#camp counselor tips and tricks
camp-counselor-life · 3 months
finding your blog has inspired me to do this during my gap year. I'm not enjoying school atm so I'm hoping to catch break from academics and jobshadow or work as a junior camp counsellor. i'd love to know more about your story. also, do you have any tips or advice?
Hi friend, that's awesome! I totally understand not enjoying school and really wish I'd taken a gap year at several points.
My story is that I grew up in Girl Scouts and did a lot with it. I moved for college but worked at my childhood day camp for two summers. I also ran events for my local council while I was in college as part of a student group. Then, in winter 2014-15, I realized I wasn't happy in my path and applied for a job as a curriculum writer. Then I applied for summer camp and became the CIT (counselors in training) director. The next summer I was the director (long story) and then did two summers as assistant director while I was in grad school.
When I graduated, my current job became available. I applied and was hired. I've been in this position ever since. I run events, support parents and volunteers, work with the community, and more. The blog encompasses both camp stuff and my work stuff (as well as some random stuff from my life).
I have tons of tips, and they're in a variety of tags. One is my tips and tricks tag, which I've included on this one. Camp asks is another one, because those are all the questions that people have asked over the years. Some top tips are:
Take care of yourself. You can't pour from an empty cup.
You will get better the longer you do something, including being a camp staff. Your first year won't be perfect, but do your best.
Kids come first when you're on duty. Like, don't neglect your basic needs, but also you are responsible for them and need to act like it.
Every kid is different and has something they bring to the group. It's your job to bring that out.
Best wishes!
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childotkw · 3 months
Hello! I hope your day has been well!
I was wondering if you had anymore ideas about camp counselor Harry? I love how he’s single handedly trying to teach all these kids moral lessons and healthy coping mechanisms instead of becoming a dark lord.
I’d like to imagine he would have all these normal activities but then every once in a while there would be one that has a very important or useful lesson on how to survive a specific situation. Harry didn’t grow up with normal experiences, so him teaching the kids how to fight or avoid spiders that are bigger than some of their houses would seem very normal to him, but might cause some of his students to side eye him.
Then if they did bond fires, Harry might slip in some of his experiences when he was a student. It would cause the students to make a ‘Harry lore list’ and they would debate things that Harry said to determine if he was serious or not.
Harry would definitely slip in super specific tips and tricks given his own childhood experiences. Wanna learn how to fight acromantula? Wanna know how to outfly a dragon? Wanna jump in the lake and wrestle with some grindylow?
The ever-expanding theories around what the hell their mild-mannered professor did in his boyhood years mutates and grows uncontrollably and some even have Harry snickering under his breath when he hears them.
Of course, some think it's all bullshit and Professor Potter is just messing with them - but enough students think it's real and are enthralled.
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vampgal202 · 10 months
Camp Counselor. (James Franco x Female reader.)
summary: When Y/n jumps at an opportunity to be a camp counselor at James Francos Acting Camp for the second year in a row, she doesn't expect that the A-list celebrity had his eye on her all this time.
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idea inspired by @erot-ica <3
Warnings: smoking, smut, drunk sex, praising kink
The siren sound of an "alarm" fills the whole camp, signaling it was time to get up. I audibly groaned as the sound blared through the counselor cabin. We were only a few weeks into the summer and I still wasn't used to that sound. For the second summer in a row, I decided to pick up a job at James Francos Acting Camp. It was an amazing opportunity from the start, as soon as I heard about it, I knew I needed to apply to be a counselor.
The only real qualifications were that we had to know a decent amount about acting literature, we had enough experience in acting, and we would be open-minded mentors. The whole aspect of the camp was to teach young teens acting techniques, and how to build yourself a career and domain.
The camp was of course run by the one and only James Franco. He would make a weekly appearance to give tips, and tricks, and help some of the counselors teach a tough course. Considering he was the expert, his peace of mind was much needed in most cases. Last summer, when it was my first time counseling here, James helped me throughout all my classes. There was a rumor between the counselors that James and I fucked, which didn't happen. Although I wished it did.
Today James was making his weekly appearance which was exciting, maybe me and him could catch up. "Get up bitch, we got kids to teach and you got a daddy to fuck." I turn my head to see one of my closest counselor friends, Marissa getting ready, smiling at me. "I am not fucking James, never have and never will," I respond putting my pillow on top of my face to block out the sunshine. I could hear Marrisa walk over to my bunk, pulling the pillow off my face. "Don't lie to me, sweetheart." She says to me, smirking.
"Did you see the face that kid made when he was trying to impersonate the godfather?" Marrisa says to me, holding her stomach laughing. "Stop Marrissa, you're gonna get us caught," I respond back to her trying to hold in my laugh. We just finished our first class of the day, and we are now on break, smoking a joint behind one of the cabins. "Ladies..." I turn my head quickly to see James walking towards us, butting out the joint and throwing the roach. "Hello, James." Marrisa and I both say in unison. He was now standing in front of us, a smile on his face.
"I heard tonight there's gonna be a bonfire party down by the lake." He says to us, flicking his eyes between us. "Yeah, are you gonna be there Mr Franco?" Marrisa says, smiling at him. He laughs shaking his head. "I'm not sure. Will you be there Y/n?" He looks at me, waiting for my response. "Yeah, maybe," I respond, feeling nervous under his stare. "See you guys tonight." He says to us, looking me up and down and not giving Marissa another look, walking off. "Oh, he wants to fuck you." She says to me nudging my shoulder. "Shut up..." I say, forcing back a smile.
"What are you girls wearing to the bond fire tonight?" I say to the girls in my cabin, looking through my options. The day is done and it is now night. The kids are in bed sound asleep but we counselors are ready to party. "I am trying to look as whorish as possible, I heard James is gonna be there tonight." I hear one of the girls in the cabin say. "Yeah, but good luck the only piece of ass he wants is this one right here." I feel Marissa grab my ass as she walks past me, making me laugh. "Here wear this." Marrisa throws a bright red bikini halter top at me and a pair of jean shorts. "That ought to get his attention." She says devilishly.
The beach is packed with counselors when we get there. Everyone has a drink in their hand. People's drunk bodies are buried in the sand. It wasn't long before I am like that too. About 6 drinks later I'm hammered. The whole time I was looking for James but I couldn't find him, so I gave up, laying in the warm sand and closing my eyes. It was peaceful until I felt a large hand grab my hip. Making me shoot my eyes open.
It's Jared, the gross, scum bag counselor. All the girls hate him because not only is he super misogynistic, he used to seriously beat on his last girlfriend who worked here. "Ew get the fuck off of me Jared," I say trying to pry out of his hold. His body lays in the sand next to me, trying to get me to lie on top of him. "c'mere baby." his words are slurred, he's even more drunk than me. This is when I realized that this fucker can't take no for an answer. "Get off," I say more sternly. His hand trails down the side of my hip. "Get the fuck out of here Jared." I hear I familiar voice say.
I look up to see James standing over us. "Whatever buddy," Jared says, standing up and almost falling over. "You're fired too, buddy." James says to him mimicking Jared's voice when he says "Buddy." I start bursting out laughing. James reaches his hand out helping me up off the sand. "Thank you," I say, drunkenly smiling and hugging him. I could tell James was a little drunk too, his breath smelt like booze and his demeanor was much more relaxed and playful. "come on." He says to me, hooking his arm under my leg and carrying me bridal style.
I start laughing again, studying his face as he carries me. There was a smile plastered on his face. He was wearing a blue button-up shirt that was slightly unbuttoned, revealing his chest. His hair was messy, and his eyes were low. But a large smile was plastered on his face. He smelt like men's cologne, cigarettes, and booze. I wasn't sure where he was taking me, but we were now off the beach, walking through the trail toward the counselor cabins. I felt my eyes close for a bit but they reopened once I felt him stop.
We were on the porch of my cabin. He puts my feet down back on the ground. "You okay?" He says to me, looking at my face. But I didn't say anything at all, I just kissed him. My hand grabbed his shirt, pulling him down closer to my mouth, kissing him intensely. His tongue swirled around my mouth. The taste of beer and vodka was laced in our kiss. He pushed my body back against the door, opening it. The cabin was dark, both of us stumbling over shoes and items left on the floor. I broke the kiss turning the cabin light on and pulling him over to my bed.
Laying flat on my back on the bed James crawls between my legs kissing me while his hands run through my hair. He pulls back staring at my body sprawled on the bed. He looks at me, slowly pulling my shorts off my ass and discarding them onto the floor. He unbuttons his shirt revealing his toned abs and chest. I sit up grabbing his face in my hands and kissing him harshly. "I want you to fuck me, so hard I can't breathe Mr Franco," I whisper in his ear. My words were strung out and drunk, and so were his, I knew I would regret saying that later.
He looked at me smirking, taking my words as a challenge. He pulled me fully onto his lap straddling him. He quickly unbuttoned his belt and his pants revealing his cock. It was big and thick. "You think you can take that?" He says to me laughing as I stare at his dick mesmerized. I lick my lips, nodding my head. He grabs my hips, moving my underwear to the side and slamming my hips down. The stretch around his cock was almost unbearable.
His cock hit my G-spot right away making me let out a loud moan. He didn't let me do any of the work. Grabbing hips and fucking my body on and off his dick. "Fuck, you're such a good girl." He says to me gripping my hips harder. The pace he was fucking me was brutal. It wasn't long before that familiar feeling was building up inside of me, indicating I was coming close.
But all of a sudden we heard noises. The sound of rustling outside both made me and James perk up. Indicating someone was about to enter the cabin. He pulled out of me and grabbed my hand pulling me into the bathroom and flicking the light on. Someone entered the cabin and must've gone right to bed considering the noises were short-lived. I was standing now in front of the bathroom sink, James standing behind me.
His hand ran up back, pushing it down to sit my ass on his dick behind me. I watch in the mirror as he pulls his dick out, keeping eye contact with me. I watch myself shudder as he drags his sensitive dick through my folds. I could see his eyes flutter shut and his jaw goes slack at the sensation. Catching me off guard he slams his dick in me. Once again holding onto my hips and fucking me on and off his dick. He never broke eye contact, staring at me in the mirror as he fucks me harshly.
