#can you tell i was thinking about strawberries when i did the bg
singeart · 2 years
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scene from my fic Reading Between the Lines (link in my header)
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knight-queen · 3 years
Lunatic Parade Ruki Mukami – (Chapter 1)
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Place: Bernstein Castle 一 Castle town Residential area 
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Yui: (I must have to get back my heart as soon as I can…!)
*Wolves howling*
(I can see the castle…! As Ruki kun said, that's Earl Walter’s….)
Ruki: Oi, stop here.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: before getting into the town, I shall talk about something.
I had collected information regarding Walter as much as I could.
Yui: Earl’s…?
Ruki: Yes, However….
There seems to be no one to know the details about the guy called Earl Walter to begin with.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: Only things I’ve heard... he’s unidentified, appears in many places and he has very sharp ears.
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But, it may not be sufficient enough…
But it’s said that there’s merely a Butler who’s served Earl for a long time in the Bernstein castle.
It’s still unclear whether he’s in the castle or not however…
He’s the only one to know about the truths about that castle or the Ear.
Yui: ………
(We come to this demon world but…)
(Getting back my heart looks unexpectedly hard…)
Ruki: I thought there’s no way to get to the castle but…
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It looks like Bernstein castle is not only on the ground surface, but it’s also extended along the sky and underground.
It looks impossible to enter the castle if we use those ways.
Yui: (Such...I think we have to face difficult circumstances if we want to get back the stolen thing at once…)
(Then it’s impossible to take back my…)
Ruki: Oi, livestock. Don’t make that face. It’s too early to give up.
Yui: But…
Ruki: Only few exist who were able to get back the treasure from Earl at once.
If you search those people and talk with them about getting back stolen things from him, we may get a hint.
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...More importantly, I am with you. I’ll ofcourse find a way to get back your heart.
So, you can be relieved.
Yui: nh...Ruki kun…!
(That’s right. Ruki kun’s with me…)
(Because like this, he made me aware of Earl by informing me about him.
(In these times, there’s no person who’s reliable like Ruki kun…)
Yui: Thank you, Ruki kun.
Ruki: You don’t have to thank me. You’re my livestock at any rate. So, it’s my responsibility.
...You know it, don't you?
Yui: ...Fufu, that’s right…
(I only believe in him…)
Ruki: Let’s go then. We’re close to the castle town.
Yui: Yes.
Place:  Glimmer Street  Main street / グリンマーストリート 表通り
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Yui: (There's a huge bunch of people everywhere….is that for the parade?)
Ruki: It’s a crowd so don’t go away from me.
Yui: Ye- yes….
(Nevertheless...does he have any guess of where to go)
(All we’re doing is going ahead for a while….)
(...Anyway, let’s follow him)
Place: Mornstein Hotel, Entrance
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Yui: (kh...This place…)
(Hotel, right…?)
Mornstein Hoten Clerk: Welcome. Are you here for reserving?
Ruki: Yeah, that’s right. I am Mukami.
Mornstein Hoten Clerk: So, you have made a reservation of two people. Thank you for waiting.
Please sign here…
Ruki: Gotcha.
Yui: ...Re- reservation…? *Blushing*
Ruki: For doing anything, we’ll need to live in a specific place right?
Plus there will be so many customers for the parade. That’s why I have reserved just in case.
Yui: I- I see….you’re right…
(Looks like he’s not a hesitant person at all….)
(I am somehow unexpectedly aware of this situation…)
Place: Mornstein Hotel, Guest Room
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Yui: (...This….!)
(Wa- wait a sec...we’ll share a single room…!?)
(Wha- what should I do…!)
Ruki: …? Is there anything wrong?
Yui: Eh...because, that’s….
I thought we’re gonna have separate rooms…
(I’ll spend all the time staying in the same room with him, what kind of face can I make at this rate…!?)
Ruki: Fufu...what’s up with that face? Are you dissatisfied with having the same room?
Yui: ...I- it’s not true though…
Ruki: Then, what could it be? ...Oh, I see now…
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: Are you expecting something else?
Yui: Eeeh!?
Ruki: Say it without holding back. What are you actually expecting?
Yui: E- expecting…!?
Ruki: ...Don’t lie. You’re making an upset face, you know?
Come on, sit here. I’ll listen to you.
Yui: Ah…!
*Ruki undresses her*
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Yui: Ru- ruki kun…!
Ruki: Fufu…
Yui: (...I- It’s almost like he’s hugging me…!)
Ruki: ...Tell me what were you expecting? Say.
Yui: Th- there’s nothing….I was expecting…
Ruki: ...I won’t let you go until you say it.
Yui: ….Even if you say it…
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Ruki: ….Is that so. It can’t be helped. I’ll punish you if you just hide...this this...nh…*kiss*
Yui: Kyaa…!
Ruki: ...How was it? Have you intended to say it now?
Yui: ………
(What can I do...I don’t know how to explain…!)
Ruki: Hm...seriously. You’re a tough one. Then I’ll …
*Ruki kisses Yui*
Yui: ….nh…!
Ruki: ...nn…
Yui: (Ruki kun…!)
(What now...I am facing these conditions, that’s even just after coming to the demon world…)
(We just started searching my heart but, it’s already at his pace….!)
(Then I won’t be able to possess my own body…)
Ruki: ...Hmph, you’re very calm today.
The people who lack concentration need to be punished even more, no? Nh…nh...
*He kisses*
Yui: Nnnh…!
(No...my face’s become really red…)
*After a while*
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Ruki: It’s tea, you drink too.
Yui: Th- thank you…
Ruki: For today’s conversation 一
Yui: (...Talking about Ruki kun, he’s surprisingly normal…)
(About that thing he did while ago too…) *blushes*
(kh...What am I thinking…! No, I just can’t!)
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(As I thought, it’s weird that I am the only one to think this way…)
Ruki: ...Oi, are you listening?
Yui: Eh? Ye- yes...Of course, I am listening!
Ruki: Haa...as I thought, today you’re unexpectedly losing concentration.
If that's the case then I shall discipline you by giving that punishment once again?
Yui: kh….!
(Th- that’s….!)
Ruki: Hmph, if you don’t want then, listen to my conversation. I am talking about something important.
Yui: Mhm, Got it…
Ruki: I told you before coming here though,
The very first decision will be to talk with the people who have experience getting back stolen things before. 
Yui: ….You’re right.
Ruki: I’ve already left the familiars there to collect the information.
Yui: (kh...Ruki kun, as expected of him…!)
Ruki: Their reports also contained useless ones, but there are also numerous worthy informations I received.
Let’s try to use the advantages at once.
Yui: Yes, understood.
Ruki: According to the familiars, there’s a man among qualified people, who lives near this place.
We should immediately visit him I think.
Yui: That’s right.
(I hope he will give us some hints…)
Place: Rubean Lake
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Yui: (The reflected light on the canal water looks really amazing…)
This town uses gondolas for traveling, right?
Ruki: Yeah, as you can see. The waterways are developing.
The man that we have business with is the owner of a certain shop. We’ll can have clear concepts if we meet him in the shop but…
Well, all you have to do is to just follow me.
Yui: Yes, got it.
(Exactly, I can be at ease if I leave everything up to him.)
Place: Glimmer Street, front of Wagon Main street
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Ruki: Right ahead of this road. 
Yui: (Uwaa...I am getting overflowed with these crowds…)
(Even so…)
(I am smelling something really good for a while)
(....Crepes' pretzels...and there’s different kinds of stalls...all are specially for the parade, I guess.)
(Somehow, I am feeling hungry out of nowhere….)
Ruki: ……..
Yui: Hm? What’s wrong?
Oh, so the store of that man we’re searching is around here…?
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Ruki: No, it’s not like that. Something really smells good. If I guess, it’s crepes huh…
...It’s rare so, wanna eat some?
Yui: Eh? Crepe?
Ruki: Yeah.
→ Selection
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But / でも... (+correct)
I’ll eat! / 食べる!
Yui: ………
Ruki: ….? What’s wrong? If you like something other then, I’ll go with that…
Yui: Oh, nope. It’s not what I meant. Shall I eat, the creep…
(But...it’s very rare for him to offer me like this…)
(Could it be... 一)
Ruki: Which flavour?
Yui: Umm...I’ll go with the strawberry one….
Ruki: Got it. Wait a little here.
*Walks away*
Yui: (He’s gone…)
Place: Diamante Fountain
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Yui: Mn…
(This crepe is really delicious….!)
Ruki: ….Delicious? It’s somehow understandable by looking at your expression though….
Yui: Fufu, it’s super yummy. What about having some?
Ruki: I am….
Well, then I will have just one bite.
Yui: Mhm, here you go.
Ruki: ….
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...Good taste.
Yui: Fufuh
This expression is likely you.
(Nevertheless, I was a little surprised when he ate the crepe suddenly)
(If it would be the usual Ruki kun, then he would prefer to search for something to hold the food…)
(As expected, it means that he’s taking care of me…?)
Ruki: ...Anyway, let’s hurry. Our aimed store is right ahead.
Yui: Yes.
Place: Glimmer Street, Aizen back street
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Ruki: ……….
Yui: (Somehow, it’s a place of no sign of people…)
(But, he’s just going ahead…)
(I must not lose the sight of him)
*After a moment*
Ruki: ...I think it should be right ahead…
But, it’s the end point... Let’s go back.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: ...What? Hurry and come.
Yui: Neh, Ruki kun...could it be…
Ruki: ...Yeah. We’ve gotten lost.
Yui: (Kh….Ruki kun is….!?) *Blushing*
Ruki: What’s, that face….
...Is it bad for me to get lost?
Yui: N- not bad...but…
 Normally, getting lost like this for the Ruki kun who’s very reliable...fufuh
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(...It’s a little cute, I think…)
Ruki: ...So, what’s wrong with that? Doesn’t make sense.
*Grabs her*
Yui: (H- he just dragged me towards the wall…)
Ruki: Oi, stop laughing and say the rest. If you don’t, then again…
Yui: N- no...I didn’t really laugh to make a fool of you…
I am feeling like you’re showing your sides that you don’t show often, it made me happy…
….I also like that side of yours...I thought…
Ruki: ngh…..
...For livestock making fun like this, you’re really a cheeky one…
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I knew, you still have many ways to go to be disciplined. Nh…*kiss*
Yui: ...nh…
Ruki: ….nh...this amount isn’t enough yet. I’ll do this….
Ruki: Haah...nnnh...mnnn….*sucking*
Yui: kh…!
Ruki: ...mnn….mmmn….!
Yui: Ru...Ruki kun…! In such a place…
Ruki: I don’t care about such things. More than it, right now...haa...nh…
Yui: (No way….my strength is fading…)
Ruki: kh…!?
Yui: (....! The wall just moved…!?)
*Screen shakes*
*BG black*
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Yui: Kya…!
(There was a hole in this place….!)
(No! I’ll fall…!)
Ruki: Yui…!
Yui: (Eh…?)
Place: Underground corridor / 地下回廊
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Yui: (...I’m floating, in the air…?)
Ruki: Haa...I managed to make it in time. That was a close one.
Yui: (I see, he held me by flying…)
Thank you. You saved me…
(I thought we were gonna fall together for that crumbled brick…)
By the way, this place…?
Yui: (Water is also flowing in this place…)
(I didn’t think that there’s such a place in the underground…)
*Let down Yui*
Ruki: I get it. With the underground corridor, he meant this place huh.
Yui: Underground corridor…?
Ruki: Actually, I have been searching this entrance for a while.
That proposed boy’s shop seemed to be in this underground corridor.
Yui: A shop in such a place…?
Ruki: Yeah. However, I can’t say this place has good walls.
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And also I can’t say what kind of guy we’ll meet on hereafter. Don’t let your guard down for the sake of our goal.
Yui: Mhm, understood…
Ruki: Aight, then let’s go. It’s this way.
Yui: This place?
Ruki: Yeah, no mistake I believe.
Yui: (Not a shop if it looks like a mere basement room to me...what it could be that he’s selling…?)
(Oh, before meeting the shopkeeper, I should fix my clothes.)
*They’re going to inter*
Yui: (Alright…!)
Ruki: Oi, is the shopkeeper here? I sent the familiars before…
Shopkeeper Man: Yeah, it’s open. Come inside.
Ruki: Then, excuse us.
Place: Underground, Shopkeepers Shop /  地下道内店主の部屋
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Shopkeeper Man: Oh, you’re that….
Ruki: Mukami Ruki. She is ...一
Yui: Ah, umm…
Komori Yui. Nice to meet you.
Shopkeeper Man: You’re here to discuss the time when Earl stole my thing right?
Ruki: Exactly.
Shopkeeper Man: Well, talking while standing is weird so have a seat. I’ll also have you some tea…
Yui: Th- thank you so much…
*After a while*
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Ruki: ...I see. So you can’t say the time about how to get back that thing huh?
Shopkeeper Man: Yeah, that’s right…
Ruki: Why? If you don’t mind, then I want to hear the reasons…
Shopkeeper Man: ...Sorry. My bad, but I can’t say everything about that…
Following that, Earl forbade me to speak about it...and also...一
Yui: ….?
Ruki: …….
Shopkeeper Man: You came here with troubles but I am not able to cooperate with you, really sorry for that…
Yui: That’s...it’s okay. Same here, sorry for raising such questions…
Ruki: If you have circumstances that we have no choice. We’ll try to find another way.
Sorry for pushing you. ….Then excuse me.
Shopkeeper Man: Yeah.
Place: Diamante Fountain
Yui: (At the end, we could get any useful information...what should we do…)
Ruki: Haah...don’t make such a face. That was just the first one, right?
Let’s try out the next. This right ahead.
Yui: Yes...that’s true.
(Exactly. It’s just he said.)
(It’s useless to feel down in the first place…)
Place: Diamante Fountain
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Ruki: Haah….
Yui: ……..
Monologue 一
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After that, we visited the people who were able to get back the stolen things…
That person made a mistake, he wasn’t able to get back the stolen thing.
I wonder how that shopkeeper was able to succeed by taking back the stolen thing?
Anyway, we returned back to the same place when we couldn’t get any information.
For these, we just sighed.
End of the Monologue
Ruki: Hah…
I thought we'd be able to get some information, but we failed…
I also made you visit there for a wasteful reason….sorry.
Yui: Such...you don’t have to apologize….
If I was to be all alone, then I wouldn’t even know where to get started…
Ruki: Certainly, it seems to be hard to find another way...what can we do…
Yui: That’s…
(...Ruki kun really did his best this far…)
(He was also concerned about me all the time…)
(I wonder if something I can do….for him….)
(kh….that’s right!)
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Neh, Ruki kun, it’s a time waste if you just keep thinking about that right?
Won’t you like to change the place? Look, there’s an amusement park…
It’s a good time, so let’s ride there! No?
Ruki: Roller coaster….?
Yui: Yes! Talking about the amusement park, there’s also…
(It occasionally caught my eyes but…)
Ruki: But, right now, your heart….
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Yui: I am fine. Kleinod hasn’t done something strange so….
No danger is coming right away….am I wrong?
Ruki: Good grief...saying these stuffs out of nowhere….
Yui: (He won't….huh…?)
Ruki: Haa….I have no choice. Roller coaster will do right…?
Yui: Yeah! Then….!
Ruki: It’s fine, I’ll accompany you.
Yui: (That’s good…!)
Place: Roller Coaster Boarding Gate
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Attendant for rides: Well then everyone, please hold firmly the bar in front of you, okay!
Yui: (It’s gonna depart soon...I am somehow scared to get into it like this…)
(Hands are trembling…)
Ruki: Oi….
Yui: Eh? Wh- what….?
Ruki: What's wrong huh...you’re the one to invite me to ride it….
Yui: Eh…?
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Ruki: ...No, it’s nothing. More importantly, move on?
Yui: kh...Ye- yes….
*After a while*
Ruki: Riding this in a while is making me feel refreshed.
Yui: Th- that’s right…
(I- I was scared…)
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Ruki: …..Fufu...Ahahah!
Yui: Wh- what…?
(He’s smiling though….!)
Ruki: It means you’ve weakness in roller coasters don’t you?
Yui: Eh, it’s not the case….?
(...It’s not like I am very confident but…)
Ruki: Fuh, your manner of walking was doubtful, plus you’re very lacking in strength.
Your hands were trembling during the ride…
Yui: kh...You noticed…?
Ruki: ….Ofcourse! But, that’s fine.
