#cause I’m sure other folks get it
lipglossanon · 3 months
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isthisjackie · 5 months
I’m def not trying to make a big fuss but like I think we have gotten to a new point where younger teenagers are just taking random, mental health-related buzz words from tik tok and applying them in ways that are potentially unhealthy. Like I saw a post where a teenager was describing multiple relationships in the post as “attachments” and how some of these people (who I am assuming believed they were friends with this person) reached out to them and tried to provide additional support while they were experiencing transphobia and then said these people were trying to manipulate them by making them feel attached to them bc these people were adults and they were 17. Like what on EARTH is going on rn
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rafeandonlyrafe · 23 days
finding freedom
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words: 4.2k
warnings: emotion abuse (not from rafe), potential physical abuse (again not from rafe), friends to lovers, brief violence, brief mention of fatphobia/readers body size, soft!rafe (but he still punches someone bc rafe is gonna rafe)
“can we please just not do this today?” you sigh, smoothing your hand down your freshly straightened hair, needing every strand to be set in place for midsummers tonight.
“i’m not doing anything, can you not be a bitch?” scott groans, fixing his tie in the mirror.
you sigh just quietly enough for scott not to hear. the start of your relationship was perfect. he never called you names or hurt you’re feelings, but that changed quickly, and now you’re numb to his insults. you love has faded into nothing, feeling like you’re more of a glorified maid than an actual girlfriend.
“i just don’t want any problems at midsummers tonight.” you say. “the whole town will be there.” at least everyone in the town whose approval you care about.
“i won’t start any problems if you don’t.” scott says, walking out of your shared bedroom. you never should have agreed to move in with him so quickly, but you were getting tired of your parents overbearing nature, only for them to leave for florida permanently a month after you moved out, giving you no other option on where to live.
you check your teeth for lipstick in the mirror once more before following him out.
you ride to the country club in silence, scott staring at the road ahead while you gaze out the window, eyes turning glassy as you slip out of focus like you have more and more lately.
you arrive at the celebration, knowing scott won’t open the door for you. he hasn’t in weeks. you step out, adjusting your dress that had ridden up from being sat down in scotts sports car.
you walk side by side with scott, instead of hand in hand. you wonder if people even know that you’re a couple. if they would ever suspect it when you certainly don’t act like it.
“what do you want to drink?” scott asks, already eyeing the bar.
“i don’t want anything.” you say, hoping that will stop scott from drinking too early as well, but instead he walks away, leaving you alone.
“hey.” a familiar voice purrs out as you turn around quickly.
“rafe!” a smile spreads across your face as you see one of your oldest friends. he quickly wraps you in a tight but still appropriate hug.
“no scott?” rafe asks, looking around hopefully.
“he’s um… already at the bar.” you laugh gently, feeling the awkward tension rise already. scott loves to have you all to himself, which caused you to lose touch with a lot of your friends, even rafe who you used to see at least every other day.
“already.” rafe hums out, words stinging.
“yeah, i should probably catch up with him…” you trail off, walking away leaving rafe looking at you with evident disappointment. 
you find scott amongst the crowd, but don’t bother making your way towards him as you spy kelce and his sister sat at a table in the corner.
“hey!” you smile and take the open seat.
“girl, its been so long! where have you been?” kelces little sister asks. 
“uh-” you’re about to make something up, when thankfully kelce saves you.
“oh shit, i love this song!” he hops up from his seat, chair clattering against the sun bleached hardwood. “dance with me, y/n?”
“yeah, sure.” you take kelces hand, happy that you seem to have slipped back into your natural rhythm as you dance, his hand high up on your waist to avoid any cries of indecency by the other attendees.
you dance with kelce through a couple songs before being passed off to one of his friends you don’t know very well, but you’re happy all the say, laughing as the crowd of younger folk grows as the songs shift more modern.
“y/n, can i have your next dance?” rafe asks, scooping you away from your current partner with ease.
“of course.” you feel your cheeks blushing unwillingly from the way he holds you close to his chest.
“babe, lets go home.” scott suddenly appears next to you.
you take an obvious step away from rafe, putting distance between your bodies for both of your sakes. “i’m not ready yet.” you say, attempting to keep your voice soft.
“well i am. so come on.” scott grabs your forearm, pulling you away.
you manage to look back at rafe as you get dragged towards the door. “sorry.” you mouth, hoping he doesn’t rush after you and cause a scene, even though you can see the anger on his features.
scott finally lets go when you’re out the door as you follow him across the parking lot towards his obnoxious bright yellow sportscar.
“give me the keys.” you say.
“i can drive.” scott says, waving you off.
“you are drunk!” “i said i can drive, woman!” scott shouts at you, ripping open the drivers side door and depositing himself in front of the wheel.
“then im not going with you!” you yell.
“fine, stay here for all i care!” scott slams the door shut and doesn’t even glance back at you as he backs out of the spot, wheels squealing as he leaves the parking lot.
“fuck.” you curse, heading back towards the country club. you make it to the front step before you even realize that you’re crying, tears escaping down your face. you quickly brush them away, hoping kelce or maybe topper or sarah can give you a ride home.
you take a minute to calm yourself before stepping back in, the atmosphere so different to how you feel inside.
you see rafe stood in front of the window to your right, clearly watching everything that went down in the parking lot.
“are you okay?” he questions, head tipping forward, staring at you with intense eyes.
“i-” you clear your throat, holding back the tears as you force a smile on your face. “of course im okay.”
“i see the way he treats you. its wrong.” 
“we’re fine.” you shake your head, voice as loud as you can make it without cracking, yet still a whisper.
“do you want to spend the night at tanneyhill? the guest bedroom is open for you always.”
“i-i guess that would be fine.” you shrug. “just cause hes drunk. he… he isn’t drunk often.” its a bold faced lie, yet you still tell it, covering for your boyfriend and dampening the anger still sketched across rafes brow.
“mhm.” rafe leads you back outside. he doesn’t talk to you for the ride back to tanneyhill, but it doesn’t feel the same as the oppressive silence that fills the car whenever you’re with scott.
“thank you. i’ll leave in the morning.” 
rafe just nods.
you sit on the edge of your bed, staring at scott. “well?” “well what?” he questions, throwing his hands in the air.
“you really don’t know what today is?” 
“no, and you won’t tell me!”
“forget it.” you push yourself off the bed. “i’m taking the jeep.” you call out, not bothering to tell him where you’re going.
you’re not even sure at first as you drive around before you ultimately decide to drive towards the tennis courts. you have none of your equipment, but you can at least sit in the stands and watch others play as a way to pass the time.
“what are you doing here on your birthday?” 
you let out a squeal in shock, almost closing the door on yourself. “rafe! you scared the shit out of me!” “sorry.” he holds his hands up, wide smile on his face. “but seriously, you’re playing tennis on your birthday?”
“scott forgot.” you blurt out. “so… i was just kinda driving around aimlessly.” you shrug.
“well, let me take you out then birthday girl. lunch?” you realize after rafes suggestion how hungry you are and nod quickly.
rafe takes you out to your favorite restaurant, immediately telling the waitress it’s your birthday and you’ll be having dessert first, making you giggle and roll your eyes as an ice cream sundae is brought out for you to share.
“hey.” rafe says, bringing you back to the tennis courts to pick up your car now that the sun has set, having spent the entire day together. “i got you a present.”
“really?” you gasp. “rafe, you didn’t have to!” 
“you’re my friend, its no problem.” he shrugs, reaching into the backseat and handing you a thin wrapped box.
“oh my god, thank you.” you reach across the center console, pulling him into a hug before ripping into the colorful paper, eyes widening when you realize what you were just gifted.
“absolutely not, its too much!” you lift up the beautiful gold bracelet, stone embellishments inlaid into the pattern.
“come on, you deserve something beautiful today. let me help you put it on.” rafe doesn’t give you any time to argue, taking the bracelet and slipping it around your wrist, fingers gently touching your skin as he clips it.
“i-i seriously can’t thank you enough.”
“all i want in return is for you to be happy.” rafe says, looping your fingers together. 
you squeeze them back, holding back your tears as you mutter a goodbye, promising to call rafe soon before heading back home to scott. any time you feel upset on the ride back, you just look at your gift and think of rafe.
“you still don’t know?” you call as you enter the house.
“it’s your birthday.” scott appears from the living room, handing you a gift bag.
“are you serious?” you follow him deeper into the house as he flops back onto the couch, eyes on the television.
“i got you a gift, what more do you want?” scott groans.
you can’t help but laugh, a mean, bitter laugh as you look into the bag. “you’ve got to be kidding me.” it’s an eyeshadow palette with a $2.99 sticker on it. you don’t care about the cost of gifts, but this is clearly something he just picked up from the dollar store with zero thought.
“its makeup. you like girly shit.” scott shrugs.
“yeah, thanks.” you say sarcastically, throwing the bag onto the coffee table as you stomp away. you hear scott following you, and you almost make it into your room before his hand wraps around your wrist, tugging you back towards him.
“what the fuck is your problem?” he shouts.
you want to yell back, want to scream in his face and let go of all your rage, but as his hold tightens on your wrist, you don’t dare to speak up.
“i tried to get you something you liked.” he reasons.
“i know.” by some sick standards, he did.
“i can give you something else you like.” scott guides your hand to his crotch, placing it there before you snatch your hand back.
“i’ve got a headache.”
“of course you do.” scott rolls his eyes, walking back down the stairs without another word.
“you could have at least asked me before you agreed to dinner.” scott says, changing out of his sweatpants into an old pair of jeans.
“you don’t have to come.” you shrug, adding the bracelet rafe gifted you last, your favorite accessory to every outfit, no matter how casual. “its just gonna be rafe, topper and kelce.”
“of course im coming. you think im going to let you go out to eat with three men without your boyfriend?” “do you not trust me?” you raise an eyebrow.
scott just shrugs, and leaves his answer at that, grabbing his car keys as you follow behind.
you’re the last one to arrive, a small apologetic smile on your face as the boys see scott following right behind.
the waitress comes to get everyones drink orders now that the party is complete. you order a lemonade, with scott getting himself a beer, as usual. you notice rafe gets just a cold glass of water, his eyes meeting yours from his spot across the table.
“alright, what can i get yall to eat?” the waitress pulls out a notepad and pen.
everyone orders for themselves until it gets to scott. “ill have the stake, medium well. she will have a side salad.”
you furrow your brow, you never talked about wanting a salad beforehand. “um, actually i’ll have the chicken parm.”
the waitress glances between the two of you before nodding and scurrying away.
“god, you’re getting so fat.” scott says under his breath, yet you still clearly hear.
you wait a few minutes, attempting to listen to whatever sport kelce and topper are going on and on about, when the urge to cry becomes too overwhelming and you have to excuse yourself, walking towards the bathroom before slipping outside.
you are leaned up against the exterior of the building, chest rising and falling as you attempt to control all the feelings you have building inside of you.
“why don’t you say anything to him?” 
“god, rafe.” you place your hand on your chest. “you’ve got to stop sneaking up on me like that.”
“i heard what he says. i see the way he treats you, and i can’t just sit back and watch that happen.”
“what am i supposed to do?” you look up at rafe in desperation.
“break up with him.” he says simply.
“we live together. i-i have no place to go. this is a small island, and we have mutual friends. i can’t just walk away and never see him again.
“so how long are you going to put up with it? because i am seconds away from smashing his face in.” rafes fist clenches in anger, like hes visualizing punching scott this very moment.
“i… i’ll do it today. at home so i can get my stuff then i’ll go to a hotel-”
“tanneyhill. you’ll come to tanneyhill. i told you, the guest bedroom is always open for you.”
“thank you, rafe.” you wrap your arms around him in a tight hug, allowing the minutes to stretch by as he holds you.
“lets get you inside, yeah?” 
you nod, allowing rafe to lead you back into the restaurant. scott has a suspicious look in his eye but stays silent.
“we need to talk when we get home.” you say, scotts foot pushed down on the accelerator as he speeds home.
“what is there to talk about?” he questions.
“just some things i want to get off my chest.” you leave it at that, returning to the silence you’ve come to know well.
you can barely wait until you’re through the door before the words spurt out. “i want to break up.”
scott stands there with a blank expression, causing you to doubt whether you actually verbally said anything. 
“i want to break up.” you repeat.
“no.” scott says, face flushing with anger.
“what do you mean no?” you question.
“is this because i called you fat? well, im sorry for that. i just think you could lose a little weight.” scott throws his hands up in the air like he’s the victim.
“i just can’t take this anymore. i’m not happy. you’re not happy. why are we torturing ourselves?” “you’re not leaving.” scott takes a step closer to you. “i won’t allow you to fucking leave.”
“scott, please.” you shake your head.
“you’re mine!” he yells, bursting forward to grab your shoulders, pushing you against the wall as you let out a shriek.
your eyes closed, accepting that this is the time. this is when you will be hit. you just hope it doesn’t break anything as you wait for your fate, but it never comes.
your eyes open to see rafe burst through the door, immediately accessing the situation and shoving scott away from you.
“what the fuck!” he shouts, charging towards rafe, but it's no use as rafes fist rises and meets his nose, knocking him onto the ground and out cold.
“are you okay?” rafe wraps you in his arms as your body crumbles, holding you up like your weight is nothing as you sob.
“i-thank you.”
“i’ve got you. come on, lets go get your stuff. im taking you to tanneyhill.”
you nod, in a haze as you gather up your belongings, leaving behind anything that can be left as you get just the essentials, rafe helping you carry them out, even as you step around scotts still body, lying on the floor. you check to make sure his chest is rising and falling, and then don’t look at him again.
“ive never seen you so happy.” sarah laughs as you flit around the kitchen, making the biggest breakfast you can for the entire cameron family. eggs prepared in every way, toast, waffles, pancakes, anything and everything. it’s really all for rafe, your savior.
“what is there to be upset about?” you shrug. “i’m single!”
“and youre spending lots of time with rafe again.” she eyes you up and down as your hand shakes slightly pouring a glass of orange juice for wheezie.
“shut up.” you whisper, but the smile doesn’t drop from your face, especially as rafe enters the room. you transformed in the night, the shackles of scotts emotional abuse finally falling away, allowing your true self to reappear.
“im taking you out to dinner tonight, y/n.” rafe says, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“you haven’t even had breakfast yet and you’re already thinking about dinner?” you laugh, shoving a plate full of his favorites into his hands.
“to celebrate.” he shrugs. “maybe i’ll convince top to throw a party.”
“ugh, i really don’t want to be around drunk people.” you admit. you want to celebrate, but preferably without alcohol at least for a month. rafe just nods, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before taking a seat at the island next to sarah.
“after you’re done eating, you can help me look for an apartment or a condo.” you tell rafe. “maybe i could ask ward about-”
“you know you don’t need to be in a rush to leave, right?” rafe interrupts you.
“yeah, but i don’t want to take advantage.” you shrug.
“you’re not.” rafe says, that serious, intense look back in his eye.
“okay.” you nod, soft smile on your face as he takes a bite of his waffle. you turn back to the stove as the timer goes off.
“oh, and maybe we could look for some place to move in together.” you glance back at rafe as he speaks, not caring that your bacon is getting crispier and crispier. “probably time for me to leave the nest anyways… and there’s no one i’d rather live with than you.”
“gosh, y/n, you can talk about something else.” rafe laughs as you launch into another discussion about what kind of house or condo you could move into together, what features you’re looking for and renovations you want to avoid.
“i’m excited!” you whine, taking another bite of your food.
“its cute.” rafe says, making you almost choke as you take a quick sip of your water.
“i just really can’t wait to live together. it’ll be so refreshing after…” you don’t need to say his name, not so soon after. 
“of course.” he nods. “do you want dessert?” rafe asks, seeing the waitress walking over.
“maybe we could split a hot fudge cake?” 
“here’s another water, sir.” she winks at rafe, handing him another glass even though his is not even half empty. “and can i get you anything for dessert?” she leans down, feigning to be reaching into her apron for her notepad, but is clearly just showing off her chest.
“one hot fudge cake, two spoons.” rafe barely pays attention to her as she scribbles it down and walks away disappointed.
“well, she’s bold.” you huff, glaring at her back until she rounds a corner.