His hand curls around me, attaching to my clit. I started to moan, forgetting the fact of the sleeping person in the other room. James leaned forward, putting his mouth against my ear. "Be a good girl and cum on my cock. Don't say another word." He says to me sternly. His voice was hoarse and deep, making me want to moan just from his words. His fingers started applying more pressure on my clit, making me let out small whimpers under my breath.
His other hand leaves my hip, moving up back and grabbing a fist full of my hair, pulling it so my body was against his chest. His mouth is now next to my ear. "I've wanted to do this to you the moment I laid my eyes on you." He whispers in my ear, still keeping eye contact through the mirror. My back was now completely flat against his chest, his dick still thrusting in and out of me, and his long fingers rubbing my clit. I can't even see straight, my body is filled with so much pleasure. "Cum for me," he says lowly. Rubbing my clit rough and fast making me come undone.
I am a mess, I can't even say a coherent sentence at this point. My vision is almost blurry as I cum all over his cock. I watch in the mirror as he throws his head back and releases inside of me, making him let out strings of moans in my ear. My body leans forward, grabbing onto the sink in front of me as he pulls out. He reaches over grabs toilet paper and bends down. He cleans my thighs and body gently.
He stands up cleaning himself off. My eyes are now closed my head hung between my shoulders. I grip the sink, exhausted. "You okay," he says to me. Rubbing my arms and kissing my shoulder. I turn around to face him, smiling. I lean in, kissing his lips deeply, breathing him in. He pulls back, looking at me like some beautiful creature. "Go rest. I got to get back to my cabin before anyone sees me." He says, giving me one last kiss on my lips and leaving the bathroom. Well, I guess Marissa called it because I just got fucked by James fucking Franco.
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blackjackkent · 4 months
Today's the day! The sun is shining! The tank is clean!
Today we kill Enver Gortash. >:)
However, a few quick camp convos to go through first, starting with Mizora, who is NOT happy about Hector and Wyll managing to get Ulder out of the Iron Throne.
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"I bet you're pleased with yourself. Saving Ravengard and making a fool out of me in a single swoop. Go on, do your gloating. You earned it."
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"Damn right I did. My father is safe and my chains are broken!"
Fuck yeah. Tell her, Wyll.
Hector has been known, on very rare occasions, to bust out an absolutely devastating shit-eating grin, and this would be a particularly appropriate time for it, but tragically he has his serious face on instead and doesn't rise to Mizora's bait and taunt her.
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"I'm just relieved that Grand Duke Ravengard is all right."
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"Yes, celebrate your fortunes. But remember that they are lost as quickly as they are gained. For now, you've tipped the scales in your favor. But all it takes is a whisper for me to tip them back."
A smidge ominous.
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"What did you mean about tipping the scales in your favor?"
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"Why look for hidden meaning when the words are laid so bare? Besides, now is a time of celebration. I am sure you and Duke Ravengard have plenty to talk about."
Mizora definitely isn't out of tricks yet. Hector will be keeping a close eye on her. But she's right, whether she means to be or not - today has been a MASSIVE victory for Hector, one of the few unequivocal ones he's had in a while.
Had a quick chat with Ravengard again - nothing super significant, although he was very relieved to hear that Florrick has already been rescued and didn't die to the execution sentence he gave her while controlled by the Absolute.
Wyll also had a conversation pop after a long rest, but it is definitely NOT one that is supposed to be happening in camp. XD
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Wyll, I've heard of delayed reactions, but this is something else. XD
Talking to him again, though, we can ask about how he feels to be reunited with his father.
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"It's complicated. There's the joy of reconciliation, the relief of forgiveness - and the anxiety of new expectation. It's a flurry of emotion. I'm not sure how to make sense of it."
It's kind of sweet - a little of Hector's old role as mentor and counselor to the youth of the monastery gets to show its face here just for a moment, letting Wyll talk out his experience and offering guidance.
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"Focus on the relief. Finally, your father knows the truth."
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"Relief. My last seven years have been defined by the secrets I carried. I feel light as a feather now that I've shed them. Once all this is ended, once we've crushed the brain and freed the people, I could once more call Baldur's Gate home. Whether I return there, well... only time will tell."
Hector has had similar thoughts about his old home at the monastery and whether he can or will go back, so he definitely relates to this and tells Wyll so.
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outdoor-safety · 1 year
Outdoor Safety Tips | Discuss!
Hi! We're Girl Scouts who created this blog in order to earn our Girl Scout Safety Award! For one of the steps we had to create a forum to discuss a safety issue we're passionate about, and as some of us work as camp counselors, outdoor safety spoke to us.
So, we're asking your tips and tricks for outdoor safety! Please reblog this and share your precautionary measures & things you actively do to stay safe while out in nature!
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elminx · 7 months
I got broken up with a few months ago, and I’m struggling to let go of them. He is not spiritual in any way but he is friends with people who dislike me who are. I need to be rid of him. He really damaged my mental health.
Can you recommend any tips or spells or anything to keep him out of my life? Thank you!!
Hi Anon,
I'm struggling a bit with this post. Yes, I do have tips and tricks (and spells!) to keep someone out of your life, at least potentially. But I have very strong feelings about the use of banishment on a person. As in, I am of the camp that banishment is almost always BIG GUNS baneful magic that people like to treat like it is no big deal.
So firstly, I feel for you and see you. Breakups are hard and I have found that it always takes me more than a few months to truly get over them. I've had a few that really damaged my mental health, for sure. But, in order to feel comfortable with offering a magical solution, I need more information. Is your ex somebody that you still see regularly and if so, why? You say that you need to be "rid of him" which implies that you do but it's possible that I'm misinterpreting and you wish to be rid of the hurt or the memories or the feelings that are associated with the breakup. Any of these are valid but the wrong spell here could make things worse, not better. Feel free to send me another ask with clarifications if you want.
That said, there are some mundane things that you should do in a situation like this. First, cut off any contact between you and your ex that you can control. Delete their phone number, unfriend them, and unfollow them on the socials. You NEED to do this to get over this situation, this is the bare minimum. Seeing this person is going to bring this hurt back up so limit this as much as you can. Second, remove any trace of them from your life and your house. When we've been through a bad breakup, we sometimes tend to keep things out of a weird sense of nostalgia. If your ex gave you anything or you have photos of the two of you together, you need to get rid of them. This is really hard sometimes, I know. Thirdly, if you are really struggling with this, it's okay to seek out additional help from a counselor or mental health professional. I have found that during a bad breakup, my friends get sick of me talking about it and then it gets all bottled up inside. A therapist will listen and offer solutions. Lastly, you mention that they have friends who don't like you and who are "spiritual". I'm not sure if this is a worry of yours, but it wouldn't hurt to put up some personal protection magic just in case.
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dxppercxdxver · 8 months
if you are still doing the wip words ask game, how about 'bark,' 'silk,' and/or 'stone'?
let's goooooo
i have Several, starting with herronimus camping episode
“Sure, yeah, I got that bit,” Eloise said slowly, “but what’s with the telepathy?” “You have to admit, it is a bit odd,” Andrés chimed in, words echoing from somewhere behind her left ear. “Shut it, Princey, you’re supposed to be watching my back.” “I am, I am, don’t worry your pretty little horns about it.” “Oh, bite me.” “Lawrence,” Juno barked. “It’s your plan, pay attention and pick the damn lock.” This seemed to do the trick, and for a moment the conversation lapsed into beautiful silence.
At that moment, Juniper clapped her hands, and everyone found themselves sitting at attention. “Alright, campers!” she barked. “I know y’all expect certain things of me this weekend as your warden at this here camp, and I know I expect things of y’all. Let me set the record straight. I know why y’all are here, and more importantly, y’all know why y’all are here. You broke the rules. And that’s just the facts.”
There was a knock at the door. “Hey!” barked Counselor Evans from the other side. Margaret and Draven were up in a flash, Draven scrambling for the knob, which he pulled open with a flourish. Counselor Evans stood with her hand still raised in a fist, and appeared generally none the worse for wear after her stunt with the firepit. Her eyes, which were already an eerie green, appeared to be glowing slightly, and her skin seemed to shine. “Uh… hey?” Margaret waved.
As she ran, the upcoming trees were a mess of whorls of light and bark as her flashlight played over their surfaces. No matter how hard she tried to steady her grip, the landscape was dizzying and it was only a matter of time before she made a wrong turn, a wrong step. Behind her, the growling drew closer.
“There’s a pulse,” she breathed, scrabbling for her first aid kit. “We have to get her back to camp. Nat, help me.” Lit only by Nat’s puny flashlight, Margaret bandaged up some of the worse cuts and burns, and then quickly splinted Eloise’s leg with a few pieces of bark torn off the nearby trees. Throughout it all, Eloise remained blissfully unconscious. “I guess it’s good she can’t feel any of this,” Juno said from the sidelines. “Not helping, Bird Boy,” Nat snapped, feeling around Eloise’s back for anything they’d missed. “Hold the light, we have to carry her.”
ONTO maturin and medic again
As they approached the Surprise, Jack began to bark orders to the small crowd that had assembled. “Fetch me a boat! Stephen, get a place ready for our guest! He’s in a bad way!” Stephen tapped his forehead, miming the tipping of a nonexistent hat, before dashing down the stairs to his medical quarters to prepare his station. Deep in the bowels of the ship, surrounded by scalpels and sandbags, was his home, and he breathed in the musty air with a faint sense of relief. He had a job to do, and his own name be damned if he wasn’t going to do it well.
this is from a thing i surely will never finish but i wanted to have Something for this word
“Come on up to the cockpit, Bud.” “Of course. I’ll be with you in but a moment.” With that, she closes the connection and heads for the door, casting one last look at her, well, prisoners. Because that’s what they are now. “As for the two of you,” she says, pointing a delicately manicured nail at Akmazian and Ryan, silk-smooth words carrying a deadlier meaning, “stay put. Although, I suppose you don’t— you don’t have… much choice…” Her words trail off at the same time her eyes widen. She brings her comms up to her mouth. “Vespa, darling?” “Yeah, Bud?” The woman—Bud, probably—clears her throat. “We have a problem.”
this is from the pcpr/tf2 crossover :3
“What now?” “Don’t act like you’re not happy to see me,” she laughs, a touch of real humor in her words. “I know how you get.” “Oh yeah?” Kicking at a loose stone, Sniper casts his eyes toward the domed sky, flashing with artificial stars. “And how might that be?”
and herronimus camping episode!
