too" 
that glorious green light showed up and her father died again.
its white and wonderful, her dream was miracle of light, pure in it natural form, if it not for that old man of infamous long beard and half-moon shaped glasses. They stared at each other for a very long time before he began.
"Korra Huffman or Lady Hope, I am quite disappointed in you" no hello?
"you are literally the only one who could stop him, the prophecy was fraud to get you some time to act and be Lady Hope, he only answers to you, his soulmate" 
"I am traying to bid my chance, but it is getting worse, he even threatened to kill five muggles each time I defend them" at her answer Dumboldore shrugged.
"it’s for the greater good, there death among Harry and Neville just like your mom"
time froze in that dream if that possible and so her mind, did he just....
"you are the one behind the certain, the one who send Ultio, but why"
Dumboldore began his speech and his task of explaining his deed.
"you believe in the butterfly effect don't you?, I know about your bloodline, I know that my Grinderwarld only weakness was your mother, his soulmate ,he only cared about her, I know about the quirk of your bloodline so I did that , I killed her by sending that Ultio, I know that your magic will act up killing him and triggering it all, then when she sacrificed herself Grinderwarld died with her so he tried to be physically dead to join her , and her death send your father to the state of numbness which made you what you are today so you could stop him, stop Voldemort make him see that killing muggles is wrong"
she shut down.
Dumoldore didn't flich at her breakdown, he softly answered with voice clam and solid with no doubt even a hint of it.
"it’s for the greater good"
her mind showed her the alternative of the light lord action "if only you didn't do it I will never met him and he will never believe that we are soulmate, he will never be obsessed with me"
"oh dear child of light, it’s true, you are soulmates , there is no avoiding it , even if I didn't do what I did, he will still find you , still get you, even if he burned down the world to claim you from its ashes , there is no running from it, never"
"you are crazy you are just as dark as him, are you truthy in the light side?"
"yes, I died as I lived..."
"completely mad man"
"there was only one way to stop him, but you didn't take it that what disappoint me "
she woke up with cold sweat on her and her heartbeat so loud in her ears but it was nothing compared to her nightmare ,she found Riddle legs closing around her legs and his arms caging her torso ,like the symbol of his house he was embracing her in a snake like manner needing her body heat but it was more than the heat , she was in top of him so she felt it ,his heart beat matched hers in it racing he was still sleeping and he had heavy blush on him  , she looked at him and his face was peaceful like he was light lord not the most darkest of them all  if she didn't know she will be taken back by that face but again even the devil was once an angel, now cold blooded murderer, and so is  Dumbledore.
she saw her waists and that words on them, in that state of mind all what she saw was the word (out)  she really needed to get her nightmare out of her mind , so it’s no surprise when her nails scratch the word out .
again, and again, stronger with each turn.
'get out, get out, get out'
that nightmare is a new demon on her collection among with the epiphany of everything that had happened to her.
Where there is truly light side and dark side? she belonged to none, the light side forsaken her after its destroyed her, leaving her to be claimed by the dark side, sacrificing her like a lamb.
she smirked; she was going to show them wrath of the lamb.
her blood fall on his shirt.
she was at the library with a book titled (all about soulmates) by a bitch of a witch that she didn't care about, she was now at the section of signs of a soulmate. ten ill signs.
1. You just know it.
'nope, but everyone said it'
2. They're your best friend.
' unfortunately, yes'
3. You feel a sense of calm when around them.
'before the storm, yes, I did feel calm around him when they lived at her house of the muggle world, now I still do because I am allergic to death eaters' 
4. You have extreme empathy for them.
'it’s every Hufflepuff thing, it’s my thing to be empathic'
5. You respect each other.
'it’s true we do respect each other'
6. You balance each other out.
'he is the dark, I am the light'
7. You share the same life goals.
'to get rid of toxicity'
8. You challenge each other.
'Lord Voldemort and Lady Hope' 
9. You can totally be yourself.
'yes, yes'
10. You fight for the relationship.
'w.....no comment'
why was she reading it? to feed the image that she was believing and feeling the bond, he was having a nosebleed there while pretending to read another book.
she was at the garden during that dreadful and 24 hours of being without  him , yes she was completely without him for the very first time in forever, he left her to attend the last bit of touches before there weeding ,she was with both Regulus and Snape acting like her bodyguards.
Regulus was called back to do a final check on a package, that left her alone with Snape, he had that aura of hate around him and dead inside more and more.
so, it was not the wind that spat and snapped.
" die, die, die "
the dagger that he was hiding in his robes rose shiny silver dry  and went down red and wet with her blood, she barley saw the light reflection and managed to judge nearly unscratched safe for a  wound in her arms  ,how does a tiny dagger cause sharp burning pain?.
"why you are alive when Lily is dead, I will make him feel what I felt when he killed her" he snapped voice echoing in the open space , he rise that wet dagger again but this time she was ready her survival instinct taken over her blocking everything ....even the stunting jinx that Regulus send to Snape.
"my lady I am so sorry let me check the wound " when both looked at it, it was healed not even a scar left.
that's the second sign of the said powers.
Regulus didn't question it , he just rose his wand and cast the lavation spell lifting up the body , when they walked back korra knew that her window of opportunity is gone , if she run now he will kill every single muggle till she return to him or find her  , burn villages down, do unspeakable things to people, but there was another chance it was named Regulus Black. 
she was wearing the wedding dress, she requested no help in getting ready she didn't want anyone to see her nearly breaking down, Snape died in a horrifical and what left of his body was giving to werewolves to feast on, but she didn't feel sympathy for him. he got what he deserved, Regulus Black was immediately having the title of Tom right hand, so he was using it right now, to give her personally one last present before the weeding.
"you know that I like you a lot, if we met in a different circumstance, we will be ...."
Regulus said shyly looking down toying with the package that he left to take yesterday when the assaults happened.
"we will be f... friends or even siblings like" Korra said " you know Regulus you are too soft to be death eater, too kind to be a Slytherin, too humble to be a black" he blushed at her words.
" you mean I should be in your house? both of our houses are extremely loyal and curious, my lady but have our differences that shape us "
now his tone become warry.
"I will help you escape "
The door opened and korra walked in her white dress to the aisle ,she was breathtaking beautiful ,even few witches looked at her in awe , her soulmate was in more than awe , envying his own luck with her , and then she stopped next to him .
" you are taking my breath away love, black is your color "korra told her soon to be her husband. The priest began the classical vows ordering both to repeat them. 
She felt the silky texture of the fabric of the invisibility clock in her hand awfully reminding her of the basilisk skin but she shook that memory away as she sneaked out transporting herself to the second nearest ministry of magic beside the British one ,the Italian one, she couldn't risk to go to the British one since it was under his control, France one was too close so she choose the Italian, its ministry is as what she heard extremely kind so it’s her only chance.
when she settled in the minister office and by sheer luck, he was alone she removed the clock throwing it away in desperation to be seen. The poor mistier nearly had a heart attack but before he called say anything she spoke.
"please help me I want to be away from him"
he looked puzzled, like he couldn't understand her, so she switched to Italian her father native language.
"I want your help in shielding me from him "
"I know you .... Lady hope" hope is still alive, so naturally good deed is being rewarded,
"Yes, I am"
"you are my lord soulmate" not only it was in English, but it was a settlement that meant .... all hope is gone.
"m.....my Lord?"
"yes, my lady ....and my lord" he bowed, he was there right behind her, the smell pf blood hanged on the air.
his arms left wet mark on her shoulder as he settled them there and then that manic laugh echoed through that massive office, the sound waves come back to her ears from them it entered her body settling in her broken soul.
"you ,my soulmate ,wanted to personally see the extend of my control so much that you abounded our weeding for it making Regulus Polyjuice into you , he is dead now ,red his coffin ,I will give a hint all of the magical society in the world is mine , I am sorry ours a mate is an equal"
he spans her around facing him, facing red eyes of the devil, finger under her chin and he left her head to take a good look at his bloody suit.
"I am sorry Korra , the wedding must frightened you but you didn't want to break my heart so you send him as you "
he kissed her and she tested blood on his lips, he broke apart to laugh again that maniac psychotics laugh, it didn't have to be echo through anything as it directly invaded her soul.
"'and then when he see I view him as a soulmate, I will run away when he give me freedom, when he trust me blindly " he recited her though of that night that he escaped and got her , which meant...
"you were in my head but ...."
"how?, you see love , when I knew we were soulmate I didn't want it to be like another soulmate bond I wanted it to be more symbolic and unique so  I took part of your soul and putted it in me and part of mine and putted it in you "
he toyed with her wrist before capturing them with one hand of his now his eyes returned that dark color.
"we are each other horcruxes" at her word he jumped in joy.
"yes , one of the things your shard did to me made me lucky in achieving it in a very short time , one of mine did to you is it made you parseltongue it was quite the romantic move when you spoke it to me ordering to kill my fool father when you hissed it at me and again you spoke it again in your sleep that day   "
this is it , her mind being her enemy, so now epiphany happened what Dumbledore told her by that she couldn't use that only way to stop him, he meant to kill herself, but since their souls is forever intertwined as one, it’s impossible he won completely.
"now now, dear soulmate since you didn't do the weeding it’s time for those to pay the price of your defining me since there movies made you so blind to see that we are meant to be together, we are soulmate "
more than five muggles died that day, and he have won.
Lady hope is no more.
Trivia facts:
this actually started as a drabble discussing both OC and Tom’s relationship but it ended up as a sequel
Kindly leave comments and feedback , ask any question you would like me to answer, I am doing an ask event for gifts you can ask any character anything and I will answer as them.
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thedcdunce · 5 years
First Born
“You treat me... as a thing you understand. But I am not that. Left to die in a desert, condemned by those that created me. Left... as nothing. It took me seven thousand years... to understand... only nothing lasts forever. Mother! Father! I understand now... I am nothing!” - First Born
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Crippler of Souls
Gender: Male
Height: 7′ 6″
Weight: 375 lbs (170 kg)
Hair: Black
Race: God of Olympus
Animal Empathy
Olympian Physiology
Linguistic Assimilation 
Monstrous Appearance
Power Limitation
Universe: Prime Earth
Zeus; father
Hera; mother
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: God of Nothing
First Appearance: Wonder Woman Vol 4 #13 (December, 2012)
Last Appearance: Wonder Woman Vol 4 #35 (November, 2014)
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Animal Empathy: He could control hyenas as a baby to bring him food.
