#can you tell which team is my favorite? I bet you can't
epicbubblekitty · 1 month
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Hello Disventure Camp Nation
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evilkitten3 · 7 months
naruto crack au where kakashi manages to successfully drill the "never abandon your comrades" thing into team seven's heads
so when sasuke deserts naruto and sakura immediately desert with him. like he gets to the village gates and they're just waiting for him bags packed like "what took u so long we doing this or what"
he tries to get them to go back bc of course he does. "no you losers this is about me i'm going to kill my brother. also i'll have to kill my best friend for the super sharingan and you two are like the only people i talk to". but they do not listen. teamwork sasuke we will defeat your brother (OUR brother #communism) with the power of teamwork. just like kakashi-sensei said
suddenly orochimaru has to deal with three horrible little goblins with an even more codependent relationship than his old team
#naruto#team seven#orochimaru's favorite is sakura bc she's smart and respectful and gives kabuto headaches#kabuto's favorite is naruto bc he thinks he's funny#nobody's favorite is sasuke. he's fine with that tho#also sakura can still summon slugs she made a bet with tsunade ahead of time for the right to make the contract#kakashi keeps trying to get his team back but keeps approaching them one on one#which always ends in whoever he's talking to going ''i can't abandon my teammates sensei wtf''#obito is watching all of this from the bushes and laughing his ass off#the sound five live bc. nobody bothered to tell tsunade team seven had left until it was way too late#orochimaru keeps her updated tho#every time kakashi tries to sneak in and steal his kids back oro sends him back with pictures of how they're doing#''little sakura-chan is making excellent progress with chakra scalpels! you must be so proud! oh wait''#she hopes he dies#oro tells naruto who his parents are to spite jiraiya#unfortunately he does this when they're all still annoying little thirteen-year-old shitheads#so sakura and sasuke are both furious and don't talk to either of them for a day#they don't even know what they're mad about they're just Mad#meanwhile sakura's parents are happy to hear she's doing well and hope she writes soon#they don't. they don't really get the treason thing#team hebi/taka still forms ofc#it's an absolute disaster#sakura's a little sad when they finally ditch orochimaru bc she'd actually really enjoyed learning from him#like yeah he was an absolutely horrible human being but. she learned a lot!#he comes back later ofc#there's sorta an awkward moment when naruto finds out gaara got abducted and demands to go after him#sasuke: ok have fun#sakura: we're going too#sasuke: fuck#orochimaru: tell sasori i said hiiiii~ <3
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fetusgooseandjuice · 2 years
Better Boyfriend (Pt. 2)
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Your boyfriend’s true colors have finally been revealed to everyone. Has this opened up new doors for your future with Natasha?
Word Count: 3,258
TRIGGER WARNING: Domestic Abuse & Rape
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Your POV:
My hands were shaking as I pulled into our driveway. Hayden was already mad that I didn't tell him where I was going, so he's probably furious now that it took me so long to get home. I also somehow managed to drag Natasha and Wanda into this too. I know they're not gonna let it go until I open up to them, but I can't burden them like that.
As I opened the front door and walked into the house, I was met by an enraged Hayden. He pulled me into the house by my hair and slammed the door before shoving me against it.
"Where the fuck have you been." he sternly said, inches away from my face.
I was too shocked to respond which just made him even more mad.
"I asked you a damn question!" he yelled at me.
"I-I'm sorry I was a-at the compound because they wanted me to do game night w-with. then" I said quickly trying to defend myself and deescalate the situation.
"Oh what, so you think you can just go out and do whatever you want now huh?" he said as he let go of my hair, slowly backing up and nodding his head.
"No baby that wasn't it. I meant to text you but I-I guess it slipped my mind. I was only planning to stay a few hours though and then come home to you." I said softly attempting to calm him down while stepping forward to gently cup his cheeks with my hands.
"Yeah I bet you were hanging out with that Natasha, weren't you." he said in disbelief.
"W-what?" I asked confused, letting go of his face.
"I've seen the way she looks at you. I mean come on she practically has heart eyes, and you just let her?" he said raising his voice.
"Hayden baby, no that's not the case please calm down-" I started to plead, but was interrupted with a harsh slap across the face.
He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pushed me against the door much rougher this time. "Do not tell me to fucking calm down. You want me to calm down, I suggest you choose your words wisely." he aggressively said as he pointed a finger in my face.
"I-Im sorry I won't do it again baby please." I was begging for him to stop at this point.
"Yeah I bet you won't. Now what's for dinner I'm starving over here." he said and let go of my shirt, walking into the living room.
"I'll go get started on dinner right now I promise." I said as I went to prep the food hoping that this will make him happy.
After I finished cooking, I plated the food and made my way into the living room to serve it to him.
"Here you go. I made your favorite." I said as I handed the plate to him.
"Thank you baby. Look I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean it, I just had a bad day at work and I took it out on you I'm sorry." he apologized like every other time he had hit me.
"It's okay Hayden. I understand it's okay. I shouldn't have left without telling you." I said as I sat on the couch next to him.
"You're always so forgiving. That's one of the reasons I love you so much, you know." he smiled and leaned over to kiss my lips before starting to eat his food.
Natasha’s POV:
The team had decided to head up to bed after Peter somehow won another round of Mario kart. Thor and Tony were the first to leave because the game was 'glitching' which made them lose and it made them mad.
I didn't want to go to sleep just yet. Even if I was tired I don't think I'd be able to sleep because I've been thinking about Y/N ever since she walked out of that door. I know she's not safe with Hayden and I still let her go back to him. But she probably didn't feel too safe with me either at the moment considering the way she flinched.
If I had just told her how I felt before she met Hayden, then maybe she wouldn't be going through this right now and she would be laying in my arms instead. I decided to go talk to Wanda since she's always willing to listen.
I made my way to her room and knocked on the door. I opened it after she said I could and walked inside before closing the door. I flopped onto the bed and heavily sighed.
"You okay?" she questioned.
"I don't know." I replied.
"You wanna talk about it or do you wanna just lay there and think?" she asked.
"I don't know what to do about Y/N." I answered.
"What exactly do you mean by that?" she replied trying to get me to give her more detail.
"Hayden isn't the right person for her. Anyone would think that if they knew everything we do. He hurts her, Wanda. Y/N is so sweet, and kind, and gentle. He's abusive and dangerous. She doesn't deserve that." I explained.
"You're right. she doesn't deserve that. But we can't help her unless she lets us. We don't know everything that goes on behind closed doors. So unless she's willing to talk to us about it, we can't do much except let her know we're there for her." she said.
"I know. But I also know that I could treat her better. I've loved her in silence for four years, and she's with that damn guy who's putting her through so much. I could be the better boyfriend." I rambled.
"And I believe you, Natasha. But she's scared. She's afraid of what he'll do if she tries to leave considering he hits her over things that will never be justifiable. I mean we don't have to know the full story to know that." she voiced.
"Do you think we could convince her that she deserves better and doesn't have to be scared. If she knows we're there for her then she might get the courage to break up with him. We could even be there when she does it." I express.
"That may work. But we also can't be too forward or demanding about it because she's already practically being controlled by him and if we're not careful, we might frighten her." she said.
"How do you always know what to say." I asked.
"Well you do rant to me a lot about Y/N so I guess I just learned what you need to hear." she joked.
"Do I really talk about her that much?" I playfully question.
"You're practically obsessed with her, Natasha." she claimed and I laughed knowing she wasn't all that wrong.
"Well good night. I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I stretched before getting up to go to my room.
Your POV:
The next morning I had gotten a text from my dad that he wanted me to come for dinner tonight and I should bring Hayden because he hasn't seen him in a while.
I agreed and went to go inform Hayden of the plan.
"Hey baby," I said as I walked into the bedroom.
"Fuck baby you made me die!" he yelled as he aggressively clicked the buttons on his keyboard, playing some video game.
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I quietly apologized.
"Why are you even in here, what do you want?" he asked annoyed.
"I was just gonna let you know that my dad wanted us to come by for dinner tonight if that was okay with you." I said wanting to make sure that he knew I wasn't trying to do this without his permission.
"Yeah fine whatever I don't care." he blankly replied.
"Okay. I was also just about to get a snack from the kitchen, do you want anything?" I asked.
"As a matter of a fact-" he started as he paused his game, stood up from the chair and started walking towards me.
"I do want something." he finished when he got to me, putting his hands on my waist and starting to kiss my neck.
"I want to apologize for how rude I've been to you lately." he quietly said.
"Hayden I-" I was interrupted.
"Shh baby let me make it up to you." he whispered as he began running his hands under my shirt.
"Hayden I don't- I'm not in the mood right now. We can do this later I promise." I tried to reason with him because I really didn't want to right now.
"Now you know better than to deny me of what I want, Y/N." he said sternly.
"I know baby I'm sorry. I just don't want to do this right now, please." I pleaded as I started to push on his chest.
He sighed annoyed, "If you know better, then why are you doing it. Shut your mouth and show me how sorry you really are." he pushed me back onto the bed before starting to undress and climbing onto of me while my eyes began to form tears.
It was now evening, and we were in the car on our way to the compound.
"You remember the rules I told you?" he asked with his eyes still on the road.
"Always stay with you, don't talk to Natasha alone, and don't tell anyone what you do to me." I answered.
"Good." he said as we pulled into a parking space and got out of the car.
I stayed by his side as we walked inside the compound, and he put his arm around my shoulders.
"Hey Y/N wanna play Mario kart with me?" Peter asked when he saw me walk inside.
"In minute Pete. I'm gonna go find my dad real quick." I said and he nodded.