Eventually, after an agonizing stretch of silence that may well have only been a few minutes but felt like several days, Draven’s voice cut the quiet, the sound of rushing water in the background (Eloise envied him, sitting down by the enchanted lake, probably skipping stones or flirting with lake mermaids or something like that. Did Herronimus even have lake mermaids? She’d have to investigate.). “How’re we looking?” “As of matter of fact,” Lawrence said, accompanied by the sound of a heavy clunk and some machinery whirring, “we’re looking fan-fuckin-tastic, my dude.” “Which means…?” Juno prompted. “Door’s open. I’ll be in and out in two minutes.”
If it weren’t for the circumstances, Camp Lakeside’s central lodge would’ve looked positively picturesque. It was as if a log cabin had been eaten by several progressively larger and nicer log cabins until it branched off into two different wings with a central common area dominating the middle. The wood was stained a deep reddish-brown, and a row of stone-based oaken pillars held up the roof on the porch covering. A small puff of smoke poured forth from the chimney. And, most importantly, there was a row of stern-faced counselors waiting outside, attending to two small mountains of luggage.
The dining hall looked like something out of a fairytale. Two long tables carved of a dark polished mahogany spanned the length of the room, populated with what looked to be hand-carved chairs of a complementary lighter wood grain. Each chair bore a small insignia of some woodland animal. The walls, already impressive from the outside, were downright magnificent; the logs were sanded smooth and worked with a deep polish that gave them an earthy warmth. Intermittently, windows looked out over the lake, shimmering red and orange in the light of the setting sun. Strings of fairy lights were pinned up near the ceilings and artfully drooped near where the walls met to lend the whole space a neatly “framed” effect. Closest to them, a veritable banquet of comfort foods occupied the whole width of the room, while a fire blazed in the stone hearth on the far end. Draven was fucking speechless.
Sarge continued to sing, Margaret and Nat joining in occasionally on the songs they knew as the fire roared to life with a sudden blast of warmth. Tongues of orange flame licked at the canopy of trees, although they never strayed beyond the stone circle that contained their fuel. While they sang, counselors climbed the amphitheater steps to pass out small boxes of graham crackers, chocolate, and trays of marshmallows, as well as the all important roasting sticks. Eloise tapped hers against Juno’s with a mischievous wink.
A faint thrum buzzed in the back of her teeth, racing across her scalp in a way that made her neck prickle and her hands twitch. Everything was wrong, she just knew it. Where were her brothers, her parents, her cats? The farmhouse was silent, and it was never silent. With a growing stone of dread weighing her guts down like an anchor, Eloise crept toward her bedroom door, handle polished gold by years of hands and ins and outs. The humming in her teeth grew stronger the closer she stepped until her eyes themselves seemed to knock out of focus, entire body thrumming, repelled by a force just beyond her bedroom door. She didn’t want to open it. She knew she had to.
A wave of preternatural calm swept through him, steadying his shaking body. He held his head up straight. Closed his eyes. Lawrence began to dig. The slick stone-black underneath him buckled under his fists, pain a dull echo in the back of his brain he easily tuned out. Tears stung the backs of his eyes and he must have been crying but the wetness on his cheeks was so far away. There was only the black and the ache and the steady descent. Down and out.
and another herronimus story!
Juniper Evans is nineteen years old when Claire Dumont dies. She gets the news on a Saturday afternoon after two weeks of radio silence from Herronimus during one of her frequent excursions to the surface. June spends less and less time underwater these days. “Bascus?” she says, setting her sending stone on the ground in front of her. “What’s up?” At first, he doesn’t say anything, and this is the first indication that something is wrong. June blinks. “Bas?” “Claire’s dead.”
“Okay.” “That’s it?” his surprised voice comes out the stone with a faint crackle. “Just… okay?” “What do you want me to say, Bascus?” June says levelly. “Do you want me to cry? Ask you how you’re doing?” “No, June—” “She’s dead, Bascus.”
“Pay my respects at the funeral.” And with that, June ends the message before kicking the stone into the water. Some young fry will find it, no doubt, but she doesn’t want it anymore. Later that night, June picks up a pair of crane scissors Claire had mailed to her over Christmas break and slowly and painstakingly shears the red off her head until nothing but bare scalp remains.
and a gentleman's guide excerpt!
He’s getting tired of staring at the ceiling. Nowadays, Monty finds that he can hardly spare the energy to move, limbs weighed down with leaden surety. Anxiety wars with nihilism. He must find a way to escape, to prove he is innocent. He isn’t innocent, so what’s the point? There’s a crack in the stone above him that looks almost like a cross, and Monty can’t help but laugh a little at the irony. Is he a martyr? A sinner? Somewhere in between? He hadn’t been much of a devout Catholic when he was young, but his mother kept a well-worn copy of the King James bible beside her bed, so gently caressed by bleeding fingers the spine had cracked and the pages were nearly impossible to decipher. A metaphor in there somewhere, Monty muses dryly. Then, a thought occurs to him.
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myopinionhi · 4 years
A Will Solace Character Analysis: the Underappreciated Soft Side
I've noticed many fanfictions have Will Solace OOC. So I’ve been thinking about aspects of Will’s personality fans seem to either gloss over or exaggerate. Here, this post is me doing an in-depth analysis explaining Will Solace’s canon personality in the books, and how it can sometimes differ from fanfictions. Sprinkled in this analysis are tips to fanfiction writers on how they write Will as more in-character.
There is one major aspect of Will that people seem to ignore or underemphasize. Nico best explains it when describing Will in this quote
Jason was a fighter. You could tell from the intensity of his stare, his constant alertness, the coiled-up energy in his frame. Will Solace was more like a lanky cat stretched out in sunshine. His movements were relaxed and nonthreatening, his gaze soft and far away. In his faded SURF BARBADOS T-shirt, his cutoff shorts and flip-flops, he looked about as aggressive as a demigod could get, but Nico knew he was brave under fire. During the Battle of Manhattan, Nico had seen him in action - the camp's best combat medic, risking his life to save wounded campers.
To sum it up, Will Solace is a very chill and calm character. A lot of writers make Will more irrational, impulsive, overbearing, and emotional than he actually is. Will is not the type of character to create drama unless he's, as Nico puts it, "under fire." In other words, the intense side of his personality doesn't come out unless the situation is urgent or dire.
Fans remember during the Second Giant War how he gets angry and argues with Nico over Nico's health and shadow-traveling, so many assume Will is going to be this fiery over a lot of other things regarding their relationship. For example, fanfic writers may make Will controlling or overly sensitive with Nico. However, keep in mind, Will gets heated with Nico during the Second Giant War because Nico's shadow-traveling is killing him. This is how Will describes Nico's dire state.
"Coach Hedge told me all about your shadow-travel. You can’t try that again."
"I just did try it again, Solace. I’m fine."
"No, you’re not. I’m a healer. I could feel the darkness in your hand as soon as I touched it. Even if you made it to that tent, you’d be in no shape to fight. But you wouldn’t make it. One more slip, and you won’t come back. You are not shadow-travelling. Doctor’s orders."
Will is a healer. When he touches Nico's hand, he can sense how little sleep and food Nico has been getting and how Nico's being taken over by darkness. Nico is on the verge of death and hasn't cared about his health for a long time. Nico is also stubborn about it, so Will has to be aggressive in order to save Nico's life. This aggressive behavior is not the norm for Will, but it can sometimes come out when he has to assert control in a life-or-death situation.
Will is a calming prescence. He's a diplomat. He stops violence on multiple occassions.
He's one of the few people who's able to calm Clarisse's violent rage, and he does so in a gentle manner.
Clarisse pointed her dagger at Rachel. "What about their allies, huh? Did you see that tribe of two-headed men that arrived yesterday? Or the glowing red dog-headed guys with the big poleaxes? They look pretty barbaric to me. It would’ve been nice if you’d foreseen any of that, if your Oracle power didn’t break down when we needed it most!"
Rachel’s face turned as red as her hair. "That’s hardly my fault. Something is wrong with Apollo’s gifts of prophecy. If I knew how to fix it –"
"She’s right." Will Solace, head counsellor for the Apollo cabin, put his hand gently on Clarisse’s wrist. Not many campers could’ve done that without getting stabbed, but Will had a way of defusing people’s anger. He got her to lower her dagger. "Everyone in our cabin has been affected. It’s not just Rachel."
One of the most underrated Will Solace moments is when he stops a bloody battle from happening between Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter.  
But he knew it wouldn’t do any good. After weeks of waiting, agonizing and steaming, the Greeks and Romans wanted blood. Trying to stop the battle now would be like trying to push back a flood after the dam broke.
Will Solace saved the day.
He put his fingers in his mouth and did a taxicab whistle even more horrible than the last. Several Greeks dropped their swords. A ripple went through the Roman line like the entire First Cohort was shuddering.
"DON’T BE STUPID!" Will yelled. "LOOK!"
People are so used to seeing demigods, especially male demigods, being aggressive fighters that they can't wrap their heads around a brave and strong demigod who actively tries to avoid unnecessary conflict and destruction as much as he can.
And that's Will Solace's strength: he has the ability to prevent as much harm as possible.
Will is a difficult character to write. There's a lot of dueling factors with his personality. He's calm and pacifying while also being brave and assertive. He's fun and lighthearted while also being intelligent, logical, and grounded. He's laidback while also being responsible and hardworking. He's insecure but not melodramatic. He's very caring and protective but not pushy.
Will's personality confuses Nico sometimes too.
He’d always thought of Will as easygoing and laid back. Apparently he could also be stubborn and aggravating.
The trick to writing Will is to keep in mind his default personality is a soft and lighthearted character. Writers tend to overemphasize the hard side of his personality when his default personality is actually the soft side.
