#bye bye s7 tag :“”’)
andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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7x10 Extended Scene
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mishtershpock · 1 month
#okay i’m gonna try to keep this short and sweet. 30 tag maximum you are my nemesis lol#my main issue here is not necessarily that the karaoke and other bach party scenes have likely been cut#it’s more that they’re clearly buddie baiting for engagement#journalists were watching the episode as early as saturday. which means the ep was ready by at least this time last week#so they knew that the scenes had been cut. and they chose to continue including it in promotion and interviews#i KNOW that logically the reason they chose those scenes to cut was because they’re less important. and we’d already seen them#they technically already gave us the clips in the promo videos. right? so bye bye#but that’s bullshit. sorry#they used buddie best friendism content as a way to promote the ep and increase hype#and then they just pull it out from under us the day before it airs#this is a madney episode. madney are getting married. buddie having fun is not the most important thing here. i get it#so why did they not promote something else? you’re telling me there was NOTHING ELSE they could’ve used?#nothing else from the episode that was free of big spoilers? at all???#it’s madney’s episode but they chose to promote one clip of buddie talking to maddie. one of chim crawling. and the bach party stuff#they must know that people would focus on the bach party. buddie is beloved buck and eddie are beloved#what were they expecting??#they used buddie as a pairing as bait. not queer bait and not even ship bait i suppose as there was nothing ‘shippy’ shown#but they baited buddie content. that’s literally what’s happened#i would be more understanding if this wasn’t a regular occurrence. it’s normal sure. shows do this all the time with fan faves#but also it is a false reflection of the episode. even journalists are saying the episode is not what they expected from the promo#it honestly feels like they’ve made fools of us. maybe the episode will air and it’ll be better than expected#but i don’t have much hope not much hope for buddie. not much hope for madney getting what they deserve. ZERO hope for eddie’s 7b storyline#frankly i’m expecting b/t to be the main chat after this ep. which is……. anyway#i’m not really liking s7 so far and i feel gaslit when people say it’s great lol#IN MY OPINION it is choppy and too fast and a little ooc and doesn’t make a lot of sense#they didn’t even green light bi!buck until episode. what. 2/3??#so presumably had to change everything from then on#i know that’s partly down to limited episode numbers but… 3 eps for the cruise (unnecessary) but 1 for madney wedding? ok#sigh. if anyone’s read this far pls don’t come for me ok. these are just my opinions#we’re all entitled to them. i’m sad for madney and i’m sad for buddie best friendism and i’m sad for s7 as a whole right now
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stocious · 7 months
i was tagged by @creepkinginc and @mybrainismelted to answer some fun gallavich questions! thank you! 🖤 find all of them here!
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? cooperative gameplay , the increasingly poor decisions of ian gallagher, stay, dancing after death, since we're alone and brand spanking new to name a few.
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog? i mean, anything s7 dock scene. and anything with focus on mickey's hands. i love his hands, idk what to say. or his freckles.
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration? i have this really elaborate small town fic that's really heavy focused on the milkoviches i wanna write, but i can't get the right balance of world building and story progression. also i need to get some guideance on the us laws and how they work in practice i think. i've been thinking about it since last christmas and i can't stop thinking about it.
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else? i was always kind of indifferent to carl, but the last couple of months i've come to like him a lot actually. like i said, i was always kind of indifferent so it's actually a bit surprising to me how much i think about him. he's a good person, ya know? (fic club: carl gallagher. not bot carl. bot carl is a rat and an evil minion and he can die the death he deserves) also i don't have a/b/o stuff. don't love it, but i read too much of it not to enjoy it at least a little bit hah. thanks m8te.
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? what the hell happened to mama milkovich?! everything about her is just so unclear. i need to know! (i blame molly and fic club for these thoughts).
tagging whoever feels like it! ok ilu bye! 🖤
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kmze · 2 months
Did Dr*es ship KC because she actually liked it or did she simply capitalise on its instant popularity and see it from the POV of pilot Caroline who wanted to be picked/desired by a guy which,predominantly,is the exact same sentiment of most Caroline/KC stans?Although Caroline wanted to be desired by someone SHE wanted in the pilot and not just anyone but caroline's voice was always ignored by fans and writers alike.And it was evident in the KC narrative.Klaus relentlessly pursued Caroline to the point that it turned into an obsession, self-indulgent,one-sided and violent until Caroline succumbed to his various pressure points:physically,emotionally and psychologically in 5×11 but refused to take ,whatever they had, any further.(Ironically it was her who said Caroline is madly in love with Stefan and has been in love with him for a while.)Candice had once said that in Caroline's mind Klaus,the bad boy,could chase her till the sun came up but the Caroline she had grown into wouldn't budge.And I think Plec touched upon that in TO finale when Caroline told Klaus that the chase was what made it more fun.I think she was never going to let KC be a legit relation probably because she never let SC go.That woman probably secretly writes SC marriage diaries during her free time.She even called KC " our inner fan girl fantasy" at a convention.
Oh no Anon I think she truly likes KC outside of anything to do with what the fans want, I don't think she actually cares what fans want she just likes to lie in interviews to gas people up and fool them. I think she likes KC for the same reason she like SK, Klaus and Katherine are the ultimate pursers of Caroline and Stefan and it's mostly about wearing them down until they get their love confession. That's why like you said above they had a lot of similarities in S5, plus Dries wrote some of KC greatest hits like 3x14, 4x23 and 7x14. TBH I think Dries can just be flat out full of shit in a lot of things she says so I really don't take what she says in interviews seriously at all, the way she spun S7 at SDCC was some next level bullshit.