I found my dad in the kitchen talking to Steve. When he saw Hayden and I, he put his cup down and walked over to me to give me a hug even though he just saw me yesterday.
"Hey Y/N, Hayden. I haven't seen you in a while, whats going on?" he asked as he shook his hand.
"Nothing much. Work has me busy so I apologize that I don't get to come around that often, sir." he replied with a smile as he put a hand in his pocket with his other arm still around me.
"Ah don't worry about it, I get it. I think Wanda just finished with the food so everyone's starting to take their seats now if you wanna go ahead and do the same." my dad said.
"Thank you, Mr. Stark." he answered with a small smile and nod of his head as he moved his hand to the small of my back to guide my towards the dining table.
He pulled my chair out for me before taking his own seat next to me. "If only he was always this much of a gentleman", I thought to myself.
Clint, Peter, and Thor sat down while talking about a new video game that came out when Hayden leaned over and gently turned my head to quietly speak into my ear.
"I'm going to the bathroom, stay here. Remember those last two rules." he demanded and I nodded my head. He stood up and went to my dad to ask where the bathroom was before he disappeared out of my sight.
"Hey Y/N." a voice said. I looked up and I saw Natasha.
"Oh, hey Nat." I said with a small smile.
"Did you bring Hayden?" she asked.
"Yeah he just went to the bathroom." I told her.
"Ah okay. I'm sorry, about last night. I didn't mean to scare you or anything. I was just worried about you." she said as she sat down in the chair Hayden was sitting in.
"Really it's okay. I don't know why I flinched like that. It wasn't your fault it, it was me." I reassured her.
"Hey Y/N!" a different voice said. I turned my head and saw Wanda walking towards us.
"Hi Wands. My dad said you just finished cooking, do you need help with anything? Plating or dishes?" I asked.
"Nah I put Kate and Yelena on that job so I could come talk to you." she said.
"Yeah actually we did have something else we wanted to talk to you about if you don't mind." Natasha added.
Wanda started talking again but I stopped focusing on what she was saying when I saw Hayden walk back into the room. When he saw I was talking to Natasha he looked furious as he turned around and walked back down the hallway.
"Y-yeah um give me one second. I'm sorry I'll be right back." I told them as I got up to follow Hayden.
"Hayden baby wait-" I called out for him. He stopped walking away from me and turned to walk towards me.
"I told you not to talk to that bitch." he said with a low, angry voice.
"You told me not to talk to her alone. I wasn't, I was with Wanda and other people were at the table too." I tried defending myself.
"You know what I meant, Y/N. And you went and blatantly disobeyed me." he said turning around, slowly pacing.
"I don't understand. Why are you always telling me what to do. It's not fair, Hayden. I should be able to talk to whoever I want to without you getting all possessive and insecure-" I was finally standing up for myself which I guess made him mad because I was interrupted by a hand connecting with my face, followed by a harsh sting.
What I didn't know was that Peter had happened to wander down the hallway we were in, heading for his room to get his Nintendo switch. He turned the corner at the exact moment Hayden hit me, which had understandably shocked Peter.
He didn't know what to do so he quietly turned around and sped walked back to the dining room where everyone was now seated and starting to eat.
"Um, Mr. Stark-" he began.
"Yeah, what's up kid?" he asked looking at Peter.
"I-I just saw Hayden hit Y/N." he said.
"He did what?! Hayden hit Y/N?!" he exclaimed.
"Yeah they were arguing and then he hit her." he confirmed Tony's worst nightmare.
"Where the hell are they?" Natasha demanded to know just as I walked back into the room with Hayden following behind.
Peter turned around and saw us, "Right there."
"Y/N?! Y/N honey are you okay?" my dad asked me as I emerged from the hallway.
"Yeah? I'm fine dad-" I started to say.
"Did Hayden hit you?!" he asked while looking at Hayden.
"What?! No! He didn't hit me, what- where-" I started asking confused as to who told him.
"Peter just said he saw Hayden hit you." Kate said from behind my dad.
"Did you hit my daughter?!" he said now asking Hayden.
"No sir I don't know what you're talking about-" he tried to say but was met with a punch straight to his face by my dad.
I was in speechless as Kate, Yelena, Wanda, and Natasha started surrounding me asking if I was okay. I watched as Steve and Clint pulled my dad off of Hayden.
I turned around to start walking to my room, overwhelmed by the amount of commotion happening. Wanda tried to stop me.
"Y/N wait-"
"Don't. Follow me." I said walking out of the room.
"I'll try talking to her." Natasha said, starting to head in the direction I went.
I heard someone knocking on the door, but I didn't feel like answering. I looked up when the door opened and closed anyways. It was Natasha.
"I said not to follow me." I reminded her.
"I just wanted to check on you and talk to you." she said softly. I stayed silent.
"Why did you put up with him for all those months." she asked.
I shrugged my shoulders, "I was scared."
She didn't say anything back knowing that I wasn't done yet.
"Scared he would hurt me more if I tried to leave." I finished.
"You know you could've asked us for help. We told you that." she said as she put a comforting hand on my elbow.
"I didn't wanna drag you guys into my mess. I got myself into it, I should've been able to get myself out, but I was scared." I told her as I started crying.
Natasha pulled me into her chest and held me as I cried.
"I've always been here for you Y/N. I want to be apart of your mess." she replied. I looked up at her confused and she could tell I didn't know what she meant. So she took a deep breath and continued talking.
"I've been in love with you even since we met Y/N. I didn't know how to tell you, and the day I was planning on telling you just happened to be the day you brought Hayden into the picture. I knew that I could be a better boyfriend than him and that you deserved someone better. I know I had time to tell you before that, but I was scared. I was too late and I didn't know what to do." she finished.
"Well you're not too late anymore." I quietly said.
"What do you- are you-" she stuttered confused.
"I like you too, Natasha." I cleared it up for her.
"Y-you do?" she asked in disbelief.
"Yes Nat. I thought I liked Hayden but I guess I was just looking for a distraction." I confessed.
She just started into my eyes.
"Can I kiss you?" she whispered and I nodded my head.
She placed one hand under my chin, gently titling my head up, keeping the other hand on my waist. She leaned in to place her lips on mine, giving me the most soft, loving kiss anyone has ever given me.
I deepened the kiss by putting my hands on both sides of her face, pulling her closer. We only pulled away slightly when air became a necessity.
"I've been wanting to do that for the longest time." she whispered and laughed.
"Was it just like you expected it to be?" I asked, hopeful.
"It was better than I ever could've imagined." she smiled and kissed me again.
Eventually the mental and emotional strain of the day finally caught up to me, so we switched to cuddling. Neither of us minded though.
Natasha laid down with her head propped up on a pillow as I curled into her side with my head nuzzled in the crook of her neck. She had her arms wrapped around me while one of my hands played with the collar of her shirt.
"Is it too early to tell you that I love you." she quietly said into my hair.
"I love you too." I told her and she kissed my head.
Later on, Wanda came to check on us, but backed away and closed the door again when she saw us cuddling. Me asleep on Natasha with her holding me.
"Took them long enough." she laughed to herself.
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moon-alight · 9 months
Hi! I don't know if you still do SVT images but I really wanna get this out lol
Imagine you're dating our very own sunshine Seokmin and it's all domestic and stuff and suddenly he starts to dance in the kitchen with you on like Ed Sheeran or sometjib!
I'm soft!
I want to have someone like him so bad😍😍
OMG! I am so glad I finally got another Seventeen ask. Like I love &Team but SVT are my ults.
Thinking out Loud - Seventeen Dokyeom
Synopsis: You're doing the dishes when suddenly your very cute and spontaneous boyfriend wants to dance.
Warnings: Pure fluff
Word Count: 919
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Your hands were currently deep under the surface of the soapy water, washing away the dirt from the plates which you and your boyfriend had eaten out of a couple minutes ago.
You couldn't say doing the dishes was one of your favorite activities but everything goes much better when you do it with someone else. Especially if that someone was your own handsome boyfriend.
You had been dating Seokmin for about a year and a half but it felt like you'd known him forever. It had only been two months since he asked -- actually he convinced -- you to live with him.
Currently he was humming 'to you' while drying the plates and cutlery you had already washed of. You spontaneously smiled at the sound of his voice, so entranced by his beauty.
"You really do not have to help, Seok. I mean, you have been working really hard all day. I bet you're tired." Even though you also worked, his job must be so much harder. Especially whenever Hoshi had a bad day.
"I'm good, jagi." Seokmin said and turned around as he continued to hum and did some simple dance moves before putting the cutlery inside the correct drawer. You shook your head at him and smiled.
"I can't believe you dance hours on end in the practice room and when you're home, you continue."
"It's because I love to dance." Seokmin told you, matter-of-factly. He turned around once more to face you, a big silly grin on his face.
"Oh, no, I know that mischievous grin. What are you up to?"
"Me? Mischievous?" He asked and pointed at himself. You hummed and continued to wash the pans. "You have the wrong man, honey. It is Jeonghan who is mischievous."
"Then he must've thought you because you, my love, know how to be sneaky just as much as he does."
Seokmin's cute smirk tells you enough, he knows too. You roll your eyes and continue to wash the dishes when suddenly melodies fill the room. You glance to the side to see Seokmin move along to 'Thinking out loud' from Ed Sheeran.
"What are you--" But you don't have time to finish your sentence. Seokmin takes your hand and pulls you closer to him.
"And darling, I will love you 'till we're seventy." Seokmin sings along as he begins to slow dance with you in the middle of the kitchen. "And baby, my heart could still fall as hard at twenty-three."
