#cariad rambles
starryyyeyedfool · 13 days
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤:
summary: what the one and only arthurtv would be like as your boyfriend
authors note: tysm for the request anon, i loved writing these! this man is literally a walking green flag like how is he even real. sorry for the slow uploads btw i've been super busy lately
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-> the gentleman above all gentlemen istg
-> he's such a caring boyfriend. whenever you are sick or had a bad day, he seems to know exactly what you need and won't leave you alone until you feel better
-> literally gives the best hugs ever. i can't rlly explain it but I feel like his body just runs warm so he's really cozy and you always feel so secure when he's got his arms around you, cradling you into his chest
-> arthur makes getting out of bed in the morning so much more difficult simply because his cuddles are so comfy that you never want to leave
-> not super into pda, the most he will do in public is quick pecks but in private he is SUPER clingy, to the point where he's basically an extra limb
-> whether he's holding your hand/got an arm slung around your waist or has his head laid in your lap while watching tv, he's not happy unless he's touching you in some way
-> we all know arthur is a massive nerd, and you probably are too, so you often go on dates to museums or art galleries
-> also, zoo/aquarium dates are a must in your relationship. he loves to infodump random animal facts and you love to stare at him adoringly while he infodumps random animal facts
-> arthur is always so attentive to you, and notices every difference in your appearance and can tell when your mood changes even if you are trying to hide it from him
-> he also remembers all the little details about you, even the minor stuff you don't remember telling him, and you often joke that he knows you better than you do
-> shows his love for you through small acts of service like always having your favourite food stocked in his kitchen and learning your skincare routine so he can do it for you when you are too tired
-> would also give you his shoes without hesitation if your feet started hurting on a night out. he doesn't care how uncomfortable it is for him or that he looks like an idiot. he just wants you to feel as comfortable as possible
-> arthur absolutely adores the soft domestic moments together. very much a quality time person, and he loves that you can make even mundane chores seem more interesting
-> george and arthur hill like to tease him about being a simp, but they genuinely think its so sweet how happy being around you makes him
-> george once told you, when you were over at the boys' house and your boyfriend was in the bathroom, that in all the time they've known each other, he has never seen arthur smile as much as he did when he was with you
-> similar to george, he has a very busy work schedule so he tries to treasure the time you do have together. unfortunately, he does sometimes miss your dates due to filming overrunning but he always feels terrible and tries to make it up to you the best he can
-> your relationship is so sweet and supportive. you're the kind of couple that you can tell, just by looking at them, how inlove they are with each other
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 12 - College AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 12, word count 408
Remus didn’t think he’d make it to college. He’d scraped through his GCSEs, and A-Levels would be so much harder. But he felt better now. The doctors had finally figured out which meds worked for him, and he could go the whole day without feeling horrendous. But the piece of paper he clutched in his hand gave him hope. 
His parents sat across from him at the kitchen table, waiting for him to tell them what it said. 
“What does it say, cariad?” His mother asked. He looked up at her, blinking the tears back. 
“Well?” His father asked impatiently. 
“I got in.” He grinned at his parents. “I got in!” Hope jumped to her feet and enveloped him in a hug as he began to sob. Lyall rolled his eyes but came to join in the hug as well. 
“Well done, son. I’m proud of you.” His father told him. Remus didn’t think he’d ever said that to him. 
“Can I call Sirius?” He pleaded. They were supposed to be going out for the day. Lyall had them on a strict itinerary, and Remus had already wasted time staring at his letter. 
“Oh, let the boy call his Beau, Lyall. What’s ten minutes?” She cooed at her husband as she purposely wrapped her arms around him and used her slippered foot to push Remus towards the door. She winked at him when he looked back. 
Sirius picked up on the first ring. 
“I got in!” Remus trilled. He knew Sirius had been worrying as much as he’d been and didn’t want to keep him in suspense. 
“Really?! Yes! So did I! Remus, this is amazing! We’re going to have so much fun!” Remus indulged his boyfriend, letting him make plans for them for the next two years. He made Remus a promise to help him with his coursework if he wanted him to and got Remus to promise to help him if he needed it. 
His father appeared, tapping his watch, and Remus nodded.
“Sirius love, we’re going out for the day, and my dad’s waiting.” He reluctantly cut Sirius and his sweet ramblings off. 
“Oh, no worries. Have fun. Say hi to Lyall for me and give Hope a kiss from me. Love you.” He blew a loud kiss down the phone to Remus, making Remus smile. 
“Love you too.” 
So far, this was shaping up to be the best day he’d had in a while.   
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assortedvillainvault · 4 months
Hii i wanted to ask if you only write scenarios or oneshots as well?
Aaand if you do what would you think about a horned king x wife reader oneshot?
Pretty pleeeaaassseee?? ^_^
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These are officially counted as 'requests so old they have their own moss', so THANK YOU for your patience I'm legit so sorry you've had to wait so long T-T
Married Life Headcannons: Horned King
HK as a husband would be attentive and yet also intuitive as a bag of rocks.
He’s a warlord, a king, a hunter, a necromancer and a villain. He’s very new to being a husband.
Don’t get me wrong – as his Consort you’re now a Royal, you’ll be given royal standards. Food, clothes, coffers, the better rooms of the castle and command over his servants. You have privileges now that you could only dream of before.
On the other hand…
He watches you. All the time. In the dark, from doorways and staircases. He’s not even hiding (why would he, in his own castle?), he just blends in so well with the shadows that unless he gets upset and his eyes glow you have no idea he’s there. Beyond the creepy feeling of being observed that is.
He’s also prone to saying whatever is on his mind and just. Leaving. Like, Sire, what the fuck-
I’m note sure if I like the idea of an arranged marriage more (in which he would be distant, cold, aloof and would take a long time to warm up to you when he’s not ignoring you entirely) or that of a genuine relationship become marriage (in which case your class prior was irrelevant, he wanted you so he got you – case closed and hell be damned). Either way it’s a learning curve for you both.