I think Julie more than any other writer has some enthusiasm for every ship and tries to give everyone something (unless of course it’s Bonnie). She's also more open to catering to the fans if she wants to, like the DE rain kiss or the June wedding mentions in S8 (like I think she played it up because fans were so excited at SDCC). I think that's exactly how Plec saw it re: KC, because there was nothing stopping her from making KC endgame on TO besides simply not wanting to. She also made it that Caroline didn't kiss Klaus when they were in Mystic Falls and instead he got a good-bye kiss in NOLA which was not as strong IMO. I still think the clock tower was about Caroline remembering Stefan because JP released the "Mrs. Forbes-Salvatore" scene the day of TO's S4 finale. Just the way she talks about SC makes me think she likes them the most of all the ships, and maybe if she got a S5 for Legacies with Candice actually appearing we would have got more mentions. When the Legacies musical aired I noticed she liked the tweet below and she hardly ever likes anything that shipper-y (yes I know she was tagged but that just means she saw it easier). She also tweeted “happy tears” about the Steroline proposal episode you could tell she loved it too.
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bamboo72498 · 1 year
Tag Game With a Twist
I was tagged by my buddy @mrsmungus and usually this tag is done by finding words in your wip’s or punlished things. But I decided to put a little twist on it because gummy bears. 
So you’re getting little drabbles instead! Enojy! Note: these are written on the spot and unedited, so enjoy the chaos. 
Words I was given: hoover, summer, likeness, forgot, humid You words if you want to play: little, best friend, sister/brother, glasses, summer
Under a cut because long
Hoover: It always amazed Ziva the things that calmed a baby down. It could something as simple as their mother’s voice, or running water, or even a fan. She had a neighbor in her apartment building in DC who used to play jazz music for their baby. Thin walls made it so that everyone else in the place heard it too. 
As a mom herself now, Ziva was learning what sounds and things kept her own daughter quiet. Usually all Tali needed was to be held in her arms and sang to. A Hebrew lullaby Ziva had learned from her mother. 
But on the really bad days, when none of the trick worked; when Tali was a red, scrunched up ball of emotions, Ziva pulled out the big guns. The hoover’s white noise always worked on Tali. Lulled the infant into a trance and helped to fall asleep or at least be calm for a moment. 
The hoover got them both through hard days filled with loneliness and heightened emotions. It helped Ziva feel not so powerless; like she could actually be a good mom. 
At the risk of raising her electric bill any higher, Ziva had taken to pulling the sound bye off the internet for Tali to listen to instead of the real thing. 
Summer (set pre-s7): “God! It is hot out here!” Tony complained one sunny day in July as they all hovered over, sadly, yet another dead Marine.
“Trust me Tony: you do not know hot until you’ve spent a week in the Middle East. It is dry and windy there and there is no relief.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot you standards of weather are different than ours. Okay, it is hot for me. Is that okay for you?”
“Perfect,” Ziva smirks. She hated listening to her partner complain. She understood their perceptions of different things would not always align, but did he always have to complain?!
“If you want to take off early and get out of the sun, go,” McGee says, snapping another photo. “We’re almost done here once Ducky finishes packing this guy up.”
“Why would he do that? DiNozzo can man up like you and Ziva. Right, Tony?” Gibbs asks, silently sliding into the conversation. 
“Of course, boss,” Tony scoffs.
 The boys miss Ziva rolling her eyes again as they turn their crime scene into a competition to see who is the most manly. 
Ziva wins. 
Likeness: Tony looked at the little girl sleeping in the little cot on the floor. Her tiny face stained with tears after a fruitless struggle to go to bed that not even the comfort of her doggy, Kalev, could bring. Playing ‘The Little Mermaid’ off his laptop seemed to help, and the movie was still running even though Tali was fast asleep. 
Try as they might, not even the powers of Tony DiNozzo Senior could get his apartment ready for a toddler in a matter of hours. But it would have to do for now. 
He quietly pads out of the room to the couch where he would be sleeping that night. Ziva’s scarf is still laying on the coushing and his picks it up and brings it to his nose, inhaling her scent; warm and musky, but with flowers and citrus in there as well. Even that simple sense memory brings tears to his eyes and he lets them fall, hot and fast. 
Let’s himself fell every emotion he’d been holding back for the sake of their little girl. 
That little girl that look so much like her mom it was scary.
It broke his heart that that little girl, and a few photographs, would be the only things they’d have to remember Ziva by. 
He wanted to rewind time and make Ziva come with him that night on the tarmac; have them raise Tali together; to get to the farmhouse sooner. 
Forgot: “You forgot? How could you forget! It’s been on the calendar for weeks!”
He tried to shush her, pull her into a more secluded corner. 
He messed up. He was late to their daughter’s ballet recital and now Ziva was pissed at him. 
“I know you’re pissed, but don’t you think us standing out here arguing is going to make us even later? They just told everyone to sit down, let’s go.” 
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m just very out of sorts,” Ziva tells him honestly as they follow the flowing crowd into the auditorium and take their seats on the hard wooden chairs. 
It was her first recital of Tali’s since coming home last winter, and Ziva had been hyping it up in her head far too much. It was not a professional event; just the yearly recital put on my Tali’s dance school. There were balloons everywhere and crying babies on parents laps; it was as far from professional as they could get. 
The toddler classes when first; half moving, half crying. Then came a class of older kids dancing to some bass heavy song that had a lot of sharp movements accompanying it.
Finally, about halfway through the show, Tali’s class came out in their blue and silver costumes and thick stage makeup. Tali was front and center, clearly the leader of the class. She hit every turn, leap, and step with exact precision and struck the final pose with the biggest smile plastered on her face. 