Anyway, I know that you stressed your body to change my sorry feelings and company me.
Honestly, doing this I was able to change my mood.
Yui: Ruki kun…
Ruki: Plus... you also had a point.
It doesn’t mean that things will improve if I just fill myself with determination.
….For all of these, let’s search for a clue from tomorrow.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: I said just a little before, but I’ve changed my mood. I’ll date you for the whole day today.
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It’s the parade after all, it’s okay to enjoy ourselves.
Yui: Yes…!
(Thank you so much, Ruki kun…!)
*Yui hugs Ruki*
Ruki: ...What? It’s unusual for you to wrap your arms around.
Yui: Ah...it’s for….that’s….
(I was so happy that I approa….!)
Ruki: It’s fine. Stay like this, since it’s a trouble if you stray away.
Here, come closer.
*Ruki hugs Yui closer*
Yui: Ah…!
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(...He just hugged me…)
Ruki: Then, what’s next? I don’t mind your choice.
Yui: Let’s see….well….
Place: Glimmer Street, park
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Yui: The view from the ferris wheel looks really great.
Ruki: Yeah, you’re right.
Yui: (Mirror house, then coffee cup and ferris wheel...we rode different kinds of rides.)
(....What’s the next?)
Ruki: Hey, livestock. What about having a match with me?
Yui: With you? I’m fine with but what is that….?
Ruki: ...That one.
Yui: (That one…)
Place: Game Center
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Yui: Slot machine….?
(But having a match….choosing slot out of nowhere….)
Ruki: Do you think luck is everything?
Yui: Eh? Yes, that’s….well….
Ruki: Fufu, it’s true that I can’t ask until someone gets the hang of it, however it’s not something like one can perform well in this match just by getting skilled in observasions.
Yui: I- is that so…?
(But, it’s Ruki kun so I may not….)
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Ruki: Hmph, what’ll you do? Will you not accept?
….I thought I will reward you depending on the result. How unfortunate.
Yui: kh…..Reward….?
Ruki: Well, if you don’t like it then don’t force it. Let’s move on somewhere…
Yui: Wa- wait! I’ll accept!
Ruki: ...Ho?
Yui: (It’s the Ruki kun after all to invite me afterall…)
(More than that, I am a little excited about the prize….)
Ruki: Fuh, Alright then. Let’s start right away.
→ Game
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Words he said in the game 一
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“Let’s start the game.”
“That’s the key to do that”
“Focus on”
“With this, it’s over. You did well, livestock.”
*If you win + (CG)*
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Yui: kh….it means I am….
Ruki: Looks like it’s your victory. You know that game pretty well.
Yui: (I don’t believe that I will win against him…)
(I am happy….!)
Ruki: Then, let’s give you the prize as I promised.
It’s a prize for you.
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I’ll specially permit you to touch your master’s body.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: Come on, you can touch as much as you want.
Yui: (kh….even if he says that….!)
Ruki: ….hm? What’s wrong? You don’t have to hesitate.
Yui: D-don't hesitate you say….
(....He’s just teasing me, right?)
Yui: Ruki kun, Umm...一kyaa!?
*He gets closer*
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Ruki: It’s no good to deny your master's affection.
...I’ll punish you now. Nnh…*kiss*
*Fades to CG*
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Yui: nnh….!
(Ruki kun…!)
Place: Rubean Lake
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Yui: Haah….it’s enough for me to walk here and there around. I’ll just sleep when I’ll go back to the hotel.
...But, it was a lot of fun.
Ruki: Is that so? Then, it’s good.
...It’s a beautiful Moon.
Yui: Eh…?
*Looks at the sky*
Yui: ...It’s true.
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Ruki: Ayway, from tomorrow, we have to get prepared and find a way to get back your heart.
Yui: Yes…
(He’s right. At the end, we don’t have any clue after all…)
(We have to do our best from tomorrow…)
*BG back again to Rubean lake*
Yui: ………
Ruki: ...Hah, don’t worry that much. I’ll of course manage a way.
Yui: ….Ruki kun…
Ruki: So, you can relax...一
*Yui holds Ruki’s hand*
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Yui: I’m not worried at all, I’m fine. Because you’re with me like this…
I believe in you…
(Even though I can’t do nothing but holding his hand,)
(At least, I hope I can pass my true feelings towards him…)
Ruki: Yui…
You are holding my hands from yourself…
You also embraced me before, you’re very positive aren’t you.
Yui: M- may be…?
Ruki: But...this kind of you isn’t bad either.
Yui: Fufu…
(I’m glad…)
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一 End of Chapter O 1
63 notes · View notes
cloneslugs · 3 years
yayoi + shinada + saejima
saejima i did forever ago just bc ik if i answered yours firsy w all 3 this would be ill but it still got too long bc im a sicko but anyway thank you this made me smile to write (:
Lady Dojima 
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual 
Gender Headcanon: 🙈 lady . this actually fluctuates depending on how indulgent i wanna be but usually i just go cis woman -_- just bc that's my mom who would love and support me 
A ship I have with said character: erm.. *blushes* kashiwagi >_>
A BROTP I have with said character: kashiwagi as well :) that's her best friend thats her buddy, she has a really good relationship w kiryu too but it's different it's like a different tier entirely it's more familial in a sense but it isnt but it is, i also would like to explore her relationship w nishiki (apart from kiryu) but that is just (:, her and haruka would be cute too just bc <3 extended family 
A NOTP I have with said character: sera just bc the theories around it get on my nerves, any other man people pair her w tbh besides my beloved <3
A random headcanon: shes kind of a weird girl outside of professional settings i think the blunt way she talks is kind of offputting outside of those and also she just doesnt censor herself not that shes crude but she wont stop herself from saying weird or mean things, she has a really sarcastic sense of humor she delivers everything really dryly so it's hard to tell if shes serious or not also she doesnt laugh a lot you'll probably only make her laugh if you are close w her and even then she is just ._., daigo picks up a lot of his mannerisms from her if you see them next to each other in the same situation they are very very close and similar, she likes strawberry shortcake but shes very particular about it her like former bff ran a bakery and it feels homey and nice to her so <3 fond memories but now shes particular, her favorite flower bouquets are roses + hydrangeas but she doesn't really like roses on their own, she likes cats, she doesnt like cooking but she isnt bad at it, shes very meticulous about how she presents/looks, she has a similar academic bg w daigo, shes self taught w a katana mostly + she practices w it to destress, shes not social but shes kind of chatty if you catch her at the right time but she mostly just asks a lot of questions and doesnt engage in convo well, she likes dresses/skirts but mostly dresses <3, very close w daigo i think he really was one of those kids who was like "my mommy is my best friend <3" but they're very close that's her baby shes very proud of him and they are still close now, shes otherwise not very good w kids i think kind of awkward daigo was her exception everyone else she is just kind of … … …, she likes to sing/hum (: but only when alone/doing menial tasks
General Opinion over said character: i looooove her shes my everything i just care so deeply about her i cant even call her my friend i respect her too much shes a little bit above me but <3 hi lady dojima ik ive said this before and its so embarrassing but i get like >///< *blushes irl* if i think about calling her yayoi or god forbid a milf or anything it feels too disrespectful im so >_> anyway hiii i love you 
Sexuality Headcanon: homosexual but hes so so repressed but he loves men 
Gender Headcanon: trans guy (: 
A ship I have with said character: 😏 daigo 
A BROTP I have with said character: not including daigo um akiyama (: the whole 5 party really saejima likes to look out for him and kiryu is also there and hed be a cute big bro to haruka 
A NOTP I have with said character: mine but its almost allowed bc of how laughable and mockable and ridiculous it is also any polyam ships that involve well.  you know.. 
A random headcanon: autism (: baseball special interest that started when he was like 7 and never went dormant ever, hes bad w time and remembering things he just loses track of everything, he sleeps a lot and can sleep anywhere but if hes not sleeping he has to be doing something like anything, he likes to paint his nails mostly green but sometimes he lets daigo do black, bad at math but he likes writing a lot just in general sometimes he writes little notes/poems/thoughts/stories on his scrap paper when hes procrastinating work they're nothing special so he doesnt even really acknowledge that he likes writing he usually just scraps them or forgets about them it's just for fun, he likes to impress people if someone mentions being into something he tries to get into it too i think hes just a people pleaser, he likes to sing (: also just for fun he doesnt care about being good he'll do it when walking around or when doing literally anything he doesnt care about being loud/obnoxious in public if hes in a good/energetic mood, he cant cook mostly bc he has trouble paying attention to things for a while he gets bored and forgets about stuff, he forgets to cut his hair a lot so it gets long sometimes and he just ties it up until he actually gets around to doing something about it, very friendly he says hi to everyone and is the kind of person to not disclude people ever hes just very kind, he doesnt hold his alcohol well he gets sick pretty fast, hes very good at talking baseball/batting specifically but not very good at teaching or hes not very practical about it at least hes actually better at giving pitching tips, he has weird volume control i think its actually the opposite of daigos, hes a hugger (:, kind of really bad w social cues hes really social but can be awkward he tends to talk too much, he procrastinates a lot but hes also just a "drop everything to come and help" kind of guy maybe he doesnt prioritize well but he just cares about people like he is kind of finicky for money but hes also the type to give up his jacket if someone needs it or lend things out when he can, hes not good at picking up hobbies sometimes girls/friends get him stuff like a plant or some kind of craft kir or something and it's not like he doesnt take care of it/do anything w it he just cant hold an interest he wanted to get into music/instruments once though but it's expensive and then he eventually stopped caring/forgot, he shares his food w street animals when he can, he can either sit through movies or he can't it's either like "if im idle too long ill die" or just intense focus, he smiles a lot it's like his default face but he also smiles/laughs when hes nervous, he takes lots of pictures hes the kind of person to just message out of the blue w a pic saying it reminded him if you even if you dont make the connection and maybe it's just bc he thinks about people when walking around and he'll see something pretty/nice/cute or that just makes him smile so he needs to share it w whoever was on his mind he does it w the rgg5 crew and akiyama doesnt get it but hell send like a thumbs up or some blingee bedazzled stupid pic back + kiryu usually ignores him but deep down he thinks its sweet and maybe says "thanks." but feels too awkward to send a pic of the kids or the beach back + saejima usually sends a cat picture back or just says "okay" or ignores it + haruka always sends something back and kind of does the same thing w shinada now where she'll send him things if she thinks of him bc he started it
General Opinion over said character: he makes me so happy i love him so much hes just sweet and <3 i love you you make my heart feel <3 nice and sweet and kind i love you you mean the world to me you make me so emo i wahhhh i love you <3
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felixnation · 4 years
Ah, 2020. The year where disco came back, the 80s came back, and everyone was titling their songs after nonsense words. It was a good year for k-pop overall, with a lot of new trends entering the game towards the end of summer. However, there were some real clunkers that refused to get out of my head this quarantine and pissed me off to varying degrees each time I heard them. This list is an attempt to chronicle all of those.
So without further ado, let’s get this shit done.
NCT 127 - PUNCH This isn't actually a bad song, hence it only making it to the honorable mentions section. In fact, I think this could've easily made the best list had it not been for one thing, and that's the presence of NCT 127, namely their rap line. The instrumental on this thing is absolutely killer and one of the best productions to come out of SM in a long time. The entire thing is bizarrely structured and incredibly gutsy, and therefore I think it's a travesty that an instrumental this incredible was drowned in ASMR-esque whispers and EYYYY WE BALLINs. There are a few salvageable sections, namely the first post-chorus, and we see glimmers of NCT 127's true potential, should they choose to explore this sound further.
CIGNATURE - NUN NU NAN NA Similar to Punch, I admire the production choices here - there are a few sections that blast you with 100gecs-esque womps, and that's always something I enjoy. The vast majority of the song rarely dips below decent territory, but since the entire thing hinges on the titular hook, it ends up falling apart right when it needs to bring the hype the most. I mean, building a hook around those notes was...an interesting choice, I guess. It reminds me a lot of fromis_9's FUN!, which also constructed the entire song around a terrible set of notes. Listen to them yell that hook at you and tell me it doesn't sound off. Most frustrating song of 2020.
ONG SEONG WU - GRAVITY Have you ever heard a drop this weak? I sure haven't. I hate the way he says DIVING INTO YOUR LOVE, the over-enunciation kills me and there's one syllable too many. Also, thanks Ong Seong Wu for giving CRAVITY the promo they deserve.
BTS - FLY TO MY ROOM I can't relax while listening to this, the beat is so sparse and has this nauseous sway to it that really makes me feel like I'm reliving these past 9 months of quarantine all over again. And just like quarantine, it really feels like this goddamn thing never ends. That final set of choruses is really a chore to get through, and I'm not the only one who thinks so - shout out to Taehyung for serving taste and I'm sorry Jimin convinced you to sing out of your natural range yet again.
I*ZONE - FIESTA It's a pretty standard girl group song up until that chorus hits and oh my god, who on earth produced this? Are they actively trying to trigger my psychosis? There are so many sounds happening that it feels like three or four demo tracks laid on top of each other, it makes me confused even trying to figure out what's going on here. And that post-chorus drop is horrendous, it's like the instrumental is literally screaming into my ear STREAM BLOOM*IZ!!! STREAM BLOOM*IZ YOU DUMB CUCK!!! YOU LOVE IT!!!
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I do not like this. Taeyeon has one of the most powerful voices in the industry and instead of putting it to good use, she decided to put out the musical equivalent of eating a stick of butter. Bland, horrible texture, seems to go on forever and ever, you know you shouldn't be consuming it and you don't know why you're doing this to yourself, etc.
The MV contributed to my dislike, with Taeyeon whitewashed all the way into uncanny valley as she lounges around her beautiful apartment. Well of course you'd be happy if you lived in a place like that, I know I would. The sad thing is that there's some really nice vocal work here and there, but for the majority of the song, Taeyeon decides to serenade us in the most nasal tone that she can muster. I know she can sing better than this, and I'm disappointed in her for creating this and unleashing it on the world.
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Whereas Picky Picky was annoying in the best way possible, Oopsy is annoying in the worst way possible. The instrumental legitimately sounds cheap, the drums sound so tinny and artificial that it's hard on the ears. Not to mention the hook, wherein the girls force their voices as high as they can go as they proclaim OOPSY! 
I'm a huge fan of cute concepts, but when it comes to putting out a high-energy sugary track like this, you're walking a fine line between adorable and irritating. Weki Meki didn't even try to walk the line, they just dove headfirst into irritating territory without a care in the world. It literally feels like the audio equivalent of having to hold a whiny toddler and then it pisses itself and the mom is just cooing about how her little darling made an oopsy.
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It feels like for most of the year, the vast majority of boy groups were stuck in a rut, knee-deep in sludgy EDM and leather harnesses. You know the songs I'm talking about, and I could've put any one of them here, but I chose this one purely because that chorus makes me feel like I have a concussion. I don't like this song nor the trend it's representative of - I spent most of quarantine having the same dark BG concepts thrown at me over and over and I'm glad things are starting to take a bit of a turn.
The bridge on this is actually pretty great, and the guys in VICTON do know how to sing, as can be seen in the final post-chorus. But man, there's just nothing fresh being brought to the table here, just the same stale trends in their worst form yet. The hook is so slow and drowsy, the same few notes just repeated over and over. I have not seen the MV because I feel like I can picture it well enough in my head just by listening. Are there harnesses? Don't forget those, boys.
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Only Pentagon are allowed to do these concepts.
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This is genuinely unlistenable as soon as the drop hits, with a vocal stitching job that might be a horn synth, I'm not sure. That's how annoying it is. The producer is clearly incompetent and the performers are oozing with personality, though not the pleasant sort. The hook is  bratty and the raps here are beyond generic. After the halfway point, there are a couple interesting sounds thrown into the mix, but it's not enough to save things.   
Soyeon in particular sounds awful here, with her iconic nasally tone morphing into something genuinely irritating and borderline spiteful. Age up the toddler from the Oopsy comparison to around 7 or 8 and that's basically what you've got here. All I can hope is that this song is not influential in any way, shape or form, because I just had a vision of Blackpink imitating this production style and I felt a shiver run down my spine.
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I'm not sure how many Secret Number fans are out there, but I'm about to make all of em real mad at me right about now. However, it must be said.
This is basically Your Turn by Kaachi again.
I don't think I need to explain that hot take, just listen to the song. It's surprisingly amateurish, to the point where I feel like the vocals aren't in sync and they just used the first take they got from each girl. The raps in particular are awful, and I swear they even sound like they go off-key a couple of times. How this blew up in any aspect is bizarre to me. Anyways, stream Photo Magic and stan Kaachi.
