#ch: sirena
dragonologist-phd · 8 months
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happy lesbian day! please enjoy some lesbians <3
Marja Aeducan (Dragon Age) | Sirena Cousland (Dragon Age)
Lilith Mark (PWotR) | Piper Chanterelle (PWotR)
Rudi Xavell (PoE) | Makali (PoE)
Naia Gwaelon (BG3) | Imogen March (TOW)
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devilsmenu · 10 months
“I would’ve thought you’d prefer it to be a stranger.” ( sirena && astoria greengrass )
"I didn't know that a stranger could help it at all" Toria replied with a shrug. "But okay if you're willing to help you can help".
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stars aligned // Namor/deaf!reader
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chapter 3
Warnings: no warnings in this one
Synopsis: Namor and Namora share an interesting conversation while Thulile gets slightly more comfortable in her captivity.
Word count: 1k 
Additional notes: as a holiday gift to everyone, I decided to post one more chapter for today! I’ll be taking the next few days off for the holiday but I’ll be posting soon! Thanks for reading, and happy holidays!!
Yucatec Maya:
In ajawo’ - my king
ka’a suku’un - cousin
le mareas le destino cambiarán ti' le Kukulkan ka le ku desafía u k'aay sirena ku pare tu taan leti' - the tides of fate will shift for the Kukulkan when the one who defies the siren’s call stands before him
In disculpas - my apologies
ch.1. ch.2. 
Namor stepped into his private sanctum. Almost every wall was adorned with hand painted murals of his own creations. Namor stepped around his table with different paints and parchments covered in every kind of swatch of various colors. His dark eyes cast down to his wrist, seeing the dark beads he’d picked off his prisoner. His very fascinating prisoner, for a land-dweller. 
“How did she write it…Thulile, that was it,” Namor grumbled to himself. 
Of course he couldn’t forget such a name, it was like something he never had and yet it had his full attention. A fact equally attributed to its holder. Namor would be a fool to ignore that his prisoner was easy on the eyes with a fiery stubbornness to match. But that’s all these were, observations. Nothing more. 
Namor picked up his palette and brush, returning to his latest unfinished mural. However the ancient king wouldn’t be allowed to sink into his focus when one of his prized generals stepped into the hut, announcing her arrival. 
“In ajawo’,” Namora held her hands open in their custom, “may I approach?” 
Namor held a smile, never taking his eyes away from the mural, before nodding, “of course, general. What do you need from me?” 
“We should discuss the prisoner,” Namora said. 
“What of it?” Namor said, pretending to be disinterested. 
“You could not of seen it, in ajawo’,” Namora watched her king carefully, “it is exactly how the prophecy said.” 
The brush in Namor’s gentle hand stopped centimeters from the stone before he placed it back on the palette with a sigh. 
“Not with this again, ka’a suku’un,” Namor placed the palette on the table, “that prophecy was a silly bedtime story, you know this.” 
“How could you say that? Fen saw it for herself, spoke of it on her deathbed,” Namora argued. “le mareas le destino cambiarán ti' le Kukulkan ka le ku desafía u k'aay sirena ku pare tu taan leti'.”
“Yes, I know it just as well,” Namor waved dismissively. 
“Then you see it the same as I do, my king,” Namora placed her hand on the table. “You are not blind, and neither was Fen.” 
Namor smiled cynically, “yes, I can not deny my mother’s dying words, but that still doesn’t change the danger in such fantastical words. The tides will change, that could very well spell the end of Talokanil as we know it. No, I will not risk our people and our home over a silly fairytale.” 
Namora frowned before standing straight once more, “well, I will honor that.” 
“I wish to honor that I do not want to speak of this again,” Namor said, removing the kimoyo beads from his wrist, “prepare a small militia, it’s time to move out.” 
Namora watched as Namor walked past her to exit the hut, “may I ask where we are headed.” 
“Wakanda,” Namor smirked. 
Back in her cell, Thulile was turning it nearly upside down. She looked in every nook and cranny, looking for a weak point or something to tinker together. After her tireless search, Thulile let out a frustrated wail, throwing her hands up. There was absolutely nothing to be found besides the swinging hammock. 
Next Thulile tried the bars. She tried everything, squeezing between them, prying them open and picking the lock with a small bobby pin that somehow wasn’t washed away. Nothing worked. Thulile let out another wail as she banged against the bars, letting her hang in defeat. Thulile tried her best to calm her breathing but the panic wasn’t going away. Thousands of thoughts shot through her mind.
‘So there’s been a secret civilization of blue people at the bottom of the ocean for gods know how long with a king with pointy ears and feathers for feet. What’s tough to understand?’ Thulile thought. 
Too lost in her thoughts, Thulile didn’t realize a woman approached her cell. The masked blue woman looked at Thulile with an amused smile before gently tapping on her hand. Thulile jumped back, throwing her hands up in defense only to see the young servant standing there. The servant giggled at Thulile’s reaction. Thulile looked over the woman, sensing her softer demeanor. 
“You are Thulile, yes?” the woman said kindly. 
Thulile squinted, reading the woman’s lips before nodding. 
“My english is rocky, in disculpas,”the woman gestured to a woven basket she held in her hands, “I’ve been asked to give you these.” 
Thulile watched as the woman placed the basket in front of the bars before stepping back. Thulile looked at the woman again before approaching the basket like an animal scouting out the danger. Thulile pulled the clothes out of the basket and brought them to her chest. Thulile blinked in confusion as the woman opened the palms of her hands, one of the other, and bowed her head. 
“May a KuKulkan bless you, prophesied one,” the woman said. 
The woman smiled and walked away. Thulile, successfully confused, tried to wave the woman down to no avail. Thulile sighed while unfolding the metaphorical olive branch. Thulile blinked in shock seeing it fold out into a dress of intricate details. It was beautifully made, woven in shells and seaglass into beautiful archaic patterns reminiscent of the Maya.  Thulile looked around in disbelief, feeling there had been some sort of mistake. 
‘Is this how they dress all of their prisoners?’ Thulile thought. 
Nevertheless, she needed to get out of her soaked clothes. Taking another gaze around to make sure there weren’t any prying eyes, Thulile began to undress down to her undergarments. Thulile couldn’t help the shiver that cast over her body giving way to gooseflesh. Quickly Thulile threw on the dress, grateful for its long sleeves and how it dropped down to her ankles. Thulile twisted around, nodding at the craftsmanship. 
Thulile twisted her locs hair up into a messy bun as her mind replayed the servant’s strange words. She spoke of a prophecy, more than that, that she herself was prophesied. Thulile felt her mind become dizzy before collapsing back on the hammock. 
‘Madder and madder it gets…Bast, make sense of this mess.’ 
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zaenight · 2 months
Ch 3 read all about it.
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They say that lyrics come from the heart , so I guess these are mine from start to finish.
*Ring,Ring,Ringggg,SMASH* Was the only noise that Carlo ''Rico'' Galindo Del'gado could hear throughout his bedroom as he let out a groan , his hand pushing the alarm clock of his dresser , as a small smash could be heard.
"CARLO DEL'GADO THAT BETTER NOT HAVE BEEN ANOTHER ALARM CLOCK!" Luisa Galindo , his mother yelled from her room down the hall. 'Oops.' the teen thought before yelling back , "SORRY MA!" he said back , he felt like he was forgetting something important.
"CRAP THE COURT!" He exclaimed , as he scurried out of bed , however he fell face first , stupid blanket . As he got dressed in a tank top and put on his mis-matched socks , it still felt like he was missing something , as he made his three slices of toast he was trying to remember.
"Riri your pants are gone!, did the pants monster get them!" , Sirena Mendoza , his now four year old half-sister , exclaimed from their mothers arms ,Carlo almost laughed at how sincere her fear was , until he processed what was said.
"MY PANTS!" Carlo exclaimed as he looked down , sure enough he was only in boxers , his tank top , and his socks , no pants or shoes insight. As he ran to get himself together , Luisa shook her head. "¿Qué voy a hacer con tu hermano?" Luisa said to Sirena as her son raced back down the stairs.
"BYE MA , BYE RENA!" Yelled Carlo as he raced out the door of their house that resided in the compound where Los Segadores De Calaveras members and their families resided , each day you could hear the shouts of good mornings and be careful Rico every time he stumbled , one thing about Carlo Rico Galindo Del'gado , god that's a mouthful, was that he was clumsy , very clumsy
"Still feel like I forgot something." Carlo mumbled as he sat by Mouth and Jimmy. "And here he is , ladies and gentlemen , Lucas Scott." Mouth said into his recorder for the podcast. "That's what I forgot , I forgot Lucas!" he exclaimed , as he gave his bestfriend a sheepish smile , whoops.Carlo also happened to be very forgetful if you hadn't noticed.
"Next time I'm putting a damn reminder on your phone." Lucas Scott , his bestfriend stated as Carlo let out a sheepish laugh. "My bad amigo." he said raising hands up in defense.
"One thirty seven and three going into tonight's contest." Mouth stated.
