#casual pops off
casualgamefreak · 5 months
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angelbitezzz · 3 months
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There was gonna be more but, well, y'know 😒
So last night I got struck by the idea lightning and started spontaneously working on a Mafiafell self insert au because I'm insane. Underfell is already basically my favorite au, and while Mafiafell has it's problems (glances surreptitiously at that one infamous fic and comic) I think it has a lot of potential
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zeinkblotpot · 8 months
Release of the Void
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Please consider reblogging, likes don't do anything on tumblr and reblogging is the only way to keep traction on a post <3
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answrs · 2 months
been reading a good chunk of dp fic lately, and was wondering if Unova might have certain otherwise-benign phrases it's a taboo (or faux pas, at least) to use when the dragons are active, ala how “I Wish…” is treated in Amity Park. or, *alternatively*, should only be used in serious, important matters (“It is my Ideal that Mother will survive her cancer” “It is my Truth that I will fight for my child to live in a world that respects xeir Identity”, etc)
for the former, perhaps considering it a rude or presumptuous burden to saddle The Good Of Truth Itself with a mortal’s minor inconvenience, or worse, in the other direction, risking having the god Itself hear your declaration and come down from the skies in a flaming meteor of screaming civilians and feathers to get, idk, your quarterly business profits to go up an extra 0.1% or whatever.
tourists and immigrants might get side-eyed a lot if they come from like, Galar (if you prefer them both having the same language ala the US and UK), or learn the language through a book or app developed by someone that's not Unovan translating a common phrase normal anywhere else that doesn't have to deal with said dragons actually living there.
on the other hand, now I'm thinking about the latter option and if swearing to The Dragons would likely be incorporated into ceremonies like weddings, or only really in the legal (and possibly business) world. for the happy couple to pronounce Their Shared Ideals and a priest to Confirm the Truth of their joining. or for there to be a lot of symbolism in engagement/wedding band colors. (technically blank and white aren't colors but shh)
ooh! a band with half of a coupling shape on it instead of (or carved from) a gem, and in the ceremony your partner slides the opposite on, which latches into the curvature and locks the black and white into place together… 👀👀👀👀 (of a similar note, to keep both dragons equal in importance, when engaged you wear a white band on one hand and the black on the other, then in the ceremony the couple (or the priest) slide the Truth Band from each person into the Ideal Band on their betrothed.
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vishapsking · 6 months
I'm already tired of lion boy name memes. I'm going to be fun police and say if you want to disrespect languages and meme on it, you can get off of my blog
Jenshin fandom stop being racist challenge but they always fail
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emmamountebanks · 2 years
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emma vs. werewolf!max
escape the island
(infected) (trapdoor)
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glitch-e-rat · 28 days
New crowns are in, after two weeks of just that weird little stub of what's left of tooth in the back of my mouth it feels really weird now.....
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babeygirlbuckley · 1 year
kinda tired of all these parent redemption arcs tbh. give chimney a gun
#911 spoilers#hey dont mind me im just casually popping in 👋🏼#but yeah anyway#eddie and ramon last season felt natural/organic but buck and chim in this one felt kinda forced#like im sorry but didnt the buckleys stop going to therapy with him?#youre gonna tell me that 30 years of emotional neglect has been resolved?? like. no lol#the ending was sweet but also. idk. contrived? that might not be the right word#and CHIMNEY#i have NEVER seen mr. han smile. not once. he was cold/distant with albert too but now all of a sudden theres a baby named after his dead#dead first wife and hes sitting on the floor playing?? making faces?? pop pop is funny???#it just doesnt seem realistic to me. like at all#plus everyone else putting the pressure on chim to reach out and fix things is bullshit#hen was so against him meeting with tatiana again. i feel like she was way too nice about it last ep#yeah its fine to encourage a talk for chim to get everything off his chest but like if it was me? if this was my friend?#idk maybe im a bad person but i wouldve used harsher language than that lol#'maybe its about what you need to say' turns into 'call him out! confront him! let him see what hes done to you! make him take responsibili#*responsibility!'#also didnt like that he wound up having the talk with his stepmom instead of the party actually involved#and maybe im remembering wrong but didnt his first marriage end bc his wife died?? he considers that a personal failure?#ANYWAY#all this to say: it is not the children's responsibility to reach out and reconcile with their parents. stop trying to make chim feel bad f#for being kinda aloof with the guy who literally abandoned him in a foreign country#god my thumbs hurt. im not used to this#chimney my beloved 💖#i think thats the tag. its been a while
