#c: cherrybomb.
cinzanohq · 11 months
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NOME COMPLETO: Lucas da Silva Santos.
CODINOME: Cherrybomb.
IDENTIDADE DE GÊNERO E PRONOMES: Homem Cis-gênero, ele/dele.
DATA DE NASCIMENTO E IDADE: 27/08/2000 + 23.
NACIONALIDADE E ETNIA: Brasileiro, caucasiano.
FACECLAIM: Thiago Elias (Calango) - Youtuber.
OCUPAÇÃO: Estudante.
EXTRACURRICULARES: Gastronomia e Botânica.
MORADA: Easifatan.
PLOTS DESEJADOS: Fluff, romance, crack.
CONTA: Cherrybcnz
OOC: +18
Manipulação de Cerejas - É uma variação da Manipulação de Plantas e Manipulação de Alimentos. O usuário pode criar, dar forma e manipular a cereja. Ele pode fazer com que essa fruta cresça, mova-se ou ataque, além de poder reorganizar a estrutura genética para aprimorá-las.
Geração de Cerejas: Capacidade de gerar cerejas de forma espontânea. As cerejas são frágeis e podem se deteriorar rapidamente, tornando-se inutilizáveis em pouco tempo.
Geração de Cerejas Explosivas: Capacidade de gerar cerejas que explodem ao entrar em contato com algo. As explosões podem ser imprevisíveis e arriscadas para o mutante e seus aliados se não forem manuseadas com cuidado.
Manipulação da Polpa de Cereja: Capacidade de manipular a polpa das cerejas, moldando-a em diversas formas. A manipulação excessiva da polpa pode causar irritação ou danos na pele do mutante, tornando-se doloroso ou debilitante.
Manipulação do Sabor e Aroma: Capacidade de alterar o sabor e o aroma das cerejas, tornando-as doces, azedas, picantes, etc. A manipulação do sabor e aroma pode afetar negativamente o próprio paladar do mutante, tornando difícil desfrutar de alimentos comuns.
Manipulação de Pólen de Cerejeira: Capacidade de controlar o pólen das cerejeiras, criando nuvens que afetam a respiração e a visão dos oponentes. O controle do pólen pode afetar também a respiração e visão do mutante, tornando-o vulnerável aos próprios efeitos da habilidade.
Criação de Armas de Cereja: Capacidade de criar armas sólidas feitas de cerejas. As armas são efêmeras e se desintegram após um período curto de uso, exigindo uma constante recriação.
Criação de Golem de Cerejas: Capacidade de dar vida a um golem feito de cerejas para auxiliar em combate. O golem é instável e pode se desfazer rapidamente ou perder o controle, atacando aliados.
Camuflagem de Cerejas: Capacidade de se camuflar ou se esconder através de ilusões criadas com cerejas. A camuflagem é limitada a ambientes com cerejas disponíveis, tornando-se ineficaz em locais onde as cerejas são escassas.
Cura Acelerada com Cerejas: Capacidade de consumir cerejas para acelerar o processo de cura e regeneração do corpo. A cura acelerada pode ser limitada a ferimentos menores e pode deixar o mutante com fome ou sedento, exigindo um consumo constante de cerejas.
Camuflagem de Frutas: Capacidade de se transformar em uma cereja real, ficando indetectável aos sentidos dos outros. Durante a transformação, o mutante é vulnerável a danos e não pode se mover ou agir ativamente, limitando suas opções de defesa.
Projeção de Raios Antioxidantes: Capacidade de projetar raios com propriedades antioxidantes, capazes de neutralizar toxinas e radicais livres. A projeção de raios antioxidantes consome energia do mutante, deixando-o exausto e fisicamente enfraquecido após o uso prolongado.
Projeção de Cerejas de Energia: Capacidade de disparar projéteis energéticos em forma de cerejas. O uso excessivo dessa habilidade pode esgotar rapidamente a energia do mutante, deixando-o fisicamente enfraquecido.
Ilusões de Cerejas: Capacidade de criar ilusões sensoriais envolvendo cerejas. O uso excessivo dessa habilidade pode afetar a percepção e a mente do mutante, levando a confusão ou distorções da realidade.
Crescimento de Árvores de Cerejeira Instantaneamente: Capacidade de fazer crescer árvores de cerejeira em segundos, criando barreiras naturais ou armadilhas. O crescimento instantâneo das árvores consome muita energia do mutante, deixando-o enfraquecido e suscetível a ataques após o uso dessa habilidade.
Toque Venenoso da Cerejeira: O mutante possui a capacidade de secretar um veneno letal semelhante ao encontrado nas cerejas selvagens. Esse veneno pode ser liberado através do toque da pele ou até mesmo da respiração, afetando aqueles que entrarem em contato com o mutante. Ele precisa ter cuidado para não se envenenar ao liberar o veneno, controlando cuidadosamente a quantidade e a intensidade da liberação. Com o tempo, as pessoas expostas ao veneno podem desenvolver certa imunidade, tornando-se menos suscetíveis aos efeitos letais. Isso limita a eficácia da habilidade em confrontos repetidos. O veneno é extremamente potente e, às vezes, pode ser difícil de controlar completamente. Isso pode resultar em acidentes ou efeitos adversos em pessoas inocentes ou aliados. O mutante precisa aprender a regular a quantidade de veneno produzido, a fim de evitar a liberação excessiva e ações inadvertidas que possam causar danos irreparáveis. Além disso, pode ser temido ou evitado devido à natureza letal de sua habilidade, o que pode levar ao isolamento social e à dificuldade de estabelecer relacionamentos pessoais. Vale ressaltar que o veneno pode deixar um resíduo tóxico nas mãos do mutante ou nas áreas em que o veneno foi liberado. Isso pode ser perigoso para o mutante e para aqueles que entram em contato posteriormente.
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jadler · 4 months
Cherrybomb incorrect quotes #8
J.D: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy. Heather C.: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep. J.D: I said within reason, Heather. How about I murder that guy? Heather C.: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't? J.D: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
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dreamcorechild · 9 days
Nokia Moots list!! :>
I decided to make a separate page for my introduction cause I got a lot of moots and I wanna add more details about them cause love them all so much.