You can't help but smile at his adorable antics. You continue to listen to his beautiful voice however, you see that same mischievous glant inside his eyes. A yelp escapes you when Seokmin turns you around and wraps his arms around you from behind.
"So, honey now. . . take me into your loving arms!" You chuckle at this. "Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars! Place your head on my beating heart!"
The song continues and he turns you back around to face him. You two continue to dance along to Ed Sheeran and sometimes Seokmin sings along a line or two. You feel a blush rise to your cheeks, making you fall in love with him all over again.
There is a part of you that knows, one day, you will marry this man because no one else can make you feel like a lovesick fool the way he does. It must be the Seokmin effect and you can only be grateful that he chose you from the millions of girls he could've gotten instead.
Seokmin rests his forehead against yours. His dark eyes stare straight inside of yours. A small smile on his face as the song slowly ends. You two stop dancing, faces so close you can feel each others breath. (Luckily he brushed his teeth today). You stay like that when photograph begins to play from the speakers.
"Marry me." His voice was soft and quiet. You almost didn't hear him. Almost.
"What?" You ask back, frowning up at him but he could see the small hopeful glint in your eyes.
"I love you and I know I won't ever be as happy with anyone else as I am with you, so. . ." He dropped down to one knee, reached inside the pocket of his sweatpants and took out a small box. "Marry me?" He asked while opening the box and showing a very beautiful ring.
You stared at him in disbelief, tears in your eyes as you realized this wasn't just a stupid dream you'd wake up from. This was real, your reality and it was the best thing ever.
"Of course, I'll marry you." You said and watched the giant smile take over your boyfriend's features. "I'd marry you in a heartbeat." He slipped the ring on your finger and stood up.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down. Your lips connected, your hands moved so you could let your fingers entangle in his hair. His hands held you tightly as if you'd disappear if he didn't.
"I love you."
"I love you." You repeated after him, the same lovesick smile on your face as he began moving the two of you again on the ending beats of the song. "This was the most spontaneous propsal ever."
"I will do it again." Seokmin promises. "I will propose to you everyday until we're officially married. Mark my words."
You laughed at his playfulness but somewhere deep inside you knew he was serious and secretly, you loved it.
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hugh campbell is literally the tallest member of the boys in the show and it's one a my favorite details<3
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they rarely show it off and tend to use camera angles and posture (hughie boi i see you constantly slouching--LOOK AT HIM~<3<3<3 just casually *unintentionally* making butcher appear is *actual size*--) to play up or downplay/switch up height differences, but i kinda love that hughie went from being the second shortest member (comics) of the boys to the literal tallest<3 (butcher was generally in the middle with homie just casually being a head taller than him--, frenchie and mm being the taller guys on the team, love sausage of course being the biggest guy when there~<3<3<3 he still is btw--)
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love love LOVE him so fucking much<3<3<3 literally the *only* REAL bear in this damn series (HE STRAIGHT UP BEAR HUGS BILLY IN THE COMIC AHHHHHHHHHHH~<3<3<3!!! we better see moar of him i swears--). mm is a close one, but he's more of a good big papa wolf~<3 butcher's a scraggly dumpster kitten or fuckin' heifer--
i *also* love love LOVE the single inch height increment hughie and billy got goin' on with homie, it's just the cutest most fun thing~<3 it goes--
5'11" (homie<3)
6'0" (billy bean<3<3)
6'1" (not so wee hughie<3<3<3)
6'2" (LOVE SAUSAGE~<3<3<3<3!!)
i see you sandwiched right inbetween those bois there, 'ey billy~<3? ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
throw in mm between billy and homie, it's hard to find a solid height on that bitch<3 (and they *def* keep trying to downplay his height and bulk cause holy FUCK, THAT MAN--) but i'm gonna say he's probably around 5'11.5", closer to 6'0" maybe??
lol for the roughest layout i guess, they tend to bill urban a bit taller than he is (you can tell cause they'll bill quaid at the same numbers but he's definitely taller than urban, also i SWEAR everytime this man is in a photo that's not a solo glamor shot he's tryin' out some jank ass angles always always always leaning *in* to the camera to make himself look *bigger* leik honey you are so fuckin' cute-- and they *def* keep trying to make billy look *way* bigger than he actually is, BILLYYYYYYYYYYY--) but boi, i see you too<3<3<3
i guess maybe a little closer, it might go something like...
5'11" (homie)
5'11.75" (mm)
6'0.5" (billy bean)
6'1.5" (hughie)
in which there's .75 increments, and then a full 1 inch leap from billy to hughie. either way, they're def very close and not a single one is 'small' per se (except compared to love sausage--tho i do bet starr is one of those fuckers to downplay his height so other men get insecure LMAO--), but i just love the sequencing<3<3<3
what i *also* love~?
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(bad posture homie lol) homie's reaction to hughie posturing at his full height was fucking amazing. IT WAS OH MY GAWD--i can't. he had his little surprised moment and then made a *pleased* "ooh~<3" and then smirked like THIS--
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leik hughie... MAH BOI--i know he *tried* so fucking hard but leik. homelander is just so unthreatened by him that he's fucking *amused* and engaged with hughie *trying* to be brave. *he relaxed further*-- he just... he just doesn't give a shit. and it's horrible. but also *beautiful* because at this point, you can tell he's just so bored out of his mind that he even *welcomes* the challenge in some ways. he is LOVING that people feel so attacked by him without him doing much--LEIK.
there are a couple other unhinged and unsettling *positive* reactions he has to people similarly enough, (his descent into madness in real time--not gonna get into it now lest this post become *all* about homie--) but man oh man~<3
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little bit less posture difference here, will say it's silly fandom obsesses over/exaggerates single inch height differences (particularly between homie and billy while ignoring/reversing hughie and billy, leik C'MON--let hughie be his height~<3! also we should be obsessing over the perfect~<3 *sequencing*, DUH--) but it's honestly pretty amazing how much of a nonfactor the height is in general.
for homie, it's pretty obvious he doesn't give a shit as he's particularly relaxed and unbothered by people being taller than him (especially hughie--literally amused by people posturing LEIK--by the gods his reaction to hughie challenging him--I CAN'T IT WAS FUCKING--GOOSEBUMPS~<3<3<3), but it just goes to show. motherfucker is just playing with his food--
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lmao blurry ass pic of baby urban getting *dwarfed* by dwayne "i'm 5'11" and wear lifts" 'the rock' johnson. (also that mofo got so much bigger leik gotdamn i am actually curious how much more he'd *DWARF* urban cause ya look at him now and just. he ate a truck--ya look at the rock next to a guy leik SHAQ and HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT the differences are staggering leik one inch is nothin' baby--) SWEET BABY JEEZUZ--
bonus bonus~<3
another detail i *love*?
the shorter two (and frenchie~<3<3<3!) have the bigger/longer noses and... *likely* the biggest cocks--
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snekberry · 1 year
So some tma fics recs! (If I specify a fic is jonmartin that means it's primarily focused on it, since most fics in the tma fandom are jonmartin in ways)
Jonmartin dating app fic (37k words rounding up, complete)
Tim focused timeloop fic that takes place in the season 3 finale (7k words rounding up again, complete)
Jonmartin mechanisms fic (17k words, complete)
Jonmartin fic where Martin makes Jon shit tea on purpose and jon pretends to drink it because he doesn't wanna tell Martin the tea is bad (13k words, complete)
A lonely eyes crack-fic in which Simon bets elias and Peter can't live together for a month. (9k words, complete)
A fic in which jon is cursed to tell the truth (20k words, completed)
A fluffy museum au in which the archive team try to hide kittens from jon. (7k words complete)
A au where Jon literally becomes head empty. (16k words, incomplete)
A au where Jon and Martin were already married pre-podcast and sasha and Tim didn't know this. (2k words, complete)
A fic where season 1 jonmartin is arguing only to get future memories in the middle of it. (2k words, complete)
Lonely eyes soulmate fic. (6k words, complete)
A series where Jon becomes even more inhuman than in the actual podcast. (31k words, complete)
A lonely eyes fic in which elias tells peter he's not dead. In typical elias fashion (3k words, complete)
Mechs!Jon fic with jonmartin. (9k words, complete)
Future jon goes back in time wingfic (36k words, incomplete)
Another jonmartin mechs fic! (21k words, complete)
So, you know that one tumblr post with the witch who goes around as a cat and whoever catches it can get with her?
That but jonmartin (12k words, complete)
Teacher jon! (26k words, complete)
A au where season 1 jon finds a leitner that makes everyone think he's a cat. Very good jon x Martin x Tim (144k words, complete)
A jonmartin fae jon au (38k words, complete)
Those are all the fics that in my bookmarks! Hope you enjoy!
(Also since you're planning on getting into mechanisms I recommend Ulysses dies at dawn! Not my favorite album (the bifrost incident beloved) but a close second and the one I tend to recommend to new listeners! (And if you're struggling to find songs at all the channel "the void sings" has uploaded all the albums with subtitles too!))
HELLO thank you for the food anon 🙏🙏🙏 im going to save all of these
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joohanisms · 11 months
Hiii!! How r u?