Though blessedly he values direct communication. Please tell him what you need, how you’re feeling, how what he's doing makes you feel. He’s not going to lash out. One thing it’s taken you a while to realise is that he needs time to parse through what you’ve told him and what his actions should be moving forward. He respects you more for being direct and is secretly relived that you’ve given him some direction, because he is lost.
(But do it reasonably. If you get shouty then his response is to get colder and double down. The way forward is to approach him like a child who was never socialised properly and add ‘my liege’ etc to your sentences.)
He feels as though his spouse is the equivalent of a fallen wishing star somehow residing in his castle. Something beautiful, unknowable, untenable. Something that could explode in his face at any moment if handled incorrectly. Hence his ‘not handling only observing’ approach at first.
As time goes by, however, and you both warm up...you realise this is a bag of surprisingly malleable putty in lich form.
He loves to sit together, both on your thrones and in private, reading or talking over a bottle of wine. He loves seeing you wear the gifts he has made for you: new furs, bone jewellery, custom weapons he painstakingly teaches you how to use if you don’t already know. He loves to pick your brain, talking on all manner of subjects deep into the night.
After seeing how much you love the gwythents, and realising that the two he owns are both male...he’s on a secret mission to procure an unhatched egg for your first anniversary. Baby dragon time for you, cariad.
*Cariad - Welsh for 'Love'.
Hope you enjoyed these rambles and again, so sorry for the wait!
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c-kiddo · 1 year
just wanted to say i saw your reply to someone about learning Gaelic and it hit me hard (in a lovely way) cause I’ve been trying to relearn Cymraeg for years cause I knew it as a kid and lost it when we moved to england and my memory is shoddy at best. (My mum got me a necklace saying cariad for my 18th and I couldn’t stop smiling at it for weeks) I’m doing the same thing of taking it a little more seriously in the new year and fingers crossed I remember some of it, and good luck with your learning too! (sorry if I’ve rambled at you too much)
aw good :''-3 thats good. good luck with your learning too !! i feel you on the shoddy memory. . mine is so patchy these days T_T .. .but, its so super important to keep languages from being lost and keep learning them. especially ones that've been purposely killed off to whatever extent, from anywhere in the world, but this specifically is like, there's so many languages from around in the uk that its happened to because of english. gots to keep them going somehow.. good thing to do for wherever u are from i think .
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I can't make up my mind about the fact that this is the penultimate episode.
Simply can't.
But it was bloody emotional and i love them all so much
(I could ramble about all the moments that turned my brain into mush or made my excitement peak but there are too manies and I admit that I prefer to read others comments about it than to write my own but I just needed to share that.)
If you haven't seen it yet enjoy this hell of a piece of cake cariad.
PS: Huntlow is gonna be sooooo real I think we may hope for a kiss in the last episode.
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alectology-archive · 3 years
more book reccs: heaven official's blessing, its VERY long (almost 3k pages) so idk if you'll be interested but it's really good, all characters are poc (as the story is set in east asia) and its mlm slowburn with lots of yearning, basically this god who has fallen from grace twice ascends for the third time, his only follower is this guy who's been pining after him for 800 years.
Hello the plot sounds so cool?? I'm pretty sure I'm going to pick it up as soon as possible - I'll just read it slowly and not force myself to finish it quickly like i do with a lot of books
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I’ve been holding off on taking a stance in the cariad/pet names discourse, but I’ve been worn down by my wild and utter disbelief that y’all seem to think that Jack Harkness doesn’t like pet names, like this bitch canonically called Ianto ‘tiger pants’ out of nowhere. Jack Harkness, with a straight face and not an ounce of shame in his body, unironically called Ianto ‘sport’, to his face, just for shits and giggles. Jack Harkness gives no fucks and has zero boundaries, he does not care if something is weird or uncommon or non-traditional or out of the norm, he will use any and all pet names his partner likes, and the only reason why he's not calling Ianto the most ridiculous shit 24/7 is because Ianto doesn’t like (most of) them.
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pspspsfreedonuts · 4 years
ok but like Cariad Lloyd has made so many references about being lesbian but I can't find anything on her sexual orientation
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dark-light-oof · 2 years
How they comfort you part 1
Ok first of all, pure P A N I C
But the moment Vincent sees you upset, he'll be there to let you talk
If it's someone that made you upset, he'll have a -ahem- talk with the person
"It breaks my heart seeing you like this mon amour, let me help you with your troubles"
He'll let you cry into his chest and just let you ramble and vent, letting you cling to him
Cuddle attacks!
Otherwise, 10000/10 I can imagine him being a great therapist :)
Um what-
He would be mentally panicking, but would immediately stop his sketching and hold you
Fern does have experience comforting others, like vincent but still awkward
He would gladly sketch you to make you feel better
"Oh y/n, of all the times it's now that you have to be down. Let me sketch you something to help you feel better cariad"
He would make you hot chocolate (trust me this man makes hot choca all the time)
So 8/10. Awkward at first, but would tend to you right away
I've said before and I'll say it again: H O W-
He would be one of the most awkward people to comfort you ever
Norman would sit you down on his bed and have you explain what happened
"Why of all times now you decide to be depressed and have your moods. Ah, sorry about that"
If it's because of somebody, he'll gaslight or (possibly) blackmail them
If it's just because of a bad day, he'll lay down with you and cuddle
Very much makes tea and biscuits for you
7/10. Awkward, but gets better at comforting others over time
Part 2 coming soon...
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starryyyeyedfool · 27 days
𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝:
summary: just general dating hc's
authors note: I literally change hyperfixations like I change clothes but started watching him on tiktok recently and immediately fell in love so here we are. also its my first time writing hc's so pls don't judge
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-> firstly, this man deffo gives golden retriever bf energy. like it takes a while for him to fall in love, but when he does he is absolutely whipped for you
-> seems like the type of guy to act all tough in front of his mates but as soon as you two are in private he just melts
-> definitely a physical touch and words of affectionate bullying affirmation person. he just loves to remind you how much you mean to him
-> he also loves gift giving. nothing makes george happier than seeing your smile when he buys you something you've been wanting for a while or something that reminds him of you . also, you can't tell me he wouldn't buy you a necklace with his initial on it after you guys had been together for a while
-> it genuinely makes him so happy to see you getting along with his friends. he adores it when you come along to recordings with him, especially when he gets to show off in one of chris' football videos, or even just go out to the pub with him and the arthurs.
