#but none of my friends can ice skate properly and it takes like an hour and a half to get to the ice rink so we very rarely go
dnps-trashcan · 5 years
no one cares but im going ice skating tomorrow and im so excited 
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Snow Princess
Pairing: Jacob Black x Fem!Reader
Written: January 2nd, 2021
Posted: January 2nd, 2021
Warning: None
Word Count: 1,103
Summary: Returning back to Forks for the holidays, the reader reconnects with her childhood best friend, Jacob.
Jacob Black Masterlist
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"Y/N, we're so glad you could join us!" Your aunt exclaimed, pulling you in for a hug. Quickly, she ushered you towards the room you would be staying in. "Make yourself at home! Dinner will be ready in half an hour."
Nodding your head, you placed your suitcase on the bed as you unzipped it and began putting away your belongings. You had decided that you would stay until you wanted to return home, both your aunt and uncle were ecstatic to have you staying with them. They often see you as the daughter they never had.
Putting your items away, there was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" You called over your shoulder.
"Y/N?" A familiar voice questioned from the doorway. "I...I don't know if you remember me..."
Turning to face the person, you couldn't help the grin that made it's way to your lips. "Of course, I remember you, Jake!" You exclaimed rushing towards him. "How could I forget my childhood best friend?" Throwing your arms around his shoulders, you gently pulled him down to your level that allowed you to hug him.
Chuckling, Jacob wrapped his arms firmly around your waist, gently tugging you firmly against his body, as he buried his face in the crook of your shoulder.
"How've you been?" You questioned as you returned to your previous actions of putting your clothes away.
Jacob let out a heavy sigh before he moved beside you to hand you clothes. "It's....It's complicated."
You rolled your eyes. "What's not complicated?" You giggled.
"Well, there was a girl I had feelings for but she was in love with someone else."
"Oh, no." You spoke gazing at him, your expression filled with sorrow. "That is never easy."
"Yeah..." He breathed out, breaking your gaze and shaking his head.
"Guys, dinner's ready!" Your aunt called from the stairwell.
"Saved by the bell." You giggled, nudging his shoulder gently with his.
"You're telling me." He grinned.
"So you and Jake?" Your aunt questioned, as she made her way beside you.
Sighing, you shook your head. "We're just friends."
"Uh-huh." She spoke. "He doesn't look at you as just friends."
Your jaw fell slack as you snapped your head in her direction. "I...We..."
"You like him." She nudged your shoulder with hers. "I can tell."
You groaned, before placing the book in your hands back on the shelf. "It's....It's complicated."
"Much like he told you?"
"You heard that?" You questioned quirking an eyebrow upwards at her.
She shrugged nonchalantly as she grabbed a book to gaze at. "He likes you too."
"Yeah, well, I'm not sure about that." You huffed. "He was telling me about this love triangle he was in."
"He's not in it now."
"How do you know?"
Playfully she frowned before shrugging her shoulders once again. "A good journalist never reveals their resources."
"But you're not a journalist?" You furrowed your eyebrows together in confusion, before rolling your eyes with a shake of the head.
"Maybe you should give him a chance."
"If he liked me, maybe I would."
"Y/N, can you get the door?" Your aunt called from the kitchen.
Bounding down the stairs, you opened the door. Surprise etched itself along your features.
"Jake? What're you doing here?"
Jacob shifted from foot to foot, as he dropped his gaze to the ground before him. "I...uh... I was wondering if you'd like to go ice skating with me?"
Giggling, you crossed your arms along your chest, as you leaned against the door frame. "Of course, did you mean now or ...?"
"Uh, yes, now if you're available." He nodded furiously.
"Okay, let me get my purse-"
"No!" Jacob exclaimed taking you by surprise. "I mean, no, you won't be needing it."
"Are...Are you sure?" You felt heat dancing along your cheeks.
He hummed in response.
"Auntie -"
"Bye, have fun!" She quickly exclaimed tossing your jacket at you.
Gasping you caught your jacket mid-air. Putting it on, you gasped slightly as she placed her hands on your back and gently pushed you towards Jacob.
Placing his hands on your waist, he prevented you from losing your balance as he guided you onto the porch.
"Thanks." You muttered out.
"No problem." He spoke, clearing his throat. "Let's go, shall we?"
"There's something I haven't told you." You muttered out, as you laced your ice skates up.
"What is it?" He questioned as he moved to assist you.
"I...I'm not a very good ice skater." You muttered, feeling fireworks erupt in your stomach.
Jacob chuckled before gazing at you. "You really think that bothers me?"
You shrugged, feeling heat dance along your cheeks once again as you dropped your gaze to the ground.
Gently grasping your chin between his thumb and forefinger, he forced you to look at him. "Don't worry, I'll help you."
His close proximity, made your breathing becoming ragged, as you glanced at his lips, the thought of wondering how they would feel against yours, crossing your mind.
Taking a deep breath, you were the first to break the intimate moment. "Let's go."
Bolting up, you wobbled as you almost lost your balance, before even touching the ice. Jacob thinking quick on his feet, gripped your forearm gently as helped you steady yourself.
Taking a couple of laps around the ice rink, things seemed to be going well. Neither of you had fallen, the air was light as it was filled with laughter and jokes. Time seemingly flew by while you were with Jacob.
As you were caught up in the conversation with Jacob, you lost your balance causing you to almost fall onto the ice. Luckily, Jacob was quick to catch you before you collided with the ice.
"Don't worry," Jacob whispered in your ear, as his hands stayed planted on your waist, his chest brushing against yours. "I've got you."
Gazing at him, fireworks erupted in your stomach as you pulled away from Jacob slightly, dropping your gaze to his lips.
Before you knew what happened, you were on top of Jacob who was now laying flat against the ice.
Gazing down at Jacob, his expression was etched with surprise. Leaning down, you placed your lips on his. They felt as you had thought they would. With widened eyes, you pulled away from him, before you began apologizing rapidly.
Cutting you off he laced his hand in your hair, before gently tugging you down towards him. Kissing you properly, he nipped at your bottom lip.
Pulling away, you rested your forehead against his, as you panted.
"We should get out of here."
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acciowests · 3 years
From Lorcan With Love
SUMMARY: A "From Lukov With Love" inspired ice hockey x figure skating AU featuring Lorcan Salvaterre and Elide Lochan from "Throne Of Glass"
Lorcan and Rowan arrive early for training and walk in on a figure skater finishing her session. It isn't until she falls that Lorcan rushes forward, helping up the woman he learns is called Elide and immediately begins to fall for her charms.
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"You know, you didn't have to wake me up this early, right?" Rowan drawled as they pulled into the Orynth Rink parking lot. With their first game of the season taking place next Friday, Lorcan Salvaterre - Goalkeeper of the Terrasen High Hawks - had booked out the rink for three whole hours of practice. Along with being Lorcan's best friend, Rowan Whitethorn was also the captain of the Hawks, their school's ice hockey team. Despite having napped for most of their journey, Rowan's brows were furrowed in a tired frown, his lips in a thin line as he stretched in his seat.
The capital's Ice Rink mainly housed ice skating: including singles figure skating, pairs ice dancing, as well as the annual sectional competitions and sometimes the national one also. None of that meant much to Lorcan, he just knew the Orynth Rink also showcased professional Hockey Teams, such as the Orynth Stags; a team he had dreamt of being a part of since he started his ice hockey journey at seven-years-old.
"Stop complaining, old man," Lorcan chuckled, smirking at the silver-haired boy. "Get the bags from the trunk will you?"
Sticking up his middle finger noncommittally, letting it fall into his lap, Rowan climbed out of the car, rounding toward the back of the vehicle. Lorcan switched off the engine and stepped outside. Grabbing the gym bag full of their gear, Rowan hauled it over his shoulder as Lorcan locked the car, the two boys walking through the parking lot and toward the rink.
The changing room was empty, as Lorcan expected, and the two boys changed in comfortable silence. They pulled on their team jerseys: deep green with silver writing that displayed their name and number. Paired with sweatpants and their elbow and shoulder pads, as well as their shin guards, the boys shoved their bags into the lockers, along with their phones, and headed out to the rink. Walking off the ice with skates on had always felt weird, even with the skate guards that protected the blade. Heading down into the stadium, Lorcan's eyes locked onto the lone figure skater within the rink. The clock overhead told him she still had fifteen minutes left, which meant he and Rowan had fifteen minutes of waiting.
Slumping down into a seat, Lorcan set his elbows against his knees, leaning forward and watching the petite, raven-haired girl dance across the ice. Beside him, Rowan drummed his feet lazily, Lorcan ignoring him completely as he listened to the sound of her blade across the ice.
When, and if, he saw figure skaters, they were always wearing glittery costumes in shades of reds, purples and blues. And though he was sure most skaters did dress down for practice, the girl before him looked like she dressed in the dark. Which, if she had booked a three hour practise, she just might have. Ignoring the grey leggings and burgundy sweater showing a Perranth Skating Club logo, she skated as though she was in front of thousands. Each turn was sharp but smooth, each of her jumps or leaps landing perfectly - to Lorcan's untrained eye, anyway.
"I was thinking we could do some new drills. As captain, I reckon we have a good shot this season. I think we could rank high, come out on top," Rowan started, interrupting Lorcan's gaze.
"Right, yeah. If the others even get here," Lorcan sighed, not that he minded. He was much enjoying his time watching the beautiful skater.
"Chill out, Lor. There's still five minutes, they'll be here," Rowan insisted, nudging Lorcan's shoulder.
Shrugging, Lorcan turned to face the rink, just in time to watch the skater turn back into a jump. She took off from the back outside edge of her skate, using her toe pick to help her spin twice, and just as her foot hit the ice, her ankle gave way. An echoing thud rang out around them as she hit the floor, her thigh and butt slamming down onto the ice as she fell.
Before he even realised what he was doing, Lorcan stood, rushing down the rows of seats and towards the rink. Removing his skate guards and tossing them to the side, Lorcan stepped onto the ice, skating over to the girl who was now curled up, a hand against her thigh and stretching a leg out before her.
"Hey, you okay?" Lorcan called, coming to a stop beside her and offering her a hand, "That looked like a pretty nasty fall."
The girl chuckled, rubbing her thigh once more and taking his hand. Her palm was surprisingly soft, cold enough to send a shiver through him as she gripped tightly. Hoisting her up, Lorcan didn't miss the wince that slipped between her lips. Before he could say anything, she shook her head, "It's fine, it's just my ankle."
As she stood before him, Lorcan tried not to smirk at the immense height difference between them. At least a whole foot. Instead, he just nodded, "Well, that jump looked pretty hard. From what I've seen you're a pretty good skater. You shouldn't let one fall get you down."
"Not good enough. I should be able to do that jump in my sleep. There's no way I'm going to win sectionals like this," she sighed, running a hand through her hair. Her left hand, Lorcan realised, was still in his. She hadn't put her ankle back down onto the ice, instead, she rested it against her other foot, off the ground where there was no pressure on it.
"What happened? Is it just a strain?" Lorcan asked, hoping he wasn't being too curious. His eyes were drawn to the flush of her cheeks, bright red against the pale shading of the rest of her face. With her mop of black hair against glowing skin, she looked ethereal.
"I wish," she scoffed, "No, I broke it a few years ago and it never healed properly. I lost my axel completely, had to relearn my entire program and make all the moves easier. I already lost regionals, I can't afford to lose sectionals too," she explained, her chest rising and falling.
"Well, how long until sectionals? Maybe with some assistance, and physiotherapy on your ankle, you might be able to win?" Lorcan suggested, watching the girl's eyebrows slowly furrow as she looked up at him. They were thick and black, arching over her face and defining it fiercely.
"You don't know when sectionals are?" she asked, as though it was the most obvious question in the world.
Lorcan chuckled, shaking his head, "Oh, no. I'm not a skater. I play ice hockey."
The girl blinked, her eyes widening, "Oh... Oh my god, I'm so sorry. You probably have no idea what I was just talking about, do you?"
Lorcan couldn't help but laugh, loving the way the girl's lips curled into a smile as he did so, "No, but it's fine. I can tell you're very dedicated. I'm Lorcan, by the way, Terrasen High Hawks."
"Terrasen High? Wait, Lorcan as in Lorcan Salvaterre?" she asked, brows raising. Lorcan knew he recognised her. He could have sworn she was in the year below him, he would remember her face anywhere.
"The one and only. You're a junior, right?" he replied, helping her skate back across the rink and toward the entrance. She reached for her skate guards as he remained on the ice. Slipping his hand to her elbow, he helped her balance as she stepped back onto the stone ground.
"Right. Elide Lochan, Perranth skating club," she smiled, sticking her hand out. Lorcan shook it happily, loving the warmth that radiated from her like electricity.
"Perranth is lucky to have you represent them," Lorcan smirked, biting down on his bottom lip. There was something about the girl before him, something that made him feel completely giddy inside. If his teammates saw him like this...
Elide rolled her eyes. Chocolate, Lorcan noticed, the perfect shade of swirly hazelnut. "Now you're just being kind!" she laughed, a melodic sound that he wished he could capture forever, "Thanks, by the way, for helping me up. I probably would have just laid there until my session was over."
Lorcan grinned, something he didn't do too often, "Well, you're lucky I was here. Couldn't have you catching a cold, can we?  I heard hypothermia is a killer."
Pressing her lips together, Elide shook her head slowly, "No, I suppose we can't."
With an obnoxious slam, the doors to the rink swung open. The remainder of his team poured out, dressed and ready for their training session. A blur of green and silver, plus the grey, black and navy blue of Adidas sweatpants. Gavriel was at the front, the oldest on the team, his golden hair tied back in a bun and a grin on his face as he reached Rowan.
Rowan stood, patting Gavriel's shoulder and moving down the rows of chairs. "Lorcan," he called, heading toward the equipment cupboard in the corner of the rink, "Help me get the stuff out!"
They always borrowed sticks and pucks from whatever rink they were training at. Lorcan only used his own stick for final games, an object of good luck. They would also have to drag the goals out, setting them up to actually have something to shoot at.
Offering Lorcan a smile, Elide stepped back, rocking on her good foot, "So, I guess I'll see you around then?"
If he had his phone to hand, he would have asked for her number right there and then. But, he didn't. As she turned to walk up the steps toward the changing rooms, Lorcan called, "We have a game next Friday, will you be there?"
Elide stopped, looking over her shoulder and smirking, "Depends, are you inviting me?"
Pushing down the chuckle that tickled his throat, Lorcan nodded, "I am, and maybe we could hang out afterwards... Just the two of us?"
"Sure, sounds fun. See you Friday, then," Elide confirmed, turning almost immediately and rushing up the stairs.
Lorcan watched until she completely disappeared from view. He could smell the cinnamon and elderberries scent that lingered in her wake. Elide Lochan. Friday couldn't come sooner.
* * *
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lcnelyinthesky · 4 years
i don’t know - yamaguchi x reader
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a/n: hello darlin, i feel empty. heres sad yams.
genre: angst
warnings: none
word count: 1.3k
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“I don’t know.” He had said that about ten times in the last hour, not that you were counting. His face was completely void and his fists were balled in the pockets of his jacket. His eyes refused to meet yours. 
“Well you need to figure it out.” Tears absent-mindedly streamed down your cheeks, the hot water landing on your crossed arms being the only thing that kept you present. “Do you actually love me or are you too scared of me not being here?”
“I-” Yamaguchi started speaking but stopped himself. He turned around and walked a few more feet from you, sitting on the ledge of a fountain that stood around twenty meters from where you two were on the grass. He didn’t say another word
The sun had set in the small park you and your boyfriend frequented. The temperature dropped and the leaves on the tree you two had coined as yours rustled loudly in the coming wind. No one else was around; it was just you, Yamaguchi Tadashi, and the looming presence of the end.
Whenever it had been decided that your Thursday date night was going to be a picnic, you went to this park. You both sat under a large oak tree and on top of a quilt passed down from your grandmother. This specific spot was a bit higher than the rest of the area, allowing you to see every inch of the controlled biodiversity around you. Everything from beautiful areas of flowers with vibrant colors and present smells to swing sets with layers upon layers of kids voices and giggles--it all harmonized perfectly with the late summer air. It was a perfect little oasis for the two of you. The small, quaint area played to the child in you, and going to sit under that huge tree was a small safe haven.
But today, the kids were all gone. The flowers were all dull. The safety was gone. 
Yamaguchi stared at the floor and watched as his grey shoes kicked up tiny pieces of broken cement. His light blue jeans were stained with droplets of water but he was completely silent. He couldn’t say anything if he tried.
“Tell me what I'm doing wrong, ‘Dashi. I can’t fix it if I don’t know what it is.” Your chest and throat were hot and tight. Your stomach was in knots. He said nothing.
“Please, let us fix this, love. I'm trying so hard and I know you're hurting, let me help.” Your voice was raising and your fingernails dug crescents into your palm. He said nothing.
“God Tadashi! Talk to me!” You crumbled and fell to the floor, the grass on the ground feeling like needles against your crawling skin. Tears started to flow more freely. He said nothing.
“Come on, ‘Dashi, talk to me!” You giggled at your boyfriend as he erupted in laughter, taking fistfuls of the quilt you were sitting on to stabilize himself. 
“The ball came right at him and he didn’t move at all! You should've seen how far he flew, baby! Tsukki lost it!” Yamaguchi continued to laugh at the memory. The tips of his ears and apples of his cheeks turned bright red, giving the most beautiful background to his freckles. As he calmed down, you looked deeply into his eyes, telling him when he looked at you again
“You’re so cute, ‘Dashi.”
“I’m here to help you. That’s the place I wanted myself to have. Why do you shut down around me?” You grabbed a fistful of grass as you cried, punching your fist into the dirt out of anger. He said nothing.
“I’m here to help you.” You held Tadashi in your arms, feeling as the shoulder of your shirt became damp from his eyes. “You can cry, my love.” 
He was put in to serve at a match that day and didn’t do the greatest. The anxiety got to him and he broke down, throwing the ball too high and not hitting it properly on the way down. After the match, you walked home together as you always did, stopping at the park to watch the sun go down on your way.
You both sat down under the tree and he crumbled in your arms, tears dripping down his face in anger and disappointment.
“No one is mad at you. There’s always next time. It’s okay.” You stroked his olive hair as you whispered in his ear, noting the way he choked on incoming air, trying to calm himself down. 
“What are you scared of, Tadashi?” He spoke this time.
“I don’t know.”
“Uhmmm, I don't know. Why don't you pick?” Yamaguchi had the TV remote pressed against his lips as he scrolled through movies on Netflix, neither of you having made a decision despite looking for half an hour.
“If I pick it'll be a romcom, you know that.” You snatched the remote out of his hands and clicked on the movie Candy Jar, even though you had seen it about five times already. You situated your legs to be intertwined with his, moving your foot to tickle the underside of his. Your head found its place on his shoulder and you interlaced your fingers. You were both comfortable and content and at home in the others presence, and you both knew it didn’t matter what you watched--you’d be telling random stories over anything. 