Olympian Physiology
Superhuman Strength: He has claimed that his fists are capable of leveling mountains.
Invulnerability: He was able to crawl though the Earth's crust despite the heat and pressure.
Accelerated Healing
Energy Absorption: After being burnt by Apollo he was able to dismember veins from his body to use as tentacles that drain life from others, up to and including the Gods of Olympus.
Magic: After being burnt by Apollo's explosion and taking the throne of Olympus for himself, the First Born was capable of using magic to transform the entirety of Mount Olympus into a fleshy construct of itself. Furthermore, he is capable of opening a portal to the pit of the abyss, through which to imprison others.
Divination: The First Born is able to view other locations through a large pool of blood, as well as share that vision with others.
Teleportation: The First Born is capable of transporting others through blood.
Linguistic Assimilation: He can learn a language by eating someone's brain.
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Monstrous Appearance: In the aftermath of the death of Apollo, the First Born's form was little more than a walking corpse -- naked, bald, and pockmarked.
Power Limitation: The strongest of the First Born's powers are only accessible if he has control of the throne of Olympus.
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The First Born was the first son of Zeus and Hera, and later an enemy to Wonder Woman.
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The true origin of the First Born is a secret held by the Gods of Olympus. According to them, the First Born was the very first child of Zeus and Hera. On the day of his birth, a prophecy was recited that some day he would sit upon the throne of his father with the rest of the family as corpses around him. To prevent this from coming to pass, Zeus ordered a witch to kill the baby. Hera pleaded with the witch for mercy and instead she left the the baby in a velt in Africa, to fend for itself.
Using its nascent power, he commandeered a pack of hyenas to bring it food. He grew to adulthood, and became strong. He eventually grew into a giant man and learned of his heritage. He sired a army of Human-Hyena hybrids to take control of countless civilizations and slew a dragon to gain special armor. He eventually tried to take over Olympus only for Poseidon to wipe out his army with a tidal wave and Zeus to bury him beneath the Earth. His armies were then taken by Hades.
Seven thousand years later, after the disappearance of his father, he broke free of the Earth's crust in Antarctica and was greeted by his half sister Cassandra and her group of scientists. He ate one of the scientists brains to learn modern English, then lets her join him in his goal of taking over Olympus despite the efforts of the gods, especially Hades and Poseidon's forces. Ultimately, Poseidon swallowed the the duo whole.
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In the belly of Poseidon, the First Born and Cassandra were forced to make a deal with the sea god in his true home. Poseidon would return First Born's weapon and allow him to overtake Mount Olympus in exchange for leaving the sea and Hell to its current rulers. Naturally, the First Born refused at first, but was forced to agree when it became clear that if he did kill Poseidon, he would be forever trapped within the god's corpse. The pact sealed in blood, Poseidon acknowledged that the throne of Olympus could not be won without the last born, Zeus's final and true heir, guarded by the last Amazon who Poseidon knew to be Wonder Woman.
Going to London with Cassandra in search of Zeke, the First Born was met by Lennox, Zola, and his mother, Hera, and engaged Lennox in combat. Soon after, when Wonder Woman entered the fray, Orion followed by Boom Tube, and brought all present to New Genesis. However, Lennox was forced to stay behind in order to do so, so as to allow a Boom Tube that the First Born was holding open to close. Ultimately, the First Born managed to destroy Lennox, taking up residence on the throne in Westminster Abbey after having sent the city of London into burning chaos before Orion, Zola, Zeke, and Wonder Woman had managed to return, even gaining the aid of War. In the battle, the First Born attempted to kill War, but Wonder Woman impaled Ares to harm the First Born instead, robbing him of the chance to take up the mantle of god of war before he was knocked unconscious by Zola from behind.
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Captured by the Gods of Olympus and taken to Mount Olympus, the First Born was tortured, by Dionysus and Apollo, by having his internal organs eaten while he was still alive. Apollo had claimed ownership of the First Born when offered him by Wonder Woman after the First Born's defeat. Eventually, the First Born broke free of his bonds, and began to choke Apollo, the latter having been trying to humiliate him by forcing him to swear fealty. His own sheer hatred allowed him to overcome the searing heat of Apollo's powers, and he claimed to be the only one who deserved the power of Olympus, eager to not only remove the "seat warmer" Apollo, but desiring to have the Gods of Olympus, one by one, until he was the only one left. However, this stated goal allowed Apollo enough motivation to cause a massive explosion and kill himself, destroying the tower on which they stood.
Surviving the explosion that took Apollo's life, the First Born took it upon himself to claim the throne of Olympus itself. Draining Artemis near to her death with his newfound powers, the First Born declared himself "nothing," with the meaning that he would last forever. Although Hera was restored to her immortal self by Apollo's sacrifice, she and all others present were forced to escape to find a new army to fight the First Born, bringing all present with her to Themyscira in the hopes of using the Amazons of Themyscira as said army, led by Diana as the new God of War.
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Having used his newfound power over the heavens to transform Mount Olympus into a fleshy, nightmarish tower, the First Born kept Cassandra as his slave, starving her until he fed her companion Doctor Cheever to her for his own amusement at her nausea, also reminding her that he would eat her as well if she displeased him. Not long after, he came to the realm of Hades, extinguishing the candles on the god's head to effectively kill him. As a result, the souls of the underworld were released to the mortal realm, with no one left to rule the Underworld.
With Death conquered, the First Born set his sights on Life in the form of Demeter. With Strife's prodding, he came to the conclusion that he would want a wife with whom to share his kingdom, rather than rule over nothing at all. To that end, when he attacked Demeter and was faced with Diana and her new Hephaestus-forged armaments, he capture Wonder Woman as she allowed the others to escape, bringing her to Mount Olympus.
Forcing Diana to kneel before him, the First Born asked her to join him, despite their core oppositions -- her devotion to love and inspiration, his to destruction. To change her mind, he decided to destroy that which she held most dear. Sending his army, along with Cassandra and the Minotaur to attack Themyscira, the First Born reasoned that even if his children were killed by the Amazons, he would make more with Wonder Woman, despite her revulsion of the prospect. With her continued denial of his advances, the First Born stabbed Wonder Woman in the gut and left her to bleed out as he transported himself through the same blood pool to Themyscira. Though he fought alongside his army and defeated Orion, seeking to humiliate him by having him wear a dog collar, the First Born was driven back by Milan on Orion's Astro-Harness, with Artemis and Orion brought back to Mount Olympus through a Boom Tube, where Poseidon had claimed the throne of Olympus in the First Born's brief absence.
Upon the First Born's return to Olympus, he impaled Hermes on a spear with his claim to kill them all. Upon Strife noting that he had been losing the battle in Themyscira and had come to Olympus to get a secret weapon, meaning he was not as unstoppable as he claimed, he ensnared Zola in his veins. As he opened a hole into the abyss into which to throw Zeke, the First Born demanded that the Minotaur kill the unconscious Diana, then in a coma due to blood lose from her wounds. At the "less-than-man"'s reluctance to kill the woman who had spared his life, the First Born murdered him personally with the Minotaur's own horn impaled in the chest. In the ensuing battle the First Born was hurled into the abyss by Wonder Woman, with the Lasso of Truth, thereby losing rulership of Olympus to Zeke. Wonder Woman claimed it was a measure of "tough love," and hoped that in another seven thousand years, he would learn the real meaning of submission, of power in the strength of others.
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qtsp00k · 3 years
While reconnecting with my dads best friend I learned my dad was a warlock who participated in demonic rituals. His best friend thought he got away from it before i was born.
And maybe he intended to. Maybe he thought he did escape.
To my memory I was psychically gifted and my dad nurtured it. But, it was me who was evil, practicing evil, consorting and commanding demons. He didn't introduce me to the life.
So it is that should i have question the answer is known even as the question is being formed. At some point i saw, my dad showed me most likely, the symbol meaning infinity. From that point forward all of me ran along that track in rhythm. I do not subscribe to time as you know it.
And while passing by the deck I must have wondered at a very big question, because i received a very big answer. I don't now recall exactly what the question was.
But this is how I came to know beyond shadows of doubt that I am god, creator of dreams, this life is a dream, no one and no thing can have power over me because i am everything. Following the download i spoke aloud, "i always was, i will always be, i am."
I was maybe 5 years old. Right now i don't recall if this was before or after the birth of my brother. It hardly matters. I have walked enough of this life with this truth whether im off by a year or 3 here. You get that picture that im a child who talks with spirits, doesn't sleep, and knows they created the game of good vs evil.
I exist to end the game. I am here for the end of life as you know it.
What happened was an entity claiming to be god saw i was gifted and it was a voice i heard booming from the sky. It told me i was very special and must obey it and lead the people.
I refused.
So then, perhaps a different god in the sky, perhaps not different, took me to a high up place and offered me a seat at its side, promising me its power and kingdom.
We look down upon a ball of fire that was once a planet. The freshly extinguished life and smell of burning invigorated me.
And like that Power had me. And Power held me for many years after, well into adulthood.
All the while at the side of my master i had perks. I fed on the suffering of man. I was an energy vampire. I summoned demons & dismissed them. But when they would come and try to intimidate me, get me to do what they could not upon the plane of man, they could not move my hand. I was not properly fearful of them because i am all that is and however much they did fear their master many came to be in my service instead.
Around the point of time in which my skilled warlock father could no longer shield his mind from child me, an entity from the other side took up residence in him.
More and more my father and i were as equals instead of father daughter. The intelligence riding my dad was equipped to give me more power. Maybe it was the very entity i overlooked the kingdom of fire with.
Children targeted me, dogs attacked me, the holiday, easter, made my blood boil, adults remarked what an old soul i was, and my mother feared me.
Accidents, catastrophies, and dead animals. I didn't do much of anything in the physical. But i enacted chaos with my mind and my will if i was angry or bored. I don't know if i started the fires or not...i just let them burn.
I see now that because of my father's choice in being a warlock, i had no choice in being born a witch.
Add to that my mother's royal blood and family history of schizophrenic symptoms and alcoholism.
I am special indeed.
So when i had to endure bad daddy touch in order to maintain my apprenticeship with the demon possessing my father I endured it.
I shared what was going on with me and my dad with my best friend. It was she and her mother who set in motion the trial of Bruce Lee.
Bruce Lee did nothing wrong and to his recollection he must agree because he pled no contest.