“jealous?” rafe smirks, making your eyes widen.
“i never said that!”
“mhm.” rafe takes a sip of his new water. “don’t worry, you’re cute when you’re jealous too.”
“really, thanks for this topper.” you smile, accepting his hand as you step onto his family yacht, taking you and a couple friends, of course including rafe, out for a day on the water.
“just happy to have my friend back.” he says. you feel so lucky to have such amazing people surrounding you, supporting you after your breakup and not holding the way you treated them while in your relationship against you.
you take a seat next to rafe as topper begins to pull the boat away from the dock, allowing your eyes to close and head to rest against rafes shoulder as you feel the sun warm your skin.
you lay like that until topper navigates the yacht into deeper waters for everyone to jump off and swim. you hang back for a moment, watching everyone throw in floating pads or inner tubes as you smile, feeling more relaxed than you have in months.
“ready?” rafe asks.
“oh, yeah.” you pull off your coverup and jump into the water, laughing when you come up as rafe cannonballs right next to you.
you spend the next couple of hours in the water, only getting out to dive right back in. you swim around with rafe, but manage to break away from his attention to talk to your other friends for a bit as well.
your stomach rumbles as topper calls for lunch, having packed sandwiches into the fridge in the yachts kitchen before you left. you sit on your towel on the deck, rafe bringing you back a sandwich and bag of chips as everyone begins to talk.
you watch happily, content to sit back and just be in the moment. you tense up slightly when topper brings out a cooler of drinks, relaxing only slightly when you realize it’s only enough for everyone to have one or two beers or white claws and no one will be getting plastered.
“wanna head back in the water?” rafe asks when you're finished.
“actually…” you look at one of your friends screaming as kelce scoops her up and jumps into the water with her in his arms. “wanna go lay on the sundeck?” “yeah.” rafe follows you away from the crowd until you reach the large white cushions and spread yourself over them, arching your back and stretching.
rafe sprawls out next to you, but turns himself to the side so he can look at you.
“i like you, y/n.” he says.
“i-” its so sudden, so forward, yet so rafe.
“you don’t have to say anything back. but you should know, especially if we are buying a place together.” you nod slowly, taking in his words. “i like you. and i want to kiss you.”
you just nod, a smile spreading across your cheeks as rafe moves closer, placing his hand on your cheek as he leans down, lips pressing against yours.
you’re elated for a moment, until your nose catches the smell of alcohol and you freeze, realizing there’s still the sticky sweet taste on his lips as you’re suddenly transported back to feeling what it’s like kissing scott.
you pull away suddenly.
“i’m… shit. i’m sorry.” rafe stands quickly before you can even process.
“wait!” you call out, legs feeling like jelly yet you force them to work, standing as you rush after rafe, but by the time you reach the main deck, hes taken off on one of toppers jetskis, heading towards home.
“what happened?” topper asks, seeing the tears in your eyes.
“we-we kissed and-” you let out a sob. “i got a flashback of scott because of the beer smell and i pulled away and-” another sob racks through your body. “he thought i was rejecting him but… i love him topper! i need to go and find him and tell him and-” “calm down, okay? you can’t do anything in this state.” topper places his hands on your shoulders, moving you to sit in a chair.
“everyone back on the boat!” he yells, his tone unusually authoritative as everyone scrambles to get the floaties back into the boat.
the yacht moves faster than you thought possible as topper races back, knowing how important this is to you, and to rafe. he’s not going to let his friends miss out on true love just because of a misunderstood trauma response.
thanks to the slow jetski, you reach the dock only a minute after rafe. you’re off the boat and running after him before the lines are even secured.
“wait!” your feet slap against the wood until you reach rafe, grasping his wrist and pulling him to face you.
“just-” rafe sighs. “let me go, y/n. you can stay at tanneyhill of course just… i don’t need you to reject me again.” “let me explain!” you shout, taking a deep breath before continuing. “i wanted to kiss you, i swear. i just smelled the beer on you, and i got a flashback to scott. i got freaked out, it had nothing to do with you. im just… still recovering.”
“shit.” rafe groans, head tipping back at he stares at the sky for a moment, collecting his anger. “i’m so fucking stupid. of course you need more time, you just left him a couple days ago.” “no im… i like you too rafe. i know i need to heal, but i want to do that with you. i love you.”
rafes face turns briefly to one of confusion before a smile takes over. “im going inside to go use toppers mouthwash real quick then im coming back to kiss you. don’t move.”
sfw taglist: @bejeweledreverie @winterrrnight @ladyinbl00d
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luxaofhesperides · 4 months
Can I please have meet cute/weird with mistaken villain! Danny (but really just a engineer and or chem student) and the one being put on investigation cause Danny is a day villain(not really)! Duke
Technically, Danny Fenton is innocent. Technically. 
Duke wants to give him the benefit of the doubt, especially since he’s having so much trouble finding solid evidence that Danny is stealing from a wide variety of people, but he’s been burned before by trying to see people as better than they were. It doesn’t change the fact that Oracle’s cameras keep spotting Danny right before a building on the street is broken into and something stolen. He’s always just walking down the sidewalk; no one has spotted him entering or exiting a building, but he’s around far too often to be unconnected to these burglaries. 
It doesn’t help that strange, petty crimes have been on the rise since Danny first arrived in Gotham. 
Danny Fenton is technically innocent.
Duke is trying to prove that he’s not. 
Maybe I’m looking too closely, he thinks, going over Danny’s sparse file in the Hatch. Maybe Danny’s only one person in a bigger operation.
He could just be the lookout, the runner, the information gatherer who marks which buildings to hit. He may even be the scapegoat, the sacrificial lamb; Danny has no support in Gotham, no family, no job. There would be no one to help him if he got arrested or injured in a fight. He’s a freshman college student from Illinois who should be unprepared for life in Gotham but is somehow managing to survive like a native. 
There’s a lot about Danny that doesn’t add up. 
Duke has seen plenty of different people since he first went out as the Signal. He’s tried to be kind and give people the benefit of the doubt, but it leads to his loved ones being put in danger. Some people are truly evil, some working on a malicious agenda, some are misguided in their beliefs, and some are desperate people who see no other way to move forward.
He’s not sure yet which on Danny is, but he’s hoping Danny is just desperate and needs a little help to get out of a life of crime.
Which leads to the next problem: Duke has no idea what Danny is steal, or why. He hits both rich and poor folks, civilians and members of the mob, and once, notably, stole something right out of Cobblepot’s office. Allegedly, at least, since no one saw him enter or exit the office, not even the security cameras. 
But added to the whispers going around about a new group in Gotham snatching people up from the streets, and some strange green substances found in warehouses often raided by police for the frequent drug labs that pop up in them… 
It doesn’t look good for Danny. Especially when a few of the items he stole were found where people either vanished or where that green substance has been found.
A week of analysis in the Batcave and they still don’t know what it is. 
Both Damian and Jason suspected Lazarus water, but the composition was completely different. By the look of the molecular structure, it shouldn’t have been in a liquid form at all. 
All these findings lead back to one person who may have answers: Danny Fenton.
According to Tim, who’s already broken into Danny’s dorm room and checked over all the labs he has classes in, Danny has some concerning items in his possession. Various inventions and little metal knick-knacks put together by a practiced hand. He was also the one to find all the information that went into Danny’s file when it was first being made: social media posts, school report cards, news articles about his parents… everything. 
And then he had an emergency mission to take with the Titans that swept him out of Gotham leaving Duke to tackle this investigation on his own. 
He doesn’t have Tim’s natural skill in stalking and invading privacy. He hates breaking into people’s spaces and following them around, but needs must and he has to force himself to work through the discomfort. 
It’s a good thing he did, too. Danny’s leaving his dorm after his last afternoon class, hood up to hide his face and something held in the front pocket of his hoodie. He ducks around people on the sidewalk easily, almost as if he’s gliding through the crowd instead of walking. 
Duke follows from above, bending the light around him to hide him from sight. 
He walks for some time, weaving through alleys and streets as if he’s been in Gotham his whole life, leaving behind the university campus to head towards Otisberg. There’s something strange about the way Danny walks, as if he’s moving around people who aren’t there, guided by something Duke can’t hear. Even using his meta abilities doesn’t do much beyond show him where Danny’s going to be in the next few seconds. 
He continues to follow Danny on the rooftops, walking along the edge to keep him in sight. 
Then Danny stops behind an apartment building and tilts his head back to look up at it. He tilts his head to the side, then nods and looks around the empty alley. Duke crouches down, keeping his eyes on Danny in the hopes of catching him in the act—
Danny disappears.
Duke curses under his breath and jumps down from the roof, putting more strength into his abilities as soon as his feet touch the ground. 
The space where Danny was has a faint outline, oddly enough. He’s never seen that before. From it is a semi-transparent trail, smoke-like and a pale green leading into the building. It goes straight into a wall, as if Danny walked through it.
He can’t go in and search the entire apartment, but he can grapple up and take a look into the hallways to see where Danny’s heading. If he was looking up, then that’s where he should be heading. 
It doesn’t take any effort to scale the building. There are ledges and windowsills and plenty of handholds for him to propel himself off of, and paired with his powers, Duke is able to find the correct floor in just under two minutes. 
The green smoke slowly dances through the air of the ninth floor, on the east side of the building. If he’s been counting the rooms correctly, then the target of tonight’s burglary has to be apartment 924. 
The curtains are drawn on the window he makes his way over to, and his abilities don’t show him anything helpful for the immediate future. He hates going in blind, especially to a civilian’s home, but capturing Danny takes priority. Duke picks the lock and slides the window up slowly, making sure it stays quiet, then slips into an empty bedroom. 
He makes his way out into the hallway on silent feet, keeping a wary eye on the thin smoke strands of green, curling along the walls. The rest of the apartment is empty as well, pale sunlight slanting across the floor through the blinds. 
Everything is still and silent. Danny’s nowhere to be found. 
Did he miss Danny leaving, somehow? Was this a misdirect to get him out of the way while Danny stole from another location? Did he know Duke was following him?
But no, his ears pick up on the faint sound of clothes rustling. 
Cautiously, Duke turns towards the front door, where the door to the coat closet is open. He focuses on what’s going to happen in the next twenty seconds and sees Danny panic, then disappear from sight again, but a transparent outline of his body is visible just enough to show him where he runs to. Best not to spook him; Duke pulls at the light around him and bends it to hide him from sight.
Then he moves along the wall, getting around the open door without bumping into anyone or anything. 
A figure in front of the coats, shoving them to the side roughly, flickers in and out of view, almost like a reflection in water, distorted by ripples on the surface. 
Danny pops back into visibility suddenly, scowling at the coats. “Are you sure it’s in here?” he asks the empty air. 
There is no answer, but Danny acts like there is. He rolls his eyes and says, “It’s a favor. That I’m doing for you. I can literally stop right now and you wouldn’t be able to stop me.” He shoves aside another heavy winter coat, then sighs. “Why don’t you look for it, and then tell me where it is.”
He steps back and bumps into Duke.
Danny whirls around, eyes wide, and blast of green light has Duke crashing back into the wall, trying to blink spots out of his eyes. 
“Wait!” he yells, grabbing for Danny before he can run off. “I just wanna talk!”
“Standing right behind me like a serial killer does not make you look like someone who wants to talk!” Danny yells back, slipping through his hands like mist. 
“I just have a few questions!”
“Well, I have a question: why?!”
“Will you hold still, we’re being too loud!”
Danny escapes to the other side of the apartment, next to a window looking fully prepared to fling himself out of it. But he does stop yelling, so Duke is counting it as a success.
“Why is the Signal coming after me?” Danny asks, glaring at him suspiciously.
“Dude,” Duke says, “You’ve been seen outside of every single building that’s had a burglary since you first arrived in Gotham. All the Bats are after you, they just sent me because I’m the only one active during the day.”
“All the Bats?” Danny repeats, losing what little color he had in his face.
He looks legitimately scared, pale enough to be concerning, and Duke drops his guard and tries to relax the tension in the apartment. “I’m not gonna turn you into the cops or anything. I just had questions and you seem like the most likely person to have answers. That’s it.”
Danny still looks wary, ready to run at a moment’s notice, but he doesn’t leave when Duke approached casually, leaning his weight against the couch. 
“So,” he begins, “What’s the deal with all the thievery? It’s rarely something super rare or expensive.”
There’s a long few minutes where Danny doesn’t answer, looking anywhere but at Duke. Then he twitches a bit and glares off to the side, and says, “I taking items that are contaminated with ectoplasm to help ghosts move through the veil and leave Gotham.”
That tells him nothing! That just gives Duke more questions! But at least it’s an answer, the first one any of them have got.
“I think you’re gonna have to explain a little more.”
“Ghosts are real, alright?”
Danny stops. Squints at him. “What do you mean, ‘yes’?”
“Ghosts are real,” Duke repeats, “There are a few who help heroes or are heroes themselves, but that’s more on the magic side of things so I’m not super familiar with it.”
“Magic,” Danny says slowly. “Sure, alright. Um. Yes, ghosts are real. And there are a ton in Gotham who need help moving on, but they’re too weak to get past the veil. Something about Gotham has made the veil super strong, so they need a little boost to get through. Additional ectoplasm bonded helps with that.”
“And that’s why you’re stealing random things?”
“The ghosts I help can kind of sense ectoplasm-infused things, but they need me to grab them since they can’t hold anything without a physical body.”
Duke nods slowly. “Okay, that’s starting to answer some things. We have found those objects in the last places missing people were seen. Any idea what’s going on with that?”
“Yeah, those people were already dead.”
The way Danny says the most concerning answers as if they’re nothing is really throwing Duke off his game. He was expecting to be calm and serious to keep Danny from freaking out too much and look like a legitimate hero. But as soon as Danny started talking, all his nerves fell away and Duke is left grasping for composure. 
“They were…”
“They were ghosts, yeah. And they needed to get through the veil. But they were also able to possess their own bodies and didn’t realize they were dead until I had to break the news to them, which is why it looks like living people just up and disappeared.”
“Okay… What about the green stuff we’ve been finding?”
“Ectoplasm.” Danny holds up a hand and a neon green light surrounds it. Except it looks more solid than light, as if it can be touched, and it moves on its own like fire around Danny’s fingers. “It’s what ghosts are made of.”
Oh. If Danny has ectoplasm, does that mean…
“Are you dead?” Duke asks, heart dropping. 
Instead of looking upset about the question, or even disturbed by it, Danny just shrugs and waves his hand back and forth. “A little.”
“Okay, so let me get this straight,” Duke says, trying to resist the urge to rub his temples. It’s a habit he didn’t mean to pick up from Batman, and it would just look silly with his helmet in the way. “You’re just doing all this to help ghosts?”
“Yeah. Basically. They asked for help man, of course I was going to help them.”
Danny’s a good person. He’s just a good person to ghosts. But this is good news either way, and he can let the others know that Danny isn’t the next Catwoman and is entirely unconnected from any drug production. Everything that made him look like a criminal is just the fault of ghosts. 
“Speaking of,” Danny continues, “Looks like they found what they need, so I’m going to grab that real quick.” He pushes off of the wall and heads for the closet again, moving past Duke without any fear. Duke follows, keeping a few feet of distance between them so Danny doesn’t feel trapped, and watches as he shoves aside the coats again and pulls a shoebox out of the depths of the closet. From it, he takes a single intricate lace headband and holds it up.
It looks normal, if a little old, but when Danny sends ectoplasm through it, the lace lights up and holds the glow. 
He pulls some strange contraption out of his pocket and holds it up to the headband. It makes a few beeps, then Danny mutters, “7.4 millisieverts. That’s enough to get you through the veil.”
Another concern Duke can let go of: Danny’s not creating weapons like his parents have, he’s just measuring ectoplasm through his own inventions. 
Maybe he could talk to Bruce or Tim about getting Danny an internship at the R&D lab in Wayne Enterprises? That way they could keep a closer eye on him while seeing what he can create in some of the best laboratories in the country.
Well, it might take having them meet Danny before they trust him enough for that, but Duke is sure he can make it happen. 
