#cause im thinking about changing up the main story a bit cause im starting to dislike it now not gonna lie
orb-the-watchman · 6 months
Ngl I'm feeling bad for taking such a long break away from BotSE. I haven't been feeling the main comic story lately but I really want to expand on other parts of the universe- like Wambus and Gyiel growing up in the Triplicate more. But also I really want to make comics again. world is a fuck
I haven't even like...gotten into the meat of the comic yet. Which kinda sucks that I'm starting to lose steam, I did too much set up I think with the first three chapters. I'm also just starting to lose confidence in the quality of my main story.
THIS ISN'T ME SAYING IM ABONDONING BOTSE btw. I really don't want to, I'm just in a bit of a writing slump right now with it
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blackheart-6 · 2 months
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noelle holiday age progression chart
without height lines
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explanations of designs:
hi yall
so, i actually finished this drawing like a week ago lol. but i didnt want to post a bunch of drawing in a row, and then i got sick, so i havent been able to post it till now!
its my imaginings of what noelle looked like as she grew up, and a potential adult noelle design! ill explain my thought processes about these designs below, if anyones interested 😁
i also plan on doing one of these with dess, but this one was pretty difficult, so it might be awhile before that (unless yalls are interested in seeing it?)
first off, im not 100% sure ill keep using all these designs. some of them im not that happy with (im no good at designing outfits 😔) but i just went with them so i could finish the drawing. so if anyone has any alternative outfit ideas for any of her ages, id be interested in seeing/hearing it!
secondly, something that may stick out to yall for all the designs is how tall she gets. its the same height i normally draw her with, but given how i usually draw her by herself you cant really tell how tall she is! i have 3 main reasons for why i headcanon her as this tall: deer are pretty tall irl, so having her be tall makes sense in my head; i just like the look of her being super tall, it makes me happy lol; and third, i personally also headcanon the holiday family as boss monsters (i think ive explained this headcanon before on here, so i wont explain again, unless someone is interested ^^). so yeah, she ends up being 7 feet tall as an adult, the second tallest in her family!
also, i gave all her children forms stripes in some way, as a reference to when monster kid in undertale says they can tell frisk is a kid because of their stripes!
now onto my explainations for individual drawings!
theres nothing really to say about her baby design. the only thing i did that might be new is give her faun spots! they are most plentiful on her baby form, but they persist until shes in her teens, i would say (on here you cant see them after age 7, but thats just because i imagine they are mostly on her back). and i gave her a cute lil onsie that says a-deer-able! if you guys cant read it ^^
this outfit i made for her toddler design is actually an outfit ive used in the past! i wonder if yall know what drawing it was? its pretty much the same as it was there, i just added a stripe to the shirt. i felt like overalls are so reminiscent of childhood, i had to give at least one of her designs them! i also added a little mistletoe to the front pocket, to make it more christmas-esque. and i gave her some bandaids, just cause.
7 years old is one of the designs i really struggled on, and im still not happy with it. i dunno if ive said this yet, but i headcanon noelle to be trans, so at 7 is when i decided she started realizing it. so here i gave her long sleeves and pants, to show how shes more hidden now because shes unhappy with herself, if that makes any sense? i was also trying to make her look a bit like a nerd, with the button up and khakis, just because its funny. but yeah, ill probably end up changing this design at some point :P
11 years old was one of the easiest to do, considering how ive had her design for this age for awhile lol. one thing i did change was going from 2 red/white stripes to one, but ive done that before, so it wasnt something entirely new. i also gave her a smile and closed eyes, cause shes happy being a girl 🥰. other that that, its the same, so yeah, thats it for this part
okay, this next design is a fairly different looking one than all the rest, but i have my reasons! at this point in noelles live, dess has gone missing, so i wanted to show her being sad and stuff. i also gave her shoes and long sleeves because she probably goes out looking for dess when she can, hoping to find a lead 😭. but outside of in-story stuff, this outfit is based off of an old one i drew, but its fairly edited, so i wouldnt be surprised if no one recognizes it even if they have seen my old stuff. she has straight hair here, to show how unhappy she is (idk what it is about straight hair it just feels sad) and because i wanted to give her different hair varieties on this progression chart. i gave her antlers 2 prongs each at this point, because the way i see deer monsters, their antlers show their growth/aging, so youll see them getting bigger and having more prongs as the chart continues.
this outfit for 15 is another one i dont like. i tried to make it similar to her current outfit, but still pretty different. im not even sure what precisely i dont like about this outfit, it just doesnt feel that good. for this one i gave her leg warmers because i used to (and sometimes still do) draw her normal outfit with them. i gave her the curly hair she has as a callback to when i used to draw her hair like that! but yeah, ill probably end up redoing this one too
for 17, i just gave her the normal outfit, so it was easy ^^. in game i think shes 16, but close to turning 17, so i just went with 17 here to fit the +2 age pattern thing i had going on. i also gave her an extra horn prong than i normally give her, just to show age once again
finally, her adult design! i dont like this one either lol. i spent so long trying to think of what outfit to give her, but i couldnt come up with something i liked >.< so i just gave her something simple. i feel like once noelle graduates high school and probably goes to college she branches out more and tries things her mother never let her do, which is why i gave her an outfit like that, that has a crop top and a shorter skirt. also, yalls might recognize the hair style i gave her, i drew a potential adult noelle before and i gave her the same hair ^^
i think thats all for the post! i probably have more thoughts that im just not thinking of, but its fine for now. i hope yall enjoyed the drawing, and if you have any question or comments or whatever, go ahead and say them!! if youve made it this far, have a cookie, you must be hungry after reading so much ^^ 🍪
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syrupyyyart · 1 year
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finally, finally finished the ~definitive~ designs for my main Motley girls :’)
Extensive design notes under the cut (mostly for documentation purposes, but also because i like talking about my ocs lol)
In my last post, I introduced the idea of giving each character multiple colors, rather than being one uniform color throughout the design. The idea is that the characters can earn up to 3 new colors as they age+experience new things.
For each color they earn, they’ll wear a new ‘evolved’ version of their previous outfit.
For comparisons sake, here’s the initial pass I took at trying to give my characters more colors:
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(euhg. theyre really really ugly. im honestly embarrassed i ever posted these at all lol)
Fact: it’s actually incredibly difficult to design monochrome outfits for characters without the designs looking extremely unfinished (to me, anyways lol). In an attempt to break up the monotony of the monochrome outfit designs, I found myself over relying on the outline colors to fill in their outfit pieces (cherrys pants, limes turtleneck, etc). This hypothetically works, but it ended up causing a lot of confusion as to how many colors the characters had actually earned, especially when the outline color was vastly different from the intended color. Basically, the tl;dr is that over relying on the outline colors felt like cheating, looked bad, and caused a lot of issues.
All of this explanation is to set up the 2 design rules I gave myself for the New Definitive Designs:
1. Outline colors MUST NOT be over relied on, and should be used as sparingly as possible
2. Nothing is sacred. If it looks bad, throw it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also decided to shift around their body types slightly, since I realized that practically every character had the same build with a different height (with the exception of Banana). Marshmallow is a bit curvier, Watermelon is slightly more muscular, etc. And, while you cant really tell because of their baggy outfits, Lime is much boxier and Blueberry is lankier and has wider shoulders than the others.
