#cause like I haven’t seriously looked into a job for the summer cause im like. idk if ill be able to feed myself
boomerang109 · 1 month
#tw disordered eating#no because at what point do I admit to myself that just because it’s wrapped up in a couple extra layers of neurodivergence and sensory#sensitivity at the end of the day I find comfort in not eating and the control of hunger#and like I genuinely don’t have enough energy to get through the day because im simply not eating enough and can’t remember the last time#i have and like at what point do I admit that this is actually a problem#cause like I haven’t seriously looked into a job for the summer cause im like. idk if ill be able to feed myself#but I keep being like ‘oh it’s just an adhd issue’ ‘it’s a meal prep issue’#what if it’s a fear of change issue#what if starving myself is the only goddamn thing I can control in this world even if I don’t admit to myself#i don’t know what to do and I don’t know how to get better#and I have so much shame because I grew up hearing about my mom having an eating disorder in her twenties and it was always like well don’t#worry mom you’re raising me with a better relationship with food so I won’t have that issue#well guess who’s in their twenties and went to one session with a dietician and the dietician was concerned they were malnourished lmao#(i don’t think i checked off enough of the symptoms to actually qualify. but still. the fact that it was a consideration?)#and I just. I literally don’t know where im going to go this summer#because I need someone to teach me how to eat. to teach me how to grocery shop and meal prep and cook#because I KNOW im capable of all those things but no one has ever walked me through all the steps so it’s too scary to me rn to do#but I literally cannot even fathom making anyone put up with my presence for 3 months let alone being like ‘oh also will you help me get#better? cause I’ve tried on my own and it’s just not working’#i just put the tw here but I moved it to the top so people could be warned before reading but#love that I refuse to use anything other than that tag because that would be admitting this was real#im just starving myself and never gained back the weight I lost four years ago from starving myself im sure this is all suuuuuper normal and#just a silly little phase#(fr tho if i need any other tws let me know i don’t wanna trigger anyone)
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atlabeth · 3 years
fever - sokka x reader
this has been sitting in my drafts half finished for 3 weeks so i thot it was prime time i actually finished it
this is kinda based off the song w dua lipa and angele so you can listen to that if you want
summary: sokka's convinced there's a mystery illness keeping you from focusing, but somehow he's completely oblivious that the only 'sick' you are is lovesick, and he's the reason you can't focus.
a/n: i have never written a sickfic. but this is like. a fake sick fic. its an idiots in love fic. i mean this is coming from mr "is he taller than me? is he better looking?" himself so. it makes sense. as usual, this is not proofread bc im a lazy mf
also im sorry for being vague with the calc but i was NOT about to do math during summer who do you think i am? ??
wc: 1.7k
warning(s): mentions of being sick and 🤢calculus 🤮 but otherwise tooth rotting fluff
How could the smartest man you knew be so, so incredibly stupid?
You thought that you were being obvious, so obviously that you were sure he knew. It was embarrassing how obvious you were.
You had met Sokka in your calculus class at the start of the new semester after you ended up sitting next to each other, and it wasn’t a stretch to say that you were immediately smitten. With eyes like the ocean and a face that had to have been crafted by the gods, you were almost too distracted to respond when he asked you for a pencil. But when he winked at you after giving his thanks, it only solidified what you had already suspected: you had known this man for all of five minutes, and you already had a crush on him.
Little did you know, it was going to turn into the most infuriating crush you had ever experienced.
You and Sokka became fast friends even though calculus was the only class you had together. Unfortunately, it was also something that you completely sucked at. Bad news, it was required for your major. Good news, Sokka was some sort of genius and offered to tutor you — Wednesdays in the library turned into a weekly occasion, and served as an opening for your calculus skills, your feelings for Sokka, and your exasperation to all grow stronger.
You normally weren’t someone to beat around the bush. If you started to like someone, you told them and dealt with whatever happened after, but something about Sokka just kept you from spilling your feelings outright. You knew that if he didn’t feel the same way, your relationship likely wouldn’t change, but there was still that tiny voice that said it’s better to stay like this in case things do go wrong — and this was the first time you listened to that voice. You simply valued your friendship too much.
But that didn’t mean you were going to be completely quiet about it — you hoped that if you did enough, he would be able to realize you liked him and do the whole process for you. A bit of a dim hope, but crushes make people do stupid things.
Things like bringing an extra coffee to every session, laughing at all his jokes (even the bad ones), sitting a little closer to him than usual, not dropping out of this wretched class so you could spend time together (it might’ve been required, but you still counted it). He didn’t make a point to object to anything, so you knew you weren’t making him uncomfortable — but you had concluded after nearly a whole semester of working and studying together that he was the most oblivious person in all of Ba Sing Se. He could teach you all kinds of formulas, but had no idea that you liked him. Grand.
Today was arguably the most important session out of any of them, seeing as your next class was the final, so it was only fitting that Sokka unknowingly made himself more interesting than any material you could’ve been working with. His arms were going to be the death of both you and your calc grade. You swore that the heat rushing to your cheeks was actually emanating off of you.
“Hey, Y/N!” Sokka grinned as he saw you and raised a hand in greeting, a sentiment you would’ve returned had it not been for the coffee cups in your hands. You settled for mirroring his grin and settled down in the seat across from him. You slid his coffee cup over, set your own down, then shrugged your bag off all before taking a seat.
“You ready to study ‘till your eyes bleed?” he asked, prompting a nervous laugh from you.
“You jest, but my eyes might actually start bleeding depending on how long we go,” you sighed. “There’s a reason I got an extra shot of espresso today.”
“Come on — by now you should know that you have nothing to worry about! I am the best teacher there is, and you got me all to yourself.”
Your eyes widened momentarily and you coughed, purposefully averting your gaze to give yourself some time to recover. Okay, he was going to make it really hard to focus today. “Let’s just get into it.”
He nodded and flipped open his notebook, beginning to talk as he rifled through his bag for a few extra things. “Okay, we’re just gonna start with going over the basics, then we’ll work our way up. There’s a couple practice problems on that page, so you can go ahead and answer those as a warmup.
You slid the notebook over in front of you and after approximately five seconds of looking at the first problem, found yourself studying Sokka rather than the material. Who could blame you? In the battle of cute tutor boy versus calculus, he was going to win every time.
He turned around and you immediately averted your eyes once again, trying to appear extremely involved, but you found that your mind was empty on anything to do with math. “Hey, uh— how do you do this first one? I’m totally blanking here.”
“We use limits in everything — this is actually something you’re really good at!” He studied you intensely and frowned. “Are you okay? Like, you’re not sick or anything, are you? You seem kinda out of it.”
You choked out a laugh and shook your head. “No, no — I’m fine. I guess I’m just a little tired.” As if to demonstrate your lie, you took a sip from your coffee and cringed internally. Love had turned you into an idiot.
He seemed to buy it as he nodded and picked up the pencil, scribbling a couple of notes as he explained the first problem to you. “Does that make sense?” You nodded and he handed the pencil back to you. “Okay — the other ones follow the same kind of process. It should be easy enough.”
You managed to get a little further in the second problem, but your lovestruck mind would not stop focusing back on Sokka every time you tried to do, well, anything. Curse him and his perfect arms, and eyes, and hairstyle, and everything.
You shook your head and set the pencil down once more, letting loose a frustrated sigh. “I don’t know what’s gotten into me.” Yes, you did. “I just can’t focus at all.” Because of you. You picked up your cup once more and took a sip, hoping it would do something to get you back into the math state of mind.
Sokka frowned once more as he put the back of his hand against your forehead. “God, you’re hot.” You nearly choked on your coffee as your eyes practically bulged out of their sockets — he had to know what he was doing by now — how could he not? “Like, you’re completely burning up. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, I swear— I just…” you set your cup down on the table and heaved a sigh that was a touch more exasperated than necessary. “Are you telling me you seriously haven’t noticed? Like, not a single thing this whole year?”
“I’ve noticed a lot of things this year,” he chuckled. “It’s kind of our whole job, so you’re gonna have to be a lot more specific.”
You finally couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Sokka, I’m not— I’m not sick! Haven’t you noticed that I’m only ever flustered, or running into things, or forgetting info, or— or just a complete idiot when I’m around you? I like you, like, a lot, and I have for an embarrassingly long time! The reason I can’t focus is because I am hopelessly attracted to you in every single way.”
His brows creased for a moment and you clamped your mouth shut, worried that you had just ruined everything. It was only after a pause that felt like a century that he finally responded, the hint of a smirk on his lips.
“Well, why didn’t you just say something?”
You stared at him, eyes wide and lips slightly parted in pure surprise before the annoyance set in. You set your jaw as your brows furrowed and you hit him lightly on the side of his arm with the back of your palm. “You can’t be serious! You— you’ve gotta be messing with me by now. I really can’t believe that you can be that smart but this oblivious!”
He finally let the grin play across his lips in full force and he shrugged nonchalantly. “I mean, I don’t know how you don’t expect me to mess with you when you scrunch up your face all cute like that every time you get mad. Besides, I started liking you after that fifth class; I offered to help you out so I could spend more time with you! I didn’t realize you felt the same way. I kinda just enjoyed the free coffee and getting to look at you all the time.”
“I can’t believe you!” you cried as you hit his other arm. “You’re telling me that I had to deal with this- this mental turmoil about whether you liked me back, while you were just enjoying the free eye candy and coffee the whole time?”
“You have nothing to worry about! I enjoyed the company far more than the coffee,” he joked, a certain twinkle in his eye. “But, you are probably out a couple twenties after all of that. So, what do you say about this Saturday, the cafe by the shoe store? My treat.”
“Damn right it’s your treat,” you shot back, though you couldn’t stop the smile forming on your face. “You owe me a lot — you have to make up for those coffees and all the emotional distress you caused.”
“Oh, I think I’ll have plenty of time to make up for lost time. After all, we do have a lot of coffee dates to get through.” And when he winked at you just like that first day, you remembered just how impossible it was to be angry at Sokka. “But first, we kinda have to get through this study date. The final’s still happening tomorrow.”
You responded with a raised brow. “This is a study date?”
Sokka shrugged and grinned. “They’ve all been study dates. You just didn’t know it.”
idiots in love idiots in love idiots In LOVe
perm tag list: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
atla: @marianne1806
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nakedmossy · 4 years
Depth Over Distance - Part One [Rudy x Reader]
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[A/N: I haven’t found a hometown Rudy fic yet soooo I wrote one. I have no idea where this story is going to go and I’m honestly finding it hard to get out of writing JJ and get into writing Rudy, but here we go anyways. I wanted to write something where the reader and Rudy were hometown friends before he moved to LA, and to explore the idea of how that would change/what it would look like when he comes back. Get ready for a S L O W. B U R N. my dudes. Peace and love, Mossy x]
The sky was grey and the air was wet - it had been raining for 4 days straight. You sat in your car with the heat cranked, your window down slightly so that the humidity didn’t fog up your mirrors. Living on the Alaskan coast was beautiful most of the time but horrible some of the time, especially when you had to waste gas just keeping warm and dry at 6pm in the beginning of ‘Summer’. 
You had never lived anywhere else aside from the summer you spent in Vancouver with your cousin when you were 19. Now, at 23, you were working full time at the local bookshop that was an 8 minute drive from your house in the winter and a 20 minute walk/skate in the summer. Your car was parked street side, waiting for your friend Lizzy to finish her shift at the cafe. The smell of the rain and the Ben Howard song on the radio made you nostalgic about the times you and your friends from high school had spent hours skating down these streets, beers in your backpacks, no helmets, dirty shoes and clothes, no pressure, no responsibilities, no cell service...no worries. 
Since graduation a lot of your friends had moved out of town, either to Anchorage or down to Washington, or further south. Your best friend Lizzy had stayed close to home, helping run her families business and working part time at the cafe. You had stayed local too...your dad owned a fishing guide business and your mom was an admin assistant for the MD in town, but neither made enough to cover all the medical bills you had racked up over the last few years. You figured once the debt was paid off you might leave...but you had no idea where you would go. 
You missed all of your friends, but you missed the boys the most, aside from Lizzy you didn't have a lot of female friends, and your boys had been like brothers to you. You spoke to most of them every few weeks on FaceTime, except Rudy. He had gone to LA for awhile and had kept in touch loosely, but after the first few months he started to drift. 
You felt the loss the hardest for Rudy. He had been your closest friend the longest, you had spent nearly every day of every summer together since you were 9, and every school year you worked the same part time job at the seafood restaurant on the water. Now, the last you heard, he was coming back for the summer to ‘reconnect’. You had low expectations and tried not to let yourself get excited, but truthfully, you wanted him to spend some time at home and be around his own kind again - he had always been a homebody and you were worried that being gone for 4 years would go to his head or change him.
Lizzy tapped on the glass, causing you to blink out of your reverie and smile at her. You rolled the window down and let her reach in and open the door from the inside (the handle had been broken since high school). She threw her backpack and skateboard in the back seat, climbing in and closing her door.
“Ugh.” She grunted as her teeth chattered and she rubbed her bare legs. 
“You know its only May, you shouldn’t even be wearing shorts yet. The snow just melted.”
Lizzy glared at you playfully and put her hand out to do your handshake. You did it, then put the car in drive and started slowly down the street, windshield wipers moving rhythmically.
“How was the shift?” You asked as you checked your mirrors and wiped some humidity off the rear view. 
“Same old” Lizzy leaned back in her seat and pulled the visor mirror down to fix her hair. “That old man Collins from the cannery keeps coming in and harassing me.”
“Jack? The one with the eye patch?” 
Lizzy nodded dramatically as she held the bobby pins in her mouth and started to twist her straight black hair off her face. 
“That guy-“ She finished placing the final pin and slammed the visor closed “-Is an absolute creep.”
You snorted a sarcastic laugh and rolled your eyes.
“He’s like...70. And widowed. Don’t be rude.”
“I’m not being rude. Im just...asserting my boundaries.”
“You literally have a 3 foot counter between you at minimum, at all times.” You looked over at her and raised your eyebrows.
“Whatever. All I’m saying is we need hotter men in this town. Like...soon.”
You nodded in agreement and felt your eyes wander all over the road, remembering the time you and Rudy had taken your longboards down it after a torrential downpour and you had crashed and gotten such bad road burn that he had to call his dad to come pick you both up because you couldn’t walk.
“Hey, Y/N, are you listening?” Lizzy cut back in, staring at you.
“No, what?”
“I said, speaking of hot guys, I heard Rudy is coming back for a few months.”
You pinched your face and looked at her then at the road, then back at her.
“Rudy is not hot. Rudy is....Rudy. What are you talking about?”
Lizzy looked at you disbelieving and closed her mouth, trying not to smile.
“What!” You repeated, smacking her arm.
“Hey!” She laughed, then shook her head and looked out the window. “Whatever you say man, I just think....” She grabbed her water bottle and began to screw off the lid “I just think...he’s not gonna be the same Rudy that left 4 years ago. He’s like...a movie star now.”
You couldn’t even begin to touch that one. You knew what she was doing...she was always harping on you about going on dates or taking trips with her to the mainland to hook up with the pilots during their layovers. You never went, and always insisted that you were just fine and were not interested. She never listened. Part of that was true...you were fine, and usually not interested. But sometimes, when the water was calm and the sunset was colourful and the fish were jumping and your beer was cold...you wished you had someone to share it with.
“I’m going up to Skagway this weekend with my dad” You said, changing subjects. “He’s short a guide and needs someone to drive the boat.”
“Lucky you” She said sarcastically, screwing the lid back on her bottle. “Another weekend spent with men twice your age who have zero ability to catch a fish and even less ability to smell nice.” 
“It’s good money.” You said flatly, annoyed that everything seemed to revolve around men with her. “And in case you forgot I’m kinda in need of that at the moment.”
Lizzy licked her lips and put her hands up, dipping her head. 
“Alright...noted. Chill out Kemosabe.” She giggled under her breath and looked out her window, drawing a small penis in the moisture on the window.
“Babe, seriously. You need to get laid.” You said, shaking your head.
“I know” She replied, working on the veins. “Trust me. Im in a state of national emergency by this time of year.”
Lizzy was absolutely one of the girliest girls (and most beautiful girls) in the south of Alaska, which was ironic considering the house she grew up in. Her dad was an overweight German restaurant entrepreneur who had opened a world class seafood restaurant in Juneau back in the 90s and had shacked up with her mother who was this drop dead gorgeous Haida warrior woman who you had literally seen kill and skin a bear with her own hands. 
They had forged this chain of restaurants local to Alaska that people flew hundreds of miles to eat at, but still lived in an off-grid cabin that hadn’t been insulated since 1960 and used wood heating. Not really the type of family that screamed southern belle femininity - yet somehow Lizzy came out of that union with a pink bed set, refusing to ever wear camo or sweatpants, and still had never shot a gun - which her mother reminded her of weekly. 
Lizzy had hit puberty at 10 and had used her breast advantage over every girl in your class for the next 3 years like some sort of distinction of better genetics, as if she needed boobs to prove that. Unlike you, she was naturally thin and tall (6ft to be precise), had long, thick straight black hair and olive skin, and perfect hips. You felt like a prepubescent boy standing next to her, with your uneven complexion and your frizz and your awkward thigh fat distribution. You were envious of her genetics - her mother graced her with the body of an athlete and the thick black hair, and her father had given her height and cheekbones that could slice through glass. You looked down at your arms, covered in freckles, pasty white from lack of sun, and cringed, looking back at the road.
You turned the corner leaving the main road and starting on the dirt road that led to your favourite part of beach access. Lizzy pulled her hoodie out of her backpack and took off her seatbelt, leaning forward to pull it down over her head. You leaned forward and looked up, this was your favourite part of the drive. The dirt road which was lined with moss and ferns and other foliage wound along the base of the snow capped mountain that was at least 1000ft in elevation. The mist and fog from the coast was thick and creeped through the tall cedar trees, black ravens and falcons flying overhead stark against the white mist. This was the most idyllic picture of northwest coastal living you could find.
When you parked at the trail head Lizzy slipped off her work flats and into her Teva’s, you grabbed your yellow Vans out of your trunk and slipped them on. You usually drove bare foot, a habit you had started in high school after Rudy had thrown your shoes off the dock at the restaurant and you had to drive home without any. You grabbed your sweater and your backpack which had the beer in it. As you were both gathering the rest of your things...beach blanket, hats, and rain cover, you heard a car pull up behind you. You stood up out of the trunk and squinted to see the car through the fog. It was a black ford pickup you had never seen before. 
“Who’s that?” Lizzy chimed in from behind you.
“No clue” You said as you lifted your hand to wave once. 
The truck had tinted windows and looked brand new. When it pulled up beside you, the drivers side window began to unroll, revealing Junior - your high school (ex) sweetheart.
“Holy” You said, eyebrows up, nodding. “Nice truck - where’d you steal it from?” He rolled his eyes at you dramatically.
“Whatever kid - its a rental. Got it to drive to the airport in.” His chest puffed out and his expression read so proud. 
“Airport?” You said inquisitively. “Since when does Alan pay you to drive new trucks to the airport?” 
“Since Rudy hired him for the pick up service and apparently is incapable of driving his own ass around anymore” Junior snorted and waved at Lizzy.
“Or he doesn’t have a car here anymore” You noted, rolling your eyes at him.
“Either way, I get this bad boy for the next 24 hours and I intend to give her the royal grand tour of our humble town.” He ran his hand up and down the steering wheel, stroking the new leather. “Wanna go for a rip?” He said, winking. You shook your head and crossed your arms over your chest. 
“Well I do” Lizzy piped up from beside you, walking closer to the window. She smiled at Junior and began to put her hair in a pony tail. She nudged your arm as she began to walk to the passenger side door. “Come on, granny. Let’s go!”
She laughed as she climbed up into the truck, but you shook your head again.
“I’m good...you kids have fun. Say hi to Rudy for me” You said to Junior, who shrugged his head and muttered ‘definitely wont do that’ under his breath.
Lizzy blew a kiss at you and waved once before Junior put it in drive and started to go up the dirt road north of you. 
Junior and you had ended on okay terms, but he had concocted a theory that you had broken up with him because of another guy, and the unspoken suggestion was that that guy had been Rudy. Small town guys had a heck of a time with the idea of girls and guys just being friends. 
You sighed and watched as the truck disappeared around the corner, and turned back to your own car. You grabbed your backpack and slammed the trunk closed, walking down the path alone. You weren’t mad at Lizzy for going with him - she was flighty and bailed on you at the bar all the time - but you were mad the beer was going to go warm before you could drink it all. Not that you should even be drinking 6 beers alone by the water when you had to drive yourself home. Doubtful the 2 cops in this town would even be awake to see you though. Whatever.
You reached the end of the path and rounded the corner, revealing the coast line and the rocky beach. It was your favourite place to sit and think, sit and smoke, sit and be yourself. The beach curled in a U shape, giving you a private spot where the rest of the shoreline was blocked from view and all you could see was the ominous cedar forest that stretched up the mountain, the snow caps at the top, and the horizon over the cold pacific.
You had intended to share the joint you had in your pocket with Lizzie, but...well, her loss. You spread the blanket out on the softest patch of sand and rocks you could find (which still meant you were guaranteed to get at least 2 rocks in the ass) and placed your bag down, kicking off your sneakers. You took a deep breath for the first time in a few days and lit the joint, taking one long, deep inhale. You felt it tingle through your chest and your arms and legs almost immediately, relaxing you. Being here alone always sent you into a spiral of memories and thoughts that you worked hard during the day to suppress. Most insistent lately had been thoughts about your health problems. You called them ‘health problems’ but in reality it was just an eating disorder. You could go 2, sometimes 3 days without eating anything, and never felt hungry. It started after graduation.
You had lost weight, dramatically, going from a stable 120-125 to 95 at most and 90 at worst, in the span of a month. And for the next three years you had never gained it back, you had stayed at a relatively stable 95, which still left you looking sickly and too thin at 5’3”. Your frame wasn’t built for that kind of weight drop, you were Scottish and Cree, sprinkled with a little bit of German and Irish. A classic northwest cracker mix. You weren’t naturally small, you always had a bit of something to grab onto, but it was normal to your body, healthy. 
Some part of your brain knew that it had something to do with leaving school...and the pretence that came with that. The expectation...the responsibility. You were never that kind of person, and it never really bothered you, but suddenly it had. You never planned to go to University right away, but you had no back up plan. It wasn't something you and your friends really talked about. But suddenly Jacob had gotten into U of Washington, Dan had left to backpack Europe, and Rudy had not so graciously announced he was deferring his acceptance and scholarship to culinary school because he wanted to be an actor, and flew to LA the next month. You had been left behind, with Lizzy of all people, and it had hit you hard.
You looked around the beach, dragging on your joint quicker than normal, trying to knock the thoughts out of your head. An Eagle screeched above - scaring you - and you laid back on the blanket, closing your eyes. You needed to chill the hell out. This was the first time in a few weeks that you had gotten a night off from helping your dad with his guide business and you didn’t plan on wasting it riddling your brain with anxiety and worrying about your body.
You looked up at the sky and watched the mist and fog kiss the clouds, the sunset colours dancing across them. As it usually did, the rain had stopped just as the sun was going down, the clouds parting briefly and letting the smallest sliver of sunlight through, just enough to burn the grey light out of the sky and allow the pink and orange hues to fade along the horizon. You sat up and cracked a beer, enjoying the fresh smelling air and the rhythmic sound of the waves licking the shore line. 
Two beers in you had put on your jacket and placed your Bluetooth speaker next to you on the blanket, blasting a playlist that Rudy had made you for your graduation party.
Three beers in you took the jacket off, standing up and dancing by yourself on the beach to the music.
Four beers in you laid down on the blanket, balled your jacket up and used it as a pillow, and started looking for shapes in the stars.
Five beers in you fell sleep.
Many hours later, as the sun rose and was bright on the water and the early morning bird feed was in full swing overhead, you were drifting in and out of sleep to the squawking when a shadow came across your face, alerting you to groggily open your eyes.
“What’s up, Little Fern?” His voice had gotten deeper. Wait, what?
You opened your eyes and blinked, raising a hand to block the sun. There, in your very awake and very not dreaming state, was the unmistakable silhouette that you had spent the last 18 years dreaming about and 18 years being a friend to.
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jadondonsancho · 5 years
Insecure. anyone.
Hey guys! I've decided to try my hand at this writing thing! This started as a chilly story but I decided to leave out the names so you can imagine it with anyone you'd like :)
My asks are open for any requests or constructive criticism, hope you enjoy!
Lots of love xxx
He came home upset. The result wasn't terrible, a clean sheet and a point meant a decent start to the season. But he wasn't happy. And the last thing he wanted was to come back home to you, knowing what was waiting. The night before an offhand comment he made, a stupid stupid comment he can't even belive he said had put him in the dog house. Deservedly. You hadn't even said a word, just ended the FaceTime.
As he pulled up to the driveway, he could feel his heart in his throat. Your car was still in its usual spot so he knew you were home. He couldn't decide if he was relieved you hadn't left or nervous about what was to come.