“I need you to know.” Your eyes fixated on his frame at the same time his did yours. He looked far more distraught than you remembered, now noticing the way his hands trembled as he played with his fingers, trying to distract himself from the situation. 
“I’m confused.” His voice was small and quiet, but you were paying too much attention to let it slide. 
“Wait, I’m confused, which foot do I start with?” You held onto Tadashi’s forearms for dear life, keeping him steady until he got his footing.
“It doesn't matter, just push yourself with one and glide with the other.” You let go when he seemed more confident, skating a few feet ahead as a demonstration. He had never been ice skating before, and you were determined to teach him how. 
About an hour into it, after his pants had been firmly covered in shaved ice and water, he got the hang of it, talking to you as you both comfortably moved forward. This was the first time you really got to spend time together, and your combined awkwardness halted the groove you had over text, but you were both so enthralled with the other that the rocky parts didn’t matter. 
You just giggled and talked and enjoyed the other person's presence, the looming worry going in and out of existence.
“Confused about what?” Your eyebrows furrowed, wanting an answer and knowing you wouldn’t get an in-depth one.
“Us? Like as a group, right?” You spoke to your friend during class, making plans to get ice cream later that day. You had asked out Yamaguchi the day before, and you were both so nervous around each other that any interaction made your stomach flip. “Yeah, after school. Don’t worry, you won’t be alone with him for too long, it’ll be fine.” However, that turned out to be a lie. You sat across from Yamaguchi as he drank a chocolate milkshake, hands playing with the lid and making it spill; more than once. Tsukishima was sitting behind you, but what you didn’t know was he sent signals to the other boy about what he could say.
Yamaguchi’s worry was endearing though, and it made you break out a bit more, going on tangent after tangent about music and shows you enjoyed. 
“Do you want to break up with me?” Your voice stayed steady, even though your heart broke at the thought of him being gone. He became such a beacon of light in your life, and the thought of one less green-haired dork felt like the end of the world.
“I-” He stuttered, making your heart race faster and faster the longer he stalled, “I don’t know.”
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zashamalkin · 4 years
Translation of Anna Kasterova’s live interview on 5/29/20.
Thanks to my amazing Gino Anon, the entire interview is translated below the cut. Final word count, btw, is 2405 so like, send big thanks their way. Holy shit! 
Anna got sick few days before the interview. Not covid, just a cold, that later turned into otitis. It was very painful, but now she’s feeling way better, though she still has some trouble hearing with her left ear. They talk a bit about the weather in Miami (it’s been raining there for a few days, but it’s still pretty hot). Igor asks if they’re allowed to swim during the quarantine. Anna says that the 1/ 
beaches were recently open, but there are obviously rules about keeping the safe distance. “Is Zhenya a good swimmer?” “Yeah, he’s great. He’s spending a lot of time with Nikita, teaching him how to swim. More in the pool though, than in the ocean.” “How do you and Zhenya feel about the latest news in NHL?” “I think, the idea is pretty good. Everyone has been waiting on some news about this season. I asked Zhenya if he preferred for the season to be cancelled. He said, he wanted to finish it 2/ 
properly. This season has been great for him, he’s in a great shape. And even though he hasn’t been skating for 2 months, he’s still been training pretty hard, running, roller skating and he didn’t lose his shape.” She thinks everything is turning pretty good so far and it’s great that the teams will have a time for training camps and a chance to go to playoffs.“In your opinion, were the players mentally prepared to continue the season?” “I think, those, who genuinely want to go to playoffs, 3/ 
have been working very hard to be ready, when the time comes. But, for sure, there are some players, who spent more time relaxing, rather than training. A lot of teams are asking their players to come back and start training on the ice and not all of the players follow their instructions.” “What are the rules about practice right now? Are they allowed to train in groups or…?” “There are no details about it yet. It haven’t even been decided yet, what cities will be chosen as Hub cities. So far 4/ 
the coaches are asking players to stay in shape. They have video calls together, where they go through different footage every time. But, as far as I understand, the organization and the coaching staff are ready for the players to come back.” “How do the players feel about the new rules for playoffs this season?” “No negative feelings. They’ve been under a lot of mental pressure, not knowing anything about the season and the playoffs. Everything seems pretty logical and they’re very happy to 5/ 
get back on ice and to have a chance to fight for SC.” “Is there any inside information about what cities will be chosen as Hubs?” “No one knows anything for sure. But I know that they’re very carefully considering epidemiological situation in the cities and will choose the safest options. ” *I SUCK at translating hockey terminology from Russian to English, so I’m sorry if anything is incorrect.* “Do you think it would’ve been fairer to include the numbers of “play-in” (I have no idea what he 6/ 
means by “play-in”) as well as the Robin Rounds into the statistics of regular season? Because it would give the players, like Ovechkin and Panarin, and Malkin to gain more points.” “It’s a very difficult question. But I’m sure NHL and NHLPA have gone over all the possible scenarios and have chosen the best one.” “How has Geno been handling the quarantine?” “He’s been very calm and collected. He’s been doing great mentally, smiling and cracking jokes, and keeping us safe and happy.” “Why did 7/
your family (meaning Geno, Anna and Nikita) decide to do a covid testing in early April?” “I had a pneumonia in November and wanted to find out for myself, if it was covid-induced, if I had any antibodies for the virus. But all the testing came back negative. None of us had it.” “What books did you and Zhenya read during the quarantine?” “Zhenya likes to read fantasy books. He’s been reading “Quantum Warrior: The Future of the Mind” by John Kehoe.” “Does he read in English?” “No, in English 8/
he’s mostly watching TV shows.” “I was very impressed by the story, that after his 1st season in NHL, Zhenya hired Russian language and literature teacher.” “He’s had a lot of free time these past 2 months and he’s hired 2 tutors: English language tutor to work on his grammar and Russian language tutor. (*Sorry, I don’t know if I need to explain this, but Geno obviously knows how to speak Russian. What I think Anna means here, is that the pronunciation of the words in Russian changes depending9/
on where the person is from. Every region has its own accent. I think, what Geno is trying to do, is lose his Magnitogorsk accent and start to speak clearer Russian, like ppl in Moscow of St. Petersburg do.*) He has classes with his tutors Monday to Friday. I’m very happy for him.” One of Geno’s friends in Russia has been robbed recently. Igor is asking Anna, if they ever considered buying a gun, since it’s allowed in US. Anna says no, they feel safe and they live a good neighborhood. She 10/
doesn’t think it necessary or appropriate. They talk a bit about Ovi’s second child being born recently and if Geno and Anna are planning on having a second child any time soon. “Of course, we wouldn’t mind having another child. If it happens, we’ll be very happy. I would like to have a girl, though.” “What’s the best way to describe Zhenya’s and Ovechkin’s relationships today? Are they friends or rivals” “Both. And healthy rivalry is very important in order to reach their personal goals.” 11/
“When Caps and Pens play each other, is it possible for them to go have dinner after.” “No.” “What can you say about the relationships between Zhenya and Sidney Crosby? When we talked with Zhenya last year, he said very nice and kind things about him. Even though Zhenya is in Sid’s shadow a lot of the time.” “I can talk about it for hours. They push each other and make each other stronger. But they also can step in and do more than anyone, when the other is hurt and not playing. Off the ice, 12/
they are very good friends and they support each other. Have I ever thought about what his life would be like, if he was the only star player in a team? I think, he’d be the best player in the whole NHL. He’s very intelligent in terms of building a game, always plans 2-3 steps ahead. He’s very fearless in his game, very talented and vey multilateral player. He’s very unique. They won together THREE STANLEY CUPS! No one's saying Crosby is less talented. He’s an incredible player, he works very13/
hard every day. They are 2 number 1 players in this team. If Zhenya ever asked me if I’d like him to play in New York, f/e, I’d say, no. Pittsburgh is his city, his home. And management and coaching staff are also a very important part of team success. The relationship inside the team is very important. And Pens are the best in that, imo.” “You two watched Super Bowl at Sid’s place. What’s it like there?” “It’s a tradition. Every year Sid invites the team with their wifes/gfs/kids to watch 14/
Super Bowl. His gf Kathy does all the cooking. She’s a very geart person, very hospitable. *omg, this is the first time I hear any1 talking about Sid’s gf 😀, aww* Everyone on the team is very open, very kind, they are great guys. It’s the best thing about Pens. So we’re always happy to accept Sid’s invitation and we always have a great time.” “Do you want Nikita to become a hockey player?” “We’re not gonna push him to it. If it’s something he wants, sure. But I have big plans for his 15/
education. I’d like him to know 2 languages, (English) and Russian, especially grammar, not just being able to speak it freely. I’m studying with him and for an almost 4 yo he already knows quite a lot. And it’s always very hard for a child of a parent, who has achieved so much, to surpass that kind of success. And I don’t want my son to have this kind of pressure on him. I don’t want him to be known solely as “Malkin’s son”. For me it’s very important for him to get a good education and to 16/
choose his path in life.” “Talking about the tv series about Michael Jordan, would you like a bio series to be shot about Zhenya?” “I know he wants to act, in a tv series or in a movie. He talked about it many times. As for a biopic, of course I would like that. He has a huge success story. A man from a simple, working class family. It’s very expensive to play hockey. And he was so talented even in a young age, that his coaches would sometimes bring him a puck, or a stick, or a uniform, for 17/
free. Add to that a story about him finally getting to NHL.” “Zhenya said once in an interview, that you fight sometimes about him not being open enough w/ you, not sharing his problems etc. Has it changed during the quarantine?” “Everything’s been great during quarantine. During the season, he’s under a lot of pressure and always takes it hard if the team loses or if he doesn’t score. Right now he’s very calm and happy, and everything is great.” A question about a conflict around Geno having18/
a USA passport (a lot of people in Russia, his celebrity friends especially, weren’t happy with that, and judged him for that). What does Anna think about it? “He’s a patriot. He loves his country and his city. We were in a hopeless situation, when I needed to get all the documents ready ASAP, and we needed to get married, and him having a US passport would speed that up. You could say, he did it for me. On the other hand, America is his 2nd home. He spends here more time than in Russia. He’s19/
been working here for years. Why is that such a big problem? It’s not like he turned his back on Russia or anything.” Then she talked about Geno’s donation to families in Magnitogorsk, who suffered bc of explosion that happened there in December 2018, and how much he gives to his community in Russia, that ppl don’t know about, bc he prefers not to advertise it. Then Igor keeps asking political questions and Anna is getting more and more irritated by them. Geno publicly supported Putin’s 20/
reelection whenever that was, and interviewer is asking whether him having an American passport is appropriate, considering that he’s a part of Putin team? “Why is it inappropriate? America and Russia are not enemies. Yes, there are some unresolved political issues. They are 2 huge countries, of course they will always feel threatened by each other. But I don’t see any serious political confrontation. Maybe bc we’re in US right now. But Zhenya has a great respect for his president. *bleh, I 21/
don’t like Putin. I know, she has to say nice things about him, bc as long as Geno is a part of Team Russia and wants to have a life in Russia, they can’t be openly against him. But both Geno and Anna don’t strike me as ppl, who will support Putin’s ideals. Sorry for me butting in w/ my opinion*” Question about Geno’s new diet after 18-19 season. “He never drinks alcohol during season. He doesn’t eat potatoes anymore. It’s very hard to cook him a soup w/o any potatoes in it. No sweet things,22/
no gluten. Now before games, he eats gluten-free pasta.” “Is he very superstitious? Do you try to wean him off some of them?” “No, if it makes him feel comfortable, why would I do that?” She declined to name any of them, bc it’s a personal thing for Geno. “Do you put in any work in Zhenya’s image and style?” “I think so, a bit. His sense of style has become better, his taste in literature.” “Zhenya’s favorite music?” “Russian pop-music mostly.” Question about Geno’s gaming habits. Anna 23/
doesn’t try to control him or tell him not to play, bc for him these computer games are a way to relax. She doesn’t mind. It’s his personal time. He doesn’t have his computer in Miami, so he found another way to spend time – studying with his tutors. Question about Olympics. “Yes, he’d like to win a gold medal with Team Russia, when the time comes.” He doesn’t feel jealous about Datsyuk or Kovalchuk, who have an Olympic gold. “Do you think, Zhenya’s last hockey season before retirement will 24/
be in Magnitogorsk?” “Sure, I don’t see why not. He’s very grateful for everything Metallurg gave him and it would seem logical for him to come back there before retiring.” “What is Zhenya’s biggest motivation right now?” “He’s very self-critical (she means Geno’s words about his skills in 18-19 season). He always has a high bar for himself and je always tries to reach it.” Question about Geno reaching 1000 pts. “It was a very big moment for us and a big win for him. He was very inspired 25/
by it and it gave him a lot of self-confidence.” ‘Was Zhenya mad about not making NHL’s 100 players list?” “I was. I was very angry. But he knows his value and what he’s achieved as a player. But it was very strange for me.” “Who do you think Zhenya wil be after his career ends? And how will your life together change? Will you spend more time in Russia or in US?” “It’s a tough question. I imagine a house by the lake, in Russia, with kids and, later, grandkids. With a big fireplace. I think, 26/
after finishing his career, we’d like to travel a bit. But I don’t know. It’s something you should ask him.”
72 notes · View notes
drunk-onsunlight · 3 years
Day #4 of Promptmas
Chapter 4:  Look out the window at that storm
Ice skating date? Cute coffee shop I found online and passed the address to Peter so he could take MJ there. Spidey finally meets Black Cat in person, or something like that.
Chapter 1: Beautiful what’s your hurry?
Chapter 2: I’ll hold your hands (they’re just like ice)
Chapter 3: Mind if move in closer?
Concept: Ice Skating
Dialogue: “If you sing Jingle Bells one more time…” & “Do you mind?” “What? I’m cold”
December 20th
The day was particularly cold and MJ was trying not to kill Peter. He was on his tenth time humming Jingle Bells and it was just 9am. MJ opened the curtains and took a look outside, the snow was falling down slowly. She loved the view of the city she grew up in during winter season. The phone on her pocket vibrated with a new message, her friend was informing her about that guy that was bothering MJ so much, people saw her as a villain when she was trying to help the city. Not that she cared what people thought about her, maybe they will found out one day. She needs to make a plan for tonight, she can’t let them create whatever they are trying to do If that implies hurting people, innocent people like her friend.
“Michelle?” she had been so distracted by her message that she didn’t notice Peter calling her name
“Parker?” She placed her phone back on her pocket and turned around to face Peter. He was standing in the middle of the living room looking at her with an expression she couldn’t read properly
“What would you say if I tell you that I want to go ice skating… with you” the invitation took MJ off guard but she actually liked the idea
“yeah. Why not? Is Morgan going?” Was this a friendly invitation or actually was Morgan going and he still wanted them to bond even more?
“No, she is not coming. But if you want to invite her…” She really liked Morgan but she wanted to spend some quality time with Peter. Uni, Black Cat and her part time job ended up in not seeing her roommate a lot and she missed spending time with the loser.
“No. It’s fine. What if we go grab something to eat and then go ice skating?”
“Rockefeller Center?”
“There is no better place to go ice skating than Rockefeller Center, loser.” It was close to 10am, while they found something to eat it could be close to midday and maybe they could walk to Manhattan to be there late afternoon and finally ice skate together.
“I want to show you a place I found. I think you’ll love it” Peter’s eyes were shining with excitement.
“Then let’s go” They gathered their belongings and went out to the cold day.
They were walking quietly when she heard a little sound next to her, a mumbling of a song. Oh, no. not again.
“Peter, if you sing Jingle Bells one more time I swear to god I will push you while skating and I’m making sure you die” it wasn’t the fact that he was humming the song, it was that she seriously hated the song.
“Why you hate Christmas carols so much?”
“I don’t hate all of those but that specific one doesn’t make any sense. It’s the same verse over and over again” Peter didn’t say anything, he just looked at her for a few seconds and kept walking. They fell into a comfortable silence, MJ loved that. At first when they moved together there was awkward silences that none of them knew how to fill, but now it was different. They could be studying at 1am in complete silence, just the sound of their keyboards and the company was enough, no words needed.
“Here we are” Peter stopped on a corner. There was a really nice looking coffee shop there.
“Mighty Oak Roasters?” she didn’t recognized the name and when she took a look inside, she noticed a normal cafeteria with a particular bar and a huge machine on the back corner
“Yeap. Come on in!” he held the door for her and she moved inside the coffee shop
“Bar or table?”
“Bar” Not that she was thinking about how a date with Peter would be in this exact same place he picked for her, not sure why just yet but sitting with him at the bar made her feel more like a friendly thing and not the image she totally could see in her mind on one of the tables
“Welcome to Mighty Oak Roasters. What do you want to drink?” A very nice girl asked them with her sight on a small notebook on her hand. The huge menu was right in front of her behind the bar hanging on the wall
“Is our first time here so what do you recommend us?” Peter spoke first making the girl look at him
“Well… the coffee shop is focused on vegan pastries and using freshly roasted beans for coffee and self-sustaining tea” the girl was looking between Peter and her. Every time the waitress looked at Peter she stumbled over her words and tended to blush, MJ have seen that reaction many times. Peter was a handsome man, she wasn’t blind, she noticed him since high school and saw him grew up into a man, a handsome one for the matter. But above the whole situation with the waitress, MJ was very impressed. Peter knew MJ so well that he found this vegan self-sustaining place.
“Can you bring me matcha latte, please?”
“For me a mocha, please” Peter didn’t even looked at the menu, he was focused on MJ. He knew how to read her after so many years
“I’m impressed, Parker”
“I knew you would like the place” he was very proud of himself
“Not you first time here, right? You didn’t even look at the menu to order” his confidence dropped a little but kept it cool
“I found the place one day, it looked nice and searched for it later” that wasn’t the full story, MJ knew that much but she wasn’t pushing it either.
The tea was amazing and according with Peter, his mocha was pretty good too. They chatted while on the coffee shop about how their part time jobs were going. MJ decided to finally tell Peter about that photoshoot an agent had offered her to do and he was very surprise but supportive. He told her about how his job in The Bugle was demanding more of him, he never spoke about his famous Spider-Man pictures so she never asked. She told him about a few cases they were working on the lawyer’s firm with a new guy called Harry Osborn and his awful attempts of flirting with her.
The hours passed and soon it was afternoon so they decided to go to the ice rink. It was a half an hour walk, just to give it time for the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree to light up. When they finally arrived it was late afternoon, the air was colder than before and she could see lots of families already ice skating in the rink.