Finally, here’s some specific design notes for each character, how they changed, and why:
Cherry Pit - Cherry may not have had the most drastic changes, but hers were definitely the most important. She’s had the same hairstyle ever since the first time I drew her (back in ....... middle school lol), and as attached as I was to it, it caused a LOT of problems. It gave her an ugly silhouette, the sharp edges kind of ruined her circle motif, etc. So it had to change. I decided to give her a fluffier hair style to incorporate more round edges into her design, and I truly cannot tell you how many hairstyles I cycled through before I landed on that one. It was major development hell. But I think the new style is much much cuter! Due to story reasons, I also decided to give her 2 outfit colors instead of just one, and she seriously looks so much better because of it. Big fan of Cherrys new design lol
Blueberry Cobbler - Ohhhh where to start with this one. Blueberrys design has always been a headache to me. I found it difficult to draw consistently, and even when I got it to look how I wanted, it still didn’t look very good. So, my goal for her redesign was to overhaul her design while keeping the general idea behind it; most importantly, she needed to be Fun To Draw. So, I changed the silhouette of her sweatshirt by giving her a more exaggerated hood, replaced her bulky zipper with the hanging ties (idk what theyre called lol), and Changed Her Ugly Ass Tights into baggier pants. I also crimped her hair to make it more angular. In the context of this universe, cold colors have naturally colder body temperatures, so they have to wear insulated clothing to stay chilly; the overall baggier clothes really just fixed all of my issues with her design honestly. Better for her personality type, prettier silhouette, in-universe reasoning, etc. Scrumptious.
Lime Pie - I decided to swap out her cargo pants for a long skirt, and let her hair down. This was mostly because, with the monochrome outfit she needed to wear, the turtleneck+cargo pants combo just wouldnt work without looking Pretty Bad. It also helps her outfit stand out a bit more, as she’s now the only character in the main cast that is wearing a skirt. She’s meant to be an inversion of the “nerdy girl lets her hair down and puts on a dress and Now She Is Popular” trope, so the idea is that when she earns her 2nd color, she will start wearing her hair up again, and the cargo pants can come back. Maybe.
Marshmallow Fluff - I honestly hit the nail on the head with this one in the initial batch of concepts I did, so I didnt change much lol. The biggest change is that I made her hair light again. This was because shes obviously meant to have a cloud motif, but her sister (who I rarely post about lol) has a thundercloud motif-- basically, I’m just saying that the darker hair is gonna go to her sister instead.
Banana Pudding - Again, she looks almost exactly the same. I just changed the red outline of her original dress to be less contrasting, since I got a lot of people asking if she’d earned two colors or not. Hopefully, its more clear now that she’s only earned one.
Watermelon Sorbet - As much as I liked her original design, many many people told me she looked like a ‘cool yoga instructor’ character. Which, while not terrible, wasn't exactly what I was going for; she’s meant to be more of an ‘edm dancer’ kind of character. So, I decided to change out her pants for bigger legwarmers that I’m hoping make her look a bit more hyper active.
Thats all my notes lol. I have no idea if anyone is gonna read this far, but if you do, thanks :’) I fully realize that making so many notes about this looks silly, considering theyre OCs and not like ..... widely known characters. So Im sure a lot of what Ive said just sounds like gibberish. But its fun to ME!!!!!!!!
I’ve got more character designs to post over the next week or so; namely, the 3 Antagonists (Grape Soda, Orange Custard, and Angel Cake) + the parents (which includes 2 characters Ive never shown before, but Im very excited to share lol). Those posts wont be accompanied with longwinded notes like this one is; Im just the most excited about these designs and wanted to talk about them.
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cult-of-the-eye · 7 months
Mag 81 A Guest for Mr Spider
Wait I need to check the timelines - this was 2 days after leitner's death
New spooky music???
My man is so fucking dramatic I love him so much "grand of sand behind my eye" love the way he speaks
Omg the greying hair is canon??
Child in the 90s makes him at most 27 GOD DAMN. I was imagining like mid 30s...can you imagine a fucking 27 yr old using words like "ilk" when talking to you
Oh shit he's an orphan poor guy
Yeah ok a lot of his personality seems to make sense if you realise he was raised by his grandma
You know those memes that are like people raised by their grandparents are exceptionally polite but in a brisk way, talk fancy and are super posh? Yeah that's him.
Getting such neurodivergent vibes
Yeah he sounds like a main character from the start Jesus Christ he's such a kid who got traumatised and then grows up to be a horror protagonist vibes
My First Leitner lol like kids had to be introduced to them at a young age like those my first toys
He's so funny I can just imagine him as an 8 yr old getting super like affronted at this like how dare my grandma think I am of subpar intelligence he's such a little bitch from the start
"The eponymous Mr spider" even talking about his childhood trauma he's busting out the vocabulary
Fuck that story actually kinda rattled me I had my hand over my mouth in shock for most of it
I think it was the bit where the horsefly brought his son and they were both crying that got me, I could definitely imagine it scaring an 8 yr old
The way it drags out as well, with the pages of the same scene it really heightens the suspense
Is his childhood bully someone we should keep track of?? Love how he says Michael probably cause he sees him as a bully lol
It's interesting how despite him bullying him (quite badly seeing as though he beat him up) he's still like yeah but he saved my life and that means he deserves to be remembered
My bro didn't save your life on purpose, he was just trying to make it worse and happened to come to a terrible fate cause of that
I guess underneath it all he was still a kid who watched someone die, knowing they'd get eaten by a fucking spider, he still held him in some regard
The way he specified the guy was his bully even after he was being eaten though lol
He was desperate to get the book back? That's a leitner thing I guess, the book makes you want to keep it so it can finish whatever it wanted to do to you
On my relisten (which I will do once I've finished the series I'm sure of it), I'll have to look out for any reaction of leitners name
I wonder why Jon didn't react more to Carlos vittery's statement, like it must've terrified him? I saw a post a while back explaining Jon's thoughts and IT WAS GENIUS it was like of course he doesn't react, he must be terrified that someone knew about his experience and somehow did this to mess with him or it was a joke and he can't let anyone know that the Head Archivist is not Good at This ugh it's so good I'll tag it if I can find it
yeah at least he's right about Elias killing leitner
Awwww he's so cute with georgie
Can he not go back to his own flat?? Did he bring all his clothes to the archive and then subsequently leave them there? Does he even have a flat??
God Georgie is so nice I would kill for her
It's so funny that an apparent supernatural cynic dated a ghost podcaster
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
oh my GOD I love your isekai warriors au.... I love that the isekai trope is becoming a lot more popular, especially in anime... please tell me more about it!!
shaking ur hand rn hello fellow isekai anime/other mediums fan :3c FIRST lemme go on my tangent about this genre and my main inspo because wow this got way too long lol
isekai is total comfort food for me haha it's my go to genre of manga/manwha/webcomic reading whenever i'm feeling down and while i generally feel the genre is getting bloated and somewhat stale in anime, i still enjoy it quite a bit. It's a cute idea with a lot of potential, i just wish less of the shows went for the wish fulfillment route of things since we have so many by now.
mine is very inspired by a lot of korean manwha style stories in which the protag gets trapped in a show/game/book/etc. and has to deal with it, specifically what if you became the villain of a story. A lot of them play off the trope of the one dimensional evil villainess and how an average person would have to deal with coming into the body of someone like that and dealing with consequences. That, or it's the tragic villain, someone's who's life is marred by tragedy usually of their own doing.
The most interesting ones are those that play on how character archetypes would actually work in the story. The cold bad boy is just a shitty abusive guy, the shy guy who follows the girl is kind of a stalker, and so on.
One of my bigger inspirations was a plotline that also stuck out to me: a teen girl who died too soon and got reincarnated as the mother of the protagonist. obviously she has no clue what to do, she's a kid who wants to go home! And the only way she thinks she can is by ensuring the story goes as planned (and this of course is doomed from the start, unbeknownst to her, the villain is a reincarnater too and has already made tremendous changes). She dies and the reader never knows if she gets to go home or not. It's kind of this rough around the edges gem of an idea that I love and obviously had to steal for myself.
note for anyone getting intrigued by my descriptions uh a lot of these stories tend to be pretty shallow in their exploration. this subgenre consists a lot more of wish fulfillment/revenge fantasies comparatively to like a deep dive of "oh my god i've fucked up the narrative". Not to say they don't have interesting ideas! many are super interesting. just like. temper your expectations if you're going in
originally the story was gonna be set in a canon arc but that felt boring so i decided to just make up a whole story for it
The story is meant to be a (loving) poke at old fanfiction, common tropes in the aforementioned subgenre of isekai, and just a general ""cliche"" Warriors series (in the human universe here, I figured it's call Battlers/Battle Cats or something stupid lmao). In this story, Frostblaze is born into [ONE OF THE FOUR FAKE CLANS I HAVENT FIGURED OUT NAMES YET IM SORRY]. She's the born to an unnamed mother who tragically died of illness when she was just a young baby and has no clue who her father is.