“I better go see this through, then,” Danny says, shoving the contraption back into his hoodie pocket. He gives Duke a small awkward wave, then pops out of visibility. “I’ll see you around, I guess?” he disembodied voice hedges, and Duke smiles.
“I’m sure I’ll be able to find you again.”
“Cool. I gonna go now!” 
He doesn’t see any sign that Danny’s left, but he gets a feeling that he’s alone now, the apartment suddenly emptier than it was before. 
As strange and concerning as Danny and all his bizarre actions were, Duke is glad he was able to finally talk to him and get some answers. Knowing how Gotham pulls people him in, it’s only a matter of time before the other Bats are exposed to Danny’s kind of strange. He’s already looking forward to it. 
For now, though, he has a file to update in the Hatch; POTENTIAL THREAT will be removed and replaced with GHOST HELPER. 
If anyone goes snooping into his files and gets confused, then that’s their problem. Duke’s explained enough. And Danny can take care of the rest, once they go through the effort of tracking him down. Duke's done his part, he's ready for the rest of them to step up to his level.
He can’t wait to see what other kind of trouble Danny can get it into.
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faeriekit · 10 months
New In Town (dp x dc)
ALRIGHT! 👏🏽 A prompt. (Or, well. A premise.) I’m schtealing a lot of worldbuilding from @mediumsizedpidegon‘s post here so bear with me please.
The Bats, however they catch wind of Amity, catch wind of Amity Park. Of course they do. Amity Park has a very distinct presence— Or, well, a lack of a presence. It may have an abundance of documented weirdness online, from folk stories to abandoned livestreams to concerning details in expats’ online blogs.
But there is no online evidence of Amity Park that leaves Amity Park.
So. What is a family of detectives to do when confronted with the need to gather physical evidence? Road Trip, baby!🏄🏽‍♂️🚗🚞🚡
Everyone hops in the car/Batplane and makes their way to Amity Park; they make hotel reservations, ring up the only reasonably rich enough people to even touch their social circle (the Manson family, and Vlad Masters, apparently), make an itinerary for all the documented tourist stops to hit up while in town off the town website, and prepare themselves for whatever dimensional weirdness is causing a complete tech blackout on the town and an inability to be found by satellite.
They get about ten feet into Amity proper when they meet the first local.
His name is Danny. He’s nice! Affable. He looks a lot like any other Wayne sibling, actually, if a little on the younger side. He notices it’s their first time in town. Do they need any help getting around?
Best way to get information is to ingratiate with a local, so...sure, why not? They get a free tour guide, Danny gets to show off his town; they see all the sights, like the local burger joint, the school, the Manson home, the town hall, the city proper. They’re having a clothing swap in the temple parking lot, actually. You should go check it out!
For whatever reason, it’s all...Punk? Goth? There’s a couple of lolita dressed tossed in, and some crocheted things. Everyone has a trunk out their car, eyeliner, and at least two piercings in their face; everyone here seems to know each other on a personal level. Well, small towns are small towns. Whatever.
Danny isn’t deterred by their reactions. If they want, there’s the movie in park tonight! If not, they can catch dinner, though; their hotel restaurant closes at 8pm sharp. (He just...knows this off the top of his head?)
They split up. Some of the family people watch at the restaurant. Everyone is...weirdly courteous to them. A little standoffish. But not at the Wayne name, just at...them being there.
The people at the park find out they’re watching The Night of the Living Dead. This would be much more normal if the park wasn’t also clearly the cemetery, in the middle of July? Which is. Why? It’s not even for any holiday or special time of the year? It’s just...clearly a movie night in the summer? There are little kids here, playing among the gravestones while their parents set out blankets and snacks. Why is this considered a family event??
Well. At least Jason has fun.
Everyone goes to bed and reconvenes in the morning. When they wake up and roll out for the day, Danny manages to find them again, this time with two new friends, bright and chipper in the morning. There’s a farmer’s market today! Everyone’s worked really hard on this week’s harvest; don’t they want to see?
And the longer they’re in Amity Park, the more they begin to realize how convenient it is, that they’re ferried around so easily; that there’s immediately a local who takes a liking to them, that there’s always something else to do; how suspicious it is that no data can get in or out of Amity now that they’re in it, or how they can’t seem to get close to any of the more suspicious parts of town they want to infiltrate. The town is entirely closed to outside influences. The fashion trends are strange and foreign. They only eat things grown in the area, by people they know, and it’s all sort of...green. Everyone knows everyone. Everyone knows where to go. Who to talk to. The superstitions— make no wishes, step on no cracks, wear no large jewelry, cross no shadows of any person (living or dead, apparently), speak to no one without full view of their eyes. 
But nothing seems dangerous— not until a few of them try to investigate Axiom Labs, a subsidiary of the otherwise national Dalvco company, and are met to the face with a blaster that uses tech they’ve never seen, by a red fighter in an ultra-synthetic suit.
Overnight, the extremely polite and welcoming town becomes a hostile entity to fight their way out of.
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finniestoncrane · 1 month
Pleaseeeee can I have a softer Cooper who worries a lot about his girlfriend having to deal with people looking at them weird all the time, but who would be happy to yell "THIS IS MY MAN!" to anyone who would listen?
Cooper Howard x Fem!Reader, word count: 1.5k i am already on the soft cooper train oh no lmaooooo just a little bit of soft boyfriend cooper, or as soft as i imagine he can get, being defended by his partner 🤎 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: guns, blood, violence, good old fashioned trope fic!
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Cooper struggled against your gentle grip, his gloved hand pulling away from yours, fingers no longer entwined with yours. You looked to him, noticing he was avoiding your inquisitive gaze, and then noticed the crudely painted sign on the wall ahead of you. The gates to the nearest settlement were just ahead of you. Your last stop before you headed on to the next job.
“What? Are you embarrassed to walk in here holding my hand, Coop?”
His easy, charming smile seemed a little off as he spoke to you, still looking straight ahead.
“You kiddin’? Darlin’, this is for your benefit. Not many settlements are alright with folks like me at the best of times, but with you on my arm? We’d both be in danger, and I can’t keep spendin’ all my time savin’ you.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes.
“I can hold my own. You know that.”
There was no response, but you knew better than to keep fighting your corner in this particular arena. So instead, you sighed, placing your hands which now felt so incredibly cold and empty, back into your pockets to keep them from mindedly grabbing Cooper’s hands again. You couldn’t be too annoyed. For someone as stoic and cold as he could be, the fact he tolerated holding your hand at all was a pleasant enough gesture. But his willingness to offer up any form of physical affection dwindled completed when there was a risk of running into people. He became reserved, quiet, well-behaved almost. It was something you hadn’t expected from him, to be shy or to allow someone else’s opinions to hold him back. And admittedly, a lot of the time, you had worried that it was because he didn’t want to be seen with you. But you knew it was the other way around in his mind. He was afraid of how people would look at you.
As though he could hear your thoughts, knowing you well enough after all this time together, Cooper spoke finally as you sidled up to the gates.
“You wake up to this face smiling. You call me handsome. You say I’m charming. Good lookin’ I might be in your books, but there ain’t a lot of charm left in these old bones, sweetheart. I couldn’t talk my way out of an argument, and since you keep remindin’ me that I’m not allowed to cause problems everywhere we go…”
He tapped his thumb against the barrel of his holstered gun.
“… Then I just better not give anyone any more reason not to like me.”
“Well, I like you, Coop.”
“And I will forever question your judgement on that, kid.”
Smiling, you both passed through the open gate of the settlement and separated with a nod to get the supplies you needed. Quicker, and safer, to go separately. But still, you kept your head down, Cooper with his ragged mask up and his hat brim tipped to cover as much of his face as possible. Quiet, subtle, nondescript.
It didn’t stop them though, three of them. Pointing towards you, setting their beer bottles down on the stained and rusting bar top as they rushed to follow you.
“Hey! Hello there, pretty lady! You all alone?”
Turning, you spotted the colour of the uniform first, immediately recognising that you had made a mistake in even acknowledging them. That telltale burnt orange jumpsuit. The arrogance in their smug smiles. The Brother of Steel.
“No. I’m not alone.”
“Sure looks like you are… you know, maybe you could come on over and we’ll by you a cola?”
They laughed amongst themselves as you walked on. That one answer and a quick disappearing act was all you were willing to give them, turning quickly back and trying to lose them in the crowd as they slapped each other’s backs and spat to the ground.
And you thought you had been successful. You found a trader with everything you needed on your list before you returned to wait just beyond the gate for Cooper, no further interruptions to your day from the louts at the bar. But the entire interaction had out you on edge, so much so that when Cooper appeared behind you, leaning in without you noticing to whisper in your ear, you jumped out of your skin. Luckily, he was quick, and managed to grab your wrist before your fist struck the side of his face.
“Jumpy, aren’t you? Maybe you don’t think I’m so handsome after all.”
His wink made you blush, it always did, and you bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from grinning like a fool.
“You surprised me is all, smartass.”
Cooper smiled, tightening the grip on your wrist and pulling you closer to him. You feigned some resistance, pretending to put up a fight against his grin, his charms, his strength. But you were following his pull, your lips almost touching his before the blow was landed.
Cooper’s body was knocked completely off balance, his body falling to the ground in a cloud of dust. Turning in the direction he was hit from, you found yourself staring down the three members of the Brotherhood from the market. Holding back some of the choice words you had for them, you managed to narrow it down to one question simple enough for even them to answer.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
Shocked by your ungrateful attitude, one of the men, the largest of the three, stepped forward and pushing your shoulder with his finger.
“We’re saving you from assault, lady! This monster had its hands all over you, but don’t worry, we’ll take care of it. And you’re welcome.”
You scoffed, face going red with rage as you knelt to help Cooper up.
“You’re not saving me, asshole! You’re ruining the fucking vibe, you dweebs.”
Again, a far more polite term than you had wanted to use, but that didn’t seem to make the men any less aggressive towards either Cooper or now you. The largest of the men grabbed your arm, pulling you back up and away from the hand that Cooper had held out to you.
“Oh… you’re one of those freaks! No wonder you turned down some good old-fashioned heroes like us then.”
One of the others nudged you to the side, the other pushing Cooper back down to the ground with a kick, turning around as all of them converged on you until your back was against the wall. Nowhere to go. Trapped by them as they made their disgusting comments.
“Why would you waste your time on some abomination like that, huh? You into freaky stuff? Cos I could sure show you a thing or two. What’s he got? Like two cocks or something weird like that?”
You spat out your retort, well aware of the repercussions, but not caring.
“He could be feral and I’d still let him touch me before I even thought about letting any of you near me.”
Bracing for impact, you squeezed your eyelids shut, opening them again moments later when you realised you hadn’t been hit yet. Instead, all three of the Knights were on the ground, Cooper kneeling over them as he tightened the lasso and added the long length around their wrists for measure.
“Oughta keep ‘em long enough for us to make our escape, hm?”
You nodded, smiling, surprised still at how effective he was at handling anything the Wasteland threw at him.
“And I did it all without too much violence and noise, like you asked.”
“My hero.”
You swooned playfully, watching him as he made his way to stand beside you, both of you looking down without an ounce of pity at the men who writhed before you in the dirt.
“And look at you, shouting all those kind words about me for anyone to hear.”
“I keep telling you, Coop. I can hold my own, and I don’t care what people think.”
“You sure about that, darlin’? The likes of these fellas don’t put you off none?”
His eyes darted towards the Knights, now trussed up and struggling against each other on the ground, straining their necks to move their heads out of the line of Cooper’s gun.
“What? You think I’m put off by the Brotherhood? Yeah… and the rads put me off stuffing tin after tin of delicious cram down my throat.”
Cooper grabbed your hand in his, initiating the contact for the first time, and pulled you away back onto the cracked road. He knew he’d let go before you hit the next settlement, but he felt a little bit better about the risks associated. Especially since he had to admit, you could hold your own. And you were determined to do so when it came to him. It was nice to feel like he could let the affection be reciprocated.
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ameliathornromance · 2 months
“Okay – I know what this looks like.” Your Orc Boyfriend held his hand out to you, defensively. His face was stained with soot, along with one or two of his fellow cooks, both shooting glares into the back of his head. “But I promise you, it was for a good cause.”
From behind himself, he pulled out a charred and burned mound of… something. Raising your eyebrow, you looked between him and the plate. You weren’t trying to be rude, really, but… for your life, you could not recognise what was on the plate in front of you.
Your Orc looked hopefully at you, but at your confused expression, he let out a sigh. His shoulders slumped, his head hung. “I knew your birthday was coming up.” He said, “and I was able to sort your presents. But then you started going on about cake… so I tried to make one and…”
Cake, to you, was one of the best things in the world. The problem was, every time you had tried to purchase a cake from a village or town since joining the Orc camp, it was always taken from you at the last moment. Sold out at the last moment in a bakery or - when you did finally get a hold of one - was knocked from your hands by accident from a clumsy Orc.
You felt it was wrong to just invade the Orc’s supplies and cooking stations to make your own, so you resigned yourself to a cakeless existence.
Your Orc Boyfriend, who had never had anything but meat for food, was intrigued by the pastry. “So, it’s like a sweet bread?” He asked you once you finished explaining the concept to him.
“I…” you hummed in thought, “I guess so? They’re easy to make, pretty much anyone can do it.” You sighed, “I wish I could have it for my birthday.” It was only two weeks away by this point, the thought of having such a costly present made your mouth water.
“Why specifically your birthday?” Your Orc asked, curiously.
“It’s a human tradition,” you explained. “You get presents too, but cake is more of a luxury for the common folk.”
After that conversation, you found your Orc evasive.
You knew his routine like the back of your hand; Every morning, he would get up at early dawn and then go out hunting. A couple hours later, he would return with game and crash for a nap in the afternoon. Then, he would rise for dinner and then stay up late to sharpen his weapons.
But for some reason, he would forgo his nap, extending his time out of the camp. The first time he did it, you assumed he was just trying to make sure he got all the game in the area and when you asked the others, they confirmed your suspicions.
You tried not to take much notice of it after that. Although the absence of your Orc began to worry you slightly. Was there someone who was forcing him to leave the camp? If he had been given extra work, he would have told you about it… Right?
Your worries continued until the morning of your birthday. A boom shuddered through the camp ground, causing you to jump up from your bed. Rushing out, fully prepared to defend the camp in case of an attack, only to find the rest of the camp roaring with laughter, their attention directed to the food tent.
Pushing your way through the Orcs, you found yourself standing at the entrance of the tent, Orc Boyfriend covered in soot and holding a smoking, charred lump on a plate.
You knew your Orc was not the best in the kitchen. This was why he was given hunting duties over being in the kitchen with the other Orcs… But you had no idea that it was this bad.
“We don't even know how you blew up the kitchen.” One of the Chef Orcs grunted. The crowd eventually dispersed and the Orcs returned back to their duties.
And so, those were the events that led up to this moment.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to make you happy.” Your Orc looked away from you, eyes downcast to the ground.
Your heart stung at his hurt expression. He really had tried, hadn’t he? Even if it had ended in a disaster. He really wanted to give you that cake huh?
Walking up to him, taking out a handkerchief, you wiped his face free of soot. He still didn’t look at you, as though he were ashamed by what had happened. Cupping his cheeks, you force him to look at you. “Thank you for trying.” You kissed his nose. “It’s the thought that counts.” And with that, you pecked him on the lips. “But, maybe I should be the one to do the kitchen work from now on.”
At that, a small smile overtook your Orc’s frown. “Yeah. That’s probably for the best.” And with that, the two of you made your way back to your tent and opened your gifts.
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ham1lton · 2 months
her silly rabbit.
pairing: lando norris x gymnast!reader.
faceclaim: simone biles.
warnings + summary: nothing. just lando being the most supportive wag ever. he gets down… he don’t play. irl mr biles needs to be acting like this. bare minimum fr.
author’s note: just realised this is barely about gymnastics. omg. but i hope this is a decent enough smau for you 😍❤️.
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liked by yourbffsuser, landonorris and 1,383,729 others
yourusername: just an average day for me. practice, the presidential medal of freedom and a late night dinner with my greatest prize 💕
landonorris: I LOVE YOU 😍😘🤤❤️
-> yourusername: i love you too babe!!!
