#but like for drinkers and non drinkers
xxvinwestley · 8 months
rip the mfs that hced izzy as a non-drinker
(its me im mfs)
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heretherebedork · 1 year
Korean tsunderes just hit differently, okay?
In other news, I love KiHoon deeply.
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gulliblelemon · 1 year
I love that Simon doesn’t drink. Casual alcohol consumption is everywhere on TV. And I get that that’s because it’s also everywhere in real life but it’s nice to have someone just… not partake. I wish it wasn’t because of trauma though… 😔
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futurewife · 7 months
god.. dating apps are the worst, especially for neurodivergent people
i had more luck on reddit than i do tinder
Thanks for the kind words, @hall0ween-twn ❤️❤️ forgive me cause I kind of ending up rambling in response here cause the dating/partner thing is really something that gets me down :'/
They really are. I don't formally have autism or ADHD as far as I know but do recognise that I have some incidental adjacent traits. I guess I'm just quirked up in some similar ways due to other brain things, attachment disorder, cptsd, negative experiences with men etc.
I can't just go out with a stranger 3 times who may not even really like me and let them have sex with me without having some kind of mental break I feel. It could take months for me to build up to feeling safe, and I honestly don't believe what I have to offer is really worth the investment and the waiting and the effort for most guys LIKE not to be all... self effacing about it but it would take someone who REALLY saw something in me cause I'm a bit of a fixer upper and an almost 30 year old kissless virgin. I feel like it would be mad to have gone this long waiting just to end up getting used and re-traumatised somehow. Man am I kinda a lost cause right now compared to my hopes and dreams 😭
I agree, dating apps are really not a substitute for observing people in real life and deepening an initial spark of interest and I'm on dating apps because I don't have irl social groups or places to meet people conveniently really, and I think other people who may be as introverted and socially stunted as I am are also stuck inside somewhere feeling alienated. It's a bit of a catch-22.
So yeah maybe I should try reddit hahaha. I agree, I think the relative anonymity and niche interest boards means you get a more genuine reflection of a person's takes, values and interests without the incentive of trying to pick up women.
Followers on tumblr are people I've never met yet I feel they understand and know me the most, and may sometimes be the only interaction I get in a day. (❤️) And for better or worse I developed self shipping and fantasy escapism as an adaptation to cope early on in life so there's always some kind of comfort to find in that.
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just-rogi · 11 months
Went out to w/ my roomates last night…. these bitches at this trendy ass restaurant had me scan a QR code to see that they were charging $15 for French fries and $4.50 for fountain soda NAH THATS EVIL!!! DIET COKE IS A STAPLE OF GIRL SOCIETY AND YOU ARE PRICE GOUGING BC I DONT DRINK ALCOHOL AT THIS DAMN BAR!!! I WANT A LITTLE TREAT WHY ARE YOU CHARGING ME- A GIRL- $4 FOR A DIET COKE KYSSSSSSSSSS I HATE BAR CULTURE!!!! ((((the lesbian bar I go to for book club u are not included I love ur cute little mocktail menu and ur fun pink lighting and the wall art of naked women)))
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babygray · 1 year
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You know what, Kamui’s tea blend is the one I like the most? Probably because it tastes like juice without the added sugar…
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milfbro · 1 year
drank more alcohol this week than I have I think all year last year
and I'm not drunk at all rn
oh wait is this why i had a headache all day
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prettyvacanttt · 1 year
Ok so I turned 22 on 12/22/2022 so that's so cool nd it's also my cousin Ryan's 28th bday today and he's dad's side so I haven't seen him in forever and I just got home from the bar 5 tequila shots and three tequila sunrises in plus the last half of my husband's Guinness beer thing and am cooking breakfast feeling absolutely divine in my new silk ensemble my husband got me for Xmas sooooo delightful
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Do you ever just like. Do something CATEGORICALLY stupid
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poet-tree-lines · 2 years
since the weather changed again I wanted to put my 'Liquid Warmth’ mulled wine (not ‘mold’ wine eugh) recipe out there
- 1 bottle fruity wine (substitute for other wines at your own risk/discretion) - 1 stovetop burner & suitable size pot (2-3 liter? gallon?) - 1 bottle/package/serving of mulling spices mix (IKEA makes a bottle, some place make a box mix, World Market has I don’t know what since it’s in german, you can also apparently sub in a thing of sangria mix, I don’t care)
- 1 bag of apple cider tea AND/OR - spices of your choice (think nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, etc., but keep in mind this is fruit themed)
Dump everything but the tea (if you’re using it) into a pot on the stove.