@mylou-doodlesworld my first kny best friend! You made me smile so much with your dragon arts! I love them so much. Zohakuten loves you he a silly little bean! I hope to see more arts from you bestie! 💜💜💜
@serenesaku I love your Oc's their so creative, especially Hanako and Akeno! I find the ship between them and the clones to be lovely and cute!! I'm also happy you like the art I made for you! ❤️❤️❤️💕💕 The hantengu clones loves you very much!
@aliorailrow your oc Keiko is so darn cute!! I'm happy that I made her become friends with Ishi! Also the braids on her hair is creative!! You go girl!💛💛💛
@urog1i Your pfp are so well done! And thank you for making me happy during the tough times while being on here! Also I'm sorry for eating Burrito Urogi! 💛💛💛
@bugzheadquarter I love your oc, Raine!! Akaza loves you!! Keep going with your arts their so good! I never heard about slumber breathing before. I bet it's a good skill! 🌙
@kiyokatokito MUICHIRO loves you Kiyo!! Such a good ship! Keep being you friend and make everyone smile!💚💚💚
@shycroissanti YOUR LIKE ONE OF MY IDOLS! Seriously you make such good arts and Oc's! Especially Irina and Kishin!! Thank you for drawing arts for me and liking my arts! Keep being you! 💙💙💚💚💚
@muichiroslovermwah I'm happy your back!! Your the first person who ever put me in their moot boards and I deeply appreciate that very much! MUICHIRO also loves you and he is very proud of you!💕💕💕
@aceofstars0 I like your blog and oc! Your a very nice person and I wish to know more about you! 💙💙
@rion-isnot-an-ai your oc Hanako is so cute!! She goes well with Obanai! Their a cute fan made couple! 💚💚❤️❤️
@flakymarshmallow I'M SO SORRY THAT SHIMITSU SHOT YOUR OC I HOPE SHE OKAY :C but anyway love your arts!!💜💜💜
@thewinterpillarhashira also known as @lonesomelad Another idol of mine!! You draw so well almost resembles the kny manga!! You so talented I love your Oc's and your arts!! 💙💙💙
@silliestsakura I love you Tbhk art works!! You draw so good I'm impressed!! We all love you so much keep being you! 💗💗💗
@axolotl321 Thank you for putting my oc in your artworks!! I like the style between kny and cookie kingdom! A very good crossover artstyles! 💙💙
@kakksart MUICHIRO also also loves you!! I'm happy your back! I love your blog and everything! 💚💚
@larz-barz Your so creative and brave!! I love your oc Milo and her relationship with Tanjiro and Basil!! Keep going with what your doing! 💜❤️💙
@ta-ni-ya Wow!! You draw so good on paper it's amazing!! Sanemi loves you and so do we!! 💚💚💚
@squidifier I'm adding you on here cause your one of my moots! :> also love your splatoon arts!! Very impressive! 💗
@shytastemakerthing I love your stories on your blog! Their very well written and amazing!! :D 💛💙
@saffron0v0 I can't wait to know more about you to!! Aoi Kanzaki Stan!! 💙
@tokito-dulya20 your art is so darn good!! How do you manage to much such beautiful artworks I'll never know!! TOKITO TWINS LOVE YOUUUU!! 💚💙💚💙
@boo-simplified THANK you for adding Ishi to the valentine arts!! You made her so cute and cheeky I love it!! Your so clever at your arts style keep going!! 💚💜❤️💛💙
@demon-slayer-manga-simp and @your-local-demon-slayer-nerd two duos who are very funny and kind!! Thank you for flooding my home page with Kny stuff! Really appreciate it. Keep being goodies! :D 💜💛💜💛
@nothingtoseehere1-2-3 Thanks for the support your awesome girlie!! Hope your okay in the living world! 💙
@cherrybomb-xoy I love your artworks!! I hope your okay with what your going through. I'll be here if you need me! 💕💗💕💗
@night-mince0 Tengen loves you!! Thank for the support back there!! I hope your okay. Wishing you the best! Keep being Eepy!
@swallowtail-lotus @hungtengu @1julak1 @bottlecapsandotherthings @wifeyana you five are great moots! I wish to learn more about you! ❤️💙💛💜💚
@kwsworld I remember you from twitter! Your a great artist and you inspire me so much! Kotoha and the clones love you!! 💚💙💛❤️💗
@georgette-mademoiselle Another hantengu clone Worshipper!! Sekido loves you!! ❤️❤️❤️
@warringwarrioridiot I love your oc Taiga!! She goes well with Doma and I adore their relationship! 💙❤️
@leviathanverse Your Au stories are so good, especially with the dragon clones and the jurassic world!! Keep making more good stories new friend! 💜💜
@local-giyuu-simp Keep simping Giyuu!! 🌊🌊🌊
@bloodbladesanddemons I am honoured to be your moot!! You literally make the best art I seen and it inspired me to keep going! Your so brave and I wish for you to continue with your dreams! Sekido loves you very much! Keep simping the angry boi! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@haruharuna Live love laugh Kyojuro!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@fallstreakfeathers Urogi loves you and your oc Charlie!! Keeping making more Hc about the birdy BOI and his clones!! 💛💛💛💛
@lovesickfornobody thanks for being my Internet Mom! I hope to wish you well!! 💜💙
@tinyperson00 another brilliant artist!! Thanks for putting me on your moot list!! 💙💙💗💗
@matsukaah Gyutaro loves you!!! 💚💚💚
@kammiscookies I forgot to add you but here you go! :D glad to have you in my moot! 💜💜💙💗
@starsinthesworld I remember you!! I love how you role play as different character especially Akaza and Koyuki!! I sure miss those times.. 💗💗
You all are my favourite and the best friends I ever met on tumblr!! I wish you all with love and hugs from me!! Keep going and never give up!! Let your hearts guide you :>
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innerexpanse · 2 months
here we go again 3/12
oh my god chronic illness rep <3
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i love this design i made for them actually you dont even know
headcanons under c ut.................... as usual
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any pronouns (she/he preferred)
transfem / sapphic / demifemale
majority of scars on rot-affected flesh are self-inflicted in attempts to remove it
illness was neutralized thanks to gourmand finding out the chemical that makes snurtles pop acts as a medicine ( bonus they taste really good with cherrybomb powder so he has a favorite food now)
chubby because healing!!!! emotionally and physically!!!!!
even more adept at combat now due to her body working with the rot which gives extra health and throwing power plus a fear factor :3 this lets her take the Gang on travelling expeditions to visit the iterators back and forth because thats something they all love 2 do
imagine hunter long arms from rainedworldrascals au if you have no clue what the fuck im talking about above
actually super sweet and nice like imagine fluttershy with the capacity to kill things sometimes. thats him in my brain soup. like look at the drawing hes waving at you!!!!!!!
has a little trouble speaking due to the tumor right next to their mouth but they manage! they just sound like they're chewing on something most times
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nilrilie · 1 year
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•• A Spirit That Never Fades // abandoned for now!
