#caucasian reveal
theodore-sallis · 1 year
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“No Choice of Colors!” Fear (Vol. 1/1970), #12.
Writer: Steve Gerber; Penciler: Jim Starlin; Inker: Rich Buckler; Letterer: John Costanza
#Marvel#Marvel comics#Marvel 616#Fear#Man-Thing#Ted Sallis#Cover Gallery#….oy vey iz mir#this issue…did not age gracefully#and considering that I can’t find much on it in future letter sections makes me wonder if contemporary reactions were unfit to print#for context the plot of this issue is that Man-Thing helps an African-American man who is fleeing a demonstrably racist cop#the African-American man claims he’s being unjustly pursued because he’s in a romantic relationship with a caucasian woman who won’t give#the cop the time of day#the man’s tale wins over the Man-Thing’s sympathies and assistance only for it to be later revealed that the man omitted#that he’s also on the hook for murder#thus muddying the morals of the situation#Man-Thing tries to just extricate himself from the situation entirely but it ends with both the fugitive and the cop dead#and I mean I GET IT#I’m pretty sure the creators were going for a bleak ‘no one is ever perfectly good/there are sins committed on both sides’#‘everyone loses in these sorts of scenarios’ conclusion#but I can’t help but feel as if by crafting such a narrative that slings mud at both sides they don’t quite condemn either side either?#but this own narrative teaches that trying to be impartial will only wind up with people dead sooo it kind of paints#the story’s own creators as cowardly for not taking a firm stance???#but of course naturally this is all just my opinion#and I do need to remind myself that this was after all written in 1972#only 4 years post the MLK assassination when race relations were looking particularly incendiary for the moment and bleak for the future
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fanonical · 5 months
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barbielore · 3 months
Ever since I discovered the convention exclusive Barbies I've been excited to show them off. Allow me please to show you the 2021 National Barbie Doll Collectors Convention dolls: Barbie and Ken Power Pair.
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But if you are not sufficiently impressed by Ken's rather squashed looking face (I have seen him described as "those brothers who have done too much plastic surgery" and "handsome Squidward"), you may be relieved to know that there was an AA set released as well as the Caucasian set.
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I honestly couldn't tell you which one I like better. I think I like the AA Ken himself better, but I like his suit less.
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The dolls themselves, rather than just the promotional photos, reveal that the outfits honestly look a little cheap - given these were limited edition convention exclusives, surely Mattel could have put in a slightly higher production value on these. At least give them some buttons and proper hems.
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polyamzeal · 9 months
got any polyam book recs
How many time do I need to reccomend the Smart Girl's Guide To Polyamory by Dedecker Winston! I feel like I never shut up about it and still people have never heard of it! I am just going to create a quick list of all the polyam books I have read. Because when I was first learning about polyamory it felt like you were required to read certain books before you could get your polyamory license yet so many other people haven't read any books! One day I might write out longer reviews for these.
The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships & Other Adventures by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy- This is one of the first ever books focused on polyamory. As such it is a bit dated. Despite that I think it is still a good book that people can get a lot out of. Just keep its age in mind.
More Than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory by Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert - When I started learning about polyamory this was the holy bible of polyamory that everyone insisted that everybody must read. I honestly liked The Ethical Slut better though. Since then though the book has been utterly condemned by the community and people are now very quick to scream how nobody should read this book because Franklin Veaux was revealed to be abusive in his relationships so now suddenly the book is a guide to teach people how to be abusive in relationships. I guess??? Eve Ricket has put out multiple statements about the book about if people should still read it or not but I am sure I will miss something if I dive into that. Like more The Ethical Slut, just keep in mind it might have some problematic aspects. But I personally think there is still some good stuff in it that people might find value in. It has been a while since I read it but I don't remember it being problematic, just a bit dry and boring.
The Smart Girl's Guide To Polyamory by Dedecker Winston - I'm skipping right to this to say this is my favorite polyamory book! It is very unfortunate that that the title isn't great. And indeed it is written to be aimed at women but honestly I found very very little in the book to feel exclusive to women and not apply to me (a cis-male) just as much. I love this book so much that I re-typed up a passage from it, had it printed on a large poster, and framed.
Sex At Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha - This is another book that used to be worshipped in polyamory circles and wholehearted reccomended. I am so glad that it is now mostly forgotten. Why? BECAUSE THIS IS NOT A POLYAMORY BOOK! This is a very scientific anti-monogamy book. So I was waiting for all this set-up to talk about why polyamory fixes all these problems of monogamy it has taken so long to explain. Spoilers! Polyamory is only briefly mentioned in the epilogue of the book in a half-hearted, "Maybe this solution works for some people". Let's be clear, this is not a bad book. It is a very good book at using scientific evidence to point out flaws with monogamy and can lead to interesting discussion. But it is not a polyamroy book and shouldn't be recommended as such.
Love's Not Color Blind: Race and Representation in Polyamorous and Other Alternative Communities by Kevin Patterson - Another great book that is highly underrated. But note this is not a Polyamory 101 book. I consider this a "next-level" polyamory book. And to be clear I am white/Caucasian and I learned so much from this book and really love it! It opened my eyes in so many ways.
The Polyamorists Next Door: Inside Multiple-Partner Relationships and Families by Elisabeth Sheff - This isn't a bad book but I also didn't really find it to be a good book either. It feels neither pro-polyamory or anti-polyamory. Just a whole lot of stories and facts. I think it might be most interesting for a monogamous person to read.
Polyamory by Marissa Blake - Worst book I have ever listened to and I am pretty sure it is plagiarized. Been meaning to do a project where I research that claim but just haven't been interested in doing so. it is utter garbage.
The Polyamory Breakup Book: Causes, Prevention, and Survival by Kathy Labriola - Another advanced level polyamory book. But I think an especially important one for everyone to read. When you date more people you have more breakups. And when "cheating" is far less of an issue it is becomes hard to understand when you should breakup.
Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma and Consensual Nonmonogamy by Jessica Fern - The new holy bible of polyamory that everybody in every polyamory group will recommend immediately. It is a good book but honestly I think it is overrated. I think it is aimed at a very certain kind of person struggling with polyamory but it didn't resonate a whole lot with me on a polyamory level. I thought Secure Attachment was very interesting but I felt the actual polyamory aspects of the book were a little lacking to me. I do recommend the book but maybe not as someone's first polyamroy book. I think there are better polyamory 101 books. To note I have not read Polywise yet, the authors sequel book that just came out. I think I have higher hopes for that one though.
Ready For Polyamory by Laura Boyle - Most recent book I read and I had wanted to write a full review but I forgot. This is a fairly good book. I feel like it doesn't stand out much from the other Polyamory 101 books but overall solid. The one place where I give it the most praise is it has the most up-to-date definitions of terms which over the years have evolved and changed over time. The spectrum of polyamory styles I think is especially important for people to read. Older books didn't mention this at all or it was only Parelle VS Kitchen Table. Now we have a much wider spectrum and I often see a common mistake for newbies is for 2 partners to be at different point of the spectrum and never acknowledging it.