Set the stove to medium heat
Let it heat up. Bring it almost but not quite to a boil
Add tea (if you’re using it)
Let simmer (low low heat) for 15 min. or until you’re ready to serve it, whichever comes first
Pour into cups and consume, once it has reached a drinkable temperature
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thrill-seeker-if · 2 years
I am sold. Nope none of that devil water for me. I am fine with my normal vanilla water. Mhm😤
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sniffanimal · 2 months
idk who needs to hear this but it's morally neutral and completely fine to take your coffee or tea with cream and sugar. you're not ruining it. you're not effeminate (derogatory) or childish. it's just a drink and you deserve to enjoy it how you want to
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giftedpoison · 1 year
Guys I’ve been applying jobs recently. (because i hate my current one) and at one point I applied to a place on their website and they required a resume and even offered a template. So in that resume in the summary portion I put what job i was applying for and the company name in it right? Anyway so I also started applying to other jobs on indeed because you rarely get anything back anyway right?
I was using that resume. That was for a specific job.
And the company was a DISPENSARY.
Good news: I was actually getting bites with the resume.
Bad News: I have an interview tomorrow that required me to print out said resume for easy reference.
In summary: this is going to be so embarrassing
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
Alley Drunk!Danny AU- Part 3
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.4]
“Have you considered anger management classes?”
The Batman turned sharply, cape flaring out as he raised his weary fists in preparation for another fight. Only to pause, as he caught sight of a bedraggled man leaning against the pockmarked, water worn, Gotham variety stone of the abandoned post office. Non-hostile. Scent of booze, not strong enough to be fresh, but prominent enough for him to clock the stranger as a habitual drinker. Young. Sympathy softened Batman’s stance. Still, Batman kept his guard up. Good thing Robin was benched, he was off his game today if he hadn’t noticed the young man.
“Nevermind. You run around as a bat. Clearly anger management classes aren’t on your to do list.”
“What do you want.”
He’s young. Not as young as Robin, but… enough that it made Batman gentle his approach. The young man pushed away from his spot, fearlessly slouching towards him. Casual. Unafraid. How curious. Even Gothamites were wary around him, correctly assuming and witnessing his takedowns of Gotham’s Underbelly.
“You do this a lot, don’t you?” The bedraggled young man asked, head tilted neutrally at the bodies strewn around the Batman.
“Why do you never swing by Crime Alley?”
Batman’s guard faltered at the blunt question, but he regained it quickly.
“I do.”
“You don’t.” The man disagreed amiably. He reached down towards the victims but Batman grabbed his arm in an iron hold before he could rifle through their belongings. The young man laughed and pulled back agreeably. “Is it classism, why you avoid us? The poor isn’t good enough to deserve protection from Gotham’s knight?”
“No. I do this for Gotham. All of Gotham.”
“…Well, there’s always room for improvement, I guess?”
The stranger pulled back and broke Batman’s hold, which had the vigilante sharply focusing onto the man. The stranger was strong, despite how skinny and starved he looked. Few people could casually break his hold and tonight, he added one more to the tally.
“You should tell your sponsor to look into creating job opportunities in Crime Alley. The problem isn’t actually the crooks,” the man told the vigilante, gesturing around them. “That’s just the symptoms. The actual problem is the poverty.”
“I know.”
“And yet, you still avoid Crime Alley.”
“Who are you.”
The man began walking away, throwing a dry “The Crime Alley Drunk, apparently,” behind his shoulder. When Batman took to the roofs to track him, the man had thoroughly slipped away.
“Agent A, did you catch that?”
“Yes, Batman. It appears you’ve gotten the wool pulled over your cowl by a rather mysterious youngster.”
Batman heard a younger snort of laughter. Robin. Who was supposed to be doing homework.
“Please stop making fun of me.” Batman sighed half heartedly.
“Not on your life, B.” Robin chirped.
“Ya talked ta Batman?!” Jason crowed at him, excited. Danny had done as promised and met him at the chili dog stand at the correct time, which increased his credibility in Jason’s eyes.
“Sure did. He knocked out like, five guys by himself. It was pretty cool.”
