#but just know that this anon has absolutely no idea what they're talking about
lyxchen · 23 days
So because I just got this anon:
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I'm gonna disable anon asks for now. If you have stupid bullshit to say to me then I'd at least like to know who is saying it. If you wanna be antisemitic sooo badly then don't be a coward
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wheeboo · 11 months
seventeen and saying “I love you” for the first time
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PAIRING. seventeen (ot13) x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, slight angst?, headcanons/scenarios, established/implied hidden relationship, idol au WARNINGS. some kissing, consistent terms of endearment, just absolute softness dude. WORD COUNT. 3.4k
requested by anon: hi hiii i love your writings and i see the reqs is open. so how do you think svt would say 'i love you' for the first time? like, they're people who's being supervised all the time and very busy, so they're pretty hesitant about whether the relationship will work out or not but then he realizes that it means so much to him after some time.
notes: i hope i manage to capture ur request well aaaa i’m not confident. for this i wrote a lil scenario under each member instead of the usual long ass descriptions, but i thinki veered off the request oops and they get more silly as you read more LOL. sorry this took such a long time and if it seems repetitive! i started running out of ideas alksjderj
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choi seungcheol
“Y/N, you don’t need to𑁋”
“cheol, I insist,” you bring your hands to his shoulders, directly him to lay down on the bed. “just rest up, please. let me cook for us tonight, okay?”
seungcheol could only watch as you disappear into the kitchen, coming back in with a steaming bowl of soup. the constant practice and performances ultimately made the stress hit him at once. and you being you, took this as the opportunity to take care of him.
you sit down at the edge, carefully lifting a spoonful of soup and before bringing it to him, grinning at the satisfied hum that leaves his lips.
as you continue feeding him, you ramble on about your day, and he could only listen. it’s these moments he’s grown to cherish where the stresses of his other life dissipate and he lets himself be taken care of, but these burdening feelings for you lingers. 
you’ve constantly assured him that taking care of him was a way to show that you want this relationship as much as he does, despite all the consequences. it always brings a certain flutter to his heart, almost like a hug he’s always needed. he’s known the feeling for a while now.
he doesn’t realise you’ve finished talking as he sees you stand up, but he’s quick to grab your hand. 
“wait, uh,” he starts, and you see the hesitation flicker in his face for a moment. pursing his lips together, he looks back up at you with nothing but adoration. “you know that I love you, right?”
you blink, nearly dropping the bowl from the way your hands grow limp at his words.
“well,” you smile shyly. “now I do.”
yoon jeonghan
“angel? what are you doing?”
“me?” you ask as if it wasn’t blatantly obvious you were the only person in the room. “just folding your laundry.”
jeonghan can’t help the smile to his face as he enters into the bedroom, placing himself down next to you at the edge of the bed. he could lay down if he wanted to; he finds his body exhausted from rehearsal. but he doesn’t want to lay down yet, at least not without you.
“what do you say I drop by your dressing room before your performance?” you ask him with nothing but hopefulness. 
he lifts a brow. “are you sure? don’t you have work tomorrow?”
you smile at him, folding up his last shirt. “nope. called in sick so I can attend your stage. thought you’d need me to charge you up with energy, you know?”
jeonghan’s heart does a particular leap. for nearly every performance that you visit him at, he finds himself continuously clinging onto you for good energy and support. he does it out of spite, simply because he loves the feeling of your body, your warmth, your love against him, like a constant reminder that you are there, and you are real.
“I think I’d love that very much.” he sits closer to you, snaking an arm around your waist once you place his folded shirt down, pulling you closer to him.
and he knows he’s done for when he hears those giggles leave your mouth.
so he leans in close, whispering something in your ear he has always wanted to say for the longest time now.
“but not as much as I love you.”
joshua hong
no matter what day it was, joshua always finds himself waking up in the mornings before you do. even after an exhausting day of rehearsal the previous night, he still wakes up before you.
his eyes flutter open as he peers in your direction, a soft smile crossing his face at the sight of your chest heaving up and down rhythmically. he doesn’t want to disturb you, but you’re just so darn cute and beautiful, and the rest of the day is fortunately free for the two of you. 
“sweetheart,” he lets a finger poke lightly at your nose, smirking to the way it crinkles from his touch. “wake up, remember it’s my day off today?”
“mmmh,” you grumble, playfully batting away his hand with yours. “ten more minutes.”
joshua knows he can’t get himself to resist you, so he lays back down in bed directly across from you. he doesn’t fall back asleep, instead only lets his eyes wander admiringly over your features, and he thinks he can wake up like this next to you for the rest of his life, even with his busy career. 
he knows the consequences when it comes to love, but he’s willing to love you to himself all he can.
leaning in, he presses a tender kiss to the top of your forehead.
“I love you.” he mutters quietly, and he catches sight of the subtle lift at the corner of your lips.
wen junhui
you find jun napping soundly on the couch. or so you think he is, because the moment you approach up to him, you find a pair of arms lodging around your waist and pulling you into the couch, a surprised yelp leaving your mouth. 
“jun! oh my god𑁋what are you𑁋”
“you’re finally home, my little blanket~”
“you are ridiculous,” you murmur annoyingly, but end up naturally relaxing in his arms anyway like you always do. pressing up against him, you let your head fall to the crook of his neck, where it seems to fit perfectly. “long day today?”
you feel the rise and fall of his chest, a deep sigh leaving his lips. 
“just tired,” he responds. “but better now that you’re here.”
you smile against his skin. “you know you count on me for anything, right?”
there’s some silence, a silence thick with unspoken thoughts, but it’s mainly jun who can feel it. he knows he can, knows he can tell you anything that comes to his mind and that you’ll listen. it’s just... a bit terrifying being this intimate, this in love with you knowing it can jeopardise his career. but he’s already in deep. he knows he is.
“can I tell you something?” he asks, voice laced with nervousness.
he feels you nod in his embrace.
taking in a deep breath, he pulls back to be able to see you.
“I... I love you,” he confesses, feeling the heaviness lift off his heart. “been wanting to say that for a while.”
and if it was possible for your heart to smile as well, nothing stops you from kissing him.
kwon soonyoung
“would we still be together if I was on a five-year long tour?”
“what if I had to move countries?”
“of course.”
“even if I turn into a tiger?”
“surprisingly, yes.”
a pause.
“...would we still be together if I wasn’t an idol?”
“a million times yes, soonie.” you grab his soft face in your hands, giving a gentle squeeze to his cheeks. “I can assure you we would still be together no matter what.”
that was all the reassurance he needed. soonyoung can’t help the excitement bubbling in his chest as he’s quick to lean in and pepper your face with kisses, causing chuckles to elicit out your lips as you fall down on the couch behind with your boyfriend hovering above you, staring down at you with loving eyes and a goofy, lovesick smile.
“gosh, I love you so much, Y/N,” he mumbles against your lips. “and I’m gonna tell you that for the rest of the night.”
jeon wonwoo
“no, no, what if someone saw us? I should have been more careful, I’m so sorry𑁋”
“Y/N,” wonwoo’s voice is firm and demanding, and you make yourself shut up. “it’s okay.”
“darling,” he grabs your hand into his, letting the other drift up to cup your cheek softly. “we’ll be okay, I can promise you.”
“I𑁋but what if this ruins your career?” you ask him, feeling the way his fingers are caressing over your knuckles. it calms you down just a bit. “what if me accidentally holding your hand just...”
wonwoo sighs and leads you over to the couch where you both settle yourselves down next to each other. he knows the probable consequences of getting caught, but he cares more about you than what some stupid news dispatch claims. they can say anything, and he’d still be willing to protect you more than himself. 
“don’t be scared, okay? even if we were caught...” he hesitates, lips forming a thin line as you wait for him to continue. “it still doesn’t change the fact that I want to be with you, because I love you, and I want this. I want you.”
you feel your lips quiver, some streams of tears running down your face. you can’t get the words out, so you bring him in your embrace for a warm hug, hoping to convey how much you love him as well.
lee jihoon
“babe, this sounds great.”
jihoon just smiles proudly, posture leaned back in his chair as he watches your head bob up and down to the melodies and the sound of his beautiful vocals traveling throughout his studio. you have a hand at the tip of his knee, giving him gentle squeezes each time you got more into the music.
if only you knew that you were a source of inspiration for too many of his songs. too many that he could count.  
“thank you,” he says sheepishly. “I managed to whip it up in two hours and was thinking about bringing up with the others.”
“if I love it, I’m sure they will too,” you reach over to grab his hand ressuringly. “and I’m not being biased, I’m serious.”
there’s a particular shift in his grin that you notice. it feels more... fond, moreso admiration even though you should be the one admiring him for this. though jihoon has his challenges in voicing his emotions, sometimes you can just tell from his face.
“okay, I should head home,” you stand up, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “call me later, alright?”
“text me when you get home safe,” he tells you, helping with grabbing your belongings before walking you to the door. once you’re in the door frame, he lowly mutters out under his breath, “...I love you.”
you catch it, but just barely, yet you unconsciously respond with, “I love you too,” before turning back to him with a look of shock and wide eyes. “wait, what?”
xu minghao
a yawn leaves minghao’s mouth as he inputs the code to his apartment. but when he steps inside, he’s immediately met with the familiar aroma of food lingering around him coming from the kitchen. when he walks himself into the kitchen, his eyes grow wide.
“Y/N?” his voice makes you freeze as if you were caught committing a crime, letting his gaze fall to the dining table. “what’s all this?”
“shoot, I didn’t expect for you to come home early,” you scratch at your head, placing down the dish in your hands before walking up to him. “I... uh, tried cooking some of your favourite foods. it was supposed to be a surprise.”
minghao just smiles and approaches up to the dining table with you cowering behind him nervously. his eyes scan over the array of dishes meticulously prepared with love and care, feeling like a fresh wave of home hitting him.
“you know you didn’t have to grow through all this trouble for me.” he turns back to you.
“I know, but I do,” you tell him with a heartfelt smile. “it’s just... a way to show how much I care when you’re gone, since you always come home tired.”
his face only softens. stepping up to you, he places both of his hands firmly at your waist, and he feels you tense up for a split moment before finally relaxing. brushing back some stray hairs from your face, a grateful sigh leaves his lips.
“I love you,” he tells you, suddenly feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. “thank you for everything you do for me.”
kim mingyu
“gyu, get off me.”
“no can do.”
“but you have to go to work.”
“you are more important than work.”
you haven’t had your morning coffee, and your puppy of a boyfriend won’t get off of you, finding most of his body sprawled on top of yours so you’re basically flattened to the bed. at least he had the decency to give you some room to breathe and move, but just barely. 
he’s clingy, but not this early in the morning𑁋well it’s usually after you’ve had your morning coffee, but it’s clear you haven’t yet and he’s been glued to you since the moment you woke up. you feel his lips meet the skin of your face, planting soft kisses on your cheeks and forehead to try and coax a smile out of you.
“you’re... suffocating me, gyu.” you squirm just a bit, before his arms circle around you, and you find himself laying right next you on the bed.
“sorry,” he nestles himself up against you. “just don’t want to leave you.”
you run a hand through his messy hair, peering down wonderingly at the way he’s cuddling himself against you. “is everything okay? you’re not usually this clingy. well, you are it’s just𑁋”
“if I say it, will I get a kiss?” he sits up in bed, gazing at you with those desperate eyes that you just have to cave in.
you sigh. “yes, you big boy, I’ll give you any kiss you want.”
mingyu bites at his bottom lip nervously, knowing he has to get it out or else he can’t take it anymore. it’s all that ever clouds his thoughts whenever he takes a single glance at you. he knows it all: the consequences, the hate comments, but the only thing that could break his heart would be to separate from you.
and so he leans in, his breath grazing against the skin behind your ear.
“it’s a secret, so don’t tell anyone,” he whispers. “but I love you.”
lee seokmin
immediately, seokmin takes his attention of his phone to turn towards you, a mixture of worry to his face. he sets his phone on the bedside table to give you his undivided attention. 
“what’s wrong, sunshine?” he asks you, already opening his arms for you to settle in.
you give in, allowing the protection of his arms encircle around you.
