#cant help but multiship
miffysrambles · 7 months
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grimsdeadb0nes · 2 years
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reveal of self indulgent ocxcanon ships here we goooooooooooooo- Old peep fluff was literally just doodled zav n zenyx stuff is a redraw/update of months old shippy stuff zeena n zenyx stuff is months old that i didnt feel like redoing-
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proseka-headcanons · 3 months
hello and welcome mod toya :3
an optional question for the mods: favorite ships and why? tell me about the creatures in your heads
if ones i don't ship romantically (like platonic or queerplatonic) are included, then MIZURUI. NO QUESTION ASKED. literally the dynamic is adorable and they're two of my favorite characters and THEIR STORY JSUT::..... /vpos
if only romantic? hm. idk. polyniigo, maybe? 4 traumatized teens healing with each other's help i am on my knees sobbing - 🎀
Hi! Thanks for the Welcome!
Favorite Ship? AnHaneMizuEna! -🍇
Kanamafu was my first ship so I hold a special place in my heart for it!! Other than that maybe… Mizumafu or Mizuena? — 🍵
this is actually really difficult uhhh harushizu or mizumafu?? or akimizu or akitoya? i cant pick :( but all of these either qpr or romantic - 🥞
Poly/need the beloveds ♡ but also Ichiaki. Platonic, romantic, whichever way. I just think they are the sillies -🦈
mod ena is a yaoi hater (/j /j) uhhh I like NENEKASA!!!!!! and antoya/akikoha super silly. I also enjoy shizurui yuri quite a bit ,, but tbh Im a multishipping mess I ship so many ships it isn't even funny — mod ena
ruiantoya, qpr polysho, all the units are qprs to me. emusaki and ichirui for rarepairs. hrmmm im partial to ruikasa because i run a rks ask blog but i also like kanamafu mizuena all of them im so normal i multiship to hell and back —🎈
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ssiegfriedsystem · 10 months
mini-ramble (ok not really) time: I have about SO MUCH. multiships in Fafner. I think only Fafner has got me multipairing this much; SouKazu, KouKazu, MayaKazu, KanoKazu -- It doesn't stop there because then I also have KouShoko but also ShoMaya and then ALSO KanoMaya. then i have KanoSaku and SakuKen at the same time (and for the more minor cast i have AkiMaya and AkiHiro, and SuiRina + SuiReo but also ReoMika at the same time)
But still, STILLL my heart is forever infatuated to SouKazu. like, this is my ultimate OTP. yes, I may have about too much pairings that involve Kazuki in it but 総一 always takes the crown for me. I'm always emotional over them none of you understand. ok. LOOKKKK these guys are literally the soulmate trope but the difference is that they're...not soulmates. two people loving eachother very much, very clearly meant for one another but in the end they're always torn apart by circumstances they're unable to control and knowing this always punches me in the gut and breaks my ribs. Ow.
Also knkz and kzko are close seconds to kzsou because they make me emotional + thibking of the kzko angst possibilities do make me coil about a little -- I cant stop imagining TBY Kazuki leaning into Kouyou in place of Soushi's absence and Kouyou...can't help but embrace Kazuki because he loves Kazuki. Even though it hurts so much for him knowing that Kazuki essentially crawls into him just because Soushi isn't there. Yes, Kouyou does it because he loves Kazuki, but does Kazuki share the same feelings? Kouyou doesn't know. No one knows. Not even Kazuki himself is sure anymore.
While I always thought that kzkn is like super duper cute. I really like them. I love how Kazuki is also the first one that softened Kanon's heart, even if it was so slightly, and taught her so, so much things about opening up and being true to herself. It always breaks me knowing Kanon's words in FotFFw never reached Kazuki waauuughhhhh im dead ok. asma found dead in the beach cause of death: Fafner in the Azure -Dead Aggressor-
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sparklesphobia · 4 years
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Your Mine Icy-Hot!!
Hey im multishipping trash and I decided to draw my bois together since there isnt enough BakuTodo art in the world!!