Neteyam x Metkayina!f!reader x Ao'nung / ✧࿓☾ sfw for now
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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•• Seed - Just think...
Neteyam x Na'vi!f!reader x Lo'ak / ✧࿓☾ nsfw
•• Teasing.
Prequel to Seed - Just think... / Lo'ak x Na'vi!f!reader / ✧࿓☾ nsfw
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•• Mine.
Neteyam Sully x f!reader / ✧࿓☾ nsfw
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•• Too late.
Neteyam x Na'vi!reader / ✧࿓☾ sfw
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•• Don't leave me.
Neteyam x Omaticaya!reader / ✧࿓☾ sfw
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more to come...
Find me and my stories on ao3
Other blogs:
@jadler a CherryBomb blog [Heather C. x J. D from Heathers1988 / Heathers the Musical]
@... other stories (?) to come soon probably, I can't make up my mind 😭
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aurorawinchester-1967 · 9 months
I'm working on young Sirius Black stuff, and this is something I came up with. I do not agree with JK Rowling at all. My work is in the universe of HP, but it is not even in the timeline. I do not affiliate with that bitch. One of my best friends is trans and he's amazing, and I love him to death. I do not support JK Rowling at all. I just love Harry Potter, and my heart is breaking at the thought of giving it up. I write about this because I love the universe, not the writer or anything she implied in her work.I hope you don't get mad at me for this (writing about HP). I love you all. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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Imagine being Remus' twin and meeting Sirius for the first time.
Sirius entered his best friend's house with a smile. It was exactly like he'd remembered, the only difference being the loud rock music coming from upstairs.
"Hey, Moony. I didn't know you liked that kind of music." Sirius tells Remus, who sighs.
"That's my sister. She likes rock." The brown haired boy tells his friend.
"Hello, Daddy! Hello, Mom! I'm your Ch-Ch-Ch-Cherrybomb!" Is heard from upstair making the black-haired boy laugh at his friend's annoyed face.
"Hey! Keep it down up there!" Remus yells with a sigh.
Sirius holds in his laugh when the music becomes even louder, and the girl seems to sing as loud as she can to piss off her brother.
"Hello, world! I'm your wild girl! I'm your Ch-Ch-Ch-Cherrybomb!" She yells out, causing Sirius to chuckle.
"She's doing it again, isn't she?" His mother questions as the boy walks the kitchen, causing Remus to nod defeatedly.
"She's been doing that ever since you guys took her wand. She's protesting." Remus tells his mother as he grabs two glass and fills them with water.
"What are you making, Mrs. Lupin?" Sirius questions as he watches her knead some dough.
"Cookies, dear. Y/n has been... in a really bad mood. She hasn't been eating and I'm getting worried. I'm hoping the cookies will at least make her eat a little bit." Mrs. Lupin explains.
"Why isn't she eating?" Remus questions in concern as he gives Sirius his glass of water.
"Andrew cheated on her, and when she called him out on it..." Mrs. Lupin answers only to be cut off with an angry voice.
"That asshole had the nerve to tell me I was a fugly ass bitch and nobody in their right mind would touch me." Y/n snaps from the doorway.
"That wanker is obviously blind." Sirius blurts out his eyes widening.
"Padfoot!" Remus says, giving him a look of disaproval
"I said that out loud." Sirius states as he looks at the h/c-haired girl who chuckles and heads to grab a water bottle from the fridge.
"Yeah, you did. Don't worry tho. I'm flattered you think I'm hot, but sadly for you I don't date my brother's friends." She tells him teasingly patting his shoulder before heading back upstairs.
He stands there frozen in shock.
"I'm gonna go to the loo. You can head upstairs if you want." Remus tells him.
He nods and does as he's told and heads up the stairs when a tune comes on. He follows the music to the first door to the right and smiles in amusement at the sight in front of him.
Y/n is standing on her bed dancing and flipping her hair wildly as she sings into a hair brush. The red nightgown she's wearing leaves little for the imagination.
"I don't give a damn about my reputation! You're living in the past it's a new generation! A girl can do what she wants to do and that's what I'm gonna do. And I don't give a damn about my reputation! Oh no, not me. Oh no, not me. An' I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation! Never said I wanted to improve my station! An' I'm only doin' good when I'm havin' fun. An' I don't have to please no one. An' I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation!" She sings, jumping around like a maniac.
"Oh no, no, no, no, not me, oh no, no, no, no, not me. I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation! I've never been afraid of any deviation! An' I don't really care if you think I'm strange! I ain't gonna change!" Her singing comes to a halt when she jumps and spots Sirius watching her from the doorway with an amused look etched on his face.
She lets out a yelp as she loses her balance and falls off the bed and sharply to the floor.
"Are you ok?" Sirius questions as he rushes over causing her to blush.
"Peachy. How long have you been standing there?" She pries, causing him to grin.
"Enough to see those beautiful dance moves." He teases, causing Y/n to sigh.
"There goes my dignity." She states, smiling as he pulls her up.
"What are you guys doing?" Remus pipes up from the doorway, startling them.
"Rem! Get out!" She exclaims, yanking herself away from Sirius like she'd been burned. She blushes and looks at Remus.
"Y/n/n! no!" Her twin says causing her to huff in annoyance.
"What happened?" Remus repeats.
"She fell off the bed and hit her head. I saw her fall and helped her up." Sirius explains causing Remus to chuckle.
"You're such a klutz." He tells Y/n who rolls her eyes.
"Wow, thanks for the concern, you wanker." She says sarcastically.