“nothing, it’s just...” you glance up at him. “do you think you can sing me to sleep?”
for some reason the simple request was enough to send seokmin’s heart into overdrive. nothing but a wide smile crosses his face as he nods, allowing you to settle back down on the pillow as he props himself up on his elbow next to you.
he starts to hum a slow lullaby, containing a familiar melody of a seventeen song that you recognise. his voice carries an undertone of affection, his words unspoken yet deeply felt. he watches the way your eyes flutter to a close as he begins to reach the end of his lullaby. if it was possible and if you’d let him, seokmin knew he could do this for the rest of his life. he wants to use his voice to not only bring joy to his fans, but to convey the love in his heart. 
at the very last line of the song, he leans in close to be able to whisper in your ear. 
“I love you so much, sunshine. dream about me, okay?”
boo seungkwan
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” there’s a mixture of surprise and a hint of panic in seungkwan’s voice as he notices you standing at the entrance of the rehearsal room. luckily it was only him and his members in the room.
“I was in the area, so... I brought you some food,” you hold up a bag from behind your back. “wish I could have brought more for the other guys, but... yeah.”
his eyes widen from your thoughtfulness as you reach an arm out to transfer the bag from your hands to his, and he swears he can feel his heart swell beyond his own chest. 
you peer behind him to the other guys laughing and minding their own business, while seungkwan in front of you seems completely frozen in time. there’s a blush to his cheeks that you notice and reach out to pinch, making him come back to reality.
you give him a smile. “I’ll see you tonight, okay?” 
but as you are about to turn around, he exclaims, “wait!”
and when you look back at him, he feels his tongue go dry. he’s been rehearsing this line for the past few weeks𑁋in front of the mirror and everything𑁋but your gaze on him always makes those words land right at the tip of his tongue, unable to come out.
“uh...” then he steps up closer, glancing back towards the guys before back at you. even though it may not be the right time and the right place to say this, he does anyway, “I love you, thank you for the food.”
you can’t help the chuckle to your lips as his face turns even redder, and the kiss that you place to his warm cheek doesn’t help at all. 
vernon chwe
“hey, babe.”
it’s the only exchange you and vernon share before he drops himself on the bed, letting his head rest in your lap, a contented sigh leaving him. naturally, you run your fingers through his hair. you can tell that he’s tired from today.
you and vernon have always had the ability to see how the other feels without words. he can see a quiver to your lips and tell you are frustrated, or you can collapse in his arms and he’ll let you hold him while he’s doing something else to recharge.
but he’s been too quiet lately, you’ve noticed, only exchanging the simple hello’s, goodbye’s, and kisses to each other’s lips without saying anything more since he had to rush work. it’s been troubling you, but him laying in your lap has relieved you... sort of.
“everything okay?” you ask him. “you’ve been... awfully quiet today.”
“yeah, just... work, you know?” he answers, but you can sense the hesitation in his words.
you think for a moment, before asking, “want to talk about it?”
vernon pauses, and you feel like you can physically see him thinking. he sits up from your lap, criss-crossing his legs together before turning around and facing you.
“um, you don’t have to respond, but uh...” he rubs the back of his neck meekly. “...would you freak out if I told you that I love you?”
you stare at him blankly, or lovingly, you don’t know, but you feel your heart doing jumps inside your chest and it’s starting to hurt. 
“I’m freaking out from how long I’ve waited for you to say that.”
lee chan
“I love you, Y/N,” chan announces... to the mirror at himself. “or should it be like, ‘I’m in love with you’ or ‘I want to spend the rest of time’𑁋agh, that sounds so cheesy.”
he brings his hands up to his face frustratingly. why is it so hard to simply say how he feels about you TO you? he’s known how he feels for a long time, even with the other members constantly telling him how he has to be careful and all that, or how something like this could make or break his career, but chan know they’re just looking out for him. 
he’s been torn between his career and your relationship, knowing both are equally important to him. but the longer he’s been with you, the more this feeling bubbles inside of him.
“I’m in... love with you,” chan tests. “I love you with𑁋”
“𑁋oh gosh!” chan yelps out, turning his body around and noticing you through slightly open doorway of the bathroom. 
you furrow your brows, eyes flicking over your boyfriend’s forced smile. “are you okay? I thought I heard muttering.”
“yeah, I was just... rehearsing my speech,” chan pauses for a second. “...just in case we win today?”
you roll your eyes. “cute,” then approach up to him, fixing some of his strands of hair with your finger. “I wish I can make it to your stage to support you, but I know you’ll kill it anyway.”
you tell him something about your work, but chan only keeps his eyes fixated on you. and as you were about to leave, he swiftly grabs your hand.
“Y/N,” chan starts, and you see him noticeably swallow. “you know you mean a lot to me, right?”
you turn back to him, intrigued. “I sure hope I do.”
“okay, and since you mean a lot to me, I know you’ve been my number one support,” he continues, feeling all the words spilling out. “and you’re just... so pretty, so funny, you always make me smile, and I think that... I love you. not think! I do... love you.”
you could only stare at him, wide-eyed, pinpointing the vulnerability in his own eyes, and you feel your heart swell enough to bloom a smile on your face.
planting a kiss to the corner of his lips, you utter out, “I love you too, chan.”
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @ylliris-hanniehae @icyminghao​​
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bigfatbimbo · 2 months
Hello, my dear! Anon that went feral for sub!valentino here, I now present,
Vees with their collective dom:
- I just know for a fact that during events, these sluts wouldn't leave you the fuck alone. Gotta go to the bathroom? Velvette needs to retouch her make up too. Gotta go to the bar/snack area? Val's been feeling pretty peckish himself. You talking to some wannabe businessman? Well, who better to talk business than Mr. CEO of VoxTech himself.
- The ONE TIME that they all put their collective braincells together is when someone else is trying to get with THEIR boo. I'm 100% sure that when they see some rando flirting you, it's gonna be on sight. Vox's already planning on how to ruin this dude's entire career, Velvette's already on her socials dragging them to absolute filth, and Val's just outright telling them about how he wouldn't even waste his time with their ugly ass. Goodluck tho, gum is gonna be easier to remove than them once the rando is gone.
- I know that 'hey, Velvette is a needy brat and wants to be treated like princess blah blah blah', but imagine taking off her heels and placing her feet on your lap for a massage, cause you just know that's been walking in them heels all day. Imagine rubbing her shoulders and handing her coffee, while she's barking orders at everyone around the both of you. Imagine treating her softly and her freaking the fuck out because WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HER AND WHY DOES SHE WANT TO TWIRL HER HAIR AND KICK HER FEET
- They absolutely have another groupchat that consists of just them sending each other pictures of you being sexy as fuck. Maybe even doing power plays, like sending candid pics of you with them during your weekly totally-not-a-date-hang outs. Velvette's for sure gonna spam all her social handles with #LookHowMuchThey'reHavingFunWithME and #Don'tWeLookCuteTogether (Vox might or might not tweak her account so the hashtags get deleted)
- I wholeheartedly think that since they're a bunch of power-hungry freaks, they'd go gaga over having a physically more powerful partner
* These brats would absolutely drop everything that they're doing if they even get a hint that you're gonna work out. I'm talking Vox stepping out mid-meeting just to get some "fresh air", Velvette suddenly having "art block" and that she needs to find "inspo" elsewhere, and Valentino going on a "smoke break" mid-shoot because the actors weren't doing anything right (they want you to spank them over your knee until all they can remember is your name and the feel of your hand on their ass please please plea-)
- But also, casual acts of dominance anyone?? Like just almost bumping into Vox but catching him last minute, and saying "careful, sweetheart"????? Val almost tripping face first but you caught him and say, "you got to be more careful, baby"????
* ---------- * ---------- *
Just because I could not just fucking resist the idea...
What if the reason the Vees chose someone as their dom because said someone has that psycho rizz, like the Vees fully go "this person has probably killed a fuck ton of other demons, but, hey, they're so fucking hot covered in blood and I wonder if the next thing they'll murder is this ass 🥺🔞🥵🫦💦"
- The Vees kick starting their obsession with you just because they happen to come across you through the cameras with a bloody grin after a brutal fight, with you just absolutely dominating the other person
- The Vees would certainly want to get fucked by you after you've fought/killed someone (they don't care whose blood is it but they absolutely care about how fast they can get you to rail them before you get cleaned up all that blood)
- I personally think that Vox and Val have masochistic tendencies
* Vox, whose normally composed, rational and would never do shit that'll ruin his image, is an absolute slut for getting choked while he's getting railed by you. He wants to see the stars, wants to chase that lightheadedness, he wants to have no thoughts asides from the hands around his neck and the cock in his ass.
* Normally, when you press a knife into someone they lean AWAY from it. Not Val tho, he leans IN to the knife, because he just can't stop aching over the idea that you're marking him as yours. He can't stop the way his cock throbs and twitches when he feels the knife dig in juuuust a little bit into his skin. It makes him feel dirtier, even more of a whore, even more YOURS.
- The Vees, who are normally so quiet about being a sub, becoming loud to one another about how many bruises and scars you left on them. Val and Vox walking around shirtless showcasing different bruises, and Velvette wearing a thin slip that shows the bite marks on her thighs.
* ---------- * ---------- *
Thank you for liking my punishment ideas for sub!val. Honestly, I can just keep on going because their dynamic is dynamic-ing and someone should probably sedate me already.
Anywaaaaaays, have a nice day, lovely!
xoxoxoxo ❤️
Ehem, anyways. I have so many thoughts!
First of all, your point on princess treatment with Velvette is absolutely wonderful. Like especially surprising her with it because she’s had a lot of attitude that specific day, mostly because of the stress of running the fashion industry, but then treating her super gently and massaging her shoulders, asking her what she wants for dinner and telling her she did so good that day, despite her amount of work.
And Vox and Val would literally be so fucking jealous if they see you giving her this treatment. Like, “Actually I had a super stressful day too! And my shoulders hurt…. um, hint hint.”
The group chat idea is actually gold because like Velvette and Val would send somewhat normal (not really but yk more normal) photos of you and Vox’s would be the most fucking creepy ass shit in the would. First of all, it would be on a fucking surveillance camera from like yards away, and you would just be minding your business not knowing. The others would kinda be like “…okay, Vox I don’t think you fully understood the prompt but alright 🥰”
NOW LETS TALK ABOUT THE PHYSICALLY BUILT READER IDEA BECAUSE THATS SO YUMMY. Tell me Val and Vox wouldn’t dramatically trip on purpose just so he can see your muscles work when you catch him mid air. Velvette would make you carry mountains of supplies for her job, just so she can see you flex while trying to keep all of her shit from spilling over. And they’d always time it so perfectly, like it’d be a day where you’re wearing a tank top and Oh! All of a sudden Vox needs you to carry boxes of wires and chords up to his office.
Also the psycho rizz is absolutely a thing, like 100% I don’t have anything to add because that’s literally so accurate. And i’m glad someone else recognizes Vox and Val’s weird masochistic tendencies, because they are very present.
In conclusion, PERFECT!! Next time, give yourself an emoji or something so I have something to call you by, by the way!
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
Thoughts on the dynamic between TIES Tango and BB Jimmy? Or even the silly rivalry they have in SL? There’s just so much adorable fluffy potential there and I’m just 💭
- 🧚🏼‍♀️
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YOU'RE RIGHT THERE IS AND I LOVE THEM. SL ranchers are SO cute and precious its off the charts. Limited Life however...
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Ok drawing that hurt a bit so I'm immediately following up with this
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Limited Life is so carefree in general it's SO fun and probably the least angst material out of any of the Life series to me (of course there is still plenty, can't underestimate the traffic fandom's ability to find angst in everything) including Tango and Jimmy. They're so fun and you're right that it's a lot of fluff potential, mostly because Jimmy being a "bad boy" is so funny. BUT THE, MAN. TH The fact that this is the one after DL, after Jimmy so desperately wanted to apologize to Tango for how they went out and who knows if he got to do that or not. I love the idea of them reuniting in some temporary afterlife game or dark void following their deaths, but also what if they didn't get to talk... maybe it was only Tango's distant messages "you're still here? It's over. Go home. Go" that reached him and then he just didn't dare to talk about it other than the one time he instinctually called him "rancher" again. I can't help but be filled with angst when I think about LimL ranchers but I trust that where there is angst, hurt/comfort is sure to follow.... If not then I just die I guess
The bad boy sunglasses are very convenient to hide the look with which he gazes upon Tango from a distance... But then oop Tango hops through the nether portal on top of bad boy mansion and Jimmy decides to go for it, to try and harken back to how they used to be to gauge how Tango will react when he goes "The boogie's being chosen, you're here with us now, we have to look into each other's eyes!" (paraphrasing) and then he's like "oh Impulse is here too" lmao and then that's just kinda it. And then TIES blows up bread bridge and auughhghhh you know??? I'm so bad at expressing how I feel, sorry this is a ramble. But I love them so very dearly and I could absolutely imagine inconspicuous moments between them. Like whenever I think of potential LimL rancher fluff my mind goes to this one fanfic about Jimmy being sleep deprived and he just kinda ends up at TIES and Tango puts him to sleep. Stuff like that
And idk what more to say about Secret Life. Their little rivalry is so funny and literally idk if it's the fanart that has absolutely fucked with my head but every time I think about them I imagine them awkwardly flirting on complete accident and just being kind of weird but. very lovable. They had only two notable interactions and those two interactions left me permanently deranged
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cinemastyles-backup · 8 months
One and Done?