Today was supposed to be a great day, the first game of the new season, he was looking forward to spotting you in the stands as he always does. He knew you wouldn't show today but that didn't stop him from scanning every face in the crowd twice, just to make sure. Of course you weren't there, he didn't even know if you watched at home.
His key turned in the door as he took a deep breath, preparing himself for anything on the other side. What met him was silence. Unsure of whether to call out to you or not he placed his keys on the hook, right next to yours. Further proof you were still there.
The argument started when you had brought up, once again an article in a gossip magazine about him sleeping around with other girls. You knew better than to believe them but you let your insecurities get the better of you. Can he blame you? He's this ridiculously good looking footballer, it's no secret he's got money and let's be honest he was known for sleeping around before he met you.
The night before a home game meant he was staying at the teams hotel, as per usual you FaceTimed each other before bed. You had seen the magazine while doing some grocery shopping earlier that day, the headline imprinted in your memory. This was the 3rd one this month alone. You knew he hated to talk about it and you could understand why. Constantly needing to defend yourself to the person whose supposed to trust you the most must be exhausting.
He didn't need to defend himself though, all you really wanted was him to tell you that you weren't going crazy and that he loved you. Instead, he had scoffed and said "seriously? When would I have the time? I barley have time to sleep with you!", you could sense the irritation in his voice but at the same time, his comment stung. He had hit you right where it hurt.
Work had been stressful and he'd been away in LA for most of the summer on holiday, you had joined him for a week and that had been fun but unlike his, your job didn't offer you a summer break so it was right back home and seperated from him for a few weeks.
So to say things in the bedroom had halted would be an undstatement. And you felt guilty as hell, it wasn't like you didn't want to, God it had been so long it was pretty much all you could think about but between his preseason tour and your exhausting job you haven't had the time or the energy, life just kept getting in the way.
So when those words left his mouth, he pretty much confirmed all the things you had been mulling over for weeks. One; that he was getting tired of the relationship, two; that he resented you for not sleeping with him more often and three; that the tabloids were right.
You had watched the game on tv, despite your anger at him you couldn't resist. He played well but you knew he wouldn't be happy with his performance, the standards he holds for himself, ridiculously high. And he seemed distracted, which added to your guilt.
He rounded the corner and peeked into the living room to see if maybe you were watching TV, the room was empty. He checked the kitchen next, on the island was a plate of food. Like there normally is when he comes home late from a game. He couldn't help but smile, no matter how upset you were, you still couldn't stop yourself from taking care of him. He kicked himself for his stupidity, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to have you in his life and he hated making you feel upset.
He checked your home office before deciding you were probably upstairs in bed watching Netflix or something. Slowly he started up the stairs trying to figure out a way to apologize, trying to decide how to make it up to you. Gently he opened the bedroom door. There you were, eyes peeled to the tv screen. You were watching some sort of trashy reality show, the ones you had said were always a good distraction.
"Hey", he said lowly. Not wanting to disturb you too much.
You turned to look at him, the first thing he noticed was how puffy and red your eyes were. His heart broke knowing he was the reason for your tears.
"Hey", you whispered back before turning your attention back to the tv. No mention of the game, no indication that you wanted to indulge in any further conversation.
He stood their awkwardly at the door to his own bedroom, unsure of what to do next. All he wanted to do was give you the hug you so clearly needed but he didn't want to upset you more. "uhm, I'm gonna go take a shower, is it okay if we talk after?", he said warily.
"yeah I guess, whatever, I'm surprised you have the time", your reply was short, alluding to his comment the night before.
"babe c'mon", he sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that"
"well how the fuck did you mean it then? I don't think you could have put your point across any clearer!" you snapped turning to face him at the door.
"nah, nah, nah!" he shook his head taking a step toward you, "don't be like that, you know what I'm trying to say! Don't try and act like I'm the only one in the wrong here! How many fucking times are we going to have the same argument? How many times will I need to defend myself?"
Anger filled him again. He was exhausted and frustrated with this. Everytime an outrageous rumor was printed about him in the papers, another fight followed. He was done.
You froze, not expecting him to retaliate so harshly. Tears filled your eyes as you realized he was right, this was as much your fault as his and he had every right to be upset with you too. You still felt the need to defend yourself though.
"It's just so fucking frustrating, like you don't think I don't feel shit about our nonexistent sex life? You dont think I don't want to get back to how we used to be? So when you say shit like that and then add in my pre-existing insecurities, the fact that thousands of woman wanna fuck you in your DMs and then it being in all the papers that they have been...it just makes fucking sense that you would be sleeping around, you're not getting it at home, you look the way you do, you're a footballer for fucks sakes...im sorry I trust you, I do, it's just so fucking hard sometimes" your outburst hit him like a tonne of bricks.
You've had this argument so many times but you'd never actually said out loud how insecure you felt. How jealous you felt. For the first time he could kind of imagine what it felt like, he feels a similar way when he sees guys at the club look you up and down, or when one of his friends comments on your looks. It drives him crazy, but what you had to deal with was worse. Because it was everywhere, all the time. On Instagram and Twitter, in the papers, even in the whispers of people around you when you went out.
"babe...babe I'm sorry, I am. I really didn't mean to make you feel guilty or insecure. I love you, you know that right? And I'm definitely not sleeping around. Okay? You're the only person I'm interested in, the only person I want to sleep with and you genuinely have no reason to be insecure! " he rattled off, moving to sit opposite you on the bed. His hand gently reached up to cup your cheek. His thumb sweeping away the tears rolling down your face. "I am a footballer, but that doesn't mean you're not out of my league"
You grabbed his other hand with both of yours, placing it in your lap. His words temporarily causing you to smile. "I'm sorry I'm like this, I'm sorry I keep bringing this up", you replied looking down at his fingers intertwined with yours.
"hey, look at me", he tilted your head up with his finger so you could look him in the eyes, those beautiful eyes that drew you in all those years ago. "don't ever apologize, it's okay, I know it's hard but I promise you, you have my full attention, always. I love you" he continued.
"I love you too", you smiled at him, leaning in for a kiss, soft and gentle but full of emotion. Immediately making you feel lighter and making the tension in the room dissapte.
He pulled you closer, into a hug. The two of you sat like that, holding one another for ages, a much needed embrace.
"does this mean we can have sex tonight?", he asked teasingly, leading a reluctant laugh to escape your lips as you punched him playfully on the arm.
Leaning back, you looked him in the eyes once more and through a smile you replied, "you've gotta take a shower first, you reek"
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novitafm · 4 years
  *  𝓈𝒽𝒶𝓃𝑒  𝒹𝒶𝓌𝓈𝑜𝓃  𝓋𝒸  *  𝖍𝖊𝖞  𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙’𝖘  𝖚𝖕  𝖚  𝖌𝖚𝖞𝖘  !  i’m  late  to  the  party  but  i  was  tryna  be  ~aesthetic~  &  get  my  tags  nice  !  which  is  kinda  . . .  lame  but  oh  well  !  i’m  ready  to  plot  up  in  this  bitch  !  i  just  love  the  concept  of  this  plot  ,  like  i’m  the  biggest  reality  tv  show  hoe  !  i’m  lit  binging  too  hot  to  handle  rn  cause  how  can  u  not  ?  anywayth  ,  this  here  is  my  baby  love  novita  aka  nova  ur  rags  to  riches  storyline  !  i  want  all  the  plots  i  can  get  &  if  u  wanna  plot  smash  that  lil  🖤 button  !  i  can  hit  u  up  on  tumblr  ims  . . .  but  in  all  honesty  tumblr  ims  suck  so  hit  ya  girl  up  on  dickcord  @  𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡  𝑏𝑒  𝖘𝖚𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘#4904  that  way  i  can  constantly  annoy  u  !
Tumblr media
  there’s  𝔫𝔬𝔳𝔦𝔱𝔞  𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔬  !  though  on  their  socials  they  go  by  @supernova  .  i  heard  she  is  originally  from  𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏  𝒎𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒆  𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆  𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌  ,  𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒂  ,  but  made  the  big  move  to  los  angeles  to  join  TWENTIES  .  you  haven’t  heard  about  it  ?  well  ,  apparently  their  dream  is  to  𝒂𝒄𝒕  𝒊𝒏  𝒂  𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒆  𝒅𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅  𝒃𝒚  𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏  𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒐  ,  but  they  have  no  chance  unless  they  quit  being  so  𝔢𝔤𝔬𝔱𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔠  &  𝔰𝔶𝔟𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔠  .  that  said  ,  those  behind  the  scenes  have  said  they  can  be  𝔣𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔱  &  𝔡𝔯𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔫  too  .  guess  we’ll  have  to  watch  and  find  out  !  ━  &  pink  highlighted  scripts  scattered  on  the  kitchen  table  ,  lacy  lingerie  peeking  out  of  clothing  &  love  letters  tucked  away  in  a  hat  box  on  a  closet  shelf  .
TW  :  drugs  
* ・. ∘  𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔  .  ◞
𝔫𝔞𝔪𝔢  ›  novita  grace  serrano 𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔨𝔫𝔞𝔪𝔢  ›  nova  ,  novs  &  serrano 𝔞𝔤𝔢  ›  twenty  one  years  old 𝔡𝔞𝔱𝔢  𝔬𝔣  𝔟𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔥  ›  february  29th  ,  1999 𝔷𝔬𝔡𝔦𝔞𝔠  𝔰𝔦𝔤𝔫  ›  aquarius  sun  ,  moon  &  rising 𝔠𝔲𝔯𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔱  𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢  ›  los angeles  ,  california 𝔥𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔱𝔬𝔴𝔫  ›  plantation  mobile  home  park  ,  florida 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔶  ›  american 𝔬𝔠𝔠𝔲𝔭𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫  ›  actress  &  model 𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤  𝔠𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔪  ›  zoey  deutch 𝔪𝔬𝔡𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤  𝔠𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔪  ›  kaia  gerber 𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯  &  𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔰  ›  cisfemale  &  she  /  her 𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫  ›  pansexual  &  panromantic 𝔩𝔞𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔰  ›  the  coquette  ,  the  babydoll  &  the  sybarite
* ・. ∘  𝒂𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔  .  ◞
pink  highlighted  scripts  scattered  on  the  kitchen  table  ,  an  intense  coffee  addiction  ,  lacy  lingerie  peeking  out  of  clothing  ,  strappy  high  heels  ,  floral  perfumes  with  sweet  notes  ,  love  letters  tucked  away  in  a  hat  box  tucked  on  a  closet  shelf  ,  black  lingerie  for  special  occasions  ,  glossy  lips  constantly  ,  pink  champagne  ,  sweet  breakfast  foods  ,  freshly  manicured  nails  
* ・. ∘  𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅  .  ◞
valentina  &  matteo  met  at  a  typical  high  school  party  ,  valentina  the  girl  from  a  strict  &  religious  household  ,  matteo  the  dirtbag  left  to  his  own  devices  
the  two  had  a  whirlwind  romance  ,  getting  high  off  each  other  &  off  of  crack  ,  the  drug  of  choice  that  matteo  introduced  valentina  to
after  only  six  months  ,  valentina  &  matteo  were  addicted  ,  not  only  to  their  toxic  relationship  but  to  the  crack  ,  all   at  the  mere  age  of  15  &  18
their  highs  &  carelessness  led  to  valentina  getting  pregnant  ,  when  the  two  found  out  that  she  was  pregnant  they  ran  away  
they  both  came  from  very  strict  households  &  this  was  their  way  out  ,  something  they  always  talked  about  in  bed  
they  only  went  about  four  hours  away  from  home  ,  landing  in  plantation  mobile  home  park  florida  
soon  after  getting  the  cheapest  &  most  run  down  trailer  matteo  fled 
he  left  to  find  the  next  needle  to  stick  in  his  arm  without  the  financial  &  emotional  burden  of  being  a  father
thus  ,  novita  was  born  to  an  addict  teenaged  single  mom  in   a  trailer  park
so  valentina  was  left  without  her  family  ,  alone  to  raise  a  baby  at  the  age  of  sixteen  all  the  while  trying  to  stay  sober  for  the  baby  that  changed  her  life  ,  thankfully  she  was  able  to  get  a  job  but  there  were  a  few  times  where  she  almost  lost  it  because  she  slipped  
her  mother  ,  valentina  ,  was  a  waitress  at  a  diner  making  minimum  wage
since  valentina  was  a  single  parent  that  would  work  as  much  as  she  could  nova  had  to  be  taken  care  of  by  someone  else  ,  she  was  watched  by  a  older  woman  who  she  called  kitty  who  had  lived  in  the  trailer  park  since  she  was  born
when  she  did  slip  kitty  watched  nova  ,  she  actually  had  a  small room  just  for  the  girl  when  valentina  was  either  working  late  or  disappeared  for  a  little  bit
because  of  her  mother’s  job  &  her  craving  for  a  high  there  wasn’t  a  whole  lot  of  money  for  the  two  of  them
nova  grew  up  fairly  poor  life  &  she  always  fantasized  about  her  mother  getting  swept  off  her  feet  by  a  rich  ,  handsome  doctor  or  lawyer  ,  a  fantasy  that  valentina  shared  but never voiced
when  nova  was  seven  she  was  at  the  mall  with  kitty  ,  while  her  mom  was  at  work  ,  they  were  approached  by  a  talent  company  who  thought  nova  would  make  a  great  child  actress  or  model  
kitty  knowing  that  valentina  &  nova  needed  the  money  ,  signed nova  up
at  first  valentina  was  less  than  happy  about  her  child  being  an  actress  or  model  because  of  how  it  would  interfere  with  her  job  &  nova’s  schooling
but  when  she  heard  how  much  nova  could  make  in  just  one  day  &  with  kitty  offering  to  help  by  taking  her  to  auditions  &  jobs  she allowed  nova  to  start  her  career
nova’s  first  job  was  a  commercial  for  barbies  ,  something  that  nova  will  always  remember
the  beginning  of  her  career  was  a  slow  start  ,  making  valentina reconsider  having  nova  being  in  the  business  a  handful  of  times  ,  but  each  time  valentina  had  doubts  ,  kitty  helped  reassure  her
when  nova  turned  twelve  she  got  her  biggest  role ,  a  reoccurring  role  in  a  soap  opera  as  a  daughter  of  a  main  character
she  continued  that  role  up  until  she  was  fifteen  ,  by  the  time  she  hit  fifteen  school  was  really  put  on  the  back  burner  in  nova’s  eyes
instead  of  being  concerned  with  pep  rallies  &  dances  ,  she  was  more   bothered  with  finding  what  her  next  role  or  photoshoot  would  be
finally  at  sixteen  ,  after  a  lot  of  pestering  on  nova’s  part  ,  valentina  let  nova  quit  school  & instead  get  her  ged
once  she  had  her  ged  &  didn’t  need  to  attend  school  she  had  a  lot  more  time  on  her  hands  ,  giving  her  more  opportunities  to  work  jobs
this  is  when  her  career  really  started  taking  off  ,  she  was  booking  more  modeling  gigs  , which  had  her  traveling  &  living  the  model  lifestyle
the  traveling  made  her  long  for  a  better  life  ,  seeing  where  elite  models  &  talented  actresses  could  go  if  they  worked  hard  enough
this  is  what  drove  nova  ,  she  saved  &  saved  &  saved  ,  instead  of  telling  valentina  she  was  making  more  money  she  tucked  away  the  difference  so  that  she  would  be  able  to  make  her  way  to  la  when  she  turned  eighteen
the  summer  that  her  high  school  friends  graduated  &  nova  was  about  to  turn  eighteen  ,  she  moved  across  the  country  to  la  with  a  high school  friend  (  wanted  connection  mayhaps  )  they  got  a  run  down  apartment  with  all  of  the  money  they  both  had  saved  up
thanks  to  nova  moving  to  la  she  was  able  to  get  better  roles  &  more  impressive  gigs
i’m  using  zoey  deutch  as  her  acting  claim  so  i’m  gonna  say  that  her  first  big  role  was  as  shadia  in  dirty  grandpa  when  she  was  eighteen
then  she  slowly  began  getting  more  movie  roles  like  everybody  wants  some  !!  , good  kids  , why  him  ,  &  before  i  fall
she’s  still  not  nearly  where  she  would  like  to  be  career  wise  ,  but  she’s  making  her  way  towards  stardom
when  her  agent  told  her  about  the  casting  call  for  twenties  ,  nova  was  apprehensive  ,  she  didn’t  want  to  be  seen  as  a  reality  tv  star  like  paris  hilton  or  lauren  conrad  ,  she  wanted  to  make  a  name  for  herself  as  an  actress
but  nova’s  agent  convinced  her  that  twenties  would  get  her  more  recognition  &  show  how  hard  she’s  working  on  her  craft  &  that  was  all  it  took  for  nova  to  say  yes  to  the  audition
she  didn’t  have  high  hopes  for  the  show  &  didn’t  even  plan  on  being  cast  ,  but  when  she  got  the  call  she  realized  how  eager  she  actually  was  to  be  apart  of  twenties  
* ・. ∘  𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  .  ◞
𝔣𝔞𝔳𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔟𝔩𝔢  ›  fervent  ,  driven  ,  confident  ,  charismatic  &  independent 𝔲𝔫𝔣𝔞𝔳𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔟𝔩𝔢  ›  egotistic  ,  sybaritic  ,  guileful  ,  critical  &  histrionic 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔢  𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔭𝔬  ›  buffy  summers  ,  jennifer  check  ,  lorelai  gilmore  ,  robin scherbatsky  ,  lucille  bluth  , margaery  tyrell  ,  jackie  burkhart  &  kathryn merteuil
given  her  history  ,  nova  has  grown  up  to  be  a  very  driven  &  motivated  girl  
she  takes  her  work  very  seriously  because  she  never  wants  to  end  up  like  her  mother  or  back  in  a  trailer  park
nova  learned  from  a  young  age  that  being  charismatic  &  flirtatious  made  you  stand  out  in  a  crowd  of  girls  the  look  the  same  as  you  &  want  the  same  things  as  you
she  uses  her  sexuality  to  her  advantage  &  she’s  a  huge  feminist  that  promotes  women  making  choices  about  their  bodies  for  themselves
novs  is  all  about  the  girl  friendships  &  is  loyal  to  a  fault  ,  if  her  best  friend  told  her  that  her  boyfriend  broke  up  with  her  nova  would  be  on  his  ass  in  an  instant
despite  her  loyalty  i  don’t  really  see  nova  making  lots  of  close  friends  easily  ,  once  they  are  close  she’s  extremely  open  but  opening  up  is  hard  for  her  to  do
she  also  likes  to  party  she’s  very  much  into  the  lavish  lifestyle  ,  wanting  to  milk  it  for  all  it’s  work  while  it’s  still  available  to  her
she’s  incredibly  independent  ,  very  confident  &  extremely  adventurous
though  nova  can  be  quite  self  absorbed  &  self  obsessed  in  the  sense  that  her  career  &  herself  are  the  only  priorities  in  her  life
* ・. ∘  𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅  .  ◞
ride  or  die  ,  girl  squad  ,  best  guy  friend  ,  brother  like  relationship  ,  good  influence  ,  party  friends  , drinking  buddies  ,  shopping  friends  ,  gossip  squad  ,  only  like  each  other  when  they’re  both  drunk  , on  &  off  hookups  ,  friends  with  benefits  , one  night  stand  ,  ex  boyfriend  ,  ex  girlfriend  ,  will   they  / won’t  they  ,  costar  ,  producer  ,  fellow  model  on  a  job  ,  enemies  ,  rivals  ,  annoyance  ,  angel  on  her  shoulder  ,  tagalong  &  so  many  more  !!  
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theworldinclines · 4 years
i was tagged by @wifiwwx, thank you lovely fai 💕
nickname: my name is alexa so usually any variation of that lol
zodiac sign: scorpio! i love being kin w jiang cheng and wei wuxian..blessed
height: boy probably like 5′1 and a half LMAO im small
hogwarts house: apparently ravenclaw but i think there’s a bit of gryffindor in there too
last thing i googled: who the heck those artists are for the last tag i did (seurat and degas hahahaha)
song stuck in my head: thuk yang (everything) by scrubb
following/followers: following 117, followers 516
amount of sleep: this quarantine has seriously fucked me up LMAO like at school i’d go to sleep at the latest 1am and be up by 9 but now, im in bed at like 2 or 3 and awake at 10.
lucky numbers: i don’t have any! usually i usually just change it to my age haha so right now i guess my lucky number is 20
dream job: not having to work fdkjkhgfkjdk like if i had talent i’d design clothes just cuz that seems sick but i mean it when i say i have no skill in fashion or art.
favourite songs: i couldn’t possibly list them all fdhfhfklfk i really like scrubb tho, the british band queen, hozier, and just a lot of assorted artists’ songs. daily plug if u haven’t listened to  无感 by wang yi bo, fuckin go listen to it kfdfhgkldj
instruments: i really want to learn piano and guitar but i can’t afford lessons lol but otherwise i sing and i’m really good at it! (it literally caused me physical discomfort to compliment myself fhgljk but it’s true so i’m trying to be honest!!!) as for instruments that i just like, i really like the guqin and am glad to have discovered it through the untamed. it’s such a beautiful sound big oof
random fact: i can’t think of a single damn interesting thing about me jkdhlhdkjdhk for real. uhhh i love musicals and my favorites are RENT and the last five years. another one is that my writing varies so much like i often put u’s in words that, here in the states, we don’t use ?? so any time we would peer review in class my classmates would be like wtf is this and i’d be like i genuinely don’t know m8 fkjdlhglhdfkj i don’t know when or why i started to do it but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
favourite author: i don’t really have one; i’ve gotten out of reading books since high school bc they all really just bore me jkrhfhjk i used to love the mortal instruments series by cassandra clare tho bc i love supernatural stories
favourite animal sound: yall go outside?? rdhgflkjd jkjk uuuh i like crickets actually or owls hooting at night; they remind me of being outside on a summer night
aesthetic: (i don’t know how to describe in words an aesthetic and at this point im too afraid to ask) fashion wise im all over the map like one day i look like shawn hunter from boy meets world circa 1992 and the next i look like im from 1974 there’s no in between
thank you again for the tag, fai :)) to anyone else, if you see this, do it!!
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takemealivelh · 5 years
i heard i can send mike requests so here i am. i got this from a prompt list so iMagine mike coming to the restaurant you work at and choose you as his waitress every time just to annoy you and you can’t do anything in retribution or you'll get fired 👀 pls make it enemies to lovers😭 im a bitch for enemies to lovers aus ngl ok bye ilysm❤
HONEY SORRY IT TOOK ME FOREVER but you know I wanna give you the best content I can create and you deserve!
I present to you: Raspberry Chocolate MilkshakeThe title is not the best but I think it sums it up pretty well.
ANYWAYS, I hope you enjoy it!
/special thanks to @angelbabylu for helping me with this! Best personal editor ever!/
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“Thank you for taking your time-”
“Fuck off, Clifford.”
“Wait, what did I do?”
Michael had been going to the same restaurant for a while now, and that interaction that took place three weeks into his newly found routine had been haunting him ever since.
He liked Chloe, she was nice to everyone and never yelled back at those men who tried to shame her for the uniform she had to wear. And she looked damn good in her uniform. The little black skirt hugged her hips close to perfection, the green button down complimented her skin colour. Her hair up in a snug ponytail let the dining lights define her cheekbones even more.
She hated it.
Chloe hated the way she had to suck in her tummy to zip up the skirt. She hated the roll of fat under her bra she had to deal with when buttoning up the polyester shirt. She hated how her eyes seemed to stretch into the back of her head when her hair was up. She felt like a tight blob during working hours, but she had to keep the smile on her face to keep earning the money.
Unfortunately, most money she made was when Michael was her customer. The musician who insisted on taking the wobbly stool at the end of the bar. The one who kept ordering drinks that weren’t on the menu. The man who took forever to decide what to eat, even if he’d been eating at the same place for nearly 6 months now, and then he changed his mind at the last minute.
“It’s all the same, Michael,” she tapped the pen on her notepad. Having been his personal waitress for long, they were already acquainted with each other’s quirks and manias. Her boss was both scared and excited about their interactions. She worried that Chloe was rude to the guitarist of 5 Seconds of Summer, but also liked that Michael seemed to enjoy it. “You can’t possibly find something that you haven’t tried.”
The bell of the diner rang to announce more customers had arrived. Chloe turned her head to the door and gave the family of three a friendly smile. Michael noticed her sudden change of demeanour and was crushed by how nice she could be, just as long as she wasn’t dealing with him.
“You always seem so happy to help me with my order, I feel honoured,” the words slipped out of his mouth in a playful matter, but really, he wondered when Chloe would actually be pleased to see him. Everyone loved her, and he could see why. Whenever a table got a cold meal and started complaining, Chloe would stand there and nod, listening to the others rant. She would apologize on behalf of the kitchen and promise to throw a couple of extra fries for the inconvenience. That always seemed to calm the worked up clients. She made sure every single shake she served had been topped with either three cherries or lots of chocolate sprinkles. Michael had never had to ask for another portion of whipped cream since he started having his lunch here. He took his whipped cream seriously.