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Did you want a k-pop version of Yummy by Justin Bieber? No? Well, Baekhyun decided to make it anyways! At least Yummy was sort of funny in how bad it is, this is just...a somber affair. Inexplicably, he manages to oversing the final third of the song, which I don't get the point of, but okay. Lazy, underproduced and overproduced at the same time, bland, boring, annoying...
Wait, did he just say...
Okay, I changed my mind, this is hysterical. Like Pop rocks, strawberry, bubble gum...
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I'm so sick of this group's 'ethnic' schtick, it's like they never learn. They just don't give a fuck - after a string of genuinely great tracks like Hann, Lion, and Oh My God, they just decide to put out this shit and expect me to listen to it? They're a group with a lot of potential, with some brilliant vocalists and the talent that is Soyeon (who really loves being on this list, apparently) but if they continue down the path of using different cultures as concepts I can't support them any further.
The song itself has salvageable parts, a recurring theme on this list, but the over-the-top tribal influences are so obvious and tropey that even listening to it feels gross. (G)-Idle have more creative control than most groups, and the fact that they're capable of creating works of art like Lion is what makes me harsh on them. Instead of moving forward, they continue to regress into their comfort zone of cultural appropriation.
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Speaking of cultural appropriation...are we gonna address this? Nah? Okay.
Oh My Girl, YooA's parent group, has a history of blatant cultural appropriation (and arguably some legit racist moments depending on how you look at it) and they seem like they're not changing anytime soon. That's why this particular song stings even more than it probably should. If you thought Dumdi Dumdi's tribal influences were a little too on the nose, take a listen to this chorus.
YooA has a bad voice, is wearing tribal face paint, and is running around the wilderness whitewashed into oblivion while a choir of nameless voices chant vaguely tribal things behind her. Even in an industry like k-pop, this sticks out as something in bafflingly poor taste, and I can't see how she got away with this in 2020.
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Well, this is a predictable pick. 
I don't know why or how Blackpink thought they could get away with drip-feeding blinks content for 4 goddamn years in the lead-up to their first album, only to drop this big fat clunker on them. I honestly felt insulted by the song, from its cheap, tinny production to the god-awful lyrics. I don't know how anyone could find any value in a piece of music this soulless and hollow.
Lisa's raps are by far the worst part of it, with FIRE BARS such as "you're the one been chosen, play the part like moses" and "mona lisa kinda lisa". Unfortunately, these raps take up a good portion of the song, and there's nothing going on in the instrumental to distract you from them, save for that little ice cream truck jingle. (or at least I think that's what the producer was going for)
Selena is a non-presence and essentially blends in with the girls, who WAIL that awful hook like their lives depend on it. Also, there's some really cheesy innuendos here that're sung with all the sex appeal of the actual ice cream truck driver from literally your neighborhood. 
I loathe what this song represents - the only good thing about it is that the girls look stunning in the MV. And that's exactly the thing - this song represents the exact moment in time wherein Blackpink admitted to their audience that music is no longer their main focus. This is the peak of their influencer-ization, and only time will tell if they'll redeem themselves. (Spoiler: They sort of did, goddammit.)
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amusement-spark · 3 years
Busch Gardens Tampa part 5: miscellaneous!
On my most recent visit to BG, I did not ride any rides. I just used the opportunity to enjoy the Florida air, and experience a lot of what BG has to offer besides thrills. I will make a separate post about all the animals. This post will be dedicated to all the random other stuff that doesn't fit neatly another category, as well as some other thoughts I had on this recent trip.
Currently Busch Gardens has three performances throughout the day. I have only had the chance to experience one, Cirque Electric. This dance/stunt show is in the Stanleyville theater over by Tigris and runs every couple hours starting at 3.
The first thing I noticed about the show was it's unique aesthetic. The stage is decorated with gears and other items to build a fun neon steampunk look to the show. The costumes also carry this feel, somewhere between burlesque and Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. Be aware, there is use of intense lighting effects as well as smoke machines. All the technical aspects of the show, lighting, costuming, sound, etc, are really fun. Arguably it doesn't go with the aesthetic of the park itself, but works as a change of pace from the sometimes generic ruins and buildings of the rest of the park.
The performance itself is a series of circus type stunt acts with dances in between as the transitions. The dances were quick routines, never more than 1 or 2 minutes, but nevertheless had unique costumes for each one, as well as the occasional extra showpiece. The dancers kept the energy going while the stunt performers were setting up for their next thing. You have roller skating, intense balancing, some chair based acrobatics, and a couple other surprises. Sometimes it felt like a mid-tier circus, other times I felt like I was at a particularly nice Ren faire. The final stunt act in particular. Anyone who has been to the Bay Area Ren Fair will likely know what I mean. The performers themselves were all great at managing the crowd and getting well earned applause. It really felt like they were having a lot of fun, even though a couple of the stunts felt just a tad under rehearsed. Possibly part of the showmanship. Still, Cirque Electric is a lot of fun, and a great excuse to get out of the sun for half an hour. If you're wandering Busch Gardens after lunch and need time to digest before your next thrill, check them out. Cirque Electric gets 4/5.
One major aspect of the park that I had not experienced until this most recent trip is the train ride, the Serengeti Express. Currently they only have two of the four train stations open, and since the Skyride is closed, the train is your only way to get around the park while resting your feet. Quick tip, pay attention to the signs that tell you when the next train is arriving. It can hold quite a few passengers, so you don't need to worry about getting there particularly early to ensure a spot on the next train.
The two stations currently operating are Stanleyville, right beside SheiKra, and Nairobi, near the Myobi Reserve and the penguins. Both trips take out around the inside of the park as well as out into the Serengeti area. If you want to spend a but more time out with the animals, I suggest taking the Nairobi station train. However, at least for the time being, you can always get on at one station and ride it until you get back to where you started if you want to see everything.
I'm not gonna lie, the train is kinda magical. The stations themselves have plenty of decorations to evoke an early 20th century adventure, and the train itself is outfitted with old fashioned lanterns. When you're far into the Serengeti, for a moment you can easily forget Tampa, Florida and experience the Safari for what it is. I'm not sure if it's the real train whistle and railroad crossing signs or the fact that that the employees have to wave you off as you embark, but the Stanleyville express is just wonderful. Seeing the rides and everything from a different angle really helps me appreciate all the effort that goes into designing a park like this. Trying to maintain a single theme throughout an entire park is difficult, and the train ride is the perfect way to experience some of the little touches. I'll touch more on the animals themselves in my next post but rest assured, seeing the antelopes and giraffes from the train is one of the best experiences in the park that comes with the price of admission. The Serengeti Express gets a 5/5. I guess I just like trains
The final thing I'm going to touch on here is the Giraffe Bar. Located right beside Cheetah Hunt, and up a whole lotta stairs, you will find, for the time being, the classiest eatery in Busch Gardens. In the same lobby as the Giraffe Bar is the Oasis Pizza, which looks decent, though I haven’t been hungry enough to try it yet. Coming soon they also have the Treetop Kitchen The ambiance of this area is a welcome change of pace. Even the long line felt surprisingly calm.
The Giraffe Bar was quite a few specialty alcohol options. Three frozen cocktails, three on tap, and two curated beer flights. Prices are what you would expect from amusement park alcohol, but on a hot day, a frozen cocktail is more than welcome. I personally tried to Serengeti Sunrise, a fruity rum drink with a orange wedge and strawberry for garnish. As far as ten dollar cocktails go, I've had worse. It was certainly refreshing. Next time I visit I am tempted to try the Thorn & Berry, a whiskey cocktail on tap. A couple of the spirits they use here are from conservation efforts, and presumably these drinks help support those funds. They all sound pretty tasty as well, and a step above the frozen strawberry daiquiri and margaritas you can find at other locations in the park. Bonus note: in order to cut down on single use plastics, the straws for the frozen cocktails are edible. Imagine sucking down rum with a long hollowed Smartie. Pretty dang tasty if you have a sweet tooth like me.
The Giraffe Bar also has three food options meant as small snacks, and not a meal. These were the Giraffe shaped pretzel with beer cheese, a brisket truffle Mac and cheese, and hummus with pita. I tried to pretzel. It's not much to write home about. I was especially disappointed with the beer cheese. Like, you're owned by Budweiser, Busch Gardens. Up your beer game. If you need some carbs, go for it. As expected, a bit pricey but if you're sharing (and have that sweet pass holders discount) not a bad option for an afternoon munch.
The outdoor seating is nice. The Serengeti isnt quite as visible as I would like, but maybe I was just at a bad table. I'll have to go back some time and try different drinks. Oh no, what a travesty. Giraffe Bar gets a 3.5/5. That extra half point was because some birds were chilling on the terrace looking for food and one of them almost went inside. What a cutie. I love birds.
Side note mini review: as part of the Summer Nights event, some of the vendors have new desserts and drink specials. I tried to beignets, nice and soft, and am dying to try the “Churro Explosion” that comes with a bunch of different flavored sauces. Fried pastry gets a 5/5 any day of the week.
Just in 2021, I have already visited Busch Gardens Tampa 4 times. I am still finding new things to experience and enjoy, all included with the price of my annual pass (except for food, obvi). It seems to me that they are always trying to shake things up, especially with drinks and snacks. I just think it’s a really nice park. Later this week I will have my review of the various animal enclosures and experiences. Happy Summer!
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ahtohallan-calling · 4 years
the first two parts of you would wish and long {t/ryder x oc/bg kristanna and elsamaren/canon compliant/post frozen 2} are here!
this is part of a collaboration between myself, @gabiwnomagic​, and @frozenwritingcorner​. ingrid belongs to the two of them <3
Ryder plans to spend the rest of his life herding reindeer and pining for the king of Arendelle.
His niece has a better idea.
part 1 of this fic was posted separately as “down the aisle”; it can be read on tumblr at this link or on the ao3 link at the top of this post!
chapter 1: teacups and longing
Ryder had a very important meeting with the royal family of Arendelle, and he was absolutely determined not to be late. The princess was expecting him and, judging by her most recent letter, she had urgent matters to discuss. Unless he’d looked at it upside down again and the drawing wasn’t actually a portrait of him surrounded by exclamation points and was in fact a two-headed reindeer. Either way, though, the tea cup was unmistakable. 
The tea parties had become something of a regular occurrence ever since his sister’s wedding last winter, when Ingrid had been the flower girl and been so nervous she’d dropped her basket and panicked. Ryder hadn’t even stopped to think; he’d just gone right down the aisle and offered to escort her the rest of the way. She’d clung to him the rest of the ceremony and asked if he was her uncle now, and ever since he’d been wrapped around her little finger. 
(He’d found out later that technically he wasn’t her uncle at all, but when he’d nervously brought this up to Anna, she’d just laughed. “I’m the Queen,” she’d said, “I’ll just make it an official title if it makes you feel better.”)
He had known Ingrid since she’d been a baby, of course, but back then he’d existed on the fringes of the royal family, relevant only because Honeymaren was. He saw them every couple of months when they came to visit in the forest; he always made sure to be around when they got there with his reindeer at the ready. He liked to be the first one to greet them, using his status as the excitable little brother to excuse his enthusiasm whenever he could hear Kristoff’s laughter echoing through the forest.
He was lost in brooding when he nearly ran into a figure scurrying down the hallway. “Shit-- sorry!”
“Oh! Ryder! How’ve you been?” 
It was Anna, who, although she was clearly on her way to something important, was still coming towards him with a bright smile. That was the part that always made him feel the worst, that she genuinely liked him, and he liked her back. How could he not? She was all welcoming smiles and heartfelt compliments and peals of sparkling laughter, all warmth and sunshine; no wonder Arendelle-- and, more pertinently, its king-- orbited around her.
It made him sick, sometimes, when she smiled at him like this, not knowing how many nights he laid awake wishing that her family was his. Then again, maybe by now, she did know; it wouldn’t surprise him if she’d known ever since the day they’d all met.
Anna’s smile faltered a little when he didn’t respond, so he forced a huge smile and threw his arms around her. “Hey! I’m good, all good here, like always, just, uh, busy with the reindeer.”
“Yeah? Kristoff’s been telling me about how well the herd’s doing this year. That’s amazing, Ryder, you really have a way with them.”
It would be so much easier if she wasn’t so damn nice. He patted her shoulder and pulled away. “Well, you know. Spend your whole life trapped in a forest, not really anything to do but befriend the animals.”
She faltered at that, a little flash of guilt in her eyes; she still hadn’t quite forgiven herself and her family for what had happened to the Northuldra and the forest spirits all those years ago. Ryder hastily added, “Thanks, though. Um, anyway-- I’m here to see--”
“Ingrid, yes! She’s been looking forward to it all week. She’s in her playroom. I’d go up with you, but, well…”
She bit her lip, tilting her head towards the set of heavy wooden doors that led to the council room. “Right, yeah, no worries. Good seeing you, Anna.”
Ryder set off for the part of the castle reserved for the royal family, shoving his hands in his pockets. It used to make him nervous wandering the castle halls like this; every person he passed in fancy clothes reminded him that he didn’t belong. And it was weird being surrounded by so many walls all the time; he could never figure out why people would ever choose to box themselves in like this. He mounted the stairs, trying to tamp down that little flutter of anticipation in his stomach that hadn’t faded a bit over the years. As he turned the corner, he could already hear them; that rolling, deep laugh he would do-- and had done-- anything to hear, and a little voice squealing, “Papa! Do it again!”
He leaned around the doorframe and saw them there; Kristoff was tossing Ingrid in the air to her great delight, both of them overcome with laughter. Something in Ryder’s chest constricted at the tender way Kristoff caught her, his broad arms that could easily hoist up an injured reindeer holding his daughter so very gently. 
He cleared his throat, feeling like an intruder despite having been invited, and Ingrid’s eyes lighted on him. “Uncle Ry!” she shrieked, already clambering down from her father’s arms. “You’re here!” 
She ran to him, and he knelt down to catch her in a tight hug. “Hey, Bug,” he said, and this time he didn’t have to fake a smile. “Long time, no see.”
“Did you miss me?” “Duh. You’re my best friend. What’ve you been up to?”
“I go to school now!”
He grinned and ruffled her hair. “I heard. You’re growing up pretty fast, huh?”
“Yeah! Soon I’ll be as tall as Papa!”
“Maybe aim for being as tall as your mom first, huh?”
Kristoff chuckled at that, and something warm sparked in Ryder’s chest, just as it always did when he heard that laugh and knew he was the source of it. Ingrid was rather less amused and stuck out her tongue, just the way Anna did when Ryder teased her, and there was that painful little twist in his heart again, the reminder that he was an interloper in a family that was perfectly happy on its own. 
He felt a little tug on his hand then and looked down to see that Ingrid had, apparently, already forgiven him. “Sit by me, Uncle Ry,” she said, as authoritative as a tiny blond kindergartener with a bandage on her elbow could be, and he did, perching on one of the little pink chairs that he and Kristoff had once spent an afternoon reinforcing because apparently nothing else would do for a proper princess’s tea party.
Kristoff sat on Ingrid’s other side, and she carefully poured them each a cup of tea. Ryder had worried at the first such tea party that she’d burn herself, but to his great relief, her parents always made sure that the pot was brought up nice and lukewarm. He didn’t mind; he didn’t actually like tea all that much, and neither did Ingrid, but she insisted on having it. “This is how Mama talks to her friends,” she had explained. “So we have to do it this way.”
He accepted his cup gladly and took a small sip, trying not to crack the tiny porcelain handle in his clumsy fingers; across the table, Kristoff was doing the same. Some things never changed; despite years of fancy parties, the king of Arendelle was still a mountain man at heart, and the thought made Ryder’s heart ache. 
“Uncle Ry! You’re not listening!”
He glanced down at a very disgruntled princess. “Oh— sorry, Bug, what were you saying?”
“I’m the best at school. I already know the letters and most of the numbers. Mr. M says I’m a promising poople.”
Kristoff snorted into his tea and coughed to cover it. “Pupil, baby, I told you this.”
“No, he definitely said poople. And Mr. M is right about everything.”
“Your majesty?” 
The three of them looked up in unison, but Gerda was only looking at Kristoff. “The twins are awake, and, ah, I’m afraid our Peder won’t settle down. Think it’s another new tooth coming in.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Ryder saw Inga deflate just a little. He couldn’t blame her; he knew that ever since the twins had been born she’d hardly seen her father at all. The pair of them had been inseparable since the day she was born, and now all at once, there were two squalling little brothers to share him with.