"You are very welcome." He tells her mimicking her tone.
"Mutt." She insults, causing him to scoff in mock offence. He knew his sister was just messing with him.
"Dumbass." He states.
Sirius attempts not to laugh as he watches the two sibblings fight back and forth.
"Loser." She shot back as she looks at her twin.
"Takes one to know one." He smirks at her teasingly.
"Smartass." She snaps, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
"At least one of us is smart. The other one's braindead." He sasses causing her to let out an offended noise and chuck her pillow at him.
"Dickhead!" She yells at him before they both break out laughing.
"Now, that one hurt. Padfoot, pass her over." Remus tells his friend who looks at the girl who shakes her head.
"Sorry, love." He say as he goes to grab her only for her to push him back and run towards her brother, sliding between his legs and kicking him into Sirius.
"I'm gonna get you." Sirius yells running after her as she squeals and runs down the stairs.
Sirius slides down the railing and follows her to the kitchen. He manages to catch up with her and pin her against the counter.
"Got you, Y/n/n." He says with a smug look on his face.
"You sure?" She questions with a smirk reaching behind her.
He raises an inquisitive brow only to gasp in shock as she throws a handful of flour at his face.
He stares at her for a moment before smirking and doing the same to her.
Next thing you know they start throwing flour at eachother, accidentally hitting Remus who walks into the room and joins them.
"Oh my god! What happened to you guys?" Mrs. Lupin yells as she sees the horrifying mess in her kitchen.
They all freeze at look at eachother for a minute before bursting out in laughter.
Mrs. Lupin shakes her head and chuckles before ushering them out of the kitchen.
"You know, I never caught your name." Y/n questions as she looks at Sirius who smirks.
"It's Sirius." He introduces making her smile.
"Pleasure to meet you, Starshine." She tells him causing his nose to scrunch up.
"Starshine?" He questions in confusion.
"Yeah, you're named after a star after all. And you also have a shiny personality." She tells him, causing him to smile.
"I'm gonna take the first shower... you guys aren't listening so I'm just gonna go. Use protection!" Remus shouts, only the end of his rent catching their attention.
"Huh?" They both exclaim looking at the bathroom door then at eachother with a smile.
I apologise for any spelling mistakes in advance. English is not my first language. I'd like to thank my friend who encouraged me to post this. Please do not steal my work. I work really hard on these one-shots. Reblogs are welcomed tho. 😁
@hurlonsororitygirls @locopollito1967
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teethcritter · 7 months
You successfully vomit a pearl! You pay the scavengers and can pass through, and are now armed with a spear and a cherrybomb :3
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You go through a tunnel beyond the toll, leading to a cave choc full of centipedes. You are hungry and need the food. What do you do?
A) Look for little centipedes to eat (risk of being heard by big ones)
B) Sneak around and not eat any centipedes (low chance of being spotted by big centipede)
C) VIOLENCE!!! (Throw the spear and cherrybomb to kill or scare big centipedes)
D) ooh glowy thing
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Stiles growing up with Claudia and Sheriffs shadow, understood but not well connected to the police? - I wish I could remember the name of it b/c there is a really great Sterek AU oneshot where Claudia lives and the Sheriff is killed in the line of duty when Stiles is a child. It's a really great read.
Is is Cherrybomb by the_deep_magic?
Because that's an amazing fic!
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spaceeobsessedd · 3 months
I c//ommissioned the wonderful and talented @/papyswaghet over on Twitter for a cute picture of my LHs Flora and Cherrybomb!
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Look how cute they are!! My babies! 🥺😭🩵🩵🩵
I've never mentioned them on here since I made them awhile ago on my Twitter, but they have a story going as well! So pop on over there to read it! It'll be updated soon 😉
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schlierens · 1 year
(ɔ ˘⌣˘)˘⌣˘ c)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ↬ ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴍʏ ᴍᴜsᴇ ᴀ ʙɪɢ ʜᴜɢ ↫
ㅤㅤ"Oooh, thanks! What's the occasion?" Surprisingly, the Seeker didn't hesitate to return the friendly gesture, slipping her arms around Cherrybomb and maybe even lifting her off the ground a little bit in the process.
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jadler · 1 year
Cherrybomb incorrect quotes #4
Heather C.: I actually have a black belt.
J.D: In what, karate?
Heather C.: No, from Gucci.
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thehumanhalf · 1 year
There is a small box placed over Thalia's desk, to the inside there is a hair pin figuring a beautiful butterfly with mixed colors like fuchsia, violet, yellow and orange.
A paper with written: “Marry Christmas to you Thalia! I hope this humble gift would be of your pleasure. Sinceyou have such beautiful hair, I thought for something that could enlight such beauty and giving also a sense of freedom, like you give it everyday by having you around.”
Signed: Malika C.
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She hadnt expected much for christmas this year seeing as most of her current company either didnt care for the holiday, or didnt understand it. Sure she had gotten a gift from her daughter, aswell as vera and Cherrybomb (bless their souls) but nothing compared to this.
She gingerly read over the note before opening the gift, gently holding the pin as she looked over it. It was so pretty!! Knowing her she'd worry shed break it. Did malika really think that of her? That she enlight beauty and a sense of freedom by merely being around?? She's not crying she is NOT crying absolutly not.
She's going to wear this everyday.