“Fuckin’ woah.”
“Right?” Danny smiled tiredly at the kid. He stayed up all night to pull his shit together, and outright bought an apartment for them to stay in. That safe had a lot of cash, after all. “Come on, kid. We’re heading back to base but before that, we gotta pick up a few things.”
“Like what?” Jason asked suspiciously.
“Like curtains in the color you like, groceries, and blankets and bedding, and general cleaning stuff.” Danny ticked off a finger per item.
“We killin’ someone?”
“What? No!”
“Ya said general cleaning stuff!” Jason defended himself. The raggedy kid peered at Danny cautiously, and brightened when Danny only snorted in amusement.
“Oh my ancients, you Gothamites. No, those are for like, actual cleaning. You know, for the apartment I just got you.”
Danny missed the burn of booze, but when Jason looked at him like the child he’s supposed to be had Gotham’s streets never laid its claim on him, Danny didn’t want to fail the kid.
Even if the kid thought he was buying chemicals to clean up a body. He’s the son of two mad scientists, he knows how to get rid of a body, obviously. As if he’d need chemicals to begin with, honestly. His ghost powers are quite versatile.
“An apartment?”
“Yep. It’s shitty, but it’s got all the utilities and I kind of miss having warm water to shower with.”
Jason straightened and trotted alongside the Alley Drunk with a little more purpose. People avoided them. Danny lead the kid to the apartment, handing him a key and letting him explore the sparsely decorated place.
“So, first thing’s first. You go shower. Then, we’ll go shopping for clothes, register you for school, get your school supplies, and grab some lunch. Not necessarily in that order, but ya know. And cleaning supplies.” Danny grinned.
Jason whipped his head around from where he was closely inspecting the windows for insulation- like Danny would let the actual kid live somewhere with drafty windows- and spluttered. Hope, fear, uncertainty battled across Jason’s face as he tried to say something. Danny watched Jason open and close his mouth several times before he finally managed to whisper something.
“I- I c’n go to school?”
“Yes. You are, in fact, legally required to do so, Jason.”
A pause as the kid grapples with the idea, of something he didn’t think he’d ever get to do. A grin bloomed over his face as he realized Danny’s sincerity.
“Then what are we waitin’ for?!”
“For you to shower. C’mon grubby, the shower’s that way. Towels are in the cabinet, and there’s some extra clothes in here,” Danny tossed Jason the plastic bag of clean kid’s clothes he bought from Gotham’s version of Walmart, a store that somehow had the energy of a Tesco and a Denny’s parking lot.
“Fuc- I mean- yeah! On it!”
Clearing out the drafts- feel free to continue ^^
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frownyalfred · 2 years
Alcohol tips for newbie writers (or non drinkers!):
At bars, people who order “chasers” after their shots are ordering something to wash down the taste of their shot with. This can be juice, soda, more alcohol, or even pickle juice
Hard liquor is generally sold in stores as shots (tiny bottles), fifths, liters, and handles or in ml (50, 100, 200 etc)
Most people can’t finish an entire fifth of hard liquor (vodka, etc) on their own without being very ill
Conversely, many people can finish an entire bottle of wine on their own without being ill
Liquor can be “bottom shelf” or “rail” or “well” -- all synonyms for the cheapest version of alcohol a bartender has. Bars generally keep several “levels” of alcohol stocked
You order a drink with the alcohol first, then the mix -- e.g., a “vodka soda” or a “Tito’s and tonic”
When you “close out a tab”, you pay for all of the drinks you’ve had that night. Either the bartender already has your card (you “opened a tab” earlier) or it was quiet enough that they just kept an eye on you and tallied your bill up at the end
“Doubles” are drinks or shots with double the standard pour of alcohol
In the US, most shots (pours) are 1.5 oz by default. 
Mixed drinks (gin and tonic, vodka lemonade, cosmos, etc) are generally made up of 1-2 shots and a mixer 
If you don’t specify which type of alcohol you’d like in a mixed drink (vodka cranberry, for example) the bartender will put whatever the “house” liquor is -- and this depends entirely on the establishment. A dive bar will pour rail by default, whereas a nicer tavern might make all vodka cranberries with Tito’s
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theapangea · 1 year
I actually posted about this but I thought a fun dynamic to play with for lip and his girlfriend would be lip and a non drinker. Shes like the designated driver caregiver and the gallaghers love her because after parties they all magically wake up in their beds and lip just really values her more than life, like hes so in love its insane
A million times yes to this!! I love the idea of soft!Lip. Hope you love it!!