“You ready?” Peter turned around to talk to her. He wasn’t wearing a scarf given that he gave his to the snowman they built with Morgan, but he didn’t seem cold. He looked perfectly fine while she was very cold, she kind of missed wearing her leather suit beneath her clothes
“I was born ready, Parker” MJ knew that phrase always made Peter laugh
“oh. Get out of here!” she loved when he tried to mock her while trying to hide his laugh
It wasn’t the first time they went ice skating but it was the first time alone, they always went with Ned and Betty and even May. Peter was a little clumsy at first but after ten minutes he managed to do a little flip without MJ having to lift him off the ground. MJ used a little bit of her Black Cat abilities to show off. While Peter moved around trying to do his flip, she was skating backwards when she decided to show Peter something she used as Black Cat.
“Hey, loser. I’m going to do a little something over there. Try not to kill yourself while I do that, ok?”
“I’m not gonna die! Maybe I will do another few flips over here”
MJ skated backwards again, gain speed as she went around the rink without stop looking at Peter. Suddenly she opened her arms, then used her left toe to turn while lifting her right foot from the floor, that caused her to turn around in the air once and land on the outside edge of her left foot smoothly, then stopped in front of Peter with an easy smile.
“How did you do that?” Peter was looking at her like she had grown two more heads
“Saw it on an article about ice skating flips and seemed easy enough to try it” It wasn’t an easy flip, she knew that but she did that flip every once in a while when swinging through the buildings, it was easy to do that while trying to escape. The rope attached to her hip making her perfectly stabilized, her high heels allowing her to turn around once and land sometimes on another building, sometimes on the next corner of the same one.
“Easy?  If I try that I probably end up breaking my neck”
“Yeap, you are too clumsy for those things, loser”
They kept trying to do more flips for about half an hour with Peter falling to do most of them and MJ laughing while he seated on the floor.
“Peter you are a mess! You’re going to be all bruised tomorrow. We should go home and get some rest”
“Sounds like a very good idea. Now can you help me stand up and stop laughing?”
“Why? Is really fun to see you trying to get up on your own”
“Okay! Fine!!!” She took his hand and helped him get up. They moved to the door where they have left their shoes and put them back on. The ride home was full of laughter from MJ and lots of blushes from Peter. They got home by 8, they reheated the pizzas they made from the night before and watched some TV on the living room.
“I think I’m going to sleep. I’m tired. Thanks by the way, the coffee shop and the ice skating, I needed that”
“Any time, MJ. Sleep tight”
“And take care of those bruises, loser”
“will do”
She headed to her room and closed the door behind her. She checked her phone to see if her little friend was fine or if he had any news. She just had a new message from him “u comin’?” She was tired but she also needed to check on him, the situation was getting worst by the second. She replied a quick “yes. Stay safe” and putted her leather suit on. She looked herself in the mirror while adjusting her silver wig and black mask on, she looked exhausted but this was more important, she could sleep tomorrow, she didn’t have any plans after all.
She checked that nobody could see her and then climbed out her window. Her belt had everything she needed for her little mission.  She climbed the wall and got to the rooftop of her own building. She saved her claws, the same ones she used to climb walls, and searched for her phone do a quick call
“Hi, Em. Where are you?” He was the only one that knew her real name and that was dangerous enough
“I’m going out but I need you to tell me what you saw or heard to go safe” it wasn’t time to do small talk and he knew it
“Prowler, something about some equipment to improve his damage on the city, something big Em. But in small amounts so it doesn’t call anyone attention. He was going to take the money tonight to a new place”
“Commodore Barry Park at eleven thirty. But please, be careful”
“Like always. I will text you when I have the money”
“Bye Em. Take care”
She ended the call and threw her rope to the next building. She wasn’t as fast as Spider-Man was with his webs but the rope did perfectly fine and she used more the claws to climb than any other artifact she carried with her. She started moving to Brooklyn as fast as she could, she knew the park and knew that it didn’t have lots of places to hide a group of people with weird costumes on. It was going to be an easy task to find them.
She was at the park at eleven, the place was surprisingly empty, maybe it was the low temperature, she was freezing too. She decided to make a round on the park, she moved between the trees, her black leather suit helped her to hide on the shadows, but her wig made it a little more difficult so she needed to think where the moon was placed so her hair could camouflage with the moon.
She found a place above a small building that was near the park and soon she saw the Prowler walking through the park and placed himself under a big tree. If she moved quickly, she could take the money and run without making a big show. When she started moving closer to the Prowler she heard an explosion close to them. The prowler rolled his eyes and spoke to some kind of intercom but she could hear what he was speaking. A few seconds later a second figure with four mechanical arms appeared to her right, his suit was simple, like a mechanical octopus. Too late to get the money from the Prowler now, she will have to do the same from a few days ago, go directly to the warehouse and take the money from there.
A second louder thud shook the three where she was and now she could see the source of the sounds. Rhino was running to the small park and of course, spider-Man was after him. The Prowler and the Octopus man exchanged a look and then turned around and moved to opposite sides. The Prowler walked under the tree she was so she took her chance and jumped right behind him.
“I have heard a lot about you, Prowler” She always tried to change her voice when being Black Cat. He turned around to see her.
“Cat, you are not a myth then”
“I can be a nightmare if you want me to” She walked around him and put her chest closer to his back, she placed her right hand on his shoulder and moved down his arm, when she got to the bag in his hand she moved quickly. She pressed the little button on her palm and her claws popped out, her left hand was on his neck and her right was holding the briefcase handle. A third thud sounded, but this time Rhino took a tree to the ground with him. Prowler saw Spider-Man first so he released the briefcase and ran past Rhino.
“You own me Cat!” the Prowler screamed and looked back at her. His scream made Spider-Man look at her, the robotic eyes in his mask moved like he was trying to focus on her.
“Damn it” MJ cursed under her breath. She didn’t want Spider-Man involved in any of her business. His distraction made Rhino run away but he didn’t follow him, he started moving to her.
“You must be the famous Black Cat, right?” she could tell that he was changing his voice an octave lower, just like she changed her voice but she didn’t care who he was in real life
“If I’m famous then I’m not doing my job well enough” she needed to escape with the money so she started to use her most useful weapon, her charm. She wasn’t an idiot, the leather suit made all her curves stand out, her long legs with high heels made her taller than most men and she used all she could to escape from situations like this one without hurting anyone
“Well, famous for me. I have being searching for you, some petty theft, you are on and off the scene, not making big deals or causing lots of trouble. Wonder why” he knew basic information about her, she could handle that
“Well, I know more about you” she moved closer to him. She was taller than him for very little, maybe without heels he was taller, just maybe “you are an Avenger, one of the old ones. Not as old as Thor or Iron Man but old enough to have their respect. Very close to Iron Man, Doctor Strange and Capitan America. Connections with Wakanda because you are kind of a genius and you probably have rejected bigger projects to keep an eye on New York, so you probably live close too. And half the journalist love you, the other half hates you” She have studied him, there wasn’t enough information but what she got was enough to set him off
“Now I’m ashamed I don’t know any more information about you” he was following the conversation how she needed it to go. She moved to his back, let the briefcase on the grass and placed her hands on his waist
“Do you mind?” Spider-Man flinched at her touch and tried to move away from her. She could feel his hard muscles under the red and black suit
“What? I’m cold and you seem hot enough to help me warm up” she spoke to his ear and she felt him flinch. One of her claws climbed up his arm
“Easy Cat, those claws don’t seem friendly” she had to laugh at that. He knew what she was doing and she was ready to run away if necessary
“Just like those web shooters, I have seen what they can do”
“That’s why you are standing behind me?”
“Very good. You are a genius after all” she heard a little laugh behind his mask but his robotic eyes didn’t show any emotion
“Just very observant. Learned from a friend” she thought about Peter, how at first she observed him all the time and with the time, he learned to look around and take mental notes for later. He appreciated that tip as a photographer with The Bugle
“Very useful. So I should stop all this and just go, right? No need to distract you. Too smart and observant for that, Spidey” She grabbed the briefcase from the grass and started moving to a corner of the park
“Just one question before you go”
“Shoot” She walked backwards not running but not giving him a chance to get her
“Why are you Spider-Man and not a regular citizen?” she didn’t wait for the answer. She threw her rope to a nearby building and did the same flip she had done early on the ice rink. The toe of her foot gave her the impulse to jump while her other leg spun her around on its own axis to land on the corner of the building the rope was holding onto. With her claws she climbed the wall and searched for Spider-Man but didn’t find him.
She made her way home close to 1am. As soon as she arrived, she took her suit of along with her wig and mask, the briefcase was next to her window. She tried to be really quiet, she didn’t wanted to wake Peter up. She put on one of Peter’s shirts she had stolen from him a lot time ago. It was one of his science pun shirts and she liked the soft fabric and maybe the fact that when she took it, it smelled like Peter.
She was lying down on her bed, tired of the day but couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t stop thinking about Spider-Man and Peter. Spidey was nothing like Peter but at the same time there was something familiar with him, something that made her think about Peter when she touched him, when he question her for her actions and when he didn’t answer back to her.
“God, I need to sleep. I’m mixing everything up and that’s definitely not good” She spoke softly to the celling. Thinking about Peter was kind of an issue, but comparing Spider-Man and Peter was insane. Peter had clumsy movements when Spidey was agile in every one of his. Peter was shy while Spidey openly flirted with her. Peter had a strong moral compass while Spidey let her go even when he though she was a thief. They were totally different and she was just wasting time thinking about them.
Thanks to @spiderman-homecomeme fro the amazing opportunity to write :3
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rika-kihira · 5 years
Rika Kihira x Gutto sports
A while ago Rika appeared in a Japanese tv program. The program was pretty long and unfortunately a full video of it isn’t available at the moment. However the program, cut in 6 parts, was uploaded on drive and translated by @juronom on twitter. 
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Translation of the most interesting parts, done by Juro, please do not repost without credit.  Part 1:  Gutto Sport presenters commented that Rika is smaller in height than what her aura gives off. They ask Takeshi Honda and Akiko Suzuki about their shared skating experience with Rika.
T: We skated together at Kandai rink, so I meet her almost every day. I just met her yesterday too.
R: I lost count how many times I greet you already *laugh*
TH: She’s like *comes up to me* “Konnichiwa” (Hello), then skate away, then come back and “Konnichiwa” again.
A questionnaire with Rika on what she thought was her best weapon?
Upper left: Maintain positivity Lower left: No edge error Right: 3A (no 1)
The secret of her 3A:
- “The type that hasn’t been seen until now”-Takeshi Honda
- Comparison with legendary 3A by Japanese ladies:
o Midori Ito: height that can be comparable to men’s 3A
o Mao Asada: beautiful air position (vertical jumping posture)
o Rika Kihira: quick rotation, clear-cut (neat, sharp) 3A => allows her landing to be relaxed&free
On what she used as reference for her jumps:
“In the past, I used to refer to male skaters’ method of jumping quads, etc, carefully observe them. Then I always looked at Mao-chan’s amazing 3A as well. Recently, I rely on observation of) my own best condition, how much of the intensity of (practice) it can handle. Something like “When my muscles are at this condition, I should practice increase the intensity of my practice (practice many times).” On the other hand, if on that day, my jumps are off, I’d stop and let my body return (to its good condition) properly.”
Physical check: the secret why Rika can rotate so fast?
According to Prof Sakurai Tomono- researching on the mechanism of athletes’ muscles: her hip and thigh muscles can contract quickly.
Experiment for Rika: measuring the distance of one’s bunny hop from a kneeling position.
Average for boys: 41cm; girls: 20cm
Rika’s distance was 65cm
Part 2 
Another secret: Rika is very “obsessed” with her skates (including blades)
She brought the pair she was using at the moment to the set.
Each of Her skating boots, (like other skaters’), is meticulously customized. When the skates first arrived, she had to adjust the blades’ position and angle, how much they lean forward or backward, towards one side or another etc, by herself carefully. She couldn’t say she could adjust them to their perfect condition, but she tried her best to tune them to as convenient a position as possible for her skating, millimeter by millimeter. Not only the position, but the gap between boots and blades are also controlled. Even if the gap is one 1mm wider or narrower, her skating can be affected greatly, to the extent that she could either do 30 3As in one day or none with the boots.
It takes more than 2 weeks to get used to a new pair.
Presenter asked why she couldn’t keep using the same pair.
It’s because the leather will soften, especially at the area around laces. Rika said when there’re some leather materials coming off around that area, she can’t jump at all. She changed boots around every 3 months, and since the boots take 3 weeks to be produced, she couldn’t change to a new pair immediately, and must notice when the pair in use shows some signs of softening.
The presenters need to stop Rika before she talks forever about her skating boots-her obsession.
Rika: “And then, recently, this part…” Everyone laughs: “She honestly can stop”
Questionnaire with Rika:
What does Rika have on her mind: 100% figure skating.
Takeshi Honda’s question: “Rika, is that really ok?”
It’s about her socks.
Skaters generally stick certain types of specially made socks produced by 1 brand when competing, but Rika is ok with any types of socks and doesn’t mind if her socks are ankle-length or longer. She just grabbed a random pair if she forgot her socks. (t/n: she’s actually using the kind of cute socks sold at tutu-ana (1000yen for 3 pairs) or gift shops lollll)
Akiko Suzuki’s question:
Akiko noticed that at ice shows, before eating, Rika always quickly takes photo before eating, but not in the manner suitable for posting food photos on SNS. Akiko thinks she did it to calculate nutrition value.
Rika: “After a day, I calculate my total calories intake. Combini food has calories value on them, but I don’t know the values for every separate item, so I took photos of everything, then calculate the amount later”.
Presenter: Is it hard to maintain (athletic) body form?
Rika: “Yes, I try as hard as I can. Even if I lose weight (or gain weight). If I lose too much weight, I can’t jump.”
Presenter: As a 17-year-old girl, you may want to eat things like sweets, drink tapioca tea etc…?
Rika: “Well technically I can, but when I eat things like cake or tapioca, which still adds to the amount of calories intake, meat, or such is still important, so I need to eat food that can be converted into energy correctly. If I eat cake or tapioca, my diet’s efficiency will be tampered with.”
Presenter: You can’t even after winning?
Rika: “But still, I still eat the food that can be converted to energy…”
Presenter: “Pizza and cola?”
Rika: *shake her head vigorously*
“If I sleep with an unfilled stomach, I feel like my muscles aren’t there. There are times when I was thinking about whether to get dinner or not, or just only eat the meat properly (not carbs), and then I felt like my muscles decrease, so I concluded that I must properly eat dinner anyways.”
Part 3
Coach Hamada rating Rika:
“She is very disciplined. Her practice ability is very good, and she always has the drive to improve herself. Not in a reckless but proper way.” Scoring (from upper left going right)
- Comprehensiveness (4)
- Linguistic ability (2):  “I wish she could handle English questions in interview sessions or press-conferences. Since she is competing internationally, it’d be nice if her linguistic ability could be improved. Also, she may have more and more international friends, and international fans.”
- Performing ability (4)
- Decisiveness (4)
- Athleticism (5)
- Narcissist power(3) (t/n: lol what =)) but sorry it wasn’t mentioned at all)
- Talkativeness (2): “She doesn’t talk much. I’ve never heard her jokes”
- Humor (2)
- Girliness(4): “She has good sense of fashion, how to coordinate clothes.”
- Considerateness (4): “At ice shows, she always immediately wears and takes photos with all the presents from fans. She wants to send her gratitude to fans, and tell everyone she is really happy with the gifts, which she can’t do often.”
Rika: “Yes, I’m bad (at English). There are many times I want to tell (international fans) “I’m very happy that you support me”, but I don’t know how to. So I just *raise both hands and wave nervously while saying “hai (yes)” and nodding*”
Figure skating’s This and That – presented by Satoko Miyahara.
Top 3 Figure skating truths by Satoko
1. I’m very embarrassed when messing up the stsq.
2. I fight time difference (jet lag) every day.
3. I only forget important things. (Satoko’s story about losing her Olympics ID)
On practicing with Satoko:
Rika: “I practice with her almost every day.”
Presenter: So do you talk?
Rika: “Yes, but for things irrelevant to skating. Satoko normally said things like “I forgot my CD >_<”. Satoko-chan is really interesting”
Figure skating truths by Rika
1. What does she think throughout a 4-min performance?
“There’re many things I think about. For instance: “The axel is coming up next”; “It’s bad if I overdo this part”; “I can’t miss this axel”; “If I made mistake on this jump, all the jumps I landed until now will become meaningless”.
Asked about whether she had entered a “zone”, where she wasn’t thinking anything but everything went well.
“In the past, that happened to me a lot too, but recently, sometimes I don’t think when performing, and there’s excitement too. However, when looking at and understand the real event happening, and thinking that “I don’t want to repeat the mistakes I’ve made until now” …then (that thought) appears in front of me, and in my head, then I’d think that “I don’t want to this (repeat the mistake)” and reconfirm the jumps. When I jump, it’s unconscious reflex, but I think about my surrounding, my own conditions or even my nervousness.”
Presenter: It’s the positive feelings of being able to see everything.
Rika: “Yes, it’s like that”.
Part 4
Choreography challenge with Ryouga Haruhi (t/n: Ryouga is known for playing male role in Takarazuka Revenue, a Japanese all-female musical theater troupe)
The program discussed the role of expression.
Presenter asked Rika what she does as supplement to her expression in figure skating.
Rika: “I do classical ballet around 2-3 hours/week, and I also go to dance school”
Presenter: Dance school? Like rock dance and hiphop?
Rika: “Yes, things like hiphop.”
*show vid of her practicing dance in the US *
Rika: “This is the dance lesson I had in the US, but normally, I have dance lessons that use more hip-hop-like music and more strong movements.”
Everyone complimented on her (and Satoko’s) beautiful movement.
Rika wanted to ask Ryoga about the way she and Takarazuka actresses use their expression, how they pose, and the angle of their faces.
Ryoga explained that expressions showed of male and female roles are opposite: soft and flexible vs cool, then she proceeded to give “posing” lesson. She showed the movement patterns of: female role, lower-class male role and upper-class male role.
Rika was asked to do the movement of “lower-class man” then “upper-class man” (the one with hand on her face) and she managed very well, receiving compliments from the presenters. Part 5
About the Nobeyama Kougen training camp, known as the place where “Golden-eggs” of Japan figure skating are assembled. Notable alumni: Mao Asada, Yuzuru Hanyu, Takeshi Honda, Shizuka Arakawa, Rika Kihira.
The training camp is 4 days long, with various training sessions from 8am-9.30pm. The camp’s purpose is to evaluate and search for skaters with potential and to check their living attitude as well, like how they conform to curfews, etc. Rika went to the camp 3 years ago, and she said it was very tough.
Rika: “(Being there), you have to worry about whether you will be seeded or if you will be assigned to any competition, and then there’ll be new comers…so in every aspect, you have no way but show you are the best one. Even off-ice physical checking is so tough, squatting/ running around etc, that on the next day, I can’t even move my legs or climb the stairs, but still have to perform programs.”
Presenter: Do you want to go back?