She's isolated from her peers due to her eyes which some believe are an omen of her unnaturality. This only worsens when she is apprenticed to their Clan leader and causes Honeypaw, the daughter of the Clan leader, to become enraged with jealousy. She is one of Frostpaw's worst tormentors in the early parts of the book and eventually, during a battle, tries to off Frostpaw herself....but is killed by Frostpaw's love interest, the dashing and handsome (if a bit stupid) Eaglepaw of [INSERT RIVAL CLAN HERE].
The two hit it off (Honeypaw is an after thought at this point) and work together to stop the eeevviilll leader of uuhh eviiiiilll clan. They win, live happily ever after, Frost is actually their Clan leader's daughter and Honeypaw is her half-sister and blah blah blah.
At least, they're supposed to. Honeypaw, out hunting, is hit by a truck at the same time a human is. Human wakes up as a cat about to be buried because everyone thinks Honeypaw is dead and freaks the fuck out.
A lot of the plot points are kind of just me working through my gripes of the subgenre lmao:
"the person who is reincarnated is more adept and cool and better than their character and everyone loves them" -> Honey is awkward, neurotic, and can come off as rude to those who don't know her. Even her coolest trait, her wrestling ability, is off-putting because oh my god why are you putting a cAT IN A SPIDER GUARD THEIR SPINES DON'T BEND LIKE THAT HONEY PUT HIM BACK TO NORMAL-
She reread the story before she died but, because she has no pen, no paper, and sadly of all, no thumbs, she's unable to write it down to keep remembering it when she gets sent to this world. It's awful and she desperately wishes she had thumbs back.
she stands on two legs, makes weird comments alluding to being a human, and just is a bit of a weirdo. Honeypaw was isolated for being mean, Honey is isolated for making everyone uncomfortable (unintentionally). However, her isolation allows her to slip under the radar and do some more investigating, as she's noticed that some of the details in the story aren't adding up...
The story is strange and the characters aren't as she remembers now that they're in the flesh. Of course, her main priority is to thwart Honeypaw's assassination attempts, the spirit being intent that the way to get her body back is if she dies again. It's only from a near death experience that they realize that that's not gonna work and have to work together to change the story so they don't die!
and, as many people have pieced together, they're not alone.
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wildglitch · 1 month
A long Side tangent for the WIZ!Spidey x DCU AU
A longish post on what I think happened to the other dimension travelers. This is gonna be semi canon with the other heros! Timeline I sometimes mention. This means some of what I say is canon, some might be subject to change, while others I have decided to write total bs for.
And YK what the best part is? You get to figure out which one is which :D
Since this is gonna be focusing on a lot of other characters that aren't Peter, this is gonna be a bit longer so the characters can get at least one paragraph to them.
This is mostly gonna be off the top of my head since I only know what happens to Loki, T'challa and Bruce. The others I'm gonna figure out as we go, so we are doing this together
Anyways- let's start.
-Ok so lets break this into sections
Main canon: the one every post is talking about unless I say otherwise. Yk, the main au
Other Heros: the au where I add characters that didn't show up in the show, but canonically they do exist in the main MCU timeline so theoretically they could also survive. Yk, the Daredevil au I wrote a bit about where everyone dies, this is if they live
Absolut BS: Is there gonna be bs in the other sections? Yes. Is there gonna be anything serious in this one? Absolutely not. This is for those sweet non canon MCU characters. I try to stick to canon as much as possible, but sometimes I get an idea so good I wanna add it, but refuses cause I gotta lay in the bed I made for myself (it's fine lol). This is for stuff we know aren't canon or are very heavily implied not to be in the MCU. Yk, for funsies, (and cause team red is missing its degenerate, yes Im weak Im sorry! Deadpool you still aint canon to this until your movie comes out! You too Logan!)
With those out of the way, lets start of with the
Main Canon
-So, starting off simple are the people on the ship. T'achalla in my opinion, looking at the movies, is weaker than Peter. And since Peter dies in most of his crashes if there is no interference, the answer is clear to see. After all, the black guy always dies first :^
No, uhh, to not just leave it like that cause, yes, it's sad- I like to think that if he dies then his ancestors and powers let him transcend a bit to the point of minor godhood. Meaning that if there were ever a godly meeting the avatars had to attend to, Peter would be in for a big surprise
-Scott, wtf happened to you bro-
He survives due to the fact he had the cloak of levitation, he has no clue what happened and due to his lower weight, gets blown away by the wind, never to be seen again. So sad
...anyways he ended up in a box-
No clue how he got there. He just knows that one minute he was disoriented as hell in the sky, the next he's stuck in some crate in some magic labyrinth with no hope of rescue. Long story short, he's stuck there for many, many months.
Scott: How Am I Still Alive!?
-Bruce is the Hulk when he gets chucked into the DCU, he's also at an old abandoned military base...why are there people here?
Ya so, apparently the abandoned base he was Hulking out at against a bunch of Zombies, wasn't so abandoned in the DCU. In Fact it's one of, if not the most top secret base there is in the U.S military. So imagine with me, this X foot tall green beast appears out of nowhere and is in some sort of rampage at this super secure military base. You're welcome, I just put Bruce on the Villains list. I can see a few JL members or maybe some YJ kids showing up and dealing with him. And since we know that Hulk is sentient enough to make friends and enemies, Hulk is sent to some top of the line prison while Bruce is unconscious in the back seat. The JL try to interrogate him, but they only get vage half formed sentences about being weak (not a good look) people (Valkyrie, his best bro, is very much missed) and a mission (protect spider...Batman filed that one away for later)
-Bucky...Ha! No
I've proven to myself that I like his character enough to make him important to Peter's Character and the Plot (since when is there plot-) so Ima save him for another post.
-Thor (+Rocket and Groot)
These 3 didn't get split up, Surprisingly. They end up traveling through Africa (yes, the whole thing) trying to find their way back. Thor in his depressive state, keeps fighting and trying to find a way to his brother, since he could tell that whatever happened to them, it happened because of Loki.
Rocket and Groot are just there, since they're aliens who have never been to Earth before, they are just treating it like that. Though they do know something happened and they aren't really in the same place as before, they aren't struggling as much as the Earth natives. Thor is also having an easier time, but he keeps forgetting he isn't well known here. It's actually a bit refreshing.
Think of it like a road trip DnD adventure as they travel through Africa then Europe then Asia, trying to find his brother but having no clue where to go. Saving people and gaining a sort of reputation as “That nice aussie that saves people'' alongside “The raccoon and Groot” (Everyone loves Groot)
Rocket Is a good dad and is just there protecting Groot and scamming people. And Groot discovers the internet. They continue to save people because that's what they did with their family, so they will continue to do that even if they can tell it's just the two of them again.
-Loki, my God…you sneaky shit-
When I tell you, Loki dropped in the middle of a league meeting. Im telling you, he dropped in the MIDDLE OF A LEAGUE MEETING! JL Light, JL Dark, YJ, the Titans, literally everyone was there! Why? 1. The league has a yearly meeting where they try to get every superhero team and hero esc people in the room so they can touch base. 2. Loki's magic…scared the hell out of them. The meeting was really soon and all of a sudden they get a really strong magic signature tearing reality apart? Yeah, they are gonna move the meeting up by a week to see what the heck is going on. Only for this British fuck to drop onto the table just ozzing out the energy they where Looking for. Yeah, you can bet all hell broke loose. 
Loki gets locked in a cell on the tower as they try to figure out who he is, but they have absolutely no experience with his realitys magic so they can't get anything off of him. Some of the more godly inclined (Captain Marvel) can tell that he's a god from another universe, but comes to the conclusion that it's best to just let things play out. 
Loki: you’re quite the interesting child
CM: nOPE! You’re on your own. Good luck with that.