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theinfinitedivides · 2 months
Geoff Castellucci releasing that one minute cover version of Texas Hold 'Em is absolutely vile when it comes to preserving my health and sanity and he needs to know that
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dodomingo · 8 months
God I miss Monster Hunter Generations so much
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cloudie-skay · 2 years
SO Sun Wukong’s golden headband, right? Famously known as the only thing keeping him from committing mass murder on the spot via Tripitaka reciting a sutra/spell. (It’s called The True Words for Controlling the Mind or the Tight-Fillet Spell via Wu & Yu, 2012, vol 1)
Well the book doesn’t tell you the words to it for obvious reasons, but I got curios as to what it may be about. I found this blog about it and-
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I’m losing my mind 
this is where we’re at as a community
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tyrantwombat · 1 year
That said, as cool as the visuals are, they made the choking thing so dramatic again. I get the visual medium thing, and needing those high energy beats, but Sung Hyunjae is just so casually menacing about it in the novel and Yoojin just.
Barely registers it.
Can't be bothered.
#sctir webcomic#I think what they do in the comic is try to show what EVERYONE ELSE is/would be feeling when these things happen#like when they drew yoohyun as a literal cloud of darkness as a child#to highlight how absolutely balls-ass bonkers yoojin is when he's able to just shrug it off#and that makes sense too because in a comic format we ARE 'the other' perspective. we're third party. we're normal people on the sideline#shitting our pants when sung hyunjae decides to pull a peacock#In the novel we're so close in to yoojin's perspective we need to rely on context clues to pick up on things like this#because yoojin sure as hell isn't going to#and getting better at it as you slowly realize how unreliable yoojin is as a narrator is part of the experience#the comic has its own way of trying to approach the issue and it REALLY likes those visuals#which I understand entirely because DAMN those visuals#(I hope they keep this energy for yoohyun oh my gooooosh)#but it still misses that casual something of sung hyunjae 'easily' tugging yoojin in close with a light tone and freezing eyes#and a death grip on his neck#to which yoojin (who is LASER FOCUSED) just. *impatient parent voice* noah sit down I'm fine#yoojin mr 'if I can still talk they aren't trying very hard now are they?'#but that's the POINT he's NOT so this is just a business discussion#he's so focused and convinced he's in control here his fear resistance doesn't even pop up and that's the POINT#(I just checked though and EVEN MORE HILARIOUSLY yoojin is like 'well damn I definitely would be scared if not for fear resistance lol'#but#he never got the notification#yoojin all like 'phew sung hyunjae's a little intense right now glad I can't feel fear' and it's like. yoojin. buddy.#look at this and understand why song taewon is losing his shit about this man#and sung hyunjae just delighted watching the world's most hilariously fucked up little guy go
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evilkitten3 · 1 year
idea for a cartoon/anime/tv show/whatever:
starts off as typical rpg-esque fantasy story BUT the narrator is just a little too invested/vindictive, a lot of the npcs sound really similar, and every now and then the characters fuck up something they should've aced/do something so well it seems like the rules of the universe broke for it to happen.
finally at the end of the first season, the group has beaten the big bad du jour, and the scene goes black on them celebrating in a bar/angsting over some new horrible realization/something suitable for a season ending... and then instead of going black all the way, it zooms out and the viewer learns that it actually is an rpg being played by a bunch of kids in an after-school club/a bunch of grown-ups on their off-hours/something else like that, and that the "season" has ended bc the players are about to go on break or something.