Rika: “Maybe”
Akiko said being there makes you realize she was hand-picked from among all skating children in Japan. That really changes her working attitude and elevates her determination.
Video about legendary 3A by Midori Ito, done 1 minute before the end of her program at 1992 Olympics. The 3A has become the trail-blazer for future generations.
Rika: “I don’t think I can do 3A in the latter half at all. It’s already so tough to have it as the 2nd or 3rd jump but I don’t think I’ve ever tried jumping it 1 minute before the end of the program.”
Part 6
Rika’s impression of Midori Ito: “I experienced challenging 3A but failing in competitions. The first time I met her, she comforted me: “Ahh 3A is very difficult. Though it’s difficult, I really support you”, such kind actions.”
Presenter: But you haven’t got any chance to talk to her leisurely
Rika: “No, I haven’t”
Presenter: Let’s do it now ^^
Rika: “Heeehhh”
Midori Ito appeared: “You’ve worked hard” (to Rika)
“I’m so happy. You even remember the 1st time we met. That makes me so happy.”
Rika: “I do remember”
Midori: “Really?”
“It’s amazing. You can jump it (3A) stably now” to Rika.
Midori said she contemplated whether to do 3Lz or 3A when she was spinning in that program, then decided to do 3A. She asked Rika: “If you made mistake on the 1st 3A, do you think about the 2nd time?”
Rika: ”Well, but I’ve not thought about it in the latter half, really, (3A) in the latter half it’s sugoii…”
Midori’s secret for her super high 3A is to “skate with all her power at top speed”. Because she entered 3A at a very high speed, she can get to that height. She described that method of jumping 3A is like: “Doing long jump (a athletic sport) but rotating at the same time” (t/n: Rika’s face loll)
Rika said she didn’t jump 3A at top speed because she can’t control her axis.
Midori: “However, in my generation, we just focus on doing our jumps at high speed, but in Kihira-san’s generation, the programs have to be beautiful as whole, and in such programs, there is 3A. It’s a generation that (3A) isn’t effective if the programs aren’t beautiful itself. It’s amazing that there are beautiful programs but at the same time allow to do 3A efficiently.” *looks at Rika* Rika is very happy to receive advice from Midori. Rika: “With this experience, I will try harder and harder every day in order to create a sense of stability. Then, I must perform quads cleanly too.”
Midori’s advice to Rika: “She’s very serious. She is already going forward while staying fixated to her goal. So, *looks at Rika* try to keep yourself in good health. You can’t suddenly jump triples or quads. You can’t say you’ll be free of injury at all, but you have to make compromises with injury and your body conditions. When you’re injured, there’re things you can’t do, so..but then, it’s vital to harmonize things you haven’t done and your techniques. It’ll be nice if you can try to balance those things. I hope that you’ll try your best.”
Rika’s aims: “This season, my first goal is to aim for the podium at the World championship, which I couldn’t do last season. Then, I will make my best effort every day towards my biggest dream of winning the Beijing Olympics.”
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lostincalum · 5 years
A Million Different Kisses- Shawn Mendes
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AN: Heyyy, it me, im back with some Shawn Mendes for you guys :) this is purely fluff btw
Word Count: 1700 (roughly)
TW: None, like stated above, purely fluff 
Shoutout? yes, obvs to @burncrashbromance for being the absolute G and proofreading for me 
Your first kiss with Shawn comes unexpectedly. Not because you don’t want it, but it all happens so fast that you almost forget to react. You are at one of his hockey games, a really important one. It has all of the college scouts and important people. And as you watch Shawn step into the role of captain, you get more and more hypnotised by the way he skates across the ice rink, leading an offensive or pushing for the rest of the team to go back to defensive. But most of all, you can see him watching you every time he scores.
As his best friend, you have been to almost all of his games, and this one looks so good on him, better than all the others. And still you don’t realise how your proud smile affects him. How your jumping up when he either assists or scores makes him all warm inside. When the tense game full of body checks and bruises ends, and he and his team come out as the victors, all he can think of is you.
Per usual you head for the exit, with Aliyah in tow still talking about how epic the game was as you walk towards the wardrobes.
“Wanna wait here with me?”
It’s a statement, but it comes out as more of a question, and you’re even more surprised when she shakes her head.
“Nahh, I’ll wait in the car, if that’s alright by you?” She says with a glint in her eyes.
“Sure, just don’t put the keys in the ignition, it drains the battery.” You tell her as you hand her the keys to your hopeless, old car.
Shortly after she has walked away, your phone vibrates with a new message from Shawn.
-Come out to the rink?
You find your way to the main entrance, only to see Shawn stuck in conversation with what looks like an important suited up man.
Silently you stand by and watch as the last of the stragglers file out of the arena, and it’s only Shawn, his coach and you left, with the important looking man. When you see them shake hands for the last time, you slowly walk over to him.
“Good game Mendes!”
At once he turns around and sees you, and you see that he has changed out of his match clothes, except for the jersey. He quickly runs up to you, take you in his arms and spins you around, enticing giggles from you. It has to be his favourite sound in the world. When he finally sets you down, he keeps his arms around your waist. And for a second there is something that looks like hesitation in his eyes, before his hands wander up to your face. You are about to ask him if there is anything wrong as his eyes flicker between yours. Then he carefully leans down and places a soft kiss on your lips.
And for a second he feels your entire body stiffen, like he feared, and he is about to pull away, but then he feels your hands cover his. You stand up on the tip of your toes to reach better. You build up the courage to deepen the kiss, but the vibrating in your back pocket distracts you.
“Mmh, Shawn-” You try to pull away, and he starts to smile against your lips.
“Yeah, just- one more” He says in between soft, short kisses.
Putting your hands on his chest, you push him slightly away to pull up your phone. When you see Aaliyah's contact photo, you quickly swipe answer.
“Yes, we’ll be there in a second”.
“If you say so, lovebirds”.
She answers back and hangs up.
On a hot summer day, you and Shawn, after a month into the relationship, are finally going out on your first official date. He decided to take you somewhere completely different than the skate rink. So the beach it is. Of course he would choose the beach, he is too much of a boy not to.
So you throw on a nice fitting bikini and head to the beach, in his car this time, since yours finally broke down and currently is in the shop. When you get there, it is already filled with people. However, he manages to convince you to go just a little further, behind a rock formation, until you find a perfectly secluded part, where you lay down your blankets.
“Wanna go for a swim?” He asks as he pulls off his t- shirt.
“Yeah, sure” You answer as you copy his actions and start to strip of your singlet and shorts.
Before you’re done, he has run into the ocean, plunging himself under as you near the shore. Carefully you walk until you’re waist deep and goosebumps have risen on your skin.  
“God it’s cold”.
Shawn smiles at you as he swims closer, with a glint in his eyes. You recognise it as a mischievous look, and slowly start backing up towards the sand again.
“Why are you backing away babe?”
And you can just tell that he is up to no good.
Swiftly he jumps up and brings his arms forwards, making the cold water hit you like a wall. And you freeze in place, letting all the water drip down on you as he laughs his ass off. At least until you gather yourself and take a good look at him, with his mouth open as he laughs and water is dripping down his chiseled frame. It all stops when you send a wall of water for him yourself, making him cough as he gets water in his mouth.
“You’re gonna pay for that, so hard”.
That’s how you spend the next 20 minutes, just splashing each other and trying to shove the other underneath the surface. You stop for a second when you find yourself in his arms, his cheeks coloured pink and smile broad.
“Did you know you’re really cute?”
You tell him as you press a tiny kiss to the tip of his nose, and the tint to his cheeks spreads down his neck. He gives your nose a quick peck.
Shawn is tired when he comes home from practice. You can tell by the way his shoulders slump and the bag full of hockey gear stays on the hallway floor.
Three months have passed and both of you have just started college. Luckily you got into the same one, even though you would have given long distance a chance.
“You good babe?” You ask as your nose is buried in a book about human anatomy. It’s not that you don’t care, but anatomy is possibly the worst subject.
“Noo, I have another essay to hand in and I haven’t even started it”.
At this you get up and walk into the tiny kitchen to look at him, properly.
“Have you started it?” The inquiry is quiet as you start to reheat the dinner from last night for him, as he takes big gulps of water from a glass.
“No, that’s the worst part, i forgot about it, until before practice”, He almost groans.
The microwave dings, and you retrieve the plate and put it in his hands.
“Well, eat first, then work on your essay, sound like a plan?”
He nods, and starts to practically inhale his dinner. You sit back down at the table and look at him as he is trying to both pull his laptop out of his bag and eat at the same time. Smiling to yourself, you look down at your own schoolwork. After a while of sitting quietly, with only the tapping of keyboard keys making noise, you feel something stroke past your calf. And it would be cheesy to say, but you could feel your shoulders drop, the frown on your forehead cease, all because he gave you a simple touch. A few more hours pass, and you finish your work.
“Hey, I’m gonna head to bed, if you don’t need anything”, You yawn.
“Okay, I’ll just put in my last sources and then I’ll be there”, is the response you get.
Placing a soft kiss on the top of his head, you walk to the bathroom to finish your nightly routine. Leaving the light on in your bedroom, you scroll through tomorrow’s schedule as you fall down on the bed, and crawl under the covers.
You’re almost asleep when the bed dips beside you. A sure sign that Shawn has finally put away his laptop. He bounces you, unintentionally, a few more times, before his arms snake around your waist. You turn around in his embrace until you’re facing him and put an arm over his waist. You fall asleep like that, with his arms around you and lips on your forehead. And if you wake up like that too, it’s nobody’s business besides yours.
Shawn gets up early in the morning for a jog almost every day. Today is no exception. However he always gets back to you, so he can drive the both of you to campus at 10 am, each tuesday.
When he has showered and you are still eating breakfast, he asks what you’ve got scheduled for the day, when you answer just classes, he smiles.
In the car you play music while he jams along, of course in his new Jeep. You both sold your old cars to get one newer, but it all works out. Arriving is always a bother, at least when Shawn is, well, Shawn. The best freshman hockey player in ages. When he parks the car, you both get out, fetch your backpack from the back seats and head for the right buildings.
Time comes for both of you to split ways and head to your respective classes. You’re two steps away when he calls out for you.
“I forgot to kiss you goodbye”, he says with a fake pout.  
“Come here then, idiot”, you answer with fond sass.
He places himself in front of you, and much like your first kiss, he places both hands on the sides of your face and pull you towards him. Meeting him in the middle you kiss him back and just when you think he is going to deepen the kiss, he pulls away with a wink, and saunters off to class. There are a million different kisses in your relationship, but these are the ones you will always cherish.
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Skating Skates - 2020 Part 8
The next installment for THIS FIC - it won’t make any sense unless you’re read the first 9k. And I’ll update AO3 when this chapter is properly finished (i.e. Part 8 and 9 together).
2020 Part 8
           The group chat blows up of course, and he sends them a quick message simply saying it was time. He doesn’t need all of their nosey beaks poking around, or worse cock-blocking him by turning up on his door; he takes the time to give Shitty a quick call to head that off. He turns his phone back onto silent and ignores it. His parents arrive on Saturday in time for brunch and he’s glad for their presence, keeping him occupied and distracted. While they’re out a few people approach to ask for autographs, usually from both him and his dad, but it’s not as bad as he thought it might be. At least people are still wanting his autograph. He guesses that people probably won’t walk up and say shit to his face, especially when he’s with his family.
         They get supplies from the store to make dinner and he tries to not think about how quiet it’s going to be when they all leave tomorrow. Instead he tries to stay present, lets his mom take photos of him and Annelise preparing dinner and posts them on her Instagram. His dad puts the Sven antlers on and chases Annelise around pretending to be a bull despite her screeching that reindeer don’t chase people. His mom takes over the cooking and his dad joins her and he watches them move together with the practice of years.
         Dinner is delicious and he wishes his parents lived closer, because it’s definitely a meal that his trainer would approve of, but he can ever seem to make anything taste this good. He remembers the pie and pulls it out, smiles at the memory of Eric’s horrified look when he’d gone to put the fruit pie in the fridge last night. Sacrilege apparently. He serves it up, allowing himself a small sliver, while he gives everyone else decent sized wedges along with the last of the ice-cream in his freezer.
         “Mmm, this pie is wonderful! Where did you buy it?”
         “Ah, my um… neighbor made it.”
         “Mr Eric! He lives with Uncle Lexi!”
         Jack scrunches up his face, because of course he can’t be subtle or keep something from his parents when Annelise just blurts stuff out like that. His dad is looking a bit confused, but his mother says something under her breath in French which he doesn’t quite catch and then his expression changes to one of comprehension and Jack would be annoyed if he didn’t also realize they have his best interests at heart. There’s no pressure, none that he hasn’t put on himself already anyway. His mom doesn’t say anything more about the pie but he knows that she might have an idea exactly who Eric is.
         He says goodbye to Annelise on Sunday, touched that she cries, arms wrapped tightly around his neck that his heart breaks a little, and he looks at his parents and almost feels like he could burst into tears as well. He doesn’t though, lets his dad hug him and tell him he’s proud of him; no matter how many times he hears him say it he still struggles to believe it. His mom cups his jaw and thanks him for the cards and he hugs her tightly, tells her he will miss her and then he’s alone, watching their hire car drive away to the airport.
         Knowing he will likely struggle to sleep if he doesn’t get a proper workout he packs his bag and heads to the rink. It’s off season, they’ve got the loosest of schedules before training camp, and the gym is empty. He puts an audio book on and just starts working out, wanting to distract his mind and tire out his body. Tater joins him after an about an hour and he just reaches out to bump fists as he walks past to the elliptical and he lets himself enjoy the fact that he’s not alone for right now. Of course Tater follows him when he’s done and he wouldn’t put it past Tater to have gone looking for him and known he was here.
         “You okay? Quiet yes?”
         “Yeah… too quiet.”
         “Come eat with us tonight.”
         “Yeah, okay.”
         Later, when he’s halfway up the stairs to Tater’s his apartment he realizes exactly who the ‘us’ is and his steps falter a little, because he hadn’t forgotten, but he had been preoccupied with other things. He knocks on the door and waits, hopes that Tater answers. He does and Jack follows him through to the kitchen and Eric is cooking, moving his body to the music coming through the speakers; he feels his lips twitch to a smile.
         “Thanks for inviting me. Uh… will there be enough?”
         “Oh honey, we were already planning on making you a plate. Sasha was pretty insistent. And I’m used to cooking for appetites…” The smile he gives Jack has his stomach swooping pleasantly and he knows logically that it’s just Eric’s upbringing that has endearments tripping off his tongue, but he likes it. A lot.
         They eat at the table, the conversation flowing easily. Jack keeps his legs tucked under his chair, glad that Tater and Eric both seem happy to carry the conversation for now. He learns that Eric’s coach has also moved to Providence and it was somehow a joint decision. Eric intends to retire after the next winter Olympics, but that is still two years away and he has to qualify, and both Jack and Tater make scoffing sounds, as if the thought of him not qualifying is ridiculous and Eric looks quietly amused. They talk about hockey, and he finds himself slowly relaxing as he finds Eric knows quite a lot about hockey as well.
         “I played non-contact in high-school before I quit to focus just on figure skating. Every moment on the ice possible you know?”
         Jack does know, that pull that sometimes aches inside when he hasn’t felt ice under his feet for a few days. He says as much and both Tater and Eric nod, agreeing and he smiles, because he’s never voiced that out loud before and now that he has and to have them express the same sentiment makes him feel understood, in a way he hasn’t really felt since he was at Samwell.
         Conversation ebbs and flows easier after that, Jack talks about his friends and learns about Eric’s family and friends. Tater interjects with funny stories of both of them occasionally and it’s obvious that while Tater and Eric may have just met, that they’ve at least known each other through mutual friends for a while. Jack agrees to a small amount of pie and helps clear the dishes before settling himself on the sofa.
         “I very tired. Go to bed now…” Tater says, stretching his arms in what is very clearly a fake yawn and Jack resists the urge to face palm on his behalf. Eric looks like he’s holding back a laugh himself, his head shake and eye roll enough to make Jack grin rather than be annoyed.
         “He’s not subtle…” Jack says, jerking his head in the direction Tater has gone.
         “He really isn’t. He has a heart of gold though and he cares about you a lot. He’s already given me the shovel talk…In English and in Russian.”
         Jack groans, rubbing his face with a hand, but Eric is laughing, no, giggling and Jack looks at him and knows he’s not imagining the touch of heat in Eric’s eyes.
         “Did you want more company tonight though?”
         Jack sucks in a deep breath, already shaking his head as he lets it out slowly.
         “Uh, I… really want to say yes, but, eh, just let me get through the press conference tomorrow and then… Tomorrow night maybe?”
         “You don’t waste time do you?”
         “Not when I want something,” Jack says, and then he flushes, realizing how that sounds exactly, and it’s not how he meant it at all. Except Eric is looking delighted. “You just asked me right now,” Jack sputters and it just makes Eric laugh, and he loves the sound of it.
         “Well, I don’t waste time either. I’ll see you tomorrow night I guess?”
         “Yeah. Dinner?”
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fanfics-of-marvel · 4 years
Winter Adventures
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One Shot
Release date: 02/01/2020
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Y/N: Upon your 4th anniversary Steve has prepared a few surprises for you.
Words count: 2.5K
A/N: This fanfic was supposed to be a Christmas one but due to inability to finish it before Christmas I decided to re-write it with a slightly different theme.
Warnings: None!
One Shots | Masterlist
Taglist: @all-things-marvel-related ; @steeeeverogers ; @chipilerendi ; @mrspeacem1nusone ; @starkershomelife ; @itavero-pater (still unable to properly tag this person) ; @merlin-288 ; @nutellakirb ;  @livsheph ; @ivvitm1109 ; @misstummelisa ;
I’m not a native English speaker, so there might be spelling or grammatical mistakes.
This fanfic is my own work, it is not to be re-posted on this site or posted anywhere else without my knowledge and consent!
You opened your eyes to what seemed to be a lazy winter Sunday. An ordinary day for everybody else, a special day for you.
Exactly 4 years ago a friend of yours who was dating Bucky at the time invited you over on a double date with his best friend Steve. A habit which Bucky hadn’t forgotten from their common lives in the 1940s – trying to get his best friend a date as well.
However, Steve had no interest in dating and neither did you who had just gotten out of a long serious relationship. Your friend really just wanted to cheer you up and Bucky just wanted to get Steve out of his apartment. But this particular unwillingness to go to this double date was what bonded you two that evening. You talked and talked as if the time had stopped for just the two of you. You didn’t even notice when Bucky and your friend had left. You were completely consumed by each another.
Time passed and you kept on dating. And unlike your friend and Bucky who broke up shortly after you and Steve fell into a deep loving relationship that lasted for 4 full years. And this particular day marked this milestone. However, you never were much of a celebrating person when it came to anniversaries. You never demanded big expensive gifts, romantic diners at fancy restaurants or surprising vacations to exotic places. You rarely even wanted to make anything special on these days which would be different to any other regular day. A trait about you that Steve really loved.