“I love it that instead of helping me choose, your eyes are glued to that couple over there and their really cool kid that has a Pikachu hat.” Michael followed her gaze to the table with the family, a grin on his face.
Even when he tried to start a flirty banter, Chloe could only take it the wrong way. Maybe, if she wasn’t his waitress, she would flirt back. Maybe, she could take his words lightly and playfully nudge his shoulder before responding with something like, “My attention is valuable, Clifford. If you were wearing that hat I would even consider you cute.”
But she didn’t say that.
“So… the burger and a salad?” she jotted down his usual order and then walked away from him.
- - -
“Chloe! The stool is tumbling again!” Michael’s words echoed through the half-empty diner he’d been sitting in for the past hour. He so desperately wanted her attention, even if it came in the form of a frown. Her chest seemed to grow red when his voice hit her ears, also red now, and she set the broom aside before making her way to the end of the bar. She could feel her coworkers eyes on her. They kept teasing her that she needed to do something drastic, like ask Michael out on a date, or spill a shake on his pants so she would have to help him clean up.
The scenarios were several and varied, and none of them bothered her. But Michael could be such a jerk. Of course, the only reason he kept sitting on that shitty stool was so he could watch her bend down and stick another three sugar packets under the rickety metal leg.
Michael just enjoyed having her near, even if it was for a few seconds. He’d tried to spark up conversations about her job, but that only seemed to irritate her more. He’d tried to ask her about her hobbies or what she did in her spare time.
“My commute is 40 minutes long, Michael. I don’t have much time to spare,” was the closest he got to a real answer.
Chloe wiped the sweat droplets that had glided down her forehead, she stood up and shook the stool a little, it didn’t wobble. “There,” she whispered, immediately turning on her heels to go back to her chores.
That small movement, that uncalculated spin, caused her elbow to collide into Michael’s glass of raspberry-chocolate milkshake, the one she had begged the bartender to make even if it wasn’t on the menu. Michael’s eyes saw the fall in slow motion. Before he registered it, the liquid was all over his pants and her skirt.
“Fuck”, they mumbled at the same time. The faint laughter from the other side of the diner was obvious. That until they heard Chloe’s boss making her way towards them, apologizing for Ms. Clumsy’s earned title.
They were told to go to the back and they obeyed, getting whistles from the other waiters.
“I’m really sorry, Mike,” Chloe had never called him Mike and he noticed. She soaked and wrung out a cloth before handing it to him, “it was an accident.”
Her eyes wouldn’t meet his, he could tell she was embarrassed, but he wasn’t good at dealing with awkward situations smoothly. “Was it really? I thought you just wanted me here in the back without my pants on.”
Clearly, the joke was not amusing. “Oh, fuck off, Clifford.”
They remained quiet as they dampened their clothes, but the stain wouldn’t come off. He had a meeting in an hour, she had her mom’s birthday after work. The room was barely bright, crammed by boxes full of imperishable goods. Chloe didn’t want to do it, but she walked around a pile of boxes anyways, and took her skirt off. At the sound of the zipper being undone, Michael quirked an eyebrow. “What are you doing back there?” He wasn’t stupid, but he wanted to hear her say it. Besides, if she was taking off her bottoms, it wouldn’t be weird for him to do it as well. The damp cloth wasn’t working, he couldn’t see properly, his boxers were also getting wet. He was uncomfortable and just wanted to take the pants off.
“My mum’s turning 50 today.”
A sigh came from the other side of the room, Chloe was sat on a small box and trying to get the stain out of her skirt with better lighting in that position. “She’s big on birthdays and she doesn’t like it when I wear anything but formal when she has people over. This is her favourite skirt on me. It’s the only thing she would like me to wear. Otherwise, she’d shove me into this hideous yellow dress she has for special occasions. It is uncomfortable and if I can avoid wearing that, I will. I can’t go back home and grab a pair of pants because then I wouldn’t be there on time, and she hates unpunctuality. Even though, she’s never, ever on time. Ever.”
“So… ever?” Michael stripped off his pants and heard something unknown to him until now. A light chuckle.
Michael sat on a box and started working on the stain, the same way she was doing, trying to reach better lighting. He didn’t say anything else, this was the most she had told him about herself. This was the girl he had wanted to get to know for months now, but hadn’t been able to because any word that slipped from his lips seemed to annoy her.
Another sigh. “It’s not like I’m scared of her, because I’m not. I just want her to be happy today. She has a perfectionist side, maybe I got it from her, and I don’t want her to be bitching tonight about me not wearing something she likes. It’s not the point of tonight, is it? She’s been so scared of turning 50. I’ve told her that she’s not old and all of that, but I don’t think that’s what scares her. I think she regrets not doing all the things she wanted to do before turning 50, you know?”
Michael hesitated for a second, he wasn’t sure if the question was rhetorical or not.
“I don’t wanna be like that. It sounds exhausting,” she huffed and scrubbed the black skirt clean. “You’re not going to have that problem, Mike. I don’t think you will. And if you do, just remember that time you were in your twenties and had to sit in a gloomy room with no pants, listening to some waitress talk about her 50-year-old mum.”
That small chuckle again. Michael could feel his chest growing warmer. “Uh… I guess I’ll have to strike this off my bucket list,” he laughed lightly, she followed, he gained confidence. “Actually, I’m still scared.”
Chloe’s silence served as fuel to continue his train of thought out loud.
“I’m, uh… I’m scared that I’ll reach 50 and I’ll feel like that. I’m doing a lot of shit, Chloe. Like… a lot. And it’s fun, I’m having a great time and I’m putting all my energies into doing the things that I love but… what if I wake up being a 50-year-old man feeling unfulfilled? I know it’s crazy, but-”
“It’s not crazy.”
Michael rested his head against the wall behind him and sighed. He had never told this fear to anyone. “Thank you, Chlo,” he rocked his head towards her side of the room and caught a glimpse of her ponytail.  No other words were exchanged. For the first time, he enjoyed the stillness between them, unspoken complicity.
They put their garments back on when they were semi-dry and half-decently unstained. Chloe took a deep breath to suck her stomach in and zip up the skirt, Michael brushed the dust off his pants when he stood up. They felt closer to each other somehow. She hated to admit it, but Michael was actually a nice person. Once she let her guard down and was willing to accept his words, he was pleasant company. She’d been so hard on him. His awkward way of dealing with social situations wasn’t the best, but she didn’t make it easier either.
“Hey, Mike,” Chloe turned to face him before she opened the door back into the diner. His green eyes glistened through the pathetic fluorescent lightbulb. She seemed nervous, a cute kind of nervous, and he was eager to hear what she was about to say. “Do you…” she cleared her throat, “… do you want to go out sometime?”
“Oh my…” Michael’s laugh made her stomach drop and he noticed the flush on her cheeks, “Chloe, I’ve been trying to ask you out for months now! I can’t believe you beat me!”
@brown-eyedshell @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @myloverboyash @hopeless-renassianceluke @dukesnumber1 @rip-lukes-balsamic @angel @cal-pal-cuddles @ashtons-favorite @1dthewantedlove  @problematicprincessa@heartbreak-5sos @bloodmoonashton @lilacsos @irwinkitten @singt0mecalum @sublimehood @sugarcoated-pain @5sosnsfw @cal-puddies @lashtoncurls 
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getawayky13 · 5 years
Happy New Me.
This post is real. It’s my life and everything that 2019 was. It’s not over yet but it’s already been a crazy year and I wanted to share. There are names of people from my life in here. I love everyone all my friends, I’m so lucky.
Usually when I write these posts I write them on New Years Eve. It’s a reflection of the year and what I’ve learned and where I’m at in life. Well this year, I started writing my reflection mid-July. Maybe by the time you read all of this you’ll understand, that when something happens the only way to remember it correctly is to write about it as you’re going through it, and that’s what I’m doing this year.
Remembering things correctly....
I remember that the start of the year was good. I went to Florida in February and got to get away from the cold Midwest winter for a week. Even planned a trip to Mexico in March or April for September, it looked to be a great year!
May 31st is a day to remember. I had gotten a phone call that had resulted in pure heartbreak. Roughly 3.5 years of my life had been, lessons learned but nothing short of wasted. Many missed opportunities had flown by because I put myself on hold for him. It was the worst feelings and the overall agony of having to deal with the aftermath. It was also the most freeing day of my life, I no longer had to pretend to be someone I wasn’t for people who probably never really cared that much anyways. It also amazes me the amount of information you find out when it’s all said and done. Being lied to for so long really hurts, the whole thing really hurt. As Taylor Swift once said “I’m not your princess, this ain’t a fairytale, Im gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well” You know I won’t go into anymore detail, because it’s not worth it anymore, but it never really was, huh? But enough of that.
June was another rough month, we lost our dog Marley to a tumor. Marley was the best dog anybody could’ve asked for. She cuddled, gave hugs, made us laugh, and she was the selfie queen. She was my best friend! Losing her was another blow to the heart. Although we lost Mar, we gained Mag. Mag has some of the same characteristics as Marley and she fills the void. ❤️
June, July, and August were months of finding myself again, and reconnecting with old friends. I had connected with people I haven’t talked to since sophomore/junior year of high school.
I finally did some fun summer things, went on a wave runner, stayed out till 3am multiple times, went to six flags, maybe even had a little too much to drink once or twice.
In June I got 3 tattoos. I got the Chicago skyline on my forearm because Chicago is my favorite city, I love the lake, the parks, the excitement! I got a lotus flower with the quote “life is tough my darling, but so are you” as the stem on my collarbone because well life is tough and sometimes you gotta show it whose boss. And I got the sun and the moon on my back because well to be honest I thought it looked cool. In July I made the decision to move away from Lowell. I wanted to move to Indianapolis, so that’s what I did. Summer ‘19 was one for the books the summer I truly figured myself out!
August was great too specifically because Lover came out and Taylor Swift ALWAYS knows how to help. Who knew that “Death by a Thousand Cuts” would describe my broken relationship perfectly. Who knew that even though I wasn’t in love anymore “Lover” would still give me hope that someday I’ll find a man, and I want to have a love as strong as the one described in “Lover” who knew that “cruel summer” would be so relatable, I mean “I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you” and “I scream, for whatever it’s worth, I love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?” I absolutely love, lover, and Taylor’s music ALWAYS helps, during happy and sad times.
Thanks to Frankie and Jordyn for being there as soon as my heart broke, you’re both really great friends and I appreciate everything you did for me! Now that I’m all better we all have to go to Chicago again just for old times sake, plus I’m well rested now, unlike last time.
Then Nick for being such a great reconnection!. No matter how long we don’t talk for, we always come back, now that we’re older it’s better I think. We’ve had some really great times, I didn’t want the summer to end! I’m glad that we still live pretty close to each other so we can still hang out sometimes!
Remember those reconnections I mentioned? Kyleigh, Sarah, Cameron, and Jordan I even made a new friends Meghann and Omar! Thanks for being great friends all summer!! Y’all helped me more than you’ll ever know and I appreciate all of you!
Now it’s September, summer is ending, but the fun continued. I got another tattoo three hearts for my sisters and I. I saw the JONAS BROTHERS for the first time in 6 years which was seriously so amazing!!! I forgot how much fun it is screaming SOS and burning up with them! I officially moved to Indianapolis in September, and instead of going to Mexico like I mentioned earlier, I left for California for 10 days. I got to meet my west coast family for the first time, and that was sooooo much fun! We had a great time getting to know each other and piecing things together family wise! We also had fun exploring San Francisco! I already can’t wait to go back there. Jenna thanks for having us! And Kyleigh thanks for going with and hanging out! I also got a tattoo while I was in California too. It’s an airplane with the quote “I’ve got the world to go” y’all I LOVE traveling. The jet lag killed me for a long time after we got back 😭
October is here and I feel okay. I’m full blown living in Indy now. I have an interview for a second job, I also applied for an internship in California so we’ll see what happens. I might be in Canada for new year’s so that extremely exciting! I passed both my A term classes with “A’s” so my GPA got a boost and my confidence did cause I had so much going on during a term yet I still pulled off good grades!
November is next and I will keep you updated.
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Chat: Jo + Gray romcoms
(for lexy)
Jo> She likes pointless fluff movies. I’m being told I have to watch Friends With Benefits next after I finish the last 20 mins of the first half of this series
Jo> :l
Jo> *actually doesnt mind that movie just finds it hysterical Jo does*
Grey> Is Friends with Benefits the one with Mila Kunis?
Jo> Yep
Grey> Who’s the male lead in that?
Jo> Justin Timberlake
Grey> Ah
Jo> It’s kind of hilarious that Jo likes that movie
Grey> Because of how she is about relationships?
Jo> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_CVAI_twO0 and then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA6M-V4oHso first 20 seconds just… kind of amazingly hilarious.
Jo> She’s somewhere between or actually boh main characters at once
Jo> (Also the Train in the background of the first cracks me up)
Jo> Yeeeep
Grey> You linked me the sex scene? LOL *signs in*
Jo> Its the end of the crappy romcom movie that the girl wanted to watch and the guy spent the entire time paying out.
Jo> Yes
Jo> Because
Jo> First 20 seconds is magic
Jo> …hell the entire thing is magic
Jo> And hilariously like if Jo were a guy and a girl at the same time
Jo> honest to god
Grey> “I sneeze sometimes after I come” *drink everywhere*
Jo> Wait for it
Jo> “When women start to scream it can me misconstrued”
Grey> *dead*
Grey> So much for just once
Jo> LOL Yeeeep.
Jo> Can you see kind of where I get my amusement from?
Grey> Yep
Jo> “Grab my hair.” “Kiss my neck”
Grey> *dies at butt part*
Jo> *nodnod*
Grey> Oh my god
Grey> Oh man mom walking in at the end
Jo> Lol yep
Jo> I find so much fucking amusement from that movie and the fact it’s number 3 on Jo’s fave ‘romcom’s
Grey> What are the first two?
Jo> Pretty Woman and Miss Congeniality
Grey> Awwwww Miss Congeniality. "So her top favorites are about a hooker finding a sugar daddy, a tomboy becoming a barbie doll and two friends fucking?“ Gray that’s not… no.
Jo> "Got a problem with that?” Gray. Darling. No… …though he has a point but no…
Grey> “Other than your taste in movies is shit. No.” He’s got the air of implying about him.
Jo> “…I’m just glad it was top three then, I’m sure you’d find the next two just as shit…” Jo is well aware the implication and I am snickering my head off
Grey> “And what are those, Legally Blonde and The House Bunny?” *pets her*
Jo> “…no. Clueless and a tie between 500 Days of Summer and Runaway Bride….
Jo> ” She knows how bad those are, but theyre better than Legally Blonde and House Bunny at least. (What’s Your Number, Stardust, Legally Blonde, You’ve Got Mail and Sleepless In Seattle round out the top ten though)
Grey> “*snickering*” Yeah. The House Bunny is shit but Legally Blonde isn’t bad imo. It’s got Matt Davis in it for one so…
Jo> “…oh go ahead. Say it.” Lol yeah House Bunny is. Legally Blonde’s pretty alright - the second is dreadful though.
Grey> “Say what that you have horrible picks and clearly just want some guy to swoop in a rescue you?” Second one doesnt exist in my mind. Because I like the first one too much to admit it.
Jo> “You just don’t like romantic comedies and most of those involve free thinking, independent women who can survive all on their own without a man…sorta.” LOL I cried my way through it. In pain.
Grey> “Except they all end up with a guy and the whole plot of them is either "fucks a dude and keeps fucking him” or “discovers she’s ladylike after all”.“ I saw it on tv once, attempted to watch then switched the channel 5 minutes in because it was hurting
Jo> "Pretty Woman is about how you aren’t just your job - that there is more to a person than just that; Miss Congeniality is about doing the right thing, and that everyone can be more than what their intial appearance might suggest; FoB is about how… sometimes worrying about the labels of things can ruin something that’s working and that …getting over that shit’s for the best…” It’s dreadful..
Grey> “Uh huh.” Yeah I dont know what charm the first one has that the second one is missing but you can definitely tell it’s missing it. Same with Miss Congeniality, first movie is cute second movie makes you want to tear out your eyes
Jo> (Oh god, I just realised the girl in Friends with Benefits at the start is going to go see Pretty Woman at the cinema as some romcom weeklong thing and her then bf dumps her out front and she’s already missed the boots)
Grey> *DEAD*
Jo> “…shut up, alright. God, a girl is allowed to like pointless fluff sometimes!” LOL So so true. The same goes for Bring It On. *crying at this movie again now*
Jo> (“You know I love this movie! If a prostitute and a ruthless businessman who fall in love, then anyone can. *wistful sigh/tone*” *dying*)
Grey> “I would think you get enough of that with the runt.” Oh my god that’s hilarious
Jo> “…I think your brother knows better than to..freak me out with that sort of thing. Reality, fiction, don’t cross the streams..much.” I know. I forgot it and now Im dead.
Grey> “So he’s not constantly trying to bring you flowers or jewelry or anyt of that other crap? I’m surprised he has so much restraint.” No wonder Jo likes the movie
Jo> “No, he’s not. Seems you don’t know him quite as well as you think…” Oh yeah. … http://youtu.be/GvBNVJjhj4Q?t=11s Just… start o the film is pretty much this. And yep. It totally does.
Grey> “Or he doesn’t like you as much as he says he does.” I feel bad for Justin’s character cause that bitch crazy
Grey> “Next time just shit on my face cause that’s the same thing” no it isnt lady
Jo> Wait for the explanation of Mila’s character
Grey> WOW Andy’s a dick
Jo> LOL Yuuuuup
Grey> *spit take at Justin*
Jo> Just wait
Jo> It gets more
Jo> “Or maybe he likes me as much as he says he does and doesn’t want me to feel uncomfortable or pressured and is making sure I’m okay with things.” I KNOW RIGHT?! AND THATS JUST THE FIRST THREE MINUTES OF THE MOVIE
Grey> “If he liked you as much as he said, he’d get you flowers. Because that’s what Grey does, flowers and chocolate and bubble baths with candles and rose petals and all the other lame shit because that’s what he does, he does the lame "romantic” crap and he likes doing that. So he either doesnt actually care that much or he’s completely terrified of you and is too scared to even approach the matter"
Grey> That’s hilarious
Grey> Especially Justin’s just completely lunatic of the girlfriend. Like Mina’s guy was just lazy and a jerk but Justin’s girl was fucking monkeynuts crazy
Jo> “He would not - he might want to, but right now? He wouldn’t. I prefer non-materialistic things anyway so…” I know. She’s amazing. She keeps calling too. I seriously recommend it if you have a few hours to spare or fill or are bored sometime because that movie is just great. Better than No Strings (the Portman/Kutcher one)
Grey> “If he wouldnt its because you’re scaring him. But hey if you’re cool with him being too scared to say what he wants then….” It does look a lot funnier than Natalie’s
Jo> “I am not /scaring/ him. He knows he can say whatever he likes to me or bring up stuff…. …” It is. I’ve seen both several times, Friends With is much better. The original Coke to Nat’s new.
Grey> “Sure he does. That’s why he didn’t tell you he loved you for the longest time. Because he’s totally not afraid to talk to you.” I feel like I should just watch both then Black Swan to mindfuck myself but I can’t right now lol
Jo> “He does, and… that’s none of your business, and it wasn’t 'the longest time’, was barely three months after..” LOL Oh god that would be dreadful.
Grey> “Uh huh. And he hasnt really said it again has he?” Yep it would
Jo> “He has too. …a few times.” Brainfuck indeed.
Grey> “And I bet you know exactly how many because it doesnt happen a lot.” Completely
Jo> “…your point being? People don’t have to say they love one another all the time, I’m sure you could count on one hand the number of times you’ve said it.”
Grey> “Because I’m a arrogant asshole monster who doesn’t really give two shits to get emotional about things. Does that sound like Grey to you?”
Jo> “…no. Sounds a little like me though, so instead - how often has Anna said it to you, huh? Just because he doesn’t say it often doesn’t mean he doesn’t know he can ask about things or talk about stuff.”
Grey> “More than five times less than twenty. He’s stupid though, how would you know he knew he could ask if he doesnt feel like he could say it? Doesnt matter now I guess with that collar on you he’ll be too freaked out to do much of anything”
Jo> “..Oh. ….Because he knows me? Because neither of us is going to judge or fly off the handle? Because I haven’t gone running yet? ….shut up, fuck you.”
Grey> “If he knows you he knows that your terrified of getting attached and won’t bring it up for fear of driving you away. I’m just stating facts.”
Jo> “Otherwise known as caring and respecting a loved ones boundaries. And you say that like we’re not attached, because we are, so shove off. …you’re being a dick with the truth.”
Grey> “Otherwise known as being spineless. Wait until he wants to get married then see how attached you are. Better than just being a dick right?”
Jo> “There’s a difference - one is being respectful, the other has no basis other than fear for it. …. ………. Let’s not talk about that, ever, again. Oh shut up..”
Grey> “So how do you know he’s doing it out of respect instead of fear? Just wait.”
Jo> “Because, I just do. …And I said again…”
Grey> “Uh huh. You’re going to run when you see that little box.”
Jo> “…. ….I’m not going to run..” Mental commentary: “I’m going to politely say I need time to think, excuse myself and go hide under the covers. The fastest will be a brisk walk. Yes. No running. It’d be fine.”
Grey> “Yes you are. Watching him bend his knee and go into his pocket for it is just going to scare you so badly you’re going to take off running like a scared deer.” Awwww poor Jo
Jo> “No. I’m… I have more restraint than that even if that /isn’t/ my response.” Think she’d feel bad for it but..unless she suggests it she’ll probably freak.
Grey> “You’re right, cause he’s probably going to do it in public. You wouldnt want to make a scene. All those eyes on you expecting to say yes especially his when he looks so happy and expectant.” He wouldnt ask. I mean like… probably never unless they actually had a kid. Because he knows it wouldnt work
Jo> ( http://youtu.be/VIirTZQWJBg?t=30s *crying* Guess Jo has a penis where her vaginas supposed to be)
Grey> (SO DEAD. Oh Woody Harrelson you are always hilarious)
Jo> “…shut up. How do you know the answer would be no? Or that I wouldn’t be the one askin’? Everyone’s always calling me the boy of us…” Cue gray laughing head off. And yeah, no - I’d figured he probably wouldn’t, what’s sad is a marriage would work but proposing the idea wouldnt. (IKR? He’s a gay sports writer)
Grey> “Because you don’t do commitment? You… ask him… *laughing*” *nods* He’d figure they couldnt therefore wouldnt ask unless its a kid in which case he’d feel like “this is a family now” and ask. (He’s hilarious. I lost it)
Jo> “I do sometimes. …. *tries not to laugh as well* Yeah, okay shut up..” Yep - which I think he might be able to get a yes if he didn’t say it was cause she was preg or had had a baby, mde the family comment instead. (LOL Yeeep)
Grey> “Fine. That was funny enough I’ll shut up. *still laughing*” *nods* I think his approach would be something like “I’d like for us to be a family. And I want to be officially part of that family.” Plus that way if something happens to Jo the kids stay with him. (Armpit girl? Do I even want to know…)
Jo> ( http://youtu.be/GJucbfuvh-A armpit girl)
Grey> (Oh Justin baby what is it with you and crazy broads)
Jo> “Glad you enjoyed it… *fails at holding back a giggle* Okay seriously, I’m not that bad.. or I’m not the worst, so shuddup.” Yeah, that would actually probably work. (Yeeeep)
Grey> “Not the worst? Right okay compared to like me or something.” And of course Grey would have the sense enough not to try to make a big affair of it, nor would he want to
Jo> “There are worse people out there without going straight to you, Gray.” Yep yep - big affair woul get a no.
