#but youre some person on the 'net as far as im concerned.
myownprivatcidaho · 2 years
much love to my mutuals but i actually am much more comfortable being honest that we are not necessarily friends on here and actually are strangers to each other unless we've made active efforts to be friends otherwise
#thinking back to when an ex mutual randomly stormed into my dms to give their two cents on my crush situation#and spoke to me in a Way too familiar manner like. fucking excuse you#we do not know each other and we are not friends. if i wanted your opinion i would ask for it#but youre some person on the 'net as far as im concerned.#you are not entitled to my trust of your judgement or my respect for a halfbaked uninformed opinion i didnt ask for#idk maybe its because of semi-involuntarily unplugging for weeks on end to be surrounded by people in highschool set me straight abt this#and like. no offense to people who turn to online because of isolation. like i have sympathy for that because like#my parents purposefully cut me off from people i felt supported by & restricted me to suffocating circles so i did turn to online escapism#i GET it#but. god#i honestly think the idea that we're all friends on here does more harm than good.#like i think if we all remember we dont know each other and are still owing and deserving of respect and courtesy to each other anyways#this sites environment can. Really improve#but anyways. maybe partve this is because im just a hardass about who i call my friends#like for perspective. i ended a really good friendship bc they didnt practice covid precautions and i lost a shitton of respect for them#i was blating baby im an anarchist for like a week when i cut them off lmfao#but anyways. maybe this is just me nd i LOVE being friendly with people & getting to know ppl nd online can be a great opportunity for that#but dont get it twisted! just because we're friendly doesnt mean we're friends!!!!!
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sergeifyodorov · 4 months
ok im so new to hockey and ive been getting into leafs and theres just one thing i do not get at all 😭 which is.. is mitchy bad? ive seen people say that he is inconsistent (how long has he been inconsistent?) but ive also seen a LOT of dudebros hockey enthusiasts who say he’s bad and lazy and passes blame and want him to change lines or whatever so i dont really know???
mitch is.... very good actually
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let's start with current leafs records: active leader in points, assists, shorthanded goals. franchise leader in empty net goals.
also worth noting Wikipedia updates these stats after every season versus every game; mitch now has upwards of 600 points, and is the second-fastest leaf to 600, ever (he held the record for fastest for about 2 weeks -- auston beat him just after)
he also has the leafs' longest point streak -- 23 games
this is the general leafs leaderboard:
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someone appears on that list three times, and it isn't our chosen one am34! (again, this was just up until the end of last season)
Even beyond counting stats, he's still consistently one of the best Leafs around, because he plays defence, is one of the best passers in the league, and penalty-kills. Here's HockeyViz' breakdown of him:
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Those two images aren't aligned super well, but we're looking at the sG column on the far right, which is HockeyViz's "overall merit" metric. Here are stars of similar value:
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(Obviously, this one guy's metric is not the be-all end-all. But i find it a helpful guideline comparison to similar players -- essentially, Mitch is a one-tick-below superstar, in the tier below your Pastrnaks, M Tkachuks. (who are themselves the tier below Matthews/MacKinnon/Kucherov) "Bad" is a very funny word to use for these players. Bad comparable to McDavid, as if literally everyone else isn't.)
the People Hate Mitch thing is because of this entire personality construct they've developed around him -- he had really tough contract negotiations and signed for "more than he was worth" (aka a reasonable number given expectations of cap rising that did Not take into account a global pandemic coming into effect within a couple years), and the leafs' lack of playoff success (despite the fact that he is the Leafs' active playoff points leader). He's also not super well media trained and never seems to say the right words the right way, even if the obvious sentiment is there, and people who already want to hate on him just take it as further fodder for their complex.
Add that to the "concerns" about his relatively small frame that have been around forever and the ongoing Wendel Clark complex Toronto fans seem to have (ability and/or willingness to drop the gloves = grit = value) and you have a recipe for people that Hate Him For No Reason.
He is absolutely having an off year this year, and I don't know if he's got some nagging injury or whatever, but even in his off year he's one of the best Leafs.
I also think this is partly because of the underrating of Auston Matthews in comparison -- he's a generational goalscoring talent! He's a top three player in the league and he isn't number three! -- that Mitch is deemed "bad," because he's not quite as good as AM34 and we have determined that that means he's somehow Terrible. Sigh.
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bluelockednyx · 1 year
i read your metapost #3 (its super fun btw) and came across this line: the author has a secret favorite (aka Rin), so im curious that are there other moments you noticed in the story that either subtly or clearly support this? And does the author also have other secret favorites?
*shoves you Nagi and Reo's entire relationship and Episode Nagi* if how much screen time these two get, to the point where we have a whole spinoff that's just to show off their relationship, doesn't convince you that they are Kaneshiro-sensei's favourite ship, I don't know what else will. It's not secret. It's not subtle. He's said that Nagi's his favourite in extra materials. Fans actively complain about how much the main series is dedicated to telling their story at the expense of the main plotline of Isagi's rise to be the best striker in the world (Manshine City arc fatigue, anyone). I personally find their individual character arcs, as well as their relationship, an interesting exploration of the story's themes, though the execution... leaves some stuff to be desired.
I say that Rin is likely Kaneshiro-sensei’s secret fave for a couple of reasons, which I'll stick under the cut.
The most glaring one, imo, is the constant variety of nicknames he has compared to the other characters. Like. Why. Why are you giving us so. Many. Nicknames. of this character unless you personally think that it’s fun and cute?? That you think this character is cute?? And that you want your readers to see him that way after he's stopped being an obstacle for Isagi in the 2nd Selection Arc??? And the emphasis on his bottom lashes... like...... character design to make your cast stand out from each other is natural of course, and you do want to make your characters stand out too, from the saturated animanga industry, but bottom lashes is????? I have a load of questions about why, bottom lashes specifically, for your stereotypical shonen 2nd mc, of a sports manga no less (ignoring the fangirl/fujoshi brigade to net them sweet cash), but in light of the next point...
Although Rin is the deuteragonist and thus far most important rival of the series to Isagi, the way he’s been framed and set up since his introduction, plus their relationship build up, comes much, much closer to being read as Isagi’s romantic interest than anyone else in the whole series. I talk about this in the final part of the meta. Skip right to the narrative motifs section if you don't want to read the whole thing. It's a pretty brief, but imo nice contrast of Isagi's relationships with the other major cast and his relationship with Rin. Also, chapter 110. Kindly read the Rin at the leg extension machine scene and keep in mind that in the guide book, Isagi's fetish is thighs. Look at the panels and how he's drawn. Yeah. You can argue that it's also for fan service, but the way it's done is more... subtly erotic, compared to say, the time Isagi-Nagi-Barou met Kunigami-Chigiri-Reo in the baths, which was a straight up fan service chapter wrapped under the guise of moving the plot along. The other more suspicious scene is when Isagi thinks that when he defeats Rin, that's when he's ready to be playing at world level. And. Of all the things that Rin could have been doing while Isagi's having this monologue. Kaneshiro-sensei shows him lacing up his shoes. With the lace. In his mouth. Again. Why??? It's weird. Who the heck laces their shoes while nomming a lace in their mouth. W H O.
Rin also has one of the more impactful and better developed/positioned character backstories in relation to the story's main themes, even if you don't take into account the extra materials like the light novels and character guide book. His backstory is fuller and richer than the rest, with a more complete timeline from his youth till now, and given the tie-in and connection to Sae, who appeared so very early on in the series, there's definitely more that Kaneshiro-sensei has planned for us to see where Rin's concerned, especially since he is so drastically important to Isagi's growth, and thus far, seems to be the symbol of victory in Isagi's mind.
Also, he's been consistently winning the character popularity polls too, there's no way he's going to be dropped out of the story when he's a money maker and a fan favourite
TLDR; why make him seem cute when you didn't need to by giving him a ton of nicknames emphasizing his bottom lashes, why frame him like a romantic interest with those motifs of eye and heart and parabole when he's supposed to be the rival/boss of arc/villain, why have him and Isagi choose each other, their character arcs practically tied into showing that choosing each other is right for them, why subtly sexualise him so often (why sexualise him at all in the main story when your core audience should be dudebros), why make him so important to Isagi's development that he's turned into some insane combination of rival, love interest and mid-to-final boss for the series (not that I'm complaining).
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
man a nightclub running AU tho.
Black Pete and Jim as bouncers, Roach bartends, Frenchie and Wee John help arrange for talent/performers (thinking like more club/concert space for smaller shows)
the Swede and Buttons handle stuff like set up and lights (the lighting system is weird as fuck, and they are the only two who can make it work without potentially breaking the entire thing)
Lucius is some unique combo of things: he'll bartend with Roach, help shout assholes out of the club while Pete and Jim handle the physical tossing bit. But he also helps Olu with the finances (Olu's main job because he saw Stede's attempt at it and knew they'd sink in a month if he didn't step in, and he really doesn't feel like job searching again so soon. Plus, Stede is very excited abt his new club even tho he knows next to nothing abt the actual running of one, and the enthusiasm is sweet), and will generally pick up anything else that needs doing as long as he doesn't outright hate doing it
Ed runs a competing club across the street but as soon as he sees Stede and his crew and how they work (and also how cute Stede is), he's like ayyy
what if I sell my space and help you run your newer, nicer space? I can give you Izzy as an extra bouncer, he does a good job at my club (he does. he may be short but he will literally haul ppl outside and yeet them a good foot while calling them a twat so loudly anyone nearby now knows this person is apparently an asshole. several times this has unleashed a passing drunken bachelorette party on the tossed out asshole, who don't know what's going on but will happily give this person a dressing down for harshing the overall vibe
It also nets Fang and Ivan as additional stage crew and bartenders and tbh whatever else they feel like doing. they've done the work for ages, they know their shit, so having their help in any area is a gift
Badminton's shithead twin (im gonna probs misspell it, Chauncey? dickfuck #2 lol) rolls in with some Footloose levels of i don't want clubs near my home and schools!!! Meanwhile the fucking club is all the way down town, and his dumb ass lives literally miles away on the outskirts of town on a big lot with horses and rich ppl shit, and his kids go away to a private school. it seems like he's literally just making a fuss to make a fuss, but either way now they have to deal with his shit. and he is batshit, he keeps trying to do things to fuck up their service and revenue like stealing the visiting talent's gear, attempting and failing poorly to set the club on fire, etc, but he's besties with the authorities so any reports they make get minimal results if any
eventually Ed finds out Stede has had to consistently kick out and finally banned the first Badminton twin for being generally terrible and making other patrons uncomfortable and shit, on like week two of his club being open, and that's the actual reason twin 2 is losing his shit. Explains it, but doesn't excuse it
The only thing I can't decide is how to end it, and how to work everyone else in. I do right now really like the idea of Mary and Spanish Jackie as a team of lawyers that end up representing the Revenge and crew as a business entity while the Badminton dickfucks keep trying to bring useless, so far only civil, cases against them. Bonus for Doug as the legal assistant, because i feel like he'd shine there, honestly. He's got his shit together, and he genuinely loves going to the club to see new bands, so yeah yeah conflict of interest but ehhh it's fanfic fuck it lol, and he doesn't want to see it taken away when it's doing decently well finally, and most in town who are old enough to get into a club love it
Calico Jack is just a regular performer, but each performance is Something. Never know exactly what he's gonna do: spanish guitar for three hours? strip tease? Led Zeppelin cover band made up of only him? you gotta roll the dice and see what he shows up with. Stede is a little concerned abt him but hey, he shows up consistently and helps set up his own gear while working out a decent deal for wages with Stede and Olu, so what more could he ask for on the nights when they have no guest performers coming in?
the ending really evades me rn, but im gonna find it dang it. eventually lol
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gamerwoo · 3 years
[Tales from the Pack] Joshua: Second Chance (Part One)
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Characters: Joshua x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, possible character death, a little bit of fluff but it’s like angsty fluff
Word count: 1,837
Summary: After his mate died, Joshua always blamed himself and never wanted to imprint again. However, fate has other ideas when he meets you: a young, energetic werecoyote that’s quite the opposite of him. He insists he doesn’t want a new mate – nobody’s even sure if he’s ready for a new one – but he can’t ignore his instincts.
Next | Second Chance Masterlist
a/n: things in bold are in english. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!! hi i know everyone has been awaiting this series from tftp in particular. and while i wish i could say im updating this regularly,,,,,i cannot. there’s no definite update schedule, im just doing it when i can. i wanted to wait until i had all the parts written but im impatient. but i hope you’ll enjoy this series even with the slow updates, and i hope it lives up to expectations 💜
“Where’re we going?” Joshua grumbled as he followed slightly behind Hansol and Kyung, the younger boy’s hand wrapped around hers.
Joshua was going with them to the doctor without actually knowing. Kyung knew better than to tell him before they left because she figured the grumpy werewolf would just tell her no, not really caring whether he was unable to heal or not -- even though that was very clearly a bad sign that he had overexerted himself.
Kyung thought maybe Joshua would be a little less...angry all the time once she got to know him, but Joshua was stubborn well before he’d even met her -- he was just bad at shoving his stubbornness and anger down.
“I promised I’d get my back fixed if Kyung decided to stay, and you said you’d go if I went, didn’t you?” Hansol reminded his brother with a smirk over his shoulder. “We’re gonna go see that doctor we were told about. What was her name again?”
“Minjee,” Kyung replied. “Not to sound rude but...Josh, why don’t you want to see a doctor?”
“I don’t really care if I can heal or not either way,” he replied flatly, “but I said I’d get help if Hansol did. So...here we are.”
“Here we are...” she repeated in a mumble.
Joshua simply followed the mated couple in silence as the alpha led them to Minjee’s, being the first to knock on the door. It was a girl -- as expected -- that opened the door, bowing politely to the group before smiling brightly at the darker skinned girl in front of them.
“Kyung!” she exclaimed as she gestured the three of them in. “I haven’t seen you in so long -- I suppose that’s a good thing, though. How’ve you been? Your pack hasn’t mentioned you.”
“I’m not actually in that pack anymore,” Kyung told her with a shrug, her ‘cool’ exterior coming back in the presence of an old friend. “I’m an alpha of my mate’s pack now.”
Minjee seemed impressed, eyebrows raising with a smile, “Wow, look at you. How’d the sudden change happen? Jiung must be proud.”
“He’s actually...passed away.”
The doctor’s face fell, placing a comforting hand on your upper arm, “I’m sorry for the loss of your brother.”
Kyung nodded, “I’ve been grieving, but it’s been easier with my mate. Minjee, this is Hansol, and his brother -- er, our brother, I guess -- Joshua.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Hansol said as he nodded to her. “Our brother, Soonyoung came in before with a human girl to talk about fixing us -- I’ve got silver burned into my back, and Joshua’s the healer that can’t heal anymore.”
“Ah, yes, the healer!” Minjee’s eyes lit up as she nodded excitedly. She looked to Joshua now. “Your power still hasn’t come back?”
“No,” he replied. “I thought just resting would help but...nothing.”
“I see,” she hummed, eyeing him over before looking back at Kyung like she was their mother that took them to the doctor’s office. “I’ll do a quick look over and then see what I can do. It’s almost time for me to close up, and I have to go out of town for a few days. I won’t be able to do anything until about a week from now, but they’ll be fine until then if they’ve been fine this long.”
“That’s okay,” Hansol shrugged as Joshua replied, “No worries.”
“Alright,” Minjee breathed with a warm smile, grabbing some gloves from nearby, “then let’s get started and see what’s going on.”