But on this particular anniversary Steve had prepared a surprise for you because he wanted this day to be a very special one.
It all began in the moment you opened your eyes. A delicious scent of fresh toasts and coffee was filling the air mixed with… what was that? Strawberry jam?
You looked around confused where the delightful aroma was coming from and saw Steve holding a bed tray just across the bed.
“Good morning, sunshine.” He gently whispered as he lowered himself and kissed your forehead.
“Morning, babe.” You said sleepily with only one eye opened.
“Come on, sit down. It’s breakfast time.” Steve said as he placed the bed tray in front of you.
It wasn’t the first time Steve had brought you breakfast in bed, so you didn’t suspect anything. Until after you finished eating he told you to put on clothes because you were going out.
“Why? Today is a lazy day.” You tried to protest. “Breakfast in bed, hot cocoa in bed, a book in bed, maybe lunch in bed… you and I in bed.” You said the last words with a foxy smile.
Steve smiled back at you and bit his lower lip. How tempting everything sounded. But he still wanted to fulfill his surprise for the day.
“This sounds all great but we’ll have to leave it for another day.” Steve finally said. “Because today… I have something prepared for you.” He finished with a smile.
“Steve… you know I’m not really into these anniversary celebrations.” You said. “You can just come and cuddle with me under the blanket and it’ll be all the same.”
Steve smiled even wider. “It won’t be the same. Not at all.” He finished his sentence and helped you get out of bed.
It all started at the local Ice Rink.
You gasped when you reached the place. You loved ice skating but Steve was definitely not made for it. That was why you two had never done it beforehand. But Steve wanted nothing more than to make this day a special one for you. He bravely put on the ice skates and got on the ice. For 3 full seconds he was holding up, after which he fell on his butt. You laughed uncontrollably and went to check on him.
“Oh my god, babe. Are you alright?”
“I was under ice for 70 years. I think I’ll survive this.” Steve replied back wittily.
You held his big manly hand and helped him get up. You patiently started teaching him how to do it. Fall after fall, laugh after laugh, Steve started keeping himself in the air more and more. He managed to cover longer distances. At few times he even caught up with you.
You held Steve’s hands and started pulling him forward which resulted in both of you falling on the ground. Steve had nothing more to do than hold you in his arms fully exhausted of the exertion.
“Here’s no place for snuggles.” Said the person in charge when he reached you two. “I know you love each other but there are other people in here… and kids.” The man added with a playful tone.
You got back up and continued ice skating. Steve was falling, you were laughing. But at the few moments in which he managed to keep himself in the air long enough you two held hands and skated next to each other gazing lovingly at one another. Until Steve fell down.
At the end of the allowed time Steve was filled with bruises while the only thing you got were the probable abs from the non-stop laughing.
“Steve, that was amazing!” You told him after you got out of the Ice Rink. “That was absolutely incredible!” You grabbed his neck and kissed him on the lips. “Thank you!”
“I’m glad you liked it, sweetheart, because we’ve barely began.” Steve replied with a smile.
“Huh?” You were confused but excited at the same time.
Steve grabbed your hand and led you towards the next adventure.
You saw snowballs flying everywhere. People were at ‘war’. Or at least that was what the poster said. Somebody had organized a big event of snowballs fight. And you were about to go in the middle of it.
“Ready, babe?” Steve asked you still holding your hand.
“Steve!” You screamed uncertain but smiling like a kid. Deep down you wanted this.
“Come on, honey. It’s now or never!” Steve pulled your hand and you suddenly got to the middle of the ‘war field’.
A freezing wet snowball hit your face making you fall on the ground. Steve quickly laid down upon you and took a few hits on his back and butt.
“Ouch!” He screamed. “Not the butt! I just fell on it a few times on hard ice!”
You giggled uncontrollably once again as you could feel the numerous snowballs which continued hitting Steve. Including on his butt. He continued groaning with every hit. Until the soldier in him was awoken and he started crawling towards a hiding hole. All of the time he tried to keep you safe even though you took a few hits too.
You managed to hide where no snowballs could reach you. You could barely move your face which was freezing from the first hit. Nonetheless, you couldn’t stop laughing. Steve was turning around like a meat on grill which has to be cooked evenly on both sides. He was so bruised from the Ice Rink that he couldn’t lay down on either side.
“That’s it! I’m attacking!” Suddenly, Steve said as he started forming snowballs.
You lifted yourself too and briskly made a few snowballs of your own. Then you joined the ‘war’. You felt like that for every 1 snowball thrown you were hit like 2 times. And Steve continued to groan with every hit. You were laughing so much that eventually a snowball got in your mouth and you started choking. This time it was his turn to laugh.
After about an hour of intense snowballs war you thought you were going home. Until Steve held your hand and pulled it towards the next adventure.
“Steve! But we’re soaking wet!” You tried to protest. “I even ate snow… and you have a bruised butt.” You said your final words chuckling.
“Shhh, don’t worry.” Steve calmed you. “We’re going to warm up now… and what does my butt have to do with us being wet?”
You giggled even more as a reply and let him take you wherever he wanted.
Unexpectedly, you ended up in a local café. You wondered what adventure could there be in it.
“You want some hot chocolate?” Steve asked you after you walked through the door.
“Yes, please!” You were shivering like crazy, so you were dying for some.
“Well, then you have to earn it.” Steve smiled smugly.
You looked at him confused until you reached further inside the café. A man was standing in there asking for the next volunteers.
“Over here!” Steve suddenly said raising his hand while holding yours with his other.
“Ah, the gentleman and his beautiful lady.” The host said. “Please, come here.”
Steve smiled at you with a wink and pulled your hand to the improvised stage. After everyone gasped at the fact that Captain America himself was standing in front of them you two were sent to the ‘backstage’ to change your clothes. You were put in fitted sticky-on-the-outside costumes. You couldn’t stop laughing even when you were asked to go back to the stage again. You two just looked so damn ridiculous.
“And now…” The host started. “For their free hot chocolate + a muffin Captain America himself and his girl Y/N will play our latest game – Mission Impossible, the Sticky Version!” After his final words the small crowd went crazy.
Steve looked at you with a wide smile to which you replied with an even wider smile. Then some people came to you and adhered your costume’s back to Steve’s. A whole bunch of winter-related objects were scattered on the ground. And your task was to collect them all except that either one of you had a specified type of objects to collect in a specified for that basket.
The start was given and the time started ticking. Both of you ran towards their objects causing you two to fall down.
“Oh, my butt!” Steve exclaimed for the billionth time today.
You started laughing again. Steve tried to get back up but it wasn’t synchronized with you, so he fell again… on his butt.
Your laughter was so hard that you couldn’t get up. Steve started crawling dragging you with him, so that he could collect at least his objects.
Eventually, however, your giggling calmed down, so you joined the game as well. You were trying to crawl alongside Steve even though you were more often being dragged by him. After all, he was at least 5 times stronger than you. Or maybe 10 times?
You were trying to throw some of your objects to your basket from afar. One ball bounced off the wall and hit Steve accidentally… on his butt. You assumed it was all blue by now. Some people might have given up on this game after so many painful hits. But Steve… Steve had fought in the WWII against Hydra and the Nazis. He wasn’t the one to whine and quit.
Falling and getting up, crawling and dragging one another, hitting each other accidentally. After a few minutes of real exertion the finish signal finally beeped. Only a small amount of your objects were actually in their baskets, so you assumed you had lost the game. But the real purpose of it was to have fun and of course a marketing strategy to promote the café, so you were given your free hot chocolate + a muffin.
You sat down at a quiet part of the establishment with a nice view of the stage, so you could observe the next pair playing the same game. Steve groaned when he sat down.
“You alright?” You asked him playfully.
“Very funny.” Steve replied sarcastically.
“What? I am genuinely concern of your well-being… Well, I mean… your butt’s well-being.” You blew some more air out of your nose.
“My butt is fine.” Steve finally answered after trying to keep in his laughter.
“I’m glad to hear that.” You replied with a wide smile. “Thank you, Steve. For this amazing day!”
“Well, you better have your hot chocolate and muffin quickly because we are not done for today!” Steve stated with a smile.
You gasped. There’s more?
Then you enjoyed the free hot chocolate and the delicious muffin while having a sweet conversation with Steve and laughing at the next pairs that joined the game. Somebody falling off the stage was a most unexpected outcome. Neither was the couple having a serious quarrel while playing the game. But the two little twins were absolutely adorable.
By the time you got out of the café it was entirely dark outside. Steve held your hand and pulled it towards the local park. The Christmas lights which were still on were absolutely breathtaking. But they weren’t anything new. You had enjoyed them countless time prior to this evening. Besides, Christmas had passed and everyone expected them to be removed anytime soon.
“Where are we going, Steve?” You felt the need to ask. You were really impatient to know what the next adventure was.
“Shhh, we’re almost there.” Steve replied softly as he kissed your forehead.
You walked through the park until you reached a darker part of it. You were pretty certain there used to be Christmas decoration there before. You assumed the process of removing it had begun.
“You wait right here.” Steve told you as he walked away.
He got to a man nearby and started talking to him. Then Steve got back to you and held your hand. He looked forward in anticipation. You looked there as well.
A moment later a brand new decoration lit up.
“Happy 4th anniversary, Y/N!”
You gasped and covered your mouth with your hands. That was the last thing you’d expected to show up in there.
“Oh, Steve!” You exclaimed. “It’s beautiful!”
“You like it?” Steve asked as to be sure.
“Yes, I love it!” You replied with watery eyes.
While you were staring at the lights they suddenly shut down. Your eyes were still blinded by the bright light for you to have noticed that Steve had gotten down on one knee. Next thing you knew new lights lit up.
“Will you marry me?”
You gasped even louder. That was even more unexpected. You put your shaking hands at your face. You looked to your side only to find Steve holding a box with a ring at your feet. His eyes were sparkling with hope.
“Y/N…” He started. “Will you marry me?”
“Oh god, yes!” You exclaimed when you unexpectedly heard some random observers cheering up.
Steve got up and hugged you lifting you in the air. He spun you a few times after which he removed your glove to put on the ring. He found it a little hard because of your shaky hand. The ring was stunningly beautiful. You couldn’t stop staring at it until you got home. Even though your hand was freezing.
For the rest of the evening you two discussed the future plans for the wedding. The possible date, the clothes, the food, the guests, the place. You had ideas of the invitations’ design and talked about the decorations.
After that you cuddled on the couch while a nice romantic movie was on TV. Your head was placed upon Steve’s chest. Your head was going up and down at his breathing while his heart was singing you a lullaby. Imperceptibly, you fell asleep dreaming of your future life with Steve.
Thank you for reading! If you liked it please react - reply/like/reblog! Your support is appreciated!
This fanfic is my own work, it is not to be re-posted on this site or posted anywhere else without my knowledge and consent!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
3 words that describe...
Your personality: (A bit) aloof, sensitive, and shy.
Your friends: Loud, laidback, cheeky.
Your family: Emotionally distant, (mostly) religious. I’m cheating so much on this looooool.
Your life: Right now? Put on hold. Thanks, coronavirus.
Your current mood: Hungry, and irritated eyes.
Your dreams/goals in life: Ok three words will be too short for this so I’ll just enumerate three whole phrases: I’d like to have a job that pays well, get a house that doesn’t have to be huge, but it has to come with features I’ve always wanted like cove lights and a yard for the kids and dog to play in, and get settled.
Your partner/boyfriend/girlfriend (if you have one): Funny, intelligent, courageous.
The person you last talked to: Brave, considerate, responsible.
The room that you are currently in: Comfortable, well-lit, homey.
The world in your perspective: Many stupid humans.
Yes/No questions...
Are you creative? Absolutely not. I like doing the logical/rational side of things... I let others take care of creative aspects, if they have to be present.
Do you like spending a sunny day outdoors? NO, unless I’m at the beach then sunny is the only way to go. Otherwise I’d rather be indoors or somewhere air-conditioned thx.
Do you get upset easily or over the littlest things? I can be. It’s usually when I’m already stressed/antsy enough, or if I’m on my period.
Do you dislike any of the people in charge of you (i.e: teachers, bosses)? I don’t particularly dislike my prof in my Rizal course but he sure teaches like he doesn’t want to be there. I just haven’t been getting the enthusiasm off of him, and that’s really important to me when it comes to being interested in my subjects. Oh but my PE coach this sem is a bitch - one time I forgot to wear the shirt color she demands us to follow and she ignored me for the entire period. Quickest way to make me feel shitty. So yeah. Probably her.
Do you like to read books/magazines/newspapers? I like books only if they’re non-fiction. I...don’t really read magazines anymore, and I kinda have to check into newspapers from time to time because I take up journalism.
Are you family-oriented? Towards my girlfriend’s family, yeah. I don’t really care about being family-oriented for my own.
Have you ever been friends with someone in the past out of sympathy? Yeah, this girl named MJ in Grade 7. She was a new-ish student then and no one was approaching her, so Gab and I tried to befriend her for a time. Didn’t really pan out that well - we just didn’t mesh - so we stopped talking not long after.
Do/did you ever get nervous around people you are/were crushing on? I still do.
Do you believe in global warming? Duh.
Are you happy with the way society/the world in general is? I’m typically pessimistic when it comes to people, so no not really. I just feel like the bad news always overweigh the good these days - and while good news can serve as rays of sunshine sometimes, I’d rather face reality than live in my own bubble and choose to be oblivious to all the shitstorms happening around me.
Do you ever question your own religion/beliefs? I did, as early as when I was 10. The Bible just didn’t make sense to me to my frustration, and I’ve always felt disgusted with my school guilt-tripping us to be good people because a man got crowned with thorns and nailed to a giant cross. I figured I can be good simply because I choose to, so I let go of my Catholic roots quickly after. Having no friends that time surely forced me to think hahahahahahaha jk 1/2
Do you prefer today's trends/styles, or ones from the past? Both have awesome stuff, there’s no need to pick. I’m really into the mom jeans of the 90s, but I also like the yellow trend that’s been going on recently.
Being too cold or too hot? I’d rather be shivering but be comforted with a thick blanket, than sweat bullets and have absolutely no way to cool myself down.
Uploading music to your iPod, or buying CDs? Depends. I used to buy the CDs of my favorite artists then just download the other music I’m not as passionate about.
Fruits or vegitables? VEGETABLESSSSSSSSSSSS. I hate fruits.
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate, for the most part. Vanilla tastes like nothing to me. Baseball or football? I don’t watch either and I probably won’t enjoy either either lmao, but I have a bias towards football because my girlfriend’s sisters play the sport. The mall with a bunch of little stores, or one single, big store? Malls kinda work differently here... they’re all one big building with a bunch of restaurants, clothing shops, sports shops, novelty stores, etc. Rap music or rock and roll? Not a big fan of either but I’d go with rock and roll I guess. I like some rap but none of them make me feel things, which rock can sometimes do for me. Roller skates or roller blades? I owned a pair of roller blades when I was 10 and had fun memories with it even though I never did learn how to do it properly. Horror movies that give you nightmares, or romance that makes you vomit? Horror for sure. I don’t even like romance-only movies; they have to be laced with a lot of comedy in between for me to enjoy them. Making more friends or making more money? Making more money sorry LMAOOOOOO Living it up and being stupid, or being safe and never pay the price? I’d always rather be safe. I hate getting reprimanded or caught doing something bad or being punished. Doing more of the talking, or more of the listening in a conversation? Listening, please. I don’t like having the attention on me for too long. Giving or receiving? Giving I guess? I always have a pretty good sense of what my loved ones need, and it’s always nice to see how good they feel when I give it to them. Cats or dogs? Dogs. Playing on the swingsets or the slides (as a kid)? Swings. I was traumatized by one slide when I was 6 because it was apparently blistering hot when I slid down from it, and it almost burned my butt off lmao.
Would you rather...
Bolding these because I’m lazy.
Live off of just food for 2 days, or just beverage for 2 days?
Tell a lie and be believable, or tell the truth and still be blamed?
Die at 65 with the love of your life, or live to 85 being single?
Fart and be heard from far away or fart and be smelled from far away?
Be tickled for an hour straight or be woken up by a bucket of cold water?
Have a cabel snap while bunjee jumping or have the bar go up on a coaster?
Have a deadly plague or a nuclear bomb hit your country? (Don't get ideas!) < This is a sick question to ask these days lol. I’m not answering.
Lick a frozen telephone pole or stick your hand in dry ice? Be rejected by your favorite celebrity or by someone you secretly admire? Give up your favorite food for eternity or eat a bowl of dead spiders? Make a lot of money at a job you hate or little money at a job you love? Jump off a bridge or from a moving car? < Another sick question.
Color(s): Pink, sky blue, off-white.
Song(s): I don’t have one at the moment. I haven’t listened to any music in a while, save for lo-fi.
Artist(s): Beyoncé if we’re talking solo, Paramore if you mean bands.
Music genre: I don’t have a favorite one; my taste is pretty scattered.
Movie: Two for the Road or Good Will Hunting
TV show: Breaking Bad, Friends, BoJack Horseman, Queer Eye
Actor and actress: Gregory Peck; Audrey Hepburn or Kristen Stewart
Movie/TV genre: Romantic comedy or drama lmao, I’m a sappy bitch. Suspense and psychological horror are also cool.
Restarant: Yabu, Mendokoro Ramenba, or Silantro
Food: Sushi
Dessert: Macarons
Hobby: Going to museums! Or reading about the history of anything.
Activity to do out of boredom: Scroll my social media feeds orrrrrr do surveys, or watch cooking videos on YouTube heh.
Type of weather: Bleak, rainy, and chilly.
Book: I don’t have a favorite.
Subject in school: History
Item that you own: My car hahahaha
Pastime: Eating out and window shopping. Maybe I’m just saying these because I haven’t been to a mall in a while :/
Site: Palawan
Tourist attraction: I’ve always wanted to go to those towers that lets you go to the top floor and the floor is just literal glass. If I’m gonna be a tourist-y tourist, that’s the first place I’d go to haha.
Random questions in your own words...
If you could have any desired superpower, what would it be?
The history nerd in me would take up time travel in an instant. And I won’t even be using it as a superpower lmao, it’d be like a research pastime for me.
What would be your dream job?
If I wasn’t such an introvert and if I were a lot better in handling crowds, I really would have wanted to be a pro wrestler.
Descibe your dream date:
Museum in the day, cute dinner at night.
What was the best day of your life like?
I don’t know if that has happened yet.
What was the worst day of your life like?
So far my worst day was when I wasn’t accepted into my school paper in high school and I spent like 18 hours crying my eyes out. I liked writing and was accepted for my portfolio, but people thought I was too shy to fit the group’s dynamic and ended up getting booted. There are quiet writers too, assholes.
If you ever have kids one day, what you you name them?