Jo> (Oh god, I forgot the guy in this has a stutter when he was nervous)
Grey> “*indignantly* Are not. I’m the worst. End of discussion.” *slaps Gray for wanting to look like the horrible monster again* I think the closest he’d come to that was asking if she wanted her mother there or any close friends. (So dead)
Jo> “Sure thing, I just meant there were people between the two of us on the worse scale is all.” *snickers at him* lol true true. Knowing Jo she’d not want much, or until after. (Yeeep)
Grey> “Nope. You’re close enough to me there’s no one left between us.” *nods* Jesse go to bed jo harvelle gray chat complete Aug 21st, 2012
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dreammutual-remade · 6 years
high school!mark
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request: highschool!mark if u love me plspls
 word count: 5.5k
a/n: lucky that I love u anon hehehehe !!!!! also wOW I didnt mean to make this so god damn long itS REALLY JUST THESE GOD DAMN HIGH SCHOOL AUS IM WEAK FOR THEM OKAY. look at this cutie hOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO RESIST
mark, renjun, jeno, donghyuck, jaemin, chenle, jisung
warnings: the usual intermittent cussing and probably an inappropriate joke or two
this au is my Ultimate Weakness it makes me soft as hell alright
okay so your mom has a job that forces your family to move around….. A LOT
and while you’ve gotten used to it for the most part it still sucks having to leave people behind and make completely new friends once every couple of years
this time you’re moving to a new school for your SENIOR YEAR and you’re livid
bc like ??? it’s senior year and you have exactly zero (0) friends since you’re new,,, yet again
you Threw A Fit when you found out but your mom was like shut up you ingrate soon you’ll be in college and won’t even have to worry about it
so you, an ingrate, shut up :/
you move in a month before school starts and the house is nice and your room is cute so that’s a plus !!!!!
you hang up some pictures and organize all your cute little trinkets you’ve collected over the years aw
you’ve even got a lil succulent garden growing on your windowsill
alright so you’re gonna go explore around town because you , don’t know where anything is and you wanna find some good spots to hang
you take the bus into the middle of town because who tf is tryna drive themselves amirite ladies
support ur local bus driver
anywhom this isn’t a HUGE town but it’s one of those cute towns where you can pretty much walk anywhere you need to go
(god i wish that were me)
so you spend all day just, walkin
you find a library and pick up some books …….
both for decoration and reading okay
and you find a couple of restaurants and write them down to try later along with some coffee shops and whatnot
eventually you’re tired and prolly a lil sweaty bc it’s summer and you’re outside and ugh
so you find a nice big park and a tree and sit down at the base of it to read and mindlessly sketch things in the margins of your book
someone shouts
and you look up just in time to dodge a sOCCER BALL HURTLING TOWARDS YOUR FACE
it bounces off the tree and rolls a couple feet away
“uhhhh holy shit” - you
you just kind of sit there astonished for 5 seconds before you get up to get the ball and look around for who saved your LIFE
and there’s boy jogging toward you looking extremely embarrassed
you meet him halfway to hand him the ball and he’s like
“oh mY GOD i’m so sorry i told them to settle down but they never listen to me and jisung just ??? doesn’t know how to not take everything seriously and he lost and got pissed and kicked it and we didn’t even kNOW you were over here and also i’m so sorry”
you smile and tell him it’s fine and hand him the ball
you go to get back to your tree and he’s like hey uh you there uh wait up
god he’s awkward
and you turn around to face him with an expectant look
“so um, what’s your name? i haven’t seen you around here before and like in case i ever gotta make this up to you you know ??”
you tell him your name and stick out your hand to shake and he grabs it very hesitantly and tells you his name is mark
he has , very warm hands and they’re only slightly bigger than yours but that’s still cUTE
he says he hopes you enjoy your book and he’ll make sure the boys don’t disturb you anymore than they already have
you wave as he goes and he gives you a smile over his shoulder and his cheeks are tinged pink and wOw this boy is a cutie patootie
you go back to your reading but now instead of doodling you’re just writing his name or drawing his big doe eyes or his smooth hands
(((((let’s pretend we’re all good at drawing okay god knows i can’t do much more than a stick figure)))))
the boys leave after an hour or two and you leave pretty soon after then because the sun is setting and you gotta be home for dinner
basically your mom wants to make sure you aren’t kidnapped and/or lost in a new town
which, to be fair, is not that unlikely
you have your headphones in and you’re leaned against the bus window half asleep as you go
bitch wake up youRE GONNA MISS YOUR STOP
it’s the same bus driver who saw you get on and honestly there aren’t a lot of people on the bus so he makes sure you get off
“hey you, girl back there, hEY! this is your stop girly”
you thank him profusely and tip him because uhhhh u gotta get home and like Not Lost
you skip home with your bag of books and miscellaneous items you found at the thrift store!!!
you bought a little figurine of a dragon and she’s beautiful her name is saraphina because why not
that’s completely irrelevant i’m so sorry
i have ADHD
you walk in and you’re all like hey momma !!! how goes it !!:3
and your mom is Sus™️ because why are you in such a good mood
and you’re like !!! cause i had a good day okay love u bye i’m going to my rOOM
don’t let her question anymore or else she’ll dig out that you met a Cute Boy
you go to your room and get out all your purchases and organize them while you still have the motivation to do so
and yeah
you use one of the blank notes to start like a lil drawing diary of sorts ???? like just to draw stuff in whenever you’re inspired or you see something pretty
and you definitely saw smth pretty today ;))))))))
hint: ITS MARK
you try to draw him from memory but it doesn’t look quite right and like :(((((( how sad is that what if you don’t even see him again
the rest of the month passes pretty quickly in the same fashion
by now you’ve befriended the bus driver and he tells you all the cool secret nooks and crannies of town for you to go find
he’s also your bff pretty much he always tells you about his daughter and all the cute things she does and you just talk about your life in general and he gives you advice
congrats you’ve unlocked Wise Uncle
he gives you directions to this teeny TINY flower shop where you befriend the old lady who works there by bringing a muffin everytime you go by
she trades you for a seasonal flower and makes a big deal out of tucking it behind your ear herself
basically you find all the cute old people in town and make them your friend because.
this is accidentally straying into art hoe territory i hope y’all are okay w/ that
school is starting really soon and you’re nervous but also used to this so it doesn’t affect you as bad as normally
also you did meet some people so you aren’t going in with no friends but like, pretty close to no friends
on the first day of school you ride the bus and you see ???? mark ????? on your bus ????????
so you get on and do your daily greeting of the bus driver
his daughter lost her first tooth AW
you fake cry and he says “mood” and you lose it because you’re pushing internet culture onto this unsuspecting middle aged man skdkdkkd
you pat him on the shoulder as you walk back to find a seat but there are none because for some reason the bus is busy this early in the morning ????
you wouldn’t know lmao summer sleep schedule had you up at 10 at the earliest
so you go to stand and hold onto one of the poles in the center
(nearby our boy mark LEE)
mark looks up from his phone
these god damn millennials always on that damn phone
and he sees you and he’s like wHOA what’s up uhhh Soccer Ball Girl
and nice you remembered his name bUT HE DIDNT REMEMBER YOURS
but then he’s like nahhhh just kidding i remember ur name hey y/n !!!
you talk otw to school and find out you’re both seniors at the same school and how you’re excited for sports games and like, GRADUATING
mark keeps trying to offer you his seat but you refuse and he pouts everytime you say no :((((
good god just take the seat look at the sad baby boy :((((((((((((
there is an, occurrence
at one point the bus goes over a bump and you stumble a little and mark reaches up to catch you before you literally fall on him
his hands fly out and grab you by the hips to steady you since he’s sitting and you’re standing and he can’t exactly reach your shoulders sO YEA
or at least that’s his explanation in his head huehuehuehe
his hands linger for MAYBE 10 seconds before he whips them back into his pockets and blushes while you thank him
you: are also blushing
the bus driver: completely did that on purpose
when you get off the bus your Second Dad tells you good luck and pats you on the head and mark is like ???? do you know him
and you’re like yeah that’s my man maurice we’re buds
and he’s like ???? i’ve rode that bus all my life to school and i’m not buds with him wtf :/
“srry you’re not as lovable as me!! jealousy is a disease <3”
and he laughs his dorky laugh
you highkey are smiling so big because this boy is so cute and he’s walking close enough that your shoulders brush every once in a while and he has a silly laugh and AW
as you walk into the school marks group of Boys starts waving him over excitedly and he turns in their direction but then stops when he sees you aren’t following
“hey whatcha doin???”
“well uhhh those are Your Boys you know and i’m, i don’t, really, uh they don’t know me”
“aw cmon they’ll love you!!! look ill just introduce you and if they’re terrible and annoying you can leave”
“........ i gue-“
but he’s already grabbed your hand and is pulling you over to them
“sup fellas this is y/n and she just moved here this year so don’t be too overwhelming.”
the smaller one with the highish voice chimes in
“aww but overwhelming is my only setting”
“then just don’t be yourself, chenle”
“heYYY it’s that girl i almost killed in the park !!! so sorry about that by the way”
he introduces them to you one by one and they all shake your hand
jisung is the one with the big ass yaoi hands and also the one who almost ended your young life
jaemin is the one with pretty smile
jeno is the one with the squishy eyes
renjun is the Art Hoe of the group you can just tell
he’s wearing some got damn overalls you gotta befriend him immediately
donghyuck is the one with beautiful skin and a v high voice you’re highkey like hey but can you dROP THE SKINCARE ROUTINE and he’s like “i just wash my face every day xoxo :*”
you quickly learn who is a piece of shit and who isn’t
you figure out who has classes with you and then set off for the day !!
mark has gym and economics with you but those are after lunch :(((
he squeezes your shoulder before he leaves and says good luck though so you’ll survive
you have art with renjun first and this boy is your bestie already
he’s such a sarcastic shit and he too likes drawing random things and vandalizing school textbooks with artistically correct memes
he also has the AUDACITY
“so, you and mark already ;););)(;);)))”
“i uh don’t know what you mean by that”
“you SO do!!!!! you guys walked into school together everyone probably already thinks you’re a thing”
“oh shit really??? ah i feel so bad”
“is that a bad thing???”
“i mean yeah i’m not tryna Tarnish mark’s reputation”
“that is some self hatred bs he would be lucky to have you !!!!”
“renjun you don’t even know me that well yet”
“i know enOUGH”
you just uhh change the subject which renjun def notices but like
who cares
renjun apparently also goes to the same flower shop as you !!!
you find out because you see him drawing the front of it and you’re like heY i’ve been there my girl edna works there !!!!! she insist i call her grandma tho
and he’s all oh sHIT that’s my girl too !!!!!!
long story short edna is now your shared grandmother
now THAT is some uwu shit
you go about your day and it’s lunchtime and yOU uh don’t know where to sit :(
you see a girl that you met who works at the little coffee shop you like so you set off in her direction and you’re almost there when jeno and jaemin walk up and sling an arm around your shoulder from either side
“hEY BUDDY” -jeno
“SUP SQUIRT” -jaemin
and they start steering you in another direction towards their own table
“god of all nicknames you had to give me sQUIRT”
“yes it’s because you’re cute and small like squirtle”
“that’s a god damn reach if i’ve ever seen one but okay”
you get there and they practically TOSS you into the seat next to mark
he winces and gives you and apologetic pat on the back before starting the conversation
“alright so who actually did the summer reading”
as the table bursts into Absolute Ruckus you just kind of sit back and watch
mark notices you being quiet and while renjun and chenle are arm wrestling he leans over to quietly be like
“hey you doin okay over there? are they too much”
“oh not at all i’m just takin it in lmao”
“yeah that’s understandable. they’re easily the most entertaining group of people you’ll ever meet but also i’ve wanted to strangle every single one of them at least once”
“what are you 30??? you talk about them like you’re their mom”
“i mean someone’s gotta do it”
you and mark talk all throughout lunch and head to gym together since that’s next
exercising right after eating ??? sounds like a GREAT plan thanks so much public school system !!!!
you go to pull out your bag of gym clothes but ??? all you’ve got is shorts ?????
you start whining because you’re like aWW i’m gonna get in trouble :(((((
and he’s like here i have like 12 shirts in here because i always bring too many and then leave some when i got soccer practice i gotchu
(he gives you the clean shirt that hasn’t been sitting in his locker <3333 what a guy)
you thank him proFUSELY and then go to the girls locker room to change
the shirt is too big and you don’t wanna look like a Bag so you tie a lil knot in it in the front
you don’t look like a thot tho you just look Cute As Fuck
some girl in the locker room lets you borrow a hair tie and off we go !!!
it’s the first day so everyone literally just stretches and sits around talking
you’ve hashtag LOST mark and you don’t have any friends yet so you’re just chillin talking to the girl who gave you a hair tie because she seems nice and you got nothin better to do
you’re explaining to her how to take care of a succulent /properly/ when mark catches a basketball that was headed right for you yelling a watch it !!!! over his shoulder
he turns to you and giggles a little, nudging your foot with his
“you’re just a danger magnet aren’t you”
“i mean danger is my middle name so”
“uGH get your ass over here away from all those freshman hoodlums who think they can play”
you wave bye to your friend because there’s literal fear in her eyes at the sight of mark ??
you ask her what’s wrong later and she’s like oh it’s not him i just have a crippling fear of boys
(that’s a mood)
you and mark pass a volleyball back and forth and fuck around pretty much all period
this is actually the one (1) sport he isn’t good at thank GOD you were worried he had no flaws
at the end of the class you ask him if he wants his shirt back and he says, and i quote,
“nah you and your thot knot can keep it, looks cuter on you anyways”
you smack his arm for calling you a thot but then thank him anyways for the shirt and for calling you cute :))))))))
econ passes the same way except normal clothing and no sports
although mark does throw a wadded up piece of paper on you that says u want 2 hang w the boys n me after school ? if yes then breathe if no do a backflip
this headass boy
you throw it back so it bounces off his forehead and then nod to confirm you will
you don’t have any of the boys in your last class and you don’t where to meet up so you just kind of loiter by your locker since jeno’s is pretty close to yours and maybe they’ll meet here ????
luckily jisung spots you and is like hey what r u doin here aren’t u hanging with us after school??? cmon
you follow him out to the parking lot where they’re all gathered around jeno and jaemins vehicles because apparently they’re the only ones with actual cars
they start waving too excitedly when they see you and mark smiles all big
wooOOO baby boy already has a crush on you :3
they’ve apparently already decided to go to chenles house because apparently he’s fuckin loaded
you don’t believe that for a sECOND because he’s wearing crocs and an old ass polo shirt but
we’ll see
you mark and renjun ride with jaemin while the Babies ride with jeno since he is able to ignore them being crackheads in the backseat and drive his vehicle without crashing
apparently they’ve cause multiple vehicular accidents ??? possibly the reason renjun doesn’t have a car ???????
who knows
y’all have a blast in jaemins car tho playing tokyo drift from the third fast and furious movie if u haven’t heard that shit plEASE GO LISTEN WHAT A SONG HEHEHHEHHEHE
you pull into this BIG ASS house and you’re like no fucking way dude
and everyone else in the car simultaneously says
“i know right ???”
y’all pull in and go inside and it’s real nice holy SHIT
chenle comes in cackling followed closely be jisung and more sedately by jeno who looks ready to fckin die
you pat him on the shoulder and go you did well, soldier
he salutes solemnly before breaking out into the smile
y’all know the one
you UWU right there on the spot but hold yourself back from poking his cheek and cooing
chenle then SCREECHES and yells
and everyone crowds into his living room
somehow the couch is big enough to fit all of you comfortably that’s fckin impressive
you play just dance for 3 whole ass hours and now you’re Tired and Ready To Go Home
there’s a bus stop nearby and you insist upon walking since jaemin already have you a ride here and you didn’t even have gas money to give him :(((
mark goes to since you have to catch the same bus
you hum as you skip around the sidewalk and he walks behind you smiling fondly while you twirl around
he recognizes the song and whistles along and wow !!!!
when you get to the stop you’re like 5 mins early
so to entertain yourselves you play rock paper scissors and each time the winner gets to flick the loser on the forehead
mark is a sweet boy so he flicks softly but you go all out
wouldn’t be surprised if he had a bruise tmrw girly u need to chill
you sit on the bus together when it arrives since there’s actually room now and he slumps down low until his head is pretty much rested on your shoulder
(our man maurice sees and is like GET IT GIRL but only so you notice and you make threatening hand motions at him)
you’re not sure if he’s asleep so you stay extra still just in case
and no one needs to know you rested your cheek on top of his head
but when it gets to your stop you’re like mark? mark lee??? mork ???? wake up ??? and you nudge him a little with your shoulder and he sits up and rubs his eyes aW
he slow blinks at you and goes
and you’re like i uh gotta go now
and he’s like :/// okay i’ll see you tomorrow and stands up and gives you a half hug before you go
maurice is DYING in the front you’re going to kill him
you walk home with a smile on your face and again your mom is suspicious of your good mood but you’re like aw it’s nothin just had a good day at school made lots of friends !!!!!!
as summer turns into fall you make more friends but you mostly hang out with the boys because they’re funny and nice to you and also Mark is there and we love our boy
you guys all attend football games together and go absolutely ALL OUT for whatever the theme is
for example: the theme was halloween and you all dressed as god damn SMURFS
it was legendary there was not one bit of you all that wasn’t covered in blue paint
jisung almost fought some girl who thought he was from the movie Avatar until everyone was like jisung cHILL OUT ITS NOT HER FAULT YOURE VERY TALL AND COMPLETELY BLUE
and well
can’t argue with that
it gets chillier though so you all bring blankets and cuddle most of the games
all of the boys suspiciously aren’t cold at first until you and mark share a blanket
they’re so obvious GOD
with each time y’all share you get more relaxed around each other until eventually mark has one arm slung around you and your legs are hooked over one of his thighs while y’all Snuggle
renjun waggles his eyebrows at you every five minutes and you discreetly give him the finger every time
little ASSHOLE
college applications are due like. right now
you all apply to a nice university close by as a backup/safe place and then apply to more brazy places just to see if you can get in
everyone’s been real stressed lately so you’re like !!!!! hey imma throw a friendsgiving party !!! yeehaw !!!!!!!!!
and you invite all of them over
“everyone bring smth and i’ll bake a ham or smth,,, i swear to GOD if all of you show up with store-bought pumpkin pie. i will kill you and then myself”
“what’s with you and pumpkin pie?”
“jUST. don’t”
((((srry i’m projecting my hatred of pumpkin pie onto u reader heheehehheh))))
everyone comes over and it’s really chilly so you have a fire in the fireplace and you have a couple of your gal pals over too
your mom is nice enough to leave y’all alone for the night and she’s not hurt since it’s not real thanksgiving
we stan moms
you bring out the ham and someone has brought green beans and mark ,,,, tHAT ANGEL he brought cornbread stuffing do y’all know what i’m talking abt
and there’s sweet potatoes and apple pie and all the Thanksgiving Essentials
jisung wanted to be a dick so he brought cranberry jelly
“why don’t you have some:) cranberry preserves:) , jisung” -you, every 30 seconds
everyone sits down to eat and it’s LOUD so you’re like shut UP !!!!!!!!!!
“every1 say smth ur thankful for :3333”
“my family !!!!”
“you guys <3”
“awW BOOO” - everyone, while throwing things at jaemin
“my life !!”
“that i’m happy”
“gay” -chenle
anyways no one took it seriously until it got to mark
“i’m grateful y/n moved here :))))))”
everyone goes KSKDDIDI and you blush and you’re like okay ily mark JSKKD
everyone EATS A LOT and then you go sit in a pile in the living room
you go to make hot chocolate for everyone and when you come back it’s , interesting how there’s only room for you next to mark . hm
you pass out the hot chocolate and everyone reaches Maximum Sleepytime
at this point you’re too tired to give a fuck and you just flop onto the couch next to mark and curl up into his side
he puts his arm around you to pull you close and this mf presses a tiny barely there kiss to your temple
you look up and like talk with your eyes
did u just
i did
and then you just settle back down
it’s too crowded in here for any Moves to be Made
you’ve got the karate kid on bc ??? who doesn’t love the karate kid and all of your cutie friends are asleep in various places
but once it gets super late you start waking people up and going hey i love you but your mom called mine like 8 times you gotta gO
you make sure everyone is awake fully if they’re driving and to text you when they got home safe
at long last
you’re alone
in your house
with mark
actually where is mark
mark has disappeared ?????
you start looking around for him and find him in your room ???
“you snoopin thru my things ??!?!??”
he jumps and is like uHH but you’re like nah you’re fine idc
so he continues and he was really just lookin at what kind of books you have and the little drawings and paintings and knick knacks everywhere
you just sit on your bed and observe him
let’s be real he’s nice to look at and you’d be perfectly fine doing this for uhhh the rest of your life
he pulls a book off your shelf and starts flipping through it until he pauses at a page
and his face blooms into this big smile and he looks hella giddy
and you’re like uhh hey whatcha lookin at there bud
and he just keep smiling and it’s a little smug now wtf
“when were you reading this?”
“oh uh i don’t know i got it this summer at that cute little bookshop”
“was it, by chance, the day we met?”
“i mean maybe??? why ????”
FUCK !!!!!!!
you immediately turn tomato red and snatch the book in to hold it tightly to your chest
“uhhh i do that with uhhhh eVerYONE I MEET”
“aw i thought i was special:((((”
he’s creeping closer to you this whole time until he’s INCHES AWAY
he gently pulls the book out of your hands and places it aside before grabbing your wrists and uncrossing your arms
“personally, i think it’s really cute”
you blush even more this man knows what he’s doing
you mumble a thanks with your eyes trained on his fuzzy socks what a dork
he releases one of your wrists to push your chin up so he can look you in the eyes
“do you really do that with everyone you meet?”
“,,,,,,, no it’s just you”
“alright cool”
and then he wraps his arms around your waist to pull you close til you’re pressed together chest to chest AW
he nudges his nose against yours and you close your eyes because your god daMN HEART IS POUNDING AND YOU CANT LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THOSE BIG PUPPY EYES
he presses the sweetest and gentlest of kisses to each cheek and then to the top of your nose
he presses one last lingering kiss on your forehead before he tilts his chin down to press your lips together
it’s so soft and innocent wow i’m going to SHED TEARS WRITING THIS
and he pulls away and you press your face into his neck in embarrassment
he chuckles a lil and rubs your back, leaning his cheek against your head
“hey, you down there”
you say “yeah?” but your voice is muffled by his neck and it’s more like eh ???
“my girlfriend y/n will you be ???”
what the fuck
you pull your head back so you can look at his face which is turning steadily redder
“uh what”
“shIT uh i meant will you uh bemygirlfriend”
your confused expression turns into a shit eating grin and you’re like
“what was that :)))) i didn’t hear you :)))))”
he groans and rests his forehead on your shoulder and pitifully whines out
“please be my girlfriend :(((((“
you pick his face up and hold it between your palms and he pouts playfully
“well how could i say no to that face”
and you smooch him right on those lil pouted lips
“yes i’ll be your girlfriend”
he smiles real big and smooshes you against him aw
wow so now you’re mark lee’s gf
lowkey you get a few threats but as soon as mark catches wind of that he stands on the statue in front of the school and announces that if anyone has a problem with you they’ve got a problem with him !!!!
and he looks like: ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
you drag him down while apologizing to everyone in the general vicinity
mark is. veRY CLINGY NOW
i mean no complaints here it’s just
you’ll be standing at your locker when BAM mark is wrapped around you from behind and you get a hey baby how’s ur day right in your ear
in gym class he restrains himself since the coaches are always like LEE KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF
but he always whines after and is like
:((((( but you look so cute in my shirt i wanna squish you
whenever mark comes over you force him to let you draw him at least once
each time it gets easier since you’ve started to memorize the details of his face and the knuckles of his hands and the shape of his shoulders
a lot of times he just comes over to watch movies and talk
he’s not an eloquent guy
(“you all look like pretty grass :)))” - mark lee)
but he gets what he needs to say out and he enjoys listening to you talk about whatever’s on your mind
you’ve started a glow in the dark star sticker collection to put on your ceiling and each time he comes over you put a constellation up there
so you’ll lay in bed and turn off the lights and just stare at the ceiling and try to name them all
soon you’ll just get sleepy though and press your face into his chest
he uwu’s every time :((((
after he’s done being astonished by his Baby™️ he’ll wrap his arms around you and stroke a hand up and down your spine wow
Real Relaxation Hours
your mom will come home and find y’all asleep and then SHE uwu’s and it’s just one big cute MESS
he loves to kiss you right as he’s leaving like he’ll lay one on you then RUN to the bus stop
p.s. maurice is on y’all every day saying he called it AY
his other favorite kisses are when he catches you off guard and just turns you around and kisses you and you’re like
I’m Confused But I Like This
lots of sweet pecks throughout the day and then longer slower stuff when you’re home and alone and relaxing
leaves hickeys on your neck literally just to be annoying
months pass and youve said your first “i love you’s” to each other and renjun is always like so when y’all gettin married huh
you both SMACK him simultaneously
but lowkey you would marry mark he’s the best and you love him so wHY NOT
but it’s early and you know that and you’re happy with what you have now :))))))
pls love and support our hardworking baby mark lee he is doing his best and i love him goodnight
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kpopchangedme · 6 years
Capture the Flag: The Trade
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Two teams, a lot of snow & a simple common goal. The only problem is that you’re on a losing streak and Jaebum, your nemesis, is way too good at this game...
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GOT7 Masterlist
Protagonists: Im Jaebum & you
Word Count: 3.6k
Genre: SFW - Fluff - Enemies to Lovers - Highschool!AU - Inspiré par La Guerre Des Tuques
Lys’ note: Part of my VDay’ Collab for the @kpoptrashnetwork! Read @greasygyeom Yugyeom’s One Shot Capture The Flag: The Absconding!
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In the middle of the white field of snow stands your old friend, Youngjae. His face is scrunched, whipped by the cold wind of the winter, if there were price to pay for not choosing a side it’d be that one; freezing to death. There’s absolutely no shelter from the bad weather in the neutral zone, the small flat ground separating the two enemy bases. Youngjae is still waiting to talk, trying to gather the attention of everybody across the playground, even though he’ll fail like always. You wiggle expectedly from one foot to the other, partly to not let your toes freeze, but also because you’re especially anxious today.