Do you know of any polyamory books I missed that I should read? Please let me know!
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 4 months
by Olivia Land
A BBC staffer is under fire for a string of antisemitic Facebook posts in which she referred to Jewish people as “Nazi apartheid parasites” and called white people a “virus.”
Dawn Queva, senior scheduling coordinator and playout planner at BBC Three, made many of the troubling, since-deleted posts over the last few months, Deadline revealed.
In one rant, Queva — whose profile appeared under the name Dawn Las Quevas-Allen — called Jewish people “Nazi apartheid parasites” and accused them of funding a “holohoax,” the outlet said.
She also made several posts criticizing Israel and Zionism — including one in which she referred to “a bunch of subcontinental European melanin recessive CaucAsian japhetic AshkeNazi who have no None zero zilch blood connection to the land of Palestine or Israel historically.”
Some of Queva’s disturbing posts go back nearly a decade: In 2014, she referred to Israel as “Israhell,” the Times of Israel said.
“The Zionist genocidal land squatting so called Jew’ irrespective of the fact that The UKKK and Amerikkka gave away land they had no god given right to a people who have no god given right to,” Queva added in another post, according to screenshots shared by Deadline.
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3Dawn Queva made many troubling, since-deleted posts, including one calling Jewish people “Nazi apartheid parasites”.
Queva — who previously worked for A+E Networks, UKTV and Disney, according to Deadline — also repeatedly took aim at white people, to whom she referred as a “virus” and a “mutant invader species,” the Telegraph wrote.
Several of her posts refer to Great Britain as the “UKKK,” in reference to the Ku Klux Klan.
In another update, she wrote that white people were a “barbaric bloodthirsty rapacious murderous genocidal thieving parasitical deviant breed.”
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paganimagevault · 9 months
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The Kroraina (Loulan) girl from the silk road by Tang Wei Min 2013. Below, info on the Beauty of Loulan mummy:
"In 1993, Victor Mair, a Chinese language and literature professor from the University of Pennsylvania, was finally authorized by the Chinese government to collect 52 tissue samples from the mysterious mummies. At the last minute, however, government officials changed their minds and prevented Mair from leaving the country with the samples.
Luckily, Mair had a friend on the inside who was able to slip him half a dozen vials’ worth of mummy DNA on the sly. By 1995, he was able to conclude that there was indeed evidence of a European genetic marker amid the ancient inhabitants of the Chinese region.
Tests revealed that she was more than likely of Celtic, Siberian, or Scandinavian descent. Suddenly, everyone in China was forced to rethink previously disregarded ancient Chinese literature that told of fair-skinned people with blue eyes and red hair.
In 2007 and 2009, more research was done on the mysterious Loulan Beauty by scientists from two Chinese universities. They also concluded that the red-haired beauty did indeed have a Caucasian father, though her mother was of mixed race, with at least some Eastern Asian genetics.
We also now know that she was around 40 to 48 years old at the time of her death, probably due to a disease of the lungs. She was buried in clothing woven from fur and hair, as well as leather goat boots, all of which were made with a great deal of skill."
-taken from history101
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The Man from a Different Universe
In the chronicles of unexplained mysteries, the story of the Taured Man stands out as a baffling and enigmatic tale that has puzzled minds for decades.
It all began in the mid-20th century when a well-dressed and confident Caucasian man arrived at Tokyo's Haneda Airport, eager to embark on his journey. However, it was at the airport's immigration desk that this ordinary-looking traveler would reveal an extraordinary claim that would forever shroud his identity in mystery. Upon being asked the routine question of his country of origin, the man, with unwavering conviction, declared that he hailed from a place called "Taured." To the bewilderment of the Japanese immigration authorities, there was no record of such a country. The traveler was asked to produce identification, and that's when the plot thickened. In his possession, the Taured Man held a plethora of official documents, each more puzzling than the last. A passport, driver's license, and a stack of business cards – all issued by the non-existent nation of Taured – were laid out before the astounded officials. The documents were meticulously crafted, bearing all the hallmarks of authenticity, complete with visas from multiple countries, hinting at a history of international travel. As if this weren't perplexing enough, there were other curious details that further fueled the mystery. The authorities, grappling with disbelief, questioned the man about his homeland. His unwavering response was that Taured had existed for a long time, situated in the border region between France and Spain. This contradiction, however, only deepened the enigma, as no such country appeared on any maps or records. It was as though the Taured Man was a visitor from an alternate dimension or an elaborate hoaxer.
The confusion escalated as the man was escorted to a hotel room, still under the vigilant gaze of Japanese immigration authorities. While they were determined to solve the riddle of his identity, they were left with more questions than answers. The next morning, an eerie and baffling development occurred – the Taured Man and all of his belongings, including the Taured documents, had vanished without a trace. There were no signs of forced entry or exit, leaving investigators and airport personnel dumbfounded. It was as if the enigmatic traveler had simply vanished into thin air.
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malestransforming · 5 months
Oral #1
If anyone has a picture suggestion for this one, please send it to me.
“Follow me,” he said.
And so you followed, down a dark street and into a blackened alleyway, the only light coming   from a single lightbulb above a stairwell. He leads you up the concrete steps, through another corridor and through an apartment door.
He kisses you, as you hastily rush to kick off your shoes and jacket. With his lips still pressed against your own, he leads you into a bedroom.
He pushes you down on the bed and grabs at your waist. With a jolt, he tugs on your pants and underwear to force them down through your legs. You arch your back, allowing your pants to pass your knees and through your ankles and feet. He pulls your socks off as well, all in one free motion. 
Your pale cock lies exposed in the air, leaking slightly and stiffening. He tilts his head down down, his tongue gliding over the tip while his hand wraps around the shaft. You moan. With his other hand he reaches up under your shirt, searching for your nipple. You clumsily rush to take off your shirt, revealing your entire body to the air. You raise your arms to your head, brushing your head and reaching for the loose pillow above you.
“You will love it,” he lisps as his lips slide over your entire cock. 
You stretch and reach out across the mattress, shuddering at the touch of his tongue. It circles around the very top of your dick, pressing against the gland. As you reach, your knuckles crack and pop and your arms lengthen. Your hands get bigger and you ball them into a fist, grabbing the sheets to keep you sturdy. Still, he thrusts his mouth all over your penis, caressing it with his tongue. 
You lift your arms and watch the muscles expand. Your shoulders broaden and pop, becoming wider. The muscles in your chest grow too, resembling massive man tits, with huge round nipples to match. 
Your penis tingles with pleasure and he slurps on it happily. He rubs it with his hand causing you to stretch and writhe on the bed. As you flex your stomach eight massive abs muscles pop into place, erasing any evidence of belly fat. Your back cracks as your height increases. Your ass balloons and plumps and your thighs become meaty trunks of muscle. 
Your breathing hastens, and you reach down to your cock to finish yourself off. He forces your muscled arm down.