Even though you were never careful, you wanted to blame this on shitty luck. You were too carefree and excitable, so you ran and ran and didn’t see the trap. So with you trapped under a net with little prickles that you were sure were laced with wolfsbane from how fucking awful you felt -- that was an understatement -- all you could do was wait for hunters to come find you before death took you itself. Honestly, you hoped the latter would come first.
You faintly heard footsteps coming toward you as your vision went out of focus, your eyelids becoming too heavy to keep up. You sensed a presence beside you, the body crouching down to get a better look at you.
“What do we have here?” a female-sounding voice asked, but it sounded far away and muffled to you. “Is this another werewolf?”
“I can’t tell,” another female voice replied in a sigh. “Sura, do you have any ideas?”
“Doesn’t smell like werewolf to me,” a male voice said. “It definitely is some kind of were-creature, though. This thing wreaks of wolfsbane and it’s clearly affecting her. I’d say...coyote, maybe?”
One of the women sucked in a breath between their teeth before saying, “Prajya, help me get this net off of her -- it’ll be heavy but I’m afraid to let Sura touch it.”
Slowly, you felt the weight of the net being lifted off of you. You could also feel every little barb stuck in you being pulled out, and you whimpered softly from the stinging pain that covered your body.
“Minjee, will she make it?” the second girl asked as you were lifted into warm arms.
“No,” the male replied, “probably not.”
“The house isn’t far from here,” the first girl insisted. “We just have to hurry.”
But you were out cold before they even took the first step.
Josh and Hansol weren’t really sure why so many people wanted to go with them into town that night for them to finally get fixed. Suvi was understandable since she just enjoyed going into town, and Soomin made sense since she was basically their resident know-it-all when it came to werewolves. However, Wonwoo wanting to tag along was weird because Wonwoo didn’t like leaving the house, much less going into town. They figured maybe it was because he wanted to make sure Soomin would be alright, but she was already going to be with two werewolves and a girl who had gone into town plenty of times. She was in good hands, but whatever made Wonwoo happy.
“Are you nervous?” Suvi wondered, looking up between Hansol and Joshua as she walked.
“I don’t know how they’re going to fix my back, so that’s a little concerning,” Hansol decided, “but I’m more excited.”
Joshua just shrugged, “Eh, not really.”
“Try not to be so excited, huh,” Wonwoo commented.
Joshua did like his power. He liked that he was able to help people with it. However, it didn’t benefit him -- as in, it didn’t make his own personal healing any better than anybody else’s in the pack -- and it wouldn’t be needed if his pack wasn’t so stupid and got themselves hurt. It wasn’t fun like Seokmin’s or Chan’s or Kyung’s, and it wasn’t interesting like Jihoon’s or Soonyoung’s or Hansol’s or Minghao’s. It was boring -- kind of like Wonwoo’s or Seungcheol’s.
Suvi was the first up to the door, knocking before she took a step back to wait. The door was answered by Minjee -- as always -- who greeted them with an almost pained smile.
“Hello,” she greeted them. “Before you come in, I’d like to apologize. My partners and I have just gotten home, and one of our patients... Well, she won’t make it.”
Now that she’d mentioned it, the wolves could just barely hear the faint, slowing heartbeat from inside the house. But they could also smell that it wasn’t the typical werewolf. It was something they’d never smelled before, but it still wasn’t completely human.
Joshua also picked up on a scent that was very familiar but also so very different from anything he’d smelled before.
“We’re just trying to ease her pain until she passes,” Minjee continued, letting the small group into the house. She turned to look at somebody else who was helping with the aforementioned girl. “Sura, could you put a curtain up around her? Prajya, I’ll need you to help me with--”
Minjee stopped when she noticed Joshua stop in the doorway, his body going rigid. His golden eyes were spotting red and locked on you, hands balled into fists.
You were dying; his mate was dying. Again.
“Josh...?” Wonwoo spoke up, placing a hand on the older boy’s shoulder.
Joshua’s thoughts and opinions on re-imprinting were out the window when it registered that the girl quickly losing her life was his mate. The only thing he could focus on was you and saving you -- but he only knew one way how.
“She’s not dying,” he stated, walking straight through the small crowd and over to you where your pulse was just a moment away from completely dying out.
“What?” Minjee asked, watching him as he approached you with a set jaw and narrowed eyes.
“I’m not going to let her die,” he said louder, letting his hands hover above your body.
Joshua was too focused on trying to somehow get his powers to come back to him that he wasn’t paying any attention to Hansol and Wonwoo’s conversation over their surprise of their brother imprinting for a second time. Truthfully, nobody thought anybody would come after Lilly since Josh was so against it. But then again, imprinting wasn’t something any werewolf could control. 
Joshua mumbled to himself as he tried to will his power back. He was concentrating so hard but nothing was happening. No faint glow from his palms, no color coming back to your face, and your heartbeat was still rapidly decreasing by the second. It wouldn’t be long until it was gone all together, and then there would be nothing he could do.
“C’mon...c’mon...” he grumbled, closing his eyes as his eyebrows creased together in concentration.
“Your powers won’t suddenly work,” Minjee spoke up, watching from where she stood by his pack, wanting to give the werewolf space -- especially since she was preparing for him to be grieving for the mate he’d lose before actually having her.
“They have to!” he snapped.
He refused to lose you. If he lost two mates -- even if he didn’t properly meet or know you -- he was sure he wouldn’t be able to take it.
With his last bit of energy he had in his body, his palms faintly glowed to life, spreading a tingling warmth across your body. His healing power was starting to cleanse the wolfsbane from your system, and your heartbeat was starting to become stronger and more stable. Hearing your heartbeat louder in his ears made Josh want to cry. But he didn’t have the energy for it.
As you let out a cough and a girl with brown skin rushed over to sit you up so you could empty your system, Joshua collapsed onto the floor, knowing you were alive and would hopefully stay alive. He put his everything into saving you, and he didn’t know if that would kill him, but he knew it was worth it.
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mjscornerr · 4 years
the can-can
for @broskepol (i don’t know if you meant this to be a writing prompt but i vibed with it and im bored at work)
(warning: can-can from orpheus in the underworld was blasted during the writing of this fic and as a result the entire work is on crack)
It had been stuck in Loki’s head all damn day.
It was a classical song with some sort of trumpet melody. “Can-can,” he remembers Peter calling it last night at his after-school Drama Club meeting. Peter claimed it was the Drama Club’s theme song.
A drama club that, believe it or not, Loki was a proud member of.
When Thor had brought Loki back to Earth, the team decided first and foremost that the god of mischief needed to be contained, to be isolated. He was too chaotic for their planet.
Whatever, Loki had thought. This coming from the gentleman that wanted to put a suit of armor around the world? Talk about paranoid.
Though when all was said and done, Thor hadn’t even been able to convince Tony to let Loki exist in harmony with mortals.
It had been Peter.
Peter suggested rehabilitation. He was the one that had seen Loki sitting bored out of his mind behind a thick sheet of glass, had been the one to hear Thor’s story of how Loki saved their people. He was the one that demanded Tony find any other method of familiarizing Loki with both humans and the world because, as far as Peter had been concerned, locking a person away just because they unleashed an entire alien race on the biggest city in the world “wasn’t fair.”
The punishment didn’t fit the crime, so it goes.
So there Loki was. Spreading strawberry jam and peanut butter on two slices of bread, humming “Can-can,” and silently wondering how he was finally living without a target on his back, silently thanking Peter.
“Are you...humming?”
Loki spun on his heel with a jump, butter knife flying out of his hold and splattering peanut butter and jelly on the floor as he made eye contact with Clint, who was leaning against the compound refrigerator with narrowed, suspicious eyes.
“No.” Loki spun back around, his chin raised as he brought the two pieces of bread together and settled the sandwich on a plate. “I hate music. It’s too...happy.”
Clint scoffed, his arms crossed over his chest as he sauntered forward. “And I’m...what? Just supposed to believe that?”
“Do what you will,” Loki shrugged, taking a bite of his sandwich and raising a brow smugly at the avenger. “I don’t control you.”
Clint clicked his tongue with a laugh, shaking his head. “Alright. I see how it is.”
“And how is it, bird man?”
“Don’t bullshit me. You’ve been in my head before. I don’t know what fucked up game you’re playing here, but we’ve taken you down once. Don’t think for a second we won’t do it again.”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.”
“Cut the crap. Alright? You’re the god of mischief for christ’s sake. It’s in your blood.”
Loki clenched his jaw, his chin remaining raised as Clint stood inches from his face.
“You may have everyone else fooled, but not me. You can never belong here.”
Loki puffed his chest out, anger seeping into his gaze, his ears and cheeks burning red-
“Woah, woah, woah-“
Loki snapped his head toward the kitchen island as Tony jogged inside, his hands raised in mock surrender.
“Let’s all just take a breath. Alright? Legolas, you want to, uh...?”
Clint scoffed and turned on his heel as Tony brought a hand to the man’s shoulder and clapped it, turning over his shoulder and offering Loki a smile.
“Makin’ yourself some lunch there, Dark Knight?”
“...Trying to.”
“Right. Carry on.”
Tony led Clint out of the kitchen and heaved a sigh, hand remaining on his friend’s shoulder as they sauntered toward the great windows of the compound.
“...You wanna pull yourself together, dear?”
“He was humming, Tony. Humming a song like he’s innocent.”
“Look, alright, he’s getting there. But we can’t provoke him like that anymore.”
“Why are you okay with this? The guy is the literal master of manipulation and deceit, Tony. And why do you let him hang around the kid?”
“Loki can’t hurt Peter. There’s no one alive that can look in that kid’s eyes and try to hurt him. I don’t make the rules. Besides, Loki needs a friend that isn’t Thor.”
“I’m sorry, since when are we beating around the bush and treating him like royalty? In 2012 he’s killing at random and sending galactic armies down on us and now he’s making sandwiches in our kitchen? Humming?”
“Maybe he likes music.”
“Where did he even hear it?”
“Does that matter? He’s...immersing himself. He’s trying to be better. Who cares where he heard it?”
“It’s just weird,” Clint shrugged, squinting as he looked out the window at the blinding blue sky. “He doesn’t have a phone, and he definitely doesn’t watch TV. Just makes you wonder, you know, where he heard the song.”
Tony raised his jaw and narrowed his ryes suspiciously Clint’s direction, imagining all the ways Clint would flip his lid if he ever found out that Loki, for some reason Clint’s great enemy, was attending Drama Club meetings at the Midtown School of Science and Technology with Tony’s kid.
“...Could’ve been anywhere.”
Tony’s answer had been far from satisfactory.
Clint was about to head home to his family for the weekend when he spotted Loki sneaking out of the compound, fully clad in a sweatshirt and jeans. He looked over his shoulder once before he was letting the door slip shut behind him.
Clint narrowed his eyes and followed him out, bow in hand.
Loki stopped beside one of Tony’s Audi’s. He looked both ways again anxiously before he was opening the passenger side door.
“Oh, no you don’t.” Clint growled and reached behind him for an arrow, fastening it in place, closing one eye for precision-
Clint’s eyes flew wide when he spotted Tony in the driver’s seat. He choked, quickly lowered his weapon, and watched numbly as Loki climbed inside the vehicle and shut the door behind him. The Audi peeled out of the driveway soon after.
“...What are you up to, Stark?”
Clint followed loosely behind the two in his car for about forty five minutes before Tony finally parked the car.
Midtown School of Science and Technology...?
The two climbed out of the car and began making their way through the front doors. It was four o’clock, so obviously school had ended by then.
Clint narrowed his eyes in suspicion and snuck after them.
They sauntered through the halls casually before Tony led them into the auditorium. Clint hurriedly ran to keep the door from shutting and slipped inside after them, bow and arrows still at the ready.
“...Okay, so, looks like everyone’s here, except...”
Clint crawled behind a row of seats in the audience, squinting as he watched a group of kids conversing, all seated in a circle on stage.
Two kids were standing looking at a clipboard. A blonde girl, sixteen or so by the looks of it, and...
“Oh, nevermind, there he is!”
“Hey, Loki!”
“What, no greeting for me?”
“Hi, Mister Stark.”
Tony patted Loki’s back as Loki hopped over the lip of the stage and crossed to the one empty chair in the circle.
“I beg your pardon,” Loki said in a polite, unfamiliar tone, smiling nervously as he sent an awkward wave to the group of kids. “I appear to have lost track of time.”
“You’re right on time,” the blonde one assured him, her smile beaming. “We’re covering improv today!”
“Oh, great,” Tony grunted as he seated himself on the front row in the audience. “I’m something of an expert at improv myself, you know. I have never planned anything that’s ever happened to me, ever.”
“Do you wanna join, Mister Stark?”
“...Nah. You guys got it.”
“If you say so. Alright, someone get the music.”
One of the kids hopped up from their seat and jogged backstage. A second later, classical music began playing softly around the theatre.
Clint gasped, betrayal flashing in his eyes as he narrowed them.
“The can-can...”
“Let’s warm up with the freeze game! Noes goes!”
The kids each quickly raised a finger to their nose. Loki was the last to do so.
“Aw, okay, Loki’s it for the first round.”
Clint scoffed. It? Loki’s it? Like he’s playing a god damn game of hide and go seek?!
“This should be good,” Tony said from the front row.
Clint saw red.
Peter sensed this, snapping his head out toward the audience in alarm. Tony frowned, turning over his shoulder.
But Clint was already running and fast, the music crescendoing as he grabbed an arrow, positioned it in his bow, leapt over the stage, landed on the apron-
“Get down!”
Peter’s cry of alarm sent everyone screaming and diving to the stage floor, hands over their heads protectively. Loki was standing with wide, terrified eyes as Clint aimed and fired his bow.
Peter leapt forward and caught the bow a mere few inches before it could collide with Loki’s face. He stared at it in shock for only a moment before he was turning back to Clint, eyes wide.
“Mister Clint, what’re you-?!”
“Get down, kid.” Clint shot another arrow Peter’s way, the arrow exploding into a net and entrapping Peter inside as he collapsed to the ground. “I’m trying to protect you.”
Loki reached for Peter desperately, though Clint returned his aim to the demigod, expression seething.
“Don’t move a muscle.”
“Are you out of your damn mind?!”
Clint glanced to the side as Tony jumped over the lip of the stage, horrified gaze darting between the arrow aimed at Loki’s face and his kid, kicking and thrashing inside of a net.
“I was about to ask you the same thing.”
“I mean, Jesus Christ, Barton. I shouldn’t even have to tell you how wrong this is.”
“Dammit, Tony, this isn’t real. Okay? None of this is real! Until he’s been inside of your head, until he’s controlled your mind, you’ll never understand that everything he’s ever done was just for show.”
The auditorium doors clicked open. Clint faltered as Natasha, Thor, Steve, and Bruce walked inside, eyes immediately wide at the sight on stage.
“What the hell is going on here?”
“Brother? What is the meaning of this?!”
“Golden Archer here had a bright idea to ambush a high school to settle a grudge. That’s the meaning of this.”
Clint lowered his weapon, clearing his throat uncomfortably.
“...what are you guys doing here?”
“We’re here for the play.” Steve lifted a flyer from his pocket, eyebrow raised. “It’s Loki’s first show. It was on the fridge.”
Loki sent an accusatory scowl Tony’s way. “You told them?!”
“It...might’ve slipped out over dinner. But I didn’t hang that on the fridge, I swear.”
Loki narrowed his eyes again, this time Peter being the victim.
“...sorry, Lo.”
“Wait...” Clint scoffed, eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “You signed him up for this, Tony?”
“...The guy’s already a drama queen. What else was I supposed to do?”