I was trying to recruit my best friend because i had an awareness that my dark lord wanted to have children with me while he was set up in my father's body and that was unacceptable.
I needed more power to unseat the dark lord and escape my fate as cattle and that meant a coven basically, but i had few friends.
I revealed the truth to a boy friend also.
My dad was raped as a boy. By his blood uncle. He hid the man's own blood daughter from him and begged his uncle take him in her place.
His brother and his uncle share the same first name. Always before he molested me my dad would mutter the name and in the thickest hick accent he would repeat over and over that Uncle Talbert was a bad man.
I'd slip out of my body before the inappropriate conduct began. Except the time he caught me fast in the body by uttering the very words we had, in 7th grade, been warned that a child molester says to his victim:
"it's ok for me to do this because i love you"
The match from years ago learning about sexual abuse in school lined up to my present. And when i fled my body that night i actually ran straight to my mother.
My mother was passed out after her night of drinking. In spirit form i stood by her bed and then i reached into her. I reached in and saw her dream. And then i entered her dream. It was black and white and we were on an angry river.
From that point on i tried to tell my mom that my dad and i had an inappropriate relationship on several occasions.
Her strange auto reply of "you're just going to start you period soon" was a ticking time bomb flooding my awareness with what rituals i would be put through in order to give birth to non human entities in service to the devil.
But when my younger lil friend told her mommy i still has no intention of outing my father.
Such is the addictive nature of Power. But i was also becoming certain that the first life i took would be my dad's when he at last would be compelled to rape me. Always my plan had been to unseat the master from his throne.
I didn't want to be my father's wife.
I didn't want to end his life either.
But this game set in motion eons ago...it ends with me.
0 notes
novaursa · 7 years
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Imagine being Eris, Goddess of Chaos, daughter of Zeus and Hera and twin sister of Aries; and Loki being enchanted by your beauty and power.
Info for role-playing is below: 
|| Biographical Information ||
"Better you battle Zeus himself, than me." - Discord
- Real Name: Eris
• Meaning of the Name: Strife
- S.H.I.E.L.D Name/Alias: Discord
- Other Aliases: Bellona, Enyo, Discordia
- Nickname: Tony Stark sarcastically named her Sunshine (much to her displeasure).
- Born: N/A
- Age: N/A
- Birth Place: Olympus
- Current Location: Earth
- Base of Operations: Olympus, possibly the Areopagus.
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- Occupation: Goddess of strife and discord.
- Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of Eris’ existence except as a mythological character.
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|| Personality And Traits ||
- Personality Types: Wicked, vindictive, judgmental, fun loving, passionate.
• Eris represents true malevolence and deviance, she has no morals of good and/or nobility. She is seen as spiteful, vindictive and passionate when it comes to the prospect of the world potentially crumbling into chaos; which she refers to as being a glorious event. She is seen enraged at the fact that she has gotten her way which shows her to not be one who likes fair and square events. Eris is also seen as wickedly intelligent and takes a dullness tone to the happy endings which often gets her into a fight with her half-sister Aphrodite.
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|| Physical Information ||
- Species: Olympian Goddess
- Gender: Female
- Hair Color: Silver/White (albino)
- Eye Color: Purple (albino)
- Skin Color: Pale
• Note: Eris is an exceptionally beautiful woman who is said to look like "a vision of the good spirits in flesh, though they themselves would fear her". She has long silver hair and intelligent, piercing, lilac eyes. Eris had a soft, silken voice and is always clothed in a fine golden or red dress. She never grins, though she produces disarmingly subdued smiles. She detests flattery, because "vacous flattery is the sound of a prybar, a tool used by a thief as he tries to get what she has." Her least favorite color is pink.
|| Eris | Pictures ||
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|| History ||
"She takes after her mother." - Zeus about Eris
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Eris is the daughter of the Zeus, Ruler of the Olympian gods, and his wife, Hera. She often entered into the schemes and plans of her older twin brother Ares to ignite the dissension that often leads to war. Possibly as a way to cause dissension between gods and mortals, she stole the golden apple from the garden of the Hesperides guarded for Hera and had it engraved with the words, “For the Fairest.” She then tossed it among the guests attending the marriage of King Peleus of Aegina to the goddess Thetis. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite then tried to claim the apple in the dispute that triggered the Trojan War. Her activity after that event is unrecorded, but after the war, several Trojan refugees lead by Dardanian prince Aeneas conquered the area upon Rome was built on. During the Roman Empire, Eris was intensely worshipped by the Romans as one of their most important goddesses. During this time, Hercules most often antagonized Eris as he prevented most of her attempts to cause dissent and strife among mortals.
"Discord, you are my wrath. Send their bodies to Underworld and bring me their heads." - Hades
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During one of his skirmishes with mortal heroes, Hades gave Eris the ability to turn into giant tapian snake called Enyo. She has bitten heads of mortal heroes off and brought them to Hades in the Underworld. Eris later used both this giant and small form of tapian snake to spread more strife among the mortals.
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In his visits to Earth, Zeus became incensed that Eris was taking an active role in exciting her followers into killing Christians in his name. He decided to break off ties with Earth and allow the worship of the Olympian Gods to fade away. Eris retaliated by assisting many of the gods eager to preserve their ties to earth into hunting down mortals. Zeus faked his death to lend credence to an end of worship of the Olympian gods. To all who had seen these events, it appeared as if the gods were dead, but Zeus had several spells in effect that any god that was killed would be restored to life. Eris in meantime tried to hold on to whatever worshippers she had, but it all ended quickly. Defeated, Eris retreated to Olympus for some time.
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In modern years, Eris became intrigued by the forces of terrorism and racism on earth and even masqueraded as a mortal to stir up trouble between blacks and whites, Jews and Anti-Semitics, left and right wing liberals and other potentially controversial groups. Seeing as her brother Aries had fared unsuccessfully against Hercules, she began training her own modern champion, Centurion, as a worthy ally. She eventually sent him to kill Kyllian, a mortal man imbued with the power of a trio of Celtic Gods, many of whom the Olympian gods beheld with some enmity. After Kyllian defeated Centaurion, Eris realized that he might make a better pawn or ally than a new adversary and she vanished back to Olympus to plot her next scheme.
|| Recent History ||
"You humans are so predictable." - Eris
• Her first appearance is noted by Tony Stark; he claims that he first saw her in Afghanistan for a very brief moment not knowing her true identity. Their conversation was short and it ended with her saying, "You know what I like about you, Stark? You don’t have a heart." Then she just vanished into the thin air with misty fashion. After he was critically wounded Stark wandered more about her true nature.
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• Her second appearance is after the death of Stane. Tony confronts her about past events asking was she somehow involved in all that. Her response was that he must be more specific because- "a lot of things are her fault." She then introduces herself as Eris Goddess of Discord, before vanishing once more. After the defeat of Vanko, Tony found his home in a chaotic mess and a note on his desk which said: "Discord favors the heartless." Hinting that he is favored by Goddess Eris. She appeared a few times more after that, usually to protect him stating that "nobody is allowed to decapitate her favorite mortal". She also had a few ‘interesting’ encounters with Clint Barton and Bruce Banner who aren’t that much fond of her.
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|| Extra Information 1.00 ||
"There’s my Sunshine!" - Tony Stark to Eris
- Likes: Chaos, tipping the balance of good to evil.
- Dislikes: Losing, being proven wrong, defeat, nobility.
- Group Affiliation: Olympus, Ares, Hades, herself.
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- Ancestry: Zeus (father), Hera (mother), Ares (older twin), Hephaestus (brothers), Eileithyia, Hebe, (sisters), Hercules, Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus, Perseus (half-brothers), Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite, Persephone, Panthia (half-sisters), Poseidon, Hades (uncles), Demeter, Hestia (aunts), Asclepius, Cupid, Janus, Deimos, Phobos (nephews), Harmonia (niece), Triton, Rhode, Benthescyme, Neptunia, Arion, Pomona, Consus, Vertumnus (cousins)…
- Common Olympian Powers And Limitations: immortality, regeneration,  shapeshifting, flight, the ability to become invisible to the human eye, telekinesis, superhuman strength, stamina, heightened senses, speed and they have the ability to "teleport." Some possess the ability to manipulate matter and the elements of nature and are able to create natural phenomenon or natural disasters. They also possess a wide range of seemingly magical spells such as the casting of fireballs. One Olympian god cannot restore humans or gods to life. It took both Zeus and Hera to restore the life of their grandson, Evander. Also, most of them cannot heal others without the blessing of either Athena or Zeus. The only gods that were able to do so were Ares and Hades. Only a very few things can kill an Olympian: Hind's Blood, the Ribs of Kronos and Zeus.
- Eris’ Strength Level: Eris possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) about 25 tons under optimal conditions.
- Known Superhuman Powers Of Eris: She possesses the conventional physical attributes of the Olympian Gods. Like all Olympians, she is immortal. She has not aged since reaching adulthood and cannot die by any known conventional means. She is immune to all known terrestrial diseases and is invulnerable to conventional injury. If wounded, her godly life force would enable her to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of her bodily molecules to cause her a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for Zeus or a number of gods working together to revive her. Also, she is able to make herself invisible to mortals, or only visible to one person she chooses to, which makes easier for her to plant discord and hatred in the heart of mortals, however, gods and half-gods are immune to this effect and can see her all the time. Eris does have some superhuman strength, but she is not quite the powerhouse as gods like Hercules or Ares. Her Olympian metabolism gives her far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. Eris also has limited mystical powers common to all the Olympian gods, such as shapeshifting into a tapian snake. According to her, each Olympian has personal object foraged by Hephaestus that enables their powers; hers is known as Discord’s Ribbon Device and it gives her many supernatural abilities.
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"Do you really want to test my powers?" - Eris
- Her Normal Abilities: Eris has great skill in the use of all the implements of war used in the time of ancient Greece and Rome.
|| Discord’s (Clawed) Ribbon Device ||
"Put your hand down!" - Clint Barton
Discord’s Ribbon Device, is a multifunctional Olympian apparatus foraged by Hephaestus. The hand device is a gold colored, forearm-length glove worn on the left hand of the user, with a red gem in the center of the palm. It is controlled by a neural interface and is powered by DNA in the user's blood, functionally rendering it impossible to use except by Eris. The device has numerous functions with a variety of controls on its surface that can be used. It can also wirelessly control Olympian technology, triggered through a button on the back of the palm.
|| Discord’s Ribbon Device || Its Abilities ||
- Conducting a scan of a human - though it is unknown what the scan actually detects.