Too early for this lol I’ve only had name picked out - Olivia.
What's one thing that will bring you out of your worst mood no matter what?
My dog. FOR SURE.
Who's the most annoying person you've ever encountered?
Jem, someone from my college who thinks she’s close with me but I really do not like her at all.
If you could grow up to be like anybody, who would it be?
I don’t believe in having role models. I just want to be the best version of myself.
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
My mental health could be mental healthier.
What's your favorite inspirational/famous quote? I don’t depend on these either. Describe your dream ice cream sundae (unlimited toppings): Meh, I don’t like sundaes. Just scoops would be fine with me. What comes to mind first when you think of your favorite color? I have no idea why this is what I remember, but it was the day I went shopping for school supplies and got myself a pink clipboard, pink pencil case, pink expander, and pink highlighters. I think it’s because it was that day where I had to acknowledge that pink was in fact, unironically, my favorite color HAHAHA What's something in your life that you once hated but came to like? ^ The color pink. And chicken curry. What's something in your life that you once liked but came to hate? Cooked salmon. There was one phase my mom made it almost everyday and I just got sick of it. I refuse to eat salmon to this day unless it’s sashimi or in sushi. If you could stop any chaos/problem in our world today, what would it be? This fucking pandemic. 2020 CAN’T CONTINUE BECAUSE OF YOU. What would be the best way to die, in your opinion? Peacefully, in sleep, with no pain. What would be the worst way to die? Falling off a cliff (or anywhere high) and landing on a boulder EUGH I cringe at it. Also getting impaled. AND plane crashes. If you could give your room a free makeover, what would you do to it? I’d make it look spacier by moving the bed to the wall so there’s a lot of free space in the middle. I’d also add a desk, work chair, and a lamp so I can study there. If you could have an unlimited amount of anything, what would it be? The number of years my dog would live. What's one thing that you like that would probably surprise your friends? They know I like punk rock in general but I haven’t shared any of the music with them. It would definitely surprise them. Out of everything in the world, what holds the most meaning to you? Stability.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
first winter with you (branjie) - holtzmanns
AN: Interrupting ‘Game of Survival’ updates filled with Guns™ and Murder™ with a soft little winter drabble. Writing this in June has only made me more glad that it’s summer here right now. Birthday gift for @momsthetic. 
“Why couldn’t your cute ass just come to Tampa or LA for a few days? At least I wouldn’t be a fuckin’ popsicle.” Vanessa’s voice is laced with shivers, breath coming out in small puffs despite the down-filled parka that envelops the majority of her small frame.
Brooke’s face is affectionate as she reaches over to fix Vanessa’s red and white ‘Canada’ hat. “You were the one who said you wanted to see what a white Christmas was like.”
“I didn’t think it would be this cold. They never look like they’re ‘bout to freeze to death in all the holiday movies.”
Brooke tugs on her arm. “C’mon, I know the perfect thing to warm you up-” She snorts at the way Vanessa’s face morphs into a suggestive expression. “-No, not that, that’ll be later.”
They walk down Bay Street, and Brooke points out some of her favourite stores and places to eat when she was younger and lived in Toronto full time for ballet, then later drag. Vanessa asks her questions about all of them, wants to hear stories about her past and Brooke feels like she’s sharing a part of herself that no one else has seen before - or wanted to.
They reach Nathan Phillips Square and Vanessa gasps at the outdoor ice rink and the multicoloured ‘TORONTO’ sign that illuminates the icy surface. Brooke watches Vanessa’s face light up at the sight of families, couples, and groups of friends laughing and gliding across the ice. She tugs on Brooke’s arm, grip strong despite the wool mittens covering her hands.
“Please, please, please- ”
“It’s what we’re here for, so yes.”  Vanessa lets out a whoop and drags Brooke to the skate rental booth, tripping over her winter boots just once on the way. She’s dancing in her spot as they wait in line, antsy and excited all at once. Brooke commits the sight to memory, saves it for another day to look back on.
They sit down on a nearby bench, and Brooke laces up Vanessa’s skates before doing her own and helps Vanessa stand up. She’s teetering, uncertain as she attempts to balance on the blades. Brooke grabs her hands to hold her steady.
“Baby steps until we make it onto the ice. You can do it.”
Vanessa grins up at her as they approach the ice with twin shuffles. “This ain’t so bad. I haven’t even slipped once! And you said skating was hard.”
“We haven’t even made it to the ice yet, babe. Let’s see what happens now-”
Brooke is cut off as Vanessa steps foot onto the ice and slips as soon as her blades touch the surface, landing on her butt with an undignified oof.Brooke holds back a giggle as she extends a hand and tugs her back up, brushing off the flakes of ice that are sprinkled on Vanessa’s back and legs.
“Ice is fucking cold. Jesus.”  
Brooke snorts. “You don’t say.”
“Shut up.” Vanessa shoves her lightly. “Cmon, I wanna try again.”
Vanessa teeters on her legs like a foal learning to walk for the first time, shaking and arms flailing as she attempts to find her balance. Brooke faces her and grabs both of her hands to steady her and keep her from falling again.
Brooke pushes off and slowly glides backwards on one leg, in turn pulling Vanessa forward along with her. Vanessa’s hands are a death grip on her own as she lets out a stream of colour commentary, to the delight and entertainment of fellow skaters around them.
“Woah, woah, woah, nope, nope, these ice blades are going to cause my death, Mary. I’m going to fall, we’re going to fall, why the hell are you trying to pull us along so fast-”
Brooke grins at Vanessa’s chattering that continues as they begin to slow down. “Okay, now your turn. I want you to try and glide forward with one foot.”
“Absolutely not- ”
“Just try it! I’ll catch you if you fall.” Brooke gives Vanessa a smile that she hopes reads as encouraging.
Vanessa’s stride with her right foot is tentative, and she lets out a squeak when it propels her forward. Brooke glides back at an equal pace, hands intertwined with hers.
“There you go, now push off with your other foot.” Brooke lets out a small cheer as Vanessa begins finds a rhythm, albeit slow and shuffling rather than proper skating, but the smile on Vanessa’s face is enough to light up a Christmas tree.
“We’re actually skating, we’re moving on this godforsaken ice, we’re actually moving-” Vanessa’s delighted monologue is cut off as her skates slip underneath her and she goes down, pulling Brooke along with her, landing in a tangled heap.
Vanessa sputters but can’t help but join in on Brooke’s laughter, grabbing the hand that she holds out to her. Brooke pulls her up, tugs on her hands to encourage her to try again.
They make their way around the rink, Brooke skating backwards and Vanessa taking small strides forward as they find their rhythm once more. Brooke watches Vanessa’s brow furrow in concentration, her eyes following her skates on the ice as she counts under her breath (‘one, two, one two’ ). She feels the ache in her chest, the soft ache that only Vanessa knows how to conjure. One that makes Brooke never want to let Vanessa go, to keep her in the space in Brooke’s heart that is reserved just for her.
“How is he going so fast?” Vanessa pouts in the direction of a young child that zooms past, lapping them for the third time at least as the skates on his feet propel him faster and faster.
“Most kids here learn to skate soon after they learn to walk. You’re not doing bad for your first time at all. Pretty great, actually.”
“Yeah?” Vanessa’s voice is hopeful as she looks up at Brooke’s face for reassurance and any signs that she’s lying. From the way that the smile settles onto her face, Brooke knows that she’s found none.
“Yeah. Now, wanna see if you can skate on your own without grabbing onto my hands?” Brooke starts pulling her own hands back experimentally, making Vanessa yelp.
“Nope. Nice try. I ain’t letting go.” Vanessa’s grip tightens on Brooke’s hands for good measure.
Brooke grins at her. “You just want to keep holding my hands.”
“Maybe so.” Vanessa’s face is unashamed. “What about it?”
Brooke snorts and tugs Vanessa’s hat down over her eyes, delighting in Vanessa’s immediate protests. “Hey!”
They skate for another half an hour, tugging each other around the ice until their legs are jelly and feet are sore, faces turning pink from the cold wind of the Toronto winter. They’re both out of breath once they have the chance to collapse onto nearby bench, Brooke helping Vanessa shed her skates and pull her boots back on.
“My legs feel so much lighter now, without the skates.” Vanessa sticks her legs up in the air for good measure, leaning against the bench.
“We need to finish up this first skating experience properly.” Brooke’s statement makes Vanessa look up at her, inquisitive furrow in her brow. “Skating isn’t complete without hot chocolate.”
Vanessa is up in a second, letting out a woop. She tugs on Brooke’s hands, pulling her off of the bench and towards the nearest hot chocolate stand at the side of the rink.
The steaming mugs with whipped cream on top warm their hands and faces and melt the tiny snowflakes that land on them. Vanessa takes a sip, squeaking when the liquid burns her tongue.
Brooke holds back a laugh as she reaches out to wipe the whipped cream on Vanessa’s nose. “You gotta wait thirty seconds or so. The cold air will cool it a bit.”
Their bench has been taken by a tourist family comprised of six kids, their parents, and a set of grandparents in absolute chaos while attempting to put skates on, so they instead take a seat on the ground on the side of the rink and watch the skaters. There are couples like them, skating hand in hand, young kids pushing chairs along the ice so that they don’t fall, and skaters who have experience on ice and waste no time in showing off their jumping and twirling skills.
Vanessa leans her head on Brooke’s shoulder as they watch, the air filled with shouts and laughter permeated by the rustle of the wind. Brooke holds a gloved hand out to her and Vanessa grabs it as best as she can with her mitten.
Brooke can’t help but smile down at her, at Vanessa’s face that curls up in delight every time she takes a sip of her hot chocolate that has begun to cool down to a drinkable level.
“Hey. Thanks for inviting me for a few days.” Vanessa looks up at her, all soft eyes and a smile that Brooke never ever wants to stop seeing.
“I’m so happy that the tour was postponed for a few more days after Christmas now and that you could come here instead.” Brooke pauses on her words. “Not that you shouldn’t tour, but that you got to come to Toronto while I’m here too and visit me and-”
Vanessa swats at her. “I know what you mean, don’t fret. And I’m happy about it too. There’s no place I’d rather be at this very moment.”
Brooke lifts her arm to put around her, and Vanessa wastes no time in leaning into her side, fitting like a puzzle piece as always despite their bulky coats. She leans down to place a kiss on the top of her head, feels her heart warm at the content sigh that falls from Vanessa’s lips.
She’s happy. Brooke’s happy. She feels domestic and calm and content, Vanessa at her side making her wish that she could keep her there forever.
Brooke knows they’ll be getting on separate planes in a few days, herself back to Nashville and Vanessa back to touring. They’ll go back to long distance, to keeping their relationship under wraps in a way that will only intensify once the cast for season eleven is announced in the new year.
Brooke lets the thoughts go. Instead, she watches Vanessa stick her tongue out to catch the falling snowflakes, watches as they begin to dot her eyelashes in the process.
The cold has never unsettled her, the chill from Toronto winters never quite seeping into her bones the way that it seems to do so for others around her. With Vanessa, her personal space heater that has warmed her heart in a way that she never thought possible, she’s not sure that the cold ever will.
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strawori · 5 years
Between Skateboards and Guitars - Chapter 1 | Elu
Summary:  “ There was something about this guy skating, alone and so well, that had Eliott frozen on his spot and unable to take his eyes away from him.”
Or, the one where Eliott is a guitarist and when he goes to the park to play he meets Lucas a skater that mesmerizes him from the first moment.
Words: 2.3k
can also be read on my ao3 @ invisible_slytherin
Eliott was sitting on a bench at the park.
His headphones were on and he had his guitar in his hands. Some music sheets were spread on the grass in front of him and a few pens were on top of them to stop them from flying away.
Eliott's fingers were moving effortlessly on the strings of his guitar.
He had played this exact song more times than he could count, more times than he cared to count. It was usually the one his mind went to every time he picked up the instrument and decided to play something. It was one of his favourites to play. It involved multiple chords that were far from each other and that made him move his fingers faster than he could keep up with sometimes and there were three different strumming patterns throughout the song. After he had struggled with playing it for months, now that he could do it, he never wanted to stop.
The park was a complete change of scenery for him.
His mother had worriedly told him that she thought he was spending too much time in his room. And, well, she had been right. He spent almost all his time there, either studying, playing some video games or drawing, never getting fresh air or some sun on his skin.
His mother claimed that it wasn't healthy and that he should go for a walk, call some friends and go have an ice-cream with them, sit at the park or something.
He had almost said no. He had almost told her that he just wanted to stay home and really didn't feel like getting dressed and doing something outside the house. He was comfortable laying in bed with a book in his hands. However, she had looked so concerned and she kept glancing at his room through the open door every time she passed by, so he decided that maybe going outside wouldn't be such a hardship, maybe it would be worth it.
Therefore, he had grabbed his guitar and told his mother that he would be going to the park. Her relieved smile when she kissed his cheek and told him when dinner would be ready was enough to convince him that it had been a good decision.
Now, sitting at the park with the sun illuminating him and his surroundings, he could feel himself relax and the tension ease away from his muscles.
It had been the best decision he had made and he wondered why he hadn't listened to his mother before. She was right most of the time, so he really had no excuse except his laziness.
He looked at the music sheet in front of him and frowned, forgetting where he was for a second and missing his cue to change chords.
He groaned in frustration, it's what he gets for being distracted but he still hated it. Messing up a song always made him angry with himself, especially if it was one of the easiest parts. What was the difficulty of switching from a G to a C? None. But somehow he still managed to have trouble doing it.
He rolled his eyes at himself and grabbed his phone to stop the song. No point in having it playing, if he had already messed up, he would have to start from the beginning now.
Without the song playing, he could hear the noise of the park around him.
There weren't many people around, just two old ladies sitting on a bench nearby, some kids on the playground with their parents watching over them and some skaters over at the skate park. The ladies were talking quietly so Eliott couldn't hear anything from them, but the kids squealing and yelling playfully at each other plus the skaters laughing while pointing at where one of them had probably fallen made up for it.
The noise didn't annoy him, though; it was actually a good contrast to his silent bedroom.
For a moment, he considered the possibility of coming to the park more often. And, if he was honest, he would probably end up doing just that.
It felt nice to watch the kids being free and happy and it was amusing to see the skaters - who had probably all fallen at some point - mock the one who had fallen right now. It was relaxing and there was no pressure on his shoulders. With his guitar in his hands, headphones on and eyes on the world, he was the calmer he had been in weeks. No worries plaguing his mind or stress tensing his muscles.
He wondered if he could convince Idriss or Sofiane to come with him someday. They could just sit and do nothing or talk. Maybe they could bring a ball and play some football or basketball. That would be nice, Eliott thought to himself, even though he didn't know how to play basketball properly. He would definitely talk to them about coming with him the next time he decided to do it.
Taking his eyes away from the laughing skaters and running children, Eliott turned his attention to his phone and restarted the song he had been playing before, determined to get the chords and strumming patterns right this time around.
It was getting late.
Eliott had been in the park for almost two hours now, just playing the guitar and looking around at nothing in particular. Sometimes he got distracted with the tricks the skaters did or with the kids playing tag and running by him, and, although that made him mess up some of the songs, his fingers hadn't left the strings for the time he had sat there. His left hand's fingertips hurt from where they had pressed the strings, not being used to doing so for such a lengthy amount of time, and his back ached from being in the same not-so-comfortable position for so long. But he had had such a great time that none of that bothered him.
The sun was almost setting now and, apart from himself, the only people in the park were two kids and their parents, the skaters had already left some time ago as had done the old ladies, so he deemed it time to leave the park and finally go home. His mother was almost done with dinner by this time, probably.
Eliott put his guitar back on its case and got up from where he was sitting, stretching a little without even caring about being in public. He gathered the papers he had on the grass before grabbing everything that was his and preparing to leave the park.
On his way out, he almost collided with a guy that skated past him, the guy threw a quick 'sorry' over his shoulder but seemed otherwise unconcerned about almost having bumped against someone while skating.
Eliott raised an eyebrow and looked back at the boy. He wasn't mad about it, he had bumped against enough people while walking to know that it just happens sometimes. However, a little spark of curiosity had made its way inside of him. He had thought that skaters liked to hang out in groups and show off in front of each other, so, seeing this guy alone in the park when it was getting late was a little odd for him. But, maybe Eliott was just stereotyping a little too much, after all, not everyone likes to be in big groups of people.
The skater was wearing black jeans and a grey hoodie, he had a backpack on his back and earphones in his ears. Eliott hadn't been able to see his face, but he could tell that he was shorter than himself and that his hair was standing in way too many different directions. Eliott wasn't sure if it was the way he looked or the fact that he was alone that had drawn him to the boy, but he knew that his attention was on him and Eliott couldn't even comprehend how that had happened with just a near bump and a quick glance.
He might not even see him again, if he's completely honest with himself, so he should just shake himself out of it.
Eliott saw the guy go to the skatepark and he fleetingly wished that he could see the tricks he would be doing with his skate.
However, from the place where he was standing Eliott couldn't see much of the place where the other boy had gone. He pondered walking closer, but a little sane piece of his mind told him that that would be overly creepy and that he shouldn't just go and watch some guy skate because he had sparked his interest.
Therefore, Eliott turned back around and continued his way home, forgetting about the skater as soon as he got there and smelled his mother's cooking.
The next time Eliott saw the skater was a week after the first time, but this time it was in the early morning instead of in the late afternoon.
He had taken a nap the day before after school and had gone to bed early, because of that, he woke up extremely early in the morning. It was barely 5am when he opened his eyes and groaned when he saw the numbers on his alarm. He had tried sleeping again but it had been no use.
After rolling around in bed for some minutes without any result, he got up and headed downstairs to eat breakfast. After that, since it was still too early to go to school, he decided that maybe using the time to do some exercise wouldn't be a bad idea. It had been a while since he had last gone for a run, after all.
He put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt, throwing a hoodie over it since he wasn't sure whether or not the early morning breeze would be cold, and left a note for his parents so they knew where he was if they woke up before he was back.
He started running as soon as he left the house, earphones in his ear and some fast-paced playlist playing so he would get in the mood.
First, he would run through the town and then he would eventually go into the park.
He hadn't crossed anyone on his way and only a car had sped past him. It felt good to be alone in the city, breathing in the fresh air without anyone making any noise. It was quiet and relaxing and he wondered why he didn't wake up this early more often.
It was when he got to the park that he saw the skater.
The boy was sitting on the floor with his skateboard next to him and his phone in his hands. He wasn't skating at the moment, but his hair was dishevelled so maybe that meant he had already skated before.
When the boy got up Eliott stopped running a couple of meters away from where he was, curious to see him doing what he was there to do. Eliott watched as he grabbed his skate and went to the highest part of the skate park, getting on top of it and rolling down the ramp. He started slow, just going from one side to the other, but he soon started being more adventurous, doing some jumps and tricks Eliott couldn't even try to name.