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lunian · 6 years
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I bet they both are this kind of people who laugh very loud about anything stupid in the movie and everyone in the cinema hates them
and then they lived happilly ever after and had 5 kids
My Instagram ~ Ko-Fi
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jayalek · 7 years
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Kiss me on the mouth and set me free 
But please don’t bite
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racingwest · 6 years
shipping darhkatom but also atomwave but also atomichawk but also steelatom but also steelvixen- *inhales* -but also zamaya but also canaryvixen but also avalance but also captaincanary but also coldatom but also-
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jackie-shitposts · 3 years
favourite carmen sandiego blogs? i dont know anyone in the fandom, so id like to hear an opinion :)
OH YES! This fandom has tons of great people in it, heres a ton of my friends and mutuals from it!
(Most of these people are in the carulia / carmivy side of things, so if thats not your cup of tea sorry!)
@thedukeofvermeer - amazing CS artist! I love their work so much and theyre so incredibly sweet!
@carmensbroom - hilarious video / meme editor! such a chaotic person and i look up to her work so much
@indigogalaxia / @the-carulia-archive - awesome carulia artist, in process of making adorable carulia merch!
@yyuppys - FANTASTIC artist, i love her stuff so much. shes so kind and funny. not as active in CS fandom rn but shes around! If you like amphiba give her a look see as well!
cant mention flo without mentioning @be-bi-do-crime - also not super CS active rn but shes a fucking amazing writer and her takes on characters is top tier. if you like TOH you’ll love following her rn!
@longhandwrittennotes - fantastic carulia writer! Ive worked with them on some projects before and she’s such a joy to be around. She’s got some cool fics upcoming too, so make sure you stick around!
@gulfish - writes an amazing CS post s4 script fanfic, The Thief Returns! please read it its fucking fantastic. I also help them write a CS/TOH crossover! Lots of fun to work with em
@saltedbirdcat - headcannon POWERHOUSE and has an absolutely gorgeous personality, has eternal carulia brainrot
@pegasus-642 - CS video editor and player enthusiast! so sweet and a very creative person
@path-of-sunlight - if there were to be a carulia prophet this would be them. a fucking top tier artist who never fails to make me scream at the top of my lungs /pos at their work
@relentless-you-survive - the local CS screamer /pos. Multiships redcrackle, carmivy, carulia (possibly more?). her art is adorable and i love receiving asks from her!
@bawdza - super cool CS artist, i admire and love their stuff so much it might be embarrassing
@caramel-sandiego - a major supporting pillar for the CS fandom. posts hilarious incorrect quotes and is generally pretty awesome!
now i dont believe we are mutuals, but i cant NOT mention @riodrawsstuff - leader of Brunt x Mech propagandists, a fucking artistic genius and they seem like a super cool person. if youre looking for CS merch, THIS is the person you go to!
@julethiefs - ah yes, my screaming buddy. such a great writer, her stuff makes me want to shake her by the shoulders and scream /pos. such an amazing friend shes great
@hey-yall-cam - CS color enthusiast, ranter and artist super fun person to be around! never a dull moment with them
last but not least, @itsdappleagain ! HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to them, theyre the entire reason im able to make CS videos. super cool CS artist and super fun to talk to
THANK YOU ANON, for giving me this opportunity to annoy my friends and mutuals with compliments. And this wasnt even CLOSE to everyone! i hope you enjoy your place here in the CS fandom!
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untamedsinning · 2 years
cannoy stop thinking about like, str|ife and t|ev or str|ife and pa|rv on a lunch break before one or both of them has to get back to work, amd pa|rv or t|ev are purposfully making str|ife eat/drink things that make him gassy.
he argues with them that he cant do that he has to go back to work soon but they insist and well, theyre VERY persuasive.
so hes goes back to work bloated and has to hold it in lest he rosk embarrassing himself to a client.
i see your “or” and raise you “and” because this is a multishipping friendly house and i say BOTH of them get to scheme and target him >:3 two pairs of hands shoving food and drink in your face is more convincing than one...
okay but hohohohooooh very good... y’know, i am all for a little bit of public humiliation, as long as the person isn’t miserable and just gets humbly embarrassed.
str|ife silently cursing his two companions as he digs his fingers into the wood of his desk, the wall in between him and the client hiding his bloated stomach that’s straining over his belt. wincing with every fart he manages to hold back as it cramps his gut, the client giving him curious looks at his strained expression, str|ife quickly reassuring them it’s nothing.
they’re finishing up when str|ife leans forward to shake their hand good, only for his restraint to break with the tiny bend of his waist shifting all that gas, a rumbling fart slipping out of him as he goes red faced and frantically excuses himself.
after the client makes an awkward exit, t|ev and pa|rv swoop in a moment later with sly smiles, asking if he needs some, ah “help” getting all that pressure out.