The hero's try interrogating him, trying to find out what he wants, and Loki is just like “nuh uh” and is just enjoying his time in his cell like the chaos god he is. Obviously he's playing all of them and getting info off of every single one of them, figuring out slowly where the other people could be and sending Peter to investigate the leads. Could he escape? Absolutely, he has walked to the kitchen more times than he cares to mention. Will he leave? No, he is in the most strategically useful place at the moment so he will stay there screwing with Batman until the League get bored of interrogating him. There are moments where they think he means no harm, and while that is true, it also means they might kick him from the tower, and he can't have that. Besides, scaring the Flash in front of everyone to keep his danger status is just so much fun.
And that everyone that should be in the Main Canon, onto
Canon Divergents: Other Heros.
Ok, so I like to think, personally, that everyone on this list died a horrible gruesome death before the episode started. But I can tell that some people like to keep them alive, and what is this if not just us having fun right? So this is a little “what if '' of the “what if ''. I don't know why they weren't in the episode, maybe they left, maybe they thought they were dead, maybe they were on another mission, who knows, you choose. But like I said, this is for fun so I’ll let you lil’ brains figure it out.
Lets start of with
-Kamala Khan. Ok so with this, Ima play with the timeline again. We never get confirmation if she blipped or not, but I don't think so(correct me if I'm wrong). So looking at her age I’d say she's around 16? In the year 2024 (holy shit thats this year-) so in 2018 when the blip/ the episode happened she would have been 10-11
You see my vision? Little 10 year old Kamala was possibly one of the youngest kids of the group, so her getting chucked into the DCU can only land her in one place. Foster care. You can make the argument that months of zombies made her jaded and able to survive the apocalypse and thus the streets considering I gave her the bangles. But I honestly think she was found right away and protected by everyone because of her age no matter the fact she has the bangle. She’s so small, it doesn't even fit her right. I think she's still a sweet, excitable little girl that is traumatized, but spent most of her time at the base being protected and cheering the others up.
 So, her being this excitable and happy gets placed into many foster homes. But she also has trauma and issues so the family realizing she's not an “easy” kid sends her back, moving her around a lot. I can totally see Peter actually finding her but the only thing keeping him from getting to her is the constant address changes and his lack of funds. 
-Darcy Lewis is truly in her 2 broke girls era as she takes the Identity of “Max” and starts working at a shitty Cafe.
-Moon Knight system
Remember how I said that only Jake was present for the Zombie Apocalypse? Well-
S: Where are we!
M: 8 months!
S: What happened?
M: 8. Months.
S: Why weren't we here! Wait as second we- who are you 2?!
M: 8. Months…
S: Ahhhhhhhhh
J: *end me now* ( o_o)
Ya so instead of them trying to find the others, the 3 of them are actually trying to learn how to live with each other. The multiple Identities and accents are throwing Peter off
-Barton children
Ok Ima rapid fire this
Lila: somehow ends up with the arrows and being her fathers daughter, shows them up. Artimist likes her a lot
Cooper: He ends up in (you decide) city, and being his mothers son, starts doing some spy shit trying to find the others.
Nathen: lil’ baby somehow showed up at the Kents farm instead of his, and they sort of just …*adopt*. He's good friends with Jon.
Bonus points: Pizza dog is found as a Puppy by the kid and adopted as “emotional support” and “I must protect this poor dog, he doesn't have an eye for pete's sake!”
(These can not all happen, you gotta pick one kid for your hc cause I refuse to let all of the kids live no matter the au. The angst potential is the best part people)
-Last but not least Matt
He was found by a Church, the church sent him to the hospital, the hospital called him insane and sent by a psych ward, the psych ward said nope and sent him to arkham. He's pissed about it but like the reasonable guy he is, understands. Lots of the guys in there call him a “wanna be batman”.
He has no clue who that is but he is deeply offended.
I can totally see Peter finding him within a few days of looking and just going to visit him under the guise that he's his son. 
Matt: …
Peter: *glare*
Matt: soooo, how have you been?
Peter: I Thought You Were Dead!
Peter cant get Matt out cause Matt keeps beating the other rouges up. Peter is so done with his shit and Matt regrets nothing. That 2 face piece of shit had it coming.
Bonus point for the Batfam finding out Peter’s “Father” is in arkham. Just Bruce and Matt having the most awkward silent meeting. Neither talk for like 15 minutes at first. It's glorious.
+Miles morales. Oh you thought I was done? Tf I am! He's canon to the MCU so I’m rolling with it. Timeline wise, I’d say he's about 6-8 years old give or take. He can either A: get the spider powers and survives just like Peter until they find him, and Peter taking him under his wing, or B: im being the only person Peter could save because…idk, maybe he was having a confrontation with Aaron at his apartment and it turns out Miles was there cause he wanted to go trick or treating with him and is wearing a spiderman custom, awww, and kinda awkward for the two (mostly Aaron). Zombies come in, and Aaron sends Miles with Peter because yk, good Uncle. Yeah that works-
Miles' face is planted right in the center of brooklyn and like the good boy he is, waits for someone he knows to find him, (if lost, wait at the spot you are until they find you). He tells people his guardian is Peter Parker, but since Peter is going under a different allies, they can't find him. But Miles is determined and decides that he needs to stay In Queens so that Peter can find him, he knows he will.
And that wraps up that part which leads us to
Total Bull Shit
Yep, this is for those sweet non MCU canon characters. (No other fandom ones though, I haven't fallen that far from grace) (with this au at leasts)
These are just for the sillies and won't be canon unless they somehow become canon to the MCU (*stares intensely at Deadpool and Wolverine* sooooon)
-Wade Wilson
We all have seen the trailers ok, I see him, he's coming, we have all waited for this. And not only is he coming to the MCU but his reasoning works really well with this fic. He's crossing dimensions to fix the timeline and shit and he somehow gets chucked into this storyline as he's doing it. With his awesome fourth wall breaks, I can just see him showing up in Gotham for a bit, causing shit, and breaking Matt out of Arkham because he wants to do the Team Red thing. I can totally see him being super excited about meeting his first spidey lol. And Peter and Matt are just in a constant state of “wtf” as they deal with this guy that is apparently from the same multiverse and Universe(?) as them. Also, apparently it shouldn't even be possible for them to be in this universe, so that's fun
They warm up to each other and end up having a bit of fun I swear. He wont stay for long cause I can see this as being like a quick side plot in both the AU and the movie as he tries to get back to whatever he's doing.
-Logan. He's there for like a Minute, he gets there trying to get wade back to whatever they are doing, and ends up getting stuck too. Peter and Matt help them get back to whatever they were doing and when they offer a way back to their home, they say no for a number of reasons. Logan still ends up giving them a dimension hopping thing just in case.
-Andrew!Spidey from the main timeline NWH. Techincally hes canon, but hes also kinda owned by Sony so ima let this slide. Hes there for like just a minunte ok- he gets pulled into Deadpools And Wolverings Shit and decides “Fuck it, we ball” and helps the out. He sees little WIZ!Peter and thinks, “Holy shit, I just saw you!” and tells Peter about the weird shit he just went through with the other version of him and Peter is just amazed. Like “wow, a world where my friends are alive, a world where no Zombies came and destroyed the lives of the people I love. A world where I got to have more time with aunt May….must be nice”
Also- *has flashbacks to Andrew Garfield and Ryan Renolds kissing and the canonical list of people Deadpool is allowed to cheat with. ( o_o)
DP: heya hot stuff
A!S: No.
DP: yes
Wiz!P: Wtf is happening
DD: Look away kid
*Deadpool and Spidey comic dynamic of full display*
-Harry Osborn.
Peter: Hey Harry, who are those guys?
Harry: idk, my dad is working with these biochemists for a company from Russia. I think the name was some Greek monster? I don't really care. 
Peter: Oh ok, I'm gonna say hi to them
Harry: Sure, but be mindful of the creatures they’re working on
Peter: Got it!
Boom there’s your origin story. Peter just wanted to say hi to the nice looking Hydra agent and Harry let him.