“Ay papi, not yet.” He says, as he gently strokes your lengthening brown shaft. “Just wait. Merecerá la pena.” (It will be worth it) 
Your skin begins to prickle and tingle. With your other huge hand, you rub your eyes as the sensation intensifies across your body. You notice your skin is darker in tone, with broad black lines crisscrossing the skin: new tattoos painting themselves al over your body. You have no time to examine them as he forces your thickening cock into the back of his throat. you lift your head from the bed, opening your mouth to exclaim in pleasure. A baseball cap materializes on your head, and diamond studs appear on your lobes. Your facial features turn more angular, and a moustache grows above your lips as the last remnants of your caucasian heritage turn latino. 
“Listo, papi?” (Ready, papi). He says.
You open your mouth, convulsing your new huge body from the pleasure. With one last pump and slurp on your thick latino cock you rain a shower of cum in to the air, into his mouth and onto your brown chest. 
You grin and smile, breathing heavily, wiping the sweat from your brow and feeling your new hide fade haircut. 
He crawls up your body and lays beside you. 
“¿Cómo estuvo eso papi?” (How was that papi?)
“Fue perfecto,” you reply.
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space-man2 · 8 months
2023 September Update
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Another month and another batch of exciting tales of possessions, body swaps, bodysuits, and transformations. It’s an early Spooktember because September brought “👻Ghostly Possessions👻” for monthly themed stories. Ghosts rise from the dead and return to mortal coils by possessing bodies. Read stories of a dead grandfather who can’t bear to see his grandson become a submissive twink so he possessed his grandson’s body. Or the tale of a ghost who possessed the twins who made his life miserable. Read the following themed stories below! Read these stories on this link.
🔒🔞 Revenge on the Twins Although unrelated to his death, Trent rose from the dead to take vengeance on the twin assholes who made his life difficult. #Possession #Ghost #Caucasian #Stories
🔒🔞 Back from the Grave I thought the memories we had together would fade eventually. But even in death, my ex-boyfriend still haunts me. I didn't want to believe it, but the strange behaviors of my co-workers all point to the fact that he is here. #Possession #Ghost #Caucasian #Stories
🔒🔞 My Grandson’s a Twink "I ain't letting my grandson turn into a twink" #Possession #Ghost #Caucasian #Twink #Stories
🔒🔞 Sorry Saying apologies could lead you to the right ass. #Possession #Ghost #Caucasian #Stories
🔒🔞 Closer to You Commissioned by: Bodyhopper Peter, friendless, alone, and with his only family six feet underground, longs for a better life than the one he has. All would change when he meets Nathan and his loving family. Their friendship would soon turn sinister as Peter becomes envious of the life Nathan was taking for granted. "Life could be better," Peter whispers. It could and it will, thanks to the magic book that would let him steal Nathan's life. #Possession #Caucasian #Asian #Racial Change #Ghost #Series
CHAPTER I: Bleak Beginnings
CHAPTER II: Slow Possession
CHAPTER III: A Permanent Decision
CHAPTER IV: Life could be Better
Themed Shorts
🔒🔞 Internet Possession
🔒🔞 Splitting his Soul
✅🔞 Don’t Piss the Dead
🔒🔞 It’s Hard Again
🔒🔞 Neanderthal
🔒🔞 Arrested
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Other Stories
🔒🔞 The Town Where I Can Do Anything Commissioned by: Bodstart Follow Alex in his continued escapades in Millfield, USA. In this sequel, a detective slowly becomes aware of the strange things happening around town. Little did he know, this suspicion would bring Alex closer to him and his family. This suspicion is an aberration, and Zorik may need outside help to fix it. #Possession #Alien #Caucasian #Series 
CHAPTER I: Suspicion
CHAPTER II: Squeezing into this Family
CHAPTER III: The House Party
✅🔒🔞 Renting to Muscleheads Commissioned by: Valagon37 Delve into the life of Gerald, a contractual body swapper, as he offers body-swapping services to bodybuilders seeking a break from their strict routines. One frequent client is Devin, a famous Filipino bodybuilder in Canada. As the summer vacation sets in, they find themselves in each other’s bodies throughout the one-week holiday. Gerard continues Devin’s life of being a famous bodybuilding vlogger while Devin enjoys his vacation in Gerard’s body. #Body Swap #Racial Change #Asian #Caucasian #Hunk #Series
CHAPTER I: Sunday - Transaction
CHAPTER II: Monday - Gym Livestream
CHAPTER III: Tuesday - Gym With Andrew
CHAPTER IV: Wednesday - Personal Leisure
CHAPTER V: Thursday - Fashion Photoshoot
CHAPTER VI: Friday - Gym Livestream
CHAPTER VII: Saturday - Party
CHAPTER VIII: Sunday - Fun's End
🔒🔞 Sergey’s Skin Artem takes great delight in pleasing himself inside the skinsuit of his cousin, Sergey. #Bodysuit #European #Stories
🔒🔞 Wars and Bodysuits “I must say. The last batch of suits was the best your company has provided me.” #Bodysuits #Caucasian #Stories
🔒🔞 Fugitive in the Area As the brother's vehicle rolled to a stop at the officer's behest, Jon assumed this was his chance to reveal that his older brother was possessed. Little did he know, it was the worst decision he could make at that moment. #Possession #Brothers #Incest #Stories
🔒🔞 Fucked by a Hobo Do you know the sheer intensity of how hobos could fuck you? These men have been deprived of sex of years, some even decades. They turn into feral beasts the moment you invite them for sex. Of course, I'm not desperate enough to get fucked by hobos, but I am desperate enough to get fucked by men with their wild nature. That was why I had an old stinking hobo who catcalled me and had him possess my older brother. #Possession #Caucasian #Stories
Other Shorts
✅🔞 Military Tradition [Possession]
✅ The Alien’s Final Gift [Possession]
✅ Out Cold [Possession]
✅ Free Muscle [Possession]
🔒🔞 Instructor [Body Swap]
🔒🔞 Push Deeper [Possession]
🔒🔞 Tender Fuck [Possession]
✅🔒🔞 Smoke [Possession]
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🔒🔞 Find Someone Else to Possess Sorry, pal. This body is occupied. I know it sucks to find another ghost possessing your boyfriend's body. #Possession #Ghost #Videos
Head over to my Discord and read these shorts and stories and 165+ other stories! If you want to access the NSFW stories, you can subscribe through my Ko-Fi and gain access to every story I’ve written. You can find the relevant links below.
With September’s Ghost Possession theme over, we move on to the winning theme of October! And that is “Age Regression 👴🏻👨👦”. Read stories of turning back time and men having another round with the prime of their lives. If you want to partake in the theme for November, join my discord and become a Star Subscriber🌟!
I thank my readers and subscribers for their continued support! 
Access the Discord Server here >>> Link How to Subscribe >>> Link
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blueiskewl · 6 months
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Archaeologists Uncover a Bronze Belt Fitting From an Unknown Pagan Cult
team of archaeologists from Masaryk University have uncovered a bronze belt fitting from an unknown pagan cult in the village of Lány, located in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic.