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modernday-jay · 3 years
Personally i was just as against sp-m-no as us-uk. Still cant stand them and other pairings where one nation used to have a mentoring or parental role towards the other, but i also recognize most people dont think that deep about ships either, so as long as both are consenting adults i just ignore those ships now. if i had to guess i would say us-uk got more hate than sp-m-no in the past because a lot of us-uk fans also tried to shove their ship down our throats. Rare pairs were not accepted
hey! i’m glad you sent this as an ask because while i read through all the responses to the post, i don’t think i’ll be able to respond to every one individually so i’ll use this as a spot to say what i think and sum up the… general consensus :D
you’re definitely valid and it makes sense to not like spa/mano if you don’t like us/uk because it really does give off the same vibe (it doesn’t help that for a lot of it, it was chibimano and a teenage/adult spain?? i know the age gap isn’t that different when looking at actual history but seeing it drawn out like that made it kinda icky. then again, i have opinions on chibimano as a whole but whatevs)
and i also agree with the whole us/uk fans kinda ruining the fun for everyone. at least the extreme ones! fruk fans didn’t really help either and ‘shipping wars’ in general just created really stupid messes. and honestly after some more evaluation, i think i was just more exposed to us/uk hate because fruk was my favourite ship, so i was naturally on the side of the fandom rather than the spa/mano side. so idk if there were actually a lot of people that were just as critical!
though despite what im saying, i actually do like both ships but i see both sides of the coin. great thing about fiction though is that you can interpret things in different ways! personally i prefer spa/mano and us/uk in aus because i think the dynamic in both ships is really fun to work with (happy cheery guy x sad grumpy guy), and i’m kinda indifferent to both in nationverse. i mean nations definitely wouldn’t have the same concept of family as any of us because they’re like weird immortal cryptids so it’s kinda whatever.
i am pretty glad that this type of discourse is one that isn’t actually fought about anymore because it’s annoying and i really do like multishipping and imagining different scenarios because hey! at the end of the day they’re just silly anime men. and to be completely honest, i’ve gotten attached to them as the fictional people they are rather than what they represent as like a weird nation thing
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catboyithaqua · 3 years
Ramuda and Doppo :0
Under a cut bc long
Ramuda Amemura
First impression
Baby boy baby. Very cute and sweet i love characters with ramudas aesthetic i tend to want to protect them, especially since its an aesthetic that i fall into myself and lo v e so kseidjsnfn YEAH this man is baby!!!
Impression now
Ohhh my god i love this man i love the way he is characterised he is so incredibly interesting as a character and tbh so realistic and honestly i adore him!!! I alarmingly see a lot of myself in him tbh, were incredibly similar and that isnt necessarily a good thing!! But still i love this man
Favorite moment
Oh man where tf do i BEGIN there are so many ngl, but mostly all of the moments where we see ramuda's humanity. There is still a sweetness left under the darkness, there is still a man who wants to cling onto everything he has - his emotion, his internal battles, his morality vs his desperate need to survive - oh fucking man so much.
Idea for a story
CAN WE FUCKING. HAVE RAMUDA TALK HIS SHIT OUT PLEASE can we just have others actively helping ramuda cAN THIS MAN PLEASE BE SHOWN THAT ITS NOT TOO LATE FOR HIM,,, PLEASE,, i just want ramuda to finally talk out everything and have people on his side. Please.
Unpopular opinion
This probs isnt unpopular by any means, but idk what else to put here so take this:
I dont really see it often discussed that yknow ramuda is an abuse victim. Like, its very clear that chuokhu uses and abuses him, and his life is constantly being hung over his head. No wonder the dude is doing anything he can in order to survive, he has no choice in that regard. Before i get told this in the notes yes i know this doesnt excuse the things hes done!!! But tbh i really think that like the trauma that ramuda is living with kinda needs to be addressed.