- Firing a powerful kinetic energy wave, capable of throwing grown humans several meters with significant force. It can potentially kill the target if they impact a solid surface nearby.
- Shooting a deadly fiery energetic neural link that connected to the brain of another person with the intention of torturing or killing them.
- Creating an energy shield that encompasses and protects Eris from harm. This shield only stops things that are incoming at high velocity and blasts. Arrows and thrown items go right through the shield.
- Paralyzing a human.
- Giving Eris ability to use pyrokinesis and telekinesis.
"You never were one for flowers." - Ares to Eris after she burned down Persephone’s garden.
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|| Extra Information 1.05 ||
- Theme Song: Everybody Knows by Sigrid
-Signature Look: Seen can usually be seen in a golden or red dress. Most commonly, however, she is seen in black armor.
- Her Sacred Animals Are: Tapian snakes and Hydras.
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• Note: Hera raised three Hydras. She sent first one to kill Hercules, and the last two she gave to Eris.
- Love Interest: Loki
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|| Discord’s Quotes ||
"Glorious chaos."
"I'm missing some excellent chaos here."
"Every argument has two points of view. Otherwise, there would be no room for discord. Think about it."
"You are far too hard on yourself, my dear, sweet, mortal friend. What would the people do without you? Dance? Sing? Smile? Grow old?"
"The last time I was this bored I took hostages."
"No! You can't take away my power!"
"Only two of those times were my fault."
"The kid was raised by wolves; until she killed them and ate them all…"
"I’m a simple girl who’s into anarchy and chaos. I also enjoy walks during sunset through battle-torn wastelands."
"Do you want to see the face that launched a thousand wars?"
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|| Quotes About Discord ||
"Discord is here?! I hate it when I can’t see her!" – Clint Barton
"Discord thinks only of discord." – Tony Stark
I’m looking forward to role-playing this very much. You can send me an e-mail if you are interested: [email protected] -much love, NovaUrsa
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chlorentine · 7 years
A Treatise on Human Culture by Prince Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill
Chapter 7: Private vs Public
As far as I can see, there is very little that humans find sacred. In their culture it is not the thing itself but the social implications that creates taboos. This observation aligns exactly with chapter 3, Human Chaos. When a human is alone on Earth, they are at their most dangerous in terms of sheer unpredictability. Their rules of behavior are dictated by one another, and without another person there to hold them accountable, it is not uncommon to see a human completely abandon their old self and begin to behave entirely erratically. Still other humans behave in very consistent ways regardless of the presence of others. Both morality and logic, what we Andalites would consider static things that one either possesses or lacks, operate on an individual basis among humans, each of which becomes distorted in isolation.
The implication here is clear: humans require other humans to function. I am convinced that a single human, even for a short period of time, begins to emotionally and mentally deteriorate without the support of other humans. There is a saying that I have heard them say: Always bring two so they have friends. A human is only seen as a complete success if they are surrounded by friends and family: it is a requirement for even the most basic levels of status. Of course, this concept is not foreign to Andalites; we have been living and thriving in herds and family unites for centuries. However, it would be irresponsible to claim that the intense and consuming need for validation that humans crave from one another is in any way equivalent to the Andalite scoop structure.
I would like to emphasize that this is not neurological: it is a cultural difference. During the Andalite-Yeerk War, I was marooned on the Earth theatre, where the war would eventually come to a close. The culture is an infectious thing, and it is dangerously easy to become absorbed into it. In their words and actions, they seek approval. However, the approval they seek is not restricted to superiors and elders, as a hierarchical appeal: they also seek the approval of their peers and equals. It is an extremely complex and disturbing fact of life for the inhabitants of Earth.
Although the craving for attention is cultural, the crushing despair humans experience in isolation could potentially be neurological, and I would venture to claim that it is a neurological phenomenon that Andalites partially share. The way the Andalite brain reacts to trauma is distinct from the way humans experience it, but I know for a fact that social isolation has a significant impact on both species.
During my time on the planet, I spent a great amount of time with the Earth Liberation Army. The six children were completing their intermediary stages of education, aptly called “middle school” because of its status between elementary and secondary education. Developmentally, the humans were at a critical stage of their lives wherein they were being taught how to build relationships with other people. Apart from their academic studies, human children are also saddled with the responsibility of simultaneously training themselves on social acceptability. The complexities of social acceptability on Earth are so difficult that they spend their entire adolescent life learning how to exist within it, and to my understanding many struggle with it well into adulthood.
One human, a nothlit casualty of the war, was with me throughout my stay on Earth. Due to being a nothlit (and the secrecy involved in the Earth theatre of the war, which I go into more detail in my previous work, Humans at War), this human (hereafter referred to as T-Bird) was a rare exceptional case of being completely kept at the margins of society. He only communicated with me and the other soldiers in the Earth Liberation Army, and he expressed to me on numerous occasions the depth to which this affected him psychologically. He felt broken, and even apart from the threat of a short lifespan and his trauma concerning his physical form, T-Bird’s struggle was severely aggravated by the prospect of being unable to connect with other humans & living his life alone. Many humans who are not associated with this war (which created unique experiences in many ways) can attest to having a similar emotional struggle, and the distress that accompanies it is very real.
Andalites have not had the same history as humans, and we definitely do not share the same neurology. Therefore, my experience being marooned on Earth may very well be the first extreme example of social isolation that Andalites have on record. I will not go too much into detail about my psychological development, but by the time the war was over, I had assimilated completely and was virtually indistinguishable from the native species. I related to the experiences of T-Bird. Through this mutual understanding with the humans I was able to realize an aspect of Andalite psychology that is critically underexamined, and in the aftermath of the Andalite-Yeerk War we can only continue to ignore it at our peril.
The humans, although primitive and basic in many ways, are very advanced in terms of morality and ethics. I do not in any way claim that they behave ethically in all circumstances: in fact, the chaotic behavior I discussed in chapter 3 is primarily as a result of how easily they are able to disobey ethics and logic. However, as a species they seem to have decided that ethics are situational, and that every bit of new information alters what they deem to be “the right thing to do.” Andalite morality is simple by comparison, which stems from our biological origins: Andalites were herd animals and obeyed a strict hierarchy, whereas humans are primates whose society is based on mutual support (with far less emphasis on chain of command). We are content to obey a chain of command whereas humans need things rationalized and explained. The details of human ethics are highly individual and convoluted, to the point where no two human sees exactly eye to eye. This creates an even more chaotic environment, and one would think that there is ceaseless conflict on a planet wherein no one is in agreement.
This assumption would be false. Although it is true that there is significantly higher and more malicious instances of violence and conflict on the planet, the systems for unity are that much stronger. How to account for this discrepancy? It is simple: humans are not detail-oriented.
Two humans who disagree on nearly every issue under their sun can be united for a lifetime based on a single point of ethical compromise. Moral conflict can often be resolved by peacefully acknowledging their difference in opinion. The miracle of humans is that their quest for “approval” is not because of some social capital that they stand to gain: it is in the interest of establishing bonds. Andalites cannot fully understand their emphasis on forming bonds, and it is bizarre to think that the moment they meet someone they are interested in forming a connection with them. However, that is exactly my experience. Upon landing on Earth, the humans instantly began giving me “nicknames” and protecting me as though I was one of their own. They immediately held me to the standards Andalites would only expect of intimate friends. Within weeks, I was berated for not revealing detailed personal information, and by the time I left Earth I was left completely bare and vulnerable to them. They knew me in ways I daresay no one else ever will.
This prospect is frightening to Andalites. On Earth however, this is not so frightening, because these bonds do not go to waste. We do not have them simply for their own sake. The bonds are an intricate support system that prevents humans from entering psychological distress to the point of dysfunction. On Earth, when something happens that is emotional distressing, we confide in others. Humans, who are naturally prone to extreme empathy, then ease any suffering by sharing the weight. This explains the trend previously observed: all humans are a little sad, but only those who are isolated experience acute depression. Andalites mourn privately, taking vigils of silence or completely excusing oneself from society to contemplate loss. Humans consider this an unhealthy way to mourn, and Earth mourning is considered a personal journey that is undertaken interpersonally. Although this sounds gauche and degrading, but it is not public as an Andalite may imagine: friends, who are likely experiencing similar things to you, help each other understand their feelings, and the result is far more effective than if the process was undergone individually.
There are countless extravagant human customs surrounding death. A human friend of mine described a ceremony undertaken once a year to lavishly honor the dead through an opulent and elaborate festival. There are counseling groups specifically designed to give community to those suffering a loss. The one I am personally most familiar with is the funeral. If any Andalite were to participate in a human funeral without the appropriate social context, they would undeniably find it a vulgar affair. Dozens of humans come together to publicly profess how important the deceased was while standing over their remains.
I personally have been to only a handful of human funerals, all for victims of the Andalite-Yeerk War. The largest of them was that of Rachel Berenson, the most decorated soldier participant on Earth. There were several hundred attendees, but there were thousands who fought for attendance. The event was broadcasted internationally, and the whole planet was united in mourning her. The feeling of loss became the single point of ethical compromise that allowed the victims some basis for catharsis.
In my region of Earth, the most common funerary practice is to place the corpse in a wooden box and to bury it six feet under the ground. During the ceremony, those who formed the strongest bond with the deceased and had the most intense grief are given the title “pall-bearer,”. They lift the box onto their shoulders and walk with it on a circular route so that the deceased may experience their community once more before being interred. I am very glad that Rachel’s funeral did not include this: the humans have much more lifting power than me, and I do not know if I would have been able to carry it unwaveringly for that long.
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konnl · 6 years
Best Friends
Halloween night is a great time for parties. Three friends claim they’re the best at it. No night of fun is off limits for them, at least they thought so until they attend an underground exclusive gathering.
Best Friends is October’s flash fiction that’ll bring readers into a strange drama between three friends. Experience the story in written word, audio, artwork and soundscape.
Best Friends
We got our masks, accessories and outfits together and headed to the front door. Our group was ready to head out for a night of debauchery and chaos. A couple of my friends stuffed the bottles of vodka and gin into plastic bags, carefully trying to not make them clang.