"He sucks!" Junk said jokingly .
"And as a special bonus, we're joined in the booth by Junk Moreti and Carlo "Rico" Del'gado ." Mouth said into the microphone like recorder.
"You don't have a booth." said Junk as Carlo yawned.
"Actually mouth, he's 138 and 3 - Lucas." Jimmy corrected.
"Jeez, Edwards, but you can't remember to run a bar of soap under your pits?" Junk stated.
"What?" he said offended.
"You smell bad, man,You're ripe." Junk explained as Jimmy smelled himself.
"Least I don't smell like cinnamon rolls and coconut." Jimmy said as Carlo felt eyes on him , he was offended .
"¡No me mires así! , I just like the scent that's all , least I smell good." Carlo grumbled as he raised his brow. [Don't look at me like that!]
"Whatever you say dude." Mouth said with a chuckle.
"Lucas Scott with the ball and you know Jimmy ,Carlo , he currently nurses a big winning streak." Mouth stated as Carlo nodded , sleep sound good right now.
"For those of you at home, Lucas wears his black shorts tonight with his traditional white high-tops." Mouth said as Carlo snapped out of his sleepy daze.
"Uh , He is currently playing without a shoe contract, Mouth." Jimmy stated as Carlo got up and stretched.
Carlo's stomach broke the silence as Mouth and Jimmy looked at him with deadpanned stares ,the sixteen year old magically pulled out everything you need to make sandwiches from his bag.
"What!" Carlo exclaimed , mouth full , as the other two boy's shook their heads , he was like a puppy.
"Luke flashes in the paint, Fergie finds one on the wings." Mouth started to say loudly as Carlo launched up.
"Scott for the game!" Carlo exclaimed and cheered , then it happened , Lucas made the shot , they cheered for their friend, not knowing that at the school ,the same thing was happening with Nathan Scott , who also scored the winning shot.
Apparently Lucas almost got ran over by a girl , lucky him.
Carlo however , was trying to get out of Junk's headlock , not lucky.
"You guys remember Tom Dugan from grade school?" questioned Junk.
"Oh yeah , He used to live next door to you, right?" Lucas asked , Carlo finally managed to get out of the headlock , stepping besides Lucas.
"Some guy snapped him with a wet towel, and he lost one of his testicles." Junk said sincerely.
" Come on." skills said shaking his head as the group laughed.
"I call bullshit man." Carlo said smirking as Lucas agreed.
"Okay, Junk." Jimmy said as Carlo sat on the table.
"Just saying what I heard." Junk said shrugging.
"Anyway, man, what you reading these days?" Skills said to Lucas.
"Steinbeck -- "The Winter of Our Discontent."" he replied.
"Let me hear some." Skills said to him.
"Nah." Lucas said shaking his head as Carlo got up , making his way over to them and shaking his head.
"Come on dog , You know I be reading vicariously through you, like Rico when he cheats on you in math." Skills said before getting wacked by Carlo.
"Cabrón , He lyin' , I don't know what he's talking about." said Carlo shaking his head.
Suddenly Peyton Sawyer drove by , had the guys stop what they were doing , except Carlo , he can't stand cheerleaders , they were bitches , well not all of them , but in his experience , they were.
" Peyton Sawyer,You seen her webcam? In her bedroom -- I hear she's naked on it, like, all the time ... What? I hear things." Junk said as they laughed , Carlo shook his head , guys , wait he is a guy , whoops.
"You know, I saw her the other night, She almost ran me over, of course." Lucas said raising his brows with a small laugh.
"La maldita chica blanca tiene sus ganchos tan profundamente en ti, y ni siquiera lo sabes todavía." Carlo said laughing.[Damn white girl has her hooks so deep into you , and you don't even know it yet.]
"I have no idea what your saying bro." Lucas said , however he know it was something teasing by the sly smile and cheeky laugh.
"Cause I don't want you to know what im sayin' " Carlo said smirking.
"Sup Mrs. K , hi Ma , nugget." Carlo said to Karen , Lucas's mom , his mom , and his sister.
Lucas turned the sign to closed saying his hello's.
"Hey hon, Carlo." said Karen with a hum , as Luisa cleaned up the tables with the help of Sirena.
"Alright Karen we'll be on our way." said Luisa as Carlo came back into the main area after speaking to Hayley , nodding his head towards Lucas , saying his goodbye's as Sirena jumped on his back, then they where on their way.
"Luke is on fire tonight,How do you say "hot" in French?" mouth asked.
"Flambé." Jimmy said.
" Luke is flambé, Fergie finds Luke, who takes out Junk again." Mouth said into the recorder.
" They never learn." said Carlo, as he noticed two familiar figures watching them , he snuck away , sneaking over behind the two, by their ears.
"Boo!" Carlo said in a deep demon like voice , he swears Whitey and Keith clutched their pearls.
" Now what the hell is wrong with you boy!, are you trying to give me a heart attack." Whitey exclaimed as Keith laughed.
"Pretty sure you already had one in your pant's , pe yew , hediondo." Said Carlo holding his nose.
"Man Keith your over hear looking like a creeper , gotta get back." Carlo said running back , did he cause the two men to facepalm because he tripped , yes , yes he did.
"That's Marcelo's boy ain't it?" Whitey questioned.
"Yeah he is , but I know what your thinking , and I gotta tell you Whitey don't even bother, that boy won't play basket ball unless its for fun." Keith stated as Whitey nodded.
"Yeah Yeah , we'll see." Whitey said to him.
"Scott." Whitey said as they were in their classroom the next day.
" What's up, coach?" Nathan asked.
" Not you, You, and Del'gado to as a matter of a fact." Whitey said, pointing to Lucas, oh drama , wait him too , crap .
" You, read a book or something." he continued as he pointed at Nathan as they made their way to the gym.
"Nice, isn't it? A lot of people like their gyms loud, I like mine like this -- quiet, clean... Kind of like a church,A lot of praying done here, anyway, You two played ball in grade school,Why'd ya'll quit?" asked whitey.
"I didn't." said Lucas.
"My dad loved it , I hate him , so I'm going off his script and writing my own, can I go now cause I have a feeling that I know what your gonna ask and im not -." Carlo said cutting himself off by yawning.
"Get the hell out of my gym." Whitey said shaking his head.
"Absolutely." Carlo said rushing out the door , falling , with a yell of 'Im okay' sounding the area.
"How the hell do you deal with him?" Whitey Questioned.
"He's my bestfriend , that's how." Lucas said Shaking his head with a smirk.
"RIRI YOU HAVE A PAMKAGE!" Sirena yelled as Carlo went into the living room.
"Package not pamkage Nugget." Carlo said shaking his head at his sisters mispronunciation.
"I'm not a nugget silly!" Sirena laughed as their mother, Old man Nero,Spook,Cookie, and matches walked in a sat down on the couches laughing.
"¿Qué es ese niño?"asked Nero , his step grandfather.[What's that kid]
"Sirena me lo acaba de dar, no había nadie en la puerta, ni idea de lo que había dentro." Carlo replied shrugging.[Sirena just gave it to me , no one was at the door, no idea what's inside.]
Carlo tore open the package making a terrified face when he opened it.
" Mom it's terrible , look ." Carlo said holding up a Ravens jersey.
"Whitey can't take no for an answer Ma ." he continued.
Although one thing he noticed was that instead of Del'gado it said Galindo , nice try, can't change his mind that easily.
The gang and his mother spent the rest of the day laughing and asking Carlo questions about the jersey , Carlo didn't really have any answers , just that he would never play on a basketball team for sport instead of fun ever again.
Him and Sirena than had their own little karaoke night before he went off to meet up with Lucas and Hayley.
"So, Nathan challenged you,Are you gonna play him?, and you , heard a little birdie say you have a jersey with your name on it. " Hayley James said to them , elbowing Carlo.
"I don't know, It's not like I have anything to prove." Lucas said.
"Whitey can't take no for an answer." Carlo shrugged.
"But don't you just want to show him sometimes -- oh, damn! ,What is up?! I was attacked by a flock of crows last week! I'm totally serious!" Hayley replied before jumping as a flock of birds flew past them.
"By the way, it's a murder." Lucas said as the other two looked at him in confusion.
"What?" Hayley questioned.
"More than one crow is a murder" Lucas said with a raised brow.
"Okay you lost us, what the hell are you talking about?" Carlo questioned.
"A parliament of owls, an exultation of larks, a murder of crows." Lucas stated.
" I think that is why people think you're weird, right there." Hayley said as Carlo agreed until his phone rang.
"Sí mamá, no, no hay problema, iré a buscarla y la cuidaré hasta que llegues a casa, sí mamá, está bien, te amo." Carlo said on the phone before hanging up.
"Yo I gotta go pick up Sirena from daycare , threw up , has a fervor, you get it , call me if the game of happens!" Carlo said before sprinting off.
"Can you sing me the lullaby song?" Sirena asked as she coughed , she was laying down with a wet rag across her for head as Carlo sat in the small rocking chair in her room , plushies and galaxy themed.