-> 100% a jealous boyfriend but he's pretty subtle about it. he gets more flirty and touchy, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your neck while death glaring the guy you were speaking to
-> if you ever mention it he will deny it until the day he dies tho (but he can't hide the pink blush spreading across his face)
-> loves to post you all over his social media. whether it be featuring you in his tiktoks or random insta posts of your latest date night, he loves to show you off
-> he's a very busy guy. between planning/filming tiktoks or yt videos and the podcast he sometimes struggles to make time for you but he always makes up for it with cute little surprise dates at your favourite places.
-> lots of dinner dates. he loves food and he loves you so it's the perfect combination. he also loves watching you get ready and helping you put on your outfit and taking it off later
-> george is secretly a bit of a romantic and does a bunch of cute stuff like buying you flowers before each date and paying for you when you go out together
-> unfortunately, he can also be very annoying sometimes, and likes to tease you and rile you up because he finds your reaction funny. he never takes it too far tho, he would never want to hurt your feelings
-> if you ever do get in an argument, he can be pretty hot-headed in the moment but once he calms down he is literally down on his knees begging for your forgiveness
-> overall 10/10 boyfriend, would date again
thanks for reading! feel free to request a fic!
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steddielvr · 3 years
christmas confessions
matthew fairchild x herondale!reader (the shadowhunter chronicles)
warnings: super fluffy
word count: 2890 (i got very carried away)
summary/request: matthew visits the herondale family on christmas day and has a long-awaited gift for his parabatai’s twin sister. 
a/n: ok so this one wasn’t requested but i wanted to write something for matthew because he’s my number one book boy and i just love him so much! also, i’ve had this idea in my head for so long so i wanted to write it. i hope you enjoy and PLEASE do request more from matthew or any of the TSC characters :))
Various shredded sheets of wrapping paper scatter the floor surrounding your family in the aftermath of your gift-giving. You sip slowly from the hot chocolate your mother had made you all upon awakening earlier that morning, smiling widely as you listen to your sister gush over the new writing materials she had received and as you watch your brother begin to read the blurb of one of his new books.
Christmas was not a tradition which Shadowhunters typically celebrated, however as your mother and father had both been raised in mundane settings until they were nearly into adulthood, they liked to share the holiday celebrations with you and your siblings whenever they had the chance. 
“Did you like your presents, cariad?” your father’s voice breaks you from your content trance, turning your head to look to where he was sitting in the chair across the room, your mother perched on the arm beside him.
“Of course, Papa. I’m very grateful for them all.” you reply, smiling softly at him and your mother.
“I know it isn’t much, but you’re very difficult to buy for. You’re always so happy with what you have and never ask after anything. If you would like to exchange anything, we can-“
“Oh, by the Angel, Will. She’s thankful, stop your worrying, my love.” your mother cut off his rambling, shaking her head fondly at him and pressing a kiss to his temple.
“Papa, really, I love th-“
“Merry Christmas, Herondales!”
Your attempt to reassure your father is cut off by the familiar shout of a certain blonde Fairchild boy, your brother’s head snapping up at the sound of his parabatai’s voice. Your smile widens as Matthew strides into the living room of the Institute, arms loaded with gifts and snow coating the top of his head.
“Matthew, what in Raziel’s name is all this?” James exclaims, eyes wide as he takes in the many presents his parabatai has begun setting on the floor.
“Your presents! I know my family isn't big on celebrating Christmas but I couldn’t not get my second family anything now, could I?” he grins, removing the gloves he was wearing and stuffing them into his pocket.
“Matthew, sweetheart, you shouldn’t have.” Tessa scolds, lightly brushing some of the snowflakes from his hair before bringing him into a warm hug. “But we suspected you might, so there’s some gifts for you over there. Merry Christmas.” she winks, nodding to a small stack of presents in the corner of the room.
“Oh no, you shouldn’t have.” Matthew insists, but his eyes light up slightly as he takes in the gifts all the same. He shakes his head, gesturing to the presents he had just set down. “Alright, alright, the anticipation is killing me. Luce, Jamie, these ones are for you” he says, handing them each a neatly wrapped package. “And, of course, Aunt Tessa and Uncle Will.” he winks at them both, handing them theirs in return for a kiss on the cheek from Tessa and an affectionate squeeze on the shoulder from Will.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion as Matthew turns to you empty-handed, a sheepish smile taking over his features and you could have sworn he was blushing.
“Y/N/N, I was hoping I could give you your gift in private?” he asks, one hand coming up to nervously rub the back of his neck. “If you would rather open it in here, then by all means-“
“Don’t be silly, Math.” you wave off his rambling, the nickname you have used for him since you were younger unconsciously slipping out. “Come along.”
You stand from your spot on the sofa, oblivious to the knowing look your siblings share as you smile gently at Matthew as you pass him, leading the way to the dining room for some privacy. You turn back to him once you are inside, him stopping before you and staring at you with an uneasy smile. 
“Are you alright, Matthew? You look like you might pass out.” you ask him, looking back at him in concern. 
“Yes, of course. I just..” he trails off, reaching into his jacket and fumbling around for a few seconds before pulling out another perfectly wrapped rectangular box and holding it out for you to take. “I hope you like it.”
Your eyes widen in delight, grinning at the boy before eagerly taking the box from him and gently unwrapping it. You gasp as your eyes fall upon the first edition copy of ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’, both yours and Matthew’s all-time favourite novel by your shared favourite author.
“Matthew…” you begin, at a loss for words at the beautifully thoughtful gift. “It’s wonderful! How on earth did you get your hands on it?”
“It wasn’t an easy task” Matthew chuckles, eyes slowly trailing over your features in adoration as you obliviously gawk at the gift. “It took me a good few months but I finally found it.”