The belt fitting dates from the 8th century AD and depicts a snake devouring a frog-like creature that appears in Germanic, Avar, and Slavic mythology.
Such representations are related to the cosmogonic myth of the world’s creation which are found at various sites across Central Europe, while the interaction between the frog and the snake can be linked to fertility cult practices.
According to the researchers, the belt fitting provides evidence of a previously unknown pagan cult that connected diverse populations of varying origins during the early Middle Ages before the advent of Christianity which began in the 9th century AD.
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The discovery in Lány belongs to the group of so-called Avar belt fittings, which were mainly produced in Central Europe in the 7th and 8th centuries AD. It was likely worn by an Avar, a Northeast Caucasian ethnic group who settled in the Carpathian Basin, however, it could also be from one of the cultures influenced by Avar cultural practices.
Using an X-ray fluorescence analysis (EDXRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), a lead isotope analysis, and 3D digital morphometry, an analysis of the belt fitting revealed that the greater part of the bronze was heavily gilded and was cast by using a wax model.
A chemical analysis of the lead isotopes in the bronze alloy indicates that the copper used in the production was mined in the Slovak Red Mountains, while the morphometric analysis suggests that some of the fittings originate from the same workshop.
The results of the study have been published in the Journal of Archaeological Science.
By Mark Milligan.
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sgstories123 · 1 year
You are my Valentine
“You got Valentine’s date tonight?” Leena asked Peipei, as she poured hot water into her mug. The smell of Nescafe immediately filled the small pantry room.
“Why, you want to be my Valentine is it?” Peipei gave a naughty smile, caressing Leena’s perfectly round butt seductively before giving it a pinch and slapping them softly.
“Fuck lah! You think I lesbian?” Leena pushed Peipei’s hands away.
Peipei laughed. Since she joined the company about a year ago, Leena had been her closest colleague. They have lunch together most of the time and also meet each other to go shopping during the weekends.
Peipei thought to herself. Was she a closet lesbian? She looked at Leena closely. She must confess that Leena was indeed a voluptuous and sexy woman. Her breasts were the size of watermelons. Wearing a low cut, tight, bright red blouse, her breasts were squeezed upwards, screaming to be let out of the clothes, revealing a deep abyss of a cleavage that many men would be lost in. Her body tapered from the large upper body to a waist that was just right for any man to wrap their arms around. Wearing a short, low hung skirt, she showed enough of her smooth, light brown skin to make any man want to peel away all her clothes to see her naked.
“Adam wants to take me out for dinner at a fancy restaurant in Orchard Road tonight.” Leena continued. “At first, I thought it was a romantic Valentine Day’s dinner just for the two of us. But I was wrong. His cousin from Australia is in Singapore and wants to join us. So, I was thinking if you don’t have a date, how about you come along and double date? It will be so weird to have dinner with two guys on Valentine’s Day by myself.”
“What is so weird? You can do a threesome.” Peipei giggled, before adding, “Not like you have not done it before.”
“Fuck!” Leena shoved Peipei, spilling some of her Boh Tea.
Peipei was well aware of Leena’s sexual exploits as Leena had shared them freely with her. With Leena’s good looks and sexy body, she has no shortage of boyfriends. Sometimes, she even has more than one boyfriend at any one time. There was one time when she was caught on a date with one boyfriend by another of her boyfriend. To pacify both of them, they had a threesome. Somehow, all of them ended up being happy and broke up amicably after that. Leena was good not only in getting boyfriends but in breaking up with them as well.
“So, you have a date or not?” Leena persisted.
“You know I broke up with Ah Hock last July. How to have Valentine’s Day date? I am not like you, boyfriends lining up from one end of Orchard Road to the other end.” Peipei replied.
“No, you are wrong. My boyfriends line up from one end of Orchard Road to Changi Airport.” Leena laughed. “So you on for tonight?”
“Wait. The guy is ang mo?” Peipei asked, a little frown crossing her face.
“You stupid or what? Adam is Malay. How can his cousin be ang mo? I Malay. Is my sister Chinese?” Leena sighed exasperatedly.
“You say he from Australia what. How I know?” Peipei replied sheepishly.
“Why is that important? Whether he Malay, ang moh or Chinese?” Leena looked at Peipei curiously. “ You racist?”
“If I racist, I would not be your best friend, silly.” Peipei countered.
“Then why?” Leena’s curiosity was piqued.
“I only have a few boyfriends and they were all Chinese.” Peipei said slowly. “I am not like you. I don’t have boyfriends who are Malay, Indian and Caucasians. I am scared that they are different.”
“Different? What you mean? All the men are the same, just different skin colour.” A sudden realisation hit Leena. “Oh. You dirty-minded girl. You worried ang moh cock too big you cannot take it. You thinking of sleeping with Ahmad’s cousin, a guy you just met? You are a fucking slut!”
Leena roared loudly with laughter. She recalled telling Peipei about how her previous Caucasian boyfriend had a 9-inch dick and how Peipei was horrified of the thought of having such a large monster in her. Peipei must still be concerned with having sex with men with big dicks.
“Stop it. The whole office is going to hear, you idiot!” Peipei was embarrassed and pinched Leena on her shoulder. But that only made Leena laughed louder.
“Look. It is Valentine’s Day. I was only thinking that it is natural to have sex with your date. I am not dirty-minded.” Peipei said defensively. “If you don’t stop laughing, I won’t go on the double date with you tonight.”
It worked and Leena stopped laughing almost immediately, suppressing it into silent giggles and dirty looks.
Several hours later, Peipei and Leena joined Adam and his cousin Hazer at a fancy hotel restaurant in Orchard Road. It was the first time that Peipei had seen Adam. It was not surprising as Leena had only met Adam at a Christmas party. Leena change boyfriends so fast that Peipei has not even the chance to meet most of them.
Adam was good-looking with a boyish charm. He wore a long sleeved pale blue shirt and a pair of tight, black pants, with a very noticeable bulge. “Stop staring at my boyfriend’s cock.” Leena whispered when she noticed Peipei stealing glances at Adam’s crotch. Before Peipei could utter a protest, Leena teased her further. “Yes, he has a huge cock, thicker and longer than your Ah Hock and all your other Chinese boyfriends. You scared?”
Peipei ignored her and turned her attention towards Hazer. At thirty years old, he was the oldest among them. He wore a green casual jacket over a white t-shirt. He must have worked out in the gym as Peipei could see the muscular contours of his body behind the t-shirt. He told them funny stories of his life in Australia. Peipei caught his large eyes looking at her several times and could feel herself easily attracted to his charms.
After chatting and laughing over dinner, Leena stood up. “Sorry guys. Peipei and I have to go to the Ladies to touch-up our make-up.” Without waiting for a response, she pulled Peipei out of her chair and led her away.
“Did you see what the boys were eating?” Leena asked, once they entered the Ladies.
It was a buffet-style dinner. Peipei tried to recall what each of them was eating. “Adam ate chicken, prawns, noodles and ice-cream? I think Hazer had the rendang, soup and some cakes for desert. I can’t really remember. Why?”