Do you write threesomes? I wanted to request Ode x Reader x Jooyeon one🤭🤭
hey!!!! im great thanks :-) wbu?
hell YES i do omg i'm doing thoughts right now to keep you Sated but i'm for SUREEEE writing a full oneshot about this stay tuned (hope you like this though <3)
threesomes with seungmin and jooyeon 💭💫
cw: threesomes duh, dom/sub dynamics, mention of squirting, edging, pegging, sighs i love them, bisexuality apparently wc: ~510
minors dni
i feel like ode is a dom and i'm pretty sure most of the fandom does as well lmao
as for joo... i can see him being a switch + a slight brat but i love him most at his subbiest. he's puppy
so when you factor in... very interesting dynamic
this might go a few ways. let's go over them real quick
if you lean towards subbing, seungmin will have a field day omg
he'll have to take care of both you and joo 😭
seungmin will be sooo mean but not in an openly degrading way. in a fake sympathy way
"my babies can't do anything by themselves, can they?" he coos, "that's too bad. you need me for everything..." while he undresses you and has jooyeon clinging to him for attention
if he's feeling extra mean he'll make jooyeon fuck you in front of him just so both of you get even more frustrated and begging
will eventually push joo aside so he can fuck you himself as you jerk jooyeon off
(if you and/or jooyeon are being bratty he might leave the room and not come back for like 10 minutes. y'all are too horny to properly wait for him most of the time and he'll come back to you rutting desperately against each other – just so you know, he's going to be edging you for being impatient ❤)
OR ...
you will be tag teamed. be ready to not leave the bed the next day
seungmin is meaner but jooyeon is somehow worse because he has so much energy
like his hands are on you the entire time you can't catch a break. hips are being squeezed, titties are getting sucked, legs are being spread, pussy is being played with, ass is being slapped, neck is getting marked, the list goes on
(you squirted due to his ~ministrations~ once and he's been trying to get you to do it again ever since)
you can BET you'll end up in the eiffel tower position at some point – seungmin prefers to fuck your cunt so he's always got dibs and will slap jooyeon's ass if he pouts too much about how "he gets to fuck you everytime"
but oh my god. jooyeon will Destroy your throat. he'll make you gag accidentally and soothe you with a low "sorry baby" and a scalp scratch :-( he makes you feel so good though
once you were in joo's lap, your back to his chest, while seungmin ate you out and the first thing seungmin did after making you cum was to kiss jooyeon on the mouth so he could taste you too and you nearly came for a second time
delectable aftercare. jooyeon is in charge of cuddles while seungmin has to be the responsible one
BUT .. what if you're more of a dom ????
joo i'm so sorry you're getting wrecked
wouldn't let seungmin fuck him at first. was fine with you pegging him though
"jooyeon. is this a no homo thing or...?" watch the poor guy scramble
once he's comfortable with him, joo's FAVORITE thing is fucking you while he's being fucked by seungmin
seung's thrusts are pushing him forward into your cunt and it's soooo much, he's surrounded by pleasure
he cries (/pos) into your shoulder because he feels so good :-(
as aftercare, sandwich him between you and seungmin for cuddles and he's on cloud 9 <333
as i've mentioned, i will be writing a proper oneshot for this!! if you want to tell me in my askbox/the replies which dynamic you like best, feel free to do so :-) i'll definitely take it into consideration!!!!
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legendofmorons · 1 year
How to fall in love twice (Time, Malon) - Part 3
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Pairing: Time x Malon x reader
Rating: T cursing and barley controlled rage
Summary: Wind has slipped the fierce diety mask into your bag, which no one knows when you leave with Malon to go to town. Unfortunately, you and Malon never make it to town. Time will not stop worrying and considers several bad plans to get you two back safe
Warnings: None
Other: If I missed anything please let me know
The third day at the farm passes in a boring haze, Time and Malon both getting pulled to town on an order that went wrong. You had been blessed to a slow day.
The weirdest part of day three is the way Wind smiles smugly at your travel pack. Which is a problem for another day.
The fourth day, however, starts at dawn when Malon comes and wakes you up.
Well, you suppose you can mourn your dignity later. Right now, you need to get up so you can have an early breakfast before going into town.
As Malon leaves you start pulling on travel clothes and your travel pack. Which is ridiculous- you know. But something tells you that you need it.
The pack itself is a messenger bag. Your sword and shield attach to a scabbard on your back.
You pull on your undershirt, tunic, pants, and boots before brushing your hair out with your fingers and hissing at the tangles.
You grab your things and walk to the house, dropping the pack along with your sword and shield beside the front door before entering.
Wild's words replay how he bets it takes a disaster and miscommunication to get you, Time, and Malon to talk about feelings. Even if you did talk to them, it wouldn't take that turn.
Anyways, that doesn't matter. What does matter is coffee.
Walking into the kitchen, you see Time pouring three mugs of coffee. Wiat- three? Oh, he's probably just being nice. That's how he is.
This does mean anything romantic.
"Good morning, (Y/n)." He calls without turning.
"Morning, Time."
"Mal's making sure her bow is ready before you guys head out."
"She's an archer?" You ask with confusion.
"Yeah, she is."
"That's really cool."
"She is." Time says as he puts cream and sugar into each mug, separate amounts of each.
As you watch him prepare the mugs, you realize the one in your favorite color is made to your taste. Exactly to your taste.
Goddess above does Time have to be such a gentlemen?
"Here, your coffee, (Y/n)." Time smiles as he hands you the cup.
You take the mug with a soft and all too pleased smile. "Thank you."
"Anything for you." Time says.
You try to reassure yourself that he just means that as a friend. That's a friend thing. Definitely.
You take a drink of coffee to hide your warm cheeks, the warmth flooding your insides.
Footsteps alert you to Malon's arrival, her clothes sensible and eyes far more awake than you feel.
"Ah! (Y/n)!" Malon cheers, "It's good to see you."
"Good morning, Malon." You day, looking away as she comes in and kisses Time's cheek in greeting.
"Morning, love." Time says gently as ur presses a mug into her hands, "is a breakfast sandwich good for you today?"
"That sounds amazing, Link. Thank you." Malon says as she leans into the way he pulls her under ome arm.
"Is a breakfast sandwich okay for you, (Y/n)?" Time asks.
"Hm- Oh yes, that sounds great!" You say, putting on a smile for effect.
"Good. And you're sure you don't want me to come with?" Time asks, in a tone that sounds like he's asked this at least twelve times before.
Malon laughs as she waves him off, "Goodness no. Your boys need direction! (Y/n) and I make a good team."
"Why, do you think we can't handle ourselves?" She challenges lightly.
"I know you can. Maybe I just wanted to spend time with my two favorite people." He smiles at her.
What. The. Fuck? You're obviously aware Time cares about you to a degree. He puts your safety ahead of a lot of things. He comforts you on bad days.
But to be lumped in with Malon as one of his two favorite people- wow. That's-
That is not helping your romantic feelings go away. Like- at all.
(Y/n)?" Malon's voice startles you back to reality.
"Did you want egg on your sandwich?"
"Oh, uh
This trip is going to be the death of you.
This trip is actually going to kill you.
That's the only thought you have as Malon presses her back against you, firing arrows into the monster whoard that is closing in on you both.
Your travel bag sits at your feet, forgotten as you try not to die.
You hack, slash, and stab your way through those coming around you, wishing you'd taken Time up on the offer to come with.
"We can't keep this up forever. And ideas?" You call to Malon.
As she presses back against you to fire another arrow, she answers, "Try anyways?"
"We're so fucked." You manage.
There's a laugh, low and multiplied to an unnatural level.
And then you are falling, arms flailing as you try to grab ahold of Malon.
You know this feeling. You're in a portal again.
One hand finds Malon's arm, and you hold her arm as tight as you can, both of you screaming.
Ypu land on the ground with a sick thump and a set of groans.
"What was that?" Nalon asks, her eyes finding your own.
"A portal... they don't usually open under us."
"Where are we?"
"I don't know..." You say, pushing to your feet before pulling Malon up.
Around you are your things, your oack, shield, sword, Malon's bow and scattered arrows.
"There is a sign." Malon says, walking over only to sigh, "In a language I don't know."
You place your things where they go before slinging your pack on your shoulder.
You walk to where she is, eyes landing on the sign. "That's Wild's Hylian."
"Hoe do you know?"
"I was curious and asked. His is almost exactly like mine with a few letters written different." You shrug, squinting.
"What's it say then?"
"That way," You point left, "Is Kakariko. The other way is Hateno."
"Kakariko- it's still around?"
"In my time at least. Though the placement is different. Come on, there's a fairy fountain near Kakriko, according to Wild. We'll want to stalk up on that and arrows."
Malon nods, "Let me grab my things."
"Of course." You say. Watching her go to retrieve her bow, quiver, and scattered arrows.
"Do you know much about Wild's hyrule?" Malon asks, turning towards you as she sets the weapons on her back.
"Hm, some... It's the closest to mine with language, slang, and locations... but it's still different. I'd say I'd we're around long enough. We should go to Hateno and Tarrey town too."
"Tarrey town?"
"Yeah, Wild has some friends in both places."
"I guess we should head to kakariko... It looks like we don't have much sunlight left."
"Then let's go." You say, eyeing the path woth caution as you and Malon start to fall into step together.
Time hasn't stopped pacing since he finished the dinner dishes. You shouldn't still be out.
You and Malon left before seven in the morning, to still be out after ten pm... That's not good.
"I'm sure they'll be here soon." Four says, trying to be helpful.
"Time is right to be worried... with everything going on." Twilight shakes his head, "I grew up on the other side of the mountains- but I still know the land here-"
"If they aren't here by morning we'll go loom." Hyrule suggests, his sister swirling around his head in worry.
"I'm going now. We all knew the shadow was watching- what if he got to them."
"They'll be okay. Neither of then is hslpless." Four says, sounding more sure than any of them feel.
Time shakes his head. He dosen’t actually want to have to use the fierce deity mask... but if it'll keep you and Malon safe... He'll do it.