Your eyes snap up to his in disbelief.
“Months? Matthew, you shouldn’t have gone through all that trouble for me. Surely, you would want to keep something like this for yourself?” you question, knowing how much of a fan he was of Oscar Wilde, having even named his dog after him.
“No no no, I want you to have it.” he insists, before his face falls slightly and a frown takes over his features. “Unless you don’t like it?”
“Are you crazy? I love it, Matthew. This is the greatest gift I’ve ever received.” you truthfully respond, smiling shyly at the anxious boy. 
Matthew visibly relaxes, a wide grin replacing the frown. You return your gaze back to the book, reaching down to flip open the front cover.
“No!” Matthew exclaims, frantically covering your hand with his own and moving it away from the book. “I-uh-there may be another gift inside but I’d prefer it if you waited until I was gone before looking at it” he explains, smiling sheepishly at his sudden outburst.
“Oh…Yes, alright then.” you agree reluctantly, curiosity taking over as you watch Matthew hurriedly button his jacket back up. 
You can sense he is about to turn to leave so you quickly surge forward, bringing your hands up around the blonde’s neck and embracing him tightly. He freezes momentarily before his arms encircle your waist, squeezing you once before releasing you.
“Thank you, Math. Truly. I honestly don’t deserve you.” you say, smiling affectionately at him as a small blush erupts across his cheeks.
“You’re very welcome.” he sincerely replies, pausing briefly as if he is going to say something else, before thinking better of it and turning back to the living room. “Well, I’d best be getting back. Merry Christmas everyone.” 
There’s a chorus of thank you’s and Merry Christmases from your family in response, Tessa making Matthew promise to stop by again later for some dinner. Matthew swears he will, before he turns to you one last time, flashing you a small smile, something unreadable on his face before he vanishes through the front door, leaving you staring after him in confusion.
You look back down at the book still clutched in your hands, quickly opening to the front page, your heart skipping a beat at the familiar scrawl that greets you.
‘My Dearest Y/N,
Firstly, I would like to offer you my sincerest apologies for being so cowardly as to not deliver this message to you face-to-face. I have an overwhelming fear of rejection and I do not believe I could have handled it from you. 
Secondly, I have a further apology to make as I have been lying to you for many years now. I’ve written and rewritten this message more times than I can count on countless scraps of paper and no words have been enough to convey what I have wanted to tell you since the moment I met you, so I suppose I’ll just come right out and say it.
I love you, Y/N Y/M/N Herondale. I have been in love with you since we first met at the Academy all those years ago, since before I even truly understood what the word meant. I have held off on telling you for so long for multiple reasons, the main one being that I was certain you could never feel the same and another being the fact that you are Jamie’s twin sister. However, I cannot go on lying to you like this any longer and I need you to know how I truly feel.
The moment I first realised I was falling for you was that night at the Academy, when we stayed up late into the night, reading this book together and then discussing it for hours afterwards so I thought it was only fitting that this was the way I confessed to you.
I understand that there is only a miniscule chance that you could ever return these feelings, however, if I am somehow the luckiest man alive and this happens to be the case, I will be waiting for you on the front lawn outside. If you don’t, which I completely understand and expect, you may send Bridget out to send me away (perhaps by way of song to soften the blow). 
Forever yours,
Matthew Fairchild.’ 
Your vision blurs as your eyes fill with unshed tears, hands shaking as you delicately close the book and place it down on the table before you. Never in a million years did you think this day would come. Matthew Fairchild, the boy you had been head over heels in love with for as long as you can remember, actually felt the same? 
You are so lost in your own whirlwind of thoughts that you don’t notice Lucie enter the dining room and call your name, only looking up into her concerned eyes when she gently takes your trembling hands in your own.
“Y/N? What happened, what’s wrong?” she asks, eyes searching your face for any sign of an answer.
“Matthew…” you mumble, at a loss for words as you try to process everything that had just happened.
“Matthew? What did he do? I swear, I’m going to murder that boy-” she threatens, pulling away from you and purposefully heading towards the door, ready to interrogate the boy for presumably hurting her sister.
“He loves me.” you whisper, voice barely audible but your sister catches it, turning back to you instantly.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” she questions, making her way back over to you, her mouth agape in surprise.
“He-he got me the most thoughtful gift and confessed his feelings for me with it.” you admit, looking up at your sister, eyebrows furrowing at the wide smile on her face. “Why are you-”
“Oh my goodness, this is perfect! He finally told you! Tom and I have been pushing him to do it for the longest time. How did he word it? What was the gift? Oh, I have to get some paper and write this down before I forget.” she rambles, delight clear on her face.
“Wait a minute, you knew? Lucie! How could you not tell me?” you playfully swat her on the arm, eyes wide in disbelief.
“Oh, come on. Everyone knew. Well, everyone but you, clearly. Even Mam and Papa have been asking us if he’s told you yet.” she rolls her eyes, before her face drops and she gasps slightly. “Wait, why are you in here talking to me? You need to find him and tell him you feel the same-Oh, don’t give me that look. I’m your sister, I know you love him too.” 
Your face falls, realisation dawning on you. I will be waiting for you on the front lawn outside.
“Oh, Luce, he’s waiting for me outside!” you exclaim, hurriedly rushing to the front door, ignoring your sister’s shouts for you to put on a coat.
You stop in your tracks on the top step, eyes falling on the blonde on the lawn below you. He’s turned away from the Institute, arms crossed tightly to his chest as he shivers against the cold, already covered in the snow falling heavily around you.
“Matthew..” you breathe out, an unbearable amount of fondness sparking in your veins for the boy. “You’re going to get hypothermia standing out here.” you say, announcing your presence as his head snaps over to you, hands falling to his side in bewilderment.
“You came..” Matthew says, voice quiet and uncertain. “Of course, that doesn’t mean a thing. You’re probably here to reject me. You’d never send somebody else to do it for you, no, you aren’t a coward like me. Writing you a note to confess something so big, what was I thinking?”