“You silly girl. They both took oysters, a whole plate stacked right to the top.” Leena rolled her eyes.
“Oh yeah. That was quite early on. I forgot about it.” Peipei thought further before continuing. “And Hazer had some mussels as well.”
“You know what that means, right?” Leena probed.
“What?” Peipei was still puzzled.
“They want to fuck us. Oysters? They give men strength and stamina?” Leena offered. “Gosh. You are so inexperienced. Are you prepared?”
“Prepare?” Peipei asked.
“What do you have in you bag? Let me see.” Leena lost her patience and snatched Peipei’s clutch bag. It was only large enough to carry some cash, credit cards, keys and a couple of other small items. “I knew it. LuckyI prepared them for you. Here. Take this.”
Peipei looked at the small metallic case with a yellow smiley face on it. “What’s this?” She opened it and found three condoms. It was a condom carrying case.
“I can’t carry this. They will think I am a slut.” Peipei protested.
“Hazer’s staying in this hotel. I am sure they will ask us to his room later and fuck us there. Are you hoping that they are prepared? I don’t think so. Men prefer doing raw and don’t care if they get you pregnant.” Leena replied.
“You carry it. I get from you if I need it.” Peipei was totally embarrassed by this conversation. She looked around nervously and hope no one will overhear what they are discussing. Although Peipei tries to act mature at work, in reality, she was still sexually inexperienced and conservative.
“Don’t worry. I have my own special ones for Adam.” Leena gave a devious smile. She took out another box of similar size but with a picture of a naked couple in hot embrace. She opened it and inside were Okamoto’s Big Boy condoms. “Adam’s cock is bigger than most. Maybe bigger than my Caucasian ex-boyfriend. Scared right?”
“You think Hazer’s small size meh? For all you know, his one bigger than Adam’s.” Peipei fell for Leena’s taunt.
Leena giggled. “You crazy bitch. You defending Hazer like he your boyfriend. That’s it. You are definitely fucking him tonight. You are such a cheap whore.”
“This cheap whore will not only fuck Hazer but also your boyfriend Adam. I will show you I love big cocks as much as you do.” Peipei raised her voice. She regretted immediately as the door to the Ladies swung open and a group of teenage girls walked in. They clearly heard Peipei as they stared at her, giggling uncontrollably. Peipei walked out quickly, head turned away, hoping that they  did not catch a good look of her face. Leena really knew her well, tricking her into saying and doing all the most embarassing things. Peipei sighed. Is that the price of friendship?
Leena was right. When they returned to their table, they saw the men finishing off another plate of oysters, the empty shells glistening in the light. Now that Peipei was more aware of the significance of the oysters, she also caught meaningful glances between the two men. After dinner, the men suggested that they go up to Hazer’s room to catch the night view of Orchard Road. However, once they entered the room, Adam started hugging and kissing Leena passionately. There was only enough time for Hazer to close the door before Adam started removing Leena’s dress. Adam was more interested in the view of Leena’s naked body than Orchard Road at night.
Once Leena’s clothes were fully removed by Adam, Peipei realised that Leena was really beautiful and sexy. Her large breasts were equal in size and shape, a perfect mirror image of each other. They were beautifully shaped, large, round mounds of pleasure with large protruding nipples, seemingly invitingly delicious. Even Peipei who was a woman felt desire in wanting to suck those nipples and squeeze those huge ripe melons of breasts. The curves continued downwards from Leena’s breasts to her contoured waists, expanding outwards again at the hips, providing support to the perfect globes of ass that just hours ago, Peipei had pinched and slapped them. Further down, the curves flowed into her legs, showing off beautiful skin covering tight, muscular calves. Leena was a sexy goddess, Peipei thought. No wonder she had so many boyfriends.
Adam continued to kiss Leena, covering her whole body with his mouth. His hands worked feverishly in removing his own clothes. Peipei gasped when Adam stood out of his briefs. Leena did not lie when she said Adam had a huge tool. Adam’s cock was already erect, protruding outwards, quivering just so slightly as if it was also anticipating the union with Leena’s vagina. Adam covered Leena’s body with his own, moving along her body as he continued hugging, touching and kissing Leena. The only sound coming from Leena was her satisfied sighs of pleasure. Adam must be one good lover.
Lost in the sex show of Adam and Leena, Peipei was awakened only when arms went around her waist, pulling her backwards. She felt a blunt rod pushing up against her ass. She turned around, only to have Hazer pushing his mouth onto hers, forceful, with a tinge of animal lust. She could feel his breath on her cheeks, warm and moist. Hazer forced himself down further. Peipei craned her neck backwards, opening her mouth. Sensing an entry point, Hazer stuck his tongue into her mouth, sending electric sparks along her body as their tongues touch each other. He continued exploring her mouth while his hand moved upwards, partly supporting her arched body and partly unzipping her dress. A cool draft touched Peipei’s skin as her dress fell to the floor. It was only when her skin touched Hazer’s bare skin, that he was already naked. He must have removed his clothes when Adam and Leena were removing theirs. Peipei had been too mesmerised by the sex between Adam and Leena to notice. She moved her hands towards her back to gain some balance but instead grabbed Hazer’s hard cock. That was the blunt object that was pressing against her ass.
“You like my cock? Want to suck it?” Hazer whispered in her ear. Peipei looked into Hazer’s eyes. It was so beautiful and enchanting that it seemed to hypnotise her. She simply nodded, kneeling in front of Hazer and kissing his cock on its head.
Hazer’s cock seemed to be about the same size as her previous boyfriends. She did what they seemed to like, licking the head of the cock with her tongue, making swirling motions. She squeezed Hazer’s cock, sliding her hands along the shaft, before licking it from the balls all the way to the top. Sufficiently lubricated, she swallowed Hazer’s cock, slowly taking it in till it reached the back of her throat. Slowly at first, her lips traversed along the shaft, her tongue wrapping it tightly and her fingers squeezing the base of the cock. She let Hazer’s hands on her head guide her, increasing her pace as needed, to provide Hazer with maximum pleasure. She knew she was doing well as Hazer started moaning louder and louder in pleasure. He started to push her head onto his cock at a faster pace simultaneously pushing his hips, fucking her mouth relentlessly. With several quick thrusts, he ejaculated into her mouth, as his body shuddered with pleasure. He held onto Peipei’s head tight, forcing her to swallow his cum. Peipei held onto his bare butt, her mouth pressed against his body as his cum dripped out from the sides of her mouth.
“Good girl.” Hazer smiled at Peipei, stroking her head lovingly as he pulled his cock out of her mouth. He turned to look at Adam and Leena on the bed. Adam was now fucking Leena furiously in doggy style, his back towards them. “The bed’s occupied. Get up on the couch and lie down on your back.”
Peipei obeyed without a word. Hazer pulled off her panties, bringing them to his nose for a quick sniff. He closed his eyes and made a satisfied grunt. He unclasped her bra, revealing her erect pink nipples to the cold air in the room. Covering them with his mouth, he licked them, jabbing them expertly with his tongue and causing little waves of pleasure.