Favorite relationship
I am a huge multishipper and have found a way to ship ramuda w just about most people (that are adults and not in chuokhu lol) so this is pretty tough
Id say either fling poly or jkrm and these are my reasons lets go:
Fling poly: HAVE YOU S E E N THEM do i really need to say more here all three of them have such good chemistry together, theyre all clearly on the same wavelength and have such a wonderful dynamic,,, they found out about the clones and shit and they STILL chose to protect ramuda and to fight for him and with him and to stay by his side aND BLACK JOURNEY TOO I-- IM GONNA START SOBBING,,,
Jakuramu: this one is not based on canon too much i am sorry this is mostly hc but i am a huge sucker for enemies to lovers ok also, i feel like out of TDD these two would be the ones to reconcile. After all, jakurai is a rather empathetic man and he probably would def understand the situation that ramuda was in. After all this dude was an ex assassin, if ramuda was to tell him everything, im sure that he would be able to relate to yknow the time he took others' lives, people with families and friends that he killed because he was ordered to and most likely had no other choice. Of course, jakurai is well within his right to not forgive ramuda for what happened to yotsutsuji, but i feel like he would and would help him get out of the situation hes in,,, and also im soft for the TDD era ok like how jakurai WANTED TO KNOW THE REAL RAMUDA AND LIKE,,, even when ramuda snapped at him he was GLAD HE WANTSD TO KNOW HIM FUCK MAN,,, i just really like these two ok
Favorite headcanon
I have quite a lot of hcs! Here are a few and like some explanation as to why:
- hes trans - i personally believe this bc personally itd make sense. Ramuda has a very feminine appearance and build, those that are like typically common in asian countries. As well as that, he has his own autonomy unlike the other clones. It wouldnt surprise me if chuokhu orignally wanted to make a girl to keep the other divisions in check, but when he decided personally that he didnt want to be such a way, they said sure, more room for us to treat you as we want to. Hes got money, getting T wouldnt be that difficult for him either, so thats why his voice is. That way fiaudjsnfnd anyway i think it makes sense!! Idk--
- he has bpd - projection probably but the biggest inspiration for this headcanon is how he is emotionally. His swings are violent - he feels and expresses such a diverse range of emotions and its so easy for him to change his emotional disposition - whilst also mostly feeling totally empty. Relationship wise also, given how he was genuinely really close to jakurai and then completely splitting on him, h a t i n g him. Yeah that sounds like bpd to me chief i know i have it!!! Theres more ik there is but i cant pull up examples rn
- hes neurodivergent - again mostly projection honestly and like there isnt much of a canon basis in his behaviour, just little things, but i like to personally hc that aside from eating candy to stay alive duh, that he chooses lollipops bc they serve as a sort of stim?? Also ik that fashion is his job but hes also so so clearly passionate about it that its a special interest for him, and thats partially why he took it up as a job in the first place, so he could do something related to his special interest lol. Idk i know there isnt any basis for this but just let me have autistic ramuda iaiesjdnsnfn
Doppo Kanonzaka
First impression
Now THATS what i call a tired mf!!! This dude has yves saint laurent eyebags also he really reminds me of aggretsuko somehow??? Im really not sure what it is
Impression now
Yeah i was def right with the aggretsuko comparison siaishsnshfb BUT I LOVEEE HIM i love him very much and i think this man really needs a break and is also very relateable i love
Favorite moment
As much as i love fp i absolutely adore the badass koments that doppo has including when he absolutely fucking obliterated fling posse sksjxnxncn also!! All of his little moments with hifumi i genuinely enjoy their dynamic its so cute
Idea for a story
Honestly i wanna see him slowly recover from the teauma that he has experienced because this king absolutely deserves it, and also from a practical point of view itd make this mf s t r o n g e r i also just.... long to see doppo happy honestly he deserves to smile!!
Unpopular opinion
I dont really have an unpopular opinion but saving like leaving this blank: as much as i absolutely adore jakurai and hifumi and their music (jakurai is my fave out of every hypmic character and i WILL drive this home), to me doppo just has the best music. Like, i love tigridia and BLACK OR WHITE so fucking much its absolutely unreal and all of doppos verses in every song are juust so fucking good. As much as i listen to you are, therefore i am on repeat every day of my life doppos music is just the best ✨
Favorite relationship
Again i am a huge multishipping bitch and i habe a few ships with doppo but in ahll honesty my fave is very clear - i absolutely adore his dynamic with matenrou as a whole and especially hifumi - his relationship with hifumi is clearly so special and it really shows how strong their friendship is, and in a ship sense i find it to be realy cute bc theres such a clear need for each other and that even if they clearly come at odds sometimes, at the end of the days theyre still clearly so close and i just,,, god doppo reallt deserves someone like hifumi in his life and im so glad that he has it!!!!