He hates how much it takes out of him, hates listening to the deity inside it worries for him when he isn't the one trapped in a mask.
"Is this a bad time to tell you I put one of your masks in (Y/n)'s bag?" Wind asks, looking a lot more guilty than anyone has ever seen.
Time's eyes snap to him, heart sinking. "Which mask?"
"The one that has your face markings...?" Wind says. Sounding a little unsure about the whole confession.
"You put the-" Time takes a deep breath to calm himself. "Usually that would be very bad, and very rude. But... I think this time it is for the best."
Warriors looks distinctly sea sick now, pale and a little green. "Time-"
"I know, Malon. And I know (Y/n). Assuming they got somewhere safe, they'll be going through their things." Time says, not sounding any more reassured than when he didn't know bout the mask being with them. "And Malon will know the mask on sight..."
"And if they aren't somewhere safe?" Legend asks.
"Then the mask will call to them until the pick it up." Warriors says darkly.
Time just groans, "We need to go find them."
"You stay here in case the come back, Hyrule too. The rest of us will go look." Twilight says, his eyes already turning to the door.
"Be fast." Hgrule urges, "something is looming."
"We know." Wild says with a grim look.
"If you don't find them, come back." Time says firmly, "We don't need to lose more people."
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kandisheek · 4 months
Lay Thee Down by Arukou
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 2,702 Tags: Insomnia, Team as Family, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Tony would love to sleep. He really would. But his body's just not letting him.
Reasons why I love it: The whole team coming together to help Tony with his insomnia is just really lovely to see. They're all so soft for him, it's adorable. My heart really aches for Tony here, poor thing. Give this one a read, it's amazing!
All These Things I've Said by Amuly
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: M Words: 5,839 Tags: Language Barrier, Dirty Talk, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: When Tony starts talking in a language Steve can't understand--the language of science--Steve figures he'll retaliate with a little foreign language knowledge of his own. Only once he starts speaking French around Tony, Steve finds that sometimes it's easier to say what he really wants to say to Tony in a language he can't understand. Good thing Tony doesn't know French.
Reasons why I love it: Okay, so – I have a huge thing for the Avengers speaking different languages, and this hits all of those buttons. Plus, the whole premise of Steve wanting to tell Tony what he really thinks (and how he feels) but only ever saying it in French is amazing. I love this fic to pieces, and I bet you will too!
Just For Today by missbecky
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: M Words: 9,078 Tags: PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Summary: After Steve nearly dies beneath New York Harbor during a battle, Tony shares his own fears of drowning with him. Determined to find a way to put the fear behind them, Steve comes up with an idea. Just for today, they aren't going to be Iron Man and Captain America. Just for today, they aren't even going to be Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. Today, they are just going to be Tony and Steve.
Reasons why I love it: They're so cute in this! I love the action in the beginning and how it recognizes the similarities in their trauma. And the way they seek comfort in each other just warms my heart. The last few paragraphs never fail to put a smile on my face. So yeah, please go and read this one, it's fantastic!
More Than Skin Deep by Sineala
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 3,521 Tags: Pining, Skrulls, Humor
Summary: Tony can just about accept the fact that he and Steve were kidnapped and replaced by Skrulls for three months. But what he can't figure out is why none of the Avengers noticed. And what he really can't figure out is why none of their teammates will tell them what the Skrulls did while they were gone.
Reasons why I love it: I never would've thought that a fluffy Skrull fic could actually work, but holy shit, it does. And it goes hard. It's so cute and funny at the same time, and I really love the team being all shifty and apologetic, it's fricking adorable. I highly recommend you check this one out, it's super sweet!
Mistake on the Part of Nature by idiopathicsmile
Pairing: Steve/Bucky Rating: T Words: 1,274 Tags: 40's Trivia, Men Out of Time Bonding, Humor
Summary: Steve takes in Bucky's betrayed look and Sam's confusion, follows Sam's gaze to the pile of mangled fruit in the trash can. Sudden comprehension fills his face. "Oh," he says. "Bucky found out about bananas." In which an American icon is mourned. But probably not the one you're thinking of.
Reasons why I love it: Chances are, if you like Stucky, you've probably read this one before, but it's one of my favorite fluff pieces, so I'm going to rec it anyway. I adore it when Steve and Bucky reminisce about the good old days, and I learned some fun facts about bananas in the process. Funny AND educational? Well, now you just have to read it ;)
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ariesbilly · 2 years
hello hello hello
just wanted to ask you about your favorite harringrove fics, and if you could link them? please?
i've been searching through the tag on ao3 lately but it's flooded with hate and even abusive billy stuff, which is ridiculous. 
so if u could link some good ones, that would be amazing!!
im so glad im still back in like 2019 in the ao3 tag lmfao
here’s whats in my bookmarks:
paper rings (E) - Dustin bets Steve he can't get a date for Mike's wedding.AKA the What's Your Number au nobody asked for
i'm saucing on you (E) - Steve wants a ticket to the biggest party on campus; Billy's got one with Steve's name on it.(Or, Steve has a crush, and so does Billy, and everybody's tired of their history of mutual pining.)
wind in the wires (M) - “If I could move, I would kick your ass.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Just fucking tell him.”
Will’s breath rattles. “Are you going to tell him?”
And they’re talking about two different people. Billy knows, knows Will knows, meets those teary, red-rimmed eyes with a scowl.
“You’ve got until your mom finishes selling that fucking house to do something. So fucking do it, alright? Don’t cry here like some bitch. I can’t fix your problems.”
riches & wonders (M) - Steve's teetering on the edge of something, all alone. His eyes meet Billy’s. They’re teetering on the edge of something, together.(or a handful of the bricks that build steve and billy a home.)
We Slip And Slide (NR) - Pure indulgent post-S3 fluff, including but not limited to the discussed concepts of: - Billy moving in with Joyce - The Jonathan/Billy friendship we all need - Grouchy Hopper - Jonathan and Billy smoking weed together and arguing about music. Because punk and metal are two different things. BUT they unite against Steve’s taste - Robin and Jonathan being excellent wing-persons - Hop and Billy teaming up against Mike to protect El - Shovel talks all round - Robin being clever and eating popcorn - The you rule/you suck board
This Too Shall Pass (NR) - Steve cries at night. Every night. And every night, someone comes to help.
the mountain should crumble to the sea (T) - One second he’s staring down a black abyss, begging and screaming to be let out, and the next thing he knows, Billy is in Steve Harrington’s bedroom, shirtless and laying on top of the covers. What in all fuck is going on? OR The one where no one really dies.
That Douchebag Steve Harrington (E) - The Hargroves come to Indiana one year early. The town of Hawkins is all abuzz about its first missing persons case in decades, but all Billy cares about is figuring out how much Steve Harrington really wants to date the stick-in-the-mud Nancy Wheeler and whether he can stop that from happening.
so many ways to talk about longing (M) - Steve wakes up--in a pool lounger--to Billy Hargrove looming over him. Billy pushes his sunglasses down and Steve thinks sleepily that it must be so that Steve gets the full impact of Billy’s narrow-eyed glare. “Harrington,” Billy says. “We’re fucking closed.”(or, three times Billy doesn't let Steve touch the radio and one time he kind of does).
Take Me with U (E) - Billy bobbled a bit as he stood to mind the fire on unsteady legs. He tripped over his own feet then flopped back on his ass, his back pressed to Steve’s legs, laughing, face flaming with embarrassment. Steve threw his other leg over Billy’s shoulder, his calf pulling Billy back for a moment. “You gotta serve your penalty now. Too drunk. Two minutes in the box, Hargrove. Stay put.”
Billy wrapped his fingers around Steve’s ankle, on top of his jeans. “That’s what I get for trying to be light on my feet like you.”
“Callin me light in the loafers?”
“I’m callin you a pussy.” Billy’s hand remained on Steve’s ankle. His back was still pressed against Steve’s shin, and his fingers started to drift under the hem of Steve’s jeans -- touching a small bit of skin underneath. Maybe he should not be doing this. Maybe Steve wouldn’t like it.
But the moment Billy shifted forward, Steve tugged Billy back into place with the leg that was flung over Billy’s shoulder -- pulled Billy’s back tight against Steve’s leg. “Stay.”
i hear the secrets that you keep (when you’re talking in your sleep) (T) - Billy’s there the way that he’s a lot of places nowadays, sort of absent-mindedly, like he’s not sure how it happened or why and is going somewhere else in his mind anyway.
Steve watches him more than ever now, and Billy rarely watches back.(or five times billy really needed some sleep, and one time he needed something else entirely)
i'll carry you home (E) - It’s been five days since they left Hawkins. They ride through meadows and woods, chasing the taste of freedom, stealing kisses, and pushing on as they get closer and closer to their happy ending.
i’m no maid marian and you’re no robin hood (G) - Billy snaps his fingers and says, “Prince Harrington, prettier than any princess in all the kingdoms.”
Take a Good Look You're Bound to See (that you and me were meant to be) (T) - Billy adopts a dog. Steve really, really likes the dog. And maybe - just maybe - he really really likes Billy, too.
Firestarter (NR) - He has completed his mission. Now, Six sits alone in a small room in Hawkins Lab and waits for his handlers to give him his friend back. Experiment!AU
break up with your girlfriend ('cause i'm bored) (E) - @umissedconnections: Bambi eyes. m4m. i was rippin cigs in the sae p-lot. u made urself puke 2 make room 4 more beer. incredible? ur my hero PLS say ur into guys * Steve finds he has a secret admirer who's continuously hitting on him via his university's Missed Connections Twitter account. // Tommy and Billy are the worst roommates ever.
the ongoing trials of two idiots in love (E) - Five times they fucked up Valentine's Day and one time they got it right.