If the tears in Ziva’s eyes or the way she gripped his hand were any indication, she was in awe of their baby girl. And he was out of the dog house at least a little bit. 
Humid: “You ever notice the way Ziva’s hair gets all curly when it’s humid out? You think that’s an Israeli thing or just a her thing?”
“I think it’s a girl thing,” McGee says, giving Tony a disgusted and confused face. “It happened to my sister all the time! And Abby too when she has her hair down. Why does it even matter?”
“It doesn’t, McSherlock,” Tony rebuts, going back to his computer. “I was just asking if you’d noticed. A good agent had good observation skills, which you clearly don’t have.”
“Yeah, and neither do you. Your fly’s been down all morning,” Gibbs says, not looking away from his computer monitor. 
Neither of the boys had noticed him there (great observation skills, huh?) and were surprised when he spoke up. 
Tony quickly looks down and, embarrassed, does up his zipper. “Boss, I didn’t see you there. I was just helping McGee hone his observation skills.”
“Is that what the kids call is these days? You need to clean that drool up off the floor and get back to work, DiNozzo.”
“Yes, boss.”
Gibbs smiles at his agent; Tony was as obvious as a toddler playing hide and seek about his crush on Ziva, but Jethro Gibbs was not one to expose people over their crushes. He was excited to see how it played out, though. 
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icedteaandoldlace · 3 years
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“Frost. She kills me.”
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buffywatching · 3 years
fucking hell where do i begin (here’s that huge s7 finale post)
i don’t watch tv shows.. not really. i cant really remember the last time i’ve loved a piece of media so fully, but it’s been a while. um….. it’s a lot of emotions. i’m also in the middle of a bad cold so i don’t think that helps. i’m trying to think of a way to make this as condensed as possible but to hell with it i don’t think it can be
there’s just some things like this that stick around for a really long time in your life, and i guess i’m just really glad to have watched it, and at an age where things mean a lot and kinda help you get through your life, even if it’s for 6 months
i’ve accepted that this is gonna be quite dramatic and long as hell. but i guess from the perspective of someone who’s just finished it for the first time, it’s alright for it to be so.
the actual ending? good, really very good. the last 3 episodes in fact, altogether, really very good. they just really sat down and last minute gave us so much. even just with relationships, what takes seasons to happen took mere minutes, and it was really great i think. i just.. could say so much about each individual character it would never end. and i don’t know who reads these things anyway. time to get brutally honest,,
buffy….sweet buffy. as far as main characters in shows go, you fucking kick ass. like everyone, you have your unsavoury moments, but you somehow managed to stay favourable throughout a whole 7 seasons?? died and came back??? didn’t stop fighting through sheer will alone???? i will say your most interesting parts are shown when you’re in a really dark place, but i just really like angst
our beloved willow was almost nominated for ‘character that i started out loving and didn’t like at the end’, mostly because of her arcs toward the end of the series. especially during s6, you were definitely pissing me off.. though you redeemed yourself pretty well i still think i liked you a lot more in the beginning. still, your power at the end is so amazing!!!! slayers everywhere!!!! things can be a little normal? also, i’m very happy about you being gay
xander! i fucking hated you for a long time. a LONG time.. and then magically you grew to be one of the best characters in this whole thing. when i say i want to pay for everyone’s therapy, xander goes first!! this dude has gone through . so so much . in life before scoobies and after it’s just thing after thing after thing!!!!! and still he goes on without any special powers!!!!! tries to have a somewhat normal life!!! he specifically gets the award for one of the best character growths in the long term . sorry i hated you king but you were pretty insufferable at first
giles . beloved . person who i share a name with here and who i DIDN’T think would stick it out till the very end, unfortunately you also turned from being someone i absolutely loved at first to just kinda Being There at the end. though you peaked in the first seasons there will always be a space for you in my heart <3 except when you tried to kill spike what was up with that. rip ripper spinoff you would’ve been so good
everyone else…… hmm. angel, you are so silly to watch back when you still acted like you were 18 comparing you to your spinoff where god knows what is happening at all times. thank you for being buffy’s little soulmate person and having chemistry together after your breakup <3 and THANK YOU for giving us angelus the first time around it’s one of my favourite things ever
DAWN…. dawn!!! i really didn’t like you when you first appeared!!! and then you became so normal it’s weird not seeing you there at first. i kinda think she’d make a good watcher. she’s also such a baby gay, i wish we got that AND i wish we got more silly spike banter with her
spike……… oh pathetic little spike :) your back must hurt for carrying the show so much. when i met james marsters i literally told him the show would be nothing without him, and that wasn’t for no reason!!! when you first appeared you instantly turned the whole vibe around and put spice into the plot, and you continued doing so for like, 6 years. i could write like 10 pages on this guy alone but i’ll spare all of you………… thank you for being a fucking WEIRDO, someone with mommy issues, a menace, a murderer, destroyer of the mf hellmouth, a poser, and someone with really cool character development (you beat xander!)