She needs to go give Malika a thank you hug right now
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solplparty · 2 years
당신이 생각하는 NCT127 근본곡은? | 소방차(Fire Truck) Cherry Bomb 無限的我(무한적아;Limitless) | 버가부 bugAboo | Song-lympic https://youtu.be/VAw_cfY6nho 당신이 생각하는 NCT127 근본곡은? | 소방차(Fire Truck) Cherry Bomb 無限的我(무한적아;Limitless) | 버가부 bugAboo | Song-lympic #bugAboo#NCT127#Song_lympic#FireTruck#CherryBomb#Limitless#New1theKOriginal#1theK#원더케이#원더케이오리지널 What’s the basic song of NCT127 the real K-pop lovers think? 소방차(Fire Truck) VS Cherry Bomb VS 無限的我(무한적아;Limitless) Watch the dance covers by bugaboo, a new K-pop girl group which performs just perfectly, and vote for the basic song of NCT127 among the three songs. 🗳 Vote Here 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/3b0N3UW * The full version of the most voted cover song will be released on the official YouTube channel of bugAboo! ▶bugAboo Official Youtube : https://youtube.com/c/bugAboo_offcl ▶bugAboo Official Twitter : https://twitter.com/bugAboo_offcl ▶bugAboo Official Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bugaboo_offcl/ ▶bugAboo Official Vlive : https://www.vlive.tv/channel/840F65 ▶bugAboo Official Fancafe : https://cafe.daum.net/bugAboo ▶bugAboo Official TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@bugaboo_offcl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- K-POP Wonderland, 1theK K-POP의 모든 즐거움이 여기에, 다양한 원더케이 오리지널 컨텐츠를 만나보세요! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- K-POP Wonderland, 1theK All the joys of K-pop here! 1theK has a wide variety of Original Content ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▶1theK YT : https://www.youtube.com/1theK ▶1theK FB : http://www.facebook.com/1theK ▶1theK TW : https://twitter.com/1theK ▶1theK Kakao : https://goo.gl/otRpZc ▶1theK TikTok : https://vt.tiktok.com/2mSMBS 1theK Originals - 원더케이 오리지널
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kachinnate · 4 years
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they lov... 
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redgalaxyarts · 3 years
Cat Fucker - Shinso/Reader
Synopsis: You get hit with a mutation quirk while chasing a villain and while you're waiting to transform back to normal, Shinso finds you. (MxF reader)
Warnings: Language, violence, fluff, smut, masturbation, quirk use, choking, gagging, spanking, pet play, pet names, deg/praise, breeding kink, very slight dubcon if you squint
The reader has a fireball quirk, your hero name is Cherrybomb.
(Y/H/C = your hair color)
The chill of the cold night air hits your sweaty face and palms creating a slight tinge of pain from the contrast between the temperature of the night and your body. You have been running away from the robbery in progress after the police arrived to chase after the villain who caused it. Your calves burn and your feet feel like glass from how long you've been running and chasing after him. You dip, dodge, and jump over all the obstacles in your way and as he threw something behind him, you just barely ducked enough for it to only graze your palms as you tossed it out of the way, a little scrape left in the wake.
"Will you fucking stop already?!" You scream out to the villain dressed in an all-black outfit with a purple short cape swirled with various patterns that seem reminiscent of various animal footprints on it.
"You seem too slow hero, might need some help with that!" The guy yells back before slapping a random shape on the back of his cape and using his fist to throw an orb of light at you but you quickly sidestep out of the way just in time.
Taking the chance after he stumbled from throwing it at you, you open your palm wide and fire three balls of fire at the villain in front of you. They all land perfectly into his side and he doubles over and falls over his own two feet while running. He skids along the pavement and takes out a lamppost in the process but he ultimately comes to a stop and lays still while breathing shallow breaths.
"Hah, I, hah I got you, villain." You say panting and out of breath. "Damn I need to work on my stamina." You say mostly to yourself.
You bend down and flip the villain over onto his back before grabbing a tight pair of handcuffs from your utility belt and quickly clasping his wrists with them and hiking him onto his two feet.
"Cherrybomb did you apprehend the suspect?" Your partner Shinso asks you over your earpeice.
You reach your free hand up and tap the button before replying.
"Yeah just now. Head back to the office and I'll meet you there after I call a cruiser to take him to the station."
"Heard, stay safe."
You confirm with Shinso and tighten your grip on the suspect before notifying the police of your new location and wait for them to arrive.
Only a few minutes pass before the cruisers show up and they grab the villain from your arms, and right as you're about to pull away, the suspect breaks free from one of the officers grasp and walks darts towards you and grabs your wrist in an attempt to attack you while you were distracted talking to civilians. You turn around to attack him back but the officer already managed to grab him before another brawl could start and slapped him with another pair of cuffs. Unbeknownst to any of you, he was able to slap a paw print on the back of his cape and touch you with it when he grabbed your wrist. The villain gets shoved headfirst into the back of the quirk and armor-proof van before the doors shut loudly and they drive away.
"Cherrybomb! Cherrybomb yet another excellent takedown of a villain and you stopped the bank robbery with no casualties, how did you do it?" A reporter asks while the cameraman points the camera towards you and you confidently reply how you normally always do.
You freeze in confusion, the reporter freezes in confusion, and so does the crowd that has gathered around you all.
"I'm sorry, meow?"
You go to speak again but before you can, you feel a tingle in your hands and you look down to see that your fingertips are slowly morphing into sharp feline-like claws.
You roll your eyes and mutter a "fuck" out loud but to everyone else it just sounds like another meow. Before you could be bombarded with more questions, you take off running down the road and into the secret alleyway you knew one on would find you at. You had found this alleyway months ago after you had gotten beat up pretty bad in a brawl with the LOV and managed to stay secluded all night until you told Shinso your coordinates to find you.
When you duck under the torn hole in the chainlink fence to get to the hiding spot, you brace yourself up against the back of the brick building and look down at your hands to see they've morphed into paws as well as your feet. When you look back up at the brick, you also notice you've gotten incredibly smaller than you remember. It wasn't until you turn around and see a big fluffy tail attached to your butt that you realize what that villain's quirk was; Beastmorph. He turned you into a cat.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me." You say to yourself in your head. You try and find a way to break out of your transformation by running headfirst into the brick wall but all you get out of it is a nasty headache, you can't seem to break out of it by force. You shake your head and droop your ears at the pain and lick your paw and rub your ear to ease the pain.
You saunter around the damp alleyway and see your reflection in a puddle next to a garbage bin and stare into it. You see a slight scar from where you headbutted yourself and notice your very fluffy y/h/c fur blowing in the slight breeze and getting damp from the rain that started to roll in overhead. Staring into your feline eyes in the puddle, you don't even notice the hulking figure walk up behind you and scoop you up. You yelp at the sudden loss of connection of concrete on your paws but feel relaxed in the strong arms of however picked you up, even more so when you feel two soft fingertips rub behind your ears.
"Hey, kitty kitty what are you doing out here?" You look up and instantly recognize the purple hair of who grabbed you.
If a cat could look surprised, you were surely embodying it.