Summary: Anon request - “Hello I have a oneshot request/idea can you do an enemies to lovers where y/n is just as popular as Harry and he can't stand it but he secretly loves her and make it as smutty as you possibly can?”
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, enemies to lovers, angst, asshole!harry, masterbation using vibrator, dirty thoughts, dirty talk, fingering, oral (f rec), spanking, creampie, filth
My original CinemaStyles-blog has been terminated, so I created a new one.
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"You can't just not show up to the press conference, Harry." I overhear my manager tell Harry. Well, our manager.
"Why not?" Harry argues, "You'll have y/n there. She can cover all the questions."
I roll my eyes and smirk, Harry cannot stand that I'm just as big as he is. It gets under his skin that his fans love me just as much as him, and I live for that.
"You're the other star of the movie, Harry. You can't just bail on the press for it. We need you to talk about it."
I take a deep breathe and walk around the corner, "Hey, mick, I was looking- oh sorry did I interrupt something?" I glance at Harry and poorly hide my smirk on purpose.
"Yeah, kinda." Harry says with an annoyed tone.
"No, y/n. What's up?" Mick says with a sigh.
"I was wondering what the dress code for tomorrow is." I cross my arms and put my weight on my left leg, popping my hip out, "Is it dress up? Casual?"
"Yeah, we have a dress for you. They're bringing it tomorrow morning." Mick's phone rings, "If you'll excuse me.." he picks up the phone and leaves the room.
I look at Harry, "What?"
He shakes his head, "Did I say anything?"
I shrug, "You're staring at me like you want to."
He rolls his eyes and scoffs, "Staring? Never." He walks over and grabs a bottle of water, "You wish I would stare at you."
I pretend to gag, "Barf."
He tilts his head, "No, I was actually thinking about what horrid dress they're going to make you wear tomorrow."
I roll my eyes, "Please. I could wear a stained table cloth and still look better than you." I turn to walk out and Harry says my name.
I turn and look at him, "What."
He walks over to me and looks down. A smirk slowly grows on his lips, "Good luck tomorrow. You're going to need it."
He brushes his chest against mine and walks out.
I lay in bed alone. Tossing and turning, kind of anxious for tomorrow's press conference.
I roll onto my back and let out a sigh as I drop my hands beside me onto the bed. I bite my lip and flip the covers off of my body.
I get up and walk over to my suitcase, digging though to pull out my compact vibrator. I smile and prance back to bed. I pull the covers back over and bite my lip as I click the button to turn it on.
I go through the options until I'm on the highest setting. I place the vibrator on my clit and arch my back, letting out a gasp.
I spread my legs wider and try to picture something to help me get to the release I'm so desperately craving.
I pull the vibrator away from my body and sit up, "No." I say to myself, "No. No. No."
I toss the vibrator on the bed and lay back down. I chew on the inside of my lip and sigh, he'll never know.
I lean up and snatch the still buzzing object off the bed and place it between my legs again.
Harry circles my brain. In my mind, I make the sex scene we filmed real, and with a few added details.
His cock plunging deep into my pussy. His hands tangled into my hair. His voice, deep and raspy as he tells me how much of a good girl I'm being for him.
I moan Harry's name loudly which catches me off guard and I slam my hand over my mouth.
I arch my back off the bed and squeeze my thighs together as I cum to the image of Harry absolutely railing me into the mattress.
My chest rises and falls quickly as I slowly pull the vibrator away and click it off. I lay it next to me on the bed and slowly take my hand away from my mouth.
Harry's room is right next to mine and I hope to God he didn't hear me.
"Good morning." Gwen, who does the makeup, greets as I sit down in her chair, "Oh honey. Did you not sleep last night? You look exhausted."
Harry walks in and sits down next to me, "Yeah, y/n, you look like you were up all hours of the night." He smirks and sips his coffee.
Oh god, he heard me. He fucking heard me.
"Harry. Stop it. You look tired too." Gwen snaps pointing a makeup brush at him.
I smirk slightly, "Yeah, Harry. You look like you were up all hours of the night." I mock him in a fake British accent. He rolls his eyes and starts to get his hair done.
"I'll fix you up nice and pretty, don't you worry." Gwen winks at me in the mirror and I smile, "Thanks."
"Okay people. It's almost red carpet time!" Don the direction yells while clapping his hands.
"You two better play nice today or I swear to God.." Mick says through gritted teeth.
"Not me you have to worry about." Harry throws me under the bus.
"Mhm." Mick rolls his eyes, "Just- both of you please .. this is important."
"You got it." I give him a thumbs up and give Harry an eye roll. He chuckles and shakes his head.
"What?" I ask turning towards him, "If you have something to say, say it."
He leans in close to me and whispers, "I heard you."
I freeze and stare at him in shock, unable to process that he fucking heard me touching myself to him.
Him of all people.
"Y/N." I blink and look over at Mick, "Y/N. Go. It's your turn."
I suddenly come back to the embarrassing reality and turn away from Harry. I take a deep breathe and smooth my dress out, walking with shaky legs down the carpet.
I smile, turn, and pose for the photographers, moving down the line. The fans scream for me, just as much as they do for Harry and I glance down at him. He clenches his jaw and forces a smile.
Even though he might know what I did, I still get under his skin and his huge narcissistic ego is bruised.
I walk up to the fans to sign a few things and say hello and they go wild.
"Hello. Hi. Hello. Thank you for coming." I say with a huge smile, "Thank you."
"Y/N. You look beautiful!"
"Thank you!" I smile and pose for a selfie with a few fans, "I gotta go! Thank you! Thank you!" I blow kisses as I walk to the last group of photographers.
"Can we see the dress?"
"Do a little spin for us, yeah?"
I spin around slowly, allowing them to see just how good this dress shows off the curves of my body.
"Can we get the stars of the movie together please?"
My heart sinks to my ass and I swear fell out.
"Of course you can!" Harry says with a chuckle as he walks up to me, "Hello." He says with a smirk, "Nice to finally hear- er, I mean see you again."
I can feel my cheeks getting hot and I swallow, "Fuck off." I mumble through a smile.
"Sounds like you already beat me to it. Last night at least." He pulls me closer to him and looks up at the cameras.
I fight to hold my smile. It feels like forever until they're finally done with us.
"Thank you!" I smile and walk away from Harry. I walk into the hallway to meet the other cast members who are joining us today.
I lean against the wall and take a deep breathe. I look over as Harry walks in and I scoff and turn away. He walks up and leans his shoulder against the wall behind me, "You know.." he pauses.
I shake my head and pull my arm away as he touches the back of my arm, "Y/N." I can sense that he stepped closer, "If you would have asked.." he leans down, his lips are almost touching my ear, "I could have helped you."
I whip around and lay a hand on his chest, "You don't know what you're talking about." I yell in a quiet tone, "So just shut your fucking mouth and let me the hell alone."
He chuckles, "I get it. I'd fantasize about me, too. I promise you're not the only one."
"You're so disgusting." I roll my eyes and turn back around, "Fucking men." I grumble to myself.
"You're not easy to like yourself, sweetheart. So maybe before you judge anyone else, you work on fixing yourself." He huffs.
"I don't need.." I turn around, "I don't need to work on anything other than hating you more."
"Mhm." He rolls his eyes and looks at me, "I'm sure you hate me so much." He fake moans the last two words.
"Hmm. I don't need to hate you more because you've just maxed out the scale of hate." I roll my eyes and walk forward, getting ready to walk in.
"Go, y/n." Mick says motioning for me to walk in.
I put on a smile and walk in, waving to the crowd and blowing kisses as they cheer for me. I walk up on stage and take my seat, smiling and thanking them.
Harry walks in and it's the same level of excitement as it is for me. I purse my lips together and look down, brushing my lashes with my finger to hide my smirk.
"Hello, everyone. Thank you." He takes his seat, of course, right next to me.
This is has been a piece of cake. The questions were easy. The answers were easy. We were in the home stretch- until that one interview had to ask that one goddamn question.
"What we're the feelings going on during the big sex scene that you and Harry had to do?"
I stare at her for a few seconds before I speak, "Um, well. I feel like you need to have a certain level of trust when doing something like that, you know?" I start, "I can definitely say that there was a lot of that. We had an amazing coach there with us to help us achieve the level of realness, I guess you could say?"
I glance over at Harry and smile at him, "I couldn't have asked for a better partner to do that scene with."
I look back out to the crowds and Mick gives me two thumbs up.
"And Harry?" The interviewer asks, "How do you feel about it?"
Harry takes a deep breathe and thinks for a moment, "I have to agree with y/n on that actually. You also have to fully be okay with being that.. naked with a couple other people in the room, and y/n was just as nervous as I was at first." He leans forward, "We got comfortable with each other pretty quick."
"And how was that? Did you guys like-"
I cut her off, speaking kinda quickly, "No. No. it was more like we knew we had to do this so we talked each other through our nerves and just focused on making this movie the best it could possibly be."
"Thank you."
I nod and avoid looking over at Harry.
"Let's have a round of applause for our amazing cast of  Rose and Levi." The host says clapping with the crowd.
I stand up, smiling and waving, and praying this is over so I can go curl up in my hotel room and die for the rest of the day.
"We leave tomorrow morning. The cars will be waiting out front to take us to the airport, seven am. Don't be late." Mick says nodding, "You did good today. See you tomorrow."
I smile and grab my bag, "Thanks." I walk to the elevator and press the button. Someone else walks up and I can immediately tell that it's Harry.
"Not one word the entire way up." I say as the doors open. I get on and turn around. My eyes follow him as he walks on. He presses the three button and steps back.
He has his hair pushed back with glasses and a grey hoodie on with black shorts and I find myself thinking what it would be like to get fucked on an elevator.
I chew on the inside of my lip and beg myself to stop thinking that way.
The doors open and I practically sprint off and down the hall way to my room. I give Harry one last look, debating on acting on my thoughts or not.
I tilt my head and go into my room, shutting the door quickly. I press my back against the door and listen to see if I can hear him go into his room or not.
It stays silent and I let out a sigh, "Fuck." I run my hands over my face and go into the bathroom to run a shower.
I strip down from my morning clothes and put the robe on that's hanging on the door. I pour a glass of wine as I wait for the water to heat up and I drink it all in one gulp.
I pour another and do the same thing before I set the glass down and walk into the bathroom. I shut the door and step in.
I let the water run over my body and Harry's voice runs through my head, I could have helped you.
I bite my lip and shake my head. He wasn't serious. Was he? No, no. I'm not asking. No.
I wrap my hair in the towel and put the robe back on, loosely tying the belt around my waist.
I pour another glass of wine, but this time I take my time with it. There's a knock on the door and I look up, "Coming." I look through the peephole and let out a sigh.
"What do you want?" I say as I open the door. Harry pushes past me and walks right in, "Yeah, sure. Just co-"
He turn around and cuts me off, "Just shut the hell up for a minute, okay?"
I stare at him shut the door, "Yes sir."
He runs a hand through his hair, "You." He groans, "Fuck." He walks toward me then turns around, "God dammit, y/n."
"What the hell did I do?" I hold out my arms to the sides and watch was he paces, "If you ca-"
"You made me love you."
I cannot produce words anymore, so I just stand there, completely blindsided by what he said.
"You.." he walks over and stands in front of me, "You have a fire inside of you that just.. pulls me in and it gets worse the harder I try to fight it." His eyes scan over my face, "What you did last night? Moaning my name.. I've done countless of times with yours."
My lips part and I just stare at him.
"You have no fucking idea how much I wish I could have just .. Fucked you for real during our scene. Just ripped those panties off of you and shoved my cock deep into that pussy of yours."