To say that Eliott was entranced was an understatement. He was loving watching the boy perform, he was good at what he did with probably a lot of practice behind every move and Eliott was mesmerised by it.
He had always liked to watch skaters do their thing in the park, it was awesome what they managed to do with a skateboard on their feet. There had been a time when Eliott was about twelve when he had wanted to be a skater too, but he had tried and fallen way too many times to know that skating just wasn't for him.
There was something about this guy skating, alone and so well, that had Eliott frozen on his spot and unable to take his eyes away from him. He made every trick and every spin look almost effortless, almost delicate in a way and that had Eliott more captivated than any other skater or group of skaters had been able to do before.
When the guy stopped near his backpack to grab a bottle of water and drink some of it, Eliott was still standing there, staring at him with an impressed, mesmerized expression on his face.
The guy looked up then and their eyes met unexpectedly.
Eliott felt his heart skip a little, maybe because he had been caught staring creepily, maybe because a gorgeous guy was looking at him or maybe because it was this gorgeous guy in particular. Eliott wasn't sure, but he wasn't able to look away for a good amount of seconds, almost hypnotized and completely held captive by the skater's intense gaze.
Eliott coughed a little to try and shake himself out of the trance. He needed to go home and shower before school and, if he didn't hurry up, he would end up being late. He glanced quickly at the boy and offered a tiny smile in hopes of not seeming so creepy if he didn't just run off without acknowledging him. Eliott didn't know if it worked or not since the boy just stared at him with a calculating look, but he just turned away and started walking home.
He looked over his shoulder one last time at the boy he had left behind. He still had his water bottle in his hand, his skateboard on the floor next to him and his eyes on Eliott.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |  Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 |  Chapter 6 |  Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9  | Chapter 10
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damaless · 5 years
To All The Skaters I’ve Loved Before
This is my very first foray into writing fanfiction. I don’t know if I’ll be able to complete the whole thing I have in mind for it, but I thought I’d at least try to write the first chapter and see how it goes.
Chapter One
Waiting for luggage is the worst. If everyone would stay a few feet back from the conveyor belt, it would be easy for anyone to spot their luggage coming and step forward to get it. Instead, everyone crowds close, jostling each other out of desperation to retrieve their belongings as quickly as possible, making the process more inefficient and unpleasant all around. Normally, Yuuri Katsuki makes sure to travel light enough to fit everything in a carry-on, to avoid this exact situation. But now, returning to his hometown after failing miserably at the Grand Prix Final, he’s stuck here, hovering at the edge of the crowd, waiting for all of his earthly possessions to be carelessly tossed down a chute. Finally, the mob has dispersed, and he sees his bags making their way forlornly around the curve. Taking them in hand, he turns and continues on to the next leg of his trip.
It’s mid-afternoon when he arrives in Hasetsu, but he finds himself blinking blearily and fighting sleep. That’s what he gets for blowing up his career and having to travel halfway around the world to lick his wounds, he supposes. Someone shouts his name and he jerks around to find the source. Minako is there, apparently waiting for him, leg extended behind her in a beautiful arabesque. He smiles in spite of himself. A dancer will always be a dancer… will a skater always be a skater?
“You didn’t have to come get me, Minako,” Yuuri says, mouth twisting. He is going to be enough of a burden on his family and friends in the coming months, he doesn’t need them acting as his chauffeurs on top of everything. “I could have taken a cab.”
Minako rolls her eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous. You haven’t been home for years. We wanted you to have a proper welcome. Your parents and Mari would be here too, if they weren’t busy at the onsen.”
He looks at the sign she’s holding, now. Large, somewhat messy letters spell out, ‘Welcome Home, Uncle Yuuri!’, and glitter is scattered haphazardly all around them. It looks like it was made by a child. Or children. Yuuko’s triplets, maybe? That’s cute. He’s looking forward to meeting them; he’s heard they are quite the mischief-makers, though.
Yuuri follows Minako back to her car, trying to avoid looking at all the skating posters of himself around town. How embarrassing, now that he’s failed so thoroughly. The car ride goes quickly enough, with them chatting a bit about his life in America and how things have been back here in Hasetsu while he’s been gone. When they arrive at the onsen, he does his best to struggle through properly greeting his parents and sister, but he can barely keep his eyes open and they shuffle him off to his room after just a few minutes.
Closing the door to his room behind him, he huffs a sigh and looks around. He cringes internally at all the posters of Victor Nikiforov that are still lining the walls of his room. Victor is an amazing skater, but remembering the crush he held onto for most of his teenage years is uncomfortable. All of the years of training and living abroad to claw his way into the ranks that were worthy to skate on the same ice as Victor, all thrown away over the course of a few disastrous days. He feels a pang in his heart, thinking of how different things are to how he had expected to return home. Vicchan, running up to him with her tail wagging, jumping up and down for attention. People cheering for their hometown’s skating success story. Yuuri returning feeling accomplished and fulfilled, instead of directionless and insignificant.
Shaking himself, he sets to the task of unpacking, as much as he can do before passing out, anyway. Unzipping his largest suitcase, he carefully removes the old shoebox containing his deepest secrets. He lifts the lid and sifts through the envelopes inside. Sometimes he finds it hard to believe that he’s held onto these letters for all these years, but every time he’s thought of getting rid of them, it feels like he would be getting rid of a part of himself. Each of these letters feels like a representation of a different time in his life, even if none of them are particularly applicable at the moment. The names jump out at him as he places them back in the box one by one.
Yuuko, his childhood friend.
Mei Nakamura, from skate camp, over a decade ago.
Victor Nikiforov, of course.
Jeremy Meyers, an American skater from his first international junior competition.
And Phichit Chulanont.
Everyone he’s ever been in love with. Yuuri is very good at articulating his feelings. On paper. In a letter to be sealed in a box and never sent. In person? Not a chance. And a good thing, too, because his feelings of romance have always faded over time. When Yuuri had first met Phichit, he had fallen hard and fast. Phichit was just so alive and energetic, he had a magnetism to him that made it impossible to look away. Yuuri had needed to get his feelings down on paper before they came spilling out his mouth and making a fool of him. Of course, Phichit had turned out to be an amazing roommate and training partner, and while Yuuri considered Phichit to be a treasured friend and was sad to be apart from him now, the idea of a relationship was laughable.
As for the rest, he had been “in love” with Yuuko at seven years old, had known Mei Nakamura for all of two weeks, and had had one conversation with Jeremy Meyers that happened to coincide with an especially inconvenient rush of teenage hormones. And Victor Nikoforov… well, his bi awakening had to happen sometime, and everyone is entitled to a celebrity crush or two, right? Yes, it’s a good thing he restricts his thoughts of romance to the form of secret letters that will never see the light of day. He doesn’t need the potential complications and heartbreak of an actual relationship.
He replaces the lid of the box and sets it aside. He shoves a few handfuls of clothes into drawers until the suitcase is mostly empty. Blinking blearily, he falls back on his bed and decides the rest can wait until his body has recovered from the abuse of the last twenty-four hours of travel.
Axel has admired Uncle Yuuri for all her life, even though she’s never met him. She and Lutz and Loop faithfully watch every competition, collect every poster, and grab Mama’s phone whenever they can, to check Uncle Yuuri’s roommate’s instagram for new pictures of him. Ever since Mama told her that Uncle Yuuri is coming home she has been asking when she will be able to see him. She doesn’t understand why Mama gets so frustrated when she asks again, now; it’s been at least five minutes since the last time she asked.
The walk over to the onsen is taking forever. And it’s boring. It would be so much better if people could skate wherever they needed to go. Uncle Yuuri would probably want to skate instead of walk, too. Here they are, now. Auntie Mari says that Uncle Yuuri is sleeping and they have to wait until next time to meet him. But Axel really wants to meet him now; she’s been waiting forever, so that’s more important. A quick huddle with Lutz and Loop and the special triplet sneak technique is in action, allowing Axel to get away without the grownups noticing, while the other two make it seem like all three of them are still there.
Down the hall and to the left is Uncle Yuuri’s old room. One time, she and Lutz and Loop were supposed to stay overnight at Grandma’s house, but she missed her own room so much, she couldn’t fall asleep and had to go back home. Uncle Yuuri has probably been missing his room all this time, and that’s where he would want to sleep now. She carefully nudges the door open and peers inside. She barely contains her excited gasp as she realizes she was right; Uncle Yuuri is here, sprawled out on his bed, and a bit of drool is dribbling out of the corner of his mouth.
“Uncle Yuuri, wake up!” she whispers, as loudly as she dares, because if a grownup back in the main room hears her they will come and get her before she can talk to Uncle Yuuri. “Uncle Yuuri, we walked all the way to the onsen to meet you and we’ve been waiting forever. Please wake up so I can tell you how I can skate almost as amazing as you, and then you can go right back to sleep, I promise.”
Axel reaches out to poke him in the side, but he just grumbles in his sleep and rolls over. He’s not waking up. Maybe he’s too sleepy. Her lower lip starts to tremble and she fights back tears. This is just so disappointing. She’s waited so long. Uncle Yuuri shifts again and something falls to the floor with a soft thump. A box is upside-down on the floor and the lid has come off. She bends down to look and finds a few letters. Axel loves getting letters in the mail, and she’s been asking Mama if she can send a letter to a friend sometime. Uncle Yuuri is probably going to be really busy with all the friends and family who want to see him again now that he’s back home... and Papa says if she’s going to be sneaky she should try doing nice sneaky things instead of ‘mischief’.
Her mind is made up. She collects all the letters that fell out of the box. She’s going to do a nice sneaky thing and put Uncle Yuuri’s letters in the mail for him.
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tell me somethin’ new
summary: dan's kind of regretting throwing away his friday night to have a skate-off with the guy who insulted him earlier today, but maybe it won't be as bad as he thinks. or the one where dan howell is a little hot-headed and accidentally challenges former ice-skating champion, phil lester, to an after-hours skating competition.
a/n: this was written for the jolly friends and dickmates gc winter secret santa gift exchange. happy christmas/new year/random friday in january @amczingphil​! special thanks to @knlalla​ and @philsroots​ for continuing to beta this even after i argued against almost every suggestion they made. to quote myself, “i’m sorry for being a stubborn gay bitch.”
word count: 3.7k
read on ao3
warnings: sexual references, sports injury, dan doesn’t know when to Stop
Dan is, decidedly, a dumbass, though he has yet to realize it. He slumps forward, eyes dropping down to where the laces on his skates hang limply at the sides. He glares at them. It’s not their fault that he’s here at an ice rink, after hours on a Friday night. They weren’t the ones who declared that Dan could outskate the cute ice rink owner, Phil, in a fit of half-flirting, half-frustrated hubris, after all. No, Dan did that just fine on his own, but he needs to take his irritation out on something, and the laces happen to be right here.
It hadn’t been on purpose, of course. He hadn’t stepped onto the rink earlier today with the intention of challenging a complete stranger to an after-hours skating competition.
Dan sighs and combs his fingers through his hair. This was a mistake. He could have actually had a fun night, could have gone out to a couple local bars to find a hook-up, but there’s not much he can do about it now. He’s already here, and he’s not about to forfeit when he knows he can win. With a sigh, he reaches down and begins tying up his laces. Might as well get it over with. At least this Phil guy is hot.
Planting the blades of his skates into the ground as firmly as he can, Dan pushes himself up off the bench, but it does little to stop him wobbling the moment he adds his weight into the mix. His ankles buckle and he finds himself reaching out to grab onto the nearest support. He just manages to wrap his arms around the nearest bench in an attempt to hold himself up before he finds himself in a heap of his own limbs on the floor.
Groaning, he presses his forehead against the seat top. It’s made of metal and cool from the chilly air, and it helps to temper his rapidly warming face. Fuck ice skates. He never really has much of a problem with them when he’s on the ice, but he can’t walk for shit in them when he’s on solid ground. He’ll have to learn pretty quickly if he doesn’t want to fall flat on his face in front of Phil, though.
Using the arms he’s already wrapped around the bench, Dan pulls himself back to his feet. This time, he positions himself closer to the wall. As long as there’s something for him to lean on if he needs to, Dan should be able to make it all the way to the rink without incident. He just needs to spend less time thinking about what he’s doing.
Somehow he manages it.
Phil is already on the ice by the time Dan makes it out to the gate. He’s gliding across the ice in figure eights, his long legs clad in tight black leggings, and Dan’s half-tempted to just stay quiet and hide behind the barrier so he can keep watching. It doesn’t really seem like Phil would notice Dan if he doesn’t make his presence known - he appears to be lost in his own world, his entire body swaying to the rhythm of a song that isn’t actually there.
Actually, he appears to be dancing - properly dancing - on the ice right now. His arms come up to circle over his head, fingers locked tightly together, and he bends at the knees, tucking in to begin spinning in a tight circle on the spot. The sharp blades of the skates grind against the ice, cutting through the air like a siren, but all Dan can focus on are Phil’s legs. He seems to be winding himself up, although for what exactly Dan isn’t quite sure.
The answer, it turns out, is nothing. But Phil isn’t done yet. He plants his toe into the ice to stop himself from spinning and immediately begins gliding backwards across the smooth surface. He draws his right leg back, allowing the left one to continue to carry him over the ice as he gears up for something Dan’s not sure he’s ready for himself. Dan can feel his heartbeat in his ears as Phil drags his right skate forward to plant the toe in the ice and propel himself off the ground.
It isn’t until this moment that he realizes Phil must know twice as much about skating as Dan does himself. So what if Phil falls flat on his arse the moment his skates touch the ice again? Dan knows that he’s not a bad skater, but he definitely doesn’t know how to skate quite like that. Regardless of whether or not Phil can land his jumps, he can still do more than Dan will ever be able to. Maybe this was a bad idea. Dan’s throat closes tightly as he watches Phil reach behind himself to press a hand to his lower back. The wince is visible even from here.
Phil pushes himself to his feet and brushes the ice shavings off of his arse, and Dan doesn’t know whether to keep watching or to pretend he hadn’t seen the fall to begin with.
It seems he doesn’t even need to make the decision. Before he can even think about it, Phil’s calling out from the middle of the ice.
“I thought you wanted to skate.” He fixes his gaze just to the left of Dan, eyes rimmed with just a tinge of red.
Dan takes a deep breath and then steps through the gate and out onto the ice. As soon as his skates touch the new surface, a calm washes over him. He begins gliding towards the center of the rink where Phil is, the blades cutting smoothly through the clean ice. It feels familiar, comforting in the same way it feels to walk through the front door of his flat after a long day. Phil meets Dan’s gaze, crosses his arms as Dan digs his toe into the ice to come to a halt right in front of him.
“Sorry, I - erm - I saw you out on the ice and I didn’t want to interrupt,” Dan says.
“I saw you come out of the changing rooms.” Phil’s turned his attention to his fingernails, and Dan wonders if he and his big mouth have already ruined any prospects for a friendly flirtationship.
“Oh yeah, I was, uh, re-tying my laces,” he says lamely.
The question are you okay sits on the tip of Dan’s tongue, but instead he blurts out, “So what, were you trying to show off for me or…?”
Phil rolls his eyes, muttering something under his breath, and begins skating away. Dan watches, unsure of whether he should follow after him or just turn around leave before his shoves his foot even further in his mouth.
“Are you coming?”
Once again, it seems as though Phil is making all of Dan’s decisions for him tonight. Maybe he doesn’t mind as much as he should.
"Yes, sir," he grumbles. When he starts towards Phil, he goes slowly, opting for long, smooth strides over the short, choppy ones that would get him there faster. He comes to a stop about two metres away and clears his throat. "Okay. So tell me how I have to kick your ass."
Phil huffs. "Three trials. One timed lap around the rink, seven figure-eights, one triple lux. Loser has to pay for drinks afterwards.”
Dan gulps. He has no idea how to do a triple lux, but maybe if Phil goes before him, he can just wing it and try to mimic what he does.
“Do we have a deal?” Phil says.
“You know,” Dan starts against his better judgment, lips turning up at one corner into a crooked smirk, “you don’t have to go through all of this just to take me out for a drink. Hell, I’d fall right into your bed if you smiled at me.” He’d probably fall right into Phil’s bed without the smile, even. Although, considering that Phil hasn’t so much as smirked since the moment they met, Dan’s definitely itching to get at least one out of him before the night is over.
“You were the one who called for a skate-off.” Phil’s voice is flat and low, his eyes once again searching for anything to look at besides Dan. His cheeks are tinged pink, but as much as Dan would like to take credit for that himself, he’s pretty sure it’s because Phil’s been stood out on this ice for a while. It is rather nipply out here. Perhaps that’s why Dan loses the ability to bite his tongue every time he’s out on this ice. All his blood is trying to circulate towards his head.
“I only called for a skate-off in the first place because you seem to think I’m incapable of teaching my niece how to skate.”
Phil eyes him suspiciously. “That was your niece?”
“Well yeah,” Dan scoffs. “I promised her I’d take her skating this year. She’s never been before and this place had the best reviews. Obviously none of the reviewers took hospitality into account.”
Phil freezes, his jaw dropping and his eyes narrowing into slits. “Well maybe-” he growls, pausing to let a deep breath pass in and out of his lips. Any fight he has in him seems to dissipate as he exhales. He closes his mouth slowly. “Look. You were distributing your weight all wrong. I know it probably feels more comfortable balance-wise when you angle your skates outward, but it leaves you more susceptible to injuries. I just thought that if you were trying to teach a kid how to skate - which you were - you should at least do it right.”
Dan’s ears grow hot at the insinuation that he’s unfit to teach Maggie how to skate. He scowls at the thick layer of ice beneath his feet. “Oh yeah? Well who crowned you king of the fucking ice rink?”
“The deed to this place,” Phil says flatly. There’s a beat of silence and then he lets out a long sigh, causing Dan’s eyes to flit up. Phil’s eyes are squeezed tightly shut, his teeth worrying at his bottom lip. “Fuck,” he bursts out finally. “Okay, I’m sorry. You’re not like. A bad skater. I think you already know that.”
Dan can feel the tension beginning to seep out of his shoulders just from this half-compliment, and he kind of hates himself for it. “But?”
“But there’s something I want to show you. C’mon.” The ice grinds beneath Phil skates as he starts making his way towards the main gate.
“Is it your cock?” Dan calls after him. He can see the eye roll from here. “I thought we were going to skate?”
“Raincheck?” Phil looks down at his skates. “I, erm, assume you saw me fall earlier?”
Dan nods despite the guilt crawling up to expand in his throat. He swallows it down. “Yeah, I did. But, uh, I mean to your credit, I wouldn’t even attempt whatever jump that was you did.”
Phil looks up, laughs humourlessly. “A triple lutz. They used to be my specialty. Anyway, It turns out that I’m also pretty shit at distributing my weight. I am now, at least. I, uh, strained my knee on that jump, so I should probably get out of these skates and try not to fuck it up any more.” Shaking his head, he turns and takes his first step off the ice.
