#but maia has special privileges
0lympian-c0uncil · 1 year
Leto: I love you.
Hera,*checking herself in a mirror*: Yea, me too peasant.
Maia: I love you too!
Hera,*kissing Maia*: I love you more than anything in this world, my love~
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
not to post my 18th book rant of the day, but returning to the Goblin Emperor, I found it refreshing that there's this fun little side plot where Maia has to learn to balance the "I don't need servants and also I don't want common folk to fear me" attitude brought on by his very sparse upbringing with the whole "the emperor has legions of special servants and also requires all sorts of pomp and ceremony and guards wherever he goes" thing
A few books I've read have really leaned into the "commoner king dresses himself and is buddies with the servants" thing, and while we love a working class royal here, I also always think that if I was the servant, and the king/my boss suddenly took a serious interest in my personal life and started telling me I didn't have to do my job. I would be terrified. Like, one, is this a joke, and two, am I fired?? And as a commoner it's like....am I under arrest? You showed up to my relative's funeral but am I under arrest, sir???
When the mistrust of authority is so deeply engrained (and it sounds like it was after at least one shitty king, probably more, and a string of shitty, over-privileged aristocrats) mere niceness cannot bridge that gap. You gotta allow boundaries to exist or else the People at large will start to feel terrified you'll have them executed for gossiping or something.
So, it's fun to see Maia over-adjust in both directions (especially after Cala gives him the "we're not your friends" speech) while trying to keep himself and his staff content. Eventually, he gets there.
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lucapaulli · 4 months
Babies In The Walls from Rebecca Manley on Vimeo.
An astonishing and candid insight into the changes in a new mother's brain postpartum.
⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING: This poem is a personal account of one such change and could be triggering for some people.
Performed by the brave and remarkable Davina Moon (Wreck, No Time to Die, Ted Lasso), this is the second film in my Postpartum Poems Project - the aim of which is to empower as many mothers, birthing people and parents as possible.
For more information about the project as a whole, please see the first film in the series 'Cluster Feeding' performed by the extraordinary Victoria Yeates (Fantastic Beasts, a Discovery of Witches, Call the Midwife), also available to view via my Vimeo page.
Postpartum mental health is not an area discussed in much detail during pregnancy. In our society there is very little, if any, conversation about the impact of birth on the mind both positive and negative.
✨ I was lucky that the experience, that inspired this poem, was a positive one full of wonder. However for others the mental health shifts they come up against during this fragile time can impact their lives negatively. This is why, I think, it is so important to share our stories and emphasise that whilst change is completely normal, if the changes you are experiencing are having an adverse effect on your life and you are struggling, it is of paramount importance to reach out for the right support.
❤️ When I first spoke to Davina about performing the poem, I knew nothing about her personal experience with perinatal mental health. But she had had a tough time postpartum and initially found the work quite triggering. For me it is very moving, especially under these circumstances, that she has taken this poem and made it her own. I feel privileged to have collaborated with such a talented, open and warm actor on this project and that both our positive and negative experiences have combined to produce a powerful and emotive performance. It is my hope that this film will serve to open up more dialogue around postpartum mental health as well as make those climbing their own personal mountains feel seen and supported.
‘If you or someone you love is experiencing perinatal mental health disorders, call or text the bilingual PSI Helpline for free support and resources at 1-800-944-4773 or visit postpartum.net.  Remember you are not alone and you are not to blame. Help is available. You will get better.’ - @postpartumsupportinternational
✍️ This list is by no means exhaustive but here are some organisations that lend their help to parents who are navigating mental health challenges postpartum -
Mum’s Aid - mums-aid.org/ @mums_aid
Mind - mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/postnatal-depression-and-perinatal-mental-health/about-maternal-mental-health-problems/
Maternal Mental Health Alliance - maternalmentalhealthalliance.org/
Perinatal Mental Health - @perinatal.mentalhealth.project
POC specific:
Black Perinatal Mental Health (Insta) - blackperinatalmentalhealth
Five X More - fivexmore.org/ @fivexmore_
Perinatal Mental Health UK (Insta) - @perinatalmentalhealthuk
Perinatal Mental Health for POC (Insta) - @pmhapoc
Gidget Foundation Perinatal Mental Health (Insta) - @gidgetfoundation
Birth Trauma Association - birthtraumaassociation.org.uk/#
SPECIAL THANKS: Brother Film Co. Luke, Marcus and Hugo Ellingham, Natalia Andreadis, Fipsi Seilern, Lorna McCoid, Iona Firouzabadi, Rascal Post, Andy Humphreys, Kate Myers, Luca Paulli.
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Ok uhhh claia, lukemaryse and malec superhero au headcanons
first of all, id just like to say that i love this new trend of u guys sending me really vague prompts and giving me complete creative freedom to do whatever i want with them. i think it really shows that u trust me to create good, interesting content, and that means a lot to me. second of all, that trust is entirely misplaced. why would you ever think that id make something good. have you met me. what im trying to say here is basically: this is your own fault
In a world where everyone has a superpower, the world is bound to work a little different. No one knows what determines people's superpowers; some are fairly common (like teleportation, which led to a lot of ppl working as cabs, taking ppl to and from wherever they need) and others are unique and particularly powerful (and also dangerous, which is why particularly powerful people are part of an elite squad dedicated to keep the world safe; our very own superheroes)
Alec's superpower is definitely unique: he can sense trash. That's it. Hes just going around, living his life, sensing trash. He knows when people are littering. He can sense it from a pretty far away distance. Everywhere he goes, he knows where all the trash cans are. His life is just. Him and the trash, everywhere, haunting him
No one's ever heard of this before. Alec's mom, maryse, can bend all four elements, and is part of the Elite Squad; so is his father, although he retired from action and works behind a desk now. His sister izzy has superspeed and was trained to perfect combat in the hopes she would follow their footsteps, but ultimately decided to give it up and become a biologist instead. And Alec. Can sense trash
This was the source of a lot of Family Drama, since alec's parents were pretty strict and held their position as elite superheroes with pride, expecting nothing less from their children. But after many years of trying and failing to somehow make up for it, Alec decided to say fuck them and fully embraced who he is, refusing to live in apology. Once he finally left their house to live on his own, maryse realised he meant wanting to cut them off his life for real, and came around. Robert's lack of understanding was one of the factors that led to their divorce
Alec became an architect and works to build better and efficient waste collection systems in the country. Due to his power, he knows which places need the most infrastructure investment, as well as the problems that lead to the littering. He also knows which companies are illegally discarding their waste and how, the exact effects of that on the environment, and a lot of stuff that would otherwise only be possible through extensive research. He is an activist for both a better public, free, universal waste removal system, and stricter regulations on companies that profit from environmental destruction.
And the thing is, he likes this life. He's passionate about it. Everyday at work he gets to do a little something to make the world better and fight against injustice and use his place of privilege that comes from his education and his so-called "useless" superpower for change. He wouldn't trade it for the world and he's really passionate about what he does, even if it does take up most of his time
So when his mom comes in one day saying that a new villain named Trash Man is going around and killing people and they need his help to track him, Alec is not. amused.
First of all: Trash Man? come on
But he kind of has no choice, since this is top priority at the moment and the very ministery of security is calling him or something - every citizen is required to register their powers so they know exactly when they're needed
So he goes, and for the first time, he meets the rest of his mom's Top Secret team; first of all, there's the leader, Luke: his power is persuasion and hes very good at de-escalating events to guarantee minimal damage and better solutions, making him the most valuable asset of the team. Then there's Maryse, and under them, a team of relatively young, but very powerful, heroes: maia, a shapeshifter; clary, who can summon weapons and is very good at Stabbing; and Magnus, who can bend time and space
Magnus is also kind of the Group Genius; his power also got him an special interest in physics and chemistry, meaning that he is not only able to use his power intelligently and creatively, but effectively enhance it; he's also very good with tech and responsible for a lot of their non-power-related assets. Honestly, he likes that part way better than the crime-fighting blah blah blah, but he kind of has no choice over what he does because he's an orphan and extremely powerful, meaning he's viewed as a threat by the government while simultaneously being dependant on them, and would pretty much have nowhere to turn to if he didnt start working for them
But really, he wants to be a scientist. He wants to do good things. He wants to create stuff that will make people's lives, and the world, better. He doesn't even believe in this whole "crime fighting" shit; he believes in a just world crime would be minimal and using their resources to fight bad guys instead of working on crime prevention is an absolute waste. But it's not like anybody asked for his opinion.