Could we have him be hobgoblin alongside Peter when they are in gotham? Sure. Have it be like a nice spider that does no harm and his mean goblin bodyguard. Except it's the spider who can truly kick your ass. Also, just the absolut drama these 2 can have with each other is just *chefs kiss*
-Gwen Stacy
Just- just Gwen dude. Maybe she's from the DCU and they have a meet cute at a coffee shop. Maybe Peter Meets this super cute girl hiding out in a lab in the middle of the apocalypse. Maybe she's dead. Idk, idc, I love Gwen’s and Peter’s dynamic in TASM movies and I can see a traumatized dark humor version with these 2. Just give Peter his Girlfriend pls 
-Johnny Storm is one of Peter's best superhero friends in the comics. Spidey's first appearance is also in a FF comic, so it just feels right. Just integrate that into the story and you're golden. I can see them having inside jokes and stuff no one will ever get cause “you had to be there”.
-Nova, because I'm pulling from my experience with the 2012 show. No, I bring him in because I think it could add not only to Peter's character but also rockets and groots, considering they just heard the Xandar was destroyed, and all of a sudden they find this kid with an old bucket. They’re gonna get some feels, small as they might be.
Also, the ultimate 2012 team may have treated Peter like shite, but with better writing and stuff, these 2 could have been good friends. Sadly that doesn't really translate that well in the show imo.
Uhhhhh, anyone else for this monster of a post? No. Ok cool-
Idk when I'm gonna post the next part of the main lore stuff, but I'm gonna post this and some DC p.o.v's to flesh out some stuff. I might also post a bit of art and another fic in between the posts.
This is too long- have fun with this while I go pass out for a bit lol
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rigelmejo · 4 months
I was browsing novelupdates.com's novel translation request area. Debating if I could pick one up. (But frankly I don't think I could reliably finish any over 25 chapters right now so I'm not sure if there's a way to search by length of the requested novel).
But its also like. See some people would like Any translator to pick up something they'd really like to read or are already reading with machine translate but desperately want a better option as mtl is riddled with mistakes and sometimes bad errors changing full on story meaning. But some would really like a Better translation than existing, or a very high quality one. (Examples of the difference: Rainbowse7en did an initial most-of translation of Guardian... an extreme example because they cut several scenes/paragraphs, summarized many lines so not word-for-word inclusive translation of all parts, but they did translate Fast and provide a more readable detail correct translation than mtl. Versus the multiple fans later that collaborated to word by word translate Guardian, who could check each others work and took a bit longer. Or yukas initial translation that I could tell was doing full detail for each word translation. Or DMBJs original published english book translations - certain choices made, full paragraphs and pages cut from the english. Versus merebeartranslates version and much more work kept to keep details as accurate as possible/all kept in). Now Id keep all words/details cause i HATE the idea of cutting anything i think its awful - unless ur goal is truly just a summary to explain what happened (hence i kind of get rainbowse7ens reason to release a book Main Parts plot asap, but i hate an official paid company doing it cause they had no reason to cut content). So id keep all details. But im not confident on word choice translation being close to perfect. I can do better than mtl, by far, but i think a much better translator (any frankly whos had practice, chichi, edanglars, rynnsuika etc) would do a much better job. So like. When people do ask for a translation im like what level quality would they find acceptable? Would they want an amateur?
I remember Poyun needed translation a long while back (i think someones picked it up hopefully though), and i never wanted to try even tho i was reading it in chinese cause i didnt think id do any better than the "im only translating this hoping a better group will get intetest and pick it up" person who started the translation. I dunno. Maybe they wanted anyone to pick it up. Maybr i overthought who knows. Then like. I ran into dage by priest recently. Has 2 translations, 1 i emailed about, 1 linked on novelupdates as existing but i cant find it at all. And so i have no idea how much is translated. But im reading it slowly in chinese so im like? If i translate any for myself, is it something someones translated well in english already? Does it not exist in english at all? Would my translated bits be worth sharing or would another translation come out better and idk idk whays wanted. Idk im just musing to myself...
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dropoutparty · 1 year
Would you mind explaining your Arts and the crafts au? I’m interested
basically it started with me just imagining the show but with certain things that bothered me omitted or changed to fit my preferences, then i started incorporating some elements/characters from the games, and then it just evolved into a whole au with a plotline LOL! the characters i chose to include feel really random and unrelated when i just list them out but i promise there was SOME kinda logic to it,,, probably just jokes that were made between me and my qpp that i just decided to include for real lol! obviously theres adeline and ribbon (whos designs ive already posted here), but they come into play way later in the story lol. the main people i added are prince fluff, gooey, dark matter blade, drawcia, yin-yarn, and zero. queen ripple is also here too but she plays a pretty minor role lol.
it takes place pretty soon after the anime, specifically during the rebuilding of cappy town after it was destroyed in the finale. basically, drawcia shows up with gooey and dmb (they are her sons) and yin yarn shows up with fluff (his doll son he brought to life with magic). yin and drawcia meet and eventually get together because theyre both strange and offputting (affectionate). the name "arts and the craft" actually is a reference to them, since "arts and crafts" could be a term used for both knitting and painting, and "the craft" is a term used for magic :3! pretty soon after they arrive, weird stuff starts happening around town and its discovered that 3 girlies were sent to cappy town to generally cause a commotion. these girls are the 3 dark matter sisters that appear in kirby 64 (aka the ones that possess waddle dee, adeline, and ddd in-game)! later zero shows up and i thought it would be really funny if i just made him like the most divorced guy ever so hes literally just here to get drawcia back LOL??? she says no of course so he gets real mad and a fight breaks out. our heroes win of course and boom thats the plot babeyy!!! i was also gonna have some character arcs going on in the background of all of this (like ddd becoming a slightly better person, escargoon figuring out how to hate his life a little less, meta knight fully coming to terms with his past and healing from it, etc.) but thats the gist of things :3! looking back at my drafts and stuff i think its a bit too serious at times so if i decide to work on it again im definitely easing up on the drama LOL!
ty for ur interest :D! its nice to know that people wanna know more about my silly little story ideas <3
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goatsorcery · 4 months
>:3 Alright Frank, my turn. Please share your bg3 brain worms (tadpoles). Favorite character(s)? Preferred companions? Do you have a consistent party? If not, how do you choose your members at any given time? I am very curious if it’s the latter because as I mentioned, I don’t really ever switch it up.
you said in the tags of your answer to write as many paragraphs as my feelings can fill… and well… it’s a lot haha :)
i love all the characters so much! they're all so unique, interesting, and charming in their own way. i'm only in act 2 myself (about to finish it though i think) so i haven't gotten to see everyone's full stories yet. narrowing down a favorite is so hard! i change up my party every once in a while, but consistently i still always bring wyll or shadowheart so I guess they would be my favorites!
i love wyll so much, im always a sucker for characters who are able to stay postive and optimistic even through the worst of times. I also love characters (especially in fantasy) who are primed to be the main character either from their backstories or narratively (alistair in dragon age and aragorn in lord of the rings are other examples); wyll, who is a monster hunter but is first and foremost a protector of the people, (there are other details about him that I wont spoil for you that also lend to this) has all the makings of a classic fantasy protagonist, but he never expresses the desire to be the leader (i guess, unless the player plays as him haha) or to get any recognition for helping cure the tadpoles. other possibly-spoilery tid-bits about him that break away from or invert fantasy character archtypes help to really round out his character in an interesting way.