It took us an abnormal, additional ten minutes or so to get our shoes on as we swayed side to side, trying to keep our balance up. The pre-drinking can get a little carried away when the three of us get together. Drinking was part of the fun. It was also a bonus that it was the end of October, Halloween season was our favourite time of the year.
“You think Brandon is going to be there?” said a black-haired girl in a grey alien mask. She was better known as Emma, my friend, than a grey-alien-mask girl.
I slipped my boots on and adjusted my plastic skeleton mask, shrugging at her.
“Why does it matter?” asked the second guy. His blue eyes stared at us underneath the rubber mask of a man with a crown. He carefully stood upwards as the polyester material of his king outfit stretched tight against his skin. Working out sure made you look good, but it also made fitting into costumes or fashionable clothing difficult.
Emma pulled out her vape and turned it on, saying, “I was just curious that is all.”
“It’s just because she is looking to bone him,” I said while grabbing the plastic bag of booze off the ground.
“And what if I was?” Emma asked.
“Go for it,” I said. “Just explaining it to Nick because he has had a crush on you for years.”
“Dude, shut up. I haven’t.” Nick said while scratching the back of his neck.
“Oh, Nick.” Emma rolled her eyes as I unlocked the front door and stepped out. Emma and Nick followed right behind me.
I nudged Emma’s arm, saying “unlike Nick, I actually want to chance my luck with an actual girl.”
“Sometimes you’re so stupid,” Emma said. “Where is this place anyway?”
It was a pretty rude thing of me to say, but I had to give her a hard time and lighten the mood. I couldn’t stand the constant tension between Emma and Nick, why didn’t they just plow already and get it over with? We’ve all been friends since Junior High. We’re adults now, they can embrace adulthood.
Moving On
I pulled out my phone and accessed my ride-sharing app, typing in the address. “You know, I can’t say I have ever been to this party, but I hear it is pretty gnarly.”
“A club?” Nick asked.
“Oh,” I said. “No, it is a house party.”
“Really? A house party that takes tickets?” Nick said.
“It’s an exclusive mask-only party. From what I hear, it is one of the crazier ones that happens at this time of the year.”
“Well,” Emma said. “Keep in mind they haven’t partied with us yet.”
“Cheers to that,” I said.
“Why the masks?” Nick asked.
I shrugged, saying, “they like to keep things anonymous I guess. Glen gave me the invite this year,” I said. “Last year I couldn’t even grab a ticket before they sold out.”
After calling a car through the ride-share app, I stuffed the phone in my pocket as we took the elevator down to the main floor. The three of us waited out front of the apartment complex, staying huddled close to each other to avoid the winds. Even though it was still fall, the night temperature dropped intensely. That’s Canada’s weather for you.
Nick pulled out a flask from his back pocket and took a chug of liquor. He passed the container to each of us, and we had a shot of whiskey. That marked the fourth type of hard liquor I had had this evening.
A black car arrived with a glowing ride-sharing logo stuck to the windshield – our drive to the house party.
The three of us scooched into the back of the car with Nick and me on either side of Emma. I handed each of my friends their tickets, and we awaited our arrival. It didn’t take long for the driver to navigate us to the opposite end of town. The guy seemed to know the city well, taking side roads to cut through the traffic jams by. This man would get a decent tip for his skills.
Party Time
We arrived at an older, quiet neighbourhood that was primarily populated with war-time homes. Mostly single-levels and bungalows.
“Here you are,” said the ride-sharing driver in a thick eastern accent.
“Thanks,” I said as the three of us exited the car.
Nick spun around, looking at each house as our ride accelerated down the road. He scratched his head, saying, “which house is it?”
Emma pointed to the house directly in front of us. “See those lights?”
The house in front of us had a red glow inside, and it was the only house that had lights.
“That is a good indicator,” I said while marching up to the home.
The three of us hurried up to the front door, each of us adjusting our costumes before I pulled open the screen door and knocked on the entrance. A muffled bass rumbled from inside the house, chances were they didn’t hear the knock.
I reached for the knob as the door swung open and a man in a PVC mask and undies stood in front of me. His hairless form was highlighted from the red glow behind him.
“Hey,” I said while pulling out my ticket.
The man reached for my ticket, looked at it and then waved me in. I entered casually, trying to keep a calm appearance. The last thing I wanted to do was enter a party too abruptly, that doesn’t win you any cool points. Funny how we get fixated on convincing people we are cool. Sure helps if you’re trying to get your grind on.
My mask made it next to impossible to see anything in my peripheral view. I could make out the main lobby, a hall, and the living room to my right. The entry was jammed at every corner with guest attendees in wild costumes and masks. Some of the outfits were as minimal as the door greeter and others far more concealing. Each guest’s outfit followed some sort of dark, artistic or kink theme to them. The sight made me realize that my friends and I got the wrong idea when it came to a ‘mask-only’ party.
A hand gently brushed against my back, causing me to look back, expecting to see Emma. No. A girl in a black feathered bra, panties and masquerade mask released her hand from me as she walked passed, entering the hall.
Maybe we’re not so out of place as I thought, I thought while watching the girl’s exposed hips move side to side as she disappeared into the crowded hall.
A shoulder nudged my own. I turned to see Nick and Emma were now beside me.
“…is classy A.F,” Nick said. He was difficult to hear through the pounding bass, but I managed to catch his point.
Emma leaned into the two of us, saying, “we are so out of place.”
“That was my thought too,” I said. “But I am second guessing that.”
“Why?” Emma asked.
“Give me a shot of that whiskey,” I said.
Nick reached into his back pocket and handed me the flask.
I snagged it and took a chug of the liquor before passing it back to him. “I’ll be back, gotta catch a birdie.”
The Chase
“What?” Nick said.
I ignored his statement and hurried through the small hallway, carefully avoiding people, so I didn’t knock their drinks. My balance was slightly off centre, that shot of whiskey outside the apartment was beginning to kick in.
Keep it together, I thought while looking past all of the mysterious guests for the bird-feathered-girl again.
I spotted bobbing feathers a good couple meters ahead of me. She didn’t get too far. The girl continued to move through the hall, past the kitchen and down the staircase leading to the basement of the home. Not thinking twice, I followed her down the stairs. The basement had a blue glow to it and a new type of thumping bass music. This tune was faster, thicker and grimier.
The girl came to a stop near the center of the unfinished basement den. She began to dance to the music by waving her arms and shaking her rear to the rhythm. I’m not much of a dancer but seeing a girl who I like with moves like that is precisely what I need to encourage me.
I busted out my gnarliest moves and appeared in front of the girl. She didn’t seem surprised at all, it was as if she was expecting me.
My moves felt smooth as I swung to the tempo, in synch with her movements. I made sure I stayed close enough to her body to welcome her to me, but not too close that so we touched. Teasing was all part of the dance.
The girl spun around and danced facing away from me for a portion of the track. A couple of times she brushed against me with a playful smile until the DJ shifted the track to a new beat.
She turned to face me and lifted her hand, revealing a palm full of small pills. Truthfully, I couldn’t even guess where she concealed them with the little amount of clothing that she had.
“Want to have some fun?” she asked.
“I’m down,” I said without processing what she asked.
What am I doing? I thought as I grabbed one of her pills. She did the same, and we both popped them into our mouths.
Join in on the Fun
“Paul!” came a female voice.
A gray-alien-masked girl and a king appeared beside us.
“Hey, guys!” I said. Right on, it’ll look good to this gal if my friends talk me up, I thought.
Emma punched my shoulder and leaned into me. “What did you just take?”
“Just enjoying the party, relax!” I said. Leaning closer to her I added, “this girl is into me. Let’s keep this going.”
The bird-feathered-girl began to dance to the beat, keeping her hand holding the pills extended to the three of us.
I nodded at the pills, saying, “I thought you said this crowd hadn’t really partied until they partied with us?”
Emma stared at the pills for a moment before saying, “alright. You got me there.” She snagged one of the pills and popped it in her mouth.
“Woah!” Nick said while taking the last one for himself. “We’re really doing this huh?”
“Let’s party!’ I said while patting Nick on the back.
“Who’s your new friend by the way?” Emma asked.
I turned to face the bird-feathered-girl, saying, “oh, this is…”
“Victoria,” the girl said. “Come dance!” She said while moving back into the crowd.
The three of us didn’t question her and joined her. We weren’t exactly sure what we took, it could have been anything. MDMA? Acid? Who really knew? What we did know was that we were here for fun.
Usually, I had a good sense of my party supplies, but I didn’t realize when the pill began to kick in. The music amplified as the depth of the room drastically widened. My body heat intensified as other forms danced around me. The nearest body was lightly covered in feathers, second a man of royalty and a strange alien. There had to be more people that came into the lower floor because the four of us were brushed pretty close against one another. That was okay, I felt a deeper level of connection with them all.
The blue light from the ceiling brightened. Movements were fast. Colourful echoed versions of people’s bodies move with the music behind them. Skin and clothing felt welcoming. Smells were alluring. Sensations were overpowering. Body heat increased as limbs began to melt into one. How many of us were there?
Material slipped away until there was just skin. Only skin, panting, bodies against and inside one another with passionate grasps.
Was I sleeping? The drunken self I was seemed to no longer be. My sense of realism and dream have collided into this melting pot of sensation. Whatever it was, it was bliss.
  *             *             *
A bright white light beamed directly over me as my eyes slowly peeled open. A throbbing headache pulsated around my head, a typical hangover. My skin was quite warm, coated in dried sweat, abnormal. I felt numb, slightly depressed and out of energy, very unusual for a night of drinking.
Sitting upright, a small hand glided off my chest and on my thigh. I didn’t even notice the arm before because it was as warm as me. Looking to the side, I saw a naked girl beside me. Her black hair was spread all over the sheets. A grey alien mask was beside her.
Oh shit, I thought while scooching away from her. My movements made me realize I was also completely naked. Did Emma and I just…?
As I backed up, my butt pressed against firm skin. The sudden touch caused me to jump. I turned around to see a well-built man wearing a rubber mask of a bearded man with a crown, unmistakably Nick, who was also as naked as Emma and I.
“Oh God,” I groaned while brushing my hair from my face. The skeleton mask I had was completely gone. That mattered little to me as I began to piece together what the three of us had done.
Glancing around the room I spotted the windows were high above, indicating we were still in the basement. This had to be a guest room or something. The door was closed, our clothes were spread over the floor, and the bird-feathered-girl was nowhere to be seen. It was only the three of us. We were childhood friends, now grownups, experiencing adulthood.