Alec and Magnus immediately hit it off; Alec was kind of tense at first because surely these guys would have the world's hugest chip on their shoulder, right? But instead everyone welcomes him, and Magnus kind of jokes that he envies him, which takes him by surprise
Because Maia and Clary are both Magnus' great friends as well, Alec also gets closer to them; Clary can be a little self-centered and annoying, but she's cool and Maia always calls her out on it. Maia is a fierce, amazing, smart girl and Alec can totally see why she and Magnus are so close, with their similar sense of humor, shared experiences (Maia is not an orphan but she ran away from home when she was pretty young), and gleaming, almost mischievous intelligence and talent. Alec can hold a conversation with them alright, since as an architect he needs quite some knowledge of physics and as an activist he can also hold pretty good and deep conversations with them about the system and its flawed, unjust logic; but there are some topics they get into that just kind of escalate and seem to get them in their own little world. Alec finds himself watching from the sidelines sometimes, and while he admires that - and doesnt miss the way clary will sometimes sit beside him and watch them as well, a small smile on her face that tells him everything he needs to know - he finds himself... a little upset by it, too
Not that he has a problem with them, but he finds himself wanting to feel like he belongs, and that's kind of- new. It's not like his life is a sad wet sock of loneliness or anything, he has his sister, he has some friends, but he's a private kind of guy and he finds himself more comfortable at the sidelines than the spotlight, except when it comes to his work, because hes good at that
It's just his luck, then, that Trash Man turns out to be really smart and hard to track due to [vague plot noises], giving him all the time he needs to, well, figure this out
So he spends more time with them, particularly Magnus. The both of them will sometimes sit talking for hours, and soon learn a lot about each other. Magnus listens, enraptured, whenever Alec goes on a passionate Trash Rant™ and Alec is always in awe by Magnus' smart solutions. They begin some sort of camraderie that's also laced with Magnus' oh-so-smooth flirting, which started strong and eventually died out as Magnus began to realize he really liked Alec and his usual confidence and devil-may-care attitude vanished. But Alec mistakes this as Magnus losing interest or him seeing things. Cue lots of mutual pining
At least once Alec gets thrown through a wall by some villain; but, little did he know, it wasnt just a normal wall that he broke; it was the fourth wall. Alec looks straight into the reader's eyes, and goes: "I can sense trash. That's why, in this AU, i was never friends with jace". Then Magnus comes in and takes him back to the other side of the wall, and Alec blinks, confused, not remembering what had just happened. This is never mentioned again
Idk theres some gay shit in here, Alec introduces Magnus to Izzy and Magnus is absolutely in awe with her work. Izzy specializes in pollinators and works trying to restore the bee population and guarantee a more sustainable environment. Her work crosses with Alec's a surprising amount of times, and Magnus, who loves both animals and the incredible amount of knowledge her research requires, and they become super good friends almost immediately, which makes Alec very pleased.
More gay shit, Alec and Magnus decide to team up to try and get Clary and Maia together, only to be knocked sideways when they find out they're already dating. Maryse is like "do the four of you ever work" and Alec is hit with the realisation that his mom, too, kind of lives in the sidelines when it comes to things that arent work; luke seems to be kind of the mediator between her and the rest of the team, which is kind of sad. She does seem to have a good relationship with Luke, tho
Eventually they defeat Trash Man and Alec is no longer required to work for them and can go back to his trash activism; and when he does, so does Magnus, who is invited to work with izzy's team, which he gladly accepts
Somehow Alec confesses? And Magnus is in awe because he of course never expected Alec to like him back but. It turns out Alec is the most confident out of the two of them despite their exterior telling most people otherwise. And Magnus just says that yes he likes him back and will go out with him and they kiss passionately in the middle of the lab surrounded by bees but there are also flowers so theres that. And then they get married. I mean not right after but some years later
Magnus leaving inspires the rest of them, in some ways; Maia, Luke and Maryse start actually fighting to change the crime fighting policies to investment in crime prevention because new supervillains will always keep coming. The romantic tension between them finally snaps and they start going out. Maryse seems like such a different person now, more open and happier. Alec is pleased
They save the bees and the trash and the impending environmental apocalypse that looms over us is avoided idk that's all Ive got
Again this is your fault
The end
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endymionreads · 4 years
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So I've never done the Magical Readathon before, but it happened to cross my tl this afternoon on twitter, and I figured, since I'm trying to get back into reading, why not? It was the perfect opportunity!
I will be attempting all of the exams, and whatever I pass will be the N.E.W.T.S. I take if I do that in August! I don’t really know what I want to choose for a career yet, both irl and for the Readathon, so I’ll just be taking the exams and seeing where I end up!
You can view my TBR under the cut!
Ancient Runes → Read a book with a heart on the cover or in the title.
Bring Me Their Hearts by Sara Wolf
Zera is a Heartless – the immortal, unageing soldier of a witch. Bound to the witch Nightsinger ever since she saved her from the bandits who murdered her family, Zera longs for freedom from the woods they hide in. With her heart in a jar under Nightsinger’s control, she serves the witch unquestioningly. Until Nightsinger asks Zera for a Prince’s heart in exchange for her own, with one addendum; if she’s discovered infiltrating the court, Nightsinger will destroy her heart rather than see her tortured by the witch-hating nobles. Crown Prince Lucien d’Malvane hates the royal court as much as it loves him – every tutor too afraid to correct him and every girl jockeying for a place at his darkly handsome side. No one can challenge him – until the arrival of Lady Zera. She’s inelegant, smart-mouthed, carefree, and out for his blood. The Prince’s honor has him quickly aiming for her throat. So begins a game of cat and mouse between a girl with nothing to lose and a boy who has it all. Winner takes the loser’s heart. Literally.
Arithmancy → Read a book outside your favorite genre.
Red, White, & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
What happens when America's First Son falls in love with the Prince of Wales? When his mother became President of the United States, Alex Claremont-Diaz was promptly cast as the American equivalent of a young royal. Handsome, charismatic, genius—his image is pure millennial-marketing gold for the White House. There's only one problem: Alex has a beef with an actual prince, Henry, across the pond. And when the tabloids get hold of a photo involving an Alex/Henry altercation, U.S./British relations take a turn for the worse. Heads of the family and state and other handlers devise a plan for damage control: Stage a truce between the two rivals. What at first begins as a fake, Instagrammable friendship grows deeper, and more dangerous, than either Alex or Henry could have imagined. Soon Alex finds himself hurtling into a secret romance with a surprisingly unstuffy Henry that could derail the presidential campaign and upend two nations. It raises the question: Can love save the world after all? Where do we find the courage, and the power, to be the people we are meant to ben? And how can we learn to let our true colors shine through? , how will history remember you?
Astronomy → Read the majority of the book at night.
We Rule the Night by Claire Eliza Bertlett
Seventeen-year-old Revna is a factory worker, manufacturing war machines for the Union of the North. When she's caught using illegal magic, she fears being branded a traitor and imprisoned.
Meanwhile, on the front lines, Linne defied her father, a Union general, and disguised herself as a boy to join the army. They're both offered a reprieve from punishment if they use their magic in a special women's military flight unit and undertake terrifying, deadly missions under cover of darkness.
Revna and Linne can hardly stand to be in the same cockpit, but if they can't fly together, and if they can't find a way to fly well, the enemy's superior firepower will destroy them--if they don't destroy each other first.We Rule the Night is a powerful story about sacrifice, complicated friendships, and survival despite impossible odds
Care of Magical Creatures → Read a book with a creature with a beak on the cover.
Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim
Maia Tamarin dreams of becoming the greatest tailor in the land, but as a girl, the best she can hope for is to marry well. When a royal messenger summons her ailing father, once a tailor of renown, to court, Maia poses as a boy and takes his place. She knows her life is forfeit if her secret is discovered, but she'll take that risk to achieve her dream and save her family from ruin. There's just one catch: Maia is one of twelve tailors vying for the job. Backstabbing and lies run rampant as the tailors compete in challenges to prove their artistry and skill. Maia's task is further complicated when she draws the attention of the court magician, Edan, whose piercing eyes seem to see straight through her disguise. And nothing could have prepared her for the final challenge: to sew three magic gowns for the emperor's reluctant bride-to-be, from the laughter of the sun, the tears of the moon, and the blood of stars. With this impossible task before her, she embarks on a journey to the far reaches of the kingdom, seeking the sun, the moon, and the stars, and finding more than she ever could have imagined.
Charms → Read a book that has a white cover.