"Yeah I can." Carlo nodded , grabbing his guitar , knowing she was gonna ask regardless.
"Bajo el suave resplandor plateado de la luna, Cantaré una canción de cuna para ahuyentar tus miedos, cállate ahora hermanita, cierra los ojos, hasta que veas la luz de las estrellas bailando en los cielos, recuerda que siempre estoy a tu lado, mi amor no se desvanecerá en esta tierna canción de cuna,el mundo puede girar y pueden surgir problemas, pero dentro de estos muros, tu sano y salvo, como canto de castillos mágicos en los cielos, donde tu sueño vuela, oh calla ahora hermanita, cierra los ojos, hasta que veas la luz de las estrellas bailando en los cielos,recuerda que siempre estoy a tu lado, mi amor no se desvanecerá en esta tierna canción de cuna, así que descansa ahora hermanita, en el resplandor de la luna, protegido por más de lo que las palabras podrían evocar." Carlo sang until he heard Sirena's soft snores.
[Beneath the moon's soft silver glow , I'll sing a lullaby to chase away your fears , hush now little sister , close your eyes , until you see the starlight dancing in the skies , remember that I'm always by your side , my love won't fade in this tender lullaby ,the world may spin and troubles may arise , but within these walls , your safe and sound , as I sing of magic castles in the skies , where your dream take flight , oh hush now little sister , close your eyes , until you see the starlight dancing in the skies , remember that I'm always by your side , my love won't fade in this tender lullaby , so rest now little sister , in the moonlight's glow , protected by more than word's could ever evoke.]
"Beautiful , but if you don't wanna miss the battle of the Scott's." Luisa said with a raised brow and a smile .
"Bye ma , Te quiero." whispered Carlo.
"Te amo también, hijo." Luisa whispered back , her children are her world , and if anything were to happen to them , may god save them all.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to an historic night of basketball. I'm Mouth McFadden, along with my gamey partner, Jimmy Edwards, and Carlo Del'gado , and boys , we're in for a treat tonight." said mouth.
"And who doesn't love a treat, Mouth? I know I do -- s'mores, ice cream, cake." Said Jimmy.
"Better yet , all three together ." Carlo said as the three laughed.
"Just moments before the stroke of 12:00, and still no Nathan Scott." said mouth as Carlo looked around.
"The natives are getting restless, Mouth, judging by the crowd that envelops our booth." Said Jimmy.
"You don't have a booth." Junk said scaring Carlo , who gave him a glare , just came out of nowhere.
"Junk Moretti joins us now. Junk, you care to make a prediction?" asked mouth.
" I predict you guys will be the two biggest morons out here." he replied.
"And I predict that Junk is gonna have my fist in his mouth if he doesn't stop talking right in my ear , damn! " Carlo said as he pushed Junk's head away from his ear.
Nathan finally arrived , let the games begin.
"okay, folks, here we go -- 15 by ones. Make it, take it, win by one, and you can feel the intensity in the air." stated mouth , as Carlo cheered for lucas.
[Lucas shoots a basket.]
" Oh-ho! A 25-footer rips the silk like Jimmy Edwards in a size 3 dress." Mouth said as Carlo tried to imagine that.
[Nathan passes the ball to Lucas.]
[Lucas shoots again; cheers and applause was all that could be heard.]
[Nathan steals the ball.]
[Nathan scores.]
The game goes on with both boys making great shots , then Nathan elbows Lucas in the face, making a shot, what an asshole.
" No foul. Basket counts. Besides... You won't score again." said Lucas .
"Get him Luke!" Exclaimed Carlo.
"Oh, the basket counts, and it's 14-12, game point for Nathan. He could win it all right here. Nathan for the win ,Holy crap!" Said mouth as they all watched in shock as Lucas makes an unbelievable block.
"Did you see that?! Someday men will write stories about that block,Children will be named after it, Argentinean women will weep for it." Mouth stated as Lucas scores .
"Ok mouth we get it , and that last line is so random." stated Carlo as he then got up to cheer.
"Luke gets a basket, and he's down one." Mouth said as Carlo watched intently.
[Lucas makes another basket.]
" Another dagger, and it's all tied up! I think I'm gonna puke. This is it, folks -- no going back now. The next basket wins it." mouth said as Carlo noticed that Nathan was taunting Lucas.
"He's never mentioned you, man-- Not once in all these years." Said Nathan in a taunting voice.
"This is for my mom." Lucas said as he took the shot , and won .
Carlo got up and cheered for his bestfriend as they surrounded him .
"Luke for the win! It's good! It's good! Lucas Scott takes it 15-14, and there is bedlam and delirium and felicity for all!" Screamed mouth.
"I'll be seeing ya." Carlo heard Lucas say as he jumped on his back.
"Naughty , Naughty lucas , goin' after someone else's girl." Carlo smirked , as Lucas laughed.
"Yeah whatever man , now let's get something to eat !" Lucas exclaimed , as the two boys laughed and cheered.
And that folks , is only the beginning of Carlo's small tale , I'll see you soon guys and gals , non-binary pals.
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aleksoldadito · 8 months
Hago esta pequeña introduccion de mi para los que no me conocen, o para los que gustan interactuar conmigo<3
Como veran mi nombre es Aleksei, pero me pueden decir Alek,o Dimitri xd.
Me gusta dibujar, escribir,el maquillaje ,la reposteria y hacer cualquier tipo de manualidad, tambien editar fotos y videos.
Me gusta aprender de historia,cultura,idiomas y politica,tambien arte y astronomia, mi periodo favorito es la ww2 y lo medieval,soy de izquierda y amo la cultura asiatica
me gustan los cuentos de hadas y seres magicos,soy muy fantasioso y ADORO los unicornios y sirenas,incluso creo en ellos (un unicornio me visito en un sueño jsjs)
soy regresor de edad,dejo un link con info https://www.psicoactiva.com/blog/regresion-psicoanalisis/....
tambien poseo rasgos infantilistas,y soy muy sensible y ansioso.
no me gusta dar fotos por priv,hacer llamadas o videollamadas a menos que conozca MUY bien a la persona,asi que no sociabilizo mucho
me identifico con Corea del Norte (CH) taiwan (CH) Fluttershy (MLP) adrien agreste (MLB) y kagami tsurogi (MLB)
soy INFJ
tengo una discapacidad menor (visual) no me gusta dar muchas explicaciones,solo dire que se me dificulta salir por lo mismo.
soy algo femenino,pero NO ME TRATEN COMO MUJER pq no lo soy
me incomoda mucho los comentarios s3xv4l3s y mas cuando ni te topo.
no me insistan para que responda,no me hagan llamada ni me reclamen,la mayoria del tiempo libre estoy en mi mundo
mi confort character y husbando es imperio japones
mis confort ships son coreacest,guatemalaxtaiwan,usaxonu, polreich,chinaxperu,usamex,urssxrusia, marichat,fluttercord y rarijack y mi selfshipping con imperio japones
ODIO el onuxfbi, el moscuxcdmx, el rusmex y el appledash, lo respeto pero no me lo acerquen pls (sobretodo en rol)
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mis bias son Yoongi, Jungkook, y Taehyung.
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los quiero,baiii
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cortomaltes-world · 1 year
¿Vienes del hondo cielo, o surges del abismo Oh Belleza? Tu mirar, infernal y divino Vierte confusamente crimen y beneficio Y se te puede por eso comparar al vino
En tu ojo contienes el poniente y la aurora; Respandeces perfumes como noche de procelo Tus besos son un filtro y tu boca una ánfora Que al héroe vuelve blando y al niño resuelto.
¿Surges de la sima negra o bajas de los astros? El Destino encantado cual can sigue tus enaguas Siembras al azar la alegría y el descalabro Y gobiernas todo y no respondes de nada.
Marchas sobre los muertos, Belleza, de los que ríes De tus joyas el Horror no es el de menor encanto, Y el Asesinato, entre tus más caros dijes, Sobre tu vientre orgulloso baila apasionado.
La efímera encandilada vuela a ti, tambalea, Crepita, arde y dice: bendigamos esta antorcha! El enamorado jadeante sobre su pareja parece un moribundo acariciando su fosa.
¿Que vengas del cielo o del infierno, que importa ¡Oh Belleza! ¡Monstruo enorme, horrible, incauto! Si tu ojo, tu sonrisa, tu pie me abren la puerta De un Infinito que amo y que no he visitado?
¿De Satán o de Dios, que importa? Ángel o Sirena, ¿Que importa, si vuelves – hada de ojos de terciopelo Ritmo, perfume, resplandor – ¡Oh mi única reina! Al universo menos repugnante y a los instantes mas ligeros?