I loved shadowheart pretty much instantly (shadowheart and lae’zel being the first two companions you meet is everything, i love them both and their dynamic so much) shadowheart is a bit of a mystery, even to herself, which is fascinating to me. I find her whole story, so far, really interesting, and I’m excited to see where it goes and what else is learned about her through the rest of the game. i love characters who are so dedicated to one goal to the point that it’s all that matters to them and it’s all they are, but then the story challenges their dedication or pulls them from it for a larger cause.
i switch up my party every once in a while, but its usually just to swap out characters for quests that are relevant to them or that i think will prompt dialogue or approval from them. i think my game is a bit bugged, because i didn't even realize there was party banter until very late into act 1 (also just might be  because i fast travel a lot) so i've been switching out characters more to see what conversations they can have.
my go-to parties in act 1 were wyll, shadowheart, and lae’zel or wyll, karlach, and lae’zel (this was mostly because of combat game play, karlach and lae’zel with their extra attack or shadowheart as an extra healer was so helpful when I was still trying to learn the combat system).
in act 2 my go to party is wyll, shadowheart, and karlach, or wyll, shadowheart, and halsin depending on if im just exploring/doing side-quests or if i know I’ll run into heavy combat. karlach regularly one-shots enemies with 30+ hp and having her extra attack is the only way i get through combat most of the time (even on the easiest difficulty, combat continues to kick my ass).
when I reach act 3, I plan on mixing up my party more, depending on what’s in store for act 3 (I have surprisingly not been spoiled on anything that happens in act 3).
combat is the main reason why i don’t switch up my parties more since i get used to having certain spells or abilities. on my second play through (which I’ve already started planning even though im not close to being done with my first lol) i plan on trying to mix up my groups more to get more banter and to spend time with other characters I haven’t had much chance to. I rarely take gale or astarion with me (unless there is a relevant quest) but only because of combat, i feel like other characters have more useful abilities then they do. which is a shame because i like them both a lot, and want to get to know them better. my tav is a cleric, so that also factors in to party make-up. gale’s party banter is always bugged for me as well which is a bummer, the captions will pop-up but his voice lines never play.
one thing i like so much about the characters is that they all have interesting interpersonal dynamics. it really only comes up in banter and the occasional camp conversation but its enough to make it feel like they're all actually interacting in camp. whether or not they fully get along, they still all seem to care about each other which i love! its the friend group you'd never expect (most of who would probably not get along or get the chance to interact if the circumstances were different) but they all end up being close in some way or another. shadowheart and lae'zel's dynamic is especially a favorite of mine, i always love characters who don't get along on the surface but are actually "no one's allowed to be mean to them except for me". shadowheart and astarion are a bit like this too, with each other, and astarion with the rest of the companions as well. another one of my favorite party dynamics is wyll, shadowheart, and astarion; three people I wouldn’t have expected to really get along but the first time i had them all in my party I triggered like three conversations in a row where they were flirting with each other (my favorite of their banters is astarion saying he’d drink from wyll if he could chose anyone in camp after shadowheart asks him and then her sounding disappointed that he didn’t pick her. in my play through shadowheart then asked astarion if he was single less than a minute later lol).
my favorite character dynamics are:
wyll and karlach
wyll, astarion, and shadowheart
shadowheart and lae’zel
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fuyuesu · 1 year
schjfnf teehee!! seisoukan fire!!
it started back in mid octoberish last year, i was still riding off the tragedy high of There’s Something I Have To Say and i watched several youtube videos about building collapses and fires and i thought hehe i should do this to the seisoukan dormitory
BUT I COULDNT JUST BE NORMAL ABOUT IT NO.. i had to decide who dies now.. who lives.. who gets injured.. and i couldnt decided that on my Own of course . so i had a randomizer decide for me! live on vc with erin, i had a randomizer choose how many idols died and who would die ^_^
i cannot stress enough it chose violence Off The Fucking Bat . it killed TEN idols. THATS A FIFTH OF THE CAST DEAD. and what more it chose THE most tragic people to kill LOOK
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AIRA? TSUMUGI? TORI? KANATA HIMERU YUTA MAO SHU? MITSURU AND NAGISA?? ALL THOSE FATALITIES.. i also determined casualties and witnesses through the randomizer and my GAWD.. not a single unit went unaffected by this mf fire!!!!!!
i started this fic actually because i really really wanted to write disaster aftermath and maybe a little bit of anzu stress 👉👈 becos i thought itd be so slay if ensemble square suffered an insane loss and had to figure out how to bounce back when its biggest greatest stars have been snuffed out by tragic fate.. also wanted to write some insane political dialogue between P-Association, ES’ executive board, Eichi, etc etc etc becos i havent read main story at awll and wanna see P-Association fight for their lives trying to keep ES together
for what i actually have of the plot!! it starts with Anzu reflecting on the aftermath of the tragedy (but i may change it to be her presence at the scene after emergency services are called in?) and the actions she has taken since. to mitigate immediate public outcry and limit how much backlash the idols themselves got, after releasing a very rushed investigation, Eichi determines that it was simply an unprecedented accident with no one at fault, but was unable to produce evidence in what exactly even caused the fire; of course, people start to blame the P-Association for not protecting their idols better, so Anzu turns to launching her own investigation into what happened with Ibara’s help !!
for reasons on what actually caused the fire i have very little . something something building’s integrity was failing but no inspections were scheduled for a few months before the incident. Tetora left the gas stove on and the kitchen brerw orp . Natsume performed some insane tragedy curse Gone Wrong . i do not have anything set in stone because its all about Anzu + producers managing the aftermath
at one point Anzu and Ibara ask the idols themselves for help because terrible as it is, first-hand account is some of the best evidence one can hav.. leading to a big therapy-styled circle <- this is The most daunting part of writing because i have to write everyone Right or ill die. but i do like what little i have so far.. maybei will bost it.. b it thank you for reading my looong long rant about seisoukan fire ^_^ my idea is that it really was Tetoras fault but not entirely his. something something Tetora leaves the gas stove on overnight, the building’s gas meter is malfunctioning so all the propane goes unnoticed, an explosion occurs the next morning and several gas mains go craaazy and also ecplode. there is no sense to any of this by the way i just want insane amounts of literal tragedy to happen to ES
also yes the enstragedy mood WAS inspired by hiddeneclipse’s We will be fine i cannot stress enough how much that fic has changed me how much it had rewired m . if i ever meet hiddeneclipseni think i would simply fall to my knees and kiss their feet
eto.… blehh!!
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BLOWS THE FUCK UP HELLOOOO HELLO HELLO IF I COULD READ THE COMPLETED THING ONE DAY I WOUDL DIE HAPPY BC THIS IS RIGHT UP MY ALLEY IM SO GLAD I COUDL HAVE MY CURIOSITY FINALLY SATED !!! i olve readign abt the aftermath of tragedies it activates some kind of demon in my brain <3 acn i just say tho Poor Fucking Natsume dear lord . theres a lot of characters that have it bad in this situation ubt fuckigng. i immediately fixated on natsume. kanata and shu and tsumugi dyign and rei and sora being injured what the HELL . the survivors guilt must go CRAZY
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
aah hi heather!
ok- i know i made a similar post about viridian- but now im going to make one for my beloved Rowan Hawkmore- who was probably my main oc blorbo before Viridian- i guess this will be a little rammble about the evoulution of her!
I have had Rowan since I was 19- i was in my first year of uni and started to play dnd at a local board game cafe!!
Rowan started off as a wild magic sorcerer- just a chaos gal who pushed people into lakes and flirted with everyone. big shoutout to my dm and party for loving rowan regardless XD
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first sketches of rowan - drawn on the back of a character sheet and a wagamama menu
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meme sketch of our party at the time - Rowan is in cardboard jail for causing too much chaos (and other reasons)
After a few weeks- I changed her class to a warlock- the backstory chnage being that she struck a deal with the fiend Opium- Over a pot of tea and a chat that seemed a bit too casual- the tiefling made a pact with the god. He’d give her a fresh start. A new home in the hallowed mountains - protection from the eldritch knights of the Hawkmore court - all Rowan had to do was cause a little chaos- that’d be easy…right?
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very early warlock rowan design - drawn my by dear friend robin. check out their art here
After finishing our first campeign (which took us to from level 1 to level 3) we took a break for the summer- over the summer I gave Rowan a redesign. see below for amazing art by my friends!