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
It is freezing in the churchyard, even before the dead arrive. Every year, Blue Sargent stands next to her clairvoyant mother as the soon-to-be dead walk past. Blue herself never sees them—not until this year, when a boy emerges from the dark and speaks directly to her. His name is Gansey, and Blue soon discovers that he is a rich student at Aglionby, the local private school. Blue has a policy of staying away from Aglionby boys. Known as Raven Boys, they can only mean trouble. But Blue is drawn to Gansey, in a way she can’t entirely explain. He has it all—family money, good looks, devoted friends—but he’s looking for much more than that. He is on a quest that has encompassed three other Raven Boys: Adam, the scholarship student who resents all the privilege around him; Ronan, the fierce soul who ranges from anger to despair; and Noah, the taciturn watcher of the four, who notices many things but says very little. For as long as she can remember, Blue has been warned that she will cause her true love to die. She never thought this would be a problem. But now, as her life becomes caught up in the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys, she’s not so sure anymore.
Defense Against the Dark Arts → Read a book set at the sea or on the coast.
Seafire by Natalie C. Parker
After her family is killed by corrupt warlord Aric Athair and his bloodthirsty army of Bullets, Caledonia Styx is left to chart her own course on the dangerous and deadly seas. She captains her ship, the Mors Navis, with a crew of girls and women just like her, who have lost their families and homes because of Aric and his men. The crew has one mission: stay alive, and take down Aric's armed and armored fleet. But when Caledonia's best friend and second-in-command barely survives an attack thanks to help from a Bullet looking to defect, Caledonia finds herself questioning whether to let him join their crew. Is this boy the key to taking down Aric Athair once and for all . . . or will he threaten everything the women of the Mors Navis have worked for?
Divination → Assign numbers to your TBR List, and use a generator to pick the book.
All the Stars and Teeth by Adalyn Grace
Set in a kingdom where danger lurks beneath the sea, mermaids seek vengeance with song, and magic is a choice. She will reign. As princess of the island kingdom Visidia, Amora Montara has spent her entire life training to be High Animancer—the master of souls. The rest of the realm can choose their magic, but for Amora, it’s never been a choice. To secure her place as heir to the throne, she must prove her mastery of the monarchy’s dangerous soul magic. When her demonstration goes awry, Amora is forced to flee. She strikes a deal with Bastian, a mysterious pirate: he’ll help her prove she’s fit to rule, if she’ll help him reclaim his stolen magic. But sailing the kingdom holds more wonder—and more peril—than Amora anticipated. A destructive new magic is on the rise, and if Amora is to conquer it, she’ll need to face legendary monsters, cross paths with vengeful mermaids, and deal with a stow-away she never expected… or risk the fate of Visidia and lose the crown forever. I am the right choice. The only choice. And I will protect my kingdom.
Herbology → Read a book where title starts with an m.
Mirage by Somaiya Daud
In a star system dominated by the brutal Vathek empire, eighteen-year-old Amani is a dreamer. She dreams of what life was like before the occupation; she dreams of writing poetry like the old-world poems she adores; she dreams of receiving a sign from Dihya that one day, she, too, will have adventure, and travel beyond her isolated moon. But when adventure comes for Amani, it is not what she expects: she is kidnapped by the regime and taken in secret to the royal palace, where she discovers that she is nearly identical to the cruel half-Vathek Princess Maram. The princess is so hated by her conquered people that she requires a body double, someone to appear in public as Maram, ready to die in her place. As Amani is forced into her new role, she can’t help but enjoy the palace’s beauty—and her time with the princess’ fiancé, Idris. But the glitter of the royal court belies a world of violence and fear. If Amani ever wishes to see her family again, she must play the princess to perfection...because one wrong move could lead to her death.
History of Magic → Read a book featuring witches and/or wizards
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by JK Rowling
Harry Potter's life is miserable. His parents are dead and he's stuck with his heartless relatives, who force him to live in a tiny closet under the stairs. But his fortune changes when he receives a letter that tells him the truth about himself: he's a wizard. A mysterious visitor rescues him from his relatives and takes him to his new home, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After a lifetime of bottling up his magical powers, Harry finally feels like a normal kid. But even within the Wizarding community, he is special. He is the boy who lived: the only person to have ever survived a killing curse inflicted by the evil Lord Voldemort, who launched a brutal takeover of the Wizarding world, only to vanish after failing to kill Harry. Though Harry's first year at Hogwarts is the best of his life, not everything is perfect. There is a dangerous secret object hidden within the castle walls, and Harry believes it's his responsibility to prevent it from falling into evil hands. But doing so will bring him into contact with forces more terrifying than he ever could have imagined. Full of sympathetic characters, wildly imaginative situations, and countless exciting details, the first installment in the series assembles an unforgettable magical world and sets the stage for many high-stakes adventures to come.
Muggle Studies → Read a contemporary book.
Of Curses and Kisses by Sandhya Menon
Will the princess save the beast? For Princess Jaya Rao, nothing is more important than family. When the loathsome Emerson clan steps up their centuries-old feud to target Jaya’s little sister, nothing will keep Jaya from exacting her revenge. Then Jaya finds out she’ll be attending the same elite boarding school as Grey Emerson, and it feels like the opportunity of a lifetime. She knows what she must do: Make Grey fall in love with her and break his heart. But much to Jaya’s annoyance, Grey’s brooding demeanor and lupine blue eyes have drawn her in. There’s simply no way she and her sworn enemy could find their fairy-tale ending…right? His Lordship Grey Emerson is a misanthrope. Thanks to an ancient curse by a Rao matriarch, Grey knows he’s doomed once he turns eighteen. Sequestered away in the mountains at St. Rosetta’s International Academy, he’s lived an isolated existence—until Jaya Rao bursts into his life, but he can't shake the feeling that she’s hiding something. Something that might just have to do with the rose-shaped ruby pendant around her neck… As the stars conspire to keep them apart, Jaya and Grey grapple with questions of love, loyalty, and whether it’s possible to write your own happy ending.
Potions → Read a  book under 150 pages
Red As Blood And White As Bone by Theodora Goss
Red as Blood and White as Bone by Theodora Goss is a dark fantasy about a kitchen girl obsessed with fairy tales, who upon discovering a ragged woman outside the castle during a storm, takes her in--certain she’s a princess in disguise.
Transfiguration → Read a book or series that includes shapeshifting
Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce
Young Daine's knack with horses gets her a job helping the royal horsemistress drive a herd of ponies to Tortall. Soon it becomes clear that Daine's talent, as much as she struggles to hide it, is downright magical. Horses and other animals not only obey, but listen to her words. Daine, though, will have to learn to trust humans before she can come to terms with her powers, her past, and herself.
Like what I post? Follow me on: twitter | curiouscat | wordpress | goodreads
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rosykims · 5 years
5 + 10 for emeraude, 14 + 18 for effie, 19 + 24 for arylene and 30 through 45 for imogen bc i love her so much ? 😏😏😏
fdjkfjkfdk thank u SO much maia i absolutely Treasure You !
What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
emeraudes fashion sense is probably my favourite out of all my ocs, so uh if u havent looked at her pinterest board yet u should do that bc its Very cute hehehe
anyway for the most part she sticks to dark, practical clothing whenever she's out and about in kirkwall or doing merc work, etc. she picks clothes that convey strength and power, but she likes having a little bit of colour somewhere on the piece, just to keep things interesting. she's not much of an embroider, but was a good way to keep herself distracted during hard times, so she tends to add little patterns here and there whenever she gets the chance!
as for special occasions, for her this would actually just be. a quiet night at home or a relaxed gathering with her friends. bc its so rare for her to have that lmao. anyway for events like that she usually wears light colours and soft fabrics, simple but always decorated with flowers or colourful patterns.
What does your OC keep in a special drawer?
she has a collection of gifts ! that kids from lowtown would give her over the years she spent in kirkwall. she's a very community based person and wants to do right for her city, and shes very nurturing (in an ironical, Cool Big Sister way) so she likes making sure all the kids are safe and being looked after. she gets a lot of trinkets and strange gifts from some of the kids as a result, but she does treasure them (even if she laughs about it with her friends) and keeps them all !
Who is the mother and/or father figure in your OC’s life?
effie's maternal rolemodel has always been her late mother, ellen. nobody could really fill that role in her eyes, since they had such a close, positive relationship before she passed. her relationship with her dad was a lot more strained and it really impacted a lot of her relationships later on in life too ! she tends to.... see an older man who is Vaguely Nice to her, and then think “ oh, youre my dad now?” which isnt fair to anybody obviously but yeah she,,,, has a lot of unresolved issues regarding alec and tends to unintentionally project so. We stan !
How many times did your OC move as a child? Which area was his/her favorite?
oh constantly lol. With her dad being an n7 and her mother working so hard on her research, they tended to move around wherever her parents work required. she actually enjoyed it this way. she was never good at making long term friends, but she lived meeting new people, and obviously with the move she got to experience a lot of different cultures which really put the idea of adventuring and travelling in her head at a young age.