“We came to find you,” Natasha explained to Clint, “but you weren’t in your room. We assumed you already went home for the weekend.”
“I can’t believe this.”
“Um, excuse me,” the blonde girl was saying from the floor, her friends around her shivering in fear, “but what is going on? And why is Peter in a net?!”
“Good question, Miss Brant.” Tony strode forward, sending a seething glance Clint’s way before he swiped one of his arrows from out of Clint’s pouch and used it as a knife to slice through the ropes of the net.
“You good, kid?” Tony brushed Peter’s hair out of his eyes gently, worry etched into the lines of his face.
“‘M good, Mister Stark. Thanks.”
Tony was just about to turn around and tear Clint to shreds, though someone beat him to it.
“If you hurt the child again,” Loki warned through gritted teeth, “I’ll be the one holding the arrow to your face.”
Clint scoffed. “See, Tony? He’s still the same Loki. He hasn’t changed a bit.”
“Do you even hear yourself right now? That was eleven years ago. I mean, look at him. He’s wearing a sweatshirt and jeans for godsake. He’s at a Drama Club rehearsal. What’s he gonna do, huh? Kill us all with the plastic prop sword backstage?”
“I don’t-I don’t know, okay? He’s got Asgardian powers. Any second he could turn on us.”
“He would never do that.”
Clint raised an eyebrow as one of the kids rose from the ground hesitantly, hands still raised in the air.
“Loki is...we really like him here. He’s good at drama.”
“Yeah,” Betty nodded, rising to her knees. “He’s the club historian. He takes all of our pictures for us. He even started on a scrapbook.”
The group chorused in agreement. Loki fought a genuine grin when he remembered that the avengers were watching from the audience seating, listening.
“Plus, he’s one of my best friends.” Peter smiled up at Loki from his knees. “Right, Lo?”
Loki bit his lip before he grumbled something under his breath, throwing up his hands in mock surrender.
“Fine. Fine, okay? I may have...I may have bonded with the humans. And I-I listen to music now, and I go to Drama Club meetings, and I wear...whatever style of clothing this is.” Loki turned to Clint, his stance still defensive though his gaze was sincere. “I’ve changed. Or, at least, I’m trying to change. All I need is a second...second chance.”
Loki stuck his hand out for Clint to shake. Clint raised an eyebrow, raising his jaw.
“No tricks?”
“No tricks.”
“No lying? No infinity stones? No alien armies?”
“None whatsoever.”
Despite himself, Clint’s lip quirked ever so slightly in a smile and he was taking Loki’s hand in his, shaking it with a nod.
“Well...alright then.”
Clint slung his bow over his shoulder and turned to face the avengers in the house of the auditorium, his gaze apologetic. Natasha, Steve, and Bruce was smiling up at him. Thor was wiping tears out of the corner of his eye.
“Brava!” Thor clapped, his lip quivering. “Excellent! Excellent display!”
“...You realize that wasnt the show, right?”
“I would be fine if it was.”
“Eh,” Tony shrugged. “I think that’s enough Drama Club for one day. What do you say, kids? Rendezvous for some shawarma?”
The group of teens all chorused in excitement, rising from the ground and all thoughts of danger vanishing from their minds. They slung their backpacks over their shoulders and descended the steps of the stage excitedly.
“Mister Stark,” Peter frowned as Tony wrapped Peter in a side hug, squeezing him. “I thought shwarma was reserved for after missions?”
“Well...” Tony gestured his head toward the lip of the stage, where Loki was dangling his legs off of the side and engaging in conversation with the avengers.
Actually talking. No fighting, no weapons, nothing.
Thor was ruffling his brother’s hair fondly, tears still brimming his eyes. Loki was rolling his own, scoffing at Thor’s adoration.
Clint was still suspicious though Natasha was nudging him in the shoulder, a smirk on her lips. Bruce had an arm draped around Steve’s shoulders as Steve threw his head back with a laugh at something Loki had said.
“...Mission accomplished, kiddo.”
//do not tag as st*rker or th*rki//
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fatelotusorder · 3 years
stuff for people who don’t know MDZS or the Untamed.
The man in purple is Jiang Cheng courtesy Jiang Wanyin
ths takes places during Danfan Mountain the sub singularity gose until the Defeat Of Jin Guanyao . This is before Wei Wuxian ( in Mo Xuanyu body ) shows up .
Lan Zhan is the character at the end.
yes I know Wu Song would’ve been born where Qishan Nie is
Culivation in Fate term is a term for a type of Magecraft where a golden core is need
Im assuming MDZS takes place after the Han dynasty( After the three Kingdoms ) but before the Song Dynasty ( Before When the Fictional events of Water margin took place ) ——-
“Oh great, we got Separate From Ming at the Start of a Singularity,yet again.” Lin Chong Said as he and his Blood brother Lu Zhishen walked under the beautiful starry night sky looking for their master in the smountains.
“Ming ,Ming Where are you ?”Lu Zhishen yelled in Concern as the two bandits scanned the dark forest looking for him.
“He couldn’t landed that far with Cao Cao and Xiaohun Dun “ Lin Chong Said as he heard the sound of Struggling and someone speaking “Their this way I can hear it but, we should be low. I hear someone eles there as well.”
“Thats easier for me than you Chong ” Lu Zhishen joked looking up at his friend .
“Listen here you eggplant colored tightwad,we have no idea what your talking about!” yelled What looked to be a young Chinese female Struggling between the Ropes of a net glaring down at the Eggplant Man she was talking about.
“Usually I would wait until I got back to Yunmeng Jiang Sect to interrogate the likes of you.”
The man dressed in purple robes redirected his sight on the woman and Man in blue who were also struggling to get of the nets their weapons did nothing to cut them out the nets.
”However You claim that these two are Cao Cao and Xiaohun Dun , People who have been dead for centuries “The man Continued
“You,the young “lady” in strange white clothes ,tell me how long you’ve been practicing Demonic Cultivation to be able to summon the vengeful ,spirit of a person like Cao Cao.”
“One ,I’m Male, I just like putting on Cute outfits, “ the Very Feminine Chinese male Said pompous yet agressive matter .
“Second ,What the hell are you talking about ? ,I don’t even know what Demonic Cultivation is!”
Lin Chong and Lu Zhisen arrived to see this scene with Ming, thier Master unfold. However, their gazes were on the Man in Violet robes. His stance seemed to demand respect and those almond shaped eyes narrowed in anger determined to get an answer out of Ming.
“Chong ,Dose that guy in purple remind you anyone” Lu Zhishen whispered
“Wears purple ,puts his Hair in a bun thats lot of people in the 108 stars, Zhishen, “ Chong Said looking at the Man to see what the big deal was .
“Look at his Face , he’s almost an Exact match for Wu Song “
Lin Chong squinted his eyes and Studied the man Closer as his eyes Widened.
“Yea If Wu Song always had a Stick up his ass.”
“You think we’re dealing with a Wu Song Alter “Lu Zhishen Questioned.
“Consider this guys Resemblance to Wu Song and that he was even born somewhere eles 50/50 chance we’re dealing with some guy who just really looks like him or possible reincarnation. We might even be looking at an ancestor.” Lin Chong said
“Anyways , Let’s fight him and get Ming and the others out there.”
The Man in purple glared at Ming for second before stepping over menacinglyn ready to interrogate further when Lu Zhishen rushed out the brush and slammed his monk’s spade into man’s side blindsiding him and sending him flying into a tree. He winced upon impact with the wood.
Ming just smirked “Good work Lu Zhishen, you really Sent that jerk flying.”
“I’m not done yet! “
The man had a whip in his hand all of a sudden but, there wasn’t anywhere on his Body that could’ve been hooked to as the man in purple used it to attack one of Zhishens hands by the wrist
“Argh!, It burns “ Lu Zhishen thought as he dropped his weapon in pain.
The man in purple attack him quickly and relentlessly with a wrath that matched his own .Lu Zhishen quickly tried picking up his weapon but , the man in purple predict his movement and whipped his hand away. Lu Zhisen looked without a weapon he had to fight him hand to hand and that whip seemed to be desgined for Spirits as it sparked with a violet lightining .Zhishen used his arms to block the mans relentless whip attacks . Lu Zhishen cringed as he was lashed all round his body .Then Lu Zhishen saw an opening the man seemed to getting cocky and grabbed the length of whip despite it burning alot managed to fling the man up into air.The man let go of the whip not expecting the sudden gutsy action as another figure leaped up from the trees.
"The Majestic Star makes his appearance!" Lin Chong said his silhouette high lighted by the moon.
The man in Purple was surprise at Lin Chong’s Apperance. “Lan Zhan ?” he thought before Lin Chong attacked.
“I Guess its my Job to bring you back down to earth .” Lin Chong said falling right past the man.” But I’m sure this will be a safe fall,for me at least .” Lin Chongs Sectioned staffed Spear wrapped around the Man as they fell .The Lancer Class servant smile as upon impact with ground he slammed the man in purple down knocking him out .
His eyes then looked at a man dressed in white cutting Ming and the others down from the nets and looked dumbfounded at Lin Chongs appearance . Lin Chong stared at him for a moment before Smiling” I see someone shares my sensiable taste in hair style and everyone said the half up style wouldn’t catch on.“
The Man in white was flattered before hearing screaming from the woods. Another man in purple whose Face looked very simlar to other man in purple came dragging an unconcious Lad in Yellow by the ponytail.
“Finally! I found You ya damn Alter !” The Man said “Here take your Little piece of Shit too !”The man in purple was just about to stirr Awake when the Lad in yellow was thrown at his Head knocking him out again .
“That throwing arm is that the Actaul Wu Song?!” The Two Liangshan Bandits looked at the Man in purple as he looked at them.
“Lin Chong ,Lu Zhishen!”
The Man in white Clearly Confused was approached by Cao Cao.
” We’ll explain this to you later .” She said patting the man on the back .
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sapphicmsmarvel · 4 years
SG: Livewire JR
the first story in my livewire jr series! 
Okay so this is a marvel x dc crossover, the reader is an inhuman (as well as Leslie because you two are sisters in this) and instead of the terrigen crystals transforming the inhuman person, the electrocution and supergirls DNA helped transform Leslie. 
And you, transformed before Leslie so she hates you. You are also more powerful than her. 
(For those who never watched Agents of SHIELD, inhumans are a breed of humans who have alien DNA in them. And the powers get awakened by terrigen crystals, terrigen crystals can get attached to any person, but only inhumans survive. And they will survive as a normal person with powers or become a monster)
The reader is also related to Lincoln from AOS. Spoiler warning for those who have not watched the entirety of season 3 of AOS. 
Idk i just think this backstory is cool! And it was really freaking fun to write! This story has been in my head for (not joking) three years and i finally got to write it!! 
(also im totally rewriting the end of the livewire episode, it fits my story better😂)
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You learned to be invisible. 
Being an Inhuman with a psycho power hungry family that abused you both physically and mentally as well as emotionally; you learned to hide in plain sight. 
Your brother, the only person you loved in your shithole family died. His girlfriend, Daisy, went AWOL after and then you left SHIELD.
There was nothing without Lincoln, you wanted a fresh start so you moved to National City. Fitzsimmons had tried reaching out but you told them you’d come back if they needed help but you couldn’t be around somewhere that Lincoln lived. 
Your parents told you to keep an eye on Leslie, so you went to National City and that was your version of following your parents rules. 
Once Leslie fucked up and you could send her away, you would be from your helicopter parents. 
Leslie was the loose canon that always listened to mommy and daddy. You listened and followed what they said, and you were good at it. Being evil. Lincoln….Lincoln challenged and then broke away when he was eighteen and took you with him. Showed you that being evil wasn’t okay and neither was hurting innocents. Then years and years later, Daisy taught you more good morals to have. 
She became the sister you were proud to have, she still called you sister-in-law even though Lincoln was gone and they didn’t get married. 
Your heart sank, you flipped over your phone, it had a clear case and there was a polaroid of you, Lincoln and Daisy. Gemma took it, you three were smiling cheesily. 
You looked up at National City’s version of Times Square. It was your sister’s photo.The headline read, “Radio star injured in near helicopter crash, Supergirl saves the day.” You sighed. 
You hated hospitals, the smell, the suffocating walls and feeling of death. You would need to take about five showers after this. 
You walked passed a cute girl in glasses with Leslie’s boss. She was blonde and had adorable blushy cheeks. They went redder when you smiled at her, and when you walked away you looked over your shoulder and caught her staring at you. You winked as you turned the corner. 
Your dating life in National City has been scarce. It was fun to flirt, it made you feel happy that somebody paid attention to you since your parents didn’t. 
That happy feeling diminished when you walked into her room. 
Leslie was gone. 
You walked around the room, the thing about having lightning as your power and in your DNA was that you could detect amounts in the air, like static. And there was a smell to you, it was metal. 
It reeked of metal and the static choked your throat. You quickly fled the room and walked as quickly as you could down the halls. Trying to follow the smell like a dog. Leslie was considered a disappointment in your family. 
The terrigen didn’t work for her, she was considered a dud. But you guess this crash awakened something. Something powerful in a horrible person.
You had work to do. 
Daisy had taught you a few things about hacking. You traced her cell signal all day, random power surges in the city, her credit and debit cards. Anything.
It was late at night when she started heading towards CatCo. You raced to get there, if you didn’t, Cat was gonna die. 
You hacked into the security cameras at CatCo from your phone, Supergirl and Cat were in Cat’s office. Cat Grant was most likely the first target on Leslie’s list. Supergirl might be next, you knew that Supergirl would be hard to kill but Leslie was hellbent on hating her. 
Even sexualized her on her radio show, it was disgusting. Especially coming from another woman. 
You traveled through the electric wired through the building and popped in at the doorway of the office. But with Supergirls hearing, she heard you. She spun around, her cape following dramatically. She pushed Cat Grant behind her. Her eyes, glowing. 
“Easy, laser eyes, relax. I’m not a threat.” You held out your hands, showing you had no visible weapons, she didn’t know of what ran in your veins just yet. 
“Who are you and why are you here? Office hours are closed.” Cat said. 
“If you think I work for your office, you truly are unobservant for a boss. I would think someone of your social status would make sure she knew everyone in her building to insure your own safety.” 
“You really aren’t helping your case, as far as I’m concerned you are a threat.” Supergirl stood her ground, which wasn’t surprising to you. 
You sighed. “I’m Leslie’s sister.” You said to Supergirl. “And I want her locked up as much as you do.” 
They both stopped in their tracks and spun around, shock coloring their faces. Cat Grant walked towards you. “What? Leslie doesn’t have a sister. She never mentioned one to me and I was her mentor.” 
“Yeah, Les doesn’t enjoy the fact that we share a father so it’s not shocking that she never mentioned me.” You shrugged then stepped closer to Cat, Supergirl eyed you. “Relax, I’m here to stop Leslie.” 
“You knew about her powers?!” 
“Yeah, in fact, Supergirl, I have the same exact powers Leslie has.” You swallowed, ignoring nerves. 
“How is that possible?” Supergirl asked. 
“I’m what they call an Inhuman. Thousands of years ago aliens came to earth and mated with humans. There are thousands, possibly millions of Inhumans out there who have no idea what they are.”
“And your point?” Cat asked. 
“My point is, we aren’t well known. But, my other point was, use me to lure Leslie or something.” “Use you?” “Leslie has always had a problem with me. She was desperate for not only our parents approval but our brothers. Then, he died. She moved to National City, I followed because she’s got a lot of anger issues and sooner or later, she’d come in contact with terrigen and maybe it would work this time.” You stepped closer to Supergirl, “or some other alien component that reformed her DNA and made her a monster with anger problems.”