Viens-tu du ciel profond ou sors-tu de l'abîme, Ô Beauté ! ton regard, infernal et divin, Verse confusément le bienfait et le crime, Et l'on peut pour cela te comparer au vin. Tu contiens dans ton oeil le couchant et l'aurore; Tu répands des parfums comme un soir orageux; Tes baisers sont un philtre et ta bouche une amphore Qui font le héros lâche et l'enfant courageux. Sors-tu du gouffre noir ou descends-tu des astres? Le Destin charmé suit tes jupons comme un chien; Tu sèmes au hasard la joie et les désastres, Et tu gouvernes tout et ne réponds de rien. Tu marches sur des morts, Beauté, dont tu te moques; De tes bijoux l'Horreur n'est pas le moins charmant, Et le Meurtre, parmi tes plus chères breloques, Sur ton ventre orgueilleux danse amoureusement. L'éphémère ébloui vole vers toi, chandelle, Crépite, flambe et dit : Bénissons ce flambeau! L'amoureux pantelant incliné sur sa belle A l'air d'un moribond caressant son tombeau. Que tu viennes du ciel ou de l'enfer, qu'importe, Ô Beauté ! monstre énorme, effrayant, ingénu ! Si ton oeil, ton souris, ton pied, m'ouvrent la porte D'un Infini que j'aime et n'ai jamais connu? De Satan ou de Dieu, qu'importe ? Ange ou Sirène, Qu'importe, si tu rends, - fée aux yeux de velours, Rythme, parfum, lueur, ô mon unique reine!- L'univers moins hideux et les instants moins lourds? CH B                    
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bluuxriising · 3 years
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Malcolm Welles & Sirena Welles 
“ The boat caught on fire and Sirena risked her life to save her husband and their little girl before the flames took her. Shame what happened to the Welles clan. All that was left of them was ash and bone. ”
Bluu’s great-grandparents and Ida’s parents. Before the accident that claimed the lives of his parents, brothers, and wife, Malcolm Welles was a charismatic fellow. He was popular amongst the townspeople and a family man fiercely devoted to his kin. 
His wife, Sirena, was cold and, at times, disconnected from the people around her. She much rather preferred spending all hours of the day staring out into the sea than spending time with her husband. That didn’t mean she loved him less. Sirena genuinely loved Malcolm and their daughter, but there were times when she didn’t feel quite at home on the island. The townspeople quietly joked that she was secretly a mermaid who left the sea to live a life on the land. ( But that was all just jokes and rumors...right? ) Ida was close to her mother and bore a striking resemblance to her. 
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miraculousluvbug · 3 years
***New to Wingless? Start at Chapter 1!
CH. SUMMARY: Ladybug foils Sirena's plans to kill Chat Noir and then . . . Ladybug is falling.
Chat Noir was not expecting The Great Shove of 2021 when he turned to face his partner. The strength she used to push him out of the way would have cracked his ribcage if he weren’t transformed.
All it should have done was thrust him into the asphalt, but . . .
Since bad luck followed him apparently, his body tumbled across the rooftop. The momentum at which he slid threw his head for a loop. Before he knew it, his legs fell out from beneath him and he dangled over the water. Eyes wide, he sank the claws of his good arm into the roof and held on for dear life. Carapace scrambled to grab Chat before he could fall, leaving Rena to assist Ladybug.
Carapace gripped Chat’s claws and used the strength of his thighs to pull him up, grunting from the effort. As he helped Chat, he caught sight of how far the waters had risen since they first landed on the rooftop and promptly did a double-take. “Uh, dude, we have a problem.”
“What could be worse than this?” Chat huffed, collapsing when all his appendages were safe and not dangling from the edge. “Hey, why aren’t you helping Ladybug? Go help her,” Chat insisted, trying to stand up, but his arm gave way and his chest hit the ground with a thump.
“Ladybug has Rena. Listen, about that problem--”
“Look, I’m fine. Thanks for the save and all, but Ladybug needs you--”
“What?!” Chat snapped, turning toward his turtle teammate.
He followed Carapace’s finger to find the water halfway up the tower. The duo gulped. Neither one said anything. They didn’t want to give weight to the obviously heavy elephant in the room: If they didn’t purify the akuma and fast, there would be no one left to save and no one left to do the saving.
They’d all be seafoam.
Screams soured the air and Chat and Carapace peered over the edge in their direction. Nearby, a group of people huddled together on a rooftop, the water inching closer and closer to their shoes.
They had nowhere to go.
Meanwhile, Ladybug had other concerns. When she pushed Chat out of the way, her body had barreled into Sirena’s, catching the akuma temporarily off guard. They rolled together, arms and legs and talons entangled in each other, teeth clacking. Ladybug hoped Sirena had dropped the knife in the skirmish and wrestled from beneath her, their hands clasped together in a battle for control.
Being this up close to Sirena, Ladybug had to avoid cringing into herself. She had feather-like sideburns and her eyes weren’t all gray like she originally thought. They kind of glowed and what used to be her irises were lined with red. Growling, Sirena bared her teeth at Ladybug, shoving back on Ladybug’s arms until her elbows dented the rooftop.
One of Sirena’s hands lunged toward Ladybug’s ears. Ladybug reached up to block her, giving the akuma an opening. Ladybug was completely unprepared for a punch to her side, effectively knocking the wind right out of her. She pushed on Sirena’s shoulder with her free hand, but they were of equal strength.
It would appear, as it were, the girls had entered a stalemate.
Rena approached then and tried to push Sirena off of Ladybug, but she was no match for Sirena’s wings flapping angrily behind her. The sheer force of them sent Rena spinning.
“W-why are you doing this?” Ladybug grunted, turning her face away as Sirena leaned in so close her breath burned Ladybug’s cheeks. Sirena really had no sense of personal space.
“Because I despise you, Ladybug,” Sirena crooned, her voice tinkling like a melody. Something about it was familiar, but Ladybug couldn’t put a finger on it.
Huh. That was new. Akumas didn’t usually have a personal beef with Ladybug.
“Ladybug, there are people stranded over there!” Carapace shouted to her from the other side of the building. A quick glance told her Carapace and Chat were standing beside each other where she had shoved him, and Rena stood in between, unsure of where she was needed the most.
“Go help them. I’ve got Sirena,” Ladybug commanded. The trio nodded and Carapace and Rena jumped out of sight. Chat lingered a moment, watching Ladybug and Sirena with trepidation.
Ladybug grit her teeth. “Go!”
Grudgingly, Chat went.
Ladybug faced the akuma again. “What did I do to you?”
“You mean you don’t recognize me?”
Ladybug tried really hard not to laugh at that. Recognize her? How could she? “Have you looked in the mirror lately?” Ladybug remarked, channeling Chat Noir’s confidence because she really didn’t have any of her own. Sirena’s eyes widened and for a single moment, her grip loosened.
A moment was all Ladybug needed.
She used all of her power to push herself off the ground, rolling them until Sirena was pinned beneath Ladybug’s body weight instead. The shift in authority enraged the akuma, but Ladybug wanted to give her a chance to do the right thing. She set her mouth in a firm line. “Tell me where the akuma is and I’ll let you go.”
Sirena’s lips tilted into a sinister smile. Ladybug persisted.
“All those people will be dead because of you. Do you really want that? You tricked them into the water with your song!”
“It’s far from my fault. People can’t resist when they hear what they like to hear.”
Ladybug had heard that exact line before.
No way.
Ladybug squinted at the girl beneath her. She realized the hair style wasn’t so different, but her skin was much paler than her usual tone. The wings and feathers certainly didn’t help any. “Lila?” Ladybug asked in disbelief. “You got akumatized again?”
“You should have let everyone believe you’re my best friend.” Ladybug rolled her eyes at that. Sirena bristled but then relaxed her face into a smirk. “Instead, you made the decision to be my worst enemy.”
Before Ladybug knew what she was doing, Sirena’s hands were by her ears again. Instead of going for her Miraculous, however, she pinched the tissue blocking her siren song and plucked. She didn’t waste a second before humming her melody, gaining great pleasure from the mist settling over Ladybug’s eyes. Instantly, the heroine was lulled into complacency.
As she hummed, Ladybug’s body went limp. Sirena pulled her knees to her chest and positioned the soles of her talons on Ladybug’s abdomen. She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face, but honestly, was she even trying? She had Ladybug right where she wanted her.
With one big shove, she launched Ladybug up and over herself.
Then she used the momentum to somersault into the air and trusted her wings to catch her. She didn’t have to look back to know that Ladybug’s body was hurtling helplessly towards the icy waters engulfing all of Paris. She kept the blade wet with blood tucked behind her back.
Chat was a slave to his terror as he watched helplessly from where he stood, having just returned with a person on his back.
“LADYBUG!” Chat Noir shouted, dropping the person as quickly--and delicately--as he could manage.
Now is not the time to panic, Chat instructed himself.
Ladybug was fine.
Any second now, she’d sail back into action and the battle would resume.
Nothing bad can happen to her because she has her yo-yo--
The yo-yo that Sirena was gripping with her other talon.
His stomach dropped.
If Sirena had Ladybug’s yo-yo, the yo-yo that was supposed to save Ladybug, then that meant the yo-yo wasn’t attached to Ladybug.
So Ladybug didn’t have her yo-yo.
Ladybug can’t save herself.