Favorite headcanon
Honestly i dont really think i have too many for doppo but given his general demeanor and his attitude, i personally hc him as demi. Yeah i know that sexualities dont have like typical personalities and such but i feel like given his anxieties around new people and how he clearly only really sticks to those that hes very close with, it makes more sense for him to be demi than any other sexuality to be quite honest - and this is also just pushing my hifudo agenda aiqiauansnssn but yknow!!!!
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paozusmulti · 3 years
"Our love is six feet under, I cant help but wonder..."
tag: paozu | age: 21 | pronouns: he/him
Click here to find my Google Doc! It is where you will want to go to find my short list of rules and a few pages of characters to choose from!
edit copyright: gcrdians on instagram.
also dont come for the edit... they my OT(B)LP(One True (Beautiful)Lesbian Pairing...)
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tweekscoffeebean · 5 years
Weird shipping question
Is there a pairing name for Tweek and Stan? I do NOT ship it but got hit with a plot bunny that wont go away. Other then with hetalia I dont multiship characters who are in my otps cause I am weird and cant imagine them with anyone else and with creek it feels like cheating but this damn plot bunny keeps popping up while I'm working on my other stories. So help a girl out.
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Iris: ‘I just wanna say, ah, thank you to our new friends for having the guts to come all this way, make themselves a new life...’
Jean: *looks at Hailey and smiles*
Also - the show finishes on Jean and Hailey sharing a lingering moment.
I included the hug between Millie and Jean as well, and a couple of glances, because this show is just so delightfully multi-shippable. But I really do think that they’re edging down the path of a Jean x Hailey relationship, if (and please God it is) the show is renewed. Those shared glances, particularly choosing to finish on one, are the loudest subtext I’ve seen in a while.
And what about Jean’s sexuality? We haven’t officially had it confirmed, but... When Hailey tells Jean she loves her, Jean’s first instinct is to reach out and touch her - how many straight women do that, in that context? (It’s not like Hayley’s “just” coming out to Jean - and even that for many lesbian women doesn’t result in being touched by the receiver of the knowledge, she is actually telling Jean that she loves her. That’s a pretty huge thing for any straight woman to respond to as calmly and as acceptingly as Jean does.) So when we add this to Jean’s other comments throughout TBC:SF, I really cant help but think that she is also lesbian.
(None of this stops me shipping Jean x Millie, but like I said - this is the show for multishipping...)
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clevrest · 5 years
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE? : honestly since he’s an oc i dont really have a single otp but i encourage u to ship w me so much that we create an otp
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE? : so long as everyone’s an adult and there’s no manipulation/grooming/etc. and its properly addressed between two competent writers, i cant really think of a gap that would cause an issue, realistically.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? :  somewhat. im open to a lot of different types of dynamics and partners but i am very hesitant when theres any touch of godmodding or forcing or mischaracterization of cedric. i need people to be able to be willing to treat my oc with the same respect as other canon muses and unfortunately that is not a commonly met standard
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS/FW? : i usually tag things nsfw the moment genitals are mentioned or alluded to just to be careful for the sake of others but im v comfortable w smut so im not too worried in my writing.
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH? : ive shipped with gendry, gared tuttle, locke, rhaego and jaime. when it comes to other characters ive always been interested in shipping with, theon, ramsay, oberyn, domeric, renly, and stannis come to mind. 
ANY NOTPS? : not that i can think of!
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU? : to ship, i would say yes. but that doesnt mean you have to ask me permission for your muse to have feelings for mine. unrequited stuff can be so fun and its actually a great way to break the ice. because if i see your muse likes cedric then i can approach you and chat about it! but i would love for you to come to me and ask if youd like a proper ship
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP? : whenever its done properly!
ARE YOU SHIP-OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS? :  probably somewhere in the middle? or closer to obsessed.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM? : cedric and success and happiness and his pupper frost
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU? : honestly just approach me and ask because i like to plot things before i start writing them anyway so its best to chat things out before we commit to writing a ship. see if it takes off and makes sense. oh! and send me asks. that helps a lot.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘:  stolen from @kngcrw
TAGGING:  @onceporcelain @thcbull + anyone else who wants to
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