“Am I supposed to apologize for saving peoples lives?” Kara asked, getting in your face. 
“No, but if you would’ve let her die then my life would be a hell of a lot easier.” You hissed.
“What a sweet sentiment sissy,” you heard that bitches voice, you all spun to face the many, many TV screens on Cats wall.
“Leslie, the people you’re hurting are innocent.” You said, 
“Innocent?!” She laughed, “you’re standing with Cat Grant, she is not innocent.” 
You looked at Cat Grant, “I feel like Cat was more nurturing to you than our own mother.” You deadpanned. 
“I gave her one hug.” Cat recalled. 
“Yeah, that makes you more nurturing than our mother.” You said. 
Then Leslie let out a blast. You all flew back, you bashed into the glass wall, Supergirl went flying out the doorway and then Cat fell onto the couch. Then Leslie went for Cat. 
You pulled energy from the lightbulbs in the room, and then shot in front of Cat, putting a forcefield in front of her. “Oh my God,” Cat said, gasping at the sight of you in front of her. You heard Supergirl walk closer and then pause. 
The room was lit up in purple and blue. Leslie’s powers were blue, yours were purple. Your eyes glowed like hers. It was a terrifying sight, and you knew it.
You used your leg strength to push her back, she flew into Cat’s desk. You leaned down and gently but quickly got Cat back on her feet. You rushed towards Supergirl who was still staring at you in shock at your powers, “I told you, I wasn’t a threat to you.” 
Then Leslie threw a bolt at Supergirl, and while you knew that she could handle herself, you wouldn’t let her get hurt. Or anyone get hurt at the hands of Leslie ever again. You pushed Supergirl and Cat Grant out of the way as you shot out at Leslie. You kept the power streaming at her powerfully as she got pushed back, “negative on negative, sista.” You said, “doesn’t work out too well.” 
She screamed in agony as you pushed her further into the floor, you pushed her further into the ground, “call your friends.” You said to Supergirl. “She’s getting locked up, for good.” 
“Too much of a pussy to kill me.” Leslie choked. 
You gritted your teeth, and used your free hand to deck her. 
She fell to the floor with a thud, your knuckles throbbed as you watched blood come out of her mouth. You sighed, then used your electricity to form a net around her to hold her. 
“I called someone to come get her,” Supergirl said. “I didn’t know...her powers could do that.” She said, gesturing to the net. 
“She can’t.” You said, kicking the bottom of her boot. “I can because I’m stronger than her.” 
Supergirl nodded, “respect.” 
Cat went to the hospital (with a lot of pushing) while you guys waited for Leslie to be taken away. Your makeshift jail cell glowing as Supergirl asked you, “how’d you take her down?” 
You folded your arms, “science. Negative on negative energy never goes well.”
“And you seriously want her put away?” Her head cocked, it was adorable. She was like a cute puppy.
You nodded, “my family sucks ass.” You deadpanned, “Leslie was the worst of them, the only relative I got along with was my brother.” 
“You said he died.” 
You nodded, “he saved the freaking world and nobody knew it.” Tears rimmed your eyes, Lincoln was always a sore subject. “He’s a hero, and I promised him once that I’d take down Leslie if her powers ever happened.” You sighed, wiping away your tears. “I guess I have no purpose now,” you shrugged, chuckling to yourself out of sadness. “My parents are psychopaths, my brother is dead and my sister is locked up forever.” 
“Do you want another purpose?” She asked walking up to you as DEO people came up the elevator with tech to transport her. 
You looked at her, “yeah, I do.” 
Three months later: 
Kara and you were having a platonic (to your sadness) picnic on the top of CatCo. Cat Grant knew of your abilities and your superhero name, Sparks.
In your opinion, you thought it was cheesy, but you’re starting to enjoy Cat and she has kept your secret. You had a mask on your face now when you were Sparks. So you could still walk around without having a disguise.
You also knew that Kara was Supergirl because you two worked together. She told you the second you signed on to the role of being the darker hero of National City. 
Yes, they called you ‘the night to Supergirl’s day.’ People said you were ‘the ‘evil’ version of Supergirl’. To be fair, you did have different attack methods than Kara did and you did admit that you were not as kind-hearted as Kara was. You did not believe everyone was good like she did. 
It was one of the things you loved about her. Her good soul. You were surrounded in darkness your entire life, as well as sheer evil, your parents were not kind people. 
“So,” Kara said munching on cheese. “You never told me something.” 
“Hmm?” You asked, you thought you had told Kara everything.  
“How did your brother save the world?” 
You scoffed, looking at the sunset, “there was this creature, Hive, he was a sort of virus thing I guess. I’m honestly not too sure what he was. Nothing could kill him, guns, superpowers, lethal injection, absolutely nothing. He could adapt to any planet but he needed a planet for his power.  So, Lincoln trapped him in a space shuttle, then drove them both into space and blew it up. He kept Hive from making this world into something horrible. Nobody will ever know. Our parents found out and said he was a disgrace for killing something like that. They said Hive was amazing.” You wiped your tears. 
“You never talk about your parents,” Kara said fiddling with her glasses, she did that whenever she was anxious. 
“That’s for a reason.” You said, eating the baguette with homemade pizza deep. Cooking helped you cope. 
“You can talk about it with me if you want.” She offered. 
You smiled lightly, “my parents are cruel people Kara. The thing with our lineage is that we are perceived as villains. Even at the refugee camp that my brother and I sought solace at, those people feared us because of our ancestors. They had a right to, my family did awful things. My parents raised me to be evil, Leslie is the only one who turned out how they wanted but she was messy.” You grimaced, “they said she did things sloppy, and brash. I was neat, I did what mommy and daddy said until Lincoln showed me the issues.” 
“What were the issues?” 
“Killed anyone who went against them. I thought, since I was raised that way, it was normal. Then I met a woman named Daisy, she showed me that killing willing nilly was bad-don’t look at me like that, I was raised way and I fixed my attitude when I was thirteen.” You scolded as she gave you a look. 
“My parents….they think I’ll come around, but I will never be that way again. I hated it. It always felt wrong to me, but my parents called me broken, stupid, ignorant. They’d beat me around if I didn’t hurt someone.” 
“How many have you hurt?” 
“I used words not violence, I killed two people and I still know their names, I still know how it felt. It was awful. I still think I’m a bad person, isn’t that crazy? I think I’m crazy for not being a sociopath or psychopath.” 
“It shows you have a soul.” Kara answered, “it shows you are no longer that person, that you’ve not only grown from your mistakes, but you learned from them.” 
You shuddered a breath, “I never want to kill again, I can fight to defend with no problem but I will not kill again if I don’t have to. But I will kill if someone's safety is in jeopardy, no problem.” 
Kara grabbed your hand, “you give me hope.” 
You scoffed, “I give you hope? Babygirl you need a new role model.” 
She blushed at the nickname, it made you feel better to flirt with her, but at the same time broke your heart because you were falling hard for her. You didn’t flirt with anyone. You flirted with the girl you really, really liked. 
The girl who stuck her neck out for you. Who vouched for you and gave you this amazing life. You couldn’t mess this up.
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ninliane · 5 years
Hey!! Good luck with your new Blog💕! May I request Nishinoya, Lev and Kenma with an russian s/o? Sometimes, she's switching between russian and japanese (and curses in russian) without even noticing it 😂? Thank you very much!!
Ahh! As a bilingual person myself I can tell you myself that usually this isn’t much of an issue, the real problem is when you know the word for a certain object but you forget that other languages dont use that word so its like “can you get my phone in the sala.” “the what-” “the sala” “???” “ah crapsdnfkjsndf tHE LIVING ROOM”
Oh also I used google translate for this so for anyone who can read/understand russian im so sorry if its wrong! (but i’ll leave it untranslated so you guys can see for yourself what you’re actually saying hehe)
s/o who speaks Russian and Japanese
Nishinoya Yu
As manager of Karasuno’s team, you were sitting down on the bench as your team played a practice match with Aoba Johsai
Pretty much everything was going well, the two teams were on par with Karasuno leading by a few points and everyone was in good competitive spirits 
But one by the name of Kyotani Kentaro took a bit too far-
He spiked the ball way too hard and the libero of Karsuno didn’t have enough time to react as it hit him right in the face
The ball flew off outside the court and Nishinoya was on the ground with a bloody nose 
“Oi Nishinoya are you okay!?” his teammates surrounded him, “Yeah yeah! I’m fine!” the libero got up with a smile, “I’ll just get this cleaned up and I’ll-”
The boys looked to their left and saw the manager standing up and walking towards the yellow haired player 
“Apologise to him.” she flatly said, staring him down
Stubborn as he his he looked away,
“He was in the way of my shot.”
And that’s what cued it.
“Что вы имеете в виду на пути вашего выстрела ?! Это волейбол в тупой зоне боевых действий !!! Ты тупой безрассудный придурок! Вот почему ваш сэмпай должен держать вас под контролем!” 
Their manager started firing what seemed to be Russian
Daichi walked up to her in concern and tried to stop her, “Hey (y/n)-”
“что?! ты хочешь быть следующим?” she turned to the captain and then back at the player “Я клянусь, что никто не ранит Ю и сходит с рук.”
Surprisingly it was Kageyama who held (y/n) back and dragged her outside 
Yu knew you spoke russain but he never heard you speak it, either way when you were yelling at Kyontani he sorta felt some pride there
When you two got home he’d probably ask you to speak more Russian to him even he if he understand you he found it very very attractive 
Lev Haiba 
Poor boy comes back from the groceries to see his classmate and sister talking in a language he’s supposed to know but never learned it
(y/n) had originally come to his house to work on a project and Lev went out to buy snacks
He was ecstatic as he had a cute little puppy crush on the girl (awwwe)
So he was really excited to spend time with her!
“это Левочка, когда он был маленький!” Alisa pointed to the album “он был таким хорошим мальчиком!” 
For some reason (y/n) squealed and cooed, “Лев такой милый в костюме! И его зачесанные волосы на спине такие милые
Even without understanding the language Lev knew that his sister was showing his pictures to (y/n)
Embarrassed, he grabbed (y/n)’s arm and went upstairs with her, “Stop embarrassing me sis..” he had an annoyed look on his face but he was definitely blushing, (y/n) was just laughing as he pulled her up the stairs
“But Lyovochka! She said you were cute!” Alisa called out
“Stop lying!” Lev stuttered, the red in his face being much more obvious now
“You were Lev!” (y/n) stopped him and held his arm “You looked so cute as a child!” (y/n) smiled at him. 
“I-uhm-I” Lev was at a loss for words and for the rest of the night he became more quiet and shy
He would never tell it to her but he was secretly happy that Alisa showed those pictures to (y/n)
Kenma Kozume
“Ah geez, Lev, can you help me with the bottles please?” 
The manager of Nekoma ran back and forth from the bus to the gym, loading in several items needed for the training camp, whether it was the water bottles, the ball basket, an extra net, and antennas etc.
The team, who just walked out of the club room saw their manager running back and forth carrying the items
Kenma saw that she was running out of breath and stepped forward to help her..though, he couldn’t really ask her to stop since she was running around 
“(y/n) do you need any help?” Kuroo thankfully asked her
“Oh! Yes please!”
Kenma and Kuroo walked to the gym and saw what had been left behind
The two boys heard the footsteps of (y/n) running back to the gym and getting the supplies, stopping for a bit she made eye contact with Kenma 
“О да! Спасибо! Просто положите те сзади, где остальные!”
Kuroo and Kenma just stared at her as (y/n) just stared at them, as if expecting an answer 
She cocked her head and frowned, “Я сказал положить их с остальными” 
“Japanese..” Kenma simply said
(y/n) widened her eyes and smacked her head, “Ah crap right sorry..put those in the back!” 
There was silence as she ran out
“So the Russians are your type, Kenma?” 
“Kuroo shut up.”
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troydrea415 · 3 years
HTTP response status codes indicate if a particular HTTP request was successfully finished
HTTP reaction status codes reveal no matter whether a specific HTTP petition has been successfully completed. Responses are grouped in 5 courses:
If you are provided a response that isn't really Within this listing, it really is a non-normal reply, potentially custom made to the server's program.
Information answers
100 ContinueThis interim response suggests that anything up to now is OK and the shopper need to continue on the ask for, or disregard the response If your petition is now finished. 101 Switching ProtocolThis code is sent in reaction to an Upgrade ask for header from the buyer, and indicates the protocol the server is switching to. 103 Historical HintsThis standing code is largely meant to generally be utilized with the hyperlink header, enabling the shopper agent commence preloading means although the host prepares an answer.
Successful responses
200 OKThe request has succeeded. The that means with the achievement depends on the HTTP strategy:
GET: The useful resource was fetched and is also transmitted from the concept overall body.
PUT or Put up: The resource describing the end result of the motion is despatched in the message system.
201 Produced The ask for has succeeded in addition to a brand-new resource was developed For that reason. This is normally the response despatched right after Article requests, or any Place requests. 202 AcceptedThe petition was received although not still acted upon. It is actually noncommittal, considering the fact that you will find absolutely not any way in HTTP to later mail an asynchronous response suggesting the effects with the request. It really is intended for circumstances in which Yet another method or server handles the request, or for batch processing. 203 Non-Authoritative Info This reaction code means the returned meta-information and facts isn't precisely the same as is offered through the supply server, but is collected from the community or a third-social gathering backup. This is chiefly used for mirrors or backups of a unique resource. Except for that specific scenario, the"two hundred OK" reaction is favored to this standing. 204 No Contentthere is absolutely not any product to ship for this ask for, however the headers could be useful. 205 Reset ContentTells the consumer-agent to reset the report which sent this petition. 206 Partial ContentThis reply code is applied when the Range header is shipped from the consumer to ask for just Component of a resource. 207 Multi-Status (WebDAV)Conveys specifics of many sources, this kind of circumstances where by various position codes may well be ideal. 208 Already Reported (WebDAV)Used within a reaction element to stay away from consistently enumerating the inner members of a number of bindings towards the identical selection. 226 IM Used (HTTP Delta encoding)The server has fulfilled a GET petition for the resource, and also the reaction is often a illustration with the consequence of additional occasion-manipulations placed on the current situation.
Redirection messages
300 Multiple Option The ask for has about one prospective reaction. The user-agent or user has to decide on between them. (There is no standardized way of picking among the responses, but HTML links into the possibilities are recommended so the person can decide.) 301 Moved PermanentlyThe URL on the asked for useful resource has long been altered for good. The brand new URL is provided within the reply. 302 FoundThis reply code implies the URI of requested resource was adjusted briefly. Even more modifications while in the URI could be made later on. Therefore, this exact same URI really should be applied through the shopper in foreseeable future requests. 303 See OtherThe waiter sent this reaction to immediate the customer to receive the asked for source at Yet another URI with a GET ask for. 304 Not ModifiedThis is utilized for caching applications. It tells the shopper the reaction hasn't nonetheless been altered, And so the buyer can go on to employ exactly the same cached Variation of this reaction. 305 Use Proxy Outlined in a very past Variation in the HTTP specification to signify that a asked for reaction has got to be retrieved by indicates of the proxy. It's got been deprecated because of safety concerns regarding in-band configuration of the proxy. 306 unusedThis reaction code isn't any much more utilised; It truly is just reserved. It had been Utilized in a preceding Edition of this HTTP/one.1 specification. 307 Temporary RedirectThe host sends this response to direct the customer to get the requested resource at Yet another URI with very same process that was utilized in the past petition. This has the exact same semantics as the 302 Identified HTTP reaction code, Using the exception the consumer representative should not modify the HTTP approach utilized: When a Article was utilised in the First ask for, a Publish should be utilized at the second petition. 308 Permanent RedirectThis suggests which the useful resource has grown to be forever Found at another URI, supplied from the Locale: HTTP Response header. This has the very same semantics since the 301 Moved Permanently HTTP response code, Along with the exception the user agent need to not change the HTTP strategy utilised: If a Write-up was utilized in the initially request, a Publish must be applied in the next petition.