The millisecond the thought formed, Chat Noir was a blur, removing his baton from his back with his working arm and sprinting toward the edge of the roof. As he passed Sirena, their eyes briefly met, and what he saw in hers sent a cold fury down his spine. He wasn’t sure how he hadn’t seen it before (okay, maybe he’d cut himself some slack; she honestly didn’t even look human right then), but those were definitely his classmate’s eyes.
And the darkness he found there told him everything he needed to know about Lila Rossi.
1) Lila had hated Ladybug since the day they met.
2) Lila had demonstrated in the past an enthusiasm to sabotage Ladybug without being akumatized.
3) Lila loathed Ladybug apparently to the point of wanting her dead, akuma or not.
4) Lila Rossi would be a mass murderer if Ladybug didn’t use her power to restore everything and everyone. And she didn’t care.
5) Lila was more than willing to kill Ladybug herself.
There was no way Hawk Moth would have approved of Lila throwing Ladybug off the building because he wanted both of the Miraculous, and if Ladybug so much as grazed the water, her entire existence would cease as every perfect molecule shaping her would turn to seafoam, Miraculous and all. And then everyone who had been turned to seafoam during this attack would be gone forever.
Including Ladybug.
Tears stung Chat Noir’s eyes. Partly due to the biting wind as his body succumbed to gravity. Partly due to the violent and all-consuming fear that he wouldn’t get to his lady in time. The tears were making it impossible to see anything, despite there not being a cloud for miles.
It was a beautiful day.
It was supposed to be their day. Stoneheart’s Anniversary. Reveal Day.
Just as sure as the air whipping past him chilled him to the bone, the sun penetrated Chat’s black suit with equal fervor. He felt like he was burning yet also shivering and his stomach swooped chaotically. It vaguely reminded him of the time he jumped from Gorizilla as Adrien on this very same building, but this was different. He knew Ladybug would catch him then. It was as fact as the blood coursing through his veins and the heart beating between his lungs.
But what if he couldn’t catch Ladybug?
It suddenly dawned on Chat Noir that if he didn’t make it to Ladybug in time, he would have to make a choice. Live . . . or give up. He could use his baton to wedge himself in one of the many nooks of the tower. Try to defeat the akuma with Carapace and Rena Rouge somehow. But what would life even look like after this akuma?
There would be no life. The water wouldn’t fade. The people lost would never return. As far as he knew, the water only covered Paris, but it could have stretched beyond that. Could he even make it off the tower? He was out of astro power ups and he used his last piece of cheese to transform a second time mid-battle. Would Plagg even be able to do it again without recharging?
Would Plagg even want to exist if his other half didn’t?
Could destruction prevail without creation?
Maybe . . . maybe yielding to the sea wouldn’t be so bad after all.
It would be him and his lady until the end.
He knew from experience getting blasted into oblivion by akumas was painless.
Perhaps turning to seafoam would be no different.
He whipped his head to the side, searching, searching, searching for the source of that melodic sound.
“Ladybug!” he called over the lashing winds.
She had one arm resting against her side and the other outstretched in the air. To him, he realized. With his good arm, he extended his baton against the building and used the momentum to propel himself faster toward her, his other gloved claw reaching so hard that the pain from earlier seared him. It felt like his arm was being ripped from its socket.
But no mortal pain could measure up to the overwhelming relief surging through him when his fingers brushed Ladybug’s. Not wanting to waste another second nearing the waters, he scanned the building beside them for an opening, any opening. Thrusting his baton into a window wouldn’t have enough resistance to halt their free fall. As he speculated earlier, he needed a nook. Something his baton could catch on.
“Over there!” Ladybug shouted abruptly, gesturing with her eyes. Chat followed her gaze and, as always, his lady knew exactly what he needed. With a confidence he didn’t feel, he unfurled his baton once more and struck it against the tower. Without warning, he cried out as the action combined with Ladybug’s weight tore the muscle in his shoulder further than he could have anticipated. He wanted to throw up.
Ladybug winced for him. “I’m sorry!”
Surprised, Chat looked down at her hanging from his hand and barked out a laugh so hysterical an image of white leather flashed in Ladybug’s mind.
Chat bellowed incredulously, “You’re sorry?! For what? You pushed me out of the way! It should have been me free-falling.”
Tears welled in Ladybug’s eyes. “I’m so clumsy. My yo-yo rolled away from me.”
Chat grit his teeth. “It didn’t roll away from you. Lila stole it.”
“She wanted me dead.”
It wasn’t a question. But Chat was struggling to hold onto both Ladybug and his baton, so he pretended it was to keep the conversation going. God knew he needed the distraction.
“Looks that way.”
“She had a knife.”
“She what?”
He looked back down at Ladybug then. She didn’t meet his eyes, instead choosing to watch the waters beneath them.
“A knife. I saw her coming for you with a knife and I—“
I couldn’t let her hurt you.
Conflicting emotions battled for dominance within Chat’s heart. The first one he could identify was anger. Anger that she would take a hit meant for him. However brave, only one of them could put everything back to normal and it wasn’t him.
The next one was bafflement. Bafflement that not only did Lila want to murder Ladybug . . . the desire was definitely premeditated. A blade wasn’t part of her transformation. She had to have had it on her before she got akumatized. But that emotion was short-lived. He was learning to expect wickedness from this classmate.
The last emotion was a billowing astonishment. As steadfast as the waves below them, the awe crested over him in intervals.
She would do that . . . for me?
Ladybug’s hand slackened a little. “I feel dizzy.”
Chat clutched her tighter, refusing to submit to gravity. “Did she hit you in the head?”
“. . . No.”
Chat gripped Ladybug’s hand even tighter yet, against the pleading from his body to let go. Sweat beaded across his forehead and neck. The exertion and smoldering heat from the sun were exhausting him.
Ladybug’s earrings beeped, and she instinctually lifted her unused hand--the one not holding on to Chat for dear life--to touch them. When her hand brushed her face, it left behind a sticky residue and the putrid scent of copper filled her nostrils. She was seeing red . . . but it wasn’t from anger.
“Hm?” Chat responded absentmindedly. He hadn’t used his cataclysm yet, so they had a little bit of time before he would really start panicking. Rena Rouge and Carapace had to be coming for them. They had to. All Chat and Ladybug had to do was wait.
We’ve got time. We’ve got time. We’ve got time. He chanted the mantra in his head to keep himself sane.
He tried not to wonder if Rena and Carapace had even seen them fall.
“Chat, I . . .” his partner began, interrupting his inner chanting. “I thought she punched me, but I think . . . I think she stabbed me.”
Chat’s head whipped so fast. His heart squeezed at the sight of blood smeared on Ladybug’s cheek. She rested her free hand against her side once more, gritting her teeth from the pressure, and when she removed it, blood dripped from her palm.
“Oh, Bug,” Chat whispered, tears in his eyes. No, no, no, no . . .
So they didn’t have as much time as he thought.
So this is the second part. :3 Action-packed and angsty, just how I like it. 🥴Follow me for updates and check out my Instagram where I post art!
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I’m jumping one one of those general invites to share the titles of my WIPs. I doubt most of these will see the light of day but I’m happy to give more details where I have them if anyone is interested. ^_^
Snowed In
Come Back to Me Ch 2
In from the Cold
Fet Flea
Oberyn x Knight!Reader x Ellaria
Javi x Reader X-Files AU
Anyone who’d like to share their own WIP list, consider this your invitation!
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dragonologist-phd · 1 year
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Dragon Age: Origins - The Grey Wardens (& Allies)
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devilsmenu · 11 months
♫ ( lonnie && sirena )
Flower - Dolphin Beach
"The new moon reflects on the water surface, it feels like a real life landscape, doesn't it?" Lonnie said with a small smile. "I don't know, but nights are always so calm to me".
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hekat-ie · 3 years
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✷ writeboardwalk ferris wheel day four: love interest
[ ch: rosario consolacion y salvador, from the voice of god ]
can you look at me? as the person i once was. the way you did last june, when sister saturnina called us sirenas, and it was the first time we spent the summer outside the convent.
i’m  s c a r e d. 
can you? please, look at me. 
wip intro // blog tag
note: please ask to be added or removed
@llesbianwrites @aetherwrites @notphilosopherstudentblog @tsainami @alternativeforensicscientist @epielios @kainablue @scaevolawrites @legendarian @alicewestwater @unholieds @bookphobe @jauntymushroom @svpphicwrites @halfbloodlycan @semblanche @ccorpsidious
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zaenight · 3 days
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[TW: there are slight mentions of stuff discussed in ch1-2,past Sa and abuse mentions]
"Luke, Luke, what up dawg?Check this out,You shoot this one , let's see what you got." said Skills , it was late in the afternoon as the boys played basketball as they always do.
Carlo watched as lucas made the basket , thoughts of the other day plaguing his mind as he ate his chips anxiously.
"Come on, lets move!" Mouth exclaimed.
"Time to go, baby." Skills.