You shake your head at his self-deprecating words, quickly making your way down the steps as he continues cursing himself, eyes no longer on you but averted to the ground. You pause before him, his eyes finally returning to yours, your heart breaking at the sheer vulnerability on his face. 
“Just do it quickly. I can take it.” he promises, taking a deep breath, his lips trembling slightly with the action. 
“Matthew Fairchild, you are a fool.” you laugh softly before grasping his cold face in your hands and bringing his lips to your own.
It’s only a small kiss, the first one you’ve ever had, but it’s wonderful all the same. You pull away after a few seconds, cheeks dusted pink as you shyly step back, smiling awkwardly up at Matthew, who stares back at you incredulously. 
“What was that for?” he whispers, eyes not leaving your own as he waits for your response.
“Are you really so dense? I love you too, idiot. I always have.” you chuckle, smile widening as you watch Matthew’s expression begin to mirror your own. 
“You do? Truly? You aren’t just saying that so you don’t break my fragile heart?” he questions, stepping closer to you and reaching up to cup your face in his gloved hands. 
“Matthew Fairchild, I love you. Truly, madly, deeply.” you repeat, grinning at the look of awe on his face as his thumb delicately brushes snowflakes from your cheeks.
He returns your grin, letting out a laugh of pure delight as he moves his hands to your waist, picking you up and twirling you around as you squeal in surprise. He sets you back down, cheeks pink from the snow as he looks down at you, face inching closer to your own before his eyes drift down, widening as he finally notices your lack of protection from the cold weather, standing before him in only your night clothes. 
“Y/N! You silly girl, what are you wearing?” he scolds, hurriedly shrugging off his jacket and wrapping it around you, buttoning it right up to your chin. “I just got you to be mine, I don’t plan on losing you to the cold.”
“Actually, Fairchild, I don’t think you ever formally asked me to be yours.” you tease, grinning cheekily as his face falls in realisation, shaking his head as his hands return to your cheeks.
“I keep doing this all wrong. You see, this is why I wrote you a note.” he curses, smiling sheepishly. “Y/N Herondale, would you do me the honour of being mine, and I shall be wholly yours in return?”
“Matthew Fairchild,” you begin, arms coming up to rest over his shoulders. “I have been yours since the moment we met. I would love nothing more.”
He breathes a sigh of relief, grinning at you before capturing your mouth with his own, this kiss much more lively and full of passion, despite the numbness of the both of your lips. You both pull away for breath, resting your forehead against one another’s. His cold nose brushes your cheek and you gasp, scrunching your face up as you giggle. 
“Your nose is freezing. And your poor waistcoat is going to be ruined.” you frown, attempting to brush the snow from it, but the damage had already been done. 
“Oh, I’m sure it was worth it.” a voice interrupts, both of your heads snapping to the Institute doors, where you are greeted by the sight of your family eagerly watching the interaction.
“Papa!” Lucie groans, putting her head in her hands as Will laughs in response, winking at you and your love. 
“What heartwarming Christmas morning entertainment.” he muses, before his eyes narrow at Matthew. “I don’t think I have to warn you about hurting my daughter, Math. But, if you do, I should tell you that not even Raziel will be able to save you from my wrath.”
Matthew gulps, nodding his head rapidly in confirmation as you hold back a smile. 
“Well, now that we’ve witnessed a Christmas miracle, perhaps we should go back inside where it’s warm? I might even just sing my famous Demon Pox song in celebration” Will grins, Tessa fondly shaking her head at her husband as you and your siblings groan, the six of you making your way back inside.
Matthew takes your hand in his own, squeezing gently as he looks at you with love and adoration in his eyes. You return the look, stepping closer to rest your head on his shoulder. 
A Christmas miracle indeed.
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krethes · 2 years
Excerpt from Chapter 4 of Did You Miss Me?
"Just...try to be more careful with your things, cariad," [Remus'] mother bid. She rose up on her tiptoes to press a fond kiss against his stubbled jaw and went back inside the house to leave them to it.
This—the smoking together on the porch—was part of their evening ritual and had been for years. Remus was pretty certain his dad had known about his smoking ever since the first one Lily had snuck from her dad, but Lyall had only acknowledged it when Remus turned eighteen. He'd given him a handsome silver cigarette case for his birthday engraved with 'R. J. Lupin' that Remus carried everywhere, the nicest gift he'd ever gotten from his father. Four years of turning a blind eye and nose to it was a long time, but it wasn't like Lyall could say anything... Lyall smoked, most of the adults in Remus' life smoked—hell, even his mum indulged on special occasions. It was just part of their culture, as inevitable as the sunset, for most kids.
Remus smoked in comfortable silence next to his dad, their long, lanky bodies casting jagged knife-like shadows on the ground from the backlighting of the yellow porch lamp. His father was a quiet man—contemplative, careful, and slow to speak unless he'd already mapped out the conversation in his head. Remus, with his tendency to ramble, definitely hadn't inherited that from him, but he could appreciate that quality in his dad. Lyall had his own demons, Remus knew, and guilt. Guilt for letting him go to the carnival alone that day, guilt for not understanding Remus and the choices he'd made in his life. While Remus could spend hours talking to his mum about the most inane things, he and his dad didn't need to talk to feel close. They just did this, communicating through the crackle of flame and soft exhales. He knew his dad was disappointed in him—for breaking his phone among a host of other things—but that he loved him all the same. If he needed anything, Remus knew he could go to his mum and dad. He was lucky and damned aware of it. Not everyone had parents like his...