Think of the relaxing, lanky cat metaphor Nico uses for him. He and Nico bicker often, and it works for Will because he rolls with everything and doesn't take things too seriously. He's able to alleviate Nico's moodiness with humor, wittiness, groundedness, and patience. Nico affectionately calls Will a "dork" because Will usually keeps things light. Interestingly enough, he's able to be lighthearted without coming across as insensitive or an airheaded goofball, the latter of which is something Nico dislikes about Percy's personality. On a related sidenote, another way writers make Will OOC is they make him too dumb or too immature. I know I mentioned to focus on Will's soft side, but be careful to avoid that too. He's a SENSIBLE, lanky cat.
The way Will keeps his composure during a stressful situation by using laughter while still being mature is expressed well in this exchange with Apollo. (Yes, Will has a lot to manage.)
It was difficult to think of this young man as my son. He was so poised, so unassuming, so free of acne. He also didn’t appear to be awestruck in my presence. In fact, the corner of his mouth had started twitching.
“Are—are you amused?” I demanded.
Will shrugged. “Well, it’s either find this funny or freak out. My dad, the god Apollo, is a fifteen-year-old—”
“Sixteen,” I corrected. “Let’s go with sixteen.”
“A sixteen-year-old mortal, lying in a cot in my cabin, and with all my healing arts—which I got from you—I still can’t figure out how to fix you.”
“There is no fixing this,” I said miserably. “I am cast out of Olympus. My fate is tied to a girl named Meg. It could not be worse!”
Will laughed, which I thought took a great deal of gall. “Meg seems cool. She’s already poked Connor Stoll in the eyes and kicked Sherman Yang in the crotch.”
The fiercer side of Will's personality comes out only when the situation calls for it; this happens sometimes when he has to be a caring family member, a responsible healer, or a warrior in a dire situation. Even when he gets more forceful, he doesn't get more forceful than he has to.
Since Will has such a balanced and lighthearted personality, what are his flaws? What are the dark sides of his personality? There are four main things that stick out.
1. He's insecure about his self-perceived lack of abilities.
"I agree," Will said. "I wish I was a better archer … I wouldn’t mind shooting my Roman relative off his high horse. Actually, I wish I could use any of my father’s gifts to stop this war." He looked down at his own hands with distaste. "Unfortunately, I’m just a healer."
2. He sometimes struggles to endure the heavy responsibilities he has as a healer and as a protector to his family.
“I got it reattached,” Will told me, his voice shaky with exhaustion. His scrubs were speckled with blood. “I need somebody to keep him stable.”
I pointed to the woods. “But—”
“I know!” Will snapped. “Don’t you think I want to be out there searching too? We’re shorthanded for healers. There’s some salve and nectar in that pack. Go!”
I was stunned by his tone. I realized he was just as concerned about Kayla and Austin as I was. The only difference: Will knew his duty. He had to heal the injured first. And he needed my help.
3. He forces himself to bottle his emotions to keep his composure.
Will laughed under his breath. “I’m terrified. But one thing you learn as head counselor: you have to keep it together for everyone else. Let’s get you on your feet."
Here's a second example.
I rested my hand on Will’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. We’ll be back by dawn.”
His mouth trembled ever so slightly. “How can you be sure?”
4. He constantly worries about his loved ones.
Nico rested his hand on Will’s shoulder. “Apollo, we were worried. Will was especially.”
In conclusion, Will Solace's personality is difficult to get correct. But don't worry, if you write Will as a laidback, witty cat in your fanfics, I guarantee he'll be more in-character than many other fanfics with Will Solace.
(Note: I am only human. If you believe I'm misinterpreting some aspects of Will's personality, feel free to express it. What I say isn't 100 percent the right interpretation.)
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psychotakublabs · 3 years
Creepy Luz is a Grimwalker
“Eclipse Lake” gave us a new creature known as a Grimwalker. From what we can tell, Grimwalkers are artificial clones. This has led lots of fans, including myself, to believe Hunter is a Grimwalker created by Belos. There have been theories about his purpose of being artificially created such as being a new vessel, sacrifice, etc. There have even been theories that Belos is a Grimwalker, which could be plausible. However, these two aren’t the only ones who could be Grimwalkers. Creepy Luz from “Keeping Up A-fear-ances” is a Grimwalker in the Human Realm.
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It is possible Creepy Luz is a Grimwalker. Adding another creature would cause confusion in the story and there wouldn’t be a motive other than trickery. However, a Grimwalker makes sense because there could be someone who has a motive to create a Grimwalker of Luz which I will go into later in this theory.
Who Created Creepy Luz?
It is unlikely to be a large group or government agency, so it could be a small secretive group or just one person. Having knowledge of creating a Grimwalker means the person who created Creepy Luz has knowledge of the Demon Realm and Belos. They could also be related to Philip (blood or partnership) which would explain knowledge of both realms, technology, and magic. Belos's past is unknown to everyone on the Boiling Isles and he intends to keep it that way, but this "Mystery Creator" (temporary name for the person who created Creepy Luz) and Belos are connected from their connection to Philip since he was the only person to travel and have knowledge of both realms and could be the key to knowing Belos's past and backstory.
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1) Original Belos
If Belos in the Demon Realm is a Grimwalker, that means he must have been cloned from an original. Many fans think he is a clone of Philip who possessed multiple clone bodies to expand his lifespan. However, that does not account the success of his portal door creation, which can travel to both dimensions, how Belos has ears more human than witch but maintains a pointed tip, and creating a new portal when he should have knowledge of it. There is a possibility Belos could be a descendant of Philip and is half human and half witch. However, the Belos in the Demon Realm is not the real Belos, but a Grimwalker who is unstable. The real Belos is in the Human Realm who is the true descendant of Philip. The Real Belos may be half witch and half human or human who dabbled in mixing two different DNA in a Grimwalker.
2) Human Companion
Belos may have had a human companion. This means Belos is not a Grimwalker, but is a descendant of Philip, born from a witch mother. This human companion may even be a descendant of Philip as well since Philip suddenly vanished many years ago. Both being descendants of Philip means both have knowledge of the realms and technology/magic to access both realms. They may have found each other through knowledge of their shared blood relation to Philip. Belos has gone to the Human Realm before and this mystery companion has visited the Demon Realm.
3) Another Witch
Belos may have befriended another witch in the Boiling Isles. His past is a mystery but who is to say it was all bad? It may even be a blood relation or a very close friend of Belos. Since Belos is half human and half witch, he may have been hidden to other witches out of protection or fear. However, this one witch seems to have befriended him and Belos may have shared his knowledge of Philip and the Human Realm. Again, Belos has been to the Human Realm before and he may have taken his witch friend/relative to view it.
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Whoever this Mystery Creator is, there are two possibilities of what may have happened between the two: there could be a blood relationship or a family-like bond and confrontation. From the Season 1 secret message there are two lines that give us a clue: “Two witches torn apart now alone” and “betrayal of blood”. The secret message is mostly intended for Eda and Lilith but it can also portray Belos and Mystery Creator’s story. We also have another hint of a confrontation: the first time Eda used the portal door. There was a large gash on the portal door when Eda first found it buried. From these hints, there may be a possibility of a clash between Belos and Mystery Creator. Belos did mention wild magic destroying his family, whether intentional or accidental, meaning there is a high chance the Mystery Creator and Belos are related by blood, hence “betrayal of blood”. This confrontation between the two separated them: Belos in the Demon Realm and Mystery Creator in the Human Realm. Belos may have felt betrayed by Mystery Creator and blamed wild magic for the cause (whether side effect of his own creation or curse). Whoever this Mystery Creator is, they have knowledge of creating Grimwalkers since they have knowledge of the Demon Realm and technology/magic (however it is harnessed) to create Creepy Luz.
How Was Creepy Luz Created?
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From the book, we see the ingredients for creating a Grimwalker: Galderstones (heart and power), Palistrom wood (keratin), Stonesleeper lungs (lungs), and bone of ORTET. We also see diagrams of combining ingredients, an embro and growth of Grimwalker, and eye color of the Grimwalker.
Most mysterious of the ingredients is the Bone of ORTET. There is no image of the ingredient and there is only one bone with ortet being capitalized. This seems to be an important ingredient that is also hard to find. Ortet means the original plant from which the clone originates from. This could be a hint to Grimwalkers being clones. However, it could also be a hint to what this unknown ingredient is. The Bone of ORTET could be a creature/plant used to replicate the original person the clone looks like or could be a magic term on the Boiling Isles for DNA of the original (thank you Zasmit132 for your input!). The fact it's called Bone of ORTET implies there is a creature (beast or plant) by that name. Replicating an exact copy could require abomination magic (there is a small picture of what looks like goo on the upper left corner). The Bone of ORTET and the Stonesleeper Lungs are the only creatures/ingredients we haven't seen in the series yet but all are important to making a Grimwalker.
If Belos did create Hunter, that means it's possible to create one without magic. Especially since Belos and Hunter use artificial magic from technology. This includes speeding the aging process of Grimwalkers and imbuing them with either their own personality and backstory or imbuing the same traits as the original. So it is possible for Mystery Creator to create Creepy Luz as a Grimwalker without magic.
However, how would Mystery Creator access the ingredients? These ingredients are found on the Boiling Isles and the only way to access the Demon Realm is through the portal, since Eclipse Lake is dried up. There are 2 ways Mystery Creator can access these ingredients without the portal door. 1) Mystery Creator could have found the creatures/ingredients from the leaks. Although Eclipse Lake is dried up, Titan's Blood still exists. Which means leaks still occur between both realms. Mystery Creator has knowledge of the Demon Realm and scoured throughout the globe to find the ingredients. 2) Mystery Creator already had these ingredients beforehand. As stated, Mystery Creator and Belos are connected through Philip and have possibly traveled both realms. If Belos is a Grimwalker of Mystery Creator, it's likely they still have the ingredients in the Human Realm. Although these ingredients are found in the Demon Realm, it's not impossible to find them in the Human Realm.
Why Create Creepy Luz?
Biggest question to ask is why is Creepy Luz created? Belos doesn't have access to the Human Realm, so him creating Creepy Luz would be impossible. Luz accidentally traversed to the Boiling Isles and has had no prior connection beforehand. So why would Mystery Creator have a sudden interest in Luz to create a Grimwalker of her?
Let's recap to the one clip that from the trailer yet to be seen: Camila's appearance. Notice behind her is a conspiracy board with a newspaper clipping of a witch holding a staff and a key. This points to Mystery Creator researching magical phenomenon related to the Demon Realm. They probably know about Belos and either want to stop his plan from happening or to reunite with him.