the next season takes up roughly where the last one left off, this time beginning with the players reuniting and vaguely referencing what they did offscreen, but once the gameplay starts up again, the story has a few minor inconsistencies due to the players having forgotten some things. and since the audience is now aware that this is in fact an rpg, there are scenes where the characters do something and then the players realize they forgot to factor in some rule or other and have to backtrack (maybe there's a rewind effect, or maybe the characters just restart their conversation from scratch and act like the first bit never happened
as the game/show continues, we continue to learn more and more about the players' characters via their backstories coming into play, but the details of the players' lives remain incredibly vague– none of them are ever named, although they occasionally name other people, and the players age between seasons (more dramatically if they're students). one of the seasons ends on a rather disappointing note: no final boss, no dramatic revelations, no sign that anything major occurred irl. just a very sudden, abrupt ending in which the players say goodbye like they usually do. the next season begins after a significantly longer time gap than usual, with something major having happened offscreen (maybe the students graduated or one of the players lost their job or maybe one of them even died suddenly).
nonetheless, they all attempt to pick up more or less where they left off– only bc they've grown and changed so much, they have a much harder time connecting with the mindset they had when they started playing as that character. slowly, the story begins to shift focus from the fantasy characters to the players and we begin to learn more about them as people (still not their names tho (unless one of them died, in which case we learn that one's name)) as they continue to play, and emphasis is put on the difference between the complex natures of the real players vs the simpler ones of their fictional characters.
finally, in the last season, the gm pauses the game after some mildly important battle or other and admits that the end goal they had in mind when the game started all those years ago no longer seems to fit what the game has become or who any of the players are. the group decides to continue the game anyway, but as the game/show continues, the art/set for the irl-game parts gradually becomes more realistic and lifelike while the in-game parts start looking more and more... flat, for lack of a better word. eventually, the game ends, and as the gm said, the ending isn't great. it's not awful, but it's not particularly good either. the gm and the players ponder what they maybe could change to fix it, only to slowly come to the realization that they've been losing interest in the game for a while now, and were only continuing to play out of habit– what they really enjoyed was spending time with one another. one of the players hesitantly suggests that they meet up again the next week like usual, only this time somewhere else, to try something completely different. the group agrees, and they all pack up, say goodbye to one another, and go home. as the last person leaves the game room, they turn off the lights and close the door, thus ending the story.
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lovely-hikari-cosplay · 10 months
Can any Team Money peeps confirm? Did you get a lot of mirror matches?
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lecliss · 9 months
I think a 10yo just got attached to me in genshin and if this keeps up its gonna make me not wanna play cuz I don't wanna come off as mean if I have to tell her to give me some space, but I wanna play in peace ya know?
#she came into my world i think saturday night or sunday morning. thats how long i played. and chatted for a minute then left#then the second i logged on this morning she immediately hopped in and started calling me Ed#and she was asking questions and im polite so i answered and she was like you can ask me questions#and since she asked how old i was i asked back snd she was all uh um well im 10#and thats fine to me cuz im not gonna be a weirdo anyway#but then she asked if i had a wife and i said no im not interested in girls so thats probably when she was sure i was a safe adult#and someone else joined and she dm'ed me that she didnt like him and right after he left so did she#and when i opened my world back up later she immediately popped in again#and wanted me to go to whatever a playstation party is while i was doing a quest and i had to politely tell her no twice#and then it segwayed into material hunting with her so i could still do something productive in game at least#but at one point she called me her bff and started talking about how she just got a phone#and im worried she may end up asking for my number or something. like hell nah#like. im all for being friendly and playing a game together and casual chatting. again. i have no intention of EVER being a weirdo#but shes coming off as immediately REALLY attached and i dont need to be going through shit like that again#ive had people get REALLY attached to me in some games previously and not leave me alone while im trying to play#and then they blow up at me when i ask for some space. so i dont wanna deal with that again#especially from a 10yo. i really dont wanna upset anyone by rejecting them or asking for space#but sometimes its too much and i just wanna do what i want in the game#and i kinda really dont wanna have a 10yo tailing me the whole time i wanna play#especially cuz shes 10 ya know? friends are cool but im a little too old to be a bff to her imo#i think i'll just try keeping my world closed when i log off so i wont log on and she immediately pop in first thing#i dont wanna block her off completely cuz i dont mind if she comes by every once in a while. just not all the time ya know?#personal
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kritterscribbles · 2 years
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I’m slowly truckin through this but have a WIP of a bloos ref
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