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credit to the talented @vrovij - you can find her caard here. her tumblr is here
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credit to my dear friends kath (their piece is on the left) and nat (AKA @ciph3rrr) (her piece is on the right for these drawings of Rowan. kath's work can be found here and nat's here
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credit to my wonderful friend Marvin for this piece of Rowan - his art came be found here
Story wise- at the time of the second / new game- - Rowan gets branded with curse marks. Her patron very displeased in her non chaotic actions- so the fiend brands her. At the snap of his fingers he could double Rowan over in the worst pain she's felt. She had learnt the hard way that Opium was a beautifuly sadistic man. So she takes a step back and I then play as her husband Grayson (Rowan still travels with our party though!!) - this game took us from level 3 through to level 7 (i think?!)
In our third game- I go back to playing as Rowan. She's lost the connection to her patron and she can't reach out to him. She wonders if Opium has just grown bored of her- but she still has all her curse marks on her- so... there must be something going on...right? Around this time, Rowan’s travelling companion - Nugget, the paladin to the god of balance , Raava - felt the connection to his god weaken. During this game- our party go off on this grand adventure to find both Opium and Raava (more Raava- then Opium....)
Along the way, Rowan alomst dies a few times (because she dosn't know when to shut up- and get's gets far too cocky when the party fight a dragonborn crimelord)- The party also learn Rowan's backstory and how she came into the service of Opium (you can read a little about that here- but one day i'll do a full back story lore write up)
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In time, the party would learn that Opium and Raava were two sides of the same coin- twin gods. Gods of Balance and Chaos. One could not survive without the other- Opium had vanished from Rowan’s life- to reclaim his godhood - to drown out the light that Raava brought into the world. Destroy his twin and rebuild the world in his own image. A world of chaos and darkness-
Rowan was left with a choice- Join Opium in creating the new world- or fight against the darkness. Slay her sadistic master.   The warlock chose to slay her master with the help of her companions - restoring light and balance to the world.  
In the split between warlock and parton- Rowan's cursemarks cause her a great deal of pain. She feels the killing blow as Opium did and she herself almost dies- but she pulls through. (even if she suffers a great deal of eye trauma)
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again credit to my wonderful friend Marvin for this piece of Rowan - his art came be found here
Returning to hertribe in the hallowed mountains and reuniting with her husband… Rowan was named as the eldritch god slayer.  Finally free to walk her own path- free from the pain and chaos that she thought had been with her for all of her life.  At the end of this game- our party was level 14 !!
Nowdays Rowan exists within other game universes (as well as DND). I have made her (and grayson) in the sims 4 (where she and him exist in a modern / magical realism AU) - and have also had a go at making her in BG3 - I don't really draw her much anymore... but one day i might try again !!
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uhg uhm idk how to finish this- so Thank you for coming to my TED talk <3 if you're reading thts - you're a star and ily <3
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iamindebt · 7 months
Ok so chapters 1 to 4 stay the same
Chapter 5 is basically the same until the part where spharas supposed to lore dump about tess aract as an earthquake hits (or so they THINK HAHAHAH) and everyone decides the lore can wait until later
Everyone makes their way inside the cave and to the rift of light where tess is yelling cause ouch and everyones freaking out
I also have this headcanon that people associated with the void or have void related elements (im thinking like pin magic) can get seriously hurt from light magic/ balance(???? My hc dont worry abt it) and being the god of the void dosent exactly help your favors. And besides it seemed like tess was in pain before so why not now?
Scriptliss tries to help tess and get to him, but he gets his arms held back by lanter and otempes so he doaent do anything stupid and hurt himself
The rift of light still gets sucked up and tess passes out and starts falling n everyone freaks out because if tess gets to the ground hes becoming a pancake
wiscara uses her scissor magic tk teleport tess to the ground and oooooo scriptliss catches tess in his arms and tess kisses him n passes out and its so gay and angsty and 👍👍👍👍👍👍oooo
I have some dialouge for this bit so ill have this explain itself.
...tess? TESS?!
*otempes walks over and put his hand on his arm
Hes fine, he must have passed out after everything, though he should be fine once he gets rest.
Sphara: Well thats a relief... *yawn*
*the void star clinks onto the ground
Er... So now that scriptliss's friend is safe, what do we do about the void star?
Here! *the protagonist puts it in their bag
Lanter: ...Well now that everythings ok-ish, we should be returning to the surface.
*cave starts rumbling
...does anyone hear that?
Hear what?
*cave starts rumbling but more
The cave must be collapsing! We need to get out of here!
Well you dont need to tell me twice!
*wiscara makes a cut portal leading to the enterance and everyone hurries out before the cave collapses
Ok so the story changes in a few ways, the main one being that the antagonists aint so lax about you anymore now that their void god powerhouse is on the heros side.
Chapter 6 changes in one key way, instead of Ronzanda just handing you the scissors, she challenges you to a duel for them. Before any real damage is done wiscara figures out your missing and goes searching, eventually cutting open a portal right as your about to fight.
Chapter 7 goes wild because pink I actually decides to detonate the bomb, but most of the harmonians and base cleph get away before anyone can get hurt, buuut theres a couple of people with minor/serious injuries :((((
Tess is asleep for like two chapters. Btw
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uncloseted · 3 months
How much of my novel can be chalked up to coincidence? I’m writing a novel that’s loosely based on a singer I like. It’s not a fanfiction or anything, my main character is just based ofter him. The singer’s first name is Leo and his second name is George and I’m using that in my novel, but I slightly altered the last name. However, they’re still close and start with the same letter. I’m making my main character go into the same profession as this singer and study what he did at uni but apart from that, the rest of the character is my own creation. Is this too obvious / could I be sued for this (copyright n that)? I know people write fanfiction about people all the time and change the names but if my story isn’t outright about him just very closely based off him, could that fall under the umbrella of coincidence (there’s a law term for this im sure but i can’t think of it rn but maybe reasonable doubt or the disclaimer that it’s made up character just with a similar name and similar story is what i’m thinking).
Anyway! Should I maybe just change his middle name so there’s no further correlation? Leo and George are both common names but I can always switch the middle if necessary. I’m just not sure. Thank you!
It depends a little bit on the laws where you are, but in all honesty, unless your novel really takes off and starts selling tons of copies, it's unlikely that you'll ever be sued over it. Lawsuits over using a real person as a character in a novel tend to be libel lawsuits - basically, when the person feels that the work is portraying them in such a negative light that it's impacting their life. A writer can be sued for libel even if the character's name is different from the celebrity's name, so long as there are significant similarities that cause other people to assume the character is based on them. But as far as I can tell, those kind of lawsuits rarely happen, and when they do, they're not usually successful.
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ah0yh0y · 8 months
spoilers for chalice of the gods
chalice of the gods thoughts (after five chapters) : the start feels like a short story rather than a full novel. its been a long time since ive immersed myself with official content that it might be age but something about the style feels different? slightly grating but it might be the heat tonight
i do like the official trio being back again though. it is interesting that that the reccomendation letters come from Percy being born and are caused by Zeus himself. (that point isnt bought up as much in fandom anymore so this is a nice bringing back to roots sort of thing). Also the gods being unhelpful thats still a running theme, and Percy's own bitterness (not quite, I think they are grating to him is a better way to describe) is on display here) It is also interesting that Percy says that his once could have been appointment to immortality was "being offered a minor godship. I hadn't picked up on that before but honestly that makes sense. He also describes his choice as "choosing systematic change" which i found funny. PAY YOUR CHILD SUPPORT OLYMPUS
At this point there isnt any indication of Annabeth trying to get into New Rome (although that might be something i have just missed or it is assumed knowledge). annabeth's school being a school of design is wonderful im quite happy for her!! (you can tell that re:dracula has been a main focus of mine i lapse into formality often as of late)
i skimmed over the bit with paul and percy's family so idk if there was anything there i need to reread that.
in terms of expectation for the rest of the plot - slightly concerned about the fact that Ganymede's quest seems like a rather large one and Percy needs 3 reccomendation letters but then again this is also a Novel rather than a short story which i keep feeling like. lets see then
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septembersghost · 1 year
kind of hoping that the priscilla movie doesn't just focus on her relationship with elvis? obviously their relationship is like a major part of her life, and the movies based on her book about her relationship with him, and that will be the main story, but some background of her family and everything growing up would be nice and even her life after elvis, cause i mean it's a little weird to call it priscilla (ik capitalizing on the fact that the elvis movie is called elvis) if it's just gonna be about their relationship!
idk what im trying to say lol i just always think it's silly when people call something a documentary/series/biopic on someone when they really only mean, like on a specific part of their lives, especially if it focuses on a relationship, like those are two separate ppl with stories that started way before they met each other and continued way after they left each other? especially in the case of celebrities who are often always only remembered for one thing their entire lives y'know. idk if that made sense.