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How is this related to creating a Grimwalker of Luz? Well there is a tattered cabin in the woods that seems to be a waypoint to the Human Realm. Mystery Creator could have returned to the cabin and saw Luz enter the portal door. But if they saw the portal door, why not enter it in the first place? The answer is simple: Eda. Eda can be very dangerous and Mystery Creator probably didn't know after a long while and was probably worried Eda would attack them. So the Mystery Creator seeing Luz could have seen her as a way of getting back into the Demon Realm. Which is why they decided to create Creepy Luz, disguise themselves as a camp counselor to keep an eye on Creepy Luz, perfect her personality (even helping with the letters), and continue to correspond with Creepy Luz after the camp. Hence why Luz’s change would not be suspicious to Camila and other people. If Belos has ruled the Boiling Isles for more than 50 years, then Mystery Creator can wait a few more months for Creepy Luz to investigate.
Why Trick Camila?
Mystery Creator already has Creepy Luz to help with his research on accessing the Demon Realm, so why bring Camila into this? The answer is simple: to not raise suspicion. Although Mystery Creator seems like someone who will do anything to find the Demon Realm, they also have to be careful. Plus it seems they're only lead in accessing the Boiling Isles lies in Luz’s town, specifically the cabin. 
Notice how we do not see Creepy Luz’s face in "Keeping Up A-fear-ances". From the Grimwalker book, it seems Grimwalkers are born with red eyes like Hunter's. It could be Creepy Luz has the same red eyes. However, that would raise suspicion. Luckily, the Human Realm has easy ways of hiding those eyes such as colored contacts or Mystery Creator could have used a different technique to hide the eyes. Hiding Creepy Luz’s face already raises suspicion of her identity and being a Grimwalker would explain how she came to be and her purpose for impersonating Luz's life.
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However, this facade may not last. From the trailer clip of Camila's appearance, she seems to be happy until she looks at her phone and suddenly frowns. She may be catching on to Creepy Luz, either from the video entries from Luz’s phone or notices something strange with Creepy Luz. The mid-season episode  title is "Yesterday's Lie" and a few clips from the trailer have yet to be seen. It could be Creepy Luz said something that doesn't align with either what Camila said or texts she received. Whatever happens, Camila is going to find out Creepy Luz’s identity and it's either going to put her in danger or possibly team up with Mystery Creator to find Luz (possibly both).
Creepy Luz and Hunter Stable but not Belos
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If Belos is a Grimwalker, how is he unstable and Creepy Luz and Hunter are? There could be two reasons why. 1) Creepy Luz and Hunter have one type of DNA while Belos is a hybrid of two types. Hunter is a Grimwalker clone of Belos, but he is more witch than human. He has the same ears as other witches on the Boiling Isles. The only similarities they share is being powerless witches, probably from the human side of Belos. Creepy Luz is a human Grimwalker. She is basically an exact copy of Luz, so her being stable is because she is a human replica. Belos is different because his ears do have points like a witch but are very small and more human shaped. Meaning he has two types of DNA: witch and human. This could be because the original (Mystery Creator and\or descendant of Philip) is a half human half witch. It wouldn't make sense to combine an artificial hybrid unless the original wanted to experiment with giving humans magic. However, having 2 different types of DNA would clash and cause instability in Belos's form. 2) Aging. Belos is over 70 years old. His age could be causing his form to deteriorate. Most clones in media and in real life either age rapidly or age horribly. It seems Belos is close to his expiration date and is having trouble keeping his form. Creepy Luz and Hunter are young and new as Grimwalkers so their forms are stable until they age. It could possibly be both!
How is this relevant to Creepy Luz being a Grimwalker? Well it relates to Creepy Luz being a human Grimwalker but is still stable in the Human Realm. Because there is no magic in the Human Realm it would be difficult to maintain her form. But if either age or one type of DNA is the reason Creepy Luz is a stable Grimwalker in the Human Realm, that would be a possible explanation.
Creepy Luz being a Grimwalker would explain her sudden appearance in the Human Realm. There are creatures that leak into the Human Realm, but there wouldn't be a reason, plot wise and motive, to take over Luz's life unless it's for mischief or trickery. Although it'd be interesting for the portal or some higher being to replace Luz because of some dimensional gap, the door was created nearly 400 years ago. Myths in the Human Realm caused by the leaks have happened for thousands of years and the same would go for the Demon Realm in replacements which haven't been mentioned yet. Luz being a Grimwalker as a reason for this Mystery Creator to research more on the Demon Realm would make much more sense. In conclusion, Creepy Luz is a human Grimwalker created by Mystery Creator to access the Demon Realm. Hope you guys enjoyed this theory! Please comment, I'd love to hear your input!
Also thank you Zasmit132 for helping me with this theory!
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camp-counselor-life · 2 years
Bag of Tricks
One of your greatest skills as a camp staff (and in many places in life) is your ability to adapt. One of the things you can use is a “bag of tricks,” in which you have mental and physical things to help you improvise activities. Here are my suggestions:
2-3 quiet games or never tells/riddles
2-3 active games - a mix of big space and small space
2-3 prop free team builders
2-3 prop free ice breakers/GTKY games
1-2 engaging topics you can talk about with minimal props
String/embroidery floss or boondoggle/luster lace
A bandana
Markers and a couple pieces of paper
A deck of cards (if you know games)
Your favorite game prop (space allowing)
Whatever else you need to play your favorite game (space allowing)
It’s also worth while to have alternative long activities, which you should come up with based on what is on hand at camp or your workplace. Stuff you know you have. Adapt, improvise, overcome.
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rubysrevenge · 2 years
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summer camp au with rusim, inspired by my bff @quinlinkin !!
we both decided that ruby would be more relaxed casual with her camp counselor outfits, whereas aasim is definitely more by the books about it.
they also get paired together for walking nature trails with kids bc ruby knows a lot about plants and aasim has a lot of survival tips and tricks!
and, naturally, it’s love at first sight with aasim the moment he lays eyes on ruby lol.
(i’ve also never been good with bgs so please spare me lol)
tumblr, per usual, ruined the quality so click on the pic for a better look!
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slashermom · 4 years
That childhood friend ask had my heart, so how would it be with the other slashers? Like a friend Michael made at Smith’s Grove, a camper that stood up for Jason before he was thrown in the lake, those are just a couple of ideas. I’d love to see what you could come up with💕(just to shorten the list, it’s still kinda long, but they’re soooo cute Billy Loomis and Stu (separate) Brahms, Bubba, Thomas, Jason, Michael, and Norman deserves some love too) thank you so much❤️ I adore your writing btw
You already know the drill. Nothing spooky just big and didn’t wanna clog the feed. Enjoy!
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Michael was only a boy when he entered what would become his personal hell.
He wasn’t really allowed too much time with other children in the ward but he did get some supervised recreational time a few times a week.
Which is where your story begins.
You never really told Michael why you were there but he could tell you didn’t want to be there any more than he did.
You typically kept to yourself but seemed kind to anyone who approached you. Even though you were nice enough you were quite reserved, so you can imagine the surprise he got when you came to him.
Michael wasn’t a big talker even back then but you talked enough for the both of you.
Michael wanted nothing to do with you in the beginning. I mean absolutely nothing to do with you but slowly you began to grow on him - a part of his routine.
Every once and a while he would mumble a one-word answer and make your whole day.
But as he grew older those treats grew few and far between. But you didn’t seem to mind.
Dr. Loomis definitely studied your interactions with Michael and tried to use it to figure out more about the young boy.
Michael even began to enjoy tolerate your company. But just as things started to blossom between you two - you pulled away.
“I’m going home Michael.”
You’re what? Did he hear you correctly? No. You couldn’t go home. You couldn’t just leave him here.
“This is my address... Once you get out you’re more than welcome to come visit anytime you like. You always have a place with me, Michael. “
You slid a small piece of paper across the table and then went to go reach out to put a hand over his but he yanked his hand away like he had been shocked.
You begged him not to be mad. But he was livid. How dare you leave just when he was about to let you in? When he did let you in.
Michael didn’t say a word but his eyes spoke volumes and you left feeling sick that you managed to leave and he didn’t.
Quite some time would pass before you two saw each other again.
But bet your ass one of the first things Michael did when he escaped was locate your residence.
He had every intention of watching the life drain out of your eyes and being done with you. Forget you as you forgot him.
But as he watched you, he remembered how much he missed you. Michael didn’t think there was anything to miss but boy was he wrong.
He noticed how you kept some of the routine Smiths Grove lays out for its patients.
You can take the kid out of the sanatorium but you can’t take the sanatorium out of the kid, huh?
These quirks that made you so recognizable in the sea of grey at Smith’s Grove. Things that grew on him like moss and sunk their claws in deep.
He watched you turn on the news and see the report on his escape. You stared a the screen with an unreadable gaze before shaking your head and turning to go to the kitchen.
Not before bumping into the Shape.
Taking in everything that the young boy had become, not that you could really see much with the mask and jumpsuit but he definitely had changed a bit since you had last seen each other.
He knew what he should do, what he had to do, but he couldn’t seem to make himself move. Michael could only stare at you intensely and catalog your features.
Michael didn’t react when you slowly reached out and looped your fingers into his. Ignoring how the other hand was white-knuckling a kitchen knife that you suspected was taken out of your kitchen.
He only felt your warmth.
“I told you that you always had a place with me.”
And with that his mind was made.
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Jason didn’t have any friends. Period.
He wasn’t expecting to find one at a summer camp he really wasn’t interested in being at in the first place.
You two never really played together per se but definitely acknowledged each other’s existence.
Always giving him a wave or a smile in the dining hall or across the field.
You even sat down next to him during downtime between activities and tried to strike up a conversation. He wanted to talk to you, he really did, but it was just a little hard for him.
Jason was working on putting something together for you to show his appreciation and willingness to be your friend.
Unfortunately, he never got to give it to you.
He remembers you running towards the end of the dock where he was about to be thrown into the water
“Stop! What are you doing?!”
The other kids laughed and explained they were just gonna dunk him.
“He hasn’t done anything wrong! Just leave him alone! You’re gonna get in trouble if you do this.”