“Sorry, Inga,” Kristoff said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before getting to his feet. “Save me some strawberry cake, yeah?”
Ingrid nodded, just barely, not meeting his gaze. He hesitated for a moment and then knelt back down, wrapping her in a tight hug. She snuffled pitifully into his shirt; Ryder met his eyes then, smiling sympathetically even as an old, familiar crack opened in his chest. It was too easy sometimes to pretend that he belonged with them, that when the tea party ended he wouldn’t have to come up with a reason to stay; but here was another reminder her that he was just a visitor, at best a stand-in when everyone important was otherwise occupied.
A plaintive little wail came from down the hallway then, and Kristoff pulled away from Ingrid, planting one last kiss on the top of her head. “I’ll tell you an extra story tonight, Inga. Promise.”
And with that he was gone, not even sparing Ryder a second glance. He swallowed his disappointment and turned to Ingrid, who had crossed her arms on the table and buried her face in them. “Hey, c’mon, Bug, it’ll be okay.”
A sad little response came, too muffled for him to make out what she was saying. He leaned over and tugged at her hands. “Ingabug, c’mon. I’m still here, right? So we can still have fun?”
She snuffled into her sleeve before turning to him and clambering into his lap, her little arms going around his neck just like they had when he’d rescued her at the wedding. “Brothers are stupid.”
“Pretty sure your Aunt Honey says the same thing about me.”
Ingrid hiccuped. “No, she doesn’t. She says you’re a raving lutanic.”
“She said wh— okay, that’s beside the point. She still loves me, and even though we annoy each other we’re still best friends.”
“I thought I was your best friend.”
“Oh— well, you’re my bestest friend, so that’s better, anyway.”
“Mr. M says bestest isn’t a word.”
“Well, maybe he’s not right about everything after all.”
Ingrid giggled and pulled away a little. Ryder tweaked her nose affectionately, and she laughed again. “Anyway, our tea is getting cold. Tell me more about school while we eat our snacks, yeah? Are they teaching you anything about reindeer?”
As it turned out, they were, and they spent the next twenty minutes in deep discussion over the subject and whether or not Mr. M was able to talk to reindeer just like Papa and Uncle Ry. They were interrupted by a little knock on the doorframe; Kristoff had returned, a twin on each hip. 
“Hope you saved room for dinner, Inga.”
She squealed and ran to him, hugging him around the knee. Ryder came over and took one of the twins so that Kristoff could tousle his daughter’s hair before looking up at him with a grin. 
“Stay for dinner, Ryder, won’t you?”
“I— yeah, yeah, sure, if it’s not a problem.”
“Course not. Always room for you at tea parties and at supper.”
He offered Ryder that lopsided grin, the one that still made his knees go weak. “And thanks for hanging out today. Don’t know what we’d do without you.”
And suddenly Ryder was the one who wanted to cry. 
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svt-energyskincare · 6 years
“fruit boy?”
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ten? the boy whom hates fruits w a fuming flame? what happens when he meets the girl who works at the local juice bar? hMMmm (warning: this is about to be the most cheesiest+extrA thing ever but omg bUT IDC LESGOOO LOL)
✭ ten is a man who despises fruits more than anything in his life
✭ this is literally fact #6 in the 1st chapter of the FACT BOOK
✭ i mean everybody and their momma’s know that ten despises fruits, he can drink fruit juice, but if it’s raw fruit ….. bye sweetie!
✭ he was the kid that always picked fries instead of fruits for the side in his happy meal
✭ and tbh, he’ll always be like that at heart
✭ but his best friend johnny literally is the opposite
✭ kiddo who would always order the fruits, and even snatched the fruit in other’s happy meal when they weren’t looking, the fries who ?? kid
✭ and tbh, he’ll always be like that at heart too
✭ so whenever johnny and ten had a day of rehearsing or recording ahead of them w the rest of da boys, they would almost always make a stop at the local juice bar in the morning
✭ which of course, always resulted in a thicc groan from ten bc where’s the green tea
✭ which always resulted in a retort from johnny saying “well they have gReeN aPple smOoThiEs iF yOu aCtuAlLy liKed fRuitS”
✭ they always had (yes, h a d) to go to that particular juice bar because not only was it convenient since the sm building was right next to it
✭ but also to avoid them having to buy completely new phones bc the rest of the boys were actually blowing their phones up if they didn’t get what they wanted, which johnny didn’t want bc the boy’s already dropped his phone enough give him a break boys lol:(
✭ doyoung: guys, are you at the juice bar?
✭ ten: no
✭ johnny: no
✭ renjun: no i saw them leave!
✭ ten: RENJUN
✭ johnny: no guys we’d have to drive like 30 minutes back to get your drinks
✭ renjun: ah c’mon we’ll get you guys walkers if you get us some
✭ chenle: LOLOL
✭ renjun: get it? cause they’re old hAHAH
✭ kun: i feel attacked and that wasn’t even for me
✭ winwin: aw i want some smoothies :(
✭ haechan: what’s manager hyung’s number again? hmm..
✭ ten+johnny: …….
✭ ten+johnny: ………..
✭ ten+johnny: ……………… fine
✭ mark: can i get a banana smoothie!
✭ doyoung: could i get caramel americano pls n thx
✭ yuta: but they don’t have those
✭ doyoung: wHA
✭ taeyong: yogurt smoothie!
✭ ot7: oh! could i-
✭ ten+johnny: oKAY
✭ as for johnny and ten, if they didn’t already cop their coffee elsewhere, they would always order the same ol thing and luckily, this place was one of those places that was technically a juice bar, buuuuut ofc it had other stuff like milkshakes, smoothies, etc- but hey not complaining thO
✭ so johnny’s usual: tbh he doesn’t have 1 bc when i tell u that the boy is a full on beverage (and coffee) connoisseuR-
✭ ten’s usual: a plain yogurt smoothie with 2 lil muffins (well actually it’s not really a muffin … it’s lowkey a lil cupcake but ten likes to call it muffin, so if he says it’s a muffin, muffin it is amirite)
✭ and usually the workers at the place memorized their orders AND the rest of the members by now bc of how often they came, so they wouldn’t even have to tell em! would ya look at that
✭ however on this particular day, there was one worker who had never looked so confused in her whole life
✭ who is this confused as hELL gal u ask????
✭ correct! yes sweetie, it’s you :’)
✭ it was your first shift at the juice bar and honestly you were sO NERVOUS
✭ but luckily, your coworkers were p chill and nice and willing to help you out whenever you needed !! yay 4 friendly coworkers
✭ you were spacing out, listening to the music they had faintly playing in the background as you waited for the first customers to come in for what felt like forever
✭ well, it was 6am afterall
✭ snapping you out of your daydream or morning dream whatever tf you wanna call it, your coworker eagerly shook the absolute hell out of your arm and started whisper-yelping
✭ ”oh my god they’re back!”
✭ ”what? who?”
✭ ”oh my god! this is the best morning of my life!”
✭ “you’re freaking me out what are y-”
✭ before you could ask anything else, literally all your coworkers scrambled to their stations and started making smoothies like their life depended on it and you’re like uhhHHH wtf are y’all doiN
✭ but that’s when you glanced up at the two boys walking in, and you honestly were stunned for a hot minute
✭ you knew who they were, of course you did, everyone did are u KIDDING
✭ but you literally wanted to pinch yourself because they legitimately looked like WALKING 3D SIMS W/ ALL THE PRETTY CC LOL
✭ prettiest boys you’ve ever seen with your own two eyes? you betcha!
✭ they weren’t even looking at the menu, but rather their phones and you could hear them groan lmAo and believe me you tried your best not to stare at them, but your eyes were like what did u say? disregard what u just said and continue to stare? okay!
✭ luckily a few moments later, they finally stopped groaninG and went to the front to order
✭ ”good morning! what can i get for you?” you asked johnny w the biggest smile you could muster up from your immense lack of sleep from the first day nerves… and oh! also! how could i forget, the iNTENSE nervousness of talking to these 2 sims lmao
✭ there was a silence in the air bc your coworkers were trying to stop from revealing their giddyness, but tragically failing which made johnny and ten lose focus and laugh ever so cutelY about it
✭ ”i’ll have a strawberry milkshake wiiiith….” johnny said, tapping his finger on the counter debating whether or not if it was too early for a sugar rush (also yes, he did just order a milkshake at 6 in the morning. did someone say ICON)
✭ ”whipped cream?” you asked which made johnny bust out the biggest smile
✭ ”how’d you know!”
✭ ”oh come on, a shake without whipped cream? that even sounds wrong”
✭ ”you read my mind!” johnny said in between laughs and handed you the amount of money for the coffee
✭ at this point tbh you didn’t feel that nervous anymore surprisingly, like something about johnny just made you feel sO comfy?? he was so friendly and welcoming bIH HE’S AMAZIN
✭ and yup, just when you thought your nerves were gonna pack their bags and go tf home ….. ten pops out from behind johnny like one of those wind up toys w/ the jumpscare just waiting to happen
✭ as soon as you saw him, your nerves literally said LMAO U THOUGHT, OUR FLIGHT ISN’T UNTIL TOMORROW
✭ you finally met eyes with him, and you swear to gOD that he hypnotized you
✭  what were those …. galaxies in his eyes ??? they sparkled just like the stars did
✭ and little did u know, ten was like muffin who ??? he didn’t even know what the hell that was, he was too busy thinking about how pretty u weRE
✭ also did i mention that ten is literally your biggest crush? no? OOPS OK ANYWAYS
✭ ”s-sorry” you managed to blurt out with the shyest smile ever, followed by regret bc you realized you lowkey blew your cover lol
✭ ”what can i get for you?”
✭ ”i’ll have 2 double chocolate chip muffins please” he said with the cutest smile ugh
✭ “oh and one of those macaroons! the chocolate one” he added, standing on his tippytoe’s to point over the glass im:(((
✭ ten’s smile never left his face and the more you looked at him, you noticed how confident n not shy he was, so you were like HHHHokay y/n, you gotta step tf UP DON’T U DARE TURN INTO A RED ASS APPLE
✭ oh and speaking of apples
✭ just a lil after you took ten’s order, you heard footsteps coming up from behind you
✭ you’d recognize those scary high heel clicks anywhere hHH your manager was coming to check on how you were doing
✭ and with a cringe to your eyebrows, you huffed and gave in before you could get in trouble on your first day
✭ ”oh, would you guys like to try our new morning … madness smoothie?” you asked them as u could practically feel the manager burning a hole into your head by how intensely they were glaring at yoU
✭ oof you cringed at the damn name of the thing, they sure did notice and started piecing 2 and 2 together
✭ just when you thought you’d done your part of promos, your manager “AHEM”’d you, signaling that you, indeed, were wrong again
✭ “uh- it has strawberries, apples, oranges-”
✭ as you were listing the painstakingly lengthy ingredients to them, ten’s expression changed from that cute lil smile, to an almost in pained, scared look?? OMG
✭ but to your surprise when you were done reciting the declaration of independence, he piped up with a quick ”sure!”
✭ both you and johnny looked at each other with this shook (is that still a thing?bye) expression at his sudden excited tone, johnny looking more “what the fick???” than you were
✭ before you could even say anything, ten slid over his money to a very much confused you, nodding with a look that read ‘go ahead hun’ :’(
✭ you did your thang on the register, and in the bg you could hear your manager walking back into the back-room, which made you make an obvious huff of relief
✭ ”dude why’d you order that?” you managed to hear johnny whisper to ten
✭ ”mm?”
✭ ”you-”
✭ ”hyung, shhh it’s okay” ten said a lil too loud
✭ ”hm?” you piped in, curious as to why they were bickering in asmr
✭ you noticed ten patting johnny’s back, but almost in a way where he was like ‘don’T SPILL THE TEA’ you know what i mean? but they both just shook their heads to you w/ a smile, reassuring you it was ‘nothing’
✭ as you and your coworkers worked on their orders, ngl you’d occasionally glance over at them and it legit looked like they were sharing some kinda juicy secreT bc whenever you’d look, johnny always had this cheeky smile on his face looking at ten
✭ after you finished their orders and your coworkers finished the rest of the memorized members orders, you called them up to get them in which they hurriedly rushed to the counter in the softest way (idk how them walking could be soft BUT IT IS)
✭ ”thank you!” they said in unison, making the lil awk tension break again
✭ they grabbed their drinks and food which made u kinda :( bc when will u see them again -sigh-
✭ ten looked at his phone, checking the time you assumed bc when he put his phone back in his pocket he looked #panickedt
✭ ”ah hyung we’re gonna be late. well, thanks again!” ten said to you, definitely not forgetting to shoot you another heart clenching smile
✭ “thank you, have a nice day guys!” you smiled back
✭ then you shared that same look from before, all heart stricken and iSH OOF, ten had to snap out of it quick or else the rest of the members would kick his booty for being late
✭ ten wasn’t one to be shy of showing his feelings, like he absolutely thought you were beautiful and he couldn’t help but lük, but the manager was gonna pop off if they didn’t leave so-
✭ ”you go ahead, i gotta get the straws real quick” johnny called out to him before the door closed to the juicery
✭ you handed him a straw from behind the counter to him, which he shook his head at ??????
✭ bih u were confused as hecc
✭ johnny gave you this certain look and you just knew what it meant, see from the get-go y’all had a bond!1
✭  johnny sensed the tension between you and ten the second he ordered, like it was undeniably obvious and he knew you knew, and you knew that he knew, and he knew that you knew that he-
✭ that look he gave you gave that away rip!
✭ you stood there like hhhhh what what wh-
✭ he laughed and leaned over the counter, and in the most nonchalant, yet all-telling tone he said:
✭ ”he doesn’t like fruit”
✭ and with a smirk and a wave, he was outtie
✭ BIH YOU WERE LIKE ??!!? but realistically telling yourself like ‘huh well that’s odd, wonder why he bought it then’ and ‘he probably got it for johnny’
✭ at first you really didn’t think anything of it other than the fact that he was trying 2 be a sweetie pie, but your coworkers who so eagerly were bombarding you with screenshots in your work gc (they were your mini nct skhH) strongly disagreed
✭ what were these screenshots you ask?? well-
✭ ‘Y/N’
✭ ‘WHAT’
✭ ‘NO WTF’
✭ (3 attachments: screenshots of tweets saying:)
“OP was at the juice bar earlier and saw Johnny and Ten! 😭 They said that the girl asked if they wanted a fruit smoothie, and Ten said yes!”
“OMG ten ordered fruit????? he doesn’t do that?????”  
“life goal: to be the cashier at the juice bar who literally got ten to buy a fruit smoothie”
✭ ‘dude… they literally think ten has a crush on you’
✭ ‘LOL’
✭ and your mini nct’s weren’t lying… literally your mentions were blowing tf up with a bunch of “omg! found her @” and “girl wtf you’re famous”  
✭ but like….. you still didn’t get why people thought he had a crush on you based on that little interaction because it just was so minisicule to you, but as if twitter was trying to virtually smack you in the face, the tweets starting flowing in again
✭ this time, about people’s conversations with ten at a recent fansign omg
✭ “OP asked Ten about why he got fruit at the juice bar, and he just looked at her and smiled, and said ‘shhhhh’?”
✭ “OP asked Ten if he liked fruit now since he recently bought some, and he replied immediately ‘no no no, of course not’ ?!”
✭ one word…… WHY
✭ not only did you have all these tweets flowing in to convince you otherwise, you just remembered what johnny said to you before he left and nOW you’re like ……. okay what tf is up, it’s just fruit what is going on, why and where-
✭ oof you just couldn’t wrap your head around as to why it was such a big deal online, and it was truly bugging you and it’s not like you could ask them again what he meant
✭ 1, because you were too shy n nervous to
✭ 2, because you didn’t know if they would come back to the shop
✭ deep sighs all around my dude :(((
✭ those two always went to that shop, mostly in the mornings you heard
✭ and since you’d been working a little under a month there now, your boss started to schedule you for shifts where you didn’t need a supervisor anymore, which were 12 times out of 10 in the evening bc they were always lacking on those shifts
✭ so honestly, you haven’t worked a morning shift since your first day, the day you saw ya boys
✭ ........... (yes u knew this was comin)
✭ until one of your coworkers had to call off last minute on their shift and you were the worker they called in, that is ;))))
✭ boi when u got the call to come in, you got so !!!!! because what if you saw them again
✭ you missed them, johnny was so funny and you felt like you guys got along so easily almost instantly
✭ and ten, he’d always been your crush even before you talked to him, so that whole thing- your heart never failed to yodEl whenever you thought about him
✭ yes, they were idols, and yes you had been a fan, yes the encounters were short and probably seemed small to others
✭ but you couldn’t help it, ya know?