(this is just a side rant but this feels especially prominent with elvis? like theres an ungodly amount of books/docs/etc. about just his relationships with certain people, but it just seems like there's not nearly enough about just him? and his life? like idk it's weird, it feels weird)
(side note: ive apparently sent you asks enough that ur name is now in my predictive text on my phone so congrats lol)
i completely agree! i'd love to see it give some focus to her family, her early life growing up, the move to germany, and additionally to what she did with her life later, including her role in opening graceland to the public and the legacy work, even if that were to be more like a small epilogue at the end of the film. that would be interesting, instead of the same thing rehashed over and over again.
obviously no one's life can be fully (or accurately) captured in a couple of hours, even with elvis (2022), it had to be specifically focused and streamlined, hence that perspective of it through the colonel and their professional relationship, and the strife of capitalism vs. art, and the background of the changes in america and the loss of a certain innocence in the "dream" of it all. i'm definitely biased, but that lens has particular interest to me and is why i found the film really moving/effective. most side drama about relationships, even about the hollywood movies and his stress and dislike/disappointment regarding them, was extraneous to the story baz was telling. he knew what his center was and what to include to get that purpose and heart across. the film accomplished what he meant for it to do.
i just always think it's silly when people call something a documentary/series/biopic on someone when they really only mean, like on a specific part of their lives, especially if it focuses on a relationship, like those are two separate ppl with stories that started way before they met each other and continued way after they left each other? especially in the case of celebrities who are often always only remembered for one thing their entire lives y'know. *nods* this makes total sense.
this is just a side rant but this feels especially prominent with elvis? like theres an ungodly amount of books/docs/etc. about just his relationships with certain people, but it just seems like there's not nearly enough about just him? and his life? like idk it's weird, it feels weird !!! i agree, and i complain about this in direct conversations a lot lol, it drives me a bit bananas. because very little of it is truly about him in the end, him as a human being, as a musician, what he desired and dreamed and suffered and accomplished. others can touch on that, but still, everything is subjective, everything is filtered through whatever that person's relationship was with him and (for better or worse) capitalizing off of it. it's why it's hard to find a clear view, because memories aren't pristine, and people contradict each other, and everyone has different dynamics and sees different sides of a person, and unfortunately with elvis, some of them were also pariahs or straight-up liars or simply not good people, so it's then up to us to take everything with a grain of salt, sift through the more salacious stuff (which doesn't appeal to me overall. also, as a friend pointed out to me the other day, it's not like elvis ever felt wholly secure, loved, or seen in any of those relationships, as heartbreaking as that is), sift through the varying opinions and points of view, to find the clearer pictures of him. it's very much what austin said about being a fan of elvis means being a detective - putting together clues and pieces and truths, reconciling the difference between the image and the human being, locating the soul there.
side note: ive apparently sent you asks enough that ur name is now in my predictive text on my phone so congrats lol this is so cute lol thank you so much for stopping by and listening/reading and trusting me with your thoughts and these conversations! i'm glad to be able to have them. <333
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nyxthejinx · 2 years
it’s mE bUBBLE ANON . since you can’t see it i think i’ll switch to this one 🔮?? Lmk
but omg , i absolutely loved your continuation to my ask. It’s to good not to keep the train going >:)
i apologize in advance bc i’m about to focus on my main kaeya , i love him to much and he needs some attention and love.
i imagine how hard it must have been before the scarf incident to gain readers trust again. You mentioned how he stayed around the mansion when he first heard she was there. He probably just stayed in rooms he knew she would go in and just sit there to make his presence known. He knew that she would probably just walk right back out but at least she wasn’t leaving the mansion. He knew it would take a while but he didn’t care about the wait ( diluc hasn’t kicked him out cause he’s not even there , to busy avoiding a certain someone smh ) . He wanted to show her that he would wait for her not matter how long it took, he wasn’t going to forsake , abandon or desert her. Never again would he leave her behind.
( it’s like one of those youtube videos where the person just stays in one place to make the bunny or cat comfortable lmao
an emotional game of cat and mouse
It takes weeks but reader finally throws him a bone and stays in whatever room he’s in to talk here and there( he actually started to get through to her but she’ll never admit it … he knows better tho). the bOOM reader takes his hand , they finally talk about what happened that night and the road to finally repair their relationship begins.
After that , the begin to take trips together, exploring places they use to go to as children to add new and better memories. You mentioned that they capture crystal flies together ! It’s cute that they capture them together. He was probably the one who brought up the idea to leave some in dilucs office and she begrudgingly agrees lmao .
Ok ok so to build a bit more of story before the scarf incident. What if kaeya helps reader with her hand phobia ( more angst for diluc , could potentially lead to fluff for him , who knows LMAO) but but they by start by linking arms , then pinky’s and then sometimes hands. When they camp out while exploring , kaeya let’s reader trace the the scars in his hands while he tells her where he got them from. ( IM SORRY i think siblings holding hands is the cutest shit ever, it’s also them making up for lost time… it’s also my soft spot for kaeya)
OK FINALLY at the scarf incident. They both don’t ask questions about each others cover up ( eye patch / scarf ). so the day diluc finally mans up and comes back , and like you said her scarf comes lose, she tries to cover up because she’s scared of anyone seeing. She feels ashamed of them. Kaeya tried to offer her his jacket but before he can take it off she hides in his chest . He freezes up before instinctively goes into big brother mode and hugs them. Think of it like a melting hug !! ( diluc being a witness of it all since he saw the scar he left on her neck)
what if … after this … she gets a bit of the glow back in her eyes bc deep in her heart she now knows that at least one of her brothers is here to stay for good.
I SPOKE TO MUCH LMAO , im sorry i love kaeya so much. feel free to include more of diluc and i can continue the train to talk more about him. if you’d like 😈
-🔮 anon !!
*lies knocked out cold on the floor* can you believe I couldn't stand Kaeya for almost two years LOL- I mean, we got to know him at the beginning of the game and I used to skip every dialogue/not understand what was going on. But now I just want to pat his head 😭
+ I'm sorry you had to change your emote, but my dumb phone can't recognise it, smh.
There's that part in reader that needs him, though they hate his very being during the early stages of their reconciliation. He's willing to be the brother they needed, fix whatever can be fixed, and reader doesn't want to admit it/realise it, but they need his presence.
It doesn't feel normal- familiar at all, it's a jumbled mess of nameless and unknown feelings. They want to hate him so bad, to hate Diluc, the winery, mondstadt. They want to hate Teyvat because maybe all that resentment would finally leave their body and stop burning.
It's exhausting to be mad, it's exhausting to loathe.
And no matter how much the fatui pushed them to draw strength from such feeling, it's not in their nature. They just wish time could rewind and mend what's broken. Their hydro vision is not enough, not anymore.
But a clock doesn't tick backwards, and the closest they can get to their past is to hold hands, brush fingers, link arms, all while reminiscing.
When Kaeya sees they chose to hide in his arms rather than his coat he feels indescribable relief. It's the most tangible proof that he's doing the right thing and regaining their trust, because they feel safe in his hold. It's a different bond, one that doesn't taste like their childhood, but rather a new flavour to be discovered.
Diluc sees it all. Thinks that maybe they don't need him, or any more of his deleterious actions and feelings.
Perhaps the hole he left wasn't caused by his absence.
Perhaps his presence dug that hole in their heart.
What do we do with him, do we give a happy ending? LMAO
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