What does your OC think of children- either in general or about having them?
she likes them ! she tends to keep her distance with most communities and groups of people in particular, but she does like enjoys having the odd conversation with the odd street urchin here and there, either sharing with them some strange, ridiculous life advice or – if shes feeling particularly chaotic – telling them the scariest stories she can think of. as for having them, arylene isnt AGAINST the idea, but she has far too much for the foreseeable future for that to ever be a good idea
Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?
outwardly, arylene is an almost unbearably easy going person, so you would assume she doesnt hate anyone lol. but she does DEEEPLY dislike cults and groups of ignorant people who are arrogant enough to start messing with the balance of life, or making deals with gods, etc. she believes that people like that can do an unbelievable amount of damage, so she invests a lot of time and effort it sabotaging any group or plot she happens to find !
Did your OC participate in extracurricular activities, and if so, what were they?
hmm idk if this even EXISTED in 19th century london lol, but she would have done some very tame version of girl scouts as a child! She barely remembers any of it, but she liked the classes on what plants did what, which were safe to eat, and the likes. its something that helps her a lot when on the run with the gang, and something shes always had a personal interest in, as a nurse !
other than that, she’s done a lot of independent study on history, classical literature, and she speaks fluent italian we stan !
What is your OC’s opinion of school? What kind of student was s/he?
imogen comes from a very wealthy aristocratic family, so she was very fortunate that her privilege afforded her the education she got at the time. she is VERY grateful to have attended the schools she did, and she made sure to make the most of it, paying attention in class and studying harder than most of her classmates. she's a smart girl with a very active mind, so knowledge is something she can't get enough of. she was actually petitioning the board of education to allow her to attend university before she left for america – already their had been women accepted into universities at that time, but obviously it was still a very scandalous thing lol, especially since imogen wanted to study medicine.
What subjects did your OC excel at?
imogen is a HUGE overachiever and did pretty well at basically everything from science, mathematics, language studies and later on, in her studies as a nurse. i can tell you what shes bad at though lmao
anything physical really dkdkdks she is TERRIBLE at horse-riding since she usually just went by carriage everywhere in the city. art and poetry and writing in general she was never great at, because she's a pretty logical person and was told she never put enough emotion in her work lol !!! sports...obviously was very limited anyway as growing up in like? the early 1870s lol. and as for the traditionally feminine lessons in like ?? sewing and cooking and stuff well ! she was very average at them which made her  feel worse than if she was actually bad bc she's so used to excelling and making a name for herself oof
What subjects interested your OC?
Imogen loves greek literature and mythology !! the iliad is her favourite book and she keeps her heavily annotated, dog eared copy – a gift from her late father – on her person almost constantly. needless to say its why dutch admires her as much as he does lol.
obviously, as a nurse-trying-to-be-a-doctor, she has a great love for medicine in all its forms. she's always been fascinated in natural remedies, and even moreso when she's running with the van der linde gang and is really relying on the land to survive.
What is your OC’s dream job and/or current profession?
hmm okay so. Technically she's a nurse – she worked in her father's hospital for almost 10 years prior to his death, and she was sort of his unofficial understudy, as in she knows a LOT more than her job description requires lol. but after her father past away, another, less progressive man took his place as chief of surgery and made a lot of changes to the way the hospital operated, and imogen was let go. she and her mother were fighting against it, however, under the ground of unfair dismissal, but obviously given the time period it didnt get them very far. so ! i mean technically she's unemployed rn. but she still has dreams of being a doctor, or at least continuing her career in medicine.
How is your OC working towards their dream job and/or achieved their current profession?
Oh VERY direct action up until she got disheartened and chose to take her sabbatical. she had been working in her role for nearly a decade, and was very obviously one of the most experienced nurses there. even younger doctors would sometimes ask her for her medical opinion dksksks anyway what i am saying is Brain Very Good. she had been fighting to gain admission into a university – any, she wasnt picky – to study medicine officially, but it didnt get very far and she put it on hold after her father got sick. after he died and she was laid off, she fought even harder against the city to reinstate her title, and continues to fight after she returns from america a year or so later.
What are your OC’s thoughts/opinions of his/her current profession?
helping people is her entire life, and she wouldn't know what to do without it. she loves being a nurse enough to fight to be a doctor, but also in BEING a nurse, she is hyperaware of all the things current medical standards seem to get wrong, and she has a lot of ideas about how else to go about things. her father, a shockingly progressive and worldly man for the time period, shared her sentiment, but he wasn't able to make the changes he wanted to before he passed, so imogen hopes she can be the change herself, and make her father proud
What is your OC’s biggest dream?
being a licenced doctor, babey ! preferably at her father's hospital, but at the point she will take what she can get.
How does your OC react to and handle stress?
imogen  handles stress very well , which is partially why she makes such a good medic, and also how she managed to survive the first week of being with the van der linde gang lmao. she is very good at shutting out EVERY distraction when things get dicey, and her brain tends to move at a million miles an hour. all traces of english etiquette and politeness go out the window, though, so you'll usually catch her barking orders at people, and yelling at anyone who prevents her from doing the work she needs to do. it.....is a big wake up call for people like dutch and micah, and gets her into a LOT of trouble on multiple occasions.
How does your OC handle anger?
ooo......not great. she’s grown up with parents who maybe encouraged her to speak her mind a bit....TOO much given the historical circumstances lol. she really doesn’t stand for ignorance or prejudices in any capacity, and if she has a problem with someone and it gets in the way of her trying to do her work or help others - she will ABSOLUTELY be having words. she also overestimates her own strength quite a lot. she’s tried to throw hands with micah MANY times, often forgetting she’s this tiny 70kg englishwoman and he’s .... Him sdjkdcjkf. she has a big mouth too so she often says snide remarks without even meaning too, which tends to get her in trouble as well. on the bright side, it also helps her fit in with the gang quite well, because for the most part they all appreciate how wild she is lmao
How does your OC handle grief?
hmm i guess it depends on what you would class as “well”? she doesnt cry very often - being stoic and handling your emotions is important when your a nurse - but she does tend to shove her feelings down far longer than she should, and tries to pretend they don’t exist by simply focusing on other things. she also blames herself when a lot of things go wrong, because she’s a perfectionist and wants to FIX everything, so when she finds something - or someone - she can’t save, it feels like a personal failure. like she let them down :(
What is your OC’s greatest fear?
probably being trapped in an unhappy, unfulfilling marriage with someone who undervalues her. she’s not much of a homebody and doesn’t have too much of an interest in being married, but the idea of feeling FORCED to marry someone in order to have a decent quality of life makes her blood run cold oof
What makes your OC happy?
helping people ! meeting new folks ! learning about other cultures and ways of life! learning about NEW THINGS in general ! proving people wrong ! insulting micah !
as tough and high-and-mighty as she sometimes seems, she’s a pretty easy person to please, honestly. treat her with respect, give her space to do the things she wants to do, and don’t get in the way of her opportunities to learn new things, and she’s mostly very happy !
What kind of sense of humor does your OC have?
she has a fairly macabre and sardonic sense of humour, something she picked up from her mother. she says a lot of Shocking things for the time period, and she’s not shy of dirty jokes either. the first time sean heard her, a soft, well spoken english Lady, make some filthy, crude joke, he nearly had a stroke right there on the spot kjkjkfdjkf
What are some things that greatly upset your OC?
senseless violence, suffering or cruelty. she really hated the gang at first and hoped to escape the first chance she got, because all she could see was the crime and disregard for human life she assumed they all held. fortunately, as she got to know them, she realized this wasn’t exactly the case, but she still has a lot of anger in her heart for a few key members of the gang who seem to enjoy bloodshed more than anything. she also hates any form of social prejudice, and people who gatekeep knowledge and opportunities from others.
What are some things that annoy your OC?
i guess all of the above, but she also dislikes misplaced arrogance, and people who talk down to others. she tolerates dutch, but often gets frustrated with the way he speaks, using as many big words as he can to manipulate and confuse others. she believes that really intelligence doesn’t require obscure jargon and big, fancy words - she likes keeping things simple, so everybody can follow along.
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It wasn’t Alec Lightwood’s fault—
Or at least that’s what he’d tried to tell his parents, anyway.
The party getting out of hand was maybe Isabelle’s fault—
Maybe even Clary’s—
But it definitely wasn’t his and he didn’t understand why he was the only one being made to pay the price.
The whole thing had started off innocent enough. One of the higher-ups at The Institute wanted to have a simple, Hawaiian themed going away party. Of course, being a popular, upcoming party planner in the Manhattan area, Alec’s name came up as a potential thrower of said party. And of course, because Alec was always looking for the next big party to throw, he’d readily accepted the offer.