FAITH!!!!!!!!! you left and then you came back!!!!!!! your vibes are just . for the small parts you were here you also carried the show tbh i really didn’t think you’d pull through!!!!! you and buffy shouldve kissed for real
anya!!! you died!!!!! i actually think you should’ve died a WHILE ago when buffy first wanted to kill you tbh. you were really great for a while but you didn’t really add anything to the show after your breakup with xander sorry queen
cordelia….. <3 oh queen. they’ve been slaughtering you on angel but while you were here you were SO good.. you and xander should’ve stayed together tbh
OZ!!!!!!!! i love you oz. trans king. I SO WISH WE GOT YOU BACK FOR THE FINALE :( but hey live your best life!!!!!!! you mostly did nothing wrong!!!!!!! however keeping your lead singer the same was a total crime he SUCKED ass on vocals
somehow this turned into me writing little love letters to everyone !
drusilla, thank you for existing and blessing the show with ur presence. i wish we got more closure on what happened to her.
tara my love. shoutout to amber benson for being the coolest person ever, and for tara for being the only good soul in the whole show!!!!! gone too soon!!!!!!!!gay rights!!!!
kennedy. i don’t like you willow’s too good for you and you’re edgy in a bad way
ANDREW people don’t like you but i liked you <3 honestly we needed ur gay yassification LOL thanks king
ummmmmm robin wood . you are just eh. kind of never cared <3 that shit with faith was uncalled for
harmony thanks for being a dumb vampire :) we needed you so badly tbh i hope ur having a good life
kendra i never liked you Ever . annoying ass
wesley? you sucked on here . god i’m so glad they moved you to angel
OKAY THATS IT FOR THE YEARBOOK…… did i miss anyone……. god joss whedon made so many dumb little ocs and made me have feelings about each and every one of them.
i won’t lie IM GONNA MISS IT….. i’m gonna miss new content . and there’s SO much i know but i mean show wise…..aghhhhhhhh but i’m really excited to move on to new things and start my own projects for this fandom and just so many things i want to do :-) this is such a long post lol but idc i still have so many feelings but what more can i say!!!
here’s my final verdict on ships btw
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keep in mind this is BTVS ONLY!!!! some of these could be very different keeping ats in mind but this isn’t the post for that so yeah. keeping it with characters leaving and such. not pictured: kennedy x willow which i don’t like, and robin x faith which i don’t like. lol. which can i say thank GOD we didn’t get that buffy/spike/angel love triangle at the end…. i was about to strangle some writers
i’m trying to think about if there’s anything else i’m missing and there probably is but i think that’s just about it for me. again thank you to everyone that stuck around this long and actually read this and stuff :) god i cant believe i’m done. what a show
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meandmyechoes · 4 years
not to brag but have to wait till 2022 to grab Hayden-face TCW wardrobe Anakin in my hands
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astroninaaa · 4 years
how can you like bakugou but hate clarke griffin? he's way worse than her lol
okay so: clarke and bakugou are completely different characters. the context to their stories and characters is widely different and therefore you can’t exactly apply the same criteria to the both of them, but i totally get where you’re coming from, so i’ll try to somehow explain why bakugou works for me and makes me like him and clarke just....... doesn’t
first things first: clarke sucks. i have made an entire post about that and about why i don’t like her. she’s selfish and a bad person and a murderer. i have never liked her. however, what REALLY takes the cake for me is the fact she was supposed to be one of the good guys. killing people? she did it for her people. betraying her people? she did it for her daughter. torturing her daughter? she did it for......... well she must have a reason! it pisses me off. if she was made out to be a villain, i would probably actually like her, but she isn’t, and that’s so frustrating. clarke griffin is a bad person AND a bad character but the writers want me to see her as a hero or whatever. she isn’t! she sucks! i hate her! yay! 
also she’s stupid as fuck and always makes bad decisions and uhhhhh she ANNOYS me to no end!!! and the fact the fandom always makes excuses for her behavior makes me even angrier so yeah. i do think she could be one of my favorite characters if her character arcs weren’t always fucks up  → kills people  → gives weak ass apologies   → cries  → acts dramatically → is forgiven  → fucks up again. if she was written as an anti-hero, she would be AMAZING, but the writing on the 100 is too bad for that LMAOOOO
now, about bakugou: he’s a piece of shit. he’s cruel, and mean, and an asshole. he treats others like shit and thinks he’s better than everyone, and his treatment of midoriya is simply unacceptable. if i ever saw someone like him irl, i would jumpkick his ass IMMEDIATELY. he’s TERRIBLE. but (here it comes), he’s such an interesting character. he is a horrible person and yet his biggest goal is to become the number one hero, to save others. he’s a little bitch and still he’s one of the smartest and strongest characters in bnha, and rarely fails to act when needed (see the USJ incident). he’s a selfish, stubborn prick, and he’s fighting for the good side. i don’t think he’s a good person, because he’s not, and he should’ve definitely be held responsible for his mistakes and seeing midoriya punch him in the end of season 2 was INCREDIBLY satisfying, and i do admit he sucks, too! less than clarke bc he never commits genocide like she does (lmao), but he is indeed a jerk that we naturally would think of as a villain or anti-hero.
he is not a villain or an anti-hero, tho. he’s a bully and an asshole, yes, but he’s a hero. he’s training to be a hero just like the other main characters and i think that’s amazing. the contradictions within his character make him SO interesting to me and that’s why i like him. he’s not an usual character and i love it, i love how they made someone who would normally be a bad guy a hero. i think it’s really nice and fresh and he’s SUCH a good comic relief oh my GOD i laugh SO MUCH at him. and that’s what his character was made for. i haven’t finished bnha yet, i’m still on the beginning of season 3, but, until now, i haven’t seen anyone trying to make him seem nice and soft and misunderstood. no, he’s just a bastard, and, damn, i love it. the way his character is built is very absorbing and capvating to me, and so i like him, even tho i still see that he’s a terrible person. also, he never cries around bc people don’t like him or don’t trust him. he’s legit just vibing and being his angry self all around lmao
meanwhile, clarke is made out to be the good guy and is constantly trying to manipulate the other characters into thinking she’s great. bakugou never tries to be seen as anything other than the bitch ass he is or gives out backhanded apologies to make others like him or whatever
so yeah! that’s why i like bakugou and hate clarke. everyone is allowed to have their own opinions so it’s absolutely fine if you disagree but......... this is it basically? this got a lot longer than i expected but afhoewfnowhf yeah!! lmao
edit: what i said in the beginning about different criteria for the two characters → they are made in different universes with different norms and different standards. besides, bakugou is a child and clarke is a grown woman (at least during the later season), soooooo
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xiniii · 6 years
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Uh hi? I have a tumblr now and I don't know how it works.