My breathe catches in my throat and I look around, "H-Harry." I whisper trying to comprehend the words he just spoke, "I-I.."
He steps towards me, "Hearing you moan my name is something I've dreamed of hearing, y/n."
I watch as he traces the fabric of my robe.
"And the fact that you're loved by the world, makes it even worse for me because you could have anyone you want an-"
"I want you." I speak quickly. I repeat the words I just spoke in my head and nod, "I want you."
He smirks and is quick to untie my robe, revealing my naked body to him. He seen me naked a couple times but the look on his face is like he's seeing me for the very first time all over again.
His eyes scan over my body and he pulls me in by my robe, "You're so fucking sexy, y/n." His hands slide onto my hips and he pulls me into him.
I finish my wine quickly and set the glass on the table. Harry picks me up and takes me to the bed, laying me down and kissing up my body to my lips.
My hands grab his neck and I pull him close, almost like my body missed him.
It did.
"Tell me what you did last night." He says, "Tell me what you thought about."
"You." I whisper, "I thought about you."
"Doing what, my love?" Harry drags his fingers down my naked body, stopping once he reaches my clit.
My lips part as he presses down, "To-touching myself." I breathe out and moan. He presses circles onto my clit as his lips place little kisses on my skin.
"Did it feel good?" He asks quietly, "Did touching yourself to me feel so good?"
I nod and arch my back, "Y-yes."
"I was awake, doing the same thing." He kisses my jaw line, his fingers move down and slip inside of me, "But with you. Thinking about your beautiful, naked body under mine."
I moan as he pushes his fingers deep into me, curling them.
"You drive me fucking insane, y/n." He mumbles as he nudges his nose against my neck, "I hate it."
I open my eyes and look at him, "You.. hate it?"
"Well.." he tilts his head, "Until now. I hated it until this very moment."
I smile slightly and gasp as he thrusts his fingers in slowly, "Harry." I whimper, "Please."
"Please what? Hmm?" He kisses from my cheek to my lips, "Tell me baby. Tell me what you want."
"I need your cock." I clench around his fingers and he chuckles, "Can you cum for me, y/n?" He works his fingers in and out at a slightly faster pace, working me to the edge.
"Fuck." I gasp loudly as I cum on his hand.
He groans lowly, "Good job, baby."
I catch my breathe and look up at him, "Why didn't you ever tell me?" He slips his hoodie and shirt off and shrugs, "It was easier to hate you at the time."
"What do you mean?" I sit up and watch as he slowly pushes his sweats down.
He shakes his head, "That's not important anymore." He takes his boxers off and crawls up the bed. I lay back as he moves on top of me and I look up at him.
"What's important right now.. is that I find out what you taste like." He smirks slightly and kisses down my body.
I bite my lip and watch as he pushes my legs further apart and licks his lips. I throw my head back and my back rises off the bed as his tongue slides up my pussy.
He moans as his tongue slides in and out and I whine, "Harry." He grips my inner thighs and his fingers dig in.
I let out a loud moan and reach down with one hand to lay it on his head. My fingers gradually gather a fist full of hair and I pull as I push him closer.
I repeatedly moan out his name as he tongue fucks me.
His nose rubs my clit, adding additional pleasure and I cum again. He continues to eat me out for another few minutes and pulls away with a satisfied sigh.
"You taste fucking delicious, y/n." He whispers as he makes his way up to me again, "Hearing you moan out my name is music to my ears. I fucking love it."
I bite my lip and lean up to connect my lips with his. My tongue slides into his mouth and I moan at my taste on his tongue.
"Roll over." He commands.
I roll over onto my stomach and his hands grip my ass cheeks, "Fuck." He groans, "So fucking hot."
He leans down and kisses down my back as he grips my hips to pull them up. I move my legs up so my ass is in the air for him.
"You want my cock?" He asks delivering a slap to my right cheek, "Hmm?"
I nod and moan, "Yes."
"Couldn't quite hear ya, love." He delivered a smack to my left cheek.
"Yes." I practically scream out from the pained pleasure he gave me, "Yes Harry."
"Mm." He spreads my folds apart and pumps his fingers inside of me a few times before he pulls them out and replaces it with his cock.
I push my face into the mattress and leg out a loud moan as I grip the sheets.
"I want to hear you, baby." Harry says grabbing my hair and pulling my head up, "I want to hear you scream while I fuck the shit out of you."
I nod once and moan as he pushes his cock all the way inside of me, "Fuck, Harry!"
He groans and pulls out, roughly thrusting back in.
I let out a loud moan and push my hips back to meet his. His hand on my hip tightens as he starts to thrust, hard and slow.
"Your pussy is hugging my cock in all the right ways. Fuck." He moans, "I knew I needed you."
I moan louder with each hard thrust. Screaming out his name with the most utter pleasure, "Fuck. Fuck."
I clench around him and claw at the bed, "H-ha-" I can't even speak. My eyes roll shut and my body goes numb.
Harry groans and let's go of my hair. My head falls onto the bed and he grips my hips, pulling my hips back to meet his thrusts.
"Fuck, y/n." He moans, "You're going to make me cum sooner than I want, fuck."
I grip the sheets and pull, letting the whole hotel know, if they don't already know by now, that's I'm being given a proper fuck.
Harry's thrusts slow down and I can feel his cock twitch inside of me.
I let out a sigh and lay my body down as soon as he pulls out.
Harry falls down next to me and we lay there for a few minutes until he finally gets up. He puts on his sweats and lays his hoodie on the bed.
"So what was that? Just a one and done fuck?" I ask grabbing my robe and putting it on, "Or.." I tie my robe shut again and sit on the edge of the bed.
He looks at me and stares at me for a few seconds before he walks over to me.
He stands between my legs and lifts my chin up with his fingers, "If anyone else touches you, I'll break every single one of their goddamn fingers. You're mine now, baby."
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated and don’t forget to hit follow! ♥
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galactiquest · 10 months
We all know how touch starved Knives is but what if his s/o was also touch starved to the point of clinging on to him like a kola or a backpack. Just thought it may be funny that he's just acts like it's just the norm walking around with his s/o hanging off him.
Touch-starved Knives? I'm already there. I'm in the theater, Anon. I've got my popcorn and my large drink and I'm ready.
This idea was so cute to me I decided to write you some little imagines and a bite-sized ficlet, too! Hope you enjoy!
Millions Knives x Reader: Touchy
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Content Warnings: None again, just tooth-rotting fluff. Doesn't have any specific Knives incarnation in mind, since they're all ever-so untouched and in need of touching.
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First off, don't expect him to outright admit anything, ever. Knives is very much a "if I don't think about it, it'll go away" kind of guy. So there's no way he'll ever come up to you and be like hey, guess who didn't get enough skin-to-skin contact as a growing youth, this guyyyy. But do expect him to start getting clingy once he realizes he can.
It's like getting your first taste of your new favorite food. Now that you've had it, you can't get enough. Suddenly he's pressing his hand up to yours while standing next to you (not handholding, he tried this once and got overwhelmed and had to go bite something for a while). Or he's hovering behind you, resting his head on yours. Or he's laying next to you, tracing patterns across your arm/shoulder/back/whatever's available and allowed to be touched.
It's one thing if you're fine with touch. But if you're touch-starved like him, on the other hand? You're trying to sap that same affection from him. Since he's quick to overwhelm (as previously stated) it can be hard at times, but he slowly, surely, gets used to the sensations of pressure and touch that aren't violent or painful, just kind and pleasurable.
So, the touch becomes more constant, more level, more in-tune with each other. It starts feeling very natural. And that natural-ness feels great.
Hugs. So many hugs. That feeling of pressure between the two of you is relaxing and reassuring. (Also you totally get pressed into those "airbags" of his if you know what I mean.) He's so precise with his movements that he can hold you at the exact tightness that makes you feel the best. Who needs a weighted blanket when you have the Compression Boyfriend?
Koala backpacking? Absolutely. 100%. Crawl all over this man. Crawl up him like a vine. He's so used to it by now, he just lets it happen, even in the middle of work. Sometimes he'll pretend you're not there, just for the giggles. Completely straight-faced, but makes you laugh like mad.
If this is Stampede Knives we're specifically talking about (though I personally think the other Knives do this too) then you get to sit next to him, or even on his lap, while he's at the piano. No naughty business--just being close to each other while he plays the keys. Or maybe he'll ghost his hands over yours and show you how to play/follow your playing, if you already know how.
Alright, a little ficlet below the cut just for you.
"...My liege."
Legato frowned at the sight before him. There was important business to be done, and here Master Knives was, fooling around. Letting you, the human he'd bonded with, crawl all over him like an insect.
"If nothing's amiss, Legato, then let's get to work." Knives huffed and picked up the paperwork from the table.
You shifted around slightly on his back, head resting on his shoulder, watching as he shuffled through the papers. This was one of your little games with him--you'd hang out on his back, literally, and he'd pretend you weren't there. He didn't care about the game, really, but it made you laugh. And if it made you laugh (one of his favorite sounds, if he had any), it was worth it.
"...Master Knives."
"Spit it out."
"Get that human off your back."
Knives growled. "That human has a name, you know. Besides, there's no human on my back."
You stifled a laugh as you looked at Legato, mouth twisting downwards in a frown.
"Yes, there is." Legato pointed. "They're right there!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Knives shook his head, then turned around to procure some more files from a shelf. As he turned, you looked back to Legato and stuck your tongue out at him.
"You arrogant little--"
"Legato," Knives grunted. "If you mean to insult me, I'll gladly slice you open."
Legato fumed, then finally spoke again. "Not at all, my liege."
"Good." Knives leaned over to rub his head against yours for just a moment, then returned towards Legato. "Then, let's get to work."
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End Notes: I have a soft spot for Knives. And a soft spot for Knives learning to love, well, love. This is also dedicated to my friend who lets me shout about Knives at them. You're the best, K!
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1-ker0sene-1 · 4 months
❤️❤️ah, I didn't want to dump requests into your inbox in case it came off as "cater more to ME" but if you do take requests.. I've been struggling with serious fatigue and migraines lately (Dr and I have no idea what's causing it) so I've had a hard time dragging myself out of bed and taking care of myself. Which of the cod boys do you think would find ways to help? I think Simon would be gentle but absolute in his caretaking. I bet he would hold me upright in the shower, whereas Gaz would share a bubble bath and order takeout :')
{I hope you get some answers soon anon! And don't be worried about sending requests! I love getting them ♥️}
Personally, I think each of the 141 would have similar yet subtly different approaches.
John is a worrier. Always has been. The man exudes stress when it comes to the ones he loves, especially when they're in pain. He'll bundle you up in some blankets, carry you to the couch and turn down the lights. Letting you rest comfortably.
Without taking his eyes off you, he's probably in the kitchen talking to your doctor on the phone. He wants to know how to help you, not having answers frustrates him.
The rest of the time is about you. He'll get you some migraine medication. He's definitely making you eat a lot of fruit because he read somewhere it helps with headaches. He doesn't want to toss you around, just trying to keep you comfortable.
He also will not tolerate if you feel guilty about being so exhausted.
"You just don't feel good love.. don't you worry about a thing. Just let me take care of you. It's what you deserve."
Kyle, dear Lord, will take such good care of you. Like it's second nature. From the moment you wake up, you're held close in his arms. As soon as you stir in pain he'll ask what's going on, pressing kisses to your skin.
You're gonna be pampered the entire day. The room is only lit by some candles, he'll carry you from bed to a warm bath. Stripping down and joining you as well. You won't have to lift a finger, not that he'll let you anyways- definitely not an excuse to wash and play with your hair.
He'll wave you off anytime you say that you feel like you're burdening him.
"You know I like takin' care of you anyways"
He might leave to go get you medicine real quick, probably sits in the tea aisle as well- trying to find something that helps with migraines.
Johnny, the sweet bastard, kinda takes this to have a lazy day with you. If anyone, he's the one ordering take out with you. Arms wrapped around your waist, kissing on your stomach and snuggling into you.
"my poor wee lass.."
Cooing and doting after you. You aren't getting up even if you want to. He's pulling you right back in bed, whining to not over exert yourself.
"You tell me what you need hen."
And you somewhat have to, he doesn't really know exactly what to do. But he'll do anything you ask of him. Get your medication, get you some water, practically spoon feeds you. Opens the windows to get you some fresh air. If you're cold, well he's right there to warm you up.