(Link below the cut)
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artanogon · 3 years
Hey ho hoy hey
the fact that you sent this twice really makes it <3 /lh
bolding the actual questions bc this got Very rambly wHOOPS
1. First impression: [gestures expansively in the air] it would be really nice if my brain would remember when the fuck we met. anyways im like 90% sure i thought you were very weird and nerdy and cool 2. Truth is: aha. man. are you prepared for paragraphs bc you are getting paragraphs. anyways. im so FUCKING awkward about feelings all the time and ive been so confused around you for Years trying to figure out what the Fuck was going on with my brain and it turned out my traumatised ass just didn’t know what it was like to have an actual really good friend. you are just. the truth is like. you are just such an amazing person who puts themself down so much but you’re worth so, so much more to me and everyone else than you realise and ur so talented and man i just. the truth is you are so much to me and so talented and i fucking look up to you 3. How old do you look: you look like 16 or 17 and also nOT THAT IM MAD THAT UR TALLER THAN ME BUT— 4. Have you ever made me laugh: my dude. my guy. cariad. there is not One Single Person in this world who i have laughed so much with as i have you  5. Have you ever made me mad: there’s been moments, yeah. we’ve had rough times and that’s gone both ways. but i think that’s made us a lot stronger, and helped us communicate a lot better, and helped us both learn from the dumb little kids we used to be— and even if issues happen, ultimately, i can never stay mad at you and i would never want to 6. Best feature: you are a foolish fellow but you have snazzy hair and a lovely smile and the best laugh and voice and just. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ur just so amazing in general. also your aRT your ART and your TALENT i just HOW how the HELL do you do it i aaaAAAAAAAAA heLP you aRE FHDHDBDHDDHDHDHDHSH SFJD FJDNS DHS [passes out]  7. Have I ever had a crush on you: i thought i did once but see the above statement about me not knowing what it was like to have an actual good friend 8. You’re my: paragraph rambly 2.0 time, featuring a lot of emotional honesty: in all fucking honesty, my dude, you’re like. platonic soulmate. not one of those “we were destined to be friends” shit but more like. we fought to become good friends and worked out our issues and bonded over all kinds of crazy shit and we put the time and effort in to become something really good, and we forged that bond together and it feels like a friendship that we made into something deeper. i’ve dmed you several times about my mental Frey and Jens parallels but it BEARS repeating because we Made this friendship and we Held On and we’re there for each other and man. man i just. you are so much more than just a regular friend, you’re a part of my heart and you’ve helped me so much more than you will ever know and i care you sm like platonic soulmate is the literal best term i can think of to describe it i just. i love you. ilysm. you are my best of all best friends, buddy. ily. i really do <33333333
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ramble about your favourite fic?
oh! that’s a wild ride i have so many. im reading like 2 long form fics atm, 1 is currently being updates and one is already finished. they are so well written and just wow!! but if i have to say my ultimate favourite fic at the moment then it would be The Serving Of Servants by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle on AO3 and its sequel which is just INCREDIBLY GOOD. like??? ahhhh!!! the writing is great, the description is amazing, the characterization is done so well and the OCs are awesome characters, and ITS A SLOW BURN. The plot is super interesting and its brilliant. so if i had to choose then that would be my current absolute favourite fic. (Okay so this is a really long post so... well this a warning i guess)
There’s a bunch of other ones that are great so i’ll talk about those as well. did i mention CaffeinatedFlumadiddle??? their fics are just SO GOOD. like??? Salt of the Forsaken?? that was hilarious!! Exceptionally Exceptional??? that was a brilliant fic and i love that they focused on hunith because we didnt really see her that much on the show and this fic just makes up for that perfectly. Hunting For Dignity?? Cheers and Spirits??? YES. OH i cant forget Fool Me Once which is actually a really cool concept to explore imo. basically Uther isn’t a huge asshole in this one?? i mean he still kinda is but like its just chaotic and the relationship between uther and merlin is kinda odd because he keeps trying to find out ways to kill him and merlin is just done because he cant die and is immortal. i guess they sort of bond over that and wanting to keep arthur safe and like its a strange relationship but im living for it.
Usually uther is awful in practically all the fics ive read but there are some which sort of like make him kinda good?? like?? i mean hes still an asshole just less of it. like in About Merlin... (by LadyAuroraPendragon on AO3) Uther is still an asshole and hes against magic but like??? he ships them??? ahahhaha and everyone does too. its such a great fic. we got a wingman uther in there. A WINGMAN UTHER. uthers all like “why are so bad at flirting/courting? just tell him that you love him already JEEZ” and the funniest thing is that he thinks they’re together because of that scene in the black knight episode where merlin says that they have a bond and then he assumes that they are together and LITERALLY nothing can convince him that they are not together and its great lmao. 
Okay so ive been rambling for a veryyyy long time so I’ll just say two last things and finish off ahahha. On AO3 there’s another fic writer that I absolutely ADORE. their name is AeonTheDimensionalGirl and my goddd their fics are BEAUTFUL. LIKE??? THE WAY THEY USE THE WORD CARIAD?? OH MY GOD ITS JUST PERFECT. Their whumptober series is excellent and they use the word “cariad” which means love in welsh and its just SO amazing and heartfelt and ahhhhh. Some of my favourites include Watch you breathe in, watch you breathe out which is a fic based on the ep “servant of two masters” and how it would have switched, like instead of merlin being possessed or bewitched by the nathair, it was arthur who was trying to kill him and its just so good. super angsty but it has a happy ending that makes my heart melt.
The fic?? Off the record??? is just??? PERFECT? i absolutely love that it was from Leon’s pov that was a really interesting way of viewing it and i LOVED the hc that arthur sorta has some kind of magic (bc he was born out of magic) but it ONLY appears when merlin is fatally injured/dying and hsajdbjsbhudhbedb i thought it was great omg. Another fic written by them called Looking After You had such a good enemies to friends to lovers arc like *chefs kiss*. I also really enjoyed To Worship the Powerful (and destroy the weak), Uther’s Bane, and Et Tu, Merlin? because they were such good whumptober fics. 
did i say two last things??? okay i lied, it was three. anyways, last but not least (because i gotta stop rambling or this post will extremely long) the fics Chains Of Secrets and I suppose that I look different (without the robes or crown) are some of favourites because in chains of secrets its what would have happened if uther said that merlin had magic (if he wasnt cut off or IF ARTHUR ACTUALLY HEARD WHAT HE SAID AND DEDUCED IT FROM THAT) anyways i think its a great magic reveal fic, set in one of my favourite episodes “the death song of uther pendragon” so i think its just neat. 