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octupus-on-the-moon · 3 years
Characters I will never get over because of their tragic storyline (It's in chronological order I got to know them. There ain't no favorites)
1. Murtagh Morzansson
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(Credits go to Apljck on devianarts)
Sadly there aren't any canon pics of him (Yes I deny the existence of the movie). For those who don't know who it is. It's a character from th Eragon books and he fell to 'the dark side', so to say. He got corrupted and couldn't do anything about it. That brought him practically to his downfall and causes a lot of pain in my three little octopus hearts.
2. Anakin Skywalker
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Of course. Who else could it be. Darth Vader himself (or ani for the people who will never get over his tragic fall to the dark side) I think most of you know him and know what happened.
3. Maul Opress
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I actually got attached to him when I was really young, just because he looked kinda weird and he was a sith lord, so of course I liked him as a character. And the The Clone Wars came out, Rebels, The Wrath of Maul, Clone Wars s7 and it was over with me. Now I just write fluffy stuff to cope with his past. (It's star wars btw)
4. Luke Castellan
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(Credits go to livibis tag yourself down here please)
Also heartbreak of the century. He is part of the Percy Jackson Saga, if you don't know him. Again a guy with a tragic childhood and corrupted by an authority figure etc. etc. The classic story. Still very very sad and will never forget him bye...
5. James Buchanan Barnes
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The only one that for now isn't causing much pain. BUT nevertheless he deserved better, much, much better. For now he has got what he deserved, but the question is for how much longer will he have it? For those who don't know him that's Bucky, bucky got kidnapped by some pseudo-nazi-group and brainwashed. Then he was for like 50 years an assasin. I think that explains it pretty good. He is from Marvel btw.
That's it. That's the origin of all my profuse fandom pain.
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babyitsbeautiful · 3 years
Hi! Hope your weekend is off to a good start. 8, 23, 39, 45 and 51 for the fan fic questions. Please and thank you!
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
(Game of Thrones)
My ex(es) actually. My ex-boyfriend, about 5 years ago tried to get us both into it, but because he wasn't interested after the first ten minutes of the pilot, we stopped watching and I just went along with whatever he did.
Cut to a year after that, my boyfriend after him had already watched the first 4 or 5 seasons, and he thought I would like it so we binged those and then watched 5 and 6 like they were new to both of us like a couple of months before S7 came out.
I got to watch that first and then I binged it with him after it was over. Haha
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Probably the first Gendrya fic I ever published, Marry Me. I remember wanting to see it play out and was like fuck it, I'll just write it myself and now here we are 15 Gendrya fics later. I'm really glad I had the guts to do that.
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer?
Honestly I have no idea. I think my love for music plays into my writing a lot, because I have a never ending list of inspiration in all the songs I love.
45. What is your all time favorite fanfic?
Since I can't remember all of the Densi ones I used to read as stated in the other set of asks I answered from this, I'm going to go with my all time favorite Gendrya fic which is Chivalry Fell On Its Sword by corinnemaree on Ao3, I think they are on here, just under a different name!
It's sooooooo good and I really hope it's completed one day so I can download the full version to enjoy whenever I feel like it. ♥
I also think I'm a chapter or two behind so I need to do a reread anyways. Lol
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
I hate it when Gendrya (for example, as I'm sure this happens in all fandoms and ships) is tagged as the main ship in a fic, either in the actual tags or the description or summary or whatever, and they are absolutely not the main couple or the endgame couple. Such a tease and a waste of time.
And yes, some may start out that way, but if you feel like it may turn in a different direction, as least update said tags and summary to properly address it. K, thanks. Bye.
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t100ficrecsblog · 4 years
an interview with @queenemori (she/hers)
what are you working on right now? I recently started posting We Don’t Need To Say It, which is a multi-chap Memori actor AU. It’s a slow burn, don’t ask me how I looked at Murphy and Emori and decided to write a slow burn, but it’s what’s happening. I really do mean slow, the chapter I just finished writing is only the beginning of the angst, you’ve been warned. My beta tells me she hates me at least once a chapter if you want an idea of how angsty this is gonna get. I started out writing for Bellarke in this fandom, and I’ll be going back to that later this summer. Anyone who follows me knows I’m obsessed with Emma, and I have an Emma Bellarke AU that’s in the outlining stages currently. I’m hoping to work on it more once I get further into this Memori fic.
what’s something you’d like to write one day? The fic I’m working on now is actually the thing that I was like, “I want to write that one day”. I love actor AUs and I wanted to write one for some fandom at some point, and in January I got this idea, but I was working on other stuff, so I was like, well maybe I’ll write it this summer. And now I am! Though I would like to write something featuring dad!Murphy in the near future.
what is the fanwork you’re most proud of? It’s actually one I haven’t published yet! I participated in Bellarke Big Bang this year, and I wrote a soulmates rom-com fic. I’m excited to share it soon once we get the go-ahead, and the artist I got to work with @clarkeindra has made some amazing art to go with it! For ones that you can actually go physically read, I will say You’re Already Breaking My Heart. It was my first fic I wrote for t100 fandom, and also the first thing I wrote after a really long time of just not writing anything, so I’m proud of it for getting me back into something I love and I’m glad that other people seemed to enjoy it. It’s what got me more into this fandom in the first place and how I made some of my first friends.