"Where the hell is y/n, she's not at the office and she's not here. God, I hope she's alright."
The rain starts to fall harder and you yelp at the sudden feeling of your soaked fur. You accidentally sink your claws into Shinso's arm while hiking your butt up to try and shake off the wetness and you hear him slightly gasp at the pain.
"Hey hey, kitty it's okay. Come on let me take you home and get out of this rain."
Before you can try and jump out of his arms, he grips you tightly and covers you under his cape while taking off his mask and doing his best to walk under awnings to keep you both from getting even wetter.
You recognize all the turns and roads Shinso takes to get back to his house as you've been there multiple times. It doesn't take him very long to make it back and when he enters his house he shuts the door behind him and places you on his comfy couch. You drop with a slight bounce before he sets his things down on the counter and locks the door behind him.
"Make yourself at home kitty, I'll keep you here tonight and figure out what to do with you tomorrow."
He leans over the back of the couch and starts petting your head and back, and while it feels awkward, it also brings on a strange warmth that you haven't felt before. You smile the best a cat can and you feel your tail swish back and forth. Shinso chuckles before scratching a certain place on your lower back, right above your tail, and your eyes practically bulge out of your head at the extremely weird pleasure it brings on. You are torn between trying to move away or enduring the weird feeling, and it wasn't until you feel a rumble in your chest that you realize you're purring so you decide to hold out and enjoy the scratches.
"Good kitty."
His words strike a chord in your head and you roll your eyes and shiver from the unknown feeling inside of you. Shinso smiles once more before stopping and turns into the kitchen and grabbing a bowl from a cabinet.
You whine at the loss of contact and hop up on the back of the couch and stare at him while cocking your ears behind your head and staring at him.
"Sorry girl, I don't have any cat food but I'll pick some up tomorrow after work."
He says to you as he places a glass bowl of water down on the floor next to a wall. You hop off the couch and walk down next to it, as much as you highly don't want to drink from a bowl like some animal, you are pretty parched from the earlier fight so you lap it up while you can. When you finish slurping it up, you look up and see that Shinso has disappeared and you go to look around his house for him before you see his bedroom door open. You strut over into it and your eyes go wide at the sight in front of you.
His shirt is off of his body and he's walking around in just his boxers as he takes his dirty uniform and tosses it into the laundry basket. His slight muscle definition makes your mouth water when he turns around and you catch a good look at his back. This is the first time you've seen Shinso completely shirtless within the few years of working at the agency together, which is surprising considering the countless amount of times you two have had to patch each other up, he's even seen you completely shirtless besides your breasts as you've always covered them. You walk further into the room and he turns around and you see an array of patchwork tattoos scattering along his arms and a few on his chest. A few of these you've seen before, but you also notice many new ones which make your mouth water even more that your tongue lulls out the side of it.
You are quickly blushed when you see that he's about to pull his boxers down, and with the fear of perversion coming over you, you quickly pounce out of the room and back onto the couch. You shake the thoughts from your head until you hear Shinso's voice speaking to you from two places at once; your head and the adjacent room.
"Y/n, where in the fuck are you. You weren't at the office or your alleyway. Are you alive?" He asks you over the earpiece, which is weirdly enough still attached to you in your cat form. You go to speak but remember how it came out as a meow last time, but you are surprised by the actual words from your mouth.
"Yes I'm okay, I had a uhm, accident and I'm waiting for it to subside." You speak in your actual voice from underneath the couch where you moved to in fear that Shinso would hear or find you.
"What? What accident?"
"A mishap with the villain's quirk I think. I'll be okay I'm just waiting for it to disappear. "
"I-okay then. I'll see you at work tomorrow." He says more of a question than a statement.
"If I'm better by then, sure."
"Okay, goodnight y/n."
"Night Toshi."
You get out from under the couch and trample into his bedroom after checking if the coast is clear first. You see that the en suite bathroom is in use by him when you hear the shower start and him grumbling as he steps inside. You leap onto his bed and stare at yourself into the mirror attached to his side wall that faces the bed. You stare into your eyes and notice that your pupils are no longer stretched like a cat's eyes are and that they've reverted back to your normal eye color and shape. With your voice back and your eyes reverting back your normal body should return by tomorrow. Oh shit, your normal body will return tomorrow. How can you leave without Shinso catching you?
You're caught off guard when you hear the bathroom door open and steam billowing out of it and a very stark naked and dripping wet Shinso walk out of it.
"Me-ow" You gulp to yourself out loud when you see him walk over to the bed while wiping his damp hair with the tan towel around his broad shoulders. You can't help but trace his body down and notice the purple patch of hair above his pelvis and the happy trail connected to it, it fits perfectly against the shallow v-line under his hips.
You feel a shiver ripple through your body and your tail swish back and forth slowly while you take in the sight of the juicy man in front of you. You don't even hop off the bed when he sits down on it next to you and begins petting you. A very loud purr erupts from you and you nudge your head against his hands before he pulls away and scoots you a little bit away so he can get under the comforter.
He turns on his side and flicks off the bedroom light before huffing and puffing while rolling back over onto his back. He slides his fingers through his hair and tugs on it slightly before sliding his hands down his face and dropping them on top of the blanket. He turns back over to you and smiles as he pets your head.
"I hope y/n is okay kitty. You'd like her if you met her, she's beautiful and sweet to every animal she meets. She has one hell of a mouth on her to just about everyone else though." Shinso chuckles to himself at the last thought and you can't help but feel taken off guard at the unknown compliment he gave you. "What I wouldn't do to just make her shut up sometimes."
You quietly gulp to yourself when you feel him tense up while he's petting you before he stops entirely and sits up in his bed and scoots you off of it and towards the door but never shutting it. He whispers something that you don't quite hear before walking back towards his bed and sitting up against the headboard.
You can't help your curiosity as you tip-toe your toe beans into his room and tilt your head around the edge of his dresser and catch sight of what he was doing.
He groans as he rests his head back against the headboard with his eyes shut and his one hand tracing his nipples while the other strokes his cock to get it hard while quietly muttering your name. He's sitting above the comforter and you feel impressed at the endowment of him, you'd never think he'd be that big. You lick your lip and accidentally catch your tongue on your fang before shaking your head and walking closer to the bed to hear and see him better, your morals are entirely out of the window as you don't care how wrong it is to watch your coworker touch himself to the thought of you.