hilariously, the fic  I suppose that I look different (without the robes or crown) is also based on that episode. i have a fondness for it okay? Its basically where Arthur blows the horn of cathbdhah again but gets transported to another world where Ygraine never died and ITS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL. LIKE THE DESCRIPTIONS??? THE CHARACTERS?? its amazing and i reread it alot. anyways arthur goes into that world and he has to find a way back to his own. in the fic balinor lives, lancelot and gwen had a KID. oh and merlin was a ROYAL which was just awesome. all in all its a great fic :D
So that is the end, or i will literally go on forever. sorry this is such a long answer ahaha, i really tried to make it shorter but just gave up in the end. I hope you enjoyed that?? i did and i thank you anon, for letting me ramble! If anyone wants to read the fics ive mentioned, then you can find the links below! enjoy :D
The Serving Of Servants by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Salt Of The Forsaken by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Exceptionally Exceptional by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Hunting For Dignity by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Cheers and Spirits by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Fool Me Once by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
About Merlin... by LadyAuroraPendragon
Watch You Breathe In, Watch You Breathe Out by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Off the Record by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Looking After You by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
To Worship the Powerful (And Destroy the Weak) by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Uther’s Bane by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Et Tu, Merlin? by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Merlin’s Knight by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Chains Of Secrets by magicdoses
I suppose that I look different (without the robes or crown) by WingedWolf121
For Want Of A Nail by ohHeyThereBigBadWolf                      
(I didn’t manage to talk about For Want Of A Nail or Merlin’s Knight but i think that they are both amazingly well written fics so im recommending it anyways.)
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
bella i came to say tbat you are quite literally the light of my life you are FUNNY you are TALENTED and i appreciate you so very much also you will never understand how much i ADORE your writing it makes me understand the need for museums and you have made me so very inspired and i am just very happy and whenever i talk to u i never feel embarrassing like i usually do when i talk to someone and you simultaneously have a i don’t care and a lovely caring vibe and your voice is so gorgeous—1/2
and i am just so happy that u are so welcoming like i would not have talked in the chat ever if it wasn’t for u and i feel very comfortable like u are so nice and i am rambling now but you’re fantastic and i will scream about you and your absolute HEAPS of talent forever and even then it would not be enough because you create such funny and amazing experiences and i laugh every time and i STILL cry at your baby driver au i think about it every day it has such a lasting impression on me — 2/3
and basically i didn’t send it on thingy because. i don’t know i got intimidated and your ask box is a lovely place to be so i’m gonna wrap it up now bc i have a lot of appreciation for u so. love u lots, light of my life, or as they say in my hometown cariad fy mywyd
i’m sorry im so incoherent i just have lots of emotions -lou
lou are you FUCKING JOKING right now i am going to send you so many paragraphs of nice things but this is the sweetest thing in the entire world i adore you i love u so much i love our friendship i love that u think all of this about me and that u dont feel embarrassed to talk to me youre such a fucking treasure and a delightful person and a wonderful friend akgjlkagjdkfjdskgkdfhgjs i wasnt prepared to receive a fuckign onslaught of kindness like this but rest assured i will be sliding into your dms sometime soon lad....love of my life.........fkgjdkjdfk i just. this is so so sweet. i dont know what the fuck cariad fy mywyd means but i am going to look it up rn OH MY GODN does it really. mean love of my life that is SO CUTE im going to cry now i adore you
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queen-paladin · 5 years
How I Loved You, How I Cried
Context: Gwiylim Lee x F! Reader. A few minutes after your virginity loss to Gwilym and their first night together, (Y/N) feels the courage to confess something personal from her past to him and let him know about a personal trauma... Angst/Fluff
CONTENT WARNINGS: mentions of sex, swearing, sexual assault, not the world’s best grammar.
(I have been a fanfiction reading stan on this site for months and now it is my turn to share what I myself wrote! Hello there! This is the not the first fanfic I have ever written, but definitely the first Bohrap cast fanfiction I have written. The original came in two parts and I am hesitant to post the first one with the actual v-card loss and sexytimes in it, unless asked for so maybe ? a ? oneshot ? I would personally love to thank the support I have gotten for this decision to post my own Bohrap/Queen writing online. I will give copyrights to @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever for a little bit of inspiration in the beginning from the Aftercare headcanons. Also tagging @sohoneyspreadyourwings and @musicalprostitue for the encouragement today...so here we go! Other fics to come soon!
Also, I read or saw somewhere Gwilym was Cassio in Othello in a stage production at some point, but if I am wrong, let me know immediately and I will fix it. And if I am right, someone please say so and tell me what other Shakespeare he has done. Because I am curious. Maybe it may play into some future fics *wink*)
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You lie panting for a little bit, now that the climax has tizzied away. You hear Gwil next to you, doing the same. You start to get up on your elbows.
“Let me go get you-”
“Oh no, you don’t have to. You’re the one new to this. Please let me take care of you, let me hold you.”
He pulls a soft, grey blanket scrunched in a corner of the duvet and wraps it over you like a cape. You feel one of his arms scoop under you and the other around you and you do the same. He nuzzles his face in your hair and you in his chest, smelling his soap. Both of you silently play footsie for a bit, giggling like children for a second. He’s so tall you had to stretch your toes to reach his until you give up and use part of your foot to gently poke his shin.
“How was I?” you ask.
“You were incredible, Y/N”
“Thank you, for everything you did for me tonight” you say, nuzzling his chest a bit. 
“You’re welcome” he says. You feel his hand reach your back and trace bits of your spine and ribs. You start to lightly tickle what chest hairs you see and trace figure eights.
“Fy cariad bach, my little goddess, Rydych yn hardd, my sweet bird” he whispers.
Eventually he lets go and you feel a bit of coolness. The blanket drapes off some of him, but he doesn’t seem to mind. Gwil goes to put on some blue boxers and offers you some of his that can fit you and an old, white t-shirt. It’s not your most fashionable look, but neither of you care. 
A sudden urge hits you. If you don’t talk about it now, you don’t think you ever will.
“Now that we’ve done this, Gwilym...” you say. He perks a bit at the mention of his fuller name. 