Peipei moaned softly. Hazer was so much better at sucking her nipples than her other boyfriends, she thought. She held onto his body, enjoying the touch of his muscled body, feeling the sense of masculinity strength behind the skin. She sighed as he pressed his body against her, feeling the contours of his muscles rubbing against her body. His fingers caressed her inner thighs and Peipei’s body tensed in anticipation. This is it, she thought. I am going to be fucking my first Malay man.
Hazer’s fingers rubbed against her slit, spreading the moistness that was emanating from her insides. Spreading them slowly, a finger pressed against the entrance, pushing its way into her. Peipei moaned in pleasure as a familiar feeling of warmth and completeness engulfed her lower body. It had been too long since she lost had sex. Her body jerked uncontrollably, beckoning the finger to enter her even more deeply, to fill her even more completely. Hazer allowed a second finger and then a third, expanding her entrance to pleasure. Peipei was now moaning even louder as Hazer quickened his pace. She grabbed his hands as the pleasure becomes more unbearable. She wanted him to stop and yet wanted him to continue. It was a dilemma. She thought she was going crazy with pleasure. Her body jerked upwards, towards Hazer’s fingers, willing it to go even faster and deeper. Her ass lifted, her body gave a final shudder, squirting her love juice all over Hazer as she groaned loudly, giving herself up to her orgasm. When she opened her eyes, she saw Hazer looking at her sweetly. She was tired but happy. She smiled.
Hazer returned the smile and spread open her legs. She saw Hazer’s cock was hard again and positioned between her legs.
“Wait. Put on a condom.” She remembered what Leena told her earlier in the evening.
“I don’t have a condom. Let’s just do it raw.” Sensing her hesitation, Hazer continued. “Adam is also not wearing a condom. What are you worried about?”
Peipei looked towards the bed. Leena was now riding Adam in reverse cowgirl position, her huge breasts swinging up and down, moaning loudly. She could not make out whether Adam was wearing a condom.
“Wait. I get you a condom.” Peipei sat up and retrieved the condom box from her bag, retrieving a condom for Hazer.
“You carry condoms in your bag? Alright. Looks like we are going to enjoy ourselves tonight.” Hazer smiled.
He rolled on the condom before spreading her legs again. He pushed it in slowly, enjoying the warm, tight cunt grabbing his hard cock. Peipei groaned in pleasure as Hazer’s cock filled her up. It was so different from his fingers, going much deeper and spreading her sides so much wider. This was what nature intended. A cock can never be replaced by anything else, not fingers, not a dildo.
Hazer lifted Peipei legs onto his shoulders as he pumped her, harder and faster. They were both now moaning and groaning in pleasure. Hazer turned Peipei over to her side, fucking her sideways. In this position, Peipei saw that Adam was done fucking Leena. He was seating on the edge of the bed, smiling at her while watching her being fucked by Hazer. Leena was lying motionless on the bed on her back, her legs spread wide open, proudly displaying her vagina for all to see.
“Cumming!” Hazer grunted as he thrust deeper and faster. He held onto Peipei’s body tightly as he ejacluated into her. Peipei grabbed her breasts, squeezing her nipples as she enjoyed the last few thrusts of pleasures. Hazer waited for his pleasure to subside before pulling his cock out of Peipei. Bending down to give her a kiss, he whispered “You are my Valentine.”
He got up from the couch and went to the bathroom. Peipei could hear the shower running. She was too exhausted to do anything except to continue lying on the couch.
She saw Adam smiling at her. She smiled back. Adam stood up, his cock erect. As he approached her, Peipei saw his cock up close. It was really much longer and thicker than any cock she has seen, much larger than Hazer’s even though he was older than Adam.
He kissed her, a gentle seductive kiss. Peipei knew it was wrong. Adam was Leena’s boyfriend and she is just sleeping in front of her in the same room.
“No, wait. You are Leena’s boyfriend.” Peipei whispered.
“So? When I first saw you enter the restaurant, I wanted to fuck you. You are so pretty.” Adam confessed. “I knew I had to fuck Leena to tire her out before I have a chance with you. So I ate a lot of oysters in preparation. I am so jealous that Hazer gets to fuck you first but now that both are away, you are mine.”
Adam turned her over on the couch and on her knees. Without warning, he positioned his hard cock onto her entrance.
“Wait. Wear a condom.” Peipei grunted.
“I can’t. They are too small and won’t fit.” Adam continued to pry open her vagina walls with his fingers, guiding his cock into her.
“Wait. Leena. Leena has condom of your size. Please.” Peipei moaned, trying to remain focused as Adam’s giant cock slowly entered her and the pleasure emanating from it started to blur her senses.
“No, she doesn’t. We fucked raw just now.” Adam insisted. “Just keep quiet and let me fuck you. I have been waiting for this the whole night.”
As Adam’s huge cock entered her, Peipei’s senses started to fade. She was only aware of a pleasurable numbing sensation from her lower body coursing through her whole body. She could not hear or see anything, just floating in pleasure. She is aware she must be screaming in pleasure as there was a vague sense of soreness in her throat. It was as if she was on drugs as she seems to see things floating past her. Then she came to her senses, as Adam bent forwards to kiss her. His body rubbed against her, one arm grabbing her from behind, fondling her breasts.
“Let’s cum again for me.” Adam whispered. He thrust harder and faster, and Peipei clutched the arms of the couch tightly, her body once again losing control to the her carnal pleasures. Arching upwards and backwards, she screamed in pleasure, as her love juices squirted in buckets, this time drenching the couch with a large dark patch.
Peipei was exhausted and wanted to rest, but Adam continued pounding into her, his cock seemingly reaching deeper and deeper into her, finding new spots of pleasure that was unknown to her. Adam pulled her up from the couch and pressed her against the glass windows. Peipei could see Orchard Road lit by the street lamps and the occasional vehicle. It was already well past midnight and there were few people on the streets. Peipei wondered if any of the people on the streets looked up, will they see her being fucked against the windows.
As Adam was taller than Peipei, in standing position, his cock dug even deeper into her. She tried to stand on her toes, to give herself some respite from the deep fucking that she is getting but Adam was not having any of that. He closed the distance between themselves and the window, flattening Peipei’s breasts against the glass. The cold glass on her nipples send another wave of pleasure coursing through her and Peipei no longer had the strength to resist whatever Adam wants to do with her. Several thrusts later, Peipei released another round of love juices, spraying against the window and onto the carpet.
“Please, no more. I cannot take it any more, Adam.” Peipei whispered as Adam now pushed her onto the bed. With her legs lifted upwards and lying on her bed, Adam entered her again.
“You are so fucking sexy. So tight. So warm. I have to try so hard not to cum even though I have already cum thrice with Leena earlier. I want to fuck you all night long.” Adam replied.
“Please. I promise to fuck you anytime you want. Please stop for now. I cannot take your big cock any more.” Peipei whimpered, all her strength sapped out of her.