✭ anywho, the morning came for you to take on that shift and man were u nervous lmao
✭ when you got to work, literally only one other coworker was there with you
✭ as soon as you flipped that sign on the door from closed to open, OOO IT WAS GAME TIME
✭ the game plan: if they come back, try your best to ask them, i mean u gotta at least try, especially since the whole twitter thing AND let’s not forget why johnny felt the need to tell you what he did, you hAd to know
✭ the morning went slow, and it was raining too, so it was slower than usual since rainy days were obviously chill in dayzzz
✭ so you just tidied up around the place and waited, even did that thing people do in the movies where they look out the window while it’s raining while a slow song is playing in the bg …… except you were just staring out the window from the counter to the pop that was playing in the shop lol
✭ it wasn’t until mid 7 am that people started coming where you could finally stop acting like you were in a dilemma in the newest drama
✭ it was pretty steady then, you took orders, made them, served them, then tidied up, daydreamed out the window, basically on repeat for the rest of your shift
✭ you were on lunch break FINALLY, you swore u were gonna pass out from boredom if you heard the same pop song you daydreamed to three times already
✭ you sat along the chairs on the side of the shop, just sipping your drink, going through your phone awaiting the time for your rinse and repeat routine to get back into play *sigh*
✭ the quiet aura of the shop suddenly got interrupted as the bell rang chAoTically, followed by the squeakiest footsteps
✭ ”hyung, we shoulda brought two umbrellas”
✭ ”it’s not my fault i was blessed with this heavenly height”
✭ ”oof”
✭ your head perked up as you heard those voices, those familiar voiceS U MISSED :(
✭ you looked over and there you saw them :(
✭ ten and johnny :( right there :(
✭ their hair was just a little dampened from the rain, little water droplets on their cheeks, and their typical banter :(
✭ then all of a sudden you remembered the pact you made to yourself; “if you see them again, you gotta at least try to ask them” or else you’d forever be mAd at yourself
✭ the thing is, how tf are you gonna get their attention ??
✭ like do you just walk up to them like ‘hey!!!’ ??? like you weren’t even sure if they even would remember you omg
✭ oh lordt you could hear their voices getting closer and closer, why did it have to be raining and why did people have to camp out here for the free wiFI, there were like 5 seats open and they just so happened to be next to you wHY
✭ next thing ya know, you heard them sit to the side of you, just a few seats down
✭ ”where are they?”
✭ ”dunno, they said they’re coming”
✭ ”they said that 10 minutes agO”
✭ ”aish lucas”
✭ then again, you heard the door push open abruptly like an emergency and then another squeaky shoe sliding across the floor
✭ …. and sure as hell that was lucas and also a cheerful haechan following him
✭ they looked around adorably confused, probably looking for the 2 sims to ur rigHT
✭ you were trying not to glance at them but ugh timing ficking hates u! so when you looked up, they were already on their way to johnny and ten to the side of you
✭ when you looked up, lucas looked at you and he immediately smiled like his whole being softened a bit which made you uwu!
✭ but haechan on the other hand kinda froze in his tracks, and glanced crazy fast back and forth between you and behind you
✭ there were no words exchanged, but rather looKs exchanged bc haechan was looking at you with a look that he knows what’s going on, whATEVER THAT IS
✭ you couldn’t see it but ten and johnny were both confused as ever too, but now you could feel their stares burning into your fricken back just like your manager’s that day they came in sksk
✭ they literally actually gasped and scooted their chairs out
✭ ”hey!!! long time no see!!” johnny pops up in front of you with the biggest smile
✭ ”we’ll get the stuff ready in the car. meet us kay?” they all scurried out way too obviously quick, they didn’t even order yet i’m skAHAH
✭ leaving you and ten to each other on the benches in this tension of silence
✭ yes you heard me right, JUST you and ten
✭ these sneaky boys smh
✭ you and ten shared a mutual “???!!?” how obv could it be sksjdjdif
✭ ”so-”
✭ ”hey-”
✭ you both cut each other off which caused you to blush the same way you both did that day AWW
✭ you weren’t sure if ten would even know about how big your guys’ lil interaction became bc you weren’t sure if he even checked the internet
✭ but oh honey, he was all aware.. the amount of times it was brought up at the fansigning!1
✭ in a panic to fill the awkward silences that was inevitable to happen, you nervously and impulsively blurted out ”so, how come you don’t like fruit?” omGF
✭ he just started chEESIN and laughing to himself and you were like ???!!!
✭ “i couldn’t help myself!”
✭ “how come?”
✭ “you know!”
✭ “no, what is it!”
✭ “ah no, you know” he started teasing you omg
✭ “ten :(“ (yes you could hear the frown in your tone loL)
✭ “wah, you know my name?” he clutched his heart and leaned back like the drama queen he is
✭ “hey! don’t change subject!”
✭ but no matter how many times you asked, this baby would just sip his drink and give you the look (which by the way, your coworkers were on iT like, they brought out his drink as soon as the others left im???)
✭ yes, you know what look i’m talking about. the one where his eyebrows wiggle, and he’s staring at you like he knows some piping tea sister!
✭ he isn’t gonna budge, he’s taking that one to the grave, but honestly he just is teasing you because he really has 0 problem with telling you that he really got the fruit because he thought you were really pretty and he noticed you were getting nervous bc of your manager behind you and he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, so he bought it despite his hatred for fruiT , but he just thought it was cute how huffy you got JSJS
✭ and ten is def one to pick up a fruit cup, pose for a pic with it, and then immediately drop it, shaking his head in TERROR
✭ so yes, someone who doesn’t like fruit bought a fruit smoothie, maybe it’s no biggie.... but if it’s at the level of fear as ten???
✭ the difference is stARK
✭ interrupting your back in forth playful nagging chat with ten, in popped a hurried haechan with his head peeking out the front door
✭ “hyung, could you hurry up and talk to your girl, manager hyung is going to yell at us!”
✭ “haechan!”
✭ “hyung i’m sorry but we gotta-”
✭ “okay byebye~”
✭ both of you froze in your place as haechan closed the door and rushed back to the car, where you could see johnny and lucas peering over at you guys, motioning to ten omf
✭ you built up the courage to look at ten to see his reaction and he was not having it sksk this boy was literally glaring at haechan through the window like ‘wait til we get to the studio’
✭ and as if things couldn’t get anymore chaotic … in comes your manager saying “y/n could you hurry up and talk to your boyfriend later? your lunch ended 5 minutes ago” FJSKF
✭ you didn’t even want to see what his reaction was, you were so embarrassed but ugh even in your time of trauma, those were the CUTEST lil laughs you’ve ever heard
✭ but before your boss would come back and fire you, you rushed over behind the counter and took ten’s order, two double chocolate chip “muffin’s” and a little yogurt smoothie again :’)
✭ you did your thang as the lil hard worker you are, and when it came to writing his name on the side of the cup… you were like.. ‘hm okay, since ten wants to be all cute n shit… two can play at that game’
✭ your sneaky self smiled and quickly signed it with a smug, proud look on your face which made ten go ???!!! girl what did u do
✭ you gave it to ten and he thankfully smiled, sipping it as if to test run it first
✭ he did that thing where something tastes so good you start reading out the ingredients on the side of the box or dancing as you’re chewing lol he even exaggerated it a bit because he thinks your smile is so prettY
✭ ”fruit boy?” he read off the writing you on the side of the cup
✭ ”mhm”
✭ ”me?”
✭ ”mhmmm”
✭ “why is there a heart?”
✭ you were trying your best to mimic how ten was so confidently teasing you earlier by not letting you know the answer, but you were failing because even looking at him made your heart do the tHING, so all that came out of your mouth was the most flustered “u-uhhHhHh”
✭ “wahhh, someone’s blushing”
✭ “hey!”
✭ there was that pretty smile again as he looked at the little heart you put beside it along w/ a smiley face, but he never was one to blush, instead it was you w your red cheeks and red ears aWW
✭ in the same confident tone, even leaning closer, shaking his finger at you saying “gwiyeo”
✭ this boy was so happy seeing how flustered you were SMH, that same cheeky smile never left his face im-
✭ you guys were so focused on each other and being playful w each other to actually notice that people were looking at you guys all crazY, and if they weren’t then they were deffo taking pics bc honey you both were giggling and lightly nudging each other
✭ idk what was with you and these nct boys, but you felt comfortable with them easily… like ten made you BEYOND nervous but you still felt like you’ve been knew him???
✭ which was probably why so many people were gonna take your guys’ interaction further than just the normal now, especially with how red your cheeks got and how sly ten’s smile was
✭ you loved that little sly smirk of his and his playful nature, and he adored how blushy your cheeks got whenever he looked at you a little too long
✭ and honestly, you didn’t even need to say that to each other, with the look in your guys’ eyes??? oh c’mon 
✭ “you still need to tell me why yo-“
✭ “mmm-mmm” he sing-songed, sipping his lil drink
✭ “tEN”
✭ “neh?”
✭ “ten!”
✭ “fine. guess”
✭ “no tell me!”
✭ “mmmmm…. that’s not fun”
✭ “uGH”
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angelixii · 6 years
1-140 (anything you haven't answered already) - Felix
Oh, hello! Thanks for the ask!! 💕
3 fears - Spiders (I get frightened when I think about them) heights (slightly) and the public (anything like murder, kidnapped, ya know stupid people)
 3 Things I love - Music, Idols, and animals
 2 Turns on - ig Hats (like snapbacks) and glasses
 2 Turns off - oof I don’t really know.. ig self absorbed or a fudge boy
 My best friend - C: @straykids-sk (wuv you)
 How tall am I - 5′2
 What do I miss right now - My cat that passed away :c (her name was P.J)
 Favourite color - Blue, red, and sometimes green
 Do I have a crush - no not really
 Favourite place - my home
 What am I listening to right now - theres a website called asoftmurmur.com and it has noises like rain or waves and stuff like that
 Shoe size - pretty sure 10 in US womens
 Eye color - brown
 Hair color - light-ish brown
 Meaning behind my URL - I chose Felix cause hes my bias wrecker and hes angelic C:
 Favourite song - Theres like a million but 5SOS’s She Looks So Perfect wil always be a favorite (idk why)
 Favourite band - Ill just chose Stray Kids cause I don’t wanna write them all out
 How I feel right now - kinda tired but ig ok
 Someone I love - Ill say my best fren Georgia (@straykids-sk) cause i wuv her
 My current relationship status - single and i kinda wanna stay that way for a while
  My relationship with my parents - We all live in the same house and its just us (I have one other sister but she moved out. But shes here a lot tho) and we all get along well
 Favorite season - probably Spring c:
 Tattoos and piercing I have - none and I don’t really want any
 Tattoos and piercing I want - ^^^
The reasons I joined Tumblr - Georgia wanted me to and I thought it would be fun (I was right c:)
 Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - no :/
 Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - oh heel no she my best fren I would never
 How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - when I have school like 20 minutes at max
 Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? - I did today
 Where am I right now? - at my house on my laptop c:
 Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - reasonable level cause I’ve always had ear problems and they are sensitive (even tho I always have my earbuds in)
 Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - yup
 Am I excited for anything? - not that I can think of no
 Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - nope :/
 How often do I wear a fake smile? - not THAT often
 If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - oooof I don’t think I could answer that question
 What do I think about most? - probably k-pop
 Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - Definitely behind
 What was the last lie I told? - It was kinda a joke but “i’ll do it because im the good child”
 Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - Eh depends on who it is but facetiming/video chatting
 Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - ghosts kinda and aliens, I mean sure we’ve barely discovered space, who knows whats out there
 Do I believe in magic? - sometimes yeah
 Do I believe in luck? - I mean yeah
 What’s the weather like right now?- theres nothing really going on
 What was the last book I’ve read? - uhhhhhh fully on my own (not in class)? The Maze Runner Scorch Trials
 Do I have any nicknames? - Kassadoodle, Kassidilla, Kassy
 Do I spend money or save it? - I’m trying to save as much as I can rn in my little money jar c:
 Can I touch my nose with a tounge? - nah
 Favourite animal? - Lions and Fennec Foxes
 What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - uhhh im pretty sure saying goodbye to Georgia on video chat
 What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - oo um I cant really think of one rn :/
 What is my favorite word? - yeet
 My top 5 blogs on tumblr (not in any order)
 If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? - I probably wouldn’t say anything cause im shy and afraid people would judge me on what I say c:
 Do I have any relatives in jail? -not that I know of
What is my current desktop picture? - a pic of Bts
Had sex? Bought condoms? Gotten pregnant? Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Had job? Smoked weed? Smoked cigarettes? Drank alcohol?
no to ALL those questions C:
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - nope don’t think I could ever
Been overweight? - …
Been underweight? - no.
Gotten my heart broken? - nah
Been to prom? - nope
Been in airplane? - nope and I never want to really
Learned another language? - I take required (cause im one of the more intelligent kids in school. I know shocker right?) Spanish classes in school but im on summer break so I dont remember any c:
Wore make up?- nope
Dyed my hair? - nope
Had a surgery? - plenty of ear surgery and had my tonsils removed
Met someone famous? - nope
Stalked someone on a social network? - nope
Been fishing? - no but my dad has always wanted to take me and it sounds kinda fun
Been rejected by a crush? - nope never really had one and if I did I would never have the guts
What do I want for birthday? - ooo idk but i have to wait till next year anyway cause its already passed
Do I like my handwriting? - sometimes when my hand cooperates
Where do I want to live when older? - with my girl Georgia
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? - nope ima good child (yeah ok suuureee)
What I’m really bad at - running :/
What my greatest achievments are - managing to keep straight A’s and I dont even study cause im online so
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me - “u bird cage” - Georgia c;
What I’d do if I won in a lottery - ooooooooof idk
What do I like about myself - uhhhhh heh ig my hair or eyes/eyelashes
My closest Tumblr friend - Georgia (yes I do know her irl but shes honestly the closet tumblr friend I have so)
Any question you’d like? - hmm idk
Are you outgoing or shy? - definitely shy, unless with people im close to then quite crazy
What kind of people are you attracted to? - funny, cute and nice people
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - hA no
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - kinda
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - oof idk
What does the most recent text that you sent say? “ohhhh no XDD” (sent to Georgia)
What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - (I already answered this question and don’t wanna answer again)
Do you like it when people play with your hair? - yes I love when freinds at school did (once we were watching a movie in Spanish and my friend next to me was playing with my hair and I almost fell asleep heh)
Do you think there is life on other planets? - totally
Do you like bubble baths? - I haven’t had one in forever
Do you like your neighbors? - only one cause I think im related to them somehow or they are to like my uncle
Where would you like to travel? - out of this hell hole country c:
Favorite part of your daily routine? - checking my tumblr and stanning talent
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - stomach
What do you do when you wake up? - check my notifications on my phone
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? - I wish it was more tan than it is (im quite pale)
Do you ever want to get married? - yeah
If your hair long enough for a pony tail? - yes but I hate pony tails so I never do it (I used to all the time as a kid)
Would you rather live without TV or music? - I rarely watch t.v anymore and listen to music almost all day so
Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - I mean yeah
What are your favorite stores to shop in? - I dont really have one for clothes but I do like Walmart
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? - I mean sometimes
Do you smile at strangers? - If the smile at me first yeah
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - not that I can remember no
Ever wished you were someone else? - no (as much as I hate myself no)
Favorite makeup brand? - son;t wear any so I dont got one
Last thing you ate? - a Reese cup
Ever won a competition? For what? - not a big one I can remeber no
Ever been in love? - c:
Facebook or Twitter? - dont have a fb and i barely use twitter anymore but twitter
Twitter or Tumblr? - DEFINITELy tumblr
Are you watching tv right now? - i mean its always on for bg noise and light so ig so
What color are your towels? - all kinds of colors
Favorite ice cream flavor? - either Strawberry with out the strawberries or cookie dough
First person you talked to today? - my mom
Last person you talked to today? - Georgia
Name a person you hate? - C: theres too many
Name a person you love? - once again, theres too many
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - C: theres too many
Do you tan a lot? - I barely go outside so thats a no
Have any pets? - too many
Do you type fast? - I mean kinda yeah
Do you regret anything from your past? - everything XD
Ever broken someone’s heart? - I highly doubt it
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - C:
Is cheating ever okay? - hell no
Do you believe in true love? - I mean sure
What your zodiac sign? - Pisces
Do you believe in ghosts? - why is this question on here twice?