“Specialty?” Dan murmurs to himself. Phil used to have an ice skating specialty. One that involved actually jumping off the ice. It’s only a moment later that he registers the second thing Phil just said. “Wait!” he calls out, skating towards the gate he entered the rink at - the one Phil’s just used to step off the ice. He slows down as he approaches the wall. “Are you hurt?”
With a small, sad smile, Phil turns back to look at him. “Nothing a little ice won’t fix.” He sits down on the bench beside gate while Dan uses the wall as a support to help himself off the ice.
Dan sits down on the opposite bench as Phil begins untying his laces. He won’t say it out loud, but Dan is glad for the excuse to take his skates off instead of walking back to the changing rooms in them. If Phil can take his off out here, then Dan will just do the same. He reaches down, tugs at his laces until they loosen. It’s always ten times harder to get the skates off than it is to put them on, so he gets to work, trying to wiggle them off of his feet one at a time.
He isn’t having much luck. Phil’s are already lying on the floor next to his feet, just another testament to how foolish Dan had been to challenge him in the first place. He got lucky with Phil’s forfeit, although from his view of the way Phil’s currently hunched over and massaging his knee with the palm of his hand, Dan doesn’t actually feel all too great about it.
Phil looks up at Dan from beneath his lashes. “Need some help?”
Dan nods silently and sticks his foot out to make it more accessible to Phil, but Phil just drops down to press his good knee into the floor.
“Bit too soon for a proposal, don’t you think?” Dan teases as Phil fiddles with the laces to loosen them up a bit more.
“You know, I could just let you keep these on and laugh as you stumble around in them.”
“Philip,” Dan gasps, “were you watching me? I knew it. I’m irresistible, aren’t I?” He winks.
“Embarrassingly comedic is more like it,” Phil mutters, although his cheeks have gone pink again. He tugs on the heel of Dan’s boot and it gives up its tight grip on his foot. “Okay, now point your toes.” Dan does as he’s told, and the skate slips easily off of his foot. Phil sets it on the floor like he’d done with his own.
Dan whistles. “Wow. Do you do this kind of thing often? For the record, when I say ‘this kind of thing’ I mean ‘help guys who really want to bang you undress from their skates.’”
Phil rolls his eyes. “Do you have an off switch?”
Dan reaches behind himself with a smirk. “Yeah,” he says, pointing to his bum, “it’s right around here.”
“Jesus Christ,” Phil mutters as he starts working on the second boot. “Something tells me that only winds you up more.” He tugs the skate over Dan’s foot and sets it on the floor next to the first. “Now come on. I need to go get some ice on my knee and wrap it up.”
Dan watches as he uses his hands to push himself up off the ground, careful not to jostle his right knee in any way. Following suit, Dan picks his skates up off the ground and grabs Phil’s also. “I know you’re going to turn me down,” he says, “but you’re welcome to use me as support if you need to hobble.”
To Dan’s surprise, Phil slings an arm around his shoulder without a word.
“Oh,” Dan breathes. He shuffles the pair of skates in his right hand to under his left arm, slipping his now free hand around to grip Phil’s waist. “Is this, erm, is this okay?” he says quietly.
They make their way slowly and wordlessly, the newly shared intimate space drawing even Dan into a precarious silence. He’s afraid that if he opens his mouth, this bubble that they’ve built around themselves will burst. His heart thumping against his ribcage is the only thing tethering him to reality right now. Each beat feels like there’s a bird trapped in his chest, flapping its wings relentlessly in the hopes that enough friction will set it free.
Luckily, Phil’s office isn’t too far away. There’s a hallway just after the changing room entrance, and all the way at the left on the end is the office.
When they reach it, Phil pushes the door open and flicks on the light. “You can have a seat,” he says, pointing to the armchair near the far wall. “I’ll just be a few minutes.”
Dan watches warily as he hobbles towards his desk on his own. It’s only when Phil makes it to his desk chair without incident that Dan lets out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding in. He strolls over to the armchair and plops himself down on it.
With Phil busy rummaging around in something beneath his desk, Dan is free to look around his office. He hasn’t thought about it enough to have any real expectations, but for some reason he finds the orderliness of the room surprising. Phil’s sat at a large mahogany desk in the corner opposite Dan. It has a computer with two monitors, a picture frame, a coffee mug, a pair of glasses, and what appears to be a page from a newspaper on it, but otherwise, it’s bare. A couple filing cabinets line the wall opposite the desk, but they too have nothing on them. It’s very...plain.
In fact, the only real decoration he can spot in the whole room is a staggered row of shelves built into the wall next to Phil’s desk. On each of them is a collection of trophies, medals hung neatly around their necks. Dan probably wouldn’t have even noticed them if he hadn’t a glimpse of a glare reflecting off their surface.
“That’s a lot of trophies,” he says, finally breaking the silence. “So you’re an ice skater? Like competitively?”
Phil looks up from the ace bandage he’s been steadily winding around his knee while Dan’s been distracted. “Was.” His voice cracks. “I was a competitive ice skater.” He opens his mouth as if he wants to say more, but then closes it abruptly.
Dan doesn’t know how much more he should push, but he’s willing to test the waters if it means getting to know this man a little bit more. “It looks like you were a pretty damn good one,” he prompts, nodding to the shelves.
“Erm…” Phil turns his attention back to his knee so he can finish wrapping it up. “Yeah, I was alright.” His voice shakes. “I was better than alright, actually. I was on the track to the Olympics, but then I made a rookie mistake and...well, long story short, I tore my ACL.”
Dan sucks in a breath. “Oh my God,” he says softly. “I’m so sorry.” He doesn’t know what all a torn ACL entails, but he knows that it’s ruined careers for a lot of unlucky athletes. And if Phil is here instead of out on the ice, Dan’s pretty sure that he was one of the unlucky ones.
“Me too,” Phil whispers. “Me too.” He shakes his head and turns to tuck the end of his bandage beneath another layer, clipping it in place. With a sigh, he looks back up at Dan. “I was trying to do a triple lutz when you came out to the rink earlier. Just to see if I could do it. I mean, the doctor told me when I came out of surgery that I’d never be able to skate competitively again. I think a part of me has always held out hope that I’d be able to land jumps eventually, though.”
Dan nods. He knows what that feels like. He knows how it feels to chase after something even when the odds are against you. “So what did you do? After they told you you wouldn’t be able to compete again?”
“I, uh-” Phil laughs darkly.“I did a lot of moping for about a year. And then I signed on to be a coach to some younger skaters for a couple years. But I found out that just wasn’t a good fit for me. It was just this painful reminder of everything that I’d had to leave behind.” He presses his palm into his knee and looks up towards the ceiling, letting out a long sigh. “So as soon as my contracts ended, I moved out here and used some of the money I’d saved up to buy this place. Part of me wishes that I could just leave it all behind. But I’ve tried, and every time I do it’s like I can hear the ice calling out to me. Like we have unfinished business. I don’t know, I probably sound like a freak.”
“No,” Dan says, “no, not at all. That’s how I feel about writing.”
“You’re a writer?” Phil’s eyebrows shoot up.
Dan laughs, bringing a hand up to run his fingers through his hair. “Uh, yeah. Not a very good one, but yeah.”
Phil frowns. “I’m sure that’s not true.”
“Tell that to every publisher I’ve sent my manuscript to in the past two years.”
Phil’s frown deepens, his eyebrows scrunching together in a way that’s both endearing and maddeningly practiced. “Well fuck them. You’ll get it published. I know you will.”
Dan sighs, ruffling his hair again. “Thanks. Really, thank you.” Part of him is afraid that his earnestness makes him sound like a bit of a loon, but mostly he just feels relieved. He’s forgotten how it feels to sit down and have a conversation with someone who actually listens to what he’s saying.
“You will,” Phil says softly before clearing his throat. “Anyway, I, uh, I just wanted to say that I wasn’t trying to like. Insult you earlier today. You’re a decent skater and you skate with confidence, which is half the battle sometimes. There are just some techniques that could help you skate a little more smoothly if you’d learned via a trainer.” He scratches his head. “I could teach you sometime, if you want. And your niece, too. What’s her name again?”
“Maggie,” Dan answers automatically. He pauses for a beat, letting a smile spread slowly across his face. “So you could teach me some techniques, huh?”
Phil blinks. “Aaaaand he’s back.” Shaking his head, he stands up from the desk chair and tests out his knee. It seems to be holding up from what Dan can see. “C’mon,” Phil says with a sigh, the small smile tugging at his lips betraying his apparent annoyance. “Let me buy you a drink. I did technically forfeit after all.”
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TLNM Headcanons
This is the first time I’ve actually shared headcanons (and they’re really dumb). These are for the movie just because I’ve been thinking about it a lot, but I have ones for the series if anyone is interested.
Other than Nya and Kai, Cole and Jay have known each other the longest. They used to be neighbours before Jay's parents moved to the outskirts of Ninjago City.
Kai and Nya don't have parents. They both have jobs to be able to afford their apartment, although Kai insists he could just work two jobs so Nya has more time to study and focus on her grades.
Nya and Zane get the best grades out the group, across all of their subjects (the two of them have a friendly competition going whenever big tests come up, which the rest of the group find terrifying). Jay comes next with pretty good grades, especially in science and IT, then there's Cole and Lloyd (they get roughly the same) with middle-ish grades, Cole does best in art and music while Lloyd's better at english and foreign languages. Kai has the worst grades of the bunch (but not bad grades, he just gets Cs mainly), he's better at hands-on subjects like woodwork.
They often have movie nights at their base. Jay likes romance and sci-fi, Cole and Kai enjoy action movies, Lloyd prefers things with deep stories and morals, Nya likes monster movies and horror (she has nerves of steel) while Zane enjoys kung fu movies as well as animated films.
They argue over who had the most fans. It got to the point they did an online poll about it. Turns out Lloyd had the most fans, he was kind of smug about it for weeks.
They have a team fridge which they all keep food in. It used to get raided during the night so they set up a camera to see who it was. Turns out it was Wu in his sleep.
When they stay late at base after a battle to hang out and work on the mechs they take it in turns to get the food. When it's Kai or Nya they usually get takeout, Cole buys whatever he can find at the local store, Zane cooks for them on this portable stove he has, Jay brings some of his mom's cooking to share and Lloyd gets pastries from the nearest bakery.
After Koko found out about the ninja thing she started visiting their base often. She makes sure they all do their homework, are getting enough sleep, are eating properly and brings them snacks. It embarrasses Lloyd so much.
They have gaming tournaments sometimes. Usually the finalists are either Kai, Jay or Nya. If it's Kai and Nya the sibling rivalry is so thick you could cut it with a knife. With Jay and Kai there's a lot of playful shoving which ends up with one of them falling off the couch. Then when it's Nya and Jay it's a lot quieter, just super tense.
They have found fanfiction of people shipping the ninja together. Most of the time it's pretty funny, except when they ship Kai and Nya together. Kai actually passed out when they first found out, and he didn't wake up for an hour. They were worried they'd broken him.
No matter how old they get the Ninja will always go trick-or-treating. Kai insists they do it, and no one has the heart to tell him no because of how excited he gets.  
After the movie the group decided to look after Meowthra, they take turns feeding them and giving them belly rubs. It's basically their mascot now.
Movie Kai -
He's super athletic. It doesn't matter what sport it is, he's tried it at least once. Sometimes it isn't even a sport like dance or cheerleading.
Speaking of cheerleading, Kai tried out for the team at the start of the year since he thought it would be fun. He did a routine to something positive like 'Stick Together' (he didn't make the cut because he was friends with Lloyd (he didn't mind though)). P.S. The idea of cheerleader Kai is my jam!
He tries to get into what his friends are interested in, like he got into music when Cole started talking to the group about it or online videogaming when Jay said he had no one to play with.
He wants to make his friends happy no matter what. Seriously, Lloyd once texted him at 3am saying he was sad and Kai at his apartment in 10 mins panting, holding a shopping bag full of ice cream ready to chill with him.
Kai is incredibly clingy, especially when someone's upset. If he sees someone crying he will hug them for 3 hours straight and refuse to let go.
Clumsy is definitely a word to describe him. No one wants to be his lab partner thanks to what was lovingly dubbed the 'Storage room incident' (they still haven't repaired all the damages).
Despite him loving being a ninja, he's always worrying if something bad is going to happen to his friends. It keeps him up at night most of the time (it's the reason he sleeps in class so much).
Due to his irregular sleeping habits the other ninja have found him asleep in weird places. Such as: His mech, his locker, their double-decker couch, their regular couch, under his desk, the janitor's closet and the fridge (it was summer at the time).
He owns the teddy bear backpack (like from the concept art). He brought it to school a couple times but it got taken by some bullies, who his friends had to restrain him from beating to a pulp, and he hasn't taken it since.
He cares about his hair a lot. He carries around a hair brush with him at all time, as well as hairspray and dry conditioner. Kai also knowns how to do loads of different styles, including multiple kinds of braids.
Like his series counterpart, Kai is afraid of water and cannot swim. The group went to a waterpark once and he had to wear armbands and a floaty ring to go on the slides.
Movie Zane -
Zane has been called 'Mom' by each of his friends at least once, Lloyd does it the most.
When he sings he sounds like a vocaloid (if you don't what this is, look it up).
Speaking of that, he would probably enjoy listening to that music. He finds it relatable and nice to hear a computer singing.
He enjoys really mild food and can't process sugar that well, so he has flavourless food a lot (like his water flavoured popsicles)
He has a vlog about the ninja that they have all featured on more than once. His most popular videos are fail compilations he makes of their battles
He has the best handwriting, like he could a calligrapher it's that good. Jay cried when he looked at it the first time because he thought it was beautiful.
When he first started school he had no idea about personal space. He still doesn't get it now and so he's fine when Cole leans on him a lot.
Zane enjoys when winter comes around. He can't feel the cold that much so he often lends his scarf to Kai when the other is shivering. He can also ice skate which the others found amazing the first time they went to a rink together.
He doesn't sleep that much so he often stays up late messaging Kai on his phone (they talk about the strangest things)
He names every piece of tech he owns. His phone is called 'Yuki'.
During the first month of the ninjas being friends none of them saw Zane eat, since he doesn't need to that often. Until Kai had enough and took him out for ice cream, because he was sure he was going to eat it out of anything else.
Movie Cole -
He listens to music to help him sleep at night, even though he knows it's bad for him.
Cole has no sense of taste, like he'll eat anything, and he can handle really spicy food like it's nothing
He wants to have a song for every occasion, no matter how weird it is, since he thinks life should have a backing track. He constantly asks the others for situations so he can check if he has music for it yet. (He still hasn't found 'being bitten by a snake that was bitten by a spider' for Garmadon, but he's trying).
He will listen to music in other languages, sometimes he looks up lyrics if he's really curious but most of the time he just enjoys how other languages sound.
Cole knows how to play at least 10 instruments, including but not limited to the violin, the guitar, the drums, the flute and the piano.
He often forgets to brush his hair. When he and Kai started being friends Kai almost had a heart attack when he found out. Now the fire ninja makes sure he always has it brushed in the morning, even if he has to do it for him.
When he has to have classes without his headphones on, because the teacher took them or something, he starts humming or taps his foot. Anything to make noise, he doesn't like quiet all that much.
He can imitate phone notification noises. He does it in class when he's bored to see how many people move to check their phone (he caught the teacher out once, and couldn't stop laughing).
Cole's actually blue-yellow colour blind. He sometimes mistakes Jay for Lloyd and vice versa when they're in their ninja uniform.
Movie Jay -
Videogaming is way of life for him. He plays anything. Retro, PC, co-op, shooters; It really doesn't matter to him.
He listens to music while he games sometimes if he doesn't like the game soundtrack or if he needs to get pumped up.
Everyone knows about his crush on Nya, except Nya and Kai. The former because he hasn't told her yet and the latter due to the fact no one knows how he'll react to the news.
Gets sick a lot. It annoys him to no end. His mom is constantly sending him to school with thermoses of noodle soup for colds, and tons of medicine.
He gets stressed a lot. Jay has a habit of overthinking things to the point it hurts his head to think about. He's starting to drink herbal teas from Wu to help with it.
He has kitten sneezes. Everyone thinks it's the cutest thing ever.
He owns like a million scarfs, and they're all knitted by his mom. He refuses to get rid of any of them because of how long she spent on each one.
He is terrified of Furbys, he thinks they're creepy and shouldn't be given to kids.
Jay can actually knit for himself but only makes stuff for other people as gifts.
Movie Nya -
Her grades are the most important thing in her life, besides her bike.
She hates getting ill, because she thinks it makes her look weak and she doesn't want Kai to miss school to take care of her. Even if he insists he can afford time off school.
Was voted: 'Most likely to get away with murder', by her classmates. She wears the title like a badge of honour.
Out of all the ninja she's definitely the most intimidating. Anyone who calls her 'harmless' has regretted it.
Nya enjoys reading in her free time. She likes all types of stories, including manga, comics and visual novels.
She pulls pranks more than most people would expect. It's the reason she didn't get invited to many 'girls only' sleepovers as a kid, due to drawing on people’s faces among other things.
When she found out Koko was Lady Iron Dragon it took her a week to build up the courage to ask for her autograph. (Which is currently framed on her bedroom wall.)
Usually forgets to eat breakfast in the morning, so Zane started bringing her snacks before school so Kai won't worry about her health.
She's super supportive of all of her friends. She's usually the one cheering the loudest for them and patting them on the back for a job well done.
Her dream is to travel the world after they graduate. She wants to see everything the world has to offer, but she always insists her home base will be Ninjago.
Movie Lloyd -
When he's sad he eats sugary food, especially ice cream. It worries his mom so he doesn't do it that much nowadays.
He's a closeted fanboy of anime. Like he has posters and stuff all over his room, which his mom finds adorable, but he refuses to show any of his friends. Kai found out about by accident and started watching shows with him.
Much like his series counterpart, when Lloyd was a kid he had a bowl cut. Cole found a picture of it in a yearbook, they have it hanging up in their base on the fridge.
Up until his eighth birthday he sent Garmadon an invitation to his party just in case his dad actually wanted to come. It broke Koko's heart every time he didn't and Lloyd locked himself in his room.
Jay once said he looked like Link from Zelda. It stuck with him to the point he dressed up as him for Halloween. Everyone thought it was great.
His sense of humour is like 40% self-deprecating and 60% sarcasm, no one knows if he's serious most of the time because of it.
He's jokingly been called Kai and Nya's 'sibling' before because of how protective the two are of him, they don't mind and take it as a compliment. When Koko heard it for the first time she started crying and said she would love to have Kai and Nya as part of the family.
He has tons of mini cacti in his room, because he thinks their cute. They each have unique pots and names. He talks to them when he's lonely and thinks no one is listening.
He sometimes steals food from the team fridge and blames it on someone else (no one has actually caught him yet).
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