As hard as you tried they still threw him into the water and scattered and as fast as you ran for help Jason still drowned.
You never forgave yourself for it.
Which is how you ended up back at Camp Crystal Lake as an adult.
Feeling guilty and some way responsible for his drowning, you returned to the summer camp in hopes to be the best camp counselor and somehow make up for the past.
It was an accident. You told yourself.
But you could never get the look of Mrs. Voorhees’ face out of your head. Poor woman.
Well, those plans were abruptly put on the back burner when your fellow counselors began being murdered left and right.
You didn’t know who was violently attacking everyone only that he was big, scary, and was wearing a hockey mask. That was more than enough for you to get the hell out of dodge.
Jason had managed to corner you into one of the old bunkhouses when he faltered just for a second.
You looked familiar... Where had he seen you before?
“Y/N! Where are you? We need to go now!” The voice of one of your peers called from outside.
Y/N. That Y/N?
He flashed his gaze back down to your form across the hallway and seemed to come to the conclusion that it was, in fact, the same kid who tried to save him.
Each step you took back, he took one forward. You continued this dance until you were practically pushed up against the wall of the cabin.
Frantically looking for an escape or weapon you missed him reaching into his pocket and pulling out a piece of old construction paper.
His large hand held it out to your shaking form and waited for you to take it. Well, if you’re gonna die might as well see what the paper has to say.
It was old, wrinkled, and water damaged but still cared for in a way. You carefully unfolded the paper and felt your heart jump into the throat.
It was covered in colorful leaf rubbings and had flowers and pine needles taped all over surrounding a messy sentence in the middle that read:
‘My name is Jason. Do you want to be my friend?’
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Billy was a little prick as a kid.
So not much has changed.
His anger always got the best of him and he had to always be king of the playground.
It wasn’t until you pushed him off the top of the jungle gym for messing with one of your friends that he really acknowledged you.
The rest is history.
You two were always picking on and chasing each other around the town.
That is until Billy formed his love for movies.
Always wanting to show you this new movie he got his hands on and get your opinion. He would watch your reaction and smile, especially if it was a scary movie.
You: That was kinda lame
Billy: Yeah... *flashback to last night when he was hugging his pillow and chewing on his fingernail* Totally!
Billy actually spent a lot of time with you or at your house.
He didn’t like being home.
His folks were always arguing or bossing him around and he wasn’t about that.
Billy would always brush it off when you asked if he was alright but it mattered a lot to him actually.
But he would sooner punch you in the gut before even hinting at the idea that he might be grateful for you.
He began to wish he told you more often than he did when you broke the news that you would be moving.
Billy was angry.
Not at you, he knew it wasn’t your fault.
He was angry at life for taking away what was supposed to be his rock. He didn’t have much and he didn’t need much but without you, what was the point?
But per usual, Billy’s anger got the better of him and he took it out on you. Claiming he didn’t give a damn where you went.
And that’s how things ended.
With Billy angry and you in new town.
Billy hated the way things ended and wished he could apologize but he wouldn’t even know where to find you. That is until he heard a new student had arrived at Woodsboro High.
He heard your name in a few different people's mouths but had failed to actually see you. He was beginning to think there was another person who just shared your name.
But as he came out of third period he just happened to look to his left down the hallway and find just the person he was looking for.
There you were. All grown up and still looking like a hurricane.
A smirk creeping on to his face as you met his gaze. It didn’t take you long to make your way over to him.
“Hey, jackass. You miss me?” It was meant to have more of a punch but he could see the fondness behind your eyes and words.
“You know it.”
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Stu has been the class clown his entire life.
Which is actually how you two bumped into each other.
He was always up to some shenanigan or making things as difficult as possible for the poor teacher.
You two officially met each other when you were sent down to the office for something you couldn’t remember even if you tried and he was sitting outside the main office waiting to be called in.
Plopping down next to him and saying how you thought all his little tricks were pretty funny. But you also gave him some tips on how he could improve.
You began trading ideas back and forth, laughing about different things and exchanging stories.
From that day forward you were two peas in a pod.
Raising hell and having fun while doing it. Never a dull moment with you guys in the room.
It got to the point where you had to separated in class.
Which actually ended backfiring on the poor teachers.
Because this meant you guys had to resort to glances from across the room. You were practically able to read each other’s minds with just eye movements and facial expressions.
They basically just helped evolve your friendship to the next level of fuckery.
But you also shared some more tender moments.
Stu used to always confide in you. Expressing his frustrations about always having to act a certain way. It really got under his skin that nobody saw him.
When you told him you understood and that you saw him for who he really was he knew right then and there that you were a keeper.
But life always gets in the way.
Your family had found their dream home in the next town over.
Stu was heartbroken, to say the least.
He even offered to have you live with him. His parents have the money! He can take care of you!
You only laughed and promise that you would come back. You told him he could visit anytime he wanted and he told you the same.
But those sort of plans never work out and you lost contact.
Stu was actually just thinking about old memories he shared with you as he walked into the movie store where Randy worked.
Quickly finding his buddy at the checkout counter helping a customer, he had no problem getting into this person’s space while leaning on the counter to talk to his friend.
But what he didn’t realize was that the person at the counter was no stranger.
His eyes flicked down to see who called his name and actually jumped when he realized who it was.
Stu took a step back in to get a better look at you and see if it really was you, all the while spreading a goofy grin on his face.
His features fell into a much softer smile as he opened his arms to give you a hug.
The partners in crime of Woodsboro were back in business!
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You were actually friends with Emily Cribbs before you were friends Brahms.
Brahms believe it or not only had a few friends.
Emily Cribbs being one of them so it was only natural that you two would end up being friends.
Natural. Everything about his interactions with you seemed natural. Like it was always supposed to be this way, things always seemed right and just when he was around you.
And he felt this way almost immediately about you.
He would often invite you over to play games like hide and seek and listen to music while talking.
Brahms would often read you riddles or give you impossible challenges and you would beat almost all of them and ask him for a new one.
Brahms enjoyed your company more than anyone else’s and couldn’t quite understand why.
Probably because you never patronized or looked at him a certain way.
He found himself wanting to hang out with you more often than not.
But you had other friends. Like Emily Cribbs.
Brahms hated third-wheeling with you and Emily.
It could even be said this is one of the factors that drove Brahms to take his first life.
When you heard about the fire that broke out and snatched the lives of not just one of your friends but two, you were lost.
Even as young as you were you understood you would never see either of them again.
Or so you thought.
Many years had dragged on before you heard the name Heelshire again. After the fire, the couple kept to themselves and rarely went out in public.
You had heard of a nanny position at the Heelshire mansion through a friend of yours named Malcolm and decide to check it out.
Wondering if Mr. and Mrs. Heelshire had another child or adopted after Brahms’ passing.
But of course, it couldn’t be that simple.
You pitied the couple when they showed you the porcelain doll that looked about as close to Brahms as you could get in doll form.
We all cope in different ways you supposed.
The least you can do for your former good friend’s parents is to watch a doll for a few weeks.
But what you didn’t know is that it wasn’t just you and the doll.
The real Brahms had been patiently awaiting your arrival for days.
After his mother announced you would be applying for the nanny position he was ecstatic.
He wondered what you looked like after all these years.
Same smile? Same mischievous ways? Same ability to outsmart him in his own games.
All things he began to wonder even move as his heart hammered in his chest and his eyes moved over your figure from behind the wall.
Oh Y/N, welcome back.
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Your father worked at the same slaughterhouse as the Hewitts which is how you and Thomas stumbled into each other.
You first caught a glance at him from a distance while your father was talking to the boss.
His mask is initially what grabbed your attention. Maybe he had it on because of the smell or he didn’t want anything to get on his face.
You didn’t know but you intended to find out.
But this innocent curiosity slowly grew into an interest in the boy and everything he was.
Thomas typically kept to himself and was skittish around anyone who wasn’t his family.
Hell, he was skittish around his family.
So it was some trial and error before you were even able to get a chance to get close to him.
But he did take note of your efforts. Thomas did wonder what it was like to have friends but he would never put himself out there in fear of being rejected.
You were able to catch him by himself hiding out back of the slaughterhouse.
Thomas whipped his head up to see you jogging over towards him.
Thomas nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw you making your way over. Packing up what he had in his hands and turning to go back into the factory.
“Wait! Please stay! I won’t bite I just want to sit with you.”
Thomas stilled all his movements and waited to see what you were gonna do. You took slow steps over to him like you would a stray dog.
“Whatcha’ working on?” You sat down next to him on an old crate and looked at the piece of leather and needle he held between his fingers.
He didn’t reply. Only opening himself up from his hunched-over position and giving you access to see the piece of leather he was sewing to make a new mask.
“You think you could make me one?”
What would you want with a mask? There’s nothing wrong with you, at least not like Tommy.
He turned to make awkward side-eye contact with you to see if you were serious before giving a shrug. You seemed more than happy with the answer.
You two began to meet each other out back a few times a week where you would talk and Tommy would listen. Or sometimes you would go on walks down the road or through the tall grass.
He found peace in your presence.
No hatred, expectations, or ridicule.
Just peace.
But like most good things for Thomas, it didn’t last.
After your father was injured in an accident at the slaughterhouse you and your family could no longer afford the house you were living in and were forced to move.
There was never a formal goodbye between Thomas and you. Just a ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’
Hoyt definitely gave him hell for being a bit broken up about you leaving. So he kept all of that buried with the rest of his trauma.
Thomas thought he heard the sound of a car pull up from his hideout in the basement and quickly stomped up the stairs to deal with whatever poor son of a bitch that had wandered in.
Instead of Hoyt and Luda getting ready to nab the visitor, he saw them sitting down at the kitchen table having a conversation with someone he couldn’t see due to just being able to see the back of their head.
“-I’m sorry about what happened to your old man darlin’. He was a good man. Oh! Tommy! Look who it is! Y/N L/N! You remember them right?”
Remember you? How could he forget you?
You turned around in your seat and beamed up at him.
His peace had returned.
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pjoseries · 4 years
hi! congrats on reaching 600 followers!! i'm a brand new follower and i'd love to request ✨ a drabble for percabeth and soulmate (born with a tattoo of soulmate's last words) thank you and congrats again!
