#cartoon trivia
yoshimickster · 6 days
Both John Cena AND Niel Patrick Harris auditioned for the role of Ron Stoppable. Do with that information what you will.
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radiofreemultiverse · 5 months
Looney Tunes Trivia | Grand Trivia 118
This week on Grand Trivia, we're all a little looney, as we have ten questions all about the Looney Tunes!
Grand Trivia is a weekly show hosted by Fluval (Grand Triviamaster of The Grand Aquarium Empire) and his sycophantic intern Intern Kristie. Each week they do offbeat trivia around a specific theme and lowly third-dimensional beings compete to prove they know their stuff.
Produced by Radio Free Multiverse.
Radio Free Multiverse brings you art, comedy, and trivia from outside of time and space. Join us LIVE every Wednesday at 8 pm PT / 11 pm ET at twitch.tv/radiofreemultiverse!
Support Radio Free Multiverse on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RadioFreeMultiverse
Not only does your support helps keep the show loud, live, and independent, but you also get exclusive rewards.
Learn more about the show and our myriad other projects at radiofreemultiverse.com
The Grand Aquarium Anthem is by Isaiah Thomas. Check out his YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@IndecisionTelevision
Fluval’s theme is by Riley Soloner. You can follow him at https://instagram.com/rileysoloner.
“rfm100” was remixed by thingsfromthevoid
“HeyListen” was remixed by Daydream_Vagabond
Fluval’s theme was remixed by thingsfromthevoid. Watch him live on Saturday at 7pm PT / 10 pm ET at https://www.twitch.tv/sensitiveartisttypes
Social Media: Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/RadioFreeMultiverse Instagram ► http://instagram.com/radiofreemultiverse YouTube ► https://youtube.com/@RadioFreeMultiverse
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ghost-pasta · 5 months
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bliz-lol · 2 months
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disneyllect · 1 year
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cosmicsponge2004 · 1 month
Nicktoons Fun Fact!!!
Retroville is in Texas & Dimmsdale is in California
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Source: The Instruction Booklet to Nicktoons: Battle for Volcano Island (2006) for the PlayStation 2 (info also available on the GameCube version. Not on GBA or DS tho)
Amity Park has no state listed. Alot of phans think it's either Illinois, Minnesota, or a City-State though
This manual also incorrectly states Sam as a Recyclo-Vegetarian when she is an ULTRA-RECYCLO VEGETARIAN!!!
Phake fans
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pretty sure the jimmytimmy stuff is accurate tho
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sciderman · 9 months
i don't want to get too excited but in spider-man 2 game there's the quest list thing and. thats a fire icon. and a peter only mission. and johnny wasn't in the first game so the title makes sense and-
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i feel like the world is so unkind to me and the rights to the f4 are so confusing that you might find they will sneak firestar under our noses again like how they couldn't procure the rights to johnny for spider-man and his amazing friends
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sabrondabrainrot · 3 months
I finished the 87 series as a whole (except the European vacay season like I can't find it anywhere) and want to cry!!! My boys!!! I can't believe it's done!!!
What an awesome show. I might have to rewatch it just to write down more notes and thoughts. ;)
Anyways here's some headcanons about my sweet 87 boys and some show observations:
Hopefully with this people might give the show a chance. It's so delightful and charming. You won't be disappointed.
The turtles are all basically 3-4 years old. They make tons of comments about living half their lives in a fish bowl and when Yoshi comes across them they're still babies. When they're shown mutating, they go from baby turtles to the older bipedal forms we know them by.
They're all identical sans their voices. (In the 87 show not only does April have trouble telling them apart at the beginning but so do the animators in every episode)
They all seem to possess super strength and some levels of invulnerability. Donatello in particular had a multiple story brick building dropped on him, which he just walked off. They've all shown varying skills such as bending metal with their bare hands. Raphael as a practical joke in one episode picks up a couch and hurls it at Donatello just to be smartass. Leonardo cuts metal like tinfoil.
They still think of themselves as turtles first and foremost, so they don't refer to each other as brothers. (despite the fact they're totally brothers) and simply address each other as friends. (They're brothers tho we all know the truth 💕)
Something not explained in the opening of the 3rd season, the turtles as babies, before they mutate, are shown with different shell patterns. While it's not obvious which turtle is which it is neat the artists went out of their way to animate each turtle with a unique pattern.
When you watch the show the amount of people and mutants that dislike the turtles is shocking. For a fun kids show made in the late 80's to mid 90's, it's basically a huge allegory to the civil rights movements and you can even take relevance to human rights movements of today.
Despite being so lovable they have only a small circle of friends. Most of those friends at some point have betrayed them too.