Nobody really knows how this all started, only that it’s been a school tradition between students for years; two teams, two elected Captains, a referee, a list of rules and two flags. Both teams spend weeks of winter building a snow stronghold, working on their strategies and praying for the weather to be on their side. Then comes the final week of the game; four evenings after school without adult supervision where the two teams face off with everything they’ve got.
“Captain Im is still staring at you, y/n.” Mark leans closer, nudging you with his elbow. “Try to not move around so much, perhaps he won’t notice how nervous you–”
“It’s freaking -15ºC, Tuan. Maybe if you thought harder about your strategies instead of studying where Jaebum is looking, you’d be able to beat Jinyoung at it for once!”
“Ouch, I’m hurt.” Mark touches his coat where his heart hides under, chuckling. “I don’t think my strategies are what’s causing our losing streak you know… I’m starting to believe your heart isn’t really in it!”
Gasping at the implication, you feel your cheeks heat behind the secrecy of your scarf. “Shut up!” You scowl and Mark laughs, only amused by your perpetual anger. He’s been bringing this up a lot these days, always teasing you about your rival. “As if, Jaebum’s the enemy and he’s an assh–”
“No fight within the teams!” Youngjae points to you both, raising his voice so everybody can hear. Your eyes catch a smile on Jaebum’s face at the other side of the playground and you curse him under your breath.
Today is the day you win; you’ll wipe that smug off his perfect face.
Im Jaebum. Your nemesis, the Captain of the Blue team. If he were Achilles, you’d be Hector and tonight; the battle of your life.
“Is everybody already here?” Youngjae clears his throat and both teams purposefully ignore him as always. “Great! Before beginning, let me remind you all one last time; no weapons are allowed on site!” There’s a collective groan from the two small crowds. “No fireworks this time! Snow and your open hands are your only tools, did you hear me Bambam?!” Youngjae sighs, discouraged. “That being said; we’ll proceed as always. You have to wear your hat from your team’s colour at all time! Each team will go back to its castle and its flag and you’ll only be allowed to leave when you hear my siren... If I see somebody trying to cross the neutral zone bef–”
“We get it! Everyday’s the same!”
“Thanks for the unnecessary intervention Jackson, but there’s no interrupting the referee!” Youngjae shakes his head, like his role is unbearable and you roll your eyes at his lack of authority. “Anyway, after the siren, you are free to leave your castle to invade the other team’s. The first team to successfully secure the other’s flag and bring it back to its own castle wins the battle! For the last fight of the year, the score is…” Youngjae pauses dramatically and you clench your teeth, annoyed. “3 – 0 for the Blue Team!”
There’s an uproar on the enemy’s side of the field while Red team stays quiet behind you. You stare at Jaebum’s silhouette as he proudly raises both arms under a thunder of claps, muffled by mittens. Show-off.
“Red team”, you growl, “I don’t care what it takes to defeat those jerks. Tonight, they’ll see RED!” There’s a loud racket of approval accompanying your words. Your teammates even begin to energetically jump, the sound of their boots on the solid snow reverberating through the air. Across the field, the smug on Jaebum’s lips straightens, usual arrogance cooled a bit by the high spirits of your troops. That’s right Im, you’d better prepare for a damn war. Your lips curl upwards, a new confidence warming your body; Red team would never go down without a mighty fight.
You barely avoid a chunk of ice flying near you by rolling on the ground and let out an angry hiss through your clench teeth. Ice is supposed to be prohibited, but amid a fight with snow flying all over the place, it’s hard to prove the throw was voluntary. Plus, you’re attacking the north facade of the Blue’s snow fort and Youngjae is monitoring the neutral zone where most people usually fight, which is south from here. The north facade isn’t usually guarded since it’s near the end of the playground, on the outskirts of the woods, and all entries to the Blue stronghold are facing the neutral zone. Still, a few enemies followed your troop there, probably suspicious you were on a special mission or something. They are right, but it’s part of Mark’s scheme. Around you, boys from all ages are fighting, pushing and throwing; your teammates are doing a great job creating a diversion.
The enemies don’t even give you a second glance; the girl attempting to climb the 7 feet ice wall. You usually go unnoticed, that’s partly why you were chosen for the special mission. In an almost all boys’ competition, you’d think they would give the only two girls playing a little attention, but they ignore you both and let you do what you want. Except Jaebum, that jerk is always picking a fight with you. For once, he’s probably fighting someone else at your own castle at this very moment.
As for the only other girl, she’s from Blue Team and a complete mystery to you. She’s a real danger though, they say she has a mind of her own and is a total badass. So far today, she’s nowhere to be seen, it’s worrisome but you can’t think about her. Right now, all your efforts are put in the endeavor that is the escalade of the ridiculously high fortification of the Blue fort. Seriously, how did they even successfully build that thing? No wonder the Red haven’t got a single win yet! Their stronghold is almost impenetrable this year. Jinyoung, their strategist, probably worked on the plans all Fall, he’s way too invested in the game, even more than you or Jaebum. The climb would be a nearly impossible challenge for anyone else, that’s why their walls aren’t guarded, but you aren’t anyone. Only Mark knew you spent all your summers climbing mountains all over the country with your father. That’s the other reason why you were chosen for the invasion today, put your skills to good use.
When you finally reach the edge of the fort, you throw both legs inside, not bothering to look to see if there’s an opponent. Down on the ground of the Blue’s castle, you lower your scarf under your chin to make your breathing easier and recover. You’re already all wet from the physical effort. There’s three openings in the huge fort, but they’re heavily guarded. They’ve been keeping the same defense strategy all week; four guys by each door while every other player is on the field. The whole point of your mission is to sneak in without a physical fight, Red has been failing all aggressive invading attempts these past days. You reach the center of the fort without any encounters, just like Mark predicted, the enemies are all out attacking your own castle.
You must hurry to grab their flag and go back before they succeed in stealing yours. You believe in your teammates back at the fort, but they can only push the Blue invaders back for so long before someone slips in and catch it. Mark is with most of your team, taking care of the defense of your Red banner. While Jaebum team’s usually opting for many strong attacks, yours voted for a defensive strategy with a single attacking troop for the last game; you and the diversion guys causing chaos outside. Tonight, things are looking great, the hard part is done, you’re now in the center of the rival stronghold, completely alone. Getting out with the banner will be easy since they won’t be expecting the enemy to come from inside their castle.
Wait a second, where’s the Blue flag? You freeze, looking at the empty lonely pole in the middle of the circular ice room. It’s not here. The flag is to never leave its original fort expect for the capture, it’s one of the rules! There’s no way someone from your team already stole it, the plan–
“Not on the defense duty today?” A boy you hadn’t spotted earlier walks out of one of the corridor in front of you, leisurely, almost teasing. He’s around 16 years old with sharp eyes and wears a blue hat pushed so far down you can barely see his eyebrows.
“Jaebum”, you groan, irritated. “Looks like we actually switched roles.” He nods, taking a step to the right and you mirror him. You’re both used to meeting like this, since Jaebum’s his own strongest attacker while you usually assume the defense of your flag. The situation appears to be reversed for the last game, maybe it’s something like faith. You’re destined to fight each other, only tonight; you’ll win. Find his weakness – Achilles heel – make sure his arrogance is his own undoing.
“Well”, he cocks his head contemptuously and you just know he’s smirking under his scarf, “I’m glad, I was a bit sad when I thought about not seeing your pretty face today…”
“Shut up”, you’re both slowly tracing circles in the room, walking around the pole in the center. “Where’s the flag, dickhead?” Jaebum laughs at your insult, the sound making your skin crawl.
“Dickhead? Tst!” He takes a step forward and you back up by reflex, colliding with the ice wall. “The flag hasn’t leave my fort –” Jaebum throws his hands to the sides, gesturing the whole empty place. “You know I love to live by the rules…”
Grimacing, you study him anew; he’s wearing a simple black coat with snow pants of the same color and a scarf is covering most of his face. There’s only one place he would hide it; under his clothes. It’s nothing new, the Blue Team used that technique very often last year, back when Chansung was still in school and their elected chief.
“I guess I’ll have to come get it then.” Jaebum frowns at your confidence, uncertainty passing on his features for the second time today.
“I know you, y/n! You wouldn’t da–” He never gets to finish this sentence, because in no time, you’re jumping on him. The boy lets out a muffled grunt when the air is expelled out of his lungs and you both fall on the cold ground. “Are you nuts?”
Right now, you don’t care what it looks like. The Red team needs a win, you won’t go down in school’s history as the first female Captain with absolutely no win for your first winter. You’re sitting on top of him, trying to shove his zipper down while Jaebum’s wiggling, panicking under you. His reaction’s off; if he hid it under his coat, he should have expected somebody would try to steal it. The struggle is draining; there’s nothing quite as exhausting as wrestling in snowsuits. You’re almost thankful when Jaebum shifts his weight to flip you both and cages you between his knees.
“God, you’re heavy!” He fails to avoid your elbow flying to his head and you accidentally shove his scarf down, uncovering his face. “Hey! That’s an illega– humpf” Jaebum winces when your fist finds his stomach, although the hit is mostly absorbed by his layers of clothing.
“I’m not heavy, you asshole!” You’re about to hit him again, but he grabs both of your hands, pining them above your head.
“I know you want a win...” Jaebum pants, tired from the struggle. “But if you hit me again, girl… I swear, I won’t hold b–”
Without warning, you jump, pushing your hips away from the ground and trying to make him fall off you. You successfully destabilize him, but instead of using the opportunity to wiggle away, you’re completely frozen still. Jaebum may not have been expecting your hip thrust, but you definitely weren’t expecting his sudden proximity. To keep the upper hand and his balance, he lowered himself on you. He’s so close that you can feel his breath on your cheek and see every single one of his dark eyelashes perfectly.
“What are you doing?” You wiggle, uncomfortable and trying to free your hands from his. If he were a gentleman, he’d let you go, but instead he holds the position, staring at you with his eyelids lazily half closed.
“Holding you down with my body.” His voice is hushed, so low it feels like he’s telling a secret. “Enjoy every second of this honey, you made me do it.” Your original confusion turns to anger at the pet name and you glare at him threateningly.
“Get off!” For a second, you still and he hesitates, seemingly pondering.
“I thought you wanted my flag.” Jaebum chuckles and hot air brushes your face. Despite yourself and the freezing weather, you shudder treacherously, body catching fire and cheeks tinting red.
“Well, there’s no way you’re giving me that…” You hate yourself for it, but when you murmur, without really meaning to, you glance at his mouth.
You’ve never been this close to a boy, let alone actually kiss one. Even if you’re fighting, this feels somewhat intimate. Jaebum lips seem so close, soft and intriguing. Blushing, you blink, trying to erase your thoughts and he shifts his weight, pressing you down on the cold ground even more. Jaebum exhales slowly, taking a moment to look around the empty room like he’s searching for somebody.
You can hear the screams mixed with laugher from the game raging on outside the fort. It’s only a question of time before one of his teammates comes in and finds you both like that. It’d be horribly humiliating, people would misread the whole situation. Jaebum has quite a heartbreaker reputation in school, he’d brush it off and laugh, but you couldn’t. You’re the one who’s the best at everything she tries, the one who intimidates the boys, you’re the first girl to be elected Captain of the Red Team; you don’t lose to anyone. Not even freaking Im Jaebum. That’s why this week of games has been hellish and you’re probably just losing your mind because of this arrogant jerk.
“I-I don’t know... I might.” When Jaebum looks back at you, you stop breathing.
“W-what?” You gulp and he chuckles again, glancing at your parted lips.
“We both have something the other wants”, he clears his throat, taking a more formal tone, “I’m proposing a secret trade.” You raise a brow with skepticism; you have absolutely nothing that Jaebum would need. “Captain to Captain.” He adds, lips curling upwards.
“Anything.” You breathe out and his expression flickers between shock and incredibility for a moment. He hadn’t realized you’d take the deal. “I really need that flag.” You need more than the Blue flag; you need to bring it back to your fort too. You need the Red Team to score one point, just one. Blue Team would still win this year’s games, but Red’s reputation would be saved. Now it’s a question of honor.
“Anything?” There’s a new longing to his voice and you hold his gaze, anxiety and perhaps something foreign growing in your stomach. You nod slowly, barely able to move as Jaebum licks his lips and glances at yours again, eyes feverish.
Maybe you’re not the only one losing your mind.
Is Im Jaebum about to kiss me? Why would he trade something as precious as a flag for that? The school heartthrob and you; it makes absolutely no sense. It’s supposed to be Red versus Blue, not Red making out with Blue. You’re both sworn enemies, this is wrong. Mark would never let you live if he found out you had your very first kiss with the infamous Im Jaebum. Still, against all better judgement, you close your eyes, waiting for something to happen. You hope you didn’t misunderstand him, you’d looked so foolish right now. Jaebum’s breath seems to creep on your cheek forever before his lips brush yours.
Right there, on the floor of the enemy’s castle, nothing so wrong has ever felt more right.
His kiss is delicate, gentle and short. He pulls back, but you stay still, eyes shut and toes curled tight, too timid to act. Jaebum chuckles lowly before leaning into you again, this time releasing your hands to rest on his elbows more comfortably.
The second kiss quickly evolves in something else, dangerous; annihilating space and time. You move too, molding into him in response and you both seem to forget yourselves. This is why people kiss so much, you think as you begin to question reality; this sensation is both blissful and alarming. Jaebum’s lips part, tongue testing your mouth. You allow him access, without really knowing how, but craving the taste of him. He explores you as you wrap yourself tighter around him, losing it.
You want more. Your tongue finds his, gently fighting and teasing it until a sound dawns in Jaebum’s chest. It’s another new discovery, an instinctive vibration that reverberates to your bones, something rough but delightful, savage but formidable. Another wrong that’s nothing but exquisitely right. You feel him smirk his usual stupid grin in your mouth, but for once you don’t mind. You want to hear him make that sound again, want to reexperience that vibration in him on your chest, without layers of clothing between your bodies.
Unfortunately, Jaebum pulls back panting like when you wrestled earlier. Fighting in snowsuit might be arduous but making out is even harder. He sits back in awe, finally getting off and releasing you. As you stand up too, still shaken up, you find the lack of him even worse than being trapped. Avoiding your gaze, he opens his coat and reaches under his sweater. He retrieves the folded precious navy flag and hands it to you with both hands, almost ceremoniously. You blush taking it, if you weren’t wearing giant gloves, you’d probably feel the warmth of his body lingering on it.
Jaebum clears his throat. “Remember that the trade must absolutely stay secret.” His words, spoken candidly, almost knock the air out of your chest. Of course, he’s ashamed he kissed you, he’s Jaebum and you’re y/n! Still, he’s the one who initiated the trade; the flag for a kiss. It wasn’t your idea.
“You think I’d boast about making a pact with the Devil? Trading a kiss for a win?” His face falls and he narrows his eyes. Already, you’re regretting your words. You don’t know much to relationships, but you’re pretty sure you shouldn’t let something fake, like this whole competition, taint something that felt as real as that kiss.
“Wow, who’s acting like an asshole now?” Jaebum frowns and you open your mouth to apologize, but he goes on: “I just meant that we’d get into trouble if people found out. Youngjae might not be a scary arbiter, but I assure you Jinyoung is terrifying. He’d never leave me alone if he knew I gave you this.”
“I’m sorry…” You nod, thinking about Mark and the rest of your Red teammates. They didn’t elect you Captain to make out with the enemy. You blush, embarrassed by your actions.
“But since you brought it up, we haven’t determined clearly what I get from this trade…” He closes the space between you, pushing until you’re trapped between the ice wall and his body. “You say I’m the Devil…”  You swallow when he leans in slowly, chills spreading on your whole body but not from the cold. He licks his lips again and you shut your eyes, expecting him to kiss you. Instead, Jaebum wet lips brush your ear, right where your red hat ends, and he blows softly, making you shiver. “Then I’ll be back to claim your soul next time.”
Your eyes shot open when he bursts out laughing, backing away. You smile, watching his eyes crease cutely. You get his reputation now; the Captain of Blue Team is deliciously handsome when he’s smiling and not being a jerk. After all, even Achilles was famous for his charming ways. A sudden profusion of loud screams outside catch your attention back and Jaebum groans, annoyed. Seems like your diversion is still ongoing.
“I believe that’s your cue; shouldn’t you make a run for it?”
You nod, looking around to plan your getaway. You’re conscious the deal was to give you the flag – not to ease your escape – but still, he points to one of the three ice corridors leading to an exit. You don’t even hesitate for second before deciding on this route, choosing to trust your occasional sworn enemy. You smile at Jaebum one last time, finally turning away and running to flee his fort. You just know you’re going to grin all the way to the Red Team’s ice fortress.
Perhaps you really traded your soul for a win after all.
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GOT7 Masterlist
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elysianjeonghan · 7 years
Summer Jobs Series (svt) - retailworker!jeonghan
ok imma write about my favorite person in the entire world rn so I don’t even know if I can finish this without exploding with feels !!! i probably won’t check this after writing it so sorry for grammar and whatnot /// anyways, enjoy~
being a broke college student had its ups and downs
you’ve been to more job interviews than there are stars in the sky
and the jobs you’ve done have been absolute hell
serving rude families with crying babies at diners, being creepily hit on when you were a barista, being asked the most simple and obvious questions and having to answer them when you worked at a call center  
you’ve never had a job you truly liked ,,, you kinda just had to do them or else you would be worse off than you already were
until one day you noticed that a clothing store you pass by often had a help wanted sign
you couldn’t believe your luck
you were a fashion design major and have always dreamed about working in something even slightly related to your passion
you applied and were ecstatic when you got the job
like jumping around on the street happy after being told you got the job because !!! you don’t have to serve screaming children and low tippers anymore !!!
you came in the next day, literally skipping on your way there
you get to the clothing store, which is actually quite big for how it isn’t one of those corporate company owned stores
in fact it felt very cosy ,,, it felt like being in a really aesthetically pleasing thrift store
it offered a lot different styles of clothing, appealing to a lot of different customers /// the neutral color palette of the whole store also helped the whole feel ///
when you met the manager, she kindly welcomed you and helped you get acquainted with the store 
she then was like !!!! i forgot !!! i need to go check on the clothes being shipped in !!!! then she tells you to stay put while she finds another employee that can help train you
when she comes back she comes back with ,,, the most beautiful ,,, perfect looking guy you have ever seen ,,, he had the fluffiest and softest looking blonde hair you have ever seen, the prettiest facial structure that was enhanced by his thin rimmed glasses
he wore a simple white tee with black ripped jeans ,,,, and even if the look was incredibly normal ,,, you were just starstruck by his beauty
you had to internally scream at yourself to shut your gaping mouth and stop drooling over him 
he was smiling like crazy and was like !!!! hi!!! im jeonghan!!! you’re new yeah??!! 
you’re still in disbelief at your incredible luck as you stupidly just nod and introduce yourself ,, still in a daze he just laughs, keeping the situation light 
you both said goodbye to your manager as she runs around frantically  cause wHerE ArE mY KeYs???? 
jeonghan’s then like shall we start??? then he GRABS YOUR WRIST AND BRINGS YOU AROUND
and your hearts like !!!! while your brains like ???? why are you overreacting ??? right it’s because he’s someone you haven’t met before!!! yeah absolutely that’s exactly why your heart is pounding so loud people across the street would think a marching band is coming through the city
 and he’s just too nice ,,, he happily shows you where the inventory is and how they organize, how the cash register operates, what to do in some situations 
and you just kinda start to relax ,,, and actually start being like yourself cause you realize ,,, for someone as pretty as him he’s just like any other person
and then you start joking around with him
and that’s kinda how you guys became friends
your manager was swamped with work the rest of the week so jeonghan basically trained you
and since you pretty much got the gist of it from the first day its been pretty smooth sailing
you guys weren’t the only ones working at the store but you just always kinda ,,, gravitated towards each other and just always helped each other
it wasn’t like you guys weren’t friends with the other employees it just that it just felt really comfortable when you guys were working together
jeonghan will never admit it but having you around was like a blessing cause you never realized that you basically did like all the work while he did one thing in the past hour evil,evil angel
and even when things were hectic and all in the store you guys just always had each other’s backs
there was this one time where jeonghan was dealing with this guy who kept yelling about something no one understood and he just looked at you and mouthed help
you smirked at him and pretended you couldn’t understand what he was trying to tell you even though he knew you could
jeonghan’s pleading look got to you so you just sighed and decided to help as if you weren’t gonna sooner or later
you came over and sweetly asked what the problem was
and you just smoothed over the problem like it was no biggie and  jeonghan’s like you, you are my god
on days that were pretty slow cause the lack of customers, you guys would sneak some snacks in and eat them in the back room
you guys would play games and you were dying cause ??? he always won ?? how ?? he would just smile as sickly sweet as he could while saying that no one could beat the angel before laughing
he told you mindlessly before that he kinda nicknamed himself angel and you gave out the biggest laugh since he was far away from being angelic except from his looks wait i didn’t say that what
you guys would just play games when you were bored in the store ,,, like who could come up with the ugliest outfits and stuff
you always had a good time with each other whether there was nothing to do or when you both are literally dying because of all the work to be done 
you had just become so comfortable with each other ,,, talking about anything and everything and always enjoying each other’s company
one day on a particularly boring shift jeonghan was like y/n~ i’m so bored~~~
you laugh while you fold clothes and ask what he had in mind 
he then was like !!! we should try to make an outfit for each other !!! and whoever has the better one wins !!!
you’re like alright game on, but the loser has buy the winner ice cream after this shift
and he smirks and hes like you got yourself a deal
so you guys have 20 minutes to make an outfit for each other
you casually walk around the store ,,, pretending to be fixing stuff up at the mens area and secretly take the clothes you wanted
you took this white plain tee and paired it with a denim jacket that had a fur lined collar, then took some black ripped skinny jeans 
it was yet again another simple look but jeonghan didn’t usually wear something flashy
you thought it would suit him ,,, it was chic yet simple and very boyfriend
you met up with him at the third floor ,,, somewhere where your boss or coworkers wouldn’t find you guys goofing off even though they knew you guys would 
you both put the clothes in bags so the other wouldn’t see until you got into the dressing room 
once you both got in your separate stalls you both gasped softly
you opened the bag and saw this ///outfit///
it was a white shirt dress paired with a denim flannel 
he even got you accessories ,,,  a simple gold chained necklace with your name’s initial ,,, as well as a gorgeous charm bracelet with a charm of your favorite animal
and that really touched your heart ,, like he remembered you saying you loved that animal from a while ago
after you guys changed you came out of the stalls and looked at each other ,,, then looked at both of you in a mirror
“wow we are totally matching” jeonghan says, still gazing at the mirror
you guys started laughing as your outfits are eerily similar 
you kinda ,,, liked it ,,, liked that you were matching
“I gotta say that I won on this one though” he mentions with a confident smile 
“what! the outfit fits you wayyy more are you kidding me?”
“what?? the outfit fits you beautifully ,,, and i even got you accessories!!!!”
you had to cave in and were like ugh fine you win i’ll get you some ice cream
you guys were about to change when jeonghan grabbed your wrist to stop you from changing back
“umm ,,, you don’t have to change,,”
and you’re like ??? jeonghan that’s stealing??? i need to change back lol
and jeonghan’s suddenly shy, which is rare, and starts looking down at the floor
“i kinda bought the outfit for you already ,,,, cause i knew you would look amazing in it ,,,”
and you are ///FLUSTERED/// and you’re intensly blushing as you’re like what??? no no no you didn’t need to ??? i can’t take this
and he holds onto your wrist a bit more firmly and looks into you eyes as he’s like please just take it ,,, you look beautiful in it ,,, if you really wanna pay me back for it ,,, you could go on a date wih ,e?
and here comes the butterflies in your stomach is it bad that my hearts beating hard for this??
and you’re like you wanna go on a date with me?
and hes like yeah,,, ever since you’re and i saw you checking me out LOL
at this point you’re a blushing mess but he makes you look at him and takes both of your hands
and he’s like i seriously like you and asked if that’s a yes and you’re like !!! yes, of course !!!
his smile looked so heavenly you thought you saw a halo above your head as he was like imma go change now, don’t you dare change out of that amazing outfit brought to you by yours truly
you laugh as you think that’s probably one of the last things you would think of doing right now
after he’s done you both giddly try to get out of work early by telling your manager you both have the flu and you both try to act sick 
but your manager just becomes giddy and is like YOU GUYS ARE GOING ON A DATE AREN’T YA
and you’re like what?!?! no!!! we’re both dying from sickness that’s all!!!
your manager wasn’t even listening to you as she was running around telling the other employees that the ship has sailed !!!! jeonghan finally did it !!!
you and jeonghan are like ,,, what have we done to her ,,,
your manager then pushes you both out of the store and tell you to take the whole damn weekend off 
while you guys are walking off you can hear the whistles and cheers of your co-workers and the occasional ‘don’t forget to invite me to your wedding’
and the date was perfect 
you guys just walked around the city, taking pictures of each other, buying all the street food you could then sitting at a nearby park
and the date felt so natural ,,, just like you were hanging out
except ,,, the hand holding, hugging and ,,, kissing hdkssk
you guys wouldn’t usually show pda but you both were just so happy and giddy you couldn’t get enough of each other
and before you said good bye you bought jeonghan his ice cream ,,, and maybe had the best goodbye kiss you’ve ever had sjdkdj
all you could think about that night was even if you lost the game that day ,,, getting your job, meeting jeonghan and falling for him made you the true winner 
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lyrayeager-blog · 7 years
Beyond the soullessness
when bad things go good, but your scared cause' you have NO idea on how to take care of a small little being.