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jjujjika · 6 years
shou past
Note: All of this is kind of long, but relevant if you want to know more about Shou’s backstory. Thank you in advance if you decide to read all of it!
SIOBHAN FAYE is the daughter of CAMERON THE HURRICANE (deceased), an ex-pirate who was once notorious during her prime, and BALOR FAYE (deceased), the previous acting head of the Faye Clan. She is more widely known as SHOU in her later years, or the Straw Hats Pirates’ ’Dragon Warrior’.
        For centuries, the FAYE DYNASTY has been reputably known throughout the One Piece universe for ruling over the empire DEEPWYN with an iron fist as a clan of fierce warriors that practice outstandingly strict traditions in regards to their bloodline. As history goes, the clan’s ancestors were once a wandering tribe of massive proportions that roamed from land to land on the backs of wolf-like beasts named KOONODOS in search of a place to settle down and expand their lineage. DEEPWYN was once upon a time a country that was made out of several smaller kingdoms, all suffering from the consequences of a new era in which PIRACY and heightened CRIME was rearing its ugly head, and as a result was overran with lawless criminals when Kings and Queens began to LOSE their rights to their thrones (due to being overthrown, assassinated, surrendering and abandoning their position, etc). Slowly over the course of time, the ancestors of the Faye Clan found themselves upon the shores of said land and eventually overthrew, conquered, and DROVE OUT the pirates, bandits, and other outlaws in a violent year long war for the ownership of the combined territories; managing to successfully wipe the slate clean after their dynasty came INTO POWER. This event was known as the ‘Birth of Deepwyn’ and it is how the Faye Clan made their place in history as one of the oldest and most prestigious clans in the world.    
         SIOBHAN was born as a result of the highly forbidden affair that took place between Cameron and Balor after the female pirate had the audacity to trespass on their land and commit the bold act of raiding their territory in search of food. The clan, who regarded pirates as lowly criminals to begin with, did not take kindly to her actions and she was unfortunately captured and thrown into the dungeon as a result, intended to be locked up until the day she starved to death as punishment.
        She did not, however, perish immediately, which soon called forth the attention of Balor, who was intrigued enough to travel the dark, dreary core of the dungeons himself to inspect the prisoner whom had put up such a valiant fight against so many of his people, a feat not often heard of especially in their own element. The two did not get on well from the start, understandable due to circumstances, though he did at some point offer her food to prolong her survival. It was doubtless to say he had grown fond of her in some weird, warped way mostly due to her fighting spirit and fearlessness. Months passed, and eventually, the Head of the clan came to the decision to set the pirate free. Against his wishes to flee the land as swiftly as possible; she chose to keep coming back to fraternize with the clan’s Head in secrecy.
        It wasn’t long until Balor and Cameron found themselves caught up in a romantic involvement of sorts, which ended DISASTROUSLY after HERA, the woman who Balor was wedded to in a loveless politically arranged marriage, uncovered the truth behind her husband’s infidelity. She was overcome with a powerful rage and the bitterness of betrayal to find that her own husband had picked some common PIRATE WOMAN in favour of their union and so; set about carrying out a scheme to execute her revenge.
        Cameron was to be METICULOUSLY FRAMED by Hera for the assassination of Balor, an incident that would forever alter the fate of the Head Family once the deed had taken place one fateful night amidst this series of tragic events. Devastation and utter chaos would sweep the nation in a relentless, unforgiving WITCH-HUNT for the scum responsible for the untimely death of their highly esteemed Leader, and all the signs pointed towards Cameron as the culprit because of the false leads that Hera had planted prior to all of this. The loss that the clan had suffered that day was deemed one of the most painful and heavy experiences their people ever had to endure as a cultural society to date; an unfathomable disgrace to those who would readily lay their lives down for their Lord in virtue of their pride as WARRIORS. The life of their Leader was the livelihood of their heritage, and to have him murdered in cold-blood right under their noses was spitting directly in the face of their existence.
        When Cameron was forcefully captured and apprehended once more with the intention of immediate execution, it was only then when it was revealed at the last minute that she was WITH CHILD; a turn that spiralled things completely out of control here on after for everyone involved– a predicament that sent the entire population hurtling into a mass hysteria, viciously rioting over what actions were to be made next.
A controversial decision was to be made: to salvage what was left of their pride by killing this unborn baby, or to allow it into the world instead?
       Nine months later, a wailing golden-eyed child was born, followed immediately by the demise of its mother. The clan’s elders had made the final choice against POPULAR OPINION to honor the traditions their ancestors so firmly upheld and stuck with the belief that the Head Family’s bloodline was more sacred than anything (BASTARD CHILD OR NOT) and ended up sparing its life. This was how Siobhan Faye was brought into existence as the Second Heir, the half-ling, a painful reminder of why outsiders could not be trusted. The clan’s biggest disgrace.
With no mother or father, and the rest of her people harbouring a host of ill feelings towards her; she did not have a very pleasant childhood as a result. She was often cruelly mistreated by the other children of her generation who belonged to parents that were honestly not very much better off as it was widely known what she was.
Despite officially being part of the Head Family, it was also decided among the council (an administrative body made out of the clan’s most important members and warriors) that she would not share the same privileges a child of the Head Family would typically have, such as an automatic seat in the council itself when she was older. Instead, in order to snuff out the possibility of her passing down her tainted genetics and having her future offspring being born within the clan, Siobhan was given the role of a POLITICAL MARRIAGE PIECE in the future, should they need to form important connections with neighbouring countries. Any children she may have in her husband’s country would no longer be directly part of the clan’s Head Family, effectively removing all traces of her from the system. This was to be her duty from the moment she was born, shackled with responsibilities of learning how to entertain, serve, and possessing all the skills of a proper bride; all of which she wasn’t particularly good at. She was absolutely FORBIDDEN to develop even the simplest form of combat abilities (ostracising her even further from everyone else; as even very young children were expected to know how to fight due to the nature of being a warrior clan) and was expected to stay within a restricted area in Deepwyn so that she would not risk any injuries that might damage her worth as a marriage piece. Her caretakers would frequently go as far as to use harsh SCARE TACTICS on her to discourage her from wandering off into the dark forest or sparring with the other youth, claiming that because she was a HALF-LING, that she would not be able to even hold an inch of a candle to those who were PUREBLOOD. They would greatly exaggerate the dangers of everyday life, and brainwash her until she grew up to be an EXTREMELY skittish, cowardly, and reliant child.
        Still, Siobhan’s only saving grace during this difficult portion of her childhood was her elder half-brother SASHA FAYE, the sole biological son of Hera and Balor, and the next in line in becoming the HEAD OF THE CLAN once he entered adulthood at twenty-one. Unlike his sister, not only was Sasha adored and respected by all of his people for being the TRUE HEIR of the clan, he was also a prodigy at everything that was expected of him; from being an ingenious fighter, to having the natural skills of a leader. Cold, intimidating, and born with a somewhat distant personality, no one knew WHY or how Sasha ended up being so extraordinarily close to his half-sister, but their bond was impossible to sever by everyone around them and he was the only real source of love and affection Siobhan had, much to the distaste of many (especially Hera). The FIRST HEIR didn’t seem to share the same aggression and spite the rest of the clan had towards Siobhan despite knowing full-well that it was said that the cause of their father’s death rested in her mother’s hands.
Sasha would tirelessly be at his sister’s side in attempt to ward off some of the hostility she attracted from the children of their generation for being such a misfit, and wasn’t above being almost cruel to them should they make the mistake of disrespecting her in his presence. Unfortunately, this managed to invoke some feelings of jealousy and resentment from the children who couldn’t understand why Sasha wasted all his time and attention on his little scrap of a half-sister, and there came a time when she got into an altercation with one of them after they managed to corner her.
Fearing for her life, Siobhan was coerced into lashing out and slapping her attacker in the face trying to defend herself, and ended up severely wounded when they inflicted their wrath on her to the point where she was left with scars permanently marring her back. Owing to this incident, not only was Siobhan traumatised and terrified over how easily overpowered she proved to be in a fight; she was also brutally reprimanded by the members of the council for being careless enough to damage her body and her value as a bride.
        Wholly convinced that Siobhan’s worth had now been compromised due to her pristine physical appearance being disfigured with scars, the council held a meeting to discuss what was to be done with her, and if the situation could somehow be salvaged one way or another as they did not want to risk questionable representation. Offering up a damaged marriage piece would imply that they were incapable of protecting her from harm. Hera took this opportunity to raise the idea of presenting Shou as a child CONCUBINE to an old king who lived in a country in the EAST BLUE ocean as a sort of gift to strengthen their relations - a much more seedy and lowly role. Knowing that this was doomed to be her new fate and not being ready to leave Deepwyn where Sasha was going to continue on living, Siobhan was completely horror-stricken at the prospect of being separated from the only family member that ever loved her at such short notice. She was scared witless, and begged her brother to not let them ship her off on her own to some island in such a faraway sea; but was met with the 9-year-old boy being frustratedly insistent that obediently following the directions of their elders was the best way they could keep her safe, for what could a pair of young children with hardly any influence do to oppose them?
HEARTBROKEN and ANGRY, Siobhan started arguing with her brother, asking how he could stand by and let them split them up so easily when he always claimed that he would protect her at all costs, to which Sasha retaliated by calling her a STUPID CHILD, who had no idea how the world worked. This was the last conversation that the siblings had before she was brought to the harbour to board a ship that was destined for EAST BLUE.
During her voyage, their ship was hit by an unexpected storm which Siobhan took advantage of when everybody was distracted. Quickly, the little girl knew that this was her one and only chance to steal away on an emergency life raft while the attention of her bodyguards was being diverted. She drifted aimlessly on the ocean waves for DAYS without proper provisions and WOULD'VE DIED had it not been for the passing pirate ship that came to her rescue and hauled her to safety. Extremely dehydrated and hanging on the edge of starvation, it took the child some time to rouse from her temporary coma, where she then instantly freaked out when it hit her that she was lying in an unfamiliar bed surrounded by scary, dangerous-looking men she had never seen the faces of before. Later, she would come to realise that she was on board the ship of RED HAIR SHANKS; a pirate captain who was the complete opposite of everything she was made to believe growing up.