Adam smiled and bent down to give her a kiss. He closed his eyes and thrust even faster and deeper. Minutes later, he groaned in satisfaction, ejaculating into Peipei. He opened his eyes and gave Peipei another kiss. “You are my Valentine.”
Withdrawing his cock from Peipei, he walked over to the bathroom. “Hey Hazer, you done yet? I need to use the shower.”
Peipei heard the bathroom door open and then close. She looked around. Both Hazer and Adam are in the bathroom. She looked down at Adam’s cum flowing out of her vagina. Then she looked down at Leena. She was sleeping soundly, her breasts heaving upwards slowly with each breath.
Peipei bent forwards to suck on a nipple, squeezing the large breast gently. Yes, it was very sweet. She whispered to the sleeping Leena, “You are my Valentine.”
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kelandrin · 5 months
All The Gods We Cannot Save appears to be the winner for my urban fantasy/supernatural AU! To celebrate I will reveal some more details about the characters at the start of the story. Today is Halsin! Small note: all the starting locations are places I have extensively studied for other projects or are places I have actual familiarity with.
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plaintext from pic below cut:
Name: Halsin Aliases: Archdruid Age: Unknown Height: 6'4 Weight: 300 lbs Species: Werebear Ethnicity: Caucasian Nationality: Russian Gender: Male Affiliations: Unknown Current Location: Last seen in The Black Hills, South Dakota Skills/Abilities: Super-human strength, enhanced senses, healing magic, shapeshifting into a large grizzly bear Background: Halsin is a Russian werebear who has secluded himself from much of civilizations. He has traveled much of the Northern Hemisphere, staying for some time in undisturbed natural areas (like refuges). His presence is often preceded by ecological disruptions of the magical variety and he only leaves after the disruption has been resolved. His current presence in the Black Hills seems to be related to a recent wildfire which is still not entirely halted. Notes: He is not hostile but should be approached with caution.
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Love triangle
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Pairing: Edward x reader Alec x reader Benjamin x reader
Warnings: None
Request for: @misskitty1912-blog
Request: Can I request plus size Caucasian female reader in a love triangle whose Bella's sister and Edward Alec and Benjamin fall in love with reader leaving Bella jelous (in x reader stories I ship Bella with Jacob )!
During the time of Edward’s absence, you had started believing that Bella would be better off without him, considering the amount of time she was now using to hang out with Jacob Black, a childhood friend.
The more time Bella spent with him, the more you shipped them together and that Jacob would be better of the terms of boyfriend/girlfriend thing. You had the thought in mind for a while, the very thought was both of out of sincerity and pure jealousy. You were Bella’s younger sister, you were younger than her by just a year and you can remember those times where you felt insecure of yourself due to having the plus size body type.
Most of the time, you’re able to ignore those negative thoughts you sometimes had of yourself, but when Bella started dating Edward, you got a little jealous because she had something you didn’t. The first day you had met Edward Cullen was the same day Angela was introducing his family that walked in first to Bella as you listen intently. Edward than walks in like a movie star.
“Who’s he?” Bella asks, eyes gesturing to Edward walking behind.
“That’s Edward Cullen..” Angela begins, you turn to look while tuning everything out around you.
For a moment, you had briefly locked eyes with Edward before his gaze shifted over to Bella. Not long after turning back around, you take another glance behind you and truly had thought Edward had his eyes on you, which was clearly not the case at all as you come to the realization he had eyes fixated on Bella, and that’s where jealousy settles in.
You could feel your heart skip a beat from disappointment. As much as you loved your sister, you couldn’t help the way you feel as the jealousy really kicks in when the two started dating. However, the jealousy soon fades away when Edward dumps Bella in the woods that fateful day and you were angry with him after you go into protecting your sister mode. Later on, you learn of the whole story and you did everything you could think of to help her to cheer up. Nothing seemed to work until everything took a sudden change when she started hanging out with Jacob Black, a childhood friend. It soon comes upons you that the more time Bella spent with Jacob, the more you shipped them as mentioned before.
Later on when Bella had run away with Alice to Italy, you are taken by surprise of the unplanned trip to save Edward from the Volturi killing him. Bella was going to run away without informing your dad of anything, or whereabouts. You made the decision to go along to make sure Bella was safe and brought back home in one piece. All the while you’re thinking you would never find someone, you had no idea that this sudden trip would change your life forever, Italy is the place you begin discovering you were not meant to be with just one mate, but three in total. This discovery was unexpected by all means.
Alec Volturi is the first to have locked eyes with you while entering the throne room shortly after saving Edward. Alec knew right than it was love at first sight, that you were his forever mate until you’re either dead, or until he changes you from human to vampire. It took you longer to get the message, it was when Alec stepped in as Jane tried to pain you for no reason at all. Alec was not only the only your savior so to speak, he was your mate. He was now your mate protecting you from harm, throwing everyone by surprise and off guard before it suddenly hit you that you had more than one mate in the very room you stood in. The discovery of your second mate was revealed as Alec had you hidden behind him, watching as Jane now turns towards Edward to pain him. Seeing that happening before you was what had you lose your shit as you couldn’t pull yourself together.
Alec sensed it quickly and is able to put a stop to Jane on time before she could hurt your second mate, Edward Cullen. The time comes for your group to leave, but you found yourself not wanting to leave Alec behind.
Alec wanted to keep you safe and asked that you leave with your group before anything happens. He does so while promising you both would be together again soon, and that promise was delivered not long after that. The second meeting occurred after winning the battle of the newborns, Riley Biers, and Victoria who was the mastermind behind all of this. When he saw you, he knew you weren’t going to be left behind this time and whisked you away while having you until Irina informed the Volturi family of a crime the Cullens have supposed to committed.
It wasn’t until the snow stuck to the ground you saw your group again, not only that, but you than discover you have a third mate after locking eyes with him from your side of what would have been the battlefield. Alec and Edward sensed it too, and you later got to know him as Benjamin. While having three mates was an interesting experience, you also loved it just as much as you loved them, if not more, loving them with all your heart. Most of all, you loved how the love triangle between the four of your worked, it was something you couldn’t walk away from or leave behind, even if you made any attempts.
This love triangle was what true love was all about, it was true love in your eyes. They all claim to have fallen in love with you first, but you know you had fallen in love with each other at the same time.
Nothing could make you happier.
Please request!
• Edward Cullen
• Carlisle Cullen
• Jasper Cullen
• Emmett Cullen
• Alice Cullen
• Rosalie Cullen
• Bella Swan
• Jane Volturi
• Aro
• Alec
• Caius
• Felix
• Benjamin
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sigynfoxysworld · 3 months
💕 Sigyn info 🥣
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Formerly a member of the Valkyrie sisterhood, Sigyn once held the title of the 8th Valkyrie and goddess of victory. Same goes for the goddess Freya of love and war, who used to be the 6th Valkyrie before she was killed during the attack of the giants.
Who then later to the public was revealed to be the actual mother of Sigyn and related to Hrist, though it's never specified in what way.