The gig was one of the most expensive affairs that Alec had been trusted with to date, clocking in at around $50,000. Everything had been beautifully decorated, too, with a luau being recreated out of a large conference room, including free flowing cosmopolitans and professional dancers in shimmying, grass skirts—
And a goddamn fire pit.
God damn that goddamn fire pit.
It’d seemed like such an innovative idea at the time, bringing that classic, crackling flavor all the way from Hawaii to NYC, keeping that special magic alive that so often comes with relaxing on a beach after a long day of vacationing and sightseeing...
Alec remembered hearing the screams before he saw the flames.
One of the girls in grass skirts desperately hopped over the bar, as she poured mixed drinks right down the front of her outfit, hoping it’d quickly put out the fire. The other hired dancers soon followed her lead, nearly tearing the bar apart as they splashed around in alcohol and beer...
Which only caused the flames to increase.
And in turn, caused the screams to get even louder.
Eventually, the dancers were saved by fire extinguishers, and thankfully no one was severely injured...
Even though Alec’s party planning reputation had completely gone down in flames.
But at the time, Alec didn’t understand how it even happened in the first place. He could so easily recall making at least three rounds around the fire pit, each time asking one of his assistants to make a note to all of the event’s attendees about not standing so close to the fire. It was gorgeous, but it was fire, so while Alec could try his best to contain it, there were no guarantees that it wouldn’t shoot off sparks every now and then.
After the fiasco, Alec had heard through the grapevine that one of the very guests at the event had been encouraging the dancers to position themselves around the fire, since it would make for better photographs and all—
But the only leads Alec had to go on was that the guest was stunning and also a woman.
Apparently, no one had been able to catch their name.
Although, being able to properly place blame on the perpetrator didn’t matter too much to Alec right now. He was too busy focusing on his current plight—
Being forced to work a 9 to 5.
His parents had decided to temporarily cut off his access to their bank account, hoping to sway his interest in party planning and get him on the path to pursuing a “real job in the real world.” Maryse had repeatedly mentioned Izzy’s name as a comparison, wondering why Alec couldn’t get involved with computers or little, digital gadgets like his sister loved to do—
But Alec Lightwood knew that he wasn’t a goddamn nerd.
He was The Pretty Boy Party Planner of NYC, and as soon as his reputation recovered—
And as soon as his dad eventually cracked and gave Alec back his Black Card—
He’d be back to his former, glorious self, planning luxurious parties, getting sloppily day-drunk on margaritas and helping Maia figure out what size Louboutin she wore in US shoe sizes.
Until then, however, he’d resigned himself to his position as Sales Manager at Toys! Toys! Toys!, a store dedicated to brand name play-sets and pricey additions to Barbie’s dream-house. Alec snagged the job due to Jace’s stellar recommendation with the Hiring Department, which included the words “my brother is kind of a gay disaster but he has a good heart...I think.”
I think.
Alec scoffed at the words, even now, as he sorted through a box of detached doll heads.
Of course, he had a good heart.
It wasn’t Alec’s fault that no one had given him the opportunity to prove it to them yet. It was like every guy in Manhattan only wanted sex, sex sex—
As soon as Alec brought up the word relationship they’d pretty much disappear on the spot like a fucking magician.
“Excuse me...um...it’s Alec, right?” The voice came from somewhere behind Alec—
But he already knew who it was.
Magnus Fucking Bane.
The most gorgeous man that Alec had ever seen in his life. Magnus had only been coming into the shop for a few weeks or so, and he seemed particularly interested in any new shipment related to doll parts, dollhouses, doll clothes...
Alec began to wonder if Magnus had a child, some super cute, super spoiled, adorable little brat of a child, who had the privilege of having Magnus as their father...
But Alec hadn’t found the courage to ask Magnus about it yet—
Really, he hadn’t found the courage to ask Magnus about anything, not even to find out if Magnus liked guys or not.
“Hi. Hey. Yeah.” Alec moved away from the objectively creepy box of heads, and turned to face Magnus, directly. “It’s Alec. And it’s...Magnus...right?”
“You remembered.” Magnus offered Alec a bright, warm smile—
And Alec felt like he was going to pass out on the spot. “What brings you in today, Magnus?”
“Oh, just wondering if you got anything new in stock...maybe...something like a doll car? Barbie jeep? Is that what it’s called?”
Alec let out a light laugh, before folding his arms across his chest. “How is it possible that you own basically every Barbie-ish thing known to man and you still don’t know what a Barbie jeep is?”
“Sorry. I’m still kind of...new at this.” Magnus blushed a deep red—
And now Alec felt like a total asshole. “No, I’m the one who should be sorry, Magnus. I’d just assumed that you’ve been buying stuff for your daughter—”
Magnus hastily shook his head. “I don’t have a daughter.”
Oh my God.
Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.
He has a son?
He’s been buying doll stuff for his son this whole time?
“Alec? Are you alright? You just kind of...stopped talking.” Magnus gave Alec a sheepish grin—
And Alec suddenly felt incredibly weak in the knees. Using all of the remaining energy in his body, Alec managed to formulate a response. “We have some new cars in the back. Ooh, there’s a new model that can fit your Barbie and all three of her ethnically diverse friends—”
“My...uh...Barbie...will probably just be riding solo.” Magnus smiled at Alec once again. “But please, lead the way.”
Alec quietly nodded, before nervously heading down a nearby aisle, trying his best not to trip over his own, two feet and fall flat on his face.
“Maiaaaaaaa.” Alec whined, as he plopped down on Maia’s living room couch. “I need helpppppp.”
“Do you actually need help? Or are you just being dramatic?” Maia took a seat beside Alec, her attention still focused on her phone.
“I’m not being dramatic. I am literally dying.” Alec whined again, before nudging Maia in her shoulder. “Magnus is so freakin’ hot. It’s ruining my life.”
“Is this the weirdo who comes in to buy all that Barbie stuff like once a week?”
“He’s not a weirdo! He’s just being a good dad...he’s just a really good daddy—”
“Alec, you know you’re no longer allowed to use that word in my apartment.” Maia finally looked up from her phone. “Not since you used that word to describe Luke. The man who is like my actual father.”
“Oh, boo-hoo, Maia! You’ve got a hot dad!” Alec openly rolled his eyes. “But now that I have your attention...please tell me how to make a boy like me, please, please, please—”
“Just be yourself, and I’m sure he’ll be into it.” Maia grinned, and casually shrugged her shoulders. “Seriously. You’re the most entertaining person I’ve ever met.”
“Maia, I’ve been myself my entire life and I am still single.” Alec groaned under his breath. “Can’t I just be someone else? Someone who Magnus will want to marry immediately?”
“Alec—Oh wait.” Maia’s phone began to chime in her palm, and she swiftly swiped a finger across her screen. “Oh, it’s Simon. He’s just sending me pics from backstage. He’s opening for Maroon 5 tonight.”
“Are you two still a thing? I thought he was dating my sister.”
“He is.”
“...And he’s also...dating you?”
“Yep.” Maia beamed, before setting her phone back in her lap. “It’s 2018, Alec Lightwood. Poly people exist.”
“I know poly people exist, Maia, I just don’t know what you see in Simon Lewis.” Alec scoffed and slightly shifted in his seat. “I think you’re settling. I gave you Jace’s number, didn’t I?”
“Alec, Jace is dating Clary.”
“Oh my God. What?” Alec, exasperated, threw his hands up in the air. “Everybody’s fucking everybody! Except me! Everybody is fucking and no one is fucking me!”
“Stop complaining. You’re white. And hot. And rich. Just get back on Grindr. Duh.” Maia reached for the TV remote, which had been resting on the table in front of the couch.
“I can’t go back to Grindr. I saw Magnus slightly bend over to pick something up from the bottom shelf once and I swear to Christ I saw washboard abs. How am I supposed to go out with a mere mortal after I’ve seen the abs of God?”
“Well, then, Alec Lightwood, you are freakin’ doomed.” Maia broke out into a chuckle, as she lazily flipped through TV channels. “Hey, what usually comes on around this time—”
“STOP.” Alec yanked the remote out of Maia’s hands, before eagerly pointing towards the TV screen. “Magnus! Look! Magnus! Look, look, look!”
There was now a very cheesy ad playing for Magnus’ Tarot Card Reading Services, complete with very cheap editing and awful font flashing his business’ number on the screen below. Magnus was featured prominently in the ad, too, in all of his lens-less glasses and dad jeans glory.