With no place to go, and nowhere to hide- and following many instances of childish bribery involving candy bars and toys later- Siobhan eventually found herself warming up to these quirky pirates and grew to be fairly comfortable around them; taking it upon herself to latch her tiny frame onto their jolly, good-natured captain in particular. It was also around this time of her life where she adopted the alias SHOU out of the fear of revealing her true identity, lest they forcefully send her back to her homeland or take advantage of her status. Needless to say, as much as the hearty pirates enjoyed the company of their pint-sized little lass, they knew deep down of the dangers that often came with their adventures and that they ultimately had to seek out someone who would safely take the little one off their hands. (Easier said than done when Shou was adamant on staying attached to Shank’s right hip for the rest of her life - stubbornly refusing to stay with anyone they try to leave her with.)
This was when Shanks and his crew finally docked at Dawn Island and made their way to Foosha Village, where they had the pleasure of encountering a strange, energetic little boy who wore a smile as big as his heart - and for the first time in her life after meeting LUFFY, Shou had an actual friend she could call her own.
The next chapter of her story begins when she makes the decision to stay with Luffy and bade Shanks a tearful farewell with promises of doing their best to look after one another. What no one foresaw though, was when Luffy’s marine grandfather, GARP, came by to drag Luffy all the way up Mt. Colubo to live with the bandit CURLY DADAN, leaving Shou once again frightened and all on her own. It was roughly 3 months before she mustered up the courage to follow Makino and Mayor Woop Slap on a visit to see how the small rubber boy was doing.
And this was when she discovered, to her dismay, that he had not only befriended, but also ADOPTED two monstrous brothers who she would have a whale of a time getting along with.
To summarise the rest of Shou’s story during her later years:
She left Dawn Island before Ace and Luffy after getting wind of news that members of the Faye Clan council were making their way to Goa Kingdom to discuss political matters.
Anxious and panicking, Shou decided that she couldn’t risk staying and being recognised by one of them and set off to sea without informing Ace or Luffy; the only goodbye coming in the form of a note she left them on the day of her departure. She made this decision based on the fact that she didn’t want to cause them any unnecessary burden, knowing that after the incident with Sabo, they would refuse to let her go off on her own.
On an aimless journey out at sea once again, Shou found herself crossing paths with an infamous pirate crew known as the Iron Maidens, whom she reluctantly joined in exchange for her life, as well as for protection and refuge.
She would be a part of the Iron Maidens Crew until she reached the age of 17, when she her bounty was high enough to draw a considerable amount of attention in the pirate world; especially after consuming the Mythical Zoan Type devil fruit she was given to by mistake.
Note: affiliated with Jujika from this point on; other Ace-muses don’t have to follow this plot line if they don’t want to!
This included Ace, who at this time, had already been a part of the Whitebeard pirates.
Finally learning about his missing sister’s whereabouts after years of trying to track her down alongside his rising career as a pirate, Ace took it upon himself to locate her in order to pay her a long overdue visit.
Swapping vivre cards after their reunion, it was during the Alabasta Arc where Ace had the chance to meet up with Luffy and secretly passed him a piece of Shou’s vivre card along with his own.
This would eventually lead to the following events where Luffy and Shou find each other once more, prompting her to cut her ties with the Iron Maidens to join the Straw Hats instead.  
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livingthemontage · 7 years
Summer Night Ramblings
I started this Tumblr about 6 years ago. I had just turned 23, and was ripe out of college. I wanted to started a new blog where I could compile my thoughts as I began adulthood and made sense of life throughout my 20s. 
It also became a source of entertainment & escape. Some of the jobs I’ve had were super isolating and boring, & this site helped me express myself creatively during the times I felt stifled in corporate environments.
I finally have a job I feel happy about & look forward to every morning. It’s not exactly what I had pictured at 22, but through random mistakes, events, and choices, I somehow found my calling. It makes the future a little brighter.
And yeah, it keeps my days super-busy where I am not even able to log into this site anymore. Bittersweet for sure, but the timing seems right as I am nearing the end of my 20s and gradually entering a whole new chapter of my life.
As I reflect back on my 20s, I will say that I always expected excitement and chaos and life lessons and all the like blah blah blah. But I could never have planned out or predicted the actual stories I lived through.
I’ve been laid off. Twice. I got my heart broken. Twice.
I’ve broken my share of hearts as well. I fell in love. I fell in lust. I took advantage of others while others did the same to me.
Friendships were formed and lost. Sometimes those lost friendships hurt even more than the failed relationships. 
But I have come to learn who I can depend on & who is worth keeping in my life. It sounds so cliche, but I truly do mean it. You find out who really matters during the darkest times in your life.  
The ones who grab a drink with you and insist on buying the next round when you’re broke, unemployed, & borderline homeless.
The ones who lend a ear and a shoulder to cry on when all you want to do is bitch for hours, months, and maybe even a couple years about the all stupid boys who broke your heart. 
The ones who show up at your father’s funeral, without even having to ask.
If we want to talk about a reoccurring theme throughout my 20s, death would be on the list. I’ve lost countless family members throughout just the last couple of years, & I am still trying to make sense of it all.
I am still and forever will be making sense of my losing my dad. His health started to decline when I was 19, and for the last 10 years it’s been a looming fear and anxiety I held deep inside & could never really reconcile. And now that anxiety is gone, but I’m not sure how to feel now. Taking care of him & and adjusting to his sickness and mood swings was one of the hardest phases I ever had to live through. But I would do it all again just to have him back in my life. To see him again. When you’re 29, you don’t think need your parents anymore, but in just the last 3 months, I realize how much I still need & miss my dad.
And it was not just because he was my dad, but because he was the most positive influence in my life. Whenever I felt down, or scared, or worried, my dad always had the ability to cheer me up. He was the most optimistic person I ever knew. Even in his lowest moments, he could put a smile on my face. He never gave up. He was so resilient. He taught me so much about life & how to live it, I will carry those lessons on forever with me. I could write so much more, but I will save it for another time. Losing him is something I’m still processing.
On a positive note, I feel stronger than I ever have before. I graduated college and entered the “real world” with a mess of baggage, insecurity, and confidence issues. I feel free now. I have shredded these all these vices. These experiences have made me grow, and I’m ready to take on what comes next. Shit will happen, but if you have faith and belief in yourself, then you can get through it. And the faith my dad always had in me since I was a child, I finally feel that in myself.
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Blake Field
Chapter 1
Success in business life is a symbol, of success, power, intellect, and fortune. We are made to crave it since our youth, it's our ideal of the perfect life. Children do not understand this, because they have not been made to yet. However, when some reach adulthood, they easily decrypt the complex cycle of the office, constantly renewed by the raise in responsibility and benefits. This eventually forms a sort of monotony, making these people dependent on the systemic rhythm that slowly drains their life out, they are, in a way, addicted. It is only these people who have the ardour for liberty, exploration, and most importantly, danger.
Aaron Clark’s loft was huge, and expensive, as any other in New York City. He was a tall white male, taller than 1.8 meters of 23 years of age. His features seemed to indicate origins from somewhere around the mediterranean, dark eyes, tanned skin, black hair that he had cut in a military style for some reason he didn't really comprehend. He supposed that this way, he cut cut his hair in no time, avoiding wasting time better spent on anything else, it seemed to have worked out. At his age, most people are unable to work in important positions, and yet he already worked in one of the highest positions of possibly the most demanded law firm in the city. He had a well defined jawline and a slight scar on his chin. His headphones sent a repetitive list of modern tech music. He whistled, moving slightly in coordination to the rhythm as he turned the key to open the door.
He pushed the door open and walked inside, letting the light of the glass dome above him flood into the apartment, interacting playfully with the light that flowed in through the glass panels at the other end of the room. To his right and left, massive bookshelves coated the sides of the room, full of books of law, copyright law, criminal law, books involving commerce and business interactions. In the centre, stood a glass table on a wooden floor, it seemed elegant and costly, it was a beauty he could afford, and yet didn't need, but those words could describe the entire apartment. In the centre of the bookshelf to his left, a corridor interrupted the arbitrary pattern of books. It led to his room, a black bed in the centre laid under a giant picture of some forest somewhere. It made the room seem bigger, and somehow it let him feel a false sense of wonder and discovery, and just beside it, at the edge of the room, another extended window that covered the whole wall.
He walked by his room and entered the bathroom, some would consider that, a bathroom with two of its walls being made out of glass, hence allowing perfect visibility of the outside, would lack privacy. But this 6X8 meter building on a fifty sixth floor was too far away from the other tall enough buildings to be seen. The glass shower stood at the back of the room, and in front of the room, a wooden structure holding a sink, more expensive than the rent of the place. He began to take his shirt off, when the doorbell rang. He sighed as he put the shirt back on. He paced back to the door. He took the headphones off and the rhythm came to an end. He grinded his teeth as he pulled the door open. There was nobody there, just an empty corridor. He paused, confused, listening for steps, there were none. He took a step outside, and turned, simply seeing a fully empty passage where his footsteps resonated throughout the walls. Letting the sound echoe endlessly.
He looked downwards, finding a cardboard box, filled with bubble wrap, and something inside. He grabbed the box, unsure of what just happened. He placed it on the table in the entrance, between the bookshelves. He pulled out a wooden box, the width and length of a computer. His eyes curiously glared at every detail on it, it seemed slightly old, with an emblem on the top, where he could see the shape of a deer in an oval shape. The box seemed to have been cared by hand a long time ago, and burnished, to keep it intact. He slid his fingers under the lid and opened it. His dark eyes had not identified the purpose of the box, but a set of files hid beneath the lid, they held pictures of different people, about twenty sets where inside. He examined them independently, they had pictures of individuals of different ages, mostly from 20 to 40. He began to compare them and look for similarities. Some lived on the same streets, they mostly came from different places, but at least ten did come from some town called Blake field.
He felt something was wrong. A feeling of uneasiness took control of him. He began to theorise who would have sent this, and why. At the moment, all he had where questions and apparently unorganised random sets of files. He watched the display ahead of him, seeing nothing, no pattern, nothing. He stood up, spread them across the table, with a grin on his face. He was unsure if he was doing the right thing, but somehow, he found some pleasure in this, in knowing there was a pattern hidden in chaos, in knowing there was a puzzle for him to unravel. This is why he became a lawyer, to find loopholes, but that was really just a dream, it was just what Tv had let him believe, the truth was rather different, and much more dull and repetitive.