why did you first start writing fic? I got more into writing around the time I started college, though I always used to write little stories. There were a few times I almost wrote fanfic before then, like the time I almost wrote a Glee fic in ninth grade, or the time my junior year of high school where I almost wrote a Downton Abbey fic where Sybil and Branson were pen pals while Sybil was on her nurses course in season 2. But the summer before college, I wanted to write, and didn’t have any ideas for characters, but I had just read a really amazing next-gen Harry Potter fic called “Potters, Weasleys, and Misguided Snogging” which made me ship Scorpius Malfoy and Lily Luna Potter, or Scorily. So I started writing a couple stories specifically for that ship, back when I still used FF.net. It was just a one-shot and a multi-chap I never finished, but it was fun to interact with people and get to hear what they liked about the story and that they hoped I continued it, so I guess I caught the fic writing bug then.
what frustrates you most about fic writing? I wish people would leave more kudos. I’ve had this discussion with some friends before where they’re like, “What makes you leave kudos on a fic?” and I leave kudos on most fics I read, so it’s very interesting to hear people say they don’t do that as liberally as I do. If I made it to the end of the story, I’m probably going to leave kudos. The writer kept me engaged long enough to get to the end, which I think is worthy of showing some sort of support, even if I don’t leave a comment. Though I am trying to get better about leaving comments more often. Kudos are a very low stakes way to show you like a story that someone put out. Afraid to comment, but want to show the author you enjoyed reading? Leave kudos. A couple of stories I have out have gotten a fair amount of hits, but the amount of kudos in comparison to the amount of people who have probably opened it is a little disheartening. I’ve also heard people say they don’t want to leave kudos on stories that have been out for a while, but I love to get kudos on my old work! It’s fun to see that people are still reading things I put out in like 2017 or even just last year. Kudos brighten my day just as much as comments do sometimes, especially when I know not everyone feels comfortable leaving a comment!
what are your top five songs right now? The answer to this is 98% always related to what I’m listening to when I’m working on a certain writing project lol.
Sweet by Cigarettes After Sex Heartbreak Weather by Niall Horan I Will Follow You into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie Bye-Bye Darling by Borns Fire for You by Cannons
what are your inspirations? Red, White & Royal Blue, since I read that recently. It honestly just made me want to write a movie, and I kind of hope that whatever TV or movie adaptation it ends up getting in the future I’m able to work on. I want to be a screenwriter, so I tend to get inspired by TV a lot. The Mindy Project, Insecure, and even Never Have I Ever are big inspirations for me. Or more like, anything that Issa Rae or Mindy Kaling are involved in, to be honest. I write a lot of modern AUs, so just anything that shows good relationship progression or has fun with mundane, everyday situations.
what first attracted you to Memori? what attracts you now? So fun fact, I stopped watching the show for a bit. I binged basically two seasons in a weekend while visiting a friend in like 2017, and I enjoyed it, but I wasn’t obsessed? Then I started s3 and a bunch of characters were getting on my nerves so I put it down for a while. Then I was on Tumblr at the beginning of 2019 and saw a gifset from 3x05 of Murphy and Emori kissing and I was kind of like, “That guy’s still alive? And he has a girlfriend?” So I started watching again, legit only because I was shook Murphy had survived lol. So the thing that first attracted me to them was just the fact that they were a couple at all, I guess. I’d say now that I’ve rewatched the show and seen their relationship develop, I love that these are two people who have always had to fend for themselves and kind of had that “me against the world” mentality. And then they find this other person that cares about them and wants to take care of them, and life becomes a lot less lonely. Also now we get to see their relationship after years together, so they’re very domestic, which adds this lovely sense of normalcy on this post-apocalyptic sci-fi show that I absolutely adore. Their interactions especially in s7 just read as a married couple who are very comfortable with each other, but still incredibly devoted to one another and in love.
Besides Memori, what character or pairing do you like best on t100? For ships, I also really like Bellarke. When I was more casually watching the first time around, I didn’t have much of an opinion on them/didn’t really ship it until season 4, but ever since then I’ve been on board. It’s very clear I’m a huge Memori person, but I do ship Murven, though mainly in AU settings. And Memoraven are my OT3!! My other fave character is Bellamy. And I feel like Gabriel has also quickly become a favorite for me. It’s definitely a mixture of his confused, but obsessed with science vibe on the show and the fact that he has been very fun to write in my actor AU when he makes appearances every so often.
why did you decide to start writing for bellarkefic-for-blm? Ever since I’ve been home due to the pandemic, writing has kind of been my escape. Weirdly enough, I’ve written so much (both fic and some real life stuff), even though I’m still working and everything like that. And when the BLM movement was getting a lot of traction specifically in our fandom spaces, I was immediately skeptical of people’s intentions because as a Black person in America specifically I’ve seen this happen before where all the attention is on this issue for a couple weeks and then everyone goes back to posting what they normally post about. And I guess this time things are a bit different, but the thing that began to frustrate me was seeing people shame others for saying they were going to watch the next episode of the show or for working on their fanfic. Fandom spaces have been my biggest escape from the news since March and while I was glad people were focusing on this sort of thing, I kind of hated the way people were making it out to be like this was a new issue when in reality it’s just my life. When I close my laptop and go out into the world, I’m still Black. I had considered opening my ask box up for prompts in exchange for someone donating to a bail fund or something like that, especially since I had just reached a follower milestone, but when I saw that Sam was organizing this and it was going to be an ongoing thing rather than just for a certain period of time, it was heartening to see someone realizing that this isn’t something we can just stop talking about even when the media moves on. The structure of these prompts makes it so that a person has to do a bit of research on BLM and educate themselves or confront the issue in a way they might not have had to before. And it gives me a chance to write things like my fluffy Memori wedding fic ! It’s a way to have my little fandom escape and also stay aware of what’s going on in the real world.