I’ll fall for you soon enough, I resolve to love (M) - Billy is ignoring Steve, Steve is trying to find his footing with Billy, and a demodog needs to be buried.
meet me in the woods tonight (E) - There’s something in the woods of Hawkins, Indiana.
go west, young man (E) - Steve and Billy move to California after graduation. They decide to take their time getting there, driving across the country in Billy's Camaro. Along the way, they learn a thing or two about growing up, friendship, love, and each other.
Under the Covers (M) - Steve is (maybe) a little bit still in love with Nancy Wheeler and (maybe) trying to figure himself out-- between the night terrors and the babysitting and the general weirdness that is Hawkins, Indiana-- before he graduates. Billy Hargrove fits in there somewhere (probably).
wicked little town (E) - The summer after graduation stretches before Steve, seemingly endless and utterly empty. He can't remember ever being this bored in his life. But when he runs into Billy one night, after hearing a rumour about him at a party, it feels like summer might not be so boring after all.
in the darkness i will meet my creators (T) - "What's wrong?" Jane mumbles.
"I need you to take me to him."[or, the fucking fix-it for s3]
what a wicked game you played (to make me feel this way) (E) - Billy knew Steve Harrington would ruin him. Steve knew Billy Hargrove was nothing but trouble. They never expected it to end up like this.
the skater and the rich boy (T) - It's the summer of 1977 and the drought in California is in full force. Lawns go unwatered and swimming pools sit forlorn and empty. Around Venice and Santa Monica, skaters take advantage of the empty pools, breaking into backyards to skate like no one has before. When Billy Hargrove—a skater who splits his time between his job at a surf shop and skating with his sister, Max—breaks into Steve Harrington's backyard, it might turn out to be the best thing he’s ever done.
I'm a Rebel Just for Kicks (T) - Steve couldn't believe he was having to spend his Saturday with his ex-girlfriend, her new boyfriend, his friend-turned-pain-in-the-ass, and Billy fucking Hargrove. Steve couldn't think of a group of people he'd like to spend less time with than them. Hopefully, the next six hours won't be too bad.
and heres what im currently reading/recent reads... as if this list wasnt long enough lmfao
you're cold (and i burn) (E) - Move on. Let it heal. Maybe that’s why Steve said yes when Max asked him to help move boxes out of Billy’s room after the dust settled. He could hear her voice. Too many. Too heavy. Just like his wounds. His grief. Too many. Too heavy.(Or, Steve steals the glass ashtray from Billy's bedside table and things start to go bump in the night.)
With Your Long Blond Hair and Your Eyes of Blue (M) - Billy leans back and sweeps his hands through his hair, gathering it back from his face and any danger of dipping into the food. Steve watches, frozen to the spot as he produces a tie from his pocket and secures it all up in a messy bun at the top of his head. Steve’s entire world stops moving.
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shinidamachu · 1 year
I have to ask because I didn’t get into WC until recently, but back when 2014 happened with the match against Germany, just what was the atmosphere like in Brazil and/or the Brazilian community. I read about how bad it was but I’d like the perspective of someone who was actually there, because I can’t tell if what’s said online is exaggerated
The first thing you need to know is that the atmosphere was already bleak before that match because Neymar got seriously injured and had to be cut out from the World Cup.
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This was Neymar's first World Cup. He was already making his own name in 2010, but despite the popular pressure, he wasn't convoked to that World Cup because he was too young. So all eyes were on him and it was very frustrating when he had to leave.
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I can't tell you how many times the Brazilian press replayed these scenes. It was all the entire country talked about. They even did the coverage of the helicopter that took him away, I shit you not.
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The second thing you need to know is context. Brazil is the only national team with five World Cups in the bag, but we haven't won the competition since 2002. This allowed Italy and Germany to get close to matching us, since they have now four titles each.
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So the sixth cup is something we have been wanting for two decades now. Also because my generation was either too young to remember 2002 or not even born yet at that time. While older people have good memories of '02, '94 or even '70, we've been collecting nothing but disappointing eliminations against European teams in the knockouts, despite the media always painting us as favorites.
Between Neymar and the fact that the 2014 World Cup was happening in Brazil, the sensation was that we could and should win. Especially because the last time the World Cup was hosted in Brazil, we lost the final against Uruguay. By losing the 1-0 lead we had. In a very crowded Maracanã.
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And I believe these circumstances took an emotional tool on our players because when we beat Colombia (the match Neymar got hurt) in the penalties, they cried in relief instead of celebrating. That's how we went to face Germany: the country was basically grieving Neymar – yes, grieving – the players were now also feeling pressured to win the whole thing for him...
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And there was also the political aspects of our national anthem and yellow jersey that I won't get into, but the overall energy was that we had to win, despite being a difficult mission, because it would have been a hell of a journey and it would have exorcized a lot of our football, political and cultural demons.
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David Luiz: I just wanted to give happiness to my people.
When the match started, the so called "Neymar-dependency" became very clear, because the entire team was used to playing on his favor. Without him there, they were lost. Deep down we all knew this was going to happen, we all knew we didn't stand a chance, but that's the beauty of the World Cup for Brazilians: every four years we allow ourselves to dream this time can be it, so one day we will be right.
So Germany eliminating us was possible, likely even. But not by that margin. Truth be told, I bet not even Germany thought this could have happened. What was said online about the aftermatch was no exaggeration. If I could choose one picture to sum up the general vibes of the country that day, it would have been this one:
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My particular experience? 1-0: I thought we could still take the lead. 2-0: I thought we could tie and take it to additional time and then to the penalties. 3-0: I thought this was it and made my peace with it. From then on I just started laughing because the situation was so goddamn absurd. In frustration, my brother broke a Vuvuzela that managed to survive 2010. My father was dead quiet. The media spent ages talking about how this was a disgrace and how everything we have been doing was wrong. It was a football crisis, which is almost an identity crisis when it comes to Brazil.
Now let me tell you something about Brazilian people: we can't stay sad for too long. We hide our pain with memes and that's what we did on that very same night. Nothing we could do would change the result, so we made fun of it to soften the blow. In fact, every single year ever since, "7×1 Day" trends on Brazilian twitter so we can make fun of it a little more.
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Now let me tell you another thing about Brazilian people: we can and will hold a grudge. Germany has been on our hitlist every since. When they got eliminated in the group phase of World Cup 2018, people here were literally shooting fireworks on the streets. And I don't think we will ever get over it, because the only way to do that would be personally eliminating them in the semi finals, by 7-1, in a World Cup hosted in Germany.
And I guess we can all agree this ain't going to happen.
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lover-of-mine · 29 days
this is like the start to some very good mutual pining fics. why cant you date him???
ASKAOSKOAKS yk, I was thinking that if my life was a tv show the team slowburn angsty friends to lovers is having a great week because of recent developments. But basically, we met almost exactly 12 years ago, we bonded because I had a crush on his best friend at the time, he had a crush on my best friend at the time and they didn't want to date us lol and then we just stuck around. But we kinda cursed ourselves by bonding over wanting other people because there are always other people involved, he's currently in a very messy on/off relationship and they are taking some space to figure shit out, and he lives in a different city, but I live in the same city as his mom, he came to see her, we ended up spending about 10 hours together, things were said, questions were asked, feelings might've been uncovered, because I never truly thought about the possibility of me having feelings for him before Saturday, like I think he's hot, but I never thought beyond the vague awareness that I think he is attractive lol, like seriously, if you asked me last week I would've confidently said it's not like that between us, someone literally asked me on Saturday if I was his gf and I just laughed, but he went back to his city, we see each other once every 2 years at this point, I don't know how he's feeling, so like, I'm not sabotaging our friendship because I'm confused because we kissed at 5 am after a night out lol but realistically, we both had issues with long-distance relationships in the past and that's not something either one of us would be willing to get into even if without the other complications, so I can't date him logistically even if this was a thing that we multually want, which I'm honestly not sure, because I'm pretty sure he's gonna get back together with his ex, so I'm in pretend it never happened mode, repression at it's finest. But things to add to the fanfic plots: all of his exes are me in different fonts, even he can admit that, every time I break up with someone he says and I quote "you need to find someone who sees you like I do", we can't go anywhere together without someone assuming we are a couple and this has been happening the whole time we've known each other, I'm pretty sure his mom and sisters have a bet going on whether we end up together or not because of the way they react to us hanging out, we will constantly spend so long talking about absolutely nothing it was a real problem when we were teenagers because we lived like, 2 blocks away from each other, so we would walk back towards home, sit in this bench that's in the midway from my house and his and then suddenly both our parents were calling because we missed curfew by an hour but we've been sitting somewhere we can see both our houses for like, 3, like that guy cannot get me to shut up lol, we have a pact to get married in 2029 if we fail to find love until then, but we also promised to be each other best woman/man of honor, he's not big on physical touch, he doesn't like people in his space, but I'm a physical touch person, and he always lets me play with his fingers when I'm stressed and that's legit the nicest thing someone constantly does for me because sometimes I don't even notice and the dude is giving me his hand, I have a tendency to surround myself with things his favorite color when I miss him, if I'm around he constantly just looks at me to fact check whatever story he's telling because he thinks I remember more stuff about his life than he does, and I'm typing this out and thinking about the past 12 years for the past week and I'm sitting here like "for the love of god am I in a fucking 500k words slowburn friends to lover fic" I don't know, it's very complicated but here I am. I don't know if you ever watched Love, Rosie, but I feel like what I imagine Rosie felt finding the letter and calling Alex just to find out he's engaged aoskaokaoskaksasss
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somin-yin · 1 year
I see you reblogging Johan stuff so what about you do that character ask game you did days ago but this time with Johan if not too late. ✌🏾
OMGGG YES! First of all, thank you so much for the ask, of course it's not too late and of course I'd love to share my thoughts on Johan ❤️
Sexuality headcanon: Homosexual/gay, I've tried seeing him as pan or bi but for some reason I can't see Johan with any girl at all, so homosexy it is.