The boys have seen two different futures of themselves. (not counting their shared apocalypse nightmares) The first future is where they get old together in a mansion and they're heralded as heroes and everyone likes them. The second future doesn't show them but in the second future it's stated being a mutant is a crime punishable by death and all mutants are criminals regardless of deeds. This is before the red skies studio era of writing. That's before it's supposed to get edgy.
They all are highly intelligent. They can each pilot every vehicle ever present in the show despite none of them having a formal education, license, or understanding of the rules of the road. Michelangelo in particular seems to have a knack for US fighter jets.
In season 7 episode 11, titled "Dirk Savage: Mutant Hunter!" We meet two new mutants named Rahzar and Tokka. They're a gay couple. You don't believe me? Go watch the episode. I'm not pulling your leg. I swear. I promise. It's a good episode go watch it.
Master Splinter calls them his sons. He also calls Carter, his newest student, son occasionally too. It's his term of endearment.
The turtles in this version are known to get sick pretty regularly. (probably because of their still developing immune systems). They always get sick as a group and they totally soak up the pampering.
They in the first season share a 4 stack bunk bed and then after the bunk is destroyed in the season 1 finale they each get their own alcoves which they treat as their own rooms.
I didn't remember which Punk Frog said it, but one of them called Leonard and Michelangelo his Bubba which is a term of endearment for brother. The punk frogs call each other bubba too. So unlike the turtles they were either all frog brothers who mutated together or after mutating they just decided they're brothers and they also adopted the turtles as their brothers too.
Mondo Gecko seems older in this series because of his appearance but he's the same age as the turtles and actually mutated from the same ooze as them on the same day at the same time so he in 87 is like a mix of their brother and cousin? He's related regardless. (We all know the truth in our hearts)
Shredder and Krang act like a married couple who've been married too long and are on the cusp of a divorce but they've been together too long so they just keep tolerating eachother.
They all love the unhinged gross unholy pizza combos. Michaelangelo's stated combos are actually tame compared to some of the things they've eaten. One episode the boys committed to the bit so hard they ate lit candles just to mess with Michelangelo. They get pregnant sardine fudge pizza cravings at midnight. They put cereal on regular pizza for breakfast. They hate vegetables though. They literally gag when Splinter eats sushi. They refuse to eat bugs despite their turtle origins (interesting enough the Punk Frogs don't even like pizza at all first unlike them) but like they will eat out of the garbage. But not fresh handmade sushi.
They're so casual about being in public. Like they have disguises but sometimes they just go out in public as themselves. They also have so many elaborate disguises. In the first episode their first instinct to blend in was to throw on bright neon shoes, various bomber jackets, and start publicly beatboxing and breakdancing.
The turtles get called slurs by Shredder, Bebop, and Rocksteady. The slur in question is "Shellback" . When Donatello makes an evil clone the first thing the clone does is call him that slur. It's so funny like that's yourself. Donatello basically called himself ugly. Why is that so funny.
Shredders go to threat in the show and many other villains go to insult is to straight up threaten to eat them. Like, do none of the villains care about getting salmonella? Why do all the villains want to eat them?
Something I've noticed, they refuse to use nicknames. They only use each other's full names. It makes me wonder why? I theorize it's probably to do with the fact Master Splinter gave them their names and that's the first thing they received? It's not like they're not playful enough to use nicknames.
Despite his fatherly role in their lives, the turtle boys don't call Splinter their father and this is more than likely to do with the fact they see themselves as turtles and know they have turtle parents. (Again we know the truth)
April in this show is an adrenaline junky. She's also a child endangerer. She's helped save the day a lot but she would much rather the world burn so she can film it as her next big scoop.
The boys treat April like their mom in this show. April herself doesn't really get that. In one episode she got poison flowers and thought it was from the boys and went to "let them down gently" because she thought they romantically liked her.
April on multiple occasions reads bed time stories to them. She in one episode read the same bedtime story 4 times just because they liked it that much. She was going to read it a 5th time just for Leonardo.
When Zack, the 5th turtle, was in danger instead of helping him April shouted "What a scoop!" and filmed a child in a death trap.
Splinter believes in wholesome gaslighting in this show. He once cured three of them of permanent balloon-itis with moth balls but made up a story about how it was an ancient mythical legendary cure. Then after they were better he said it was moth balls.
April actually got fired from her job because she wouldn't badmouth the turtles on live television (also for other reasons). She focused on freelance while helping the boys on the side.
April is really bamf. She's actually saved the turtles just as much as they save her.
I just want everyone to know I love these little guys. The turtles are pure little snookie pookie baby bookies. No one knows the amount of space these silly little fictional turtles take up in my heart.