✨ soulmates are born with a tattoo of their soulmate's last words (ao3 link)
(***post-canon, major character death, some violence)
The ocean is quiet today. The waves skirt passed her ankles like it’s afraid to overwhelm her. It won’t. Nothing about the water can—too many memories steeped in sunlight, gold dripping through her hands until all that’s left are remnants of the shine she once experienced. She should try to thank Poseidon for taming the sea for the day, but she thinks he needs it too. He’s always been fond of Percy and despite knowing him for years, the death of his son will still weigh heavily on him. 
Annabeth curls her knees up to her chest and she settles her head down, one hand drifting mindlessly through the sand. It takes her a minute to realize she was doodling Percy’s features, nothing really distinct. Just the sharp line of a jaw, the swoop of his hair, the curve of his smile. It hasn’t been long since the funeral, since she gripped Percy’s shroud in her hands and watched as everyone bowed their head and spoke a prayer when it caught flame, but she’s so scared of forgetting his face. She wipes away the sand on her bare calves, letting it stick to her even if the coarseness of it makes her itch under her skin. 
She can’t help but remember the last time his funeral happened, years ago when they were both just teens, and Percy barged in on his shroud burning. Gods, the anger left as quickly as it appeared, too busy drowning in relief at the sight of him. She remembers those weeks after she left Percy to die on that mountain, remembers how she thought with a bitter tinge of regret that he wasn’t her soulmate, but he was her best friend and she lost him and it took everything in her not to break down because it was her fault. 
Then he came back. But he’s not coming back this time. Not even if she begs the gods, travels down to Hades to bargain for his soul herself. She’s not Orpheus and he’s not Eurydice and they’re not a tragedy or some messed up story that can be solved with a few tricks and pretty words. 
Percy’s dead.  
He said the last words etched into the fabric of her skin. That’s more permanent than death. 
His words ache on the side of her ribs, burning a little. It’s nothing she hasn’t dealt with before, so she just shifts quietly to ease the pain. 
There’s a crash of a wave that’s louder in her ears and somebody sits next to her. She doesn’t turn her head from her view of the sea. Bits of sun peaks through the gray skies and it hits the water, bouncing the light back up to her own gaze. The ocean today is a few shades off from Percy’s eyes. 
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Poseidon says, something caught in his throat. Annabeth ignores it and nods in acknowledgement. 
She coughs. “I’m sorry for yours too.”
They stay silent and the waves recede even more, not like when Percy does it. He restrains it so much when he’s emotional, it roars back at him, a perfect representation of his own thoughts. Today though, it’s not suppressed and bubbling and ready to strike out again. It’s just sad.  
“He’s probably waiting in Elysium.” The for you is implied, but she hears it all the same. 
“You knew?” she asks, spreading her legs out in front of her. She risks a glance at Poseidon and, fuck, it hurts so much to see Percy in him. She adds, almost casually if it’s not for her eyes stinging from the tears she’s holding back, “That we’re soulmates. Were soulmates.”
“It’s not a known fact, but we can sense soulmates. Not to the extent that Aphrodite does, but the stronger the bond, the more apparent it is.”
“How long have you known?”
“Oh, early on,” he says, giving her a gentle smile. “Perhaps when you were dancing back in Olympus. The first time, mind you.”
The laugh that leaves her chest is a little wobbly. She wipes her tears away swiftly. “I miss him. So much.”
“I do too.”
“I don’t know how I’m gonna do this without him,” she says, her hands trembling. “He had so many years left, so many left—” with me. “A-and now I have to live without him? Stupid Seaweed Brain. He could’ve at least waited a few more damn years! Demigods don’t live long anyway, I’d probably get killed by some rogue monster.” 
In a fit of childish anger, she throws some sand at the sea. It doesn’t help. She huffs out an exasperated breath and lays down, throwing an arm over her eyes. The sand tickles at her scalp and she can feel a lump of slimy seaweed near her arm. 
Stupid seaweed. 
Her chest shakes with silent sobs and Poseidon taps at her shoulder, giving her time to grieve. And she has time. All the time, without Percy. 
Annabeth sends a prayer to Percy and thinks, I’ll see you later.
It must’ve been the wind, but she can almost hear a voice call back: Take your time. I’m not going anywhere. 
Annabeth finds Percy in the crowd and jumps into his awaiting arms, ignoring any odd stares that’s sent her way. He lifts her up off her feet and twirls her around before kissing the tip of her nose. He grins widely, his dimple widening and she presses her lips to it. 
“Missed you,” she says into his cheek. 
“Missed you too, baby,” he says, then whispers, “How’s Olympus holding up?”
She rolls her eyes and threads her arm through Percy’s, gripping at his elbow as they start walking down to their apartment. “You’d think after fifteen years, they’d finally stop arguing about statute placements. Anyway, forget that. Who are we meeting today for dinner? Is it Demeter’s kids or Apollo’s?” 
“Neither, it’s Nike’s kids today.”
Percy makes it a tradition to bring some of the kids out one day of the week to Sally’s for a wellness check-up and ask if they need a place to crash while some transition out of camp back into the world. Annabeth thinks it’s sweet that Percy’s such a caring camp counselor. She knows if someone ever did that for her back when she was a year-round camper, she’d cry. As much as she loves it (and she does, enough to share some of Percy’s camp duties when she has some free time during summer), it’s rather isolating. 
While they’re walking, they hear the sound of metal and hissing and they take one look at each other before they run towards the alleyway. 
It’s one of the kids, bruised up and bleeding, but her sword’s still up despite her whole arm shaking. The kid’s eyes catch Percy’s and her body relaxes slightly, but enough for the empousa on the far right to begin striking. 
Percy quickly uncaps riptide and intercepts it. His movements are sure and steady, moving his body in front of the kid’s. Annabeth flicks her wrist and her knife comes down easily in her hand. She circles the next two empousi on the left and manages to kill one by surprise. Annabeth’s lucky she’s wearing a simple tee and jeans instead of her usual outfit whenever she goes up to Olympus. There’s way too many for one kid and her mind whirs with hundreds of possible answers as to why there’s a hoard near Sally’s apartment tonight. Despite her thoughts, she manages to gut another one while Percy’s fighting off two more and the kid another. 
In what seems like a split second, the kid screams and Percy turns around and blocks the attack that would’ve gone through the kid’s heart. But as he does so, his back turns against the other two and Annabeth rushes to fight them off because, dammit, she should’ve had his back. In a panic, she throws her knife and it lodges into one of their heads, leaving her knife clattering on the ground surrounded by dust. But she’s too late. Gods, she’s too late. 
Annabeth picks her knife back up, but the empousa tears a whole through Percy’s side, just as he kills the one targeting the kid. Annabeth yells, feral and wild, and slits the empousa’s throat, the last of their gurgling laugh dying as they turn to dust. 
Percy slumps to the floor and Annabeth rushes to him. She pats at her pockets for her emergency stash of ambrosia, but they’re flat. She turns towards the kid, frantic, and orders, “Run back to Sally’s and grab the ambrosia.”
The kid’s eyes were flickering towards Percy’s stomach. Frightened. Annabeth doesn’t have the guts to admit that she’s frightened too. “Go.”
The kid runs and Annabeth’s attention is back to Percy who’s shivering. They have no water, no ambrosia, and they’re in the middle of a damn alleyway and he’s bleeding out so fast. Shit. 
“Percy,” she says, trembling. “Can you move? We have to move, baby.”
“Can’t,” he grits out. He lets out a forced laugh. “Think my insides are gonna pop out.”
Annabeth’s vision is blurry and she can’t fucking see anything. She shudders in a breath and tries to gently hold Percy together. “Percy, please. Please, this can’t be how it ends. You’re supposed to be with me forever.”
“Sorry,” he says. “Sorry, baby. My—fuck, my forever isn’t that long. Glad I spent it with you.”
“We have to get out of here,” she mutters, leaning down and pressing her forehead to his. Her tears fall on his cheeks. She repeats, “We have to get out of here.”
There’s something unbearably sad in Percy’s gaze. The hand that’s not pressed to his stomach reaches up and tucks her hair back. It falls back down, too weak to hold itself up any longer. “Everything will be alright. It’s okay, Annabeth. Everything will be alright.”
She shakes her head and sobs.
Those are the words tattooed on her ribs. When she reaches up again to say more, Percy’s eyes were glazed and distant, staring up at the gloomy sky. 
When they find her, she’s still crying, holding her dead soulmate to her chest.
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Piper and Leo Friendship Headcanons
They were friends in boarding school even before the events of Heroes of Olympus and are super close with each other. 
They used to sneak out and look at the stars on the roof. That is where Hera got inspiration from for Jason’s memory. 
Piper liked to hang around Leo at first because he didn’t know a lot about her dad’s movies and treated her just like everyone else. Then they became friends because he was fun to hang out with and they made each other laugh. 
Leo always helped Piper with her Math and Science homework and then they would figure out the other subjects together. They got pretty good grades. 
Over winter break, Piper invites Leo to spend it at her house. They have tons of fun and it is one of the best holidays of their lives. 
Every year for Christmas, Leo gives Piper one of his inventions or a cool gadget he has built. She loves them all. 
They keep in touch after TOA. They will meet up a lot and still sometimes get stuck going on quests together. And of course they see each other every summer at camp. 
They exchange tips and tricks for being head counselor. They were both kind of just thrown into the roles but never show that they have no clue what they are doing. 
They have tons of inside jokes, especially since at school it was mostly just the two of them hanging out. They have pulled a lot of pranks and jokes and have many stories about almost getting caught. 
I really enjoy the dynamic of their friendship and hope they get one of the stand alone novels. 
Hi! This is the second headcanon in by series of posts focusing on platonic relationships. This will probably be an only this weekend thing unless people really like it. Follow me for more headcanons I posts lots of them. 
The ask box is open for requests
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Being a Good Friend
Part 6a
Summary: drinking games ensue between you and Alex.
Warning: risque talk and a male receiving oral
Taking off the towel and he roughly dragged it through his hair. He wondered, what he had done to bring a girl like you into his life.
Sure, he knew you both were being very good friends the other night but you could have ended up talking to someone else entirely.
He knew he was not a nice person. Frankly, he didn’t care. If anything, he relished being a prick. It kept idiots away.