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? (via catscuddlingandyou) - “…but not at all overwhelming, the balance of the different fragrances was subtle and flawless.” Twilight - Breaking Dawn (Do NOt ask me why thats the closest book its not mine and ive never read it and i NEVER plan on it)
oof that took like two hours heh.. its now currently 2:18am. and im very tired
but thanks for the ask anyway love! Im sorry for the wait! I was busy today. But im probably going to go to bed now
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werewolfwilds · 6 years
i redid an ask meme that i had originally done ~3 years ago to see the comparison so for archiving purposes im putting it in a lil journal entry here ! i wanna start doing small journal entries again it was fun when i did that
new answers bolded
1) what images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?
my desktop bg is literally just…. a collage of kageyama manga screencaps a h a,,,, and my cellphone bg are drawings some gay drew me like 74724 years ago :v // my desktop rn is actually a background from one of the dmmd routes LMFAO..... idk which one it is but i’ve always liked those bg pics!! my cell lock screen is p5 art and my bg is leopika
2) have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
nooooope // nah
3) what was your last text message?
my phone is dead so i wouldnt be able to tell you lmfao i dont even remember // it was a gif from kelly lol
4) what do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
hopefully working a job i enjoy and making costumes and being happy!! // god i have no idea and it freaks me out... hopefully working,,
5) if you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?
hoommee ((or at katsucon tbh)) // at the beach with friends maybe
6) what was your coolest halloween costume?
a white cat probably lmao // i dont think ive ever had a particularly exciting halloween costume but one year i was sharpay from high school musical and i think i peaked then tbh
7) what was your favorite 90s show?
uhhhh….. i didnt really… start watching tv until like… the 2000′s so i really cant tell you man lol // spongebob started in 1999 does that coUNT,
8) who was your last kiss?
(answer redacted) // :/ someone should kiss me so i can change this answer lmao
9) have you ever been stood up?
nope //  nah
10) favorite ice cream flavor?
vanilla w/ vanilla oreos ok u need to underst a n d // this hasn’t changed i haven’t had this particular ice cream in a long time but i still stand by it
11) have you been to las vegas?
nahh // nope
12) your favorite pair of shoes?
idk i have these black ones i wear everywhere lol // i have a pair of white sneakers that i refuse to stop wearing now
13) honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?
i wouldnt even consider it. // no bc i’m not a piece of shit lmao?
14) what is your favorite fruit?
hmmm…. pineapple orrr…. strawberries but only if they’re the really good kind like they have to be perfect // pineapple!!
15) have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself  dating/having sex with? if possible?
….. ye s… yes. // in the past apparently so but thinking about it now nah lol
16) are you into hookups? short or long term relationships?
hookups arent my thing eh i prefer long term relationships altho i cant really say ive been in a “long” term relationship pffff // i don’t think hookups will ever be my thing, emotionally long term relationships are what i’m here for but i’m also a Very Impulsive Person so i cant tell you if this will stay a fact :’)
17) do you smoke? if so, what?
nope dont wanna // no thanks
18) what do you do to get over your anger?
usually talk to people or shout into word // i have to vent about it to someone probably a thousand times even months or years after it happens tbh
19) do you believe in god?
nahh // nah
20) does the person you’re in love with know it?
i aint in love with anyone rn so no? // i’m not in love with anyone.
21) favorite position?
………….. for w hat………. // oh honey lmfao... N/A
22) what’s your horoscope sign?
virgo/ox ovob // Virgo/sun, Aries/moon, Libra/rising and Cancer/midheaven
23) your fears?
literally everything i already named a few so ill name some others… ghh anything in… the ocean or lakes and stuff frightens me and i really dont know why bu tlike…. fish and crabs and jellyfish and seaweed cuz it’s evil and stu f f basically anything that’s not a mammal or turtles or penguins…. lo l im a baby // uncertainty is a big fear of mine and also people being mad at me lmao... as far as physical fears though i have debilitating fears of almost all insects/arachnids and lobsters/shrimp/crawfish :^)))))
24) how many pets do you have? what kind?
two cats and a dog!! // one cat one dog
25) what never fails to turn you on?
i dunno,,/////// // lol neck biting/kissing oof
26) your idea of a perfect first date?
im okay with mostly anything i just really like spending time with the person ; v ; // i’ve never really had an answer for this? thinking about dates has always made me so anxious for whatever reason but i’ll be happy to just spend time with them doing whatever honestly, i’m a super indecisive person aha
27) what is something most people don’t know about you?
i dont really know tbh lmfao // i’ve considered in the past looking into mental conditions (anxiety/bpd/etc) to see if i might have one or two but i never want to say anything about it because i don’t want to self-diagnose anything.
28) what makes you feel the happiest?
nice weather and nice conversations w/ best people u//v//u // nice weather and hanging out with people who are fun and easy to talk to
29) what store do you shop at most often?
does….. arda wigs count or… // does arda wigs still count bc mood lmao but truthfully now it’s probably target
30) how do you feel about oral? giving and/or receiving?
kkdkjsfkjkjfj??fsfj/// go for i t??? i have no problems with i t??? i dont think ill ever be willing to put a dick in my mouth though // these random sexual questions thrown in here are something aren’t they lmao. not going to disclose much but i will stand by the fact that i will not put a dick in my mouth lo l
31) do you believe in karma?
sometimes ye // i believe that people will eventually get what’s coming to them but i don’t believe in karma as a solid concept if that makes sense? like i don’t think it’s guaranteed
32) are you single?
yup yup // yeah it’s been wild lmao
33) do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?
i think being sincere is the best way to apologize– if you truly mean it the person will know. you dont need to buy your forgiveness. // the best way to apologize is just to apologize sincerely and change your behavior if it’s applicable.
34) are you a good swimmer?
ehh??? im ok i guess– i took swimming lessons as a kid but i havent done legit swimming ever since then lmao,, ive always been best at the backstroke tho yea // i mean i have the ability to swim but i’m not olympic-worthy or anything lmao
35) coffee or tea?
ehhh im not big on either tbh // chocolate milk and you can fight me
36) online shopping or shopping in person?
depends what your shopping for i guess?? online is more relaxed i guess // online probably because shopping in person Gives Me Anxiety
37) would you rather be older or younger than your current age?
ehhh im happy where i am tbh // older
38) cats or dogs?
do not make me choose // cats and dogs* there i fixed it for you
39) are you a competitive person?
ahaa,,,,, oh god yeah,, // OOF yeah
40) do you believe in aliens?
i believe there’s life on other planets somewhere?? so i guess?? // i believe in aliens in the sense that there’s no way we are the only living life forms in the universe but not in the science-fiction way you feel me
41) do you like dancing?
i do but i suck at it lmao // i do but i: A- suck, and B- have no stamina
42) what kind of music to you listen to?
nearly everything tbh // i’m not picky when it comes to music but imma be real w u. almost all of the music on my phone is kpop. seventeen is my favorite group along with astro, and i also enjoy super junior, shinee, red velvet, etc among so many others,,, im pretty wide spread !
43) what is your favorite cartoon character?
i will never be able to pick just one // i’ll literally never be able to answer this
44) where are you from?
philadelphia uvu // philly!
45) eat at home or eat out?
hmmm at home. // at home
46) how much more social are you when you’re drunk?
i never plan on being drunk tyvm // i’ve never consumed alcohol in my life and to be Quite Fucking Honest i want nothing to do with it
47) what was the last thing you bought for yourself?
bracelets ! ; u ; // uh... excluding food and music... earrings i think
48) why do you think your followers follow you?
uhhhhhhh lmfao i have no idea i think… a good amount are for my cosplays at least?? or id like to think so lmfao but i really dont know pfft // my followers have just accumulated and hung around over the years... i know i gained a good amount from my snk days as arlert-the-troops and then through my haikyuu phase, whether it was for my cosplay or other posts that i made... whenever someone follows me now im not entirely sure what its for but i appreciate everyone who’s stuck around!
49) how many hours do you sleep at night?
it’s never regular man // 6-9 (lol) hours is pretty normal for me
50) what worries you most about the future?
everything tbh // the future as a concept worries me lol
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ventus-shmentus · 7 years
1 through 100 for the question time?
oh man this is gonna keep me busy, thank you anon
1.) is there a boy/girl in your life?
*** sadly no, I've been single for like 3 years now
2.)  think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
*** yes! I generally try to forgive most ppl because I h a t e being angry w ppl
3.) what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
*** there was a girl in middle school that always stared me down and meowed at me at lunch???
4.) what’s something you really want right now?
*** strawberry lemonade from O’Charley’s
5.) are you afraid of falling in love?
*** thank god no, I love loving people
6.) do you like the beach?
*** yeah my fam goes every year for vacay and we spread my brothers ashes in the ocean and stuff so it’s comforting to go bc it’s like he’s still with me??
7.) have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
*** tried to, but I have a lot of problems falling asleep so it didn't work out too well
8.) what’s the background on your cell?
*** my lock screen is me and a best friend and my home bg is a pic of ventus
9.)name the last four beds you were sat on?
***my sisters, my moms, faith’s, and Ryder’s if you count being sat on by dogs (I think thats what the question is asking lmao??)
10.) do you like your phone?
*** most of the time, yeah. the calls get messed up a lot tho and the battery sucks
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned?
*** god no, it’d be weird if they were. I'm doing much much better in life than I originally expected 
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
*** probs the girls from my DBT therapy group
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
*** omg Rottweiler for sure,,, I love big doggies and they're such big babies
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
*** I can't really answer this because they’re both felt in different ways
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
*** I've never been to an art museum so id have to say zoo for now
16: are you tired?
*** heck yea my mom lost my sleep medication, I'm so tired to the point where I'm listening to Soulja boy and I'm not sure if its real or not
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact?
*** like???? 15 years??
18: are they a relative?
*** nope just my sisters friend 
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
*** someone please kill me if I ever get back with one of my exes
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
*** honestly I can’t remember, probably like last month?
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
*** nonono I'm nowhere near ready to settle down in life like that. I'm only 19 and like I've never even had a job and I don't have my license and shit,,, def not ready for marriage
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
*** yeah he was a good kisser, too bad I barely remember it lmao
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
*** 2 a hair tie and a friendship bracelet
24: is there a certain quote you live by?
*** Donald Duck going “WAK!”
25: what’s on your mind?
*** what happened to Kevin Jonas
26: do you have any tattoos?
*** no but I was planning on getting one soon as tribute to my brother
27: what is your favorite color?
*** yellow!! its so happy and bright
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
*** heck idk no one ever seems interested in me so like?? its up to them bc I'm down to kiss like 90% of the people I know
29: who are you texting?
*** my boi Ryder bc he's coming over to give me birthday stuff
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
***nope, only a car
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
*** I low key knew that my brother was gonna die the day he did but I didn't say anything to anyway bc I just blamed it on my anxiety
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
*** heck yeah, I got a couple thankfully
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you?
*** lmao ryder
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
*** yes! my eyes turn literally yellow in the summer and its p cool
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
*** I'd be like “hell yeah I'm proud of u for getting action”
36: were you single on valentines day?
*** have been my whole life
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed?
*** yes but I rarely talk to him anymore
38: what do your friends call you?
*** karl, car keys, Karls, kar, karlie warlie
39: has anyone upset you in the last week?
*** does myself count lmao
40: have you ever cried over a text?
*** probably
41: where’s your last bruise located?
*** the tops of my feet 
42: what is it from?
*** dancing! you get bruises in weird places from dance lmao
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
*** idk if this really counts but we went out to eat last night which is really triggering for me and I was like “I just want to go home and see my doggie”
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with?
***my sister on accident
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
*** fav bc of looks are my white doc Martens but I wear my black converse most of the time
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
*** no I look dumb in hats
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style?
*** honestly no just bc I like to have the mermaid hair effect when I’m in the bath or swimming
48: do you make supper for your family?
*** only if its like pizza rolls or smthn
49: does your bedroom have a door?
*** yes???
50: top 3 web-pages?
*** Tumblr, youtube and Facebook
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping?
*** my mom bc she hates going out in public
52: does anything on your body hurt?
*** my wrist!! I have a cyst in my joint and it hurts to move it too much 
53: are goodbyes hard for you?
*** yes bc I have a huge fear of abandonment
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
*** strawberry lemonade
55: how is your hair?
*** its kinda short atm, I just got it cut and I'm mad bc its just the right length where only half of my hair goes into a ponytail
56: what do you usually do first in the morning?
*** pee tbh
57: do you think two people can last forever?
*** I mean I guess
58: think back to january 2007, were you single?
*** considering. was 8, yes
59: green or purple grapes?
*** depends on my mood tbh
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug?
*** in like 10 minutes when Ryder is here
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
*** not really but I wouldn't particularly mind if I was somewhere else
62: when will be the next time you text someone?
*** like rn
63: where will you be 5 hours from now?
*** in my living room talking to Ryder
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning.
*** pretending to be asleep
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked?
***probably faith idk but thankfully thats faded by now
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
*** ryder and my sister tbh
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today?
*** my mom always hugs me good morning
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
*** “god I wish I could fall asleep”
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
*** did you mean: my entire dance career?
70: how many windows are open on your computer?
*** 5!
71: how many fingers do you have?
*** thankfully I got all 10
72: what is your ringtone?
*** the default iPhone ringtone, I've never bothered to change it but I want my text ringtone to be the thing from Kim possible
73: how old will you be in 5 months?
*** 19
74: where is your mum right now?
*** in my sister’s room helping her build a desk
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
*** bc he's an abusive piece of shit (:
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
*** sadly no ):
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
*** definitely not
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
*** a dude named Zac but he was a terrible person lmao
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike?
*** my aunt's pos boyfriend
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
*** no ):
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months?
*** not really anyone worth noting
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
*** probably
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight?
*** I don't really like anyone atm
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
*** probably Bria or faith tbh
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care?
*** I think it’d depend on what it was and if it was effecting them in an unhealthy way or not
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
*** I threw up 20 mins into Spiderman homecoming
87: who was your last received call from?
*** my sister
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
*** I think it'd depend on what I needed the money for and how bad I needed it
89: what is something you wish you had more of?
*** friends
90: have you ever trusted someone too much?
*** all the time. I love trusting people but it gets me hurt a lot
91: do you sleep with your window open?
*** I wish but I got them allergies
92: do you get along with girls?
*** for the most part yes!
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
*** yeah but its not worth telling them right now, gotta wait till the right time
94: does sex mean love?
*** nope!
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
*** no but I might have a hard time trying to find things to talk about
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
*** yeah I didn't really like it tbh
97: did you sleep alone this week?
*** always
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
*** yes! my sister and ryder
99: do you believe in love at first sight?
*** no bc then you're just falling in love with the persons looks and not the actual person
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise
*** my mom but I don't remember what for
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onestowatch · 5 years
Listen To Dear Boy’s Bittersweet ‘The Strawberry EP’ a Day Ahead of Release [PREMIERE + Q&A]
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Photo Credit : Casey Curry
California’s Dear Boy had an immense 2018; they were hailed as one of the best bands in Los Angeles by critics and music publications, sold out multiple hometown shows, embarked on a full US tour w/ Rogue Wave while also playing dates w/ Day Wave and Sunflower Bean—and there’s no signs of slowing down in 2019. On March 1, the nostalgic band will release The Strawberry EP (the third extended play of their career) into the world via the band's own label, Easy Hell and Burnside/The Orchard. Produced by Dear Boy, and mixed by Tony Hoffer (AIR, Phoenix, Beck, M83), the EP showcases the band's ability to craft bittersweet songs pulling from late 70's and early 80's post-punk and early 90's Britpop, large enough for arenas, but intimate enough to be with you during your most private moments.
The band’s wildly creative nature that has attracted not only a wildly devoted fan base, but the respect of fellow artists who have gone on to be collaborators. The Strawberry EP features appearances by their friends Day Wave, Hazel English, and Patrick Spurgeon of Rogue Wave. The four real life friends that make up Dear Boy (vocalist Ben Grey, guitarist Austin Hayman, drummer Keith Cooper, and bassist Lucy Lawrence) have made something that is deeply personal, while celebrating their city and challenging the direction of modern guitar music.