-> landonorris: OMG YOU NOTICED ME…. putting this in my bio. y/n noticed x163 😍🤤😘❤️
user2: Y/N I LOVE YOU!!!
landonorris: that’s my girlfriend guys 😍
-> danielricciardo: are you sure… be honest @yourusername… is he paying you? blink twice if you’re being held hostage.
-> landonorris: you guys never let me have anything 😒😒
user1: lando is so in love with her it’s so cute!!
-> user5: need me a man like lando forreal.
-> landonorris: too bad. i’m taken by the love of my life. so unfortunate for you.
-> user5: … throuple?
user3: you inspired me to pursue gymnastics!! and i’m attending college on a gymnastics scholarship thanks to you!! 💕
-> yourusername: omg!! i’m so proud of you!!! this is incredible news!! so excited to see you grow and learn more. it’s so worthwhile i promise. even the harder days are worth it. wishing you nothing but success and happiness!! 🫶🏾💕
user4: girl why is your bf a bum 😭 like your girlfriend gets the presidential medal of freedom and you buy her three wings and some fries 😭
-> user6: no cause literally 😭 and he’s a millionaire he’s got no excuse.
-> landonorris: did you read the caption 🤨 late night snack…. i took her out for a celebratory dinner at her favourite restaurant earlier in the night. don’t worry about me and what we do.
-> user7: lando don’t play when it comes to the cheapskate allegations 😭 he said shut that shit DOWN 😭😭
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liked by carlossainz, yourusername and 672,829 others
landonorris: me omw to the love of my life, me with the love of my life and me when i have to leave the love of my life.
charles_leclerc: you a grown man posting this btw…
-> landonorris: no i’m not. i just pretend to be one when it’s convenient for me.
yourusername: … i’m only gone for three days?
-> landonorris: i shall spend every day waiting by the door for you.
-> user1: what about your job? 😭
-> landonorris: this is my job. full time boyfriend. part time gymnastics wag.
user2: he’s her biggest fan!! i love this for her.
-> landonorris: i’m more than that. i’m y/n’s right-hand arm man. i’m y/n’s everything. i’m her confidant. her best friend… her silly rabbit.
-> user3: oh brother … this guy STINKS 🗣️❌
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liked by lewishamilton, zendaya and 792,139 others
yourusername: another olympics down!! this achievement is so incredible!! i want to thank everyone who helped me to get this position. your support was invaluable.
also to my right-hand arm man. my everything. my confidant. my best friend… my silly rabbit? landonorris. this wouldn’t be possible without you. i love you. flower creds go to him 💕.
landonorris: i’m so proud to be your boyfriend 💕
-> alex_albon: a normal lando comment under a y/n post? this is an unprecedented turn of events
-> user1: so weird not to see him frothing at the mouth under her posts….
-> landonorris: too busy spending time with my super successful and hot and sexy girlfriend in person. only true bad bitches can understand me.
user3: we love you!! so proud of you here in (your country’s name).
*liked by yourusername*
landonorris: last picture is me if having the best gf in the world was an olympic sport 😍😍😘😘🤤🤤💕💕🗣️🗣️
-> user2: how is your gf the literal gymnastics goat and you have no wins.
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liked by beyonce, bellahadid and 1,383,982 others
yourusername: if you had told the little girl in the first photo that one day she would be time’s person of the year, the most decorated olympic medalist and engaged to the love of her life, she wouldn’t believe it.
check out my interview with TIME magazine out now! 💕
user1: you look incredible!!! so beautiful!!!
user2: lando truly beat the cheapskate allegations with that massive rock on her finger.
-> user3: only the best from her silly rabbit.
*liked by landonorris*
user7: her going in to how much gymnastics helped saved her life is gonna make me cry. she’s so inspirational 🥺.
-> user8: she’s truly the best person to have cover TIME magazine.
landonorris: brb buying a million of these magazines and plastering them all over my walls.
-> user4: we are jealous!! spare another diamond ring for a poor suffering college student 🥹
-> user5: oh naw… he’s gonna become even worse now the baddest bitch is his fiancée 😒
beyonce: you look beautiful. so proud to have seen you grow <3.
-> yourusername: 🥹💕💕
user8: SHE’S OFF THE MARKET??!!! NOO!!!
-> user9: just fell to my knees in the middle of walmart.
-> user10: i waited three and a half years… white man did it in one week….
landonorris: text me back btw… need to know which birkin you’d like 😍
-> user5: WE GET IT!!! YOU’RE RICH!! 😒🖕
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nothorses · 10 months
I hope this is okay to ask but I’m pretty desperate and googling stuff has failed me, so do you or one of your followers have recommendations on how to deal with the BO that comes with taking testosterone? I never had BO that couldn’t just be managed by showering enough and putting on just any deodorant but now that I’m taking T I sweat a lot and I smell bad and I nothing I do seems to fix it. My boss has politely mentioned it several times now despite all my effort and it’s so mortifying and embarrassing.
Things I’ve tried and am currently doing include so many different deodorants which I bring to work and reapply, putting baking powder in my shoes, on top of general basic hygiene. But none of it seems to make a dent and it doesn’t help that I can’t really change clothes or shoes throughout the day. I have to wear closed toed shoes and a lab coat and my job is pretty active, plus it’s 10 minutes walk from the parking lot and it’s over 100F or 40 C right now so when I arrive at work I’m already pouring sweat. I also have a large chest so it all gets under my bra and soaks into it and by the end of the day the bottom part of my bra reeks.
I know some ocasional BO on a busy day can’t be helped but none of the other people at work including other male coworkers seem to have the same issue at all, so there’s got to be a solution but I haven’t found it. Im thinking of trying antiperspirants but I also know I need to sweat and I would rather not put my health at risk. So if anyone has something that works for them please let me know bc im really desperate here.
First I want to say: you're not doing anything wrong. You probably just sweat more than some other folks, and that's not your fault, and you shouldn't feel bad about it. I'm gonna give you some ideas to try if you haven't yet, but I don't know how much you've already tried, and it sounds like you've been through a lot already.
I also have always had terrible BO, and the only thing that helped at all pre-T was "prescription strength" deodorant. I honestly have had less of an issue since starting T, weirdly enough, but part of that is also that I physically cannot stand to shower any less frequently than every single morning (not necessarily a good thing lol), and I also started using antibacterial products on my armpits when I shower.
Currently I use benzoyl peroxide body wash on my armpits, which can be drying, but it hasn't caused me issues so far (just look for Panoxyl, other brands have caused irritation for me and my partner both). I used Betadine surgical scrub before that for a bit (you collect weird shit when you work with horses 🤷‍♂️) and that worked well, too- plus it's less likely to irritate skin.
I also find that certain shirts cause me to sweat there more, and those also tend to be the more form-fitting shirts that get up into my armpits. That skin def needs to breathe.
My partner has had trouble with feet/shoes in the past, and he's used cedar shoeforms to mitigate that (cedar is also antibacterial!). He also makes sure any shoes he gets are breathable (not leather), and if they are leather, he gives them at least a day or two between wears. Probably good practice if you notice any kind of smell on any of your shoes.
You mention baking powder, and I'm not sure if you meant baking soda and just mixed them up (which I do all the time lmao) but just in case: if you are using baking powder, the one you want is baking soda.
I don't have much advice for chest sweat, except that you may want to consider bringing an extra bra (and maybe an extra pair of socks if you're noticing it before the end of the day) to change into midway through the day. You can also look for more breathable fabrics in general, especially athletic-wear, which is already designed to help wick sweat and mitigate those issues.
Lastly, I want to stress again that you're not doing anything wrong. Some people have more trouble with this than others, and if you're really struggling in a way nobody around you is, it may be that you've got something going on in your body that they don't have to deal with. This could be a medical thing as well (like acne!!), and there's no shame in seeking medical solutions for it. Talk to your doctor if you can; it sounds like it's causing you distress, and you deserve to be comfortable.
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mckitterick · 3 months
Christofascist Republican calls LGBTQ people "filth" during public forum
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The culture of hate among Christofascists recently led to the violent beating and subsequent death of Choctaw two-spirit teenager Nex Benedict in Oklahoma.
When questioned about how 50+ anti-LGBTQ bills might have affected this case, State Senator Tom Woods said,
“We are a Republican state - supermajority - in the House and Senate. I represent a constituency that doesn’t want that filth in Oklahoma.”
Several audience members clapped at his statement, while others appeared shocked.
“We are a religious state and we are going to fight it to keep that filth out of the state of Oklahoma because we are a Christian state - we are a moral state,” Woods said. “We want to ... let people be able to go to the faith they choose. We are a Republican state and I’m going to vote my district, and I’m going to vote my values, and we don’t want that in the state of Oklahoma.”
State Representative David Hardin added, “How you live your life personally, that’s between you and God... but what goes through our public schools - I will fall back on my faith. I want to make sure that at least the children in our public schools have that faith... what I want to make sure of is that our young children have the right to grow up with that faith."
After the forum, Woods reiterated his stance on the matter: "I support my constituency, and like I said, we’re a Christian state, and we are tired of having that shoved down our throat at every turn... I stand behind my statement, and I stand behind the Republican Party values."
When asked what he thought of Woods’ characterization of LGBTQ people as “filth,” State Senator Dewayne Pemberton said, “No comment.”
Again and again, today's christofascist Republicans (any other sort doesn't get elected these days) reveal that they want to indoctrinate public school kids into their own bigoted hatred, forcing children to hate anyone who doesn't subscribe to their narrow interpretation of their religious texts. Christofascists seek to impose their personal, misguided religious biases on the general public, including creating laws codifying hate and authoritarian control over the lives and bodies of everyone, not just others in their own religion.
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Make no mistake, Nex Benedict's death was caused by christofascist indoctrination of the three girls who brutally beat Nex in that school bathroom. Nex Benedict's death was caused by the school failing to take their injuries seriously, by hate codified in Oklahoma state laws designed to harass LGBTQ folks and normalize bigotry against them, by Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters appointing hate-speech villain Chaya Raichik (responsible for "Libs of TikTok") to the Oklahoma Department of Education's Library Media Advisory Committee even though she doesn't live in the state (but he likes that she used Benedict's school and teacher for targeted hate). And on and on - it's a systematic attack on personal freedom and human rights - and the lives of queer folks.
Nex Benedict's death is exactly what christofascists seek through indoctrinating children into their hate that perpetuates bigotry into the future and forcing their religious fanaticism into the public sphere through unconstitutional laws built on hate and control.
Do you want to live in a theocracy dictated by those who narrowly interpret their personal religious texts to promote hate? Because as long as citizens fail to speak out against these harbingers of civilizational collapse, they'll only feel more and more emboldened to turn hate crimes into victories.
We must not let another of our people become victim of systemic bigotry. To protect children and end generational indoctrination, we must fire all public officials who subscribe to christofascist hatred and, when appropriate, prosecute them for the violence they incite.
If we fail to end the careers of hateful christofascists, we fail our children.
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moonchildquinn · 8 months
warnings!!: alright you know the drill, !!18+ only!!, minors stay tf away or i’ll smack your ankles with a razor scooter (iykyk) slight choking, spanking, orgasm denial, unprotected PIV (wrap that shit folks) slight creampie if you look hard enough, little bit of degrading, a couple pet names and a little surprise at the end. if i missed anything please tell me and i will add it! this is not proofread as none of my fics usually are. i’m a bit rusty on the writing game so if you hate this please keep it to yourself or i’ll cry anyway enjoy! 🤍
word count: 1.7k
idk what to title this so uh just simple:
Older!Mean!Eddie x Fem!Reader!
You sat at the bar, nursing the same drink you ordered since you had got there, scooping out the area for a nice little fuck for the night, but not a single guy in the bar had caught your eye so you sighed ready to give up as you finish your drink. You’re about to pay when a deep raspy voice next to you speaks.
“Could I get you another?” He asked. You looked at him and your breath was taken away. In front of you was one of the most beautiful men you have ever seen. He was older, you could tell by the gray littering his beard. He had long curly, messy hair and his smile lit up the dim bar. You could see he was covered in tattoos and he had his lip pierced as well. He looked like a rockstar. You smile, sad that you’re going to turn him down.
“I was actually about to head out.” You say politely.
“Understandable, have a great night.” He nods his head about to leave but you end up stopping him. You needed to get to know this stranger, you didn’t know why but you just needed to.
“Well one drink wouldn’t hurt I guess.” You say.
“You sure? Don’t feel like you have to be polite and have a drink with me darlin’.” He says.
“I want to, I promise.” You say. He nods his head and calls for the bartender and you both order a drink. You two end up hitting it off, sharing stories and laughs, getting to know each other as the night went on. You were right Eddie was older, a full 20 years older than you but you both didn’t seem to let that get in the way. After a few drinks you got a bit bold and decided to invite him back to your place.
“Sure, I would love to.” He smiles as you both get up. He pays the tab and you both head out.
“You really didn’t have to pay the tab.” You say as you stand there waiting for a ride. Neither of you wanted to get behind the wheel which was smart, obviously.
“I’m the one who offered to get your drinks.” He says.
“A true gentleman huh?” You tease a little.
“Guess my uncle raised me right.” He smiles. A car pulls up and he opens the door for you and lets you in first then follows after you. The car ride was silent but it wasn’t uncomfortable at all. When you get to your apartment, Eddie hops out of the car first and then opens the door for you, holding his hand out for you. You take it and step out and you both walk inside your building. As you both stood in the elevator the tension was growing and you both knew it was. Your patience was running thin, you just wanted him to fuck you.
The elevator doors open and you walk down the hall to your apartment and as soon as you get the door unlocked Eddie is pushing you in and closing the door before pinning you against it and kissing you deeply. You moan softly as your hands come up and you tangle your fingers into his hair, tugging slightly as you do causing him to groan out. Well you got exactly what you wanted, a nice fuck. Eddie brings his hands down and grabs your thighs in his hands and picks you up and carries you over to the couch. He sets you down but you get up and grab his shirt and drag him to your bedroom. You push him down onto the bed and straddle his lap and kiss him, the desperate need to have his lips on yours growing stronger. His hands go down to your ass and squeezes hard causing you to moan out into the kiss.
“Fuck me, please.” You beg. He nods his head and moves you off of him.
“Strip for me.” He breathes out and you do. Eddie’s eyes watch you as you slowly remove your clothes, his cock growing harder by the second. Once you are naked he pulls you down on his lap, placing his hand around your throat and having you look at him. “Want to have a little more fun?”
“Yes.” You breathe out. At this point you would agree to anything. Eddie smirks at your agreement and kisses you hard. He brings his free hand down and rubs his fingers along your soaked slit, groaning at the feeling. He does that for a bit, causing you to become a whiny mess for him. Finally he slips two fingers in and starts off slow.
“Here’s how this is going to play out, you’re not allowed to cum until I say you can, if you disobey me you’ll be punished, understand?” He asked you. Chills go down your body as you nod your head. “I need to hear you.”
“I understand.” You whisper.
“Good girl.” He picks up the pace of his fingers ever so slightly, his grip on your throat getting a little tighter as he does, adding to your pleasure. His fingers move expertly inside of you and you feel like you’re on cloud nine. Your eyes roll back slightly as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to your orgasm. You’re so focused on the movement on his fingers that you forget his rule and you cum all over his fingers. You grip his shirt tightly in your hands as you mindlessly rock against his fingers. Eddie watches you ride out your high, anger boiling up inside of him. He had one simple rule and you couldn’t be bothered to listen to him. Once you come back to him, your face heats up as you look at him, shame written all over your face.
“I’m sorry.” You say.
“It's okay angel.” Eddie lies through his teeth as he helps you up. “Get on your hands and your knees for me.” He demands, his tone sends a shiver down your spine a little and also goes straight to your core. You do as told and get on your hands and knees. You hear Eddie riding himself of his clothes before he gets behind you. He grabs your hips and pulls you against him, making you gasp as you not only feel how hard he is but feel how big he is. Was it even going to fit? Eddie chuckles slightly at your reaction. “It’ll fit, don’t worry. Now remember how I told you if you didn’t listen to me you would be punished?” Your heart drops instantly.
“But you said it was okay.” You whimper out.