what’s your writing process like (esp for prompts, chopped!, etc)? I LOVE outlines! The Virgo in me loves to talk about my fic outlining process lol. With some short one-shots, I tend to just go in with a sentence or concept that I write at the top of the document and just write and see where that takes me. I also put at the top of the document all the things I want to tag it as when I go to post to AO3, so I don’t have to spend too much time thinking of those when it’s time to post. With multi-chap fics, I first make an ideas dump document which is just me typing out a bunch of thoughts, things like who’s in it, the premise, stuff like that. My actor AU has three preliminary documents: My ideas dump, the actual outline, and then the outline for what happens on each season of the TV show the characters are all on, since I reference those plot points a lot. For things like Chopped or prompts I receive, I do a mixture of the outline/ideas dump in one document. I put at the top all the information I received (so with prompts I tend to just copy/paste the ask from my inbox, and for Chopped the different tropes and theme), then think about what characters I want to use if it wasn’t specified, then kind of do bullet points on what happens in the story. These have all been really helpful in terms of keeping me on track, but I make sure to remind myself that things can change as I write and take a different direction than I expected. So my outlines are constantly changing, but the general idea is already written somewhere so I don’t get too stuck.
what are your thoughts on dad!murphy? The concept of dad!Murphy has really been living rent-free in my brain since before the beginning of season 7. I just kind of love the idea of Murphy (who is a character at first glance I feel like people don’t picture as much of a father figure) kind of falling into being a dad in an unexpected way, and then realizing how much he loves it. It’s just such a sweet thought, and I talked about it so much with some of my friends, that we started a Dad!Murphy Enthusiast Club server on discord (we’re always accepting members so DM me if you’d like to join us!). We just kind of talk about our dad!Murphy headcanons, share fics featuring dad!Murphy, and then get excited when people make new dad!Murphy content. It’s a fun time and though I am a very large Memori, I’m a multi-shipper at heart, and Murphy is one of those characters that I find easy to ship with a lot of people, so we love dad!Murphy in all forms!
what are some things you’d like to recommend?  This is a mix of Bellarke and Memori stuff, since that’s what I mainly read.
Literally everything @mobi-on-a-mission writes, but if I must get specific, then Revive and The Cockroach. 
Almost Paradise (We’re Knocking On Heaven’s Door)  by @nakey-cats-take-bathsss , 13 hours by Kats_watermelon, feat. by Debate, and of course, my comfort fic so i sing a song of love  by twilightstargazer.
The best place to find @queenemori is here on Tumblr. You can find her ao3 here. Request a fic written by her via @bellarkefic-for-blm.
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cvptainbucky · 7 years
fuck this show and fuck roose bolton and fuck the freys and fuck me for deciding to watch it again
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this-is-krikkit · 7 years
lmao no but listen how ridiculously hopeful my heartborken SQ shipper self is: I’m actually here thinking maybe they’ll get us an LGBT romance from Adult Henry Mills with his daughter’s other dad (or whoever the f else that was that she called that) AND DO NOT TELL ME IT’S TOO LATE BECAUSE HE’S DEAD THIS IS FUCKING OUAT WE’RE TALKING ABOUT
and anyways maybe at the end of that seventh season Dad #1 will make a toast (yes at their wedding. why tf not this ain’t happening anyway lmao.) about how you should always be brave enough to live your true love in the open no matter how unlikely and difficult it may seem. And Henry will look at their daughter’s book, opened to the page his two moms met (shut up I know I’m sappy), and say smth like “you really should”
bonus points if Regina hears it
ultimate bonus points if this leads to Regina finding a way to go back in the past and season 8 is just the entire show except they get the Gay on from the very beginning (as they did) and KEEP IT THAT WAY UNTIL SQ IS CANON
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My OUAT Rewatch -- S6E10 -- Wish You Were Here
Link to Rewatch Review and Ranking archive
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This episode was glorious.  GLORIOUS.  I mean yeah, there are nits to pick at and I’ll certainly do that, but this was basically a Swan Queen fanfic come to life with Princess Emma and her “Prince” -- er -- Queen -- and the CS fans went totally apeshit and it was BEAUTIFUL.
No game show today -- Emma’s supposed to look like that, and she even slams herself for it.  Like I said . . . . . GLORIOUS.  And Emma wants Regina to have the “key to her kingdom.” ACTUAL LINE on the show.  Bless.  
It took them TEN episodes this season to get to an episode that didn’t make me bored or stabby or just say “well this isn’t THAT bad” -- I mean the ratings are below 1.0 at this point due to 9 episodes of utter bullshit, but at least we see the light at the end of the tunnel?  Sort of?
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Also this guy.  Come on in, the only thing being dragged in here are the writers, the CS fans, and the utter stupidity of the logic of the Wish Realm . . . . . which we will have MORE fun with in S7!
Okay, first of all -- let’s link this BEAUTIFUL post paralleling Sleeping Beauty and her prince to Emma and Regina . . . . 
So before the nitpicking starts, lets discuss the things I enjoyed:
1.  Swan Queen OBVIOUSLY
2.  Rumbelle FINAL-FUCKING-LY having a conversation and not being a pile of OOC bullshit.  I still have nits to pick at that -- but they’re tiny nits and being starved for content after being fucked over by the writers for THREE YEARS now I’ll take what I can get.  Which is sad but it is what it is.  So the content wins over the nits to pick.  For now.
3.  Okay, I enjoyed much of the Wish Realm.  I mean -- I have nits there too and those I WILL pick at, but most of that will be in S7.  But at THIS POINT -- it was about 85% fun, 15% bullshit.  See below for bullshit.  