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I mainly ship them because their dynamics would be so interesting. If they team up, no one would be able to stop them, not even Near and they would definitely defeat whoever comes after them. I also like the idea of Johan subtly manipulating Light to guide him the way he sees fit, but very subtly so that Light doesn't notice. Meanwhile Light would think he has the upper hand and that he's manipulating Johan instead but we all know it's the other way round. Of course manipulating Light would be difficult because the guy is brilliant and a very skilled manipulator himself but Johan knows how to do it without the other noticing 🤷‍♀️ also Light has a big ego, and many flaws that Johan can exploit for manipulative purposes. (Shout out to my probably only fellow Light x Johan shipper @captainhysunstuff, go check her Light x Johan drawing!!)
But if you're asking about Monsterverse then Johan x Christof. I love those 2 devils together, the devil and the devil's apprentice, delicious ❤️ But I also ship them because:
They were both the only ones who survived Kinderheim 511 so they can trauma bond about that and they are somehow alike in their manipulative and sneaky techniques.
Johan killed the people who were posing a threat to Christof and Christof possibly funded Johan's plan too.
In the wiki, it was mentioned that Chirstof may have put himself in that powerful position so that someday he can meet Johan again (I bet Christof must have been dreaming of his reunion with Johan all those 10 years they were apart, he has a massive crush on him, I smell it 😂)
When Christof came home he called out for Johan, this makes me think he's used to having Johan around, he even said "Where were you Johan?" in a very casual manner, which makes me think they are familiar with each other. I bet they may have lived together for at least short periods of time after their reunion and you can't tell me nothing happened between them meanwhile 🤷‍♀️
They both possibly killed that man known as The Baby, so they have potential for murder husbands 😂 Do you need more reasons to ship them?
BROTP: Johan and Anna/Nina, the twins ❤️ and I completely subscribe to the idea that Johan did everything for her! (For a better explanation of it read @xprincessgarnetxvi's interpretation and watch @leovoid's video)
NOTP: Johan x Roberto I suppose 🤷‍♀️
First headcanon that pops into my head: Johan and Christof did the nasty when they met in that hotel room, I imagine Christof was like "Hey Johan, you won't believe what I did! I just manipulated that man exactly like you taught me!" And Johan would feel so proud of having that very good apprentice that he'd decide to reward him 😂 (if you know what I mean)
Favorite line from this character:
"Hatred is created when people gather. I just poured a little oil on it."
"Tell me what do you think is the ultimate fear? I really though that I'd already reached the darkest of the dark, but then, ahead of me, I beheld a darkness even greater still."
One way in which I relate to this character: Oh boy, this is about to get serious yet again. I suppose I relate to his feeling of void and to the frustrating sensation of wanting to feel more in certain situations but something blocks it. It's a very uncomfortable sensation. Johan became like that due to severe trauma and abuse (of course in my case the trauma is not as bad as his but I can see why he became like that: the brain creates a block, a disconnect as a defence mechanism). As for me, I'm just usually numb in my day to day and the only things that break that numbness are my S.O. and my fictional favorites. In Johan's case what breaks his numbness is his twin sister ❤️ This makes me feel empathy for him and at the same time it makes me feel conflicted for feeling empathy for someone who committed all those atrocities. But I can't help it, when I see him, I see the child who was broken down to believe he was unwanted and unloved crying for help. He wasn't born like that, he was broken down intentionally by some monsters. I could see he realised he wasn't born that way when he told Capek: "The monster inside of me wasn't inside of me, it was outside". No child should be broken down and no child deserves to go through that. But of course this doesn't mean I justify what he did, nothing can justify him. And I also feel for his victims, specially the children, please Johan leave the children alone. Moral of the story: provide children with love and safety when growing up, otherwise they will become broken adults or monsters in the worst cases.
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: His complete disregard for his own life.
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Problematic fave all the way, he even gets compared to the devil 😂
And last but not least, a couple of Johan songs because I can:
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terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
any date headcannons?
oooooh so open-ended I love it!
being an ~Athlete~ Nate is habitually a morning person and typically runs in the mornings. Dan can not understand this. Nate will pester Dan to come on runs with him every so often because it's good for Dan's mental health, but, god, at what cost?
Nate starts learning to cook under Dan's tutelage. there's the basics: eggs, pasta, grilled cheese, pancakes. the first time Nate manages to cook breakfast on his own he is so proud of himself. but there are a couple times when he sets off the smoke alarms.
Nate is such an easygoing down to earth guy, so he's not typically or outwardly materialistic, but every so often he will say something so rich-boy-unhinged, about food or wine or clothes or hair products and Dan takes psychic damage.
they do their own march madness brackets every year and they never win, but their bet is who loses first buys dinner and drinks next time they go out.
my favorite vocations of choice for Natie change with the wind: community outreach for a major league team, PT for a major league team, school teacher, pediatric nurse, social worker, but Dan is always a writer/house-husband/stay-at-home-dilf. he goes to grad school after college, and nate is his rock through it
(I think it was waldorfhistoria who told me that in the books Dan goes to a MFA program at U of Iowa? what if Nate followed him to the midwest? omg, what if nate follows him to Iowa and that's how he learns to be a grassroots organizer?!?! ohhhhh the potential...)
i already put this in my dilf!date fic, but Nate is the one who proposes. he plans this big romantic trip to the mountains, he gets use of his uncle's ski lodge, he books this grand romantic dinner but before they get to that night, Dan gets injured on the slopes, and Nate feels so bad about it that he just mopes the whole time bc he just wanted Dan to have a romantic, happy time and be able to walk and now he's like "i can't propose after i almost killed him!"
but Dan picks up on his bad mood and in typical Dan fashion teases until he pushes Nate over the edge and Nate goes and gets the ring and he's like "here!" and dan is just *shocked pikachu face*
but OF COURSE Dan says yes and their people are very excited and Blair says she'll be throwing them an engagement party but not until Dan's ugly walking cast is off
also when the cast is off Dan does his own proposal and gets down on his knee because Nate deserves it!
Nate's parents are Trash and aren't very supportive of date from the start but Nate goes through his mourning period and is pretty much at peace with cutting them out. If they don't want to be here then they don't deserve to be.
and all of Dan's parents (all three of em) bend over backwards to make Nate feel like he's in their family - which he like, basically already is.
the first time Alison sees him after he breaks up with Howard and Anne she tells Nate "I'm Mom. Don't you ever call me anything else."
their wedding is small. they go somewhere together every summer, a house on the beach, maybe Hamptons, maybe elsewhere, so after they get engaged they tell their people, "Okay, we're going on our vacation these days, we'll be getting married then, come if you want" (of course they want). so Jenny, Eric, Serena, Vanessa, Blair, Scott, Rufus, Lily, Alison, they all come. (Howard and Anne are not invited, but they are informed)
Eric officiates. Serena makes a toast that opens with "I take full credit for this relationship!"
Nate is not A Reader, but Dan firmly believes that there's a book niche for everybody, after some trial and error, they find that Nate's is FANTASY. Howl's Moving Castle becomes one of his favorites.
Before they have kids, when Dan goes on book tour, Nate will always come along for a week or two. He's very good at working a room, and shining a light on Dan is his favorite reason to do it.
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lestatlioncunt · 1 year
30-35 for vesper and fenix >:^)
LOVE U FOREVER BONES the amount of excitement i got for answering these specific questions says a lot about how normal i am about these two sjfks <3
ask game
30. What completely petty topic (music taste, favorite food) do they find themselves completely at odds with their partner about?
FOOD. FOOD SURELY. We all know italians can't shut tf up when there's food involved in general, it's The Curse :// The biggest one that comes to my mind is seafood, Vesper hates it and finds it quite revolting to look at while Fenix (as any respectable guy from apulia) LOVES IT. He even eats raw seafood like mussels or sea ​​urchins, Vesper wants to throw up every time she witnesses that. Of course he's a lil shit about it and tells her 'she doesn't understand ANYTHING of good cuisine'. Also i randomly made it canon that they fight over music. Vesper is more of a rock or electronic music girly, while Fenix..well he doesn't have a specific music taste, or more like, he isn't pretentious about picking songs just like Vesper is tbh but for the bit they always tell each other they listen to shitty music jkdsfk
31. What little thing do they find incredibly (though harmlessly) annoying about their partner?
Fenix ALWAYS forgets to hang up wet towels and Vesper loses her marbles every single time that happens which is every single time. He never learns. Plus he leaves crumbs all around the table/kitchen counter and doesn't clean it after he finishes eating, he's a bit lazy about it
Vesper on the other hand has the habit of talking through shows or movies asfjskf she doesn't do it on purpose she swears, it comes natural to add little comments here and there which Fenix agrees with but problem is that she does that when the characters are talking on tv and that makes Fenix do the most dramatic eye roll ever.
32. How do their friends react to finding out they’re a couple? Do they have lots of mutual friends? Did their friends know, perhaps before they themselves did?