Client error responses
400 Bad RequestThe server couldn't understand the request due to invalid syntax. To paraphrase, the client ought to authenticate itself to get the requested response. 402 Payment Required This reply code is reserved for foreseeable future utilization. The First intention for producing this code was making use of it for electronic payment techniques, but this status code could be utilised pretty sometimes and no standard Conference exists. 403 ForbiddenThe customer will not have obtain rights to the content material; that is, it truly is unauthorized, so the server is not able to give the requested useful resource. Contrary to 401, the customer's identity is named the host. 404 Not FoundThe equipment cannot locate the asked for useful resource. In the browser, this usually means the URL is not regarded. In an API, this can also point out the endpoint is legit but the resource itself isn't going to exist. Servers may also deliver this reaction as opposed to 403 to hide the existence of the source from an unauthorized client. This reply code is most likely probably the most famed just one because of its Repeated occurrence on the net. 405 Method Not AllowedThe request strategy is comprehended through the server but is disabled and won't be able to be employed. Through instance, an API might forbid DELETE-ing a resource. Both Obligatory techniques, GET and HEAD, really should in no way be disabled and shouldn't return this mistake code. 406 Not AcceptableThis reply is despatched when the World-wide-web server, following accomplishing server-driven content negotiation, will not discover any material which conforms into the benchmarks given because of the consumer agent. 407 Proxy Authentication RequiredThis resembles 401 having said that authentication is essential being achieved by indicates of a proxy. 408 Request TimeoutThis reply is despatched on an idle website link by some servers, even without prior ask for with the customer. It commonly usually means the host would like to shut down this new connection. This response is employed A lot much more because some browsers, like Chrome, Firefox 27+, or IE9, use HTTP pre-connection mechanisms to speed up browsing. Also Be aware that some servers only shut down the link without having sending this data. 409 ConflictThis reaction is shipped whenever a ask for conflicts Along with the current condition in the host. 410 GoneThis respond to is despatched if the asked for information was completely deleted from server, without having forwarding tackle. Consumers are expected to get rid of their caches and hyperlinks to your source. The HTTP specification intends this standing code for use for"restricted-time, marketing products and services". APIs should not experience pressured to indicate resources that are actually deleted with this position code. 411 Length RequiredServer rejected the request due to the fact the Content material-Duration header discipline is just not defined as well as the server desires it. 412 Precondition FailedThe client has indicated preconditions in its own headers that the server doesn't meet. 413 Payload Too LargeAsk for entity is even bigger than limitations described by server; the server may well close the connection or return an Retry-Right after header Discover more here area. 414 URI Too LongThe URI requested with the shopper is lengthier compared to server is prepared to interpret. 415 Unsupported Media TypeThe media framework of this info that may be asked for is just not supported through the server, Therefore the server is rejecting the ask for. 416 Range Not SatisfiableThe scope specified by the Selection header subject in the ask for cannot be fulfilled; it is actually probable which the scope is far from the size of the concentrate on URI's information. 417 Expectation FailedThis response code signifies the anticipation indicated through the Anticipate request header industry can not be fulfilled from the host. 421 Misdirected RequestThe petition was directed in a host which is not in the position to generate a reaction. This can be despatched by a server which is not configured to develop responses with the combo of plan and authority which are A part of the request URI. 422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV)The ask for was well-fashioned but was not able for being followed due to semantic problems. 423 Locked (WebDAV)The resource that has actually been accessed is locked. 424 Failed Dependency (WebDAV)The ask for failed because of failure of the previous petition. 425 Too Early Suggests which the server is unwilling to risk processing a petition which may be replayed. 426 Upgrade RequiredThe server will likely not complete the request with the latest protocol but could be keen to do so subsequent the purchaser updates to a unique protocol. The server sends an Update header in a 426 reaction to signify the expected protocol(s). 428 Precondition RequiredThe origin server needs the petition to come to be conditional. This reaction is meant to guard versus the'misplaced update' challenge, by which a purchaser Receives a source's point out, modifies it, and Places back to the host, when In the meantime a 3rd party has modified the condition on the host, resulting in a fight. 429 Too Many RequestsThe user has sent a lot of requests inside of a precise period of your time ("fee limiting"). 431 Request Header Fields Too LargeThe server is unwilling to procedure the request due to the fact its very own header fields are excessively huge. The ask for may very well be resubmitted soon after minimizing the sizing with the ask for header fields. 451 Unavailable For Legal ReasonsThe person-agent questioned a source that cannot lawfully be supplied, like a web site censored by a govt.
Server mistake answers
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500 Internal Server ErrorThe server has encountered a scenario it would not understand how to handle. 501 Not ImplementedThe ask for technique just isn't supported from the host and can't be dealt with. The sole methods that servers are needed to support (and hence that need to not return this code) are GET and HEAD. 502 Bad GatewayThis oversight response usually means the server, though employed to be a gateway to get a response needed to tackle the ask for, acquired an invalid response. 503 Service UnavailableThe server just isn't All set to handle the ask for. Widespread results in can be a host which is down for maintenance or that's overloaded. Recognize that with this particular reaction, a person friendly website page describing the problem should be despatched. This responses really should be employed for temporary conditions as well as the Retry-After: HTTP header must, if possible, involve the estimated time in advance of the recovery of this ceremony. The webmaster really should also acquire care regarding the caching-relevant headers which are despatched together using this reaction, as these momentary issue responses should not be cached. 504 Gateway TimeoutThis error reaction is offered when the device is acting to be a gateway and cannot get a response in time. 506 Variant Also NegotiatesThe machine has an internal configuration error: the decided on variant useful resource is configured to engage in transparent content material negotiation by itself, and is thus not an appropriate end level within the negotiation procedure. 507 Insufficient Storage (WebDAV)The process couldn't be performed on the resource because the server is unable to retail outlet the illustration required to correctly total the request. 508 Loop Detected (WebDAV)The
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
DARING DO and the ADVENTURE of the X'IBIAN VASE! : MLP Fan Fiction : Part 4 of 21
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DARING DO and the
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck) @ask-de-writer​
Carmen Pondiego @askcarmenpondiego​
Cover Art by
Doctor Dimension
52630 words
© 2020 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 08/26/15
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions, provided that such things are done without charge.  I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images.  
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fictions is actively encouraged.
Horsetense looked up from reading a romance novel, to judge by the cover art.  Smiling, she replied, “I really did not expect to see you again, after yesterday’s little upsets!  Here, let me send it up!”
She took Daring Do’s envelope and put it into a vacuum cartridge and dropped it into a tube.  With a whoosh, it was gone.  In a few minutes there was a whoosh and clunk as a cartridge returned.  It held a copy of the original document and a note:
“This is the ONLY acceptable agreement.  We will not back you at all if you do not sign!
Isa Robber
Mystic Overthrow
Crule Tyranny”
Reading the note, Daring smiled and wrote across the Document in deep soaking indelible marker, “These terms are the sort of toxic trash that the composting facilities will refuse!  I do too!  Find another sucker!  D.D.”
Horsetense looked sour as she returned the document with a clack and whoosh.  She observed, “The Partners won’t like that!”
Daring Do patted her hoof and replied, “They don’t seem to like anything that is honest.  I hope that you find a better position than this one soon.”
She turned on her hoof and was leaving when the system did its whoosh-clack.  The note in it said:
“Our generous offer is withdrawn.
Good luck in your year long wait to sell your latest major find to the Royal Museum! R.O.T.”
Daring Do smiled serenely, showed the receptionist the note and told Horsetense, “See this? You might find the noon news amusing!”
She sauntered out, the note safely in her saddle bag.
She was about to return to the Adventurer’s Guild for a nice luncheon when her brows drew down in a V of concentration.  Not only the waiter’s news but many other things began to fall out of their accustomed places, making a mess of her orderly mind.
It was a feeling that she knew well.  It had led her to almost all of past expeditions.  When things are not as they should be, the first stop is the Royal Library.
As she climbed the steps, she admired the allegorical carving of the doors.  The sun and moon arising together over the field of knowledge.  The doors, obeying an ancient spell, opened impressively for her.
Inside, she was greeted by the wonderful odor of books, scrolls, manuscripts, codices of many sorts. This was the scent of her true heart.  
Lurking in the overall scent, was the recent addition of fire proofing and extinguishing spells. They were a wise precaution whose necessity was shown by the Golden Oak Library disaster of Ponyville.  Some still wondered how one of the most magically powerful beings of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle, could have forgotten something so basic as fire suppression spells, just when she most needed them.  That, however, was not germane to her visit.
She walked up to the research desk and presented her Royal Pass, personally sealed by both Luna and Celestia.  “I need full access to the Closed and Sealed Stacks, please,” she smiled at the young librarian.
Wide eyed, after staring at the pass, she turned and almost galloped to a Senior Librarian.  She whispered, pointing back at Daring Do.
The senior came over and asked, “Reason for your visit, Antiquarian Do?”
“I have come across some discrepancies in research concerning the ancient X'ibian Empire.  I already know, from previous work here, that the answers are not to be found in the ordinary open or closed stacks.”
The senior took Daring Do’s pass and inserted it into a spell reader.  It chimed.  The four nearest Closed Research Stacks simply faded away leaving a huge pair of doors appearing to be iron bound ancient oak.  Daring Do was not deceived. She knew that the reality behind the glamor spell was four tonne Military Armor Grade steel, sealed from forced entry or exit.  She also knew that there were excellent reasons for being sealed against both!  This was not a library for the faint of heart!
Resuming her pass, she asked, “May I have Apprentice Librarian Blendin to assist my studies, please?  He and I have worked together before this.  I have found him to be an excellent assistant.”
Before setting the opening spell, the Senior Librarian made a note and called over a Magic Net system, “Apprentice Librarian Blendin to the Canterlot Main Doors, please.”
It took a few minutes before the signal that he was present lit.  The Senior Librarian tapped the opening spell.  The great doors did not swing or retract, as one might expect.  They became a thin seeming vapor.
Daring Do trotted through it without any problem.  She smiled at her half brother and said, “We have a fun one!  The Heart of Discord not only might be real, it might even be something that belongs here or in the Warehouse!”
Blendin’s brows shot up.  “I would be laughing right now, Sis, if it was anypony but you who said that.  What brings this on?”
Daring Do snickered and replied, “Disorder in what I thought I knew and a conversation with somepony from an organiation that I ran into while searching for the Darkling’s Tomb.”
Showing a side that was rarely seen when he was off work, Blendin promptly asked, “The Ancient Guardians?”
“Exactly.  One told me today that they lost the location of Im Farst’s tomb during the Chineighese invasions of a thousand years ago.  In short, THEY are certain that the Heart of Discord is there.  They just don’t know any longer, where, exactly.”
Blendin’s eyes got a far-away look to them as he dug through the encyclopedic knowledge that even an Apprentice Librarian needed.
“Where do you want to start, Sis?”
“At the beginning.  With the death and funeral of Im Farst.”
Blendin nodded briskly.  “That is easy, then.  There are only three contemporary documents of it. They are followed by the wall painting but it is later.  It will take a few to access them.  Are you willing to use a Twilight Closed Reading spell to keep from disturbing the actual documents.  They are very fragile.”
“If you recommend it, Blendin, yes.  What are they?”
“One is an actual scroll painting on lotus root paper.  It is likely the most delicate.  It is a traditional Xibian landscape with a weeping dragon and a eulogy to Im Farst.  The eulogy is signed Wisdom.  The other two are thin sliced bamboo fold books, both with fire damage.”
He actually went to an OLD physical card file and leafed gently.  Puzzled, he checked again.  “I wonder how long ago this happened?” he inquired of empty air. “There are FOUR things here.  I found two cards stuck together.  I will have to speak to a Senior Librarian about that.”
Daring Do overheard him and looked up from her magically generated pages of perfectly duplicated documents.  They WERE fascinating in their own right.
“What did you find, Blendin?”
“A carved stone inventory made at the time of interment.  It is cracked across but otherwise intact. I assume that you want it?”
“Absolutely!  Also, any provenance or location of finding!  Not only the stone, but everything known of it!”
Blendin smiled sadly and gave her a thin file.  “The stone was found in a Chineighese open air market about eight hundred years ago and given into Royal Care.  Not much help there.”
He did develop the copy spell, giving Daring Do all of the visible surfaces of the stone, top, thin sides and back.
Daring Do began to scan the stone, her brows knitting now and again as she found and solved an ideogram that was new to her.  She pulled out a magnifier for much of it.  The ancient engraving was surprisingly small and tightly compacted.
Blendin watched his half sister’s reading with awe.  “How can you do that, Sis?  I know at least a hundred scholars of Ancient X'ibian and not one of them can just snap out the meaning of a new ideogram like that!”
She looked up for a moment. “It’s really not too hard, Blendin.  The construction of ancient X'ibian ideograms follows a rigidly logical system from about a hundred bases.  Once you know those, the rest follows, except for bad handwriting, of course.”  She grinned.  “That is nothing new at all.”
Blendin nodded agreement and then brightened up.  “I need to do an advancement paper in the Library.  Mind if I take that tip and develop it?”
Absently muttering, “Be my guest,” Daring Do returned to her study.
“Pardon, Sis.  I need more space for you.”  Blendin grabbed the end of the Library table and pulled.  It stretched out another three meters, growing extra legs as it did so.
Daring Do raised her eyebrows as she watched.  “Handy trick, that!”
“You know it, Sis.  I needed the space to set out the more modern works, you know, from four hundred PNW to the End of Exile.”
“Four hundred Post Nightmare Wars?  Nothing earlier?”
“According to the Master Index, nope.  A long dry spell there.  Then the liter-ature explodes.  All the mystical shit and such.”
She nodded and returned to deciphering the fold books and the painting.  She was nearly done with the painting when she asked, “Can I get modern paper copies of these old documents?  I just spotted something curious.”
“Not a problem, Sis.  I will do a contagion duplication on them.  You will be able to take those copies if they pass the Security of Information checks.  I did not bother looking at that info when I set them up for you.”
Blendin was systematically setting out the later documents by date when he stopped cold.  
“This makes no sense at all, Sis.  Check me on this.  When Im Farst was buried in his hidden tomb there was no trace of the Heart of Discord.  
“Then, IN EQUESTRIA, the tales of the Heart of Discord begin to show up in print about four hundred PNW.  The wall painting that is the only known documentation of it was not found until 653 PNW.  
“It gets worse.  The tomb that the painting is in dates quite exactly.  It was made 150 years after the death of Im Farst but not found until 653 PNW.”
Daring Do stared at Blendin’s work in rising excitement.
“It makes perfect sense after all!  Who was the wife of Im Farst?”
Blendin actually took time to consult the Index again.  “Her name was Wisdom.  Legend says that she was a dragon.  How does that make any sense at all?”
Daring Do took a sheet of paper and a writing brush.  Inking it professionally, she wrote a character.
“First, remember that there were no male or female names in ancient X'ibian.  This thing called a SHI was added to a surname or single name to indicate female and left off for male names!  It was silent in ancient X'ibian.