He frowned, considering the possibility of this having been sent to the wrong person. He pulled all the files out and skimmed them, trying to identify why the author had placed these sets of people together. Ages, sex, race, physical appearance, birthplace, where all stipulated in all files. These seemed to be suspects to a crime committed in a small town he had never heard of, possibly distant and isolated. He took his time, he sat down for some of the time, he spent a lot of the time pacing, or laying on the sofa in the corner, reading them one by one. His eyes fixated on something on the bottom of the box, it was a letter. The seal was the same, a deer in an oval. He grasped it, holding it between his hands, he turned it around, reading the back. His expression froze, he breathed in slowly, blinking repeatedly. He read the back.
To my nephew, Aaron Clark:
If you are reading this, I must have passed away. You did not know me, nor the town I have dedicated my life to, but our family is from Blake Field, and we are bound to return to Blake Field, always.
Aaron’s mind processed more thoughts and theories than he could handle, quickly discarding some and considering others improbable. Aaron’s mother had passed away a couple of years ago, leaving him alone, with no parents and no siblings, but this had only motivated him to succeed, to triumph unlike lots of others, and had also left him with a lost family. He wasn't sure if he had met his uncle at the funeral, if he had, he had not been very memorable, but this somehow felt important, and something within him made him understand that this was more than just intriguing, something about it told him that he should open the letter, and follow it wherever it led him. His hand opened it, unknowingly of what this would mean for him, his family and the fate of a whole town, where more than the physical was real. He revealed the letters and lied on the couch, reading through it rapidly.
All our family is descendant from Blake Field, where I have worked as the sheriff for a very long time. Due to the small population of the town, I am the only police force here, and there is a lot to do. I have found out you are the last relative I have,  this is why I need you here.
I have a house on third street, where Catherine Roche is keeping the house ready for you. I know you must have a lot of questions, she will answer a few. I will not say that once you get here everything will make sense, because this town is bound to lack explanations.
I have a task for you to solve there, it will sound absurd at first, but I know you will stay more than you expect. Please, lots of things will seem disturbing at first, but it's essential you stand through it. You are bound to come to this town, it is your home.
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alexatwood86 · 7 years
How Do Dysfunctional Families Fuel Addiction?
Families and Addiction: Navigating the Pathways of Dysfunction
By Brian M. Wind, PhD
Do You Come from a Dysfunctional Family?
Many people struggle to answer this question. In the course of having discussions with my patients about their families of origin, I secretly know the real answer to the above question about family dysfunction. Unless the patient with whom I am having this discussion is exceedingly rare, the patient’s honest answer should be,
“Yes, my family was dysfunctional.”
Lest this strike some readers as offensive, a disclaimer should be provided: there is a broad spectrum of dysfunctionality when it comes to families. On one end of the spectrum are families for whom a rather benign level of dysfunction exists, while others on the opposite end of the spectrum have a glaring, pervasive, and damaging level of dysfunction. The difficulty lay in determining where a family falls on the spectrum of dysfunctionality. Many people make the fatal mistake of assuming that the façade of functionality exhibited by one family is fair to compare to their concrete knowledge of the dysfunctional inner workings of their own family.
The truth?
The only perfect family is one that no one knows.
 A Hypothetical Case of the Smith’s
Take, for example, a hypothetical family – the Smiths. Mr. Smith is an alcoholic, and Mrs. Smith is severely codependent. The relationship began years ago with a “sizzling” dance of sorts, with codependent Mrs. Smith being drawn toward the exciting, charismatic, and alcoholically predisposed man in her life. As time progressed, Mr. Smith’s predisposition toward using alcohol as a primary method of coping transitioned to his meeting criteria for a diagnosis of alcohol use disorder, and Mrs. Smith’s codependent traits became increasingly glaring.
Together, they make a decision that having children would “fix” their problems, and may serve to stifle the dysfunctional nature of their marital relationship. Much to their dismay, they discover the reality that having children does not, in and of itself, provide a solution to the problems in their relationship.
Over time, and through perseverance in their tumultuous relationship, the Smiths produce four children. Now with multiple children in the home, the chaos in their relationship has reached a climactic point. The alcoholic patriarch of the family is frequently absent secondary to his alcoholic behavior, and when he is present, the family often wishes he were gone. Mrs. Smith has become the “chief enabler” of her spouse, often covering for him, all the while despising his behavior and longing for “the good old days” in which their relationship was exciting and she felt loved.
One of the main tasks in Mrs. Smith’s day-to-day life has become creating the façade that all is well in the family, while maintaining a couple of close friends who hold her up as a martyr for tolerating her alcoholic husband’s behavior. The codependent relationship between this Mr. and Mrs. Smith has become as stormy as ever.
Lack of Bonding Leads to Inadequate Attachment
Along the way, and as a result of the enmeshment of the couple’s turmoil ridden relationship, the Smith children begin to inherently receive a message that they must not be worthy of their parents’ time, attention, and love. After all, the first “fiduciary” relationships we as human beings are supposed to establish is with our parents. In fact, the lack of an established bond that should occur as part of these fiduciary relationships has been shown to be the driving force behind inadequate attachment, a la Ainsworth’s (1964) Attachment Theory.
Establishing a healthy bond is next to impossible when a father and mother are emotionally unavailable for their children, secondary to being enveloped in a tumultuous marital relationship.
Chronic and Toxic Shame Follow
As a result of an inferior bond with their parents, the Smith children feel less than adequate, traumatized, and by way of the adverse childhood experiences associated with their dysfunctional household, these children develop a sense of chronic and toxic shame. Tragically, this sense of shame is likely to remain with each of the Smith children to some degree throughout the course of their lives.
The Development of Dysfunctional Roles
The children begin to develop into dysfunctional family roles, with the oldest child serving as the hero (who can do no wrong), the second child falling into the role of scapegoat (who can do no right), the third adopting the role of the lost child (who is most damaged by the family trauma), and the youngest child serving as the mascot (who deflects the family’s pain with entertainment). Each child adopts a dysfunctional family role, and over time these roles may adapt and change with the changing Smith family dynamics.
As the children progress through their formative years and develop personality traits, a pattern is seen in the traits they develop. Most often, they acquire traits such as:
Emotional liability
The Effects of Dysfunction on Love and Work
As they enter their teen years and transition into early adulthood, these traits seem to impact the Smith siblings in two main areas – personal relationships and professional functioning, consistent with Freud’s idea that humans with psychopathology are impacted most in their ability “to love, and to work” (Glover, 1994).
The Smith children still carry the heavy burden of toxic shame, never feeling that they fully “measure up” to standards imposed by themselves and/or others. They suffer from chronic feelings of inadequacy, and seem to struggle in relationships. They feel most useful at work and may have a predisposition toward “workaholism”, people pleasing, and overachieving, or perhaps they “give up” on trying to demonstrate adequacy, and as a result become underachievers.
They are drawn toward codependent professions in which they are focused on tending to the needs of others, all the while subconsciously towing the heavy line of their adverse childhood experiences.
While the Smith siblings share personality traits, they begin to travel different pathways as part of their attempts to cope with their emotional pain. The dysfunctional pathways lead them in the direction of:
1. Staying the course of codependency – Because of the damage done via adverse childhood experiences, and the codependent traits they carry with them throughout the span of their adult life, these individuals ultimately follow the same course as their mother Mrs. Smith, choosing a mate who is highly dysfunctional;
2. Progression to addiction – Despite a solemn oath to avoid being like their father Mr. Smith, these individuals fall prey to the sense of ease and comfort provided by indulging in mood altering substances, sex, gambling, or a wide range of other high risk behaviors; and
3. Development of “psychopathology” – Secondary to the emotional damage sustained as part of the adverse childhood experiences endured in the Smith family household, these individuals develop mood, anxiety, trauma, and/or other psychological disorders.
Of note, the above-listed pathways are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
The Ripple Effect in Dysfunctional Families
Smith siblings may travel one or all of the above pathways of dysfunction throughout the course of the lifespan. At each sibling’s core – a codependent, traumatized child with a sense of toxic shame. This tragic reality is the result of the “ripple effect” of a family disease, and often can be traced back multiple generations.
Treatment is a Blessing
Sadly, many people like the Smith children will never make it to treatment. The prevalence of undiagnosed and untreated addiction and mental health disorders are staggering (NIDA, 2011).
For the fortunate few who make it to treatment, a skillful clinician is provided an opportunity to get to the “heart” of the problem, accurately diagnose the wounded soul entrusted to their care, and design a scientifically based treatment plan to address the core issues stemming from the dysfunctional family of origin. This, in essence, is the art form associated with treating addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.
A Reintegration into New, Health Relationships
Sufficed to say, the above provides ample evidence that addiction (and co-occurring mental health disorders) is a family disease. As such, addiction must be treated from a family systems perspective, to the degree that this is possible. It has been hypothesized that addiction is the result of a complete disintegration of meaningful relationships, resulting in a sense of disconnect and isolation (Archon, 2017). If this hypothesis is true, then the “antidote” to addiction would be interpersonal connectivity, and responsible treatment of addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders should centrally involve a reintegration into new and healthy relationships.
This reintegration is at the core of the wellness movement for an individual in early recovery, with a recovery friendly network of relationships being of critical importance. Often, the family must be at the center of this network of relationships in order to optimize the chances for long term success in recovery.
At JourneyPure , the family is of central importance to our treatment process. Our family programming involves:
Intensive weekend family programming
Extensive psychoeducation regarding the family disease of addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders
Genogram work to explore the family history
Experiential therapy to provide insight regarding family dynamics
Integration of family members into the Recovery Support Team of JourneyPure Coaching, a unique and innovative recovery coaching software program
Through diligent work, skillful clinical insight, and persistent efforts, JourneyPure’s family programming tools yield a beautiful reuniting of family members, and lay the groundwork for success in family recovery. Our patients return to life with deep, meaningful, and supportive relationships with their family members, and families are provided with the tools they need to heal core wounds, function in a healthy and adaptive manner, and end the cycle of disease that has plagued them for generations.
Reference Sources: Ainsworth, M. D. (1964). Patterns of attachment behavior shown by the infant in interaction with his mother. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly of Behavior and Development, 51-58.
Archon, S. (2017). Drugs Don’t Cause Addition. Retrievable
Glover, J. (1994). Freud, morality, and responsibility. In Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, 157. New York: Macmillan College.
National Institute on Drug Abuse (2011). Treatment Statistics. Retrievable
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