"Six-thirty, Luke!" jimmy said as Carlo got up and jumped on Lucas's back.
"Aw , come on guys, you dont gotta come Its just a game." Lucas said as rolling his eyes as he made sure Carlo didn't fall off , the boy light for his age , still the same as they were younger.
"Right,Whitey asked you to play on the team." said skills.
"And Nathan threatens you." junk said to Lucas .
"You tried flirting with his girl, eres todo tipo de desorden ." said Carlo as Lucas glared at the boy who blinked innocently.[your just all kinds of messy]
"You beat him right here one on one, you join the team." Mouth stated with a smile.
"And now its the first game and we aint gotta come?" said Skills.
"To bad this game is for all of us , we're going ." Finished Carlo as Lucas let out a scoff with a smirk.
"Go Luke!"
"Let's go Luke."
"Vamos apurate Lucas." yeah we all know who said that.
"Karen! , Luisa! , You ready to go?" Keith exclaimed.
"Oh Im not going,I decided to stay open,I could use the business." Stated Karen as Luisa shook her head with an I tried look on her face , Sirena on her hip.
"You talk to Luke about this?" Keith questioned.
"No,But hell understand." Karen stated .
"Karen..." said Keith.
"She doesnt want to go." Said Hayley by the door.
"Hayley's right I tried talking to her , pero no she wouldn't listen." Said Luisa shaking her head.
"She doesnt want to see her high school sweetheart,slash your brother Dan,slash the jerk who abandoned Lucas slash the father of Nathan, the team's star player slash my wrists , if I hear this story again,Lets go!"said Hayley with a accusing tone and raised brow.
"I think youre making a mistake." Said Keith.
"Mama is Riri gonna play the ball game." Said Sirena as she got buckled into her car seat.
"Not unless Whitey hog ties him and makes him ." Luisa said with snort.
At the same time the conversation was going down so was this one , oh Luisa how right you where.
"Wh- you can't make me play!" Said Carlo , one minute he was with Jimmy and Mouth , the next he was in the boy's locker room."
"Detention for a week if ya don't." said Whitey.
"What!, your just making up rules , Whitey come on I'm uncoordinated , unfocussed." Carlo rambled.
Whitey thought about it , before throwing the jersey at Carlo.
"You know you father had one of the highest jumps , when we watched ya'll play that night , your jump rivaled his , infact it was higher than Marcelo's." said Whitey.
"Screw him, and screw this , Whitey you want me to play , alright I'll play just this once, but after that I'm done, because to me basketball is just something I do for fun not sport, and you putting Galindo instead of Del'gado on this jersey won't change my mind, and for the record my jump being higher than my father's is because Im just better than he ever will be." Stated Carlo with a clenched jaw and a glare when his so-called father was brought up.
"Scott!, Galindo!" Whitey exclaimed , after pointing to lucas after Nathan thought he was being called , but what the hell does he want with him now.
"I cant believe the bastard spawns on our team." said Tim to Nathan as the two other boys walked into the office.
"For now,besides maybe we should worry about Del'gado , you know his father would beat him and his mother black and blue, and daddy dearest would take out so much more on his mother , if you know what I mean , and then he was raised by gang members on top of all that , it's trouble waiting to happen." Nathan stated shaking his head with a whistle.
"You nervous?" said Whitey.
"A little bit." said Lucas.
"I wouldn't be if you didn't force me to play." Carlo grumbled out.
"Good. You ought to be, and watch your tone boy." said Whitey as Carlo rolled his eyes dramatically as Lucas shook his head with a small smile.
"Just do what youve been doing all week in practice,Youll be fine." He continued as he threw a jersey at lucas.
"oh sure but you throw the kid that barely plays into the game." Carlo groaned before walking out, Whitey yelling that he better change his mis matched socks.
"Luke!, Rico!, You mind if we get a few words before your first game?" said Mouth.
"Yeah,Were going to put it on the internet , Ravenshoops.com ." said jimmy with a grin.
"Yeah we're gonna have a web cast and everything." mouth said once again.
Carlo must have really bad memory cause he could have sworn they had one already.
"What the hell is this?" questioned Whitey coming out of his office a few seconds later.
"Well, we have this website."
" Yeah, were sports announcers." tried explaining the boys.
"Not in here, youre not,The locker rooms closed,No media." said Whitey shaking his head.
"Dude, did you hear that? Were media." Mouth said as the two smiled.
"Not just media,Banned media." Said jimmy as Carlo and Lucas just looked at them before shaking their heads.
"They dont wanna what! Or were gonna what!,Or what! Or what!" the players chanted , besides Carlo and Lucas.
"Alright,Lets take the court." said Whitey.
"Want my world? You and short stack got it." said Nathan as Carlo scrunched his face.
"I'm 5"11 , that's not even short!, you people are just too tall." Carlo exclaimed , he grew a few inches and gained some muscle thank you very much.
"Keith! Hey, Finally came to see your nephew play, huh, big brother?" Said Dan Scott , Keith's brother , Nathan's dad , and the sperm donor of Lucas.
"Yeah,I guess you can say that." said Keith.
"Mommy look Riri!" exclaimed Sirena bouncing up and down joyfully.
"well would you look at that , Whitey threatened him." said Luisa before coming to her conclusion , mostly because she could see the annoyed and dramatic eyeroll her son kept giving to Whitey.
"Well I don't see rope burns from an escape attempt, looks like someone didn't get hogtied after all , shame would've loved to see that." Said Hayley , laughing as Sirena climbed into her lap.
"Tonight, Lucas Scott and Carlo Del- I mean Galindo , plays their first game for the Tree Hill Ravens, however Rico made it known he would only play one game." stated Mouth into the microphone.
"Thats right, Mouth, Now the Ravens are 5 and O,But this is their first game following the suspension of six varsity players, and would you look at that high jump delivered by Carlo Galindo , talk about slam dunk!" Jimmy exclaimed , however on the court Carlo was grumbling to himself that he better get food after this.
"Son!" exclaimed Dan Scott , As Lucas looked at him after he shot his basket.
"Wake up." said Nathan circling Lucas , Carlo then scoffed as Nathan hit his shoulder as Whitey called them over , what a dick .
Looking up he smiled as his mother , sister , and Hayley cheered him on , before he laughed realizing that Grandpa Nero ,Spook,Cookie,and Matches rushed in through the gym doors giving him a nod , they were getting weary looks from people , but a big smirk from Carlo.
"So that's the boy that beat Nathan?,Well, he's good from behind, and gang boy can get it anytime he wants , those puppy dog eyes are to die for." Said Brooke Davis , Popular girl , head cheerleader , you name it .
Peyton rolled her eyes at her bestfriend , sure Carlo was cute , but her eyes where on the Scott boys.
"Luke, relax,Destiny has a way of finding you, and keep rolling those eyes Galindo , see what happens." said Whitey as Carlo gave him a deadpan look.
Chanting and cheers filled the gym , oh and Lucas hit Peyton with a basketball.
"Nice hands." said Peyton as she glared lightly at Lucas , Carlo laughed at his bestfriend as he replied to the girl.
"Nice legs." he replied back.
"Nice ass Gang boy." said Brooke towards Carlo , who was a bit overwhelmed by the noise.
"Yeah nice pom poms." Carlo said nodding his head at her ,not realizing what he said as he got back to the game.
"He likes my pom poms." said Brooke with a smirk as Peyton shook her head.
"The ones in your hand or the ones on your chest." Peyton said with a teasing scoff.
"Lets see some game!"
"Hey, which side you on?" said Nathan as the other team scored , lucas kept missing , Nathan made one getting cheers from the crowd , and Whitey yelled to pass the ball to Carlo who was not interested but didn't wanna risk getting detention via Whitey.
Lucas got pulled out of the game , that lucky bastard.
"That was something , good thing I won't have to play again , and did you really have to threaten Whitey , It's just gonna make him harder on me Ma." Said Carlo as they were eating dinner.
"Ok for starters I said that I would hog tie him if he ever made you play a sport you didn't want to , Las caras que hiciste a sus espaldas lo dejaron claro." Luisa said before shaking her head as Carlo choked on his water.[the faces you made behind his back made that clear]
"you saw that!, you think he could feel my annoyance , Ma im a goner." Carlo groaned.
"Now your just being dramatic." Cookie said as Spook laughed , Carlo however was in distraught.
Nero shook his head at them , oh how he wishes his son and Polo could be here , then their family would truly be complete.
"Matches stop trying to teach the kids how to put curses on people! look what happened to Martha from the coffee shop , she deserved it but still!" Nero heard Luisa exclaim.
Oh Martha , she decided to be rude when she got served ,the kids then took revenge for their mother, oh she never stood a chance against those seagulls.
Carlo grabbed his guitar , Sirena tucked into bed as she awaited her new lullaby, Luisa watching her children with a smile as she went to clean up the kitchen.
"Mientras Peter Pan vuela por el cielo oscuro,Su sombra baila con la luna en lo alto.Las estrellas brillantes le susurran secretos al oído, guiándolo más allá de los reinos del miedo.