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Soft 4 You
Lip Gallagher x reader
A/N: This is told from Lip's perspective which I think just lets us get into his head and how he feels about you. If you see any mistakes, no you didn't.
Summer in the Southside means two things - sweating your ass off during the day and partying until you black out at night. For Lip, the getting drunk off of your ass was all part of the fun, especially when he knew you were around to make sure he got home safely. 
The events of last night quickly fade away as the sunshine peeks through the makeshift curtain pinned to the wall. The whipping sound from the fan turns into a high pitch ring causing Lip to groan. His heartbeat pounding right behind his eyes as the beginning of a headache settles in. 
The feeling of his brain wanting to burst out of his skull makes him grab his pillow, placing it over his face, half covering himself from the sun and the other half suggesting that maybe death is a better way to deal with this hangover. His arm stretches out to feel around the bed, but it's empty, the presence of you long gone on this painful morning, if you could still call it morning. 
Pushing on the pillow more, the pressure lightly helping with the deadly headache. Squeezing his eyes tighter as the image of you begins to form inside his eyelids. Your smile, your voice, your laughter dancing around Lip’s head, the only solace from the raging migraine.
He wants to live inside his mind forever. The memories playfully swirl through his head as a warm, fuzzy feeling brews inside his chest. His heart beats faster just by thinking of you, the way you brighten a room, how you carry yourself, selflessly putting others before you. Caring for his siblings as if they are your own, stepping up to take the responsibility of the household on your shoulders. 
Since Lip met you, he has promised himself that he will become a better man for you. Become the partner that you deserve, striving everyday to do so. Lip wants you to have the world, hoping one day he can be the one to give it to you. 
Lip is so helplessly in love with you that he definitely doesn’t mind the fall.
The cotton mouth is too much to handle as he just lays there in his own sweat. He thinks if he waits here long enough that at some point you will show up, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, fingers rubbing over his chest, your sweet scent engulfing his nose. But sadly he can’t wait that long.
Groaning as he lifts himself onto his elbows, blinking a couple of times as his surroundings become clear, the headache throbbing more with every move. His eyes trailing along the room before seeing the tall glass of water that sits on the dresser. Smacking his lips a couple of times as he wants nothing more than to drink something. 
Pushing himself up, a small puddle of sweat lay underneath as he scoots to the edge, the bedsheet sticking to his legs as he fumbles to stand up. Using the dresser as leverage so he doesn’t fall.
The faint hint of a smile appears as he comes face to face with the water and next to it, two Advil and a little note that says ‘take these’ signed with a heart in the corner and your initial. His heart skips a beat as his fingers trace over your delicate handwriting. Barely being able to think straight because of the hangover and now you got his mind racing a million miles an hour with your love. 
Quickly raking a hand through his hair before swallowing the pills and chugging the water. Closing his eyes to allow the medicine to relieve some of his pain, knowing it will take longer than a couple of seconds. 
Tripping over himself as he pulls on a pair of jeans. Leaving his room to wobble down the hallway and descend down the stairs to the kitchen. The sound of chatter and laughter fill Lip’s head, wishing the happy sounds weren’t causing his head to pound more. Finally stopping on the bottom step as he observes the scene in front of him. 
Deb’s and Carl’s laughter fill the small room as you are telling a funny story. Your voice erupts louder as the punchline comes, sending them into fits of laughter. Their faces tell how much they enjoy having you around, the way you bring a sort of calmness to the house. Turning it into a home.
The kitchen is a bit of a mess as the grand breakfast you made - pancakes, eggs, bacon - sits on top of the stove. The dining table is messy as Lip can tell you just finished eating. Taking your time with his siblings to bond with them and get to know them on a deeper level. 
He couldn’t love you any more than in this exact moment. Without you knowing he was around. 
Lip gets pulled from his thoughts when Ian comes racing down the stairs behind him, patting Lip on the shoulder while he passes by. Prompting you to turn towards them both, a huge smile forming on your face, the kind where your eyes grow smaller and your cheeks grow bigger.
And God did that damn smile light a fire inside of him that he will let burn forever.
what did you think ??? thank you for reading !
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