#changing career
kindredcodes1 · 8 months
I guess I really just wanted to start this side blog as a place to post about my coding journey and small little life things. I'm learning to code through multiple different sources and am currently focusing on HTML, CSS and Javascript...the main big three for frontend web development. I know there are lots more to look through, especially when I want to progress to backend...but for now, I need to focus on one thing at a time.
This isn't going to be an overnight thing, I know that for sure. It's a long journey I have ahead of me and I'm only a couple of weeks in, but I hope someday, I can look back and think 'Look at how far I've come on my coding journey'.
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the-business-mentor · 5 months
Navigating a Career Change in Your 30s: Tips and Strategies
Embarking on a career change in your 30s can be a daunting but rewarding endeavor. It involves more than just switching job titles; it's a profound shift that requires careful planning and self-reflection. In this article, we'll explore the strategies and tips that can guide you through this transformative journey.
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Self-Reflection: Is It Time for a Change?
Before diving into the complexities of a career change, take a moment to assess your current job satisfaction. Are you fulfilled? Do you see room for growth and improvement? Identifying areas for change is the first step towards a successful career transition.
Understanding Your Passion and Skills
Discovering your passion and evaluating your skill set are crucial components of a successful career change. What activities make you lose track of time? What skills do you possess that can be applied to different industries? Answering these questions will guide you towards a more fulfilling career path.
Researching Potential Career Paths
Exploration is key. Research various industries aligned with your skills and interests. Stay informed about job market trends and identify sectors with promising growth. This groundwork will help you make an informed decision about your future career.
Building a Strong Professional Network
Networking is a powerful tool during a career change. Utilize online platforms, attend local events, and connect with professionals in your desired field. Building a strong network opens doors to opportunities and valuable insights.
Skill Enhancement and Continuous Learning
Identify skill gaps that may exist in your desired career. Invest in education and training programs to bridge these gaps. Continuous learning not only enhances your employability but also showcases your commitment to growth.
Crafting an Effective Resume and Cover Letter
Tailor your resume and cover letter to the new career. Highlight transferable skills and experiences that demonstrate your suitability for the role. A well-crafted application package is your ticket to getting noticed by potential employers.
Nailing the Job Interview
Prepare for common interview questions related to your career change. Demonstrate enthusiasm, adaptability, and a genuine desire to contribute to your new workplace. Convincing your potential employer of your dedication is key.
Overcoming Age-Related Challenges
Address concerns about changing careers in your 30s. Emphasize the value of your experience, showcasing how it uniquely positions you for success in your new venture. Age can be an asset, not a hindrance.
Seeking Guidance from Career Coaches
Consider seeking guidance from a professional career coach. They provide valuable insights, advice, and personalized strategies to navigate the complexities of a career change. Find a coach who aligns with your goals and values.
Managing Financial Considerations
Budgeting during a career transition is crucial. Plan for potential income fluctuations and set realistic financial goals. This foresight will help ease the financial burden during the initial stages of your new career.
Embracing the Change
Adopt a positive mindset and embrace the changes that come with a new career. Building resilience and persistence are essential traits that will serve you well in the face of challenges. A positive attitude is contagious and attractive to potential employers.
Success Stories: Real-Life Experiences
Draw inspiration from the success stories of individuals who have navigated successful career changes in their 30s. Learn from their experiences, and let their journeys motivate you to pursue your dreams.
Common Pitfalls to Avoid
Educate yourself on the common pitfalls to avoid during a career change. Learn from the mistakes of others and anticipate potential obstacles. This knowledge will help you navigate your path more smoothly.
In conclusion, a career change in your 30s is a challenging yet rewarding pursuit. By following these tips and strategies, you can navigate the transition successfully. Remember, it's never too late to pursue a career that aligns with your passions and brings you fulfillment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it common to change careers in your 30s?
Yes, many individuals opt for a career change in their 30s to pursue more fulfilling and satisfying paths.
How long does a typical career change take?
The duration varies, but thorough planning and execution can expedite the process.
Do employers value experience during a career change?
Absolutely, experience is an asset. Emphasizing its relevance to the new career is crucial.
Should I pursue additional education for a career change?
It depends on the industry. Identify skill gaps and pursue education if it enhances your employability.
What are common challenges during a career change?
Challenges include uncertainty, fear of the unknown, and adapting to a new work environment.
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tamelee · 3 months
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Happy 3/7day 🥰~! 'One day we'll look back on all these memories and smile about it'
Process + detail:
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vermss · 1 year
phoenix is so funny conceptually as a character because hes so silly and goofy (especially in court) but then hes also the bitchiest little middle schooler you have ever seen like. im not even through the second game but
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all this coming from the same guy who is Like This in courts of law:
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carouselunique · 27 days
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Meet Twinkleshine, the Smug and Dramatic The Illustrious Illusionist of Swap Six/Side Stars!
Fun Fact: Twinkleshine is an absolute glitter fanatic. She loves glitter so much. Shiny things are her kryptonite give her a glitter snow globe and you can distract her for hours. That's how she picked her name, because she just loves twinkling shiny objects.