Ahead of The Strawberry EP’s worldwide release on March 1, we spoke to vocalist Ben Grey to break down the five-track collection, which you can listen to a day early exclusively here on Ones To Watch. Pre-order the album here.
OTW: Considering your previous releases, how would you consider The Strawberry EP to be a progression of your sound?
BG: I think The Strawberry EP is the closest we’ve come to sounding the way we’ve wanted to in our heads. The band’s sound has been described as “bittersweet” since day one, and while I think we really perfected the bitter in our early work, I don’t think we were able to get sweet until this EP. Melancholia is in our DNA… It’s just musically and thematically what we’re drawn to, but the dream was always to leave the listener and ourselves with feeling of hopefulness. I don’t think we fully figured out how to do that until now.
OTW: When were the songs for the EP written/recorded between, and how did you choose what 5 tracks would make it?
BG: Putting out an EP was definitely not the plan! We’ve been writing for a full length record, but we seem to keep stumbling into recording opportunities. With the exception of “Love Interest,” the EP was all recorded at our friend Clay Blair’s studio Boulevard Recording in Hollywood, in between legs of our tour with Rogue Wave. We would work these new songs out on the road for a few weeks and then come home to track them. That’s why I think they sound so immediate… They’re straight from stage to stereo. And to answer your other question, it wasn’t until Tony Hoffer sent us the final mix of Limelight, that we realized we had finished a collection. The songs had all coalesced so naturally and they truly did capture a moment in the band’s career.
I should also note that the current count of new Dear Boy songs is 35,  so I don’t think it’ll be very long until we follow this up with something else.
OTW: Starting off the EP we have the single “Semester”— a song that you’ve previously described as being about “following the moment”. How has the response to the track been so far?
BG: I feel funny telling you that it’s been great, but it truly has been pretty great. If I’m being honest, I am RELIEVED. Whenever you’re in the process of working on something, it’s so small and private. It only belongs to you and you can’t even really imagine it existing in the real world. Any artist will tell you that this whole process is a cocktail of arrogance and earth shattering doubt, so I'm shook constantly. But the fact that Rodney Bingenheimer is playing "Semester" on the radio, our fans like it and my friends who I respect are still taking my calls, I’m finally going to concede that it’s going okay.
OTW: The track is quite dreamy, though bittersweet lyrically. What came first: the music or the lyrics?
BG: The way it normally works with us is that the music & melody come first., but I’m always scribbling down stuff that gets a reaction out of me… The hope being that one day we’ll be able to marry the nonsense to a piece of music and have it no longer be nonsense.
I’ve used this expression before, but I feel like songwriting is pick-pocketing in the dark. That’s part of why it’s so exciting. "Semester," for example was just a word I had written down in the middle of the night 3 years ago… I had no idea what to do with it, zero context… I just knew that it made me feel something and it was my job to figure out why. It wasn’t until we started writing this particular music that it became clear, oh this song is “Semester,” and I think I know why.
OTW: I know that track was produced by the band w/ contributions from Jackson Phillips (Day Wave)—is this the only track on the record essentially self-produced? And what was it like working with Phillips?
BG: Jackson is incredible. We met last year when our bands did a West Coast tour together and became fast friends. Working with him on "Semester" and "Something Good" was inspiring. A lot of spontaneity goes into his work. The opening swelling noises in "Semester" are a mistake with the tape machine… It was a synth arpeggio sped up all crazy, and he quickly suggested we record it and have it flow throughout the entire song, which I think is partly why "Semester" has its dreamy atmosphere. Feels like exaggerating a memory… And on “Something Good,” Eleisha from Hazel English was hanging out with us in his studio and started humming something to herself during the bridge… Jackson asked her to record what she was doing and she graciously agreed… and now it’s my favorite moment of the song. He’s really good at disrupting your work in the way it needs to be disrupted. Ian Hultquist also produced “Love Interest” with us, but the rest of the record is DB.
OTW: Then we move on to “Limelight,” which seems to further romanticize the valued fleeting time with a lover through stylings that seem suited for youthful romance. What can you tell us about the track?
BG: “Limelight” actually started out this slow, moody ballad, so you’re definitely not wrong about those themes…  But as soon as I played an early version for the band, it became clear that’s not what the song was meant to be… And that's what great bands do; they show you what you really mean. Keith, Austin and Lucy heard the song and instinctively knew what to do with it. I’m so thankful to be a part of a project that has such a confident sound and assured chemistry… My version of “Limelight” was small and limited, while Dear Boy’s interpretation was big and thrilling and cathartic. I didn’t realize that the lyrics belonged in a song like that, until I started singing them against this final arrangement.
OTW: Though it’s only the third song, by the time we get to “Something Good,” the EP has effectively avoided “sticking” to one definitive sound. Was it intentional for this EP to showcase your versatility as a band?
BG: I think we’re always chasing things that are exciting and expansive for us, but it wasn’t intentional. This song is the second in a trilogy of waltz’s for the band, (the third is a song called “Die”),  but everything about the creation of “Something Good” was surprising to us.
OTW: And did you always know you wanted an acoustic track included? How did “Something Good” come to be?
BG: We didn’t! We actually had studio time booked to work on “Anything At All,” but Keith had the flu and couldn’t track drums... It was Austin’s idea to work it.  I wrote “Something Good” with my friend April Bender and it was meant to live on an acoustic guitar, but didn’t really have a sonic identity beyond that. And maybe it’s my own personal bias, but I’m super over bands recording token acoustic songs for their albums, so it was important for us to take it somewhere unexpected. We threw everything we could at it; There are mountains of analog synths, distorted ebows, lap steel, a mille feuille of harmonies, down-tuned conversational elements… it’s very lush and I’m sure totally annoying for our mixer, Tony Hoffer. But it was important for it to not sound like anything else and after days of concentrated studio experimentation,  we got this Americana Mazzy Star dark waltz thing. But most important, it sounds like our band and it opens up a lot of portals for us in the future.
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OTW: “Anything At All” quickly picks the energy back up with an energizing guitar riff and an incredibly catchy hook. Talk to us about the track and is there a story behind the spoken outro?
BG: “Anything At All” is pure “band.” A song built around a guitar riff, leaning into all the things you want to hear as an audience member…  But the lyrics, in Dear Boy fashion, stand in defiance of the major chords. It’s about despair and making the most out of your despair.
While tracking guitars, Austin and I would end our takes with excessive and unnecessary feedback, as one does… I can assure you that it was never meant to stay… but I dunno…one day while I was recording vocals,  I just heard a little epilogue in my head… I wrote it down in 2 minutes, recorded it in one take and that was it. I didn’t expect it to stay in, let alone be audible… but the band liked it, Tony Hoffer liked it and I didn’t hate it. Admittedly, I don’t know how I could live without it now.
OTW: “Love Interest,” though the closing track, is probably the most pop-centric – evoking the pop-hook laced energy of 90’s college rock. What influenced the track?
BG: I remember that we were at Keith’s studio and somehow the guitar theme, which sounded like early R.E.M. meets Suede, willed itself into existence. The rest is fuzzy. But I do remember that I left that night with a crudely put together basic track of the music and then spent the following two months writing the lyrics. The song is, in part, about the clumsiness and optimism of love... the joy of being out of your depth. It’s a sentiment I really wanted to get right, so I obsessed over it. I still kinda want to change one or two things.
OTW: Was it a conscious decision to end the EP with the eldest single from the set, seeing as it was initially released nearly a year ago?  
BG: Not so much that it was the eldest, but more that it was the first song written in what we consider to be “The Strawberry Era.” And, really... the message. Like we discussed earlier, leaving the listener with hopefulness for the first time was something appealing to us.
OTW: And finally—why “Strawberry”?
BG: This sounds made up, but I had been dreaming about strawberries for the two weeks before recording “Love Interest.” Every night. The image of a skeleton performing the Hamlet soliloquy to a giant strawberry, dressing in clothes with strawberries sewn into them, running through strawberry rain drops... And because I NEVER remember my dreams, it seemed impossible for it to be coincidence. I don’t think I’m tuned into the will of the universe or anything like that, but I’m also not foolish enough to argue with it.
0 notes
fandomscombine · 7 years
The Power of Love
I got this idea of a draco x (ravenclaw) reader back on the 9th and now its the 23rd so yea it took me 2 weeks to finally get the nerve to write it down and post it.Being March 23rd, Ravenclaw Pride Day iIve made the reader ravenclaw though it wouldn’t really matter now but in later parts.
This is my 1st ever fanfic so please be nice and i would really appreciate it if you guys tell me what you think of it! Running the story in my head I realised that it would be pretty long so I’ve decided to cut it into parts (no sure how many yet but I’m thinking around 2-3)
Before I forget,I’d like to thank the people^ who encouraged me to write this even though I was doubtful back in my previous post.
BG of the Story:Starts in the end of HBP in the astronomy tower when Dumbledore and Harry just got back from retrieving the locket,and will continue on to DH later
Themes:Hurt,Comfort and Tragedy
***EDIT:November 8 2017,I edited and reformat this fic for easier reading!
and I’ve finally gotten off my lazy ass to start writing again! I’m open to see how you guys thought of this fic.***
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You don’t what has gotten into Draco this year, ever since you guys came back for sixth year. He’s become distant. You’re wondering what had happen between now and the last time you were both here in the astronomy tower. What had happened to all the promises and the moments you shared with him here past curfew. Everything was fine during the summer; you’d send letters to him every other day and him the same. But back at platform 9 3/4 he didn’t even seem to notice you, heck he didn’t seem to acknowledge that you existed! Yet even a whole school year later you find yourself walking up to the astronomy tower thinking about what used to be, pretending nothing has changed.
You were pulled out of your thought when you felt a hand grabbed you by the arm and pulled you onto the second landing. ‘Draco? Is that you?’ you asked, thinking that Draco has finally come to his senses and would talk to you. But it wasn’t. ‘Harry what the hell? You scared the shit out of me!’
‘y/n what are you doing here?’ Harry asked.
You were about to answer when you heard hurried footsteps on the stairs.
‘y/n whatever happens do not make a sound or move an inch. ‘Dumbledore’s orders.’ He said and pointed up. Indeed Dumbledore was there but what’s was it about given such orders? You were about to ask when ---Silencio! Petrificus Totalus ----‘Sorry y/n I don’t want you to do something rash.’
Rash? Rash? Did the boy who did things without rationality told YOU YOU a Ravenclaw not to be rash? He maybe one of your best friends but seriously? Did he just--you couldn’t even complete the thought.
With your head still looking up you saw him, Draco, your Draco. Gosh what is he doing here? His platinum blond and pale skin seems to be whiter and paler than normal. What is happening to him? Why is he keeping secrets? Between your thoughts you heard him say ‘You don’t understand, I’ve got to do this or he’ll kill me!’
 What? Your mind goes to overdrive, flooded with more questions than before. What is he doing? Who’s going to kill him? Oh no oh no please don’t let it be---Stuck in your thoughts, everything faded into the background and the only thing that brought you back to reality were the words ‘Avada Kedavra’.With your body stuck in your current position your vision scope was limited but that wasn’t going to stop a Ravenclaw. You scan the tower just in time to see a stiff Dumbledore fall backwards off the rail.
Harry must have seen it too as he casted you free of the enchantments. Harry ran past you but you quickly caught his arm ‘Where do you think you’re going?’
‘To follow the death eaters of course!’ he said with anger.
‘Are you insane Harry? Listen to the footsteps there must be at least 4 of them or maybe more! We’ll never stand a chance and they’re probably escaping by now, besides I think it’s more important to get to our headmaster who just fell off the tower from the killing curse!’ And with that you ushered him out to the grounds.
You two were first at the scene. It didn’t seem real, not to you anyway. Dumbledore was one of the most powerful wizard he can’t just die when they battle hasn’t even begun. Yet here he is on the ground looking as peaceful as being asleep. You wrap Harry in your arms, the boy is crying. He had now lost 2 father figures in his life so what if he is the chosen one, a child shouldn’t suffer like this. You don’t know how long you’ve been comforting Harry and whispering words to him. You both only separated when McGonagall gave a speech and asked the crowd of students you hadn’t noticed had gathered before to have wands raised in honor of the late headmaster. Slowly students turned to go. It was all too much to take for you so you too decide to go, leaving Harry with Ginny, Ron and Hermione.
You were on the way up to your dorm when you saw a familiar looking blond boy walk 3 times pass a wall and into the room of requirements. You decided to time to face your fear and follow through.
The room has taken shape of a .... well there was nothing except a silhouette in front of a fireplace. ‘Draco?’ you said cautiously.
‘Draco?’ no answer.
You reached him with a few more steps and you realized that he’s crying. You pull him into a hug, gosh you missed him but now is not the time to focus on your needs but rather on his, so you tried again.
‘Draco darling, what’s wrong?’ still no answer
‘Draco, I won’t judge you but I don’t like seeing you like this. I want you to tell me what’s bothering you, it’s okay if you won’t tell me now but I want you to know that you don’t have to live with this burden alone, that I’m willing to share that weight of yours cause I love you, I love you even though you ignored me and put me through hell this past year. But even that didn’t make my love waver because I love you so so much. You know that right?’
‘y/n I’m so sorry I truly am and you ought to know the truth to why I was so distant.’ he said as he broke your embrace. ‘But promise me one thing y/n that whatever I tell you, you won’t run away until I say all that I have to say. You can after I’m done and I won’t stop you. I just need you to understand alright?’
‘I promise. Ravenclaws often listen to both sides of the story before making a decision’ You say, trying to lighten the mood.
‘Alright...’ he continues and pulls up his left sleeve showing his dark mark. You tried to muffle your gasp but failed. ‘I got the mark a few days before school started.’ he said. ‘y/n... believe me when I say I didn’t want to get it but I had no choice--I--he--’ More tears rolling off Draco’s face. You cupped his cheek with your hands, rubbing away the tears.‘--he was going to kill me, my family, everyone I love. Gosh y/n YOU he threaten to kill You if I didn’t obliged to his orders---and-- and I couldn’t lose you y/n Never.’
‘oh Draco....’
‘And today in the astronomy tower I was supposed to kill Dumbledore but I couldn’t...I just can’t kill anyone y/n...’ Draco chocked on his tears.
‘I know Draco, I was there.’ you said quietly.
‘But what-- how?’
‘I was there with Harry in the second landing and we saw it happen.’
‘y/n you got to understand please..’
 ‘yes I do understand and no one should have had that burden put upon them’
A few moments passed when Draco said ‘They all left. you know that y/n?  Snape, Bellatrix and Greyback. My task isn’t done y/n they left me so that I could be a spy for---to spy on Dumbledore’s Army. y/n listen to me I have no choice than to follow in order to keep all the people I love alive so y/n just do us both a favor and forget about me’
‘Draco no.’
‘y/n it‘s the only way to keep you safe. There’s no other way, no matter how many times you wrap your head around it.’
‘Draco, there’s always another way and it would make no difference to tell me to use my head over my heart cause whoever said that the mind and heart are two different things had got it wrong because both my mind and my heart would do anything and everything to protect you.’
^ @potterhead23 @lucyrocksyoursocks @mp938368​ @remvsjohn​@dwacomaowfoy @ashrodiguez @ghostducky @hey-popcorn @junodarling @smilecausemiles @tiny-strawberry- @stars-shaped-clouds @pride-glee-andthetardis @capandbuck @oitnbaddict4l
So what do you guys think?
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knight-queen · 3 years
Lunatic Parade Yuma Mukami –(Chapter 3)
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[Chapter O 1]  [Chapter 2]  [Chapter 3]  [Chapter 4]  [Final]
Place: ???
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Yui: (Nh...this place is…?)
???: Oh, we’ve met again huh.
Yui: (This voice...I’ve heard it before, I think…)
???: How are you feeling?...Looks like you get back your heart?
Yui: Kh! You, no way...Earl Walter?
???: Haha, you remembered me as you should.
???: More importantly, what’d you say? You want me to explain everything, don’t you?
Yui: This place is...tough one. I think I’m still carrying that stone within me….explain it slowly ー
???: Slowly? Haah...I am not willing to.
Yui: Eh…?
???: Isn’t that fine? Isn’t it important to get back the heart also for him?
Yui: Him...about Yuma kun?
???: That’s right. He also looks like suffering, it means he’s thinking about your feelings over anything.
???: He is the only one who’s trying to get back that fascinating heart...weird right?