“Oh.” Maia turned her attention to the screen, a sly smile spreading across her face. “He is cute, huh? He looks really...wholesome. Wait, he runs a tarot card place? Aren’t those places mostly scams? And wait, what the hell? Is that Luke? Why the hell would Luke go to a tarot card place—”
“Who cares?! Don’t you see what this means?” Alec’s voice was filled with excitement. “If Magnus’ day job is running some corny tarot card reading place, and my day job is running some corny, corporate toy store...Maia, it means we’re in each other’s league. Magnus Bane is 1000% attainable. If I ask him out, he has to say yes!”
“Uh, no? I don’t think it means he has to say yes, Alec—”
“That’s it! The next time I see him, I’m going for it!” Alec emphatically clasped his hands together. “Tell Simon he’s not invited to our wedding, by the way.”
“Screw you, Lightwood!” Maia playfully threw a pillow at Alec’s head—
Before they began to laugh in nearly perfect unison.
Alec wasn’t going to be able to do it—
Ask Magnus out.
Not today.
Oh God. Why did Magnus have to look like that today?
Magnus had come into the toy store wearing a perfectly fitted suit and Italian loafers, like he was fresh off some high-fashion runway.
It was the best that Magnus had ever looked, and Alec was having a hard enough time breathing. There was no way in hell that he’d be able to spare any oxygen to ask Magnus out on a date.
Not without dying.
But if Magnus ended up turning him down, maybe dying really wasn’t so bad.
“Alec...there you are.” Magnus was already smiling up at him. “I was worried you wouldn’t be in today. I...um...I really like...having your assistance.”
Alec anxiously giggled—
Fucking giggled—
Before letting out a shaky breath. “What did you...need assistance with...today, Magnus?”
“It’s kind of a weird question...” Magnus took a few seconds to continue on with his thoughts. “But...would you happen to have any...tiny fridges? Like...something that could fit inside a dollhouse?”
“Oh yeah, we have plenty of plastic accessories—”
“Oh. No. Not plastic. It needs to...um...it needs to actually work. Like. Something that could actually keep food...chilled.” Magnus glanced away from Alec—
And Alec’s own confusion soon showed on his face. “So, you’re looking for a...tiny fridge...that actually...works?”
“But...dolls don’t need to...eat...” Alec was still obviously puzzled. “I don’t quite understand. Is your son trying to put real food in Barbie’s fridge or something?”
“I don’t have a son.”
“Oh...” Alec subtly nodded in understanding. “So...you’ve just been buying all these toys for...for yourself...Are you a...uh...collector?”
“No.” A strange expression came onto Magnus’ face, as he roughly pursed his lips. “It’s just...I...I wish I could explain it to you, Alec, but it’s so—”
“For God’s sake, Magnus! Just tell the boy that you screwed up one of your spells!”
“Did you just...Did you just hear something?” Alec’s eyes went wide, as he looked around the room for the source of the previous phrase. “Um—”
“Magnus! Please! This exchange will go much smoother if you just admit the truth! He’s obviously smitten with you, don’t blow it by making him think you’re a complete loon!”
“Is that...was that...Did that come from your...pocket?” Alec quietly pointed towards the side of Magnus’ pants. “Is there...is there someone on speaker on your phone or something—”
Ragnor, who was currently about five inches tall, now forcefully poked his head through the lining of Magnus’ pocket—
And Alec struggled to suppress a primal scream.
“What the hell? What the hell? What the hell?” Alec whispered his curses, while also repeatedly forming the Sign of The Cross over his chest. “What the hell, Magnus? What the hell is that?”
“Careful, boy! I’m a person, just like you.” Ragnor’s voice was low with warning. “A very powerful person, actually, until my friend here, Magnus, convinced me to volunteer for one of his spells. I should’ve known better, the man hasn’t practiced his magic in centuries! But I still let him use me as a veritable guinea pig. Go on, Magnus, tell the boy what you were trying to accomplish with your magic.”
“I...was trying to change his outfit...” Magnus mumbled through the admission.
“I’m not sure the boy heard you, Magnus.”
“I was trying to change his outfit!” Magnus uttered a bit louder this time, before letting out a deep sigh. “I...Alec, it’s all just so stupid—”
“Your feelings aren’t stupid, Magnus.” Ragnor turned his body, until he was able to face Alec’s own. “My boy, ever since my friend has laid his eyes on you, he’s been positively enchanted by you. But he thought you wouldn’t be interested, what with your sense of impeccable style and flawless hair—”
“You think my hair is flawless?” Alec quietly directed the question to Magnus.
“I think everything about you is flawless.” Magnus’ response was earnest—
And Alec’s face lit up with a wide grin.
“As I was saying!” Ragnor grunted from his place in Magnus’ pocket. “My dear friend assumed that his own lack of fashion sense would make him unpalatable to your tastes, and so, he crafted a simple spell for dressing himself better. However, since he wanted to get it just right, he asked for my assistance, a stand-in, if you will. And...well...here we are.”
Ragnor motioned a hand across his tiny frame. “And here we’ll be, for at least another month and a half. Which is why I truly need that miniature fridge, my boy. Taking such small bites out of rather large foods is such a tiring task.”
“I don’t...I don’t think we have any...uh...small fridges...” Alec began to respond to Ragnor, still having to suppress his urge to scream. “But...I know a nerd! I know a nerd who probably owes me one for ruining my reputation. She’d, maybe, love to help you two figure this thing out?”
“Ah, yes. A nerd. She sounds lovely!” Ragnor smiled up at Alec. “If I trusted Magnus’ magic, I’d just have him shrink a regular fridge down to size, but I wouldn’t want it exploding or becoming sentient.”
“How many times do I have to apologize...” Magnus groaned, before shaking his pocket—
Which caused Ragnor to retreat back into its lining.
“You’re taking all this pretty well, Alec.” Magnus hesitantly made eye contact by looking above him. “Are you...Are you feeling okay?”
“I think someone put LSD in my water bottle.” Alec nodded along with his words. “I didn’t plan on getting super fucking high at work today, but that’s life, right? You win some, you lose some—”
“You’re not high, Alec.” Magnus slightly smirked. “What you saw is very real. I...well...I’m a...warlock.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I’m a warlock. I have magical powers.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You know, warlocks? Witches? Pointy hats? Borderline offensive Halloween costumes?”
“I don’t understand.”
Magnus finally let out a breath through gritted teeth. “Harry Potter.”
“Ohhhhh.” Alec smiled back at Magnus. “Cool, cool, cool. So, do you wanna’ like, go out on a date? Or nah?”
“You’re asking me out on a date? Right after...that?”
“Listen, I’ll be honest with you, Magnus. I’m still 98% sure that I’m high as balls right now. And usually, when I’m sober, I’m a very confident person, but you make me nervous as fuck and I could never ask you out if I wasn’t under the influence...so...yeah...” Alec smiled at Magnus again. “I’m asking you out right now. Do you wanna’ go out with me? Or maybe we can just go make out in the stock room?”
“I actually have a client to attend to this afternoon...” Magnus’ response trailed off, before he took a step closer to Alec. “But we can always reschedule making out for another time? And we can schedule that date for tomorrow night, if you’d like?”
“I’d like that very much.” Alec grabbed onto Magnus’ palms, soon giving them a gentle squeeze—
And Magnus, in turn, nonchalantly interlaced their fingers. “What time do you get off work? I can pick you up, maybe take you to this Italian place down the street—”
“Magnus, please! Just get the boy’s number and return us to the loft! Traveling in your pocket is most uncomfortable!”
“Little pocket dude is right. If you have a client, you should probably head back.” Alec sighed, as he let go of Magnus’ hands. “Can I just text you?”
“Of course. My number is N-O-H-A-R-R-Y.”
“Magnus Bane, what did Harry Potter ever do to you?” Alec laughed, while slightly adjusting his nametag. “Ugh. I should probably get back to work, too. I’ll text you, okay?”
“Okay.” Magnus didn’t move an inch, as he continued to stare over at Alec—
And Alec returned the concentrated gaze. “What? What is it?”
“Nothing. You’re just...so...you.” Magnus openly smiled—
And Alec quickly returned the expression. “You’re just so, you, too. Now, go on, get.”
Before Magnus was even a few feet out of the store’s front door, Alec was already hunched over his phone and shooting off a string of instant messages to Maia:
PrinceOfParties: I think someone spiked my water bottle with LSD
PrinceOfParties: can you google if that’s possible
PrinceofParties: I was talking to a little man in Magnus’ pocket
BlackWonderWoman: Alec what the fuck are you talking about? If you’re high you should just go home early
BlackWonderWoman: And is “little man” code for Magnus’ dick? Did you see Magnus’ dick today?