Oh Wendy Darling, con los ojos muy abiertos por el asombro,Mientras observa desde su ventana y sueña con Neverland, donde el tiempo se detiene,Y los Niños Perdidos riéndose junto al riachuelo de la Sirena.Vuela, vuela, Peter, por caminos llenos de estrellas, Persiguiendo cometas, mientras cabalga rayos de luna, liberándose de todas sus cadenas.
sus alas cubiertas de polvo de duendecillo lo llevan lejos, a una tierra donde los sueños y la magia son nuestra Estrella del Norte. El barco del Capitán Garfio navega por el mar a medianoche, mientras el reloj del Cocodrilo emite una inquietante súplica. Sin embargo, Peter se eleva, libre del peso del tiempo, riendo con las hadas, tejiendo cuentos en rima.
Oh, Tinker Bell revolotea, un duende ardiente, iluminando el camino a través de la noche de Nunca Jamás.Las sirenas cantan canciones de cuna de la espuma del océano, y los niños perdidos encuentran consuelo en el hogar de la luz de las estrellas mientras Peter toca su flauta, y ahora termina esta melodía." Carlo finished the short but simple lullaby as his baby sister fell asleep , going to help his mother in the kitchen.
[As Peter Pan flies throughout the dark sky,His shadow dances with the moon up high.
The bright stars whisper secrets in his ear, Guiding him beyond the realms of fear.
Oh Wendy Darling, eyes wide with wonder, As she watches from her window, and dreams of Neverland, where time stands still,And the Lost Boys laughing by the Mermaid's rill.Fly, fly, Peter, through star-strewn lanes,Chasing comets, as he rides moonbeams, breaking free from all his chains.
his pixie-dusted wings carry him far, To a land where dreams and magic are our Northern Star. Captain Hook's ship sails the midnight sea, as the Crocodile's clock gives a haunting plea. Yet Peter soars, unburdened by time, Laughing with fairies, weaving tales in rhyme.Oh Tinker Bell flits, a fiery sprite, Lighting the way through Neverland's night.The Mermaids sing lullabies of ocean foam, And the Lost Boys find solace in starlight's home As Peter plays his flute , and now he ends this tune.]
"Early in his career, Hemingway was frustrated,He was a good writer who wanted to be great,and eventually, he discovered that less was more." Mr. Kelly , their teacher spoke the next day at school.
"Peyton,Describe Lucas using just one word." he continued as he called upon Peyton.
"Choke." she said as the class laughed.
Carlo and Lucas glanced at eachother , this girl.
"Okay, be quiet please,Thank you,Lucas, care to respond and describe Peyton?" He said.
"Lonely." Lucas replied.
"Okay, be quiet please,Yes? Nathan?" Mr. Kelly asked .
"I can describe Lucas AND Carlo in one word,Bastard and Gang banger." Nathan said with a smirk as the class got riled up.
"That's three words jackass." Carlo replied glaring , he's heard it all before , now if he said something about his mother that would be different.
Lucas however did not take this lightly as he launched at Nathan before delivering a punch.
"I'd stand up but every time I do, somebody kicks me in the ass for putting you on the team,Sit down,and you why are you here!" Whitey said to Lucas and then glared at Carlo who raised his hands up in surrender.
"Emotional support, alright jeez I got banned from the classroom for cheering him on." Carlo said until the man glared again.
"Get the hell out of my office before I make you play on the team!" Whitey exclaimed.
"Sorry Luke your on your own , I ain't playin'." Carlo said smacking his shoulder before rushing out,hitting a locker.
"IM OKAY!" the boy exclaimed, leaving Lucas to get lectured.
"Any side effects?" Hayley questioned Lucas as her and Carlo played gulf on their rooftop.
"From what?" Lucas said in the same tone , Glancing at Carlo who whistled.
"Your amnesia." She said.
"What are you talking about?" Lucas questioned.
"Im talking about how you mustve gotten amnesia because I know that you would've mentioned that you got into a fight today,Are you okay, Luke?,." Hayley said to him .
"Don't look at me like that , she forced it out of me!" Carlo replied as Lucas glanced at him.
After that was over , Carlo and Hayley continued their own small chat as lucas left.
"You remember that one time we accidently ate a plate full of weed brownies and your mom chased spook with her broom?" Hayley said , their thing was bringing up past memories , it was the way they bonded , it was their special thing.
"Yeah , never seen Spook so Spooked." Carlo laughed.
"Oh my god , remember the time I sprained my wrist when I Jumped off that swing , so you did the same thing so we could be sprain buddies." Hayley laughed as Carlo let out a smirk before wincing.
"Yeah only difference was that I broke it , cried more getting the damn cast on, than when i broke it." Carlo said raising a brow.
"The power of Adrenaline." Hayley said as they Laughed.
"You know, its really too bad Lucas is poor and he can't play because he is fine, and that Carlo , a bit more muscle and my god , Hey you think he talks you through it." Brooke said before getting a pillow thrown at her face.
"You disgust me." Peyton groaned as they hung out in her room.
"Hey, I think its really good that youre fighting with Nathan again." Brooke stated.
"You do?" Peyton questioned.
"Yeah,Every time you guys fight I get to hear new music,Hey, what's his story, Carlo's , I've heard things, about his dad." Brooke said before changing tune of the conversation.
"I know I've heard all about it , that man is pure evil , apparently he would go around cheating , and if Carlo's mom brought it up... , he would rape her, they say that Carlo is a rape baby because his dad was in Dan Scott's year , guess around eighteen , and she was only sixteen,then he started taking it out on him , they said that he was way smaller and lighter than other kids because he would be starved, that's why he's always seen eating." Peyton started saying as Brooke had a solemn look upon her face.
"That he would pay off cops and everything , They say that Carlo has an even higher jump than his father , it's why Whitey forced him to play , and then one day he left , then Carlo's mother fell in love with a gang member , she had his baby sister , but the dude got killed in a shoot out or something...all in all , the poor dude was doomed from the start." Peyton finished as Brooke grabbed a music disk , changing the topic, the conversation lingering in her mind.
"So, you gonna tell me about the fight or you wanna just assume I know about it while I yell at you?" Karen said , Luisa already cursed Carlo out , not for the fight , but for pissing of Whitey , other than that he was scotch free.
"Is that the phone? I'll get it." said Hayley.
"Yeah I hear it too." Carlo said making an Escape, his mother had went to pick up Sirena from daycare, leaving him stranded with an angry mother.
Him and Hayley totally weren't eavesdropping , ok maybe they were.
"Look, I want to talk about whats happening with the team,I know you think I've been hard on you, but thats because I see the big picture here,Whiteys not going to bench this kid just because of one bad game, and we're lucky Marcelo's boy doesn't like playing the game, because scouts need to look at you , not him." Said Dan Scott as he walked with Nathan.
"So what? Let him humiliate himself, and all Del'gado has is a high jump , nothing else." said Nathan with a scoff.
"No,Its more than that,Back when I played for Whitey, his word was law,He was always right,Even when he was wrong,So eventually I called him on it, and those Jumps are no joke , his father won three championships when he went off for college , Then he screwed up his arm when he went in for a slam dunk." Dan explained.
The two Scotts then continued their conversation as they exercised.
"Okay, were going to try our little Hemingway project again,But in order to avoid a bar fight, were going to do it on paper,Now you dont have to put your names on these,Simply write one word, one single word,to describe what you want most in your life right now." Mr. Kelly said to them.
his determination to prove everyone wrong.
"Please tell me you hit him." Said Carlo.
"I missed , I just keep missing man." Lucas said.
"Want me curse him , you saw what happened to Martha from the coffee shop , El Brujo is ready to cast the dead on him." Carlo said , huffing when Lucas said no , as amusing as it would be.
"Uh oh , I'm gonna let you talk to your girl , well your brothers girl, ow!" Carlo said hopping off the desk , totally not listening to the conversation, occasionally bumping into stuff , and Keith who scared the crap out of him.
"Did you ever figure out your porn name?" Hayley said randomly.
"what are you talking about?" asked Lucas.
"Jesus Hayley." Carlo laughed.
"Your porn name,you know, you take the name of your first pet and your mothers maiden name and you put them together,What was the name of your first pet?" She replied.
"you know that I had a dog named rocket." Lucas said.
"Rosie the yorkie." Carlo said remembering the small yorkie that terrified him as a child ended up being his best friend after Toni and Polo died , Polo would be proud of all the spiritual terror,Rosie and him rained upon the compound.
"Oh, Rocket! Ah! I loved Rocket, and Rosie , I loved them so much." Hayley started to say.
"So your mothers maiden name is Roe, Rocket Roe!, and Galindo , Rosie Galindo!" She Said , Carlo laughed at the thought.
"And yours?" The boys smirked.
"Oh, I had a bunny, named Bunny." Hayley smiled in memory.
"You had a Bunny named Bunny?" Lucas questioned.
"Real original Hayley Bayley." Carlo snorted bringing back up his old childhood nickname for the girl.