So that I enjoyed.  It was truly the first episode of this season that I consider to be, overall, actually GOOD.  Good writers should not have their first quality episode in their SIXTH SEASON to be halfway into said season, but these are not good writers so is anyone really surprised?  Also, I pointed out after EPISODE FOUR that the writers had already switched gears by killing off one of their touted S6 villains so I’m presuming, aside from Aladdin and Jasmine, that the rest of the Land of Untold Stories will REAMAIN untold because the writers have the attention span of a gnat and suck at follow through.  Am I correct?
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(Oh lord I’m SO GLAD A&E never got their hack hands on THAT.  Can you even imagine?)
So aside from Agrabah stuff, say bye to the Untold Stories.  Perhaps you will be found on A&E’s AMAZING STORIES that is currently hiding on Apple+TV with zero accolades or attention.  Which is really what they deserve.  
One more nit to pick at the writers -- can you please -- PLEASE stop with the rape stuff?  Look . . . . we all know that you have some sort of fetish for female rapists, you already have two of them in canon and you’ll be adding a third in S7.  STOP.  Its gross.  Its never addressed the way it should be.  So the Evil Queen making rape suggestions to Aladdin, and the only response from him is “ew” and its played at FUNNY?
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I mean if this were the first time the show had ever done anything like this, MAYBE it could have come off as a comedic moment.  MAYBE.  But in S6, after a long history of rapey shit?  Nope.  
Okay . . . . . onto the CS fan stuff . . . . now this IS funny, and it may take a while . . . . . 
I think by now, anyone reading these reviews, present or future, if you’ve gotten this far, you GET that I’m not a Hook fan or a CS fan.  But I’m not really sure if you understand just HOW BAD it was while this show was originally airing.  And since we’ve now hit THE episode where the CS fandom lost their collective shit in the most ridiculous way possible, I think this is a good point to explain -- especially for those who weren’t there during the original run -- what was up with this.
See, the CS fans, once S4 started, got collectively more annoying with every episode.  And it wasn’t just the general fans -- although they WERE bad -- they had a handful of ringleaders that were just flat out AWFUL people that would hijack the posts of fans of Rumbelle or Swan Queen or Swanfire and just tear into them for no reason.  And if they couldn’t hijack because they were blocked, they’d screen cap and proceed to harass on their own blogs.  This was a DAILY occurrence. DAILY.  For THREE YEARS.  Also, many of us are very certain that the IMDB boards got shut down -- ALL OF THEM -- because of an especially rabid CS fan that went there for no purpose other than trolling, and there was no option to block on IMDB like on Tumblr.   
Also, the CS fans had the support of the media.  Every media outlet was up CS’s ass by S4, deserved or not.  It was VERY difficult to find any outlet that said positive things about Rumbelle or Swan Queen, and when we did it was cause for a tear-filled celebration of joy and relief.  And this RARELY happened.
Also, there was one particular reporter for Entertainment Tonight, Leanne Aguilera, who was so far up CS and A&E’s ass that she probably qualified as a legitimate hemorrhoid.  She liberally blocked Rumbelle and Swan Queen fans on Twitter and wanted NOTHING to do with us.  So when she’d “ask for questions” on Twitter for interviews, of fucking COURSE they were all going to be CS questions, because EVERYONE ELSE was blocked by her!  
Lastly, ABC’s official social media everything was CS this and CS that.  They promoted the shit out of them, non-stop, and did so without apology.  And Adam, one of the head show runners, mostly ignored fans of Rumbelle and Swan Queen on Twitter, but he’d HAPPILY engage with the CS fans.  DAILY.  
Also, we non-CS fans were told -- repeatedly -- to shut up or stop watching if we didn’t like what we were seeing.  They heaped praise upon praise to Adam and the writers and thought that we were the most horrible people on the planet for even DARING to challenge their brilliant skills.  
So knowing all of THAT . . . . after this episode . . . . which was basically a Swan Queen love letter . . . . . the CS fans LOST THEIR SHIT.  Here are some of the glorious results of that . . . . . . . 
Please make it a point to check out the replies in that last one because some of them are BEAUTIFUL, and also there is a flat out HIJACK of that post that pefectly illustrates all of the bullshit that I just laid out for you here.  Eh, I’ll make it easy for you -- here’s the hijack -- with comments:
Okay . . . . the wish realm . . . . here are the 15% of things that I call bullshit on:
So Neal/Baelfire is dead in EVERY REALM.  Whee.  We get it.  But also . . . . if he was IN this realm, then why would Rumple need to be searching for him via dark curse?  Makes no sense.
Speaking of Rumple -- in S2 he said he was NOT trapped and could have escaped any time he wanted to, he just didn’t want to.  So WTF?
Why is Henry still named HENRY?  
Why is the Wish Robin Hood YOUNG -- he should be the same age as Snow and Charming. 
Now I know that A&E had some bullshit explanation, which some people bought, but going into S7 -- it’s just stupid.  STUPID.  
Finally, I made a post after this episode -- which TANKED in the ratings, BTW -- that I’d like to share:
I stand by that post.  And frankly, I think I was RIGHT about the rest of S6.  And everything else.  
Points tally:
40 points to start
5 points for Swan Queen
3 points for the implied Swanfire
1 point for in character Belle -- I personally don’t feel she’s THERE yet, but A for effort
5 points for in character Rumple
5 points deducted for Hook
Despite the nits to pick, I can’t deduct anything more and I’ll give this one the 25 bonus because it’s really pulled the show out of its slump.
Total points:  74
Follow #celtichearted OUAT ranking tag for more to come!
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