It's a snowy afternoon on Tao mountain, and not a single person is to be seen. Not a single moving object, no long and fancy leather coats that flows past the holders kneecaps and down to the ground. Nothing. Nota. When every snow flake falls crystal clear on shady, yet smooth porch wood, a baby is born- not just any 'kind' of baby-but the kind that you have to love and cherish until it, he or she, reaches age twenty one. Well hang on just for a minute, this 'baby' isn't like any other, for it can breathe under flats made of fire, oceans with millions of grains salt- so much salt, that not any kind of merchant, fish monger, or specialized monk can even 'begin' to conquer. Magical, or the opposite. This baby is the beginning of the future, for when the crystal of snowflake fell onto the fifth porch- known to man as ''the life of hope'' a 'new' life has begun. Now, this baby must go and set all right from wrong. The baby must rise, rise, 'rise' from ashes to fill the holes in all ought hearts, this baby 'must', oh god it 'MUST' find the one person, that can fill humanity to the brink of hope. This world is in pain, dying excruciating pain! When one snowflake falls is a beautiful thing- but when one snowflake falls, another persons' heart aches and aches and aches, oh god does it ache, to the point of death. This baby, is worth one-hundred- soldiers. Help out on it's journey, to find it's soul-mate, to fill eachs' hearts', to find the person who can fill humanity with hope. This is it's story. 'this' is it's fairy-tail
It's a snowy afternoon on Tao mountain, and not a single person is to be seen. Not a moving object, nothing at all. But there's a sound. A sound, so annoyingly beautiful-and it hurts because… it's the sound of crying…. A baby crying. It's no longer snowing, but raining. The sky is no more white, but gray with a yellow, dull yellow- almost the color of an animal's urine melted unto life-full snow. It appears to be the sun, which they haven't seen in years. So it hurts hearing that baby cry, it hurts feeling the rain, it hurts seeing the dull sun, for even just barely. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts so much to the point that the wind is crying, soft on doors, and windows and roofs. The humid air feels like vaporized spray from a snake. Everything just fucking hurts. And now the crying is fading-fading-fading-fading-FADING! AND IT'S GONE, BECAUSE NOW….NOW IT CAN'T BE HEARD WITH NAKED EARS. NOW THE WIND SWAYS ON IT'S OWN. And now it hurts…. It hurts so much. Because now the only thing you can do….is cry.
it isn't till midnight that i heard a strange noise. a noise that woke me up from my ''Hibernation''. which is strange cause' i'm considered a very deepsleeper compared to what Yuri told me, or... Always tells me hehe. it was the exactly one-thirty- AM. and i find myself outta' bed, up and at em' as if i were waking up to Yuri's home cooked breakfast right in the mornin'. if that were the case, then maybe i would be less- pissed about waking up at one-fucking- AM. not to mention it's still dark outside, but that's how the winter is. it could even be four AM this day, and be dark as hell outside. i slip on my large (maybe that's a bit of an overstatement, but compared to Yuri's frail, small, adorable feet- i guess my shoes are considered to be pretty large.) house slippers-okay, eww. when i say 'slippers' it makes me think i'm walking around in some wedges (even though those aren't even remotely the same thing as glass slippers) and it drives me up the wall. so, instead of saying...slippers....i slide on my L.L bean sheepskin flats, and head straight down-stairs to the kitchen area slowly tiptoeing because Yuri, even though she's a really. really. really deep sleeper, more so than me, she has eyes and ears like a hawk. i mean seriously, one minute your up outta' bed she's deep in sleep, or so you thought. so your moving carefully, trying to go pee or handle your manly issues... You come back, and BAM. she's up, either texting, or just simply laying there waiting for you to come right back to bed. yeah, i love my wife and all because damn. She's lovable, sexy, funny, caring, snores in her sleep, sneezes like a kitten, and oh god, she is Great in bed. so i'm sneaking, or trying to sneak through to the kitchen because, iv'e Seen horror movies, and out of all honesty, me just going to investigate a ''strange'' noise, with nothing but my bare, human hands, that couldn't even begin to match Yuri's super-human or should i say in-human strength. and the guys like me who say ''Oh, i'll be back. but i need to go find out what this strange noise was. i could be a gunshot! so i'll just go 'see' who was shootin' it!'' like seriously, why in the holy heavens would you investigate a damn gunshot. clearly you just spelled out your own death right there. that's why im in the kitchen with a butter knife cause' all the other knifes were probably used, and in the sink with peanut butter and jelly resi-do stuck to the handle with bits of bread torn, because i decided to use that kind of knife that's used to cut a man's throat for safety purposes. or just for cutting roasted beef in half. hey, it's a win win situation here. it isn't my fault that butter knifes don't get the job down. but this shiny butter knife here, it- it's something.
surprisingly, Yuri didn't wake up this time. but now i'm going to find out about this noise. as soon as i opened the door, i'm welcomed to a porch light on by the side of our door, misty winds and an unseen sky. that or it's as dark as my wife's Lovely hair. but now that the dewy weather has snapped me outta my thoughts, i realized that it's raining. and that's something that i haven't seen in years. twenty-six years to be correct. but it was snowing earlier, it was snowing so long ago, for months and months, even in summer, all we seen was snow. imagine that-and how it feels now to finally see Rain again. even if it is darker than charcoal outside, even if i can barely feel the rain from the misty, humid air. i just know that it's raining. and now, something in my chest hearts...my...bones? no...my skin? no...my insides? i think so... but what is inside?... my heart? my heart. that's it. my heart hearts. badly, badly badly. because now, i'm on my knees, clutching at the area that hurts through my shirt, skin, and bones. my heart. its painful. oh, so painfulpainfulpainfulpainfulpaingul- Painful. Now i'm gasping for air. saliva escaping it's way through the con-sealed corners of my mouth, but then i stop breathing for a minimum of thirty seconds, or that's what i think; ''what's happening?'' until a glance of clear comes through my eyes, changing them from close, to opening. now the pain has just stopped. point blank. then there's again. the noise that woke me up clad at one- something. god, i forgot. i look down straight by my feet to where the base of the sound is. and it's a...baby? god, not again... there's that pain again. but this time, it doesn't make me gasp for air, doesn't make me clutch the sore area, doesn't make me drool like a tired dog. but instead, cry. because i think that maybe, just maybe, there's at least something changing with this broken down world. god, or whatever 'higher power' there is that even exist up there, is finally ready to make a change to this world. i'm not sure why, but i'm picking up this 'baby'? was that what it was called back then? what about now? sigh...i'm picking up this...being.. and i'm.. cradling it? geez. just when i thought this day was good, or like any other soulless day. but it's not and it isn't going to. i bet. sigh again.. i don't even know where to begin with this. when bad things go good. but you just don't wanna' admit it cause' you have no idea how to deal with a...being.. and you've got no clue how your wifes' gonna react. and it's all a big damn mess cause' you know something goods' abouta' happen. you just don't know what.
Hey guys, let me know what you thought about this SO FAR from what iv'e written. be sure to leave a suggestion/note or PM me for suggestions and what i can improve on and all that shiii. LEAVE ME A REVIEW PLEASE. as i said, this WILL be an EREMIKA fanfiction, so stay tuned! byeee ;-)
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yarrie-writes · 7 years
Chapter 1: A Rose by any Other Name
They called it "sublimination," because there was always a nice way to describe terrible things.
Lance had never seen it happen before, but that was just a fluke, a stroke of luck, a - a sign from the universe that he was meant for something, maybe, because in a tiny brick elementary school of 128 students, he'd been the only one sick at home the day that a fifth grader went up in flames and brought the whole school down with her.
People said, afterward, that no one could've known that it would happen. That it could've been anyone. That she hadn't done anything wrong. That there hadn't been any signs of magical affinity in her or her family, much less fire affinity...until she exploded, anyway.
None of that sounded particularly reassuring when you lived five minutes away from a building that had been charred so horribly that the brick was scorched black and the windows were crystalline puddles on the ground. Lance remembered wandering over there once, just once, and getting the shit smacked out of his ass when his mama found out. But he'd had a reason for going. His neighbors had told him, soft and low like it was a secret to tuck into his pillow and sleep on, that somebody in town had been sneaking past the patrol and smuggling out handfuls of ashes for the families who'd lost somebody, and Lance had asked, soft and low because he was in awe, who would do that, but nobody knew, because they went when it was dark and they went fast and they didn't tell no one but God. So Lance had gone looking, and he probably would've kept going if his mama hadn't caught him.
But aside from that one brave soul (and Lance), nobody in town would go near the place. A small colony of government workers migrated down for the summer to scrape charcoal and bone ash from the streets and rebuild the school, but it didn't do much good. Fear was a powerful thing.
In the meantime, Lance went to a school one hour away, and everyone even slightly related to him breathed a sigh of relief when he graduated from it before construction was done.
They called it "sublimination," because there was always a nice way to describe terrible things - and if there wasn't, somebody could always be hired to find one.
And for the last five years, Lance had been that somebody.
Maybe that was overstating his importance, a little bit.
In reality, Lance was a tiny gear in a huge machine. In reality, he was sort of a nobody, even if he was a nobody with a mouthpiece. In reality, his job could rightfully (if rudely) be summed up as propaganda-pushing.
And maybe in another reality, Lance would give a fuck about the ethics and morals of what he was doing. In this one, he didn't have any fucks left to give.
"Good mornin', Pasadena, how was your beauty sleep?" he crooned into his microphone, pulling his mouth into a smile because you fake it til you make it and he desperately wanted to make it. "This is Lance McClain speaking, here to remind you that the sky is blue, the earth is round, the stars are bright, and I'm free for dinner if you're lonely tonight, so hit me up, ladies and gentleman."
On the TV in the corner of the recording studio, he saw Pidge dropping his head onto the desk with a muffled groan, so he pointed finger guns at his techie coworker half-ironically. Pidge could use a fake-it-til-you-make-it smile, he thought. Pidge could use any expression that wasn't exasperation or homicidal rage.
He kept the finger guns up until Pidge gave him the middle finger, then he gave Pidge two middle fingers back, and not once did he stop talking during the entire exchange. "Now then, tonight's topic is the total catastrophe with the protesters at the Gates of Justice yesterday! I mean, seriously guys, if you haven't been following the news you better turn on your TVs. It was a madhouse. Lots of people fighting lots of other people, 'cause no better time to duke it out with security than when you're supposed to be protesting peacefully, right?"
He made a very exaggerated huffing sound. "Now, I'm the first to defend freedom of speech and all that. I love freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is my best girl. It just seems...kinda dumb to get so riled up about it that you go around punching people, y'know? Words don't have feelings, guys. People have feelings. People have lots of feelings. Play nice while you're flaunting your freedom of speech, that's all I'm asking.
"But this isn't just about me, guys. Hit me with your opinions, 'cause I know everyone and their mother has one about this stuff - my facebook feed tells me so. As always, the number to call is 626-555-5567! We'd love to hear from you."
In the corner of his eye, he spied Pidge and Hunk fielding the first callers of the day before he was even finished reciting the number.
Well, that didn't take long.
Seconds later, names and descriptions were scrolling down his screen, and he picked one at random, because he was a brave, brave man, the kind of brave that was often mistaken for stupidity but was actually closer to stubbornness.
"Man, you're chomping at the bit today, Pasadena, aren't you? Mr. Adam Smith, how are you doing?"
"Good." Mr. Adam Smith's voice was soft, and raspy, and absolutely not radio-friendly, which could be blamed on either the inherent quality of his voice or the obvious lack of quality in his phone. There were cars in the background, which helped not at all.
Lance winced a little. Just this once, couldn't his first caller be somebody with a good microphone? Whatever. Rolling with the punches. "You rolling in traffic, sir?"
"Not even rolling, unfortunately. But you know how it is."
A sense of humor, he could work with this. "Man alive, I wish I did know how it is. Maybe I'm lucky that this job forces me to wake up too early for rush hour, but I sure don't feel too lucky when my alarm sounds."
Mr. Smith uttered a dry, dry laugh.
Lance caught the annoyed undertone of that laugh and winced. It was an impersonal sort of annoyance, like Lance had simply nudged an underwater iceberg free and now it was floating to the surface of the sea and causing chaos in its wake. Impersonal, nothing to do with him, but that didn't mean it couldn't get ugly.
On paper, his job was actually pretty simple - all he had to do was talk, and piss the right people off, and not piss anybody else off. And Lance was good at talking, and really good at pissing people off. He might be a little shaky on choosing who to piss off and who to let go, but he was getting better at it. And right now, his hard-won instincts were telling him to bail.
"Alright, alright, while we've got you captive in traffic, my good sir, what's your take on the protests?"
"Well, actually, I think their hearts are in the right place. We all saw what happened in Kerberos, and given the...background...of the terrorists, you can see why people might think that there's something deeper going on."
"Sure, sure. But the question is, do you think that there's actually evidence that there's something deeper going on?"
"I'm not ruling it out."
"Of course not. There's no such thing as ruling it out, right? I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that I know what actually happened. That way madness lies. But what about actual evidence?"
"The tape - "
"Yeah, the tape." Lance sighed. "Not gonna lie, I've listened to it, and I am un-im-pressed. I keep trying to hear the screaming that everybody's talking about, but all I'm getting is feedback. And this is from a guy who talks into a microphone all day for a living. Thanks for talkin' back, though - good luck with traffic!"
The man tried to call back a few minutes later. Wanted to finish the conversation, Pidge's curt notes told him.
Lance sighed and picked someone else.
It would be easy to string his haters along until they stumbled. They always did, sooner or later. Lance wouldn't consider himself the smartest or cleverest or meanest person in existence - he wasn't even the smartest or cleverest or meanest radio personality on his channel - but he was incredibly good at dragging people down to his level, and that was all he needed to do, most of the time. People didn't judge arguments by how good the reasoning was. It was all in the delivery, and Lance was good at delivery.
It just...it would be easy to string his haters along, but he didn't like doing it. Didn't like shining a spotlight on people until they burned from it. Didn't like humiliation. It just wasn't in his blood, his bones, his too-soft heart.
"Today sucked," he said with feeling, curled around one of Hunk's glorious cookie-cake masterpieces.
"Tough topic," Hunk nodded. "Tougher crowd."
Pidge snorted and nibbled on his piece of cookie-cake without commenting.
Lance groaned. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I was there."
Pidge snorted again. It was an ugly, harsh little sound, like a high-dose injection of condescension.
Lance was pretty sure Pidge didn't like him. Then again, Pidge didn't seem to like anyone. Except Hunk, but everyone liked Hunk.
That was not precisely true, he reflected later, as all three of them were berated in Iverson's dusty office for 'gross negligence of their duties.' Lance had tuned him out after he realized that this was about the same old stuff. Iverson was ex-military, and it was written all over the squareness of his shoulders and the straight line of his back and the way he expected his employees to respond well to beration. He gave off this overwhelming sense of what he called patriotic dignity and what everyone else saw as overcompensation.
Plus, he didn't like Hunk, and everyone liked Hunk.
"Dismissed," Iverson barked suddenly, and the only reason Lance even heard it was that he'd been listening for it.
"Freedom," he whispered to Hunk and Pidge. Hunk smiled weakly at him, looking a little nauseous.
Pidge, being Pidge, just snorted again. "You might wanna actually pay attention when he goes off on you. He wants to fire you, you know."
"Okay, first of all, he wasn't just going off on me, he was going off on us."
"Pretty much only you, though."
"I heard Gunderson in there a couple of times."
Pidge scowled.
"And secondly, this is a government position. We're technically government employees. Nobody ever gets fired from the government. That's why Iverson's still here."
Hunk chuckled weakly, recovering a bit from his Iverson-induced panic.
Pidge opened and closed his mouth. "...you...okay. That's fair."
Score! Lance crossed his arms behind his neck and let his head rest there, soaking in his victory. "The worst thing that can happen is that I'll get promoted into a position where I can't do any more damage," he said conspiratorially.
"Oh how terrible for you," Pidge said, dry as sandpaper.
Lance grinned. "I know."
Hunk sighed and sighed, worry creasing his forehead, but it was a familiar worry that was no longer contagious, because he and Pidge were immune by now. "What do you want for dinner, Lance?"
"I was thinking burgers." Lance half-turned to Pidge. "You?"
Pidge blinked large owlish eyes at him. After a moment he realized why - ever since Pidge turned them down for dinner that first day, he hadn't asked. Maybe their lack of friendship wasn't entirely on Pidge.
"Pidge?" Hunk prodded gently.
"Oh," Pidge said, flushing ever so slightly. "Sorry. Not today, but...raincheck?"
"Sure, sure, Pidgeotto," Lance said cheerfully.
Pidge stared at him. "Was that supposed to be an insult? Pidgeotto's awesome."
"You're awesome," Lance fired back, on instinct, before he realized that yeah, that really wasn't an insult at all.
Pidge giggled, downright giggled. Behind him, Hunk threw him a thumbs up sign.
Lance groaned. "Let's pretend that didn't happen. You're Pidgey now."
"Too late," Pidge said.
"I canceled your evolution, you're Pidgey."
"Too late!" Pidge grabbed his bag and gave them a half-hearted backward wave. "Have a good dinner!"
"Thanks, see you tomorrow, Pidge," Hunk said.
Lance glared at Hunk.
"Pidge is cool, bro."
"Cooler than me?!"
"Lance, I love you, so I'm not answering that."
When he got home he put on the television. He always did, no matter how much shit the television was spewing about the state of the world. It was a horrible habit that he needed to kick, except it made him better at his job, while also making him better at hating his job.
Today the topic of choice was some gun-toting fool with the Remember Kerberos movement, which made him think about that stupid tape again, which made him listen to the stupid tape again, trying his damnedest to hear something in the background other than an increasingly sharp voice on the radio asking for someone, anyone to check in.
Some people listened to the static and heard screaming. Some people listened to the static and heard breathing.
Lance had been listening to this tape ever since it came out, and all he ever heard was static.
Wishing don't make a thing real, his mama always said.
The next day was more of the same. The protests up in Washington had escalated. Again. There were pictures of tear-gassing and water hosing. Again.
Lance was already sick of it, but he did his best not to show it, because he was a fucking professional, and it wouldn't be very professional to ask his listeners why they felt the need to express their opinions on the radio instead of taking those opinions up with people who actually mattered and could get something done.
"Mr. Tom Cain, what's your take on - "
"Madam Euphemia Lowe, how about you - "
"You're up next, Mrs. Efemena Ayodele - "
And so on, and so on.
Until - "Annnnnd here's Mr. Kitty Rose, here to pitch in his two cents!" Then Lance paused for a long moment, successfully pulled out of his own headspace for the first time all day. "Um, please tell me that's not your real name. Actually, no, wait! Please tell me that it is your real name, 'cause I love it."
"...Hello?" came the voice from the phoneline.
Lance nearly cooed at how confused the poor thing sounded. He'd bet an arm and a leg that this was the guy's first time ever calling in to a radio show. It was kinda flattering. Who was he kidding, it was really flattering. "Hello, Mr. Kitty Rose! You're on air right now. How you doin'?"
"...I'm...I guess I'm good?" He didn't sound any less confused.
This time, Lance did coo. "Awww, just good? Not great? Not dazzling? Not awespectacular?"
"What the hell is awespectacular?"
Lance grinned with wild abandon, because the setup was way too perfect, and he probably shouldn't push a new caller like this but what the heck. Being called by a guy named Kitty Rose was the best thing that had happened to him all day. "A lot of things are awespectacular! Me, for example. Specifically, certain parts of me."
There was silence...then the sharp, unmistakable click of a phone hanging up.
Lance pouted, even though no one could see him. He'd always believed in the power of making faces to give his voice that extra emotional oomph. "Well, guess he didn't wanna stay and chat, ladies and gents. Next!"
Awkward-cute or not, Mr. Kitty Rose (seriously, was that his name?) slipped out of his mind completely within half a minute. He was too busy with his other callers, some of whom agreed with him, some of whom didn't, and some of whom really didn't, but it was all in good fun - on Lance's side, anyways - and arguing was the best part of his job, so he wasn't exactly complaining.
So it was weird when Pidge came into the recording studio, afterward, and said with utmost casualness, "So. Mr. Kitty Rose?" like it was meaningful and shit.
"Dude, if that's actually his name..." Lance started laughing again.
Pidge grinned slightly - which was mindblowing to see on Pidge, King of Angry Scowly Faces - but it was a grin of the shit-eating variety. Lance braced himself, and good thing he did, because the next thing Pidge said was, "Didn't stop you from flirting with him. What, you aspiring to be Mr. Rose-Mclain?"
Lance laughed messily and ignored how his neck felt a little hot. He was never going to get used to the fact that batting for both teams was treated so casually here, but that didn't mean he didn't appreciate it. "No way, dude," he chirped out at last, "Mr. Mclain-Rose sounds way better." 
Pidge gave him the sharpest little grin he'd ever seen on a human being, and mockingly saluted him on his way out.
"I think Pidge and I are becoming friends," he mused out loud as he and Hunk sat in a sleazy bar with two orders of burgers with cheesy fries for the third time in a week. Who needed healthy arteries, anyways?
"Pidge is cool, I told you," Hunk said, around a mouthful of fries.
"You think everyone is cool."
"Pidge is actually super cool, though. Did I tell you that he managed to install some kind of internet radio app on our computers? I didn't even think they were capable of running anything more intense than Wordpad."
"Hey," Lance said, pouting.
Hunk blinked at him. "What?"
"You listen to radio stations other than mine? I'm feelin' betrayed, Hunk! Abandoned! Gutted! Hung out to dry!"
"Dude," Hunk said, snorting with laughter, "we gotta listen to something when there aren't any callers and we're waiting for commercials to pass."
"Hung out to dry, Hunk!"
Later at home, when his landline started ringing, Lance cursed wildly and had a battle of epic proportions with his remote to turn the TV off, because he knew who was calling and he knew what she would have to say about watching the news again, mijo?
"Hola, mama," he said, curling his tongue over the soft vowels of his native language.
"Hola, mi amor," his mother said warmly. "Two rings and you pick up, how punctual."
"I'm very punctual, mama," he protested, grinning. "I always do things exactly when I intend to do them."
"Does that mean that you haven't called me this week on purpose?" her voice turned gently chiding.
"Oooph, mama," he said, wincing a bit.
She laughed, forgiveness and love all in one bell-like sound. "I was listening to you the other day."
Oh shit. "Which day?" he asked, trying for lightness.
"The day you were talking about cereal," she said, and thank god, thank god, because he knew how sad she'd be if she'd been listening yesterday or the day before. Politics and laws were not up for discussion in the McClain household. His brothers and sisters would get fired up on their respective choices of social media, where his mama's sphere of influence did not extend, but Lance kept himself firmly, firmly out of those arguments, even when they tried to draw him in. Sometimes, when he came home for dinner and the table topic landed on how he was doing at work, he'd look up and his siblings would be looking at him plaintively, like they didn't understand how all the pieces that made up Lance McClain could possibly fit together into a cohesive whole. It sucked knowing that at least some of them were disappointed in him. It sucked, but he dealt with it, because he was disappointed in himself, too.
Small mercies, he reminded himself. Always be thankful for the small mercies, because you've already filled your quota for the big ones.
Things would get better, he thought, clenching his phone in his hand. Things had to get better.
Things did not get better.
He'd gone to work, spirits bolstered by his mother's warm, easy affection, and Iverson was waiting for him, and it was way too early for an Iverson lecture, fuck the universe. When it rains, it pours, he thought grimly.
"Look at this," Iverson said, thrusting a paper into his face.
Lance just barely managed to prevent himself from snapping back, "I am looking at it, but you might want to take it back a couple inches if you want me to actually read it." Instead, he said, "Yes?"
"Look at this, and read it!"
"Yes sir," Lance said cautiously, and that seemed to be what Iverson wanted, because he harrumphed irritably and stopped looming.
"This is your last warning to shape up," he said, because he only existed on a spectrum from upset to very upset. "You're not here because you're good at your job. You're here because the last man who had your job turned out to be a thief. Don't push it!"
Lance pulled the paper away and read it.
It was a fucking gag order.
When it rains, it pours, and pours, and pours.
"This sucks, man," Hunk murmured, looking over the stupid piece of paper with a critical eye.
"I feel like - like we're doing everybody a disservice. This is basically self-censorship, right?"