“And you said you understand, it looks like we both lied.” He smirks before he brings his hand up and spanks you, hard. You yelp out, barely processing it before he’s spanking you again and again. “Such a pathetic little thing, couldn’t handle one simple order could you?”
“I’m sorry.” You say, your voice more whiny than you meant for it to sound.
“I’m sorry.” Eddie mocks. He continues to spank you until your ass is raw and tears are spilling down your face. Once he’s done he presses your face down into the mattress and slides his cock into you with ease, the stretch burning slightly but feeling so good at the same time it basically knocks the wind from your chest. He keeps his hand on your head and his other hand grips onto your hip as he sets a brutal pace. Your body feels ignited as your eyes roll back and loud moans leave your lips.
“Mmm fuck! You feel so good angel, so fucking good!” Eddie groans out. You want to respond but he was just fucking you too good that all that you could manage was moans, whines, and whimpers. You could feel another orgasm building and Eddie could tell you were close too from the way you squeezed him. Just as that feeling was about to snap Eddie pulled out.
“No!” You cry out.
“Oh you thought the spanks were your only punishment? Oh no, I’m not done with you quite yet.” He says. He brings his hand down and starts rubbing your clit causing you to whine out. If he didn’t want you to cum why must he torture you? You could feel yourself ready to go over the edge again but he stops once again.
“Eddie please!” You beg.
“Should have obeyed me the first time, then you wouldn’t be in this position now would you?” He asked.
“I’m sorry!” You plead.
“And I told you I don’t care, now shut up!” He snaps and you keep your mouth shut after that. Eddie keeps his little game going for hours, getting you really close to the edge and then stopping. By now you were a mess and you just wanted to cum. Eddie smirks at how he has you before he finally slides his cock into you again and starts up his brutal pace. Your voice was a bit horse as you continued to let out moan, knowing that once again you weren’t going to be cumming. You could feel your orgasm growing and you waited for Eddie to pull away but he didn’t.
“I’m going to cum!” You whine out, hoping the warning will alert him.
“Cum for me angel.” He rasps. You cry out as you cum, hard, all over his cock, relief filling you as you finally get your release. Eddie keeps going, coaxing a few more orgasms from you before he finally cums himself. He groans loudly before he pulls out, his cock twitching slightly as he watches his cum drip down a little before he uses his fingers to push it back in. You both collapse down on the bed, catching your breaths before you both look at each other, wide smiles on your faces.
“Holy shit that was amazing.” You finally breathe out.
“I told you roleplaying was fun, just have to know how to do it right.” Eddie says, making you nod your head in agreement. “I wasn’t too rough was I?”
“Never.” You smile as you scoot closer to your boyfriend and snuggle into him. “Thanks for this.”
“Told you I would do anything for you, now rest for a bit then I promise to get you cleaned up.” He kisses your forehead, a smile on his face and smile to match on yours.
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starcrossedxwriter · 7 months
Princess’s Punishment (MBJ x Reader)
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A/N: I didn’t have the energy to go back and find the two asks lol but this is a request from two folks for a kinky punishment story with. So enjoyyyy!
Warnings: degradation, name calling, NSFW, lots of kinks (spanking, cockwarming, etc)
“What do you think?” You gave her fiancee a model-like twirl so he could examine your outfit from all angles. 
Michael glanced up from his phone and the email he was typing, letting out a low whistle as his eyes swept over your perfect frame. 
“That dress gon’ get you into trouble, Princess.” 
You threw him a coy smile before turning back to the giant mirror in the middle of the store. You were the only customer there, Michael preferring to reserve stores for an hour or two so you could have a private and serene shopping experience. It ensured everyone in the store was solely dedicated to getting you exactly what you needed and wanted. Most stores happily obliged, knowing that anytime Michael brought his princess in, the limit on his card was nonexistent. Today was no different. 
“That looks great on you,” a man offered as he emerged from the back of the store. His dreads were neatly pulled back out of his face. He was the definition of tall, dark, and handsome, the exact type of man who would have once turned your head before you met Michael, the love of your life. But no one compared to the literal sexiest man alive in your eyes and that was a fact. 
You had never seen him in the store before but when the woman you typically worked with didn’t return, you realized he would be assisting you. 
“Hope you don’t mind. Jenn had a family emergency. I’m Marcus,” he reached out to shake your hm which you accepted with a bright smile. 
“Nice to meet you. Y/N,” you introduced yourself before turning back to the mirror, your hands running over the luxuriously soft material that hugged your curves. “Not sure this is the most flattering though.” 
“I have another dress in the back, we just got it in. Similar to this one but it’s perfect for you. Will be far more flattering. A body like that… you should show it off.” 
You did not pick up on the obvious flirting in his tone, particularly as that was the farthest thing from your mind. You merely nodded with a smile. “Thank you. That would be great. Can’t wait to see it.” 
“I’ll bring that and a couple other pieces. We technically aren’t supposed to show them yet but for a friend,” he winked at you. “I can bend a few rules.” 
“Really??” You were merely excited about getting an advanced look at your favorite store’s new pieces. 
“Of course. Be right back.” 
“Thank you!” You watched him for a few moments as he walked away before turning to Michael whose face was set in a scowl. “Everyone here’s so nice all the time.” 
“That nigga’s nice cause he wants to fuck you,” Michael grumbled, his tone signaling that he was not as pleased with the service as you.” 
Your jaw fell open before you laughed at the absurdity of the idea. Men rarely flirted with you, if ever. “Come on, baby. Don’t be silly. He wants us to spend money, likely to make his commission better so he’s just being extra complimentary.” 
“Nahhh, I watched him basically undress you with his fuckin’ eyes, Princess. Besides, I’m the one payin’ and nigga didn’t say shit to me. Acted like I’m not even here. I don’t like him.” 
You merely laughed, clearly not realizing that Michael was genuinely upset with the salesman. “Aww my grumpy baby. You don’t like anyone,” you teased before disappearing into your dressing room to try on more outfits. 
Outfit after outfit, you pranced around for your boyfriend and gave him a fashion show. He was thoroughly unhelpful as he loved 95% of the items you tried on and refused to help you narrow down the massive stack of clothes. Anytime you went shopping, he thought you should buy everything you remotely liked, even if you had one exactly like it in the closet at home. 
“What do you think? Don’t need both black dresses,” you muttered more to yourself than either man in the room. 
“You look perfect in both. Just get both.” 
“Not helpful, babe!” 
“I think you should get the one you have on. Shows off your body better.” 
“You commentin’ on her body a lil too much, my nigga,” Michael called out, clearly frustrated by Marcus’ innocent compliments toward you as you finished trying on clothes. 
“Michael!” You whipped your head around in shock at his rudeness. “Sorry, he gets very grumpy when we’ve been shopping too long.” 
“No apologies needed,” he raised his hands in surrender before making an excuse to go to the back of the store to get her something else. 
You scoffed once he was gone, you and Michael having a silent standoff. 
“That was hella rude,” you chastised him. 
Michael merely shrugged “Hella rude for him to openly flirt with my girl in front of me. He bold enough for that shit, he’s bold enough to take the heat.” 
“You’re ridiculous.” 
“Nah and what were you doin’? Flirting back with that nigga.” 
You let out a laugh at the absurdity of that statement. “Flirting back?? It’s called being nice. I only got eyes for one, very jealous man.” 
And with that, you disappeared back into the changing room to put back on your real clothes. You could not understand what was up with Michael as of late. He seemed to be so much more jealous than he used to be lately, snapping or glaring at any man who got too close or talked to you for too long. He had done the same thing at a premiere just last week. You had chalked the first couple times up to him having a bad day but now you wondered if something else was wrong. 
“You ok?” You asked as you both patiently waited for Marcus to package your mountain of clothes and accessories. 
His eyebrow was furrowed with an angry expression on his face. Still packing most of the weight of Erik Killmonger, he looked intimidating to say the least. But you did not understand what he could be that upset about, nothing had even happened. 
He did not answer you, merely handing Marcus his card to finish paying. 
“Need help getting these to your car?” Marcus asked, his hands already preparing to grab the heavy garment bags and smaller shopping bags 
“That would be g-” you started to say when Michael immediately cut you off. 
“Nah we got it.” His short tone made you cringe slightly, Marcus’s face blanching at the rudeness of it. 
He gestured for his security to pick up the bags and grabbed the rest himself before gesturing for you to exit the store. You merely offered a polite thank you before following him out of the store. 
As soon as you walked into the house, you started up the stairs to put your new items in their proper spots when he stopped you. 
“What’s up, babe?” 
His tone and face looked almost bored as he scrolled on his phone. “When you’re done, assume the position by the counter.” 
Your eyes grew wide with surprise. Assume the position was a clear directive in the Jordan household, one that let you know the relaxing evening you had planned was not going to happen. A sign that you had upset your master, and thus, must be punished. 
“What did I do??” The logical part of your brain was well aware he was not going to tell you. If your infraction was not obvious, he rarely told you what it was until the punishment had started. But as you racked your brain, you could not understand what on Earth you did to upset him. You had a really nice day together and aside from the weird interaction with the sales associate, he seemed fine. Then it clicked in your brain. 
His jealous streak seemed to not have ended earlier, after all. 
“That’s for me to know and you to find out. 10 minutes.” 
He did not spare you another glance before he disappeared toward the living room, leaving you gawking after him on the stairwell.
“Fuck my life,” you muttered as you raced up the stairs. You completely disregarded your original mission of putting your clothes away, you did not have time for that. 
Instead, you stripped down to nothing and pulled your braids out of their high ponytail. You went to your drawer and pulled out the various things you knew were required: your collar and leash, nipple clamps, flogger, blindfold, and ball gag. He did not always use them all and sometimes he used none of them. But that was another thing for him to know and you to find out. 
You descended down the stairs, your entire body almost floating with anticipation. You knew whatever he had planned would be the most delicious form of torture and that he would fuck you senseless once you begged for his forgiveness enough. 
Michael was leaning against the counter, scrolling on his phone as he waited. Ingredients for dinner laid out on the counter. 
“Thinkin’ short ribs for dinner. Cool?” He asked, his voice completely calm and normal despite what you knew was about to happen. The sweet, doting finace who cared what you wanted for dinner would disappear and a new persona would take over. 
“Sounds good. Thanks, babe.” 
“You ready, Princess?” he asked, checking in as he always did before an intense punishment or scene, which you always appreciated. They were punishments but they were supposed to be pleasurable, in a way, for you too. 
“Yes, daddy,” you answered immediately, handing him all the toys you brought with you before sinking down to your knees before him. You spread your legs just enough for your flower to be on display for him, already wet and aching for his rough touch in the mere minutes he left you. The chill of the house caused the hair on your arms to stick up but you ignored it, things would heat up in a few minutes. 
You wanted to smirk as you watched his eyes cloud with lust but you kept your face neutral. Michael was gone and your master stood in front of you. And his perfect, submissive fuck toy replaced you, designed and ready for whatever pain or pleasure he was generous enough to offer. And the growing ache between your thighs revealed a simple truth: you loved every single second of being his slut. 
Your eyes remained trained on the wood panels of the kitchen floor as he silently studied you. The minutes stretched on and on at an agonizing pace but you did not lift your head or move an inch. However, you could not stop the little sigh of relief that passed your lips when you finally saw his feet come into your line of vision. 
His hand wrapped around your throat, your mouth falling open with a small moan as he squeezed. It was not hard, just enough to let you know he was there. More, you wanted to beg. That was the problem, it did not matter what he did. You just wanted more of it and more of him. You were so addicted to the drug that was Michael, it felt like a lifetime supply would not even be enough. 
His hand forced your head upward so you were looking directly into his expressive brown eyes, your favorite part of him. This position could have had you cumming right then. 
All you could think about was how good it felt to have his hand squeezing your throat while you rode his dick. The mere memory made your pussy clench. But that was not in the cards for you… not yet anyway. 
“You want me to fuck you, don’t you?” He knew everything about his little fuck toy, exactly what his Princess wanted and needed. And there was not a man alive who knew it better. “Such an eager fuck toy for me. That’s why you were tryin’ on all those slutty clothes today? Think you’d get my attention and I’d come back here and fuck you like the attention-seeking whore you are?” He asked as he let go of your throat, much to your sadness, and started circling you. A predator sizing up his prey, indeed. 
You were not foolish enough to answer a single question he levied, they were rhetorical. 
“But I wasn’t the only man whose attention you got. Bet you loved that shit too… his hands on you fixing your outfits, complimenting you. Flirting with him, accepting his help right in front of your master. I should’ve fucked you right there in front of him to remind you that there’s only one man whose attention you should want.” 
The thought of that made your head spin. Him forcing you to your knees in the dressing room, fucking you from behind, claiming you and your body loudly for every person to hear. 
He gently put your collar around your neck, the fur lining made it more comfortable than it would have been otherwise. It was custom, Princess Y/N, embroidered on it. 
“Too tight?” he asked as he attached the leash to it. 
“No master,” you muttered. 
He tugged on it, forcing you in step behind him. You bit back the moans this caused, him walking you around your living room and kitchen for a few minutes. He knew how much you loved to crawl behind him. It was clear he was trying to ramp you up as much as possible before the punishment truly started. And it was working perfectly. 
By the time you returned to the spot you started at in the kitchen, your knees in pain from the hardwood floor, your body was screaming for his touch. Your core felt painfully empty, you were desperate to feel him on you, inside you. He slid the blindfold over your eyes. 
You whimpered for a moment at the sudden loss of sight, sensory deprivation was a new game for you both and you were still getting used to it. 
“Say the word and the blindfold can come off, Princess,” he whispered. At your nods, he continued. “Face down, ass up. Legs spread. Don’t move a muscle.” 
You adjusted yourself to assume his favorite position. You hissed as your upper body laid against the cool kitchen floor but you made sure the arch in your back was perfect, your ass perched high in the air. Your legs were spread enough for him to see the glistening mess coating your inner thighs. 
“You disgustin’ cum slut. Crawlin’ like a whore made you that wet?” He degraded you, making your entire body shudder as his hands caressed your ass. 
“Yes daddy,” you breathed out, your brain already losing the ability to fully form words. The fog of pleasure was already heavy and he had not even started. “I-I’m sorry.” 
You tensed up sightly, knowing that when you least expected it, his caresses would turn into sharp blows that would make you cry out. However, just as quickly as he started touching you, he stopped. You could not feel his presence around you at all. You had not been given permission to move and you could not see him. You could not even sense where he was anymore. 
Had he left you there? Naked and unable to move like a statue? After a few moments, you heard soft footsteps not far away, causing you to exhale slightly. He was still hovering around. 
Minutes passed by, slower than you thought time could move, as he just left you there without  a single touch or word. But you followed directions, your legs would literally collapse before you moved a muscle. 
Your mind raced to understand why he was not punishing you. And after about 15 minutes of utter silence except for the sounds of him cooking, you longed for it. The sting of his palm, the fire of the flogger against your ass, your thighs, your back, literally anywhere at this point. But there was nothing. This was more of a punishment than the spanking. If you had been given permission to speak, you would have begged for your own torture at this point, would have begged for as many lashings as he felt you deserved for being such a shameless whore. But you could do nothing, nothing but sit with shaking legs in your disorienting haze of pleasure until he decided that you were worth even doling out a punishment on. 
It was clear to you why he chose that particular spot, a spot you knew was visible to him regardless of where he stood in the kitchen. You were on display. 
At that realization, you deepened the arch in your back to something you didn't even know was possible. You had to force yourself not to wiggle your ass in his face, entice him to light it on fire with his strength. 
“Couldn’t even last 15 minutes without daddy’s attention, could you?” You were not sure if you were allowed to answer. “You may speak, Princess.” 
“D-daddy pl-please…” you begged. 
“Didn’t seem to care about me earlier. Why should I give you attention now?” 
“B-Because… I need…” your words failed you. You needed so much in that moment. You needed the pain, you needed the pleasure it brought, you needed to be reminded what you were and whose you were. 
“You need what? Need me to make you cum? You’ll be grateful if I let you cum at all tonight. Need me to fuck you like the cumslut you are? Not sure you deserve my dick. Or you need me to remind you what happens to disobedient fuck toys who anger their masters? Need me to remind you who owns you?” 