“There’s something I’d like to tell you. But could you hold me again while I talk about it...I mean, like spoon me?” you ask. It would be easier if you couldn’t feel the pressure to make eye contact or see his face.
You turn over to face the wall and the bedside desk. A couple of the leftover rose petals tumble in your hair and a couple rest in your peripheral vision. He was so sure you were comfortable tonight he made the effort to decorate the bed with rose petals. You feel his arms wrap around your stomach and his chin on your head. You take a deep breath, enjoying the moment. Outside,birds are chirping a little in the night. A fan in the room was turned on in the midst of the scramble for comfy clothes and it purrs and blows cool air. You take five seconds to enjoy it before you begin.
 “I told you I am-was a virgin. And it’s true. But only technically true. Everything I am about to tell you really happened. Please believe me.”
You sigh deeply. Then you feel ready to relive it one more time.
“There was another boy. He was my cousin. It was Easter and the family were all together after church. When everyone was preoccupied, he took me to the guest bedroom. He asked me to take my clothes off. I did. Then he took off his. He led me to the closet and turned off the lights. It was pitch dark and I couldn’t see a thing, but I could feel. I don’t even remember much. I was in such shock. I’ve kept blocking it from my mind. I remember his...his penis touching me, though. I was lying on the floor and he was doing something like push ups over me. I don’t know if he went into me or not. I don’t remember. I felt so uncomfortable I cried and begged him to stop. He did. We got out and dressed and he told me not to tell anyone. I’ve only told my immediate family and the odd counselor or rare friend and now you.”
You pause for a little to let it soak in. You hear that he has no comment yet to say. Maybe he is taking it in. Then you decide to include the last, and most important detail.
“I was nine years old.”
There is a pause even stiller than before.
“And at the time, I didn’t even know what sex was at the time, much less what happened to me.”
Your heart is picking up speed again. At once you feel relief that you don’ t have to hide or bury this burden with your boyfriend anymore. But at the same time, here you were, out in the open. Nowehere to hide. After all, moments before you decided to reveal your naked body to him. Now it seemed as if he saw your own inner nakedness and was waiting for his verdict.
“Do you believe me?” you ask.
“I do”
You feel his arms tense up a little bit. Almost in anger, almost to keep you secure.
“Oh my god...that bastard...that’s horrible.”
You feel a couple of tears well up. The pain and confusion and loss that hit you years ago has returned. It returns every time you recount it.
“I was so scared...You would think that I was so inexperienced you would be bored and tired of me or that...that I was ...was damaged goods. Either way, I wasn’t good enough, especially not for you.”
“No, no, not at all.” he insists. You give yourself permission to cry for a bit.
“The whole damaged goods thing is just old-fashioned bullshit” Gwilym insists “ And even if you were inexperienced, if you wanted anything or needed help, I could help you. You were wonderful just now, cariad. I had a wonderful hour I will never forget.”
You feel him gently turn around. By this point, there have been more tears wiping off what makeup you have put on for tonight. The little blemishes on your face and eyes are revealed. It almost makes you cry more, since you are worried this is the most unattractive you seem in front of Gwil. You decide  to look at him in his blue eyes and continue rambling. More things, things you have rearely talked about, begin unpiling.
“I sometimes wonder if I led him on-”
“A nine year old girl? If a man or any guy is turned on by a nine year old girl, he’s the one with a problem.” He wipes away a couple tears with his hands. He cups your face with all the gentleness in the world.
“I can’t imagine what it was like or how it is like. But it was not your fault. You didn’t even bloody know what was happening. He was just some prick who took advantage of a child. That’s the nicest thing I can say about him.”
Gwil begins to wipe a few more tears that fall down from your cheeks. Even with your bare, blemished face, reddened and scrunched from crying, he loves you deeply.
“Three words from me, and Rami, Ben and Joe would have a man hunt for him. I think Lucy would especially enjoy parading around town waving your cousin’s head on a spike”
You smile, both of you chuckling at the image. You move over and kiss him softly, in gratitude.
“That’s why I thank you. Because for years, I hated the idea of sex once I learned about it. If I ever got aroused, I hated myself and called myself a slut and a whore. The idea of a wedding night felt like an execution to me. I had my first boyfriend, he loved that I was virtuous or whatever but whenever he hugged or wanted to kiss me, I was a little terrified. And it showed. He was mad that I wouldn't let him touch me. He broke up with me before we could even kiss. I felt like if I wasn’t the way I was, if I wasn’t such a prude when it came to those kinds of things, he would have stayed with me.”
“Honestly, the whole prude idea can go to hell. No one should be rushed or humiliated into anything they aren’t ready for” he whispers.
You flinch, wondering how Gwil would feel with you talking about past relationships. But he is still. His eyes are crying a little bit too. One hand is wrapped around to caress you and the other still holding your cheek.
“Then I met you.” you say. “And I agreed to date you. And be your girlfriend. You never do anything without asking me first. And whenever I let you, I feel good. Warm. Safe. Loved. I decided it was right to make my sex debut with you. It felt...natural. I actually wanted to do it...And there’s no one else on earth I would rather have it be, than you.”
Gwil hugs you tighter and peppers you with loving kisses. He is now smiling, in spite of the tears both of you have shed, starting to dry.
“Y/N, you’re the bravest person I’ve ever met. I promise to you, now, you are always safe with me, especially in here. You have no reason to hide. It is never easy to live with this, but I will be with you and help you every step of the way. I love you so much. And I will always protect you. Even though it still haunts you, just know, at least, even when it feels unbearable, know I am here. And I adore you. And you are safe” Gwil says, leaving a slow, romantic, tender kiss on your lips. You both begin to smile again through it.
After a moment, he fetches you both a glass of water. Crying always made both of you thirsty, and now that your deepest emotions are released, the water replenishes. You ask him about his experience with Shakespeare and if there are some of the Shakespeare lines he still remembers and you fall asleep safe in Gwil’s arms, bits of Cassio’s lines from Othello lulling you both to peace. 
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