Lance sighed. "Yeah. Yeah, but - hey, it's not like a random radio talk show in Pasadena is going to change the course of history."
Hunk frowned and looked sad.
Lance winced. "Look, I don't like it - but I don't wanna know what they do to me if I break rank, either."
Hunk chewed his lip. "You have to be careful, Lance. Maybe, this year - maybe you should try to get transferred to the tech side."
"The dark side, you mean?" Lance waggled his eyebrows.
"...we do have cookies."
Lance laughed. "Hunk, you already make me cookies all the time."
Hunk looked properly pensive. "If I stopped doing that, would you turn techie for the cookies?"
"Hunk, my man, I'd die without them. You don't want me to die, do you?"
"No, I really, really want you to stay alive," Hunk said, and wow, okay, this conversation was becoming Way Too Serious.
Pidge piped up, making them both jump, "I didn't know you could do any tech stuff. Aren't you always saying that you and computers have a mutually assured destruction thing going on?"
"Pidge, Pidge, Pidge," Lance wagged his finger at him, "I was a technician here before Hunk was."
"I mean, he wasn't a very good one, but - "
"Hush, Hunk, I'm trying to make a point."
Pidge snickered. "Consider your point unmade. And probably unmakeable."
"I'm feeling so attacked right now," Lance muttered.
"Good," Pidge said, and there was a grin on the little guy's face, and Lance felt weirdly better.
Then Hunk sighed and ran his hand through his hair, ending the moment. "We need a game plan. Pidge and I, maybe we need to screen the callers more? Make sure they're not gonna be trouble?"
"I don't mind trouble," Lance said, "s'long as they don't mention anything on the unmentionable list."
"It's gonna be hard finding someone who won't mention Kerberos or protests or anti-magic regs." Pidge wrinkled his nose.
"Give me an hour of Kitty Roses, then," Lance said, sighing.
Pidge snorted. "You sure you want that kind of trainwreck on your hands?"
Lance looked at Pidge, stern-faced and serene. "Bring it."
He should not have said that.
He should not have said anything.
Pidge was going to be insufferable.
Scratch that, Pidge was already insufferable: next to the little label with Kitty Rose's name, Pidge's note read, Ask and ye shall receive! With the next refresh, it also said, BTW I told him you were gonna answer his call, so if you don't, I guess he's just gonna think that you're a coward.
Pidge was going to suffer.
"So," he said, as sweetly as he could while simultaneously imagining a painful, humiliating death for his traitorous technician, "Mr. Kitty Rose, back again?"
"Hi," the other man said. "...I guess I am."
"You definitely are, my man. Do you actually have anything to say this time, or...?"
There was a pause. "Wow, you're kind of a jerk. Why do people take time out of their day to listen to you?"
"Heyyyy. I'm just gonna point out that you're calling in for the second time, which means that at the very least you've listened to me twice."
"And both times were a waste of my time."
Pidge was going down. Pidge was so going down. Lance leaned in and uttered in the cheesiest cartoon-villainiest voice he could manage, "How dare you."
"How dare I, indeed."
"Yeah, exactly. How dare you listen to my step by step instructions and call me."
"It's almost as though you don't want listeners."
"What, are you a listener now, Mr. Both-Times-Were-A-Waste-Of-My-Time?"
"You know that feeling you get when you pass a car accident on the road and you want to slow down to see what's going on?"
"Your radio show is the verbal equivalent."
Lance found himself laughing, hysterically, helplessly. Okay, so maybe Pidge didn't have to go down. "Seriously, man, did you call in just to tell me that I'm a jerk?"
"That's my story and I'm sticking with it."
"You don't have any pearlier pearls of wisdom? That's all you've got for me?"
"...okay, I got another one: cereal, then milk, is the only acceptable order to make cereal in."
Lance gasped. "You heathen."
"But I'm right."
"I'll have you know that I'm a cereal expert, buddy, and milk is always first."
"I bet all your cereal bowls are mushy at the bottom and dry at the top."
"You take that back, my cereal bowls are perfect, thank you, because I know how to treat my dates right."
"That sounds awfully pathetic."
"Why, why I oughta, you're pathetic!"
"What a comeback. I'm quivering in my boots."
"You should be!"
"Yes, yes. That doesn't change the fact that you're wrong."
"How could you possibly put milk over the cereal? You're just making it soggy faster!"
"It's too messy pouring cereal onto milk. Gets everywhere."
Lance narrowed his eyes. "I'll have you know that cereal is my second favorite thing to eat in bed, and unlike the first thing, I've never made a mess in my sheets with it!"
There was silence. Then, very quietly, "Um, what's your first favorite thing then?"
Oh. Oh my god. Oh my god.
He didn't get it.
This was the best day of Lance's life.
With a huge shit-eating grin, he settled down on his elbows and sing-songed, "Nothing, nothing at alllll. Hey, by the way, I'm thinking of having a cereal party soon, wanna come?"
"Uh, no, not if you're going to eat it wrong."
The best. Day. Of his life.
"Hey, man, if it matters to you that much, we can try it both ways." Lance wiggled his eyebrows. "I can bring the milk if you bring everything else."
"Er, no, I'm not drinking your milk."
"Why? Don't you trusssst me?"
"No. Plus, I'm lactose intolerant, so double no."
And sinker.
"Oh, Kitty," Lance purred, "nobody's making you swallow."
Lance was floating on Cloud Nine, and counting, the rest of the day. He'd never been more disappointed to cut a caller short so that he could start music hour. Or more disappointed, in general. He'd already eaten four of Hunk's cookies to chase the high of that incredible call, and now he was eyeing the plate for his fifth.
Next to him, Hunk was shaking his head, the flush of secondhand embarrassment fading at last. "Dude. Dude. Did you have to?"
"Dude. It was necessary."
"So necessary," Pidge agreed.
Lance turned to Hunk. "See? Pidge agrees with me! And Pidge never agrees with me."
"Never," Pidge agreed.
Hunk sighed at both of them. "I guess we did a good job today, though."
"Good? Good? Hunk, my man, my bestie, my homie, that was more than just good. It was amazing, it was incredible, it was - it was - "
"Awespectacular?" Pidge suggested, rolling his eyes.
Lance pointed to Pidge emphatically. "YES."
Hunk looked resigned to his fate. "Right. That. Anyways, good job. I don't think anybody noticed that we didn't talk about the unmentionables."
"Thank you, Kitty Rose, savior of us all," Pidge said.
"Hey. I'm the savior here. Kitty Rose is, like, the DVD Disc 1 villain who helps out during the final battle against the actual villain."
"So not a villain at all," Pidge said.
"Well - "
"And also probably the most important person during the final battle."
"I - "
"So basically the savior."
Lance screeched. "Okay, whatever. What-ever. And here I was, wanting to invite you to our bro dinners, but I guess you don't wanna go - "
Pidge sucked on his soft drink. "Nope."
Hunk frowned. "Awww...."
Pidge flicked his eyes over to Hunk and heaved a sigh. "Yeah, sorry. Still need a raincheck."
"When's the end of your shift today?" Hunk asked.
"6 pm."
Lance wiggled his eyebrows. "And you don't have time to grab dinner with us? Does someone have a hoooot daaaaate?"
"Oh my god, Lance," Pidge muttered, smacking his head.
"That's not a no, Pidge!"
"I take it back, no raincheck."
Pidge, because he was a boring, boring person, turned out to be headed for the library at Caltech after his shift.
Lance, because he liked poking boring people until they lost their boringness, and because he still felt a little guilty about making Pidge the third wheel to his and Hunk's awesome bro relationship, tugged on Hunk's sleeve until Hunk agreed that they should accompany Pidge to the library because you know it's not a great idea to be walking around alone at night, Hunk!
"It's surprisingly quiet around here," Hunk said, warily, twisting his head this way and that, and Lance almost felt bad for appealing to his best friend's protective/paranoid instincts.
"Were you expecting it to be loud?" Pidge asked, raising an eyebrow. "This isn't exactly party central."
"Well, no, but I'm surprised you don't have protesters camping out anywhere."
Pidge snorted. "There were, for a while."
Lance raised an eyebrow. "What happened? Mace? Batons? Dogs?"
"Deadlines and exams," Pidge said flatly.
Hunk cracked a small, wry grin, while Lance outright laughed. "Oh, jesus. You serious?"
"Yep. There were We Will Never Stop Looking signs abandoned all over the courtyard as soon as Hell Week started."
Pidge smiled at that, but it wasn't really a smile-smile, and it didn't even reach all corners of his mouth, much less his eyes. "Yeah. There are definitely better places to start a revolution than a school of engineers. Not enough of them care, and the ones who do care don't care enough." Was that bitterness? It sounded like bitterness. But maybe Lance was hearing things. It wasn't like Pidge to be bitter - or maybe it was, and they just didn't know Pidge well enough to know that.
"Maybe they have the right idea," Lance said cautiously.
Pidge looked really hard at him. "Yeah?"
"Yeah. I don't think most people are cut out for revolution."
Pidge looked even harder at him. "For such a loud, bossy guy, you're actually really cynical," he said finally.
Lance grinned at him. "Hey, gotta hope for the best but expect the worst, right?"
Pidge shrugged, quiet and blank-faced. He wasn't glaring at Lance, but he wasn't agreeing with him, either. Which was normal. Everybody in the information business talked big game about the moral imperative to inform the masses and change the world and shit, but it wasn't human nature to walk the walk unless you were already headed in that direction.
Lance was a coward, he'd be the first to admit it - but at least he wasn't a hypocrite.
Unbidden, the image of the wreckage at Kerberos Station popped into his head. He winced.
At least he wasn't dead.
Kitty Rose showed up the next day, too.
They had to table the cereal debate, though, because Kitty dropped a bombshell about not being able to cook, which derailed them for a solid fifteen minutes.
He also found out that Kitty liked running and kicking balls around but didn't like team sports because of the team part, and that his favorite color was the same red as canned cranberry sauce, and that he thought pineapple on pizza was disgusting, which was so, so wrong that Lance was compelled to inform him, "You're disgusting!" before hanging up.
Then Hunk and Pidge completely and utterly betrayed him by sending forward an endless line of callers who agreed with Kitty on the pineapple issue, and he vowed not to speak to them ever again.
Kitty Rose also, apparently, thought that Raisin Bran counted as a cereal.
Lance curtly informed him that this lost him the cereal debate by default.
He also, reluctantly, began speaking to Hunk and Pidge again, seeing as his silence didn't have a lot of emotional impact when the alternative was engaging in interpretative dance moves to get his message across.
Also, Hunk gave him more cookies, and those cookies made up for all kinds of shenanigans.
Two weeks after the gag order had been thrust upon him, Lance took inventory of how he was doing and thought that, all things considered, it could've been worse. Iverson was still yelling at him regularly but it was with his usual, baseline hostility. Pidge still wouldn't come to dinner with him and Hunk, but at least the awkwardness of their duo becoming a trio had mostly rubbed off. And Kitty was, weirdly, becoming something of a friend? Lance had no idea what was going on there, only that Hunk and Pidge thought that something was, and they kept making these faces whenever Kitty called and it was actually super embarrassing. And his mama was still checking on him and his siblings were still weird about his job and the McClain house was still a no-politics zone.
So life was - not good, but okay. Really, really okay.
Or, at least, that's what Lance had thought.
It turned out that there was a difference between thinking that things were settling down, and the actual process of things settling down. A small part of Lance's brain had solidified in early childhood and never really changed after that, and it was this part of his mind that fooled him into thinking that turning his eyes away from the world shifting on its axis would somehow make it stop.
So he was just doing his usual bedtime routine, his brushing and flossing and face mask and shampoo and conditioner, when the television noises in the background stopped sounding like weather report noises and started sounding like news report noises. It wasn't a big difference, but he felt it like a cold front crashing down, chilling him to the bone. Some animal instinct told him to pay attention, pay attention so he did, plodding slowly to the living room and sinking into the couch of his living room, staring glassily at the television screen.
" - currently receiving reports of a flash flood in Washington D.C., right at doorstep of the White House. At least forty civilians, many of them protesting the recent changes in the Magical User Registration Act, were caught in the flood - "
"Authorities suspect that the flood was caused by an act of magi-terrorism or a sublimination event...witnesses say that there was a white light before water came rushing from the steps of the White House. No suspects have been - "
"This just in, the flood has started rising again, still not a cloud in the sky - "
" - massive explosion at the White House. Authorities say that its blast radius was dampened significantly by the flood - "
" - White House Correspondent, on the line now - the prevailing theory we've heard tonight is that whoever raised the flood knew about the bomb, what are your thoughts?"
"These horrific events are the doings of terrorists - and I do not use that word lightly - aligned with the magi-militant group Remember Kerberos. We all know there is a time for tolerance, a time for patience, but we have been tolerant - we have been patient. There is also a time for action, and that time is now. I call upon every member of this group to surrender to the nearest authorities - "
It also turned out that both he and Pidge were a little wrong about engineers, because Caltech was on fire the next morning. Metaphorically.
They weren't the only ones, either - the news was full of footage from nearly every major city in the country. Pasadena fared better than most, but there were still riots happening, honest to god riots. Half of lanes on the highway were blocked off because someone had moved the road partitions. There was broken glass everywhere around the 7-11 across the street from the studio. Lance actively feared for his car's structural integrity if he parked it any lower than the roof of the garage. By then, he was almost forty minutes late. 
Hunk called him while he was running up the stairs, saying, "Dude, I packed you an extra sleeping bag. Have you seen the streets? We might not be going home tonight."
"Fuck," Lance said, blearily. "That's a good idea, thanks, I'm at the studio - "
"How is it over there? I'm gonna be late, tell me how it is - "
"It's..." Lance looked around, and was nearly run over. By the time he managed to find a safe spot, he laughed weakly. "It's a madhouse, man. There are papers all over the hallway - new carpeting, hey? I almost got run over by a super short lady. And she almost got run over by a slightly taller lady. People are everywhere, and it's - uh." He peered out the window and stared. And stared. And stared. Then, without moving his gaze one centimeter, he whispered, "Hunk?"
"Lance? You okay?"
"Yeah...yeah, I'm okay. Listen. I still have a change of clothes at your place, right?"
"Multiple changes of clothes, actually." Hunk, bless him, was still so Hunk through this mess.
"Can you bring them over? I think maybe the studio's safer than our apartments right now. Kind of. Maybe?"
"What do you mean? What's going on?"
"There's, like, twenty soldiers right outside the door."
"Is that..." Hunk said cautiously, "a good thing?"
"I don't know, man." Lance laughed, only a little hysterically, "I don't know anything anymore."
"Good morning, Pasadena," he said, a pale imitation of his usual cheer, "how was your beauty sleep?"
The words felt like cotton in his mouth.
He didn't ask for callers - no techs meant nobody to screen the callers, so it would've been a lost cause anyways. It was still depressing to look at the empty tech room and watch the phones flash, ringing into the void. He had the ridiculous thought that he should keep watching, regardless, because what if Pidge called in? What if Kitty did? Surely he'd know that it was them, even without sound, without anything but the telegraphed trill of an impersonal ringtone.
The studio felt deathly still, now. Pidge was still nowhere to be seen, and the other people in the building had been leaving - he tried not to think evacuating - one by one all morning until it was just him. He hadn't even seen Iverson all day, and this was probably the only day of his life that he'd feel happy catching a glimpse of the old grump. But no one was there, so Lance stayed huddled in the recording studio, talking about nothing at all, because he didn't know if Hunk would be able to find him otherwise, and he really, really didn't want to be alone.
Halfway past nine, Hunk finally showed up with their sleeping bags and bottles of water and a generous snack stash, and Lance could have cried, he was so glad to see him.
"Where's Pidge?" they both asked, at the same time. Then they looked at each other, and looked at Pidge's empty chair, and Hunk made this...noise of distress. "Okay. Okay. I think Pidge can take care of himself. So let's take care of ourselves, first."
After he was properly fed and watered and hugged within an inch of his life, Lance started taking callers.
Pidge wasn't one of them. Neither was Kitty.
He tried his best not to think about that.
The smoke alarm went off at 4 am and woke them up. Hunk couldn't find a way to shut it off completely, but he did manage to dismantle the one in the recording studio, and they were both tired enough to go back to sleep in spite of the distant ringing. By the time they woke up again, it was all quiet. The street outside didn't look any different from yesterday, which was comforting because it meant nothing big happened and not-so-comforting because no one had come to clean up the 7-11 and the glimmer of glass on the ground was like something out of a horror movie. 
"Okay," Hunk said after they ate a dry breakfast of granola bars, "Let's regroup."
"Hunk, buddy," Lance said, wincing, "two people does not a group make."
Hunk ignored him. "A, things are kinda going crazy out there."
"Yep." Lance resisted the urge to put his hand on his forehead. No facial cleansing routine meant he had to be extra careful -
"B, Pidge is missing."
"Yep." Lance put his hand on his forehead.
"C, Your radio boyfriend is also missing."
"Why is that C? That should be, like, X or something." He paused. Then, frantically, he added, "Also he's not my boyfriend, what the hell Hunk - "
"D," Hunk continued serenely, "I'm pretty sure Pidge knows him. Like, actually knows him."
Lance shut his mouth and stared.
Hunk huffed a bit. "C'mon, man. You said it yourself, Kitty Rose just can't be his real name. But he hasn't corrected you either, right?"
"No," he said slowly.
"Well," Hunk shrugged. "Pidge is the one who screened him. And, um, while we're at it?"
Lance made a go-on gesture.
"It seems way too coincidental that Pidge - like pigeon - and Kitty are both animal names, right?"
Lance stared at him. "Oh my god. Why did I not see that before??"
Hunk, ever humble, shrugged. "So it just makes sense that they actually know each other - but also, um. I tried to find Kitty Rose in the logs, and there's nothing. No phone numbers, no call records, just...nothing."
"Pidge. Probably." Hunk scratched his nose.
Lance nearly screeched. "Pidgeeeee. Whyyyyy."
"Don't worry, don't worry!" Hunk grinned at him, and held up a fifth finger. "E, I bet they're still listening to you."
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patchworktail · 7 years
HI YALL idk if I have??? any followers who still really care abt anything I post BUT I haven’t made a personal post in a LOOONG time so I figured I’d LET YALL KNOW WHATS BEEN GOIN ON!!! :-D this is long tho bc I like to ramble and in all honesty I doubt anyone will Really Care so feel free to skip it LOOOOL I just,,,, I have a problem w oversharing so sometimes it just feels nice to Write Everything Out about my life just to Sate that desire to overshare fksglsggjbli
ANYWAY SO....my senior year is quickly comin to a close!! which is weird to think about because I made my tumblr when I was still in middle school, god???? BUT YEAH IT’S....ALMOST OVER....It’s so weird!! BUT I’M ACTUALLY V EXCITED FOR THE LAST MONTH AND A HALF... 
This wednesday I have my AP gov field trip to DC!! we literally just get to spend a whole day wandering around DC on our own going to whatever museums/monuments we want, which will be fun!! 
Then the week after I have 3 AP exams (AP Lit+Composition on Wednesday, AP US Gov+Politics on Thursday, and I have to submit all my AP Studio Art stuff this week too) and then that Friday is senior prom from 6-10pm and then prom afterball from 11:30pm-4:30am (I’M SO EXCITED FOR AFTERBALL OKAY)
The following Monday (May 8th) I have my last AP exam, AP Bio!!! Which will suck!!! but oh well cause I’LL BE DONE!!! I only took 4 academic classes this year (english, bio, gov, calc) and since I’m taking the AP exams for 3 of them, I won’t have to take those finals AND we’ll be done with our main learning and it’ll be much more relaxed afterwards! So calc will be the only class/final I have to worry about. I’m SO READY to be done honestly
Then on May 17th I have my last field trip of the year!! It’s another one to NYC for AP english, we’re seeing a Broadway musical, The Great Comet of 1812!! I’M EXCITED this will be the 3rd Broadway musical I’ve seen (all 3 have been on school field trips HAHAHA I saw An American in Paris last year on an art trip and I saw Dear Evan Hansen earlier this year in March on this year’s art trip and it was SOOOOO GOOD and it’s super surreal to me seeing DEH starting to become so popular online when I’ve actually seen it LOOOOL)
Then a week later, May 23rd, is my school’s art show!!!!!!!!! :D I’M SOOOOO EXCITED FOR IT all the AP studio art kids get a WHOLE exhibit to themselves to showcase their concentrations and I got really close w almost everyone in my AP studio art class this year (there’s only 12 of us total) and we’re all SUPER excited and we've started staying after school to plan and work on stuff for the art show!! I’m very excited to show off what I’ve been working on all year!!!!
The day after the art show is the senior awards (you only get invited to them if you win an award, and my mom says I’ll proooobably get invited since I was a National Merit finalist bc my older brother got invited for that reason too....aLSO POOOSSIBLY MY GPA? But maybe not, I’ve had it at a 4.0 my whole high school career except 4th quarter last year it dipped to like a 3.95 oops so idk if that’ll Count but oh well I already raised it back up)
Then the day after THAT (Thursday May 25th I think) isn’t anything major but it is the Freddy Awards!! People in my area take high school theater super seriously, enough so that every year, a panel of judges go to every school in the one area’s spring musical and then nominate them in different categories for the Freddys - think Tony awards, but for high schoolers only (it’s even televised live!! You can look it up, it’s super neat, there was a documentary about it too and it focused on 3 of the main schools who take part AND MY SCHOOL WAS ONE OF THE 3 IM CRYIN). But I’m def gonna watch those live bc one of my best friends was the lead in our spring musical (Miss Saigon) and she has a chance to win a Freddy :-D I’m hopin she does (and the rest of the cast ofc!)
Then the end of May/beginning of June will be GRADUATION PREP PROBABLY!!!!! I graduate Sunday June 11th (the Baccalaureate thing is the day beforehand and I think my mom’s makin me go) AND I’M SO. FUCKIN. READY. TO GRADUATE. I’ll get to sit on the stage bc my GPA is above a 3.8 and graduation takes like 3 hours but I am SO SO EXCITED. And then of course the following weeks will probably consist of grad parties and whatnot. (I also think in the first few weeks of June I have a few family events, like a baby shower and a father’s day/birthday celebration for my Grandpa)
and then this summer I have my camp counselor job again and I’m gonna have to look for a second job to save up money for college. and for college, I’m going to SCAD to major in animation and I’M STILL SO EXCITED ABT THAT I was unsure where I’d end up for a long time bc money issues (we’re poor) but we recently figured it out a bit (I’ll have to take out federal+private student loans ofc) AND I’M SO EXCITED BC I....RLY LOVED SCAD WHEN I VISITED....AND THEY HAVE S U C H A GOOD ANIMATION PROGRAM.....SO I’M RLY PUMPED even though it’ll be New and Scary bc I’ll be 13 hours from home and On My Own
BUT YEAH!!!!!! THAT’S BASICALLY....WHERE MY LIFE IS AT NOW...I figured it’d be good for me to write it all down, bc that’s just Who I Am or else I’d shove it in someone’s face in my desire to overshare and I don’t wanna annoy anyone. Kudos if anyone actually read this LOOOOL I’M JUST LIKE....I’M V EXCITED FOR THIS LAST MONTH AND A HALF OF HIGH SCHOOL AND I’M V EXCITED TO START COLLEGE AND AAAAH!!!!!!!
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low rates? ???
HOW MUCH can my insurance rate rise up after hitting another car? backing up i hit the front right bumper/ligh
I live in California and I have full coverage on my vehicle currently I am 26yrs old and have about 6 yrs with my Dirvers license and NO accidents or tickets on my record. BUT a lot of people mention that my insurance rates will go really high whn an accident happens. I hit the car behind me it donsnt seem to me a a major accident, but a small one. I need help just an advise to know what to expect, please!! maybe in an expert can advise.or other personal experience by someone?""
How is my motorcycle insurance so CHEAP?
Okay so im looking into buying a motorcycle this summer. Ill be turning 18, and have always wanted a bike. So i was looking at how much insurance would cost me for it because i hear that its expensive and im a full time student and work minimum wage job, so its not like i have money just to shoot out my *** for fun. I was looking at progressive, because they show instant online quotes so i dont have to actually call in and give my real name and social security # and stuff like that. So i go onto progressive's, and enter all my real info like age and stuff(but lie about my actual address and name and email cause i dont want constant ads and spam). And i got cheaper than expected quotes.....So i put in, 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Male. Turning 18 in july. Put in that i have motorcycle endorsement and taken safety course(i havent yet, but i will by the time i actually own a bike and have to buy insurance for real). No accidents or tickets. 0 years riding experience(although i ran multiple quotes and noticed price drops by $29 for a 12month policy if youve had even 1 year of riding experience, which is nice). And i got a quote for $285 12month policy. For Bodily Injury & Property Damage 50/100/25. Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury 25/50. $100 deductible on comprehensive for bike(again i ran multiple quotes, and changing the deductible amount on comprehensive only saves a few bucks). $500 deductible for collision(this deductible amount changes your rate incredibly). No other coverage. Got quoted $285...seems kinda cheap to me considering im so young? Not complaining that i save money....just wondering if this sounds normal? Random insurance question, lets say im riding my bike and going at a good speed, say 45+mph. Then fall and completely eat ****. I injure and damage only myself and my bike. Lets say my bike needs some repairs or maybe even replacing, and my leg is broken or something like that. Will any insurance cover any costs since it was my fault to my own personal injury? Is this when health insurance kicks in for medical bills? And would motorcycle insurance pay for any of this? If so, which kind? Like comprehensive, collision, liability, under-insured motorist? Because i have no idea. This next part might be a little hard to understand, so ill try my best. But i ran multiple quotes and changed the age i said i was, for instance, i put in my real birthday on one July 1996, than i put July 1995 on another just to see how much the rate goes for a 18yr old, because once i actually get the bike i will be 18. The quote where i put my real birthday and said i was 17, got quoted $285, the quote where i said i was already 18, got quoted $319.....how is that possible that i get a $34 cheaper quote for being younger??? I feel like someone at progressive online site is trolling me and getting my hopes up now, just to see me go ape **** when i actually go get a real quote. Thanks!""