"Fuck." He moans out as he takes his thumb and spreads his precum around his cock while rubbing his nipple with his thumb. He pumps himself while squeezing the base of his cock and you see him shiver at the feeling with taking his free hand and dropping it onto the comforter and gripping the sheets until his knuckles turn white.
"Y/n, just like that, fuck." He says shutting his eyes tightly while envisioning you riding his cock all nice and tight.
You've somehow found your way into his closet and are staring at him through the doorframe of it. Also at this point, you haven't noticed that your hands and feet have reverted back to normal, along with everything else about you. Well, besides the fact that you still have your tail and cat ears. You still don't realize it when you take your hand and touch yourself along with him and rolling your eyes backward when you feel your fingers rub your clit in pace with his pumps.
Moving your hand in time with Shinso's, you stick your fingers into your wet cunt and you moan out his name at the feeling of it, but you quickly clasp a hand over your mouth and put your back against the closet door hoping he didn't notice.
At the sound of your moan, Shinso shoots his eyes open and his head pops up and he stops touching himself while looking around the room. He quietly turns on the end table light and his eyes squint at something in his bedroom when he sees your bare foot poking out of the side of his closet. He gets up from his bed very quietly and walks over to the door and slaps his hand alongside the doorframe making you scream before slamming the oak door right into his face.
Confusion, arousal, and aggravation fall over Shinso's body at the sight he saw before him. He saw you standing stark naked in his closet, with your fingers deep in your cunt, with a pair of cat ears and a tail matching the cat he took home earlier today. He scans the room and takes in the fact that the cat is nowhere to be seen and he smirks as his knuckles come up to the closet door to lightly rap against the wood.
"Oh y/n?"
Silence, which is hard considering you're still touching yourself while also biting your hand and clamping your eyes shut as you try and hold back your lewd noises.
"I know it's you."
It's no use, you can't help but let your noises and words slip.
A flip switches inside of your body and you're frozen, waiting for some unseen instructions to guide you. Shinso smirks to himself and you curse at yourself in your head as you forgot about his quirk.
"Open the door and come out."
His husky tone sends shivers down your body as you do exactly what he says. You open the door and see him standing there with his arm above your head resting against the closet doorframe. You step in front of him and his free hand comes up to grip your chin and stare into his eyes and the contact breaks you out of your trance.
"Hi, kitten." He says hungrily.
"H-hi Toshi." You gulp at getting caught and now fully realize you're, mostly, back to normal.
"So this is the mishap? Didn't think to tell me about it?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't even know what happened. The villain must've blindsided me with his quirk and I got turned into a cat."
You don't know why you feel like you have to explain yourself to him, but you're utterly at his mercy and it isn't at all due to his quirk. You're entirely yourself right now.
"Hm, how unfortunate. It's even more unfortunate about what I'm going to do to you for deceiving me."
You gulp.
"What, uhm, how did I deceive you?"
"You acted like such a good kitten when in reality I know you're nothing but a slut wanting to be fucked by me. Dirty fucking girl."
"Toshi, no I can't, we can't."
That trance is back that you felt before.
"Shut up."
You do.
His hand drops from your chin and he stands confident and tall above you.
"Get your ass on the bed and wait for me."
Your feet mindlessly walk on their own. You squat onto his bed and turn towards him while sitting on your thighs and letting them plump out around you. Your palms rest against your thighs and your tail swishes back and forth while you wait for him.
"Good girl."
You're still locked in the trance but you feel the pool starting to drip from your cunt at his words and actions. You watch as he stalks over to you, like the way a cat does to a mouse, but in this case, you're the ladder in this situation.
You gulp when you feel his fingers trace your bare chest before stopping on your breast and giving one a good squeeze. You moan while getting knocked from your trance and he takes that as an invitation to continue. He releases your breast and immediately grips the back of your neck with force before bending down and kissing you sloppily and passionately at the same time. You moan even more and you feel him smirk into you as his free hand traces down your breasts, flicking your nipple, then trailing it down to your sopping core. You whimper when you feel his finger ghost over your warm folds and then he slides his finger in between them to catch all the juices coming from you.
"Well look at this, my kitten is all nice and wet for me already. I knew you were a slut y/n."
You roll your eyes at the words and it was a big mistake on your part when you feel a slap against your breast and you gasp and look up to the lavender eyes drilling into yours.
"Don't be a fucking brat with me." He dips two fingers between your folds again and as you whimper, he takes that chance to stick them into your mouth and down your throat. "Taste yourself and shut up." His hand grips the back of your neck tighter and bends it back as his two fingers get shoved down your throat and you gag on his fingers. Tears prick your eyes at the feeling and you feel yourself grow wetter and wetter at the force and words he's using on you and you just want more.
He pulls away from you and you both smirk at the long strands of saliva that trail from his fingers and your mouth and he licks it off his own fingers before releasing your neck and pushing you down onto the bed.
"Do you taste good kitten? Spread your legs for me and let your owner taste."
"Ho, fuck Toshi."
You say as he pushes you back and bites your thigh, but he shoots up and tuts at you.
"It's master now."
Your eyes roll back in pleasure as he spreads your legs and kisses your folds and you let bliss take you.
"Ye-yes master." You bite on your finger from the pleasure and use your other hand to twist into Shinso's locks. He groans into your pussy when he feels you tug on his hair and as you buck your hips into his mouth, he wraps an arm around your thigh and rests his hand flat against your pelvis, and uses his other hand to rub up and down your chest and squeezes your breasts making you shiver and shake.
His tongue is that of a god, he's eating you out like no other has done before and you don't want him to ever stop. His tongue speaks passion into your core as he twists your nipple in between his thumb and forefinger and gives it a sharp tug which makes your chest rise and gasps of pleasure drip from your mouth. You feel him smirk into your pussy and your thighs clamp around his head when he nibbles your clit and he smiles even more with the feeling of it happening.
Within minutes you're seeing stars as he plunges the hand he was using on your breasts into your warm cunt while he uses the hand on your pelvis to rub your clit. He sees you trying to resist the urge to cum and he feels himself grow harder which only causes a mix of pleasure and pain to score through him. He needs contact but he only wants the focus on you, he only wants his precious kitten to feel good tonight.