You were fun to go to a bar. Sitting, with you on the sofa and watching tv had been a great way to spend the day. You were so cute, jumping at the scary bits of Halloween. He smiled at how you buried your face into his chest.
Going to his dresser, he pulled on a white t-shirt, some boxers and a pair of jeans. He ran his fingers through his rebellious strands. Lastly, he splashed on some aftershave.
He was eager to find out more about you. Playing a few quick rounds of “I never” would be great. Sure he could use his reporter tricks to learn more about you but the idea of that didn’t sit well with him.
During the day, you brought him in and out of a state of arousal by simply sitting against him. You body was everything he wanted in a girl. When he found you lounging on the window seat, the way your body curved he could have taken you then.
Would that have been so bad? How wet would you have gotten ? He chuckled as he felt his pants tighten. “What are you chuckling at?” Your gentle voice broke into his thoughts.
He went over to you and smiled, “Just a naughty idea I got because of you.” He winked at you. He took the two bottles from you, he looked at what you chose. “Nice choices.”
“So what are we going to do?”
“A fun, little game of “I never.” Putting a finger under your he drew your face up and gave you the briefest of kisses. “Go and sit in the middle of my bed, baby.” He regretted wonderfully watching as you crawled onto his bed, his pants continued to tighten.
“Have you ever played this game?” He came and sat across from you.
“It has been awhile. But yes, I have.”
“Good.” Holding the glasses, he poured some of the vanilla vodka into the glasses. “Hold mine for a moment.” You did and he twisted the cap on, then rested the bottle against his thigh. “Thank you.” He took the glass back.
He could see your eyes light up. “Looks like you have some good questions?”
You nodded. “Maybe one or two.”
He chuckled. “I like the sound of that. Would you like to go first?”
You shook your head. “Your game, you go first.”
“Alright, let’s see.” He smiled. “Warm up question, I have never fainted.”
“Would you consider that fainting?”
He nodded. “I mean sure it wasn’t because of my good looks but..” He chuckled.
“Alright.” You smiled and took a sip. “I have never had stitches.”
He took a sip.
“Oh! How, why?” He loved seeing, hearing your concern. He had made the right choice in playing this with you.
“Playing soccer with my friends, when I was a boy.” He put his glass on his nightstand. “Right here.” His fingers traced where his forehead met his scalp.
“Oh you poor thing.” You handed him, your glass, he took it, then watched as you leaned in close. You brushed his hair aside, then he felt as you pressed your soft lips where the scar was. Sitting back, he handed you back your glass back. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Alright, I have a good one. I have never thrown up after a roller coaster.” He smirked.
You finished the vodka in your glass. “More please?”
He softened, “Baby.” He said softly. “What happened?” He took your glass and poured.
“Ate too much and went on a coaster. I was ten. Though to be fair, they still make me uneasy.” He handed you back his glass.
“That’s rough, give me your worse baby.”
You smirked. “I have never been arrested.”
He rose his eyebrows, then he finished what left in his glass.
“What could you possibly have done?”
He gave you a half smile. “I’m a reporter. Sometimes, you have to go into places for a story where you are not allowed. I did, because I wanted my story to be the best.”
“I like the sound of that.”
Seeing the gleam in your eye, he leaned in. “Ready, to take it up a notch?” He smirked.
“Give it to me, Alex.”
“I’ve never pinched someone’s ass.”
You giggled and took a sip. “It was on a dare.” You flushed a little. You took a deeper sip, licking your lips. “This is really good.”
“It is.” He took a sip.
“Hey! You can’t just take a sip!” You chastised.
He rose his eyebrows. “Opps.” The vodka was beginning to make him feel a lot looser. This is fun, he mused. He poured more into your glasses. He kissed you, quick and pulled back.
“Alright, let’s see. I’ve never called someone by the wrong name.”
“I may be a scoundrel but I have kept names straight.
“Now, let’s see. “I’ve never had an STD.”
You smiled. “Can we toast to that?”
“Yes!” Your glasses clinked.
“I have never had a one night stand.”
He took a sip. “I told you. I was a scoundrel. Not proud too proud of myself in those days.” He grimaced.
“It’s ok.” You patted your hand.
“I’ve burped when while being intimate.”
You grimaced.
“What did you do ?”
“I one time sneezed.”
He chuckled. “Take a sip, close enough!”
“Ok, ok.” You took a sip. “Oh! I have a good one, I’ve never had sex in a semi public place.”
Just hearing say something like that made his heart pick up speed. He took, a very deep sip. He gasped snapping his head back on that one.
“Oh?” You flushed.
He smirked. “Let’s just say I am impulsive.”
You looked away, flushing.
“What’s up baby?”
“Nothing!” You squeaked out.
“I don’t believe you, but for now I will let it go.” He pressed his lips together. “Take a sip.”
He chuckled, only fair. Something, is swirling around in there and you are not sharing. He smiled.
“I suppose that’s fair.” You took a sip then.
“I’ve never gone streaking.” It was one of the few things he had not.
You giggled and turned a deeper shade of red. “It wasn’t streaking but I did go skinny dipping and I got caught.” You finished the vodka in your glass.
He placed his glass on his nightstand. “Spill, baby.” Taking your glass he began, pouring more in.
“I was in my last year as camp counselor. I went skinny dipping with my boyfriend at the time.”
He tsked. “I never would have imagined. How old were you?” He handed you back your glass.
“I like the sound of that.” He smirked.
“You would! Oh! Oh! I have a good one!” You took a sip.
“Hey!” “Oops!” You giggled. “I have never peeked at someone changing their clothes.”
“Hey no fair!” He took a deeper sip of the vodka. “Look at you.”
You giggled, more flushing. “Alex?”
He turned to look at you as he poured more into his glass. “Yes?”
“Give me a good one.”
“Alright. There are a few things I am curious about you.”
“I’m ready.” “I’ve never used handcuffs.”
“Good.” You giggled, you slid him a look that caused a stirring in him. “I have never deliberately tried to make someone jealous.”
“Same! Let’s toast to that.” You glasses clinked this time, both of you drank this time.
His heart began to pick up speed, as he began to think of things he wanted to do to you. He bit his lip before speaking. “There are things, I want to do to the person sitting across from me.” After finishing what was in his glass, he placed the glass and the bottle on his nightstand.
A scarlet hue filled your cheeks. You finished what was left in your glass, handing it to him, he took it. “Does that include what you were giggling about earlier?” You leaned in, resting your arms on your thighs.
He ran his fingers through his hair, then came to rest on his legs too. “It does.” His face was close to yours.
“Will you finally tell me what made you giggle?”
“Yes!” “Well?”
“I will on one condition.” “Oh?”
“You have to admit to something you want to do to me.” His lips curled into a smirk.
You smiled. “What if we did everything I have wanted to do to you?”
“Something, tells me that would be a lie.”
You pressed your lips together and you nodded. “Ok, there is other things I want to do.” You squirmed.
He was not sure what it was but watching your squirm, admitting that made him even harder. “Alright, I will tell you now. When I came out of the shower, and found you lounging in the window seat, I wanted to take you right then and there.”
Your eyes widened. “I would have liked that.” You licked your lips. “Why didn’t you?”
He closed then opened his eyes to compose himself. “I wanted us to do this.” He smirked. “Your turn.”
This entire time, perhaps it was the vodka or perhaps it was simply Alex but as the questions went on, you wanted him more and more.
“Instead of telling you, I am going to show you.” Your heart beat hard in your chest. “Lay back.”
Gently, you crawled over to him. Hanging over him you kissed him. You sighed as you felt his hands move over you. “You taste so good.” You murmured against his lips. As you kissed him, you reached out and grabbed him through his jeans.
“Alex?” You made a soft sound, as you felt hard against the fabric. “How long have been hard?” You moved your hands up and down his length.
He moaned, he raised his hips to meet your hand. “All day baby.”
“Then, its about time I took care of you.” You kissed him deeper, your tongues meeting. You could do this, you wanted him to feel good.
Sitting back, you reached out you undid his belt his jeans followed. Grabbing them, you pulled them down and with his jeans came off easily. Pleasure uncurled deep within your stomach as you saw how hard he was.
“Oh, Alex you are so hard.” You licked your lips, you came up along side of him. You, wrapped your fingers around his hard length. You made a soft sound. “I like the feel of you.” Your hand drifted up and down him.
“Y/N.” He managed to say as his breathing became ragged.
You met his clear blue eyes, you could see the passion there. It made you shiver.
Sighing, as you felt yourself grow incredibly wet you took his tip into your mouth. You twirled your tongue around him.
You looked up at him then you slid your mouth further down. You barely were able to take all of him. He trembled, his moaned tightened in your stomach. You began moving your mouth up and down his length, loving the taste of him. You moaned yourself, as your felt his fingers in your hair.
“Y/N.” He managed to say. You glanced up at him through your lashes. “Feels so good.” He swallowed hard.
Increasing your pace, you watched as his body tightened, as he threw his head back. His mouth, fell open as moans poured from him.
You twirled your tongue around his hard length. Very slowly, you dragged mouth off him.
His lids were heavy as they opened as he looked at you. “Baby, you are making me feel so good.”
You practically purred happily. “Would you like to cum, Alex?” He nodded. “Yes.” He breathed.
You smirked, and took him once again in your mouth. This time, you didn’t slow your pace. His moans, his fingers and the sensation of having him in your mouth made you ache. It felt so good.
“Y/N..” He began to shake. “I’m so close. I’m...I’m...”
You sucked harder, taking him deeper into your mouth. He called out your name. Moments later, you felt as he came hard into your mouth. You swallowed all of him.
Once again, you dragged you mouth up, gently releasing him. As you shifted, you went onto your side beside him. You licked your lips, as you saw him swallow hard a few times with his eyes still closed. You poured yourself a splash of the vodka. You had just kicked it back into your mouth when a moan, erupted loudly and suddenly from you. You had been so distracted trying to pour the vodka that you had not felt his fingers slip under your leggings and right into you.
“Alex.” You whimpered.
@theblackmaskclub @rosionis @brookisbi @johallzy @darling-i-read-it @guns-n-marvel @proffesionalclown @starwarsslytherin @chogisss @obiwankenobiness
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