Simon is more of a watch dog. At your side constantly. If you want up and around, he won't stop you. But the moment you look too exhausted, or wince from your migraine? You're getting scooped up and taken back to bed. He just wants what's best for you.
Anon is right about the shower. He'll hold you up against him, lips pressed to your forehead. Supporting you against his body, mumbling sweet words into your skin as he washes you up. Swaying the both of you slightly together with a deep rumbling hum.
"I'm right here doll.. I'm not leaving ya.."
He mutters. Simon can sometimes be a hard ass, even in your relationship. But when you're hurting like this? He can't have a mean bone in his body. Every little thing you do, you're getting so much praise for it. He knows how tired you are, you're doing so well.
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sant-riley · 8 months
Hi! I'm new here! I've come to bombard you with the idea of a parent of the reader's(most likely dad) showing up to the base out of nowhere.
Secret admirer,
Omg I have my first ever emoji anon, Hi!! And yes absolutely I love this. I'm gonna try and be neutral with the parent in question so it's open to anyone :)
P.S idk how I used to format this shit I'm not checking Lmfao
[Task force 141 reacting to your parent/s showing up out of nowhere to visit]
If we're taking into account that this Simon and the og Simon have the same backstory,, its safe to say he doesn't have fond memories of his dad, though he has some for his mother.
Depending on your relationship between you and your parent/s, Ghost is either gonna point blank tell them they're not welcomed here. While Price IS above him, he isn't afraid to pull the intimidation and rank card to get them to get the hell out of there. Ghost was abused by his dad, God fucking forbid you were EVER treated poorly and he finds out.
However, even if your parent is kind, he still is uncomfortable by them being there. It makes his chest feel heavy watching you interact and it just brings up bitter memories he much rather not think of, so he won't linger around and instead go to the gun range and wait it out. He cares for you, and unfortunately, it won't ever really transfer over to your parents. Best he'd do is a stern nod and be on his way.
Soap, however, is very happy to introduce themselves and your parent swoons over his accent and likes him immediately, even if they're not the greatest of parents, Soap will make it a point to put his best foot forward and ask them if they'd want a tour.
If your mom is present she immediately likes him and isn't afraid to give you a look with an eyebrow raise saying "why aren't you dating him?". Don't get me wrong, though. He's not afraid to make smart comments and then joke it off. He's protective but not in your face kinda way.
He's definitely the type to sigh with relief when they're gone, complaining about small things he disliked about them to you openly (a lil bit of a hater but his mom raised him to not be rude to his elders okay.)
Doesn't matter who your parents are, Price intimidates them. He's the captain, and from what you've told them, he is extremely good at his job and he's a no nonsense leader, but you also mention that he's kind and he'd never leave one of his own behind.
Price talks EXTREMELY highly of you, he isn't afraid to clasp a hand on your shoulder and smile that stupid smile of his while he looks down at you in admiration.
It'd be most likely that he himself would have invited your parents without your know how, he has the ties and the authority but trust and believe if you expressed any discomfort with it, he'd rectify it and send them on their way.
Your parents may not like how particularly you close you are with such an older man but it's obvious he cares so much for you and your safety, so they take peace in that.
Gaz is probably the most easy going out of the 4, casually making conversation and if your parents are the type to play match maker, he's their #1 choice I'm not sorry, it's the truth.
Gaz sings your praises, mentioning time and time again that you've been such a good help on base and a good comrade and friend and he will thank your parents for raising you. (Imagine him taking off his hat and holding it to his chest or tipping it what if I swooned)
You KNOW he's invited to family dinners if he's ever in the area, or if he has no plans for the holidays, he's welcome at the family home. (You tell him later that he doesn't need to feel pressured but he just ruffles your hair and asks what kind of alcohol your family prefers)
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merakiui · 18 days
Omggg!!! I just saw you thought abt Jade crushing on professor reader and floyd who always acts out, but imagine this, despite darlings scoldings towards floyds rebellious behavior in class, after school when Jade comes back as he needs extra “help” in her class, he ends up finding Floyd stuffing her full of him on her desk, practically breeding her full of his kids!!!
The same desk she grades Jades papers on, the same desk he takes pencils from, the same desk she leans over and practically flash her tiddies to all her students on, the same desk he imagines himself to be stuffing her full of!!!! It’s not fair!! Jade acts so obedient in your class, he’s respectful, he’s passing your class with above a 100%, yet you’re letting the twin who is the complete opposite absolutely ruin you??? It’s not fair!!!
The next day the both of them return to class, and once again the cycle repeats of Floyd blurting out something and you telling him to be quiet. Now though, he knows the truth between the two of you.
If he’s desperate enough, he might wave this piece of blackmail in your face, the only way to stop him from releasing it being if you let him join in on the fun. Oh wait…
Jade is desperate. Very desperate.
(Side note: If it’s available could I be 🎨📝 anon?? ^o^)
🎨 📝 anon........ YOUR MIND!!!!! AS VAST AND BEAUTIFUL AS THE GALAXY AAAAAAA!!!!! And maybe the idea that there's something more between you and Floyd never crossed Jade's mind because he was so certain you only saw him as a nuisance in class. He never realized it may be different outside of class, when it's just the two of you in a quiet lecture hall. But then he was so busy daydreaming of himself in that place. >_< the first thing he does when he happens upon the scene of Floyd pounding you stupid, while you moan and babble like you're in heat, is linger just outside the door, peeking in through the crack. And then he lifts his phone and records it. If he's delusional enough, he can pretend he's Floyd. They're nearly the same from behind, but deep down Jade knows it's not him.
Aaaaaa he's such a jealous thing, so spiteful and vindictive. Possessive like a brat. Jade has it in his head that you're going to be his one day and that there's no room for anyone else, not even his twin. He doesn't want to share for once in his life, and can you really blame him? He's so obsessed. There's no room for sharing with an infatuation this debilitating.
Jade who waits patiently for class to end so that he can have a moment alone with you. Once everyone's left and the door has closed, he packs up his things and strides over to your desk, offering you a placid, semi-shy smile and asking if he can have just a second of your time. There's something he'd like to talk to you about. And you, always so kind and gentle, smile in return and ask him what it is he needs. He pulls his phone from his pocket and turns it to show you, pressing play on a very scandalous recording. You're spread on your desk, legs wrapped around Floyd's waist, while he ruts into you like an animal, grabbing at your tits and squeezing just to hear your cry out.
Jade's smile isn't so meek anymore. Now it's a self-satisfied smirk, and it stretches on his lips as he watches your expression fall with every passing second. It would be so easy to spread this video around the entire school. Jade has connections, and he isn't afraid to use them to expose you and Floyd's little extracurricular. You try to explain yourself, but Jade isn't going to hear you out. This time, you're the one who needs to listen to him.
If you value your reputation and career, you can start making amends (with Jade) by getting on your knees.
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mrs-monaghan · 5 months
Shaz finally, all our questions have been answered🥺 THIS was why jikook limited their public interactions and then suddenly they stopped hiding themselves. The buddy system had to be approved first and they couldn't afford to be suspicious. They've been thinking and planning for a long time
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I once had a theory as to why they were laying low. Chalked it up to MS. While it did have something to do with MS, it wasn't for the reasons I thought. It absolutely seems like what Goldy's anon is talking about is what was going on behind the scenes. They were working on getting the buddy system approved. And once that was over and done with, they went back to being loud again...
Can i just say I still can't believe they did this?? While some antis and vermin are in denial that Jikook enlisted together, I too sometimes, simply cannot believe it actually happened. It's so surreal, you know? I mean, I was so close but the idea seemed nuts to me at the time.
These 2 have done alot over the years...and I mean alot. But this, if I didn't believe they were in a rlship before, I definitely would now. They are mad, mad for doing this despite knowing how it looks like. Like, insane.
I've always said satellite Jeon (Jikook) is my number 1 reason for believing in Jikook so I probably shouldn't still be in shock, but alas!
Allow me to just.... can we see that one more time?
I ain't never seen this from a couple before... ngl. There is a need here that needs to be met... fulfilled. So when we really think about it we shouldn't be shocked that they're serving together... 🤔
This last one though 🤭
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First of all, JK, why?? 😅 2nd of all, he could have stood ontop of literally anyone else. Heck, V is right there. This mofo has been choosing Jimin for so long idk why we still fighting with other shippers atp. They ain't never gonna c it if they haven't yet.
Anyway, I digressed but umm... yes anon. I completely agree! Jikook is so real. So real!
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sxcret-garden · 5 months
Haiii - I hope you’re doing well and also that your hard hours mtl for ATEEZ are still open 🫣. If not plz disregard!!!! But if yes: mtl likely to send you videos of them getting off / want to receive videos of you getting off 🫠🫠🫠 your blog is 🥹 perfection 🥹 and I hope you write the most self indulgent fics because wow - all hits and no misses that I’ve found so far!!!! Danke 💗💗
Aaahhhh thank you so much for saying that anon 😭😭😭💕 it means a lot 🫶 auch danke hehe
As for your question.... first of all that's hot 🫣 second...
I think Seonghwa and Mingi would both be down for exchanging videos of y'all getting off. Frequently. Like, Seonghwa is just gonna be such a tease about it, seeing his videos you can't help but feel like he thought way too much about this before shooting it. Loveslovesloves sending you videos where he lets his hand brush down his clothed body, eventually palming himself through his pants and letting you hear the most delicious moans. And if you text him back, begging for more, he follows it up with another video of him naked, jerking off while muttering your name. If you send him a video of yourself he'll make sure to praise you A LOT, telling you how beautiful you are with every message you get as a reply. For Mingi I think it'd be a lot more sexual and less sensual. Like... strikes me as the type to send you videos of him jerking off when you're apart for a while and you both miss each other, telling you in detail what he wants to do to you the next time you see each other. Definitely has a folder on his phone of videos that you've sent him, and it certainly gets used quite frequently
Wooyoung and Hongjoong would also like the idea of exchanging videos of you two masturbating, but I think they wouldn't do it as frequently. Wooyoung especially finds the thought of filming himself getting off on you and then showing you hot af - whether he's just casually jerking off or if he's thinking and talking about a detailed fantasy of what he wants to do with you during. Appreciates it if you also enjoy sending him such videos, but he's also fine with it if you don't like doing that (though the day will come where he lets you know just how curious he is what it would feel like to receive a video like that from you lol). Hongjoong probably won't send as many videos himself, but he's down for receiving them from his partner. Finds it so hot, and when he has the time he'll definitely respond to your videos with a video of him jerking off, while praises for you continuously fall from his lips. He too likely has a folder of videos and audios of you moaning and getting off on his phone.
I think both San and Jongho would find it hot from time to time, but it's not something they absolutely want to see become a regular thing between you two. As for San I think he might enjoy making videos for you even more than receiving them from you. Definitely a sucker for you telling him what to do and then him acting it out in front of the camera, asking whether he's being a good boy or not, maybe even edging himself for you. And then sometimes you're gonna get a video of him just jerking off and lowkey growling into the mic that he needs you (the duality of this guy istg-). Will tell you how sexy and beautiful you are if you send him videos back, but as I said, it's more fun to him if he's the one sending them to you. Jongho would be the opposite I think. He'd love receiving such videos from you from time to time, and if it's something you really enjoy doing he'll certainly tell you about stuff he wants to see you do. As for him sending you those kinds of videos... I actually think he might be too shy to do it?? Will definitely let you convince him to try it if you really want him to. However he'll do it mostly to please you, and might feel a little awkward about it.
As for Yunho and Yeosang, I don't think it's something they're super into. Yunho will be open to try it, and even get some enjoyment from it if his partner likes it. Will both be fine with filming himself getting off and receiving videos by you, and in the case of the latter he'll make sure to tell you how gorgeous he thinks you are. But at the end of the day he prefers sexual acts when you're both in the same room! Yeosang is similar, except I'm not sure if he'd be down to try filming himself. He would certainly appreciate getting a video by you, but even that's not something he'd actively ask for. He too prefers doing stuff with you when he can actually touch you and see you irl
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The shorter version: Hey could you talk about stone tops more? Or anything like that, people who like giving but not recieving?