"Fuck master, can I cum? Can I please cum baby?" You beg him as you knot his hair tighter with both hands now.
"Go ahead kitten, cum on my face for me."
He plunges into you and rubs harder at the same pace and dips his mouth back to your pussy before you release onto his face so much that it drips down his chin. He pumps you a few more times before pulling his fingers out of you and smiling down at you panting and wiping sweat from your brow.
You're caught off guard when his dominant persona is dropped as he bends down and kisses you on the forehead and lips before checking in on you.
"Are you okay baby? Can you keep going or can you stop?" He asks so sweetly and innocently.
You run a hand through his hair softly and swipe your thumb against his lips before bending up and kissing him, tasting a mix of himself and your fresh juices which make you want round 2 even more now.
"Please master, I want you to fuck your little kitten-like no one else has before." You whisper seductively into his ear before nibbling on it and licking his neck and falling back down onto the bed.
"Holy fuck." You managed to catch him off guard this time. He gets back into the persona, now even more eager before gripping your hips so tight you know for a fact you'll bruise, and flipping you over with a hard bounce back on the bed and you gasp when you feel him hike your ass into the air.
"Look at your precious cunt, so beautiful and wet for me." He smacks your ass and you yelp out in pleasure before he scissors inside of you with his fingers, stretching you out and pulling away and to his side drawer.
"No master, let kitten feel you. Please?" You ask him while reaching back to grip his wrist.
"You want me to fill you nice and full with my cum kitten? Dirty fucking girl."
He spits into his hand and pumps himself a couple of times before lining himself up with your hole. He grabs both of your ass cheeks and rubs them gingerly with his thumbs before spreading your lips and entering your pussy slowly, getting you used to him.
"Hah, fuck Toshi- Master, I don't care, oh fuck." You shake out the words as you feel him bottom out inside of you and you don't even fathom how you managed to take him so well. Your toes are already clenching when he pulls out and slides back in just as slow as he did before.
"Fuck yeah kitten, I'm gonna fill you so good and full with my cum. Can't wait to have my fucking child can you?"
His head falls backward as he starts to pick up the pace inside of you and groans loudly when he feels you squeeze around him. The villain's quirk has entirely disappeared by now but neither of you has noticed and neither of you cares from the absolute ecstasy you both are receiving from the other.
His cock is slamming back and forth into you at an incredible pace. For every handful of hard pumps into you, it's followed by a slow and teasing pound that hits your spot perfectly every time. You don't know how long you've been going at this, minutes, hours, doesn't matter, you don't want it to ever stop. Your pussy clenches around his cock like it was perfectly molded to be there. Shinso slaps your ass with so much force it leaves a gorgeous dark handprint afterward. You both moan out a "fuck" from the way it made your pussy jump and Shinso picks up his pace inside of you.
"I-I'm about to cum Toshi, fill me up nicely with your cum baby."
You barely manage to get out as he slams harder into you, hitting your g-spot with precision. He smirks and you hear it in his moans. He slows down slightly before bending down and slowly tracing his hands along your sides, squeezing your breasts, gripping your throat, and bringing you back up with him so that your back is against his chest. This new position has you absolutely in pure bliss. You see your entire life flash before your eyes when he grips your throat tightly and bites the side of your neck while his other hand rests against your hip bone and rubs circles into it.
"You're going to be such a good mother, baby." He bites your neck harder. "You're taking my cock so nice, and I'm about to fill you to the brim with my cum. Can't wait to see your stomach bulge with my kid." With that last sentence, his hand moves from your hip to your stomach and he pushes on it, especially in the place where he feels himself slightly bulge your stomach.
"Fuck, can't wait to be a daddy huh? Fill me the fuck up already." You quip back to him, gathering confidence when you feel his thrusts become sloppier and you know he's about to cum with you.
"Watch your tone." He says into your ear while gripping your throat even tighter, cutting your breath off a little before kissing you on the lips and biting your lip while letting go of your throat to let you breathe.
As soon as he bites into your shoulder, you both moan out at the same time when you each release with one another. Your cum mixes with his as he shoots his seed deep inside your cunt. You feel it pulse inside you and your tongue lolls out at the feeling. Shinso keeps himself inside of you until your cunt takes every last drop and when he's content with how much he filled you, he slowly pulls out and watches the cum drip from you before using his fingers to push it back in.
"Keep it in there while I go get a towel to clean us up."
You whimper out a confirmation and as soon as Shinso steps out, you fall back onto the bed and giggle to yourself at the absolutely insane situation you just had. You'd never imagine that you'd fuck your coworker but here you are. You don't move when Shinso comes back and kisses you on the forehead and lips while he wipes in between your legs and anywhere else you may feel hot or sticky. You grab him before he moves away and you bring his forehead down to yours and give him a sweet kiss on his lips and you both smile at each other.
Shinso tosses the towel into the basket and slides under the covers next to you. He lifts his arm up to have you slide up next to him and he breathes out a content sigh.
"So...have you always wanted to fuck a cat?" You ask trying to break the ice.
Shinso laughs and gets beat red at your comment and turns his head to face you.
"No, no I haven't. To be clear, I didn't want to fuck a cat, I just wanted to fuck you."
"You surely did." You pause before your next thought. "Did you mean what you said when you were talking to the uh, well, cat-me?"
"All of it, yeah."
"Oh, cool, cool."
You stop for a minute and try and get comfortable but there's still an unease in the air.
"Look, if this was just a horny-sex haze type of thing for you I get it. I won't mention it again." You say while sitting up to talk to him, as your breasts fall from the sheets, Shinso can't help but stare. You giggle and snap your fingers in front of his face to get him to look at you.
"No y/n, it's not a one-time thing for me. I don't know what I feel for you but I know it's not a one-night stand type of feeling."
"Oh..good, cause I'm pretty sure I fell in love with your dick."
Shinso bursts out into a fit of laughter before pulling you down on top of him and kissing you intensely and having you straddle him.
"Funny, my dick fell in love with you too, kitten."
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cherrybomb-witch · 6 years
“Hey there little red riding hood You sure are looking good You're everything a big bad wolf could want”
—Amanda Seyfried .
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