“Now look at this!”  She quickly drew another character.  “That is the ancient character for Wisdom.  This one is Discord, the Dragonequis.  Add a Shi to Discord and what do you see?”
Blendin stared at the two characters in consternation.  “Wisdom!  Discord with a Shi and Wisdom look the same!”
“Right!  Im Farst really was married to a dragon.  Eris, the female form of Discord.  
“The Vase of Wisdom is in all of these inventories!  A hundred and fifty years later, on a tomb wall, the vase was named without the Shi and the Heart of Discord was born!”
Blendin looked carefully at his time-line of publications and written down tales.  He thoughtfully accessed the Index again.
He added a whole selection of more material from the Last Nightmare War onward.  
Softly, he said, “Here she is. It all begins with the Tales of Aleax the Blind.  This dates to only 115 PNW.  Eris, the Dragonequis, is asked if ever she knew love.  Her reply is, ‘In a land far to the East, I left my love a vase that I made.  I left my Heart in his tomb.  Im Farst was his name.’  She shed a few tears and asked what reward was wanted for bringing her that memory.”
Daring Do sadly offered, “That explains so much.  Blendin, I need these inventories, including the stone’s upper surface and that landscape painting with the Im Farst eulogy on it.”
Blendin went to the Index and lifted a very modern Magic Net mirror up from a concealed pocket.  He tapped codes and looked carefully at the results.  Grinning, he tapped a whole set of new codes.
“They will accept my paper on the reading of Ancient X'ibian ideograms!  They also cleared modern paper copies of the things you asked for.  They are now locked to the papers that they are on.  Feel free to take them, Sis!”
Returning, Daring Do saw the enormous steel doors simply go to mist again.  She paused long enough to say, “Best of fortune on the paper, Blendin.  It is going to keep you busy, I promise it.”
With a grin, he replied, “I know, Sis.  I do know.  Thanks for the tip.”
Daring Do walked out to the Research Desk and Logged out, showing her copies to the Senior Librarian.  There was no sign behind her of the massive secret doors. Just the ordinary closed stacks.
If Daring Do was walking like nothing of any importance had changed, her mind was racing!  It WAS real!  The Vase, the Heart of ERIS, rather than Discord, was there. The tomb of Im Farst was a fact!
She was pretty sure how to find it too!  That, she had failed to mention to her half brother, Blendin.  Best not to give any possible rumor a root to grow.
Ensconced in the Adventurer’s Guild’s secure communication room, Daring Do tapped up codes on the Secure Magic Net Mirror there.  She was greeted by the surly face of Count Umber.  He still had a plaster on the bruise over his right eye from their earlier altercation.  He reached to cut off the call.
With a smile that could have flash frozen a polar bear, Daring Do said serenely, “Please do, Count.  Princess Luna audits all incoming calls.  When she finds that you cut off a Private Antiquities Emergency call, you will be in so much hot water that you will be lucky to retain your County.  Luna herself gave me this code after the debacle of the Golden Necklace of Pharow Underrock.”
Putting the knife in deeper and twisting, she added, “That was at the same time that she gave you your present work.  It is amazing how much better the Museum Acquisition Policy has become.  I have already been paid for the balance of the Pharow Underrock Collection.”
With a growl that would have done credit to hungry bear, Count Umber put her through.  Princess Luna was sitting in a bath up to her withers, gently fanning her wings in the warm water.  There was a squadron of blue bath duckies hidden by lumps of bubble foam.  They were preparing to ambush a similar squadron of yellow bath duckies.
She looked up from her bath game and said, “What is the problem with the Underrock Collection? Umber has noted that you are calling about it.”
“With due respect, your Highness, he is absolutely wrong.  I am calling about a thing connected to the legal firm of R.O.T.”
Princess Luna sat up suddenly, water cascading off her shoulders.  “COUNT UMBER!  GET OFF THIS LINE!  ALL CALLS ON THIS CODE GROUP ARE ABSOLUTELY PRIVATE!  You were given strict instructions about the call system.  YOU HAVE VIOLATED ONE OF THE MOST BASIC ONES!  We will discuss your position in Canterlot when this call is done!”
She tapped a few codes in her bathroom mirror.  “There.  The nuisance is removed.  By Royal Guards.  Now we are private.  What do you need to discuss?”
“R.O.T. is mounting an expedition to X'ibia, in the far desert regions of the Chineighese Empire.  They are searching for the Heart of Discord.  Their care with priceless antiquities  was shown during the break in at my University office.”
“There have been many expeditions to search for the Heart of Discord, Daring Do.  None has ever succeeded, lending much credence to the notion that it is legendary.  Why are you so concerned now?”
“Because, your Highness, today, doing research at the Great Library, I discovered that the Vase of Wisdom is perfectly real.  Wisdom was Im Farst’s wife, the Dragon Queen of ancient X'ibia.
“How well do you know the writing of that ancient land?”
“Excellently, my dear.  So, what you found is the connection between Eris now and Wisdom, the Dragon Queen then?”
“You do not seem surprised, your Highness.”
“Only saddened that it will arouse such heartbreaking memories in my friend.  We must tell her that the secret is out.  How much more do you know of this matter?”
“I believe that I know where Im Farst’s tomb is.  Wisdom painted a landscape with a weeping dragon and inscribed her eulogy to him.  I have a copy from the Library.  I am fairly sure that it shows the tomb’s hidden location.”
Luna sort of sank into her bath. “You are correct.  We must tell her.  Now.  Together.  I cried with her for many nights when he died.”
Stiffing up, Luna tapped some other codes to the mirror.
The call was answered by an amazingly lovely pony with one perfectly centered cyclops like eye. “ERIS, Inc.!  How may I direct your call please, Princess Luna?”
“Hello, Cy.  I hate to interrupt whatever Eris is doing but I have urgent news for her. Just tell her that Wisdom has been found.  She will know what I mean.”  
“Wisdom has been found.  I will tell her.”
Almost instantly, the mirror switched to show Eris, wearing the silken robes of the Chineighese. An eye as trained as Daring Do’s saw that they were in the style of ancient X'ibia.
There was a copy of the Wisdom Eulogy to Im Farst hung to the wall and both incense and tea being offered before it on an ornate, low table of black wood, richly inlaid with natural woods of many colors.
Eris asked mildly, “Luna, if it was any but you calling, I would have required them to wait.  What do you mean that Wisdom has been found?”
Daring Do spoke up.  “A Shi is supposed to be silent and only indicate gender.  A Shi added to Discord, the dragonequis, makes Eris, that is you.  It also turns the ideogram into Wisdom, the name that you used when you lived your life with Im Farst, whom I see that you still love.”
There was a small tear at Eris’ eye.  “That is true, all of it.  What do I need to know beyond the fact that you found it out?”
“The law firm of R.O.T. is mounting an expedition to X'ibia to locate the Heart of Discord.  Of course, THAT really is legendary, the result of twisting the words of Aleax the Blind to say that you left a Vase, your heart, in his tomb. That is where the legends of the Heart of Discord come from.
“Even with the trickery that they use, they have begun to set up the expedition.  R.O.T. could find the tomb.”
Eris said softly, “Their care with Antiquities is amply shown by the break in at your office.  I see.  What do you need from me?”
Daring Do smiled and replied, “Two sorts of things.  One is your permission to open the tomb and conserve the things in it.  The other is a little more personal. Anything that you can think of that might mess up the R.O.T. expedition and throw them off the trail.”
Eris began to smile hugely around her fang.  “Doctor Do, I know your reputation in detail.  I will trust you to open my love’s tomb and conserve all as well as it can be done.  Expect my document of permission within the hour.  Cy will deliver it in person.
“As for your other request, let us say that I will consider it favorably.
“Now, I have much to attend to, including letting my love know that you are coming.”  The mirror blanked.
Luna’s bath duckies were all joined into a large squadron, attacking the bath bubble foam furiously!  She looked up with a serious face.  “While you were talking to Eris, I set it up with my sister, Celestia.  We are putting your Expedition under the Royal Wing.  
“You mentioned being able to manage the cost.  You will not have to.  We will cover it all with letters of credit and passage permissions that are being prepared now.  Celestia has summoned the Chineighese Ambassador to prepare your documents for free travel and official assistance.  All the papers should arrive in a few hours.  They are addressed to you at the Adventurer’s Guild.”
“Thank you, your Highness.” Daring Do blanked the mirror and emerged from the room.  The waiter from this morning was there, tears in his eyes.  “Our long Guardianship is over.  We have heard from the most exalted one. Wisdom herself has put us at your disposal.  What then shall we do for you?”
Daring Do gave him a deep formal bow and replied, “We will need you still.  There are more than Im Farst to guard.  If you will come with me, I will show you what I mean.”
Deepest concern in his voice, brows drawn in honest worry, he asked, “What will become of Im Farst and all of his things?”
Daring Do replied honestly, “I do not know.  I will gather him and all of those things and they will be given to the Most Exalted Wisdom.  She will then decide what may be kept for study, placed in museums on display and what she will keep for her own.   All will be a gift of my Princesses to Wisdom. This plan has been made and will be kept.”
He needed no thought.  “This is the best that can be hoped for.  He will be reunited with Wisdom. May they find all the joy that can be between Mortal and the Dragon.”
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immediateedgeblr · 4 years
What do regulators say about Immediate Edg
Hi Ross. These are specifically the types of comments we tend to are lookin
July ten, 2019 at a pair of:fourteen pm
Dziekuje bardzo za Twoja opinie – Many thanks very abundant for your opini
I am considering compiling a dossier of their posts and passing it to the Feds.
Whoops – just realised I said ‘nowadays’ is May fifteen. It is of course Could 17
There’s a huge SPAM wave currently, advertising for this scam in Germany and different german speaking countries. They claim, the inventors of this technique were 2 german IT guys who appeared at the german version of shark-tank/dragon’s-den. A fake website, resembling the “Bild”, the most important german tabloid paper tells the potential investors about the TV look and the way the airing of this presentation was allegedly forbidden by the german government, All is pretend, All is lies.
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Hello, I saw a pretend news article with Per Gessle once looking for a approach to form some cash with Bitcoin. Inside there were some links and as you have got said in your review they lead tobwhich was in Swedish. I lost 60zero Euros and that they keep calling me, somebody name Karl Kennerman who sounding terribly convincing till I saw your review regarding Immdiate Edge Reviewand that it's a scam. It’s a shame I did not read it before so it too late for me currently right?
Hello from beautiful Gothenburg Sweden. I also have been cheated out of €one,000 after seeing a fake news article with Per Gessle who said he had a system for making cash with Bitcoin. It’s a shame I didn’t check this review about Immdiate Edge Reviewfirst as now I understand it is a scam. They keep calling me and i refuse to take a position additional till I see some kind of come however I lost everything thus yes you are right these folks are liars and that i feel very 
Hi Hugo, The sad factor is that there are many fake Immdiate Edge Reviewreviews and they are not being truthful about this fake software. I’m sorry you lost your cash. Stephan
With the growing on-line technology like Immediate Edge, scammers are quick increasing.
Scammers never need to waste time.
You know that top risk involves in trading cryptocurrencies.
Thus, not appropriate for all investors over the world.
At the end of this review, you'll realize out if Immdiate Edge Reviewis indeed a scam or not.
Let me begin by introducing this bot to you.
What's Immediate Edge? Immdiate Edge Reviewis like other auto trading robot claiming to assist the investors become billionaire themselves in a very month. Would you agree? I doubt it, however if this can be such a high functioning bot, it may be right.
This tool could be a trading bot for crypto, forex, and binary options. As I observe the web site of Immediate Edge, I see lots of testimonials saying how these people started from rags to riches.
Immdiate Edge Review works based mostly on the algorithm and permits the traders to take a seat and expect the bot to try and do all the work like putting the trade. Even beginners have the same likelihood profiting like the consultants because trades will be set automatically and a lot of usually are additional correct than other bots.
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For a few reviews I browse, they claim that Immdiate Edge Reviewis not a scam and it has a win rate of eighty eightpercent. The same as other trading bots, it's a $250 minimum deposit for you to start trading.
How to begin on Immediate Edge? You cannot trade using Immdiate Edge Reviewwithout creating your account. There is a need for you to sign up free, but there is a minimum requirement of a deposit for you to start trading.
The primary step is to register. At the high of the page of Immdiate Edge Reviewwebsite, you will see the registration form that will need your full name, email address, and phone number, including your country code. Later on, you need to create your password for you to log in then. Afterward, you are now officially created your account. For the second step, deposit an quantity to your account.Just once you created an account, you will be connected to the robot broker to form a deposit. The minimum quantity of investment to start is $250. Simply enter your payment details, and you'll be able to use any of the options given. You'll be able to use your credit card or debit card, Skrill or Klarna. There's also an choice for bank transfer. Alternative currencies other than USD also are on the market such as British Pound, Swiss Franc, and Euro. Once funding your account, you'll begin trading. The third step is that the demo trading.Demo trading isn't perpetually accessible. Its availability depends on the broker that will be connected to you once you sign up. Thus, this step is only an possibility offered for a few and not for others. The fourth step and also the last is to start out your live trading.Even though Immdiate Edge Reviewis an automatic trading bot, you still have to seem for your trading setting to create positive that what’s on it's your preference. Some things that you have got to take note of are the stop loss, investment amount, amount of daily trades to the most, and others. When you are satisfied along with your trading setting, that’s the time that you may currently switch the auto trading button and trade live. Always monitor your losses or your profits.
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No verification system required only payment details. You'll receive the amount withdraw inside 24 hours. No reported hidden fees. Registration is free. There is a probability to earn $950 to over $two 200 during a day. Investment amount starts at a minimal value for only $250. Testimonials of the clients claim to profit in an only very little time. Brokers of Immdiate Edge Revieware said to be reliable. Customer service is unimaginable. Is Immdiate Edge Reviewsafe? This question is just like the querythat a lot of folks invariably raise regarding. Is Immdiate Edge Reviewa scam or legit?
As so much as Immdiate Edge Reviewis a concern, I even have heard several complaints regarding the difficulty in withdrawing cash. It is not shocking because we tend to understand whether or not how it looks if the site is a scam, you'll be able to check its web site and judge on your own.
I started to suppose that Immdiate Edge Reviewis such a losing software; where you invest and lose money. After all, a broker of Immdiate Edge Reviewis known to be involved in an exceedingly scam, and become blacklisted by the FCA and Consob when of failure to present certification. Therefore, my recommendation is to make positive that your onerous-earned cash is well taken care of.
Currently, is Immdiate Edge Reviewa Scam? The answer is yes, based mostly on the subsequent proof:
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Earning $950 to $ two 200 in a day appears to be onerous to believe. Yet, it is the promise of Immediate Edge. You can check the registration page on the website. Please check the picture below. Another proof is that the testimonial section. It will not require a talent nor a skill to determine Delilah Adams. But assume concerning this; she is not a real person. Her image could be a stolen picture from the net. Therefore, the content of the promotional video is cast and copied. Check out the photo below that shows faux testimonials. The third proof says that Immdiate Edge Review app is zero risks which I don’t believe at all. Trading cryptocurrency always has risks. Look at the picture to determine the evidence. Next is that the creator itself. Immdiate Edge Reviewis believed to be created by Edwin James. What's therefore unhappy is that he does not exist in the slightest degree working with any primary cryptocurrency exchanges. Check Binance, Poloniex, Kraken, and Binance and Bittrex. They never heard anything about Edwin James nor something about Immediate Edge.