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petr1kov · 1 year
i love the way that breaking bad and especially better call saul go against the notion that your life is basically set forever and over once you're middle aged. like no, don't worry, there's still a myriad of different and innovative ways you can ruin your life past your 40s <3
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jaratedeguadalupe · 8 months
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national pipe day guys
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eugeniedanglars · 1 year
the way i see it, colin has three options for handling the repercussions of kissing michael on the pitch in front of everyone:
gatekeep: by some miracle no one caught the kiss on camera so colin's sexuality is kept between him and any fans who happened to be on the pitch near him. the safest option.
girlboss: keeley gets the pr challenge of a lifetime handling the story of the first active premier league player to come out as gay. rebecca is tall and powerful and intimidating in the press room making it clear that richmond stands behind colin one thousand percent. the most realistic option.
gaslight: straight-up blatantly lying. not because he's ashamed or because he thinks he can actually convince anyone that the kiss didn't happen, but just because he refuses to let it be a big deal. acts like he has no idea what anyone is talking about if asked anything related to his sexuality. he doesn't claim to be straight, mind you, he just pretends to be extremely confused about why they're asking because he never kissed anyone in the middle of a football pitch at the end of an internationally-televised game? when presented with photo and video proof of the kiss he says that was some other richmond player named hughes who wears a number 12 jersey. you don't know him, he goes to another school. the funniest option.
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goldenpinof · 2 months
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whatever you say
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laststandx3 · 3 months
When Jesus pretended to be dead for 3 days it's a miracle and everyone is sympathetic. But when I, James Somerton-
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sandboxer · 6 months
Phoenix’s decision to become a lawyer in part to save Edgeworth often is interpreted along the lines of “Phoenix changed his life to save Edgeworth because he’s gay for him.” and while I don’t think this is necessarily untrue, I think a much more compelling and realistic interpretation is that Phoenix’s reaction to seeing somebody he loves in trouble revealed to him his deep-seated desire to protect the innocent from injustice, so he became a lawyer.
Edgeworth has, in the grand scheme of things, very little to do with why Phoenix is a lawyer. he was, however, a catalyst for Phoenix unlocking that part of himself (along with Mia!). and, to me, the sentiment that love reveals who you are is much more romantic than the idea that Phoenix made a sacrifice only to save the man he loves. loving Edgeworth brings Phoenix closer in line with his true self, and it’s through his love that he sees the potential of who he could be. even if he couldn’t save Edgeworth or if he never even came face-to-face with him again, Phoenix would remain changed by his love and would stay on this path he’s realized he’s so well-suited to. becoming a lawyer was never a sacrifice for Edgeworth; it was the realization of who Phoenix is: a protector. that he realized this through his feelings for Edgeworth is almost immaterial.
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
Btw, if you really just Need A Job (tm)
I'd really recommend looking into care work
Care work here is specifically being a home care aid, a care aid or assistant at any kind of residential home.
This for usually for elderly or disabled adults - and those are the ones that tend to be most entry level, from what I've seen, but also for mental health, addiction recovery etc. (With the obvious caveat that some of these jobs will be more emotionally intense than others)
I'm so serious about this guys. I was applying to jobs in care work for just three weeks, starting a couple days before Christmas, and in that time I got three interviews, two jobs offers, and five additional interview requests
Care work needs people CONSTANTLY
because it's a huge sector but very hard for them to keep staff long-term. Partly because it can be high burn-out, and there's definitely toxic places out there you should watch out for. And partly because a lot of people think care work is beneath them
AND they ACTUALLY MEAN IT when they say they're entry level. Because it's so hard for them to get staff that a lot of them will advertise super aggressively that they will train you themselves. A lot of them will straight up pay for your CPR and First Aid certifications, once they hire you, too (and you can get a leg up on applications by getting a CPR/First Aid certification for like. $30 to $80, at least in the US). They also accept experience taking care of elderly/disabled/etc. family members as real experience
Like, obviously don't do it if you hate taking care of people, but if you're open to it, it's probably by far your best shot of getting hired rn, statistically
(eta: Genuinely disclaimer that it can be super taxing emotionally and large portions of the industry are indeed fucked, and def don't take a job in this field if you're gonna be an asshole to the people you're caring for, but sometimes you just need whatever job you can get.)
Seriously, though, the first time I applied for a care work job (in October 2023, yes short timeline, like I said there's some toxic workplaces etc. out there), I applied to like ten or fifteen jobs over the course of a week or so. Within three weeks, I was working.
(And they did provide all of the training, fwiw)
If you need a job and no one is hiring, seriously consider looking into it
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bitcell · 5 months
guys cc!forever is not leaving leaving the qsmp, he's going on a hiatus to focus on stonkscraft which is his series. i don't know if he will be streaming it or just uploading it on yt like before, but yt videos usually take more time to edit and it's understandable that if he's going to be recording and editing he will need more of his time to be dedicated to that. if i'm not wrong the last season of stonkscraft was like 5 months long, so if i had to take a shot, i assume the first half of the year he's going to be working on stonkscraft and on the second he's going to be back on qsmp (if he wants) ^_^
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gyllenekamuy · 7 months
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AU where they decided to become pilots instead
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reunitedinterlude · 2 months
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jester -> knight
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cringefaildiaz · 1 year
sorry the idea of Bobby's cop wife going "we're done with this investigation, its not going anywhere" and Bobby turning around and recruiting his pseudo-son/subordinate and his boyfriend who is also Bobby's subordinate to go undercover for him in this completely unofficial investigation is wildly hilarious
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