Is there any affordable insurance plans I can get in NJ( South NJ )?
Particularly Dental Insurance. I am 20,a Part-time worker who also goes to college full time. I am not covered by my parents nor have I ever had insurance. I am one of the many Americans who do not recieve proper health care due to low income however I do need to get Dental Insurance, and Health Insurance. Is there any reasonable companies to look into?""
Car insurance want to know the outcome of trial?
So 2 years ago I won a court case against someone who crashed into me. They Never Never helped me in court at all. I didnt even get to use it After the car crash since the other person insurance expired. Anyway they now sent a paper asking What happened in the case.why?. What can they gain from it? And further more I am not in that car insurance anymore. I haven't been for months.
What motorcycle would be cheap to insure in Greater Toronto Area?
Hello everyone! I am a new 20 years old motorcyclist living in the suburban GTA. I just got my M1 license and I've enrolled myself into a motorcycle course which would help me earn my M2 by the end of September. So, I was thinking about buying a new motorcycle around new years time or in february. I am trying to do all my research but I havent got too far with the insurance problem. I want a bike that could get me up and down the highway to my school in downtown Toronto (40 km each way). and maybe some occasional weekend rides. First question comes to my mind is what bike should I get that'll be good for commuting and would be cheap on insurance. Experience wise I am comfortable with upto most 650 sport bikes. But I do understand that insurance may vary. Another question was, which insurance provider should I chose, that is fairly cheap considering I have never had any sort of insurance policy under my name. Or, should I wait till next summer when I turn 21? Thanks for the replies in advance!""
What is a good price for motorbike insurance for 125cc (im 18)?
how much is a good price for an 18 year old motorbike insurance for an 125cc. Also where is best to get it? cheers
Which car insurance can i get ONLY GAP INSURANCE!?
I wanna switch insurance company bec I got cheaper quote but they don't offer gap insurance. Agent suggested to go find an insurance company where I can purchase only gap insurance, might still be cheaper if I purchase my full coverage insurance from him plus the gap insurance from another company vs my current one. thanks!""
What is the cheapest way to insure a teenager with car insurance?
I have heard of people putting the car under their name on the policy and then they child drives the car and claims it is their parents car. Giving cheaper insurance. Is that very common?
Moped insurance (Ireland)??
how much would insurance cost for a 16 year old in Dublin with a provisional licence on a yamaha aerox 50cc in ireland?
What things can a teen do to help lower the cost of car insurance?
I'm sixteen and seventh months, and plan on getting my license in about two months. But money is a little tight now at my house, and when my brother got his license on his sixteenth birthday (two years ago) the car insurance my parents pay for jumped an extra 1200 dollars a year. So what can a teen do to lower the cost? IE; what type of car should I be driving, the best time to get my license, etc. I'm willing to hear any ideas. :) Oh and if it means anything, my parents are with State Farm. Thanks in advance for the help.""
Help!!! I need car insurance!
What company has good deals on SR22? I'm financing a new car today & I need full coverage insurance & SR22... all the online quotes I've received has been outrageous! Any knows of a good co. with low down payments? (I live in Louisiana.)
I had medical insurance but did not submit the bills till after the insurance was done new insurance wont cove?
Any help would be appreciated this was actually a few years ago but my dad claimed he was working on it but nothing has been done. Its already gone to an outside collections agency. It was in California
Showing proof of insurance after citation (in Texas)?
Hello, i received a citation for driving uninsured a couple days ago (my court date is the 15th). I got a letter in the mail today saying i would have to pay a fine of $300.... ...show more""
16 yr old..car insurance rate?
I am a 16 (almost 17) year old girl. I just finished all of my hours/behind the wheel/drivers ed. I would not be the primary driver and I would not have my own car. I am an honors student with pretty decent grades. About how much money would it be for me to get car insurance?
How much would insurance be for a teenager with a 2005 mustang?
I am too young to apply online for a car insurance quote and don't really feel like asking my parents because they keep saying it's way to expensive. I would just like to know around what price would car insurance be for a mustang for a teenage girl. It would be helpful if I had $ amounts instead of way to expensive answers. Thank you :)
How much does blue cross health insurance cost?
I need it for a individual, 20 year old, with good health. This is for a project.""
""What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P?""
What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P""
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
Do you have health insurance?
if, so, How much is it per month? How old are you? what kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
I need help with car insurance please!?
Ok here's the deal, im 18 yrs old and i currently financed a vehicle with the assistance of my mom. I agreed to pay for the car and most of the insurance. I financed the car with the plan of paying only general liability car insurance. After signing the car from the used car dealer, it came to my knowledge that i will have to get FULL coverage auto insurance. The reason behind this is because i need to protect the auto loan that i got to finance the vechicle. It is impossible for me to pay for full coverage of this vehicle as i called for a qoute and learned that i would have to pay an insane 300-400 a month. I dont know what to do, im going back to the dealer to explain the situation and hope he will be willing to get the car back. If the dealer wont agree to get it back, what are my options? Can i sell the car privately and pay off the loan with the money i get from selling it? My goal is to just buy a really cheap car straight up and only pay for general liability insurance. Help!""
Where Can I find good dental insurance?
I need dental insurance that will cover oral surgery, as I have 2 ingrown wisdom teeth.""
How to get around paying the over priced rate of car insurance for teenage drivers ?
Does anyone know of a reasonable insurance company for auto insurance ? We just added our teenage driver to our policy and it went up $400. She doesn't even have a car. I have a 2007 Dodge Charger and my husband has a 2004 Chevy Avalanche.
Will my Geico go up after 6 months?
My Geico is only $62.84 monthly. I have the 6 month plan. I had Allstate before switching to Geico last month. I switched because every 6 months Allstate would go up by $25. I could NOT afford it! So I switched to Geico because it was $125 cheaper monthly. Everyone I've talked to said theres hasnt went up after 6 months. I have no criminal record, no tickets, no felonys no nothing, etc. So I was wondering for all you Geico customers, has Geico been good? Has it went up after 6 months? No arrogant answers, please!""
Terms Life Insurances-term life policy?
i am wanting to cash in a 14year life insurance policy. the amount is $50,000. what is the formula for a cash out, in other words how much will i receive?""
Do I need car insurance ?
Ok so u just got my learners permit today and my mom said she's pretty sure I don't need car insurance that I'm automatically covered since I'm a minor and can only drive in the car when they are in it so am I covered I live in Tampa Florida if that matters I just want to start driving immediately but dad says I need to make sure I'm under his policy so I can drive
How long does it take for the dmv to get my sr-22?
i had my insurance company electronically send proof of financial responsibility to the dmv a little more than a week and a half ago and they still have not processed it. How long is the whole process supposed to take? I am dealing with the California DMV. Thanks
Should I be put on my moms car insurance?
should I be put under my mothers insurance, or should i take care of my car insurance my self? Im 18""
If a car has a dent will insurance consider it salvage?
Found this clean title used car but has a big dent. If i was to buy the car and insure it would the insurance consider it salvage? I'm new to all of this. pics ...show more
State of illinois insurance?????????
Im having trouble in finding an ob/gyn office that take my insurance. Its the Illinois stae insurance. Can someone please give me a list or something. Thank you.
What is group insurance n?
does anyone know what group insurance n is???
Car insurance policyholder and registered owner?
I am 19, living in Florida. My car is registered in my name. My family keeps all of our cars on one policy. The insurance company is aware that I am the registered owner and I am also listed as the main driver for my car. Does that present any problems liability or insurance law wise?""
How does car insurance work when making a claim?
What happens when a claim is made after an accident? If a car is written off how much does this insurance company pay? If a car is repaired by the insurance company what happens then? I guess they pay for the damage, but do they pay any extra? If the car is repaired then the value of the car will drop, therefore leaving the driver out of pocket even though the damage was not the drivers fault. How does it work? Cheers""
Insurance company said my car is totalled?!?
So this last Saturday before St. Pattys day I took this girl out to the movies and i went to go turn into a gas station and randomly this guy smashes into me as i was making my left turn, didnt see him at all until last second which makes the crash weird because he hit my front driver side and his front driver side is messed up, cops automatically said it was my fault probably because im 19 driving around in a car that is nicer then theirs or something. Insurance company came to the body part place and said it was totalled without leaving a report. No damage hit the engine my intake and radiator got pushed in alittle bit more towards the engine and my window washer tube cracked thats about all ive seen plus the smashed out headlight and my bumper hanging. Please leave me some thoughts on if you think its totalled, really dont want this thing to go. PICS BELOW!!! http://flic.kr/p/e4Gwdd http://flic.kr/p/e4Gw7s http://flic.kr/p/e4GvZ3 http://flic.kr/p/e4AV3a http://flic.kr/p/e4AUr4""
How much will my car insurance increase?
I went for over eight years without getting a ticket and got one over a year ago and one recently. I accepted and paid the fine--improper-turns--learned my lesson the hard way. Anyway, I have been with the same insurer or 6 years and saw a decrease in my rate last year, despite the ticket. My insurer only views records at renewal and mine is not up for almost a year. By then, my first ticket will be about two years old--if they notice it next year. I am middle-aged and get a multi--vehicle and home discount and don't live in the city. My car and truck are about 150 a month or both, with full coverage. How much do you think it might increase to? Thanks.""
What does the average American that already had health insurance get out of Obamacare besides higher premiums?
Peoples insurance rates are being raised already even though Obamacare isn't fully implemented. Mine went up by 34% over last year.
How much would car insurance cost ?
I was just wondering how much it would cost for car insurance for a 17 year old Male in England Also in no that there are different types of insurance what do they all do These are the cars I'm thinking of buying Ford ka sport Fiat punto Vauxhall corsa Citroen Saxo Roughly how much would they cost and whats the best insurance option to take ? :)
Car insurance rate for 24/m honda accord 03?
Just wondering if anyone could guesstimate a car insurance rate for me? I recently graduated college and just got my first job making 32,000 a year. I am thinking of buying a 2003 Honda Accord EX Coupe. I havent gotten a ticket or been in an accident, ill be commuting 20 min to work every other week (carpool) and i have ok/good credit (no co-signer required). Any guesses? Thanks!""
Can you pay for Car Insurance in monthly instalments by direct debit using someone else's card?
I want to take out car insurance in my name but I do not have a debit card, can I use my mother's account to pay in monthly installments? All the insurance companies I have tried so far will only take a payment for the full amount and will not spread the payments by direct debit if the card is not in my name. Can anyone please help as I only have a post office account and am unemployed receiving benefits so cannot afford to pay the lump sum and have been turned down for a bank account as I have a poor credit rating.""
Where can I get affordable dental insurance?
Where can I get affordable dental insurance?
Can anyone recommend a motorcycle insurance company in the UK?
My son is 20 and trying to get reasonable quotes which don't cost more than the value of the bike is driving me nuts. I've tried all the comparison sites but what I want to know is which companies are worth bothering with. I've been on some review websites and looked up the companies which come up with the cheapest quotes and a lot of the reviews call them rip off merchants and say not to touch them. I want to hear from someone who's actually had to make a claim and been satisfied with the service.
How can i get a cheaper car insurance in ny after 3 non fault accident?
i have 3 accident on my current insurance , one was flood which was no fault of my own and the other two were where someone else hit my car now all state send me a letter that they are dropping me...im shopping around but everywhere else is charging me like $600 a month...that double of what im paying now ..is there a way i can get any insurance for cheaper ? what should i do??? please help...thanks...""
What is the average insurance cost for a 2012 Chevy Cruze?
I will be turning 21 in June. No tickets or accidents on my record. What would the average monthly payment be for insurance?
How much is auto insurance for a 16 year old male?
its in michigan if that helps and i have a perfect record and a straight a student.
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
Auto insurance?
I just found that my auto insurance policy had been expired. ( I am too careless :( ...) .. Meanwhile, I tend to sell my car within 1 month. Do I have to present a new auto insurance card to the AAA service specialist while ceding my car to the buyer?""
What is a good and cheap insurance for a Acura Rsx 2002?
I just recently got my license and want to know of good and cheap insurance for my car.
""Auto insurance cancelled today, can I go to new company?""
I just got a new car a few months ago and was paying $325 a MONTH for my insurance. Way too expensive. I want to cancel and go to another company (nationwide or all-state) where I was quoted $195 a month. I dont have the money to pay the current insurance $325 for the month, then cancel it (which adds another $90 or so for cancellation fee), and THEN open a new policy with another company for $195. Thats $615 just to switch insurance companies! So, I let my current insurance lapse and it was cancelled as of last night for non-payment. Now, can I open up the new insurance with another company today, then pay off the old insurance in a couple weeks?""
Where can I get cheap insurance from ??
Just passed my test I'm 17 I have bought a 1985 old Nissan micra. I have 3000 where can I get cheap insurance:)
Best Place to get a Car Insurance Comparison Free Online?
What sites are best for car insurance comparison? I am trying to find a site that has the widest range of quotes and policies so I can pick insurance cover that is right for me, the plan I have that's due to expire soon is terrible and I feel really ripped off. It's just proving really hard to find something affordable and with good quality cover. Has anyone tried a car insurance comparison site that offers quotes from more than just the usual four or five insurance providers?""
How long does it take for the dmv to get my sr-22?
i had my insurance company electronically send proof of financial responsibility to the dmv a little more than a week and a half ago and they still have not processed it. How long is the whole process supposed to take? I am dealing with the California DMV. Thanks
16 yr old car insurance?
I'm about to turn 16, and about to get a car (Volvo cross country) I will have another 2 main drivers on the account. How much will it be in a roundabout? Also I will be 16^ I have a completely clean record C average And a male""
""Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
""Im 17,i need help with my car insurance?
im 17 and car insurance at my age is really expensive but about 9 months ago i went to an insurance agency and they gave me an reallllllllyyyy good quote well something happen and had to cancel my insurance with them now i bought a new car and i want to knw if i can go back to them and get the same good car insurance price because ive been shoping and geting quotes online and its sooo dang expensive
""Insurance question, 20pts for the best answer?""
Think about your life, home, automobiles and possessions. What type of risks/accidents can happen to each of these? What type of insurance would you recommend to protect against each of these risks.""
Where would i be able to find FREE health insurance in Derry New hampshire?
Where would i be able to find FREE health insurance in Derry New hampshire?
""Getting a used car, and insurance the same day (which first)?""
Today I will be looking at a used car a costumer has in their mechanics shop. There is a Geico agent right around the corner from where the vehicle is, and I would like to know, if I should get insurance on the car before I test drive it, or after I know I want to buy it. I also would like to know how will I drive it after I have bought it without it's license plates, and if I can would I be able to take it to the DMV, and get plates the same day?""
Does anyone know in detail what no fault car insurance is?
I am having a problem understanding no fault car insurance. Can somebody explain how it works?
Will car insurance go up if I get a speeding ticket?
Will my car insurance rate go up if I got a speeding ticket? Im in California. This is the first one ever, and I've been driving for about 4 years now. Anyone with an answer? Thanks in advance!""
Can I claim health insurance costs?
If i am retired, 55 and have to pay my own health insurance, can I deduct them on my income taxes. Lets say the monthly premium is $500 and my anual income is $24,000""
Where can i get cheap insurance?
low rates? ???
Health and life insurance?
im needing to look into health and lfie insurance for myself, and was wondering where to start? What is everyone using? i need something reasonable and something where i dont get the run around with!! Any help appreciated!""
Car insurance?
my spouse has never had a drivers license and took my car while i was at work and had an accident . my spouse is not excluded on my policy will my insurance cover damage to other property
What are the variables included in the cost of car insurance?
What are the BASIC variables that are included in any car insurance? i.e...car color, car make, type of car, horsepower, year, age of driver, ethnicity...? Which things do they look at car wise/and driver wise that affect how much insurance you end up paying in the end? and does the speed of the car effect the cost greatly?""
How much do i need to save for a motorcycle?
I have my g1 and will be attending a motorcycle safety course soon then getting my m1. Then i can drive motorcycles. But I want to wait till next year..I am first buying my car. (03 crown vicotria) After the winter. I am 6'2 and weigh 140lbs. (17 and male) is a kawa ninja 250r a good first bike for me?? how much do i need to save for the bike itself? but also insurance?? what is your opinions?
How much qualifies as full coverage insurance?
How much qualifies as full coverage insurance?
Will this affect my car insurance rates?
Once, several years ago I had given the information to the other person but had not heard from anyone several days later, so I called my insurance... sadly (my bad) I did not get the other persons information so I was told not to worry about it until the other person reported it... that never happened... what happens here????..""
How much would car insurance cost for a 22 yr old male?
Im 22 yr old male, live in Florida and never owned a car. So how much would i cost for me to get car insurance? Im also a college student.""
Auto Insurance Company Lowballing me??? What do I do?
I have a 2001 porsche and this lady just tboned me going through a red light. Now My insurance company wants to offer me about 5000 dollars less then what I can replace it for. I sent them 10 ads in the area close to my car to show them, and they in turn had me appraised by an independent agency. This agency, BIG BLOCK, came back with a dozen examples that all had more miles then mine, and adjusted me .16 cents a mile. After doing depreciation calculations on their examples, the average dep per mile was .60 cents per mile!!!! This changes their evaluation by about 7-8000 dollars overall. Its been two weeks since they totaled my car. What should I do if they keep trying to low ball me?""
What if i don't have car insurance and i don't drive the car?
i wanna buy a car but not drive it for a while but i can't afford car insurance....can i not register until i am ready to drive it is that legal?????
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old?? please answer?
im a male, 17 years old, recently got my g2 license, i bought a used 2000 toyota celica gt-s. how much approximatly would my car insurance be? thanks""
Is it possible to get a good used car for 3000 $ ?
I live in the Los Angeles area and I am a student .. I really need a car but I can only afford 3,000$ at the most .. Do you think I can get a pretty decent looking car for 3000$ ? and I am 25 years old , I never drove before ... How much do you think the insurance would cost approximately considering that I am 25 years old and new driver with a used car ? I really wanna know if I can get a good one for 3000$ Thanks a bunch !!!""
How do I fight an auto insurance company's liability decision?
I was T-boned by another driver who I believe rolled through a stop sign and could not have been paying attention to the road. It was a four-way stop intersection, and the insured ...show more""
Need advice on good medical insurance company?
Wanting to purchase medical insurance for a family member. Looking for a very good company who could provide major medical insurance with at least a $2,500.00 deductible. Just mainly looking for some basic coverage. Thank you for whatever advice you can give me.""
Insurance related question?
I am planning to take a savings plan insurance in SBI Life Insurance for tax benefits and for my future benefit also. Is SBI Life Insurance reliable or shall i consider for some other insurance company? If you think other Insurance company, please suggest some good company names. And do you think my option for saving plan is good or shall i look for some other plan? Your suggestions are welcome and thanks for your time.""
""I need help w/ having a DWI, sr22's and autoinsurance?""
so i got a DWI in march of 2010. I havent had my license in over a year as penalty. but now i need my license & insurance. I have no idea what to do, where to get sr22 or whatever it is, nothing. i live on my own and i dont know what to do at all. i have no help. i used to live in california. thats where i got my DWI. but im september, i moved to oregon & thats where im currently living.""
Anyone know any companies that provide really cheap insurance for uk drivers?
Anyone know any companies that provide really cheap insurance for uk drivers?
Can you or spouse be denied group health insurance?
I have stage 4 cancer. I have insurance through my husbands job. If my husband changes jobs and is offered insurance at the new job can I be denied insurance due to the preexisting condition? I live in Georgia. I already checked and got information on cobra.
Car insurance- estimated quote? lowest pricing company?
i'm a 17 year old new female driver. the car im looking at is a 1995 grandam. about how much would you estimate insurance will be monthly on my own plan? and what company do u find is the cheapest?
Will homeowner insurance rates go through the roof if Cap and Tax passes through the Senate?
HYPOTHETICALLY............If you are trying to sell a house, you get audited (like it says in the bill) and they say that you have to upgrade a whole lot of stuff that you can't ...show more""
Would you let me collect on your life insurance?
What would I have to do to collect on your life insurance? If I bought you life insurance and paid the premium on it and paid your funeral costs and paid your family 20% on the insurance policy would you let me collect on your insurance?? This is considering that you cannot afford life insurance yourself.
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
Will my insurance agent report to my car bank that car is not covered no more.?
I'm with state farm. I been playing 190 monthly. Now they want me to pay 450 dollars. I just paid yesterday and my agent said my next due payment is due on 7th this month for 450 dollars. He said it was to be paid when I first got with state farm but I switched agents and now I am expected to pay next week. This is unfair and without fair notice. My insurance is going a cancle if not paid in weeks from now. What do I do. Is my car bank gonna find out car insurance got canceled. I was told it was 190 per month. I thought deposit was high but why 400 ?
""17 year old learner, got my own car - Do I just need learner insurance for now?
I'm a learner driver with my test next month and I now have my own car. I want to practice in my own car up until my test and I'm not sure whether I just need learner insurance or if the car itself needs to be insured as well? Learner insurance is around 80 for the month and for 'proper' insurance then it's around 2000. Any help?
Where can I get comprehensive car insurance to cover in Serbia and Montenegro?
I am travelling from the Uk to Serbia and Montenegro in June 2007 and want to have my car covered for this trip. My car is registered in the UK but my insurance company will not cover me for this trip.
Insurance for a street bike?
how much is insurance for a street bike starting out
Going on my dads car insurance...question?
My dad has Triple A auto insurance ..I do not live with him I am on my own in my own house, I never ask my family for help. But right now my tabs are expired and since I am only 20 I cannot afford auto insurance..they want me to put 300 down just for no fault and I think its ridiculous, Right now I dont have 300 dollars either so I asked my dad if he could help me out temporarily and put me on his car insurance ..i have a 98 cavalier so it shouldnt be that bad. its been 2 weeks and he keeps saying hes talking to the agent after tomorrow I can no longer drive my car because my tabs say march and april is comming up, I told him I would pay whatever costs to add me on it and whatever he needed a month. I was just wondering if they charge extra to add me on his insurance and my car or is he just making it up because I dont think It should take that long...like I said I am living on my own have never lived with my dad because he was in jail for a long time, moved out when i was 18 and can't get help from my mom or him,,I cant even ask to borrow money from them yet I can loan my dad 200 dollars. Feel like its so wrong, I think im doing pretty good being 20 years old working full time owning a house my own car that I bought myself and going to school...and Im having my first child.""
Does anybody have or had insurance thru esurance?
they are by far the cheapest i found for full coverage for me. i know cheaper isnt always better but i just need insurance because my car is financed. esurance isnt a very big name and i dont know anyone who actually has insurance thru them. anybody know how they are compaired to other companies?
What does health insurance cover?
i recently turned 18 and am in need of Knee surgury. if i got health insurance right now, would it cover the surgury? or would it be like trying to get a totaled car insured? if insurance doesn't cover it, what should i do? i live in NJ.""
So is this whole car dealerships thing going to affect insurance?
If the prices of the cars are going to drop, is this going to do anything to the amount of money I will have to pay for my car insurance once I turn 16? Will it go up, go down, or stay the same""
Where can i get some health insurance @ a reasonable price?
I'm need health insurance my income is very low.. where can i get health insurance at a reasonable price?
Classic car insurance..i need to insure a porsche 924 as a 2nd car.weekend use only any ideas of cheapest?
porsche 924
Car insurance... HAVE THEY GONE MAD?
Basically I am 16 and looking to buy a car that needs work, so that I have a car for when I pass my driving test. I have pretended I was born a year earlier which would make me 17 and eligible for insurance, but all the other details are true. I have also added my dad on the policy and the cheapest I got quoted was nearly 4000, and it's not like i'm going to be driving a rocket ship its a 1989 subaru justy 1.2l engine, which I have valued at 500 (double what its worth). Thus I am struggling to see why it costs so much?? BTW IT'S FIRE AND THEFT NOT EVEN FULLY COM""
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
Im a girl with good grades that would be added on to my parents insurance policy, can anyone give me a dollar estimate?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deductable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance?""
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
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