The longer version: I’m sort of going through that process of self discovery, I’ve been meaning to ask about it somehow- basically I am sexually attracted to people (I think??), I get aroused, I enjoy masturbating, even talking with my partner about stuff we could do is arousing to me. I enjoy some submissive kinky stuff. Hell, my boyfriend (transmasc, both of us are) recently let me go down on him and it was like a fucking religious experience, I LOVED it, but I find it really difficult to enjoy anything being done directly to /my/ genitals. Like, I can feel the sensations, and they feel good, but I don’t build any arousal, like I can’t get in the mood? I know I’m not, but I do feel fucked up and broken. Spiritually, I want my boyfriend to rail me into next week, but physically I’m afraid there’s like. Something wrong with me, like,, I don’t work??? Idk. I’ve got major anxiety, I’ve got dysphoria, I guess I always figured it was one of those things. There’s only so many times I can feel Way Too Seen by fanfiction about Noted Asexual, Archivist Jonathan Sims before I start to wonder what exactly they’ve hit directly on the head, if that makes sense. I’m not asking you to Diagnose Me Asexual lmaoo but I was wondering about more like… asexual adjacent things? My boyfriend suggested I look into “service top” too. I… don’t feel like a top? I’m very submissive. But I’ve heard it’s not always top= dom, bottom=sub… how can I be a submissive top?
Sorry this is… so much. It’s really been weighing on me. Even if you don’t feel up to answering this I thank you profusely for the sex ed content you’ve been posting lately. Demystifying sex and promoting sexual health is so incredibly important, and even just what I’ve read from you makes a difference in the agency I feel over my sex life.
hi anon,
weeeeeee!!! this is a fun one.
so, first off, I'm just gonna throw this out there: liking the idea of something - for instance, your boyfriend railing you into next week - is not an innate sign that that's something you'd like in real life. I'll jack off to the idea of getting railed like Thomas the Tank Engine, sure, but in real life vaginal penetration has never felt like much of anything to me + I haaaaAAAAaaaate the idea of doing anything with even a teeny tiny slight chance of getting me pregnant. some stuff is fine to stay in the brain!
if you do ever decide to tentatively explore it with your bf, that's also fine and wonderful, but let's focus on what we know about your likes right now. you don't want to get fucked (awesome) but you like going down (also awesome). none of that means you are or aren't asexual, btw, there are loads of asexuals in the world who love to get railed and hate going down and also feel every possible way about every other possible array of sex acts. you're only asexual if you want to be, keep that in mind.
you're also only stone or a service top or whatever else if you want to be. words exist to be useful, not as an innate ontological truth to discover within yourself. personally I think it's waaaaay more important for people to refine their sense of likes, dislikes, communication, and boundary-setting than finding the exact right word for their particular cup of tea.
as long as we're talking about terminology, let's get into dom/sub and top/bottom. you're absolutely correct that they're not interchangeable, whatever the hooligans on various hellsites would have you believe. dom and sub are terms for power exchange play, when two people enact a power differential in which one partner is consensually given a great deal of control over the other, be it physically, psychologically, financially, or what have you. top/bottom simply refer to who is acting vs who is being acted upon during a sexual act; while some people identify intensely as either a top or a bottom, it's also a simple matter for those roles to switch on a dime depending on what kind of sex you're into. it's completely possible to have sex without designating anyone the top or bottom, and I'd argue that most people have sex without there actually being a dom or sub involved.
so can dom bottom, or a sub top? of course; people can mix and match whatever pieces of sexuality they want in their own explorations. a dom can boss their sub around like a little servant, giving them extremely detailed instructions about exactly how to rail them, and perhaps punish them (in the fun consensual way, obviously) if they fail to meet those expectations and don't get their dom off the way that was wanted. you can, and I cannot possibly emphasize this enough, do whatever you want forever.
a service top, incidentally, is generally considered a separate thing from a dom (which is not to say they can't overlap!) in that a service top isn't always dominating, but is topping because they enjoy getting their partner off in whatever way they like. the overlap of service tops and folks who are stone is notable!
in your particular case I would recommend not worrying so much about which of these terms, if any, are the correct one for you and focus way ore on exploring and playing with your partner to find a rhythm that works well for the two of you. doms, subs, tops, and bottoms all have something useful to teach people about how they like intimacy, but there's no rush to figure out which category, if any, you fit in. just focus on what's fun and feels good to you and toss the rest.
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deathbxnny · 3 months
Ik i already sent a request to you but.. once you said you’re also accepting JJK requests. I just had to. I hope you dont mind this
Ok so im not into JJK as much as i am into Genshin and HSR and all but im aware of season 1 plot and some of season 2. But can i request Gojo and Geto with an underclassmen who they have a sibling like relationship die and came back as a curse spirit? (While this request have them together, you can make them seperate if you want)
Here the context:
So the reader is a year below Gojo and Geto. After some time since you guys met, the two of them sees the reader as their cute little sibling and in return the reader sees them as their cool big brothers. All was fine until the reader died from a mission. How did the reader die? They dont know. Both of them werent told how the reader died but if there’s one thing they were sure of, the reader wasnt killed by Jujutsu. Because what other explanations do they have when they see you come back as a vengeful spirit? A vengeful spirit they need to take out.
So in the JJK wiki, it is said that “Sorcerers must also be killed with Jujutsu or they can become a vengeful cursed spirit after death” Which makes a very good angsty sceanrio dont you think?
Hope you have a great day/night!
- Flower Anon 🌸
Hey there, Flower anon!! I absolutely love this idea, and thank you very much for the tasty angst. I've been itching to write some jjk angst, haha. Also, regarding your other request for the second part to the Lyney x reader one-shot, just know that I will make it in a separate post to your ask due to formatting issues! But either way, I hope you meanwhile enjoy this!<33
Content: Heavy angst, platonic relationships, Geto is deeply depressed, Gojo is in denial, hurt/no comfort, reader is a year younger than both of them, vague descriptions of readers death, mentions of blood/injuries, vague descriptions of jjk canon violence, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
Inspired by the song "Death" by Melanie Martinez
((Not fully proofread))
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Back from the dead.
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At first, you appeared in the flickers of lights, in the corners of mirrors, in the shadows casted by trees and their own bodies, in reflections of windows and water, in gruesome, awful dreams.
And then you began being there in larger ways. You'd stand behind them, follow them around, no matter where they went, no matter where they looked, you were right there.
It was easy to ignore you at first, act like you didn't exist, like you were just a part of their traumatised, exhausted imagination. When was the last time they had slept properly? Perhaps the day before your funeral. Your face was plastered everywhere, a smile gracing it like it always did, an excited, pure one for a sorcerer. But there was nothing to be excited about anymore.
Maybe that's why you looked so sad now, as you stood in front of them in this classroom that was reserved for people a year older than you'll ever be.
Suguru wondered if you felt guilty for taking the color of their world away with you when you died.
"You know... denial never suited you, 'toru." You whispered quietly to Satoru, breaking this suffocating silence at last. Your body leaned against the desk a row in front of him. It all felt so casual, as though everything was perfectly fine. You never left. You simply came back a little different.
This was the first thing you've ever said since you've come back, Suguru then solemnly realised in his depressive haze. He nearly didn't hear you and wished he hadn't either. Your voice sounded distorted, like it didn't belong to you at all. But it was still you... wasn't it?
The only visible sign that Satoru meanwhile had even heard you was in a stutter of his hands that in turn messed up his text to Shoko again. He took a deep breath and exhaled shakily. What was he even texting her for again? Maybe for help? For a way out? "I'm seeing things again, Shoko. They're talking now." That's what your colorless eyes could read off his broken phone screen, which made you frown a little. You knew he'd never want to upset you. But he never wanted to face you again. Not like this.
It was so unlike him too, wasn't it? He hadn't been the same for a while now.
It was late in the afternoon by then, the orange hue filtering into the empty classroom through the blinds. An awfully nostalgic feeling that was now filled with tense bitterness. A past filled with laughter and joking now seemingly disappearing into the smoke of the burning incense sticks nearby.
Neither of them had said a single word for the entire duration of your little "hang out" session. Suguru simply leaned his head against his palm, gaze turned to a far away point in the darkening horizon outside, as the sun bid it's last warm goodbye. He took a deep breath, words shaky and filled with a deep exhaustion, not even his dear best friend could ever come close to feeling.
"Let him be... he'll come around eventually." The blackhaired boy muttered back to you, not bothering to look at your bloody, dead form anymore. He had come to terms with it a while ago. Or at least, visibly, he has.
Gojo just took a little longer in accepting your death, is all. Neither of them really knew who was handling the situation worse.
"Who are you talking to, Suguru?" There it was again, the odd denial the white-haired teen had drowned himself in. You never thought that he'd be the one to end up like this. You figured that Suguru would've had it harder, but perhaps this was just one of the many new things you've learned as a spirit. "Stop it, Satoru... you're not helping with any of this. It's just... making things worse." Gojo's teasing smile twitched, his head turning to look at his friend before he seemed to slowly deflate into his seat. You probably could only imagine how red and puffy his eyes were behind the sunglasses he refused to take off nowadays.
But in a way, you must've also understood why he was this way. How couldn't you?
Your death was untimely, unexplainable. No one knew what happened, and your body was never found either. One day, you were absolutely excited about going on a mission with your two favorite seniors, four hours later, you were missing, and a week later, you were declared as dead. The only proof they really had was a piece of your bloody uniform floating in a river nearby where the mission was supposed to take place. Other than that, there was no trace of anything else regarding you.
Suguru wished they would've at least had something to bury you with. Your casket was empty. And Satoru was ashamed to admit that he dared open the lid in a desperate attempt to see if you were in there after all. Just hiding, waiting to jump out and scare him. But seeing nothing made him break.
Everything got worse when you reappeared as this, however. A vengeful spirit that simply followed the both of them everywhere. You were relentless. And yet, neither of them could ever find a single trace of anger on you. Their guilt was heavy enough to make up for it, though.
It didn't help that Satoru refused to talk about it, even when they knew what they had to do. You only ever appeared around them, and both of them had made the unspoken decision to deal with you themselves. They felt like they had caused your death indirectly. The what if's kept piling up higher and higher until it eventually brought them here.
They thought that they were finally ready to move on, but oh, how wrong they were. It was so hard to see you as a simple spirit to exercise when you still looked like yourself most of the time. It just got bad when you looked dead. They couldn't hide behind their excuses and delusions when you looked like this.
Time ticked on and the silence was deafening again. You leaned in close to Satoru, glossy eyes staring into his side profile. "Stop ignoring me. I know what you're here for." You hummed, face devoid of any emotion. But the constant dripping of the blood that poured out of your nose and lips made Gojo close his eyes for a second longer and gulp down the painful lump in his throat. It was childish, absolutely stupid. But maybe... if he acted like you weren't there like always... then you wouldn't be. You were just a hallucination, surely. Neither of them had slept or eaten properly in months. He just had to pray that you'll go away, finally find the peace you were looking for.
But when he opened his eyes and you were still there, he just bit his lip. He couldn't take any of this anymore.
"Tell them to go away, Suguru. Please." "So you're finally done pretending now?" The blackhaired male asked, glancing back at his friend for the first time in hours. The great Satoru Gojo. The strongest of them all. Now reduced to nothing more than a miserable teen at your death. It would've been funny if he wasn't actually losing it right now.
Suguru shook his head at the lack of response before getting out of his chair and standing over the white-haired sorcerer. "Let's go outside." He said, not waiting for the other to agree before pushing past you. Or rather through you. He shoved his hands into his pockets to hide this really was for him. As expected, however, he heard Satoru's footsteps following behind him with ease. Typical.
The walk was silent and rather aimless. Neither of them knew where they were going. But their subconsciousness seemed to know. Suguru's body felt heavy, like he was dragging and fighting himself with every next step he took. He felt uneven and unbalanced. Like he'll fall over and break apart at any moment, and he doubted Satoru would be able to glue him together with shaky hands and teary eyes.
Geto pulled a hand through his black hair, strands unkempt and messy as they fell down hus shoulders. He caught a glance at his face in a mirror, the dark circles, even darker eyes staring back at him near accusingely. The anger and festering hate hidden under a thick layer of sadness.
"They weren't killed by a sorcerer." He suddenly said when they arrived at the schools courtyard. Satoru glanced at him, frowning a little. "Why does it matter now?" He asked, yet his best friend didn't bother answering. Why should he bother when the white-haired male was unwilling to wake up to reality. Instead, he stared at the Sakura trees filling the area, the ones you loved the most. And as expected, you stood right under them.