Yui: (Heart...for that, just the taste of my blood has changed)
(But he said that he doesn’t care about the...taste.)
Yui: Yuma kun isn’t like you. He said that my heart has nothing to do with this.
???: Oh my, oh my...looks like you haven’t understood anything. ….Didn’t he treat you well?
Yui: Eh?
???: Those words are just lies, just for putting at ease, he said that….You are aware of the truth, aren't you?
Yui: Kh...Such…
Yui: (That’s true...for vampires. Taste of blood is most important to them.)
(He was trying to get back different thing rather than my heart, yet he’s dating with me)
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(But what is he really thinking? Could it be, all he’s doing just for making me relieved…)
???: He is a vampire after all. It’s something that can’t be ignored, right?
*BG black*
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Yui: (How selfish. He was being kind kind and sweet just for this)
I was able to think of anything around me only because of Yuma kun and yet…!
*Gets up from the sleep*
Place: Place: ホテル•モーントシュタイン  客室 / Hotel • Mortstein  Guest room
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Yui: Nh...it was just, a dream…?
(It was certainly an awful dream...huh?)
Yuma kun...?
(He’s gone...He was here before I fell asleep for sure)
(Did he go somewhere all by himself…!)
*gets up from the bed*
Yuma kun...where did you go?
*Door opens*
Yui: Yuma kun!?
*Hugs Yuma*
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Yuma: Oiii!! Don’t scare me outta nowhere!!
Yui: Ah...sorry…
Yuma: What’s wrong?
Yui: Because, you weren’t here when I got up, I was scared and…
Yuma: Aah, my bad. I was out for a moment to buy it.
Yui: Is that...a seedling?
Yuma: Vegetables! There’re seeds too!
That demon world’s strawberry of that cake! I want to grow, y’ know.
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Yuma: The fertilizer was outta stock so I gotta wait until they release ‘gain...well, it can’t be helped.
Yui: I see…
(It’s a relief that he didn’t go anywhere…)
Yuma: ...What’s wrong with ya’? Thinking that you suddenly jumped towards me and now you’re being gloomy...You’re tired or disappointed ‘bout something?
Yui: No, I’m fine.
Yuma: Heeh? Well, it’s fine. First of all….
*Yuma kisses Yui*
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Yuma: Nh...Calm down ‘kay?
Yui: Kh! ...I am!
Yuma: Hm? But I don’t think so. Kukuh...shall I experiment it a lil’ bit more?
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Is it find ‘rround ‘ere...tch. I haven’t bite for a while so the marks disappeared.
Kukuh...stay still?
Yui: …...mhm
Yuma: You are being obedient today...that’s fine, ‘re I go...Haa-
Yui: Kh…!
Yuma: ………
Yui: (Yuma kun…?)
I knew I’d stop...I remembered my hands were messed with soil.
Yui: Eh…?
*Yuma backs off*
Yuma: Kukuh, sorry. There’s mud in your hair so come and have a shower.
Yui: Already...I understand. I’m coming.
Place: ホテル・モーントシュタイン  バスルーム / Bathroom of Mortstein Hotel
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Yui: (Phew, is it fine now?)
*Turns off the shower*
Yui: (More than that...earlier, was Yuma kun being patient for my blood)
(It means my blood has lost it’s delicious taste...for sure)
(Yuma Kun...has always been caring and kind. But as a return, what am I doing?)
(Me who has now worthless blood, can’t do anything)
(At this rate, may be he will start hating me)
(I can’t...allow it…)
(I must get back my heart. However, for getting back…)
(What can I do)
Place: 山中 / Mountain
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Yui: (As he said, I ascenden in this mountain road but...it’s getting so hard that I might get out of breath.)
Yuma: Oi, are ya ‘kay?
Yui: Fine…
Yuma: If it’s getting impossible, then say it soon. It’s only you, I can carry y’ easily.
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Yui: No, it’s fine. I can walk all the way.
Yuma: Aah? Then, it’s fine though…
Yui: (I have to at least walk by myself, I can’t be a burden to him)
Yuma: By the way, I didn’t imagine that I could get to know about a rare thing at the garden shop.
Yuma: They said, there can be treasure in the abandoned mine...I’m very excited!
Yui: Yes...very exciting
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Yuma: ...Oi idiot, you’re not interested at all!
Yui: Kh….no,it’s not like that. Sorry, I was a little thirsty.
Yuma: Damn, you’re hopeless. Wait a lil’ I’m going to bring water from that spring.
Yui: Yes, I am coming too.
Yuma: You’re dog-tired, so it would be fine.
Yui: No
(I should so things that can be done by my own...little by little)
Yuma: ….damn, I’ve no clue ‘bout your thoughts but, don’t stretch out your feet.
Place: Mining area / 鉱山跡地
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Yui: (Uuh…I’m not tired anymore but, no one is there, very weird.)
Yuma: Kuku...what’s up, sow. Are ya afraiding?
Yui: Because, this place is very creepy…
Yuma: Ah, that’s cuz in the past, there was a big accident here. 
Everyone was buried alive...since then, they used to come out!
Yui: Come out...no way….
Yuma: That ‘now way’. Of course ghosts,y’know?
Yui: Stop! I was already scared and…
Yuma: Haah? You, you’re walking, having a ghost in front of you, so it’s unexpected for you to be scared!
Yui: In front of me...there’s nothing.
Yuma: Idiot...there’s a vampire who’s having fun scaring a human woman.
Yui: ...Yuma kun is not a ghost.
Yuma: That’s true, but from your place, it's the same thing, right? 
Yui: Not at all! I am not scared of you or something.
(Completely different...you are affectionate.)
Yuma: Thank you.
In this connection, the thing we’re searching is pretty much the same, y’know?
Yui: Eh...really?
Yuma: Yup! In the depth of this mine, there’s a dragon-nest or something, there’s a rare thing out there!
Yui: But the dragon will be there, right…
(All I’m experiencing is all about legend things...as you expect from demon world)
*Yuma disappeared*
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(Ghosts or dragon, which one is creepiest...I haven’t seen them so I can’t have any guess)
Neh, Yuma kun, do you ーー
(Huh? He’s not here...but I far I can see, I should be a straight road)
(Could it be he’s hiding something to make me surprise)
Yuma kun…?
Stop already...Yuma kun!
(Huh? …...He’s really not there?)
Yuma kun, where? Hey!
(What should I do...preceding alone is dangerous. And also I can’t just recklessly go back and stray from here)
(But I’m fearing to be here, in this gloomy place…!)
(Anyway, to get distracted from this, let’s walk slowly)
*After sometimes*
Yui: Yuma kun…? Hey, Yuma kun…!
*Stones fall*
Yui: kh!!
(I- I was scared…)
(Where did he go…?)
Yuma kun...I’m scared…
*Another sound*
Yui: kh!!
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Yuma: Here!!
Yui: Kyaーーーah!!
*Screen shakes*
Yuma: Hey...why are y’ screaming like this! Kch, my ears hurt…
Yui: (I was scared…!)
Selection ー
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→ Get angry (+ correct)
→ Get relieved
Yui: Same to you, threatening me like this is awful!
Yuma: Oi, oi, getting angry like this, why?
Yui: Because...you were gone and I was all alone...it was creepy…
Yuma: Yeah, I saw you trembling. When you’re calling my name, I wanted to scare you wishing good luck.
*Yuma hugs Yui*
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Yuma: You’re the one who’s bad for doing cute things.
Yui: …! *blushing*
*Yuma kisses Yui*
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Yuma: I won’t go anywhere...nh
Yui: (It won’t work. I’m relieved but at the same time...tears are…)
Yuma: Aah...my bad, don’t cry. I saw something shining in the dark, so I thought to stop by there.
Yui: (I see it glows rough pale in his palm and so beautiful…)
What can it be…?
Yuma: Who knows. Maybe Ruki could tell the name at one shot, but if it’s me, I can’t.
But, you like it don’t you?
Yui: Yes, it’s so pretty.
Yuma: Then I’ll give it.
Yui: Is that okay?
Yuma: There won’t be a result even if you say you don’t want to. Take it at once!
Yui: ….Thank you. I’ll treasure it.
Yuma: kukuh...If we get outta this mine, maybe we can find this stone a really ordinary one?
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Yui: That will be fine too….I am so happy. *blushes*
Yuma: I see...Let’s walk on.
Yui: (He’s so kind...I couldn’t do anything at all)
(I knew...I’m just a burden)
Yuma: Kch!? That is……?
Yui: Hm? What’s wro—
*Yuma covers her mouth*
Yui: (He suddenly blocked my mouth…!)
Yuma: Be quiet...I can sense something
Yui: (Eh? ...He’s pointing on a hole)
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Yuma: Definitely this one...there’s rare things here.
Yui: Eh? How can you be so sure?
Yuma: Hm? You can’ see it huh? It’s risky, so you wait ‘re.
Yui: Yes…
*After a moment*
Yui: (While he was searching, he went into the hole but, Yuma kun, I hope you are okay)
(Dragons must be pretty giant...I am worried)
*Foot steps*
Yuma: I made y’ wait! I get the treasure!
Yui: Treasure….what’s that?
(It’s a little large, and curved oval. Could it be…)
Yuma: Very surprising, right? It’s a dragon’s egg!!
Yui: Dragon’s!?
Yuma: Yup!
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Yui: I- it wasn’t good...wasn’t there it’s mother?
Yuma: Well, there was. But it’s fine since there were so many eggs out there.
Yui: But...it’s sad. As I thought, you should give up on this
Yuma: Aah? I got it with so much trouble, now you’re saying to give up on it?
Yui: Because…
(However, if Earl gets interested in this egg, he may give back my heart.)
(If everything goes well, then we may also get that cake…)
Yuma: Oi, stop spacing out. Anyway, let’s pull this thing.
Yui: Y- yes.
(What should we do...but at this rate, we won’t get a second chance to get such rare thing)
(Mom of the dragon...sorry…)
*They walk*
Yuma: haahー ! That was surprisingly easy!
Yui: Yes!
*BGM stops*
(Above all, it’s good that we’ve come this far safely)
Yui: Kyaa!
Yuma: Woo! Oops...No good...I was close dropping the egg …
Yui: Hey, what kind of sound that was.
Yuma: No clue…
Yui: (Again…? It’s kinda suspicious)
Yuma: Oi, somehow I’ve bad feelings ‘bout it.
Yui: Yes…
Yui: Eh...this sound…
(Don’t tell me it's the dragon…?)
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Yuma: It’s flying...but not a dragon. An eagle?
Yui: Looks like it’s facing here and approaching this way.
Yuma: Ah, so... was it a giant eagle’s egg instead of a dragon?
Yui: Eeeh!? That means…
(We’re the...prey!?)
Yuma: First of all, get outta ‘re!! Run!!
*They run*
*After a while*
Yui: Tc...Haa, Yuma kun...I can't run anymore…!
Yuma: Are you ‘kay! It’s cuz I’m holding this egg...shit!
Yui: (I...can’t…!)
Yuma: Kch...Yui! Let’s get out using that.
Yui: Eh? Using this...minecart? Will it move?
Yuma: We ain’t know until we try! Let’s hurry!
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Yui: (Anyway, we must have to ride it…!)
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(Words Yuma used in the game) ー
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“Let’s start!”
“You’re doing best”
“No use”
“Looks like game’s over”
“As a gift for doing great ー I’ll give you sugar-chan”
Fades to CG (If you win) ー
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Yuma: Yaay! You did great, Yui!
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Yui: (I’m glad...with this, we may run away)
Yuma: I wondered what’d happen ‘cuz the way it was shaking but, the egg is also safe!
Yui: Really? That’s great…
Yuma: Of course! And it raised my tension more than any other rides of the amusement park!
Super speed and I was feeling dizzy and also the changing patterns of the landscape….perfect adventure! It was fun!
I wanted to scream every time the cart swayed up and down y’know...if possible, I’d like to ride one more!
Anyway, it went pretty well. You did effort with all your might, so come ‘re!
*CG changed  as he hugs*
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Yui: Kyaa…!
Yuma: As I thought, a woman who does it, when she has to do it. I also like it...the courage you’re holding inside you.
Yui: Is that...praise?
Yuma: Of course! You’re the best...as expected.
Yui: Same for you...To me...you are just too good.
Yuma: Kukuh...you’re just saying cute things…
Don’t show your indolent nature on the outside that much. Or you can't do your best, right?
Yui: Kch...enough already!
(More than anything, I’m glad that we two are safe)
Place: Front of Mine Entrance / 鉱山跡地入口前
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Yuma: Then, we managed to get the egg but...how can we lure out that Earl?
Our weakness is that we don’t know his location...what should we do.
Yui: Eh...this sound…!?
Yuma: Tch, it was still chasing after us! Let's escape!!
Yui: (The eagle is roaring...looks really angry)
(But it’s obvious...that was her precious egg after all)
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(To the mom of that eagle, her child’s life is….uuuh, more important than my life, right?)
Yuma: Yui! Don’t space out!
Yui: (Really, is it okay to escape like this? She’s roaring with such a sad voice...escaping like…)
(I can’t do it)
Yuma kun, let’s hand this egg to it’s mom.
Aah? What are ya’ saying so suddenly!
All of your efforts will become worthless like water but...I can’t…!
Yuma: ...You, are you saying seriously?
Yui: Yes...I’m really sorry.
But as I thought, I just can’t steal the egg from it’s mom.
If I would be in that mother’s place, I am sure I couldn’t endure it…!
Yuma: ….Haah, gotcha, do whatever ya’ want.
Yui: Yes, ...this egg, I will return it to her.
Yuma: Yeah.
Yui: (Kh...I am scared…! But, I’m sure it will get more creepy if we hesitate to give it back)
Mother giant-eagle, we’re sorry! I...I was just being selfish.
We’ll give back your child so...take it!
(Lift up as much as possible...rise up so high that you can reach the sky…!)
(She skillfully grasped the egg and…)
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Flies away….
Yuma: Haa….
Yui: (It should be fine)
Yuma: ...We’re going back. 
Yui: Yes…
Place: Rubean Lake / ルビーン 運河
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Yui: (I’m glad that we’ve reached the gondola and descended from the mountain safely...but)
Yuma: ……..
(It’s not strange to get him angry. I was….just acting on my will…)
(This time too, he’s really disgusted for all of these)
(....What have I done.)
Yuma: ...Oi
Yui: Hm?
Yuma: Look around a little more….It’s Gondola, we may not get a second chance to ride it.
| Gondola is a kind of boat for riding a lake or something. Click here for more!
Yui: (No second chance….I see. It’s a nice view, it’s somehow natural for me to lost interest for everything)
(But...if I really want to feel, it’s just too painful….!)
Yuma: Haah...damn, don’t just finish all by yourself!
Yui: Eh?
*He gets closer*
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Yuma: Honestly, you’re a good-natured person...I’d enough of that.
Yui: Yes…
Yuma: So...I’ll do it!!
*Screen shaked*
Yui: Kyaa….stop...kch!
Yuma: No, I aiiin’t. It’s yer punishment! Haa!
*Screen shaked*
Yui: Kch...Yuma kun, my hair will get messed up…!
Yuma: Aah? I don’t care….It’s ‘cuz I like any kind of you.
Yui: Eh…?
Yuma: To be honest, when ya’ said to return that egg, I knew it’s gonn’ be happen.
Yui: Is that so?
Yuma: Yeah...well, it did get me mad. However, if y’ wanted to hold back then you should do it a little before!
Yui: I’m sorry. But I was…!
Yuma: Aah, if it’s you then I obviously know what it's ‘bout! ...You’re actions were...weird.
Yui: ...I thought you will hate me who has lost her heart…
Yuma kun, even though you said that you don’t care about the taste of my blood…!
*Yuma touches her cheek*
Yuma: Ya’re really stupid. No way I’ll hate you for such things.
But...sorry for making ya worried.
Yui: No, you’re fine. It was me who ー
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Yuma: No need to say needless words...nh…*kisses*
Yui: Nn….
Yuma: Be silent...don’t think of anything. Got it?
Yui: ...yes…
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Yuma: Good girl...nh…*kiss*
(About Yuma kun...I should have believe his words more)
Yui: ( I can’t get confused about the man in just a dream, who’s the closest and...always staying by my side.)
(But I won’t get puzzled anymore. I’ll trust the arms which are wrapped around me and...the person who is always being kind to me)
(Yuma kun...thank you so much) 
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The End of Chapter O3 ー
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