PrinceofParties: no he had a pocket man!!! he was really little and kinda’ mean
PrinceofParties: OH AND I asked Magnus out!!! He’s taking me out tomorrow!!!
PrinceofParties: can you come pick me up? I don’t think I should drive
PrinceofParties: I wanna’ start getting ready for my date
BlackWonderWoman: But isn't your date tomorrow night??? Alec it’s like 1PM
PrinceofParties: please? : (
BlackWonderWoman: Alright! Fine! I’ll be right there.
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mastcomm · 4 years
Star Directors Pull Back the Curtain on How They Work
PARIS — How would you like to have a go at some Shakespeare? On Wednesday night, the British theater director Peter Brook, 94, sat onstage at the Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, as half a dozen audience members tried their hand at a line from “Othello.”
One inserted a long pause; another shouted it too close to the microphone, and the audience giggled. Brook listened intently. “Let’s just allow the words to vibrate,” he said.
The evening was a rare opportunity to hear from the director, too. For three nights, Brook, who has worked as a director since the 1960s and commands awed respect worldwide, was letting audiences in on his creative process. The project, called “Shakespeare Resonance,” was divided into two parts: an interactive lesson on the musical nature of Shakespeare’s verse, drawing on other plays, and an in-progress staging of “The Tempest.”
And Brook wasn’t the only esteemed director to pull back the curtain this month in Paris. At the Théâtre des Abbesses, the German director Thomas Ostermeier presented a preview of a production still in its early stages: “Who Killed My Father,” an adaptation of a 2018 book by Édouard Louis with the lead role played by the young literary star himself, in his stage debut.
It’s a vulnerable setup. Many artists hate presenting “unfinished” work, and in both cases, the actors had less than two weeks of rehearsals before the public were let in. Yes, the atmosphere at both performances was sympathetic: Everyone around me seemed to be on the edge of their seats, willing the artists on. When Brook, supported by one of his actors, and the rest of the cast first entered, the audience burst into spontaneous applause.
As a critic, workshop presentations are a tricky proposition. It would be churlish to review them like any other production or to complain about slip-ups (not that they were many in either performance). Yet this format also cuts through the pretense that we are dispassionate, all-knowing observers of fundamentally fixed works. Watching “Shakespeare Resonance” and “Who Killed My Father,” I didn’t care about the loose ends. I rooted for the artists involved, and I learned a great deal.
It’s a special privilege to listen to Brook talk about Shakespeare, a playwright he has returned to time and again over 70 years. He made his remarks in French, but the actors performed in English. While Brook’s main focus was on rhythm and inflections, he isn’t precious about accents: As often, he cast actors from all around the world in “Shakespeare Resonance.”
In the first part, Brook asked them to read a handful of lines from various plays, gently chiding them if their musical phrasing wasn’t to his satisfaction. On hearing Lear’s “Is man no more than this?”, he asked the performer to let the word “man” resonate “like a question.”
Brook moved to the first row of the orchestra level for the second part, and the cast launched into a one-hour condensed version of “The Tempest,” which pared the play down to an elliptical suite of scenes, performed with just a handful of props. At one point, when the mercurial Marcello Magni, playing Ariel, concluded a reply to Prospero with the words “were I human,” he lingered for a second on “human,” with a hint of regret. Suddenly, after hearing Brook’s earlier notes, his inflection stood out in the flow of the dialogue. It felt like being in on a trade secret.
Anyone hoping to see Brook direct in real time, however, will be disappointed. On the first night of “Shakespeare Resonance,” neither he nor his longtime collaborator, Marie-Hélène Estienne, intervened during the run-through, or commented afterward. Then again, the cast didn’t need much help. Alongside Magni, Ery Nzaramba grew nicely into the role of Prospero, occasionally channeling a sinister, Gollum-like voice. As Miranda, Brook’s granddaughter Maia Jemmett, continued the family tradition with endearing sincerity.
Brook has worked at the Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord since 1974, when he discovered the abandoned venue and brought it back without bothering to add a fresh coat of paint. The wear and tear on the walls and the arch framing the stage (on which Hiran Abeysekera, as Caliban, climbs dexterously) are an integral part of the play’s atmosphere. “Resonance is a word that holds special meaning for me in this place,” Brook said at the beginning. “At night, here, you can hear the sound of silence.”
Ostermeier, the director of Berlin’s Schaubühne playhouse, made himself scarcer during the workshop presentation of “Who Killed My Father.” He warned the audience at the start that he might interrupt if anything went wrong, but he didn’t have to. In this one-man-show, Louis held the stage for 90 minutes with genuine instinct and feeling.
It would be impressive under most circumstances, but Louis, 27, who shot to global fame with his novelistic memoir “The End of Eddy,” had never acted professionally before. While he writes in his books that theater classes were an escape for him during his teenage years, working with a star director like Ostermeier — who has previously adapted Louis’s autobiographical novel “A History of Violence” — is like going from high-school music lessons straight to the Paris Opera.
“Who Killed My Father” starts with family history and ends in social critique, as Louis explores the government policies that cut his father’s welfare benefits and, according to him, worsened his dad’s health. Given that Louis wrote it, it might be unfair to say that he was far more believable than the actor and director who initially commissioned and performed “Who Killed My Father” for the stage, Stanislas Nordey.
Louis’ physical presence is more restrained, and he and Ostermeier are much bolder in highlighting his unease with the masculine norms his father imposes. He often wrings his hands, the very gesture that was deemed, he says, too effeminate in the working-class milieu of his childhood.
At several points, Louis dons a wig or a skirt and dances wildly, unselfconsciously, to the songs he loved as a child, shimmying and camping it up to Aqua’s “Barbie Girl” and Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On.” He sings the latter to an empty armchair that stands for his father, with a raw-feeling mix of relief and hurt.
Perhaps it was the unvarnished magic of a workshop performance, but it would have taken a heart of stone not to indulge Louis, and repay his vulnerability with open arms.
Shakespeare Resonance. Directed by Peter Brook. Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, through Feb. 21. Who Killed My Father (work in progress). Directed by Thomas Ostermeier. Théâtre des Abbesses. Further performances at the Schaubühne Berlin, March 20-22.
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/entertainment/star-directors-pull-back-the-curtain-on-how-they-work/
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hermanamason-blog · 6 years
23rd January 2018
Dear Family, I just wanted to start off by thanking Heavenly Father for saving your lives last week. Tears filled my eyes as i read about your life threatening experience, I know without a doubt that that was not only a great miracle but a huge blessing as well for our family...it has given us all a fresh perspective of life, our purpose and the sacred and precious blessing of family! This week for me was one of the best that Ive had in a long time, owing to our special Maia who entered the waters of baptism! It was so special for me to see her make such an important promise with her Heavenly Father, as she stood in the font she caught eyes with mine and Hermana Carvalho's and gave us a cute little wave. I knew that she felt the spirit and what was even more beautiful was that her parents felt it too and were so happy that she too had set a goal to return to God's presence. As she bore her testimony she said "I thought it was a dream, but no it really happened." It was a day I will never forget! Hermana Carvalho and I felt so energised after enjoying the spirit of her baptism that we have an even greater drive to have that experience every weekend!  We are not beating around the bush, we are inviting every one of the people that we meet in the street to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptised! We have a new resolve to eat, sleep and breathe baptism, because after all that is why we are here, to preach repentance and baptize converts! We had divisions this week and I was able to work along side a new missionary from Brasil, Hermana Franco! She is so sweet and it was so special being able to learn from each other. We found a woman in the street who was sitting down waiting for her taxi and we kept walking to cross the street but the spirit told me that we needed to talk with her so we sat by her side and asked her how her day was. After listening to her we invited her to be baptized so that she could feel of Gods love more abundantly and enjoy the blessing of being truly and genuinely happy. She said yes! And as she placed her hand on mine and thanked us for stopping to talk with her, I knew that she is one of those special few who is truly prepared in this moment to receive the gospel! Another instance this week we saw 3 young people on the side of the street who we invited to be baptised and they said yes! and then my companion helped me notice they were smoking marijuana! We are going to see them again when they can feel the influence of the spirit... I have been able to feel the spirit more abundantly these last couple weeks as we have been proselyting and I have no doubt it is because we are fulfilling our missionary purpose. Something that I loved from our zone conference is that in order to end in baptism we must begin with it in all that we do! A little surpise on sunday, Cesar and Juan from Chivilcoy came to our ward to celebrate it being one year to the day of being baptised!! When the members asked why they were visiting Juan said "one year ago today this girl helped me recieve my salvation." That was special to hear! This work is so sacred! This week in my personal studies I have begun reading the book of mormon again, this is what we should do every time that we finish reading that last page is pick it up and immediately begin again! This time I am searching exclusively for Christ, and highlighting all of his names (including pronouns and any reference to him), his attributes, his words and the principles that he taught of his gospel. It is an activity from preach my gospel and i invite all of you to DO IT!!! I now have a firm testimony and share with sincerity to everyone that i meet "this book truly is another testament of Jesus Christ. It testifies of him on every page!!" I have an invitation for the priesthood holders of the family, to read this talk called "The powers of Heaven" by David A Bednar. And then apply what you've learnt. Its an amazing talk, I read it this week in my language study time. Well family I will leave you with my testimony that I know this is the one and only true church upon the face of the earth and that it is a privilege and a blessing to have access to all of the blessings that come through actively participating in it! I know that Jesus Christ is our personal friend and Saviour. He knows each of us perfectly and because he has lived through our lives he knows how to comfort and help us. He could have been able to know how to do so simply through revelation yet he opted to learn through his own experience and suffering. Truly he went to and beyond the greatest extremes to show his love. I love him. Have a wonderful week and please, be safe! I love you all!!! Hermana Mason xx
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Homer is probably the best known ancient Greek writer; and a staple for those of us who have a deep interest in Western history. What many people may not know however, is that besides the historical figure of Homer, there is also the Homeric school, or style, to use a better phrase.