Your hands were clasped behind your back, smile so gentle and serene, that it made it look like you were simply waiting on them as always. And in a way, you were indeed doing so. Geto was thankful that your consciousness was strong enough for you to realise what was going to happen next. "Can you do it, Satoru?" He whispered, voice so soft, that it made Gojo actually consider it for a moment. But despite always having prided himself in being the strongest, he just stood still. Suguru couldn't help but smile tiredly at him. Perhaps the other boy would be happy about this if his smile didn't seem so bitter and exhausted. Like it took up all of his energy to force the corner of his lips to go up.
"I think they are the one thing I could never exorcize." "I'm glad you're being honest... I can't do it either." The two boys approached the empty bench next to your form before simply sitting down. There was a large gap between them, one reserved for you.
Your smile stretched wider as you took their silent offer of defeat and took a seat as well.
Gojo tensed when you leaned your head against his shoulder, a familiar melody leaving your lips. Suguru leaned his arms on his knees and listened to you, eyes closing with a tired sigh. Perhaps playing pretend was easier. Perhaps you were never meant to leave them in the first place. Maybe one day someone would free them from you, someone who was stronger, someone who wasn't ever going to be them.
You were back from the dead, and they figured it was better than you having left them for good.
If only they could ignore the mangled state of your body too.
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Alright, I'm sorry this took so long! I also don't think it's that good, but I hope you like it anyway, Flower Anon! I've been super busy with work and everything else going on in my life, so I'm glad to post anything at this point. Anyhow, thank you again for this great request!<33
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bigfatbimbo · 2 months
Hello, my dear! Love that you/others enjoyed my thought and rambles! Speaking of emojis, because I'm a bastard, can I be 🍆 anon??? If that's taken, I could also go for 💦 anon?? Also, forgive me for any spelling errors, wrote this at 2 am
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Vee's Dom 2: Even More Rambling (because these idiots won't leave me alone)
- If their dom ever become famous, which is likely, and the fans create edits of them, the Vees would absolutely save those vids and watch them over and over again (Imagine walking in on them watching edits of you LMAO, or even you coming over to where they're sitting cause the sound keeps looping and it's obvious that they're watching the same video straight)
- Let's talk about the clothing situation here
* With Vox's freaky ass wanting to keep you close always, it's probably led him to steal your underwear, and might even wear it, but you'll never know. I can also see Val doing the same thing but being hella more shameless, enough to even show YOU that he's wearing them and if you want them back, you better take it off of him
* Velvette probably has taken more comfier clothes, things you would wear for staying in, like old shirts, band tees, or shirts that are well loved
* Valentino has tried, and failed, to return some of the clothes he took. It's kinda hard to take those clothes back considering they look more like rags with how many holes and substances covering it.
- With a built dom
* Velvette will "off-handedly" mention about creating clothes that cater to more muscle-y/bigger builds, and will insist that she needs you to model/do photoshoots for her (she's definitely not using this opportunity just to have more photos of you flexing in HD)
* Vox will 100% build you a personal gym in the tower, but said gym will be covered in cameras/cctvs, all pointed in different directions
* Val would ask you to train his actors, and he will watch supervise said sessions, just to make sure the actors do right (which is totally not a reason for him to watch you flex on his workers)
* Obsessed with pinning Vox to the bed, I bet he'd find it so fucking hot that everytime he tries to close his legs, we just pry them open.
- i know I've talked about punishments, but what about rewards??
* Letting Vox cum as much as he wants (though by the end of it, Vox might start to wonder if it's more of a punishment instead of a reward)
* Willingly let Velvette mess around with some of your clothes/putting you in different fashion designs/putting makeup on your face
* Dare I say even let Valentino call SOME shots during sex, again, SOME shots (do remind him that even if he tops you, he's still your bitch)
- Also rotting in my brain regarding these whores:
* what if you were more powerful in terms of magic/connections/influence/money? (I just know my problems would simply ✨ disappear ✨ if I had a muscle mommy/daddy)
* what if they met you via social media and they immediately hivemind that "yes, this is my dom, right here" ? Like let's say you're an entertainer/dancer right, and one of your viral vids had been a dance to don't go insane (it's the belt dance, boo if you're curious)
* Being in the limelight also means being in the subjective eyes of everyone, and I know for a fact that the Vees have a lot of haters/threats, but what if you protect them from it (bodyguard scenario????)
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I forgot to say this during my last ramble, but, If I may, I would love to absolutely read one of your takes regarding my sub!val ideas, but only if you want to/feel for it.
Btw, on a totally unrelated sidenote, I know the blog is primarily hazbin hotel, but I gotta ask, how we feeling about Arcane Sevika?? Cause I am feeling a lot (missing my muscle mommy as fuck bro)
Anywaaays, have a good day!
xoxoxoxo ❤️
This has been in my drafts for almost ALL WEEK and i’m finally coherent enough to give my thoughts!
Can I just say how much I love the Vees with a well built reader. Like I have no real character study-ish explanation for why in my brain i’m like “they’d be obsessed with that.” But I know for a fact it’s absolutely true.
I’m going to focus on your little side notes at the bottom though. So if they met you through social media I feel like you would definitely start off knowing Velvette first. But even before they start talking to you they would absolutely stalk your page and send fucking edits or something back and forth.
But the Vees with a very powerful reader is very interesting to me. Because like while yes, they’d love to be totally on top of hell, but it’s very convenient for them, and hot and hot and hot, to have your support. Because like super powerful big scary respected dom privilege mixed with their constant self entitlement and attitude? And if anyone says anything about it you fucking destroy their status, business, or hell, even them simply because you can. “Do you think you’ll kill for me one day?” “Yes, of course I will, my love” TYPE BEAT AHHH.
And that leads us to the bodyguard idea because jesus christ. Like this is literally such a mix of the well built buff reader and powerful one I just talked about. Also they would argue for your attention 1000% worse in this case.
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vidavalor · 7 months
Hi! Hope you're having a nice day! So, I love your metas, however, I confess the, idk tecnicalities? logistics? of a twist that they've been together the whole time still puzzle me. What would the narrative purpose of such a reveal be? Why and how would it be put into the story? I guess what I'm saying is I'd really, really like you to be correct but I'm sadly still skeptical that it could actually happen :(
Hi! Thanks for the ask. Hope you're having a nice day yourself. :) I'll give you a cheeky answer and then a real one, if you don't mind. @procrastiel also asked me to talk more about "no nightingales" and it fit into the second half of my answer here so this is kind of a combination ask response to both of you.
This gif below this paragraph here? Yeah, this is *not* the scene from 1.01 that, when decoded from their language, says they're having sex. I am not being sarcastic-- it is *not* this scene. This scene is in that meta (which is being edited, so, soon) because how could it not be, really, but *this scene* is *not* that scene lol and, yet, some people still find the idea of them sleeping together surprising:
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Anon, this is, like, the third, joint Crowley & Aziraphale scene in Episode 1.01 and that is consensual, mutually beneficial, kink. One that both has a sense of humor and puts a smile on your face, as Mrs. Sandwich would put it.
Let's thought experiment a bit here. Let's say this is the extent of it. It absolutely is not lol but, for the experiment, let's say it is. Let's say that they've never taken each other to bed, they've never lent each other a hand, so to speak, they've never anything else you're thinking of right now-- nothing. The most significant physical contact they will have ever had pre-2.06 in this thought experiment is holding hands on the bus on the way back from Tadfield which, as we all know, isn't a sexual thing. Anyone can hold hands and it was a long week, but let's say that's it. They would then *still* have a sexual element to their relationship and the show gave you that information in 1.01. What is happening in this scene is a form of sex. It's already in the show that they are having sex. Yeah, they're having more and different sex than this and yeah, there is evidence of it and yeah, meta finished soon, but honestly... there is actually *a lot* of suggestion of Crowley & Aziraphale sleeping together. For now, we'll just talk about this scene here...
Crowley liking to watch is such a thing that it's now a recurring joke on the show. You don't think that "can I watchhhhh" while he follows Aziraphale around the neighborhood in S2 wasn't Crowley self-deprecatingly poking fun at the fact that he's got a bit of a voyeuristic thing happening? "Can I slither over and watch you eat cake?" in Good Omens: Lockdown?... Anon. Girl.
Crowley isn't just scientifically intrigued by Aziraphale eating lunch. He's not just super happy that his pal is having a very delicious meal. He is very, very, very sexually into watching Aziraphale eat...which is to say that he's into watching Aziraphale allow himself to experience pleasure, in the face of the repression of the Heaven mentality... and Aziraphale isn't just indulging this in a one-sided way where, for whatever reason, he lets his best friend of 6,000 years get turned on watching him have lunch but they don't talk about it or something and Aziraphale lets it go because he's got no one else to talk to lol. Aziraphale is equally into this. It's easy to see why and the more the show tells you about Aziraphale, the easier it is.
Aziraphale, into Crowley watching him? Aziraphale, who painted every damn room in his house the color of Crowley's pretty, Va-Va-Voom Yellow eyes? Aziraphale, who has scene after scene after scene after scene of looking irritated and jealous at literally anything else Crowley is ever looking at and calls beautiful? lol That angel is into the undivided attention of the Serpent of Eden, ok?
Crowley made the stars in the sky. He's a creator and an innovator and an engineer and an artist. He's been on Earth since the start and has seen basically everything beautiful humanity has ever made. He drives one of the finest examples of human ingenuity-- his beautiful Bentley. He's seen The Pyramids and watched Da Vinci paint The Mona Lisa and saw first-run Shakespeare performed at The Globe. He has an eye for art and beauty... and he's the original temptress. It was Crowley who tempted Eve into eating the apple and when Eve ate that apple and discovered the pleasures of food, she and Adam created that whole Biblical fruits of knowledge metaphor by getting up to some other forms of pleasure soon after, so, Crowley is basically responsible for free thought and pleasure throughout all of human history since the Garden of Eden... and what drives him out of his mind with want is Aziraphale enjoying himself.
I mean, enjoying his food. Totally just his food. Only his food, Anon. *slight smirk*
Aziraphale is absolutely into that. Crowley likes to watch and Aziraphale likes being watched in that way. Crowley looking at him like he's more beautiful than nebulae and statues of Gabriel is attention that is absolutely welcome by Aziraphale. Two of his favorite things at once-- a luxurious, scrumptious lunch and a turned on Crowley. Aziraphale's ideal day lol. That angel is watching Crowley watch him and loving every minute of it. It's as delicious as his actual lunch. Look at that little glance over at him. C'mon lol.
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They do this from time to time. What do you think the results are? What would happen if you kinky-lunched with your best friend and how low are the odds that this is the only sexual thing the two of you have managed to get up to in the 6,000 years you've been on Earth? When one of you is a raging hedonist and the other likes to take beautiful things apart to see how they work?
This scene and its character knowledge is dropped into the middle of the first episode of the show with zero context and 10/10 no notes that was the single most hilarious way this extremely funny show could have ever chosen to do this but this is something the show chose to not only tell us about but to then provide context for in 2.02.
They gave kinky lunch an origin story, Anon lol. They were like also, you should probably know about Bildad at the ox rib special... you see, that hot lunch from 2008 actually started in *2,500 B.C.* when Crowley offered Aziraphale some barbecue and Aziraphale, who had never eaten before, ate an entire ox while Crowley lounged in the corner with a jug of wine and fantasized about being Aziraphale's dinner and before you yell at me, Anon, for sexualizing barbecue when really, sometimes, one just loves a good cookout, I agree with you.
Enjoying food does not have to be a sexual experience. I mean, I've had some pasta that could have given me an orgasm but... what makes ox rib cellar night sexual isn't how much Aziraphale is like omg food is delicious, I eat now, maybe forever, this is amazing. It's how he *looks an aroused Crowley dead in the eye while fully aware of how into watching him Crowley is and then goes back to enjoying his barbecue.*
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The next day, he's cracking Crowley up by using the ox ribs in their whole plot to save the kids by having that be what Sitis pulls out of Job's ribs. Gabriel and the angels think sex is rib removal so Crowley and Aziraphale are jointly, from across a room, like the previous night coordinating a kind of pseudo-sex to fool the angels and Aziraphale puts the ox ribs into the pseudo-sex, joking with Crowley about their own sex-that's-not-exactly-traditional-sex-but-was-way-more-sex-than-this from the night before. He winks at Crowley and gives him two thumbs up when he sets up the ox rib bit of it and Bildad was like do not laugh in front of the angels do not laugh in front of the angels...