What is my Verdict? Immdiate Edge Reviewmaybe a scam or not primarily based on the evidence presented. However, some reviews strive to move this bot far from the blame. They're reiterating that it is the broker’s fault and not with the Immediate Edge. You cannot remove the name of the Immdiate Edge Reviewbecause brokers are assigned after signing up and depositing to in the Immdiate Edge Reviewbot.
Additionally, mentioning zero risks in trading cryptocurrency is such a lie. We all recognize that trading crypto is risky. Anyone can attest to that. Then, it claims that there is a ninety eight.nine% success rate which is an overestimation, and perpetually not possible irrespective of how reliable the system is.
Is Immdiate Edge Reviewone of the scammers in the world? Yes or No? (Visit my counseled)
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*Disclaimer: The content on this website is provided for data functions only, and such content isn't supposed for use as, does not constitute, and ought to not be interpreted as skilled advice. You ought to perform your own research and refer to a certified skilled. Individual results could vary. NOTE: Merchandise may be a downloadable e-book, software, video. No physical merchandise will be shipped. After you order, you may get INSTANT ACCESS to download them and every one the bonuses. Product format is adobe acrobat PDF, software, video, that will be viewed on Mac, PC, iPad, iPhone, Android or Kindle.
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tuliprobin71-blog · 4 years
The Most Pervasive Problems In Top 10 Business Email Service Providers In India
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nilealligator · 4 years
sometimes i find a lot of modern-day self-care style psychological beliefs to be ....... absurdly devoid of morality in their focus on self and individual well-being (to the detriment of others)
see below for an insight into my recent existential crises vvv warning not super organized
when i was telling ppl about how im worried abt one of my family members who i care about, i was stressing over how to help her, etc, i was advised by a few people that i can't do everything for her, that i should focus on me, etc. and like, sure to an extent that's true. but to another? i mean, why did nobody at all suggest that i should help her more? that i should try something different? that worrying about her is actually a good thing? and why is my question of "if not me, who?" so easily dismissed? why am i the only one asking that? why is it accepted by others that we may abandon someone, that small suffering on my part (which is dwarfed by hers) is more important than hers, that because i am in control of my own suffering in a way i am not hers (my suffering being caused by concern over and attempts to reduce hers) that i should focus on reducing mine rather than reducing hers, even if there could be a much greater net reduction in suffering for her than me since she's experiencing more.
or when i talk about how my grandmother is experiencing elder abuse by my mother who is caring for her and her many disabilities as she is becoming blind, the advice i get is mostly to just ignore it, move past it, "you can't fix it". and actually, the more i think the more i think i can fix it, i can at least do something, i have to at least do something, the more it disturbs me that the advice i get is mostly focused on how can i put it out of my mind rather than what are the creative ways or just different things i can do to help. i mean no one's even asked or tried to brainstorm ways to help her and that's just... i think such an awful reflection, how can that not even come up, how can it be that it's seen as entirely okay that the first reaction should be "how do you extricate yourself from having to help anyone else?" there is complete dismissal of the idea that i (or anyone) may have an ethical duty to help this person who is almost wholly unable to help herself. and frankly? that makes me p angry. like not necessarily with any one person who says this stuff but with... society as a whole, which is really human nature as a whole, just an existential sort of anger.
and i guess, the central conflict i've been torn over for probably the past 2.5+ years has been: what do we owe others, and what do we owe ourselves? what precisely is our moral duty? 
and i think at least from most of my associations everything has swung much too far towards the idea that we owe others very little to nothing and if we owe anyone anything it is ourselves, we owe ourselves a life of high pleasure and low suffering. the message basically that i get boils down to: if one can choose not to suffer, one should do so so long as you're not directly causing harm to others. indirectly causing harm or causing harm through inaction is seen as entirely morally permissible. in fact going out of your way to reduce suffering in others, when it causes you non-trivial suffering, is seen as a bad thing (even if the suffering you experience in doing so is significantly less than the impact it has)
i just find it really, really disturbing when the main advice of a lot of laypeople or even therapists is uncritically that we don't owe each other anything at all, that we should focus on us, that self-care comes before other-care almost always (exceptions for parents especially mothers of young children). i just think that’s so wrong. and at least for me if i engage in that i have such a deep sense of moral conflict that it honestly outweighs any "stress" that is relieved
and in some ways it really extends to this idea of health (esp “avoidable/preventable” conditions) and life. what are they? do some people deserve more of it than others? what level of jeopardizing your own health or life is okay in order to serve others, is required? and i really think of this if you think of how, among those who are heavily involved with social movements, there is often pressure from others or from the outside to stop or disengage, because this is hurting your career prospects, if you go to jail your life will be foreshortened (according to research, and it’s true), the stress of this will lead to an early death (also borne out in the research). but then, if you don’t, what’s the point? what’s the point of a long life where you play everything “safe” but never actually do anything? and why is your health and life any more valuable than that of anyone you’re trying to help? who gets to be healthy and how do we decide that? how could we all constantly strive for our maximal individual healthy life-years regardless of the impact it may have on others? it really makes you think of people living in poor working conditions with relatively low life expectancies to create products designed to have an incredibly marginal effect on the healthy-life-span of wealthy people who already have a much longer predicted lifespan
or like, if you look at (think dabrowski or frankl) the idea that suffering is an important part of development and morals-making or of "enlightenment", i mean it just doesn't follow for me that the main goal of therapy or help should primarily be to reduce suffering. but that's exactly how it is taken now. for me that stuff just brings me to a sort of existential despondence.
and i'll talk a lot about my guilt complex. and sure, an excess of guilt, guilt for guilt's sake, is no good and doesn't do shit. but i also think of how wealthy people will go into therapists, talk about how guilty they feel, and the therapist's reaction 99999999times:1 is "oh, guilt isn't a productive emotion, let's talk about how to reduce that guilt". and that reduction is never "give away your fucking money" (too simple! we're rich so of course smart and that means we need to use very complex methods to address our very complex emotional needs) but rather a discussion of self-acceptance, acceptance of poverty as something the rich person cannot alleviate wholly and therefore something that they should put out of their mind (read really anything on the psychology of the western wealthy and you will see this play out time after time, even in my discussions with wealthy people they relay the same info from their therapists)
or i dunno this feeds into how especially with our current reimbursement model the conduct of therapy can often really become focused on "how do we get this person 'well enough' to engage in work and being a cog for capital" in a way that is really, really gross and even if a therapist may in the short-term surface view of things improve their client's well-being what negative effects does it have on people as a whole, society as a whole?
as a final note i want to be really clear that just because i may care about reducing suffering of others, i'm not actually sure at all whether im more effective at it than anyone else or whether it's made me reduce more suffering in actuality than i would have otherwise, or whether any of us even has any sort of control at all, even in a small sense, of the suffering of others or control over anything at all. also not all of the examples and such are based on myself but also observation of the advice others get
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embrues · 5 years
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*snoop dog vc* greetings loved ones let’s take another journey.. if you like insomniac boys with shitty pasts who don’t give a good goddamn who GOT that juicy redemption ark then do i have a deal for you ! for one easy payment of a fruit roll-up, you too could have this aforementioned fella !  ( there are absolutely no refunds bc i eat the payment immediately sorry )
☾*✧・゚:*「 lee hoseok ( wonho ). transmale. he/him. 」did you know that there’s a human in seoul named hyun jitae? they have been here for their entire life and they are an officer. they are currently twenty-five and is not a part of the ju jak and does know about the magi. i heard that they are known to be pugnacious, but worry not ! i heard they are also very stalwart too. remember to stay out of trouble, the magi are lurking around every corner ! ( markus, nineteen, he/him, cst. )
tw for transphobia, abuse, in general just some awful parenting, violence and death.
so, let’s start from the beginning, where all full stories rightfully have to. born to a hunter and housewife, he was the third of three children and was the first girl of the family.  his innocence could only last so long with the corruption in his bloodlines, an ancestry of hunters stretching many years through the hyun family and long standing supporters of the ju jak cause. it was a poison that was passed down to each generation when they matured and he would be no different.
his parents had been fairly lax, bringing his twin brothers up, two years his senior, but they toughened up when he was born. jitae was expected to be their picture-perfect child, ideally one who would marry into another family of hunters to keep the lineage going, seek out magi and do as he was told. from a young age, a gender divide was very much enforced upon him ; he was told that pink was for girls, blue was for boys and all the other ridiculous stereotypes. he wasn’t allowed to play with his brothers’ toys, even though he clearly had a much higher interest in them. they insisted on having him wear skirts, even though all he really wanted to do was steal his brothers’ shirts.
his father was always far too busy to be emotionally involved with anything he was up to, his mother, though she held the same ideals as his father did, was much more encouraging – even when he seemed to only want to throw mud outside with his brothers or spend his time sat quietly maneuvering small bugs around his hands. life seemed easier then, and if you ever were to ask he’d like to come back to here, the fragile and comfortable age of five.
at nine, he officially ditches his full name and takes on the shorter, snappier shortening of it, blatantly ignoring anything else. he also ditches a lot that was forced onto him, and begins to slowly tarnish the image that has been built around him – the first step in that is cutting off long, brilliant locks with a pair of safety scissors. ( he’s grounded for a solid month for that particular endeavor after a rather long beating, but they at least take him to a barber to clean up the botched job. )
up until he was about thirteen, the veil over his eyes remained. he’d always been warned to not get to curious what his father got up to in the late hours of the night, or why his brothers always went with him. up until then – and then shit starts to hit the fan when he is thrown head first into long training sessions. he finds comfort in ripped jeans and stolen shirts, cardigans and hoodies have become his safety net. at least, he surmises, he has this one thing that he could have for his own. ( even that was something borrowed, snagged from his brothers’ closets. )  his mother seems to catch on, discreetly leaves recently bought t-shirts sprinkled within his wardrobe. he dyes his hair blonde for a few months, not without strong opposition, before returning to his natural black – he’s experimenting, more than anything else, wants to smash as many of the buttons set in front of him as possible and come into his own instead of the mold he was crammed into. teacher often being an older cousin, or his elder brothers the days his father will allow, endurance and agility training quickly become his daily after-school activity. knives and hand-to-hand combat were his favorite though, each unfortunate mistake earned him a new nick or a bloodied lip when he wasn’t quite fast enough. wasn’t quite good enough. ( even though he resented his father, he wanted him to be proud. )
at fifteen, he starts sneaking out with his elder brothers whenever they can manage. instead of paying attention to their father’s long lectures on preparation and being adaptable, the three sit outside and complain together. his brothers smoke cheap cigarettes that they buy with their minimum wage ; he steals a drag here and there, and makes his brothers swear not to tell. ( he doesn’t really care if they do, though. maybe hopes that they did. )  gets much too competitive during short spars and more than satisfied when he can manage to beat any of his older relatives.
seventeen brings a new form of rebellion, but most notably confusion about his identity. his brothers wholeheartedly accept his requests to refer to him by jitae but his father remained adamant and bigoted in his ways. outbursts aimed at him became frequent, to be dubbed unfit for the family had brought more than feelings of rage within jitae but snapped something he didn’t know he had. halfway through that seventeenth year, he’s arrested for defacing of property. ( he may or may not have painted profanity in bold red letters on some unsuspecting victim’s vehicle. ) in homage to his first arrest, many long summer days spent doing community service.
at eighteen, it seems as if all the world’s anger has seeped into his body. where mischief and joy once lingered, pure hatred for the situation around him blackens his entire being. he starts getting into fistfights, and comes home ( more often than not ) at three in the morning. if his parents wanted to disown him before, they’re on the verge of it now ; they can’t stand who he has become, and it all comes to a very ugly head when he brings a girl home and his parents find out.
everything seems to click into place, somehow working in his favor that makes even his nihilism fall silent. his father gives up the prospect of the short fuse having any use as a hunter, and that’s his chance and he takes it. flees their family home with well wishes from his older brothers who offer him a hand, an out. he politely declined, his pride always more prominent that the two combined. he lives in something like peace, it’s quiet and almost maddeningly so but he maybe can equate that to comfort. eventually manages to get access to hormone therapy, taking up a job as a cashier for some local understaffed business that was understaffed. he manages, daily phone calls to his concerned mother who’s always sure to tell him that his father still does love him. ( fat chance, he’d always butt in before she can finish the phrase. )  
easing into a monotonous pattern of life comes with great difficulty but he does manage, heads to the gym near religiously everyday to work away any stresses. learning to loosen when strangers smile at him, even smiles back some days. things were fine, a little rough but fine. he’s on the cusp of twenty-four when he gets the call from his hysteric mother, his father has been killed. things.. things change then. he heads back home because he cannot abandon his mother there and leave grief to eat away at her. ( like slipping on an old glove- it fits perfectly yet it was unfamiliar. he thinks maybe this is how life truly spits in his face. ) what comes next can only be described as a domino effect.
he takes up the torch, when he knows he shouldn’t and even with the reasoning voices of his brothers. he had fallen back into the cavern he worked so hard to crawl out of, a stout pillar of the ju jak standard all over again. he is certain he doesn’t have the strength to make the climb up a second time. he keeps a pistol holstered to his thigh, a trained eye on everyone around him. heavy circles are a stain under his eyes, the scars that litter the canvas of his body remind of a past almost escaped. ( something screams that this is what he was made for, BORN FOR. NOW HERE’S THE KICKER ; he knows that once he slips, he will not rise & will only greet depravity like an old friend. )
but he doesn’t. with the reappearance of a certain elder hyun, the decision to drop his role as a hunter, fall from the ju jak emerges and it doesn’t take much deliberation on his part. he leaves, abandons the cause and everything he once stood for. (  thought he stood for; CONVINCED himself he stood for. )  joins the police to stand alongside his older brother.
personality-wise ? he’s STILL an absolute shit most of the time, pretty abrasive. y’know, rubs just about everyone and their grandmother the wrong way. he’s aggressively opinionated and he’ll break your goddamn nose if you try to pull any shit on him or his loved ones.
curses like an absolute sailor.. every other word is likely a swear. 
feel free to slide on up into my ims or hit me up on discord for plots ( you might have to give me yours since i don’t think.. you cAN ADD MINE SINCE I DON’T ACTUALLY HAVE A NAME OK IT’S A WHOLE THING )
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fallonbrock07-blog · 5 years
Is the lack of affordable health insurance so bad people have to come on yahoo for advice?