One difficultly to getting to grips with Homer’s work, is the sheer length and breadth of his epic tales: Iliad and Odyssey. What I mean by breadth is the subtext associated with almost every verse throughout his works. In a moment I’ll give an example of Homer’s depth, it’s an example from Eileen Salter’s resent publication of the Homeric Hymns and translated by Professor Lang. Before then I’ll briefly say why I believe why someone new to, or perhaps someone reproaching Homer, should start their journey, and it is a journey, with the hymns of Homer.
The Homeric Hymns, especially the first five, are the best stepping stones for reaching Homer. They introduce the reader to what they should expect to find in his lengthy Iliad and Odyssey, yet the hymns are very much shorter and so easier to not lose sight on what is being given to the reader. That they are spiritual while at the same time intellectually mind blowing. It is by virtue of their shortness we are able to thoroughly excavate most their subtext: references to other great Greek myths and how one should conduct themselves in life, etc.
Eileen Salter’s Homeric Hymns can be found here https://www.amazon.com/dp/1973200899
And so as promised, here is a short hymn, written in the Homeric style, with analysis by Eileen Salter
The Homeric Hymn 29
To Hestia
[1] Hestia, in the well-built halls, from deathless gods and men who walk the rich earth, you have obtained an eternal place and impeccable honour; truly great is your glory and your gifts. [5] There is no feast among mortals without you, where, Hestia, they make sweet wine offerings to you first and last.
And you, O Argus-slayer, son of Zeus and Maia, messenger of the blessed gods, god of the golden wand, [10] giver of all good things, he who coexists with Hestia in the well-built halls, each dear to the other; by your kindly heart befriend us in company with dear and honoured Hestia. For both know well the struggles of pious earthly men.
Hail and take pleasure, daughter of Cronus, and Hermes of the golden wand; I shall be mindful of you as I sing another song.
   Hestia is infrequently represented in art and myth, possibly due to her being the personification of the hearth, which was to be found in all domestic, civic and religious dwellings. Hestia literally means hearth (εστια). Yet although each Greek city state had its own Hestia Boulaia institution, there is little evidence for any large number of priests or administrators to organise the cult’s religious duties.
The goddess's role, according to contemporary scholars,i is one more closely aligned to the political than the religious sphere. This unusual alignment slowly evolved from out of hearth of the kings (εστια) which later became the civic hearth located at the centre of the city’s community, the prytaneum. The superintendent tasked in the maintained of the communal hearth were secular executive and not necessarily religious.  
However, absence of the goddess's simulacrum should not be taken to mean she was of little value in Greek culture and society. It is by the very fact that due to Hestia being at the heart of each city state, the goddess was a significant player in forging a common Greek identity. As such she played a big role in interstate collaborations, bringing a divine seal to any new found political alliance; and by this act alone, she was integral to the expansion and consolidation of the what it actually meant to be Greek.
All entertainments of foreign ambassadors took place at the prytaneum. Indeed, the verbal form of Hestia (έστιαν) ‘to receive at one’s hearth', 'to entertain', 'to feast’ is very revealing in its self. It implies a welcome, so when at a special feast, the xenia (ξενιά) representatives from both parties would swear oaths to the gods as witnesses over a sacrificial animal. The feast was the symbolic action of the extended family: that the communal hearth is nothing less than the replica of the family hearthii.  
Nevertheless, the hymn itself has the curious combination of Hestia and Hermes, these to gods have been the subject of many scholars, but the conundrum was probably first solved by the scholarly works of Jean Pierre Vernantiii
Vernant says Hestia and Hermes form a couplet, whereby their prerogatives and fields of influence overlap, they are intricately entwined.
Hestia is the home, the shelter, an enclosed unmoveable place, while Hermes embodies the movable, change and interaction; he is the exterior to Hestia’s interior. She is the central point from where all human activity emanates up to the abstract boundaries set by the wondering Hermes. His circumference defines through her epicentre the cultural space occupied by the Greek entity.
The house maintains the bonds between the occupants and their native soil, through successive generations, it has simultaneously both family and territorial connotations. This is express through the institution of marriage, where the Greeks saw marriage as a form of ploughing, arotos (αρατος), the woman as furrow, arura (άρουρα), and men as the plougher, aroter (αροτέρ). These were not figurative phrases, but were deployed as a literal meaning as exemplified during the marriage ceremony when the female’s guardian would state
‘I bestow this girl in order that ploughing (αρατος) should bring forth legitimate children’.
It was because her procreative powers that the wife became an attribute of permanence to her husband’s household, personified by Hestia; if then the wife symbolised by Hestia, Hermes by extension represented the husband.
Hermes’ epithets Agroter (of the field) and Nomios (the Shephard) exemplifies his role as shepherding the shepherds, equating moveable commodities which can either increase or decree in their magnitude by the will of Hermes. Contrast to Hestia’s role to permanently fixing the wealth that fell under her jurisdiction, there is then an obvious antagonism between the stable Hestia space of the home and the fluctuating Hermes abroad.
But this is non-pejorative dualism. As an explanation: in some cases Hestia is rendered not on a hearth, but seated on an omphalos; the omphalos of Delphi being a prime example, and even known as the Seat of Hestia. These stone protrusions used to be built at a community’s town centre and were likened to a woman’s umbilicus during the late stages of her pregnancy, whereby the node becomes inverted, its a metaphor of the umbilical cord connecting the community to the rich earth, just as the mother nourishes her unborn child. It also gives birth to an idea that each generation is rooted within the pervious and all humans, are rooted within the soil of their ancestral home.
And it is deep within these domestic dwellings were the thalamos (θαλαμος), a female only space, and also the place where a woman would stay before her marriage, eventually this space would become her locked storeroom where household valuables would be kept, not just the obvious such as gold and silver, but hereditary tokens of state and patronage, the symbolic trinkets that signified a the estate’s claim to the land and the privileges on which the previous generations had been seeded and grown. It was the interior where the woman stored the product of her husband’s exterior activities, where he had engaged in the prerogatives of Hermes: exchange and profit (Hermes epithet: Agoraios, Market).   
This dualism between husband and wife was idealised by Xenophon through the wife being compared to a queen bee who saw all the honey collected is efficiently stored into the honey cones, while on the other hand, Hesiod compares a bad wife to a drone bee who stores the honey of her husband’s exterior labour, not in the female thalamos, but in the walls of her own stomach.
Indeed, a model wife is represented as Penelope in Homer’s Odyssey, whereby the suitors can consume the economic resources of the exterior—sheep and cattle, wine and wheat etc. These are items subject to increase and decrease by Hermes will (epithet: Pheletes, robber). But Penelope draws upon her energy to focus her guard with ruthless cunning the source of her husband’s real wealth, his instruments of investiture and symbols of authority, which are all hidden away and kept safely enclosed in the interior of Penelope’s thalamos; Hestia’s field of influence. These are immovable objects as exemplified by Odysseus’ powerful bow which could only be stringed by Odysseus himself and stored in Penelope’s thalamos, and ultimately the weapon used to regain his rightful place as the steward of the Ithacan landscape.  
In this regard the Homeric Hymn to Hestia is a song of the imperishable wealth of Greek civilisation, indeed even today it lives on as the cornerstone of Western idenity, that of individual freedom and democracy.
Eileen Salter’s Homeric Hymns can be found here https://www.amazon.com/dp/1973200899
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