However, Sigyn has since devoted her loyalty to her husband and wife, Loki and Angrboda. Which means she gave up her titles and retired, eventually replaced by someone else to start a family.
Odin himself had forced her to choose between these two opinions and it was obvious what she choose.
Together with their children, she is an observer, appearing to possess insight into which side might emerge triumphant in the battle of Ragnarok. Yet, she has openly declared her allegiance to neither god or man.
► Basics:
Full Name: Sigyn Freyadottir
Nicknames: Sig, Siggy, victorious girlfriend, Meinsvarra.
Age: 4000+
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual, poly and Demi-sexual
Species: demi-god
Place of Birth: Asgard
Current residents: Asgard
Status: Aesir (asynjur)
► physical appearance:
Race: Caucasian (Scandinavian)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: burgendy
Height: 1'59
► Famliy and freinds:
Freya (mother) † unnamed warrior (father) †
Loki (Husband/Wife) Angrboda (Wife)
Hel (Daugthers)
Fenrir , Jormungandr, Narvi & Vali (Sons) 
Hrist (Family member)
Freyr (Possible Uncle)
Njord (Possible grandfather)
► personality:
🟢 Positive Traits:
🔴 Negative Traits:
► Other:
Hobbies: collecting information about the ruler God's (mainly Odin), reading and studying, hanging out with her lady friends, taking care of her famliy, being a housewife (keeping things in order at home)
Using Völundr to turn into her special weapon (Can't do this anymore since her powers were stripped from her)
Seeing certain future events and the outcome of them, summoning chains (from her sons)
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100gayicons · 1 year
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As a young child living in Los Angeles during the early 1900s, Wong Liu Tsong dreaming of being an actress (Liu Tsong meaning "willow frost"). At the age of nine she pestered film crew to hirer her… so much so that she gained the nickname "C.C.C." or "Curious Chinese Child". Two years later she came up with her own stage name (Anna May Wong) - a combination of her original Chinese name and the Angelisized name used in school.
Despite her father’s objections, she was cast as an extra in The Red Lantern (1919) - her film debut. Soon, this and other extra roles motivated her to quit high school and pursue acting full time. She later said of her decision:
"I was so young when I began that I knew I still had youth if I failed, so I determined to give myself 10 years to succeed as an actress."
Her first screen credit came in 1921, when Wong was cast as Lon Chaney’s wife in “Bits of Life”. The next year she appeared in “The Toll of the Sea”, one of the first movies filmed in color. Variety singled out her performance as being “extraordinary”.
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But unfortunately, despite her talent, Wong was primarily cast in stereotypical Asian roles. And if a film with a well rounded Asian character was available - Hollywood cast a Caucasian actress in “Yellow Face”.
For a time Wong had better success when she movie to Europe. There she befriended Marlene Dietrich and (pre-Nazi Propagandist) Leni Riefenstahl.
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When Wong returned to Hollywood, she costarred with Marlene Dietrich in “Shanghai Express” in 1932. Although it was a supporting role, she played an important and heroic character.
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During WWII, Wong focuses her efforts on raising money to help the Chinese cause against Japan.
In 1951, Wong starred in “The Gallery of Madame Liu-Song”, a 10 episode TV series where she played an art dealer turned detective - a major breakthrough as the first US television show starring an Asian-American.
Wong had planned to appearing in the film musical “Flower Drum Song” (1961) but died of a heart attack before production began.
The United States Mint announced in 2021 that Anna May Wong would be one of the first women depicted on the reverse of the quarter coin. This made her the first Asian American depicted on American coin.
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Anna May Wong never married. When asked why not, she would answer:
“I am wedded to my art.”
She lived in an era when gay men and lesbian women dare not reveal themselves. But rumors persist that Wong was a lesbian. She has been linked to Marlene Dietrich, Leni Riefenstahl, Alla Nazimova, and Cecil Cunningham.
Whether Anna May Wong was a lesbian or not, her story deserves to be told.
UPDATE: Mattel released an Anna May Wong Barbie doll in May 2023!
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Favorite soviet movies (and where to find them)
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The general opinion about the soviet union varies from person to person, but I think many can agree that the movies that came from this time period were phenomenal. Here are my top favorite movies that I recommend, which also have generally good english subtitles.
Hussar Ballad
A rare musical-comedy gem that I absolutely adore. Shura Azarova, a 17 year old girl joins the army to fight against Napoleon. Plot twist: She's pretending to be a guy and starts falling for a fellow soldier, who she actually engaged to but he has no idea that his new friend is actually a girl (she doesn't like him in the beginning and no wonder lmao). Has a lot of catchy numbers, especially давным давно/ a long time ago/ davnim davno. It may seem a little weird, but watch the first 10 minutes, I guarantee that it will not be a waste of your time.
2. Ivan Vassilvveich changes profession/Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future.
A scientist successfully creates a time-machine but accidentally sends his building's manager and a thief all the way back in time to Ivan IV The Terrible's reign, whilst sending the actual Tsar to the modern decade. Chaos ensues for all.
3. Prisoner of the Caucasus/Shurik's New Adventures/Kidnapping, Caucasian Style (I had no idea this movie had this many translations lol) A kind but naive student named Shurik goes to the Caucasus on vacation where he meets a young woman named Nina, who he ends up accidentally kidnapping (yes, he's that much of a dumbass but he was told that bride kidnapping is a tradition that Nina follows and God forbid that anyone uses this thing called communication). It works out in the end just as chaotically as it started.
4. The Garage A cooperative is planning on buliding a garage for its members except for it now has to be reduced and there won't be enough space for everyone so someone's going to be left out. The comitee ignores said members objections, so someone locks them in for the night leading to them spending the night locked inside the museum which is also the meeting spot. It's actually quite funny, despite the odd description, but I am writing it whilst extremely caffeinated so bear with me here.
5. Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia (Невероятные приключения итальянцев в России). A fantastic comedy. An elderly lady of soviet origin reveals to her grandaughter that there's a treasure buried in Leningrad. However, the wrong people hear about it, so they try to outwit each other in their race to Russia. Pretty funny, especially when the actual treasure hunting commences.
6. The Bremen Town Musicians An animated movie, but nonetheless deserving a mention. The troubadour with his gang of friends made from a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster travel around singing, until he meets a princess but the king doesn't approve of them etc. Pretty standard story, but the singing is amazing, especially Troubadours song "Luch solntsa zolotovo/Луч солнца золотого/ Beam of the Golden Sun" with the translation here sung by Muslim Magomayev who honestly deserves a separate post dedicated because his voice is amazing. The english subtitles are a bit iffy here, but nonethless it's worth a watch as it's only 20 or so minutes long.
7. The Mystery of the Third Planet Also an sci-fi animated movie, but the staple of my childhood. Captain Zelyoniy and Professor Seleznyoviy with his daughter go around various planets collecting new species for the zoo. However, on one of the planets they end up discovering something odd and before they know it, they're right in the middle of a conspiracy and a famous missing captain. Fantastic soundtrack and great animation.
There are many more movies that I'd definitely recommend, so this list will be updated sometime in the future.
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