Love this question because Fenix is so internationally hated lmao. Daniel is very happy about them being a couple all over again, he thinks Fenix is funny, he really likes him, he's like a brother to him :) Nader was very guarded around Fenix when he first got to know him, he knew Vesper longer and at first thought it was crazy that someone like her was with someone like him. He's very happy for them tho as long as they're happy too, BUT if a fight breaks..you can bet it he will be on Vesper's side, he just knows Fenix is wrong by default (so real). Rogue hates his ass. I don't think i need to say why. Jackie & Fenix had..a very difficult relationship, the dislike was mutuals and Jackie always 'scolded' Vesper every time he catched them together. If he was still alive when they got back together i think he wouldn't really approve the relationship at first, Fenix would try to make peace with him (with a shit eating grin on his face that screams mockery rather than peace) so they would probably lowkey avoid each other for a long while until, i think, Jackie would surrender and just maintain the most basic relationship just for Vesper's sake. It's funny because i think these two would be an interesting team if only they didn't hate each other THAT much.
Panam likes Fenix, VERY surprisingly i must add..at first she was like 'oh so that is the idiot you told me about? sorry for your loss' but in the end i think they would get along, Panam knows how to keep him in check and he knows to not mess with Panam. Kerry finds Fenix hilarious and cool, he's like you remind me of a complete asshole i used to know :) i wonder who. He's surprisingly friendly with Fenix since the start & Fenix slowly gets used to have him around, he's a guy that knows how to have fun and he appreciates that
Tancred and Vesper is..delicate. Tancred doesn't do anything to get her to like him and the fact he treats like shit Fenix doesn't help as well. She's civil with him if Fenix wishes so, but she's ready to bite and kill at any second. Tancred lowkey likes Vesper as in he respect her and finds her pretty strong and resourceful, he's happy that his brother is with someone like that, he just needs to be a terrible brother first. If the situation was different, these two could be a power team i think, maybe, perhaps
33. Under what circumstances would they feel jealous?
answered here!
34. Under what circumstances would they feel protective?
Fenix reached his max protective point during the game events, at first he tried to downplay the whole johnny-brain-worm thing - saying that they would find a solution for sure, but then as it turned more and more serious, the anxiety he tried so hard to suffocate took over. I think he never got THAT protective over Vesper as much as that time.
The thing with these two is that they both know they can handle themselves pretty well but they always keep a watchful eye on the other. It's like..i know you can deal with this, but i'll look out for you anyway..in case something happens.
Vesper tends to be more openly protective, it's her nature, so she's the one that tells him more often to stay focused and NOT do anything stupid. She turned visibly protective of Fenix when his brother showed up again. Fenix tries to hide it but it's pretty visible how he (still) slightly bends at Tancred's will, it's unintentional and he hates it, so it's Vesper that talks back the most at Tancred, the one that tells him to leave Fenix tf alone. The older sibling vs older sibling fight we deserve to see
35. Would they get a pet? What kind? Who brings up the idea, and who takes a little longer to convince?
YES! They have Nibbles ofc but Fenix's dream is having a dog around. I know you can't have shit in Night City but i want to dream :// Vesper wouldn't be opposed to the idea & i've actually thought about giving them one!! i can't stop thinking of Fenix IMPLORING to get a dog on his knees, it's been his dream since he was a lil kid. He would give the dog a silly name or a weirdly too serious one like idk. Ettore..Bruno (Brunbo.. he'd say)..also i can't stop manifesting this image in my head so think of a Fenix at 7 in the morning walking the dog, disheveled hair, oversized shirt with smth stupid written on the front like you tried scrambling the wrong egg and shorts, AND slippers with socks on, this last piece is crucial. i just. can't stop thinking of this. sound of the summer
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aquariaries · 1 year
I saw this from @tournesolia and wanted to answer these myself!
I know it's a tag game but I have no one I talk to on here regularly enough to even be tagged in any fun stuff 😅 So I did it anyway lol
Diabolik Lovers Tag
1.- Who would you rather take to a night club, Carla or Azusa?
Hmmmm night clubs aren't my thing so its hard to say ... But I think I'll go with Azusa as I feel like he'd eventually start to have fun even if just a little bit.
2.- In a Science test would you copy Yuma’s test or Ayato’s test?
Yuma’s. While he may not be book smart like Ruki or Reiji, he's not totally ignorant to the world of science as gardening/farming requires a good deal of knowledge in that category so I feel like he'd be a better bet.
3.- Would you rather have Kino and Azusa or Shin and Laito, as your Butlers?
Shin and Laito. Shin because I'm biased AF since he's my 2nd fav boy and Laito seems like he'd be fun as a butler. I can see him getting into so many shenanigans 😆
4.- Go on a date with Reiji at an Aquarium or go on a date with Subaru at a Cafe instead?
Both sound lovely, but I'll take the aquarium date with Reiji. I love aquariums and Reiji is my favorite out of all the boys, so for me personally that's a date made in heaven 🥰
5.- Would you rather go support/see Kou at one of his Concerts or go support/see Shu at one of his Violin Performances?
Oooh another tough one. Normally I'd say Kou because I'm super curious to see how he acts as an idol on stage, buuuuut I don't do well at concerts because I have POTS and the loud environment coupled with standing for long periods of time can make me ill very quickly. So I think I'll have to go with Shu since it sounds more laid back and easy to sit through. I do love violin so I can't complain :)
6.- In a Math Project would you team up with Ruki and Shin or with Reiji and Yuma? Who would fight less with eachother?
Reiji and Yuma. Like I mentioned before with the science question, Yuma shouldn't be the worst with Math either considering he'd have to plan out his garden plots and the spacing between rows of crops which would require a lot of math to figure out. Would they fight a lot? Yeah probably but I see Yuma being more willing to work with Reiji vs Shin working with Ruki. I feel like Shin would get pissed real fast at Ruki's snarky attitude 😅
7.- Who would you put your bets on, Kanato eating the most chocolates or Ayato eating the most Takoyakis?
Both are very possible lmao but I'll put my bets on Kanato. Do not underestimate the sugar gremlin.
8.- Sleep in Carla’s room, Subaru’s room or in Shu’s room? (You have the room to yourself, they aren’t there) Would you peak on their stuff?
Shu's room. That man does nothing but sleep, you can't tell me he doesn't have the finest bed and bedding available. I bet sleeping in his bed would be like sleeping on clouds ✨️
9.- You’re a princess of the Victorian era! Your father has ordered that you have a bodyguard.. who would you choose as your personal bodyguard, Laito or Kou?
Kou, easily.
10.- Would you prefer to have Kino in his bat form as your pet or Shin in his wolf form as your pet instead?
Shin! Floofy wolf 🥰
11.- Break a fight between Kou and Ayato or between Laito and Kanato?
I'll go with Kou and Ayato. I feel like Kanato would be rather ... stabby if angered enough. I want no part of that.
12.- Who would you kiss on the cheek, who would you kiss on the forehead and who would you kiss on the eyelids?
Eyelids???? Cheek kiss for Subaru (you can't tell me he won't get flustered and turn red as a tomato, which would be absolutely adorable) forehead kiss for Azusa and eyelids kiss for Shin. The latter I'd specifically kiss over his eyepatch (idk if he'd be offended and punch me or totally melt but that's a gamble I'm willing to take-)
13.- Take care of Shu and Reiji in their Chibi form or take care of Subaru and Kino in their Chibi form?
Shu and Reiji!
14.- Sing/Perform in public Laito’s Q.E.D Song or Reiji’s Mr.ButterflyMask song?
Both are *chef's kiss* 😘👌 but I think I'll go with Q.E.D. as it's one of my favorite songs from the series. Like God damn. Laito did not have to go that hard 😩💚
15.- Would you rather wear Ruki’s casual outfit or Yuma’s casual outfit?
Yuma's because it looks cozy and I love the little belt strap chain thingy on the leg.
16.- Go on a Vacation trip with Shu, Kino and Ayato at a Amusement park or go with Shin, Azusa and Subaru at a Water Amusement Park?
Again, since I have POTS amusement parks are sadly too much for me anymore so I'll take the water amusement park with Shin, Azusa and Subaru. I LOVE swimming and it would be easier on me. Although I do not like water slides so I'll stick with the lazy rivers, wave pools and regular pools. Plus I like the 2nd group of characters as a whole more than the 1st group. (love Shu though)
17.- Would you rather get lost in a forest with Reiji, Kino and Kou or with Ruki, Carla and Kanato?
This is tough. The 1st group has Reiji in it (bias showing lmao) but the 2nd group has two of the smartest characters, but also the purple gremlin. I really really realllllyyyyy wouldn't want to be stuck anywhere, nonetheless lost in a forest with Kanato. But I'm sure Ruki and Carla would keep his ass in check so I think I'll take my chances with the 2nd group.
18.- Who would you cook breakfast for? Who would you make a scarf for? and Who would you do a drawing for? Options: Kou, Azusa, Shu.
Breakfast for Kou as he loves to eat, scarf for Azusa so he can have something comfy and the drawing for Shu since I can't see him caring enough for food or using a scarf tbh.
19.- Participate in a Circus as Carla’s Knife thrower assistant or go to a Casino with Shin and be offered as a bet/reward by him in the Roulette Wheel game? (So if Shin looses you’ll be taken away by whomever won)
Carla's assistant. I can't stand gambling in the first place, so the reality that I could easily be given away if Shin loses scares the crap outta me. I think I'll take my chances with Carla since I guess I trust his skills more. I don't like either of these tbh ;-;
20.- Who would you rather catch by accident taking a shower, Yuma or Kanato?
Yuma. I don't want anything to do with Kanato. Yuma would probably just be like "yo wtf" and tease me while Kanato would rage. Plus Yuma in the shower, need I really say more? 👀🧡
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