"Yes I did,And my mothers maiden name is Beaugard, so Bunny Beaugard." She said with a laugh.
"Dawsons Freak,Starring Rocket Roe, Rosie Galindo,and Bunny Beaugard." As the three laughed Carlo went on his way , leaving Hayley to speak to Lucas about the game.
"Check it out , looks like he'll play afterall." Carlo smirked as they looked out the window of the cafe.
Sirena laughed as Carlo gave her a piggyback ride to the car as the all loaded up to go support Lucas.
"Lets go, lets go! Ravens on three! One, two, three! Ravens!" the cheerleaders cheered.
"Come on Lucas!" Carlo Exclaimed , catching Brooke's stare.
You know maybe cheerleaders aren't so bad afterall.
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howleenies · 4 years
hello and welcome to jj's 2am monster high and their favorite mario kart characters and tracks headcanons uh lets begin:
Cleo: either princess peach or rosalina,/ Dry Dry Desert
Draculaura: toadette because yeah/ Sweet Sweet Canyon
Frankie: probably Larry/Electrodome
Clawdeen: princess daisy because wlw/ Yoshi Valley
Nefera: pink gold peach/ Royal Raceway
Amanita: her mii character/ Piranha Plant Slide
Deuce: roy because sunglasses/ Donut Plains 3
Gil: mario cuz mario sucks/ DK Jungle
Lagoona: Yoshi cuz hes nice/ Cheep Cheep Beach
Ghoulia: luigi cus hes underrated/ Mario Circuit
Clawd: i think either dk or bowser jr/ Warios Gold Mine
Howleen: baby luigi/ Excitebike Arena
Twyla: shy guy/ Twisted Mansion
Operetta: uuuh wendy/ Bowsers Castle
Toralei: um the splatoon girl/ Grumble Volcano
Meowlody: toad idk she seems like a toad girl/ Baby Park
Purrsephone: baby rosalina/ Ribbon Road
Catty: probably baby mario idk/ Music Park
Avea: bowser/ Moo Moo Meadows
Sirena: king boo/ Cloudtop Cruise
Bonita: koopa/ Shy Guy Falls
Neighthan: baby daisy/ Toad Harbor
Jackson: toad/ Sunshine Airport
Holt: waluigi/ Ch,,Cheeseland
Um thats all i can think of thank u for coming
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cssns · 4 years
And now it’s time for the July roundup!!!
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Wow... Just WOW!!! We had an absolutely INCREDIBLE month of fic and art last month!!! Did you miss anything? Well, if you did, you’re in luck!! This post will feature ALL the fics and art that posted and updated in July!!! Be sure to give all our authors and artists all the love and flails they deserve for their hard work!!! So without further ado, here we gooooooooo!!!!! Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
We had eight WONDERFUL fics with art drop last month, along with original art from @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713​ and @eastwesthomeisbest​.
On July 2, @ohmightydevviepuu​ and @thisonesatellite​ posted The Sword and the Heart, their retelling of all of s5. We are now four chapters in and let me tell you, THIS is what we should have gotten on the show!!! I can’t WAIT for the next chapter!!! Awe-inspiring artwork by @thisonesatellite​ and @profdanglaisstuff​. Fic Tumblr links with art: Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4
On July 5, @snowbellewells​ posted For Once, Don’t Let Go, her CS ghost story. Spooky and soooo SWEET all at once!!! Chill-inducing, perfect artwork by @hollyethecurious​. Tumblr fic link with art.
Only July 7, @stahlop​ posted Making a Memory, her fic inspired by The Parent Trap. This fic is absolutely AWESOME, y’all!!! Lisa has sucked me in to this blending of one of my all time favorite live action Disney movies and Once canon and I CANNOT WAIT for more of it!!! Lovely and perfect artwork by @gingerchangeling​. Tumblr links with art: Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4
On July 9, @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713​ posted her original vampire aesthetic. Mm mm mm mm mmmmmmm!!! 
On July 13, @shardminds​ posted her Witcher AU, Silver for Monsters. I have been BESIDE myself waiting for this fic, even though I’m not familiar with the show and the first chapter did not disappoint!!! Can’t wait for more!!! Swoon-worthy artwork by @artistic-writer​. Fic Tumblr link.
On July 15, @eastwesthomeisbest​ posted original Fairy artwork, Within You, inspired by Carnival Row. Absolutely BREATHTAKING!!! Then on July 26, she posted Fear Me Or Love Me... It’s All the Same, and reduced me to a screaming flailing mess!
On July 18, @lovelivingmydreams​ posted Labors of Love, her Greek gods AU. We are now two chapters in and I am LOVING every bit of it!! I’ve been told to strap myself in, so I have and am eagerly waiting for the next chapter!!! Tumblr links: Ch1 Ch2 Beautiful artwork by @mariakov81​ Banner Ch1 Ch2.
On July 21, @jarienn972​ posted La Sirena, her Siren Emma fic. A BEAUTIFUL mystery and I can’t wait to see where she goes with this!!! Gorgeous artwork by @courtorderedcake​. Tumblr links: Ch1 Ch2
On July 23, @shireness-says​ posted A Fate Woven in Thread and Ink, her fic inspired by The Night Circus. This fic is pure magic. Absolutely STUNNING in its beauty and I am BESIDE myself waiting for the next chapter!!! Incredible artwork by @eirabach​. Fic tumblr link with art.
And finally, on July 29, @winterbythesea​ posted The Truth In a Masquerade featuring dueling CS at a vampire masquerade! WELL WORTH all the teasing we endured on the discord!
We also had several updates for June fics.
@lassluna​ updated Swan’s Hourglass, her Legend of Zelda AU with gorgeous artwork by @eastwesthomeisbest​. I am LOVING this fic and can’t wait for more!!! Tumblr ch link with art: Ch4
@kmomof4​ updated and COMPLETED her fic Of Darkness, Vampires, and Soulmates. Tumblr ch links with art: Ch6 Ch7 Ch8 Stunning artwork by @spartanguard​ Ch6 Ch7 Ch8
@snowbellewells​ updated A Cottage By the Sea, her Enchanted Forest Lieutenant Duckling AU. I LOVE this fic y’all and I’ve got my ideas on who has Killian!!! Can’t wait for more!!! Lovely and perfect artwork by @searchingwardrobes​. Tumblr ch link with art: Part 2
And finally we had several updates for fics from previous years!!
@kymbersmith-90​ updated both of her fics from CSSNS18, Slayer and Divine Intervention. Perfect artwork complements of @hollyethecurious​ (x) (x). Both of these fics are sooooo GREAT, even to someone who hasn’t watched either show that they were inspired by!!! Tumblr ch links with art: Slayer ch21 Divine Intervention ch11
@courtorderedcake​ updated Hallow, her epic fic of Emma and Dark One Killian. We have now journeyed to Sultana Jasmine’s court and I am in AGONIZED ANTICIPATION waiting for the next chapter!!! Tumblr chapter link with art
Ohhhhh man!!! Are we a blessed fandom, or what? All of these fics are sooooo fantastic and I hope you enjoy them all as much as I have!!! Be sure to express your appreciation to all our authors and artists!!! I’ll see y’all again in September with the event roundup!!! Until then, y’all!!!
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Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
I was tagged by @notajoinerofthings and though I usually forget to do these tagging memes, I actually set myself an alarm because THIS IS FUN! :D
This is going to be a longish list and most of these titles are going to change again, but let’s see what we’ve got... (edit: I’ll add asterisk to things that actually have a bunch of writing in them and aren’t just wild ideas and a made-up title)
- Fallout (Star Trek: La Sirena, ep. 2)* - Heritage (Star Trek: La Sirena, ep. 3) - Secrets (Star Trek: La Sirena, ep. 4 or 5) - Interludes: Mornings in Mess Hall* - Interludes: Training (Aya, Emmet, Emil)* - Interludes: Broken String (Cal, Steward, Emil)* - Ikea Intergalactic, ch.1: “Vällkommen till IKEA Intergalaktisk”* - A simple mission (and a lot of gagh)* - Breathe - Serrian* - Ricepudding (CHANGE NAME NOT TO ENCROACH ON REGIONALPANCAKE’S IDEAS!)* - 5 + 1 holos - From the Mouth of Babes* - CMO’s Log (Plant Life, Freecloud, post-Crisis, Humility and Hospitality)* - Kintsugi* - In the Shallows* - CYOA (plot ideas)
And from the other WIPs: - Sickbay Deep Dive pt.3: ALL OF THE STUFF* - Study Deep Dive (probably split into two at least)
Good lord I really need to write more. A bunch of these are all-but-finished but missing a crucial few lines, and some of them are just vague ideas. But yeah. Ask me anything ;)
I’m tagging @regionalpancake, @thelaithlyworm, and anyone who’s interested (looking at my Homebound Bards). Feel free only to post a subset of your WIPs if it would get too much otherwise, but I felt like I needed to have a gander through my WIP’s to remember what all I’m working on and what I might just finally sit myself down to finish already XD
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