“Y-Yes! P-Please… I d-deserve to be punished. I n-need it.” The words barely left your lips before you felt the first blow of the flogger against your ass. “T-Thank you,” you moan, savoring the sting and ache it left behind. 
However, you could not savor it long as he rained them down on every inch of your ass and thighs and a couple well-placed agonizing ones against your pussy that made you scream. You kept count, as was already required. 
“Keep your legs open, slut or I’ll add five more,” he demanded as your entire body convulsed as the flogger caught part of your clit. You forced your body to maintain the position, which took all your willpower. And to think, you begged for this. 
Tears were streaming down your face when he reached 29. That was the most he had ever done with the flogger as it was more painful than his hand and it was torture. However, you took it, the desire to use your safeword never coming to your mind. You would not be able to sit tomorrow but your entire body was on fire, hot, sweaty and desperate for him to fuck the shit out of you. 
When you finally said 30, you were proud of yourself for taking all of it like a champ. 
“That’s a good slut. You should see your ass right now,” he muttered. “So beautiful.” You could only imagine your entire body was completely red and you could feel a couple welts from where he punished you in the same spot over and over again. “You may sit up.” 
You whimpered as you stretched and moved out of your position, your muscles protesting. As you sat up, his hand cupped your cheek and wiped away the few falling tears. 
“Too much?” he asked quietly. 
“No sir. T-thank you for r-reminding me what I am,” you whisper. 
He helped you to your feet, your legs shaking slightly. 
“Let’s watch somethin’ on the tv. Short ribs are slow cookin’.”
Despite the pain in your body, you could not help but smile. This was what made the punishments worth it, this moment. You were happy he let you walk to the couch, giving you a chance to stretch your legs. You stood and watched, licking your lips as he stripped off his clothes before sitting down, his head dripping with pre-cum that made you want to sink to your knees and steal a taste. You licked your lips, longing clearly written on your face that made Michael want to chuckle. He knew how much his Princess loved servicing him on your knees. 
“Don’t even think about it. Worthless cunts who can’t remember who they belong to don’t get a taste. Why?” 
“Because servicing you is a reward and I don’t deserve a reward, daddy,” you mumbled quietly, your voice just as lost and pitiful as you felt. This was the point of punishment though because all you now wanted to do was assure him you were his perfect, obedient princess so you could be rewarded. 
“Good girl. Earn my forgiveness and maybe I’ll fuck that sweet mouth before bed tonight. Now for your punishment…” 
Your eyes grew wide. The last 30 minutes had not been the punishment?? 
Fuck my life. 
“Climb up here and sit on my dick. Facing the tv.” 
You practically catapulted onto his dick without hesitation. Not just because good girls did what they were told without hesitation but because this was your type of punishment. RIding his dick was your favorite pastime.
You slid down on his hard dick, moaning loudly as he filled you to the brim. It was not the orgasm your body desperately needed but it satisfied the overwhelming, blinding carnal need to be filled you felt. You immediately started rocking your hips to increase the friction and pleasure when a powerful and painful swat against your already bruised ass stopped your movements. 
“I didn’t tell your dumb ass to move. Seems like you keep forgetting I own you Princess. This pussy… this body… it’s all mine. And no one else gets to touch what’s mine, no one else controls what’s mine. So you’re gonna sit there on my dick and you’re not gonna move until I tell you to. When I tell you to ride my dick, you do it. When I tell you to stop, you fuckin’ stop. Understand?” 
“D-Daddy please?” you hoped your pleas for mercy and the soft puppy eyes you had on would be enough to soften his resolve. Of all the things he had forced you to do since walking in the house, this was the worst of them. To feel him inside you and be so close to bringing him the pleasure he deserved and you desperately needed but not be allowed to? 
Fuck my life. 
“You should be thankin’ me for even letting your worthless cunt warm my dick. Now sit there and watch the show,” he nodded toward the tv where an episode of both of your favorite anime was playing. 
You moaned and turned around, trying to keep your attention focused on the show in front of you. However, it was impossible. 
This was an utterly new sensation and, while it was torturous, you could not deny that it was pleasurable in its own way. 
Michael’s girth and length was something to be reckoned with and he knew how to use it. His dick perfectly curved into your g-spot and could have you cumming with a few strokes. As you sat on him, his hands occasionally wandered to caress your other pleasure zones. His strong hands massaged your inner thighs causing you to moan. 
You wondered if you could orgasm from just sitting there. You would not because you did not have permission but you wondered if it was possible. Because between his hands and the feel of him inside you, you could think of nothing else. You could feel every inch of him, his dick throbbing and pulsing like a heartbeat against your walls. 
Your body squirmed in his touch, your moans as he played with your body were consistent, particularly when he brushed against your clit. He offered a featherlike touch, it was barely there but you were so worked up, you felt every jolt of pleasure through your body magnified. 
Your pussy clenched around him as if silently begging him to move. But you knew he would not allow you to until he was ready. 
He worked up a rhythm against your clit, your movements becoming more uncontrolled, your breaths heavier. You weren’t gonna last long like this.
“Whose pussy is this, Princess?” 
“Yours, daddy. Only y-yours.” 
“Who can bring you pleasure like your master?” 
“N-No one. J-just you.” 
“Never forget that shit, understand?” 
You nodded fervently. Every punishment had a lesson and this one was etched into your brain matter as now was the feeling of every vein and inch of his dick. 
“I w-won’t! I promise, daddy.” 
He pressed a soft kiss to your bare back, increasing the speed of his fingers. “Cum on my dick, Princess.” 
With permission to cum, you stopped holding back and allowed your body to feel everything. Fuck his fingers knew exactly what buttons to push as your body finally got the pleasure it needed for the last hour. The build up was so fast you barely got to enjoy it but you did not care, you needed the crash, the fall to drown in the pleasure only he could provide. And when you reached the peak, you crashed hard. 
“You like that, baby? You gon’ cum for daddy?” 
“Y-Yes… fuck… t-thank you!” you cried out as you threw your head back as an explosion of pleasure took over every inch of your body. You felt pleasure down to the very cells that made up every part of you. 
You gasped as Michael’s hand wrapped around your long hair and gripped it, pulling you backward. He turned you so his mouth could claim yours, drowning out your moans and cries with a kiss so dominating you never wanted it to end. 
“That’s my good girl,” he praised, causing your heart to soar. “You’ve earned my forgiveness. Ride.” 
You did not need to hear anything else as you started to ride him with abandon, moaning every time his head rammed into your g-spot. You’d cum again before this was over but you made it your personal mission to ensure he did too. You pulled out every trick and play you had in the book until you felt his hands dig into your hips and he started ramming into you. 
You let him take control as he fucked you like a rag doll, ignorning the ache of your bruised ass and thighs as he slammed into them with every thrust upward. He kept you flush to his chest with one hand wrapped tight around your neck, the gentleness of his choking earlier long gone. 
“Where you want it?” he demanded as you felt the signs of him about to cum. 
“Cum inside me, please!” you begged. Michael knew you had a bit of a breeding kink, loving the feeling of him filling you with his cum. That was often another punishment when he would cum on you instead of inside you. Not that him marking his territory was really a punishment. 
“Want me to fill this sweet cunt, baby??” 
“Yes! Please, please!” you begged as he fucked you so hard you felt as if you would be seeing stars for hours. 
You could not stop your body from convulsing as you felt the warmth of his cum surge inside you, you clenched around him. 
Your legs burned as you used your arms, braced on his knees to stop your upper body from toppling forward. He rubbed soothing patterns along your spine to calm you. Michael pushed you to your limit every time but he also knew how to take care of you afterward. 
He lifted you off of him, a slight whimper escaping your lips at the emptiness you suddenly felt. He only sat you down long enough to stand up himself and you were quickly back in his arms, your legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he carried you up to your master suite. 
He laid you on the bed and got some soothing lotion and started massaging it everywhere the flogger hit you. You shuddered at the cool feeling but it felt heavenly combating the stinging you still felt and soreness you knew you would still feel tomorrow. 
“You did so good for me, Princess,” he offered, your sweet Michael clearly having returned to you. 
That was all you needed to hear, that you had pleased him. 
“Thank you.” Your gratitude was muffled against the comforter of your shared bed. After a few moments of silence, you sat up and glanced back at him. “You know you’re it for me, right? Don’t have eyes for anyone else.” 
“Yea I know… sometimes I just worry…” his voice trailed off. 
You ignored the ache to shift over to him and straddle his waist, his hands resting on your hips. “You’re always reassuring me, sometimes I forget you need that too. You are the greatest thing that ever happened to me. It’s you and me till the end of the line, babe.” You teasingly peppered his face with kisses until he finally smiled and started laughing. 
“You and me, baby.” 
“But anytime you wanna get a little jealous and possessive and it leads to that? Feel free,” you joked, the scene still dominating every space in your mind. At your words, you suddenly became hyper aware of his member pressed against your core and instinctively started grinding on top of him. 
“Princess,” he growled. “This time ain’t about me,” he reminded her. Aftercare was about you and he was committed to it. 
“How much time do we have till dinner?” 
“Two hours.” 
“Enough time for you to teach me my lesson again and then take care of me. Don’t think it quite stuck,” you shrugged nonchalantly, taking on your bratty persona to rile him up. 
You shrieked as he flipped you over onto your back and stood up. Master was back and he was ready to make the most of those two hours.
A/N: Thanks for reading!! My requests are open if you have more asks/requests… just know that it takes me a while lol
Drop a comment and let me know what you thought :)
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bigfatbimbo · 3 months
I’m going to miss you when you stop posting hazbin content:( I wish you well once you’re gone! Thought you might like some boycunt Vox material so,, here’s some of that.
Just boycunt Vox being a loud ass bitch while you eat him out! Oh and blue Gatorade pussy Yummy
Smut Ahead!!
Vox was always quite the loud one. Loud about his pride, loud about his facade dominance, but most importantly, loud in the bedroom. Especially in this moment, your head in between his quivering thighs as you mercilessly eat his weeping cunt out. He can’t help but to let out the loudest whines possible, moaning and whimpering for you. He didn’t know what he was moaning and whimpering about; all he knew that it was for you. For you to continue ravaging him, perhaps. To continue tongue-fucking his pussy until a citywide blackout was caused once again. He can’t even remember how many times he’s reached orgasm, creaming and squirting all over your face while he cries out your name. It is shocking that he is still able to continue even after all of the time that has passed.
“F—fuck, i c—can’t cum-mmmm any-anymore…—zzz…” He glitches out, a sob escaping his throat once he feels yet another orgasm slowly but surely approaching. It feels as if he’s been overstimulated for years upon years while your tongue works wonders on his cunt. It feels so good, yet he feels like he cannot take anymore at the same time. But, he does take more, because he can’t handle the way that his lust overdrives the fact that he just cannot take it anymore. He loves the way you overstimulate him while working your tongue on him. “M—mmoree, fuuuuuuckkkk..” He whines aloud, hips bucking up into your mouth. He doesn’t even know what he’s begging for. He doesn’t know what he’s saying. He just needs you.
You peek your head up at him for a mere moment, face and chin covered in his sweet juices, tasting like blue Gatorade. You lick around your lips and the outer-ring of your lips as well, grinning up at Vox smugly. “Say please,” you demand. He merely whimpers at your demand. Underneath his breath, he mutters out a weak “please”, which is shocking due to him usually being a dumb brat. But he has reached a slight subspace, where he only wants your praise and nothing more. It’s a surprise that he isn’t completely non-verbal.. yet. Satisfied, you dive your tongue deep inside his cunt once more, making him let out a guttural yell, his thighs closing around your head again and his legs quivering heavily. He’s very sensitive, especially when he has his cock switched out for a cunt.
Vox, slowly, reaches out for your hand and holds onto it tightly. He goes into a full subspace, his mind cloudy, only thinking about the feeling of your tongue inside his cunt. He can’t muster up a coherent word, instead allowing his whines and whimpers to take up the majority of the sounds inside of the room. He’s damn lucky that his room is soundproof. Otherwise, he would be humiliated with everyone knowing about him getting dominated and getting his pussy eaten out. His whines and whimpers are like a beautiful song to your ears, nothing that could be topped by any other noise in the world. “Mmmm—-zzzz—-mmphhhh…” He lets out a whine turned into a yell once he squirts all over your face once more, tears welling up in his eyes for the 20th time that night.
But even after that, he still feels your tongue working on him, making him whimper. Well, he asked for more, so he’s getting what he wanted.
yahoo you made it to the end!
Hopefully this was alright! Taking more English lessons so yay:) also, I’ve been thinking about releasing my own fics for a while now. Not sure if I should do so butttttt eh whatevs
This was absolutely delicious. I swear I love getting things like this in my inbox. Your lovely and you grace the world with you boycunt Vox content.
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thementalshawty · 1 month
PAC Your Vibe As A Couple!
Hey guys welcome back! I’m back with another quick PAC! This reading can be about anyone, FS, Current partner, even crushes, today we’re going to get a quick idea of how you two will vibe together! Remember this is a GENERAL reading so please take what resonates and let the rest roll off to another thank you! Choose a pic and let’s get those vibes!
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Pile 1
This vibe is kinda slow paced, not even kinda it’s exactly the that way. You guys don’t rush shit, you slowly build and work on making your connection better, I feel that when you guys first start to talk and get to know each other one or both of you guys will be talking to other people and that will cause some insecurity and stress but that’s why I’m seeing you guys take it slow, I’m not sensing anything negative. You guys are very cautious with one another and who you let know about your connection, you don’t want just anyone in your business. Very practical and logical you guys talk and look at shit from a realistic approach, one of you actually may have your head in the clouds and the other may be more planted, very much opposites attract energy as your vibe tbh. There are flaws and some shadow points that I’m seeing will be uncovered and triggered in this connection but again you guys don’t rush anything, I even feel if you’re mad at each other you don’t speak or say anything without thinking about it first, this isn’t an impulsive connection, you guys are so cautious especially when it comes to your emotions both of you, working on building your finances as well, I also feel like the confession took a minute to come too, even to the point where it was a stagnant what are we period. The only thing I’m picking up that nigh be a red flag is that either one or both of you may avoid confrontation or is slow to confront issues within the relationship or even address it’s a issue, they may like to just move forward from things but I’m seeing again very slow progress. This seems like a crush too, a slow build up, friends to lovers, but I’m getting that this is a crush. Also I’m seeing one or both of you likes to get in your head and that’s another thing that can cause some issues and problems but the vibe of you two is slow and steady wins the race for sure! Don’t rush into anything in this connection cos it’ll break apart also it’ll make you lose your mind! stay woke folks! I also am getting that there’s leftover pain from a heartbreak that either you or them are stuck in so again that’s the cautiousness and the slow movement just reiterating itself.
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Pile 2
This couple is so cute 🥰! You guys do so much for each other, I’m getting the vibe that one feels really responsible for the other and they take on all the burdens of their counterpart, now that’s not the cute part in my opinion I think that it’s admirable the love that’s shared between the two of you. You just want to take the pain away from each other. I feel like either one or both of you grew up in poverty or without much so you are workaholics, afraid of failure afraid of going broke, but it makes you have victim mentality, scarcity of resources or money terrifies you or them so they just don’t stop and it can lead to burnouts, it can be you two barely talk or see each other, it’s very hard to find the time. I feel like you guys want to help each other take the weight off each other by putting it on yourself. What I do see as a red flag is the scarcity thinking, because it can lead to you or them or both of you feeling like you’re not enough for this connection no matter what soooooooooooooo watch out for that. This pile is make that song by Evanescence come to me. Give unto me. You two will take each other’s suffering away or you want too, this is the I’ll die for you pile. Very deep, very solid, very intense but again with the scarce mentality and that workaholic spirit the relationship can lead to an early ending. Very sacrificial vibes. Ride or die vibes. I will die for you vibes, you two will do anything for each other, even giving each other the clothes off your back. It’s making me think of a IG reel I saw a while back when she says you ever love a 🥷🏼 so much you give him your whole check? That’s the vibes! You will put yourself in the whole for them or vice versa it can even be both but this love here is very intense and it needs to have balance, you two don’t need to kill yourselves to save each other and that will be a lesson that you two will teach each other if you’re willing to listen and do the work.