I hope maybe with more word out people might give the 1987 tmnt show a chance. It's really cute and funny. A super enjoyable time. It doesn't deserve the ragging it gets from other shows and fanbases. They're just goobers.
Thanks for reading my ramble list. :)
Also! if there's any fanfic recs please let me know I'm making a list and checking it twice ;)
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[REDACTED] and Dixie: *watching Bluey together*
[REDACTED], a blubbering mess: These little cartoon dogs got me crying about my mommy and daddy issues
Dictionary Keeper: *pulls him in for a hug*
(9:58 am, 1/19/2024)
^ This show heals EVERYONE'S inner child.
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damailbox · 2 years
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The Ultimate TV Trivia Challenge
Disney Adventures, October 2002
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johnny-bravo · 1 year
Fact #02
Suzy's mom, Sandy, is typically great when it comes to hair... until she has to do Suzy's hair, specifically.
Her daughter's hair is a very different texture than what she's used to. Whereas Sandy's is more straight and thin, Suzy's is curly and thick. Truth be told, Sandy doesn't have much experience with this sort of hair type—and it's certainly apparent whenever she attempts to do Suzy's hair for her.
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When the stress is too much to handle, she usually either straightens it or simply tells Suzy to find a way to do it herself. But fortunately for her, there's a silver lining to this predicament—Johnny Bravo.
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Johnny's hair is naturally pretty curly himself (though he typically straightens it), and it definitely helps that he's just... sorta hair-obsessed in general, so he's well equipped for the job. So he's able to handle the task a whole lot better than Sandy is. Oftentimes it's easier to just call Johnny over to do the girl's hair instead.
Normally, Johnny would protest over having to do anything with this kid—but, hey, he enjoys styling hair, and he's not about to say no to Sandy of all people, lest he ruin his chances of scoring a hot date with the woman.
Johnny Bravo: the Webcomic is a fan-made comic series for the beloved-yet-beloathed character, Johnny Bravo! Tune in as he finds himself in all kinds of crazy adventures—and perhaps he'll even learn several lessons along the way! 💕🌹😎
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yoshimickster · 5 months
Apparently the original two DiC Sonic cartoons were supposed to tie into each other...that did NOT work out did it?
Could you imagine if the DiC crews actually coordinated a sequential continuity? You'd have a full season of Sonic and Tails doing it up, having fun whacky times and then BAM the nightmare fuel of SatAM!
I'm honestly kinda mad they robbed us of such GLORIOUS Cerebus syndrome.
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radiofreemultiverse · 5 months
Grand Trivia 114: Brak Trivia
This week on Grand Trivia, Brak presents Brak Trivia starring Brak!
Grand Trivia is a weekly show hosted by Fluval (Grand Triviamaster of The Grand Aquarium Empire) and his sycophantic intern Intern Kristie. Each week they do offbeat trivia around a specific theme and lowly third-dimensional beings compete to prove they know their stuff.
Produced by Radio Free Multiverse.
Radio Free Multiverse brings you art, comedy, and trivia from outside of time and space. Join us LIVE every Wednesday at 8 pm PT / 11 pm ET at twitch.tv/radiofreemultiverse!
Support Radio Free Multiverse on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RadioFreeMultiverse
Not only does your support helps keep the show loud, live, and independent, but you also get exclusive rewards.
Learn more about the show and our myriad other projects at radiofreemultiverse.com
The Grand Aquarium Anthem is by Isaiah Thomas. Check out his YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@IndecisionTelevision
Fluval’s theme is by Riley Soloner. You can follow him at https://instagram.com/rileysoloner.
“rfm100” was remixed by thingsfromthevoid
“HeyListen” was remixed by Daydream_Vagabond
Fluval’s theme was remixed by thingsfromthevoid. Watch him live on Saturday at 7pm PT / 10 pm ET at https://www.twitch.tv/sensitiveartisttypes
Social Media: Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/RadioFreeMultiverse Instagram ► http://instagram.com/radiofreemultiverse YouTube ► https://youtube.com/@RadioFreeMultiverse
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wtstsgalor · 1 year
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Take the Quiz -- Jet Screamer's Eep! Opp! Ork! Ah-Ah! Song Lyrics
Remember Judy Jetson’s fangirl crush Jet Screamer? Can you name all the words to his famous hit song? Take the quiz to find out.
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bliz-lol · 2 months
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Concept art my version redacted :∆
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dtjbsd · 1 year
Finished Ep. 8 of Vol. 9.
Feeling confident that Neo always believed that Ruby had nothing to do with Roman’s death, but ignored that because she needed an outlet for her revenge.  With her closest ally gone and Cinder’s betrayal, revenge was all Neo had left, and we see without it, she had nothing.
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