i'm very concerned about the people who come on here for medical advice. some of it is very general, but some of the stuff here should be checked out by a doctor. should yahoo remove this section? i think it's a bit dangerous for people to rely on laymans for medical advice. last time i checked you had 7 years of school to deal with. not to mention the people that have been to the doctors and still come here and ask questions. it's like, why did you even go to the doctors. to me, this seems a bit nuts. or is it just me? I recommend one to try this internet site where one can get quotes from the best companies: http://QUOTES-FOR-INSURANCE.NET Is Arizona's new regulation profiling against individuals without auto insurance and driver's permit? Is Arizonais new legislation racial profiling against individuals without auto insurance and driver's permit? Inexpensive full coverage auto insurance? Would it not be cheap er to place my property is rented by me or just other on my insurance for my automobile. "In case you lay to your new car insurer, what happens?" I had been cancelled for reasons from my arms, seemingly the insurance person did not report I had spoken for them within a conversation. Thus my dealer ended my insurance. Today everywhere I go they would like to charge me far more for termination and I can't get through to my firm to try and have the cancellation revoked. What happens easily say i and connect with another auto insurance firm was n't terminated. I pay ontime there's nothing wrong, are they going to find out about the previous company somehow?" Does insurance compaines address anyone or the car at-fault? The girl that parks alongside me within my residence swiped the side of my vehicle. She is now claiming her buddies park her car occasionally, but she understands she didn't hit on my vehicle. Privately her car is her obligation and I feel just like even though a buddy of hers was parking if the event happend, she's accountable for injuries because its her car. Could she not be irresponsible? If she does not have insurance can I take her to courtroom? And if she comes with insurance might they address this? I even have photographs that are great." Just how much is auto insurance to get a 19-year old? Regular estimate.? Just how much for a 19 who'd one collision? "Have not been paying my car insurance, aid?" PLEASE READ THE WHOLE LOT Okay so long story small, my bank messed up and my car insurance did not receive money for. It was about three or four months ago. And it merely quit every month removing cash from my account, and that I realized I get without insurance and would take my chances. I didnot end anything or it. I had State Farm, and that I realized since I got a new car anyhow I wouldn't bother, but obtaining a new car took considerably longer than than I believed and that I just-ended up finding one recently. Therefore I got a 2000 Buick Park Avenue, it has airbags, all that. It will have a low insurance fee that is reasonably. I have gotten no injuries, although 1 speeding citation. After I called by way of a distinct auto insurance business although, for a quote, they told me it'd be $230 per month. Why is it superior? Is it because I ended paying for my Condition Farm Insurance?" How much do you pay for Tiburon insurance? I've a 2002 Honda Civic coupe but am looking to encourage my parents to check out a 2003 Tiburon. I'm 18 years-old, did the student driver plan that is secure and also have not had any incidents. Furthermore, dad considers that Tiburons are bad cars; I've seen plenty of mixed opinions. Are they trusted cars when compared with a Honda?" Will CT racing ticket result my NYC insurance? I've recently received an out-of-state speeding citation in CT, as well as the stateis coverage is that if you merely pay the ticket (pleading no contest) there'll not be any factors added to your license. Ny, the policy for my property condition, is the fact that state moving violations such as this one does not be recorded out of by the state. My issue is that if so I wouldn't obtain details I were to only spend the solution, would my insurance provider in NYC nevertheless be ready to boost my costs? Could they perhaps figure out? Anyone with a simalar expertise between both of these states could be extremely beneficial" How can I find affordable health insurance for selfemployed? For him and just me we spend $927 a month! He has no medical ailments. I take 3 medicines for despair and anxiety, but its been a lifelong thing, and I involve not psychiatrist or anything, like that, just the meds from my children doctor to keep my compounds degree. May we get guidance, or is there special help for your self-employed? I am 35 and he's 40." Which kind of termlifeinsurance to have? I'm a 23-year old male that has type II diabetes. I've around $40,000 price of debt from student loans, and that I'm going to be marriage in annually. My parents show more" Howmuch may my insurance increase? I got in a fender bender and my car is now totaled, it is because my vehicle is apparently not worth around a but I intend on finding my 02 xg350l set. But regarding the damage is was fully my mistake but I had been merely mentioned no citation, howmuch more can I need to pay considering no ticket was given? I'm 17 that is my wreck and that I live-in Washington if that helps. Thank you." What's the average expense for obligation insurance to get a small-business and exactly what does it incorporate? And what other insurance-do you will need? In ireland by the way Who's the best life-insurance broker/brokerage in Southern California? I am looking to purchase life insurance for my spouse and myself. Everyone know on getting the best option in San Diego state somebody who does an excellent task?" Difficulty getting autoinsurance Florida? Difficulty getting auto insurance California? Vehicle insuranse price with increasing cameras. that is fresh? If autoinsurance is reducing traffic cameras as a result of new rate cameras, redlight running I was wondering, and proper switch cameras are just starting to climb inside the district. Now is this anything the automobile insurance firms take a look at to produce costs for state or town which we live in?" a vehicle that along with insurance is being kept in a garage? I will have my full license next Drive and I was thinking about easily discovered an automobile (before subsequently) and bought it, listed it and authorized it but didn't use it till March (shop it in a rented garage). Easily did this, might I not pay insurance till I go onto the road (I Have read I can have it SORN)? Furthermore, if I did get insurance for it (must something occur to it although itis in storage) could I pay less than what I'd if it were traveling and when therefore, how much of a difference would that be?" Howmuch might insurance be for somebody like me? I've monthly, employment that pays 1300, im 23 years no previous record, old. no credit. Basically it would be my insurance for a vehicle. i reside in minnesota saint paul, howmuch would it not be? My sis says it may be like something or 300 dollars? If u require other data ill tell thanks guys to it" Does anyone learn about function insurance in nigeria? We're ptentially going out for just two days to match a conservatory insurance not holiday but work / lifeinsurance "Can anyone tell me, on average, what household insurance on a dual-wide mobile property is in Indiana?" I live-in Indiana, and am seeking inexpensive home insurance for a dual-wide truck. Does everyone know typically what insurance runs in Indiana?" Is renter's insurance needed for tenants in california? Is renter's insurance necessary for tenants in colorado? What's the top affordable medical insurance for students available? If anyone has any recomendations, I am considering changing my provider and was wandering?" Cheap Car insurance............? My license was only held by im 19 residing in britain for a week now. im being cited 4 and half lavish insurance over a 1.4 civic. That's bullshit. does anybody know an affordable insurance legit one? i need to start driving ASAP. "Life, car, and property insurance inquiries?" The type of lifeinsurance frequently applied as mortgage insurance is: A. decreasing term. N. General life. C. Lifetime. N. homeowners insurance. Costly jewelry is usually covered with a(d): A. umbrella policy. W. replacement cost driver. C. Plan floater. N. Named- coverage that was perils. The U.S. Congress added disability insurance towards the Social Security Act in 19____. A. 35 N. 54 H. 65. 72 this kind of automobile insurance protection could help spend your medical bills, should you were wounded by a reach-and-run driver. A. Uninsured motorist safety B. Complete coverage D. Medical obligations N. Wreck insurance generally of thumb, specialists state that many people that are married must bring ______ times their net pay in life insurance coverage. A. 2 B. 3 H. 4-D. 5" Simply how much is it to cover a lancer evo IX MR? Im 18 your old son wanting to work out how much it is for the car to get a gentleman my age typically for insurance. Is also the fq400 an import? Where could I find medical insurance providers? I am looking to purchase a temporary medical health insurance. I require this health insurance for only a few months and am a student. Would you know health insurance vendors that may enable me, any reliable? Should you might please supply perhaps a cellphone or a site I would actually appreciate it! Thank You" Is the lack of affordable health insurance so bad people have to come on yahoo for advice? i'm very concerned about the people who come on here for medical advice. some of it is very general, but some of the stuff here should be checked out by a doctor. should yahoo remove this section? i think it's a bit dangerous for people to rely on laymans for medical advice. last time i checked you had 7 years of school to deal with. not to mention the people that have been to the doctors and still come here and ask questions. it's like, why did you even go to the doctors. to me, this seems a bit nuts. or is it just me? I recommend one to try this internet site where one can get quotes from the best companies: http://QUOTES-FOR-INSURANCE.NET Why do auto insurance retailers seek to punish people. that is Simple? No body has auto insurance since it is unconstitutional to prove you're purity. Be honest with people and do not buy motor insurance. No one can push my loved ones or me to buy what the are marketing. THE MAIN QUESTION IS: what you think about motor insurance retailers? ." In regards to life insurance policies? Whenever a person could be the main successor & the deceased left debt, does the amount of money will be the successor for spending the debt, responsible or for the outstanding debt turn out first?" Insurance company drug-test to get a lower-rate? I am not dirty at this time, I handed and recently took a drug test today athome. I used to be just thinking what any motor insurance corporation or Farm Bureau Insurance may test for in a youngster whose parents are seeking to get a lowered fee? How intensive might the exam be? Could they check for LSA or LSD? I'm NOT APPEARING AS A MINIMAL! IT'S JUST A PROBLEM! WILL PICK BEST ANSWER! thank you to your support! :)" "HOW MUCH WILL INSURANCE COST ON 1997 1.2 3-DOOR, LTR, 57000 DISTANCE COST? THANKS FOR ADDRESSING BEFOREHAND Fellowship in insurance? What is the opportunity for fellowship in life insurance and standard insurance in asia to begin a career in insurance. Can an insurance carrier know you've a pre existing problem if you don't let them know? Like if I go to a physician on my new insurance provider but-don't tell them I used to be diagnosed as having INCLUDE after I was a kid (the past time I needed medicine because of it was a decade ago), will they have an easy method of discovering?" "Ford Crown Victoria Insurance, and Gas cost?" Foryou crown vic entrepreneurs, I want to buy a 2001 Crown Victoria. Can it be a real gasoline eater? Simply how much you think the inssurance would be to get an 18 yrs old guys? Except as it pertains time to take the rear of them I love them crown vics." Need help with auto insurance? My car insurance was terminated because of no funds on January. I got laid-off and mightn't create the funds. However, used to donot return the plates to rmv and was driving uninsured cuz I had ensure it is to college. I want to have covered again and just recently got work. Nevertheless, Idonot learn how to start the procedure again. When could I get yourself a new menu and what happens when I return price can I pay.where do i pay it should be returned by the plates.where when am I going to manage to get covered again. I reside in Massachusetts. Happily appreciate an answer thanks" Florida automobile insurance premiums planning/gone up?!!!? I'm turning 25 this month and called because i wished to get a new (ideally lower) rate if you are that age and never having any seats or violations. They proceed and quote me anything higher-than what I'm spending! I asked that's exactly what the explained and why. That the state-of California has been hit with higher prices. ~WHY? ~When did this happen? ~Why doesn't have one discussed this? ~Am I the only one being affected? ~Is there anything I will do to reduce my fee? ~So being 25 and having no tickets or violations is now not pointed in regards to motor insurance?? " What exactly does general liability insurance cover for a small business? would like my own personal car insurance, but don't realize who touse?" When I first began driving but then for whatever cause, I'd my very own insurance I subsequently proceeded to my mums. Any kind of providers that are respectable outthere that don't be thus highly priced? Our mother presently pays 562.00 ish with me. I've found myself one like a brand driver for 555.00 together with her. Obviously it's cheaper with her about it. She is officially the master. She's no beliefs or anything and has no-claims, uncertain how many decades and contains another vehicle she uses. Just how much must I expect to pay for? I have been driving for 7 years. Any help will be appreciated." Why does not Barak need people to be capable of get healthinsurance from other claims? Would not more opposition n't be created by this inside the insurance company? Common auto insurance loophole? I've been wanting to get insurance that is basic on my '71 F250 for a time nevertheless the one necessity I don't match may be the fact that I-donot possess a suitable principal automobile/daily driver. My main vehicle is actually a bike which is possible in Arizona but does not qualify accordingto insurance firms regardless. My concern is, can there be a way? My cousin and I share a place and that Iam wondering if I could incorporate his vehicle to my coverage in order to meet up with the principal car/daily driver diploma. Does the car need to be under my title or may I cover it as though it is a loner? Thanks for any insight beforehand." What are the least expensive auto insurance organizations for young motorists? What's the low est priced significant auto insurance corporation for a 19 year old male, with injuries or no violations? Going to be acquiring first auto next couple days and need insurance. Obtaining a considerably older car or truck and so I do not automobile much about comprehensive and such, just need state minimum protection (20/40/15 in IL) to be legal. I've noticed prices from Geico, Gradual and Protected Car. To date, geico has been noticeably the best. I checked numerous types I was considering, on-average progressive was about $100/mo, the Typical and Secure Automobile were around $120 and geico I found the bottom as $45/mo starting as much as $80/mo (but I've already eliminated that automobile- a ford probe that offered before I could testdrive) I'm thinking if anyone knows of any other key organizations with lower premiums, usually I'm naturally using geico. Today my options are down to a mitsu eclipse or even a camry/corrolla/agreement (something of the nature, whatevers about the ton and charged appropriate) The eclipse from geico I believe was around 60-70, I envision the camry wouldbe more inside the 45-50 range. Any organizations with costs lower?" How to get a vehicle with a cheap motor insurance? I'm in need. About How Exactly much might insurance be for this auto? It is a SL. I noticed easily got an alder camaro it would be around $145 per month, but can drop depending on just how long you-go without accidents and tickets. A 1992 Mitsubishi 3000gt SL., so yeah Cheers" "If she lives with me could I fit my girlfriend? Or do we have to be committed?" May I set my sweetheart if she lives with me? Or do we have to become married?" Why does my autoinsurance keep going up? My auto-insurance premium generally seems to keep escalating. I-drive a 2001 Nissan Altima a month, and Iam spending over $250. I've no crashes or racing tickets on my report. the same insurance company is used by us. What is apparently happening?" Where may I get auto-insurance at a reasonable price? My car was offered by me and didn't require autoinsurance year. Now, I Have purchased the insurance company & another auto. Will not guarantee me because I'd a lapse in insurance although used to do not need a-car to include?? I've a valid certificate & a clear driving history. What am I likely to do? I would like collision insurance, although the automobile is paidfor. One co. Presented me liability at the price for wreck!! Silly!" Why is there a disclaimer about the Allstate Auto-Insurance ads that claims Not available in-all states? Afterall, its called Allstate!" Only qualified to receive group insurance? My partner is not only ineligible for group-insurance due to numerous accidents/procedures acquired from sports that are playing. Gains does not be provided by his manager, nor does mine. I had been not unable to have insurance secretly, however they rejected him. What can we do?" "How do we get them to pay, founders insurance refuses to pay for an accident?" my friend got rear ended along with the attack was so serious they shoved to the person facing them-and the vehicle responsible ha pioneers insurance don't pay they've to cover medical charges in addition to the automobile being totaled.they will not answer their phones or return any calls in any way. I looked up the critiques for everybody and the business says they draw...therefore today my issue is currently how do we encourage them to purchase the vehicle and medical bills nothing and its" I would like a good car just like a 1992 - 1997 supra for my automobile. How much will the bonuses cost? Easily excel in my own senior year of college, my parents can by me an automobile! I've done a little of research, and concluded that i would like anything over a Toyota Supra's traces. I am not also considering energy and rushing qualities e.c.t but i love the way in which it looks. A Toyota Celica also seems looks about the cards. As im on the funds of around $15 000Au (Around $20 000 National) i am considering one of many 1992-1997 designs. I am concerened this appears too-good to become genuine, and that I am likely to have to pay for repairs, insurance, energy (Gas) and rego. I've noticed why these automobiles are reliable but I MUST SAY I don't want to have to fund considerable amounts of these bonuses. So basiclly just how much will i probs must purchase these? What other related vehicles is there?" Auto insurance? Where may I obtain the insurance? Car insurance in britain? In britain do if your car is around the garage, you have to pay for auto insurance or off road" Could I get my MOT done without insurance? Our automobile needs an MOT and right-now its over a SORN because im waiting for my pay and so I could possibly get insurance, my problem can be as follows: I am aware that you might want an MOT one which just insure your vehicle but to get my car to its MOT I would need to have it protected? How does this function? Can i obtain away with it or will there be some unique policy I must remove and push without insurance for the garage? Please support." Is the lack of affordable health insurance so bad people have to come on yahoo for advice? i'm very concerned about the people who come on here for medical advice. some of it is very general, but some of the stuff here should be checked out by a doctor. should yahoo remove this section? i think it's a bit dangerous for people to rely on laymans for medical advice. last time i checked you had 7 years of school to deal with. not to mention the people that have been to the doctors and still come here and ask questions. it's like, why did you even go to the doctors. to me, this seems a bit nuts. or is it just me? I recommend one to try this internet site where one can get quotes from the best companies: http://QUOTES-FOR-INSURANCE.NET
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