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Pile 3
Okay okay okay! So here I’m seeing a very nurturing vibe off the top, but it’s again giving me opposite attract vibes like p1 except this here happens to do with emotion. One here is more emotionally open and available than the other. I’m seeing that one of you has more money and success than the other so I’m seeing one of you spoiling the other materially. Also emotionally. This connection is making that song by destiny’s child come to me, cater 2 u. One def worships the Fucc out the other fashoo, I’m hearing the ground you walk on, they would kiss it. I’m seeing that someone here was hurt so their heart is on ice but this relationship makes them fucking melt like butter and they can’t control it or understand it even so as much as they love it they will push it away out of fear or misunderstanding cos you know that saying we all hate what we don’t understand or what we don’t get. One of you guys is a little bratty, I’m seeing temper tantrums but they’re not toxic they’re actually kind of cute Atleast your person will think so or you’ll think that about them. This vibe is all about one or both of you wanting to create stability and happiness together. You two want this to work and go the distance, be careful of idolization of each other I mean it’s okay too but when those flaws come out it can sour the image in your mind of the person you put so high on a pedestal cos I’m seeing that you two definitely will. Just working on understanding each other’s feelings and emotions and giving each other the nurturing space and understanding to fully understand yourselves and your emotions this connection is actually the best pile!
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Pile 4
Okay alrighty! So this pile I feel the vibe is a bit cold here. Not very romantic, not very loving, I’m seeing that not cos there’s no emotion there, but there’s a lot of trauma with one of you and feeling like you’re worthy of love. There’s a mental connection here tho, very strong one. You two are very critical but communicative I think out of all the piles this one has the best communication! This may be a fling to lovers pile where you two know where you stand in the beginning not really wanting a relationship because it’s not worth your energy or time at that point. I’m seeing that you two have deep conversations about life and other deep topics. Very mercurial relationship, I feel like words of affirmations is the love language here. This connection wants a connection but it’s about feeling worthy I’m feeling overall, I think that there’s some deep hurt here but logically messing around with each other seems like the best thing for you two and I know this seems robotic and cold and unfeeling but I’m seeing that it actually works out better that way, I’m hearing warm up to each other so I feel you two will and start to feel more and more worthy and confident that this connection is the long lasting one. I’m getting this is a FS pile for some of you! This relationship is the big one, you’re worthy of love get out of your head and into your heart you did manifest this beautiful relationship so enjoy it because I feel self sabotogery happening. Pushing each other away or shutting down giving the cold shoulder, ghosting, silent treatment I’m seeing those kinds of bullshit movements and that’s the trauma, commuinicate like you both do so well and you’ll be able to slowly overcome this pain together and enjoy this beautiful relationship, cos the vibe is wholesome and family oriented you two may start a family together. It’s that deep this connection is a long term one but only if you want it to be truthfully.
Thank you guys for tuning in again to the madness! I love you and thank you for keeping up with my crazy ass!
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megamindsecretlair · 4 months
Thinkin' 'Bout You, Part 1
Pairing: Big Stunna x Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Infidelity. FILTH. PWP, cursing, PIV, fingering (female receiving), teasing, cum play, dirty talk, degradation kink, breeding kink if you squint, all consensual. Use of n-word. Referring to female anatomy as "she".
Summary: As a sneaky link, Stunna is highly demanding of your time. He doesn't care if you get caught; when he wants you, he wants you. He texts you when you're hanging with your girlfriends for some late night fun.
Word Count: 3,637k
Masterlist | Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: As with everything else, you can blame @planetblaque for my depraved brain! She encouraged me to watch All Day and a Night since @blackerthings pointed out that Yahya needs more love. He was definitely the best thing in the movie. Grills flashing, hood shit. Yeah, just yeah. I'm also feral and avoiding going to sleep for work so enjoy! Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: (let me know if you don't want to be tagged, tagging some usual suspects) @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @thecookiebratz @iv0rysoap @notapradagurl7 @sevikasblackgf @miyuhpapayuh
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Satan: Come outside 😛🤤
You: Boy nooo 🙄
You rolled your eyes at your phone, not believing the audacity of this nigga. Your girls are laughing at the TV but when they see you on your phone, your girl Brooke smacked her teeth.
“Yo ass always on that damn phone!” She said. She leaned over as if she meant to take it from you but you held on to it for dear life. She gave up and looked towards your other friend, Nandi. 
“Girl, you know that man got her on a short leash. Stay checking up on her,” she said. 
Satan: come on girl, damn 
You: I’m with my gfs!!! 
Satan: Satan sent a photo
You had to sit there with a straight face while you stared at a picture of Stunna’s dick. He was so long and thick and veiny. You could picture him sitting in his car, licking his grills while he pulled this out just to take a picture for you. And damn him, you couldn’t resist. 
Your thighs were tingling already. Brooke and Nandi were still going off at your expense, poking fun at the idea that your man was constantly on you.
“Like a pimple!” 
“Naw, like white on rice!” Brooke said and they howled with laughter.
“Whatever! Ya’ll bitches just mad ‘cause my nigga want it,” you said. You threw a throw pillow at Nandi. She barely dodged it, her large blue bonnet swinging with the movement. 
“Look, let me deal with this nigga outside. This conversation too grown for ya’ll childish mu’fuckas,” you said. You tapped on the phone as if you were truly going to call your man. He was out running the streets per usual instead of kickin’ it at home with you.
“Mhm, that dick must got gold on the tip or somethin’,” Nandi said. She continued to howl with laughter, slapping Brooke’s hand in agreement.
Little did they fucking know. You practically skipped your ass outside, the cold chill of the night hitting your bare legs in your booty shorts. The slap of your slides seemed too loud in the quiet neighborhood. 
Brooke stayed in the section of the hood where the old folks’ held onto their homes. Sure, hood shit happened around them but rarely on this particular block. Up the street, Stunna’s car was still running with the lights on stark against the night.
He parked away from the street lamps but still you scurried to his car and got in. You were out of breath with worry and adrenaline coursing through you. You hoped and prayed that your girls wouldn’t come looking for you because you had no valid excuse for why you were down the street.
Stunna smiled at you when you got in the car, smelling damn good. Like soap and spice and everything nice. His grills flashed in the low light from the car console and you turned towards him, rubbing your hand on his thigh.
“You are so crazy,” you said.
He pulled away from the curb. You weren’t going far. Just around the corner and down the side alley where the streetlamps didn’t work and the City was too busy to come fix it. Who cared if the hood needed street light? 
“Crazy for you, baby,” he said. He pulled over and turned off the car and headlights, already reaching for you across the seat. His hand was hot as he laid it across your thigh, squeezing it. 
You were already leaning up, wrapping your hands around his neck and pulling him closer. Sucking on his sweet ass lips as your body tingled all over. Hurt all over. You shouldn’t want this man this much. Not when you were willing to risk discovery like this. 
You don’t even know how you got here, kissing on Stunna. One day your man had just made you so fuckin’ angry you could spit. You were out one night with your girls at a takeover, enjoying the music and drink as you passed by a fine, tall man with a wide smile and gold in his mouth. 
You fought hard not to do a double take. Because how was this man out here walking freely? He needed to be locked the hell up looking like that. He had asked if you had a man. You told him yes, reluctantly. He had licked his lips and looked at you sideways, “Bet I can do better than that nigga.” 
And here you were, months later, still risking it all for the motherfucker. Stunna didn’t care where you were or what you were doing. He sent dick pics at all hours of the day and night. Sometimes he sent videos with him cumming and moaning your name. 
Those you kept to get yourself off to. There was something about that needy voice drawing your name out that got you so hot and bothered you couldn’t stand it. You knew it was wrong. You knew he was whole ass married and you were whole ass taken. But you were weak where Stunna was concerned. 
Stunna stopped kissing you and moved on to your neck. You moaned but pulled at his dark jacket. “C’mon Stunna, I can’t be gone long. My girls gon’ wonder where I’m at,” you said. 
“Let them wonder. You know how long I been cravin’ this pussy?” He asked. 
“How long you been cravin’ this pussy?” You asked. 
He licked your collarbone, eliciting a ragged moan from your lips. “All fuckin’ day, beautiful,” he said. 
He got out of the car and came around to the passenger side. You were kicking off your slides when he pulled your door open. You only had eyes for him as you were unbuttoning your shorts and yanking down the zipper. He licked his lips as you began to shimmy out of them.
He was usually impatient, not waiting until they were at your ankles before he was already pulling you down on his dick. Tonight, he was content to watch you pull them down for him, inch by slow inch over your thighs and down to your feet. 
His golds flashed in the low moonlight. He was haloed by the thick foliage behind him. Gravel crunched beneath his boots as you finally got out of your shorts. “Turn around how I like,” he said.
You got to your knees in the seat, struggling a bit to make sure you didn’t fall and bust your ass. He steadied you with strong hands on your hips. He lined you up how he liked and then slapped your ass.
“Fuck, that recoil. Look at that shit,” he said. 
“Stunna, come on,” you said. You hated when he got like this. It always felt like all his delaying and talking would certainly mean that you would get caught. 
He slapped your ass, hard. You gasped as the sting blossomed into wet hot pain. Your pussy throbbed as you caught your breath. 
“Don’t rush me,” he said. You heard his zipper get pulled down and his pants shoved down. You were clenching and unclenching around nothing. You were moving back and forth, ready for whatever he was going to do to you. 
One of his hands pressed down on your back until you were leaning forward on the arm rest. Your ass went higher in the air and he groaned as you exposed yourself to him. He groaned and smacked your ass again. Between the sound and the pain, you were going to combust and he hadn’t even touched you yet.
“What I say about that attitude?” He asked. His other hand went underneath, trailing a finger through your wet folds until he found your clit. He dragged his finger around lazily, never actually touching the damn thing. 
You whined, unashamed as he teased you. “Please, please, Stunna,” you begged. 
How the nigga gon’ get you horny and then tease you? You didn’t have all night. There was the distant sound of cars driving and dogs barking. That cold chill was hitting your back and damp pussy and you shivered with anticipation. 
Somehow, Stunna was able to get under your skin. It was like he wormed his way into your nerve endings. Everything he did turned you on. Somehow, all it took was a smile from him and you were a dripping mess. 
“Please what? I’m over here tellin’ you I missed you and you got a mu’fuckin’ attitude,” he said. 
He moved his fingers faster, circling and circling until you were shaking and trembling. You were so close but it was just out of reach because he wasn’t touching you where you needed him.
“Please, Stunna. You gon’ get me caught up,” you whined.
“Good. I should send yo ass back in there full of me. Ruin these mu’fuckin panties with my cum dripping out of you,” he said. He ran his hands along your sides, his long fingers trailing against your rib cage. He moved them higher, gripping and pulling on your titties until you were crying out from the pain. 
Your pussy throbbed thinking of going back into Brooke’s house full of his cum and trying to act normal. Sitting there laughing at trashy reality TV, drinking wine and pretending like you didn’t feel every single ounce of his cum slipping out. That you would have to go home like a nasty little slut and clean it all up before your man found out.
You moaned at the visual. Of being so thoroughly claimed by him that you’d feel him all night long. “Shit,” you said.
“Oh, my little nasty bitch like that shit huh?” Stunna asked as he lined himself up with your entrance. He slowly dipped in and you reared up, your hand flying behind you to land against his solid chest.
He was on the thin side, with a basketball build, but hella muscles. His abs flexed as you grabbed him. “Oh, too much!” You shrieked.
He didn’t say anything. He just grabbed your hand and moved it as he continued to push into you, getting himself wetter with your juices on every slide in. You shrieked again, whining that it was too much. He was too big and he needed to go slower. 
He pulled you up until your back was flush against his chest. He felt even tighter going in this way and you moaned, trying to push away from him. He slid one hand under your shirt to grip your titty, squeezing the nipple hard.
You moaned, the shoot of pain going straight to your swollen clit. His other hand went over your shoulder, grabbing your throat and pulling you even more flush against him.
He hissed in your ear as he started to move more. From this position, wrapped up in his arms, you had no wiggle room to push him off of you. You didn’t necessarily want him to stop, it just felt too damn good. Too good. 
“Stunna!” You begged but he refused to listen. He started stroking deep within you. His strokes increased in pressure. His thighs were slapping against your ass. Clapping like a crack of thunder on the horizon. 
“Oue, look how well she take that dick,” he moaned in your ear. He kept up his painful assault on your nipples. 
You were beyond speech as he kept stroking, his dick stretching you out deliciously. It was like he was made for your pussy the way he fit so perfectly. 
“Oue, baby, you feed me so well,” you moaned. One arm was trapped by his, but your other floundered until you rested it against the top of the car. Your fingers desperately scratched against the fluffy interior as he pounded into you.
The wet smack of your pussy made you moan louder, higher, and you were cumming before long. You shook and moaned on his dick while he continued to pound into you.
“Flood that fuckin’ dick, babygirl,” he groaned. 
It was like you were just a vessel for him to fuck. A fleshlight. He kept up that brutal, near punishing pace. “Filthy fuckin’ bitch, ain’t you?” 
“Mhm,” you moaned. 
“Next time I say come outside, I mean that shit. I don’t care what you doin’,” he said. He groaned and shook his hips, finally releasing his fat, hot load into you. 
“You gon’ get us fuckin’ caught!” You moaned as you felt him pulsing inside of you. Your body bowed and trembled, feeling so fucking complete you had no thought to how to describe it. 
Your mind was always racing, burdened with this terrible secret. You couldn’t stay away from Stunna and hell, he wouldn’t let you. But you lost all rational thought when it came to him. Here you were, having dirty car sex while he calls you dirty names.
His hands had you enveloped in his arms, hand across your titties and the other around your throat. You were able to breathe because he allowed you so. You were able to cum because he was in charge of them. 
“Let us get caught then. What yo bitch ass nigga gon’ do?” He asked. He licked the shell of your ear and your eyes rolled back. He was still pounding into you. Still groaning. He rested his forehead against the back of your neck and you felt a drop of his sweat hit your back. 
“Huh? What he gon’ do?” He seemed to pound into you harder as if he had something to prove. As if with the force of his hips, he could fuck all the memories of your man out of your mind. That you never forgot who it was that had you crying, begging, and screaming on his dick in an alley behind your girls’ house. 
“‘Cause the way this pussy talkin’, she know who the fuck got her actin’ up,” he moaned in your ear. 
“Fuck you, nigga,” you groaned. 
Your knees were quivering as you threw it back on him. His dick was so long and thick, you were pretty sure he was kissing your cervix. He moved both hands to your nipples and pinched them. He rolled them between your fingers.
Your hands pushed against his chest. “Stunna, shit!” You cried out. 
“Gimme another one,” he said. 
“I can’t, baby,” you said. 
He slammed you back on his dick anyway, the fat tip of his dick sliding against your walls. “Sure you can, babygirl. ‘Cause you my nasty bitch. You always cum when Daddy come around,” he said. 
Fuck him, he was right. It was why you were still here, still answering whenever he hit you with that text message. He knew what the fuck he was doing when he sent you that dick pic. You had to quit this man somehow. Block his number or tell him that he couldn’t come around anymore. 
You were risking exposure every time you let him take you like this. In his car, in the park. At his place when LaTrice was gone. At your place when your man was out in the streets. In the back of your job when he’d eat you out and send you back inside proper. You couldn’t keep your hands off of each other. 
Knowing Stunna, he’d just track your ass down. Man or not, he wasn’t going to be deterred. If he needed to be sheathed inside you, feeling you clenching around his dick, then he would slip a damn nugget. He would get bolder, driving past your house and job. Bangin’ on your friends’ door until he could track you down and fuck some sense into you.
That type of behavior was not sexy. Yet knowing that Stunna couldn’t quit you was intoxicating. Knowing that you made him so horny, he was tugging his meat to thoughts of you, filming himself in the bathroom while his girl took a nap in the other room, was an aphrodisiac all its own. You were drunk over this type of power over him but you didn’t need this getting in the way of your life.
You were weak. You did not need your peoples knowing how weak you were. 