It was absolutely an intentional joke on Aziraphale's part, poking light fun at their night of figuring out that they have a pair of wildly compatible, mutually arousing kinks that can bring them some fun and showing they have a sense of humor about themselves-- something that is on display a lot, actually.
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They're very aware of this and very funny about it and it has been going on since 2,500 B.C., Anon. S2 was just like Bildad at the ox rib special was the first time they had a form of sex, fyi, so yeah, that's why I would not be surprised if S3 has some flashback where they're semi-dressed in Aziraphale's bedroom or something and the implication is that they also have sex that doesn't involve food. The show is also already saying that they do and other scenes already suggest it but we'll save that for the main meta on this topic.
Ok, so my less cheeky, more technical answer :)
To be clear about what I'm saying here so we're on the same page about what S3 could potentially maybe bring... I'm not saying that there's a 25 minute long minisode that's nothing but them getting busy. It would likely be a bit more subtle than that. I say that and then also they did drop food kink into 1.01 and had that hilarious Newt & Anathema scene in S1 so who knows lol but basically, I think there's a flashback in S3 somewhere that is a little more direct about the fact that they've been sleeping together and for a long time. It doesn't need to be anything wild. It doesn't even need to be anything but suggestive of it. A friend of mine thinks it's my The Blitz, Part 3 theory but that they're in bed when Greta gets into the bookshop. All I know is that it's suspicious to me that the only room in the bookshop they haven't really shown us so far is Aziraphale's bedroom. Probably because there's at least some subtle evidence of Crowley in it and they're dragging that out a bit. The one thing I do think though for sure is that we get the vavoom-y first kiss and it being a bonkers amount of time ago, to re-contextualize basically all of their scenes that come after it, which will wind up being most scenes. I don't presume to be correct about details about stuff we haven't seen as I would not dream that I could predict the how, just maybe that I've got the overall vibes right at this point. I won't place any bets about how they'd work in a more direct implication of sex. I might on The Vavoom, though. I've got a solid feeling about that.
For the record, I wouldn't really consider them in bed a twist (as you might have gotten from the tone of this meta lol) but I can see how some people would. If your skepticism is coming at all, even in part, from a place of something like this just not frequently done on tv, I'd say, well, you might have also thought they weren't going to kiss, either, and *gestures in the general direction of Every and doesn't gif it because we've all been through enough* lol. The show is very, very queer-friendly and has a showrunner and actors who seem game enough so none of that is really an impediment to this.
Good Omens is telling its story out of chronological order, for the most part, for what amount to two main reasons: because it lends additional meaning to its themes and because it's fun as hell. The narrative purpose of adding additional context to Crowley & Aziraphale's relationship is to add to your understanding of it because your understanding of it is one of the main ways the show is conveying a lot of its themes. They are the story so adding context to the story to drive meaning is never is not without narrative purpose. By telling the story out of sequence, you wind up engaging your audience to focus more on what you're saying in every scene because you've taught them to look for the layers you're building.
Good Omens told you "no nightingales"-- had Crowley use nightingales and confirm that it's a word in his and Aziraphale's language-- in the same scene in which they showed you them kissing for the first time (and, for them, the worst time lol) to help bury the lede that this other scene earlier in the season is actually telling you about their first kiss. (By setting this up, they now have to show you it, suggesting it's in S3.) The other scene is obviously Crowley taking advantage of the fact that Aziraphale just asked him to play Cupid (and called Crowley romantic in doing so, btw-- "I don't think she [Maggie] knows how to conduct a courtship" implying that Aziraphale feels that Crowley does and that's why Aziraphale has run to his very romantic partner for help). Aziraphale is asking him to help the shop lesbians fall in love and Crowley uses the moment to demonstrate that romantic side by describing back to Aziraphale their first kiss as, to him, the epitome of romance:
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Good Omens intentionally shows you stuff and then gives you more context that helps you understand it later. It spent two seasons getting you to know more about nightingales than Sir David Attenborough for the express purpose of eventually answering your question in 2.06. The question: do all these references to these romantic birds really mean that Crowley & Aziraphale are aware of them and the nightingales mean something to them or are the nightingales just a metaphor for them?
And even if a part of you was still going awfully interesting choice of metaphor since this is all romantic as all hell the whole time, you're still not sure until 2.06 if it's symbolism and metaphor and if the show is ever going to weave it totally into Crowley & Aziraphale directly, even if a few clues seem to suggest that they have been doing so all along. Like that "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" is playing on the piano at The Ritz in S1 (implying one of them either asked or magically influenced the pianist to play it, implying that it's their song/a song with meaning to them/their parallel to Ineffable Bureaucracy's "Everyday", as we'd say after S2.) Most significantly, that Aziraphale in 1967 seems to be referencing it in a coded way when he tells Crowley that maybe, one day, in the future, they could dine at the Ritz, in a scene that's almost impossible to read as anything but a discussion about their relationship.
Cut to 2.06 when Crowley busts this out:
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The show is now like remember when we taught you that nightingales are symbolic of romance? Well, we had to so that you'd understand that here is nightingales being used by Crowley as the shorthand word in their language for their romance. We taught you that dining at the Ritz is the act of trying to live live a little more openly with that romance, as well as meaning to literally dine at the Ritz, and that it's a reference to the lyric in "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square." Here's Crowley talking about it. Here's him using the word nightingales in a coded way and Aziraphale understanding him. Here's confirmation of this word existing between them as the word they use when talking about this romance of theirs long before this scene in 2.06 takes place. Here's confirmation that they are in a romantic relationship with one another. Crowley using "nightingales" and Aziraphale understanding him means that it means their romantic relationship in their language... which means they have a word for their romantic relationship in their language... which is to say that they have a romantic relationship.
People do have romantic relationships without having kissed one another before or without having sex but do beings who kinky lunch? Probably not. No nightingales recontextualizes the kiss in its same scene for us the way that Crowley lifting the magic for a moment as he walked away in Job's courtyard recontextualized what had happened earlier in that scene for Aziraphale. When Crowley got Aziraphale to see the crows were the key, Aziraphale understood what had just happened in the scene. When, in 2.06, Crowley says no nightingales, it's for us, this time. Not Aziraphale. He already knows how to speak their language. Even if it's the first time *you've* seen them kiss, no nightingales exists to show you that it's not the first time they ever have.
You don't have a word in a secret language unless you need it. You don't talk about a romantic relationship with one another that you don't have. Crowley pointing to Heaven the way he did when he had Muriel arrest him and saying no nightingales is Crowley saying their romantic relationship, at that moment, felt incompatible with Aziraphale going to Heaven. Heaven means no nightingales-- no romance. He doesn't know how they can continue *the romantic relationship that they already have* if Aziraphale is leaving.
2.06 is not their first kiss; it is probably the worst kiss they've ever had and they've had thousands. It was desperation in the failure of surface communication and double speak alike both seeming to fail them in the moment. Aziraphale touches his mouth with a shaking hand after Crowley leaves and thinks about how he wants him to come back and do it again because imagine loving your soulmate for six millennia and it's going to end with that kiss. This is not a show that's going to permanently break your heart here. Everyone basically already knows how it ends and it's sweet. It's called Good Omens. You really think a show like this is going to make these two adorable supernatural dorks that are its protagonists have had a depressing first kiss? Especially when they're already hinting at how they're going to reveal in S3 that it was really the complete opposite of one? And that it was a really, really long time ago...
If you look back on the nightingales references prior to this, right, you realize that this word has existed in their vocabulary for a long time. "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" was playing on the piano at the end of S1 so nightingales was already in their vocabulary then. They were already involved romantically in S1. The scene as they agree to go to lunch ahead of the end of S1 has Aziraphale saying that they should go to The Ritz and when we get in there and see them at lunch, we realize we've already been here with them in the first episode and that the show chose to only tell us in the season 1 finale. They tell you things and then add in context to give them additional layers of meaning later.
They dined at The Ritz in 2008 for the first time in 1.01, doing what Aziraphale had suggested in 1.03, so there are nightingales in the beginning, middle and end of S1 pretty directly. Aziraphale having suggested this in 1967 means that nightingales already meant romance to them then. It's *why* Aziraphale uses dining at the Ritz to describe having that more open romance as something he would like-- literally and metaphorically. It comes from the song, which was first performed in 1940. It suggests that the references to this song for them probably tie to The Blitz in 1941, which we almost certainly have a Part 3 to coming in S3. It would be a safe bet "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" is in it somewhere. Whatever happens then will also wind up re-contextualizing the "no nightingales" moment and adding additional meaning to it that we don't yet know but we know enough already to understand that nightingales = romance.
But when Crowley says no nightingales in 2.06, he frames it by asking Aziraphale to stop and listen, in a reference to the formation of their secret language in the Job courtyard. In a reference to those other birds-- crows-- that hid the goats and formed the basis of Crowley's name. Nightingales and dining at the Ritz might have existed for them since WW2 as words but there were other words that pre-date it and by framing the nightingales comment in such a way as to also reference Job, it's a reminder of how their romance isn't new. It's thousands of years old. The crows were nightingales, long before they ever admitted it, let alone got a song.
World's hottest, most romantic buddy comedy, I tell ya...
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gabessquishytum · 2 months
Thinking about warprize cat!dream having king cow!Hob's bigheaded baby.
Cats do tend to hide when it's their time is it not? So I imagined Dream slinking (waddling) through the corridors when he feels the first twinge, and suddenly he feels like he has to press close to the wall. Everything is just so vast and open, TOO vast and open, and it makes him extremely uncomfortable. Cow architecture is made to fit many people at once because they're extremely sociable, high ceilings, big rooms, big windows, big everything. Dream feels slightly nauseous, even if it didn't bother him before.
So he hurries through the castle, searching for something, not quite knowing himself for what exactly, when he gets closer to the servants areas and happens upon the first (huge, built-in) linen closet.
In the blink of an eye, Dream is inside and curled up. It's narrow, dark, soft, and smells good, and the best thing is that nobody's around.
This changes of course when, a few hours later, the contractions get worse and he can't keep quiet anymore. Also the whole castle is searching for him because he just kinda vanished.
The first poor servant who tries to open the closet gets their face full of claws. The light hurts Dream's eyes (and he's hurting enough already, thank you) and also he needs to be safe.
Through the haze and his own pained sounds Dream can hear more people arrive and then leave again, and then there's a soft, soothing voice, reassuring him that nobody's gonna disturb him, that that is gonna be okay.
It's Hob. Hob sits himself in front of the closet and keeps watch, and talks the whole time to keep Dream grounded (and has a hard time not opening the doors himself with all the sounds coming out).
He's rewarded when, after a particularly nasty hour of screaming, he's tugged into the closet by a weak paw, the doors shutting behind him.
His eyes have a hard time adjusting to the dark and the air is thick with the smell of amniotic fluid and sweat and blood, and then something squirming and slimy and warm is pressed into his arms. Hob's entire existence screeches to a halt the first time their child drinks from him.
He's kinda lost to the world, cradling them in one arm, Dream in the other, half asleep and drinking from his other teat.
That's probably why, when someone tentatively tries to open the closet again, he decidedly shoves it closed again with his foot.
(The linens are kinda ruined, tho. But that's a price Hob is absolutely willing to pay.)
(🦒 anon was kind enough to let me know that this one came from them!)
I absolutely adore this idea. And God do I feel bad for Dream. However many months of carrying Hob’s huge baby have truly done a number on him already, and he's so ready to not be pregnant!!!! He'd dearly love to be back in the cat kingdom now. They tend to set up special nooks and crannies like catperson sized cardboard boxes for their pregnant individuals to retreat to when the time comes. Cat midwifes are also very "hands off" - nobody interferes unless there's a serious problem. To be honest, Dream wouldn't mind a helping hand just to haul the baby out by it's adorable little horns. But he knows that it's best to let nature take its course.
The labour is worth it in the end, because the baby is perfect. Dream even finds himself thinking that another one wouldn't be so bad. The sight of their little one suckling enthusiastically from Hob is truly one that Dream will never forget (and he is very grateful that his husband is a portable source of milk, because he really needs it right now).
Hob finally emerges from the closet hours later with the baby latched on firmly to his teat, and a very exhausted Dream wrapped around him like a deflated serpent. At this point he's thinking that they'll just remodel the closet into a birthing suite... because the way Dream keeps looking at their newborn so adoringly, he gets the feeling that it won't be the last time it's needed!
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