“Stunna, goddamn. Oue, shit, ouueee shit, ouueesshiit,” you moaned as you came on his dick again, shaking and twerking uncontrollably. Your choppy moans made him groan.
“You gon’ make me fuckin’ nut,” he groaned. Right after, he moaned in your ear, tugging your ear between his teeth. The bite of pain did nothing to stop your orgasm from flooding your system like the sweetest drug. 
His cum painted your insides as he slammed his hips one last time, shoving his cum deep within you. You both huffed and panted as you came down. Your legs were veritable noodles, wobbly beneath you. You couldn’t hold your weight up anymore. 
Stunna kissed along your neck and ear as he shook himself inside of you to make sure you got every single drop. He pulled out with a strangled groan that made your pussy clench. 
He helped you step back into your panties and shorts, making good on his threat to send you back to Brooke’s house full of his cum. You rubbed your sweaty hands on your thighs as he leaned against the car and helped you twist around to face him.
His tongue was long as he dived in to kiss you stupid. He licked your bottom lip and tugged it into his mouth with a hiss. “Fuck, babygirl. You don’t know how long I been needin’ that,” he said. 
“Gon’ get me in fuckin’ trouble,” you said. But you couldn’t resist kissing him back. You cupped his face and brought him closer. You remembered once when he told you that he liked when you did shit like that. When you kissed him so sweetly and clung to him like he was the most precious man on the planet.
You didn’t know if this worked because this was so damn toxic or if you two were really that in sync. Should’ve stayed your Black ass at home. Neither one of you could quit each other. 
“Thank you, baby,” you said. He kissed your lips slowly. Your phone rang and you groaned, fishing it out of your pocket.
Nandi’s name flashed and you rolled your eyes, answering it.
“Girl, where’d you fuckin’ go? To the moon? Tell that nigga to ease up off your titty and come back inside. This is girls’ night!” 
“Yes, momma,” you said and giggled. 
“Shit up, bitch, come on,” she said. 
You hung up with her and stared up at Stunna. The moon light made his mini afro shine. His wide smile made your heart melt. A bit of his cum leaked out of you and you moaned in the back of your throat. 
“There’s no way I can go back in like this,” you said. 
You were worried that your girls would smell him on you. That somehow they could smell that you had been out like a little hussy. A giant red A would be painted on your forehead and they would see it on you. Judge you. 
You couldn’t tell anyone about this and it was killing you. You wanted to talk to someone about it. Ease this burden you set up for yourself. It was also hot as hell that you had such a naughty secret. That you were regularly getting your back blown out and it wasn’t by your man. 
“Yes you can. When you get home and that nigga sleepin’ in yo bed, I want you to take a picture of them panties for me. I wanna see how badly I bullied that pussy,” he said. 
You slapped at his chest. “You so bad! Let me get back before they start looking for me.” 
He dived down for another kiss, slowly pulling at your bottom lip. “Till next time, babygirl,” he said.
He got back in his car and pulled out of the alleyway. He pulled up back on Brooke’s street, across the way and down from her house. You didn’t see your girls and you hoped that they didn’t look outside for you. You had been gone for quite a while but you also told your friends how your man needed constant reassurance. You could be on with him for five minutes or fifty. So far, they hadn’t called bullshit but it was only a matter of time. You gave him one final lingering kiss before hopping out of his car and scurrying across the street.
Your slides slapped against the ground and then the tile of Brooke’s house as you ascended the stairs. You went back inside, feeling weirdly full and uncomfortable as you went back into the living room.
Nandi and Brooke made no comment about not seeing you outside. Instead, they continued with their jokes about your man. You felt like you were soaking right through your panties and shorts and onto Brooke’s couch. 
You spent the rest of the night reliving the backshots you got from Stunna. Nasty nigga. He couldn’t keep popping up like this. There had to be some kind of code or boundary for this shit. He couldn’t keep showing up unannounced. 
Satan: Miss that 😹 already 
You: Bye nigga 😤
When you went home that night, however, your man was snoring in bed. You immediately went to the bathroom to freshen up. You felt dirty as you snapped a picture of your ruined underwear. You sent it to Stunna. It was late, you weren’t expecting him to answer. 
But your phone buzzed with a series of emojis that made you giggle. 
You: Nasty ass
Stunna: Should’ve bullied that throat. You got a potty mouth. 
Your thighs clenched together as you finished getting ready. You fell asleep against your man with thoughts of Stunna ruining you in dreamland.
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The Secret Big Stunna Files | Part 2 | Part 3
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tobesolonely · 1 year
harry brings y/n home a slice of strawberry shortcake from his boring business dinner, and he misses her a lot whenever she’s not around (bf!harry, 2.5k words)
warnings: smut
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Harry despises business dinners.
The incessant chatter of his manager and other industry folks was boring- the logistics side of his job always was- and whenever Y/N didn’t accompany him the time seemed to drag by insanely slow. He begged and begged for her to join him (even promised her they could leave the second it got to be too tiresome, he swore it) but he and Y/N both knew that wasn’t true. Harry’s attendance and opinion were much too important, almost non-negotiable, and he’d be among the last people to leave the dinner table. So, she declined (albeit very sweetly) to join him tonight. Harry promised to bring her back a slice of cake for dessert.
“Harry? You paying attention, man?” Jeff looks at Harry expectantly, along with three other bigwig people whose names he had already forgotten. He knew it was rude, but his mind was only half there whenever Y/N wasn’t around.
“What was tha’? Sorry mate,” Harry clears his throat and wraps his ringed hand around his glass, the condensation from his whiskey causing it to nearly escape his grip. He brings it up to his lips to take a small sip. “I’m a bit distracted.”
Jeff mumbles something under his breath about how he didn’t think he’d be so distracted if Y/N had joined them, but Harry chooses to ignore the comment and tune into what was happening so he didn’t embarrass himself in front of the people trying to make business deals with him anymore. He fakes interest like a pro, laughing whenever someone told a joke and good-naturedly throwing in a few of his own. His mother always taught him to be polite and engaged in his company, whether he wanted to be there or not.
When the last of the three important men at the table decide to call it a night Harry too pushed his chair back and stood from his seat at the head of the small rectangular table.
“I think ‘m gonna head home as well,” He slings his coat over his shoulder. “Gotta take Y/N this piece of cake I promised her, and all that.” Harry watches as Jeff stands and shrugs his own coat onto his shoulders.
“Just bring her next time, H,” Jeff shoots down the rest of his drink. “All you think about is her when she’s not around, anyway.”
Harry heats up in embarrassment at his manager’s observation but he knows it can’t be disputed. He sheepishly grins and promises to pay better attention at his next business dinner, but they both know that’s dependent on whether Y/N is at that one too.
His drive home is short and pleasant, filled with thoughts of Y/N and what she’s been doing all night to pass the time. She shared with him what she hoped to accomplish while he was out at dinner, but Harry also knew she had the tendency to scrap all her plans in favor of curling in front of the television to watch Forensic Files re-runs.
Harry jams the key in the door so roughly that for a moment he fears he won’t be able to get it out when it sticks a little bit. Luckily for him, it comes out after a few wiggles, and an embarrassing call to the locksmith is avoided.
”Yeah, hello? Could you come as soon as you can? I’ve gone and jammed my keys in the lock because I was too eager to see my girlfriend…”
“Harry? Is that you?”
Harry smiles to himself. She always asked the same question every time he came home as if it could be anyone else. As if it would be anyone else. “Yes, love,” he responds. “I didn’t forget your cake either. Fancy some?”
Y/N appears moments after his question is asked, eyes slightly drooping from the cat nap he’s sure he’s awoken her from. She’s dressed in his vintage ‘Jamaica’ tee and he’s pretty sure nothing else but a flimsy pair of panties, which makes his cock twitch just the slightest. He ignores it. She wraps her arms around his waist, pressing her chest flat against his in appreciation. He feels her inhale deeply and let out a quiet sigh of pleasure. She missed him just as much as he missed her.
“Thank you! Is this from the place that gives the huge slices?” She’s already unwrapping herself from around him and all but floating to the kitchen, she’s so excited to indulge in her piece of strawberry shortcake. “Share it with me, H? It’s not as good the next day so we need to finish it.”
Even though Harry is too full to take another bite of anything that wasn’t Y/N he immediately agrees, asking if she’d grab him a fork as well. She happily obliges and then leads the way to their comfy L-shaped sofa (which Y/N picked out, swearing it would be perfect for movie nights) snatching the remote off of the coffee table before sitting down.
“Tell me about your dinner. It went well?” Y/N stabs her fork into the spongy piece of cake and then brings it up to her mouth, moaning in delight. Harry watches as she closes her eyes, savoring the taste.
“As well as it could’ve gone without you,” Harry responds nonchalantly, stabbing his own fork into the dessert. Instead of bringing it up to his own mouth, he holds it up to hers. “I wish you were there. Always wish you were when you aren’t.”
Y/N looks at Harry owlishly as she opens her mouth for him. After swallowing, she speaks. “I thought we were supposed to be sharing.”
“We are.”
“It doesn’t count as sharing if you’re just feeding me! I’m still the only one eating it, H!”
Harry hears the amusement in her voice, sees the sparkle in her big, beautiful eyes, and knows she isn’t truly upset with him. Still, he relents and takes a piece for himself before trying to give his girlfriend another one.
“And what did you do tonight?” he nudges his nose against her cheek, reveling in the squeal she lets escape her mouth. “Get anything done on that to-do list you were tellin’ me about?”
“I did,” Y/N sets her fork down in the container of cake and rests her hands on Harry’s shoulder, flinging herself over him so she’s comfortably situated in his lap. Once comfortable, she holds her hand out expectantly. Harry chuckles to himself before placing the container of cake back in her grasp. “I caught up on emails and took a bath. Oh, also called your mom and mine - they both say hello…”
Harry smiles at this. “That’s nice, love,” his hands began to roam the expanse of her thighs, nails digging into the plush, exposed skin. “I’m glad you had a good night. Sorry I had to leave you.”
“I forgive you. Its been made even better by this cake - thanks for remembering.”
They sit in silence like that for a while. Harry gives more bites to Y/N than he gives to himself and by the time the dessert is finished, he couldn’t even say he managed to get even a little piece of strawberry for himself.
Y/N leans forward, bum lifting slightly off Harry’s lap to set the empty container on the coffee table. She turns her neck slightly once re-situated on him, and Harry hums at the sweet taste of cream and strawberries on her tongue. She always tasted so good. They fall into a comfortable silence as the tv plays softly in the background while they make out, the narrator of Forensic Files recounting a tale of how just one red fiber led to the killer’s arrest.
“Cozy enough?” Harry’s question breaks the silence.
“Quite,” Y/N squirms slightly. “Your lap is very comfortable.”
“Well, while I do enjoy looking at the back of your head, I’d much rather see your face.”
“I’m watching Forensic Files.”
While Harry can’t see her face, he can hear the joking tone in Y/N’s voice and proceeds with placing his large palms on her hips. He lifts her pliant body slightly off his lap and re-situates her so she’s straddling him instead of facing forward.
“Much better,” he places a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Now I can see your pretty face.”
“Welllll, now I can’t see what we’re watching.”
“I can tell you what happens.”
Y/N lets out a quiet laugh at this, moving her body so she’s no longer straddling him but has all her weight on one thigh. She wiggles ever so slightly and Harry smirks to himself at the motion, knowing she purposely planted herself like this because the pressure felt good against her little clit (which surely had to be swollen by now).
“Something tells me you’re not really gonna pay any attention, H,” she lowers her head into the crook of his neck. “That’s okay with me.”
Harry loosely rests his hands around the curve of her waist. “Been thinkin’ about you all night, my love,” he allows her to capture his lips in a clumsy kiss, teeth clacking together in her haste. “Been thinkin’ about you, and how much I love you- love making you cum.” His girlfriend laughs at that.
“This is our thing,” she tells him breathlessly, lips pressed against his as she ruts against his thigh. “This always ends up happenin’ when we watch true crime…”
Harry wants to tell her that this only happens when he’s with her, never gets this horny watching true crime television with anyone except her! Y/N’s the only person in the world who can make her feel this way.
“This will always be our thing, will it?” Harry tickles her side and swoons at the sound of her high-pitched giggles. “Jus’ us, cake, and movies?”
Y/N presses a kiss to the dimple on the right side of his face. “Always–– it’s my favorite pastime.”
Harry gives his love a toothy grin before he continues to help her get off on his thigh. He begins to feel her wetness through his dressy pants, the only thing separating her cunt from the fabric covering his thigh being her thin, cotton panties. He really just wants to lap at her cunt most of all, just wants to suck on her clit until she's tangling her hands in his curls and begging him not to stop. But she's determined to get off this way - he can see it in the look on her face. Besides, it's quite fun to watch Y/N come undone on her own accord. He loved when she flat-out used him for her own pleasure. He steadies her out when her movements start to become frantic and she's not getting the right amount of pressure she needs on her clit to come.
Her orgasm washes over her very abruptly--Harry thinks it even takes her a little by surprise. “Can’t forget orgasms, can I?” Y/N looks up at Harry with big, fucked out eyes, waiting for him to clarify. “I said I like it when it’s just us, cake, and movies. Forgot to add in how much I like making you cum, too.”
Y/N grows bashful at this and while Harry would usually apologize for being so vulgar, he means it with every fiber of his being. He's never heard prettier sounds, tasted anyone better, fucked anyone tighter. She was perfect and sweet and all his.
Harry’s not done with her though - not even close! They were really only just getting started. He lifts her off his lap and lays her back on the couch, pulling the meager piece of fabric separating him from her wet cunt off her body. He places his palms flat on the surface of her inner thigh and spreads her legs open, dropping to his knees in front of her. Harry immediately attaches his mouth to her cunt, sucking harshly as he makes eye contact with his girlfriend. She looks down at him with that look that Harry’s so fond over and he nearly loses it.
He begins kneading at her plush ass while his face is buried in her mound, taking note of how she trembles when the tip of his nose nudges against her clit. His tongue travels down to her puckered hole before moving back up to her bundle of nerves, over and over until Y/N grabs at his head and just holds him in place, sick of his teasing.
“S’nice, doll? You deserve this, Y/N,” Harry’s mouth is glistening with her arousal as he briefly pauses his movements to speak to her. “Deserve to feel good and let daddy give you orgasms after I left you here alone all night for a boring business dinner. Least I can do, hmm?”
He doesn’t give her a chance to answer before he’s burying his head into her cunt once more, eating her out like a starved man. She hardly has time to warn Harry that her second orgasm is about to wash over her but she doesn’t have to; he could feel the way her muscles contracted against his tongue as he licked her through it, not letting up even when she locked her thighs around his head.
“One more?”
He’s already undoing the buckle to his pants as he asks this, the familiar clanking sound sending shivers down Y/N’s spine. She’s not sure what she did to deserve three orgasms from her boyfriend tonight, but she figures she must’ve been a very, very good girl for him lately.
“Yes, please,” Y/N lifts her shift up so her boobs are on full display for Harry, not missing the way his eyes hungrily take in the sight of her. “Need one more- need your cock so bad-”
“Shhhh…” Harry slides in swiftly as he shushes her, resting his weight atop her so he was more comfortable. “There, there. ‘M gonna give it to you, pretty girl. I always do, yeah?”
Harry watches as her mouth gapes open with every push of himself inside her. He reaches down in between them to swipe his thumb across her clit as he’s thrusting into her to not only double her pleasure but get her there with him because he was already embarrassingly close but he hated finishing before his girl did. He picks up speed, bending her leg and holding it in his right hand as he grips her tits with his left.
“Rub y’clit for me,” he mutters, thrusts growing sloppy. “Go ahead and rub it.”
Y/N immediately complies and is spasming on Harry’s cock no more than 20 short seconds later, followed by his loud moans as he stills inside her. A warm, fuzzy feeling immediately floods Harry and suddenly all is well again. Never mind the fact Y/N wasn't at his silly business dinner tonight because she was here with him now and that was the most important thing, really.
Harry gently slides out of her and reaches for her discarded underwear, ignoring her protests when he uses it to clean up what spilled out of her before tossing it back on the floor. He'll pick it up later.
"Love you, H...I'll go to your next boring dinner. Promise."
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